• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,605 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

  • ...

Chapter 23: Gathering The Force

Tony sat in disbelief, shaking his head, “No….you’re lying.”

Applejack shook her head, “We’re not,” she glanced at the banner of Jasper’s that they had taken, “He’s done….horrible things.”

Tony stood up and leaned against a support beam, “I won’t believe it! I know Jasper has his…problems, but he’s not evil.”

Rainbow Dash flew up to him annoyed at his denial, “He’s not just evil, he’s a monster and a murderer!”

Tony slammed his fist against the post shocking everypony, “Why did you bring me here then huh?! Just to tell me my friend has turned into a tyrant!”

Luna shook her head, “My sister and I believe you might be able to talk some sense into him. However, we will not be able to enter the palace easily.”

Tony turned to look at the night princess, “What do you mean?”

Luna glanced at the map of Equestria, “If we are going to get in, we must go en-masse. All of us must gather our allies and prepare for an assault on Canterlot,” Luna and the others gathered around, “While Jasper’s forces are distracted with our army, Twilight and her friends will sneak you into the castle to the throne room.”

Tony glanced at the princess, “You’re planning to lay siege to your own city?”

“Jasper has left us little choice,” Celestia was clearly determined, “we already have many allies among the other races and our other small pockets of the rebellion.”

Tony glanced about, “But in all honesty here, how many do you even think will stand with you? Who can we even get?”

Celestia smirked, “Leave that to us.”


Cadance nodded firmly with Shining Armor beside her, “My people are ready to mobilize at your command.”

Celestia nodded as the two embraced, “I’m happy that you managed to unfreeze the glass with the notes Twilight sent you.”

Shining was hugging his sister, “As am I.”

Twilight glanced at Shining, “Have you seen her since the attempt on Jasper’s life?”

Shining nodded, “She’s….fine. But she barely ever leaves the school library, she just sits in there….mumbling and writing notes.”

Twilight sighed, “I think the attack on her must’ve hit her much deeper than I thought.”

She turned to Tony, “Come with me,” she glanced at the girls, “I won’t be long.”


Both Twilight and Tony glanced around as cleanup crews disposed of the last of the debris. Tony shook his head as he glimpsed the destruction and the somewhat fearful faces of those who stared at him.

“Why are they looking at me like that Twi?”

The indigo girl sighed, “They think you might be in league with him, so they’re wary of you.”

The Rarity of that world stood outside the library with the other girls and took notice of Twilight, “TWILIGHT! Thank goodness you’re alright!”

Twilight glanced into the library via the door windows, “How long has she been in there for?”

Pinkie pulled out a watch, “Two days, forty minutes and now….eight seconds.”

Tony nodded, “Dang, I knew she was accurate, but damn.”

Applejack straightened her hat, “She’s refusing to talk to either of us, all she does is ignore everyone else and goes about her own business.”

Twilight set her shoulders and opened the doors as Tony followed her, “Sunset we need to talk.”

Sunset straightened up, “What’s there to talk about?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes, “The fact that you went off on your own to fight Jasper without us to back you up. It was reckless and foolish, you could have been killed!”

Sunset stood up and whirled around, running vertically down her eye were two white scars.

“Don’t you think I know that, THIS!” she pointed to her scars, “Is proof that he failed to kill me.”

Twilight shook her head, “There’s another thing, why does he let us live when he could kill us? It makes no sense.”

Tony sighed, “If what you’ve told me is true, it’s psychological warfare. The fact that you are the ones he leaves alive will weaken your resolve; break you down slowly, while others die. That way when he does kill you, it will leave a bigger impact.”

Both girls looked at him as Tony nodded, “It’s a common tactic with villains,” he spoke the word with great sadness.

Twilight then glanced at Sunset, “Princess Celestia and Luna are gathering our allies for one massive assault on Canterlot to take back Equestria. She wanted me to come and get you,” she placed a hand on her ex-rival’s shoulder, “Equestria needs the both of us and what we know. Please Sunset.”

Sunset chuckled, “I was waiting for you to come and get me you know, what took you so long?”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a half-smile, “We were preoccupied with planning.”

Tony approached Sunset Shimmer and raised his hand, “Tony Eckhart, it’s nice to actually meet you in person.”

Sunset took his hand and shook it, “Twilight, who’s this?”

“Jasper’s friend from Earth,” Sunset was surprised at this, “He’s with us.”

Sunset’s eyes glared into Tony’s, “You realize your friend has done a lot of horrible things right?”

Tony nodded slowly, “Yeah…so I’ve been told.”

Sunset powered through the door, “Well in my opinion it’s go time, give me something pointy and I’ll shove it through his wind pipe.”

Twilight quickly walked after her, “We are NOT going to kill him, we’re going to try and have Tony talk to him.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “Yes because talking to him works so well.”

All three went through the portal. Upon arriving on the other side, the Rebellion went about gathering their forces. First they had to coerce the Minotaur’s into helping since they saw Jasper as a force to not be taking lightly. The negotiations went well…The Stare was a big boon. The Dragons, Griffins, and Zebra’s joined without question. The rebel’s however were scared beyond belief, but at seeing the number of reinforcements backing them already relented. However, among them was one overzealous Trixie.

“Why shouldn’t we track her down?! Trixie stands by the fact that if we have the Queen, we can bargain!”

Sunset shook her head, “That would just give him more reason to level us and everything else.”

Celestia stamped her hoof, “We are not taking hostages or bargaining with them. We will NOT stoop to his level.”

Tony gazed out at the horizon with a solemn expression. Twilight took a seat next to him and placed a hoof on his hand.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” she gazed into the distance, “The Jasper you know is still in there.”

Tony nodded, “Your right. But do you think we’ll make it in? Or even get out in one piece?”

Twilight nodded with a warm smile, “We’ve done it before.”

Author's Note:

Before you say anything, i had this written done several days prior, trimmed a few things and added a few things. The next chapter...well....it's what you feared. The last.