• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,569 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 5: Somber Day

Jasper was currently venturing down the forested path toward his destination which he kept checking in his notes. The path took him to a massive Cliffside road which caused him to halt. A section of the road had long since crumbled and slid down into oblivion, the oblivion in question was another road at the far bottom. Jasper exhaled in mild annoyance and looked around for something to use, if he were to descend and lose any kind of hand hold he would plunge to his demise. He let down his hood and glanced from side to side, getting to where he needed to go was going to be a bigger pain in the ass than he thought. But it seemed the powers that be had other plans in mind for the human when he noticed a bunch of dense and strong looking ivy hanging from the rock wall behind him. Jasper wasted no time in wrenching down a good helping of the vines and tying them together to form a makeshift rope. He slowly lowered it down and continued to tie more vines on when needed to increase the length. Soon he had a fair amount of rope that stopped to allow enough of a dismount so it would not injure him. After all, the trip to the place he was heading was going to be difficult, but the trip back was going to be easy as pie.

Jasper tied the rope around a secured rock with his tightest knot and gave the rope a few practice pulls; it was taut and refused to give. He thanked whatever force of nature grew the things and began his descent to the floor below. Jasper kept his feet firmly planted against the wall as he performed a sort of awkward backwards walk down the cliff face. Jasper stared at nothing but his feet and refused to look down, eventually after a few minutes he glanced down and sighed. He was nearing the end of his rope…literally. Jasper nodded and steeled himself for the drop; he released his grip and bent his knees upon touching down. He then stood up and dusted his coat off as he continued down the road; he noticed ahead of him was a slightly open valley with two peaks forming a sort of gateway. He slowed his pace when he noticed something sleeping off to the side. He knew what it was; he had seen it once before back on Earth during part two of season one, the manticore.


While Jasper made his journey, back in Ponyville, Spike was sifting through the papers he had brought up to the main library floor with focused eyes. From what he could see, Jasper had kept notes on not only Equestrian history, but ancient legends and lore. Whatever he was planning it seems he had been keeping notes ever since he came to Equestria. But to what gain? He continued to sift until he stopped on a paper labeled, ‘Gauntlet: Final Draft Completed’.

“What?” Spike scanned the schematics for the gold gauntlet that he had seen.

The plans though completed seemed to have had additions made to them. Runes had been engraved on certain areas but when he looked closer he saw something that caused him great distress then it transitioned into anger.


He bolted from his chair and ran into Ponyville as fast as his legs could carry him. However, during the time of Spike’s investigation and Jasper's departure the town had long since gathered in the town square as the princess cleared her throat to address Ponyville on the current situation.

Princess Celestia approached the podium, “Citizens of Ponyville, I am afraid that even though I am visiting it doesn’t bring good tidings,” she sighed, “many among you have asked why there has been a sudden increase in guard activity. Well I am here today to put the questions to rest for I am sad to say that my old foe, King Sombra, has returned and is on his way here.”

The silence that fell over Ponyville was unsettling to say the least.


Jasper scratched his chin as he glanced at the sleeping beast. He would have to think fast if he was to sneak past; he chuckled mentally at his rhyme but then became all business. He glanced around and shrugged before beginning to sneak the manticore snoozed blissfully unaware of a potential meal that was currently leaving it behind. Jasper continued along his path until he ended up in a dark swamp and groaned in annoyance. If he had to sing a song to get through this, he would hang himself on a branch and wouldn’t care in the slightest of what ate him. He trekked further and gazed at the sky in an effort to pinpoint a part in the swamps dense canopy. He smacked into a tree and noticed an engraving on the bark that read, ‘TS,AJ,RD,PP,R,FS, Best Friends Forever.’ Jasper narrowed his eyes and pulled out his screw driver. He then dragged the instrument down the engraving effectively ruining it.

Jasper walked onward and came to a river. Without hesitation he crossed the river quickly and bolted into the forest on the other side. After many more minutes of agonizing walking he came to a large suspension bridge shrouded in mild fog. He grinned as it parted and revealed his destination, the old castle of the royal pony sisters.


At the same time of Jasper’s discovery of the castle, Princess Celestia had continued her speech after more silence.

“I understand you are all deeply afraid. But this is not a time for fear, but a time for us all to stand together,” she glanced at Twilight, “Princess Twilight has already made the necessary preparations for Sombra’s attack WHICH I might add I have calculated to be this coming day. We must prepare and under no circumstances are we to pan-“

“This coming day you say Princess?”

Everypony turned their heads and gasped as a whole. Sombra was standing at the far end of town with a sneer plastered on his face.


Jasper was crossing the suspension bridge when Sombra had arrived in Ponyville and was almost to the other side. The massive decaying fortress loomed before him and he nodded in respect for the imposing nature of it. An explosion far off toward Ponyville caused many birds to fly into the air.

“Hm, he’s ahead of schedule. No matter,” he entered the front doors and began to trek through the empty halls.

The old stone was cracked and covered in many kinds of vegetation, but this was not what he sought. He continued to venture forth and began to climb a set of stairs until he emerged in a massive chamber that had an immense apparatus that once housed the Elements of Harmony in their stone sphere form. He approached it and stopped; he then whipped out his notes and scanned them.

“Hm, let’s see here,” Jasper walked around to the back of the podium and found an inscription composed of engraved stones that stuck out, “Press this one here. Then this one, then this aaaand,” the back of the podium opened slowly and revealed a massive stone staircase descending into darkness, “bingo.”

Jasper then gazed once more at the area above ground and descended, after he retrieved his prize he would leave immediately. He had an appointment to keep.


The explosion that rocked the town was in fact from the combined force of Celesta, Luna, and Twilight. Luna having arrived immediately after receiving a telepathic distress calls from Celestia. Sombra had deflected the attack and decimated town hall which he laughed at. Within seconds his horn glowed with darkness and summoned up crystal spikes which shot toward the three royals with great speed. All the ponies scattered as the Royals took to the skies in perfect synch.

Twilight shouted down from her vantage point, “RARITY GET THE ELEMENTS!”

Rarity nodded and ran behind the stage and began to search under it. Sombra cackled as he transformed into his smoke form and surged through town toward the three princesses who blasted him with combined beams of arcane wrath. Sombra bent around the beams and smacked the ponies down. Sombra reformed on a nearby roof laughing in maniacal glee. Massive black crystals spires rose from the ground and destroyed the stage and snared the element of harmony bag. It was jutted to the heavens out of anypony’s reach.

“Well this is rather unfortunate,” Sombra taunted, “It seems that your only hope has been taken away from you.”

The sound of a throat being cleared caused all ponies that were on the defensive and offensive respectively to lower their guards and to behold a familiar coated shape.

Twilight ran over to it, “Jasper! Thank Celestia you’re alright!”

Jasper glanced at her with a neutral expression, “That’s Sombra?”

Twilight was puzzled at the statement, “Yes, why?”

Jasper gave a small smile, “Wait here.”

Twilight yelled her objections which fell on deaf ears as Jasper rolled up his sleeve to above the elbow. Sombra glared at the interloper and his eyes widened, fixed perfectly into the back of the hand of the gauntlet was a ruby coloured gem in the rough shape of a unicorn head with a curved horn.

Sombra’s eyes widened further, “The Gem of Ages, it’s not possible.”

Jasper smiled, “Oh but it is I’m afraid.”

Twilight and the princesses collectively gasped as he raised his hand so Sombra could see the gem shine in the light. Sombra teleported down in front of the human with slight fear evident on his face, but the fear soon vanished and was replaced with a smirk.

“You seem quite intelligent creature,” Sombra approached the now neutral faced Jasper, “It’s such a shame that you have to be stuck with these ponies, let me ask yo-“

Jasper cut him off, “Let me stop you there. The whole corruption speech is sort of useless coming from you. Hell, you couldn’t even handle a baby dragon and a lone princess of a nation that you conquered.”

Sombra’s eyes glowed with menance, “Insolent creature! Who do you think you are?!”

Jasper casually raised his hand, “The first and last thing you’ll ever see.”

The Gem of Ages lit up brightly and in the blink of an eye, a mass of raw red arcane energy bombarded the dark king. No scream was heard but the effect was felt. The crystal spikes and spires shattered immediately as the blast dissipated. All that remained of the dark lord was a pile of ash. Jasper stared at the smoldering remains that had once been Sombra. Equestria herself seemed to pause to breath, the coat Rarity made for him blowing in the wind as he unclenched his gauntleted fist with the sound of moving metal. The gold metal glinting in the light as the gem shined. The ponies around him then erupted in applause, many other ponies began to congratulate and give their gracious thanks to the human that had been their salvation. The Six Elements weaved through the crowd and smiled.

Rainbow Dash was ecstatic, “That was SO AWESOME!”

Rarity raised a hoof, “Stupendous!”

Applejack nodded, “Heroic.”

Pinkie jumped happily, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!”

Everypony stopped their cheering and looked with amused confusion at the pink mare that merely squee’d.

Jasper stood tall and stared unmoving at Celestia and Luna who approached him and bowed in gratitude. They rose and smiled.

Celestia beamed at Jasper, “Jasper I am truly grateful to you for saving us from Sombra and freeing all of Equestria from his tyranny. You’ve earned my trust and surely the compassion of my subjects,” she then noticed the Gem of Ages once more, “But I am afraid I must lock this gem away once more to ensure the safety and freedom of my little ponies.”

Jasper noticed her horn flare and…the gem didn’t budge. She tried again and was met with the same result. She became confused but then took notice of something, surrounding the gems resting place upon the gold gauntlet was a string of ancient Equestrian runes.

Celestia had only seen them once before on the clasps of a certain amulet, “Jasper, what is the meaning of this?”

Jasper looked at her with an innocent smile as he held the gauntlet up to reveal the same runes around the trim of where his arm entered the glove, “Oh what these old things? I read about them in a book,” he looked at an astonished Twilight, “knowledge is power after all.”

Luna stepped forward, “Remove thy gauntlet Jasper Montgomery, thou dost not know what thou trifles with.”

Jasper pursed his lips in thought and spoke one word, “No.”

All ponies gasped at the act of defiance as Twilight chuckled nervously, “Oookay Jasper the jokes over,” she became nervous, “can you take off the glove before something bad happens?”

Rarity nodded as he turned to look at her, “Exactly. You’re being seen as a hero now and your rude actions are beginning to make ponies nervous.”

Jasper looked at all the assembled ponies, “And?”

Applejack tilted her hat, “Whatya mean AND? Yer scaring everypony.”

Jasper smiled, “Maybe they should be scared.”

Twilight shook her head, “Jasper what’s wrong with you?”

Rainbow Dash got close to him, “Yeah! You helped everypony against Sombra and freed us, now you’re acting disrespectful and rude. What’s the deal?!”

Jasper’s smile became a tad more sinister forcing Rainbow to back up, “Well you see I wouldn’t say freed,” he turned to the princesses as he calmly stated, “More like, under new management.”

He then sharply raised his outfitted hand and discharged a red blast that hurled both Princesses into the town fountain effectively obliterating it.

Author's Note:

Now that the backbone of the opening act is completed, lets get to the main show shall we?