• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 21,605 Views, 1,888 Comments

Villainous - CrypticMetaphor

A human takes a path that many in his situation have never taken before.

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Chapter 8: Dark Shades

Cadance and Shining both stared at the mirror as its surface began to ripple. In a flash of light, Sunset Shimmer was thrown clear across the room and smacked into a suit of armor. Jasper casually stepped out and dusted himself off. Shining Armor leveled his now glowing horn at the human king who merely raised a finger in a warning gesture. Shining reluctantly backed down as the human walked across the room and grasped Sunset by her mane.

“Gentlemen,” the guards saluted forcefully, “Keep the present royals out of the guest bed chambers. I have an interrogation to perform.”

Sunset Shimmer thrashed in his grasp, “When I get my hooves on YOU!”

Jasper’s glove flared and Sunset’s lips zipped up, “That’s enough out of you. You’ll need your strength Miss Shimmer; there are some secrets you have that I want to know.”

Sunset Shimmer was then forcibly dragged through the now empty halls until they came to the guest chambers. Jasper opened the door and levitated the unicorn into an arm chair. Magical shackles bound her hind legs and front legs in place preventing her from moving. Her horn began to glow causing Jasper to roll his eyes.


He pointed his right index finger at her horn which was then encased in red crystal. The unicorn stared wide eyed in fear at the human.

Jasper smiled, “Now not the preventative measures have been put in place,” he approached the now helpless pony as a malicious smile crept onto his face, “Let’s get cracking at that noggin of yours,” the last thing Sunset Shimmer saw through fearful tears was the Gem of Ages glowing an angry red.


Nopony remembers how long the two beings were gone for. For some it seemed like hours, others minutes. But to Sunset Shimmer, it felt like agonizing year upon year. She didn’t know when it happened, perhaps it might’ve been from the agony she felt of having her very thoughts ripped from her head or she couldn’t take the pain anymore. Regardless of the driving factor, she eventually passed out and descended into darkness.


Jasper slowly exited the room as two solar guards stared at him, “Take her back to the Canterlot Dungeons, she must pay for her crimes against the kingdom.”

The guards nodded and went inside. Slumped comatose in the armchair was Sunset Shimmer, her mane dishevelled and drenched in sweat. Jasper calmly walked into the throne room as the unicorn was taken out of the castle. Jasper glanced outside ignoring the glares he was getting from Cadance and Shining. Below two lunar guards and solar guards were staring with great shame at the Crystal Heart at what they were about to do.


The guards looked up at the human who raised a dangerous eyebrow. The guards sighed and then forced the Crystal Heart from its resting place. The effect that transpired was instantaneous, the protective dome that kept the elements out disintegrated and the blizzard winds rushed in. The crystal ponies noticed this and began to panic, losing their famous crystal appearance. Cadance rushed to the human and attempted to appeal to Jasper.

“Please stop this! DO you know what you’ve done!?”

Jasper cast her a glance, “I merely acquired a powerful magical catalyst that will be used properly.”

Cadance lost her usual composure and placed her forelegs on the human’s shoulders with pleading teary eyes, “Don’t you understand? The crystal heart is the one thing that keeps my subjects safe. Without it the Empire is in danger of not only from the natural tundra’s elements, but from much deadlier threats that lay in wait out there in the snow,” she began to shake in growing sadness, “Without the heart, my subjects will die.”

Jasper’s gaze was even and cold as he grabbed her forelegs and threw her to the ground, “A weak ruler is the sign of a weak kingdom. If you can’t handle the world at large, you were better off in those crystal caves.”

With that he turned sharply on his heels and snapped his fingers. Two unicorn guards levitated the mirror off the ground and began to carry it. A blast of magic knocked the human to the ground. He got to his feet as Shining Armor stared with unbridled fury.


Shining prepared to fire another attack, but he was cut off. The way was simple; Jasper slowed time and closed the distance in an instant. Soon his right hand closed around the prince’s throat and lifted him off the ground. Cadance looked on in absolute anguish and horror.


Jasper smiled, “Oh I don’t intend to,” his smile vanished, “However, such an act against the King must not go unpunished.”

He then whipped around and hurled the unicorn prince through the Crystal Mirror. In a flash he then blasted the glass, which then turned to stone.

Cadance ran to the mirror and scraped at it, “W-what…”

“He has been exiled,” Jasper pulled her from the mirror and placed her on the ground, “consider your tithe to the Equestrian Kingdom paid, I’ll be in touch.”

Jasper then left a sobbing Cadance where she lay. He came to a halt when he noticed a guard staring at him, “You,” the guard looked to him, “what’s your name?”

The guard spoke in a shaky tone, “F-Flash Sentry your highness.”

Jasper smiled, “Congratulations Flash Sentry, you’ve been promoted to Captain of the royal guard.”

Flash blinked as Jasper stalked past him, “Consider this day as your resignation from Princess Cadance’s employ, now, you work for me. I expect you in Canterlot post haste.”

Flash saluted, “Yes sir.”

Jasper clapped his hands, “Now, what pony do I see about a dragon?”

The guards stared at him.

“I do need an assistant after all.”

One of his guards approached him, “If that is the case then sire, we shall escort you to the Hatchery.”

Jasper smiled, “Perfect.”


The arrival of his highness back at Canterlot was treated with silence and a somber mood. It probably had something to do with the fact that Celestia and Luna’s statue forms were placed in the Canterlot sculpture gardens as a new decoration. Jasper briskly followed the guard as he began to lead him down several stairs toward the Royal Hatchery. The hatchery itself was a palace myth only whispered about in the darkest of sectors, only a select guard knew of its existence beneath the castle. The royal sisters would only go down there to retrieve an egg for the last phase of Testing for the entrance exam. Jasper on the other hand was going down there for a whole different purpose.

Upon his arrival on the landing of the Hatchery, he took in the room itself. It was an immense room that seemed to span the same length as a large library. Arranged in rows were marble pedestals, atop each one sat an egg underneath a heat lamp. Each egg was a different color with somewhat odd patterns on them. Jasper gazed at a lime green Pegasus dressed in scrubs that trotted over to him.

“My lord,” she bowed low and rose when instructed by Jasper, “We’ve been expecting you.”

Jasper began to walk amongst the rows, “I’m looking for a dragon to be my assistant and confidant. Have any of interest?”

The Egg Maiden nodded, “Well there are the red dragon eggs they’re quite loyal.”

Jasper scratched his chin and tuned out the mare as she began to list off various dragon races as he scanned the eggs. His pace slowed when he noticed a black egg with dark indigo diamonds on it.

“What’s this one?”

The mare stopped, “Oh…that’s a black dragon egg. Trust me sire, you do NOT want that one.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow ignoring the warning, “Are they a strong breed.”

The mare nodded, “The strongest and rarest. The only reason we have this egg is due to our treaties with the black dragons. Granted we used to use the eggs during the exam, but the hatchlings proved to be…unruly and disloyal.”

Jasper picked up the egg, “All it needs is a strong guiding hand, I’ll take him.”

The mare was about to object, but she was silenced by his glare, “If you need me I’ll be in my chambers.”

With that, Jasper left the dark chamber.


Twilight and the girls were gathering their supplies and stared at the clock, “Tomorrow Jasper, you pay for your crimes.”