• Published 2nd Jun 2013
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Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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A Force to Recon With

Edits done by Halusm, Clayton the Hunter, and Gigas.

A Force to Recon With.


Luna stood out on her balcony, watching over the dreams of those sleeping under her night sky.

For several days now, she had been calming the mind of young Danny, whose mind, for reasons unknown, was unreadable for the night princess.

It frustrated her to no end. No matter how much she tried, she was unable to catch even a glimpse of what plagued his sleeping mind. It was almost as though some invisible force was keeping her out, a shield of sorts to keep his memories and thoughts hidden. But what could cause such a thing to happen?

She knew of various spells that would allow some form of protection for the mind, but she knew ways around most, if not all of them. At the very least, she should have been able to catch a glimpse of his waking mind when she visited him; instead, she saw nothing.

Whatever it was that was shielding Danny's mind, it was strong. Strong, and unknown. Luna didn't know of anything that could protect one's mind in such a way as his. Even spells, no matter how well cast, had weaknesses to exploit. Cracks in the armor through which she should be able to peek inside.

Not with him, though. No, there was something, a presence maybe? Some kind of intelligent spell perhaps? Something that could shift and reform itself in order to adapt to her attempts to see inside....

''No, that's preposterous. There is no kind of spell that could do such a thing. I would know,'' she stomped a hoof, looking out over the city below. ''But what could it be? It isn't magic, I am sure of that. And I know that the humans have little to no experience with mind control and shielding technology, so it couldn't be that either… Hmmm.... His shadow was possessed, yet he didn't seem all too fazed by it... What if...?'' She pondered briefly, wondering if this human was something other than he appeared to be, only to burst out in laughter a few seconds later, realizing just how ridiculous such a thought was. ''Ahahahaha... Oh my, I know for certain that that isn't the case. What was I even thinking? To presume he is a ghost himself, ridiculous. The shields back on Earth would have stopped him if that was the case. Ha, that whole changeling debacle during the wedding really has made me paranoid, hasn't it?'' she asked the night sky, humorously shaking her head.

Sighing out as she thought back to that horrible incident several months ago. A shiver went through her spine as she remembered the reports of all the casualties and wounded, including her own sister.

They still had several changelings locked up in the dungeons. They were the ones who weren't 'lucky' enough to be blasted away by the combined force of Shining Armor and princess Cadence’s attack. They had sustained various injuries, and were treated as best they could, but the hospitality of the ponies ended there. After the wounded were patched up, and were confirmed as stable, or as stable as they could manage with the limited knowledge they had on their physiology, they were all harshly interrogated to find out how they were able to infiltrate into the city, and get close enough to Princess Cadence, just so they could abduct her while their queen took her place.

Luna herself took part in the interrogation, hoping her more… outdated methods would yield more success than the modern day equivalent. Yet the insectoids proved to be surprisingly uncooperative, and they were all locked away down in the dungeons while they tried to get them to talk.

Unfortunately, their lack of knowledge about the shapeshifters physiology proved to be more fatal than they initially thought themselves, as, shortly after their imprisonment, they all fell sick to an unknown illness. And it was now with growing urgency they tried to find both the source of this unexpected outbreak and a way to counter it.

Now, with her mind full of questions, yet no answers and only more mysteries presenting themselves to her, Luna reasoned all of this contributed to the ridiculous thought she just had, about the human being a ghost in disguise, much like a changeling.

No, changelings could transform. Humans couldn't. Besides, who had ever heard of a human that was actually a ghost? Ha, ‘twas truly ridiculous.

No, crazy thoughts like that wouldn't give her the answer she needed. So, with a shake of her head, she discarded those thoughts; pushing them away to the darker recesses of her mind.

Having cleared her head, she looked once more at the city below and shifted her gaze to the sleepy village of Ponyville.

''I may not yet know how you do it, but one day I will find out. And, hopefully, I will be able to truly help you, not just blank out your mind,'' she said quietly as she focused her magic on the village, sensing the now all too familiar disturbance. Giving a gentle nudge with her magic, she calmed the dream of Danny once more.

Or, she would have, if it wasn't for the same force that kept her out of his mind all those times.

It wasn't much, but it was there. Something pushed back at her magic in an attempt to keep her out, and a small battle waged between Luna's magic, and this unknown force.

Danny's mind went blank, and returned to the dark recesses of his memories over, and over again, making him shift, and turn in his bed, almost falling out.

Luna was shocked. What was this power that kept her out? Why wouldn't it allow her to clear Danny's mind all of a sudden? Unless... No!? Maybe it was unaware of her presence, until she showed up on his doorstep several days ago. And now it knew she was there, keeping her out...

No, she wouldn't let it. Whatever this force was, she wouldn't allow it to torture young Danny any longer.

Increasing her magic to break past the block, Luna was finally able to win the battle, allowing her to calm Danny's troubled mind once more.

She knew that this victory wouldn't last long. Tomorrow night it would start again, and she could only use so much magic without forcing her way into his mind, committing one of the most horrible acts of mind magic.

Breaking into one's mind was something dangerous and forbidden, only acceptable in the rarest of cases when no other choices are left. But now, with the resistance this unknown force was putting up to keep her out, she would soon get to the point that she could no longer blank out his mind without breaking in.

Knowing the risks, Luna wouldn't dare do such a thing. She knew from personal experience how one’s psyche can be damaged from having another entity break in and take over their mind. She wouldn't dare do such a thing to him, but this would also mean that a night would come where his nightmares would return in full force.

''Forgive me, Danny, for it seems that I will not be able to protect you much longer. Enjoy your rest now, for soon, it will come to an end.'' Luna said with sorrow and dread, looking at the village in the valley below, allowing her words to be carried away on the wind.


Danny walked through Ponyville, heading towards his new favorite spot: Sugar Cube Corner.

Ever since he found the place a couple of days ago, he would come there during his break. And although not a regular, yet. At the rate he was going, he would be soon.

This time, too, he took the small amount of time he had for himself to sit back, and enjoy some of the finer treats this place had to offer. It was something he really came to enjoy, especially considering that he hadn't had much of a chance to do so back on Earth. The fact these were some of the best baked treats he ever had the pleasure of eating might also contribute to this.

A short walk later, he stepped into the happily decorated building, (he still had to blink twice every time he saw the large gingerbread house) and then towards the counter.

''Good morning, Cup Cake. How're you today?'' Danny greeted the blue mare standing behind the counter, already knowing her by name thanks to her cheerful demeanor, and her upbeat attitude towards him when he first entered into the bakery.

''Danny, how nice to see you again. Keep it up and you might just become one of our regular customers,'' she said happily when she greeted the tall human.

''Ha, I'm trying. So, could I have a couple of those cupcakes?'' He asked, pointing at a large tray of baked goods, eyeing them hungrily.

''But of course, I’ll go get themmm...'' Cup Cake trailed off and seemed to focus on a spot close behind Danny, absolutely bewildered.

''Umm, are you alright?'' Danny asked.

Noticing the look on her face, and where she was looking, he turned around, only for him to take a step back as he saw what everyone in the store was now looking at.

It was none other than Pinkie Pie, hanging upside down on a rope, clad in some kind of spy suit with night vision goggles, and wearing the look of absolute severity as she was staring intently through a binocular at Danny… which she held backwards.

Her eyes almost seemed to push through the binoculars as she continued to look at him, not realizing, or just ignoring, the stares she was receiving herself.

''Uhh, can I help you?'' Danny asked uncertainly, not understanding anything of what was going on.

''Oh no, he’s spotted me,'' Pinkie said in a low, conspiratorial voice. ''but how? He’s so far away.'' She asked herself as she lowered the binoculars, now seeing Danny standing right in front of her. ''AAAH! How did you get here all of a sudden? Oh no, he found me. Retreat, retreat!'' she yelled and gave three tugs on the rope she was hanging on. She was suddenly pulled upwards towards the second floor and disappeared from sight.

It was quiet for a moment, all the ponies and human, stared at the spot Pinkie Pie had occupied mere moments before. Then, as if a switch was flipped, the ponies soon returned to their business, used to the random behavior of the hyperactive pink pony. Danny however, wasn't yet accustomed to the pink pony's colorful behavior, and he just stared at the now empty spot for a long time, trying to wrap his mind around what he just witnessed.

''What was that all about?'' He finally asked.

''Nopony knows,'' Cup Cake replied. ''It's just Pinkie being Pinkie. Take it from me, I live with the mare. She is... unusual, but she means well. Just give it some time, and you'll get used to it," she told him, finding some small amusement in the bewildered look on his face.

''I doubt that'll ever happen," Danny replied. He had seen a lot of weird things and, honestly, he thought it impossible to ever get used to something like that.

''Yes, they always say something like that when they first experience Pinkie's unique behavior,'' Cup Cake said with a slight smile and a shake of the head. ''But they always come around sooner, or later. Anyhow, here is your order. Enjoy,'' she finished casually as she hoofed Danny the cupcakes, deciding to not pay the scene with Pinkie any more mind.

''Eh.. wha.. Oh right, my order. Yeah, thanks.'' Danny said, stumbling over his words as he was brought back to the here and now, remembering the reason for being in the bakery in the first place.

Paying for the food and walking away with his delectable treat, he absentmindedly took a bite out of a cupcake as he thought about what had just happened, not noticing the orange mare wearing a Stetson hat in front of him.

''Whoa, what the-!''

''Whoa nelly!''

Danny and Applejack both shouted as he crashed into her, both falling to the ground, while Applejack's hat fell to the ground a moment later; hanging in the air for a few more seconds, not realizing its owner was missing. The cupcakes Danny was holding skidded away, coming to a stop after a few bounces in the dirt.

But, of course, this was not their biggest problem as, in their fall, their limbs got somewhat tangled up, with Danny lying on top of Applejack in a rather awkward position. Applejack squirmed around to free herself from the knot their limbs were in, not realizing the looks they were getting from the bystanders.

After a seemingly long, and rather awkward struggle to untangle themselves, Applejack and Danny finally managed to get up. Only now noticing the amused looks they got from the ponies standing around them, a lot of them struggling to keep their laughter down.

''I’m so sorry about that, AJ,'' Danny apologized while he picked up her Stetson, dusting it off, his face beet red from the awkwardness of it all. ''here you go.''

Applejack's face, too, had a dark shade of red as she took the hat back from Danny. Putting it back on, making sure it covered as much of her eyes as possible.

''Thanks, pardner,'' she said with an embarrassed smile on her face. ''Ya better watch out where ya're going, though. It would've saved us a heap o' embarrassment,'' she continued, indicating the small circle of ponies around them.

''Now, what're y'all looking at!?'' Applejack shouted with slightly raised voice, giving the crowd around her and Danny a stern look.

The crowd quickly dispersed at that, but a few snickers could be heard as they left the two flustered individuals alone.

Letting out a deep sigh and shaking her head as she thought about the embarrassing moment she just went through, Applejack looked up at Danny, who was trying his best not to look her in the eyes.

''Now, ya want ta tell mah why ya ran mah over?'' she asked the red faced, embarrassed human.

''Pinkie Pie,'' was his only response. He was still unused to her random behavior, but after hearing the ponies going on about her, he figured that would satisfy Applejack’s curiosity.

''Pinkie? Oh ya're still trying ta figure her out?'' Applejack asked with a chuckle, knowing where this might go if he wouldn't let it rest. Who knows, maybe his hair would also burst out in fire, just like Twilight's.

''More, or less,'' Danny replied. ''She just did... something. And I'm apparently somehow involved... Is she always like that?'' He asked.

''Most of tha times, unless her mane goes flat. Believe mah, ya don't want ta be there when tha happens!'' She said with a good hearted laugh, before turning dead serious.

''When her mane goes flat. What do you mean?'' He asked, not understanding.

''Fer yer sake, Ah hope ya never find out,'' she said ominously, making Danny feel uneasy as he glanced back at Sugar Cube corner, seeing a pair of bright blue eyes staring at him from behind the window, before they slowly sunk down out of view.

''Okay, got it. Don't ask about the crazy pony.'' Danny said rather quickly, his words somewhat packed together. ''Anyhow, have you seen my... Aw man!'' He began, but stopped when he noticed his cupcakes lying on the ground, covered with dirt.

''Drat, I was going to eat those," he said with a sigh. "Well, there goes lunch,'' he added in disappointment, looking at the sugary treats, now no longer edible.

''Aw, Ah'm real sorry 'bout tha, Danny.'' Applejack said as she, too, noticed the pastries on the ground.

''Not as sorry as I am,'' Danny said seriously, sadly, feeling as if he had just lost something very important. Which, to him, he just did.

"Ah, shucks. It's not tha end of tha world, sugarcube.'' Applejack said, giving him a slight push in the side.

''Maybe not, but it is still a huge waste. I was planning on eating those, now I have to work on an empty stomach," Danny groaned. "Oh well, better luck next time, I guess." He sighed in disappointment, not looking forward to working without eating anything.

"True. Tha Cake's baking is quite something. A real waste fer it ta end like that," Applejack said with a small nod. "Say, why don't ya come over ta mah orchard? There’s plenty of food, and tha rest of mah family would love ta meet tha town's very own human," she offered.

Danny was taken aback by this. Did the kindness of these ponies not run out at some point? First, the clothes gifted by Rarity, then the fish from Fluttershy. And now, Applejack invited him to eat at her place. He was stunned; never in his life before coming here had he received such kindness. Tough, in a distant past, he may have experienced something similar with his own family and friends, but never on this scale. He really wasn't used to this kind of generosity, and he couldn't help but feel that he somehow was taking advantage of them all, even if they didn't see it that way.

"Gosh, AJ. I’d love to, but you don't have to do this just because I dropped my lunch," he told her.

"Ah, shucks. Ain't no big deal. It's what friends do, ain't it?" Applejack said casually, with a wave of her hoof. " 'Sides, we've got plenty, an there’s always room fer one more."

'Wait, friend? I’ve only spoken to her a couple of times, and she already considers me a friend after just that?' Danny thought, looking at the smiling mare standing before him, unable to find any sign of deceit, nor did it seem like she was joking. Something about her seemed just so... honest.

He knew that she meant it, and it meant the world to him.

Sure, these ponies have been friendly, or a bit weird. Very weird, in Pinkie Pie's case. But to have someone, or rather, somepony like Applejack calling him a friend after only knowing her for such a short time... It almost took Danny by surprise as he felt the corners of his mouth pull upwards, growing into a large smile. Still, he was unable to accept her offer. Not because he didn't want to go, but because of his job, which would be a real pain right now. Carrying all kinds of food with an empty stomach, darn it.

"I would love to come over for lunch, Applejack, but I can't," he sighed out. "I still have my job to go to, and I don't have much more time on my break. Maybe next time?"

"Aw, hayseed. Sorry ta hear it, but sure. Next time is jus' as good. Hay, there's always place fer one more, jus' come by when ya have tha time. Okay, Danny?"

"Hah, I might just do that. Thanks, AJ," he said, happily, waving her goodbye as he headed back to the café.

"Ah hope ta see ya soon, then." Applejack called after him, waving back, slightly shaking her head in a good mannered fashion. 'That darn fool. Why's he so stubborn? It's subtle, but there. Almost as if he ain't used ta ponies being nice ta him. I wonder why?' She thought as she watched the tall biped walk away.


The following day.

Danny walked on a quiet path towards Sweet Apple Acres as, with a good dose of luck, today's shift at the café was surprisingly light. So much so, he and several other of his colleagues were able to end the day early.

As he walked, he thought it wouldn't have been possible for him to visit Applejack and take her up on the offer she made earlier until, at the very least, the end of the week. But here he was, albeit with a certain level of uncertainty. He wasn't too sure of what to expect, but just going over to a friend for something to eat was more than enough reason to go.

Heh, friend. The word sounded almost alien to Danny. After living alone for more than six years, without any friends to speak of, it was a very strange feeling for him. It brought up a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time.

He continued his journey towards the orchard in a surprisingly good mood. He had been in such high spirits for some time now, thanks to the kindness of the ponies here. But this was something new altogether. The ponies had been friendly to him, but to have one actually call him a friend was what had helped him get through the remaining hours of work yesterday. It gave him a boost of energy that he hadn't experienced for a long time and he liked it. A lot.

As he came up to the entrance to the orchard, he let out a slow, low whistle.

Rows and rows of apple trees standing tall and proud, stretching out as far as he could see.

"Wow, how 'bout them apples?" Danny silently joked to himself as he took in the scene.

Stepping forward and entering the orchard, he continued on his trek towards Applejack's house, not knowing a fearful, destructive force was watching his every move as he walked further into the orchard.

A force well known in Ponyville.

A force only spoken of in hushed whispers, in fear that its destructive might would come to them next, should it hear them.

Now though, this force had set its sight on the lone human as he walked through the many trees towards the farmhouse.

Three pairs of eyes, each set a different color, watched from one of the many bushes around as its target came near. Three mouths excitedly grinned with somewhat malicious intent. The sounds of buzzing wings were heard, while a spark of magic emanated from its horn as the force watched the human come closer and closer. Crouching down to make itself as small as possible, readying itself to strike, it waited for the right opportunity.


'What, where did that twig come from?' The force asked itself as three sets of eyes looked at the twig which one of its twelve legs stepped on.

Darn it, the human had heard, it noticed. Seeing the human come to a stop, and looking around, trying to find out what that sound was.

"Hello, is anyone out there?" The force heard it call out.

This wasn't good, he couldn't suspect a thing. Now though, the human had become suspicious. It just knew it.

Wait! Its prey was coming closer, coming closer to the place it was hiding. It looked like it was in luck, as the human tried to figure out where the sound of snapping came from, bringing him closer to the bush it was hiding in.


"Is there anyone there?" The unsuspecting prey asked as he stepped within striking distance of the force.

"NOW!!" Three pair of voices shouted, and three brightly colored fillies jumped out of the bush, tackling Danny to the ground.

Danny yelled out in surprise as three small bodies collided with his own. He didn't know what was going on, but fortunately for both sides, the shock and surprise completely stunned him, making him unable to use his powers in a reflex.

"Grab his legs, Scootaloo!" A yellow earth pony with a red mane and ribbon yelled to the small pegasus, who was already wrapping her own legs around Danny's in order to hold them in place.

"Ya got his arm secure, Sweetie Belle!?" The earth pony called out to the unicorn filly as she held down his right arm.

"Yes, I got him. How about you Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle asked the earth pony who was holding down Danny's other arm.

"I got him, no worries," she said excitedly

"Wait... what.. What is going on?!" Danny yelled as he tried to free himself. But despite the fillies small size, they were a lot stronger than they looked.

"Ghaa. Hold him down there!" Scootaloo yelled to her friends when Danny tried to shake her off his legs, whipping her back and forth.

"Get off of me!" Danny yelled, struggling to shake the clingy fillies off of him.

"What 'n tarnation is going on here?" Applejack shouted as she came up to the scene. "What in tha..." She stopped mid-sentence as she saw the three fillies holding Danny down. All three of them looking apologetic to the older mare as she stepped closer. "What in tha hay do ya three think ya're doing?" She scolded the three fillies, who still had to release Danny. They could never give an answer though, as, only seconds after Applejack had spoken, a new pony entered the scene.

"Hey, AJ. What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked as she descended from above. "I thought I heard you. And I thought to come... see..." She stopped as her train of thought derailed, seeing Danny lying on the ground, held down by the Crusaders.

She looked at this for a few seconds, then burst out in laughter, falling to the ground as she did so.

"Bwahahahaha, oh this is rich!" She managed to squeak through her laughter, clutching her sides.

"Rainbow Dash, this here ain't no joke." Applejack scolded the downed pegasus, who was squirming on the ground, legs flailing around as she laughed out loud.

"Pfwhahaha ah haha!!!" Was the only response Applejack got from the prismatic mare, who was not even attempting to calm down.

Sighing out loud from the pegasus behavior, Applejack returned her attention to the three fillies, who were still holding down Danny. He didn't look very amused with the entire situation himself, and Rainbow Dash continuous laughter only added to his increasing annoyance.

"Okay, ya three. Get off, now!" She ordered firmly, looking down at the three fillies as they let go of their latest victim, heads hunging low.

"Thanks, AJ." Danny groaned as he sat up, rubbing his wrists and shooting an unamused look at the multi colored pegasus, who only just began to try to regain her composure, before looking at the three fillies sitting in front of Applejack. All three looking down as the stetson wearing mare gave them a scolding.

"Now, what in tha hay were ya three thinking?!" Applejack asked them, upset with the whole situation.

"We're sorry, sis. We were only trying ta get our Cutie Marks in human catching," Apple Bloom told her big sister, not looking up. "Ah guess that's not our special talent either," she added as the three fillies looked at their flanks, void of any kind of mark.

"Ah'm not tha one ya three need ta apologize ta," Applejack said sternly.

"Oh, right." Scootaloo said, and all three of them turned to Danny.

"We're sorry, mister," they said simultaneously, sounding well practiced in their delivery.

"You aren't mad with us, right?" Sweetie Belle squeaked, looking up at Danny with puppy dog eyes; the other two following suit.

'Oh god, those eyes. I might just die of diabetes... How would that even work? I’m technically half-dead.' Danny thought as he looked down at the three fillies, unable to remain mad as he saw their faces. It was almost as if their eyes stared right into his soul.

"Okay, okay. I’m not mad at you three, but could you please stop looking at me like that!?" Danny said as he looked away from the three, and Rainbow snorted out with laughter again.

"Bwahahaha. Oh man, you are so whipped," she said, earning her a glare from Applejack, only for her to chuckle too after a few tense seconds.

"So ya aren't mad?" Apple Bloom asked, eagerly, jumping up.

"Mad, no. Annoyed, yes." Danny deadpanned as he looked at Rainbow Dash, noticing her trouble containing herself.

"YAY!" All three fillies shouted.

"But I would like to know why you jumped me like that?" He asked them as he stood up.

"Didn't you just hear when we told Applejack?" Scootaloo asked brashly. "We were trying to get our Cutie Marks."

Danny just blinked dumbly at that, not understanding.

"Eh, what's that?" He asked, having heard the term before, but not understanding it.

"You know, a Cutie Mark. The mark that appears when you find your special talent," Sweetie Bell explained, getting a confused look from Danny.

“Do you mean those tattoos on everyone's butt?" Danny asked in confusion, and Applejack guffawed in shock. The fillies and Rainbow Dash, though, laughed a bit over his crude description.

"I don't know what you mean with tattoo, bud. But if with that, you mean those images on our butts. Then, yeah, sure." Rainbow Dash said, chuckling.

"And they just appear like that?" Danny asked, even more confused.

"No, not just like that. You do need to find your special talent first. But shouldn't you know already? I mean, you are an adult, right?" Sweetie Belle asked Danny, seeing him nod. "So you should have a Cutie Mark of your own right?"

"A mark of my own…?" For a moment, Danny's mind flashed back to a particular mark he carried.

'Yeah, better not tell them about that.' he thought.

"Eh, no. I do not have a tat-.. eh, Cutie Mark. And certainly not on my butt," he told them after a moment's pause. And, almost instantly after he had said so, the sound of three fillies gasping for air could be heard; sucking in more than should be naturally possible.

"Ya don't have a Cutie Mark!?" Apple Bloom shouted in shock. "But how? Ya're all grown up an' such."

"But if he is all grown and stuff, and doesn't have his mark, does that mean we won't get one ourselves?" Scootaloo asked, almost frantically.

"But I want my Cutie Mark!" Sweetie Belle wailed shortly after.

Amidst the chaos created by the three fillies, Danny didn't notice the squinted look he got from Applejack.

'He ain't lying, but he ain't telling the truth either.' she thought as she took a good look at Danny, trying to find any form of deceit. But whatever it was she picked up on earlier, was gone now. Gone, as Danny was trying to calm down the three young ponies, and failing miserably.

"Please stop?" Danny pleaded, "I'm sure you will get your Cutie Marks."

"But you didn't get yours, and you're an adult. And if you didn't get your Cutie Mark, then we might not get ours either!" Sweetie Belle wailed with her high-pitch voice, making Scootaloo and Apple Bloom panic even harder once she finished.

"Look, the only reason I don't have a Cutie Mark is because humans don't get them." Danny said with a raised voice, in order to be heard above the racket being produced by the three young ponies. He didn't really know why he said that, he still didn't really understand this whole Cutie Mark thing, but he was fairly certain that what he said was accurate.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom immediately fell quiet. Each looking at Danny as if he just said he could fly without wings.

"Humans can't get a Cutie Mark?" Apple Bloom responded sadly. "That's so sad."

"But then how do you know what your special talent is?" Scootaloo asked, scratching her head as she thought about that.

"Well.. uhh... We humans don't really work like that. Instead, we work hard to realize our dreams. And maybe, with luck, we’ll find something we’re really good at." Danny replied, carefully choosing his words, as he never really thought about this to begin with.

"Now, that there's a fine lesson to learn. Work hard, an' find out what ya’re good at along tha way." Applejack piped in, nodding approvingly. "Y'all could learn something from that," she hummed, looking at the three fillies. "Don't ya'll think?"

For a moment Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked deep in thought, thinking about what they heard.

"Work hard..." Scootaloo murmured.

"...To realize our dream..." Sweetie Belle continued.

"...An' with luck, find out what we're good at." Apple Bloom finished.

All three fillies looked at each other, speaking in more ways with a shared look than they would ever be able with mere words. All three coming to the same conclusion.

"NAH!!" They uttered with a careless wave of their hoof.

"There must be a much simpler way than that." Scootaloo said, making Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash facehoof. And, although they came close to the performance delivered by Carl, they fell just short, despite the shared effort.

"So, what's the next thing on the list?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Hmm... I thought that after human catching we were going to try ghost catching," Apple Bloom answered, thinking back to the list they had created with things to try to earn their Cutie Mark. "Say, mister, Ya don't know where we could find a ghost, do ya?"

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Danny just stared at the three with their mouths hanging open. Danny dumbly shook his head, in one part due to the fillies’ audacious plans, and the other because of the sheer irony of it all.

"Aw, shoot," Apple Bloom said as she lightly kicked the dirt. "Oh well, looks like we'll need ta find ourselves a ghost first, then," she realized, and her two friends immediately perked up.

"So we're going to hunt for ghosts now?" Scootaloo asked, eagerly.

"Yep," Apple Bloom nodded, then the three sucked in a deep breath.


"NO!!!" Applejack yelled as she stomped her hoof down with a thunderous crack.

"Ya three are not going ta hunt fer ghosts. Ya're not even going ta think 'bout it. Do Ah make mahself clear?!" Applejack shouted, probably a bit angrier than she intended, but the memory of what happened in Baltimare all those years ago burned into her memory. Apple Bloom might have been too young to remember, but she did. And she wouldn't let her, or her friends, do something as foalish as going to hunt for ghosts.

"But, sis. What if our special talent is catching ghosts?" Apple Bloom asked her big sister with a pout.

"Ah said: No! And Ah don' want ta hear any more of this ghost business!" Applejack warned, making the three fillies look down in disappointment.

Although Danny did agree with Applejack, he couldn't help but feel a bit hypocritical. After all, he was only a teenager when he became a ghost, and a ghost hunter. And for just a moment he pictured the three fillies as a similar group he and his old friends once formed.

Apple Bloom's ribbon was replaced with a similar colored beret, reading her to-do list on one of the many PDA's she was carrying with her. Scootaloo had a darker look on her, and her brash attitude that clashed so much with the techno geek in the group. And then there was Sweetie Belle. Her white coat and green eyes made it easy for Danny to picture her as a ghost; seeing her flying around, hind legs changed in an intangible tail, eyes glowing a toxic green and her forehooves glowing green with ectoplasm.

Shaking his head to clear the image from his mind, he refocused on the three fillies.

"You three should listen to her," Danny told them, nodding once to Applejack. "Ghost hunting isn't something children should do," he continued, still feeling hypocritical.

Applejack nodded appreciatively to Danny. "There ya have it. Danny here comes from tha world tha ghosts come from. And he should know better than anypony else ta stay away from those no good, abominable, undead freaks." Danny flinched inwardly from Applejack's harsh words. He knew that the things they had heard about ghosts wasn't at all good. But still, it stung to hear. Also, the way she spoke made it sound as if it was personal.

"Aw, come on. Wh-..."

"Squirt, no. Just, no." Rainbow Dash stepped in, sushing Scootaloo as she shot a worried glance at Applejack. "Besides, I'm sure the three of you can do something way cooler than hunting ghosts." Rainbow Dash said, ruffling Scootaloo's mane with her hoof.

Scootaloo was like a younger sister to her, and she would support her in almost anything. But this was one thing that even she wouldn't do. Not after what had happened all that time ago. And although she would never admit it, after what had happened in Baltimare, she was a bit afraid of ghosts.

Only a little bit, mind you. The Rainbow Dash is never truly afraid of anything. Especially not of some undead freak that doesn't know how to stay dead. Hah, no. If a ghost would be right here, right now, she would buck it back to the other side in ten seconds flat.

"Really, you think we will get our Cutie Marks doing something cooler than Ghost hunting?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Sure. You spend enough time with me, and some of my awesomeness has to rub off on you." Rainbow Dash smirked with pride, being just a bit boastful, while Applejack, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes over what was just said. Not to mention the pose she just made while saying it. At the same time, Danny just looked at her in confusion.

'Ghost hunting was already as extreme as it could get, and here she is telling them they could get their mark doing something more 'awesome'.' Danny thought, slightly shaking his head at this. 'They're going to get in trouble, I'm sure of it.'

"Getting yer Cutie Mark doin' something more 'awesome' than ghost hunting is all good an' well, but not on an empty stomach." Applejack said to the three, giving a hesitant, thankful look to Rainbow Dash. In one part thankful to get them over the idea of ghost hunting, but afraid what these three might come up with next. "Now, ya can go crusading after y'all have eaten, so git going. Granny Smith should be almost done making lunch," she told them as she gave a nod with her head, indicating the house a little further ahead.

At the promise of food, the three fillies rushed away to the farmhouse, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

"And ya," Applejack said as she turned to Rainbow Dash. "Ya just happen ta fly by when ya heard me down here. Jus' flying around over mah orchard at tha same time lunch would be done?" She 'asked' the prismatic mare with a smug grin.

"Oh, you know me. I was just in the neighborhood, and I thought I would come and say hi," Rainbow Dash said, looking away from Applejack.

"Well, ya just did. So, was there anything else, or are ya going ta fly off again?" Applejack continued with this game, seeing clearly through the poorly concealed lie.

"Well, I’m here now anyway. I guess I could join you for lunch if you want." Rainbow Dash replied nonchalantly, but even Danny could see what she really was hinting at.

Applejack gave a humorous chuckle. Rainbow's pride wouldn't budge, not even for something as small as to admit she was really here to join in on the lunch.

"Okay, Dash. Do ya want ta join us fer lunch?" Applejack asked the colorful pegasus.

"Hmm, I think I can spare the time," Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly, lookingat her hoof.

"That's what Ah thought," Applejack chuckled as she turned to Danny. "And what brings ya tah this neck of tha woods? Except for getting jumped on by them three rascals, that is." She asked, nodding in the general direction the fillies had just ran off to.

"Believe it or not, but I also came here for the free lunch," Danny answered.

"Well, whaddaya know. Ah didn't expect ya here this soon fer that." Applejack said warmly. "But ya two are more than welcome ta join in." Immediately after, a loud ringing could be heard, along with the unmistakable voice of Apple Bloom.

"Soups up, everypony!" Came her distant shout, telling all in the neighborhood that lunch is ready.

"Welp, that's my cue." Rainbow Dash said as she sped off to the farmhouse.

"Well, come on, Danny. Ya coming, or what?" Applejack asked as she ran after Rainbow Dash, leaving a bewildered human behind, before he also picked up the pace.

Still, he struggled to keep up. His two legs no match for the speed Applejack's four legs produced. Noticing this, Applejack slowed down a notch, giving the struggling human a chance to catch up.

"Feeling a bit slow there, pardner!?" She remarked.

"Not my pant fault. Humans ghasp aren't that fast," Danny gasped between breaths. "And I haven't done much running for quite some time," he added, trying to give some excuse for his poor condition. His work at the café did help him to gain a bit more stamina, but an all out sprint like this just wouldn't do.

"Well, ya better hurry up, or there won't be much left when ya git there." Applejack told him as she trotted next to him, easily keeping up with the pace Danny was going at.

"It can't be that bad, right?" Danny asked her as he slightly sped up.

"Hah, with tha appetite those three fillies have, not ta mention what Dash can eat. An' then there is also mah brother, Big Macintosh. Yeah, ya better hurry up, pardner," she told him with a chuckle, picking up the pace herself.

'Crud, no such thing as an easy meal!' Danny thought as he once again struggled to keep up.


Having lunch with the Apple family, plus Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash, was a unique experience to say the least. Applejack was a great host, making sure there was still something for Danny to eat, seeing how Rainbow Dash had already dived right into the massive pile of various apple related foods.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, also, had their respective plates full. Although, more moderate in amount compared with what Rainbow was shoving away.

Danny also got to meet Applejack's brother, Big Macintosh, or Big Mac. And he certainly lived up to his name. The only ponies Danny had met who were larger than most were the princesses. But, despite his bulk, he was rather quiet. He was interested in Danny when he showed up, and Applejack told all present that he was joining for lunch. He even said a quick hello, but was silent most of the time after that. Only responding with "Eeyup", or "Eenope" when someone asked him something.

And then there was Granny Smith, an elderly mare who had trouble making much sense of Danny. And after several attempts to tell her he was, in fact, a human and not a bald diamond dog (which made the crusaders, and Rainbow Dash snort with laughter, struggling to keep their mouths closed, or risk losing the food they had yet to swallow) they eventually got her to the point that she just thought Danny was just a weird looking pony. That didn't stop her from giving Danny even more food than Rainbow Dash had on her plate.

Danny did try to tell her she didn't have to give him that much. But, in the words of the elderly mare: "Ah, fiddlesticks, boy. One as skinny as yerself needs all tha food ya can get."

Needless to say, afterwards his pants felt several sizes too small. The fact that everything tasted absolutely divine certainly contributed to this as well. Even though everything was made with apples in it, every dish tasted unique, and he was more than happy to eat as much as he could, despite the stomach ache he would undoubtedly get later today.

The conversation held was interesting too, seeing that most topics were either about Danny himself, or humans in general. Said topics did cause some confusion for Granny Smith, but after some creative explaining from Applejack, she was told Danny was just from a faraway country.

Granny Smith might have been there when their two worlds connected, but her memory was a bit lacking as of late, and she had trouble connecting all the dots. However, what she lacked in coherent thought, she made more than up for it through her warm personality.

There was a short tense moment when Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle asked Danny about ghosts, but after a stern look from Applejack that was soon over. And, although he didn't say anything, Danny did notice the Big Mac tense up at the mentioning of ghosts.

The same was true with Granny Smith. When the word ghost was said, Danny noticed a subtle, but clear shift in her behavior. A slight tensing of the muscles, and her slightly hazy eyes sharpened, only to lose their intensity immediately after.

Danny, having already noticed something similar with Applejack's behavior back when the fillies were talking about ghost hunting, started to wonder what had happened with them. It was obvious that they had some kind of personal experience with ghosts. But what?

He thought that he should ask her about it some time, but not now. Still, after that tense moment, the mood returned to its previous state.

All there enjoyed their meal and shared some of their stories of the day, whether it was about harvesting apples, learning new tricks and bucking clouds, or the latest adventures of the Crusaders.

Danny, too, added some of his experiences to the tales being told, earning a few chuckles here and there, or some friendly remark about how well he has been doing in the short time he has been living in the town.

It was all good and well, until Rainbow Dash decided that she wanted to know a little bit more about him. A little bit more of the personal kind.

"So, Danny. Got your eye on sompony?" She asked, bluntly, and Danny sputtered and blushed as he was put on the spot.

"Eh... what?" Was his only response.

"I asked: Do you have your eye on somepony?" She repeated with a grin, purposely saying the words slower.

"Really!? I've only been here for a few days now, trying to settle in. Why would you even think I was looking around?" he asked flustered.

"Well, seeing how just a moment ago you had three young mares holding on to you for dear life. That does raise some questions." She said, waggling her eyebrows.

"Rainbow Dash! That there's mighty inappropriate!" Applejack shouted, while the fillies and Rainbow were laughing over Danny's embarrassment. "Ya know jus' fine what that really was about, so stop pestering Danny here with it."

"Okay, okay, fine. Chillax, AJ. I'm just kidding," Rainbow Dash responded carelessly. "Besides, I'm sure he probably has a special somepon- someone back on his own world. Right, big guy?" She deflected as she turned back to Danny.

Danny's mind snapped back to his more carefree days as a simple teenager, with ghost powers. Alongside his friends, Sam and Tucker, they did things no normal teenager would do. His mind focused specifically on Sam, what the two of them did together during the time she was still alive. From the simple things like going to the movies, to things like ghost fighting. Then, his mind fast-forwarded to that horrible moment more than six years ago. The moment when he finally realized what Sam truly meant to him and how he never got the chance to tell her. He remembered her piercing scream as her body was vaporized by his own powers. Powers that were stolen from him by that thing.

"Ya okay there, pardner?" Applejack asked when Danny didn't reply for some time, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh, oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just kinda zoned out there," he answered. "And to answer your question, Dash. No, I don't have a, eh, special someone in my life."

"What, really? Come on, even somepon-, gha, someone like you should have someone special in their life," Rainbow urged on.

"Someone like me? What do you mean with that?" Danny asked, sounding a bit offended.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all," she said playfully, having a smirk on her face, but not letting up what she was hinting at. "But still, there has to be someone, right?"

"Well... there was someone..." he mumbled, hesitantly.

"Was?" Applejack said, picking up on the past tense.

"...Let's just say things didn't work out," he responded after a moment's pause.

"Aw come on, give us more than that." Rainbow Dash urged on, failing to notice the shift in Danny's demeanor.

"I’d rather not," Danny said somberly, catching Applejack's attention. Big Mac also cocked an eyebrow.

"No, really. What was she like? Or maybe it was a he, hay, I don't judge," Rainbow Dash pushed further, still completely oblivious to the shift in mood.

"She. And she was... unique, to say the least," he answered with a sigh. "And can we now please drop this topic?" he asked, his good mood all but gone.

"But you haven't tol-..." Rainbow Dash kept pushing, until she was interrupted.

"Rainbow, stop it. He said he didn't want ta talk 'bout it, so stop pestering him with it!" Applejack said sternly.

"Ow, come on, AJ. Don't tell me you are not the least curious?" Rainbow Dash argued back, her attention shifted to the orange mare sitting next to Danny.

"No, Ah'm not" Applejack said and her muzzle scrunched up.

"Riiggghhtt!" Dash said with mocking grin. Applejack was a horrible liar, and being the Element of Honesty didn't help her either.

"Look, what Ah want, or don't want ta know has nothing ta do with this. Danny said he didn't want ta talk 'bout it, so Ah won't bother him with it."

Of course Rainbow Dash would retort, her pride wouldn't allow her to just stop without a fight, verbal, or otherwise. The competitive drive between the two mares didn't help here either. Argument after argument was sent back and forth. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were swiveling their heads left, and right, almost as if they were watching a tennis match, each time either Applejack, or Rainbow Dash said something. At the same time, Danny's frustration on the matter slowly grew as more and more heated arguments were thrown around about his romantic life, and why Rainbow Dash shouldn't pry into it. All of this added more and more to his wavering self control, until, eventually, it all came crashing down.

"And why should I stop, AJ? All I'm asking him about is his special somepon-.. Ghaa, someone. Really, I don't see what the big deal is. What's wrong with that?" Rainbow Dash, almost shouting in heated debate; completely forgotten about Danny and instead focused on the verbal fight between her, and Applejack.

"Because he said he didn't want ta talk 'bout it!" Applejack retorted.

"And why not!?" Rainbow Dash shot back, not even realizing that Applejack couldn't know the answer.

"BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD!!!" Danny shouted, slamming a fist on the table.

Instantly, everything went quiet. Even the rustling of the leaves had stopped completely as, all present, looked at Danny after his outburst; an angry scowl on his face as he looked at the prismatic mare.

"She's, what?" Rainbow asked, meekly, her brash attitude completely gone.

"You heard me," Danny grumbled bitterly. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he turned to Applejack. "AJ, thanks for the food, but I think I should leave now," he said, standing up immediately after, walking away without giving any of them a chance to stop him.

Moving with great strides, Danny was only halfway through the orchard when he heard the flapping of wings, and Rainbow Dash shouting after him. He was, however, not in the mood to talk to her now. So, instead, he ran through the bushes and deeper into the orchard, forcing the pegasus to land to keep following him. But with a head start and unfair advantages, he soon lost her in the rows of trees.

Standing hiding behind the trunk of one of the larger trees he found near him, (more as a reflex than anything else, considering that he turned himself invisible) he watched Rainbow Dash run past his hiding spot, looking for him. He would talk to her sometime later, but, right now, he just wanted to be left alone.

His frustration with the whole situation even made him forget about his discomfort using his ghost powers. So, using his intangibility, he ran as fast as he could through the trees and brushes; not stopping to avoid any of them. Combined with his invisibility, he left the orchard completely undetected. The only thing that could give him away, if someone was looking, were the small puffs of dry dirt as he ran over the sun dried path.


Rainbow Dash kept looking for Danny for a while longer, yet was unable to find him despite her best efforts and gave an angry kick to the dirt as she finally gave up.

She should have listened, but instead, her stubbornness got the better of her, again.

She never meant to anger Danny like that, but she didn't know that his special somepon... someone had died. Then again, he did say he didn't want to talk about it. And, thinking back to it, it was obvious that something was bothering him when she asked him about it.

Now here she was, trying to find him in this sea of apple trees. It shouldn't have been this difficult, humans aren't that fast. Point proven when Danny struggled to keep up with Applejack. And yet, here she was, unable to catch up with him, despite her speed advantage.

"Hey, Danny. Are you around here somewhere?!" She called out, hoping that he was still around… and would answer. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Come on, answer me."

There was a rustling of leaves behind her as someone was approaching her and Rainbow sprung around, hoping it was Danny. It was with some disappointment however, when, instead, she saw Applejack approach.

"Oh. Hey, AJ. I wasn't expecting you." Rainbow Dash said, downtrodden.

"Ya alright, sugarcube? Ya've been out here for over an hour," Applejack asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just having trouble finding Danny," Rainbow Dash sighed out, looking around again.

"Dash, listen. Ah don't think ya should bother him right now. He was mighty upset earlier, and Ah think it would be better ta jus' let him be fer now. Ya can always go ta his place, later." Applejack told her friend.

"You think so?" Rainbow Dash asked, unsure.

"Ah know so. We told ya ta stop, but ya kept pushing. So Ah think that, right now, ya jus' need ta give him some time ta calm down."

"Fine," Rainbow Dash sighed out in frustration, not liking it, but able to see the logic in Applejack's reasoning.

Together, the two walked back to the farmhouse, not speaking another word. Applejack walking besides Rainbow Dash, giving her some comfort simply by being there as Rainbow Dash was somewhat lost in thought. Thinking back at the look she got from Danny when he snapped like that. Anger, sadness, pain. Many different forms of emotions, all pointed directly towards her. She didn't understand any of it, but it was clear that whatever it was that had happened, it had hurt Danny in a way she knew all too well. She felt the same pain and anger after… Baltimare.

After some time, the two returned at the farmhouse. The table they had lunch not too long ago was now cleaned up, and everypony else was gone. There was, however, a new pony present. A bright pink pony bouncing on the spot, calling out to them; holding two identical invitations in the curls of her mane, while she continued to bounce when Dash and Applejack approached her.


"I'm glad you all could make it," Twilight greeted her friends after they were all seated in the library.

"It was not a problem, dear. But could you please tell us why we needed to come right this instant?" Rarity asked.

"Ah, yes. You see, I was given the assignment by the princesses to-..." Twilight began, only for Pinkie to interrupt her.

"To keep an eye on Danny, and stop him as he is trying to unleash his diabolical plan to overthrow the primwaffws." Pinkie shouted in a blur, until Lyra jammed her hoof in her muzzle, stopping her mid-sentence.

"What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.

"Pinkie! How many times do I have to tell you, that is not what's going on!?" Twilight said in frustration.

"Eh, sugacube, what in tarnation is going on?" Applejack asked.

"Okay," Twilight began with a sigh. "A couple of days ago, the princesses visited me and told me to keep an eye out on Danny. Apparently there is something going on with, or around him. I do not know what. The princesses didn't tell me, and I think they don't really know themselves either. So, I was given the assignment to report anything unusual regarding Danny. And that's where you come in. Lyra, Pinkie and myself have been following Danny around for some time now, but we were unable to find anything out of the ordinary. But maybe you have seen, or heard something that might be considered odd.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack shared a glance with each other, but before any of them could speak up Fluttershy spoke.

"How do you mean, odd?" She asked, meekly. "It isn't anything scary, right?" she added, hidding her face behind her mane from the thought of anything that could scare her.

"I don't know, but the princesses said you could help. Just go on with your day to day business and keep an eye on him when you see him. Or talk to him and see if you can find out something more," Twilight explained, noticing the look on Lyra's face. "And, no, Lyra. You're not going to ask him about everything you have written down in that notebook of yours!" She stated firmly, looking at the mint green pony.

"Oh, come on. Let me at least ask him something, anything?" Lyra almost begged.

"Fine, but keep it minimal," Twilight conceded with a heavy sigh.

"Ehm, Twilight. I actually spoke to him some time ago!" Fluttershy said.

"Really, about what?" Twilight asked eagerly. She knew what Fluttershy spoke of, as she saw what had happened. But she was unable to hear the conversation due to the distance.

"Oh, it wasn't about anything important. He just asked me if he could buy some meat." Fluttershy said.

Meat!! Everypony except Twilight and Lyra shouted.

"Eep," Fluttershy squeaked as she completely hid her face behind her mane.

"Fluttershy, dear. Why in Celestia’s name would he do that?" Rarity asked, shocked.

"Duh, to eat of course!" Lyra answered for Fluttershy, saying it in a casual way as if it was nothing special.

"Wait, are you telling us he is a meat eater?" Applejack asked in slight panic.

"Kinda," Lyra answered with a shrug. "He's an omnivore after all!" She explained, earning her a few confused looks.

"An omniwhat now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"An omnivore. It means he eats both plants and meat," Twilight explained. "And no, he is not going to eat any of us!" She added as she saw the look on Rainbow's face.

"And how do you know that?" Rainbow Dash retorted.

"Because the princesses have spoken with him personally before coming to me, and they wouldn't let him stay if he was dangerous," Twilight said, staying calm and logical.

"Oh, right. I knew that." Rainbow replied.

"But we're getting off topic here," Twilight continued. "You all need to keep an eye out for anything strange regarding Danny, report it to me if you find anything, and I will let the princesses know."

"Eh, Twilight. I might already know something," Rainbow Dash said, unsure.

"What? What is it? Come on, tell me!" Twilight said, almost frantically.

Rainbow Dash reared back as Twilight suddenly stood uncomfortably close to her, quill and scroll floating besides her.

"Eh, you see. Danny stopped by AJ earlier today to join in on the lunch, and I was there too. Nothing much happened for some time, until I asked him if he had a special somepony... eh, I mean, someone," Rainbow told Twilight, who was writing it all down.

"And then, what happened?" Twilight asked.

"Ah’ll tell ya what happened. Danny didn't want ta talk 'bout his special someone, but somepony kept pushing him ta tha point that he jus' snapped." Applejack quickly took over, before a certain pegasus could twist certain facts.

Rainbow Dash glared at her with a scowl, but didn't spoke up.

"He snapped? How do you mean?" Twilight asked, puzzled.

"Ah mean he started ta shout, but it's what he said that concerns me," Applejack continued.

"What was it he said?" Twilight asked, eagerly. The rest of the ponies present also leaning in to hear what Applejack would say next.

"He said that his special someone was dead," Applejack revealed and everypony present gasped, then fell silent. Even Twilight’s quill stopped moving.

"What?" Was all Twilight could say.

"That's what he said," Rainbow Dash confirmed. "And then he stormed off. I tried to stop him and tell him I was sorry for pushing as much as I did, but he ran in the orchard and I lost him," she added with a hint of frustration, irritated that he was able to evade her.

"His special somepo.. one died, the poor thing." Fluttershy said, unable to hold back her tears as she spoke.

Rarity placed a comforting hoof around Fluttershy and pulled her close. "There, there, dear. It's alright," she said, but was affected by this news as well. "Could this have anything to do with what the princesses wanted to know?" Rarity asked Twilight.

"I... I don't know. I will send them this report and we will see, but still..." Twilight fell silent at that. She never really had a romantic relationship herself, but if any of her friends were to die, she wouldn't know what to do. But Danny had suffered a loss much worse, and lost his special someone; she had no idea what that must be like.

Pinkie was also unusually quiet. Her bouncy mane was deflated, and her usual bright smile was replaced with a very sad frown.

'I've been saying all those mean, nasty things about him while his special someone has died. I am just a big meany, meanest pants,' she thought, looking down at the floor.

Suddenly, her mane re-inflated back to its bouncy state as she was hit with her bestest idea ever.

"Hey, I know. Why don't we throw him a super awesome, amazingly, fantastic, ultra spectacular party to help cheer him up?" She cheered excitedly as she bounced on the spot.

"Pinkie, no!" Rainbow Dash stopped her. "Look, I know you mean well, but I don't think Danny would be too happy if he finds out we all know about his special someone being dead."

"But... party.." Pinkie said disappointed, her mane sagging ever so slightly.

"No, Pinkie. I have to agree with Rainbow on this one," Twilight told the pink mare. "But it does raise some questions. Is this connected in any way with what the princesses wanted to know, or is this just some tragic incident?" She thought out loud.

"Ah don't know, sugacube. But Ah think it's better if we don't mention any of it ta him, seeing as how he reacted earlier today an' all." Applejack reasoned.

"Are you sure?" Rarity asked. "If what you say is true, then it might be better for him to talk about it."

"Ah'm not sure that's wise, Rarity. Ya didn't see him back there. You didn't see his eyes," Applejack shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. She wanted to know because it might help her, help Danny. Despite her fear for almost everything, she couldn't stand the sight of someone being hurt.

"It was just... I don't know. Pain, fear, sorrow... All those things, but together," Rainbow Dash said lowly.

"Oh my," Rarity gasped.

"Yeah, I know," Rainbow Dash nodded. "I know."

"Look, girls. I know that this is not something we were expecting, but we need to keep focused here," Twilight said, unable to keep the sadness out of her voice. "Whatever it was that happened in his past might be, or not be, related to what the princesses are looking for. I will tell them what Applejack and Rainbow Dash have told us, but don't tell this to anypony else. Okay?" She asked her friends.

"Very well, if you think this is the best way of doing it, then I will." Rarity said.

"So will I." Fluttershy said confidently. She might not be able to talk about it, but she could still help Danny. One way, or another.

"Ya can count on us, Twilight." Applejack answered for both herself, and Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, what she said," Rainbow agreed.

"Okie doki loki, Twilight," Pinkie Pie piped up.

"I won't tell anypony either," Lyra confirmed.

"Okay then. I will send the report as soon as I can. Until then, just go on about your business." Twilight said, quickly writing a message to the princesses about what they had just learned. Now she only needed to wait for Spike to come home and send it.


It was late at night and Danny lay in bed, twisting and turning as his mind kept going from dreamless slumber to horrific nightmares.

Luna was, once again, fighting this unknown force which shielded his mind.

This night, however, she would lose.

Slowly, in the darkness that surrounded Danny, a shimmer occurred. Not a bright shimmer, but one made of complete darkness. A dark void that made the night sky look bright.

It began with an almost imperceptible distortion covering his entire body. Then, it slowly took shape as it slid of the sleeping form.

Standing there was Danny's shadow, looking down on its master with his toxic green, unblinking eyes.

It didn't understand. Why was this pony trying to enter its master’s mind? The shadow didn't understand. Its mind empty of any sense of self or individuality, and only the small portion it inherited from its master's mind was available to it to guide its actions.

The problem was however, it, the shade, came to be when its master was already in torment. And so, it didn't understand the concept of nightmares. Because of this, it thought its master was under some kind of attack, and did what it could do to protect its master.

But this pony was strong, very strong. And it was weak, too weak. It needed to get stronger if it wanted to protect its master. Fortunately, the same pony who tried to enter its master’s mind also provided the solution.

There was a dark presence within the energy she used. A lingering shadow. Weak and mostly powerless now, but once part of a greater whole.

It sensed this the first time and, as such believed this pony was not to be trusted. But she did provide it with a solution to help it shield its master against her.

This lingering shadow in her energy was something it could use. It stripped this shadow from the energy, and added it to its own.

It was never very smart to begin with, having only a fraction of its master’s mind to work with. It could only follow the commands given, unable to speak, and unable to act on its own.

Until now.

Now it had gained enough energy from this pony to properly protect its master.

Using its newly acquired energy, it put up a powerful barrier and pushed back the energy coming from the pony. But not until it had made sure it gained as much of the lingering shadow in the energy as it could.

Now free from the pony trying to gain entry to his mind, master returned to his normal sleep. Normal for the shadow, because it was not familiar with normal, pleasant dreams, only nightmares. And as Danny's twisting and turning became worse, the shadow stood by his side, looking down at its master. It opened its mouth, showing toxic green, sharp teeth. Then, it did something it was never able to do before.

"M...ma.. ma... Masterrrrr......" It spoke for the first time in its existence. Then it dissipated in the dark and became one again with Danny; keeping its presence hidden from him for the time being, but making sure the pony was unable to enter its master's mind.


Luna reared back in shock. The force that was used to drive her out of Danny's sleeping mind was far greater than anything she had previously experienced.

But how could this be? It was nowhere near as strong the previous night. She thought she would've been able to calm Danny's mind at least a couple more times, but now it became clear she was wrong. She was no longer able to help Danny sleep as, whatever this force was, it had now become far too strong for her to safely shield Danny's dreams.

"I'm sorry, Danny." Luna said with sorrow as she looked down, a tear streamed down her face. "I'm so, so sorry."

Author's Note:

Ok here it is, the next chapter. And frankly, it was a pain in the lower back. Yeah that whole region.
It is mostly slice of life stuff. The things necessary to progress the story, but a bit dull to write, (In my own humble opinion.)
Anyhow, some questions answered, and maybe some questions raised. Who knows what the crusaders are up to?

Also, Luna Lover19 asked me in a private message when we would see Danny back in action. Well I might as well answer that one here, since there might be more wondering the same.

Danny will soon come in some situations where he is forced to use his powers more intensely, but not yet an all out fight where everyone will go like, "AAAHH he is a ghost. Everypony run for your life!" That will not happen for some time.

First Danny needs to relearn the magic of friendship :pinkiehappy:, and then the story arc of season three is going to be involved. And if you think about it, then you will see that there are many things that just work perfect with the Danny Phantom universe.


For instance. Danny's struggle with his duplication ability, and Fun fun fun fun fun fun.

As usual, tell me about any mistakes I've made, and what could be done better.


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