• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,924 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Christmas Special

Edits done by Vates Despero, and Halusm.

The Fright Before Christmas


T'was the night before Christmas, and out in the void,
There was a guy locked up, and seriously annoyed.
A writer he was, and one with great creative sway.
But that's in the past, for the Halfa took it all away.

Christmas he hated, the Halfa dragging everyone down.
His mood so bad, it would even make Pinkie Pie frown.
His actions were destructive, his temper no good.
He destroyed the Writer's creation right where he stood.

The Writer swore and he cursed as he unleashed his anger,
While young Danny did not yet fully realize the danger.
He took up his pen, doing what he did best.
And using his skills, he the Halfa did test.

But to his shock and surprise oh so great.
The trap he had set, proved to deflate.
Enemies turned friend, sharing a Christmas brunch.
There was even a baby alligator floating in the punch.

Together they fought, defying all odds.
They beat down the Writer with laughter and nods.
Now he is trapped, his mind set on revenge.
The destruction of his creation, something he must avenge.

Hidden in darkness, and to the warden unknown,
He acquired a piece of paper, and a pen made of bone.
Writing, his strength. His skill among the best.
Now it was time to disturb poor Danny's calm rest.

His pen touched the paper, the words starting to flow.
As his devious plan unfurled, his grin began to grow.
While out in Ponyville, under a layer of white,
There were three young fillies, sharing a fright.

Their sleigh out of control, and nothing they could do.
A bump in the road sent Scootaloo flying in a corkscrew.
They ran and they screamed as they tried to catch up,
Chasing the sleigh in a full out gallop.

But it was of no use, for the snow was too thick.
And what happened next was most certainly no trick.
Racing ahead, before meeting its mark,
The sleigh was sent flying with a most graceful arc.

The fillies stopped running, watching with large eyes.
For what happened next was certainly a surprise.
The sleigh was sent soaring, before coming down.
Its path leading it straight, to the only human in town.

The Halfa Daniel Manson was enjoying his calm rest,
When a loud ruckus made his heart jump in his chest.
For out on the roof, he heard such a clatter.
So he ran outside to see what's the matter.

Slackjawed he stood, unable to move.
For there he saw a sleigh, he now had to remove.
Mumbling dumbly, and scratching his head.
Danny was certain, he should have stayed in bed.

Looking around for Santa, or a likely culprit,
He didn't know one of the bandits had been a spirit.
They huffed and they puffed as they ran into hiding,
Sweetie's eyes aglow, as a patch of ice sent them sliding.

Crashing and sliding, with their legs tied in knots,
They crashed into Danny, while freezing their plots.
Looking down at the troublesome trio with a curious eye,
The first thing he said was a questioning: "Why?"

Smiles crossed their features, embarrassed at that,
While the first thing they said was a simultaneous: "Oh, drat."
Raising his eyebrow, Danny asked: "What is it with you?"
And all of them missed something, which was already hidden from view.

For up in the clouds, they had all worked so fast,
The pegasi set into motion their snowy forecast.
Clouds as grey, and as thick as could be.
The snow falling down made it impossible to see.

Sighing loudly, and shaking his head,
Danny mutters grimly: "I really should have stayed in bed."
Giving a nod, and walking back inside,
The troublesome trio followed him with a slide.

The door closed behind them, locking in the warmth of the room.
The recipe for disaster was beginning to bloom.
For out in the twilight, searching through the gloom,
Were several ponies, looking for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.

Rarity was out looking, her coat white as snow.
But where her sister was hiding, she just didn't know.
Bellflower a pony, with heart straight and true,
But where Scootaloo was staying, Celestia only knew.

And then there was Applejack, a pony you could trust.
There she was out looking, despite snow or chilly gust.
They knew the girls were out playing, frolicking in the frosty air.
And as they continued looking, they met out in town's square.

"Rarity?" "Applejack?" "Bellflower?" they said quite surprised.
"Have you seen the Crusaders?" They further vocalized.
But no was the answer, the girls remained unseen by all.
So together they kept searching, in an ever increasing snowfall.

But their search would find nothing, their efforts fruitless at best,
None of them knowing, the girls were inside at Daniel's behest.
Finding no answers, and not willing to rest.
The mares kept on searching, like a being obsessed.

While sitting inside, on a sofa all comfy,
Drinking warm cocoa, while munching a brownie.
The Crusaders were happy, their plots no longer cold.
But Danny was frowning, the truth needed to be told.

"The sleigh, it was yours," he says with a frown,
And in response the Crusaders looked down.
"Yes it's ours," Apple Bloom says, voice heavy with guilt,
While quite by accident, a drop of cocoa was spilt.

Sighing out loud, while shaking his head,
His thoughts once more drifted back to his bed.
Looking outside, seeing the thickening snow,
He knew they were stuck as the storm would only grow.

"You girls cause trouble, that much is true.
But if I send you out now, you might get the flu."
Knowing they're stuck here, without much of a choice,
"You're staying here tonight," he says with a caring voice.

The fillies cheered, as they tackled him in a warm embrace.
Knowing his history, this would certainly be a difficult case.
When there came a knocking, from outside of his door.
With the weather outside, it was something he couldn't ignore.

Standing before him, all frozen and cold,
Where several mares, outside his threshold.
There was Applejack, Bellflower, and Rarity, of course.
But there were more with this many-hued force.

There was Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all smiling.
Even Twilight was there, the Crusaders saw, all spying.
:raritywink:"Danny, oh, how marvelous you're here.
We're looking for the Crusaders. Have you seen them, dear?"

Stepping aside, while extending his hand,
He invited them in as if this was planned.
With a bright smile, the Crusaders popped up.
While Scootaloo took another warm sip from her cup.

They laughed and they cheered their good luck,
But now came the point where things start to suck.
For out in the forest in a castle so old.
This holiday disaster, began to unfold.

For deep in the castle, a ghost portal did hide.
With frost giants and timberwolves guarding each side.
But they were trouble, they held up this play.
So for the sake of the story, I'll just write them away.

The words on the paper, their power set loose.
Their bodies disappearing, a doorway free for misuse.
With the path now open, and no time to lose.
There was still one problem, which ghost shall I use?

There was Specter, Skulker and Ember, all great.
And so many others, and Danny they all hate.
But first of all, a message I must send.
So just for this task, it will be Danny's glowing blue 'friend'.

The ghost of the boxes, just floating around.
With a flick of my pen, he's torn from the background.
Shooting through the Ghost Zone, the force, a tad extreme.
He was swiftly sent flying with a most girlish scream.

My words clouding his judgement, his mind under my control.
There was nothing he could do, no escape from his roll.
Passing through the portal, entering Equestria so quick.
Now came the time to meet up with the ghost boy prick.

Earl was flying and weaving through the castle's halls.
The idiot had forgotten, he could pass through solid walls.
The weather was awful, and difficult to thread.
But Earl didn't bother, 'cause he's already dead.

Braving the snow as he went on his way,
He was zeroing in, onto his prey.
While back with Danny, in his toasty abode,
Rarity had just gone through another dramatic episode.

But with the Crusaders now safeā€¦ well, mostly,
It is the perfect time for things to get, ghostly.
Quite unsuspectedly the room was lit with a bright flash of gold,
Everypony stared at Sweetie, while Danny was lost in a feeling of old.

He knew what it was, this puff of cold air,
But the confusion made him blankly stare.
When out on the roof, something's the matter.
As they could all hear a serious clatter.

Something came down the chimney like a bat out of hell,
But just what it was, no one could tell.
The dust was all blinding, giving a cough.
Whatever had happened, it was seriously rough.

The dust finally settled, allowing them to see.
And what they all saw made them want to flee.
The mares were all screaming, while Earl wasn't doing so well.
Blinking dumbly, Danny knew the sucker had fell.

His heart began racing, as sweat began to form.
Whatever happened Danny hoped he wouldn't have to transform.
Raising himself without much flair,
Earl looked around, before shouting: "Beware!"

"Beware you ghost freak," he shouted right on cue,
"My master, the Writer, has a message for you."
Danny's eyes shot wide open, his heart skipped a beat.
And right at that moment, he stood unsteadily on his feet.

"You destroyed my creation, and showed no shame.
Now they will pay for it, and you are to blame.
You think you can hide, to remain unseen?
I'll break this illusion, for now I'll be mean."

The ponies were all frightened, slowly backing away,
While Danny prepared to fight him, taking in his prey.
"Don't try to fight me, there is no way you can win.
But for this story written, it will be a good place to begin."

Danny swallowed loudly, wondering how this all ends.
No matter what might happen, he couldn't reveal himself to his friends.
But before he could act Earl grabbed a cardboard box,
And what happened next, was quite unorthodox.

The box's lid flung open, showing what's inside.
And it didn't take long to notice, this would be a bumpy ride.
They were sucked inside the cardboard, defying all logic.
It even felt like a thermos, which was kinda ironic.

The ponies all screamed, grasping at air,
And all the while, Danny could only stare.
The mares' fate he shared, they were treated the same.
For this is the beginning, of this sick twisted game.

But it wouldn't be Earl if everything went right,
Three youngsters were left, who must now deal with this plight.
Flying away with the box in his grasp,
With the Crusaders left watching, as they let out a gasp.

"What just happened, who was that weird guy?"
Apple Bloom asked, frightened, beginning to cry.
"I don't know," said young Sweetie Belle,
"But I'll tell you what. We're going to give him hell."

Her eyes were aglow as she bared her teeth.
Sweetie hung in the air, the ground well over a foot beneath.
:scootangel:"We need to help them, that much is true.
But where do we start, I don't have a clue?"

:unsuresweetie:"Don't you worry, I have a plan.
We'll save our sisters, and fight that madman."
With eyes aglow and a flash so bright,
Sweetie Belle prepared for the coming fight.

And while they are preparing for everything to come,
We take a look a our half ghost, known as Danny Phantom.
Through the portal we go, and into the ghosts' home.
We travel to the place, where lost souls roam.

For deep in the Ghost Zone, and long lost to time,
There lay an old ruin, covered in dust and grime.
The Box Ghost flew over, and dropped the cardboard cell.
When the gang used Pinkie's cannon, to blow the lid to hell.

Peeking over the edge, and climbing out of their trap.
Pinkie's mane had straightened, while her ears gave a flap.
"What just happened? Who was that weird guy?"
Twilight asked aloud, when they all looked up at the sky.

"What the hay!?" Applejack said in shock.
And they all realized, they're on a floating rock.
"This can't be real! It's not logical at all!"
Twilight said, her mane a mess, and feeling rather small.

It was all so strange, none dared to blink.
While Fluttershy was hiding, behind a curtain of pink.
"You better believe it. This is all real,"
Danny told them, used to such an ordeal.

:rainbowdetermined2:"But how do you know, what's the deal?
Just look at this place, it's all so unreal."
"Just take my word, I've been here before."
And by saying those words, Danny caused an uproar.

They were all shouting, with questions to ask.
But getting an answer would prove a difficult task.
For no sooner had those words left his mouth;
It took just seconds, and everything went south.

There was laughter and hissing, it all sounded so mad.
The situation they were in was certainly bad.
For out of the shadows, coming into view,
Were multiple ghosts who Danny all knew.

There was Skulker and Technus, and Spectra as well,
There were too many to count as Twilight charged a spell.
A shield was projected, covering all her friends.
Except for Danny, whose pretense finally ends.

Muttering grimly, he said, "Long time no see."
Despite the odds, he couldn't just flee.
He couldn't transform, that would surely bite.
But despite it all, he would certainly fight.

Holding his ground, and ready to face hell,
We circle back to our spirit, young Sweetie Belle.
For she and her friends were out in the snow,
Freeing the sleigh for the next act of this show.

Knocking the sleigh down with a burst of green,
Using the snow as cover, to keep themselves unseen.
Igniting her horn Sweetie produced a bright green glow,
And with this light, Apple Bloom tied up her lasso.

Grabbing the rope Apple Bloom had brought,
Sweetie put it in her mouth, before pulling it taut.
:unsuresweetie:"We need to go, so get on the sleigh.
We've ghost butt to kick and no time to delay!""

"Yeah," Scootaloo says, "We need to go.
For Applejack, Rarity, the others, and Rainbow."
Sweetie looked at her friend through her mane,
"You do realize I know everypony's name?"

:scootangel:"Then why are you waiting? This isn't a game.
Let's hurry up, or are you too lame?"
Huffing in irritation, Sweetie began to dash.
For they must save their friends, from that ghost trash.

Pulling the sleigh with all of her might.
Sweetie jumped up, before taking flight.
Her friends on the sleigh released a loud whoop,
With Scootaloo wishing to perform a loop de loop.

They flew through snow and howling wind,
With Sweetie Belle frowning, while the other two grinned.
They knew where to go and what had to be done,
While the Writer was hiding, from the warden.

It took a while before the guy went on his way,
Strengthening the Writer's resolve, Danny would pay.
Continuing the story right where he left off,
We switch back to Danny, in the middle of a standoff.

So there he was, our favorite half-dead guy.
Protecting his friends with his fists raised high.
While cowering under a dome of purple light,
The mares watched in horror, the lopsided fight.

They wanted to help, to protect their friend.
But whatever they tried, the Writer put to an end.
This fight is Danny's, and his alone.
Unless, of course, he called up a clone.

But he couldn't do that, his powers kept hidden.
For the failings in his past, he still hadn't forgiven.
But he continued the fight, with a determined glare.
While trying to figure a way out, of this ghostly lair.

But with the ghosts attacking, this would be a difficult affair.
The beating he got too horrible for every present mare.
But this was only the start, this much he knew,
While the unsuspecting mares didn't have a clue.

They watched in horror and serious despair,
Not realizing they'd been put in the crosshair.
For out of the shadows came such a terrifying sight,
With a mass of vinetacles growing to an incredible height.

He was laughing madly as his eyes glowed so bright.
Swinging his vinetacles, he joined the fight.
Danny could only watch as Skulker held him tight,
As Undergrowth hit Twilight's dome with all his might.

Cracks started to form, as the dome began to break,
And Danny knew what he must to do for the ponies' sake.
But before he could act, and reveal his true form.
Something else interrupted, which seems to be the norm.

Quite unexpectedly, and with screams oh so loud.
The Crusaders fell from the sky, their sleigh plowing into the ghostly crowd.
There was Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and dear Sweetie Belle,
But how they'd gotten there, nopony could tell.

They poked up their heads as they looked around,
Their sudden appearance had silenced all sound.
:unsuresweetie:"Well, that shouldn't have happened. Why'd I change back?"
Sweetie's voice echoed, while the ghosts recovered from the unexpected smack.

:raritywink:"Sweetie Belle!" :ajsmug:"Apple Bloom!" :rainbowdetermined2:"Squirt!" They shout.
And Rarity fainted on her sofa in her usual freakout.
The fillies, smiling broadly while acting all bold,
Trotted over Danny, who was still in Skulker's hold.

All eyes were on them, while tension filled the air.
While the girls gave the ghosts their most angry glare.
:ajsmug:"Girls, get outta there. It's not safe ta be here!"
But they could only watch, while their hearts were gripped by fear.

"Hey, Danny," Sweetie said with a grin.
Seeing him trapped there, she knew where to begin.
She secured her stance, while holding up her chin.
The child truly believed that she could win.

The Writer was laughing, she really wasn't smart.
As by his words, everything would fall apart.
Danny would lose, watching everyone fail.
But quite unexpectedly, there was another twist to this tale.

The Write gasped as a glow seized his pen of bone.
But the source of this was still an unknown.
He stared in confusion, as the words continued to flow.
But to his horror, he was no longer in control of this show.

More in a daze, than actual clear thought.
He reached out to the paper, but it was all for naught.
Black wisps of darkness clung to his form,
While the shadows around him began to deform.

While on the paper, with words written in green,
The story moved back, to Danny's fight scene.
With Twilight's shield failing, and breaking apart,
What needed to be done once more became clear in Danny's heart.

Fiercely outnumbered he would soon find he wasn't alone,
When he looked down on the filly and saw how her eyes shone.
What was going on? He needed to know.
But before he could ask, she delivered a glowing green blow.

Skulker flew back without any sound,
Save for the thuds, as everyone's jaws hit the ground.
The Crusaders gave each other a winning grin,
Not fully realizing the situation they'd put themselves in.

:raritywink:"Sweetie Belle, what did you just do?"
Her sister asked, not having a clue.
Sweetie smiled broadly, but didn't reply.
Instead she turned to Danny, and looked him in the eye.

:unsuresweetie:"We both have secrets that shouldn't be told,"
She said as she held out a hoof for Danny to hold.
"But we need to save our friends from this coming storm,
And the only way to do so, is for us to transform."

Danny blinked dumbly as he was pulled from the ground,
and together they prepared for the next fighting round.
While Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were standing on the side,
Helping calm their friends, who were all terrified.

But they were in for a surprise which defied every norm,
As right before their eyes, Danny and Sweetie began to transform.
With their jaws on the ground, and every eye as big as a plate,
None of them could begin to imagine the events that await.

Danny and Sweetie prepared to fight off the scum,
While Twilight shouted, "You're Danny Phantom!"
Danny sighed while scratching his head.
Turning around, he said, "Surprise. I'm half dead."

They were all silent, not sure what to say.
When Sweetie used her hoof to fire another green ray.
Rarity looked at her sister with shock and surprise,
Unable to comment on her sister's new guise.

:unsuresweetie:"Come on, Danny. We don't have all day,"
Sweetie said, lowering her hoof, before flying away.
He gave a nod, showing no hesitation, and no longer lame,
For right at that moment, Danny Phantom was back in the game.

Working together, they performed their first heroic deed,
Attacking Undergrowth, they cut down that oversized weed.
The Crusaders bumped hooves, while cheering quite loud.
Seeing their friends take out that vegetable, acting all proud.

The ghosts were all furious, their angry cries filled the air,
But Danny didn't care, as he gave them his most venomous glare.
Together they fought, with body parts aglow,
Danny and Sweetie, they fought off every foe.

"But how can this be? This is not what I'd planned at all,"
The Ghost Writer wondered, stuck tight to his prison wall.
Darkness surrounds him, holding him in place,
While the shadows distorted before taking, the form of a face.

"How can this be? You pathetic fool.
I've taken control, using your very own tool.
You planned to hurt the human till his body was dead and rotten,
But despite it all, there is one you have forgotten."

The darkness expanded, filling the room,
With the Writer shaking, as he looked up at his doom.
The form wore armor in some ancient style,
While it looked down at him with a most evil smile.

"I'll be honest. I, too, want the human dead.
But unfortunately for me, I'm still living in his head.
His powers I need. They will give me my own form.
And I will take them from him, in the coming storm."

"But your actions are troubling, interfering with my might.
There is only one in control here. Me, the Mistress of the Night.
But no sooner had she spoken, when something did remind.
There were two in this body, and Shadow told her to be kind.

Green became orange, two orbs burning in the black.
And as Shadow took over, he took a step back.
"You tried to hurt my master, that's a hard fact.
And normally we would fight, if it wasn't for a time honored pact."

"But you know about this, as it is why you are here.
There shall be no fighting, this has to be crystal clear.
But we will not go easy, you still need to pay."
And with a flick of the pen, oranges filled the cell as Shadow went on his way.

Screams filled the air, thereabouts in the green void.
For locked in his prison, the Writer was seriously annoyed.
How could he have failed? His plan broken apart.
He had to find out, but where would he start?

He twisted and turned, stuck in an ocean of fruit.
But his movement squished out juices, which ruined his prison suit.
He screamed out in anguish, trapped in a personal hell.
While we looked back to Danny, who had unleashed his ghostly yell.

Tremors reverberated, knocking everyone to the ground.
And at the end of it, they all looked at him without a sound.
Ponies and specters, ghost or alive.
They all watched as his powers took a steep dive.

He dropped to a knee, turning back in a flash of white.
His powers depleted, he was no longer able to fight.
But Sweetie was still there, ready to put her skills to the test.
But nothing really happened, as everything came to a rest.

They all looked around in surprise and confusion,
When Shadow dropped in, bringing the fight to its conclusion.
Watching in silence, and not moving an inch.
Then Shadow spoke up, making everyone flinch.

"The Writer is beaten, your minds free once more.
This fight is now over, return to how things were before.
And don't worry about the Writer, although he did break the pact.
He already got what was coming. I assure you of this fact."

The ghosts were all mumbling, flying away.
While Skulker was grumbling, eyeing Danny, his favorite prey.
Yet leave they all did, not making a fuss.
Except for the mares, who had unfinished business.

They all had questions, that much was sure.
The verbal barrage something Danny and the foals had to endure.
They answered and answered, trying their best.
But it took a long time before their worries were put to rest.

But there was still tension, and awkwardness to boot,
With Danny's morality currently in dispute.
His former failings still haunted him this day,
He feared that, unfortunately, he would once more have to go away.

But it is Christmas, a time of miracles as well.
When to his defence came Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle.
Their actions were caring, and the hearts of all were moved.
But Danny's innocence still was not proved.

They heard of his crime, the tale Vlad had spun.
And such accusations are not easily undone.
And then there was Shadow, humming a catchy tune.
His form all too familiar, as he looked like Nightmare Moon.

For the ponies his form was troubling, and for Danny as well.
Not expecting him to be so different, this certainly was a bombshell.
But explanations were given, and everything was swell.
But how did this happen? Is it some Christmas spell?

"No," is the answer, and Shadow shows what was done.
With him a pen and paper, indicating how he had won.
The pen was still moving, showing his innocent crime.
The story is still being written, that's why everything is still done in rhyme.

"Oh, are you kidding?! Just give me a break!"
The author complains, the rhyming giving him a headache.
Everyone was laughing, the situation certainly strange.
With a flick of the pen, the scenery did change.

They were all back home, in Danny's warm abode.
They didn't even question just how this story flowed.
But this story isn't over until it ends with a fright.
But as you well know, it had already happened this night.

Sure, the target was Danny, but he happened to be saved.
So the punishment came to another, someone who had misbehaved.
For stuck in his prison, there out in the green void.
The Writer was screaming, his latest plan completely destroyed.

But to make things worse, and compounding his hate.
Is the mass of oranges, their growing numbers beginning to accumulate.
He cursed at the shadow, the source of his pain.
As, very slowly, he began to go insane.

His mind is now gone, lost by his own might.
It is certainly harsh, and definitely not right.
But it's just a story, written just for this night.
So, until the story updates, I wish you all, a good fright.

Author's Note:

Hey there, everyone.

I hope you've enjoyed this little Christmas special I have presented you with. And let me tell you, it was definitely one of the hardest chapters I've written. Not because of the length, but because everything was done in rhyme. Still, I got the idea about a month ago, and I really felt like it was a good idea to both give my writing skills a bit of a workout, and to give you all a funny Christmas gift. Still, this wouldn't have been possible without the help of my editor, Vates Despero. Really, go give this guy a hug of appreciation.

Now, although I think it is obvious, it should be said that this chapter is not canon with the rest of the story. When the fic updates come next year, the secret identities of our ghost boy/man and spirit filly are still secret. What happened here does not affect the canon fic in any way. So don't you worry. That said, there may be one or two small things in here foreshadowing things to come or to be revealed in the future.

Now, with that taken care off, there is only one more thing for me to say:

And a

And, just because I feel like it. Here's an oldie, but a goldie.

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