• Published 2nd Jun 2013
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Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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She's a Spirit

Edited by Slayerseba, Clayton the Hunter, and Halusm.

She's a Spirit


It was past midnight when the group of ponies and human joined at Twilight's, all unsuccessful in their search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Fear and worry now clearly present among all, desperately trying to figure out where those fillies could have gone to; all thinking, but not saying the one thought plaguing their minds: What if they were taken by a ghost?

All of them thought so, except Danny, whose worried frown came not from not knowing, but the exact opposite. And even then, the questions he was asking himself were all left unanswered too.

It was with quite the surprise when Eclipse had first told him she now existed between him and his other half, and was able to relay any and all information between each other. Even more so when, merely ten or fifteen minutes after this message, Eclipse informed him about another, completely unexpected development: Cujo.

To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He was just glad Twilight was walking behind him and unable to see his face. Still, the unexpected stop he'd made did cause the mare to bump into him. But as shocking it was for Cujo to be here, nothing could have prepared him for what Eclipse revealed to him only moments ago; and he struggled not to show it.

'A frost giant named Wind Chill. Ghost horses en mass. These changelings, and this illness,' his right hand tightened in a slightly trembling fist. 'Sweetie Belle-'

"Danny, is everything alright?" Rarity asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Looking at the mare, then the rest, Danny realized he'd completely zoned out. Even Owlowiscious, Twilight's pet owl sitting perched on top of one of the book cases, looked at him quizzically.

Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, Danny focused on the group around him. "Sorry, kinda spaced out there." He then yawned, loudly, providing him with a credible excuse. "It's been a long night… a long day," he sighed, shaking his head. "Anyhow, what did you say?"

"We'd asked if ya know anythaing else that might be helpful," Applejack told him, looking at him with a studious gaze. "Anythaing at all?"

"You did say you've never seen something like what we saw in the barn before, but maybe there is something you've forgotten?" Twilight suggested.

"Please, Danny. Think." Bellflower pleaded. "If there is anything, anything that could help us find the fillies, tell us."

With his jaw set and a deep frown wrinkling his forehead, Danny looked down at his feet, and the shadow cast in the light of the overhead lamp.

"I'll admit I've seen a thing or two on the news. A few times personally…" he fell silent for a bit, frown deepening. "But nothing about a ghost and ice… At least, not like this," he muttered.

"Not like this?" Rarity repeated. "So there is something?!"

"Considering the weather is not out of complete control, I doubt this ghost is involved."

"Woah woah woah," Rainbow Dash balked. "What in the Hay do you mean with that!?"

Snorting, Danny looked at the blue pegasus. "There was this one time where a ghost in complete control of all of Earth's weather wreaked havoc around the globe. Wanted to make a perfect storm, or something like it. Bit difficult not to notice, seeing it was global. And yes, this also included snow, hail, and ice. But this—" he pointed a thumb over his shoulder towards a window "— Definitely not his handiwork."

Rainbow Dash looked at Danny as if he was crazy, eyes slightly wild while her mouth hung partially open.

"You're kidding, right? You have to be. There is no way one ghost… or anyone could control all the weather themselves."

"I've seen differently, so, yeah… I guess." He shrugged, sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "But that is not helping us. If this ghost was involved with any of this, trust me, we'd know. The whole world would know. No, we're dealing with something else. Something-"

'Master, I must go. Quick, step out of the light before any of them notices your shadow disappearing!'

"Something, what?" Twilight pressed on, all of them confused by Danny suddenly falling silent.

Surprised, shocked, and more than a little frightened by what Eclipse just told him, Danny fumbled for words while he rapidly scanned the room for any place where he could stand that wouldn't give away his missing shade. Unfortunately, the entire room was basked in a warm light that eliminated any and all shadowy places for Danny to retreat to.

Feeling Eclipse's fragment leaving him, and noticing the fading of the darkness around his feet, Danny stopped thinking and instead just acted.

"Sorry, toilet. Gotta go," he blurted out, wasting little time sprinting for the aforementioned utility before any protest could be given; locking the door behind him and pressing his back against the wooden surface while forcing his breathing to calm down.

'Eclipse!' He called out, receiving no reply. 'Eclipse?'

A single, loud knock on the door shook him back to the other problem now waiting for him on the other side of the door, and a cold sweat began to form. There was no way he could properly explain any of this, least of all his now missing shadow. And just disappearing like, well, a ghost would only make things worse. No way he looked at it, there was no getting out of this building disaster.

"Okay, Danny," Applejack's voice carried through the door. "Ah know ya're hiding somethaing. Being pretty obvious 'bout it, also. Now, normally Ah don't really mind one keepin' a secret or two, but not this time. So, come out an' spill tha beans."

"I… ehhh. I don't know what you're talking about," Danny lied, poorly. Trying to find a way to salvage the situation; practically able to feel the deadpan stare Applejack gave upon his answer.

"Uh huh, and Ah'm the king of Appaloosa."

Pinkie Pie sucked in a large, shocked and amazed breath. "You are? You never told me that! This requires a super-duper-grand-hmphh" She was promptly cut off by Rainbow Dash, who shoved a hoof in her mouth.

"Danny," Twilight started, a hint of hesitance noticeable. "Does this…. Does this, by any chance, have something to do with what you told me earlier? About your… friend."

Danny tensed, eyes wide. And, although unseen by the ponies on the other side of the door, they could sense it. Twilight just hit a raw nerve. Something that made Danny act in the way he did.

"What friend?" Rarity asked, genuinely curious.

Twilight, biting her lower lip and rubbing her left foreleg with her right hoof in nervous uncertainty, looked away from her friends. Still, no answer came from Danny, and she knew someone had to say something. Closing her eyes, she sighed out.

"Remember what you and Applejack told me a while ago?" She aimed at Rainbow Dash. "About what Danny said when he stayed for lunch at Sweet Apple Acres, and you, eh, pressed him a bit too far."

For a moment Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight in confusion. Then something clicked and her eyes widened in understanding; locking eyes with Applejack for a split second as she, too, made the connection.

"You mean about when he said the one he loved died?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Hearing this, Danny flinched, hands balled in trembling fists.

Twilight nodded sadly, looking down as she slowly moved for the closed door.

"Danny, is it alright if I tell them what you told me?"

Danny remained silent, locked in horrible dilemma. He never wanted this. Any of it. All he wanted was to get away from those memories and all connected to it; ghosts and all. Yet, even going as far as to move to a different world, fate, it seemed, wouldn't let him. Pulling him back in at every turn; throwing a curveball at times where he'd believed things were back under control, and thus forcing him to improvise and make mistakes. Mistakes he, most of the time, was able to solve through one way, or the other. Not so much by clever tactics, or problem solving, but thanks to his general dumb luck when it came to these things.

Now though, it was a different matter. He was cornered. There was no denying this fact. Eclipse suddenly leaving without much of an explanation, and only the slightest of warnings, surrounded by so many, and no proper way to hide his now missing shadow, Danny made a mistake. A very, very big mistake. A mistake he couldn't solve without revealing the one side of his he knew must remain a secret at all cost. The thing is, though. He didn't have to solve this problem. Twilight already had done this for him. Or, at the very least, part of it.

Despite having twisted certain facts, and made up a few more details about what happened with Sam, he'd never said exactly how it happened. And now, locked in an inescapable room, with too many witnesses waiting on him behind the door his back was still pressed to, he realized he had to make a very difficult choice.

Use his powers to escape without any proper way to explain, and most likely be forced to pack his belongings and run as far and as fast as he could before anyone could corner him a second time, and possibly learn the truth of his dual nature, or continue the lie he told Twilight.

He didn't like either option. Both possibilities weighing heavily on him. Yet, as much as he hated it, he'd knew it was easier to continue a lie than it was to run away again.

Besides, there was one truth that would make all of this work. One fact that would connect his lie of a past to what was going on now. A fact he hated himself for. There was ice used the day Sam died. The power of ice he himself used against that... thing; only to have it turned against himself.

"Danny?" Twilight softly called out to him again. This time a heavy, heart torn sigh answered her.

"I didn't really lie when I said I hadn't seen before what I saw in that barn of yours, Applejack," he finally spoke, voice lowered and slightly muffled through the door, forcing the mares to be as silent as they could be to hear him; choosing his words carefully so he could twist the facts while still remain truthful enough to be believable. And it was true what he said. Before he'd set foot inside the barn, he hadn't seen what was inside. "But, truth be told, there are many things I haven't seen… or wish I hadn't…" He fell silent again after that, and several long, tense seconds ticked by in terrible silence. Then a loud, heartfelt sigh came from beyond the door. "That ghost, the one who….. ice was one of the things it used." Danny revealed, hearing numerous gasps while he himself felt disgusted with himself; using what had happened, twisted as it may be to, at the very least, steer away any suspicion from him. Still, unless he'd found a solution for his missing shade, it would have been all for nothing.

Luck, questionable as it might be, seemed to be in his favor though.

With a loud, surprising screech, Owlicious suddenly went wild; going for the magically charged light affixed above and somehow damaging the empowering rune, plunging the treehouse in complete darkness.

Yells and screams of surprise, fear and shock all reverberated through the now dark home. Acting quickly, Twilight and Rarity charged their horns, illuminating their immediate surroundings with violet and light blue light.

"What was that, what happened?!" Danny called out, alarmed as he unlocked the door and rushed out without thought.

"Owlowiscious, what just happened?" Twilight asked as she carefully moved for the now seemingly calm owl perched on top of a small pile of books still in need of reshelving.

Only a lowered screech came in reply as Owlowiscious seemed more interested in preening his left wing.

"M-m-maybe us being so anxious has gotten t-to him too?" Fluttershy suggested with small voice, hiding behind Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

"Maybe?" Twilight murmured, looking at the owl first, then the damaged light up above.

"Can ya fix the light, though?" Applejack asked, her form mostly hidden in the dark.

"It shouldn't be too difficult," Twilight answered. "But I need to see exactly what he damaged first. Right now, though, that is hardly important." Then, with an increased luminosity to her horn, a small orb of magic grew in the air a leg's length above her head; increasing the light to the point where everyone was able to see one another, even if the violet light basked them in an eerie glow.

Fortunately, though, the unnatural light also made it all but impossible for any of them to notice Danny's missing shadow, as their own shade was nearly imperceptible too.

Danny frowned as he noticed this, unsure how to feel about the situation, yet glad to an extent that it happened. Still, now that the unexpected situation had been dealt with, all attention was once again back on him. And now, no longer locked away, Danny felt himself wither under the looks of sorrow and pity now aimed at him.

It was Applejack who was first to act; rearing up and pulling him in a tight hug from which he couldn't just pull away.

"Ah'm sorry. Ah shouldn't have pressed like that."

Soon, the others followed suit and before long, Danny found himself in the middle of a pony group hug. Completely flabbergasted, all he could do was look around with wide eyes. Then his sight locked on Owlowiscious, and for a split second Danny thought he saw… something in the eyes of the bird. The next second, it was gone and he was sure it must've been a trick of the violet light.

Regardless of what he thought he saw, one thing became clear to him. He got lucky this time. He doubted there would be a second chance. He would have to be careful. More so than he'd been up until this point. He couldn't have them begin to suspect him. He had already lost one home, he couldn't stand to lose another. And as the group finally parted, Danny hoped all of this better be worth the trouble. Not so much for him, nor Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, or Scootaloo, but the changelings he knew they were trying to save.


An hour earlier.

"Now, what the hell is going on here?!" Danny demanded, the blue aura around him fading as he hovered above the small crater he'd slammed into the snow covered ground.

"Great One," the frost giant gasped, looking down at Danny with reverent awe.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle spoke up, partially hidden in a hole she was trying to climb out of.

Danny looked at Sweetie Belle with wide eyes, shocked she knew his name. Then realization kicked in. He is Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. His infamy reached even this world, and Sweetie Belle must've recognized him from some picture or something.

However, as he looked at the filly with the telltale look of a deer in headlights, he could see many things in the child's eyes, but fear wasn't one of them. Instead, there was almost a sense of wonder as she looked at him.

"Great One, thank the Ancestors!" The frost giant said with relief and hope. "Surely this has to be a sign."

Blinking, Danny looked at the giant, then back to Sweetie Belle, and finally up at the spectral horses still slowly circling around in the air.

"I'll ask again. What is going on here?" Danny asked, looking back at the giant.

A sudden puff of cold air escaped his mouth, however, and it was with a gasp that he looked down at Sweetie Belle as she slowly levitated herself out of the hole.

Taking a step back in shock, Danny stared at the hovering filly with wide, unbelieving eyes.

"It can't be?"

Looking down at the filly by his feet, the giant huffed grimly.

"It would appear it can," he spoke, looking back at Danny, then knelt before him. "Great One, you may not know me for we have never personally met, but it warms my cold heart to see you've returned. My name is Wind Chill, sworn guardian to young Apple Bloom, and helping hand to young spirit Sweetie Belle."

"Spirit!?" Danny exclaimed, his voice echoing over the frozen plains as his eyes locked back on Sweetie Belle.

"Eh… hi Danny," she said sheepishly, slowly lowering herself to the ground. "I guess I'm kinda like you now… Uh, what did you call it again?" She asked Wind Chill.

"A Halfa," he replied.

This time, Danny knew his unbeating heart had stopped completely, taking another involuntary step back.

"You… You know about me… About… Me?" He asked, almost in panic.

Looking down, Sweetie Belle kicked away some snow as she slowly nodded her head.

"I do… Apple Bloom and Scootaloo do too," she revealed, and one of Danny's eyes started to twitch.

"... How...?"

"I… well… because of this," she said, then a band of energy flashed into existence around her, and Danny watched with eyes the size of dinner plates as Sweetie Belle transformed. Her once white fur becoming a gleaming silver, while her mane and tail became translucent and started to billow in an ethereal breeze; their two toned colors replaced with the same silver, but with streaks of vibrant blue coursing through it. As for her legs. Large, oversized boots as black as the night materialized to cover them.

"You… wha… but…. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!? How are you a ghost? Why are there horses flying around? Why is there a frost giant here? How did he get here? What is with all this ice?... Am I losing my mind? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Did I lose my-"


A dark, in the night invisible hand slapped Danny on the back of his head with enough force for his head to snap forwards, while the sound was loud enough to echo. Wind Chill and Sweetie Belle, both unable to see who, or what just hit Danny, looked at the confused, and now also angry human as he turned on his assailant.

"ECLIPSE, what the hell!?" Danny roared.

"Don't pretend you didn't have it coming," came the smooth, female reply, and Sweetie Belle squeaked in surprise and recognition, while Wind Chill gasped out.

Raising a hand, he channeled some of his energy, basking the area in a luminescent ice blue glow; revealing to them the shadowy mirror's image of Danny standing behind him.

"A shade!" Wind Chill bellowed, then he gasped in recognition. "Great One, is this the shade bestowed upon you through that failed possession?"

"The one and only," Eclipse replied cooly, rubbing her hand on her chest. "Just a bit better than you remember me to be."

"It replies?" Wind Chill reared back in shock. "It can think for itself? How did this happen?"

"Well, it all started with this one pony who-"

"Enough!" Danny yelled, hands in hair from frustration. "Is anyone going to explain what is going on around here, or what?!"

Sweetie Belle squeaked in fright over the harshness in Danny's voice.

"Trying to explain everything that has happened up until this point will take far too long, I'm afraid," Wind Chill told him. "Especially considering young Sweetie Belle, her friends, and I are involved in a matter of great severity. One where time is of the essence."

"Oh no," Sweetie Belle gasped, remembering why she was here. "Erlea! The changelings! We've got to get down and help them, NOW!"

"Change-what now?" Danny asked.

"Perhaps it would be better to show you," Wind Chill said. "Surely, your arrival here can't be a coincidence." He then turned to the frozen tunnel entrance and, with a blast of arctic energy, opened the passage.

"Young spirit, lead the Great One to your friends. I will remain here and make sure the Saldēti Zirgi won't cause any more trouble."

"Are you sure?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"I am. Now that they have calmed down, it should be a much simpler task."

Nodding with uncertainty, Sweetie Belle turned to Danny. "Please follow me," she said urgently, flying off into the tunnel before he could even reply.

Not understanding what he'd gotten himself into this time, and even more confused than five minutes ago, Danny arched a single eyebrow, glancing to the giant for, hopefully, an answer.

"Please hurry, Great One," Wind Chill implored urgently. "Any questions you have must wait until this crisis is dealt with."

Inhaling deeply and holding his breath for a moment, Danny turned back at the tunnel entrance. "Fine," he exhaled loudly. "But I want some answers after all of this is over."

"And you shall have them," Wind Chill promised. "Now, quick. Aid young Sweetie Belle."

Nodding, Danny flew into the tunnel with speed; easily catching up with the exhausted filly who, it seemed had transformed back to her mortal self as she'd ran out of what little energy she had left after her fight with the spectral horses.

Outside the tunnel, however, Eclipse remained; watching the giant for a moment, unseen in the darkness save for her glowing, orange eyes.

Wind Chill, too shaken after being saved by the Great One. The one ghost above all others, who vanished without a trace, only to appear when he was no longer able to fight, completely missed the (spy?) of darkness as he carefully moved for the crater Danny had slammed into the snow; faint wisps of radiant energy steaming off the mirror smooth surface of ice Danny had left behind.

"Could it be possible?" Wind Chill murmured as he dropped to a knee, scraping one of his claw like nails over the frozen surface, unable to leave a mark. "... Frostbite?"

'Frostbite? Does he mean his village leader?' Eclipse thought, hearing Wind Chill murmur something else quietly, but it was too faint for her to pick up.

Contemplating for a moment to remain and maybe learn more, she eventually decided it would be better to join her master instead, and help him with whatever it was he was heading into.

And so, without notice, she fell flat to the ground and slithered after Danny; catching up after a while and finding her master flying at a moderate pace as he carried Sweetie Belle on his back; the filly noticeably drained. The two of them also seemed to be in conversation.

Not feeling like interrupting, Eclipse seamlessly and, mostly unnoticed, merged back with Danny; listening in on the conversation of which she'd missed most of what was already said as they left the claustrophobic confines of the tunnel and entered a massive chamber.

She and Danny fell silent upon what awaited them there.


A couple minutes earlier, and slightly to the right.

Nodding, Danny flew into the tunnel with speed; easily catching up with the exhausted filly who, it seemed had transformed back to her mortal self as she'd ran out of what little energy she had after her fight with the spectral horses.

"Hey, hold on," Danny said, matching Sweetie Belle's speed and flying besides her.

"I can't. We need to hurry!" Sweetie Belle panted through teeth.

Danny, being overly familiar with the after effects of spectral exhaustion, didn't hesitate to scoop the filly of the ground and placed her on his back.

"I'll fly, you talk," he told her, voice friendly but firm. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw Sweetie Belle nod; wrapping her legs around Danny's shoulders for support. "Okay, how, just how are you a ghost, too?"

"Actually, I'm a spirit," Sweetie Belle corrected. "Oh, go left there."

Doing as was said, Danny flew left, still glancing at the filly.


"Yes," Sweetie Belle nodded. "That's what that weird book said I was."

"Book, what book?" Danny asked, confused, slowing down a bit.

"Don't stop," Sweetie Belle cried out, urging Danny to pick up his speed. Exhaling tiredly, Sweetie Belle confirmed with a nod. "Yeah, a book. My friends and I found it in Twilight's basement when we were looking for a book about ghosts."

This time, Danny did stop.

"Why on Earth, eh, Equestria would you want to do that?"

Sweetie Belle bit her lip, looking away guiltily.

"After what happened in the forest, with the manticore," she revealed, and Danny felt his body tense up. "Something weird happened to it, and my friends and I thought it was a ghost that did it."

Danny felt himself go slack, breathing out a sigh of mixed frustration and appreciation.

"You fillies certainly are a lot more perceptive than most I've met," he said, slightly shaking his head in disbelief and amazement.

"What do you me-" Sweetie Belle began, only to fall silent, mouth partially open as her eyes widened in realization. "It-... It was you!?"

"Yeah, it was," Danny confirmed, smirking just a little bit as he glanced back at the child on is back. The next second, Danny suddenly found himself half choked as Sweetie Belle tightened her hold on him, hugging him with all the strength she had left.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," she repeated over and over again, gratitude thick in her voice.

Danny, although half ghost, did still require some intake of air. So, using perhaps a bit more force than required, he pulled the suffocating legs away from his neck; readjusting the grabbing hooves to his shoulders so Sweetie Belle wouldn't fall off after he'd let go of her.

Sweetie Belle, realizing what just happened, smiled sheepishly at the back of his head.

"Ehh… Sorry."

"Don't mention it," he told her. Taking a deep breath, he resumed their course down through the tunnel. "Okay, so there was a book that said you were a spirit?"

"Yeah, the title said it was the Necronomicon." Sweetie Belle answered and, once again, Danny came to a full stop.

"The book of the dead!?" He said, shocked.

"The book of the what now?" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"The book of the dead," Danny repeated, face set. "I've only heard of it. Never thought it was real, actually… Probably should have," he murmured more as an afterthought. "Wait, You said Twilight had it in her basement?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, but… I don't think she knows," she said with noticeable uncertainty. "This book… it was weird. Really weird. Almost as if it was-"

"Alive," Danny finished grimly.

"Yeah… Wait, how do you know that?"

"I've seen a few books in the Ghost Zone. None of them are like how books are in our worlds." Sighing, he shook his head and once more continued down the path before him. "Now, explain to me exactly. How did you become a spirit? Because, as far as I know, there isn't an unstable portal anywhere around here for you to wander into."

"Unstable portal?" Sweetie Belle said. "Is that how you became a Halfa?"

"Yeah… Long story, and not what's important right now," he answered, glancing back at the filly, expecting some answers from her.

"I became a spirit because my friends and I found a spell to summon a spirit in the Necronomicon. It… didn't really go as we planned," she answered shamefully.

"Why in Equestria would you want to summon a spirit?" Danny asked, disbelieving.

"To earn our ghost hunting Cutie Marks."

Danny could only stare at the filly with wide eyes, unable to believe those fillies would do such things merely to earn this mark of theirs.

"Okay… For my own sanity, I think it's probably better to leave that for later… Let's just skip to the end and, tell me what is going on here."

Nodding, Sweetie Belle pointed Danny to a passage to the right. "A while back, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and I found a changeling chased by timberwolves in the Everfree Forest. After saving her… and after a few other things happened, she told us her kind was dying from some kind of sickness."

"Wait, all of them?" Dany asked, shocked.

Sweetie Belle nodded, face grim. "Yeah… just about." Sighing, she continued. "So, after she told us what was happening, we had to help but didn't know how. So we went to see the Elder, hoping she'd know a way to cure the changelings."

"Who's the Elder?"

"She's the frost giant who's been helping us. She knows a lot. Something about her being an Embodiment of Truth, or something?"

"Wait, I thought that frost giant out there is called Wind Chill? And he most definitely is a guy."

"No, not him," Sweetie Belle giggled. "She lives in the Far Frozen. The frost giants there also helped me with my powers," she said, more as an afterthought, not noticing the gradual decline of speed. "Frostbite is really nice."

"..." Danny's mouth opened and closed, yet no words escaped him as he tried to get a grasp on everything the filly was telling him. Eventually, he managed to focus on a singular strain of thought that perfectly encompassed the flurry of thoughts currently running amok through his mind: "I have so many questions… But that'll have to wait… also. Just tell me what's important now, and leave everything else."

Nodding, Sweetie Belle continued. "Okay. We went to the Elder, and she told us we could find a cure for the changelings from a ghost in the Dark Zone. She then gave us this map, called the Infi-map, which then took us exactly where we needed to go, only for us to wind up on a lifeless island. There we found a massive wolf called, Fenris, who most other ghosts, including Wind Chill, see as some horrible ancient evil. He was rather reluctant to help us, but after some things, most of which I missed, he agreed to help. He's already down there, helping…. hopefully. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are there as well."

"Okay… you, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went on some insane mission to help a sick and dying species with the help of a frost giant and a large wolf ghost, who may or may not be an ancient evil... " Danny repeated in one breath, looking at the filly for confirmation. When she nodded, Danny looked back forwards to where he was going. "... Huh. You know, despite it all, weirder things have happened to me."

Suddenly, he felt Eclipse merge back with his being.

'What kept you?' He asked.

'Just making sure your backs were secure,' she answered as Danny entered a massive chamber; both of them gasping out upon the sight of the grand city before them.

"Wow… What is this place?" Danny asked breathlessly.

"This is the changeling's city," Sweetie Belle explained, she then pointed towards one of the largest stalactites. "The castle is that way. Hurry!"

Taking only a few more seconds, Danny pulled his gaze away from the awe inspiring sight; from the large stalactites with walkways encircling them, to the gravity defying bridges connecting them all. The waterfall cascading down within the city itself, to the strange, luminescent plants covering most of the structure; growing down far beneath the city until its glow could no longer be seen in the dark abyss below.

Frowning, Danny flew up and towards where Sweetie Belle directed. "Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Look for the fires," Sweetie Belle answered, voice unusually hollow as she looked towards the small flickers of light in the distance. The memory of all the sick and dead lying around the hastily built pyres for what little warmth they could get making her shudder.

Danny, taking notice of just how empty her voice was, as well as the chilling shudder that translated through to his own body, quickly connected the pieces. And so it was with a certain measure of expectancy when he came upon the sight of all the bodies. It didn't prevent him from sucking in a breath from shock; closing his eyes as he slowly exhaled, finally fully understanding the situation.

"This is bad," he murmured, scanning the insectoid ponies he saw below; most of them unmoving, save for the few who tended for the sick. All of them, Danny noticed, were still children like Sweetie Belle.

"Really bad," Sweetie Belle enforced.

"How did this happen?" Danny asked, slowly drifting through the city.

"Did you hear about the invasion in Canterlot a while back?" Sweetie Belle asked back, slowly scanning the crowd.

Thinking for a moment, Danny drifted halfway to the castle before realization kicked in. "... I think I do. Something that happened a little while before I came. They reported about it even back on Earth. Something about a wedding, and shapeshifters…?"

"Yeah…" Came the desolate response. "That was them. Changelings are shapeshifters, and their queen took the form of Princess Cadance, the bride."

"... Why?" Danny asked, frowning deeply; remembering a certain shapeshifter back on Earth.

"Changelings don't eat normal food like we do. Instead, they feed on emotions. Love, to be precise. And back during the invasion, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor used their combined love for each other to charge a powerful spell to repel the changelings."

"So… they used love to stop an invading force that feeds on love? … Somehow, I don't think that is exactly what happened."

Sweetie Belle hummed as she nodded. "There was also hate. Hate for the changelings mixed in the spell," Sweetie Belle explained, and Danny grunted in understanding.

"And as they consumed the love, they inadvertently also took in the hate. And that is what's killing them now, isn't it?"

"Yes," Sweetie Belle confirmed with a nod.

Danny sighed out tiredly, shaking his head. "And just how are you planning to help them?"

"I…I'm not sure," she admitted. "But we couldn't just do nothing, either." Danny nodded in understanding, then sighed out heavily.

"And here I thought the worst this day could throw at me had already passed. Okay, let's figure this thing out. Together."

Sweetie Belle couldn't be happier as he said that; hopeful that with Danny helping now, too, they would be able to stop this disease. And so it was with a certain level of excited anticipation to see Danny in action, she secured her hold on his shoulders as he angled down, picking up speed as he moved to the largest of stalactites; the changeling's castle.

As he descended, Danny and Sweetie Belle saw several young changelings fly towards the castle, their hooves full with leaves as they disappeared through the destroyed gate; Sweetie Belle fidgeting nervously as she finally got a good look at the damage she'd caused.

"What happened here?" Danny asked, coming to a stop before the still partially smouldering hole in the wall.

"I, uhh… kinda blew up the gate to get out," Sweetie Belle admitted shamefully.

"Why didn't you just go intangible?"

"I can't. My magic is interfering with my spirit powers." This revelation gave Danny pause, and it confirmed what he already started to suspect.

"Magical and spectral energies are unwilling opposites, aren't they?"

"That's what the Elder said, yes."

"Well, that is one question answered," Danny muttered. "Okay, let's get moving."

Flying inside, Danny followed Sweetie Belle's instructions through the maze-like interior. However, her memory of which path to take proved to be as flawed as the last time she tried to navigate the countless corridors herself. And so, with a lack of surprise, but enough frustration to make up for it, Danny and Sweetie Belle found themselves to be completely lost.

"I… I don't know where to go," Sweetie Belle cried out, distressed.

Groaning in irritation, Danny looked around and chose a likely spot at random.

"Hold on," he told her.

"Wait, what are you- GHAAAA!" Sweetie Belle cried out as Danny, with a startling lurch, flew towards the far wall with speed.

Closing her eyes and bracing herself for the inevitable crash, she waited… and waited.

'Okay… it doesn't hurt,' she thought. 'It should hurt, right? Why doesn't it hurt?' Not finding any answers herself, Sweetie Belle carefully pried open an eye. What she saw caused both eyes to snap open. They were phasing through wall after wall, not slowing down one bit as Danny moved from room to room; zig-zagging around through storage rooms, utility closets, a kitchen, personnel quarters, places neither one of them could guess the purpose to, and, finally, coming up from the floor, the throne room.


Turning to the source of the yell, Danny saw Scootaloo look up at him with wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle cried out, dropping down from Danny's back. "Apple Bloom. Look who came to help!"

"Danny!?" Scootaloo breathed in amazement, looking up at the human ghost as he first looked down at her, then looked around with a troubled frown.

"Are ya kiddin' me!?" Apple Bloom called out, stepping towards Danny, eyes equally wide. "What's he doing here? How did he get here?"

Danny was about to answer when, with a cry of alarm from Eclipse accompanied by a horrific shudder, Danny suddenly was tackled to the ground by a massive wolf, not unlike Wulf, but way, way bigger.

"YOU!" The wolf bellowed, his rancid breath rolling over Danny in waves while his claws pressed uncomfortably close to Danny's face.

Several cries of alarm came from those around Danny, and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle rushed in to separate the two. However, a thick, shadowy haze drifting up from Danny halted them in their tracks, while Fenris barked in rage.

"BACK OFF!" A frightening familiar voice yelled, and the dark haze surrounding Danny solidified in a strong hoof, kicking Fenris away.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and the few changeling colts and fillies all backed away in fear as Fenris pushed back in. The shadowy haze, however, drifted in between, its form growing, solidifying.

Four tendrils flowed down; becoming strong yet slender legs, leading up to an equally proportioned body. A long neck formed next, followed by a strong, feminine face; a long spiraling horn growing out of her fore head, while her mane and tail flowed in an ethereal breeze. Glowing dots of orange formed constellations within the shadowy haze that comprised her mane and tail as bat like wings flared fully to either side in dominant display. Then her eyes snapped open, and orange glowing eyes with green glowing irises locked on Fenris.

"IT'S NIGHTMARE MOON!" Apple Bloom shrieked.

"EVERYPONY, RUN!" Scootaloo yelled, scampering away herself.

"You!" Fenris barked bitterly, growling, claws flexing.

"Hello… grandfather," Eclipse replied tensely.


The silence was deafening. Almost painfully so.

No sooner had Eclipse spoken, and all eyes were locked firmly on her and Fenris; with Danny lying unmoving behind the shadowy mare, eyes wide and unblinking.

Surrounding them, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and several changeling nymphs stood frozen; clearly terrified, yet unwilling to even twitch and draw any unwanted attention to themselves.

Then a growl escaped Fenris, the hate behind the primal sound being thick enough to make the conscious changelings shudder and retch.

Lurching forwards, Fenris lashed out with strong swipes; cutting nothing but air as Eclipse smoothly drifted out of the way, never breaking eye contact.

"Please, grandfather, there reall-"

"SILENCE!" Fenris roared, using his muscular legs to quickly close the gap between the two of them; eyes intense, full of rage. "YOUR WORDS SHALL NOT POISON ME AGAIN!" And with glowing claws, he slashed into the darkness born from his own hate.

This time his attack connected, and Eclipse cried out in anguish as Fenris' glowing claws tore through her torso.

Danny, eyes widened, screamed out as well. The fragment of his mind from which Eclipse formed her core personality, and now fully present with him relaying everything she felt.

Screaming, Danny clutched his side in the same general area Eclipse was hit. In a flash of white, Danny transformed back to his mortal self, writhing on the ground.

His scream of anguish echoed through the throne room, halting Fenris' advance on Eclipse as he looked down at the human in disbelief.

"DANNY!" Sweetie Belle cried out. She, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rushing to his side.

Seeing what happened, Fenris closed his hands into fists, shaking noticeably with rage as he slowly turned back to the shadow, eyes burning.

Panting from pain, Eclipse struggled to righten herself, eyes locking once again. However, where Fenris' glare held nothing but anger and rage, Eclipse's remained calm, sad even. This only angered Fenris even more.

Jaw set, Fenris pounced again, nearly missing the darkness as Eclipse sluggish sidestepped.

"Our fight is over," Eclipse said strongly, standing tall despite the searing pain. "It ended millennia ago."

"AS LONG AS YOU EXIST, OUR FIGHT IS NEVER DONE!" Fenris growled, readying himself to strike again.

Eclipse sadly shook her head. "We both know where this path leads. Stop now!"

"And allow you to claim yet another," Fenris answered, his voice suddenly much lower, darker; one of his hands tightening into a fist. "NO!" He roared, leaping for the dark mare. "YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT NIGHT! NOW I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DO!" And with glowing claws, Fenris slashed at her.

Jumping back and smoothly gliding out of his reach, Eclipse circled around the enraged wolf as he quickly spun around, snarling.

Danny, still down on the ground, gritted his teeth as he forced himself up, his side burning. But rather than allow the debilitating pain to incapacitate him any longer, he instead used it to fuel his own growing anger.

With a roar, a flash of transformative white and green glowing fists, Danny’s shoulder slammed into the wolf's side as he was focused on Eclipse. Taken by surprise, Fenris took several heavy sidesteps to catch his balance while Danny kicked off the wolf, flying backwards while firing several bolts of ectoplasm.

Raising a single, broad arm to shield himself, the bolts impacted. Mostly the ground near his feet was hit due to Danny’s sloppy aim. However, several sizzling orbs of contained energy hit their mark; burning into Fenris' shoulder and shielding arm.

After the unexpected attack ended, Fenris slowly lowered his slightly smoking arm, eyes now locked on Danny, growling with bared teeth.

"I will only give you this one chance. Surrender, or I'll destroy you along with this corruption." Fenris barked harshly.

"You know," Danny said irritably, standing defiantly before the wolf. "I have had a really long and tiresome day, which I really just want to forget ever happened. But instead of going to bed, like I wanted to do hours ago, I instead find myself flying halfway through Equestria looking for those three—" he shot a glance towards Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle "—only to have some oversized wolf attack my shade and I. So, no. I'm not backing off. In fact, I have a lot of pent up frustration right now, and I know just the way to get rid of some of it. So, bring it!" He challenged, securing his stance as his fists burst aglow with energy.

"So be it," Fenris snarled. "There shall be no leniency for those willingly succumbing to the corruption."

"Eclipse," Danny said simply, eyes flashing towards the mare behind Fenris. Eclipse gave a single nod in confirmation.

"Alright, let's dance," said Danny with confidence.


Danny, Fenris and Eclipse were standing frozen, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Danny with an angry, yet confident gleam to his eyes. Fenris with rage and fangs bared. Eclipse with regret and sadness noticeable in her facade.

Tension build as they stood with locked eyes, growing thicker and thicker with each passing moment towards the inevitable climax; a slight twitch of Danny's finger. And the three blurred into motion.

Fenris moved towards Danny, the one who now claimed the corruption. Eclipse moved in for the large wolf, fangs gleaming and wings flaring as she intended to halt his advance. And Danny met Fenris head-on, blocking one of his swings with his right forearm, then slammed his glowing left fist into Fenris' torso.

Staggering back, Fenris glared at Danny.

"So, you willingly accepted this corruption?"

"I didn't accept anything," Danny shot back. "And, seriously. Cut it out with the yelling. I'm right here."

Growling, Fenris allowed just that much. "You say you don't, yet the evidence proves otherwise."

"Yeah, about that," Danny responded, eyes flashing over to Eclipse. "You know this guy?"

"I'm afraid so, yes," she admitted after a moment's pause. Fenris growled threateningly upon her speaking, readying himself to attack anew.

"ENOUGH!" A young changeling cried out, bravely stepping towards the hostile group. "THIS HAS GONE ON FOR FA-" A sudden bark took her by surprise; as did all others.

Turning to the source, all were surprised to see a small, green glowing pup standing before the throne room's open doors, it's fur on end.

Barking again, the pup charged for Fenris; the wavering aura surrounding the pup intensifying as it suddenly increased in size exponentially. And before anyone fully registered what happened, a massive, aggressive looking hound suddenly tackled Fenris.

"What tha Hay is that!?" Apple Bloom shrieked.

"CUJO!?" Danny yelled in surprise.

Hearing Danny's voice, Cujo's demeanor quickly changed from angry to happy. Turning his head towards Danny, tongue lolling out while wagging his tail.

Using this opening, Fenris used his feet to kick the dog off of him; sending Cujo flying halfway across the room before he slammed into the ground.

"Oh no you didn't," Danny growled, eyes burning brightly as they changed from toxic green to icy blue.

But just before anyone could do anything, Sweetie Belle jumped in between, her forehooves stretching out to either side while screaming at the top of her lungs: "STOOOP!!!"

Her voice echoed through the suddenly extremely quiet chamber, all eyes on her.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked angrily, while also seeming on the verge of tears. "In case you haven't noticed, there are changelings dying over here. And you said you would help. Instead, you're only making things worse!"

Danny's eyes widened marginally, slowly scanning the room. It was only now, not under sudden attack that he noticed the many bodies. Most of them still, some of them twitching and shivering. Now his eyes widened fully, and the icy blue glow of his eyes faded back to toxic green; his hands falling to his side as all anger and fire to fight left him.

Fenris growled lowly, slowly looking around as well while keeping the corruption in the corner of his eye. Quickly snapping towards Eclipse, claws unsheathed as she stepped forwards, looking around as well.

"You know you have failed when it are the young who speak as the voice of reason," she then turned fully towards Fenris. "This fight is over!"

Fenris growled angrily, about to lash back when a cry of outrage drew all their attention towards the enraged changeling stomping towards them, her fangs bared.

"GET. OUT!" She seethed, "Whoever the buck you are, you will NOT endanger my subjects."

Danny looked down at the young changeling, the anger, hurt and grief he saw in her tear rimmed eyes twisting his heart.


The changeling filly, as well as the other changeling foals further back flinched in surprise and confusion, looking oddly at Danny.

"I'm afraid I am the reason for the unfortunate chaos just now," Eclipse spoke up, slowly approaching the changeling, bowing her head. "The reason for which is far too complicated to explain in just a few words. Needless to say, he—" she looked at Fenris "— and I have a… difficult history. One that still needs fixing," she sighed out. "Or at the very least, salvage what can be saved."

Fenris hissed through his teeth, eyeing Eclipse with distrust.

"I don't care about whatever it is you're talking about!" The changeling shot back, pointing an accusing hoof towards the shadowy mare towering above her. "My kind is dying of hate, and instead of helping, you're only worsening our condition!"

Eclipse looked down on the filly with a saddened gaze, and this time it was Danny who spoke, stepping up besides his shade.

"Then it should also be up to us to set this right," he said firmly eyes locking with the filly. "You need help. That much is obvious, even if I don't fully understand everything that is going on."

Sighing and scratching the back of his head, Danny glanced back at the large wolf.

"Are you going to be a problem?" He asked.

Fenris flexed his claws, carefully studying the human and corruption with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Grandfather?" Eclipse said.

"What's with this grandfather thing?" Danny asked, eyeing his shade while Fenris growled lowly upon being called as such.

Biting her lower lip, Eclipse sighed out, shaking her head. "It is a long story."

"And the short version?" Danny asked.

"I, originally, was an entity born from his hatred; shaped by his rage, and subsequently cut out by his guilt."

"Hold on. Then what abo-"

"Like I said, a long story," Eclipse cut him off before he could finish.

"Seriously, this day just doesn't stop with the unanswered questions," Danny grumbled, sighing in frustration. "Fine. We'll add that to the 'we'll answer this later' pile."

Nodding, Eclipse agreed. "Now back to the matter at hand," she said, looking at Fenris. "You don't like me, which is understandable. However, this is neither the time or place to settle any unfinished business."

Confident that Eclipse had at least some control over the situation, Danny shot a glance at Fenris one more time before moving towards Cujo; seeing the oversized pup standing on the sideline, teeth showing and ready to attack.

"Easy, boy." Danny said, reaching up and placing a hand on the dog's head, giving him a light scratch.

Cujo, at first aggressive and growling, immediately relaxed as his hind leg started to kick; leaning into Danny.

Within moments a wavering aura surrounded the massive dog, and much to the shock and surprise of most there, Cujo shrunk down to a small, adorable looking puppy.

"Good boy," Danny complimented, now needing to kneel down as he gave Cujo a final scratch behind the ear.

"Did anypony else see that?" Apple Bloom asked, eyes wide.

"You mean that massive ghost dog suddenly shrinking down like that?" Scootaloo replied, stupefied.

"You'll get used to it after a while," Danny remarked offhandedly, taking a step back from Cujo and then focused of the changelings around. "Eclipse, you good?" He asked, glancing back at her.

"Not the best way to describe it, but we've come to an… understanding… sort of."

Danny, able to sense some of the underlying feelings implicated through their linked minds couldn't help but snort, giving Eclipse a level stare.

"Uh huh."

"Meaning he won't do anything that would put any innocent bystander in jeopardy," Eclipse clarified.

Danny arched an eyebrow, not entirely believing it after being attacked the way he was. Fenris standing in the back, flexing his claws and putting in an honest effort to glare him to death also made it difficult to believe this claim.

Turning to Sweetie Belle, Danny then gave her a quizzical look. "I take it this is that Fenris guy you spoke of."

Nodding hesitantly, Sweetie Belle continued to nervously stare at Eclipse.

"I see how he got his supposed reputation. Still, if you vouch for him…"

"Forget that!" Scootaloo yelped, pointing a hoof at Eclipse. "Why is Nightmare Moon here, helping you?!"

All eyes swirled to the shadow mare, then back to Danny for an answer, then back to Eclipse again as she cleared her throat.

"That is another long story," she said. "But know that, despite my appearance, I'm not who you think I am," she smiled at the fillies.

"Seriously, it's one long story after the other. It's all this is right now. A long story," Danny sighed out, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers. "At the end of this, I really would like some answers. Buuut… that'll have to wait as well," he sighed out once more.

Looking at the young changeling who shouted at them, he slowly made his way towards her; lowering himself to eye level, looking into her large, teary yet anger filled eyes.

"Look, I know you have probably no idea what is going on right now. Heck, I know I don't. Still, Sweetie Belle told me what has happened; what is still happening to your kind," he then slowly looked up, seeing the large alicorn slumped down on the throne behind the young filly. Frowning, he continued. "You've done all you've could've; gone through things no child should. I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after what just happened, but I ask you to please allow us to help."

The young shapeshifter faltered, trapped in a downward spiral of anger, grief, hopelessness and despair. Any flicker of hope she'd felt on saving her kind; her friends, her family died the second she'd seen just how far her mother had slipped. Then there was the additional blow when they were forced to gather the leaves of their living history, only to have this strange human to suddenly appear and immediately start a fight; filling the air with anger and hate.

And yet, there was something about this creature. Something she couldn't quite place. He emitted a feeling, a sensation. Only for a fraction of a second, but undeniably there. Something so alien, yet so familiar at the same time. And as she looked up and into his green glowing eyes something clicked.

She didn't know why, and that in itself frightened her. Yet for reasons she didn't understand, somewhere deep down she knew she could trust him.

"I- I…" she stuttered, fell silent, then weakly nodded.

"Alright," Danny said, standing back up and looking around with a purpose, catching sight of the slowly dying fires. "First thing first, we need to get the temperature up. Is there anything we can use to fuel the fires?"

"No, there isn't," Scootaloo replied, slowly moving towards Danny while giving 'not' Nightmare Moon a wide berth. "The changelings used everything they could find before we even got here. We've tried burning those strange glowing leaves, but…"

"Thay only burned fer a few seconds… didn' really do much," Apple Bloom said with disappointment.

"But with the windigos calmed down, at the very least it won't get any colder," Sweetie Belle quietly added. "Still, won't do us much good now."

"Damn," Danny muttered, frowning. "There has to be something."

"Maybe you can use your powers to warm the place up?" Scootaloo suggested, looking at him expectantly.

"Not really," Danny answered immediately. "Sure, ectoplasm burns when you get hit, but it doesn't really work like that. Unless, of course, these ectoplasmic powers are fire based. Which mine aren't."

"Maybe ya can make those windigos take back this cold of theirs?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"I don't thin-" Danny replied, only to fall silent, looking at his hand while he flexed his fingers.

"Take back the cold…" he murmured, thinking.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle stepped up, looking up at Danny. While, from a slight distance, Eclipse watched her master with slowly widening eyes; sensing what he was planning.

Danny's eyes suddenly changed color, going from toxic green to icy blue.

"Whoa," Scootaloo gasped. "They changed color again."

"What are you going to do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Danny told her, raising up a arm, hand aglow with icy blue light. "But I'm about to find out."

Channeling his arctic powers, Danny could feel the freezing cold of his core reach out; pushing to be released, to freeze. However, instead of allowing it to flow free, he forced it back down, willing the cold to remain within him.

The pulsing aura around his hand slowly diminished, yet Danny could feel a change. His arm grew colder and colder, becoming numb while the suppressed glow of his aura began to extend beyond his wrist, spreading up his arm as flakes of ice formed over the sleeve of his jumpsuit.

The next moment he heard the fillies and colts around him gasp as vapor of icy cold was pulled from the air, flowing to and into his glowing hand; the buildup of ice increasing, now fully covering his arm and even spreading onto his shoulder as the contained glow now shone brightly from within, revealing a ghastly sight: Danny's skeleton.

More and more cold was pulled out of the air and into Danny, continuously adding to the growing layer of ice, which now covered his neck and half his chest until Danny released his hold with a grunt, his frozen arm dropping to his while he clutched it with his unfroze appendage; the temperature in the room noticeably warmer.

"Ghaa," Danny grunted, staring at his arm with wide eyes, slowly bringing it up.

"What the…" he murmured, discovering that, despite the obvious increase of weight, his arm didn't feel heavy at all. Even more so, as he instinctively flexed his fingers, he realized everything still worked as it should.

"What did you…" Sweetie Belle gasped out, too dumbstruck to finish.

"That," Scootaloo squeaked, "was AWESOME!"

"Wha- what did you do?" The young changeling asked, taking a hesitant step towards Danny. "H-how did you…"

Frowning, Danny flexed his arm before raising it up high; looking through the translucent appendage and seeing his own skeleton.

"Just like Frostbite," he murmured, missing what was said.

"This is almost like what I saw after you were hit by the crystal heart's energy," Eclipse said, stepping towards Danny, eyes locked on his frozen arm.

"The crystal heart?" Danny said, pulled out of his own musings. "Hold on. Yeah, I remember you saying something about my ice powers back there."

"Ice powers?" Apple Bloom spoke up.

"Yeah," Danny muttered his confirmation, again looking at his arm. "I have the power to create, shape, and control ice and snow… This is new, though." Dropping his arm to the side, Danny looked around the chamber, all eyes on him. Most of them wide in awe and amazement, even some fear while Fenris only bore the unmistakable glare of distrust. "It worked, though," Danny picked up after a moment, feeling the room's warmth sting in his frozen arm; wisps of frozen condensation seeping off it.

"It looks just like Frostbite's arm," said Sweetie Belle as she slowly stepped closer.

"Yeah… it does," Danny agreed, flexing his frozen hand, then clenching it shut tight into a fist. "And yet another thing to figure out," he sighed out. "For now, I'll just go with it. Maybe I can use this to get rid of the cold all around while you help the changelings?"

"You can do that?" The changeling filly, up until now too shaken by everything to give voice to her thoughts, spoke up; the faintest glimmer of hope hidden behind despair.

"I sure as hell can try," Danny stated firmly.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle joined in. "You and me both."

"Don't forget about us," Scootaloo piped up as she and Apple Bloom stepped up beside Sweetie Belle. "With you helping, we can beat this stupid disease's sorry flank.

Nodding, Danny turned to Eclipse. "Any idea how we can actually stop this thing?"

Eclipse shifted nervously on the spot, eyes darting to Fenris and back. "Yes," she answered nervously. "But it won't be easy."

"It never is," Danny remarked with a sigh. "Just do what you can." Hesitantly, Eclipse nodded.

"And what about us?" The changeling filly asked, clearly surprising herself for doing so.

"I'd say you've done more than enough already," Danny replied as he looked around. "Now it's our turn."

"Wha-" The filly faltered.

"Yeah, he's right," Apple Bloom agreed with a strong nod, her ribbon bouncing in response.


"No buts, Erlea," Sweetie Belle said, revealing the filly’s name to Danny in the process. "We said we would help, and we will."

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed. "And now that the cold is gone, we also won't have to burn any more of those leaves that are so important to you."

"Alright," Danny said, hovering up. "As inspiring as this all is, we really should get going before it is too late." The ponies and changelings looked at one another, their priorities put back in perspective and they all scrambled to get going. They came to a full stop a moment later, looking back up at Danny.

"So, umm… What do we do?" Scootaloo asked.

"You can look after him," Danny said, nodding his head towards Cujo. "Eclipse," he called out to his shade, looking at her. "I don't know what it is you're planning, or how he—" he looked at Fenris "— and you are connected. But whatever it is you're planning, I know it somehow involves him. With how this day has gone for me, I will only say this once: No more surprises. Figure out whatever is going on between you two, because I really don't want to be jumped again when I return."

Silenced, Eclipse could only nod.

"Good," said Danny, then he flew just a bit higher, looking at all below him. "Everyone, let's go save a species."


Danny hovered in place above the seemingly bottomless abyss below the changeling city amidst several of the stalactites the changelings had hewn their homes out of.

A biting chill froze every surface and every breath he exhaled, and only the smallest of fires remained to ward off the icy grasp of the windigos’ arctic curse.

Inhaling deeply, then exhaling slowly Danny looked at the city, and in extent the many changelings lying scattered around the fires.

"Okay," he murmured, looking at his still frozen arm with blue glowing eyes. "Let's see just how deep this rabbit hole goes."

Spreading his arms out to either side, he once again channeled his ice powers, this time with both arms. Again, feeling the overly familiar chill from his frozen core reaching out, Danny repeated what he'd done a moment ago in the throne room.

An icy blue glow surrounded both his hands, before the light faded as he forced the power back within himself. And as he did, the subdued glow slowly began spreading further over his body.

Small at first, tendrils of frozen air began seeping into his hands, quickly growing larger and larger as, with an all consuming chill throughout his entire body, ice once more began to build and cover his form.

His still unfrozen arm soon found itself frozen at the elbow, while the previous buildup of ice continued where it had left off. More and more the spectral glow of his arctic power shone through the frozen parts of his body, the glow slowly increasing as more and more surface of his body became translucent; and with it, more and more of his skeleton became visible as well.

The further his body froze, the faster the cold was pulled out of the air. And before long, a powerful gust blew through the immense cavern as long streams of frozen vapor was pulled towards Danny; his body now a radiant beacon, shining a icy blue, overpowering the light of the plants illuminating the city.

Among the changelings, those who were still capable all looked up at the impossible sight. A blue orb of light amidst their homes, hovering perfectly still in the air as a vortex of cooled air circled around it; the fires they desperately tried to keep burning all flickered violently, then died in the immense gust generated. However, any fear they felt over this unknown spectacle vanished the second they realized the temperature steadily rose; their breaths no longer fogging the air whenever they exhaled, and it was with a slim flicker of hope they thought maybe, just maybe they could finally pull through.

Then the blue orb collapsed into itself, and a body dropped down.

Danny, grunting from strain, dropped down as his powers faltered for a bit. Catching himself after a short plummet, he quickly moved to the nearest walkway; dropping down to the cobblestone surface with a heavy *THUNK*

Taking a deep breath, Danny held it in for a moment before releasing it slowly; a large plume of fog escaping his mouth as he did so, his breath supercooled.

Remembering what had happened with his arm the first time he tried this, it was with expected surprise what he found as he inspected his body.

His arms, legs, torso, everything including his hair had all turned to ice; glowing with arctic energy and showing his full skeleton to the world, while his eyes were now nothing more than two icy blue glowing orbs of energy.

"What the…" Danny said as he looked at his transformed face in a nearby window, his voice an odd rumble, like chunks of ice scraping together. "This is both as horrifying as it is cool," he murmured, not realizing his unintended pun.

Holding his right hand up, he stared through his frozen flesh, seeing the bones shift as he flexed his appendage.

"And where did my suit go?" He wondered. That realization did freeze him on the spot for a moment, and he quickly looked down to make sure his fears weren't realized.

Fortunately, they weren't. However, despite the fact he wouldn't unintentionally flash anyone near him, the realization everything was now smooth as, well, ice down below was cause for some major concern.

"This better not be permanent," he hoped.

Looking around, he'd figured he had done as much as he could out here.

"Now how do I revert back to normal?" He questioned, thinking back to all he knew about his ice abilities.

Looking first at his left hand, then his right, he tightened both into fists as he tried to figure out this new development. Recalling how, at one point years ago, his core had build up such a large amount of arctic energy it froze him up from within. The only way to counter this was to release the build up, much like how he had frozen Ponyville's lake some time ago. Figuring this wouldn't be any different, Danny did come to a somewhat irritating conclusion.

"Damn, there is no way I can safely release this cold out here. Not after having just removed it in the first place." Placing a hand on his head and sighing out, fogging up the air around his face, Danny realized he'd had to return to the surface in order to safely dispose of the excess energy.

"Well, there is no better time than the present," he murmured, looking up towards the ceiling.

Jumping up, Danny fully intended on flying his way up and through the solidity of the rock above. What he didn't expect, however, was him dropping down like a rock, or chunk of ice; slamming into the cobblestone path and slightly cracking his feet; which quickly froze solid after only a moment.

"What the!?" He yelled, trying again with the same result.

"What's going on, why can't I fly?"

His echoing voice provided him with no answer.

Now grounded and stuck in a body of ice, Danny looked around with rising concern. No longer able to traverse in a single line towards where he needed to go, and seemingly forced to walk, he was faced with a serious problem, besides his powers suddenly failing: he had no idea where he was. He literally dropped down the first place he could, which wasn't much of a concern at first. Now though, he was lost, frozen, unable to use one of his most basic powers, unable to release the accumulated energy he'd absorbed, and most importantly, sliding down the spiral path circling around the stalactite.

"Oh, I really should have just gone to bed when I had the chance," he grumbled as he slowly slid away, staring out into the distance with flat annoyance.


Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Erlea and several of the other changeling colts and fillies were moving from one sick changeling to the other; aiding them in whatever way they could; helping those conscious to drink, applying medicinal paste on the cracked and brittle chitin, and making sure Fenris wouldn't attack Eclipse, both of whom they gave a wide berth whenever they could.

Eclipse, for her part, seemed friendly enough. Helping in whichever way she could. Yet she always tried to approach Fenris, who reacted aggressively every time she tried. This wouldn't stop her, of course. Something the children found out quick enough. A pensive frown clear as day on Eclipse's features, something weighing heavily on her mind. Something she clearly wanted to address, and which obviously involved Fenris.

Fenris, opposite of Eclipse, snarled and barked most of the time, despite Apple Bloom's insistence he didn't really mean it. Something about all bark, and no bite. Still, despite his aggressive behavior, Fenris did proved to be a saving grace. Using his claws, as ominous as they appeared, green glowing and all, he somehow managed to cut out the disease which was killing the changelings. Not all of it, though. Saying it was beyond his powers to cut out all the hate, glaring towards Eclipse as he said so.

Even so, what he did manage to remove proved to be a turning point for those not too far gone, which was also why the foals were as busy as they were. For those others past the turning point, unless some kind of miracle happened they wouldn't make it.

Of course, the same would still hold true for all the sick, whether Fenris cut out the poisonous hate or not. As long as even a little bit remained, in their weakened state they would easily succumb to it again.

"Grandfather," Eclipse tried again, carefully approaching the large wolf.

Fenris growled, loudly, eyes burning with barely contained rage; saliva dripping from his fangs and glowing claws unsheathed.

Eclipse stood her ground, looking back with defiance despite her saddened gaze.

"We both know what needs to be done if we are to save them."

Fenris took a step closer, his intent clear when a loud scream echoed in through the partially open doors of the throne room, pulling everyone's attention to the absolutely terrified filly who came rushing through.

"M-m-monster!" She screamed, rushing to hide behind the first bit of cover she could find.

"Sheesh," a rough, gritty voice rolled in from behind the shadows past the doors. Heavy steps indicating something was approaching. "I know I'm not much to look at. But really, a monster?"

Out of the shadows, a frozen behemoth stepped forth, a creature that shone with icy blue light coming from within. A light that also revealed his skeleton.

Numerous shocked and frightened gasps rose up upon the sight, making the creature grunt in annoyance.

"WHAT THE HAY IS THAT THING!?" Scootaloo shouted, backing away.

"Seriously?" The creature droned, then sighed out, shaking his head with a hand placed against it.

"Master," Eclipse said in recognition, taking a step closer, not surprised by Danny's changed appearance in the slightest.

"Wait, what!?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, shocked, looking at the frozen creature. "Danny?"

Another rounds of gasps echoed through the chamber upon recognition of the frozen human.

"The one and only," he replied.

"What happened to you?" Sweetie Belle queried, shocked, worried.

"I caught a cold," Danny said, completely serious.


"Yeah, okay. That one was bad," he admitted. "Still, I managed to take the cold away," he said. "Wasn't really expecting me to become an icicle the way I have." Lifting a hand, he once again looked at his bones.

"That," Scootaloo gasped, slowly stepping closer to Danny; craning her neck to look up at him. "Is so cool," she looked wide eyed at the ice encased skeletal human. "Can you do that?" She asked Sweetie Belle a moment later.

"I hope not," Sweetie Belle answered, shivering upon the sight of Danny's skeleton. "Honestly, it's kinda scary."

"Yeah," Danny murmured. "She thought so, too," he nodded towards the filly still hiding away from him; peeking past the throne at him. "Most of them did, actually," he added almost as an afterthought. "I had to walk here because, for some reason, I can't fly. And because I didn't know where to go, I thought I'd go ask for directions."

"An how did that go?" Apple Bloom asked. Danny merely pointed a finger towards the cowering child. "Ah."

"But enough about me. How're things going here?"

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at one another, then around the room, before settling their sights upon Erlea.

"Well, Erlea seems to be petrified in fear," Sweetie Belle noted, and they all turned to look at the seemingly frozen changeling; staring at Danny with wide, unblinking eyes and mouth partially open.

"Abella and Devora are helping their friends outside, bringing in as many of the sick as they can." Scootaloo picked up. "But now that it is warmer out there, it probably isn't necessary anymore."

"Fenris seems ta be able ta 'cut' out some of this disease," Apple Bloom continued. "Not all of it, but enough to matter in tha short run. Although Eclipse keeps trying to talk to him."

"Eclipse?" Danny aimed at his shade.

Sighing out tiredly, Eclipse hung her head. "I tried to, yes, because as much as he'd done so far, it will not hold. The changelings will get sick again if nothing else is done. He knows it just as well as I do."

"What do you mean?" Danny asked.

"I mean, he can't remove the disease, merely its symptoms. The changelings aren't better, they are merely feeling better. But it won't hold. They will get sick again, unless…"

"Unless, what?"

All eyes shifted to the large alicorn like changeling on the throne, her eyes partially open, voice raspy as she spoke with dried, cracked lips.

"MOM!" Erlea cried out, snapped out of her stupor, running for her mother and hugging her.

The queen coughed violently, messily, chest heaving.

"Are you alright?" Danny asked, stepping in. Erlea hissed at him as he approached, making him stop in his tracks.

"Does it look like she's alright?" She growled. A weak hoof pressing against her side calmed her down, and she looked back up at her mother.

The large changeling's eyes, only partially open, first looked at the frozen creature several steps away from her, then towards the ponies doing what they can to aid her subjects. Then her eyes drifted towards the massive wolf, the one she picked up was responsible for reducing the agony she and her children suffered through. Then her eyes locked with those who resembled the Nightmare, and she repeated her question: "Unless, what?"

"Queen Chrysalis," Eclipse gasped, not having expected for her to regain consciousness so soon. Shaking her head to focus, she answered. "As I stand before you, my name is Eclipse. Child of the entities named Shadow and Nightmare Moon. Grand daughter of Fenris, born from his hatred to the name Fenrir." She paused, feeling all eyes upon her. "Long ago, before I was as I am now, I clouded and corrupted the mind of Fenris, turning him against all. Through his own actions, and by his own claws, he cut me out at the cost of his own life, losing a part of his very soul as well." She then looked at Fenris, who glared at her with murder in his eyes. "This is why he can't cure the disease ravaging all of you. Cutting out the hate which is killing you would equal death."

Chrysalis sighed heavily, coughing as she rested her head against her throne, eyes closed.

"I see," she murmured. "And the solution?"

Eclipse sucked in a stuttering gasp, knowing that even though this could work, Fenris would never allow it.

"Fenris can't remove a disease born from hate, for I am the part of him that knows how to do this. Apart, neither one of us are capable. But if we were to reunite-" That was all she could say as, with a terrifying growl, Fenris attacked.

"Oh, hell," was all Danny muttered as he jumped in between; grabbing one of Fenris' wrists in his frozen hand, missing the other. The one clawed hand he did manage to catch immediately froze, immobilizing it completely. The other, however, went on to pierce Danny in his shoulder; cutting cleanly through the ice,.

Danny cried out in pain as the claw cut through, scarring the bone underneath his frozen skin. Yet at the same time, the freezing temperatures extruded by his body locked the penetrating claw in place, freezing it solid within his body.

Fenris howled in rage, the freezing cold biting deep, and with all the strenght his muscular body provided, he pulled himself free.

Now Danny cried out again, loudly, full of anguish as Fenris did not only pull away his claw, but a sizable chunk of his shoulder broke off as well, exposing the bone underneath.

Danny screamed, grabbing his damaged shoulder with his hand purely on reflex as he stumbled backwards, then dropped to his knees.

"""DANNY!""" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cried out in alarm, rushing over to his side while Eclipse did the same.

"GHYAA," Danny grunted, ever so carefully looking at his injury.

Now with the urgent need to protect him, Eclipse took a defensive stance between her downed master and her former host.

"No matter what, I will protect my master!" She stated strongly, her horn starting to glow with spectral might.

Fenris took another step backwards, looking with a hint of shock at Danny, then his claw; chunks of ice still connected it. Then his eyes met Eclipse's, and he felt himself freeze up.

Here stood before him, the monster of his own creation, opposing him, defending one it recognized as its master. Defending the human against him, just as he did for the shade a second ago. Each protecting the other. Protecting each other from him.

As much as he hated and feared his past sin, looking into its eyes there was something he recognized. Something which frightened him as much as it enraged him: shame.

Shame for him, for lashing out as he did. Shame for herself, for allowing this to happen. Shame for the changelings, reduced to this state by the very same thing that gave life to his corruption. Shame for the human, for stepping in between. And most of all, he saw her shame for existing.

"GHAA!" Danny cried out again as cold steam began to flow from his injury.

"Danny, what's happening?" Sweetie Belle cried in alarm, the wisps of cold vapor quickly increasing to an all consuming fog around his shoulder.

Fenris felt himself go weak. In many ways he allowed his anger to take over again; lashing out against his hate given form, regardless of who or what came in between.

"Arf!" A new voice spoke up, and Fenris slowly turned to the small pup near his feet; looking up at him with angry eyes.

"Bark, arf arf, arooo. Grrr-arf arf!" Cujo growled and barked.

"You know not of which you speak," Fenris barked back.

Cujo narrowed his eyes. "Ghrrr, arf," then he lifted his tail and farted.

"You dare!?"

Cujo did, in fact, dare. And he repeated the action. Not stopping there, he turned his back to fenris, a clear show of fearlessness; an open challenge. "Arf arf, woof ghrr. Arooo," he took a step towards Danny, stomped a paw on the floor, then glared over his shoulder at Fenris. "Woof, arf. Arf woof aw-awroo. Arf!" He finished strongly, leaving Fenris speechless as Cujo glared up at him.

"What just happened?" Scootaloo asked, confused.

"I have honestly no idea," answered Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to give voice to her thoughts, but then she noticed something amazing happening with Danny. "Eh, girls…"

"You speak with reason belying your age," Fenris suddenly spoke up, lowering his head towards Cujo in respect. "I shall listen to what he has to say."

"Girls," Apple Bloom tried again, "Look!"

This time she managed to get their attention, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, as well as all the others turned back to the severely injured human.

"Ghraaaa," Danny grunted in pained exertion, massive amounts of supercooled vapor rising up out of the wound; filling the space and regrowing the ice.

"Whoa!" Scootaloo awed, eyes wide.

"Is… is he healing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ghyaaaa!" Danny gasped out dropping to the ground fully, managing to catch himself with his hands. Realizing the sudden absence of pain, he opened his eyes and glanced at his shoulder. A gasp of shock escaped him.

His shoulder was completely whole again, with only the exception of a visible scar present on the bone.

"What the?" He murmured, pushing himself to a sitting position, then gingerly prodding his shoulder with a couple of fingers. "How…?"

"It must be because of all the cold you've absorbed," Eclipse surmised. "It must allow you to regrow any part of your body that's damaged."

Grunting, Danny pushed himself back up. "As likely as that sounds, I'm in no hurry to find out if that is true." Slowly rolling his shoulder to see if everything was in working order, he stared at the scar inflicted on his bone, frowning angrily.

With heavy steps, Fenris slowly approached under the watchful eye of Cujo. Still glaring at Eclipse, but the fire in his eyes had diminished considerably.

"You, who my sin calls its master. Speak, and I shall listen."

"Just like that, huh," Danny muttered, voice thick with suspicion.

"No," Fenris rumbled. "If it wasn't for the guardian, and how highly he speaks of you, I wouldn't give you the chance to speak."

"Guardian?" Danny blinked, confused as to who Fenris was referring to.

"Arf," Cujo barked.

"... Guard dog," Danny said slowly, looking up with a flat gaze. "Of course," he droned.

Sighing out and filling the air with cold vapor, he turned to Eclipse. "So you originate from him?" He asked, and the shadow mare nodded once. "How?"

"For many years my former host watched with growing anger and hate as those who corrupted their way of living massacred countless innocents, unable to do anything against this by the rules he and his brothers had set for themselves. Over time, his rage grew into something much darker; a creature born from hate itself. Me." She told with downcast eyes.

"You?" Danny asked, not liking this one bit.

Nodding, Eclipse continued. "Yes, but I was not the individual standing before you today. I don't really recall what happened after my… removal from Fenris, only that, somehow, I managed to find a new host on a world alien to me. Princess Luna," she revealed, and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gasped out. "I'm still trying to piece everything together. The memories of Shadow and Nightmare Moon are overlapping, mixing, blurring each other. But what I do recall with perfect clarity is that I, an entity of hate, latched onto the negativity of Princess Luna, amplifying it past anything she would have been capable of herself; corrupting her in much the same way I did my first host, even translating some of his features to her." She sighed out, deeply, head held low.

"However, the negativity of Princess Luna was not born from hate, but jealousy. Two different emotions which, in some ways, are closely connected. And such, the two mixed. And where Princess Luna jealousy turned to hate, I in turn learned to be jealous."

"So ya are Nightmare Moon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No, not exactly," Eclipse shook her head. "If anything, she's my mother."

"Say what!?" Scootaloo shouted.

"Nightmare Moon has a daughter!?" Apple Bloom cried in alarm.

"No no no, nothing like that!" Eclipse tried to calm down the situation, as three panicking fillies among sick emotion eating changelings would probably only make the current situation that much worse.

"But didn't you just say you were?" Danny pointed out, arms crossed and looking quizzically at Eclipse.

"I did," she admitted. "But only because of a lack of better words. Your shade, Shadow, originally was merely a drone. Mindless, and only able to perform certain tasks."

Danny slightly shifted on the spot, head cocked to a side, thinking. "Yes, that's right. Shadow couldn't even move all that far away from me without disappearing. And he certainly couldn't talk."

"Indeed," Eclipse murmured grimly. "His sudden growth in abilities was the direct result of him absorbing Nightmare Moon. Completely by accident, mind you. He was merely trying to protect your mind from Princess Luna as she tried to gain access to your dreams."

"Yes, I remember Shadow mentioning something like that. He referred to Princess Luna as a bad pony, mostly so because he wasn't able to speak all that well. Still, what he said, not to mention what Ruby and Grill told me back at the café; this whole dream entering and controlling thing sounds a whole lot like Nocturn to me." Said Danny, head tilted slightly to the side as he thought back to everything said and done that day. Realizing all if this had happened on the same day the fillies decided to go into the Everfree and try to tame a manticore.

"Who's Nocturn?" Apple Bloom piped up.

"He's the ghost of sleep and dreams," Danny revealed. "He uses his power to put people to sleep so he can absorb their dream energy to charge himself up for world conquest."

The fillies' mouth dropped open upon Danny's revelation.

"Yeah," Danny sighed out.

"Well, Princess Luna ain't like that at all!" Apple Bloom was quick to defend the princess.

"True, but I wouldn't have put it past my mother had she known about this," Eclipse continued. "Regardless of what ifs, as Luna tried to gain entry to your mind in an attempt to find out what troubled you each night, Shadow thwarted her every time."

"What troubled me each night?" Danny repeated, looking of to the side, thinking.

"That nightmare," Eclipse told him, and Danny sucked in a sharp breath. "You haven't had it in a while now, have you?"

"No," Danny replied, only now realizing this himself. "... Did Princess Luna do that?"

"No," Eclipse shook her head. "Shadow did, at first. Now it is my task to keep your past from resurfacing."

"I see," Danny mumbled, thinking all of this over.

"Hold on," Scootaloo cut in, pointing a hoof at Eclipse. "You said you were Nightmare Moon's daughter. How does that even work?"

Turning to the filly, Eclipse continued her story. "After Danny's shade, Shadow, absorbed the remainders of Nightmare Moon from princess Luna, a change occurred with him. Nightmare Moon was still very weak, and she latched onto him in order to restore herself, enhancing the abilities he already had, while also bestowing numerous new traits onto him as well. Intelligence for one, as well as the ability to speak. Of course, this was not done out of any kindness on her part. Just a necessity to save herself. And as she grew, the two fought long and hard over control over their physical form—" she used a hoof to indicate the whole of her body "—as well as Danny's mind."

"Say, what?!" Danny shouted.

"Do you recall the blinding rage you felt while facing Sombra?" She asked, and Danny, thinking for awhile, shook his head.

"No. Now that I think about it, there is quite a large gap between me first fighting Sombra outside the shield, and then finding myself at the edge of the city, meeting you," he summed up, slowly looking up at the shadow mare. "What the hell happened?"

"Nightmare Moon took control, turning your anger and hate for Sombra, and what he did against you," she revealed, and Fenris flinched, looking at Danny with wide eyes. "You became unstable, volatile, blinded by unchecked rage. Nightmare Moon used this to take control over you and Shadow."

All the fillies and colts standing around the group gasped out in shock, looking wide eyed and frightened at Danny.

"Then how-"

"The Crystal Heart saved you," Eclipse answered before he could even finish. "It's energy cleansed you, while also merging Shadow and Nightmare Moon into one: Me. I'm both Shadow and Nightmare Moon, while neither of them at the same time. The Crystal Heart brought balance between two extremes, creating a new entity in the process. So, for all intent and purposes, I am the child of Shadow and Nightmare Moon."

"Crystal Heart?" Chrysalis coughed. "Does that mean, the Empire-"

Looking at her with worry, Eclipse gave a faint nod. "It has returned." She then turned to Fenris, looking up at him with made up resolve.

"Danny," she aimed at her master, never averting her gaze. "My former host said he'd listen to what you have to say, yet it was I who did all the talking. So far Fenris has allowed me to do so," —she then spoke directly to the wolf before her— "But I fear you will lash out again when I explain my plan to save the changelings." A rough growl answered her.

"Do not think sharing your previous transgressions will make me see you any differently," Fenris barked. "I allowed you to talk merely because the human wished this. And only then, because of the guardian's words." His voice then lowered, becoming much darker of tone. "You are a disease. A plague on the world. Don't think I will have anything to do with what you're planning."

"Not even to save a species?" Eclipse confronted him, then sighed out heavily, slightly shaking her head.

"What is it that you even want to do?" Danny asked with a hint of worry.

"I wish to reunite with my first host," Eclipse answered with heavy voice. Fenris' growled deeply, tensing up and preparing to strike.

"You what!?" Danny balked.

"I wish to reunite with my first host. Together we are able to remove the hate which is killing the changelings without killing them should Fenris do this himself."

Danny quickly stepped up, standing in between Eclipse and Fenris, if only to provide some barrier between the two even though he knew this wouldn't do much.

"I'll ask again. You want to do what!? Reunite? How? By possessing him? You and I both know that won't work; how dangerous it is. Not only that, you are a part of me now. If something would go wrong, who says it won't affect me too?"

"It won't be a possession as you think it to be. I already am part of him, so I should be able to rejoin without any ill effect."

"You were a part of him," Danny stated firmly. "Didn't you just say so yourself, how you grew as you first possessed Princess Luna, then me, before finally being merged together with Shadow. Any part of you that is still his—" he indicated Fenris "—has most likely changed as much as you have."

Head held low, Eclipse stood silently as Danny spoke. Then, ever so slowly, she lifted her head, eyes set in confident determination.

"This will work," she stated. "I'm sure of it."

Fenris snorted in disgust, spitting the foul taste to the floor.

"No," Danny stated firmly. "There has to another way. But you are not going to 'reunite' with your grandfather, or whatever he is to you. Regardless of who or what you are now, you are still a ghost. And ghosts don't possess ghosts. The very reason you are even here in the first place is because I did just that. And we both know where that got me. Besides," he added after a short pause. "Even if you're right, he isn't going to let you go through with it."

Eclipse looked up, past Danny and into the murderous eyes of Fenris. Finding no forgiveness there.

"Look," Danny pulled her attention back down. "I understand you want to help. So do I, but not in a way as dangerous as what you're suggesting. Now, I still don't fully understand what is going on with you, seeing that you are you only since today. And I wasn't even conscious when you came to be, so I'm not entirely sure what to make of you, too. You're not exactly Shadow. How about, instead, we just let Fenris do his thing, which does seem to help. And while he does that, I need to find a way back to the surface and get rid of this cold. Because, in case this wasn't obvious yet, I'm a literal walking and talking icecube."

"But can't you just fly up and through the ceiling, like what you did when we were looking for the throne room?" Sweetie Belle asked, pulling everyone's attention to her.

"I'm afraid not," Danny sighed, blowing out a dense cloud of cold air. "Somehow, because of this—" he gestured the whole of his body "—I can't fly or even turn intangible. I had to walk here. I did try to ask for directions back to the surface, but, well," he pointed a finger at the filly who came into the throne room screaming. "So if anyone could show me the way up, that would be really helpful."

"You can't fly?!" Scootaloo cried out, afgasted.

"No… sliding down without control, however…" He fell silent there, staring blankly.

"O-kay…?" said Apple Bloom, then a thought hit her. "Hey, maybe Wind Chill knows what's goin' on with ya?" She suggested.

"Hey, yeah," agreed Sweetie Belle. "Maybe he also knows a way for Nigh- eh… Eclipse to help without doing what she said she wanted to do."

"Even more reason for me to get back up there, then," Danny mused, turning towards Chrysalis, and in extent her daughter, Erlea, still sitting at the foot of the throne. "Do you think one of you can show me the way around here? This place is like a maze, and with my abilities currently being uncooperative it is rather difficult for me to get around."

Erlea blinked, slowly, looking with slightly crazy eyes at the frozen human, then the shadow mare who resembled the corruption and claimed to be Nightmare Moon's daughter. Then her eyes moved to Fenris, a massive wolf with questionable motives to help, and who, by Eclipse's claims, was also her grandfather; the one who was responsible for the corruption's creation. And finally, her eyes shifted over to the fillies who so stubbornly tried to help her ever since they rescued her from the timberwolves. All of what had happened since she'd met those three, especially everything that had just happened the last twenty or so minutes had thrown her mind for a loop. Nothing made any sense anymore. Not Sweetie Belle, who claimed to be a spirit and the ridiculous claim for there to be a ghost world, nor the subsequent traversion to said ghostly realm and everything that followed after as a result. And now, standing before her, asking for directions as if this was just another regular day was a human, an alien from another world, who she was told was just like Sweetie Belle, but not a spirit but a ghost. A creature who demonstrated to be capable to suck the freezing cold forced upon them by the mythical windigos out of the air, only for him to freeze solid as a result. And he was asking her for directions.

Nothing made any sense anymore.

Up was down. Left was right. Inside was outside. And all of this contributed to her well thought out response to his question.


Looking at her expectantly, several long seconds passed in awkward silence until Sweetie Belle slowly edged closer to her; pushing the tip of her hooves in her side to gain a response.

"I think we broke her," she said after a moment, receiving no reply from the young changeling.

"Arf!" Cujo called for attention, ears perked up as he looked up at Danny.

"What is it, boy?" Danny asked the pup, who then moved for the partially open doors. Stopping after several steps, he looked back at the frozen man, barking again.

"Ah think he wants ta show ya tha way," Apple Bloom realized, recognizing similar signs from Winona.

"You sure?" Danny asked. In answer, Cujo barked again. "Okay, lead the wa- hey, hold up!" He called after the pup as he quickly ran away.

Not wasting any more time, Danny hurried after the canine, leaving the others behind in a tense silence; all eyes back on Eclipse and Fenris.

".... Sooo… Now what?" Scootaloo asked after a moment.

Sweetie Belle perked up, mouth opening to answer. She then froze mid-motion, and deflated with a heavy sigh. "I have no idea."


"Hey, hold up!" Danny called out after the energetic pup for the umptieth time. Not being able to fly or phase through any of the impeding walls meant he was much slower than even he liked. But to add insult to injury, he soon discovered that, frozen as he was now, whenever he tried to slow down and take a turn, he would continue sliding. Which resulted, more often than not, that he painfully collided with the adjacent wall, door, or some ornate piece of art not scavenged by the changelings to fuel their fires. Mostly due to the poor combustion properties of said objects.

Of course, Cujo, who didn't have any issues with his powers, ran through wall after wall; only to show up after enough time had passed between him phasing through the wall and Danny not following. Fortunately, after the sixth time, Cujo caught up with Danny's predicament, and stuck with the more mortal, two dimensional way to traverse from one point to another. Although with Danny sliding from one place to the next with little control, he still found himself waiting for his friend on many occasions.

"Arf?" He called out again after a moment, sitting on the floor, scratching himself behind an ear while watching Danny grab onto the wall, pulling himself into the hallway he'd overshot a second ago, grumbling to himself.

"You know," Danny almost growled. "This is really starting to irritate me."

"Arf," Cujo replied, then continued on his path.

Danny, with little choice but to follow and hope he wouldn't end up in a supplies closet again, picked up speed again; already feeling his feet slide around.

"Bark," Cujo called out, and Danny, with a now well practiced repetition, overshot the next turn and crashed into the wall; cracking his icy body, only for it to freeze whole much like his shoulder had done.

"I really should have gone to bed when I had the chance," he grumbled, face pressed against the unyielding wall.

Pulling himself free and away from the wall, he turned to look at Cujo; relief flooding his senses as he saw the gaping hole in the wall where the castle's gate used to be.

"Finally," he called out in relief, walking the short distance, only to be reminded he was only halfway there as he looked out to the city outside.

Staring outside with a flat stare, Danny groaned loudly.

"I really hate ice."


Panting and gasping, Danny finally emerged out of the tunnel and back on the surface again. Stopping just shy of the exit, he rested a hand against the wall, leaning heavily on it.

"So... many... slopes," he wheezed.

Cujo, not tired in the least, barked and yelped happily as he ran outside, playing in the snow.

"What in the world! Where did you come from?" Wind Chill said loudly, startled by Cujo.

"That is a question I've asked myself as well," Danny groaned, stepping out of the tunnel fully, causing Wind Chill to gasp out upon the sight of the Great One.

"Great One, you… you're…"

"Yeah, I caught a bit of a cold," Danny said, only half joking.

Wind Chill looked at the frozen hero of his kin, eyes wide.

"No, great one. You… you possess the power of Frostbite."

"Frostbite? You mean your village leader?"

"No… but yes," Wind Chill answered vaguely. "Frostbite has earned his name through hard work and dedication in mastering the power of Frostbite. It is a skill not many possess, and which is extremely difficult to control. And among those who can, only a few can use it to its full potential. And you…" He gasped, eyes widening even further as he stepped closer. "You are fully encased by Frostbite's grasp. This… this… surely this has to be a sign."

Danny, listening to Wind Chill with rapidly widening eyes, once again looked at his hands, and his skeleton through it. "You mean this is Frostbite?"

"Indeed," Wind Chill nodded slowly.

Danny, still looking at his frozen appendages, slowly closed his hands into fists, then dropped them to his side. "There is still so much I don't know," he muttered, more to himself. Shaking his head, he looked up at Wind Chill. "As much as a revelation this is, it will have to wait for another time. I just need to know one thing. This Frostbite, does it interfere with my other powers? Because I can't fly or turn intangible anymore."

Wind Chill sucked in a breath, "I'm afraid my knowledge of the power of Frostbite is severely limited. I, myself, do not possess the power. Frostbite, my village leader that is, would know a great deal more about it, so does the Elder. However, I do believe that the reason you can't fly is related to the power of Frostbite."

"Not the best answer," Danny sighed out, "but it'll have to do. I don't have the time for any prolonged guessing games either. I need to get back down there. But first, I need to get rid of this frozen body."

"You know how to control this power fully?" Wind Chill awed.

"Nope," Danny replied. "I'm just making this up as I go."

Reaching deep within himself, interacting with his frozen core in much the same way he was taught by Frostbite all those years ago, Danny channeled his arctic powers, but this time allowed them to flow free.

His hands began to glow brighter and brighter still, while the glow coming from the rest of his frozen body rapidly diminished. Feeling the building power of ice condense in his hands, he reached up, and fired two beams of icy blue into the sky; illuminating the night and windigoes still circling around without aim.

Steam began to burst from his body as his core temperature rapidly increased; water beginning to drip, then flow from his form, creating a puddle at his feet. The icy shell which had been his body grew softer and softer, and the first color of black and white began to show as his ghostly attire began to rematerialize, while the glowing orbs that were his eyes returned to their normal, green glowing selves.

All the while, Wind Chill looked with rapt attention to the incredible feat performed by the Great One.

It took several minutes for Danny to release all the contained energy he'd absorbed, glowing like a radiant beacon the entire time he did. But, eventually, the glow subsided, and all that remained was the half ghost Wind Chill remembered.

Standing still, head tilted back, eyes closed, Danny took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly after holding it for a bit. Opening his eyes, he brought his hands up to bare, slowly turning them around as he inspected them from various angles; seeing only the familiar white of his gloves.

"Great One," Wind Chill said, elated.

"Well," Danny said, dropping his hands, "that worked."

"It sure did," Wind Chill agreed, amazed.

"If only I had the time to actually admire this," Danny sighed out, then jumped up and found he could fly again. "Nice, no more walking for me," he added with a cheer. He then looked at Wind Chill with a satisfied grin, then up at the windigos. "Have they been any trouble?"

"Not at all. They are quite docile creatures when calm. It's when they run wild, and only then that they are a dangerous adversary. Especially because they travel in such large groups. But ever since you calmed them down, it has been easy going."

"Wish I could say the same," Danny complained. Shaking his head, he looked back at the tunnel entrance. "Well, I've gotta go. There is still a lot that needs to be done down there."

"Anything I can help with?" Wind Chill asked expectantly.

"No," Danny told him, looking back up again. "It's probably better if you stayed here and make sure they don't cause any more trouble. Besides, I've scared those changelings enough as is. It's probably better to keep any more surprises at bay until we figure out a way to cure them fully."

"Fully? Do you mean that the ancient one, Fenris is unable to help?"

"From what I gathered, he can only do so much without causing actual harm," Danny answered, turning to the giant behind him, frowning, deep in thought. "Say, what can you tell me about this Fenris?"

"Only what I have heard myself."

"Good enough for me," Danny said with a firm nod.

"Very well," Wind Chill said, then told the tale he was told so very long ago.

Author's Note:

Welcome down to the end of this chapter, I hope you've enjoyed the ride? And what a ride it was. Danny unlocking a new stage of abilities with his ice powers. Eclipse coming face to face with her first host. Sweetie Belle revealing her spirit side to Danny. And all the other crazy things that have happened, and are still happening. Where could all of this possibly take us?

Now, as is customary at this point, I'd like to ask you to share your thoughts, as well as any mistakes you might have found in this chapter. And I hope you aren't going crazy waiting for the next update...

No, please. Put those pitchforks and torches down.

And with that, I'm outta here.


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