• Published 2nd Jun 2013
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Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Tying Up Loose Ends

Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Tying up loose ends


With a gasp, Danny staggered back as the vine broke the connection, slithering back within the mass of foliage while the white-haired ghost stood unsteadily on the spot, grimacing, eyes clenched shut and a hand held against his head.

The memories of countless lives lived filled his mind and blurred perception of reality, reducing everything around him to white noise as he stood in many hooves, in many times in the same instance, obscuring his sense of self as the countless voices spoke to him.


He fell to his knees, catching himself at the last second, panting heavily while sweat dripped down his eyes onto the floor; his pupils, mere pinpricks, slowly widening to normal size as his breathing leveled out; his left hand slowly closing into a fist, stomping it on the floor with little strength behind it.

"Master," he heard Eclipse, realizing his shade was standing next to him, head lowered to his and eyes wide with worry. "Master, what happened? Your consciousness just vanished when this plant touched you."

Breath still heavy but more controlled, Danny slowly pushed himself back up and into a seated position; looking at his fist while slowly opening it and flexing his fingers.

"Danny?" Eclipse tried again.

'Phantom?' even Fenris tried to break through to him.

"... All those lives," Danny suddenly said, voice unusually hollow but with noticeable anger woven within it. "So much suffering… And for what?"

He abruptly stood up, surprising Eclipse and forcing her to half-jump back.

"What suffering? What happened? Danny, what is going on?" Eclipse reached out with a hoof, grabbing him by the shoulder.

"You…" A quiet voice spoke up, and Danny turned to the young changeling who stared up at him with large eyes. "You heard them, didn't you? They spoke to you?"

"Yes," Danny confirmed, releasing a deep breath. "Did a lot more than just speaking, though." He looked around, eyes narrowed slightly. "I know this room. I remember helping to build it… over a thousand years ago."

Erlea stumbled back in disbelief while Eclipse partially reared up in shock.

'A lie to be sure, yet you speak true all the same,' Fenris grumbled. 'What tricks have been played with your mind?'

"What tricks haven't," Danny muttered back.

"But how could you have been here a thousand years ago?" Eclipse asked.

"I wasn't," Danny answered vaguely. "They were," he gestured to Erlea. "Her ancestors. Their voices, their memories, they live on even after death. Remembered by the Murgröna, and they showed me everything. How they lived, how they grew, how they flourished… how they fell, and who was responsible for this to happen."

He turned to Eclipse, locking eyes.

"You came from Nightmare Moon. You said you have her memories, right?"

Flummoxed, she nodded.

"I, ah… yes. I do have some of my mother's memories, but they're difficult to discern, blurred after her merger with Shadow."

"Then do your best to unblur them," Danny grumbled as he turned around and moved to the room's closed onyx door. Without hesitation, he held up a green glowing hand, and the glyphs surrounding the portal lit up in response as the stone melted away. " 'Cause there are answers hidden in there. Answers to questions no one ever asked," he stepped out into the city, watching the far too silent and empty Hive with burning eyes. "So I will ask... for them."


With a confident pace, Danny moved through the identical hallways of the palace, knowing exactly where he needed to go.

Following closely behind was a small group of changelings, including Erlea and Devora. All of them silently watching Danny with wide eyes, though their shared mind was abuzz with seemingly endless unanswered questions as they momentarily lost sight of the tall biped as he rounded a corner.

Danny paid them no mind as he moved onwards, passing many similar closed onyx portals until he suddenly stopped; turning to the closed door on his right.

With a flash of green from his hand, mirrored by the glyphs surrounding the door, the stone melted away, revealing the room beyond, as well as its occupants.

"Danny!" Apple Bloom called out as she saw him enter, jumping off the bed and moved towards him.

Giving a tired smile at the filly, he then turned his attention to the two fillies still on the bed and his heart sank as he saw the quivering mess Sweetie Belle had become; curled into a ball and quietly sobbing while Scootaloo lay beside her gently patting her back.

A sigh escaped him as he moved to the bed, slowly sitting down on Sweetie Belle's free side.

"How's she holding up?" He asked.

"Not good," Scootaloo answered.

Placing a hand on top of Sweetie Belle's head, Danny gently comforted her.

"Do you… can you help her? Control this hunger that is?"

"On my own, maybe? It will be easier with the changelings helping. They have a good understanding of what she's going through… even if the source of this hunger differs," he answered, looking out of the still open onyx portal and seeing the small group of shapeshifters peeking inside.

"Erlea," he called out, "could you please come here? You too, Devora."

Both fillies blinked, looked at one another, hesitated for a second, then both slowly approached while keeping a wary eye on Sweetie Belle.

"Erlea," he said once the two fillies had closed the distance. "I understand that right now there are not a lot of fit changelings left to help, but I must ask for you to lend me Devora for some time.

"What? Why… and what for?" Both she and Devora asked simultaneously.

"Because Sweetie Belle needs time to come to terms with this darker aspect of her powers, and learn how to control them. Something she can only do here, with you. Which means she won't be able to return to Ponyville," a strangled squeak escaped the filly by his side upon hearing his words. "She needs to stay here. But if she does not return back home soon, she and her friends, there is no telling what else could happen. Nothing good, at the very least. So we need someling to take her place while Sweetie Belle learns to control the hunger. And," he cut off Apple Bloom before she could object. "Only she can stay here," he looked at the bow wearing filly. "You and Scootaloo have to return as well. Both to ease your family and friends' worry, but also to cover for any slip-ups Devora might, and most likely will make while pretending to be Sweetie Belle with no idea about her way of life"

"Shoot," Apple Bloom kicked the floor. " Tha' actually makes sense."

"But to make matters worse, everyone thinks one, or more ghosts are responsible for your disappearance. Which, in all honesty, is not that far from the truth. So we need to solve that problem also without drawing any unwanted attention to any of us, ghost or not."

"I take it you have a plan?" Scootaloo spoke up.

"More or less," Danny hesitated. "More of an idea than an actual plan, to be honest."

Scootaloo snorted, then shrugged. "More than I have."

"Okay, Eclipse," Danny called out, and his shadow rose up from the floor. "Shadow once helped me draw the guard away from me back in the scanner room. You're up to do the same?"

"Of course, master," she replied with a fanged grin. "What do you need me to do?"

A devious grin was the only answer.


With powerful beats of her bat wings, Eclipse shot through the air, a dark blur in the morning light.

At passing, she glanced down at the herd of windigos still present, fortunately still calm, and with no obvious sign of them wandering off, while cold vapor began to rise off the still frozen ground as the rising warmth of the day began its task to melt the out of season frost.

Before long the spectral equines were lost to her, and she instead refocused on the Everfree Forest, keeping a close eye on the ground below in case either Cujo or Wind Chill were already heading back to the Hive.

Even then, she also kept a wary eye on the sun as she could feel its effects on her form; her form wavering slightly as the sun's light hit her full force, before settling down. Serving as a harsh reminder to her. Even though she was powerful enough a shade to maintain herself even in the full light of day, the light could still harm her if she wasn't careful.

Shaking off the effects the daylight had over her, she continued her flight, quickly progressing until she had left the dead and barren lands behind, and lush grass began to dominate the ground beneath.

Up ahead, still some distance away she could make out the trees marking the boundary of the Everfree Forest and, running past them with great strides, Wind Chill emerged, Cujo keeping pace by his side.

Taking notice, Eclipse angled down and made a hard landing before the pair, forcing them to dig their heels to come to a sudden stop.

"So there you are," Eclipse said.

"Arf," Cujo barked in recognition, tail wagging.

"Eclipse?" Wind Chill said questioningly, not familiar with her true form.

Nodding in confirmation, she half turned into the direction of the Hive. "You must hurry," she told them. "Much has happened when you were gone, and Danny needs your help." Anticipating the giant's next question, she shook her head. "And, no. It does not involve Fenris. Though I don't have time to explain either," she looked past them at the forest. "Is Zecora still at your village?"

Confused and surprised, it took Wind Chill several moments to collect his thoughts.

"I, ehh… I think so, yes. Though I have not seen her since we last parted ways."

"Good enough," Eclipse spread her wings. "Hurry, time is of the essence," she said, then shot off into the air and towards the forest, leaving behind Wind Chill and Cujo with more questions than answers.

Frowning thoughtfully, Wind Chill watched Eclipse disappear within the woods.

"There is something most unusual about this shade," he spoke softly.

Shaking himself out of his stupor, he turned his attention back towards where he knew the changelings' city was.

"Come, Cujo. The Great One needs our help. We better not keep him waiting."

Cujo barked a reply as he and Wind Chill ran with great strides, not knowing what to expect, but ready for whatever challenge awaited them.


"So, what is the plan?" asked Apple Bloom, once again lying beside Sweetie Belle while watching Danny pace around the room, frowning with a hand on his chin.

"Like I said, more an idea than a plan," Danny replied with a grunt. "Don't know if it will work, though I hope it does. It'll buy us the time we need."

"Time for what?" Scootaloo spoke up.

Danny came to a sudden stop, sighing deeply while slowly crossing his arms, looking at nothing in particular.

"Time to figure out what's really going on."

"Ehh…?" Apple Bloom uttered, glancing at Scootaloo, who merely shrugged, not understanding either.

"There are always two sides to each story," he added unhelpfully, resuming his pacing.

"Okay?" Scootaloo said.

"And I have been shown one side. But what about the other? What is the true truth in this mess?"

"You're kinda losing us here, Danny," Scootaloo told him.

Danny ignored her as he mulled over his thoughts before shaking himself out of his musings, then turned to Erlea, standing near the door with a couple of other changelings, looking at him expectantly.

"Erlea, how long do you think all of you can last with the resources you have left?"

Surprised by this sudden change, Erlea fumbled for an answer, quickly calling out over the hive mind to all still standing for an answer.

"Not long," she said eventually. "We're scraping by as is. Almost no ling out looking for food found any supply plentiful enough to last more than a day, and I don't recall ever having any reserves available for as long as I have been around," she summed up with a weary sigh. "And while it helps that the sick are now recovering, they will not be able to help with finding food for some time, while needing food to recover. At best, I'd say we maybe, maybe have a month if we're really 'lucky'."

"A month," Danny hummed, once again resuming his pacing. "So unless a proper source of positive emotions is found, preferably love, but just about anything would do right now, things wouldn't really have improved for all of you."

"But, what 'bout us?" Apple Bloom piped up. "We've given them emotions, right?" she held up her leg from which Erlea had siphoned some of her energy.

"True," Danny agreed. "But only one of them, and it drained you to the point of exhaustion. Same with Scootaloo, right?" he looked at the aforementioned filly, who nodded in answer. "So that is not really helpful. If it takes one to feed one we need an entire city worth of ponies to accomplish that. And with the current relations between changelings and ponies that is not going to happen any time soon. Though this does raise another question."

"Which is?" Scootaloo asked, flexing a wing before folding it back to her side.

"There was a time when changelings and ponies worked and lived together, long ago," he told them, and a gasp escaped the two fillies as well as the changelings in the room while, remaining quiet, Danny did notice the twitch in Sweetie Belle's ears.

"You know?" Devora asked, shocked.

"I do," Danny confirmed. "Thing is, they fed on the ponies without draining them. Not like how it has happened to you two," he aimed at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. "In fact, a single pony provided enough energy to feed several dozen changelings for days."

"They did?" Apple Bloom asked, surprised, confused. "How?"

"How indeed?" Danny murmured. "When ponies and changelings first met, it happened by chance. The changelings' food reserves running low during winter, forcing them to venture out past their territory in search of food. Which is how, eventually, one changeling came across the ponies. Both being unknown to one another, yet instead of being hostile, the ponies helped the changeling they met; giving her clothes to keep warm and such. But it was a young colt who first demonstrated the ability to feed them, later mirrored by the other foals before any of the adults did. And now, in a way, twisted as it may be, history is repeating itself," he looked at Erlea.

"You left your home in search of food, after which you encountered Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. And instead of attacking you, they went out of their way to help you. But after everything that has happened to your kind, is still happening to this day, this was something not easily accepted. After all, what reason do you have to…"

Danny fell silent, eyes slowly widening as realization began to take hold.

"Danny?" Apple Bloom said, worried, jumping off the bed and nudging him.

"Trust," he said suddenly, slamming a fist into his hand. "That's why they aren't able to get the emotions they need from you, without physically draining them that is. After everything that has happened to them, they have no reason to trust you."

"What do you mean it's about trust? That doesn't make any sense," Devora was quick to reply.

"But it does," Danny countered. "The first time a changeling fed from the emotions given by a pony, it happened with a colt, a child. Children are always quicker to trust others, and the changeling didn't know anything about ponies. They were a complete unknown, and thus something to be wary of lest they turned out to be dangerous. Instead, they helped her, and thus gave her a reason to trust them. And when that happened, when this first bond of trust formed, she also discovered a source of food never before seen by any changeling. But now, with this trust betrayed so thoroughly, you… I don't know, block yourselves off from this all as a manner of self-defense."

"So all they need to do to get more emotions from us is by trusting us?" Scootaloo asked.

"I believe so, yes," Danny nodded, then grimaced. "Still easier said than done. Trust is hard to gain but easy to lose. Though you helping them should count for something, but if that will be enough short term… I don't know. But it would certainly increase their chances of pulling through this whole ordeal if I'm right."

"So, we just need to forget what the ponies did to us, what she did to us, and pretend everything is just perfect so we can eat?" Erlea sneered.

"No," Danny countered calmly. "Pretending to be fine is not going to work, as there wouldn't be any trust. Nor would it work if you would just reveal yourselves to the world and hope for the best. The image of you being monsters has been spread for too long by her to see you as anything but. No, you need to start small, and allow the trust to grow naturally," he looked over at the three ponies, "and work your way up from there."

"And what if she were to find out?" Erlea shot back with a biting tone.

"Then I will stand by your side to defend you against Celestia. For that, you have my word."


"Wait, WHAT!?" Apple Bloom shouted, she and Scootaloo looking at Danny with shock plastered on their faces. Even Sweetie Belle had lifted a leg to stare at him with a single, bloodshot eye.

Danny, in turn, looked at them tiredly, about to respond when a loud, but muffled bark could be heard from the other side of the closed door, which opened a second later by the efforts of one of the changelings standing guard outside.

With a quieter bark in thanks, Cujo jumped inside, quick to spot Danny while, still outside the room, Wind Chill had lowered himself to hands and knees in order to look inside.

The large hound swiftly moved over to Danny, who gave him a welcoming scratch on the head.

"Erlea, Devora, perhaps it would be best if you explain to them what we were talking about. If anything, they have shown they can be trusted. Now it is up to you to take the next step," he told them, then looked at the giant still awkwardly positioned outside the room. "Meanwhile, I need to have a word with Wind Chill," he added as he moved to the door. "Cujo, you come too."

"Whu… But, wait," Erlea called out, and Danny stopped, looked at her and gave a tired smile.

"Trust me," and with that, he and Cujo stepped out the room, the door closing with a flicker of green coming from Danny's hand.

"Great One, wha-" Danny held up a hand, stopping him mid-sentence.

"A lot has happened in the time you were gone. Too much to explain in a few words," he then looked at the foals still standing guard, watching with poorly concealed fright at the giant and hound. "Let's go someplace else where we can talk."

Moving away from the occupied room, Danny led Cujo and Wind Chill, the latter shuffling forwards in an awkward, crouched stance, to a passage which revealed to them a grand balcony hanging on the outside of one of the many stalactites and presenting a splendid view of the cascading waterfall in the city's center.

No longer encumbered by a far too low ceiling, Wind Chill straightened himself with a thankful groan; allowing himself a few precious moments to work out the kink in his back, before addressing the elephant in the room.

"From how things appear to be I can only surmise that, while successful in your endeavor to cure the changelings' illness, something else of importance happened."

Danny snorted. "That's one way of saying it."

He exhaled a tired sigh, stepping closer to the too low for a human guard rail and looked out over the city.

"After we separated, several things happened. Fenris and I were able to remove the hate poisoning the changelings, this is true. But they are still weak, and not all will survive despite this. As terrible as this is, it turned out there were more changelings still held captive in Canterlot, the ponies' capital, after a failed invasion. A small group of changelings and I went over there to free them… for what little good it might do. They are in terrible shape. Worse than even the worst afflicted I saw in this city. But while I was there, I learned of several other things as well. First off, there appears to have been a ghost attack the day before--" Wind Chill sucked in a breath "-- And an attack on a construction site. A human construction site… led by Dani… who was also injured in this attack… assuming it was an attack, to begin with. Unfortunately, as I set out to find Dani and find some answers in the process, spectral exhaustion kicked in and, well, let's just keep it at that everyone there now knows Danny Phantom is 'haunting' the castle."

Danny took a moment to silently curse to himself, eyes held shut.

"But because of this I did discover a rather unexpected presence of ghosts, two ponies, who helped me escape the castle, then find my way to a native source of spectral energy through which I was able to regain my strength. Though I wouldn't mind a twelve hour nap after all of this is over. But to make matters worse, Sweetie Belle…" he trailed off, sighing deeply while shaking his head.

"The young spirit," Wind Chill gasped, alarmed. "Great One, what happened?"

"Her friends came to me before it got out of hand, but I did not recognize what was happening. Thinking it was just exhaustion on her part. But now… it would seem her powers come with a severe drawback. Something that makes her lose control over herself," he turned around, looking Wind Chill in the eyes.

"She turned into something else… something, not her. A near-feral creature causing severe damage to the city with her attacks, injuring several, and feeding on their fear while doing it. She didn't even seem to recognize her friends while in this state," he once again released a tired sigh. "I was able to stop her, break through to her, but she has taken this hard. Very hard. Can't say I blame her. And because of this, she isn't able to return home either."

"WHAT!?" Wind Chill shouted, his voice echoing throughout the city and causing several young changelings traversing the various walkways, carrying various items to help the formerly ill, to look around in confusion and fear.

Holding up a hand, Danny silenced him.

"She can't go back because she needs to learn how to control this darker aspect of herself. And as it turns out, here would be the best place for her to do so. This hunger she has, this need to feed on fear is something the changelings have as well. Though they require positive emotions opposite to Sweetie Belle's need for negative. Even then, they can teach her how to control this side of her, and, hopefully, in turn, they can learn to trust ponies while doing so. If not, I fear the changelings will die regardless of us curing their illness."

"But… what would the changelings trusting the ponies have anything to do with them eating?"

"Everything," Danny looked up at the luminescent Murgröna, frowning, arms crossed.

"Something else that has happened while you were away would be the awakening of the Murgröna, that plant you see growing everywhere. It is more than just some foliage to liven up the place. Somehow, and I don't know how, the Murgröna contains the living memories of all changelings past and present, going back centuries. And somehow I am the one who managed to reawaken it. And because of this, it connected my mind with itself."

"It, what?! What happened?"

"It revealed to me the countless lives lived throughout the ages. I experienced them as if living them myself. More than a thousand years of experiences; lessons in everything this world has to offer, from friendship between species, various crafts, love, parenthood on both sides of the sexes, magic… betrayal… It is difficult to put into words, really. I did lose myself in it all for a while. But in the end, I understood one vital thing. Something that all those who spoke to me wanted: answers. And there are only two left alive who can give them. But for them to do so will require me to make them face their actions, without a way for them to hide away. Undeniable proof that they can't just ignore or brush away. And I think I know where I can find it… The ghost library."

"The library? What do you hope to find there?"

"The books of their lives," Danny answered readily. "But, none of this matters if we don't address a more urgent matter that needs resolving first. The girls need to go home, now! So do I. But how would we do this after everyone is convinced we were taken by ghosts? At least there are those who can pretend to be Sweetie Belle, but still…"

"That…" Wind Chill was silent for a moment, still processing everything Danny had told him. "That may not be easy. Though, maybe…"


"Before our return here, Cujo and I intervened in an attack by these so-called timberwolves on one of the ghost hunters. He was badly injured, but I froze his wounds, and put in place a simple cast to keep him from making things worse while the others of his group would find him. The cold would also have helped. Maybe this can be used to weave a convincing story?"

"Maybe?" Danny turned around, hands on his back while overlooking the city. "But I'm still waiting for Eclipse to return with Zecora. We need their help regardless."

"Then it would seem I chose the right moment to return," Eclipse replied, and all present turned to look at the shade standing behind them, with a windswept Zecora standing beside her.

"While I understand the haste to bring me to the changelings' den, I must ask you not to do that again," Zecora said as she stood somewhat wobbly on her hooves. She then turned to Danny, eyes large with worry. "Your shade, Eclipse, she has told what terrible things have unfold. You have my help, this is a certainty. What must I do to relieve some of this misery?"

"Heya!" Cujo barked happily, tail wagging as he recognized Zecora. The mare, to no surprise to Danny, flinched when she heard, then saw the dog responsible for her home's unwanted redecoration.

"And now we're all here," Danny muttered to himself. "Good. Zecora, Wind Chill, and you too Cujo," he looked at the still wagging pup near the balcony's railing. The hound's ears perked up, and the large canine leaped to his paws with an eager bark. "I need you all to stay here and ensure things don't go spiraling down into chaos again. Wind Chill," he looked at the giant. "I understand you have an honor bond with Apple Bloom, but as is, you can't return to the barn you've been staying in all this time. It has been discovered, and will be kept under close examination. Besides, you are needed here to keep the windigos under control."

Danny then turned to Zecora before Wind Chill could even begin to object.

"Zecora, I won't repeat what Eclipse has already told you. I think it should be obvious where your help is required. Your skills with potions may make the difference between life and death for a great number of changelings while they are recovering, and the presence of an adult is something these foals need as well."

"Cujo," he turned to the now wagging dog, "Your skills to track just about anything are needed here as well. I don't know how long it may take for the changelings to find it in them to trust the ponies again, but until they do, they need to find another source of food. Any forest creature would do, rabbits, birds, foxes, whatever. Something they can leech some energy from… and nothing too dangerous. And I'm sure Zecora will have need of various supplies as well you should be able to find."

"You've got it," Cujo barked his confirmation, only understandable by Danny.

"And most importantly, we're also here to make sure nothing goes wrong with Sweetie Belle. One rampant spirit attack is one too many already."

"We're?" Wind Chill mirrored. "Great One, do you not intend to return to your village with the children?"

For a second, the image of a strange black and white pony he encountered inside the mirror pool flashed before his mental eye, a smirk forming.

A band of white light split him in two.

""No,"" two identical voices spoke at once. "I just have to be in two places at once."


Two Dannys walked through the hall, one human, the other a ghost. Following him were Eclipse, Cujo, Zecora, and once again shuffling forwards in an awkward stance, Wind Chill.

The odd procession didn't go unnoticed either, as the group of changeling foals standing guard near the only occupied room were quick to respond upon the sight of them all. And, of course, because of this, it didn't take long for the glyphs surrounding the door to glow and the onyx portal to melt away.

"WHAT THE HAY!?" shouted Devora when she spotted the cause of the commotion, staring with wide eyes at the two humans before coming to a conclusion.

"No, I am not dealing with this madness any longer!" And she promptly returned back into the room.

"Well, can't say I blame her," the human Danny remarked as he scratched his scalp.

"Ditto," his ghost counterpart agreed with a shrug, then both walked inside before the door could close on them.

Zecora, Cujo and Eclipse followed a moment later while Wind Chill could only resume his previous position and knelt down to look inside.

"WHAT THE HAY!" Came the echo of Devora's outburst as Erlea looked at the two strangely identical humans.

"Yes, there are two of me now," ghost Danny said. "It's something I can do as a ghost. But that's not important now," he walked over to the group of fillies, pleased to see Sweetie Belle was no longer quivering, but an occasional sob could still be heard. Though she was far from better, at least it was an improvement. Small as it may be.

"Okay," he dropped to a knee to be at eye level with them. "Here's what's going to happen. Zecora, Cujo, Wind Chill and I will stay here to help the changelings and Sweetie Belle. Devora will assume Sweetie Belle's form, and then join you two," he looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, "and my other self as we return to Ponyville. Now, when we return, there are going to be many difficult questions, as well as a large number of guards trying to figure out if we're ghosts, or possessed by ghosts. Most likely by scanning us to start with."

"But wouldn't that mean they can see you're a ghost when they do?" asked Scootaloo.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure. Every time I was near one or more ghost scanners, they never went off… Not sure why, but… I can make some guesses. Even so, they will find a lot of spectral signatures all around us after spending so much time near ghosts, not to mention the time in the Far Frozen. So in order to keep the truth from being revealed we need to do some creative storytelling."

"Ya mean lyin' " Apple Bloom deadpanned. "Tha ain't gonna work on mah big sis. She sees right through it."

"No doubt," the other Danny answered, stepping closer. "That's why we're not going to lie. But we're not going to tell the whole truth either."

"Meaning?" Scootaloo asked.

"You weren't taken by ghosts, true. But ghosts were involved all the same. Besides, Wind Chill did mention he carried you so, in a way, a ghost has taken you someplace. Meaning you can honestly say yes to such a question, as long as you don't go into details. As for me, when I disappeared in the forest it was because Fenris attacked my other half. So, in truth, a ghost was responsible for that as well. No need to lie, but no reason to tell the full truth either."

"As for where we were," the other Danny continued. "Some strange cave. Some weird plant growing there. Not much to go by," he shrugged, "but we didn't stick around to figure out where we were exactly while we escaped."

"An how did we escape?" Apple Bloom wanted to know.

Danny looked over his shoulder at the giant still crouched before the door.

"We were rescued by a surprisingly helpful giant of a ghost who, by his own admission, already went out of his way to save the life of a ghost hunter. That will help us sell this story, because there is another who can claim such a thing."

"But tha would be a lie, 'cause Wind Chill didn't save us from any ghosts," Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Didn't he?"

"The windigos," Scootaloo gasped. "He fought the windigos, and we were there too."

"Exactly," Danny, the one kneeling down, said as he stood back up. "And of course with us having just escaped untold 'horrors' and, most likely in shock after such a terrible ordeal, it would make sense our story would be lacking in detail. Which means we have a truthful story to tell, which, hopefully, will be enough to keep the others from looking too deep into this."

"But…" Apple Bloom scuffed a hoof on the floor, looking down. "Wouldn't it be better to jus' tell them wha happened? What really happened, Ah mean."

"Would it?" Danny asked in return. "You tell me. After you three, Zecora and I went missing without a trace, ghost hunters active in town, and a confirmed ghost presence, the mess over at Canterlot, my stellar reputation and everything else going on, do you really think that they would believe any of us if we claim that I am a friendly neighborhood ghost? A friendly neighborhood ghost helping out you girls, one of which has become a spirit, to save a dying species of shapeshifters who, not too long ago executed a hostile attack on Canterlot. And all of that with the help of other ghosts, who we can visit at their home through a portal which, incidentally, just so happens to have opened and can be found inside the ruins of the princesses old castle. And that's not even mentioning Fenris, who spawned the corruption which turned Luna into Nightmare Moon… Which, as you were told," he looked at Erlea who, slowly, gave a nod, "played a vital role in the collapse of changeling society. Both she and Celestia."

"It does make for one hell of a story," the other Danny said offhandedly. "But considering we have been 'abducted' by ghosts, the truth will not be believed to be as such. They'd just think we are forced by the ghosts to tell some outlandish story, which will not end well for many involved, Sweetie Belle and myself included."

"The Great One speaks true," Wind Chill spoke up. "As it is now, the truth will only sound like a lie. For others to believe your words, undeniable proof has to be presented. Proof that can't be ignored or twisted to fit their world view."

"But how would we do that?" Scootaloo wanted to know.

"You don't," the human Danny said. "When you return home, they will not let you out of their sight. You will need to lay low, all of you," he looked at Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and then Devora. "We all do."

"As for me," Danny, the ghost, picked up. "While I help here, I will also go to the ghost Zone; the library to be precise."

"Library?" Erlea finally found her voice, looking up at him with confusion.

"Yes," he confirmed. "There is something there… It's kinda like the Murgröna. The books of life. Everyone's life story, written down as it happens," he held up a hand, intercepting the flood of questions. "Don't ask, I don't know either. But what I do know is that, maybe, just maybe I may be able to find some answers there… should I be allowed to do so. But if nothing else, I should be able to find a book that could be useful to help Sweetie Belle better understand her powers. But all of that is in the future, and we have plenty to do right now."

"Actually, Great One. If I may," Wind Chill interrupted. "I need to speak with young Apple Bloom."

"The honor bond," Danny said, understanding.

"Indeed," he confirmed. "Apple Bloom, if you would?"

"Eh… sure?" The young pony slowly moved over to the giant.

"Uhmm… Would it be asking too much for some privacy?" Wind Chill said after several moments of silence, looking first at the foals still standing guard, then back inside the room.

"Erlea, would you please tell your friends they can go and help the others. Nothing bad will happen here. I promise."

Erlea looked up at both Dannys, unable to properly formulate a response, but slowly nodding as she gave an order over the hive mind.

"You sure?" A young voice squeaked as a young colt, wearing a far too large helmet, looked inside.

"Y-yes. Go," she instructed, and slowly the aspiring guards left their post, leaving Wind Chill and Apple Bloom in the otherwise empty hallway.

With a flash of his hand, Danny closed the door of the chamber, giving a nod to Wind Chill.

"Okay," he said as he and his counterpart both turned to Scootaloo. "While he does that, there is one other matter that needs to be addressed while it is still possible."

"Euhh… why're you two… one.... why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Let me guess," Danny said, arms crossed.

"Clockwork?" his white-haired double said, both of them looking expectantly at the orange pegasus.


"Ya wanted ta talk ta mah?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at Wind Chill.

"Yes," he confirmed, then grunted as he readjusted his stance a bit to find a more comfortable position. "It's about my honor bound to you. The Great One's reasoning is sound, and as such, I find no reason to argue with his plan. But my oath to stay by your side, until such times come where I can fulfill the debt I owe to your family, means I can't just leave you either."

"But ya left ta go back ta help Danny when he an' Fenris got stuck together?"

"I did, yes. And while I won't deny I did so to help the Great One, the reason I was able to do this was to keep you safe. Had I not helped Danny by bringing him to the Elder and resolve the trouble his merger with Fenris had brought, there is no telling what might have happened. But now I find myself in a dilemma. As things are, you are in no danger here. But back at your village, this may not be so and my bond demands I stay by your side. Yet Danny is not wrong when he said my help is required here, but my bonds prevent me from staying."

"But wha 'bout Sweetie Belle? She needs ya more than Ah do right now, an-" Apple Bloom paused, looking at the closed door as if she could see her friend through it. "Ya said ya cain't leave me unless ya fulfilled this debt ta mah family… Does tha mean all mah family?"

"Yes," Wind Chill replied, confused. "By possessing your older siblings to make them forget what they saw, I must serve your family as penance. But you are the only one of your family who knows about me, and as such my oath of honor is solely focused on you."

"But what if Ah have more family who knows 'bout ya?" Apple Bloom now fully turned to the closed door, eyes set. "Sweetie Belle's mah friend. So is Scootaloo. An friends are the family ya choose." Turning to Wind Chill, she looked him in the eyes. "Sweetie Belle's mah family, an she needs ya help. So ya can stay here an help her, tha changelings, Danny, everyone without yer honor bond gettin' in tha way. An don't worry 'bout me or Scootaloo. We've got Danny ta look after us."

For several moments, Wind Chill looked surprised, taken aback. But then his rough features smoothed into a warm smile as he looked at the surprisingly mature filly.

"You are wise for your years, young Apple Bloom. And it warms my unbeating heart to see you care so much for others. Despite my slight to your family, I couldn't be happier to be bonded to one as strong and brave as you are."

"So does tha mean ya stay here?"

"Yes, as my code commands, I will remain here and do what I can to help your family. And, Apple Bloom. Thank you."


"So, yeah… That's when he took me to a different time where my parents were still alive, and where I never went to Ponyville," Scootaloo said with a bitter tone, head hanging.

"And while it was what you wished for, you soon discovered it wasn't what you wanted," Danny, the human one, replied. Speaking from experience.

"Yeah," Scootaloo nodded. "My parents were alive, but I never met Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. We never became the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and never had all the crazy adventures we've done.

Sweetie Belle gasped, looking at her friend with large, red-rimmed eyes; so enraptured by what Scootaloo had said she didn't even realize she had unfurled as she listened.

"We never met?" She asked, voice small.

Scootaloo, surprised when Sweetie Belle spoke, flinched before looking at her; glad to see her friend had pulled herself together enough to 'show' herself again. Though that feeling was short lived as her friend still waited for an answer.

"No," she answered with a deep sigh. "We didn't."

"And then what happened?" Danny asked her, voice caring.

"I had to choose."

Both Dannys stiffened, then both sighed wearily.

"Choose between what you have and have lost, and what you could have, but must lose."

"I, eh… yeah. But how do you-"

"It's how Clockwork works. Trust me, I speak from experience. I once created an alternate reality in which my parents never got married, and my older sis and I were never born…. It was a mess… and all because Clockwork wanted me to figure things out on my own. Just… be glad he was the one showing you all that, instead of stumbling through it all blind. Time travel… it is not as great as all those stories make it out to be."

"... Yeah," Scootaloo slumped down onto the bed. "It… It was difficult. Making that choice, I mean. Don't think I even had a choice, really."

"We rarely do," Danny, the ghost one, said as he sat down beside the depressed filly, putting a hand on top of her head.

"Though I did get to meet my future self because of it," Scootaloo said, then paused, looking up at Danny with curious eyes. "Did you meet your future self?"

Both Dannys froze once again, eyes meeting. "I have," was his clipped response.

"And what was he like?"

"It… could have gone better I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"My future self… Well, let's just say the things they say about me now were true for him. He was a future I could not allow to happen. And while most of the time we don't have much of a choice, with this I did. And I chose to be better, to never let that future happen, ever."

"Was it really that bad?" Sweetie Belle asked.

""Worse,"" both Dannys told her.

"Just know," Danny, the human, said, looking at Sweetie Belle. "As bad as things may seem for you now, at least you didn't destroy your world."

A loud chorus of gasps rose up from Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Zecora, Devora and Erlea; the latter two having listened to this insane tale in silence and bewilderment, while Cujo, quietly laying on the ground, merely groaned and rolled over; hind leg kicking.

"Destroy the world?" Scootaloo said, stunned, looking at the ghost sitting next to her. "What? Why?"

"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about it. It is in my past, and that future has not happened," he told her, looking at her with a tired smile while trying to ignore the persistent voice in the back of his mind reminding him of Dan still imprisoned within the thermos over at Clockwork's clocktower.

A knock coming from the door pulled their attention to the closed onyx portal, and Danny, the human one, activated the runes with a glowing hand, allowing Apple Bloom to enter while Wind Chill, once again, stared inside from an awkward position.

"Everything sorted out?" Danny, the one who opened the door, asked.

"Yup," Apple Bloom said with a smile, then looked at her friends, realizing something had happened. "What did Ah miss?"

"Long story," Scootaloo told her.

"Long story?" Apple Bloom mirrored, then her eyes widened. "Ya mean tha time travel thing long story? Wha happend?"

"Looong story," Scootaloo repeated, stretching out the word.

"But, what happened?" Apple Bloom wanted to know.

"I guess that is an answer you will have to wait for a bit longer to learn," Danny, the ghost, said as he stood up. "It's time to go home."


Wind Chill groaned gratefully as he stretched his back, standing before the destroyed gate of the palace while all the others grouped together around the two Dannys. Sweetie Belle, too, upon the urging of her friends, found the strength to follow, but lagged behind with her head held low.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo matched her pace as they remained on either side of her, both saying the occasional word of encouragement as they reached the rest.

"Okay," Danny, the ghost, said when everyone was present. "I'm not going to say this is going to be easy. Nothing this night has been, and there is a real chance this plan is going to fail regardless of how well we plan out our story. Still, we have to try and return some semblance of normalcy to the world, so if there are any last things we need to sort out with our story, now's the time," he said, waiting for any to speak up. When none did, he gave a single, resolute nod.

"Okay. Wind Chill, you know what must be done with the windigos. Keep them calm and, if possible, return them to the Far Frozen. As long as this does not get in the way of you helping Sweetie Belle. Zecora," he turned to the wise zebra. "Erlea will help you get the few supplies they have left to get started with some of the potions the populace might need. I leave it to you to figure out exactly what this might be, or what would be required to do so. Cujo will help you gather whatever resource you would require, as long as he has a sample to smell, or a description of what it looks like. Don't worry, he can understand everything you say, even if he doesn't always act on it. Cujo," he turned to the dog, finger raised. "Behave."

"No promises," Cujo barked.

Taking a moment to just breathe, Danny then turned to the rest of the group. "Sweetie Belle," he said, voice lowering just a bit. "I know this will be difficult for you, but this is where you must say goodbye to your friends. At least for a while. I understand that this is the last you want to do, but you won't be alone here."

Sweetie Belle sniffed, rubbed her nose with a hoof and meekly nodded while never looking up.

"Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, the same goes for you," he told the two, then left them to say their goodbyes to their friend while he focused on the other two fillies in the group.

"Devora, you still have enough energy left to transform, right?" He asked, to which the young shapeshifter nodded with a slight moment of hesitance. Then green fire erupted from her body, and a moment later a duplicate Sweetie Belle was revealed. "Okay. Erlea, as I just told Zecora, give her access to the few resources there still are so she can start working on the potions and whatnot. It might just make the difference the recovering changelings need."

"As for me," he turned to his human double. "Anything to add?"

"Yes, actually," Danny replied, turning to the group. "Do any of you know someone called Mayfly? Strange, I know. But I doubt I will have another chance to ask this for some time."

"Mayfly?" Wind Chill repeated, puzzled.

"Mayfly?!" Scootaloo spoke up, surprised, ears perked. "That… That's what my dad called me. Why… Wait, where did you hear that name?"

Both Dannys stared at the young pegasus, the answer obvious in hindsight.

"Scootaloo," human Danny said slowly. "...I think I just met your parents back in Canterlot."

A pindrop could be heard from a mile away in the silence that followed. A silence which was abruptly shattered half a second later when Scootaloo cried out a loudly echoing: "WHAT!?"

Expecting the outburst but, still taken aback by the volume, both Dannys took a step back as the young pegasus advanced on them.


Her large eyes bored into the two, demanding answers.

"I don't know," human Danny answered. "They showed up when I was in trouble back at the castle, helped me escape and find a fix for my spectral exhaustion, then were just as quick to leave. The only reason I even know that name is, because your father, if it really was him, told me to go help his little Mayfly. I honestly don't know more than that."

"But… But…" Words failed her as she tried to find an answer to her unanswered questions.

"Danny wouldn't lie to ya," Apple Bloom said, pulling her friend in a sideways hug. "Not about something like this. If 'twere ya parents, Ah'm sure they've got a reason for stayin' hidden."

"But why?"

"That is a good question," one of the Dannys said, frowning as he thought it through.

"But not a question we're going to answer standing here," the other remarked. "And whether they were your parents, or not, we still need to leave if we want to have any chance to settle things down back home, giving us a chance to find some answers after that whole mess."

Scootaloo, clearly unsatisfied with this answer, scuffed the ground with a hoof. Then, begrudgingly said: "Fine."

Sighing, Danny Phantom took a moment to reassess the situation. Knowing now that Scootaloo's parents, assumedly, were also around, he couldn't help but wonder what exactly was going on. There have been too many coincidences for them to be anything but, but he did not understand how it was all connected.

"Look, I don't like not knowing either, but this is how it is. Maybe, hopefully, we may find the truth once all this is over. But for now, try not to let this get to you too much. It won't do you any good."

Looking around, he noticed a small group of changeling foals hesitantly approaching, which didn't go unnoticed by the others either.

"Is there something wrong?" Danny Phantom asked, already worried something has happened to the recovering changelings.

The younglings spoke to one another with hushed voices and, what Danny suspected by seeing the frequent twitching of their ears and the various facial expressions, as well over their shared mind. An obvious sign he now recognized, as the young shapeshifters hadn't yet mastered the control to keep their thoughts and feelings from showing.

One of them eventually stepped forwards; awkwardly shuffling towards Apple Bloom, who stood closest to them.

Apple Bloom, a full head taller than the young shapeshifter, looked at the colt as he shifted on the spot, looking down at his hooves.

"... Uhm…. Thanks for helping," he squeaked, paused, then surprised all by hugging Apple Bloom.

Only allowing her surprise to keep her from reacting for a few short seconds, Apple Bloom wrapped a leg around the colt and reciprocated the gesture.

"O'course we helped. No pony. No ling should have ta go through this alone."

With a grateful smile, the colt pulled away, only for his expression to morph into one of confusion, then shock. Something mirrored by the other changelings around, as well as both Dannys.

"What ta hay's that?" Apple Bloom shouted as she jerked back, a wavering stream of energy flowing from her to the colt.

"That," Danny Phantom said, a winning grin forming, "is trust renewed." He then looked at Erlea. "And hope for the future."

The young, wide eyed princess could only watch in stunned silence as, for the first time in far too many years, a changeling had more to eat that he could begin to imagine.

"Hope," she whispered.

It was a feeling which warmed her heart.

It was something she had never felt before.


After a few more minutes delay, in which Apple Bloom allowed the group of emotivores to siphon as much energy from her as they could; aided by Scootaloo who, much to the surprise of the changelings, but by now expected by both Dannys, also gave off the life-sustaining energy the shapeshifters needed.

Once they had their fill and, lying unmoving on the ground with their stomachs full, groaning in equal parts discomfort and satisfaction from such a novel experience, Danny Phantom took the two real Crusaders, and one faux Crusader, out of the city and back to the surface.

"Well, at least they are still behaving," Danny remarked as he observed the herd of windigos calmly moving around.

"It may not remain like that," Wind Chill informed him as he stepped out of the tunnel. "The rising temperature of the day may set them off again if no one keeps them under control."

"Good thing you're here then."


Taking a deep breath, allowing the still chilly air to refresh him, Danny then gave a resolute nod.

"Okay, time to go. Eclipse!"

"Ready," his shade replied as she rose up from the ground.

"Good. Girls," he looked at the fillies, "Eclipse will carry you most of the way. When we get close to Ponyville we have to walk the last part," he waited for the trio to nod. "You all know the story to tell when asked?" Once again they nodded. "Then there is no reason to delay any further."

"Right," Eclipse agreed and lowered herself to the ground. "Climb on, girls."

No sooner had she said that and, Scootaloo had already leaped on her back, finding a spot closest to her neck. Apple Bloom followed second, taking her place behind her eager friend while Devora stared at them with unblinking eyes.

"Something wrong?" Danny asked.

Slowly she looked at him. "I just need to know. Is everyone from that town this crazy, or just all of you?"

"Yes," Danny answered unhelpfully, picking up Devora and placing her on Eclipse back.

"Ya git used ta it after a while," Apple Bloom told her, smiling broadly.

"Hive, I hope not."

"Well, then you better prepare yourself. Cause you're a Crusader now," Scootaloo called out, wings buzzing in excitement as Eclipse stood back up.


"Crazy is only the start!" Scootaloo whooped as Eclipse took a running start, then shot in the air; Danny flying beside her.

"May the Ancestors watch over you all," Wind Chill said in goodbye, then quietly added as he watched them leave. "For I fear this is not the end, but the beginning of your journey, with dangers unknown still waiting to happen."

He then turned his attention down to the windigos.

"But at the least, I can keep this danger from happening again."


With the wind blowing through their manes, the three fillies riding Eclipse all watched as they rapidly approached the Everfree Forest.

Now though, instead of entering the foreboding place, they swiftly flew over the canopy and unknown threats hiding beneath.

Clearly visible from their vantage point, they could see the ancient castle of the royal sisters in the distance rapidly grow larger as they approached, then passed the ancient ruin, and the secrets held inside.

"We're almost there!" Eclipse shouted over the wind.

"Just one last thing to do then," Danny shot back, grimacing.

"Which is?" Devora demanded, not liking the emotions behind his statement, while Eclipse angled down and slowed.

"This," Danny replied with a sigh of resignation.

With a flash of light, he transformed back to his mortal self while, at the same time, Eclipse dissipated.

Still moving forwards through momentum alone, it took the fillies two full heartbeats to realize what happened. When they did, all they had time for was to scream and brace themselves as best they could as they, and Danny, made a painful tumble through a thorny bush.

"And now," Danny groaned, lying on his back, "our escape from the ghosts is complete."


Pacing around with worry, Twilight was well on her way to wear a groove in the floor of her home as she desperately tried to piece this puzzle together; to find a connection, a clue, an ominous warning from Pinkie's Pinkie sense, anything that could help them figure this out and, more importantly, find their friends and family.

Of course, they didn't learn anything from the ghost hunters, despite their efforts to rush Rolling Stone to the hospital.

At least Twilight's recent experience with the ghost created ice back in the forest meant she was prepared when helping the doctor in removing the ice cast.

That, however, was also a mystery shrouded in darkness.

Despite the clearly spectral nature, its purpose was clear; to immobilize Rolling Stone and keep him from increasing his injuries, stem the blood loss by sealing and freezing the wounds, while the cold of the ice itself also aided in the preservation of Rolling Stone's life.


Why would a ghost do such a thing?

It did not make any sense.

As she continued pacing, pondering this enigma her friends all worried in their own ways around her.

Rainbow Dash fidgeted on the spot, clearly wanting to do something, anything, but not knowing what.

Rarity lay on the library's couch, no longer having the energy to pull out her fainting couch, her mascara had smeared her cheeks from numerous spilled tears.

Fluttershy could be found upstairs, hiding underneath Twilight's bed, with Spike close by in his basket.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were seated beside each other. The latter uncharacteristically quiet, while the former sat tense like a wound coil, ready to leap up and fight at a moment’s notice.

Bellflower and Big Macintosh, both still present in the library when the group returned far sooner than they expected, weren’t doing much better as their need for answers went unanswered; leaving Bellflower a nervous wreck while Big Mac had stomped a dent in the floor in frustration.

With a sudden and, far louder than it had any right to creak, the door swung open; all present jumping up in fright before turning to face the danger.

A collective gasp escaped them all as, standing in the doorway, clothes torn and numerous bloody scratches covering his face, hands, and other exposed skin, stood Danny. Sweetie Belle held in his arms, one of her legs noticeably swollen, while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood partially behind his legs; all three fillies looking as much a mess as Danny did as they all slowly stepped inside, eyes downcast.

Following after the two, Danny stepped inside underneath the intense stare of all. Moving to the now vacant sofa, he carefully placed Sweetie Belle down. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo climbed up next to her, while Danny sat down on the little free spot still available.

All ponies present were at a loss for words. Mouths opened and closed with half-formed questions, but, before any could regain their senses enough to ask what had happened, a snore from Apple Bloom revealed that all four had fallen asleep.

Author's Note:

And with this, we have concluded the changeling arc.

Leave your thoughts and opinions down in the comments, and I'll see you with the next update.


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