• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,922 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Shadow of the Night. Part 5.

Edits done by Halusm, and King of Kings.

Shadow of the Night.

Part 5.


A dark regal form flew through the night's sky, and the powerful flapping of wings could be heard in the otherwise silent night. For many nights now Luna had stood in wait. Waiting for Danny to go to sleep, and for her task to ease his mind. Every night he would emit the same disturbance she had sensed all those nights ago. And every night she was unable to help him. She was at her wit's end, only able to stand on the sidelines, but never able to help the one that truly needed her help.

But now. Now something else was going on, something much worse, and princess Luna made great haste to get to Ponyville as fast as she could. To Tartarus with pegasus pulled chariots or royal protocol. If you want something to be done right, you have to do it yourself. Whatever it was that was causing Danny's mind to be restless like that, it was spreading, and she was no longer able to just stand on the sideline. No, she would have to take more drastic actions. She would find out what was happening in the mind of Danny, one way, or the other. But to do that, she had to go to the source.

With another powerful thrust of her wings, Luna sped through the sky. It would still take some time to get to Ponyville, but her single minded determination made her push herself as hard as she could go without the use of her magic. She would have need of her magic if she wanted to solve this mystery once and for all, and tiring herself out by using her magic for something her wings could do as well would just not do. Despite what many thought about herself and her sister, they were no gods, and they both had their limitations. Of course these limits lay beyond the point of any ordinary pony, and as such they would see them as deities. Just as her sister had proven time and time again, as she managed to eat more cake than would seem possible. In fact, there has been only one pony Luna had ever met that seemed to defy the odds, and proved she was more than capable to hold her own against Celestia in any cake eating opportunity. How Pinkie Pie managed to do so would, however, forever remain a mystery.

A slight grin formed on her muzzle with her train of thought, before she shook her head and focused her sight on the distant village, and one small home in particular; Luna moved with speed and determination, stopping for nothing or nopony.

"I will get to the bottom of this. That I promise you, Danny Manson."


"Freakshow." The name left Danny's mouth, and a shudder of disgust went down his spine. Tucker, too, didn't seem all that happy with his sudden appearance. Yet Applejack had a look of confusion on her as she looked at Freakshow.

"In the corporeal flesh." He answered with a harsh laugh, his arms held wide as if he was receiving a round of applause.

"Ehh. Who is this guy?" Applejack asked, somewhat weirded out by the strange human.

"Oh dear, where are my manners?" Freakshow said overly dramatic, and held his cane up before his mouth, using it as a microphone. His voice was enhanced, and sounded all around as he spoke.

"Humans, ponies and freaks all around. Please put your hands, hooves or other bodily parts together for moi, Freakshow. Your host for this performance, and future ringmaster of all."

"Ehh… wha?" Applejack mumbled, and Danny and Tucker shot an angry glare at Freakshow. But before any of them could say or do anything else, Freakshow continued speaking.

"Of course you are wondering what amazing, terrifying feats you will be witnessing today. But let me tell you, we've spared no expense for today's show. We've got right here, for all to see. Today's ghost entertainment, the one and only, Applejack!" he called out, his voice ringing in their ears as he turned to Tucker.

"And over here we have Tucker Foley. The sleek, the weak, techno geek. Oh, let me tell you folks, this boy is a true wizard with anything technology. But how will he fare with today's challenges? Why, there is only one way to find out." Freakshow said with manic glee, before turning to Danny. His voice, as well as his posterior shifting as his eyes met that of the half ghost. A hint of anger and challenge mixed in with his deranged announcement.

"And of course, Danny Fenton! Half human, half ghost, all terrifying. The Terror of Amity Park. Murderer of Samantha Manson. The embodiment of evil itself. But that's not all, oh no freaks. He left his friends and family behind, caused massive destruction to very expensive scanner technology. And, maybe the worst offense of all. He didn't pay the rent for his Earthly home. Oh, the shame. How oh how will this criminal deal with the coming challenges? Only time will tell."

"WHAT. THA. HAY!" Applejack said, loudly. Shaking her head to get rid of the ringing in her ears.

"Alright, Freakshow. Show's over." Danny said darkly as he charged energy into both his hands.

"Yeah, what makes you think we would do anything with your mark on it?" Tucker shouted, glaring at the freak of shows.

"Why, you ask? Simple. I have something you want." He answered, and with a wave of his cane a cage with bat wings attached to it descended from the clouds and into view.

"Allow me to introduce to you our audience, as well as today's prize. If you manage to claim them." Freakshow said with a twisted grin as he turned to the descending cage, "On the right, we have two loving figures who spoil their son just a bit too much. Give a round of applause for Mary and Robert Axel Foley, who made their son all, but allergic to vegetables."

"MOM! DAD!" Tucker shouted as he stared wide eyed at his parents locked up in the cage.

"And on the left, we have two overbearing rich folks who wish to shape their daughter into their image, instead of allowing her to be herself. However, it would seem that their dear Samantha is a no show, so it is up to honest Applejack to fight for their freedom!"

"Wait! What?" Applejack said, aghasted.

Freakshow then looked at the two people in the middle of the cage, and his twisted grin grew even more wicked.

"And for the home team we have a jolly old fat man and his wife. Oh, no no kids. It isn't Santa. Instead, we have the displeasure of dealing with Jack Fenton, and his too good for him wife, Madeline Fenton. Proud parents of two. One of them missing in action, and the other a compulsive liar and criminal."

"Freakshow." Danny growled the name through gritted teeth, hands balled into fists so tightly they were shaking.

"Ahhh. Family reunions. Aren't they just the best?" Freakshow asked with fake innocence as he turned around on the spot, arms held wide as if he was soaking up a round of applause.

"Oh, what joy. But for an audience, they are rather quiet." He continued as he shot a sideways look at the parents locked up and gagged in the cage. "Let's fix that." And with that he lifted up his cane, and with a purple flash their gags vanished.

"Danny, get out of here! Run! He's crazy, save yourself!" Maddie shouted at her son, her eyes wide in fear.

"Listen to her, son." Jack said with a pleading tone. "She knows what she's talking about."

"Tucker, you too. Get out of here!" His father yelled while his mother was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Samantha! SAMANTHA! Where is my daughter? What have you done with her you monster!?" Pamela shrieked as she and her husband looked for their daughter, but found only her two friends, a pony and the fiend that was doing all of this to them.

"Please, please, do calm down. There is no need to be afraid… yet. And don't worry, your children are perfectly safe, for now. And as for your daughter, she's fine as well. Although, she did suffered from a slight case of rigor mortis, but that shouldn't really stop her." Freakshow said with fake care, drawing the attention of everyone back to himself.

"WHAT!?" Both of Sam's parents shouted at what Freakshow had said about their daughter, and his sick grin grew only larger.

"Oh yes. But don't take my word for it, just ask dear old Danny over here." Freakshow said as he turned his back to the caged parents and looked Danny dead in the eyes, a shadow falling over his own. "After all, he is the one that killed her."


With a massive swing, Danny slammed his gauntleted fist against Freakshow's face, making him stagger backwards while clutching his jaw.

"How dare you?" Danny growled at him, a red glow surrounding the gauntlet, which made his parents gasp out in surprise.

Freakshow didn't answer. Instead, he only laughed as he rubbed his sore jaw.

"Ah yes, there it is. Let it out, Daniel. The anger, the rage. Show your parents who you really are. Show them the ghost you really are."

"WHAT!?" Maddie, Jack and the other parents gasped; looking at Danny as the glow around the gauntlet intensified for a moment, and his parents could see something on their son they had never seen before.

A look of pure rage.

"I don't have time for your stupid games. Let them go, NOW!"

"Or else, what? Why do you even care, they aren't real. This is all just a dream, remember. And they, familiar as they may be, are just an illusion."

Not happy with this answer, Danny grabbed Freakshow by the collar and pulled him closer to him, staring into his eyes with burning anger.

"Then why do you even bother hurting them?" Danny growled back at him.

"Just so I can get close to you." Freakshow answered with a laugh, and Danny's eyes widened as he realized he had played into his hand.

Freakshow's cane glowed with a purple aura, and Danny was forcefully pulled away from him. Hanging in mid air in front of his parents, struggling to break free. Not stopping there, Freakshow used his magic to pull away the gauntlet from Danny, and threw it away into the distance.

Tucker saw where it flew to, and was quick to run after it. But before he even took three steps, he, too, was stopped by a purple aura surrounding his body, freezing him on the spot.

"Ah ah aaahh. There is no leaving for what is still to come." Freakshow said mockingly as he dragged Tucker back to the rest, "And there is a lot to come."

"What the..." Tucker muttered as he was pulled back, not understanding anything about what was happening. "How does he do this?"

"I don't know, but somehow it seems familiar." Danny replied through gritted teeth.

"It sure does." Applejack said, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Freakshow, trying to find an opening to buck his skinny flank. "It looks almost like Twilight's magic."

"Why dear Applejack, you are correct." Freakshow said while clapping softly, making her and Danny look at him with a confused look.

"What, after all the things you have already been through, all the things you've seen, all the things the others have become. Frightened Fluttershy as the enraged manticore. Or Rarity as your old friend Undergrowth. And what about your sister mixed with Rainbow Dash. And now we also have Applejack as a ghost. It seems only fitting that I would be the most magically inclined of you lot. Hah, I don't even have need of that gauntlet of yours." Freakshow said with a smug grin, but for a split second his face only showed a hint of fear with the thought about the gauntlet, and the elements that powered it. But it vanished before any of them could see it, and his sick smile quickly found its way back on his face.

"But of course I couldn't let you keep it, seeing how it would be unfair to have both ghost powers and the power to change everything as you see fit. There really wouldn't be much of a challenge there, now would it? So here we are. My magic against your ghost powers."

"Let him go, you monster! He doesn't know what you are talking about!" Maddie screeched.

"Oh really. Is that true, Danny?"

"I… eh… Wha... I mean…" Danny stumbled, caught within his old conflict of keeping the truth from his parents, even if they weren't real.

"Tick tock goes the clock." Freakshow said in a sing-song voice. "And you are all out of time."

With a manic laugh, Freakshow swung his cane like a baseball bat. And, in a flash of dark purple, Danny was flung away, the wind knocked out of him from the sudden blast.



His parents yelled, while everyone else screamed out in fear and shock. Except for Freakshow, who looked at the horizon with his hand above his eyes, blocking out the sun as he watched Danny fly through the air with a less than graceful arc.

"I'm not sure if I can call that a homerun, seeing that he is moving away from his home." Freakshow muttered as he rubbed his head, then shrugged and turned to the rest of his captives.

"Now, while we wait for our star attraction, why don't we pass the time with one of our sideshows." He suggested darkly, a sick grin plastered on his face as he turned to look at Tucker and Applejack. Both of them swallowed loudly


Danny flew through the air with a soundless scream, wondering why, if all of this was fake, why did it hurt? The pain from all the things he was forced to go through had made him more sensitive to any physical blows, and this time was no different. The pain blinded him, which was a blessing in disguise, as he didn't see the ground coming closer and closer.

With a full force body slam, Danny cratered in the pavement of one of the city's many streets, and his pained nerve endings screamed in agony at him.

He just lay there, unable to move, not wanting to move. Pain kept him down, but it was something else that kept him from pushing on regardless of what he was forced to endure.

"Why did I hesitate?" He asked himself with a weak, pained groan.

"Because you were lying to yourself."

Danny would have jerked around to see who was talking, if his body didn't scream at him to remain lying. Still, he knew the voice. And with some effort, he managed to shift his head in such an angle that he was able to see the dark goth woman kneeling down at his side, one of her hands stretched out to him.

"Need a hand?" Sam asked, concern and worry thick in her voice.

"Sam." Danny wheezed weakly, unable to do any more than that.

Sam noticed, and shook her head sadly as she reached down and, carefully, pulled Danny into a sitting position.

"You're in an even worse shape than I thought." She said softly, and placed her right hand on his chest. A warm yellow glow surrounded her hand, and the energy seeped into his body. "Here, this should help." She told him as her healing energy began its work.

For several minutes nothing was said between them. Danny unable to do so, and Sam not wanting to agitate him any further.

Danny could feel the energy do its work, though. And gradually his labored, pained breathing was replaced with calm, deep breaths. And, with his restored energy, came clarity. It was a feeling at first, a pressure at the back of his mind. But as the seconds ticked by, a question came to the forefront of his mind. A question that needed answering.

"Sam." Danny spoke up. "Where were you?"

"Dealing with the source of the problem." She answered without pause. "It didn't go so well."

"What do you mean?"

"... I rattled the cage, but didn't realize the door was unlocked."

"Aha..." Danny muttered, and his gaze dropped down at the hand resting on his chest. "So, you have healing powers now?"

"Danny, don't evade the problem here." Sam said, her hand that held him by the shoulder squeezing a bit firmer into him.

"What problem?" Danny asked evasively.

"Why you hesitated. I was on my way to you, I saw what happened. Danny, for all that you are. For all that you have done, and are going to do. For all that you accept yourself to be, there is still a part of you that resist all of it."

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, but deep down he already knew the answer.

"Your parents. It's not really them. They're you. They're the memories you have of them. You didn't lie to them. You lied to yourself. The part of you that doesn't want to be exposed to those close to you held you back. You're afraid of being rejected by them, maybe even hated. You locked down because of this, and that's why you hesitated." She told him, and the glow around her hand vanished as she pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes.

"But… Then what should I do?"

"Accept who you are, completely."

"But didn't I already do that, back when Shadow spoke to me with the whole Undergrowth thing." Danny said, more to himself than Sam as he looked away from her. Sam gave him a look of confusion, though, as she didn't know about that.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"It was after I pulled everyone away before Undergrowth managed to crush us. He spoke to me after that, he helped me figure out who I am."

"And that is?"

Locking his eyes with her, he said the same thing he said to Shadow. "I'm Danny Phantom!" He said it with conviction. But his eyes drifted away from hers after he said so, something still nagging at him.

Sam sighed deeply, thinking she understood the dilemma that was happening within Danny.

"Yes you are. And yet, you are not." She said cryptically, and Danny shot her a questioning look.

"Danny, your ghost part is only half the story. You are human as well. Two different beings, and yet, the same. You live two separate lives. In one you are Danny Fenton, in the other you are Danny Phantom. When one side shows up, the other leaves. Only Tucker, Jazz, myself and a very few others know both of them. Others do not. And you are afraid to allow others to see you for what you really are. You hesitated because you weren't sure who, or what you really are. To you parents you are their human son, and not one of those ghosts they hunt."

"But they aren't even real. Why does it matter so much to me then?"

"It matters because you make it matter." She said sagely, and Danny deflated a bit as he sighed out, looking out to his home in the distance.

"Then what do I do?"

"It's not about what you can do. It's about what others can do for you." She answered, and Danny, once more, looked at her with confusion written on his face.

"You need some people in your life that don't know you as just Danny Fenton or Danny Phantom, but who know you as both. Just as Tucker and I did all those years ago. Danny, make some friends!"

Before he could respond to that, an explosion sounded in the distance, and a wave of purple energy washed over them. All around them the world changed, tuning into some twisted mockery of the dreamt reality. A nightmare.

"Making friends will have to wait." Danny said resolute as he stood up, a glow in his eyes as he watched at the epicenter of where the wave of energy had come from.

"What are you going to do?" Sam asked as she, too, stood back up.

"Accept who I am."

A pleased smile found its way to Sam's face, which turned sour as she turned her gaze to Danny's house, and Freakshow, in the distance.

"I'm coming with you." She said, and hovered off the ground, intending to fly there.

"No!" Danny said as he grabbed her by the arm.

"You can't do this alone, Danny." Sam said as she looked him in the eyes.

"But I am not alone. I've got you, don't I?" he said with a smirk, a plan forming in his head.

"Then why won't you let me go with you?"

"Because I have something better in mind." he answered, his voice full of confidence as he looked back at his childhood house.


"This is insane! YOU ARE INSANE!" Tucker yelled at Freakshow as he balanced on top of a rope suspended above a pit of lava with alligators in it. "And this doesn't even make sense."

"Sense? What fun is there in sense?" Freakshow said with manic glee. "Besides, this is a nightmare, is it not? Who said it has to be Danny's, though?"

"Ya won't git away with this!" Applejack said with labored breath as she was forced to run for her afterlife, chased by a giant apple with a large mouth filled with sharp teeth and bat wings growing out of it sides.

"Oh, Applejack. Don't be such a party pooper. Besides, I'm not all that bad. And you look a bit tired, let me help you with that." Freakshow said with fake sincerity, and a purple aura formed around his cane.

In a flash of light, Applejack's body turned into a gelatinous substance, freezing her on the spot as she was no longer able to move.

"There, doesn't that feel better?" He asked mockingly, while the frightened pony looked with wide, fearful eyes at the giant apple which was about to descend upon her.

The parents locked up in the cage weren't doing much better. Sure, they weren't forced through any of those kind of ordeals, but they were forced to watch. And, although they didn't really know the pony, they still couldn't help but feel disgusted by what was done to her. But, Tucker's parents had it the worst of them all, as they were also forced to see what this monster was doing to their son.

Mary screamed out as she saw her son lose balance, which set of a chain reaction as all the other parents started to yell, scream or shout. Tucker also let his fear get the best of him, and let out a less than masculine yell as he fell down. Only to be able to grab the rope at the last second, and save himself. But that did nothing to stop the feared scream from Applejack as the giant pony eating apple moved in for the kill.

A bright green flash lit up the area, and wet explosion drew everyone's attention to the smoldering remains of what used to be an apple; now just a messy heap of steaming fruit and juices.

"What is this?" Freakshow said angrily, not liking that his show was interrupted.

"Shows over, Freakshow!" Danny said loudly as he stood at the far end of the street, green smoke coming from his right hand from the discharge.

"Danny!" his parents yelled, relieved to see their son was fine.

Danny's eyes flicked to them, as well as the other adults locked in the cage, before returning his angry glare to Freakshow, his hands tightened into fists, shaking from anger.

"Oh, will you look at that. Our star attraction, fashionably late as ever." Freakshow said, almost too pleased as a dark, sick grin replaced his annoyed glare. "Are you here for your big debut?"

"Actually, I am." Danny replied as he started walking to the insane person, his eyes locked on his.

"Danny, no! Get out of here!" his mother screamed at him.

"It's alright, mom." Danny answered without looking away. "This was bound to happen anyhow."

"Wha-.." She muttered quietly as she watched her son walk towards that monster, not showing any sign of fear. Yet, she couldn't help but feel afraid for her son's well being, and she held on tightly to Jack for moral support.

Danny continued moving towards Freakshow, a flash of green showing in his eyes again, that his parents weren't able to see. But It made Freakshow smirk even wider as he knew a fight was imminent. He was, however, completely surprised when Danny walked past him, and towards the lava filled pit with Tucker still holding on to the rope for dear life.

Not stopping at the edge, Danny stepped on the rope, using his levitating ability to keep in perfect balance while walking to his friend. His parents, as well as the other adults gasped out loud as they saw him move without any problem over the flimsy rope. And Tucker's parents let out a sigh of relief as Danny pulled their son back up, and helped him back to solid ground.

Danny said something to Tucker, but they were unable to hear what. Tucker gave Danny a confirming nod, and they were glad to see he ran away from all of this as fast as he could.

"What are you doing?!" Freakshow said madly, not liking to be ignored, or that his show was interrupted.

Danny ignored him, making Freakshow grind his teeth in frustration, as he moved to Applejack.

"Are you alright?" he asked the gelatinized pony.

"Well, Ah'm not eaten by that apple thingy." She said with a shudder, which made her wobble on the spot. "But Ah cain't rightly say that Ah am alright either."

"Just hang tight, I'll figure this out."

"Not like Ah am going anywhere." She answered flatly, still wobbling a bit.

Giving her a nod of acknowledgement, Danny turned around and met eyes with Freakshow once more. Seeing the mad look in his eyes, and the power that was hidden behind them. A power that originated from his cane. The cane he would have to take away from him, somehow.

"Are you done playing around?" Freakshow all but growled.

"I could ask the same of you." Danny answered bitterly. "But yes. I'm done with just playing around. It's time to get serious." His eyes a glowed green.

"Danny?" His mother said in quiet shock, and his eyes looked at her.

"And no more lies either. I will fight you as I am, the real me."

Freakshow's grin grew even wider at Danny's words. "So it is time for the main event," and his cane glowed a dark purple, changing the streets and buildings into a large arena not unlike the colosseum with the two of them at its center. The caged adults locked in place within the V.I.P. section, while Applejack stood on a pedestal like some mascot.

"Ahh, here we are. An arena fit for a freakshow, and a Freakshow fit for an arena." Freakshow said cheerfully. "Let the games commence." He added as his tone shifted to menacing.


Nightmare Moon was once more watching the events play out before her, but not as she was used to. Before, she could watch, and if she felt like it, influence the course of events as she saw fit. Now, she was was forced to watch her pawn act on its own based on its given personality. It was frustrating, to say the least. The orange glowing energy surrounding her didn't help either, even if she had a shield of darkness around herself. But there was something else, something much more infuriating that made her grit her teeth in frustration. Mainly, this pink menace that seemed to pop in and out of existence at any given time.

She was frustrating. She was annoying. She was completely out of control.


She was behind her.

"GHRAAAGGH." Nightmare Moon growled out in frustrated anger as she glared daggers at the hyperactive pink menace, who was knocking on the shadow like shield repeatedly

"Do you want to come out and play?"

Nightmare Moon turned around sharply, lowering herself in an aggressive stance as she spread her wings, eyes aglow.


"A simple no would have been enough." Pinkie sulked as her mane deflated a bit, her lower lip trembling.


"O- oki doki loki." Pinkie Pie said sadly as she slowly walked away, looking forward into the orange glow surrounding everything. She came to a sudden stop, however, when she saw something. A spot of orange several shades darker than the surrounding glow.

Blinking several times, she scratched her head as she stared at the somewhat darker spot, which would have been impossible to see for anyone, save a certain logic bending pony.

"Hello?" She said with a quiet, uncharacteristic voice. And the spot split in two as a pair of orange glowing eyes looked down at her with a puzzling look in them.

Brightening up immediately, Pinkie Pie's mane poofed back to its cotton candy state as she bounced happily on the spot.

"HIYA. Do you want to be my friend?" She chirped happily, drawing the attention of Nightmare Moon again.

"I already told you. I do-.... Impossible."

Glowing green eyes met glowing orange, and Shadow faded back into view, his dark form completely out of place within the bright glow.

Shadow burst into motion, spreading around like an ink stain in water, consuming all it could in the mass that was his body. Twisting and turning around the protective bubble that was Nightmare Moon's shield, pressing down on it until cracks started to form, and glowing orange starting to seep in.

All the while, Pinkie Pie sat there shouting ooohs and aaahs, oblivious to the situation she found herself in.

"What are you doing?" Nightmare Moon shouted as she tried to suppress the feeling of fear a god such as herself should not be able to feel.

"Just helping a friend," the disembodied voice of Shadow answered from the swirl of inky darkness surrounding Nightmare Moon's protective shield. "So, Moony. Why don't you come out to play?" He asked mockingly as he increased the force pressing onto the shield, and cracks spread around in a spider web like fashion.

Nightmare Moon hissed in response as the harmonious light of honesty touched her, and pure black smoke rose up from her body where she was touched.

"DON'T THINK THIS WILL CHANGE ANYTHING! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE THIS APE! MY PAWN WILL DEAL WITH HIM, ONCE AND FOR ALL. AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP HIM!" Nightmare Moon desperately shouted at Shadow, which only made him laugh as his face materialized in front of the shield.

"Stop him. Why would I do that?" He asked her, making her look at Shadow in confusion. "It's funny, really. All this time you are trying to drain and destroy my master. But, in the end, you do exactly the opposite. All I ever tried to do was make him see and accept who he really is. And, thanks to you, he just got the final push." Shadow told her with a wicked grin, and the shield started to groan and creak in protest as more and more faults started to form.

Nightmare Moon sat with wide, fearful eyes as the full meaning of what Shadow had said hit home. Her fear was soon replaced, however, with anger and rage as she forced as much of her energy into maintaining her shield, while spewing curses at Shadow at the same time. But it only delayed the inevitable, as more and more structural weaknesses damaged the shield, until it finally collapsed.

Nightmare Moon hissed and screamed as the light washed over her, burning away the darkness she was made of. Her very being stripped away, leaving nothing behind but a husk similar like Shadow was before the element of honesty healed him.

Shadow watched the last wisps of darkness drift away, knowing she was not yet defeated. She still had some of the energy of Danny within her, and she would undoubtedly use it to restore herself. At Least this brought them some time.

"Wait! Where did she go?" Pinkie Pie wondered as she looked around for any trace of Nightmare Moon, even going as far as to look behind her flank to make sure she hadn't sat on her.

"She's gone, for now. But she'll be back." Shadow answered as he looked down at the pink pony, while his body returned to its original shape.

"Aaaaww." Pinkie moaned sadly. "And she was just warming up to me."

Shadow didn't know how to answer that, so he just remained silent while focusing his attention to the events transpiring within the construct he made, corrupted beyond any recognition.

He saw Danny, standing eye to eye with Nightmare Moon's pawn. Energy coursed through his being, which Shadow could feel himself. He knew his master was close to accepting himself fully, but there was still one more thing that needed to be done, if he would have any chance against Nightmare Moon in the coming struggles.

"Come, Pinkie. I have need of your help."

"Hmmpfhmmm." Pinkie Pie mumbled with a mouthful of popcorn, sitting in a foldout chair with a bowl full of the snack in her lap. "Hold on. We're getting to the good part."

Shadow sighed explosively as he hung his shoulders and arms, giving her a flat look.

"Want some?" Pinkie asked as she pushed the bowl in Shadow's face, never looking away from the starting fight.

Looking at the full bowl, then at Pinkie Pie, then back again, Shadow relented and grabbed a handful of the snack, Settling into the chair the silly mare had set up for him without him noticing.

"I would ask how you did that, if I didn't already know not to ask." He said as he looked at the white snack in his dark hand. "I don't even need to eat?" He muttered to himself, then shrugged, and threw the handful in his open mouth. A spark of joy went through his being thanks to this strange pony sitting by his side with the, now empty, bowl placed lopsided on top of her head, as she screamed and hollered at the fight between Danny and Freakshow.


"Let the games commence." Freakshow said with twisted glee, and his cane gave a short burst of magic.


Danny looked around startled for a moment, before his gaze turned back to the maniac before him.

"Funny," he said sarcastically. "Now it's my turn."

The world seemed to rotate around him as Danny gathered all his strength, and everyone present, his parents, as well as Tucker's and Sam's, Applejack and Freakshow looked at him with various levels of understanding about what he was doing.

"I'm going ghost!"

The parents gasped out loud when a white band of energy appeared around Danny's waist, and Maddie made a sound of fright as it split in two, moving both up and down over her son's body, transforming him. His skin became as pale as a corpse, and his blue eyes became a glowing green, while his hair became as white as snow. His clothes turned into a black jumpsuit with white gloves, belt and boots. And a capital D with a lowercase p inside of it was displayed on his chest.

"D- Danny…." She said, barely above a whisper, completely shocked. As were the rest of the parents locked in the V.I.P. boot.

"Aahhh, there he is. Our star of today's show finally showed up," said Freakshow, who didn't seem all that impressed with Danny's transformation. While Danny's parents had trouble pulling their lower jaws back up. And Applejack stood wobbling on the spot while cheering for him.

Flying up a meter above the ground, Danny held both hands up by his side with the palm up, and channeled his energy into his open hands. Two orbs of glowing, almost burning, green energy formed, basking his pale complexion in the green glow, making him seem even more ominous as he shot an angry glare at Freakshow.


"Time to get this party started."


"A party! I love parties. I need to get my party can- Mmmph.." Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly, before Shadow cut her off by wrapping a hand around her muzzle.

"Okay, time to go." Shadow said forcefully as he dragged the pony with him, while Pinkie Pie was putting up as much protest as she could. She really didn't want to miss this party. Although, in her own expert opinion, they needed streamers. Lots and lots of streamers. Maybe some balloons. But, most importantly of them all, they needed cupcakes. Lots and lots of cupcakes.

Her struggle to resist Shadow weakened as her mind drifted off to those delicious treats, and their divine frosting. That tasty, tasty frosting.

Drool seeped out of her mouth as she was completely lost in a world of bliss. While, at the same time in the waking world, Pinkie Pie had completely rolled herself up in her blanket while biting and drooling in her pillow. A very happy smile on her face as visions of frosting filled lakes came to mind.

And, back in the mind of Danny, Shadow looked down at the unresponsive pony, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I'm not getting paid enough for this sh-"

A pink hoof slammed into his mouth, cutting him off. While the owner of said hoof was still lost in her own world, not seeming to know what was going on around her.


Out in the distance, standing on top of the destroyed remains of her former home, Sam watched as Danny broke away one of the last shackles that was holding him down. Only to be brought back to her own little corner of this nightmare by the labored breathing of Tucker, who was standing with hands on knees, gasping for air as he had run all the way to her.

Jumping down to the ground, Sam landed before him with a flap of her wings, scaring the living daylights out of Tucker, who fell backwards with a scream.

"SAM!" He yelled in annoyance, receiving only a smirk in return.

"Are you done playing?" She asked, holding out her hand to help him back up.

Grumbling under his breath, Tucker took the offered hand, and was pulled back on his feet.

"You know where it is?" Sam asked, cutting directly to the case.

"I have a rough idea," he answered.

"Good, then let's get going. Danny can only keep that guy busy for so long."

Nodding, Tucker took off, leading Sam to where he saw the reality gauntlet fly off to.


Explosions rocked the area, and Mary and Pamela screamed in fear while keeping close to their husbands, who weren't doing much better, but tried to keep their composure for their wives sake. Maddie and Jack, however, didn't know what to do. If the level of violence going on wasn't bad enough to make them flinch, then the fact it was their son taking some of those hits would.

'How did this happen? How did we not notice? We need to help him!' Were some of the thoughts going through the mind of the concerned mother, and she and Jack did all they could to support their son. Even if that was only shouting their support to him. Danny was fighting for them, and he needed to know that they believed in him, ghost or no ghost.

But, even with the moral support, Danny had a hard time dealing with his adversary. Where the previous encounters he had were with mostly mindless constructs, a pawn made to do the bidding of another, Freakshow did not seem to have such a limitation. He certainly was stronger than Danny remembered him being, and it was obvious that that was because of the part of Twilight being mixed with him.

Danny didn't know anything about what Twilight was capable of. But, if this was any indication, he really didn't want to piss her off. Logic would also say that this knowledge came from Nightmare Moon, so Danny was at a complete disadvantage. He only knew about what Freakshow was capable of, but now. He was in the complete dark to the full potential of his powers.

True, he only needed to keep him busy while Sam and Tucker would do the real work. But another blow to his gut by a purple bolt shot from Freakshow's cane made him rethink the statement of them doing the hardest part.

With a scream, Danny fell to the ground, only to catch himself before he crashed. Landing on his legs with speed, he was forced to his knee from the blow.

Panting loudly, he looked up through his brow, an angry glow showing in his eyes while energy engulfed his hands, making it seem as if the air around him burned with green fire.


"What, is that it?" Freakshow asked unsure. "I expected better from you."

Danny growled a curse under his breath, when, suddenly, a devious smirk found its way on his face.

Turning invisible, he faded away from sight. Freakshow reacted to this by sending a shockwave of energy at his position. But when the blast hit, there was no cry of pain, or any other indication Danny was hit. Dust and smoke settled down on the ground, and a small hole in the ground showed itself. But there was no body, dead or otherwise, and Freakshow gritted his teeth as he now had to play hide and seek.

"Coward! Where are you?"

"Behind you," came the chilling response.

In a blast of green, Freakshow was launched away. Clutching tightly onto his cane, he used his magic to teleport to safety while shooting another beam of energy at Danny. Having anticipated this, Danny turned his midsection into an intangible trail, allowing his upper body to move in a different direction than his lower body. Using this, he twisted and turned out of the beam's path, only missing it with mere inches to spare as the scalding hot beam passed by his face. Turning his body back whole, Danny fired his own barrage of beams and bolts, peppering the area around Freakshow, who had projected a shield around him to absorb the damage.

"Is that all?" Freakshow said again. "I don't even have to try. You're weak, powerless, pathetic. All that power, and yet you don't know how to use it."

"And yet I have a power that you will never have. A strength you will never be able to understand." Came Danny's reply.

"And what would that be, hmmm?" Freakshow asked mockingly, not believing he was actually telling the truth.


A wave of energy moved over the area, and everything turned back to the way it was supposed to be. Freakshow looked around in horror as his wonderfully destroyed world was restored. But he didn't have much time to dwell on it, as he was, with a loud: "Yeehaa!" bucked in the ass by Applejack, now no longer gelatinized.

Freakshow was sent flying through the air, followed shortly later by his cane, over which he had lost grip of thanks to the less than gentle lower back massage

"Howdy pardner," she greeted Danny with a sly grin. "Don't mind me coming crashing this party?"


Meanwhile, Shadow had trouble containing Pinkie Pie, who seemed to suffer from a panic attack from those words.


"No, not at all. It was getting a bit dull, wouldn't you say?"

"I reckon you're right."




"So, ya got yer friend Tucker ta get that reality thingy while ya kept him busy."

"You got it. Now, don't you think it's time to dethrone this party king, or what?"

"My thoughts exactly. Heh, Pinkie'd freak if she'd seen this."






"What a lovely choice of words." Freakshow said, blood seeping out of a cut at the left side of his head. "Now, I don't like interruptions like that, and I'm afraid I have to disqualify you. Which means your prize is no longer needed either.

With a mad look in his eyes, he raised his cane high up in the air, a purple aura glowing around it.

"What about a magic trick? I'm going to make these parents… disappear."

"No you're not!"

Turning his head to see who it was that dared interrupt him, Freakshow didn't even have time to blink in surprise when Sam flew over him, grabbed his cane out of his hands and flew away up in the air with it.

"Samantha?" Pamela said, shocked seeing her daughter like that.

"Hey, mom. It's been a while." Sam said over her shoulder, never taking her eyes off of Freakshow. "No time to catch up, though. A lot going on right now."

".... Samantha?" Pamela squeaked a second time, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. A look that was mirrored by Jeremy, Mary, Robert, Jack and Maddie.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Robert shouted, but never receiving an answer.

"So, Freakshow." Sam began as she twirled the cane in her hand. "What was it that you wanted to do with our parents?"

She descended to the ground as she said that, a full green glow in her eyes, which caused Freakshow to back away nervously, only for him to bump in Danny who had taken his place behind him.

"Now, let's not do anything rash, huh?" he said with a hint of fear as he held both hands up before him in a non threatening manner, slowly moving away from Danny, only to be stopped by Applejack. Three sets of glowing green eyes looked at him, staring down at him, and Freakshow quickly ran to the one opening left for him to escape. He was stopped in his tracks, however, when Tucker appeared out of nowhere, and a red glow surrounded the gauntlet covering his hand.

"Going somewhere?" Tucker asked bitterly, and Freakshow backed away from Tucker as well, finding himself stuck in the center with three ghosts, and one very angry techno geek with the power to change reality.

"I didn't think so," Tucker said as he saw Freakshow's reaction, and lifted the gauntlet up to eye level, a glow surrounding it. Applejack, Sam, and Danny also lifted up an arm, or leg in Applejack's case, and a green glow surrounded their limb, aimed squarely at the unfortunate ringmaster in the center.

Shielding his face with one arm, while holding another stretched out before him to fend off any attack, Freakshow stumbled around, expecting to be hit at any time.

"NOW!" Danny jelled, and Tucker moved into action.

Pulling the gauntlet of his arm, Tucker placed it over Freakshow's outstretched arm, and the three elements on the side flashed in response, sensing one of their own; sensing the corruption tainting it.


Twilight twisted and turned in her bed, a cold sweat covering her body as her dreams were plagued with cold emptiness, devoid of any color, laughter or friends. Nothing but a gaping hole swallowing her up, and she was powerless to escape it.

Spike, her number one assistant, looked at her with worry in his eyes as he was unable to wake her, and he was debating whether or not he should inform Princess Celestia. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and he was clueless for what he should to. He knew that, whatever this was, it was bad. She had actually woken him up with her frantic twisting and turning. THAT never happened.

Giving Twilight another slap in the face in an attempt to wake her, he missed the faint glow shining underneath the door. A glow that grew just a bit brighter as yet another element became active.

Kindness. Loyalty. Generosity. The three elements glowed with their own, unique light. By their side lay the dormant elements of laughter, honesty and magic. But it was magic that began to glow faintly, its power called upon by the three active elements. Bringing it out of its slumber, and pulling it away from the invading darkness that had managed to claim it for its own. Its purple glow became brighter and brighter, until it shone with the same intensity as the other three.

With a quiet hoot, Owlicious watched the elements react with unblinking eyes while, up above, Spike sighed out in relief as Twilight seemed to calm down, and settle in for a peaceful slumber.

Scratching his head, Spike hopped off her bed shaking his head, not sure what to make of this. So, he chose to deal with it like any self respecting dragon would do.

He went back to sleep.


Freakshow screamed out as the magic of the elements did their work, and a swirl of colors glowed around his body. The three crystals placed within the gauntlet pulsed with their magic as they interacted with the element of magic imprisoned within the corruption. More and more power was forced in the swirls of color around Freakshow, and more and more power was lost to him. His cane, linked to him by Nightmare Moon's energy, crumbled into dust in Sam's hand, and blew away in the wind. Its power now lost to its wielder, as he, too, was detached from the magical source that powered him.

Everyone present eventually had to shield their eyes as the light became too bright, and none of them had any idea what was going on with Freakshow. His screams had died down some agonizingly long seconds ago, and all there was to hear was the warping sound of the magic doing its thing.

A flash so bright they could see it through their closed lids finished the job, and suddenly everything seemed just that much darker. Carefully opening their eyes to see if it was over, the oddly dim world came into view. Blinking several times to get rid of the spots in their vision, it took them several seconds to see what had happened to Freakshow.

He was gone, nothing remained of him. But in his place lay an unexpected being. The purple pony who belonged to the element extracted from Freakshow's grasp. She was unconscious, by the look of it, and a cold sweat covered her body, even though she had a calm smile on her face. Her right fore leg was covered with the shiny metal belonging with the reality gauntlet, which was transformed to fit on her leg. And the elements found in the slots at the gauntlet's side shone as brightly as ever, now joined with a fourth, starburst shaped crystal.

"Wh- What happened?" Applejack asked as she looked down at her friend with concern and confusion.

"Exactly what I hoped would happen." Danny answered.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked, looking at him.



A short while earlier

"You can't do this alone, Danny." Sam said as she looked him in the eyes.

"But I am not alone. I've got you, don't I?" he said with a smirk, a plan forming in his head.

"Then why won't you let me go with you?"

"Because I have something better in mind." He answered, his voice full of confidence as he looked back at his childhood house.

"What are you planning?" Sam asked.

"You seem to know a lot more about what is going on than I do, so I hope that you know if this will work or not." Danny began, looking at his feet as he spoke. "These elements. They are connected, right?"

"Ehh.. Yes. I do believe so."

"And Freakshow is using the powers of Twilight. He said so himself."


"She's an element too, right?"

Sam only nodded in response now, not entirely sure where he was going with this.

"I wonder what would happen if the elements in the gauntlet came in contact with Freakshow?"

"... Danny, you can't be serious?" Sam said in shock.

"But I am. I don't know much about any of this, but I do know they are powerful. And, seeing that they are meant for harmony, shouldn't they be able to harmonize that guy… Kinda. I don't know?"

Sam was silent for a long time, thinking over what Danny suggested. He did make a point concerning their purpose, but she wasn't sure if it would work in the way he thought.

"I'm not sure it will work. There are a lot of if's. And what if it doesn't work? Are you willing to risk all of this on a mere guess?"

Holding a hand under her chin, he brought her eyes up to see his.

"Hey, trust me. I know this will work. After all, this is my head, isn't it?"

Seeing the confidence in his eyes, Sam couldn't help but believe in him. Giving a nod of understanding, she stepped back from him, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

"Go home. I'll send Tucker to you. He saw what happened with the gauntlet. He'll be able to help you find it. Meanwhile, I will keep Freakshow busy."

Biting her lower lip in slight anxiety, Sam made a quick, rash decision.

Moving in closer to Danny, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Stay safe." She said before flying off, a heavy blush coloring her face.

Danny, too, had a red color showing on his face as he gingerly touched the spot Sam had kissed him. And, for a moment, he was fumbling on the spot.

Shaking his head to snap out of it, he turned back to look at his home again.

"I just hope this works," he muttered to himself, and flew home.


Present time

"A guess!" Applejack said in loud disbelief. "A GUESS!?"

"Hey, it worked, did it not?" Danny said defensively, holding his hands up before him.

"You risked everything on a guess?!"

"Well… yeah."

Applejack didn't know what to do. One portion wanted to buck that thick head of his, while the other could only admire him for such a gutsy move. And it showed, as her face shifted through many emotions, not sure on which to settle.

"Hey, at least I'm honest about it."

Applejack pointed a hoof accusingly at him, but couldn't find any words to yell. So she stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land. And she would most likely have been standing there for moments longer, if a worried shout didn't pull her out of her musings.

"DANNY!" His parents yelled, followed shortly later by Tucker's parents who called out for their son. But the Manson's held back as they could only stare at their daughter.

Sam sighed out sadly, and shook her head as she slowly walked over to them. "Better get this over with," she muttered to herself.

"Danny!" Maddie shouted again, tackling her son in a bear hug. "Danny, why did you never tell us you were a ghost?" She asked as she held on to her son with surprising strength.

Looking over her shoulders, Danny looked at his father standing behind his wife, a proud smile showing. Behind him stood Applejack, giving Danny a confirming nod.

"Well, the truth is… You aren't really here, nothing here is really here. This is all a dream, an illusion. An illusion I really need to escape from. And you helped me with that in some way, too. You helped me accept who I am."

"What are you talking about?" His mother asked, worried.

"It'll take too long to explain. Just know that you and dad helped me in more ways than you know." Danny told her as he returned the hug, momentarily lost in nostalgia as he held his mother. And, as he did so, the world around him started to fade, as well as all those that belonged with it.

"I love you mom, dad." He said, and his father hugged him as well.

Jack and Maddie didn't know what was happening, all they knew was that their son saved them. And the three of them held each other tightly, until Danny grasped nothing more than thin air. His parents gone with the mental construct they came with. Only he, Tucker, Sam and Applejack were left. And, also, Twilight, who slowly came to with a groan, but didn't seem in a hurry to fully wake up.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked Danny as he rubbed away the wetness in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just coming to terms with myself. You?"

"Ehh…. Real or not, my folks didn't really take well to me being a ghost."

"Sorry to hear it." Danny said sadly, and then turned his attention to the waking purple mare, and Applejack who was standing by her side.

"Is she okay?" He asked her.

"She looks fine ta me, but that doesn't mean much in here. Wherever we are." Applejack answered.

Those words made Danny realize he, too, had no idea either where he was, and he quickly looked around to get some idea what this new place was like. Unfortunately, he recognized it all to well. It was the same clearing in the forest he found himself in back when this nightmare began, and he was running from Nightmare Moon herself.

"I got a bad feeling about this," he muttered nervously.

"Agreed." Sam said as she looked around as well. "Help Twilight back up, so we can find a way out of here."

Nodding, Applejack did what she could to bring her friend to their world. Which meant a lot of nudging, shouting, and the occasional slap across the muzzle

Leaves rustled around them, and Danny got the feeling something was stalking them. Surrounding his hands with a green glow, he illuminated the area the best he could, while taking a defensive stance in front of the two ponies.

Sensing the need to get moving, Applejack's less than subtle approach to wake her friend became even less subtle, and she shot a weak beam of ectoplasme at Twilight's flank.

With a yelp, Twilight bolted upright. Looking around with uncoordinated blinking eyes, she rubbed her sore flank while muttering several profanities revolving around Celestia'sp flank and Luna's teats. She froze in place, however, when her vision cleared out and she saw Applejack look at her with her glowing green eyes.

"GHAAA!" Twilight screamed as she flailed her front legs and fell backwards.

Flinching from the sudden shout, Applejack stepped closer to Twilight, looking down on her as she rubbed her head.

"Ya alright, sugarcube?"

"I... Yes…You… Applejack, what happened to you?... And what is this?" Twilight asked worriedly as she saw her friend, and then the gauntlet around her leg.

"What, this?" Applejack asked as she indicated the gauntlet. "Nothing much. It's jus' some reality bendin' doohickey. As for me, Ah'm a ghost."

"A gho- WHAT!?"

"Sure thing, just as they are." Applejack confirmed, and pointed a hoof at Danny and Sam.

"Wh- Who." Twilight asked, slightly afraid, turning her head to look who Applejack was pointing at.

Another scream left her as she saw the other two ghosts standing not too far away from her, one with his hands glowing green.

"Does she do that a lot?" Sam asked as she rubbed her ear.

"I have some experience with it, so yeah." Danny answered. "Also, AJ. We really don't have the time for this. Something is out there, and we really should get going."

"Going? Where? What is going on?" Asked the frightened and confused mare as she slowly sat back up, never taking her sight off of the ghosts.

"Right, sorry Danny." Applejack replied, and Twilight looked at Danny in shock. Then she looked at the logo on his chest, and a chill went down her spine.

"You're Danny Phantom!"

Fear was evident in her voice, as she was well aware of the crimes he had committed back on Earth, and she scurried to get away from him.

A pained look flashed over Danny's face, and he turned to look away from her, not wanting to see the fear on her face. Fear he had seen so many times before on others.

"HEY, he did nothing wrong." Sam said defensively, giving the purple unicorn an angry look.

"But he killed-"

"No one." Sam finished for her, a flash in her eyes making Twilight flinch. But the scholar in her made her continue, as clearly this ghost didn't know what she knew.

"But he is wanted for the murder of Samantha Manson."

"I am Samantha Manson." That made Twilight shut up. "And he did not kill me."

"Guys, stop it." Danny hissed as he scanned the treeline.

"But she-"

"She doesn't know better, Sam." Danny said as he turned to look at her. There was no anger in his voice, just calm logic.

The sound of crunching leaves could be heard coming from behind him, and dread settled over Danny. He realized that by turning around he left himself, and the others exposed for anything that was stalking them. And, whatever it was that was doing the stalking, it was behind him.

Turning around with his hands aglow, Danny prepared for anything. He was, however, unprepared for what he found standing behind him.

Pink fur, and a flat pink mane. Blue eyes with a shadow covering them, and a large, wicked looking knife in one of her hooves.

"Hi there, Danny." Pinkie Pie said, sounding a bit insane, and everyone fell silent as they turned to look at her.

Twilight and Applejack swallowed loudly as they saw the one sight they feared most of all. Pinkie Pie with a flat mane. The knife didn't help either.

"Are you ready for a party?" The pink pony asked with a manic smile, raising her knife up a bit. "Because I certainly am." And with that, she launched forwards, and the eerily quiet forest was filled with screams.

Author's Note:

Okay, here we are again. first off, I put in overtime to write this chapter just so I could publish it today. Why? Because it's my birthday, and I thought it would be nice to give this little chapter as a gift to you all, seeing that the last chapter did took some time to publish.

Now, about the pictures showing Danny as a teenager. I know about that, but it is rather hard to find images of the guy as an adult, so I just had to take what I could find. Still, they work out in in a way, but you will just have to imagine him as an adult yourself.

And with this chapter here, there is only one more left to do :yay:. Were getting close to ending this arc, and I really can't wait to start working on the chapters with Danny back in Ponyville, awake and well. (Sort of.)

And, as I always ask. Let me know about every mistake you found, and tell me what you liked.


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