• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,922 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Edited by Slayerseba and Clawder.




Danny's voice echoed through the chamber as he stared with wide, disbelieving eyes at the alien appendages. His hands, covered in black fur, with fingers extending out in lethal claws, shaked persistently in response to his erratic state of mind.

"Wha- what happened to me?"

Those surrounding him provided no answer as they, too, looked at him with wide eyes.

"What's going on with Fenris?" Asked Scootaloo, never averting her eyes from Danny as she said so.

"Fenris?" Danny rumbled, seeing no one else with him. Then horrific understanding began to bite its way into his conscious thoughts and with trembling hands he began to feel his body.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. What is going on? What happened to me?!"

It was then he reached his face and the realization that he now had a muzzle, as well as numerous sharp teeth made him rear back in absolute shock, and horror.

"W-what am I?" He gasped out.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle said with hesitancy, taking a few small steps towards him.

"Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom nervously called out after her friend. "What are ya doing?"

"I- I think that's Danny."

"WHAT!?" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Wind Chill bellowed.

"Just look. His eyes," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

They did and a worrying sense of familiarity made itself known to them.

"Danny?" Apple Bloom asked hesitantly, taking a few shy steps towards the large wolf.

Still looking at his shaking claws, Danny slowly looked up at the approaching filly.

"... Is that really you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I… I… I don't know," he answered.

"But… is it you?" Stressed Sweetie Belle.

"I… think so," Danny answered after a short pause, finally lowering his clawed hands. "I mean…. I know who I am…. But my body…."

"Great One, is this really you?" Wind Chill asked, concerned.

"... For better, or worse… much, much worse… Yeah, it's me," Danny confirmed grimly.

"But… how could this be?" Wind Chill gasped.

"Heck if I know," Danny rumbled. "Last I remember is catching the queen, then I'm standing here… like this."

"You don't remember Fenris attacking you?" Scootaloo asked.

"He, WHAT!?" Danny yelled, the impact of his voice forcing those near him to take a step back.

"Y- yeah," Scootaloo confirmed with the faintest of squeaks, trying not to show just how startled she was.

"Eclipse did try ta stop him," Apple Bloom informed him. "Didn't really work, though. Fenris punched right through her."

"WHAT!?" Danny yelled once more. "ECLIPSE!" Danny summoned his shade, only for nothing to happen. "Eclipse," he tried again, looking down at his feet. "What the…" he gasped upon seeing the complete absence of his shadow in the flickering light of the fires.

"Why doesn't he have a shadow anymore?" Devora asked nervously.

Danny slowly looked back up, eyes wide in panic. Then, before anyone could even attempt to understand the current situation, yet another unexpected surprise revealed itself to them.

A white wisp of energy flew into the room, shooting for Danny. Yet before it made contact, it stopped, hovering before the transformed human, shifting erratically from left to right until it made what somehow looked like a shrug, then flew into Danny's chest.

"Nghh," Danny moaned as he dropped to a knee, images suddenly filling his mind.

"""DANNY!""" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cried out in alarm.

"Im alright," Danny said, pushing himself back up. "It was just my duplicate returning… Guess whatever happened to me also affected, well, me."

"Duplicate?" Sweetie Belle repeated.

"Yeah… I can copy myself numerous times."

"Does this mean you finally mastered this ability of yours?" Wind Chill asked with a hint of admiration.

"Not even close," Danny replied flatly, looking off to the side as he sifted through the influx of new memories his other half had accumulated, while Scootaloo looked at him in awe, Apple Bloom as if he'd grown a second head, while Sweetie Belle looked almost shocked.

"... Can I do that too?" She asked with uncertainty.

"I have no i-" Danny began, only to fall silent as the last of his double's memories came to focus. "... OH, COME ON!" He suddenly bellowed, scaring the fillies and colts; some of the changelings fluttering their wings nervously.

"Is something wrong, Great One?" Wind Chill asked, alarmed.

"Wrong doesn't even begin to describe the mess all of us are in right now," Danny fretted, bringing up a hand to pull through his hair, only to stop mid motion when he saw the clearly not human appendage.

"What's going on?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I just saw the memories of my double," Danny revealed, then dragged a hand over his face, not even caring what it was anymore. "Great. Just great. Just fan-fucking-tastic," he cursed, the full weight of everything that had happened during this far too long day being
finally too much.

"Great One, language," Wind Chill sucked in a breath, scandalized. "There are children here."

"Don't even get me started," Danny groaned. "Not only are we here because of them—" he looked down at the three fillies, "—but back in Ponyville everyone has locked themselves inside because someone saw a ghost-"

"Hey, yeah. That's right. Bulk Biceps came screaming into town," Scootaloo cut in, only to be silenced by a flat yet harsh glare from Danny.

"Wonderful," he groaned. "Not only that, but your sisters, your brother and your caretaker are out in the Everfree Forest looking for you with their friends," he aimed at the three young ponies with wild hand gestures. "And to make matters even more 'perfect', there is a group of ghost hunters out there as well who have revealed themselves, because you three are missing, claiming it may have something to do with the recent spectral activity they've encountered, and they put me in a very difficult position as a result; only for the sudden appearance of possibly another ghost to steer them away from me! Oh yeah! And then there is also this—" he motioned to indicate his transformed self "— GHAA! Can this day get any worse?!"

"You should be careful with saying that," an unknown voice answered, sounding both young and amused, and Danny stood straighter in reflex; unbeknownst to him, his ears perked up as well.

"Who said that?" He asked, looking around, but seeing no one.

"Who said what?" Scootaloo asked.

"I did," the unknown voice answered.

"There it is again," Danny said, ears swiveling around, trying to find the source.

"I don't hear anypony speaking," said Sweetie Belle.

"Well, there's that green dog standin' in tha doorway," Apple Bloom pointed out. "He's been barking every now and then."

"Yep, that's me," Cujo said happily, tongue lolling out his mouth as Danny turned to look at him; eyes wide in disbelief.

"You can talk!?" Danny yelled.

"Yep," Cujo answered.

"Talk?" Apple Bloom said, confused, glancing at her friends for answers, but receiving only shrugs from them.

"All I hear is barking," Scootaloo said.

"Barking to you, but talking for us dogs," Cujo answered happily, receiving only blank looks from the ponies, while Danny felt himself freeze up over yet another unexpected, and at this point, unwanted development.

"You mean I can understand you because I'm… this?" Danny asked.

"Of course," Cujo chirped. "The other guy could. So why shouldn't you be able to do so as well?"

"Ehh… What's going on?" Asked Scootaloo after Danny stood silent for nearly a minute.

"I'm on it," Cujo said, which Scootaloo obviously didn't understand.

Stepping closer to Danny, who seemed to be completely lost in a downwards spiral of panicking and negative thoughts, Cujo set his sights on Danny's ankle. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, his teeth shimmered for a moment, then grew much bigger. Then he chomped down, hard.

".... GYIAAAAAAAAAA!" Danny screamed as he jumped away in reflex; hopping on one leg while holding the bitten, slobber covered foot with both hands.


"What? You could use a good bit in the butt, but that was too high for me, so I settled for this."

"I'll repeat myself," Danny growled, slowly putting his foot back down. "What. The. Hell?"

"Look, pal. I didn't spend the last six, or so years looking for you just to see you freak out over something like this," Cujo said simply.

"You… looked for me?" Danny said, voice soft.

"Sure thing," Cujo quipped. "Most of your pack does."

"My… pack?"

Cujo energetically nodded his head, ears flapping around.

"Yeah. Your brother who always looks at those glowing rectangles, and really smells like meat. Your sister, who seems to cause more trouble than she fixes when trying to help. Your big brother, who is a dog just like us. Looks a lot like you, actually. And of course your twin sister," Cujo told him, looking of to the side in thought; absentmindedly scratching himself behind an ear. "There is this other…. well, I'm not sure if she's a sister. But she helps your brothers and sisters fight ghosts. She has this really neat flying thingy, though. And a lot of painful toys which she uses to fight ghosts."

Danny slowly blinked, face void of any emotion and eyes set on infinity.

"You mean…" he said slowly. "You mean Tucker, Jazz, Wulf, Dani and Valerie are out there looking for me?"

"Those're their names!" Cujo barked happily, nodding all the while.

"Who are they?" Apple Bloom asked, reminding Danny about the fillies behind him.

"Maybe Tucker is the Tucker Foley from the Fenton corporation," Sweetie Belle said, then fell silent as they all shared the same realization. """Oooohh,""" they joined voices.

"But who are the others?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Jazz," Danny gasped out, eyes stinging, unwilling to meet their faces. "Jazz's my older sister. Tucker is my oldest and best friend. Wulf is a ghost; a wolf much like how I now am. Valerie is… was someone once close to me… It didn't work out. And Dani… Dani. She's my…." Danny closed his eyes, releasing a deep sigh "In a way, she's my twin sister."

"In a way?" Said Sweetie Belle.

"It… is a long story. Not something I feel like telling right now," Danny sighed out, blinking a few times to clear his slightly blurred vision, then turned around to look at the children. "Besides, we've got more pressing matters to deal with," he reminded them. "First and foremost, what happened to me, and how do I turn back to myself?"

"WHAT!?" Erlea yelled, stomping towards Danny. "I don't care about what happened to you, or how to fix you! Because right now my kind is still dying and the only one who was able to do anything has now somehow disappeared when you took over his body, taking away what little hope we had!"

"Well, shouldn't we try to undo what happened to Danny, because of that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Maybe he can use his claws like Fenris did?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Whadda ya think, Wind Chill?" Apple Bloom asked the giant.

"I think this is a matter out of our abilities to simply solve. I can't even begin to understand what happened to the Great One, or how to undo it," Wind Chill replied grimly. "Though, as he is now, it may be possible for him to see the Elder. Her knowledge of Danny's, euhh, unique situation may prove to be much greater than mine."

"But if we leave, who will help Erlea?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at one another, conveying their thoughts through eye contact alone.

"Well, Ah can stay here an' help them changelings with tha fires an' tha sick," Apple Bloom suggested.

"Are the windigos calmed down now?" Scootaloo asked Wind Chill.

"They are. But if they are allowed to roam free here without someone watching them, there is no telling what could happen," he answered.

"Then I will do that," Scootaloo said, determined. "Then you, Sweetie Belle and Danny can go see the Elder, and undo whatever happened to him."

"That could work," Wind Chill said, pleasantly surprised with this possible solution. "You would need to take care not to agitate the windigos. If one of them reacts badly, the others will most certainly follow."

"Don't worry," Scootaloo reassured. "They're like us ponies, right? Just taller, colder… and deader?"

"Well, ehh. Not exactly, but close enough I suppose," Wind Chill replied.

"Then if we hurry, we can go see the Elder, fix Danny and Fenris, and come back here to help the changelings," Sweetie Belle summed up.

"And again you're running off to do who knows what," Erlea snapped, breathing heavily through teeth. "Abella, go with them. Make sure they come back here," she ordered, adding a final notion to her command through their linked minds.

Nodding, Abella turned to Sweetie Belle.

"We've been lenient with you out of necessity. But our patience has an end. Find a way to fix him, now!" Abella hissed.

"Then we should hurry," Wind Chill urged them on. "The portal is quite a distance away."

"Eehh… Portal?" Danny asked, confused. "Clearly I'm missing some critical information here."

"Some time ago," Wind Chill quickly answered, "a portal of unusual properties opened in the Far Frozen. Something which could not have happened in the first place, yet it did all the same. And as it would turn out, this portal leads directly to the children's world; having forged a passage into an ancient chamber of sorts."

"Yeah, it's in the old castle of the Princesses," Scootaloo clarified.

"In tha Everfree Forest," Apple Bloom added.

"... Okay," Danny said blankly. "... Just to get this right. There is a portal, in an old castle, in the Everfree Forest. Said portal leads to the Far Frozen, and now we need to go to this portal to find the Elder?" He asked and all three fillies, and Wind Chill gave him a confirming nod. "... And going from the memories of my double, said forest is also where your sisters, caretaker and friends are looking for you. Said forest where also a group of ghost hunters are, who are already chasing after a possible ghost, while also suspicious of me… and my double clearly vanishing as he did not aiding the situation at all… Anyone else seeing this trainwreck coming, or what?"

"That… could pose a problem, yes," Wind Chill replied grimly.

"Problem doesn't even begin to describe it," Danny groaned. "At least, I hope Zecora can steer some of this impending disaster away from us."

"Zecora?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She knows about me," Danny revealed, quickly holding up a clawed hand to silence any further inquiries. "Long story. Now's not the time," he told them, then sighed out "Well… Nothing serious has gone wrong the last, I don't know, two minutes… So, to the Everfree we go, I guess."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all showed the same worried look, and even Wind Chill grimaced over the dire situation they found themselves in. Yet despite it all, there was one voice of reason which finally spurred them into motion. And it was an agitated voice at that.

"WELL, ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT!?" Abella shouted, standing impatiently before the open doors of the throne room.


"Honestly," Abella grumbled. "All you ponies do is make things more difficult than they should." She and the ragtag group of misfit creatures quickly moved through the maze of hallways.
"That, and blowing stuff up," she added as they reached the destroyed gate.

"Ehh- hehe," Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that."

Abella groaned. "And why is that… thing following us, too?" She demanded to know, glaring at the green, glowing puppy.

"To help, of course," Cujo barked happily, not understood by any of them save Danny.

"Let's just get out of here," Abella grunted as she ignored the barking.

"Soo… Wind Chill," Scootaloo said after a moment, breaking the painful silence as they crossed the long bridge towards the adjacent stalactite. "Just how do I need to take care of the Windigos?"

"I thought you said you got this?" Abella muttered.

"I do," Scootaloo quickly defended herself. "I just wanted to see if there is anything I should know, though. Sooo…" She looked up at Wind Chill.

"That question is not easily answered," Wind Chill told her. "Even we frost giants have trouble with them. Especially with a herd as large as the one out there. If it wasn't for Danny, I doubt Sweetie Belle and I would have gotten out of our predicament without harm. But as long as they remain calm, they are easy to control."


"By remaining calm yourself. They react strongly to the mental state of others. It's both their strength and weakness, as they lack the cognitive abilities to properly steer themselves."

"Sooo…. Don't freak out. Got it. Anything else?" Scootaloo said, nodding once.

"Yes. Don't try to hold them back. If they want to move, let them. Just try to steer them away from anywhere they could cause harm."

"And how do I do that?"

"Try to find their leader."

"Can't you point her out to me?"

"I'm afraid not," Wind Chill answered with a shake of the head. "They calmed down through the actions of the Great One, and I used this to our advantage. I was, however, not able to find this herd's leader. But it is often a stallion. Stronger and taller than the rest. Yet as I searched, I could not find one seemingly greater than the others."

"And what if it isn't a stallion?" Danny suggested. "I mean, their leaders are all mares," he nodded towards Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Abella. "Maybe theirs' as well?"

"Perhaps," Wind Chill grunted. "But this is not for us to find out. Scootaloo, regardless of the leader being male, or female, I'm sure you will find out while we bring Danny to the Elder."

Scootaloo nodded confidently and finally the group crossed the bridge, and stepped onto the walkway encircling the stalactite.

"But regardless of the how, or what, we all need to hurry," Wind Chill added as final notion, all of them looking at the many changelings lying on the street.


Without further delay, (except for Wind Chill getting stuck in the narrow tunnels on several occasions, and Danny finding out his intangibility no longer worked during the first time this happened when he tried to free the giant.) The group quickly exited the underground passage and stepped out into the still frigid air; the snow crunching underneath their hooves and feet.

With only a few more words of encouragement, Scootaloo stayed behind to look after the windigoes, while the rest ran back the distance to the forest. But still, they were slowed down greatly. Both Wind Chill and Danny made good time, their large size allowing them to move with great speed with every step they took, but they had to hold back quite a lot because both Abella and Sweetie Belle couldn't keep up.

Abella, gone without a proper meal ever since the disease struck, had little energy to work with. And Sweetie Belle, having used up most of her energy during her fight with the windigos faced a similar problem.

Of course, this problem was easily remedied. Picking up the two with his large hands, (with quite the loud protest from Abella) Wind Chill carried them while moving with great strides. Of course, this now also meant Danny fell behind; Wind Chill's size still greater than his own, despite the incredible growth spurt he'd undergone when he changed the way he did.

"Please try to keep up, Great One. Time is of the essence," Wind Chill urged him on.

"I'm trying," Danny panted, pushing himself to the point he almost tripped over his own feet.

"Why don't you run on all four legs?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Wha…?" Danny gasped.

"Well, Fenris did... and he was really fast doing so. And you've got his body now, right?"

Danny grunted as he stumbled once again.

"Seeing how I'm almost falling down using only two legs, I don't think that will be of much help. Besides, the last time I tried to walk with four legs, the best I could do was stumble away like if I was drunk."

"Maybe this time is different?" Sweetie Belle told him.

"It may be possible that whatever happened to you did not merely change your form," Wind Chill spoke up and Abella groaned in response over yet another deviation of their intended plan.

"What do you mean?" Asked Danny.

"I mean. You've somehow acquired Fenris' body, you might also have gained his abilities."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle nodded. "After all, you did find out your intangibility no longer works, neither can you fly right now."

"I couldn't do any of that either when I was a chunk of ice," Danny reminded them. "But that was something I could easily undo…" He sighed out in part frustration, part tiredness. "Well, with everything else that has gone this day, might as well give it a try… Soo… how do I do this?"

"My best guess?" Wind Chill said. "Try not to think about it. Allow Fenris' form to move on its own. After all, it is still possible his mind resides somewhere within you. Maybe you, as you are now, are able to work together?"

"That… does not really make me feel any better about my situation," Danny groaned bitterly. "Gha… fine," he sighed out and narrowed his eyes in concentration while continuing to run alongside Wind Chill; the latter having slowed down enough for Danny to keep up.

For a while, Danny struggled to maintain his speed; so focused on trying, he made several missteps, almost causing him to fall.

"Don't force yourself," Wind Chill told him.

"Easier said than done," Danny grumbled. Yet unwilling to give up already, he tried again. Except, this time he allowed his mind to go blank, no longer forcing himself and just focusing on the motions.

For a while it seemed to him that this was just another wasted attempt trying to do something he wasn't even sure he could do. But then, with every new step he took, something felt off. His center of balance was too high. His arms, swaying back and forth with each step made, felt wrong; unused and a pressurizing full itch made him flex his muscles.

He didn't even realize it when he fell forwards, catching himself with both hands and smoothly continued running without pause.

"THERE YOU GO!" Sweetie Belle yelled enthusiastically as Danny sped off.

Danny didn't hear her, though. His eyes were wide, focused, locked on he blurring landscape as it approached with speed; his heart pounding loudly, blocking out all other sounds save for the wind whistling as it blew through his fur.

"GREAT ONE! PLEASE SLOW DOWN!" Wind Chill yelled, no longer able to keep up; the distance between them growing greater and greater.

But then, when Danny was almost nothing more than a faint speck in the distance, he came to an abrupt stop.

"Thank the ancestors," Wind Chill wheezed after he finally had caught up. "For a moment there I thought you had forgotten about me.

Slowly, Danny stood back up on two legs; back turned to Wind Chill.

"Danny, that was awesome!" Sweetie Belle whooped.

Flexing a clawed hand, Danny slowly turned to face them; fangs bared and eyes pitch black.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle said with a nervous stammer.

With a loud growl, the wolf attacked.


Wind Chill roared in surprise as he jumped back; narrowly avoiding the slashing claw, losing only a small tuft of his white fur.

At the same time, Cujo growled harshly, quadrupling in size.

"DANNY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sweetie Belle shouted, she and Abella almost falling out of Wind Chill's hold when he evaded the surprise attack.

"This is not the Great One," Wind Chill hastily replied. "Look at his eyes."

They did, and just as Sweetie Belle first recognized Danny through his eyes, so did they recognize Fenris.

"I thought his eyes were a glowing green?" Abella asked, worried, confused.

"They were," Sweetie Belle said with a tremor.

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME!" Wind Chill bellowed as he jumped back; his ability to defend himself severely hampered now that he was carrying Sweetie Belle and Abella. But to his aid, Cujo jumped in between, knocking Fenris back a bit. Though it was not enough to stop Fenris' next attack.

"YOUNG SPIRIT, TAKE YOUR FRIEND AND LEAVE!" Wind Chill roared as he sidestepped yet another slash. This time, however, Fenris hit his mark, despite Cujo's interference.

With a roar, Wind Chill dropped the fillies in reflex; three large cuts in his side staining his fur a glowing green as his ectoplasmic blood flowed free.

Screaming from the unexpected fall, both Abella and Sweetie Belle's legs flailed wildly. Abella, unable to fly, could do nothing more than brace herself for impact, until she suddenly stopped with a snap. Looking at the ground with wide eyes and breathing heavily, her eyes slowly drifted to the ivory hooves holding her by her sides; and from there, the filly holding her while defying gravity itself.

"Hold on!" Sweetie Belle grunted, calling on to what little energy she had left.

Abella could only nod dumbly, an uncontrollable shiver of fear traveling down her spine.

Sweetie Belle gasped and with a sudden surge of speed, which took both by surprise, they shot off; crashing into the ground only a moment later as Sweetie Belle lost control.

"What happened?" Abella groaned angrily, partially muffled as he muzzle poked out from underneath Sweetie Belle's rump.

"I- I don't know," Sweetie Belle gasped out, quick to scamper off the irritated changeling.

"CHILDREN, RUN!" Wind Chill bellowed as he stepped in front of them, blocking an attack of Fenris; roaring out as the wolf's claws cut deeply.

"WIND CHILL!" Sweetie Belle cried out, a sickening feeling taking hold of her from deep within.

With a groan, Wind Chill sunk to his knees, yet he continued to glare defiantly at the wolf, unwilling to give up so easily; fearful of what might happen to the children if he did, while Cujo had latched onto the wolf's left leg with all the strength of his jaw.

"We- we need to get out of here!" Abella stuttered as she saw Fenris push Wind Chill over to the side, his eyes set on them, not even paying Cujo any attention as he simply dragged him along with each step he took.

Yet despite Wind Chill's warning, neither of them did, their bodies unresponsive and all they could do was watch with wide, fearful eyes as the black wolf stepped towards them; his fangs and claws glistening menacingly in the light of the moon.

Fear hung thick in the air as both fillies looked up at the gigantic beast and as he lunged at them, his intent clear, all they could do was scream.


It was without conscious thought. Without sense of purpose, or idea what to do.

In nothing more than blind panic induced fear, Sweetie Belle's legs locked up, bracing themselves as the filly screamed out loudly, louder than she had ever done before, louder than was mortally possible.

She screamed, the air rippling from the sound; a sound as piercing as nails on chalkboard and Fenris, and Abella both dropped to the ground, covering their ears while crying out. Even Wind Chill, injured as he was, groaned in distress when the sound assaulted his ears. Cujo, too, wasn't spared. His sensitive ears only making things worse and with a pained yelp he let go of Fenris' leg, also dropping to the ground while shrinking back to his puppy self.

As Sweetie Belle continued, her scream turned into a screech; harsh, painful, debilitating and Fenris being stuck in the line of fire suddenly went slack as he lost consciousness.

Sweetie Belle managed to continue her assault for only a few more seconds, then her strength left her and she collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.


"Wh- what just happened?" Abella asked with a frightened waver in her voice.

With a strained groan, mixed with a pained moan, Wind Chill pushed himself to a sitting position; a hand clasped over his wound.

"If you're referring to the Great One, I fear his attempts to tap into Fenris' abilities allowed Fenris to take control. Which also means Fenris is still in there alongside Danny," Wind Chill groaned, channeling his ice powers and building a layer of ice over his wound.

Hissing through his teeth, he looked down at the barely conscious Sweetie Belle.

"But if you were wondering about Sweetie Belle, I can only assume the fear of the situation brought forth a, until now, dormant power."

With a pained grunt, sounding almost like a roar, Wind Chill forced himself back on his feet; taking a few unsteady steps before he found his balance.

"Regardless, it would seem that in our effort to hasten our journey back, we instead slowed ourselves down considerably," he added as he closed another wound with his ice.

Are you going to be alright?" asked Sweetie Belle, voice low and raw.

"Worry not about me," Wind Chill groaned in discomfort. "It will take more than this for me to die a second time. But how about you?"

"Tired," Sweetie Belle groaned. "I'm really, really tired… And what about Danny?"

Looking down unto the still unconscious wolf, Wind Chill grunted in dismay.

"I can't say. Though it has become obvious Danny is not in full control," he said. Then, with a groan of exertion, he picked up the slumped form and hung him over his shoulder. "For now, all we can hope for is that he remains unconscious until we've reached the Far Frozen."

"But what if he wakes up before we do?" Abella asked, afraid and agitated at the same time.

"Then we hope it is the Great One who wakes up. Now, young spirit, can you walk?"

"Nnghh," Sweetie Belle groaned, sluggishly rising to her hooves. "I can barely stand."

"That will be a problem," Wind Chill intoned.

A loud bark quickly turned all their attention to the green hound as he pushed himself back up; aggressively shaking his head to clear the ringing from his ears, yet staring urgently at the frost giant, then to Sweetie Belle.

Another rough bark came from Cujo as he gave a single nod towards his back.

"Do you-... I must climb on your back?" Sweetie Belle asked, unsure.

Cujo nodded once, then he stared towards Abella.

"And her, too?" Sweetie Belle sought confirmation. Cujo barked.

"I suggest we take him on his offer," Wind Chill told them. "We have wasted enough time as is. Any longer, and there is no telling what disaster might befall us."

"You don't need to remind me," Abella snapped, yet she hesitated as she looked up at the large hound.

Steeling herself, she clumsily climbed up on Cujo's back. "You coming, or what?" She aimed at Sweetie Belle.

"Yes… just, hold on," Sweetie Belle panted as she struggled to climb onto Cujo's back.

Lowering himself, Cujo helped the exhausted filly onto his back; quickly rising up again when she did.

"Good," Wind Chill grunted through labored breath, clutching onto a wound with his free hand. "Then let's make haste. Before it's too late."


The rest of their journey to the forest had passed in silence, save for the labored panting from Wind Chill; clearly showing that he was in worse of a shape than he cared to admit.

Still, despite his injuries and the weight of the wolf slowing him down, they did manage to reach the Everfree Forest in less time than they had thought it would take. Though dark hues of purple started to show on the horizon, revealing it wouldn't take long until the first light of a new day would present itself.

For now though, they were still shrouded in the cloak of night's darkness; aided further by the shadows of the forest, masking even Wind Chill's large, white form.

However, unseen did not mean unheard, and Danny's warning of the presence of ghost hunters, as well as the friends, and relatives of Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo looking for them in the forest meant they could no longer run, lest they draw any unwanted attention to themselves.

Sweetie Belle, having regained some of her strength, now sat upright on Cujo's back; Abella glaring around behind her, while Cujo slowly moved forwards, expertly sniffing the area for any sign of trouble.

"How's Danny doing?" Asked Sweetie Belle, voice lowered.

"So far, neither he, nor Fenris have shown any signs of waking," Wind Chill told her.

"Well, I guess that's good," said Sweetie Belle. Then, startling both her and Abella, Cujo suddenly stopped moving; growling ever so slightly.

"What is wro-" Sweetie Belle was about to ask, when Wind Chill shushed her.

"Be quiet, young spirit. Someone's coming."

Quietly stepping back behind a broad tree, Wind Chill lowered himself as much as possible; unable to keep all his pained grunts to himself, though managing to keep them low enough to avoid detection, he, Cujo, Abella and Sweetie Belle observed the direction they were headed in tense silence.

At first, all any of them saw was nothing, but the darkness of the forest, yet Cujo growled ever so slightly and Wind Chill was noticeably tense.

Then, starting with the faintest of sounds, Sweetie Belle and Abella started to hear what they believed were hoofsteps. And much to their surprise, Cujo suddenly perked up, ears standing at attention while his tail began to wag.

Unsure what this sudden change meant, and not wanting to risk exposing themselves, Sweetie Belle and Abella cowered back further, making themselves as small as possible on the large dog's back, watching in deathly silence as slowly, a figure materialized out of the darkness; the faintest of glints reflecting of the golden hoops decorating her neck from a stray beam of moonlight managing to penetrate the canopy.

With deliberate slowness, Zecora moved for the spot the group of unlikely creatures was hiding. Then, she stopped; looking around, listening intently for any sound.

Tensely, their group waited for what she would do next.

"I must admit, I have gone through quite a bad fright, but it seems I have become part of what is transpiring this night," Zecora said, looking at the group's hiding spot. "Now, if you would, please step into sight. We don't have long before morning brighten us with its light."

Understandably, the group did not reveal themselves.

"I know you are here, for this I was told. Now I ask you to trust me and decide to be bold."

"What are you doing?" Abella hissed when Sweetie Belle decided to do just that.

Dropping down from Cujo, rustling the leaves and snapping a few small twigs on her landing, she slowly stepped out from behind their cover.

"Zecora?" She said, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same to you, but there is something more urgent I need to know is true. Before Danny disappeared in a flash, he hinted that you and your friends were involved in something rather rash."

"Wait, Danny was here?" Sweetie Belle asked, confused. Then her eyes lit up, metaphorically. "Oh yeah, he said he made a duplicatehhhhh-" She quickly fell silent as she realized who it was she was talking to.

"I know of his secret, this I can tell. But that is the extent of my knowledge, or the fate he befell."

"You know about Danny?" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"If what you say is true, then one question must be asked above all others," Wind Chill said as he rose up to his full height. "Are you a friend, or a foe?"

Despite the sudden increase of ghostly activity in her life lately, Zecora still took several frightened steps back, while craning her neck backwards as she stared up at the giant with wide eyes.

"She's a friend," Sweetie Belle told him.

"She speaks the truth, I mean you no harm. My knowledge about the Phantom is no need for alarm," Zecora said hastily, unable to fully suppress her instincts to flee.

"Don't worry, Zecora. He won't hurt you," Sweetie Belle reassured her. "But we are in a hurry. We need to go to the ancient castle of the royal sisters, and can't waste any more time than we already have."

"I won't pretend I know what this is about, but this forest is wild, you will need a guide who knows its layout. For this I am here, a task given to me. It would certainly be faster instead of hiding behind a tree."

"Yeah, we thought you were somepony else," Sweetie Belle said.

"You mean your sisters, or friends, or are it the hunters of which you speak? However your actions are telling, I will show you the way to sneak."

"Does she say everything in rhyme?" A frustrated Abella finally made herself known.

Zecora gasped slightly. "A creature of change, by Danny I was told. But the full knowledge of this development has to me been withhold," Zecora said, surprised again as she looked at the young shapeshifter.

"And that's a yes," Abella groaned. "Seriously, what is it with you ponies?"

"Actually, Zecora is a Zebra," Sweetie Belle corrected.

"Whatever," Abella groaned once more. "Can we please get a move on before all of us changelings have died of this disease we're supposed to stop, but instead are busy doing everything else… It's a miracle you ponies manage to do anything at all."

"If what the changeling speaks is right, we indeed can't waste the rest of the night. Now pay attention and follow me, any answers needed can wait for later... maybe?"

"It's about time," Abella grunted as they quietly followed after Zecora.


True to her word, Zecora managed to lead them to the ancient castle without running into anypony else. It was a small blessing in this far too long night with setback after setback.

Still, even though they managed to get this far without any problem, if they had learned anything these past several hours it was that the moment something went their way, a new problem would present itself as unexpected, as it was unwanted. And right now was no exception to this rule as, with a low groan either Danny, or Fenris came to.

Alerted by the sound, Wind Chill tightened his hold over the wolf until he was sure about who was in control.

Sweetie Belle and Abella, too, reacted; Spurring Cujo on to move faster towards the ice bridge crossing the chasm towards the castle.

Zecora, however, was unaware about the potential threat of Fenris, even though she noticed Wind Chill carrying the slumped form over his shoulder when he revealed himself. But as she had said, answers had to wait for the time being. But now, having heard the groan just as clear as the others, and noticing their reaction, she couldn't suppress the instinctual feeling of impending disaster.

"Though I understand the urgency for us to resume, why can't I shake the feeling we're moving towards our doom?"

"It's Danny," Sweetie Belle told her, a waiver of fear in her voice. "Something happened to him, so we're taking him to the Elder for help."

"You speak about Danny as if he is near, but I must admit I don't see him here."

"That is Danny," Sweetie Belle pointed at the slowly awaking wolf.

"Child, surely you're trying to give me a fright. What you are saying just can't be right," Zecora said, shocked.

"What the young spirit says is true," Wind Chill grunted as he readjusted the wolf's body. "Something has happened to Danny, which neither of us can explain."

Zecora blinked, falling back just a bit as she processed what she was just told.

"...Young spirit?"

Wind Chill came to an abrupt stop, a look of shock plastered on his face when he realized what he had revealed.

"Uugh… whas goin on?"

And as stated before, one problem quickly worsened when the wolf came to; his voice slurred and confused. Though his attempt to speak rather than attack did give some indication who exactly was in control at the moment.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle hesitantly asked.

"Yeaahhuw… why does my head hurt so much?" Danny groaned.

"Great One," Wind Chill sighed a breath of relief, quickly placing the transformed human back on the ground.

"I thought I experienced everything I could this troublesome night. But I have been proven wrong, as I can't distinguish wrong from right," Zecora said, almost in a daze as one shocking revelation followed after the other. "You called young Sweetie Belle a spirit without a hint of deceit. And now Danny is this beast, truly making my confusion complete. And though time is short, and there is no time to ask. The questions I have make this a most difficult task."

"Welcome to my world," Danny groaned, flinching from a spike of pain through his sore brain. "Gnhg… what even happened?"

Looking around with a troubled frown, Wind Chill sighed deeply.

"I fear now is neither the time, nor place to answer any of these questions." He then looked at Danny. "This, ehh… Zecora, was it?" He sought clarification, receiving a faint nod from the shaken zebra. "Zecora said she knows about your secret and has helped us come this far. But I must know for certain. Great One, do you trust her?"

"Ye—" Danny flinched as he carefully rubbed his pained head "—Yeah, I do."

"Very well," Wind Chill grunted. "Zecora. You helped us come this far, and the Great One vouches for you. Though this will probably cause more trouble along the way, for now I think it's best if you accompany us towards my village."

"Hold on," Danny looked up, hand still placed against his head. "Village? You mean the Far Frozen? But how-"

"Just follow us and stay close," Wind Chill instructed. "This would be easier to just show, instead of trying to explain."

Both Danny and Zecora tried to say something in turn, cutting each other off before they could start. Looking at on another, each equally confused, they shrugged, nodded once and followed after the giant, as he; as well as Sweetie Belle, Abella and Cujo crossed the ice bridge, and entered through the large gate of the abandoned castle; then moved through the various dark and appropriately spooky hallways until they reached the once proud throne room.

Both Danny and Zecora halted in their tracks, eyes wide at what they saw. And despite there being a large hole in the air, opening a path to a world unseen, this was almost completely overlooked as their attention was pulled to the group of frost giants who stood around numerous unmoving bodies of timberwolves.

"Wind Chill?" A most familiar giant said as he took notice of their arrival. "Back so soon?" Frostbite asked, then his eyes widened upon spotting the giant's injuries.

"Frostbite!?" Danny said, happy to see his old friend, but torn by the revelation of him being here.

"... Fenris," Frostbite said bitterly, quickly matching the marks on Wind Chill with the wolf.

"Perhaps not," a new voice spoke up, and their attention was drawn to the portal as a new giant stepped through. Wearing a plain cloak which covered most of her body, its hood obscuring her face with a shadow, save for her orange glowing eyes.

"Elder?" Frostbite said, surprised. "I did not expect you back so soon… And what did you mean, perhaps not?"

"Surely by now you should have learned not everything is as it seems," the Elder told him. "Furthermore, I see there are some new faces with you, Wind Chill."

"Euhh… Yes," Wind Chill stammered. It was also at this moment Frostbite noticed Zecora and Abella.

"Wind Chill, what is the meaning of this? Why did you bring more of this world's inhabitants to us?"

"This is Zecora," Sweetie Belle said quickly. "She helped us back in the forest to avoid our friends and family, and the ghost hunters who are looking for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and m-"

"WHAT!" Frostbite bellowed. "GHOST HUNTERS!?" He roared in panic, only for the Elder to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Now is not the time to panic," she told him. "Besides, raising your voice would only serve to help them find this place faster should they hear."

"Then tell me what you expect me to do in this situation?" He shot back. "First we had to fight off these wooden wolves, only for Fenris to worsen the situation. Then you knock them all out, only to leave us to return them to their world, while allowing Fenris to leave with the children and Wind Chill to help a dying species, while there is also the potential disaster unfolding with the Saldēti Zirgi. And now we face a possible new threat with these ghost hunters. Who knows what might happen, should they find this place."

"Then perhaps it would be wise to listen, instead of talking," the Elder said simply. "Because there is more at play here than you realize, and there are more people here in search of answers… Isn't that right, Danny?" She said, slowly turning to look at Fenris.

Danny, taking a step back in surprise, looked at the Elder with wide eyes.

"You know it is me?" He gasped.

"Indeed I can, Great One," she said, smiling kindly as she looked at the black wolf; her vision cutting through the flesh and seeing the human ghost hidden underneath.

"Danny?" One of the present giants said, confused.

"Great One?" Another gasped out upon hearing the title.

Looking to the wolf, then the Elder, Frostbite couldn't be more confused.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

"That is something we all wish to know," Wind Chill stepped up. "Frostbite, this is indeed the Great One. He found us, meaning me and Sweetie Belle while we were fighting against the Saldēti Zirgi, using his incredible might to stop their rampage. However, as he vowed to help the children in their attempt to save the changelings, Fenris attacked him. And through means none of us are certain, the Great One and Fenris have merged. Though it would seem Danny is in control most of the time."

"Most of the time?" Danny repeated, blinking, confused, his voice echoing in the now deathly quiet chamber as all giants looked at him with wide eyes.

Slowly, Frostbite stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Danny.

"Danny, is this truly you?" He asked with a barely noticeable stutter.

Danny slowly looked around, his hands clenching and unclenching as he felt the giants' eyes bore into him. Though, as he looked at the rough, but kind and hopeful face of one of his dear friends, he slowly nodded.

"..Yes…. It's been a whi-WHOA!" Danny yelled out as Frostbite pulled him in a tight hug; his feet leaving the ground.

"BY THE ANCESTORS! YOU HAVE RETURNED!" He roared in undiluted joy, joined by roars and cheers from the other giants, save Wind Chill and the Elder.

"Ca-...n't br-..eath," Danny gasped and Frostbite quickly released his hold.

"Forgive me, Great One," the giant immediately apologized.

"ARE YOU GUYS DONE ALREADY!?" Abella shouted her outrage. "SERIOUSLY! ALL YOU EVER DO IS TALK! CAN WE PLEASE CUT TO THE POINT WHERE YOU FIX WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HIM AND BE DONE WITH IT!?" And as her voice bounced off the walls, all eyes were now on her, as the anger faded from her words, replaced by despair and hopelessness. "BECAUSE, WE MAY NOT BE IMPORTANT TO ANY OF YOU, BUT… but they are important to me and-" She was unable to finish, head turned away as she tried her hardest not to show the tears which had managed to escape.

A comforting hoof on her withers slowly brought her attention to Sweetie Belle, who looked at her with equally sad eyes.

"She's right," Sweetie Belle said to everyone around. "It seems all we do is delay things more than they should," she sighed out deeply, looking up at the Elder. "We need your help."

"Indeed," the Elder agreed. "And in more ways than you even realize. Frostbite," she turned her head to the giant's leader. "Could you and the others please step away from the timberwolves?"

Though confused, he and the rest of his fellow giants did as she asked.

"Now then," the Elder hummed. "Danny, could you please step forwards?"

Surprised, Danny looked at Wind Chill, then Sweetie Belle; both urging him to do as she asked.

"Thank you," the Elder said after he did, and the staff she held began to glow a vibrant red. "Hmmm... " She hummed as she studied Danny carefully, long enough for it to become uncomfortable. "Well, this is not going to be easy," she finally spoke up.

"What isn't" Danny asked, worried.

"Tell me, what exactly did happen before you became like this?" She asked.

"I, ehh…." Danny halted, recollecting his thoughts. "I had just removed the freezing cold from the changelings' city, pulling it inside me… and somehow becoming some kind of icicle… Wind Chill said it was the power of frostbite." Danny started, and took notice of the sharp inhale of air, and numerous gasps coming from the giants. "Whatever it was, though, it blocked several of my powers before I was able to release the buildup of ice outside. After that, I returned to the city, Fenris immediately attacked me without cause, or warning. We fought a bit, that guy going on and on about not allowing his sin to exist any longer, which somehow relates to Eclipse… eehh, my shadow. Then I remember the changelings' queen being there, falling down. I tried to catch her, then… then I'm like this."

"I see," the Elder stroked her fur covered chin, eyes shifting to Sweetie Belle. "And how did events transpire from your point of view?"

"Just like Danny said," Sweetie Belle answered, while Abella silently cursed that this situation had somehow derailed into yet another conversation. "However, when Danny moved to catch Queen Chrysalis, Fenris attacked him from the back," she revealed and numerous of the giants growled in anger over this revelation. "Eclipse… Danny's shadow jumped in between, but wasn't able to stop Fenris. He… he cut right through her…. and then Danny… and… and-"

"And then darkness consumed them," the Elder finished for her. Sweetie Belle only nodded.

"Oh, Danny," the Elder sighed out, slowly shaking her head. "How do you always manage to get yourself into these kinds of situations?"

"Of the long list of questions I have, that one is right on the top of it," Danny replied flatly. "So, can you fix me?"

"I can not," the Elder replied grimly and numerous shocked gasps resounded throughout the room. "Nor can anyone else for that matter," she told him. "What happened to you is no mere merger between two entities. Your shadow, this Eclipse, jumped in between, in an attempt to protect you from what is, essentially, herself."

"Ehhh… you lost me there," said Danny.

"Eclipse, or rather the entity which grew into Eclipse, originates from Fenris. A product of his own hatred. A hatred towards creatures responsible for untold suffering. And later himself, for what he allowed himself to become. And when he attacked you, it was with the same hatred which gave rise to this darkness, from which Eclipse was born. When he cut through her, Fenris merged with her. However, Eclipse is also a product of you. Molded by your essence transferred to your shadow. So when Fenris merged with Eclipse, he also merged with you. The both of you are linked through Eclipse. However, seeing the fact you are in control, despite the form you are in, it is clear Fenris is trapped in his own hatred once again. So long as you keep a clear head, I see no reason for him to emerge and take control. But, of course, this is not what you want... But separating the three of you is not such an easy task."

"But can it be done?" Frostbite asked, worried.

"It can," she answered and Frostbite released a sigh of relief. "And it can't."

"Elder, please don't speak in riddles. Especially now. Which is it?" Frostbite replied irritably.

"Both," Zecora said, surprising herself, as much as everyone else. So much so, she couldn't even come up with a rhyme to finish.

"Indeed?" The Elder acknowledged the zebra.

"Wait, what?" Sweetie Belle said, confused.

"Danny and Fenris merged through a shared bond with Eclipse. And because Eclipse is now as much part of Danny as she is Fenris, it is impossible to separate the two wholly. They are linked by the darkness which once consumed them."

"Okay, hold on," Danny said firmly, taking a step away from the Elder. "And you know all this, how? Because you seem to know just a bit too much, just like that," he said with accusing suspicion.

"Great One!" Frostbite stepped up, only to be stopped by a raised hand from the Elder.

"You are well in your right to be suspicious of me. After all, we never met face to face, and here I am knowing so much about you already. The answer to this is as simple as it is complicated. And though I could give you a lengthy explanation, there are better uses for what little time remains. So the short version will need to suffice, until there is more time to sit down and talk."

"Finally!" Abella sighed out.

"You see, my staff enables me to see more than others," the Elder said without pause. "With it, the true nature of the world around me is revealed. And I use this to help others. Either by showing them what they already know, or shed light on obscure matters hidden in everyday interactions. And now, I am here to help you and, to an extent, Abella and her kind."

Danny stood silent for several long minutes, thinking this over while studying the Elder, much to Abella's ever growing irritation. Eventually though, Danny somewhat relaxed his stance.

"And how would you help me? You just said you weren't able to undo this," Danny indicated his wholesome.

"I can't. Nor can anyone here for that matter. Though there is one voice who has gone unheard; lost in the maelstrom of conflict between two minds at odds."

"Ehhh… wut?"

"Open your mind, Danny Phantom," the Elder said, her staff glowing brightly, blinding and consuming Danny with its light. "And see the truth hidden within!"


Danny screamed as he fell, his limbs flailing wildly, as he plummeted down into the seemingly bottomless abyss as he punched through thick columns of blackness.

How he got there, he didn't know. Nor did the thought occupy most of his awareness; his mind too lost in panic and fear.

It seemed like forever that he fell, dropping deeper and deeper into the blackness until it consumed him whole, and he lost consciousness.

When he came to, the first thing he noticed was that he was lying down, face pressing down into the noticeably rough ground.

Groaning, he tried opening his eyes; succeeding only partially, and what he did manage to see through his half open eyes was blurry at best. Eventually though, after blinking owlishly for far too long, his vision started to clear.

Able to see more of his immediate surroundings, he slowly sat up; bringing up a hand to drag through his hair while trying to figure out where he was, when he froze mid-motion. His hand was human again. Shocked, he quickly inspected the rest of himself, discovering he was human once again.

Glad that finally something was going his way, he stood up and looked around.

Whatever small amount of happiness he had just felt disintegrated as if struck by his parents' ghost portal. He knew this place; the crater he now realized he stood in.

It was where the store used to be.

The store where Sam had died.

The store where his life had ended.

The moment he realized this, a stuttered gasp forced its way out of him; his pupils shrunk to pinpricks and his body began to tremble.

"THERE HE IS!" Someone yelled, angrily.

"LET'S GET HIM!" A woman shouted and Danny looked up at the crater's ridge, seeing an angry mob of humans, all staring at him with livid, yet cold, and empty eyes.

Danny stood frozen on the spot. He recognized those eyes. The hateful look he received from everyone after they learned he was responsible for Sam's death.

"No," he gasped out. "I didn't do this! He tried to tell them, but his diminished voice was lost in the angry yelling and shouting.

Then the angry mob, suddenly much larger, moved towards him.

Surrounded on all sides, Danny took several erratic steps back and forth, as he tried to distance himself from the approaching group, yet unable to do so. But then, when they were almost on top of him, he spotted a small gap in the crowd and he seized that chance to escape.

Pushing through, Danny screamed as he felt everyone pull and claw at him; his shirt tearing apart.

With gritted teeth, he managed to break free and ran away as fast as he could, not looking back, but feeling all eyes drilling into his back, as he knew that they followed.

'What is going on? Why am I back here?'

His questions went unanswered as he rushed through the street with forward tilt; the doors of all the shops around him slamming open as more angry people crawled out after him, shouting and yelling as they did.

"No, no. I didn't do this. I DIDN'T DO THIS! I DIDN'T KILL HER!" He yelled in despair, the voices of his pursuers becoming louder in response, drowning out anything he said while throwing rocks and soda cans at him. And as he fled, he continued to cry his innocence. But the people always raised their voice over his, until he couldn't scream no more; the world growing darker and darker the longer this went on, until all colors blended into nothing more than shades of gray and black.

He ran and ran, never looking back, but hearing the voices as loud as ever. Until, as if with the flick of a switch, everything became quiet... Deathly quiet.

At first, Danny didn't notice as he continued to run. But eventually, as he came to a stop, his stamina all but depleted and panting heavily, hands on knees, the absence of angry shouting registered.

Slowly and reluctantly, he looked behind him, and gasped out when he found himself standing in the park he, and his friends, frequently visited back in the day.

Falling to his knees, he grasped at the grass with a trembling hand, then punched the other into the ground, hard.

"What is going on?! Why am I back here?!" He said aloud, eyes clenched shut.

"Because you need to stop running."

Eyes snapping open, Danny looked behind him with a slow turn of his head. A stuttering gasp escaped him when he saw who had just spoken.

"S-Sam," he stuttered, unable to believe it. Here she was, the girl he loved and lost, standing before him exactly as he remembered her, unchanged by the passage of time. "Bu- but how…"

"How can this be?" Sam asked for him, as she approached, reaching out with a hand to help Danny get back on his feet. Danny, however, was unable to do anything more than stare up at the teenage girl and slowly she lowered her hand, smiling sadly.

"It's simple, really," she told him. "I'm not really here. Nor are you, for that matter. This," she said, waving a hand around, "is your darkness. And I am as much a part of it, as I am the voice of reason. Which is also wherein lies the problem," she sighed out.

"Wh- what?"

"Danny," Sam crossed her arms over her chest. "Did you accept my death?"

"WHA- but… I, you're right here, aren't you?"

"Danny, please don't lie to yourself again. Especially after I just explained what is going on. So, please answer me this: Did you accept my death?"


Many minutes ticked by in silence as Danny looked up at Sam, eyes wavering, trying to look at anything else than her, but unable to do so.

Eventually though, he managed to close them, releasing a heavy, depressed sigh.

"Yeah… I think?"

"Then why do you still run?"


"Why do you still run?" Sam repeated. "You could have gone home, to your family and friends. They could have helped you. You know this just as well as I do. So why did you run?"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE DEAD. BECAUSE I COULDN'T PROTECT YOU!" Danny yelled, the world around him growing darker.

"Did you now?" Sam asked coolly, taking a step away from Danny. "If that's true, maybe you really belong here?"

"Wha?" Danny gasped, then yelled in surprise and fright when tendrils of darkness shot out of his shadow; wrapping around him in a vice, pulling him down into itself.

"GHAAA!" He screamed, struggling to free himself; one hand desperately reaching out to Sam.

"I already offered you my hand once, Danny. And you refused," Sam said darkly. "Why should I do so again?"

And with a last suffering gasp, Danny was pulled inside the darkness of his shadow.


Sound assaulted his ears, blurred, indistinguishable, loud and muted at the same time.

He felt wind blow through his hair; not strong, or fierce, yet harsh all the same. Bringing with it a feeling of disgust.

Through his closed lids he saw a faint flickering of light, slowly pulling him back to consciousness.

Slowly, Danny's eyes opened. And with a similar slowness, he realized he was lying down in some grassy field at night.

Blurred figures moved in front of him; their forms obscure, their outlines difficult to differentiate in the flickering light.

Then, one of the forms collapsed, with a terrifyingly clear ‘thud', and Danny gasped out, eyes widening as he suddenly found himself staring in the dimming eyes of a giant wolf; something warm hitting him on the face.

With trembling hand, never averting his gaze from the fallen beast, he reached out to his face. His hand returned in his sight a moment later, fingers stained with blood.

Suddenly, upon seeing the life giving fluid slowly flowing down his hand, the sounds around him snapped into focus.

Screaming, crying, howling, barking, burning, breaking and snapping.

To his horror, Danny found himself right in the middle of a town ablaze. And under the light of a red moon.

Without warning, a massive bipedal wolf made himself known with a ferocious growl, giving him just enough warning for him to roll out of the way before the beast slammed down on the spot he'd just lay.

Pushing himself up and to the side with one arm, Danny looked up at the enraged beast as he refocused his aim on him. But before the wolf could strike again, another, much bigger beast slammed into his side; almost invisible in the black of night through his fur of equal blackness.

This new beast, easily three times the size of the wolf who just attacked Danny, growled like a being possessed and slammed a fist cleanly through the smaller wolf's chest; blood, bone and gore spraying out like a unholy fountain, some of it hitting Danny, who cried out in disgust, fear and horror.

Hearing the sound, the ferocious wolf immediately focused on the downed human who tried to make himself as small as possible.

Approaching with aggressive steps, mouth partially open and showing blood covered fangs, the beast closed the distance while Danny found himself rooted on the spot, paralyzed with fear.

With a lightning fast swipe, the wolf grabbed Danny around the throat, and with a gurgling gasp he was lifted off the ground; able to see his own struggling reflection in the black orbs the wolf had for eyes. Finally recognizing the wolf for who he was: Fenris.

Lifting his free clawed hand, Fenris prepared to strike and Danny closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable. But then, piercing him down to the core of his being, a loud and sorrowful howl cut through the night, blocking out all other sounds until all that could be heard was the howling filled with sadness and regret.

Surprised, Danny opened his eyes, only to tense up immediately when he saw Fenris' massive fist only half an inch away from his face.

Then the tremor started. Or at least, that was what Danny thought. It took him a moment longer to realize it was the wolf who was shaking, a pained look on his face.

The howl came again, and Fenris released Danny, clutching at his head while roaring in pain, falling to his knees.

Danny fell to the ground and quickly rolled away from the wolf; never allowing him to leave his sight, fearful of what was happening now.

"You brought this onto yourself, brother!"

With a gasp, Danny spun to see two new wolves standing behind him; both as large as Fenris, one with golden brown fur, the other being snow white with burning red eyes; both of them terribly injured, yet seemingly unaware of the damage inflicted to their bodies.

"You know what must be done next," the white wolf spoke.

What happened next almost made Danny throw up.

Using both of his claws, Fenris cut deep in his abdomen, gutting himself, then fell dead in the pool of blood and guts which had pooled at his feet.

A terrifying howl followed moments later and Danny spun around only to see the body of another wolf fall dead at his feet; his lifeless eyes staring into Danny's.

The one responsible for this murder then focused on Danny, approaching with claws at the ready.

Danny backed away, tripping over his own feet and landing hard on his backside, staring death in the face when, without warning, the wolf was tackled by a much larger wolf. A wolf with pitch black fur.


With wide eyes and rising bile, Danny watched the same events unfold; from the wolf being killed by Fenris as he punched his fist through the wolf's chest, to Fenris killing himself. Then everything repeated again, and again, until Danny could take no more and threw up.

Heaving, hands on knees, Danny tried to escape this insanity, one slow step after the other; forcing himself to move faster and faster until he ran as hard as he could.

Yet no matter how far he ran, to where he ran, or the ever increasing turns he took, he always ended up back right where he started: the center of the burning village and in the sights of a murderous wolf.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?! HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE?!" Danny fretted, desperately looking for a way to escape.

"You can't."

Spinning around, Danny looked for who had spoken, finding no one.




"Because," the voice spoke from directly behind him, Danny's eyes widening as he now recognized the voice of Sam, "just like you, Fenris is trapped in his own personal hell. And the both of you share the same darkness and form. Two minds, one body. And as long as he's stuck here, so are you."

"No," Danny gasped, unwilling to believe it.

"Denial won't help you here. After all, it's what brought you here in the first place," Sam's disembodied voice told him, a hint of ice present in her words.

"But I'm not denying anything," Danny deflected.

"Aren't you?" Sam said and, with a loud roar, the same wolf attacked again.

Danny yelled, raising his arms to shield off the attack, eyes closed.

When nothing happened, he dared a glance. His eyes shot open when he realized he was back in the crater the convenience store used to be; the world as gray and depressed as he previously encountered it.

"Then, if that's true, why do you keep running?" Sam continued as if nothing had happened and the angry mob of people returned to yell, and throw stuff at Danny.

Taking a hesitant step back, Danny looked at them all with fear and guilt plastered on his face.

"MURDERER! Someone yelled.

"No," Danny backed away.

"FREAK!" A half full can of soda was thrown at his head.

Danny cried out when the can struck, spilling its contents over him in the process.

"WE TRUSTED YOU!" A strangely familiar voice yelled.

"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS!" The same voice said, but from someplace else.

"I AM!" Danny shouted back and a rock was thrown his way; missing, but only just.

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HER?!" The same voice angrily retorted, the mob closing in. "WHY DID YOU LET HER DIE?!"

"I DIDN'T!" Danny screamed, clasping his hands over his ears to block the voices, but failing in doing so. "I TRIED TO SAVE HER!"

"LIAR!" Danny said, and Danny gasped out as he saw himself standing before him; punching him squarely in the face.

The force of the blow sent him stumbling back, right into the waiting hands of all the other Danny’s surrounding him.


"No," Danny gasped.


"That's not true!" He struggled to say.


"This wasn't my fault!" He said with slowly rising voice.


"I didn't do this!" Danny said through gritted teeth, hands clenched shut into trembling fists.


"I DIDN'T DO THIS!" Danny raised his voice to match the others.


"I DIDN'T KILL HER!" He roared, a shockwave blasting from his mouth, blowing all the other Danny’s away and to the ground.

Danny stood wide, upper body hanging down a bit, arms arched down to either side, panting heavily.

"I DIDN'T DO THIS!" He seethed, glaring at his doubles through his brow with green burning eyes.

"Then why did you run?" A shadowy figure, barely resembling Sam, asked as it appeared out of nowhere.

Danny faltered, the green in his eyes fading away and the angry doubles slowly rose back to their feet; glaring at him with anger and disgust.

"Because…." He fell silent and a rock soared past his face.

The distorted, shadowy image of Sam closed in, looming over Danny.

Danny felt his legs go weak, yet he forced himself to stand tall and look this thing in the eyes.

"... Because…. Because I failed you; failed Tucker, Jazz, everyone," he admitted. Then his eyes lit up in sudden realization. "... Because I failed myself." The mob of doubles, slowly advancing on him, came to a stop. Danny didn't notice this as he looked down at his white gloved hands; his ghost suit having materialized on him while he remained in his mortal form. "I failed myself, and what I tried to be. I ran because I couldn't face myself; because I couldn't face the true truth."

"Which is?" The distorted, shadowy figure asked.

Danny slowly looked back up at the figure. "I have incredible powers, and am capable of doing things almost no other human can do. Yet despite this all, I too am human and can fail. And though I knew this, I also depended on others to fix things when I mess up. It never occurred to me there wouldn't be anyone to fix my mistakes; that something I did, or didn't do would be permanent; that when I fail, it would come at such a high cost. And I failed to realize this until now, even though I think I already knew this all along. I ran away because I thought that, somehow, everything would work out like it always did, but it didn't. And because of that, I failed to realize my own humanity, and all my flaws with it."

Silence settled down, with only a single, desolate howl of the wind as it kicked up a trail of dust from the crater in which Danny stood; all the doubles having vanished into nothing, leaving only Danny and the distorted shade of Sam behind.

"I ran because I failed. And I failed because I ran," Danny said strongly, finally admitting the truth he had always known.

For several long moments, the two stood in silence. Then, without another word, the darkness before Danny faded away, leaving him alone in the crater; the colors and light returning to the world around him.

Closing his eyes and tilting back his head, he took a deep breath while feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin. Releasing a long sigh, he opened his eyes, looking at the devastation around him with acceptance and understanding.

"Just one more thing to take care of," he said and slammed a glowing fist into the ground; breaking away the dirt and concrete, opening a hole into a dark, and seemingly bottomless void.


"You know what needs to be done next," Nuntis said, looking down on his fallen brother.

Fenris nodded and unsheathed his claws, fully intent to end it all.

"Does he?"

The horrific sounds of screams, anguish and rage came to a sudden stop.

Fenris looked up, while his brothers, Nuntis and Sköll, turned to look behind them; all three surprised by the small creature they found staring back at them with its green glowing eyes.

"I think this has been going on for far too long," said Danny, stepping through the small space between the two wolves. "You've been going in circles, doing the same thing over and over again. Beating yourself up over something you probably had little control over. I know what that's like. I've been doing the same."

Fenris growled harshly, lunging for Danny.

Danny stood his ground, staring strongly back at Fenris.

"Stop!" He said with authority and confidence.

For reasons Fenris couldn't understand, his body did as was commanded. With mere inches to spare between his outstretched claw and Danny's face, he stopped on the spot.

Eyes flashing to the side, Danny acknowledged the claw which had almost struck, yet didn't flinch, or react to it any other way.

"This is not the first time we've done this, remember?" He asked. "Probably not. I know I didn't. Not until I broke free from the chains that held me; the guilt that blinded me from the truth."

Fenris growled, his arms shaking, yet unable to move.

"I've seen what you go through, again, and again, and again. And I know you don't want to do this, how much you want to let this go. But you can't. You're trapped, unable to escape this nightmare because, deep down, you keep blaming yourself."

"As I should," Fenris finally spoke darkly.

"... Hold on?" Danny said, surprised. "You actually know what is going on?"

Fenris snarled. "How could I not recognize the darkness of my own making? I know this trap, as I have been caught in it before; knowing there is no escape from it."

"You're talking about Eclipse?" Danny asked, concerned.

"Name it as you will, I know it for what it truly is," Fenris barked, teeth showing.

Danny sighed out, sagging his stance, pulling a hand through his hair.

"... You know you can stop standing like that, right?" He remarked. "Just... Please don't attack me again. We've gone through that already and look where it brought us."

Fenris blinked, surprised. Then, with noticeably forced motions, he stepped back; claws still at the ready.

"Okay," Danny nodded. "Maybe I would understand this whole thing better if I knew what is going on here. I've been told some things by Wind Chill, but I doubt that was the full story… or the most accurate." He pointed a thumb over his shoulder towards the two wolves still standing there. "Who are they?"

Fenris glared at Danny with fangs bared.

"Okay, why is everyone here attacking everyone?"

Fenris growled in answer.

"You know I'm only trying to help, right?" Danny asked. "So, please tell me why you keep killing yourself over and over again?"

Fenris only glowered at the human ghost, not giving in to this obvious trickery.

"Why does none of this ever go easily?" Danny sighed out.

"Because then it wouldn't be a burden to overcome," an overly familiar voice replied, and both Danny and Fenris turned to its source, shocked to find none other than Sweetie Belle herself… Or was she?

"You're not really Sweetie Belle, are you?" Danny asked after a moment.

"Nope," the ivory filly confirmed. "Just a voice of reason coming from somepony who means something to the big guy."

"What trickery is this!?" Fenris barked harshly.

"The kind necessary to get through to you," Sweetie Belle answered calmly. "Not everything is out to hurt you, even if you think it is."

"So you know what his deal is?" Danny asked.

"I do, but I'm not the one to ask," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Then, who?"

"The wolf Fenris has been saving you from all this time," Sweetie Belle said, then walked away, leaving the two behind.

"Wait, what?" Danny called after her. "What do you-" he fell silent, remembering the one wolf he faced time and time again, only for Fenris to kill the ferocious beast before he could strike first.

"Kadzite!" Fenris spat.

"... Why are these things never easy?" Danny groaned, dreading what would come next.


Confusion plagued his mind. The mortal shell he once called his own, stripped away so long ago, returned to him as he found himself in the settlement where it all began and ended at the same time.

Yet where confusion plagued his mind, it was anger that consumed him wholly.

No sooner had he returned to his former self, that blinding rage took over; drenching his claws and soaking his fur in the blood of those who crossed his destructive path.

His vision turned red, and his mind was lost in the haze of spilled blood. Time became meaningless as he killed without thought, or care. But then, completely unexpected, he encountered something else; something new. Something new to kill.

Before he had the chance to do so, however, he himself was attacked. Attacked by the one he cursed every day of his equally cursed life.


His rage grew to new heights, but it was Fenrir to strike him down before he even got a chance and his world grew dark.

He came to with a strangled gasp, and confusion plagued his mind. The mortal shell he once called his own, stripped away so long ago, returned to him as he found himself in the settlement where it all began and ended at the same time.

Yet where confusion plagued his mind, it was anger that consumed him wholly.

No sooner had he returned to his former self, that blinding rage took over; drenching his claws and soaking his fur in the blood of those who crossed his destructive path.

His vision turned red and his mind was lost in the haze of spilled blood. Time became meaningless as he killed without thought, or care. But then, completely unexpected, he encountered something else; something new, and he was unsure what to do as he looked down at the tiny equine who, for reasons he couldn't understand, looked as alien as familiar.

"Hi," Sweetie Belle greeted, showing her pearly whites. "Mind if we ask you a few questions?"

He didn't know what to expect, but this certainly hadn't crossed his mind. But before he could even give an answer, a ferocious growl pulled his focus to the massive wolf he knew all too well. Roaring in answer, he jumped over the small horse, claws at the ready as he and Fenrir clashed in bloody conflict.

"Well, can't say I didn't see this coming," Danny remarked tiredly as he stood on the side, well clear from any slashing claws.

"Aren't you going to do anything to stop them?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Wait, me? Why?"

Sweetie Belle arched an eyebrow. "Isn't that what you do? Besides—" a loud roar interrupted her "—… this affects you as much as it does them."

"But I thought you were the voice of reason here?" Danny argued back.

"Only if they listen. And now—" they both looked at the fighting wolves "— they can't even hear themselves."

"You know, for once I would like to just stay on the sideline," Danny sighed out.

"You tried doing that, remember? Yet each time when you had the chance, you had instead chosen to jump in between. So, jump in between this time as well."

Danny stared at the white filly with a flat glare. "You know, I like the real you a lot better."

Sweetie Belle smiled smugly. "Just saying what needs to be said. You know, voice of reason and all that."

"Dammit," Danny murmured, looking at the fighting wolves.

Taking a deep breath, holding it for a moment, then releasing it in a long sigh, he nodded. "Yup," and using his powers for a burst of speed, jumped in between the two combatants. Neither Fenris, or the other wolf seem to notice as they clashed into one another, with Danny firmly lodged within.

With a shout, sounding far more girlishly than he would have liked, Danny phased out of the thick of the mess just in time; skidding to a halt several pace away; one knee to the ground, the other leg stretched out behind and to the side, and a hand on the ground to hold him up; glaring at the duo with burning eyes.

'Fine, we do it the hard way'

Pushing off, Danny flew to the wolves, hands aglow with spectral might.

"HEY, UGLY!" He yelled, and finally the wolves acknowledged him.

Using the split second of confusion he managed to create, and in which the wolves weren't at their throats, he slammed a fist into the side of the smaller wolf, knocking out a tooth. In the same motion, Danny channeled his momentum and slammed his other fist into Fenris' lower jaw; slamming his mouth shut with such force a resounding snap echoed through the settlement.

Both wolves staggered back, dazed, shaking their heads while growling and roaring aggressively. Not having any of it, Danny saltoed over Fenris; kicking a glowing foot into his back, forcing him closer to the other wolf. Acting quickly, Danny flew back in between and shot both fists out to the side; a hand phasing through the chest of each wolf.

Both canines gasped out when Danny allowed his hands to turn semi tangible. Not enough for matter to overlap, but more than capable of holding on to something. And, with the abundant size difference, forcing the two wolves uncomfortably close, Danny grabbed hold onto one of their ribs.

"Now, seeing I've grabbed your attention," Danny said with anger lacing his voice. "There are a few things I want to make clear. First, I strongly suggest you don't make any wrong moves. Or move at all for that matter, less you lose something important. Second, while you're standing there, it might be wise for you to listen to what she has to say. And third, and this one is important. I have had a really, REALLY bad day, going from one place to the other, having ghosts attack me at every turn—" He twisted his hand marginally, but enough for the wolves to groan in discomfort —"And though I'm usually a nice guy, having you two attack me certainly didn't do you any favors. So behave!" Certain he had made his point, he turned to Sweetie Belle. "They're all you-"

Danny was cut off when Fenris grabbed his arm painfully tight.

"A bad day," Fenris snarled. "Do you think a meager display like this is enough to intimidate me?" He asked with growling voice, not even flinching as he pulled Danny's fist out of his chest with brute force, breaking Danny's wrist as well as his own rib. "I've already died a thousand deaths. One more doesn't even phase me anymore," Danny yelled in pain as Fenris released his arm, the limb falling limply to his side. "A bad day is nothing compared to the suffering I have endured," and with terrifying strength, he slammed a fist into Danny, forcing him against the wolf he still held onto, blowing both to the ground.

Both Danny and the wolf screamed in pain; Danny's hand pulling free from the wolf's chest, taking with him the obviously broken rib; the both of them lying in a heap on the ground.

Breathing heavily, biting through the pain as well as the sickening sensation of suddenly missing one of his ribs, the wolf rolled over and sluggishly stood back up to face the slowly advancing wolf of the night.

Danny, having taken the brunt of the blow, was unable to do more than groan weakly; most of the bones in his body cracked, or broken, yet already busy mending themselves. And as he lay on the ground in blinding agony, the hand still holding on to the rib he pulled free tightened ever so slightly.

Without thought, or care of their wellbeing, the two wolves clashed once more. Claws slashed with lethal precision, cutting through fur and flesh while the white of teeth flashed menacingly in the light of the red moon. Horrific wounds were inflicted upon one another, neither backing down, nor allowing any sign of pain and weakness to slip through as they went at it in blinded rage.

Fenris struck the hardest, delivering bone shattering blow after the blow, forcing the smaller wolf on the defensive. Yet his strength came at the price of speed, which his enemy used to his advantage; slashing into Fenris's lower abdomen with rapid succession.

Realizing his disadvantage, Fenris jumped back the second the wolf slashed again; taking him by surprise, and forcing his next swing to go wide, making him stagger. Fenris closed in without remorse, biting down into his opponent's shoulder, sinking his fangs deeply into the flesh and scarring the bone. Blood filled his mouth, consuming his senses as the tainted blood of a Kadzite spilled past his teeth.

The wolf roared out in agony when Fenris ripped the flesh away, leaving behind a savage wound from which blood flowed freely and rapidly. Not backing down, Fenris spat out the chunk of fur and muscle, grabbing the wolf by the wound with clawed hand; clamping down hard.

The wolf howled as he sank to his knees, grabbing the broad, muscular arm of Fenris, clawing at it to force him to release. Yet no matter how deep he cut, Fenris only held on tighter.

Rising his free hand, balled tightly into a massive fist, he slammed down on the wolf's head again, and again, and again. His motions a blur as he hammered down onto the, now defenseless, wolf who had finally seized his attempts to free himself; beaten into a bloody pulp.

Fenris raised his fist once more, intent on finishing the wolf off.

"ENOUGH!!!" Danny roared, flying towards Fenris, slamming a spectral overcharged fist into his chest.

In an explosion of glowing green, Fenris was launched away; crashing into a half burned building, having it collapse on top of him as a result.

Danny landed hard, panting from exertion, holding tightly onto his chest with a hand, not yet fully recovered.

Slowly turning around, he looked down on the terribly injured wolf with a deep frown.

"Dammit," he muttered, moving towards the downed beast with a slight limp. "I may not like you, but you didn't deserve this."

The cracking and breaking of wood drew his attention. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Fenris had freed himself from the burning remains, glaring at Danny with murderous intent.

"Round two," Danny muttered, turning to face the black wolf.

Lowering himself in a fighting stance, wincing slightly from his injuries, Danny met Fenris' glare with one of his own; hands aglow with spectral might.

Seconds ticked by, neither of them moving as they continued to stare at one another.

Seconds turned to minutes, the wavering light from Danny's hands casting ghastly shadows around; providing just enough light for the downed wolf to see through lidded eyes. Noticing the white pony sitting down on his uninjured side, placing a hoof on his shoulder.

With a weak gasp, his vision became much clearer, though he still couldn't move much.

"You want to see this," Sweetie Belle said, voice low so only he could hear her as they watched the two unmoving combatants.

Then, as if struck by lightning, both Danny and Fenris launched each other at one another; Fenris, claws at the ready and fangs bared, Danny, with glowing fists and honest determination burning in his green glowing eyes.

Fenris closed the distance the fastest, his reach much longer than Danny’s and took the initiative. Danny, however, reacted without delay; becoming intangible and allowing Fenris' claw to slice harmlessly through him as he closed the distance fully.

Bracing himself for the proven to be powerful hit, Fenris planted his feet, intent on catching the small human with his body. To his surprise, however, Danny vanished at the last possible second.

Surprised, but not at all confused, Fenris growled as he jumped back, vanishing into the darkness through use of his natural camouflage; though the green glow coming from behind him quickly foiled his plan.

Snapping his head back, fangs glistening in the light, Fenris only had time to growl before a powerful blast of energy struck him in between the shoulders, propelling him forwards with force.

Bouncing once, then continuing in an uncontrolled roll, Fenris planted his right claw deeply into the ground; carving several long scars as he forced his forwards momentum to a stop.

The instant he stopped, Fenris used his powerful legs to all but launch himself at Danny; closing the distance with such speed, he took the half ghost by surprise.

Danny, with a shout of surprise, only barely managed to dodge; blasting a bolt of glowing green in Fenris's unprotected back as he ran past on reflex.

Fenris staggered, the force of the hit almost tripping him, but he managed to recover and quickly turn around to face the defying ghost.

Danny, tired of this fight which didn't seem to go anywhere, quickly placed himself in between Fenris and the downed wolf; projecting a green glowing dome to protect himself, as well as the badly wounded wolf while glaring angrily at Fenris through the translucent barrier.

With a growl, Fenris closed the distance and slammed into the shield with unrelenting force.

Danny groaned loudly from the strain, dropping to a knee, but didn't falter in the slightest; his shield remaining strong and unyielding.

"You know," Danny grunted, looking up to meet Fenris' enraged glare. "You really are the monster they say you were."

Fenris roared, slamming down with joined fists, the shield flaring.

"Just look at yourself," Danny continued despite the strain. "You called Eclipse a monster. You said I was lost for accepting her. And you continuously attack me and others without proper cause. Or, at the very least, none that makes any sense to anyone but you."

Fenris struck again, slamming into the shield with such ferocious blows Danny cried out; the shield shrinking, yet unwilling to give in, Danny gritted his teeth and glared at Fenris with stubborn determination.

"You claim all of us are at fault, except yourself. And yet, here we are. Me, hiding behind a shield, protecting someone who tried to kill me, while you act in nothing more than monstrous rage. You're the monster here!" Danny exclaimed. "You're just too blind to see it!"

Fenris slammed down on the shield again and this time it dissipated. Not because of his attack, however, as Danny dropped his shield the moment after Fenris' struck. And in the split second where Fenris couldn't react, Danny moved in.

'This better works.'

Jumping up and towards Fenris, Danny once again did what hard earned experience had taught him was a very, very bad idea. He just hoped that in this place they were in, his plan would work.

Fenris swiped his arms wildly in an attempt to catch Danny, but it was in vain as the human ghost phased cleanly through his limbs, entered his chest, and possessed him with a flash of pale light.

Fenris stumbled on the spot, shaking his head erratically, speaking incoherently as he tried to push the invading mind out. But Danny proved to be the stronger mind, not lost in rage and anger, and soon took over.

Now in control, Danny stopped moving, taking a deep breath as he once again found himself in the body of Fenris. Blinking, he took a moment to inspect his form; Fenris' eyes now Danny's own mortal blue.

Satisfied with the current course of actions, Danny looked up at the red moon, frowning as he sensed out into his own consciousness; feeling the enraged, but suppressed presence of Fenris.

Tilting his head, Danny considered his next step.

He knew from past experience that those he possessed would be disoriented when he left them, but didn't have any memory of what happened during their possession. This time, however, he needed Fenris to know; needed him to see. And so, once again this extensively long night, he tried something new.

Reaching out to the presence of Fenris, Danny carefully interacted with it.

It was as if a tidal wave swept over him, so intense was the rage he felt crashing down on him, he staggered back, holding his head as he mentally backed away from Fenris.

Taking a moment to recollect himself, Danny carefully tried again.

'You can be as angry as you want, but I am the one in control here. So, seeing your options are somewhat limited, I suggest you start listening and looking.

Again, Fenris lashed out, but this time Danny was prepared. And though still immense, the ensuing wave of anger didn't overwhelm him; though it did make him stagger for a moment. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, while deep down, past the layers of flesh and bone, Danny's spectral image watched with a mixture of pity and frustration at the bound image of Fenris; trapped in the chains of his own anger and hatred.

"It doesn't have to be like this. You know that, right?" Danny asked as he kept a safe distance from the enraged wolf. "Us going through the same motions over and over again. I mean, just look at us. We fought back in the changeling's city. Then we fought out there, wherever this weird place is. And now, me having possessed you, here we are, facing each other once again."

Fenris struggled hard, pulling at his bonds.

Danny sighed out, sagging his posture.

"You really don't see it," he said with disappointment. "Even after I spelled it out for you." Danny moved closer, and Fenris snapped at him. "Eclipse isn't a monster. Neither am I. But you, if only you could see the beast I see, you would understand exactly why you are trapped like this. The denial which only fuels this blind rage of yours."


"That's fine," Danny said, determined. "Then don't listen," and he closed the distance, grabbing Fenris with both hands on his head. "But you will see!" And with a power welling up deep within, Danny's eyes turned a vibrant orange; channeling it through to Fenris who growled through a gasp as his eyes joined Danny's.

"And so the truth awakens," Sweetie Belle said solemnly as she and the wolf watched as the possessed Fenris stopped moving, standing tall, eyes ablaze with orange light, staring at the red moon hanging above.


A gentle breeze blew ripples through the tall grass covered plains, following the gentle curves of playful hills, rustling the leaves of trees along the way.

It was under one of these trees, a solitary giant standing on top of one of the hills, two figures stood. One, a massive wolf. The other a pale human with snow white hair.

Neither of them spoke. Instead, they watched in silence at the distance settlement illuminated by the calm light of the moon; intact, and full of slumbering life.

Time ticked by unnoticed. Neither of them speaking, or moving as they watched the peaceful scene for seemingly hours. But, eventually, Danny sighed out contently.

"This place is nice," he said softly, glancing to the side and up at Fenris.

"It was," Fenris said in a subdued rumble.

"This is where we were before? The burning village?" Danny asked, and Fenris nodded once.

Danny looked back at the settlement, several minutes passing by.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Kadzite," Fenris spat.

"... You said that before. What is it?"

"Not it, who," Fenris replied with dark undertone.

For a moment, it seemed that was all he had to say, but then he slowly lifted a hand up for him to look at, closing it into a fist; staring past it as he refocused on the distant buildings.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked suddenly. "Before I became known for the beast everyone remembers me to be?"

"Not really," Danny answered truthfully. "Though, we haven't really had a chance to just stand still and talk either. Glad to see you're finally giving it a try."

Fenris blew air from his nose, ignoring the human's attempt to make light of the situation.

"I was once a proud being; shepherd of the night, guardian of these lands. I, alongside my brothers Nuntis and Sköll, we protected and maintained to constants of our world."


"Life and death; day and night," Fenris explained. "Life, a gift to all. Death, a promise to all. Just as the sun would rise on a new day, a new day would arise for new life. And just as darkness would claim the land at day's end, so too would darkness claim those very lives at the end. This was the task given to us, my brothers and I. And we maintained it for longer than you can ever imagine. But the Kadzite, they broke these constants and in doing so, upset the balance."

"... By breaking these constants, you mean all the death and destruction I've seen earlier?"

Fenris nodded once.

"Then what happened?" Danny asked.

"For a long time, nothing," Fenris said with shaking fists. "The very rules my brothers and I lived to uphold also kept us from interfering. And because of those rules I was forced to watch, night after night, how the Kadzite would use the darkness of my nights to kill countless innocents, until I could take no more."

"And you broke the constants like the Kadzite have done too."

Fenris growled warningly when Danny compared him to his enemy.

Danny looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

"I understand it now," he said, looking back at the distant settlement. "The anger, the constant attacks, everything. Though I can see it now, you still aren't," he sighed out, combing a hand through his hair.

"What are you talking about?" Fenris demanded.

Danny looked back at Fenris. "Do you know my name?" He asked.

Fenris blinked, confused.

"I have several, actually," Danny continued. "To my family, I'm Danny Fenton. My old friends, and many others also know me as Danny Phantom. The frost giants have taken to it, to call me Great One, while many of the ghosts either call me Halfa, or ghost brat," he then sighed out deeply. "And for some time now, I'm called the Terror of Amity Park. A feared monster."

Fenris looked down at the pale human, unsure what to make of all of this.

"And you know what the real kicker is?" Danny asked and Fenris tilted his head in puzzled confusion. "They're all the same person," and with a flash of light, a band of energy surrounded Danny, transforming him back to his mortal self. "Just like Fenris and Fenrir are the same."

Fenris growled menacingly, stepping closer to Danny.

"You can growl all you want, you can no longer run from the truth," Danny told him, turning to look once more at the settlement, leaving his back open and sensing Fenris right on top of him. "After all, Fenrir wouldn't think twice about attacking someone from the back, wouldn't he?"

Fenris came to an abrupt stop, right claw extended, but unmoving.

"Eclipse, or whoever she was before, may have been born from your hatred, but it was your hatred to begin with. But you are unwilling to admit this; the idea of some outside source controlling you an easy excuse to shift the blame away from yourself," Danny exhaled loudly. "Though I won't say this entity born from your hate hasn't some part in it, ultimately you are the one responsible. But what you need to ask yourself now is: Are you Fenris, the wolf who denies? Or are you Fenrir, the wolf who is responsible."

Danny once more looked at Fenris, seeing his words had cut deeper than the claw mere inches away from his face could have.

For some time, they stood like that; Danny with hands in pockets, looking past the claw and up at Fenris, while Fenris looked down at Danny, eyes wide, a tremble noticeable in his extended arm.

A breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby tree and, ever so slowly, Fenris lowered his arm.

Then, with slow steps, Fenris moved passed Danny; looking at the settlement illuminated by his moon's light, until the shadow of the tree no longer covered him.

The moment the moonlight hit him, he gasped out and fell to his knees; his claws covered in blood.

He stared at his shaking claws, vision blurring until all he saw was the red liquid flowing down his arms, seeping into his fur. He knew what he had to do and turned his claws onto himself.

"The thing is, though," Danny said, standing beside Fenris with an almost casual air surrounding him. "Though we're responsible for our own actions, others are involved as well… I can't say for you, but for me, I was blind to the hand extended to me when I needed it most. Instead, I rejected the help offered. Instead I saw those who reached out as if they were against me; too lost in my own misery to see what was directly in front of me." He then looked at Fenris, who in turn looked at the ground, unable to meet Danny's gaze.

"Killing yourself isn't going to make things any better, no matter how many times you try," Danny told him.

"Then what do you expect me to do?" Fenris said lowly.

"Accept the hand extended."

Confused, Fenris slowly looked up; seeing to his great surprise Danny holding an open hand out to him.

"We've tried fighting. Both ourselves and each other. Maybe now, we should try working together instead."

For a while, Fenris looked at Danny's offered hand. Then his gaze lowered to his blood drenched claws.

Slowly, with a slight tremble in his arm and tight knot in his chest, Fenris lifted his right arm to meet Danny's.

"... You speak with wisdom belying your age, Danny Phantom," and he accepted the hand offered to him.

"I have my moments," Danny answered with a small smirk; both tightening their hold.


Sweetie Belle and the previously injured, but now healed wolf watched as Fenris' orange glowing eyes burned brighter and brighter, the world around them fading away as understanding and acceptance were born.

"Remember what I said," Sweetie Belle told her companion. Then they, along with everything else, vanished.


With a gasp, Danny found himself once again lying within the crater where everything had ended so long ago; standing over him a familiar figure looking down at him with her confident smirk.

Eyes focusing on Sam, Danny knew what needed to be done.

His hand reached out to meet Sam's and she quickly pulled him back on his feet; placing a hand on his shoulder mid-motion, squeezing it momentarily as their eyes locked.

Nodding once without any words said, she stepped back and vanished. And with it, everything else did as well.


A vortex of darkness surrounded them, the occasional flash of orange mixed in.

Danny and Fenris stood side by side; Danny as his ghost self, Fenris clean of blood, and a moonlight like sheen to his fur.

"One last mind to pull free," Danny said, locking eyes with Fenris and both nodding once in understanding.

Together, they moved to the edge of the vortex, unable to see through the swirling mass of darkness and pushed through.

Darkness slammed into them, surrounding them entirely, trying to swallow them whole. Yet as they pushed on, the wall of dark washed over them without effect as they moved in deeper and deeper; blind to where they were heading, but never deviating from the path they saw before them.

Then, with a blinding flash of orange light, the two were forcefully pushed back; both planting their feet and lifting their arms to shield themselves as the vortex picked up in intensity. Gritting their teeth, continuing onwards one slow step at a time, neither Danny, nor Fenris would allow this darkness to hold them back any longer.

It was with a roar of Fenris and a cry from Danny that they combined their forces. Fenris used his claw to slice through the thick of the darkness, and a searing beam of glowing green from Danny burned through the opening; getting brighter and brighter as the hole expanded, until the vortex collapsed into itself, and the two found themselves back where they started. This time however, there was someone else as well.

"Eclipse!" Danny shouted as he ran to the slumped form on the ground, while Fenris stayed back a couple of steps.

Eclipse didn't react, lying still and Danny skidded to a halt on his knees besides her.

"Eclipse!" Danny called out again, giving her a slight shake.

With a faint twitch of a leg, Eclipse groaned quietly; saying something too quiet for Danny to understand, though Fenris' ears did twitch.

"What was that?" Danny asked as he slowly lifted her head off of the ground, seeing the mixed glow of orange and green escape through the faint crack in her lids.

"I just wanted to help."

"I know you did," Danny told her with a wry smile. He then looked over at Fenris, calling him over without any words.

With slow, purposeful steps, Fenris approached; eyes partially narrowed as he carefully observed his ancient sin. Or rather, what it had become. Doing so with a new perspective, a new outlook on things as a result of Danny's actions.

"Grandfather," Eclipse gasped, eyes opening a bit further. "Forgive me?"

Fenris stopped, looking at the pittiful being who once clouded his mind; feeling not anger, or hate, but a confusing sense of shame.

Flexing a hand, he lowered himself to a knee, head held low.

"No," he shook his head. "It is I who should be asking for forgiveness." Eclipse's mostly closed eyes slowly turned to him. "Regardless of what you have done, past and present, it was I who allowed anger and hate to consume me; allowed it to become something else." He then, slowly, looked up, and their eyes finally met. "I do not know what happened to my sin after I cut it out, but I do know now that you are not it. Born from it, yes. But not it."

"I got my master to thank for that," she said with a faint smile. "He taught me, gave me what was needed to become me." Danny gave her a confused look, but she just chuckled weakly. "I am his shadow, after all."

"Then perhaps he can teach me as well," Fenris said as he looked at Danny. "Show me what centuries of hatred has blinded me from seeing."

Danny looked up at him and gave a single, confident nod.

With their bond sealed, both Danny and Fenris helped Eclipse back on her hooves; the void of darkness they found themselves in staringg to crack and break; beams of pure light shining through.

All three looked around as the darkness flaked away, slowly washing them away in light.

"I guess this is our que to leave," Danny said as he slowly looked around. "... Any idea what will happen with us, you know, now that we've gone through all this?"

"I don't know," Eclipse answered, standing strong and proud.

"You think we'll be separated?" He asked Fenris.

Fenris looked around, brow knitted as he thought; making a decision.

"No," Fenris answered, standing before Danny with confidence and submission.

"What!?" Danny said, shocked.

"No," Fenris repeated. "You did something I thought impossible, Danny Phantom. You took my anger, my hatred, and shaped it into something else. Something defying all I believed possible. I shall remain here, with you, with her, watching, learning; to see the world through your eyes, as you said you would do."

"But… what does that even mean? How will this affect me, you, all of us?!" Danny asked, concerned.

"Danny Phantom, in the short time I've known you, you have shown strength, weakness, bravery, fear and a will to help others which transcends even yourself," Fenris told him, the darkness surrounding them having almost disappeared and the brilliant glare of white made it difficult to see one another. "Strength to overcome your weakness, bravery to overcome your fear, and the will to stand up to me again, and again. Everything I lacked, up until you showed me the true truth," and despite the light, Danny could clearly see Fenris kneel before him.

"The night will be your domain, the moon your ally. I shall remain with you, to call upon in times of need. This I vow to you, Danny Phantom, shepherd of the night," and the world around them became awash in white, leaving only a solitary "WHAT!" to echo away into nothing.

Author's Note:

Let me just say it before anyone else does:

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