• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,924 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Crossing Paths

Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, Clayton the Hunter, and Clawder.

Crossing Paths.


Some hours after Sombra's defeat.

Cadance and Shining Armor walked side by side through the castle; with Cadance lightly leaning into her husband, sighing a mix of contentment and tiredness.

"Are you alright?" Shining Armor asked his wife.

"Yes… I’m just happy that all of this is finally over… despite how it ended," Cadance answered, eyes downcast as she thought back to the unfortunate family Danny had found.

"Yes…" Shining Armor murmured. "At least, I hope it did."

"Did what?"

"For this to be an end," he clarified. "Sombra might still be out there," he reminded her. "Even though we may now have his horn. If Danny is right and Sombra truly is a ghost; and after what we've seen and gone through, I find myself believing this more and more. It may still be possible for him to strike back, with, or without horn… In fact, with what we know about ghosts, he may not even have need of a horn to begin with."

The two of them came to a stop, finding themselves near one of the many large windows in one of the numerous hallways the castle had. Looking outside, past the city and out to the snow and ice bordering the city, Shining Armor frowned deeply.

"... Even so, it all seems so… unreal. The last time we had to deal with ghosts was with the Baltimare incident. But all those… entities came from the human world through a tear. Sombra did not."

"It is worrying," Cadance admitted, stepping closer to the window and looked down at the city, and the ponies below. "Add to that the shock of the Empire returning, and finding everypony—" she flinched, paused for a moment, then continued "—Almost everypony still alive; frozen in time. Everything that has happened here, today. It is difficult for us, yes. But to them… These ponies, our ponies. They come from a world a thousand years ago. Any difficulties we may face would be even more difficult for them. Just their reaction to Pinkie Pie's party proved as much. Her party tank, the speakers she used to play the music… it was all alien to them."

"True. But they also got used to it surprisingly quick."

"They didn't question it," Cadance corrected. "And honestly, after everything they were put through, who can blame them? But they will, eventually. After they have sorted out their lives, settled back into their own routine, no longer trapped by the mad grip of Sombra, they can finally look forward again. And what they will see will be strange, wondrous, and frightening. Silly little things we take for granted will be eye opening revelations to them. Thoughts and ideas they believed to be impossible or science fiction, made real by great minds throughout the passing of time. Time which they missed."

She sighed out, stepping away from the window and started walking down the hallway, Shining Armor joining her side once more.

"Sombra might still be out there, yes. And if this is so, we must act accordingly. However, he is not the only danger we're facing; the ponies out there, they are still scared, lost in a world they don't fully understand. It is up to us to help them, guide them as they rediscover their place, and teach them about all the history they've missed. Both the good, and the bad."

"I guess there is still a lot of work left for us to do."

"Yes, yes there is," Cadance agreed with a tired sigh, the day's events having caught up with her. "I think we should start with informing my aunts first."

Turning a corner, Shining Armor nodded as they headed back to the throne room.

"But first I want to go and see if Sombra's horn is still secure," he said, frowning. "If he is a ghost, a mere locked door won't stop him. Or worse, he may still be able to use it, even severed as it is."

Nodding, Cadance agreed with what he was saying.

"Yes, I did have it placed in that room on short notice, seeing it was reasonably secure. However, after everything’s been said and done… It's best to err on the safe side."

Both agreed, taking one more turn and moving for the room in which Sombra's horn was locked away; four guards standing on each side of the door.

With a flash of her horn, Cadance unlocked the door, opening it for the two of them while the guards’ eyes followed them inside.

"Oh no!" Cadance gasped and, in seconds, the guards rushed inside to take down any threat.

"It's gone," said Cadance, shocked. "Sombra's horn, it was right there."

Jaw set and muscles tense, Shining Armor bellowed his orders: "GUARDS, SEARCH THE CASTLE AND CITY! FIND WHO EVER TOOK SOMBRA'S HORN!"

With a firm salute and a chorus of "Yes sir," the guards rushed out of the room; soon joined by the rest of their comrade guards as they relayed Shining's orders.

"Cadance," Shining Armor said through clenched teeth. "Now would be a good time to inform your aunts."


The night had just fully claimed the land as, with a tell-tale screech of metal on metal, a train slowly came to a stop at Canterlot's train station, allowing the passengers to disembark.

Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Danny, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike, weary and tired, wanting to go home and be done with the day, looked around to find the connecting train which would take them to Ponyville. Instead, they were surprised to find several guards waiting for them.

"Miss Sparkle," one of the guards stepped forward. "We are here to escort you and your friends to the castle. The Princesses are awaiting your arrival."

Nodding tiredly, Twilight motioned for the guards to lead the way; she and the rest of them followed after the guards with a slow pace.

"Can't we do this tomorrow?" Rainbow Dash complained. "Like, when nopony is dragging their hooves after what just happened."

"Apologies, miss," the same guard replied in the same stoic manner he had addressed Twilight a moment ago. "But Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were insistent to be made aware of the situation as soon as possible."

Rainbow Dash was just about to make clear her thoughts, when Twilight shushed her; saying how they were just doing their jobs, and that the Princesses needed to know what had happened sooner rather than later.

Rainbow Dash grumbled in annoyance, but even she couldn't deny the truth in her friend's words.

Sombra being a ghost. The terrible fate that had befallen the poor family Danny had found, as well as Danny's warning that, if there is one ghost, there could be more. And the possibility that Sombra could still be around, waiting to strike again.

Yes, the princesses needed to know. But… did they all need to be there?

Surely she could just skip out on this. Maybe find a nice cloud instead, and just sleep till next week.

Of course she didn't say these thoughts out loud, and instead found herself guided along with her friends to the grand castle the royal sisters called home. And, in both less time than she had thought, and the minutes still seeming to drag on and on, they were all ushered into the throne room; seeing Princesses Luna and Celestia seated on their thrones with worried frowns, but relief showing on their safe return.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight greeted, smiling tiredly. "Princess Luna," she gave the same courtesy to the ruler of the night.

"Twilight. I'm so glad to see you and your friends have returned safely," Celestia answered, stepping down from her throne and meeting her pupil half way; nuzzling her while, for just a fraction of a moment, her gaze locked on Danny. None of them noticed.

"So am I," Twilight said, both relieved and somber. "But it wasn't easy… for any of us."

"I can imagine," Celestia replied with sadness, taking a step back while Luna stepped closer.

"Cadance has sent ahead a letter informing us of what has transpired in the empire. However, there are certain details she was unable to provide. We hope you are able and willing to fill in these blanks."

"Of course, princess," Twilight nodded. "What would you like to know?"

"Your side of the story," Celestia replied matter of factly. "All of you," she looked over the group of mares, human and dragon.

"Well, this is going to be a while," Spike remarked, unable to hide his annoyance before yawning.

"Spike!" Twilight shot him a warning glare, but a hoof on her shoulder returned her attention back to Princess Celestia.

"I understand that you are tired. All of you. If what Cadance has informed us about is anything to go by, you have all gone through a horrible ordeal. It is because of this that my sister and I need to know the details as soon as possible."

"Indeed," Luna nodded. "If what Danny claimed Sombra to be is true—" all eyes turned to Danny "—that Sombra has indeed become a ghost, and if the possibility exists that he has survived the energy of the Crystal Heart, it is imperative for us to know anything you have seen, learned, or heard."

"Well, Princess. Y'all better take a seat then, 'cause this is goin' ta take a while." Applejack told them, sighing out as she pulled her stetson from her head, shaking her head and tossing around her ponytail before sitting down herself. "An it ain't gonna be pretty either."

Her friends all murmured their saddened agreements, sitting down as well, most with a sigh. Danny, however, frowning as he thought back, instead chose to lean against one of the many pillars near the wall, arms crossed.

"I feared as much," Celestia broke the tension before it could take hold. "However, before we divulge into what occurred, there is another matter which needs addressing first," she said, looking at Danny. "Cadance letter informed me about you as well. And although I'm grateful for your selfless act, and even relieved just how fortunate and helpful your knowledge proved to be, I must ask of you. Why did you join Twilight and her friends to the Crystal Empire, and put yourself in such danger?"

Shrugging, Danny looked down at his feet, releasing a tense sigh. "I guess because it all sounded so… familiar. And I knew that, if I was right, they—" he gave a nod towards the mentioned mares "—would be in way over their heads."

"And, pray tell. How do you mean, it sounded familiar?" Luna asked, stepping closer to Danny.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Danny looked up at the ceiling.

"A dark king. A city just disappearing. Something like that happened back on Earth as well… shortly before the first tear opened…" he explained, then frowned. "In fact the first tear opening is closely connected to this city disappearing, and subsequently reappearing."

Numerous gasps echoed through the throne room, and Danny once again found himself at the center of wrapped attention. A place in the spotlight he really didn't feel comfortable standing, and he could feel himself starting to sweat. Once more forced to explain what he knew, without revealing too much.

"You don't mean…" Twilight gasped.

"Amity Park," Celestia stated, eyes narrowing. "And… Danny Phantom." The icy spike in her voice send shivers down everyone's spine and making Danny flinch as well.

Sighing out once more, Danny lazily nodded, leaning back against the pillar while continuing to avoid eye contact; finding a renewed interest in his shoes.

"So, I guess you know about this too, then?" He said, voice slightly strained.

"You mean you were there?!" Twilight spoke up, holding an unusual tone in her voice.

Danny was silent for several long seconds, frowning deeply before shaking his head.

"No, I was not. I know about this, because it was all over the news," he lied, then looked up and made eyes contact with Celestia. "And he isn't the one I'm talking about."

"If not the Phantom, then who?" Luna demanded.

"His name is Pariah Dark," Danny revealed, looking at her. "Some self proclaimed king of ghosts, or something?" He made a vague hand gesture. "All I know, this guy is seriously bad news and incredibly powerful. He took over Amity Park with little to no problem. Then, for reasons I do not know, he simply took Amity Park away, as well as anyone who lived there."

"I see," Celestia muttered, eyes narrowed slightly and locked on Danny. "I was told about these events shortly after our two worlds started to interact with one another. I was also told that this Pariah Dark was fought off and defeated by an army of ghosts led by the Phantom." Again, Danny flinched, which didn't go unnoticed by the solar princess. "Perhaps a power struggle between two evil forces?"

Reflexively, Danny clenched a hand into a fist before he even noticed; quickly forcing himself to calm down the moment he did.

"Who knows," he shrugged. "What I do know, however, is that there were too many similarities between Pariah Dark and Sombra for it to be just a coincidence. A gut feeling which only grew stronger the moment I… we arrived at the Empire."

"I see." Celestia said, pausing for only a moment. Then, as if a switch was flipped, a small smile grew on her lips. "Well, I guess we should thank you. If not for this 'gut feeling' as you said, my little ponies would have been in quite a dangerous situation. A situation I poorly misjudged," she admitted, shamefaced.

"Princess Celestia," Twilight jumped up at her mentor's words.

Holding up a hoof, Celestia cut her student off before she could start. "No, Twilight. No matter what, this is something that cannot be denied. Least of all by me. I sent you and your friends into a situation I thought I understood; doing so without the aid of the Elements; and although everything worked out in the end, it was not through any actions of my own."

"Indeed," Luna voiced her agreement. "These events have taught us a lot. A lesson we are still in the process of understanding. Which is where you come in," she explained, steering the conversation back on track. "We must know what it is all of you did. And, Danny—" she looked at the human "—please share with us any knowledge you have; which you haven't shared yet with our friends. If Sombra is truly still out there, or should a threat similar to him show up, we must know how to act."

"I suppose," Danny muttered, then yawned, loudly. "Ehh… sorry."

"Nay, no need to apologise. We understand you must be tired."

"That is why it would be wise to get this over with as soon as possible," Celestia said. "After which, there will be a room and bed available to you all."

"Actually, Princess," Applejack spoke up. "Not ta look ungrateful, or anythaing, but after all we've gone through over at tha Empire… All Ah really want right now is ta jus' lie down in mah own bed, an’ just forget this whole thaing ever happened." And, although the prospect of a well made bed just around the corner seemed more than inviting, the others couldn't help but murmur their agreement.

"Indeed," Rarity yawned behind a hoof. "Although I'm still mad with Sweetie Belle after what she's done. Right now, I just want to go back home and make sure she's fine."

"Ah know what ya mean, Rarity," Applejack put a leg over her friend's back. "After today, with that family, Ah too want ta go back home an jus' be with mah family."

"I understand," Celestia nodded, smiling kindly. "Then, perhaps it is wise to get this over with. Please just tell us the most important details. The rest can follow after you're rested and feel like recounting this ordeal."

Agreeable murmuring and several yawns came in answer, and the group started to reveal what had happened from the moment they stepped on board the train. And as they did this, both Princess Celestia and Luna kept a close look on Danny from the corner of their eyes.


It had been close to an hour when everyone had told their side of the story. Or most of it, at the very least. Some minor details were left out to save time and now the group of exhausted individuals were slowly moving to the station where a train would be waiting for them, per Princess' order.

Celestia and Luna, standing side by side on a balcony, looked down on the retreating group with tension.

"You saw it too, didn't you?" Celestia asked, eyes firmly locked on the tall biped.

"I did. Hadn't he been so tired, I doubt he would have shown as many signs."

"Not just his body language," Celestia said. "The way he answered, too. Thinking just a second too long before replying, deliberate vague answers… there is more he isn't telling us."

"You think he was there?"

Celestia frowned as she began to connect the few pieces of this puzzle they had. From everything reported to her by the Ghost-Keteers in Ponyville, to the reports from Twilight and her friends about Danny. Danny's own admission about his knowledge detailing ghosts, yet the vague, deflecting answers when pressed for further information. And then there was what happened down in the caverns.

"I do not know," she answered, losing sight of the group as they vanished within the city's infrastructure. "But I know something has happened to him. Something unspeakable."

"The letters from Applejack and Rainbow Dash did mention Danny falling out with them when Miss Dash pushed him regarding a certain matter; revealing the one he loved had died. Could this be connected?"

"The death of a loved one is always a difficult ordeal. We know this better than most. Yet, what was described to us… the way we were told he reacted…"

"It sounds eerily familiar to what we experienced back-"

"Back when our village was destroyed," Celestia finished. "Disbelief and shock at first, then anger and hate; not willing to accept what had happened and falling out to any who pressed too close. If Rainbow Dash and Applejack's reports are accurate, and I see no reason to think they aren't, then the death of Danny's loved one was no mere accident."

"That seems plausible. Remember what he told us when we greeted him personally?"

"I came here to get away from it all, not to be reminded of it," Celestia answered, eyes closed and sighing deeply.

"Indeed. It is clear that, whatever it was that happened to him, it left a deep scar."

"Yes," Celestia agreed ruefully. "Yet I can't shake the feeling there is something else. Something we're missing."

"How do you mean?"

"Wherever he goes, strange occurrences can be detected. First his arrival at the tear facility here in Canterlot, and the possession of his shadow. Something neither us, nor the humans had seen or heard from before. Then there is the strange and unusual activity surrounding his whereabouts. Twilight, not too long ago, informed me about Ponyville's lake being unexplainably frozen. Add to that the confirmed reports of a ghost or ghosts. One being seen by one of our ponies, which triggered a panic with the villagers of Ponyville, and a filly being possessed, according to Rolling Stone's report earlier today. And of course, the incident down in the caverns."

"It all seems to add up; building up towards something bigger," Luna surmised, frowning deeply.

"Yes. That is what worries me. Ever since Baltimare, there hasn't been any report of spectral activity. But now, ever since Danny arrived…"

"It could still all be just a coincidence," Luna suggested.

"Perhaps, but I'm not taking any chances. After what happened today, both here and in the Empire. No, I think it is time we call in a specialist. Somepony who can keep a close eye on Danny without being detected. Somepony who, I've heard, has already interacted with him several times. Somepony who knows her way around strange and unusual creatures."

"Pray tell, sister. Who is it you're talking about?" Luna asked, curiosity piqued.

Celestia felt the corners of her mouth curve upwards as she remembered the previous interactions she had with this pony, knowing she would be able to get to the bottom of this strange mystery that is Danny Manson.

"Oh, I'm sure you will find out soon enough. For now though, I have a letter to write. And I'm sure you have your hooves full with the cleanup efforts down in the caves."

Luna swore as she shot her sister a look, but nodded her involuntary agreement nonetheless.

"Tis true, yes. That ghost made a terrible mess. It's my hope this won't delay the construction."

"So is mine, sister. But, if anything, this shows that they are aware of our plans."

"Then we better make haste, lest they try again."

"Agreed," Celestia nodded, a deep frown etched on her face.


Earlier that day.

Dani flew back with as much speed as she could, only now truly realizing just how much slower she was as a result of her duplicating herself, and thus splitting her power between her two halves.

Before, when she headed for Ponyville, she took her time; simply enjoying the feel of freedom after having been forced to stay in one spot for too long, pretending to be someone she wasn't.

Now, instead of feeling the joy of the wind blowing through her hair, or the thrill of threading the edge as a ghost amidst ghost fearing ponies, she instead found herself being chased by the few who could, potentially, knock her down and seriously cripple the efforts of not just herself, but Tucker, Jazz, and Valerie as well, in their search for Danny.

'How could I have been so stupid!?' she asked herself again, grinding her teeth in frustration as she neared Canterlot; the tall mountain it was built on casting a large shadow over the valley.

Not able to find any answer, other than her own recklessness, she quickly followed the natural incline up and entered the city undetected thanks to her invisibility.

Not wasting any time, she quickly followed her way back to the caverns she knew her other half would be; busy keeping her cover while trying to find ways to sabotage anything that could prove trouble for Danny, or herself.

Avoiding the entrance, expertly hidden within a seemingly unimportant structure somewhere on the outskirts of the city, yet closely guarded by numerous ponies posing as mere citizens, Dani instead phased through the mountain itself.

Slipping unseen through the solidity of the rock, she found herself back in the tunnel which she and her team of experts had traversed down into the crystal caves several times since their arrival here in Canterlot; still cautious about the glowing crystals growing here and there, she carefully avoided them as she flew down; able to sense her other half with a strange instinctive pull which she hadn't noticed before, but which she immediately chalked up to it just being another part of her ghost half she still had to figure out.

Not questioning it further, she followed this newly found instinct of hers and found herself moving deeper and deeper, past the point where the mixed group of ponies and humans were setting up the construction site in what they had begun to refer to as the Main Chamber.

A quick passing glance did reveal to her that, in the short time she was gone, they had made some considerable progress in setting up some of the cranes and other machines needed to put together this elaborate construct; as well as the unpacking of the building supplies from the crates they had brought with them.

'I guess those ponies' magic really helped those guys out with that stuff,' she surmised.

Not paying it any more mind, she quickly followed the tunnels deeper and deeper down into the mountain. And before long, she found her other half, standing near the massive crystal which tilted slightly to a side; hands on hips, and a pensive frown wrinkling her features. Fortunately, for as far as Dani could see, her other self was alone.

"Hey!" She greeted, fading back into view besides her 'twin'.

"GAAAH!" Dani yelled out in frightened surprise; quickly slapping a hand over her mouth to prevent any more sound to escape and possibly alert any of the nearby crew.

"You!?" She exclaimed after realizing who had snuck up on her. "What are you doing here!?"

"What else?" Dani said, trying to sound nonchalantly as she shrugged, but the underlying hint of panic was unable to be suppressed. "Trouble."

Quickly scanning her surroundings, Dani grabbed the ghost woman by the wrist and pulled her into the shadow of a small alcove, and out of any immediate sight from the tunnel's entrance.

"What happened?" She asked, voice partially lowered to keep the echoes to a minimum.

"Well, first off. I found Danny." Dani revealed. Dani's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates while a large smile quickly grew to cover her face. "Or, more precisely, I found where he lives. I didn't actually find him." And Dani's joy quickly turned to irritation as she shot her other self a glare.

Shrugging, Dani continued. "That is not the trouble I mentioned, though." She continued, rubbing the back of her head as she smiled sheepishly; her one free hand placed on her hip. "I might have been a bit careless on my way over to Ponyville, and flew face first into the back of a pony… who then saw me as my invisibility dropped."

A loud slap and an echo followed as Dani's hand firmly placed itself against her face.

"He then flew screaming into town." A loud groan echoed after the slap. "Which in turn alerted not only the villagers, but also the team of ghost hunters there..."

"Oh, come on!"

"... Who eventually found me while I was checking out Danny's place."

There was no sound this time. Only a burning green glare through the cracks of Dani's fingers.

"Who I did manage to lose… after a bit of a hassle, and the possession of a gir…. ehh, filly. Not to mention luck, and a flying tortoise…" Dani fell silent there, blinking dumbly while her other half did the same.

"A tortoise?"

"This place is weird," Dani answered with a shrug.

"Well, that's just great," Dani groaned. "Not only did you manage to do the exact opposite of what you were supposed to do, but now they know we are out there."

"Honestly, I think they were already suspicious to begin with," Dani told herself. "In fact, I think they are on to Danny. Or at the very least, they are suspicious about him."

"Great, just great. Just when I think this day can't get any worse."

"How so? Does it have anything to do with that giant glow stick over there?" Dani asked, pointing a thumb over her shoulder towards the large crystal.

"Yeah," Dani confirmed. "They think this thing is powerful enough to power the entire installation by itself. Or, at the very least, provide enough power to reduce the drain on the reactors we're installing."

"Really?" Dani blinked, looking at the massive spire of mineral and energy. "Well, that is going to be a problem."

"You don't say,"

"Why haven't you destroyed it, then?"

"Remember what they said. This thing is nearly identical to Ectoranium. An anti-ghost element. Just standing near that thing makes me feel sick. And that is just me being in my human form."

"I remember," Dani said, recalling the wave of nausea the first time she saw the crystal after its discovery. "And feel it," she looked warely at the crystal.

"Yeah." Dani snorted.

"We need to deal with that thing," said Dani. "But right now, I think it would be better for us to merge again. You know, share our memories and whatnot."

"... And why didn't we do that immediately, instead of explaining things the way we just did?"

"... ehhhh…"

Two loud slaps of hands meeting faces echoed off into the depths of the immense tunnel complex, and both Dani and Dani groaned out in annoyance and embarrassment.

"Let's not speak of this, ever."


"So… How do we merge back together?"


"... Oh, for fu-"


Pete, the human expert part of the group responsible to oversee any of the technical portions of their build, as well as the analysis of the strange crystals found in the cave, had momentarily excused himself from his assigned crew in order to investigate the strange echoes he'd heard coming from deeper down into this immense complex of tunnels and caves.

He did have a good idea of the source of said echoes. The voice bouncing off the walls unmistakingly that of their team leader, Dani Spectral.

The echoes themselves weren't what made him venture deeper down into the caves, however. What did, and what also raised a few eyebrows among the others was the fact it sounded like their boss, someone who despite her role in all of this hadn't really done much, other than getting in the way most of the time, and didn't earn much respect as a result, was talking. Sounding irritated even.

Pete, being the only one who felt compelled to make sure Dani was alright; the others not even bothering to use their time to check up on someone who didn't know what she was doing, and only gained the spot that high up in their chain of command because of her connections, all rolled their eyes, shaking their heads disapprovingly as they continued working analyzing the scans on their tablets and laptops.

Pete, however, couldn't shake the feeling that, despite Dani's noticeable lack of technical understanding of... well, just about anything they were doing, knew more, much more than she'd revealed to them. A wealth of knowledge not gained through meticulously reading book after book; most of them written by some of the most renowned ghost experts known on both Earth and Equestria: Jack and Madeline Fenton. Although, Madeline was mostly responsible for any of their written work.

No, Dani wasn't book smart. But this didn't mean she was dumb either. In fact, in the short time they have been working on this massive, top secret project, she had not only shown a great deal of interest in everything they were working on, but also was eager to learn. But, even more noticeable, there have been a few times where certain readings stumped either Pete, or some of his colleagues. And it had been Dani who was able to figure things out in a way which made it seem she had a strange hands-on experience with these matters. Actual practical experience.

The others may not be willing to see this. Too close minded, by the book sort of folks. Efficient, true. But it also blinded them to the solutions that seem to come naturally to Dani.

All of this made Pete feel a strange form of respect to his superior, even though he spent most of the time explaining what it was they were doing; then break it down into easier to understand explanations to his explanation.

So, with a determined strut, he walked down the tunnel leading to the recently discovered crystal; using the glow of the smaller gems growing on the walls, ceiling and floor, as well as the light on his tablet to retrace Dani's steps; eventually stepping out in the chamber recently discovered by the pony team of ghost hunting experts.

Stopping for a moment, he looked up at the massive spire of crystal with a sense of awe.

Right there before him, glowing brightly with contained power, was a naturally existing anti-ghost element; existing in such abundance it not only provided a potential power source for their project, but a possible solution for the ever present ghost threat back on Earth.

Momentarily entranced by the near limitless potential, and what the discovery of these crystals could mean; would mean for both worlds, he stepped closer to the spire of crystal, placing a hand on the smooth surface.

"Amazing," he awed, almost able to feel the energy coursing within.

Remembering why he'd come down here, he shook his head and pulled away from the crystal; looking around to find Dani.

"Eh, hello?" He called out, slowly moving around the crystal. "Mis-" he paused, remembering Dani didn't like being called miss. "Dani, are you here? I thought I heard you back there and came to see if you're alright." He called out, his voice bouncing off the walls as he slowly turned around in search of the woman; completely missing the two pairs of green glowing eyes.

No, wait…

He stopped in his tracks, frozen as a horrific chill traversed down his spine. Slowly, with his heart pounding, he turned back to where he had seen what he knew couldn't have been.

A stuttering gasp escaped him as, now fully turned to the slightly darker alcove, there was nothing to be seen.

Relaxing slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief, shaking his head while placing a hand on top of it.

"You're working too hard, Pete," he told himself. "You're imagining things." A weak chuckle escaped him as he turned around, his arm dropping to his side; moving back to the tunnel as it was clear Dani wasn't down here.

""Oomph!"" Two voices exclaimed, and Pete and an invisible body both fell to the ground.

Pete felt his body freeze over again as he looked up at the spot he had heard this other voice; seeing a pair of green glowing eyes staring back at him in panic.

"Oh, sh-" The disembodied voice swore, only to be cut off by a loud, high pitched, and surprisingly feminine scream escaping Pete.

Thoroughly surprised and taken aback, both Danis (the one lying on the ground, and the other having snuck up behind Pete to possess him) were left dumbfounded as Pete scampered back onto his feet and ran away as fast as he could, while the pounding of numerous feet and hooves could be heard echoing off the walls as alerted reinforcements came rushing in to see what had happened.

Dani looked at Dani; their ghost vision cutting through their cloak of invisibility, and both knew something had to be done, quickly.

They couldn't stop what had already happened. There were already too many witnesses to subdue through possession. Even with the two of them. So, instead, they nodded and turned to the massive crystal; both sucking in a deep breath.

There wasn't any hiding the fact of their presence now. Whether it had been bad luck, or some other complication of their duplication, Dani (the one Pete had run into) had been unable to remain intangible. Now detected, they knew they had only one chance to get rid of this crystal and the threat it posed for both them and Danny. And with the guards already one edge, and Dani having been seen by a pony in Ponyville, they knew that If they blew it now, there wouldn't be a second chance.

And so, as Pete scampered away with as much speed he could muster, and armed guards came rushing in, both Danis unleashed their ghostly wails. Their combined concussive sound wave slammed into the crystal spire, bounced off the walls, and were amplified by the echoes produced which shook first the cave, then the entire mountain resulting in a panic up in the city above and raising alarm with both princesses Celestia and Luna.

The guards who had rushed into the cave all cried out in pain as they had fallen to the ground, covering their ears with hands or hooves as they screamed out. Both Danis didn't fare much better. Taken by surprise as their wail bounced around, they too were in the crossfire while the increased volume of their attack began to splinter and crack not only the crystal, but the walls of the very room they were in.

The crystal, flexing, cracking and splintering, began to flicker and pulse as the energy contained within became unstable; shooting out of the cracks in short bursts of intense energy. One of such bursts slammed into one Dani, who screamed out as her powers failed catastrophically. There wasn't much time for the other to react, as in spectacular fashion, the crystal groaned, then exploded; showering the entire cave in chunks and splinters of crystal, while, for several tense moments, a blinding light burst forth as all the contained energy escaped in one big wave.

The explosion blasted away both Danis, one of them wavering out of existence, turning into energy before merging with her other half who flew unconsciously through the air; slamming into wall head first, transforming back into her human self, and slowly slumping down to the ground while leaving behind a path of blood on the wall.

The blast also blinded and deafened the group of humans and ponies which rushed to the scene, making them miss what happened to the two ghosts. Yet the increased rumbling, groaning, cracking and shaking of the cave brought to attention a truly urgent calamity. The cave was collapsing; chunks of solid rock already breaking off the ceiling and walls, dropping to the ground with loud crashes.

All of them hurried back on their hooves or feet; hurriedly retreating back where they had come from. But one of them glanced back, coming to a screeching stop as she saw the slumped down, unconscious form of Dani and a slowly growing puddle of blood around her head.

Eyes widening, she made a split second decision. Tossing her blaster to the side, she hurried back; horn alight as she projected as strong a shield as she could; running and weaving through the falling rocks as big, if not bigger than herself. Grabbing the unconscious woman by the collar with her teeth, not able to use her magic as all of her strength was used to deflect the crushing stones, she tossed her on her back, looking back with fear as her path had been mostly caved in.

A sudden burst of magic blasted a path through the rubble, and she thanked the maker above as she ran with all the speed her screaming muscles would allow.

Her savior, her superior, Charming Prism pulled her inside the tunnel with a burst of his magic; the two of them running topside as fast as they could while Dani bounced around on the mare's back.

Together the two ponies ran, quickly catching up with the slower group of humans as they all poured out of the tunnel, and into the mostly abandoned streets of Canterlot's outskirts. Yet there were some bystanders who looked at the rapidly growing group with wide eyes and rapt attention. Ponies who, after everything was said and done, would have to be taken care of to make sure this supposedly secret operation wouldn't be revealed. But right now, the group's first and only priority was to make sure everyone made it out of the caves in one piece.

"Is everyone here?" One of the humans called out; a woman with a small cut on her forehead, sustained in the panic and which trickled a small stream of blood down her face.

One by one, with many false starts and stammering, confirmations were given by the team leaders that those in their group had evacuated in time and with no serious injuries, until, eventually, Charming Prism stepped up.

"We got someone who took a serious blow," he called out, turning to Vigilant shield and, more importantly, Dani, the injured woman still lying on her back; her hair slick with blood, which dripped down to the ground, already forming a puddle.

Numerous gasps escaped the group, and it was at that moment both Princess Celestia and Luna dropped down from the sky, looking around in alarm while a contingent of guards hurried onto the scene; quickly moving to secure any unwanted witness and to provide aid to those who needed it while Luna quickly put in place a shield to cover the group and to keep anything said from reaching unwanted ears.

"WHAT HAPPENED? IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT?" Princess Celestia called out in alarm, seeing the many injuries, small as they might be, on her ponies and human visitors.

"We can explain later," Charming Prism called out, pulling the princesses' attention to him. "Right now we need to get her immediate medical attention," and he looked back at Dani.

Both Princess Celestia and Luna gasped out upon the sight of the injured woman. Eyes locking for a moment, Luna and Celestia nodded in silent agreement.

Acting quickly, Celestia carefully grabbed Dani in her magic before teleporting away back to the castle; leaving many confused humans behind.

"Don't worry," Luna reassured them. "My sister has taken her to the castle's infirmary. It's one of the few places where we have specialists who have familiarized themselves with human physiology." A few sighs of relief could be heard, but now another urgent matter needed to be addressed.

"Everyone, please tell me what happened?"

"I'll tell you," Pete spoke up, a grim look on his face. "It was the work of ghosts."

"WHAT!?" Luna shouted, rearing back while another round of gasps escaped the mixed group; this time of shock. "You can't be serious!?"

Pete, looking up at the night's princess, looking her in the eyes with all the bravado he could muster.

"I know what I saw… Or didn't see, actually. They were invisible, but I did see their eyes." A shudder shook his body. "I even walked into one. Don't ask me how," he stopped the princess from asking, shaking his head. "I don't know either. Just that I did, knocking the both of us to the ground… everything went to hell after that."

"We came rushing in when we heard a mare screaming," Vigilant Shield picked up. "Which must have been Dani," she concluded.

"Ehh… ahem, yes. Most likely." Pete stammered for a bit.

"But when we arrived, we couldn't take two steps before… it happened."

"It?" Luna repeated, confused, noticing several ponies and humans flinching.

"With all due respect, princess. But perhaps it would be wiser to debrief you someplace more… secure." Charming Prism spoke up, eyes scanning the crowd and lingering on the civilians being detained by the guards. "Urgent, or not, there are too many witnesses already."

"Yes… of course," Luna agreed ruefully, then turned to address the commanding officer of her guards. "Secure the perimeter. Bring everyone to the castle. Keep the civilians separate from this group, my sister and I shall address them as soon as possible. Also, bring any injured to the infirmary, and make sure nopony else catches wind of this."

"Yes Princess," the guard saluted, then issued orders of his own.

Looking back at the group, and then the lingering plume of dust coming out of the building which housed the entrance to the crystal caves, it was apparent that, at the very least, a cave-in had occurred. Combined with the claims of ghosts, and the group's reaction hinting to some other haunting event, Luna felt a cold trickle of ice in her veins.

There was already the suspicion of ghostly activity in Ponyville, focusing mostly around Danny Manson. But now this, if true, would mean any chance they had at possibly containing this disaster was gone. And worse, they knew what was attempted here; what they set in motion.

'By my stars,' Luna thought. 'If this really were ghosts, then we need all the help we can get.'


Present time.

The moon had risen high in the sky as night had claimed the land by the time the train carrying Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike and Danny arrived back in Ponyville; they, along with a few other passengers exiting the moment they could, drained after the events in the Crystal Empire.

Still depressed by how things had ended, they all returned home without much of a goodbye; hooves dragging a bit and heads held low, while Rainbow Dash flew just a bit slower than was customary for her.

Every single one of them longed for their bed, wishing nothing more than for this long, tiresome day to end and start fresh the coming morning.

Muttering a tired good night, the group split up; each heading for their homes with the sole exception of Rarity, who instead joined Applejack to the orchard to get Sweetie Belle.

Neither of them said a word as, with dragging hooves, they made their way through town, following the long, long dirt path which seemed to stretch out for much further than either mare could remember, before finally arriving at the orchard.

Sighing wistfully, the two mares set hoof on the final stretch of road. Applejack longing for the warm, comforting embrace of her bed. Rarity to pick up her sister, give her a warm hug, then, finally, make her way to bed as well.

Sighing and eyes drooping, the two mares let their hooves guide them as they pushed forward. Halfway to the farmhouse, however, they came to a near stop, ears perking up as the sound of hooves pounding on the dry soil became noticeable; rapidly becoming louder and louder until an almost frantic looking Macintosh Apple stood before them.

"Big Mac… is everythaing alright?" Applejack asked, suppressing a yawn.

"Applejack, Rarity, thank the stars you're back," he wheezed as he came to an abrupt stop.

"Mac, what in Equestria is goin' on?" Applejack asked with growing concern.

"It's tha girls. They're gone!"

""WHAT!?"" Applejack and Rarity yelled, their tiredness forgotten by the sudden spike of adrenaline. "What tha HAY are ya talkin' 'bout?" Applejack demanded.

"When Ah came home, Bloom and Sweetie Belle were gone."

"Why didn't Granny stop them?!" Applejack demanded urgently.

"She was asleep. Overslept even. She didn't even make dinner," Bic Mac explained in a hurry, then shook his head to refocus. "But that's not important. Bloom an’ Sweetie bein' missing is."

"Where did you see them last?" Rarity asked frantically.

"Back at tha house," Big Mac answered, "but they ain't there. Nor did Granny an Ah find them in their tree house, or anywhere else on tha orchard. We've been looking fer hours."

"Then what in tha hay are we standin' here for?" Applejack asked urgently. "If they ain't here, maybe they are over at Scootaloo's place?"

Without much of a better idea, all three ponies nodded before galloping towards town; already thinking about how to punish those fillies when they found them, and if they didn't have a very, very good reason for running off… again.


Danny stood in front of his house, frowning deeply as he stared at the partially opened front door. Having lived in a rotten neighborhood before coming here, he knew what this meant. And so, with his right hand balled into a fist, he carefully swung the door open and stepped inside.

Pushing the door closed and locking it behind him, he quietly scanned the room. Finding nothing, but silence, he carefully moved from room to room; using his ghost powers to slightly levitate himself from the ground so he wouldn't make any noise.

Once in his bedroom he came to a full stop and with a flick of his wrist he turned on the light.

Now able to see more than just dark shapes, he immediately noticed the mess his bed has become. His pillow was slightly torn open, some of the feathers within spilling out around a strange and clear impression, almost as if someone stood on it. The blanket didn't fare much better. Pulled off the bed, and lying in a crumpled heap halfway between his bed and the window.

Moving closer, he noticed a wet spot on the ground; with small drops of water still dripping down from a wet, partially frozen mark on the window's glass.

"What the…?" He murmured, dragging a finger through the moisture, breaking small flakes of ice off as well.

"What happened here?"

Several blurs shot past, obscured by the night's darkness, yet momentarily visible in the light of the moon, and Danny recognized Applejack and Rarity as they, alongside another pony, were calling out for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"This'll have to wait," he told himself, and quickly ran to the front door and outside, calling out to the mares and drawing their attention.

"Rarity, Applejack, is everything alright?" He asked them.

"Oh, Danny. It's absolutely dreadful," Rarity replied hysterically. "Sweetie Belle and her friends have gone missing."

"What!?" Danny exclaimed, shocked.

"It's true," Applejack said morosely. "At first we thought Apple Bloom an’ Sweetie Belle had simply run off, so we went ta see if they were with Scootaloo. But Bellflower here said she's gone too."

"And it gets even worse!" Rarity almost shrieked. "Bellflower said there is… there is…"

"There was a ghost seen near Ponyville!" Bellflower revealed, dropping a bombshell on Danny.

"Wh-what!?" He stammered, shocked, taking a step back while a nervous sweat started to form.

"It happened earlier today. Bulk Biceps came screaming into town, saying he saw a ghost. Everypony has stocked up on whatever supplies they could and barricaded themselves in their homes."

"An’ with tha fillies missin', who knows what horrible thaings are happenin' ta them."

"Now, hold on. You can't be sure a ghost has them," Danny countered.

"We cain't be sure it hasn't either," Applejack countered, eyes slightly wild. "An’ after what happened in tha Empire, Ah ain't taking any chances."

"... Empire?" Bellflower murmured, confused. But before any kind of reply could be given, Macintosh Apple came running in.

"Big Mac, did ya find tha girls?!" Applejack asked without pause.

Big Mac, heaving loudly after the flat out run he'd just made from the orchard to his sister, wasn't able to speak for several long moments as he sucked in air with large gulps.

"Sis…" he panted. "Dad's old *gah* barn. Frozen on tha inside. All ice," he managed to say. And although it didn't make much sense to Applejack, Rarity, or Bellflower, Danny did feel himself stiffen.

'Frozen within. Ice…' His mind then shot back to the still partially frozen mark on his window, and he felt a chill go down his spine.

"Big Mac. What in tha hay are ya talkin' 'bout?" Applejack shot back. "Did ya find tha girls, or not?"

Sighing deeply, Macintosh finally caught his breath. "No, Ah didn't. But Granny and Ah did go look at tha orchard’s older parts… It's dad's old barn, AJ. It's completely frozen within. But not just covered with ice… There are things in there, looks almost like regular furniture… but, made of ice. AJ, something is living there. Something not natural."

A bone chilling cold grabbed hold of Applejack, Bellflower and Rarity at Macintosh's words.

"S-say what now!?" Applejack stammered, eyes wide and pupils shrunk. "Ya pulling mah leg, aren't ya?" Big Mac's only reply was a slow, grim shake of the head.

"Something has been hiding on the orchard, right under your noses," Rarity said, voice rising in pitch. "And Sweetie Belle was there right for the taking!"

"Apple Bloom too!" Said Applejack, voice rising too.

"Then, did this… thing also get Scootaloo?" Bellflower asked, worried, frightened, nauseated.

Danny's mind was a raging storm, sifting through any possible ghost he knew was capable of something like this. Bic Mac claiming there was ice did narrow down the possibilities considerably, but that also left just a few options. He himself. The frost giants… Klemper, the ghost always asking everyone to be his friend. Yet neither the giants nor Klemper seemed like they would do something like this… Although, on second thought. Maybe Klemper. His clingy nature would, maybe, explain him doing something like this. But even so, it couldn't be him, right? How would he even get here? Unless…

"Sombra," Danny growled.

"What!?" Rarity said, everyone turning to Danny, while Danny himself looked up and towards the orchard.

"When did you say this ghost was spotted?" He asked Bellflower, voice tense.

"Earlier today," she replied nervously. Danny's hand tightened into a fist.

"Danny?" Applejack carefully approached, "Do ya know what could have done this?"

"I have some ideas, but nothing that would help," he replied, still not looking at them. "But…" he continued, then fell silent.

"But, what?" Rarity asked. "Danny, please. If you know something, please tell us." She urged him on.

"Maybe Sombra wasn't the only ghost who came here with the Crystal Empire? Maybe something else came with him? Something that didn't stick around? Snow and ice certainly was the main theme back there, and apparently here now, too. Your barn," he glanced at Applejack and Big Mac over his shoulder, then looked back at the orchard. "... My bedroom," he revealed, making the ponies behind him gasp.

"You mean one of those… things was in your house?" Bellflower asked, shocked.

"It would seem like it," Danny muttered grimly. "But that hardly matters right now. And instead of standing here debating what ifs, instead we need to go look for the girls," Danny said firmly, turning around, finally looking at the ponies as he took charge. "Applejack, Rarity. Having dealt with Sombra, you and your friends are about the closest we've got to ghost fighting experts around here. Go and get them, tell them what's going on… and who we think is responsible. Big Mac, show me what it is you've found. I may not be much of an expert, myself. But maybe seeing what you've found can tell me what we're dealing with, to some extent."

Wide, unblinking eyes stared back at him, and for a moment Danny faltered.


"Jus' what, exactly, was it ya did back on Earth?" Applejack asked, slowly looking Danny up and down. " 'Cause it sounds like ya've done this before."

"We don't have time for this," Danny shot back defensively, sounding just a bit bitter. "You go and get Twilight and the rest. Big Mac and I will see what happened at the orchard."

Snapped back to reality, all ponies scrambled into motion. Rarity, Applejack and Bellflower running for the hollow tree in town, Big mac and Danny running as fast as Danny could manage back to the orchard.

"Is she right?" Macintosh asked, shooting Danny a sideways glance. "Have ya done this before?"

Danny didn't answer; narrowing his eyes as he pushed forwards just a bit faster.


Twilight sighed contently, finally having found that sweet spot of pure comfort as she pulled her blanket just a bit higher; already drifting off to Luna's realm of dreams, not far behind on Spike, who was already fast asleep. Just when she was about to doze off, without much ceremony her front door slammed open and Twilight jolted up with a scream, while Owlowiscious screeched in rude surprise. Spike, however, remained fast asleep.

"TWILIGHT!" Applejack's voice cut through the darkness and several pairs of hooves could be heard running up the stairs before the bedroom's door met the same fate that had befallen the front door.

Still, Spike remained asleep.

"Twilight!" Applejack shouted, albeit at a more reasonable level.

"Applejack?" Twilight groaned in tired annoyance, rubbing an eye with a hoof while turning on the light with a small burst of magic. Then she identified the other pony in the room. "And Rarity? What are you two doing here?"

"Bellflower is here too," Applejack spoke up, looking behind her, where Twilight spotted the mentioned mare. "Twilight, we have a major problem on our hooves!"

"What!?" Twilight straightened herself. "What kind of problem? Do we need the Elements?"

"Yes, no… Maybe. I dunno?" Applejack stammered, shook her head, then focused with alarming clarity. "Ah don't know 'bout tha Elements, but if what we think is true, we may have need of them."

"Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have gone missing," Rarity picked up without pause. "First we thought they had run off again. But when we ran into Bellflower, she said there had been a ghost sighted near Ponyville."

This sudden revelation made Twilight fall off her bed, and she scrambled to her hooves while fighting to free herself from her blanket.

"WHAT!?" She yelled, tiredness forgotten.

"It's true," Bellflower ruefully admitted. "Earlier today, Bulk Biceps came screaming into town, claiming to have seen a ghost. Everypony has been on edge since then."

"And did anypony else also see this ghost, or was it just him?" Twilight asked, finally able to free herself with the help of her magic.

"Not that I know," Bellflower answered.

"So there might not be a ghost," Twilight mused. "For all we know, Bulk Biceps saw something he believed to be a ghost, but wasn't."

"I- I suppose," Bellflower muttered.

"Maybe yer right," Applejack spoke up, "But there is more. Just a moment ago, mah Brother told us he found our dad's old barn, completely covered with ice from within. He an’ Danny are looking there right now. Maybe Danny can figure out what did that."

"Covered with ice?" Twilight asked, blinked, then her eyes widened. "ICE!"

"Eehh, yeah?" Applejack flinched back from Twilight's sudden increase of volume.

"A while back Rainbow Dash found the lake to be completely frozen," Twilight told them.

"Oh, goodness. You're right," Rarity said, recalling what her friend had told them.

"Ya think that whatever froze tha lake has been livin’ in our barn?" Applejack asked, angry and offended.

"It would make sense," Twilight pondered, then made a decision. "Girls, grab your Elements. We go and get the others, then head out to the orchard. We'll find out what is going on. Bellflower. You head back home. Maybe Scootaloo will come back on her own."

"I- I can't just go back and do nothing," she argued, taking a step forward with visible effort. "Ghost, or no ghost. I will not stand by idly while Scootaloo is missing."

"Okay," Twilight nodded in understanding. "But stay behind us."

Nodding, Bellflower agreed as Applejack re-entered the room, now wearing her Element while holding Twilight's in hoof.

"Rarity got the rest of them. Now, let's go and get tha others!"


"What in the-" Danny murmured as he crouched down, scraping a finger over the smooth, cold surface; seeing his slightly warped reflection in the flickering light of Big Mac's lantern as they had entered the barn.

"You weren't kidding."

"Eenope," Big Mac answered with a nervous stammer.

Slowly advancing inside, more and more details of the interior became visible in the lantern's light, and Danny could see the furniture mentioned by the red stallion. A bed, table, chairs, chandelier, and even several support pillars to keep the roof from collapsing. It was all certainly a bewildering sight, and Danny understood why Bic Mac was as nervous as he was. But Danny also took notice of something else. Something Big Mac hadn't realized, or chose to ignore: the immense scale of it all.

The bed, the table, all of it was many times larger than anything used by Danny, and he knew that whatever lived here was no small creature; especially because he had seen something similar before. But this did leave two very urgent questions he had a hard time answering: Why was a frost giant living here? And how did he, or she get here?

Still, despite having come to grasps about the who part of the question, a lot of things were still left unanswered. Furthermore, there never had been an incident back on Earth with a frost giant, so he knew he couldn't reveal anything he knew, lest he gave himself away to anypony who had read into the details of ghost attacks on Earth.

For some reason, Twilight's face popped up in front of his mind's eye. Shaking his head, he slowly turned around, seeing Bic Mac stand several steps behind him, aiming for the door.

"Did ya find out anything?" He asked, clearly wanting to get out of the place.

"No," Danny lied. "I've never seen anything like this."

"It's over here, girls," Applejack's voice rolled into the barn and in seconds she, and her friends all came to a screeching stop in front of the open doors; staring inside with wide, shocked eyes.

"What in Celestia's name is this!?" Twilight yelped, unable to believe what her eyes were seeing.

"This," Danny said calmly, dryly, as he and Big Mac stepped outside, "is a barn filled with ice."

"Yes, we can see that," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "But who did this? The same guy who froze the lake?"

Shrugging, Danny said: "No idea. I've looked around, but haven't seen anything that could tell me who or what lives here."

Applejack frowned as he said that, trying to get a good look at his face, but failing in the dark with only the flickering light of a lantern to illuminate a small portion of the area.

"Are there any signs of the fillies?" Bellflower asked, pushing in between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

"There's nopony here but us," Big Mac answered.

"So now what?" Rainbow Dash asked with a hint of challenge.

"Now-" Twilight started, only to be cut off by Danny.

"We can't be certain that whatever did this is a ghost. And even if it is, we don't know for certain it took the children. Right now, split up in groups of two and search any likely spot to see if the girls are hiding out there. If there is a ghost, and you do run into it, back off and go get the others. The last thing you want to do is challenge it without a proper plan of attack." He instructed, giving them all a critical eye, while all the ponies looked at him with surprise, even a bit of awe as he took charge.

"There are nine of us, so there will be one group of three. Big Mac, you go with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Rarity, go with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, you go with… Bellflower was it, right?" Bellflower nodded, and Danny continued. "And Twilight, you're with me."

"I, ehh… Okay," Twilight replied, a slight blush coloring her cheeks, which went mostly unnoticed in the dark as she stepped closer to Danny while the others went to their assigned partners.

"Remember, we don't know what could be out there, so keep your eyes and ears open. And if you do see something that could be a ghost, back off. Don't be a hero."

"But we are heroes," Rainbow Dash remarked. "We even have our Elements to prove it."

Strucken by an odd sense of deja-vu as he looked at the lightning bolt shaped jewel, Danny shook his head and looked the mare in the eyes. "Shining jewelry is not what makes a hero. What does are their actions in difficult situations. And acting on impulse to fight something that could easily swat you away doesn't make you a hero at all," he told her with bitterness in his voice. "Sometimes the best thing to do is back off and run before you, or those close to you get hurt as a result."

"Yeah, well umm..." Rainbow stammered, eyes downcast as she kicked the dirt with her hoof. "Okay, I guess you got a point there."

"Now, let's not waste any more time," he said with an authoritative voice. "Let's go find those fillies."


Luna was tired. Very much so, even though the night was still young. But having to deal with the mess caused by the ghost attack in the crystal caves, the subsequent witnesses who just happened to be there when the group of humans and ponies rushed outside, and the wounded, few as there were save for one seriously injured, left both her and her sister completely drained.

Night court, thankfully, was as dull and uneventful as ever. Allowing her a precious moment to just sit down and gather her thoughts, before ending it early in order to address yet another matter of urgency. Something which, as a result of these latest events, starting with this ghost possessing Danny's shadow, had been neglected for far too long.

Sighing, Luna turned a corner and entered through a door found in the lower levels of the castle.

The white marble normally found in the castle, polished to a sheen, was nowhere to be found here. Instead, the walls were made of gray, rough hewn stone as the castle's lower interior delved into the mountain itself.

There were more guards as well. Above there would be a clear and noticeable presence, if only to discourage any from trying anything unlawful. Down here, however, such show of strength was no longer a necessity as those who occupied these levels had already demonstrated one, or more unlawful actions.

Snapping to attention as Princess Luna entered the dungeon, the night princess closed the door while a group of guards fell in line behind her; following her towards a closed off section of the cells in which several 'esteemed guests' were located.

Coming to a stop several steps from the bars of one of the cells, Luna slowly shifted her gaze from one occupant to the other; her face unreadable.

"Your highness," an earth pony mare with chestnut brown fur and white mane greeted her as she stepped out of one of the cells, bowing down; her stethoscope slipping from around her neck and falling to the ground. Fumbling for a moment, she quickly picked up the instrument and replaced it around her neck while smiling apologetically.

"Stable Pulse, how are our 'patients' doing today?"

The awkward smile she had fell instantly as she partially turned to look back into the cell she'd just left, frowning worriedly.

"Their condition remains the same, I'm afraid. We're doing all we can, and these last several months have allowed us the opportunity to gain more insight in their physiology, but this is out of our range of expertise," she informed the princess, then sighed deeply, sorrowfully. "We lost another one this morning."

"I see," Luna said, grimacing. "And the body?"

"The same as the others. We've put it through autopsy, but any sign of what is causing their deterioration remains a mystery. After that, we cremated her…" she fell silent for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "I know what they've done… what they tried to do. But this… Has there been any luck finding their homeland?"

"I'm afraid not," Luna shook her head. "Scouting parties have, so far, been unsuccessful in locating the changelings' hive."

Stable Pulse sighed once again. "There is only so much I, or any of the other doctors can do for them. All we know about changelings so far is what we've learned from studying them… and none of them are in any shape to get a baseline for how their physiology should be when healthy. They need help. Help we can't provide. They may have done terrible things, but nopony… noling should have to go through... whatever it is that is killing them."

"Ghh- Princess… Hive-.... Quee-... Dang- gha - er." one of the changelings suddenly gasped out with rasping voice, his heart rate monitor beeping at a sudden spike. Then another spoke, then another and another; speaking with weak, broken voices; legs weakly kicking and wings, hanging uselessly to their sides, flittering ever so slightly. Then they all fell silent and a tomb-like silence grabbed hold over those gathered.

"What… just happened?" Luna asked, shocked.

"I don't know," Stable Pulse answered. "This is not the first time they said things like that. But once one of them speaks, the rest follow moments later… always saying the same thing."

"Why were I, or my sister not informed about this sooner!?" Luna demanded.

Stable Pulse flinched back as she lowered her gaze to the floor. "They only started earlier this day. I had sent word to your sister and you, but it seems it failed to arrive."

Luna calmed herself, diminishing her stature. "I see," she murmured. "This wouldn't have been some time this afternoon?"

"Yes, actually."

"My apologies for falling out. It seems your message slipped past us during the transpiring of another matter of significance."

"I understand, Princess." Stable Pulse answered, relieved.

Looking into the cell and at the curled up, shivering changeling, Luna couldn't help but feel sorry for the creature. "Have they said anything of importance during their… moments?"

"Just broken words. Something about a princess. Maybe you or your sister? A queen, which seems reasonable to assume is Chrysalis. They also keep repeating: Hive, danger… and sometimes ice."

"Anything else?" Luna asked. Stable Pulse shook her head.

"I see. Without any context, this is not much to go by."

"It's the ice part that confuses me most," said Stable Pulse. "Winter won't be here for several more months, and from what we could gather, the changelings wouldn't live anyplace cold either. Their insectoid physiology makes them even more susceptible to freezing temperatures than we are."

"Indeed," Luna agreed. "But that does provide us with some ideas where to search for them, if only by eliminating any place too cold for them survive."

"Still, that barely makes a dent in the overall area we need to search." Stable Pulse sighed, dejected.

"It's a start," Luna told her. "I'm sure that, in time, we will find them."

"I know, Princess. But will it be IN time?"

"... I suppose only time will tell." said Luna, she and Stable Pulse looking at the sick and dying changelings with worry.<<>><<>><<>>With the group split up, Danny and Twilight quickly followed the dirt path back to town to allow Danny in retrieving his flashlight from his house.

Not seeing any reason to object, the two made quick time to his abode.

"Wait just a moment," Danny said. "This won't take long."

Nodding, Twilight waited outside, eyes scanning her immediate surroundings for anything out of the ordinary. She hoped her letter to the princess had come through in Spike's sleep addled fire breathing, when, quite unexpectedly, a flash of light came out of Danny's home, startling her.

"Danny?!" She called out, slowly moving for the partially open door, seeing another flash of light; coming from underneath the door leading to Danny's bedroom.

"I'm here," he answered after a pregnant pause, stepping back into view with a flashlight in hand; startling the mare again with his sudden appearance.

"Is everything alright? I thought I saw something."

"Yeah, nothing wrong here. Just my flashlight acting up a bit." He told her, stepping out and closing the door behind him. "Let's go."

Lagging for just a bit, Twilight looked at Danny's back as he stepped away, biting her lower lip. Then, shaking her head, she followed after him, not noticing the glowing green eyes watching the two of them from behind one of the windows.


Moments before.

Stepping inside of his home, Danny didn't bother turning on the lights as he knew the layout from mind. That, and his ghost vision aided him, now that he was sure no one was watching, thus allowing his eyes to glow green.

"Better do this quick," he murmured quietly, stepping into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Sighing in deeply, he held his breath for several seconds, then slowly exhaled.

"Okay," he told himself, securing his stance and wrinkling his forehead in intense focus.

'I have never done this without transforming first, but it should work… I think.'

Gritting his teeth, fists trembling from exertion, a white band flashed into existence around him; splitting him vertically before it split in half also. One half moving to Danny's right, the other the left. And where once was one human, now a second individual, identical to Danny could be seen as the two bands of energy moved apart.

But Danny faltered, the strain too much, and the two bands of energy snapped back together; slamming the two bodies together, merging them unwholly.

Four eyes blinked stupidly as two identical minds tried to figure out what had happened, before their eyes locked and an annoyed groan escaped the two heads stuck on one body.

""Not this again," Danny groaned in duet with his other self.

"Danny?" 'they' heard Twilight call out, hoofsteps indicating she was slowly approaching.

""Damn it… Okay, focus. I can do this,"" the two heads said together, and a new band of energy flashed into existence.

This time, Danny's attempt was successful, and two identical humans now occupied the room. Not wasting any time, one of them hurried to grab a flashlight from the nightstand, while the other turned invisible.

"I'm here," Danny called out, quickly stepping out of the bedroom and towards the open front door.

"Is everything alright? I thought I saw something." Twilight asked as she looked up at the tall biped.

"Yeah, nothing wrong here. Just my flashlight acting up a bit." He told her, stepping out and closing the door behind him. "Let's go."

And as they moved away in the dark of night, Danny also remained behind; watching the two move away with his green glowing eyes.


"Eclipse," Danny called out to the shadow mare, and two orange glowing orbs with green irises flashed into existence behind him.

"Master," she answered, her form invisible in the darkness; blended seamlessly with the night.

Eyes flashing to his back, Danny acknowledged the shade behind him. "Good, you can still manifest, even duplicated as I am now."

"I can, yes. But with limitations," she replied. "I still exist between the two of you; shared equally. I can manifest, as I am now, but not as my full self. And, as is with you, my powers are diminished as a result of the duplication. However, because of my splitted state, I can relay any messages from you to your other self."

"You can?" Danny asked, surprised.

"I believe so," Eclipse answered, then fell quiet as she looked off to the side. "Yes, this is possible. I just contacted my other half, who in turn is informing your double."

"Well, that's convenient," Danny murmured. "But that's not why I called you."

"You wish to know if I, with my recent transformation and acquired knowledge, have any clue as to where the children might have gone to?"

"Actually, I just wanted to make sure you were still available. But, sure, that works too."

"Oh… I see," Eclipse faltered, not having expected that answer. "Well, to answer that question. I am still available, but, as I said, with limitations. I can not manifest fully, unless I withdraw the part of myself from your other half. Doing this does mean one of you will go without a shadow."

"Good to know," Danny murmured. "Not that a missing shadow is much of a concern during the night."

"True," Eclipse agreed.

"So… do you have any idea where those kids might have gone to? Or more importantly, do you have any idea how a frost giant came to this world without being found out?"

"An answer to the latter, I do not have," Eclipse answered. "As where Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle might have gone off to…"

"Yes?" Danny said after she remained silent for several seconds.

"Honestly, I don't have a clue," Eclipse said sheepishly, the darkness below her eyes wavering as it split, showing an embarrassed grin. Danny just stared at the shadow with a flat, annoyed look.

"Then why did you even suggest it in the first place?"

"Exuberant optimism?"

Danny stared at Eclipse's eyes for several more moments, slowly shook his head, then turned around back to the window.

"I'll just ignore that. Right now, though. I guess it would be best if we go back to the barn and look into things a bit more from a ghost's perspective."

Nodding, Eclipse fade away as Danny turned invisible; phasing through the wall and flew back to the orchard, unaware of the small, glowing eyes which stared up at him as the pup scratched himself behind an ear, yelped happily, then chased after him with a wildly wagging tail.


Danny and Twilight were slowly moving through the darkness; Danny’s flashlight in hand, and with Twilight illuminating their path with her magic.

Their eyes scanned the area, peering through the darkness and shining their light on anything that seemed like it could be important, their calling out to the fillies every now and then the only sounds to break the silence of the night.

But, as they searched, a question which was burning in Twilight's mind demanded to be asked. A question which, under the circumstances, she ignored in favor of looking for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Now, though. After almost twenty minutes of searching without any sign of the fillies, and the continuously pestering urge of her own curiosity, Twilight couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Danny?" She said, catching his attention.

"Yes, did you find something?"

"No, I didn't. It's just…"

"Just, what?" Danny asked, coming to a stop and shining his light towards Twilight to get a better look at the mare.

Looking away and at the ground, shuffling a hoof, Twilight found herself suddenly tongue tied. Forcing herself to stop fidgeting, she put her hoof down and looked up at Danny.

"Back at the orchard, you said that sometimes the best thing to do is back off and run, or you, or somepony close to you might get hurt."

"Yes, I did. What of it?"

"It's just… the way you said it. The way you took charge even. It' almost as if you've done this before… and lost someone because of it." Danny felt his body go rigid as he looked down at Twilight. "... Applejack and Rainbow Dash told me what you said back then… about your-" Danny cut her off as he suddenly walked away, the light of his flashlight trembling as his hand shook.

"Danny?" Twilight called after him, soon finding herself alone in the dark.

Quickly moving after the fast walking human, Twilight tried again, only to walk face first into Danny's backside as he came to an abrupt stop, catching the mare by surprise.

"Tell me, Twilight. Have you ever done something you believed to be the right thing; putting so much trust in yourself, and your abilities that you only end up fooling yourself… endangering yourself as a result; forcing others to take actions, only for them to get hurt because you yourself failed to do one very important thing? To stop and think."

"... Well," Twilight started, voice soft. "I did once made the entire town go crazy with a spell I placed on Mister Smarty Pants, my childhood plushie, because I couldn't find a friendship problem to solve."

Danny glanced back at her, the glow of Twilight's horn illuminating the shame struck face as she recalled that shameful event.

"Did anyone get hurt?" he asked.

"No, thankfully not," she replied, looking up at him. "Princess Celestia intervened before things could devolve into complete chaos."

"Well, I wasn't so lucky," he replied bitterly, the shaking of his flashlight intensifying.

Nothing was said after that, and tense silence clung to the two like a thick, oily veil while Danny was having an internal conflict.

"Danny," Twilight spoke up, placing a hoof on his free hand hanging at his side.

"It happened when I was fifteen," he suddenly spoke up, then snorted. "I was just a kid… We all were," he sighed out. "Teenagers, hormones, doing stupid things our parents told us not to do." He looked down at his feet, frowning deeply. "Especially her. She and her folks weren't exactly on the same page. It hardly mattered to me, though. We were friends, the best of them. We hung out at a snack bar, went to the movies, sneaked into some creepy looking place just for the kick of it," he said, twisting more and more facts to keep the truth a secret. "Turned out we weren't the only ones in that place."

"What happened?" Twilight asked with a quiet voice.

"What always happens on my world. A ghost attacked us." Danny revealed, and Twilight gasped out.

Danny's free hand tightened into a trembling fist. "We should have run, gotten out of there as fast as we could. Instead, I got it in my head to be a hero. I've seen ghosts being taken down, watched ghost hunters in action and thought that if they could do it, so can I." He sighed out, suddenly feeling very tired. "Lot of good that did. I got myself cornered, about to be struck down by that thing when she jumped in between, taking the hit… I still have nightmares about that day, her scream, the moment I lost her and realized just how much she meant to me." He sucked in a large breath, held it, then slowly exhaled. "Sometimes the best thing to do is back off and run before you, or those close to you get hurt as a result. That is a lesson I learned the hard way that day. It's also why I snuck on board your train to the Empire. I knew that, if I was right, which I was, you would be in a lot more danger than you would have realized until it would have been too late. If I let that happen, knowing that I could have made a difference, if only by warning you, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."

"Danny," Twilight said, her voice weak.

"Let's just go and find those fillies," he said defensively, pulling away, stuffing his feelings back into the depths he placed them in so long ago. Bringing his light up to bear and continuing down the path while Twilight stayed behind.

'So that's what happened,' she thought, wiping away the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes. Then, after collecting herself, she followed after Danny; not saying another word, save for calling out to Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Yet her gaze always lingered on the tall human, a twinge noticeable in her heart.


"Apple Bloom!"


Applejack and Bellflower called out into the darkness, their path only partially illuminated by their shared lantern, as well as Luna's moonlight as they made their way over to Whitetail Woods, knowing it was one of the places the girls would venture off into when crusading for their Cutie Marks.

"Scootaloo, where are you?" Bellflower called out, silence still being the only answer.

Neither mare acknowledged their fear and anxiety as they pressed on, eyes endlessly scanning their surroundings, forcing themselves to see past the darkness.

"... Do you really think the human, Danny, has done something like this before?" Bellflower asked, if only to keep her mind occupied with something else other than all the horrible thoughts about what could have happened to Scootaloo, or her friends.

"Honestly, Ah'm not sure what ta think," Applejack answered after a moment, then called out to her sister again. "Ah mean, he did seem ta know what he was doing. The way he took charge an' whatnot. It's jus'…" she fell silent, frowned as she thought back.

"Just, what?" Bellflower asked, then called out for Scootaloo.

"Ah'm having a hard time gettin' a read on tha fella," Applejack admitted. "Ah know it when somepony tells a lie. Ah've told plenty o' them mahself as a filly ta know it when Ah hear one. But with Danny… There are times Ah can easily tell he's lying. But at tha same time, he isn't. Like he is only telling part of tha truth an' bending tha rest ta keep somethin' hidden."

"He does?"

"Ah think so, yes. But…"


"But that wasn't the case back at the barn. Not when he said he didn't have a clue about who could have frozen the barn like that."

"You think he does know what did that!?" Bellflower gasped, shocked.

"Ah'm not sure. But Ah do know he knows somethin'. Somethin' he ain't tellin." Said Applejack, frowning deeply before calling out for her sister once again.

"You think he thinks it really is a ghost?"

"Ah can't say," Applejack replied. "Ah don't know what's going on in that head of his. But Ah do know he knows more 'bout ghosts than we do. He sure as hay proved that much back at tha Empire."

"Ehh… Empire?"

"Ya'll read' bout that in tha papers tomorrow. They'll be full of it. Trust me."


"But, yeah. He saw how thaings were before any of us did. If it wasn't for Danny, mah friends and Ah would probably be in a lot of trouble right 'bout now. A lot of it. Which is also why Ah'm havin some trouble with him not telling tha truth. Ah trust him. After what happened today, he sure as hay has earned that. But he is also not saying what froze mah dad's old barn, and Ah know he knows somethin'. And if he doesn't want to tell what did that, it does raise a question."

"What kind of question?"

"Does Danny trust us? And, if so. Why else wouldn't he tell us?"

Bellflower remained silent at that, eyes locked forwards as she thought that over.

"... But what if he really doesn't know?"

"He knows somethin', of that Ah'm sure."


"So, what do you think froze the barn?" Rainbow Dash asked, then yawned.

"This is hardly the time for such trivial things," Rarity scolded, the glow of her horn illuminating their path. "The girls are missing, in case you weren't paying any attention."

"Oh, I did."

"Then why aren't you looking for the fillies, instead of worrying about some ice?"

"Umm, hello!?" Rainbow Dash came to a sudden stop, looking critically at her friend. "It may have been a ghost that did that. You don't think that's important? A ghost, freezing stuff."

"Well, of course I do," Rarity rebuked. "And I know it could have been a ghost. What I don't care about is wasting time debating if it was a ghost, or something else that has done that. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are missing. And whatever it may have been, it's nowhere near as important as finding those fillies."

"But you have to be at least a bit curious, right? I mean, Sombra was all shadowy and stuff. Maybe this ghost has large spikes of ice growing out of its back, or-"

"RAINBOW DASH!" Rarity yelled, eyes burning. "You may not care about what is going on, but you will take this seriously, or, Celestia help me, I will buck you from here to Canterlot and back!"

"Hey, I'm taking this very seriously!" Rainbow Dash shot back, eyes locked in a challenging glare.

"Then why are you spending more time trying to figure out what this supposed ghost looks like?"

"To keep myself from worrying about what might have happened!" Rainbow Dash yelled back, eyes narrowing as she pressed her face just a bit closer to Rarity's, her voice darkening. "Because, unlike you, I know personally what could happen. And that is one train of thought I don't want to dwell on."

"I-... I…" Rarity stammered, backing off.

"Just because I don't show it, doesn't mean I don't feel it," Rainbow Dash said without a hint of humor, stepping past her alabaster friend. "Now, let's just go and find those three before the night is over."


"... Rainbow," Rarity spoke up after a moment.


"I think it wears a fedora made of ice."

Rainbow Dash snorted as a wry smile pushed back the frown on her face.


Big Mac, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy carefully made their way through the darkness in search of the fillies. Big Mac holding his lantern up high, illuminating as much as he could while Pinkie Pie pronked seriously in front of him; a flashlight (which she'd pulled out of her own tail, which she claimed was stored there for flashlight emergencies and scary ghost story emergencies) held tightly in the curls of her mane, and remaining perfectly in place despite the mare's pronking.

Fluttershy, the more timid of the group walked closely pressed to Big Mac, hiding behind the large pony's bulk.

"Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!" Macintosh called out one by one, his nervous gaze slowly shifting from one dark silhouette to the other.

"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, are you three in here? In here? In here?" Pinkie Pie asked aloud, first looking in the park's well, then running over to a hollow tree stump, before sticking her head in the pink puffy cloud she saw sticking out behind a tree where she'd just looked behind.

"... Um, Pinkie Pie. I think that’s your tail," Fluttershy said quietly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to herself; she and Bic Mac looking at the mare's strange antics, as well as the unnatural bend in her body as she somehow had managed to lose her head and front legs in the tangles of her own hair.

"Are you sure?" Pinkie Pie asked, her voice muffled, while one of her legs inexplicably stuck out of her mane as it prodded and felt around.

Big Mac and Fluttershy stood gawking, unable to comprehend what they were seeing.

Feeling around with her hoof, eventually Pinkie Pie felt her own backside, and from there her tail.

"Huh, I guess you're right." she exclaimed before pulling free from the unfathomable tangles of pink only fully understood by the mare it was attached to. "Also, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle aren’t in there."

Fluttershy and Macintosh blinked, looked at each other, then back at the pink conundrum before them, then blinked again.

Pinkie Pie looked back, unblinking.

Several tense seconds ticked by in silence as they stared at one another.

"Hoo!" An owl perched on a nearby branch hooted.

Fluttershy shot up in the air while screaming, then latched tightly onto Big Mac's back, trembling severely.

Owlicious, looking at the mare, couldn't help but eyeroll over her reaction.

"Sometimes you are just a bit too predictable, child." He said voiceless, unheard as he watched Pinkie Pie carefully pry her friend off Macintosh's back.


"Sister," Luna entered Celestia's personal chambers, returning from the dungeons, seeing her sister was still awake. "Trouble sleeping, I take it."

"That would be the case, yes," Celestia confirmed with a slow nod, looking out of her window. "Today's events, as draining as they are, have made it all but impossible for me to relax. And now, having only just returned home, Twilight has sent word of another calamity… One which may, or may not be connected with everything else that has transpired so far."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked with cautious suspicion. Celestia levitated Twilight's letter to her.

Several moments passed by as Luna read the letter, the creases of her already present frown deepening with each word.

"Is this true!?" She asked the moment she finished.

"I do not doubt the word of my student. Especially concerning matters of such significance." Celestia declared firmly, face set.

"Fillies missing. Suspicion of a ghost in the town. A barn located fully covered within with ic-" She fell silent, then slowly spoke: "Ice" with the tone of dawning realization.

"Sister, did you not say Ponyville's lake had mysteriously frozen some time ago?"

"Indeed I did, Luna," Celestia confirmed with a cold voice. "This I realized myself as well."

Biting her lip, Luna read the letter once more. "Sister, there may be even more to this than you realize."

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked, stepping away from the window.

"Just moments ago, I went to inspect our prisoners… and their condition."

"Still the same, I take it," Celestia could sense the shift in tone.

"Still declining, yes," Luna sighed out, shaking her head. "One more perished today."

"I'm sorry to hear it," Celestia released a sigh of her own.

"However, a change did occur. Something which slipped past our attention because of what happened in the caves." Luna paused for a moment. "It seems that, at times, the changelings cry out in distress. Mostly broken words, according to Stable Pulse, but not all of them. I was there when another episode transpired. They called out for a princess… Maybe us? A queen, most likely Chrysalis. Danger, and a hive."

"This is worrying," Celestia looked down, frowning over this latest development. "Is this actually a cry for help, or mere delirious rambling as a result of their illness?"

"Unknown?" Luna answered. "However, what makes me believe this may be connected to the contents described in Twilight's letter would be something Stable Pulse told me. Apparently, at times, the changelings also make mentions of ice."

Celestia gasped out. "You don't think-"

"I do, sister. We know there is at least one ghost active in Ponyville. A ghost which may, or may not have visited us here in Canterlot. If it has, this is troubling on its own. If it hasn't there are at least two ghosts. We also have confirmation of unnatural formations of ice. First the lake, now Miss Applejack's barn. Fillies missing who were near the site of this unnatural formation. And now also the changelings mentioning their hive, danger, their queen and ice. I can not make any other conclusion than that all of this is connected in ways we do not yet understand."

Celestia's eyes were wide, troubled, nervous, unsure of which action to take.

"If this is true, then the situation is even more dire than I had suspected."

"Indeed. The changelings may have attacked us, but even they do not deserve a fate such as what our ponies have experienced years back."

"No, they do not." Celestia agreed. "I will send word to our team in Ponyville, alert them to this new development. We need to put a stop to this."

"Indeed. However, I fear it won't be so easy, sister."

"I know what you mean, Luna. I, too, think this is only just the beginning."

"And, somehow, Danny is in the center of it all. Even now, as was explained in the letter, he and Sir Macintosh were investigating the barn. It can no longer be a coincidence." Said Luna.

"No, it cannot. There is more to Danny Manson than he has let up. We must find out what. It may very well be the answer to all these problems." Celestia agreed.

"Or the cause." Luna stated, looking out into the night.


Toxic green light lit up the barn; the light reflecting off every surface, increasing the luminosity to the point where Danny could easily see even without his ghost vision.

The source of the light, a green glowing sphere of energy contained within his left hand.

Now alone and not having to hide anything, Danny slowly looked around, taking in all the details.

"Definitely a frost giant," he murmured, levitating himself up, allowing him to see what stood upon the table. "And a bowl full of apples," he noted.

"So it follows a vegetarian diet," Eclipse surmised, materializing herself as a mirror image of Danny.

"Assuming the missing fillies are unrelated, or, if not, uneaten, yes."

"But you don't think they are?… eaten, I mean."

"This has all the markings of a frost giant," Danny answered. "They are omnivores, like me. Although, as ghosts, they don't have any actual need to eat. If they do, however, they either go for unintelligent animals, or stick to fruits and vegetables. They wouldn't do something like abducting children, or worse, eat them." Danny snorted. "In fact, the only time I encountered a wild, enraged frost giant was back when I first encountered them. And Frostbite was only acting like that because of the spike of ice sticking into his side. No, my bet is a giant somehow ended up on this world; found shelter here, and made him or herself as comfortable as possible… But why here, though? It's quite the risk out here in the open."

"Maybe one or more of the fillies know about the frost giant living here… Maybe Apple Bloom even allowed it?" Eclipse suggested.

"Why?" Danny asked. "What logical reason could there be for that to make sense?" Eclipse merely shrugged.

"It might explain why this has gone unnoticed for so long… we both know all of this hasn't been done in just one day," she said, indicating all of the frozen interior.

"True," Danny said, hovering towards one of the support pillars and placed a hand on it. "The energy in here is also calm. Settled down. It has to be at least a day or two old. Most likely longer."

"That, and, of course the various hoof prints frozen in the snow down here," Eclipse pointed out, jumping down from the table.

"Wait, what?" Danny said, surprised, quickly joining his shade.

"Down there," Eclipse pointed out, "in… I think it's supposed to be a carpet, or rug, or something?"

"Well I'll be…" Danny murmured, dropping to a knee to get a better look.

"Those prints are too small to have been made by Big Mac, or any of the others who were just here." Eclipse surmised, looking over Danny's shoulder.

"Nor did anyone but Big Mac enter, and he stayed near the doors," Danny added, following the contours of one print with a finger. "They knew." He said matter of factly, standing back up. "... But how, why, and when?"

"At the very least we can say the frost giant living here is friendly," said Eclipse. "These prints are not the result of panicked scrambling, but evenly spaced and same of depth."

"They walked here. No running or hiding, but on friendly terms." Danny surmised. "Assuming they didn't venture in here when the frost giant wasn't."

"That seems unlikely," Eclipse replied. "A ghost that big wouldn't easily hide during the day. And if my recollection of your memories are accurate… I'm still trying to put everything back in their proper places," she added, pouting, which made Danny feel somewhat uncomfortable as she was doing it while looking like him. "... They don't turn invisible. And it seems reasonable to assume Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wouldn't just go out here in the dead of night."

"I wouldn't put it past them either," Danny remarked, recalling an event with a manticore in the Everfree.

"Right, of course," Eclipse said, picking up on the memory herself. "Still... "

"I know," said Danny. "But how are we going to find them? Do you have any way of tracking them down?"

"I, eh… Maybe?" Eclipse answered, unsure. "I do have these strange recollections of… something. I'm not sure, but maybe I-" she couldn't finish as, with a bark, a yelp, and a shout from Danny as he suddenly found himself tackled to the ground, a green glowing pup happily and slobbery licking his face; tail wagging.

"Wha- Ghaa! What is.. Get off!" He yelled, pushing the pup away, which did little to deter the little canine, who quickly scampered back to Danny, who had only just pushed himself to a sitting position.

"Hold on-" Danny gasped out, eyes widening while his face received a second bath. "CUJO!?"

Cujo barked in answer, then dragged his tongue over Danny's face from chin to forehead.


"But how is this possible?" Danny asked again, pacing around while Cujo followed him every step of the way.

"First Sombra, then this supposed frost Giant, now Cujo. And that's not even counting what happened to you," he aimed at Eclipse. "Seriously, what the hell is going on on this world!?"

"I cannot answer that," Eclipse told him. "But might I suggest that, instead of wasting even more time, you use this opportunity to our advantage."

Coming to a full stop, Cujo bumping into Danny's legs, Danny looked at Eclipse. "What do you mean?"

"Isn't Cujo a trained guard dog reverted to his pup-like stage?"

"Something like that, yes." Danny answered, then his eyes widened in realization. "Which means he might be able to track down the fillies," he said, looking down at the happy pup.

"Okay, Cujo," he said, lowering himself as Cujo barked. "There are some ponies missing. Children who have been in here at some point," he said, pointing towards the hoofprints in the snow. "Can you find them?"

Cujo barked, looked at where Danny was pointing, then scratched himself behind an ear.

"Uhh… Go fetch," Danny tried again, and this time Cujo jumped up, sprinted towards the prints, pressed his nose in the frozen layer and inhaled deeply. He ran off with determination seconds later, and Danny and Eclipse followed after him.

Outside, Cujo circled around on a spot near the barn, nose pressed against the ground.

"They must've spent some time there," Eclipse realized.

"Makes sense, I guess," Danny agreed.

Head snapping up and towards the Everfree Forest, Cujo barked again, then ran off at full speed.

"Let's go," Danny said, and went in pursuit of the ghost pup. Eclipse fell flat to the ground, vanishing in the darkness completely as she merged back with Danny.

'I'll inform your other half of what has happened here,' she informed him. Danny grunted in acknowledgement.


Further and further they went, having long since disappeared in the Everfree, yet Cujo remained running at full speed, never letting up. Danny, weaving from left to right to keep up with the pup who moved from one place to the other, couldn't help but wonder if Cujo was actually on the trail, or if he was just scouting out the best possible tree to do his business. After all, it did seem rather unlikely to him that either filly ran from one tree to the other the same way Cujo was. But having no alternative, the energetic pup was his only real chance at finding those fillies; assuming they really were where Cujo was leading him, and that they weren't just hiding someplace in town.

If that was the case, he would be less than happy; venturing out in this forest at night on a wild goose chase.

Clearing those thoughts from his mind, he resumed following after the green pup as Cujo led him deeper and deeper into the forest; only to come to a full and unexpected stop, causing Danny to overshoot, and nearly crash into a tree.

"Cujo, what was that about?" Danny said cross, only to see Cujo with his nose in the air, sniffing audibly.

"What is it, boy?" Danny asked.

Head snapping towards his right, Cujo growled faintly before leaping into motion.

"Hey, wait up!" Danny shouted, quick to follow.

Further and further Cujo ran, with Danny close on his tail. And where they were first moving deeper and deeper into the forest, now the dense foliage began to thin as Danny was led out of the forest, and towards an open field some distance away from Ponyville. Far enough away that he didn't even know exactly where he was and didn't recognize any of the landmarks now surrounding him.

Not paying any of this any mind, Cujo simply moved with single minded focus; running up a slight incline where, eventually he came to another sudden stop.

Danny, too, stopped, but not so much because Cujo had done so as well. No, what made him stop as it drew his attention was the glistening light of the moon as it reflected off the frozen landscape before him.

"What the…?" He said under his breath. "Ice? Seriously, is that the theme of today?" Shaking his head, he now knew he was heading in the right direction.

"Come, Cujo," he said, and together they moved for the frozen land; Cujo leading, still hot on the trail.

'Eclipse, tell my other self what we just found,' Danny instructed his shade.

'Done,' she answered a mere moment later.

"Good. Now let's find out just how big a mess all of this really is," Danny muttered grimly, his eyes burning just a bit brighter.


It didn't take long for them to find the source of the weirdness all around, as Danny and Cujo once more came to a dead stop upon the sight of a massive vortex of clouds, snow, ice, and creatures mostly concealed within this volatile mix swirling around a rocky hill which, by now, was more of an iceberg than anything else.

"What the hell?" Danny murmured, hovering in place while Cujo backed away slightly, growling.

"Stay here, boy," Danny instructed the pup, slowly flying towards the boiling mass of snow and ice with trepidation; noticing numerous flashes of green and icy blue lighting up the vortex, recognizing them as ectoplasmic discharges. Someone was fighting.

Risking a closer look, Danny carefully approached the vortex; the biting wind it produced now also startingeginning to cut into him, forcing him to go up higher.

"Damn it, I can't see anything through this," he complained to himself.

'Maybe I can be of assistance?' Eclipse suggested. 'I can go in closer, see what's going on down there without being at risk.'

"Good idea," Danny said aloud. "Do it."

Feeling a sliver of consciousness separate from his mind, Danny knew Eclipse had left. It was a familiar sensation, one he'd gotten used to over time. But now though, it felt different. Larger, more defined. Not so much a part of himself, but a part of something more. Someone more.

Hidden in the dark of night, and obscured by the darkening clouds blowing by high above, Eclipse was, literally, a shadow unseen. Moving without hindrance, pressed flat against the ground as a shapeless stain; only her eyes visible as she moved deeper and deeper into the unknown. Blind at first, unable to see more than an arm's reach before her. But then, as she neared the center, the eye of this unnatural phenomena, more and more revealed itself to her. And what she saw scared her.

Not a fear for herself, but for the child she saw within; pressed back to back with a frost giant; fighting off a massive herd of spectral equines her memories, or rather her former self's memories told her were windigos. Yet the thing that took her by complete surprise, what she wasn't expecting to see and was having a hard time believing she was actually seeing, would be the filly which had her back pressed against the frost giant.

She was flying; her legs transformed into an intangible tail; eyes glowing green, and spectral energy unleashed in bolts and beams from her hooves.

'Impossible!' She gasped, quick to rejoin Danny and inform him about what it was she'd discovered.

"WHAT!?" Danny yelled, eyes wide and unable to what Eclipse had just told him. "That can't be true?! A frost giant, whatever these windigos are, and a ghost pony?"

'That is what I saw,' she stated firmly, even going as far as to share her memories with him.

"But, how? Where do they all come from?" Danny asked, unable to deny what he was seeing with his mind's eye.

'I can't answer that. But, more importantly...' she replied, falling silent for a moment. 'Cujo led us here, following the scent of the fillies...' She led that hang in the air, the implications of what she was suggesting weighing heavily on Danny.

"Don't tell me what I think you're saying to me," he snapped back.

Before Eclipse could share her thoughts on this matter, a loud whiny cut her off as several of the windigos took notice of Danny, and they moved in to him; taking with them the arctic wind, ice and snow slamming down on the two combatants down on the ground as well.

Shielding his face with his arms, Danny soon found himself caught in the cutting winds; ice already beginning to build on his body while more and more windigos joined those already encircling him; widening the area affected by their arctic grasp.

Eyes burning, Danny peered past his arms, trying to spot a weakness to exploit against the attacking ghosts, his body growing colder and colder.

"GAH!" He cried out as a large hailstone cut into his face. "Cut it out!" He roared, his eyes turning from green to icy blue as he channeled his own arctic powers; firing a large blast of frozen energy into the fray.

the windigos, unhindered by that which had claimed them in their mortal lives, only took the act of aggression to press on even harder; an absolute whirlwind now swallowing the lands, with Danny at its center; ice continuing to build on his body, weighing him down more and more while the cold permeated his body's every fiber. Freezing deeper and deeper, leaving nothing untouched by its icy grasp until it touched and interacted with the frozen core besides his heart.


He roared, slamming his fists out to the side, unleashing a wave of arctic energy which radiated outwards, slamming into the windigos while Danny himself shone radiant and bright; lighting up the sky with an icy blue light.

Drawing energy from the cold surrounding him, the light surrounding the furious ghost intensified even further.

"Time to end this," Danny muttered grimly, gritting his teeth.

Diving down, he accelerated as he sped towards the ground; concentrating the built up energy into a dense sphere of might which he unleashed the moment he impacted the ground, unleashing a massive wave of energy which spread out far and wide.



All was silent. The wind had died down. The blizzard had stopped, and the last of the snow slowly, lazily drifted down to the ground while the windigos slowly hovered in place; dull, unintelligent eyes looking at the still glowing human on the ground while the frost giant did the same.

"Ow, what happened?" A familiar voice piped up, and Danny saw Sweetie Belle sluggishly climbing out of a hole near the frost giant's feet.

'It can't be.' Thought Danny.

Looking around when no one answered her, Sweetie Belle's eyes then met those of Danny; her eyes widening in shock.

"By the ancestors," The frost giant spoke, shocked, awed. "It's the Great-"

"Danny?!" Sweetie Belle piped up, looking at the glowing human as he hovered above the crater below him; the icy glow around him slowly subsiding.

"Now, what the hell is going on here?!" Said Danny, his blue glowing eyes locked on all the ghosts around him.


It was unnaturally quiet in Ponyville; all residents having locked themselves in their houses, not daring to go out, save the few ponies who were still out looking for their younger siblings.

All houses were dark, lights dimmed and curtains pulled shut; most ponies hiding under their beds. One house, however, was a complete opposite; lights burning brightly, and those calling it home in vivid discussion.

"No, Lyra. I've told you this a thousand times before. I am not interested in your 'research', no matter how much you claim knowing Danny's dietary habits are groundbreaking and would change our way of living. "Bon Bon said crossly, pacing across the room while Lyra sat on their couch, stubbornly holding onto her notebook. "In fact, I think you should allow Danny some breathing room. Really. You're dang near living in his closet. You probably would have, if I hadn't dragged you back."

"But I needed to see how he behaved in his own territory." Lyra shot back challenging.

"Territory?!" Bon Bon repeated. "Lyra, for goodness sake. You make it sound like he's some dangerous animal from the Everfree, preying on us ponies."

"Well, he is a predatory species," Lyra quipped.

"Lyra, no!" Bon Bon scolded. "Leave the human alone."

"No!" Lyra said simply. "And I know that if you just give me a chance, you'll see that I'm onto something here." She patted her notebook. "Like this," she flipped open the book at a random page. "Bendability of the fingers. Inwards, yes. Outwards, a loud yell in pain and being roughly shoved to the ground in response."

Bon Bon stared at her flatly.

"And I'm washing my hooves of this," she sighed out, shaking her head disappointedly. "I'm going to bed. And please, Lyra. Just think about this?"

"Fine," she conceded. "But only if you think about this." She gently waved her notebook in front of Bon Bon's face with her magic.

"Lyra, it will be a very cold day in Tartarus before I will give in to this… obsession of yours." Shaking her head a final time, she ascended the stairs and moved to their shared bedroom.

"That mare, honestly," she breathed, opening the bedroom door. "What has gotten into her?" She wondered, then fell silent as she heard tapping coming from the window.

Flicking on the light, her eyes widened in shock. Then years of hard earned experience and training kicked in. Swiftly and quietly she closed the door, locking it behind her.

Moving for the window, she unlatched and opened it, allowing the albino raven to hop inside.

With a quiet caw, the bird turned around, allowing Bon Bon to retrieve the letter held in the small canister on his back.

"Of all times, why now?" she murmured as she recognized the seal on the letter. Not that she didn't already know who had sent the message.

With his task completed, the raven flew away, leaving behind the mare who was already going through the letter meant for her eyes only.

First there was a frown, then shock. Then dread as she fully realized what she was being asked to do settled in.

"I swear, she does this on purpose," Bon Bon muttered with a growl.

Moving for the nightstand, she reached down and grabbed a hidden lighter from underneath; setting the letter aflame beside the open window, allowing the ashes to drift off into the night.

The evidence destroyed, she closed the window then, with dragging hooves, moved for the door; unlocking it with a heavy sigh. "I'm never going to live this down."

Dragging herself through the small hallway, and forcing herself down the stairs, she found Lyra sitting right where she had left her; vividly going through her notes with her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth.

"Sooo…. Lyra," Bon Bon spoke up, catching her marefriend's attention, almost struggling to say what she had to say with a forced smile. "About those notes you've made about Danny?"

Lyra's eyes lit up and a smug smile soon consumed half her face.

"So, did winter start early in Tartarus?" She asked cheekily.

'Damn you, Princess. Damn you to Tartarus!' Bon Bon thought, the glint in Lyra's eyes sending a shiver down her spine.

Author's Note:

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