• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Short Beaks

"RESSSSSHHHKKK!" A cross between a leopard and a turkey vulture pounced on an even larger griffon, wrestling him through a porcelain vase. As the two fought and tumbled, they knocked over several large statues—shattering them to avian facsimiles of their former glory. Rather than assist either one of the combatants, the other griffons simply shuffled over them and the resulting debris, making their way to a large ampitheatre where a smattering of lethargic buzzardy griffons sat, their eyes weighing with ennui and old age.

A few more fights broke out on the sidelines, creating a grim ambiance to the circular town hall building. In the center of this mess, where the acoustics were balanced enough, an old griffon with motted gray wings stood tall, orating to the half-awake crowd.

"And so, taking into account all of the observations that I have related to you, fellow brothers and sisters of a feather, I—Governor Grouse—declare that all wyvern immigration should be banned from henceforth!"

"They've relocated," groaned a middle-aged blob with feathers.

"Ehhh—whozzawhat?" The speaker adjusted his monocle. "Who relocated?"

"The wyverns," returned the griffon. Those seated next to him yawned and preened tiredly. "None of them live in griffon airspace anymore... or pony lands for that matter."

"Oh... uh... well... erm..." The elder leaned forward. "When did this happen?"

"... ... ...about sixty years ago."

"Huh... then how come we started this meeting to address the wyvern problem?"

"It wasn't about a wyvern problem, ya old windbag!" wheezed an old crone from the higher seats. A birdcat that looked even twice her age leaned against her, snoring through a withery break. "It was about the shrew infestation of the central north branches!"

"Hah! Shrew infestation?!" Governor Grouse bore a liver-spotted grin. "We haven't had a shrew infestation since the wyverns moved in and cleaned them out for us!"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh..." The whole lot moaned and groaned... but were too lazy to get up and leave the premises.

"Well, then, let's move onto something I've personally put at the top of our agenda!" Grouse adjusted his monocle and shuffled through his sheets. "Ahem... how to balance out the issue of mouse overpopulation. I'd say we start introducing shrews to the local treelife..."

There was another collective groan, this one even more subdued. The young griffons continued their fights, or else took them outside. All the while, Rainbow Dash fluttered limply inside. She almost instantly retched from the foul smell of the place.

"Holy smokes..." Rainbow waved a hoof in front of her muzzle. "...it's like a manticore's outhouse in here!"

"I find this place rather provocative," Lancie said, poking his head slightly out of the backpack. "Try to imagine... a giant birdcage with no zookeeper." He chuckled to himself. "I bet these turkeys read toilet paper to check on the stock market!"

"Meh..." Rainbow grumbled, shuffling forward. "You've delivered better."

"Oh hush. I think that's a brilliantly chaotic gag. I'll be sure to conjure it the first thing I..." Lancie froze in mid-speech.

Rainbow squinted at him. "The first thing you what?"

"Er... never mind." Lancie shrugged. "Just thinking aloud."

"Care to give some more commentary on that?"

"No can do, Sparky," Lancie said. "It's too short a chapter."

"Whatever." Rainbow sighed and made a bee-line for the Governor. "Looks like he's in charge. I think my best bet for getting anything done is with him."

"I know I'm not the expert on order here, but..." Lancie tapped his granite goatee. "Shouldn't you be making a reservation, or...?"

"No friggin' time," Rainbow grumbled. "Apple Bloom can't wait for red tape. Besides..." She pointed at a half-sleeping, fully-drooling griffon as they passed on by. "...doesn't exactly look like they do things by the book here."

"I suppose that is rather charming," Lancie said. "Although it doesn't exactly give hope for them assisting you... er... us..."

"It's a chance I've gotta take."

"And have you got a Plan B, Sparky?"

Rainbow paused just long enough to throw a forlorn glance outside a distant entrance. Once again, she saw a branch covered in green vegetation. "Mmmmf... I might..."

"Might?" Lancie's stone brow furrowed. "Why not just switch it to Plan A?"

"Because I'd rather embrace a skunk's kiss!" Rainbow barked. "Now... let's get this over with."

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