• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Delivery Number Two

Two days later, Rainbow Dash flew to a stop alongside a country cottage in the middle of nowhere. On sturdy limbs, she galloped to a stop, allowing the weight of the wagon to settle behind her. She looked at the cottage, then out at the lush forested countryside stretching beyond it. By the time she looked back at the cottage, a thin and gangly stallion had exited the front door.

Rainbow Dash blinked.

The stallion trotted towards her on frighteningly thin legs. He wore slacks that were pulled an extraordinary distance along his midsection. Upon closer inspection, Rainbow saw his face pockmarked with acne from behind a pair of wide-framed glasses.

“You’re right on time, which ith the leatht I can thay about the griffonth who did the job before you.”

Rainbow blinked. “Griffons?”

“Actually, I’m kind of thurprithed a pony would volunteer for thith kind of a job. Ponieth don’t latht nearly ath long ath griffonth…”


“Anywayth, here you go.” The stallion hoisted a tightly taped brown box into the chariot behind Rainbow. “Do not look inthide.”

Rainbow smiled nervously. “I wouldn’t even think of it, buddy.”

“No, I mean it.” He adjusted his glasses with a nasally breath. “They’ll blind you in one glanthe, even in death.”


“I don’t care how thcrumpthiouth they are…”

“I’m… gonna start flying now.” Rainbow Dash smiled awkwardly. “You know… in the air… where there’s no ground.”

“Hmmmmmmmmmm…” The stallion smiled, his eyes thin over a rosy face. “Pegathi are tho curvy…”

“Right.” Swoosh! Rainbow Dash was gone, hauling the rattling wagon along with her.

“Hmmph…” The stallion side, then turned to trot the long way back to his cottage’s front door. “At this rate, no mare is ever going to see my fishbone collection…”

Rainbow Dash squinted at her windblown map. The words “Dream Valley” flickered before her. Mumbling to herself, she pocketed the paper away in her saddlebag and stared down at the karst topography below. At last, she found an enormous lake in the shape of a horseshoe that matched what was marked on her map.

Gliding in a slow spiral, she made for the southwest edge of the body of water, as was indicated. Her hooves grinded to a stop against the moist grass. She stood in place with the wagon behind her, panting into the glistening sunlight.

“Okay… I’d really, really wish that ponies would show up when I do for a change! And pimply shut-ins with mucusy breath don’t count!”



More silence.

Rainbow Dash sighed, shuffling about. “Maybe the map meant ‘Dream Valley on the Moon.”

There was a splashing sound.

Rainbow Dash turned--and instantly flinched.

A large metal bucket slammed into the ground just inches away from her. Rainbow could see the hint of a twirling rope attached to it, settling to a stop. From the rope’s trajectory, she suspected that the water-slick container had been launched from the lake. She trailed the rope as it led to the lapping waters of the body of water.


There was a slight tug on the rope.

Rainbow blinked, then glanced back at her chariot. Reaching in, she pulled the brown box out and quietly--gingerly placed it inside the dormant metal bucket.

Nothing happened.

Rainbow cleared her throat. With a nervous smile, she leaned in and gave the rope a slight tug in her direction.

Barely seconds later, the rope pulled, dragging the bucket into the lake. The thing floated out from the shore--brown box and all. There, it waded on the lake’s surface for a bit. Then, with a violent splash of tempestuous waves, it dropped like an anchor and disappeared along with the delivery.

After a full minute, the lake was dead still yet again.

Rainbow exhaled, then turn towards the southwest as she began flapping her wings.

“I swear… there’s not enough cider in the universe…”

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