• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Twilight got out of her room and made her way downstairs, where Church was looking through the bookshelves.

"Hello Church." Twilight said quietly as she walked up behind him.

"Hey Twilight." Church grunted, his eyes still scanning the shelves.

"Do you like to read?" Twilight asked happily.

"Not really. I just figured I should do something rather than sit around all day." Church muttered.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Twilight asked as she walked next to him to help.

"Nope, just looking at what you've got. I have to say, for all the books you have you certainly don't have much of a selection." Church said with a laugh.

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well you mostly just have books on magic and history, you don't have any fictional books." Church said then chuckled lightly."I didn't think I'd ever hear myself putting magic in the same category as non-fiction."

Twilight giggled and used her magic and pulled out a few books. She looked at their titles and nodded at a few of them. She stacked them on top of each other and placed them on the table.

"What kind of books are those?" Church asked.

"I pulled out a variety of books. There is an adventure book, a book on psychology..." Twilight said and looked away. "And a book on magic."

"Of course it is." Church said. "I should probably start learning this magic stuff anyways."

"If you need any help with anything don't hesitate to tell me." Twilight said as she walked in to the next room.

"Will do." Church grunted.

Church grabbed the magic book out of the stack and looked at the cover. The title was 'Magic for Fillies'. Church looked at the door to the other room and grunted.

"I guess I should start with the basics anyways." Church muttered dryly before opening the book. He quickly glossed over the first few pages that explained how to do seemingly menial things, like how to open a door. Church shrugged and focused on the door and his horn had a faint glow to it. He squinted his eyes on the handle of the door and started walking closer to it. He then closed his eyes fully and the door shot open and he felt a searing pain shoot through his face as the door hit him in the face.

"Hey, I did it!" Church said in a voice that was a mix of happiness and pain.

"The fuck are you on about?" Tucker asked quietly.

Church's eyes snapped open and he glared at Tucker.

"Of course, it's just you." Church grunted sourly. "What are you doing here?"

"I screwed up." Tucker said quietly.

"Well isn't that a surprise? It is good to see you are keeping up with your fuck up quota." Church said.

"No, I mean I think I really screwed up this time." Tucker muttered.

Church stared silently at Tucker, noting his bloodshot eyes. "What happened?" Church said after a few seconds of silence.

"Long story short, I stood up for Dash, she said she loved me, I didn't." Tucker said.

"Well done, you receive the biggest idiot of the year awards. Better go tell Caboose that his reign as champion is over." Church said with a cruel laugh.

"Honestly, I don't even fucking care." Tucker muttered, about to turn back out the door. "I should have known you would be a dick as usual."

"You've never really been the most supportive guy either." Church said.

"That's because you're always bitching about something." Tucker laughed roughly.

"What do you want me to do then?" Church asked.

"I don't know, you usually do something stupid that ends up going well for you." Tucker replied.

"When has anything ever gone well for me exactly?" Church asked curiously.

"That's not important." Tucker groaned. "You need to help me figure this out."

"I need to help you? Why would I want to do that? I think it's hilarious seeing you this far up shit creek." Church said.

Before Tucker could say anything, Twilight walked back in to the room. "Hello Tucker, what brings you here?"

"Do you think you could help me?" Tucker asked quietly.

"That depends what you need help with." Twilight replied.

"He thinks that Rainbow Dash likes him and he pissed her off." Church said.

"I can try to help." Twilight said, nodding slowly. "Tell me everything that happened."

Tucker sat down and quickly ran through the details; the Wonderbolts, the stunt, how he teleported, the dinner and finally where Dash said she liked him.

"Rainbow Dash was always a stubborn pegasus so we may have a bit of trouble." Twilight said.

"She sounds like the perfect match for Tucker then." Church chuckled.

Tucker ignored Church and kept looking at Twilight.

"Do you think you have anything you could say that would help me?" Tucker asked.

"Maybe." Twilight said as she searched her thoughts. Her eyes went wide for a brief moment and she looked at Tucker. "Tell me about your dream."

"What dream?" Tucker asked.

"The nightmare you had, about the cupcakes." Twilight said quietly.

"How is that going to help me exactly?" Tucker moaned.

"Just do it." Church said.

"Fine." Tucker muttered.

Tucker then gave a quick summary of his nightmare. Twilight looked over to Church and they both nodded slowly as he finished his story.

"There, did that help?" Tucker asked sarcastically.

"More than you would think." Twilight replied quietly.

"What do you mean?" Tucker asked hesitantly.

"I don't think you were scared to die..." Twilight said quietly.

"Okay, good to know. What does that have to do with anything?" Tucker asked.

"She means that you were scared for Rainbow Dash." Church said.

"No way, I'm a manly man. I don't have time for bullshit feelings." Tucker grunted.

"You really are like her." Twilight noted.

"So I was worried about her. How is that going to help me?" Tucker asked.

"Maybe you should tell her how you actually feel. She likes you for you, as surprising as that is. Why would you throw it away just because you are afraid of saying three words." Church said.

Tucker blinked for a few seconds and slowly nodded as it sunk in. "You're right." Tucker said quickly. "You know, maybe you aren't as big of a bitch as I thought you were Church."

"I already regret helping you." Church laughed.

"Seriously though, thanks." Tucker said, taking off straight for Rainbow Dash's place.

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