• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The Reluctant and the Angry

"Let's see, who should we look at next?" Discord asked as he looked through the maze, no longer interested in watching Tucker as he had already gotten past the fun part. He then turned and raised his right brow at the group. "Simmons? No, he isn't very interesting. Maybe Sarge? Ugh, he still hasn't gotten to his scenario yet... I guess Grif is nearing his spot. Any objections?"

Church and the girls were currently sitting still, not answering Discord, but rather watched him with contempt while Caboose bobbed his head curiously.

"Hmph, fine, Grif it is." Discord mumbled, dragging his claws against the surface of the ball to bring up the image of Grif. As he did that, a few light bulbs appeared over all of their heads and flickered into life. "You all need to lighten up a bit."

"So. Damn. Hungry." Grif pouted as he walked around aimlessly, opening up every door near him.

After a few minutes of mindless moving, he opened up yet another door to find himself in yet another completely white room. Something was off about this one though that caused his jaw to drop. It was a rather large room, but some of the other rooms he had went through were varying in size, so that wasn't what made him react.

There was a bed sitting right next to a warm fire with a tray of treats sitting on top of it.

Grif squealed with delight and ran through the snow, letting his stomach take control of his body, not even believing for a second that it was a trap. As he neared the warmth of the fire, he realized how cold it was. He closed his eyes and let out a content whistle as he looked at the plate of cookies.

"Oreos." Grif whispered in a shaky voice. "Is that really you?"

As Grif pulled the bed closer to the fire, he lowered his mouth onto the plate and grabbed several of the black and white cookies with his teeth.

"It is you!" Grif sighed happily as he jumped onto the bed and put the plate on his stomach. "Oh, promise you'll never leave me again."

"This is his scenario?" Church asked. "Seems sort of... simple."

"I know, I can't imagine how difficult it must be!" Caboose chipped.

"Three, two, one." Discord said slowly, smile creeping onto his face.

"Grif, is that you?" A familiar, angry voice shouted from farther out on the frozen lake.

"Tex?" Church asked, trotting up to the ball, eyes serious as he looked at the icy pond. He quickly found that Tex was standing on top of the ice, weights strapped around her legs while cracks started darting towards her.

"Oh please, I can hear your heart beating from here. Do you really think I'd put one of the Elements in direct danger?" Discord rolled his eyes. "No, she is in no real danger. She will simply sink to the bottom and Grif will fail the challenge, then they will be transported back here."

"No they won't." Fluttershy said in a persuasive tone of voice.


"Grif might be lazy when it suits him, but I know deep down he will-"

"Grif, you lazy son of a bitch, get over here and help me!" Tex snapped over the sound of the cracking ice.

"What? Me help you?" Grif asked with a hoarse laugh as he shoveled more oreos down his throat. "In your dreams!"

"Why the hell not?"

"Maybe because you're an undeniable cunt!"

"I wasn't that bad to you."

"Oh? Then what were all those times you kicked me in the nuts, huh?" Grif asked as Tex watched as the ice cracked around her. "Does that ring any bells? Because it does for me. I don't think that's the opposite of being bad to me."

"Maybe if you weren't such an ass I'd leave you alone."

"You see, now you're just arguing in my favor."

"Grif, stop being such a baby!" Tex growled as water came out from under the cracks.

Grif then felt a wave of déjà vu pass through him, causing a familiar scene play out in front of him.

"Sis, when you said we should go ice skating, I didn't think you meant we'd come to this shit-tacular little pond." Grif muttered as he tied his ice skates up until they were nearly cutting off the circulation to his feet.

"Come on, Dex. Stop being such a baby and join me." Sister laughed as she jumped onto the ice and began sliding around.

"Sis, don't you think you should test it a bit? You don't know how dangerous that is..." Grif muttered, taking a shaky step onto the frozen lake. Grif then heard the small sound of ice cracking under his foot as he applied pressure, so he retreated his foot instantly. "Yeah, we should definitely find a different place."

"Who do you think you are. Mom?"

"No, but she left me in charge of you on account of you being an airhead." Grif grunted, holding his hand up to her. "Now seriously, come on. Mom'll be pissed at me if you catch hypothermia..."

"Make me." Sister quipped.

"Listen, we can just split the bill to an actual skating rink and-"

"Why pay for what you can get for free?"

"Fine, then I'll pay." Grif muttered. "Come on, I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"Oh yeah, so you don't want me to do this?" Sister asked as she jumped and slid across the ice again, but this time brought up her right leg to a one hundred and eighty degree angle. "Like that, huh? Is this what you don't want to see?"

"Sis!" Grif barked, pointing to the ground now. "Seriously, get! The fuck! Over here!"

"Why don't you come and get me, fatty!"

"I'm not fat... I'm barely even chubby." Grif mumbled, patting his tummy.

"Yeah, well then what are you worried about, chubs?"

"Sis... I'm warning you..."

"That's what they said in Sex Ed about wearing protection, well guess what?" Sister asked with a scoff. "I never used it once and I'm still-"

Grif raised his brow and leaned forward, wondering why his sister stopped mid-sentence. Grif watched as Sister looked down, instantly noticing her expression became one of shock when she saw the ice give way underneath her, making her sink into the water.

"Kaikaina!" Grif yelled, dropping the food he was eating to the ground. He quickly hopped off the bed and darted towards the sinking Tex.

Tex's eyes darted to the water above her, holding her mouth shut as tight as she could to not allow any air through as she began sinking deeper and deeper into the water. Eventually, she could not hold her breath any longer and opened her mouth to breathe, filling her mouth with water. She tried to spit the water out, but if anything it just made it worse as everything began going black.

Grif flew well above the water and nosed dived as fast as he could, slicing through the water to catch up with his quickly sinking sister. Grif pressed forward, and began to swim as fast as he could to catch her. Feeling the air starting to slip out of his mouth, he just barely managed to grab onto her and instantly spun around in the water and began flapping, barely managing to lift her with the weights. Shaking his head clear, remembering who he was trying to save he began kicking his legs and flapping his wings as fast as he could. He then flew out of the water and darted straight towards land, where he dropped her to the ground and fell next to her, gasping for breath.

"Of fucking course." Grif muttered when he saw who he saved. "Leave it to me to rescue the one person in the world besides Sarge who I should never bother saving. I guess I shouldn't expect to be hearing a thank you, should I?"

But Tex's eyes remained closed. Grif stared at her, not breathing, and that filled him with a slim degree of relief. But then when he focused on her some more, all he could see was Sister laying in front of him, lungs filled with water.

"I warned you this would happen! Seriously, how the fuck did you survive that long down there? You're lucky you're not dead!" Grif yelled at his sibling who was shivering on the bank next to the pond while the ambulance's lights flashed behind them. Sister looked away and scowled at him, making him sigh. "I... I guess it doesn't matter. What matters is you're safe. Even if you are a pain in the ass."

"You're a pain in the ass." Sister said, rubbing her hands on Grif's thick winter, which she was wearing over her own. She then looked at the snow and threw her arms around her brother. "Thanks..."

"Don't mention it." Grif coughed, gently hugging her back.

"But next time don't do me any favors, bitch." Sister mumbled after a few seconds of relative silence.

"Wasn't planning on it, retard." Grif smiled.

After remembering that, Grif snapped back to reality and found himself instinctively pressing down on Tex's ribs.

"God, if you're alive somewhere, I just want to tell you to go fuck yourself." Grif muttered, then glanced down at what was left of his manhood as he pressed onto her ribs for the thirtieth time, knowing it would most likely be decimated within the next minute. "Sorry in advance, guys."

He then put his lips onto Tex's and began blowing air into her lungs.

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