• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Awesome Stories

Random Stuff

It's so hard just picking 10 stories that are my Favorites. Especially since I read so many all the time. The list would get updated every week or so. But I am too lazy for that, and so when I do get around to updating it, I forget most of them without seeing the cover art and description too.

Oh well, that is why I made the Awesome Stories bookshelf. Sadly, I already favorited so many good stories before that would be great in it. But I'm too lazy to look through all the old stories. Oh well.


I wish Hagrid would show up in a Pony story. It would make no sense, but still.
Busts down the door, gives Twilight a cake, bends Celestia's horn in a knot.
It'd be the best. ~organicmcgee


Princess Twilight~ (Based on General Taylor by Great Big Sea)

Well Princess Twilight gained the day,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Well Princess Twilight gained the day,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.

We'll dig her grave with such special care,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Her shroud of the finest magic so rare,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.

We'll lower her down on a golden chain
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
On every inch we'll carve her name
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Princess Twilight just didn't belong,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
She can return to her friends after so long
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Princess Twilight she's dead and she's gone,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Well, Princess Twilight she's long dead and she's gone,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.

Tell me where is Luna,
Walk'em along, Tia carry her along,
Tell me where is Luna,
Carry her to her burying ground.


Star Fall ascending into the stars
War approaching that would scare even Mars
And somehow we still need three more of the six
all to cross the river styx
And come to life again

The clash of ponies, gryphons and more
Opening the gates, kicking down hells door
Cash seems to know something they don't

Is he killing the world, or helping it live
What is his goal, what will it give
Power to him to rule over all?
Raising the Goddesses from where they did fall?

I wait for the next leg of the journey they take
What consequences arise from the choices they make
And Twilight upon the astral plane
Fire and ice, hell to reign
When she comes back to the mortal realm
To hell on earth, she'll take the helm

What gave rise to Umbra there
How will it go, and it will take them where?
May the wait be worth it once again
We wait for the next leg of the journey when
Some questions are answered and more arise
For the wait, I now surmise
Will be worth it again, I await the next
When I will once again leave a poem for you in text
~Black Sun Eclipse :moustache:

Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

You're welcome. It was a wonderful read and quite enjoyed the rather unique approach it had.

Thanks for putting "More Than Just a Friend" in your Awesome Bookshelf!

Thank you for adding my story to your list and I hope you enjoy it very much

I thought you would be interested to know the latest chapter of 'Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 5' is up and it is made VERY clear that Twilight and Big Mac are still very much in love so, in the immortal words of Nelson Muntz:

HA HA! :rainbowwild:

It was an awesome read. Wished it was longer and felt the ending came out of no where, but was a fun read none the less.

  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156
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