• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Let's see what I can do.

Some Stories

Comments ( 191 )
  • Viewing 187 - 191 of 191


No problem, if anything I want more of that story, maybe a more explicit and M rated sequel :twilightblush:

And thank you for favouriting my story :twilightblush:

Thx for the watch :twilightsmile:

I'll be sure to check it out! never read a GuP fanfic before

Definitely! And I liked Erika finding her own way too. On the off chance you're interested, I wrote a GuP fanfiction story last year. I don't think I got Mako quite right, but I think I got Darjeeling down alright. It's over here, if you fancy it, but no worries if not!

  • Viewing 187 - 191 of 191
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