Apple Sleep Experiment (Expanded)

by SirVindicator

First published

Starlight Glimmer was mentioned in Apple Sleep Experiment and I want to focus on her and others (my credit to Magpiepony and Apple Sleep Experiment)

Where was Starlight Glimmer during all this and what about the drought? What will she do about the situation at Ponyville? What about her village? Zecora? Trixie? Fluttershy? Join more of the cast of My Little Pony, as we go through Hell from several different POVs.

Prologue (part 1): WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?! (Bow and Quiver)

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(Almost a week after Applejack's disappearance)

It was a beautiful day outside, but by no means was it a peaceful or pleasant time for anypony or creature. The town of Ponyville was racked with fear and there was a drought throughout Equestria. It's been almost a week since Applejack disappeared and along with her disappearance came the disappearance of a number of ponies; everyone was instructed to remain indoors by order of the princess, Twilight Sparkle. The problem is that it's only delaying the inevitable and ponies will only get more worried, at least that's what I think. Who am I you ask? My name is Bright Bow, a park ranger and practicing bow stallion. A pegasus who became surprisingly good at shooting bow and arrow with my wings and hooves, no unicorn magic. I got a lot farther than I expected in competitions, even winning a few metals. I can't use unicorn magic, but I know about it in good detail and how to make potions and other remedies, mainly things to help treat creatures when they're sick or injured. You can thank Zecora and Fluttershy for that. I met them because of my job, but mainly because of my curiosity for the unknown and my constant want to explore as a pegasus. Both of them were so kind to me, along with the princess and her friends. It was refreshing to say the least and it helped me greatly when moving here several months ago.

My past wasn't exactly the best nor was it the worst and that's all I'm going to say about the matter because I have another one to attend to right now. The Mane 6 are looking for Applejack and I'm going to find her and that's why I'm in one of the forests next to the Everfree forest. I can't stand to see Twilight worried, she has it bad enough with so many ponies counting on her to find a solution to the drought. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight and the village and many other ponies and creatures are suffering badly. Ponies needed to be together to face this drought and help each other. In this moment, I really didn't care about anyone's orders to stay indoors, friendship and staying together was far more important.

It was so hot outside and I am much more into the winter weather than the summer’s to begin with, although I kept myself distracted from that for the most part by practicing my archery by shooting a hay bale that I found and set up 20 yards away. I just needed a 20 minute break; I have been searching for hours and already I have had enough. I also need to conserve my energy in order to prevent myself from succumbing to a heat stroke. It also helped that Fluttershy gave me this nice pet falcon to keep me company. I named him Quiver because he's just as important to me as my quiver is to my bow and arrows. He's also helpful on the job especially whenever I'm trying to find injured foals or ward off troublemakers. And now he's trying to help me find Applejack. I decided to send him ahead to scout. It was 10 minutes into my 20 minute break and I decided to stop shooting my bow and just lay my head down on a log. I needed just 10 more minutes.

Twenty minutes later...

I was about to fall asleep until my falcon came back and informed me, in his own way that my break was over and that there is something that I need to come and see. I really started to regret ever coming here in the first place as the stench of death filled my nostrils as I left the forest and approach to rather secluded part of Sweet Apple Acres. I arrived at my destination and found dead bodies parts scattered everywhere, stuck to trees and in mounds. I would estimate that there were eight dead ponies. And then I saw it, the reason that all these Ponies were going missing in the first place. An eerily familiar figure who just made it nine dead ponies, by killing another pony via splitting his or her head open with a shovel. Fortunately for me and my pet falcon, we hid in the bushes before the figure could see us and lucky enough we did not make any sounds. Unfortunately for us, a twig from a tree that was above us snapped and it fell on the bushes that we were concealed in. What was worse was the fact that part of a pony's face was attached to it. It was that piece of flesh that startled me and my pet and gave away our location. There was no point in hiding now. The figure immediately took its attention away from the now dead horse and focused its eyes towards us. It was Applejack and she had the most deranged look I've ever seen on her face.

She ordered for me to come out now and asked me who I was and if I was a spy working for Filthy Rich. I did so backing away a few steps in the process. I then said in shock "WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?!" In this moment, I failed to exercise the part of my job training that said to NOT raise your voice around crazied creatures.

She then shouted, advancing towards me, “I am the beginning and the end! I am the representation of life-and-death! I am the nightmare of the gods themselves! I am the thing that keeps ponies off at night!! AND I AM YOUR DOOM, YOU FOOOOOOOLLL!!! She then cackled maniacally as we were left speechless.

“Applejack? It was Applejack that murdered all those ponies?” I said with a tremble in my voice.

I then backed away a few more steps and stopped. I had two options and I didn't like either. Option one was to go back and tell Twilight about this whole mess. Then there was the second option. That if I decided to go through with option one that in the time that it would take me to get back to town she could kill more ponies and in order to stop that from happening I would have to subdue her at best or kill her at worse. Could I really bring myself to kill somepony? I didn't even hunt smaller animals with my bow. It didn't matter my body decided for me, drawing my bow back with my wings. I was going to have to go with option I would have to go with an option that I didn't consider--a third option. I decided to send Quiver back to Fluttershy and have him inform her of the situation, while I stop this insane pony.

Prologue (part 2): Follow that Falcon (Starlight and Trixie)

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(It was now the present and Bright Bow had sent his falcon off and was face-to-face with Applejack, his bow aimed at her ready to fight.)


"I wish that I could more for them but I can't. At least I found some water for them." Starlight thought to herself.

Starlight and Trixie were in Trixie's wagon trying to escape the terrible heat caused by the drought and get back home. A stallion was nice enough to pull the wagon back to Ponyville. They were more than halfway through the Everfree forest and they had stopped to rest. In the time that Starlight and Trixie were at the village, Starlight helped the situation for her village by finding some water underground for them, but they were still suffering pretty badly, with Double Diamond and others suffering from heat stroke and now to a lesser extent, dehydration. Starlight really didn't want to leave them, but she had get home and see if Twilight or Celestia had found a solution to the drought and if they didn't, help out. Starlight knew she would have to teleport the rest of way there, otherwise she would risk the stallion's health. Trixie felt a combination of frustration from the heat and fear of the situation at hoof. The feelings were mutual among the three. They needed to get home, NOW. As Starlight prepared to teleport them back to Ponyville she caught sight of a falcon flying frantically towards the town.

Starlight cancelled her spell and thought out loud, "Why is that bird in such a hurry? Isn't that the falcon that Fluttershy gave that one archer pegasus? What was his name again?"

Trixie hot and grumpy from the heat and the fact that she barely had anything to drink before leaving Starlight's village, yelled to Starlight, "The great and powerful Trixie would really like to go home now, Starlight! I cannot stand to be out here any longer. Trixie thought you would have already cast the spell by now to teleport us home or let me do it."

Starlight said, "First and foremost, I am practicing to think more before I act. Second we need to follow that bird. It must be heading to Fluttershy's cottage."


"Because now I have a feeling that there is something else bad going on besides the drought."

Starlight then teleported herself, Trixie, the wagon and the stallion next to Fluttershy's cottage.

To be continued with Bright Bow and Applejack...

Prologue (part 3): WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?! (Bow and Quiver continued)

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It was just me and Applejack and it was a stalemate. Despite my best efforts to try and subdue her, nothing was working. I figured it was because of the lack of sleep and the insanity that she couldn't feel any pain, on the contrary she laughed as if my arrows going through her skin was tickling her. My arrows also had a tough time penetrating her skin. Earth Ponies are a lot stronger than creatures give them credit for and with all the years of farm work her skin was especially tough. It was honestly rather terrifying, especially since I had a 60 lb composite bow and was pulling beyond its mass. I had already fired five shots into her chest.

She shouted mocking me, "Is that really the best that you can do, pegasus, the Apples have been through much worse; a few big mosquito bites are nothing?"

Then I noticed something that I should have noticed right off the bat, but fear would cause me to think a little bit more irrationally. Her back legs! Applejack's back legs are still broken with some type of mysterious fluid leaking out the back of them. She continued to get closer and closer to me. I had to start flying NOW and switch to my hooves to fire the bow. If I could only pin her back legs down, then she would be stuck and then I could get away without risking something hitting me in the back of my head and sending me to the ground. Even now she was trying to hit me with gardening tools and she got pretty close one time almost braining me with a trowel. Earth pony strength gave her a surprisingly good throwing hoof. I had seven arrows left and I had to make them count.

I relaxed myself and focused. With some good aim and good timing I was able to shoot a cluster of three arrows into each of her back legs, effectively pinning them to the ground. I was now out of arrows, missing the first shot of seven, but at least I had managed to slow her down for now. With that taken care of I decide to turn my back and fly away. I kept flying for what felt like forever and then when I was sure that she wasn't following me, I landed. I was back in Ponyville and the whole town look deserted and then I remembered the order by Princess Twilight.

I then examined myself to see if she had gotten a good hit in on me and she kind of did. She had managed to hit the upper part of my back hoof with another trowel. I pulled out the trowel, clenching my teeth in pain. I didn't have any serious injuries, but I needed to address the wound. Fortunately for me I was prepared as I kept a few bandages in my quiver are for such occasions, wherever ponies or creatures were injured. I bandaged myself up and headed towards Fluttershy's cottage and there waiting for me were a few concerned faces and a worried, but angry looking falcon. It was Quiver perched on Fluttershy's back, his right wing was bandaged.

I said nonchalantly, "So, I see that Quiver made it here in one piece and I'm guessing that he told you all about the situation."

Quiver squawked angrily at me and I really didn't need Fluttershy to translate what he was saying. Regardless of my intentions I still could have handled things better.

Starlight then said, "About how Twilight never told me that ponies were disappearing while I was away or how you acted recklessly and nearly got killed by Applejack or how one of the ponies that helped me learn more about friendship is now a murderer." Her voice rising with each point that she made.

Fluttershy then added, "You really worried Quiver and he even injured his wing trying to get here. The poor guy was all alone out in the heat. He really was worried for you, Bright Bow."

The stallion from earlier then walked away. Whatever was coming next he wanted no part of it. After getting some time to lick my wounds we all headed for Twilight's Castle, Quiver perching himself on my back. I was always somewhat impressed by Twilight's Castle, whether it was how it was made or how big it was on the inside more so than the outside or how it managed to look so beautiful and yet so ugly at the same time. After several minutes of wandering in the castle we finally got to the main meeting room of the mane seven counting Spike. And there was the Cutie map as well which I was always told about but never got to see until now. Different books were scattered across the Cutie map. Twilight was flustered and had a combination of emotions on her face. I wonder if she would notice me backing out of the room? I tried taking several steps back while everyone else went to gather around the Cutie map. Quiver dug his talons in my back in disapproval.

"Where do you think you're going, Bright Bow?" Twilight said, somewhat angrily.

All eyes were fixed on me and I cringed.

"You have some explaining to do."

Chapter 1: THIS is the worst day ever! (Twilight)

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"I can't believe this! THIS is the worst day ever!" I screamed out loud. I didn't think that I could be more stressed out and angry in my life but after Bright Bow told me that Applejack was behind the disappearances, I snapped.

"I can't believe any of this, WHY!?! WHY HER? Why all of Equestria? I can't fix this! I don't know what to do! I can't help her and Celestia...Celestia."

I laid my head down the Cutie and sobbed in defeat. Rarity and Fluttershy were about to ask everycreature to leave, but I stopped them. Despite how I felt, I needed them here.

Fluttershy asked, "Are you sure you don't need a moment alone?"

"I can't! I need everycreature that I can get my hooves on because I have nothing...And haven't heard back from Celestia about the spell?"

Rainbow Dash then said with a little bit of frustration, "So, not ONE of the books that you read said anything about how to fix this?"

"...No...Maybe I should just give up."

Bright Bow said under his breath, "Can I just go now?"

"What's the rush?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I just don't want to anger anyone else."

Trixie then said with passion, "You cannot give up Twilight! The great and powerful Trixie will not let you. Equestria must be saved; the show must go on! You and your friends have saved Equestria multiple times and can do it again! I want you to give yourself another chance like you gave me and Starlight. You really are somepony special, none of us can stand to watch you panic and give up."

Now all eyes were on Trixie, everycreature was in shock.

"Wow,"Spike added.

"The great and powerful Trixie can inspirational when she wants to be," Trixie said in response to everycreature's shock.

"Why not try extracting more water from underground, going deeper? Maybe that's where the rest of the water's gone; that could be causing the drought?" Bright Bow asked.

He did bring up a very good point but it would take too long to develop something to extract the water. As for teleportation, the question there would be "How far down is the water and how much water could be teleported up at a time?"

I responded, "It's a good idea but it would take too long."

"Are you still mad at me for disobeying your order? I just didn't want you or your friends to be burned by Applejack's disappearance. Even though I'm not as close as you seven are, you all have been so nice to me and made me value friendship more than I did before I moved here."

"I really wasn't mad at you I was just really worried. The ponies of Ponyville are my friends too, including you."

Pinkie Pie then chimed in, "Maybe we should have a Lift-Our-Spirits-From-The-Drought party with extra cold water, to make everyone feel better?"

"We're having a hard enough time as it is gathering water for just a small group of ponies, let alone a whole town full!" Rainbow Dash responded.

"Can somepony turn up the air conditioner it's still pretty dreadful in here? Also, if it gets any hotter in Ponyville I'm afraid my dresses will catch on fire!" Rarity complained.

"No can do Rarity." Spike respond, noting how stressed the device was already.

I took a moment to think and then said, "I have an idea! First, we need to-"

The doors to the main meeting room opened and in came Princess Celestia herself.

"I have good news! Me and my wizards are almost done with a spell to turn saltwater into freshwater and the seaponies are OK with giving up some water."

"That's great and I am sorry for not sending you a letter for the last few days." I responded.

"Spike already sent one."

"That's the good news, but what about AppleJack?" Starlight asked.

"Zecora might be able to help." Blight Bow brought up.

"Princess Celestia, you probably want to know about AppleJack's condition. She's not exactly herself these days."

"I'm already aware. One of Luna's Royal guards saw her while patrolling. I was going to send a letter to Twilight addressing it but it seems like you already told her, Blight Bow."

"You know my name?"

"Of course. You are part of Ponyville's renowned park rangers. They've done a lot in the eight months that they've been around. Also, your​ recent rainbow medal in Canterlot's archery competition last year."

"Thanks." Blight Bow said blushing.

"Especially, what happened afterwards with you and that batpony; making out in front of everyone." Celestia said playfully.

Blight Bow blushed harder.

"Ha ha! I remember that!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Seems like you have a way with women." Rarity added.

Blight Bow blushed even more and put his wings over his face.

"L-lets help Twilight with AppleJack... I'll get Zecora...Then you can explain the thing to her." Blight Bow said flustered.

"Good idea! And Starlight, you can stay here with me. I will need you when Zecora is here." I responded.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will adventure there with you, Bright Bow."

"Are you sure about this?" Starlight asked.

Trixie nodded her head enthusiastically.

"I'm coming to I need a break from gathering clouds!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I have to go now but please keep in touch about the Applejack situation. Her fate is in your hooves now." Celestia said, teleporting away.

So Bright Bow, Trixie and Rainbow Dash all set off towards the Zecora's hut.

To be continued with Zecora...

Chapter 2 (part 1): The day worse, the weather more adverse (Zecora)

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I did not think that the days could get any worse, but now the weather outside has become more adverse. The animals must be more burdened than I thought by this heat because, I can't even hear a bird's tweet. I hope that the situation does not become more dire or some creatures might die or worse, the forest might catch on fire. Though, I should not think that and start to mope, because if the Princesses and mane six are working on the drought as well, for a solution, there is still hope. Suddenly the air was filled with the sounds of several hundred birds squawk, which almost made me gawk. I wonder what could make so many birds groove perhaps some pony or creature is on the move. From those birds that creature or pony must be trying to escape, and even though I don't want to go outside in the heat I'll have to investigate. Before I could get to the door there was a frantic knock; it appears that, there's definitely more in store. Then three ponies and a falcon burst through my door; I didn't even have time to ready myself and these frantic ponies definitely looks​ like they need my help.

"What's the rush my friends and why is my house at your needs' ends?" I asked.

"We were being chased by birds and now the tired and exhausted Trixie needs to lie down." Tracy said panting.

"There's something wrong with Applejack and we need your help," Rainbow blurted out and continued "she's gone off the deep end!"

I responded, "This definitely clears any doubt. You all came here because be there's something else besides the drought to be worried about."

I continued, "Now that you are all are out of the way of the birds' attack, I can help you fix what's wrong with Applejack."

Chapter 2 (part 2): I'll need an explanation, some potion or an incantation (Zecora)

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In getting here, they went through quite the hassle and now they wanted me back in Twilight's castle. Though after the run-in with the birds this is a path I was reluctant to take. I hope the birds will be gone for all of our sake.

I said, "First, I want an explanation before we go back so I can prepare more for the trouble that this day will pack."

The ponies explained​ the situation and Bright Bow finished by saying, "So that's what happened in a nutshell. I wanted to help Twilight and her friends find Applejack but what I found was far from what I was expected or wanted. It was her, insane and killing ponies. The most I could do was pin her to the ground for a little bit. She was suffering from a severe lack of sleep and the injuries that she had. Though what I was wondering this whole time, is how is she so active? What in all of Equestria would allow her to keep going? I think that Twilight is hiding something that she may have had something to do with this."

I responded, "And why would you think that my friend? Why would Twilight be responsible for her sanity's end.

"There was some mysterious liquid dripping from wound in her left back leg and from my independent studies with a friend, it seems oddly familiar. She's a really good student over at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."

"It seems like a start, now we should quickly depart."

"I can just teleport us there." Trixie said.

Trixie then teleported all of us to the castle; I was relieved that we could avoid any outside hassle.

Everypony was successful teleported into the mane six's meeting room and Starlight was both relieved and proud of Trixie.

Facing Twilight I said, "Everypony is back and now, to help you, I'm going to need some facts."

Twilight thought nervously, "I am really going to have to tell her, aren't I?"

I asked Twilight "Could you be so kind? You need to tell me what has broken her mind. I can tell that you are nervous and why but now is not the time. We need to prove something to stop her before she commits more crime. Perhaps we should start in those yellow and gold books with color so sublime. Or was somepony careless with various​ potions of the magical or divine?"

*Twilight looks around the room for any silent "No's" and finds none. They ALL wanted an explanation.*


Chapter 2 (part 3): Why did I have to give her that potion? (Twilight)

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I thought to myself, "why did I have to give her that potion?"

I confessed with no anger, sadness, nervousness or any emotion in my voice.

"I gave her a potion that I used to use to stay up all night studying for exams and writing ridiculously​ long essays when I was in Celestia's magic. It's a potion made from white leaves, dawn mushrooms and chive roots that the individual unicorn enchants. All of them are grinded down and mixed into the concoction. I started making this potion again after the drought hit, so that I would have more time to find a solution in case Celestia couldn't in time. Then Applejack came to me about a debt that her family racked up with Filthy Rich and how Big Mac was in the hospital from trying too hard to work off the debt. So I gave her the potion and told her to use it as a last resort. I didn't want her to use the potion unless there was absolutely no other way and... I know it's not good for non-unicorns to use the potion. What else could I do? My friend needed my help and I was already busy dealing with the drought."

"Helping your friend in her time of need was a nice thing to do, but you did it in the wrong way, mind you. We'll need some time for what comes next, because the cure for that potion will be very complex."

"The poor darling, why didn't she ask us for help?"

"I could have taken a break from helping the animals for a little bit to help her."

"Because she's too stubborn... I wish then I could have helped her like she did for me." Starlight responded teary eyed.

"I thought I recognized that liquid from somewhere it comes from white leaves. The liquid from them is really good for keeping ponies awake. It's a great stimulant and has a variety of medical applications. As for the potion, my friend, Starry Light and I were chatting about it more than a week ago. She's a senior student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, with similar manner to you, Twilight."

I groaned at the last comment.

Blight Bow continued, "She said to never give this potion to any creature other than a unicorn or the consequences could be severe. She said if any other creature were to ingest this potion; that it would be very difficult for that creature to get the potion out of their system. They wouldn't be able to sleep for a long time and would get terrible hallucinations."

"You always know just what to say, don't you?" I responded smartly, more depressed now.

"And you being an alicorn would make the potion more powerful." Rainbow Dash added.

"I know..."

There is nothing else to do now but go and start making the cure. I told Starlight and Zecora to follow me to my lab. I didn't need to bring anything my lab is always well-stocked with supplies.

Chapter 3 (part 1): What's Wrong? (Fluttershy)

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It has been more than a week since Applejack disappeared and all of us were incredibly worried. Although I really didn't have to be as worried now since Twilight is working on a cure for Applejack and there is more water for the animals now. I really hope that she doesn't kill any more ponies in the meantime. For right now I just have to care for the animals, I really should consider building a sanctuary in the future. Rainbow Dash and Blight Bow were put in charge of patrolling Ponyville to make sure that no more ponies wander off on their own. Blight Bow left Quiver in my care, dispite Quiver's MANY objections. I swear that falcon stubbornness almost rivals Angelbunny's. As for Rarity she had a business to run and in her words fashion waits for no pony.

*Knock knock knock*

"Who is it?"

"Rainbow Dash and I have some bad news."

Rainbow Dash entered looking in poor spirits.

"What's wrong?"

"Lyra ran off somewhere! She was looking everywhere for Bon Bon. She she said that she needed to find her and that she couldn't live without her. Apparently Bon Bon went missing a day ago, on some 'secret business' and no one could find her. Lyra mentioned that she was supposed to be back this evening."

"Oh my."

"I really don't want to have to break this news to Twilight."

"So, about AppleJack?"

"We can't do anything until Twilight has the cure."

"So after she is cured, what are we going to do?"

"What do you mean, Fluttershy?"

"After Applejack is cured, how is she going to deal with the fact that she killed several ponies?"

"I don't know and I really don't want to think about it. I need to get back to patrolling." Rainbow Dash said defensively.

"I sorry, I just-" she stopped me and said, "Applejack is an Element of Harmony, Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash said nothing else and left my cottage. I really hope that Twilight comes up with a cure soon.

Chapter 3 (part 2): What's Wrong? (Rainbow Dash)

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The next day came; it was a dry afternoon and Rainbow Dash was still flying around patrolling PonyVille beating herself up about yesterday.

"Why in all of Equestria did I have to say that to Fluttershy? I mean seriously, Applejack is an element of Harmony so she can just get away with murdering ponies and no pony can't do anything about it. We haven't used the Elements of Harmony in several seasons; they are retired. And what about Discord? Why can't he just snap his fingers and end this drought and cure Applejack?" I said out loud.

"Because it's a little bit more complicated than you think, Rainbow Dash." Discord said appearing out of nowhere. He continued, "Whatever is causing this drought is also interfering with my magic."

He demonstrated this by snapping his fingers and making a cloud appear out of nowhere. It was a chocolate rain cloud and it was very small.

"As you can see it's only a sixth of the size that I intended it to be. This would be barely good enough for a small glass let alone enough to supply any village, especially Ponyville."

"Well that's just great even the Lord of Chaos can't do anything about this drought!?!"

"Yes even I the great and handsome Lord of Chaos cannot do anything about this accursed drought."

I rolled my eyes.

I thought to myself, "I hope that Scootaloo's okay."

"I think she's is okay she's going to be in a drought."

"Did you just read my mind?"

"You didn't know I could do that?"

"I would like it if you didn't, anyway do you think that you could help me find Lyra?"

"She's beside herself, literally."


"My advice would be to go to Twilight and ask her how she's doing with that cure, as for me I have tea with Fluttershy in an hour. And don't say anything that you will later regret, hint hint."

Discord then disappeared and I decided to take Discord's advice and head back to Twilight's Castle to see how she was doing on the cure.

But as I was flying back to the castle I was stopped by a familiar looking face.

I said, "who are you again?"

"Diamond Tiara," the filly responded feeling a little mad.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"She's not by herself." said silver spoon, who wasn't standing that far away from Diamond Tiara and who I was surprised I didn't notice earlier.

"Where is my father? Did you find him yet?" demanded Diamond Tiara.

"Yeah, of course! Me and the others found him. In fact, he's resting in the hospital now, recovering. He's very sick and no one can see him." I lied.

I then continued on my way, the image of Filthy Rich's horror stricken face as he is beaten into a bloody pulp by Applejack with a shovel. Applejack then cackling as she scattered the remains of his corpse all over. Yeesh, I can still hear his screams of Agony, as much of a cheapskate and scam artist as he was that was no way for any stallion to die no matter how cruel they were. I really can't believe that a Applejack would do something that horrid, but I saw it with my own eyes.


Chapter 3 (part 3): What's Wrong? (Fluttershy continued)

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Later in the evening, I had put most of my animals to bed. The offers were trying to sleep, but couldn't. They were restless and so was I. I lay in bed on able to sleep, thinking about the conversation I had with Rainbow Dash earlier today. I know that she didn't think that way. Discord had come for tea today as usual today and told me about the situation, about the barrier and how it inhibits Magic and how Twilight must find a solution for it. She really has way too much pressure on her. A question that I have been wondering for a while is how this was all this going to end. I wondered specifically after Applejack gets cured, how is she going to deal with the fact that she killed several ponies? Rainbow Dash really didn't want to answer that question and I never should have brought it up to her.

It clearly bothered her; she's the element of loyalty and the thought of being loyal to someone when they're doing that stuff like this must be truly horrible. She needs to remember that there's two parts to loyalty as I know there are two parts to kindness. It is important to know that kindness is not just telling creatures nice things but it's also telling them what they need to hear even if they don't want to hear it. As with loyalty it's not just about being there for someone but it's also questioning that creature on whether or not they are there for you.

Does the loyalty go both ways? Is that creature going to explain why they are loyal to you? Are they going to admit their mistakes? And are they going to take the time to look at themselves? I could wonder about this more tomorrow I needed to go to sleep...and it looks like AngelBunny wants to sleep with me. So I let him snuggle in with me and I started to drift off to sleep.

Another question and a more important one, is how everyone else going to be after all this tragedy?

Chapter 3 (part 4): What's Wrong? (Princess Celestia)

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I took a few moments to stare out into the ocean beyond me despite my best efforts in the efforts of my wizards and scholars, we were barely able to make a few small clouds. The spell hadn't quite worked nearly as well as I thought, the spell to turn saltwater into freshwater. My wizards and scholars and I did indeed have a solution to this drought but it was barely doing anything. Clearly this is no normal drought, there's some sort of magic inhibiting barrier above us, a sort of anti-magic field keeping things this dry. I noticed that even the sun appeared differently, it's normal yellow radiance being replaced by a dark red somber color. I have not seen something like in hundreds of years, this is REALLY BAD. Hopefully "they" are not coming back. Equestria would not survive if they ever returned.

"It is not very complementary to you if you asked me, Tia." Said a voice that I knew all too well. "Even I couldn't find a solution to this drought. Maybe, what's-his-name has a solution?" The voice continued, which belonged to Discord and sure enough, Discord appeared out of nowhere with a small rain cloud next to him, following him wherever he went like a pet.

"Who?" I asked.

"The Royal Chrysler."

"You mean Sunburst? He may know something about to dispel anti-magic."

"Just to make conversation, what is he up to these days?"

"He is teaching a personal student of his, Starry Light. Of my top students that applied for his extracurricular mentoring program, three of twenty-five were accepted. He decided to start the program after thinking of how Starlight and Twilight benefited from being personal students. It was honestly pretty touching to hear."

"I bet."

"So, how are you with your dimension?"

"Traveling back and forth has been more challenging but I am managing...well enough. Hopefully, somepony can pull a solution out of their hat." Discord made a magic hat appear and then reached into the hat and pulled out Twilight.

"What? How? Discord! I was working on cure for Applejack. You can't just pull me away from my work like that." Twilight said angry and confused.

Twilight continued, "Where am I anyway?"


"Celestia! I know that you must have a solution to this drought already. You must already tested it and-"

"I don't, things are now more complicated. Apparently there is a barrier above that's inhibiting all magic in Equestria."

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"I not am sure if me and my colleagues can find a solution in time."

"What about Luna?"

"She has her own problems to deal with. The amount of nightmares has risen drastically."

"What about Candace and Shining Armor?"

"They have their own problems at the Crystal Empire to deal with."

"Celestia didn't want to overburden you by giving you the responsibility of finding a solution to the barrier."

"Discord, I wanted tell her later. You know how she can get." Celestia loudly whispered.

"It's fine. I was going to find out anyway."

Twilight went over to hug me and returned her affection, she really needed some sort of comfort in this situation. After over ten minutes, Twilight said, "I'm going to need all of my energy for this. Discord, please send me back."

"As you wish." He reached for Twilight, grabbing her and putting her back into the magic hat that he had. He then threw the hat into the air and it disappeared.

"I really wanted that disappearance to have for style and flair." Discord said disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Twilight." I thought to myself.

Chapter 3 (part 5): What's Wrong? (Princess Luna)

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It cuts to Starlight Glimmer and Princess Luna in the Dream Realm, in a copy of Starlight's counseling office at the school of friendship. Luna is receiving some talkative therapy with Starlight.

It is just that managing​ the Dream Realm had become impossible. It was the same thing every night since the drought began. Creature after creature having nightmares about dying from the drought or having family members died from the drought or pets died from the drought. I had to keep finding a way to calm them down, granted my job of looking after ponies and other creatures and their dreams was not an easy one before but now it was an absolute pain. I really hope that my sister is having better luck than I am. I wish that this drought would just end! The amount of suffering that has going on continues to bring me to tears. One Moment in particular was happening to comfort Twilight and her friends about Applejack. It is the fact that she could not sleep and because of this I could not reason with her in dreams. I would really like to just lock Applejack away until we have dealt with the drought and then deal with her but that's not my decision to make, it is Twilight's. Twilight, speaking of her she has barely slept and I can see and sense that she is far from well. It really pains me to see her worry like this. I wish I could help her, I wish I could be more of a help to my sister and her colleagues. I'm not like my sister, I need more than just a little bit of time to solve each problem. I solve problems within a good amount of time for each and my own pace. This is the way that I've always been ever since I was very young. I just don't do one-and-done problems and many of them at that.

I then started to look at the ground. I didn't even want to make eye contact with Starlight. Then I looked up at her and she smiled and she told me to just keep going, so I did. I really needed to get this off of my chest.

I feel like this drought is opened up some old wounds and now I need help sowing them shut. Like when my birthday is celebrated, I wish that my sister would assign separate days to celebrate our birthdays. Or my parents, I never really knew who they were, all I really knew was what StarSwirl and Celestia told me. The immortal being that I saw it when I was a goal, his menacing red eyes. His presence send a chill down my spine but he saved my sister from cockatrices. I just have so many things that I still wonder about even after all this time and it just bugs me and--

Starlight cut me off and said, "So, it seems to me like you really have a lot on your mind. You are a pony that likes to have proper closure on something and can really struggle when not receiving. I highly recommend that you and your sister see me at least once every two weeks and talk to me about your issues. I think it would really benefit both of you. I noticed from when the cutie map called me that you two have trouble seeing eye to eye and need prompting. No pony is right about everything and everyone has something good to bring to the table."

Starlight continued, "I will see you in two weeks in the real world or the Dream Realm if you prefer."

And with that the therapy dream ended with me and Starlight and I was back in the real world. She had given me a lot to think about and I needed to talk to Celestia. We have some more issues to work through.

Chapter 3 (part 6): What's Wrong? (Pinkie Pie)

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The story cuts to Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie having a therapy session in Starlight's Office. Starlight is really starting to get swamped with appointments.

Starlight Glimmer, so you see I had to get in here and talk to you about how applejack is murdering ponies and how I know and I'm very depressed and upset about it and now I can't even make cupcakes properly because of it and now the CMC are asking me about it and how I can't really sleep well at night and out everyone is flipping out and I would start to cry because it makes me unhappy and I want to help every one but I can't and now my tail does not shake as much as it used to. Do you understand what I'm saying?

"I think so but you really need to slow down, think and space out your words." Starlight responded.

I inhaled and continued talking slower.

How am I supposed to move on after all of this is over? I just wish that everything could go back to normal and I can get back to hanging out with my friends, including you know who.

"Now that so many Ponies are starting to bring it up to me and REALLY think about it on my own, I'm not sure what I'll do after all this is over, either."

I suggested to Starlight that she should get her own therapist and she agreed, she liked​ the suggestion.

I smiled at her and she smiled back warmly

"It's a good idea. I'll take your advice and go find someone can I talk and heal with; you go and get some rest as best you can and see me next week."

And I did so, bouncing off and getting some rest after filling out several more orders for ice cupcakes with extra water. They have been really popular since the drought started.

Chapter 3 (part 7): What's Wrong? (Rarity)

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Flash forward two weeks after the disappearance of Applejack, Rarity was sitting down in a therapy session with Starlight Glimmer. Rarity was definitely nervous and weighed down by the recent event.

You see darling there's just something that I really need to get off my chest it's just that I can't tell Sweetie Belle about any of this and she's been asking me for the past week as to what happened to Applejack. I have no idea what I could tell her I really don't want to lie to her and I already feel like I have anyway even if I haven't said anything. And if that's not bad enough all of my dresses and creative ideas are suffering due to this heat which is positively unbearable if I didn't already mention that before. It's just been bugging me that I can't do anything about this and I'm not sure there's really anything I or anyone else could give Applejack to make her better.

"Besides the antidote that Twilight is going to give her... Or at least try to, anyways; but you mean after all of this is over, right?" Starlight commented.

Yes dear, you see the other day I was talking with water shy and she brought up a question of how applejack was going to accept the fact that she killed several creatures. I mean yes the obvious argument is that she was not in her right mind but I feel that argument can only go so far and Applejack would still be left with a guilty conscience. She still disobeyed Twilight's​...Well actually she said to only use the potion as a last resort. I also wonder how in Equestria her sister is going to take this news without being left broken in a way that can't really be fixed, but I guess all of us will have to cope with this.

"You've told me before the you tend to struggle with criticism?"

I do, you see sometimes it can be hard for me to separate constructive criticism from non-constructive criticism, sometimes. If I could vent for a moment...

*Starlight nods*

You see a lot of artists, I know go through artistic despair and stagnation brought on by self-imposed impossible goals. This is particularly for those who do trades. We all have a "vision" for how something should be accomplished. However, depending on who you are doing a project for and/or with, the flexibility to compromise can be truly difficult. This typically leads to excessive/negative self-critique coupled with an implicit fear that what you do may never be enough to satisfy those you thought your talents were perfect for. What I took away from my talks with them was how truly important it is to be open and for continued communication, especially when one or more ponies are participating in any sort of project. The more artists/creatures positively involve themselves the better they are in position to give positive feedback that benefits everyone involved in bringing something together. This is why, when coping with my limitations, I try to do multiple iterations of my plans. The more involved I get, the more excited I am and the more criticism can hurt.

"I see, go on."

I just hope that AppleJack gets proper criticism and learns from it and does not act aggressively towards said critics and that I can be a good example of someone who is dedicated, but can take criticism about my work and give criticism as well. I hope what I said made sense and you got my point.

"I think that I do." Starlight said looking at her clipboard of many notes. She continued, "I recommend that you tell your sister about AppleJack and be as direct as possible with her and AppleJack. Please, let me know if want to schedule something next week."

I will.

Chapter 3 (part 8): What's Wrong? (Spike)

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Cut to a scene of spike in Starlight glimmer's office at the school of friendship. Starlight wasted no time finding someone to talk to, the first creature that she thought of was Spike as he had known Twilight and her friends and a number of their friends for a while now. They also became close friends.

"It's just that I wish Twilight would have told me about this earlier. I could have helped her with this dilemma. Why didn't she send me a letter or something?" Starlight asked.

"You mean Twilight or Applejack?" I responded.

"Both of them at this point." Starlight said putting her face between her hooves.

"Yeah, both of them are always trying to do more than they should. They would have been the same way with anyone else." I paused and then continued, "It's hard to even count the number of times that Twilight overwhelms herself and didn't accept her friends help, especially whenever trying to remodel her castle. Applejack is the same way with her farm work."

"So both of them really do struggle with asking for help? I guess I was more correct than I thought when I made that outburst. At the time I wasn't really sure who I was directing it to. I just felt so bad afterwards saying that about two of the ponies that became my friends when I had no one else. That's also why I try to be direct with creatures when they are acting irrationally or dealing with personal issues and why I like my job as a guidance counselor. It gives me a chance to guide other creatures in the right direction and to help them out whenever they're struggling; being there for them. You know empathy, I want to be there for them and offer some understanding."


"And what is worse is that Twilight and AppleJack are going to get into a who's-to-blame situation, and neither of them will admit that they screwed up. And Twilight is also a princess..."

"I see what you're getting at. Twilight could brush this under the rug and not own up to her half of this. This isn't a normal friendship problem hence why the map hasn't said anything. Even after Applejack is cured, there's going to be a lot to repair. Ponies that we will never get back."

"I wish I could just time travel back to that point and stop this from happening. I really wish it were that easy. I know I swore to never used time travel again but several ponies are dead."

"Good intentions but probably not a good idea, what paves the road to Tartarus."

"Yeah." Starlight said with a sad gaggle.

Just then there was a knock at the office door.

"Who is it?" Starlight asked.

"Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle said.

"Come in." Starlight said a bit reluctantly.