Twilight's Night Light

by Shakespearicles

First published

It's Father's Day, and Twilight Sparkle decides to spend some quality time with her lonely dad.

The dramatic and erotic conclusion to the B.B.B.F.F. trilogy!

Twilight Velvet has been away for almost a year on a world tour writing for the Equus Geographic magazine. Unfortunately, it meant leaving behind her husband, Night Light.
It's Father's Day in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle decides to spend some quality time with her lonely father.
(A spiritual alt ending for Mis-Shapes)

Father's Night

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It was late in the evening when Night Light arrived home from work.

"Velvet!" he called into the house. "I'm home."

"I'm upstairs," she called back. Night Light put his bag down and poked his head back outside. The flag on the mailbox was up. He trotted back outside and grabbed the mail, sorting it on the kitchen table. Bills and junk mail mostly.

"You got something from your publisher, honey!" he said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Some kind of package," he answered. She trotted downstairs to the kitchen. "Here." He passed the package to her. She pulled the strip open, letting the papers slide out. She read over the cover letter, read it again and flipped through the other pages. Her eyes widened. "What is it?" he asked.

"Random Horse Publishers wants to send me on an trip all across Equestria and write about it for their Equus Geographic Annual!" she gasped. "There are itineraries in here for the next eleven months!" she said.

"We're going to see all of Equestria!?" Night Light asked, excited. Velvet poured over the contents of the package.

"There's just the one ticket," she said. Night Light's smile faltered.

"That's- that's still really great news," he said, trying to mask his disappointment. "When is it?" She looked at the date on the ticket.

"I leave Canterlot in two weeks," she said.

"That doesn't give you much time to prepare," he said. "Or me." The sudden realization of leaving hit her.

"Do you... not want me to go?" she asked. He put his hoof on her shoulder.

"Velvet, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Of course you should go," he said. "But I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't miss you." He kissed her.

"I'd miss you too," she said. "Eleven months is a long time though." He kissed her again.

"And I'm sure you'll tell me all about it when I see you afterwards," he said, holding her tighter. She smiled, nuzzling into his shoulder. A skilled, passionate lover he may never have been. But a better husband, she never knew.

Two weeks later

"And you're sure you have everything?" Night Light asked again on the station platform, looking over her bags in the evening sunlight.

"Yes!" Velvet reassured him. "We triple-checked the checklist to make sure we didn't miss anything when we double-checked the checklist." She glanced over her shoulder as the porter grabbed the last of her checked luggage, bringing it into the freight car. All that was left was her carry-on in her hoof. "And even if we did, it's too late now." She smiled. "Besides, the publishers said that they would provide anything I needed for the trip that I didn't bring. I'll be fine!" she reassured him.

"ALL ABOARD!" the conductor called out the final boarding call to the platform. Night Light hugged her again, one last time.

"Be safe. I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too. I'll write you whenever I can!" she said, squeezing him back. "I've gotta go." She boarded the train, waving goodbye to her husband from the window as it pulled away from the station. When he could no longer see her train in the dusk's fading light, he turned and left the platform. It had been a long walk from home to the station. The walk back was longer.

He made a detour to his favorite tavern. One he hadn't frequented in some time. Velvet never particularly approved of it. But then, she wasn't here now, was she? He sat down at the familiar bar. But he didn't recognize the bar tender. Or any of the other patrons. They all looked so young. He felt very old in that moment. He ordered a drink. And then a second. And more until he was just shy of forgetting why he was there.

"Another, Pops?" the barkeep asked him, nodding at his empty mug. Night Light wavered in his seat. Friday night or not, he still needed to be able to get home.

"Nah, I'm good," he said, pushing some money across the polished wooden surface to settle his bill.

Night fumbled with the lock of his door for a moment before pushing it open. The house was dark. But even drunk, he could navigate his home blindfolded. He walked upstairs to their bedroom and fell onto his side of the bed. He rolled over and his hoof flopped onto the empty space beside him, where Velvet would usually lay.

For all the times he cursed her for snoring, or stealing all the covers, he found himself missing her. He felt a wetness on his pillow. The bed was too big for just one pony.

Later that year

Princess Twilight Sparkle walked up the steps to her foalhood home. She'd been so busy in Ponyville over the past couple of years that she had barely visited her parents. Even less so, now that she was a princess with so many new responsibilities. In all the chaos of battling with Starlight Glimmer in a time loop, she'd already forgotten to visit for her mother's birthday. She would not make the same mistake for Father's Day. She knocked at the door and waited a while. She could hear rustling inside, things being knocked over. After a few moments, her father finally opened the door.

"Hi, Dad!" she said and she leaped forward to hug him. He was surprised at first but hugged her back. After a moment of embrace she let go. He took a step back inviting her inside. It was then that she got her first really good look at him. His fur was scruff, and his mane was disheveled. He looked tired, unkempt. "Dad, uh... are you okay?"

"Yeah, uh, yeah I'm fine." He scratched the back of his neck and tried to surreptitiously straighten his mane out. It didn't go without notice. "I just wasn't expecting anypony today."

"Really!?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why?" he asked. Her father was many things, but a good liar he was not. Twilight could tell that he honestly had no idea why she was there.

"Dad, it's Father's Day!" she said. He looked at her strangely and ducked back inside looking at the calendar.

"Is it really June already?"

"Yeah, it's been June for like, two weeks." She said. He looked even more confused. "Dad, are you sure you're okay? Where's Mom?"

"Probably having an affair." He mumbled a bit too loudly.

"What!?" Twilight shouted.

"No! I- I don't know exactly," he stammered. "She's been traveling for her publisher. All over Equestria. And it's just-"

"Just what?"

"It's just nothing. I'm probably just over-reacting," he said.

"But?" Twilight asked, leading him. He looked at her. She wasn't a little filly anymore. It was times like these, that he was talking about, when he would tell her that she was too smart for her own good. But he could tell that she could see right through him.

"But... for the last few years, there have been a lot of 'long weekends' and trips to other cities and 'work assignments' that she seemed to look forward to way too much. Especial since the Crystal Empire returned. She had been going there fairly regularly. And she would always come back with that sort of... afterglow. You know?"

"You think Mom is cheating on you!?" Twilight gasped.

"She must be," he said. "If she was visiting Shining and Cadance, she would have brought me along too. And I never hear about any of the stuff she's 'writing about' when she goes on these trips."

"But how can you be so certain?" she asked. Night Light sat at the kitchen table and cleared a space in the mess for a drink, grabbing himself a glass and a bottle of Applejack Daniels.

"Last year, I was taking out the trash, and the bag ripped on the railing. I was cleaning up the mess and putting it in the bin, and I found a pregnancy test box." He poured himself a glass. "I had a vasectomy after you were born, so there would have been no reason for her to have needed that."

"No, But Mom... I- I can't believe Mom would do that to you!"

"Now Twilight, stop!" he said, putting his hoof up. "It's not her fault."

"How is it not her fault?"

"She's- she's just a mare of flesh and blood. A mare with needs. And I-" He frowned and sank into his seat.

"What? What's wrong?"

"And I can't meet them. Physically," he admitted. His expression was a mixture of embarrassment and shame. Twilight tried to stay level.

"Dad, listen, I know you're getting older. But there are potions you can use to help your... royal guard salute," she said with the best euphemism she could think of.

"No, it's not that," he said. "It works, it's just... small."


"Yeah. Small. Like, really below average," he said.

"Dad, a micro-penis is a real disability, and it's not your fault. In fact-"

"No, no, it's not that bad," he scoffed, defensively. "It's just- enough to be embarrassing." He went to pick up his glass. Twilight put her hoof on top of it, slamming it back down on the table.

"Show me," she said. Night Light leaned back in shock at the request, his eyes going wide.

"Um. No?" he said, in a mixture of shock and confusion, unsure if she really just asked that of him.

"Why?" she asked, with more innocence than he could have expected of the subject matter.

"Do I even need to give a reason?" he asked, incredulously. Even she could not be that naive. "Because I'm your father! Because it would be wrong and weird!" he said. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Dad, you used to change my diapers. You've seen my genitals plenty of times. Was that weird?" she asked.

"That was entirely different. We're both adults now," he said.

"Yeah? Well one of us is acting very childish," she said. She stood up and turned around, lifting her tail, flagging it at him and showing off her marehood.

"Twilight!" Night Light reflexively tried to look away, but found that he could not. Daughter or not, it was the only pussy he'd seen since Velvet had left almost a year ago. It glistened with her juices and her tail wafted her aroma at him. All too quickly she sat back down. "There. You've seen my adult genitals. Now they're old news. So why don't you just- oh, okay, here we go." Night Light didn't realize it at first, but seeing her like that was having more of an effect on him than he knew. His shaft began to emerge from his sheath. He tried to cross his legs and turn away, afraid to admit that she had turned him on so.

"Twilight?! What are you- are you?-" He tripped over the words. Twilight could see his nostrils flaring reflexively as his breath grew ragged.

"What?" She looked down at her own flank. "Oh, yes. Well it is June. I must be getting into season." She turned her attention back to him. "But enough about me..." She grabbed his chair and turned it back to her. He had become fully extended, hanging low. "Does it get any bigger?" she asked.

"You know, every time I hear that question, it doesn't get any easier," he replied. Twilight thought about what she'd asked and realized how insensitive it sounded.

"No! No! I didn't mean anything by it!" she apologized. "I'm just honestly asking." Night Light looked down at her as she leaned in closer. He could tell that she was dead set on this, and there could be no dissuading her.

"Uh, no, it gets a little bit bigger when it gets harder," he said as matter-of-factly as he could, trying to keep the mood as clinical as he could manage. He stilled tried to squirm away. "Come on Twi, I know you've studied pony anatomy. You know this."

"Yeah, but I've never seen it," she said.

"Yeah, well the show's over now so- wait what?" he asked.

"I've never seen one, well, outside of a diagram in a book," she explained. "Can you make it harder? Do you need to see my vagina again?"

"I uh-" Before he could even comprehend what she'd just said, Twilight was on her hooves again, with her tail lifted and her butt pointed at his face, closer this time.

"The aroma of a mare in heat should help you become aroused. Is it close enough for you to smell?" she asked.

If he leaned forward mere inches, it would have been close enough for him to taste!

Twilight could see the effect immediately as his penis stiffened and pointed skyward, throbbing hard with each of Night Light's rapid heartbeats. "Ah, there we go," she said. She trotted over to the kitchen drawer, full of all sorts of random junk. She found what she was looking for quickly, a seamstress measuring tape. "Okay, now hold still." Before Night Light could even object, he felt her take grasp of his penis in her hooves. His body went rigid at the contact. She held him firm and laid the measuring tape in place, measuring the length and the circumference. She made a mental note of the values.

"Well, it looks pretty big to me," she said at last, still holding onto it, moving it from side to side, inspecting it from every angle. "These too," she said, cupping his balls in her hooves, lifting them gently to get a feel for their weight. "They feel so heavy. They must be very full." She moved her hoof back up to his shaft, stroking it gently. "Any mare would be lucky to be able to have this inside her," Twilight said, playing with it a bit more, admiring its size.

"Uh... thank you, sweetie," he said still feeling very awkward. "I wish your mother thought that." Night Light said through his teeth, trying to keep his composure as his daughter jacked him off.

"Well Mom doesn't know what she's missing, then," she said. Twilight fidgeted in her seat on the carpet. It both eased, and yet worsened, her own burning need.

"Twi, you ugh- you ahh, need to stop thaaahht!" he said. Twilight looked at her hoof and realized what she must have been doing to him.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize!" she said. "Are you going to ejaculate?" She sounded more excited than she ought to have. In her excitement, her hoof moved faster. "Will it be a lot?"

"YES! I mean no! I mean- please let goooooOOOOOHHH MY GOSH!" he cried out as he felt himself go past the point of no return. Night Light's first spurt shot straight up, landing on his daughter's horn. Twilight instinctively looked up as the second glob landed on her nose, and the third on her upper lip. The rest of his cum dribbled down onto her hoof. She let go of him and it slapped against his belly, spent of its load.

Night Light didn't feel the normal, euphoric rush of orgasm. It had come on so quickly, and ended just as fast. He hadn't cum like that since he first discovered masturbation as a pubescent colt. He had quite literally gone off half-cocked. While he hadn't gained the pleasure of the orgasm, he did at least lose the general discomfort of his dry spell. At his legs, Twilight reflexively licked her lips, tasting her father's semen.

"Hmm, interesting taste," she commented with the studious tone of a food critic. "But I wasn't ready so soon. Let me get my graduated cylinder from my bag so I can measure it. Can you ejaculate for me again?" Night Light's head was spinning. It had been a long time since anypony had touched him like that. But this was his daughter! As she rummaged through her bag, she unconsciously flagged her tail at him again, winking her clitoris. He didn't even have a chance to process why she would even have a graduated cylinder. He tried to shake himself out of her hypnotic trance.

"Twilight, no! We can't be doing this! I've already let this go too far," he said sternly, trying to keep some kind of position of authority. "You're my daughter!" She just rolled her eyes.

"Would you relax? "Here, think about something else." She backed up toward him, as he tried to lean back and away, unwilling to use kinetic magic against her. He was trapped in his chair. "You can pretend that I'm Mom, if that helps."

"Twilight, that is- That is not at all the issue!"

"Shhh." She shushed his protests as she backed up and touched his snout with her nethers, wetting it with her juices. He tried to squirm away, inadvertently pleasuring her with his movement on her. She held him in place and gave him a good rub on his nose, getting him thoroughly coated.

She sat back down on the floor, unconsciously rubbing herself against the rug. She finished getting her measuring instruments ready. His tongue reflexively licked his face where her wetness was on him. 'She tasted even better than she smelled,' he thought. Even as he berated himself for enjoying such a thing, she could see him getting hard again already as he licked his nose.

"Twilight I-"

"Now, now. I tasted you, so it's only fair," she said, "you can thank me after."

"After what?" he asked. Her only reply was kneeling in front of him and taking grasp of his stiff dick again, stroking it as she pointed the tip at the opening of a graduated cylinder. "Twilight!" he shouted.

"Relax, I said! It's for science!" she said. He felt torn. Even as certain as he was of Velvet's infidelity, he still loved her. He didn't want to betray her. Least of all with their own daughter! But his daughter's hooves on him felt incredible. Her scent filled his nostrils and her taste lingered on his tongue. His mind became fogged, overcome with her arousal, and his own. It had been too long since he'd felt the touch of a mare. And here one was touching him in earnest. And it felt good. It felt so damn good.

"Well... if it's for science..." he finally relented. "... could you... go a little faster?" Twilight grinned.

"Of course, Daddy," she answered.

"Daddy?" he asked as his legs trembled. "You haven't called me that in years." Twilight set the cylinder on the floor. She used both hooves to stroke him faster. She flicked her head aside to get her bangs out of her face. She looked up at him from between his legs with those deep, purple eyes.

"Yeah, well..." she trailed off as she stroked him. Her eyes alternated between looking up at his, and focusing on her work with his cock in her hooves. Her horn and mane were still sticky with globs of his fresh cum. With each passing moment, as he looked down at her between his legs, she became easier to see as a mare, and not his daughter. The last shred of his mental conflict melted away as she gently cupped his balls again.

"Poor Daddy," she cooed, feeling the weight of his balls. "They're still so heavy. You haven't had anypony to help you empty them."

"Twi-" he moaned. His cock began to flare.

"Wait! Don't ejaculate yet!" she scolded, taking her hooves off of him. "Wow, ready again so quickly?"

"Sweetie, it's been a long time for me," he groaned, feeling uncomfortably denied after being so close to cumming again.

"Well if you can hold off your orgasm, your testicles will produce more volume," she said, waiting for his flare to subside.

"Twilight. Baby. Are you really going to tease me after all this time I've already waited?" he whimpered like a little filly with a skinned knee. His erection throbbed with each beat of his heart.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, both out of concern and academic curiosity.

"Yes. I mean, a little. It's uncomfortable for a stallion to be this close to finishing," he explained. "You don't want to give your dad blue balls now do you?" he asked.

"Your testicles ache?" she asked. He nodded. "Oh, I'm sorry." She extended her hoof and gently held his balls again, rubbing them slowly. "Here," she said, "I'll kiss the boo-boo and make it all better." She leaned down and kissed each of his balls. He moaned as he felt her lips on his scrotum. "Does that feel better?" she asked.

"A little," he answered. "Could you- um, maybe try licking them?" he asked.

"You want me to lick them?" she asked. He nodded. "Will that make them feel better?"

"Oh, yes."

Twilight leaned her head lower, running her tongue up along each of his hefty balls. They were each nearly the size of a tangerine. With the sort of base curiosity of a mischievous toddler, she wondered if this thing in front of her could fit in her mouth. As though reading her mind he asked her.

"Could you try sucking on them a little?"

"O-okay." She opened her mouth as wide as she could, careful to keep her teeth clear of his tender area. She took one of his balls into her mouth, sucking on it like a popsicle.

"Ow! Not so hard," he said.

"Oo, auhhy," Twilight tried to apologize with her mouth full.

"It's okay. Why don't you just focus on this, instead?" he said pointing at his shaft. She let his ball slip free from her mouth and put her hooves back on his dick, rubbing it again as she had before. "Well, actually, I meant with your mouth," he said.

"Right. I suppose that would be an adequate simulation for intercourse," she said, looking up at him. His dick obstructed most of her view from her perspective. She knelt upright once more, angling his dick with her hooves. She could feel her own wetness dripping as she lifted herself from her seat on the sopping-wet carpet. She looked down at the tip of his dick, aimed at her face. The next step seemed simple enough, yet daunting all the same. She opened her mouth as wide as she could again. It was at least a little thicker than his balls were. Keeping her teeth off would be a chore.

"Oh, Twi," he moaned as she managed to get the head of his dick into her mouth. As big around as it was, she could only manage to take a few inches before her mouth was completely filled. She pressed her tongue against the tip. She could taste the droplets of precum dribbling from him. It tasted a little more watery than his semen proper. But not at all unpleasant. "Oh my gosh! Your mother would never do this for me," he said as his head rolled back. She didn't have much of a range of motion. She was only able to bob her head a little. But it seemed to please him well enough. She used her hooves to work the rest of his shaft at the same time. She felt his hoof running through her mane, rubbing her head softly in encouragement as she worked.

"Twi... Twi... Oh Twi!" he moaned louder. She felt him grab her horn with his hoof, holding her down on his cock with a bit more force. She braced herself with her hooves on his legs, keeping her from going any further. His hips bucked involuntarily. She felt him flare inside her mouth. He was about to cum. Twilight had better leverage and pushed herself off of him, freeing herself from his hoof's grip on her horn. "Twi!" he cried out, denied a second time.

"Just a sec!" Twilight grabbed the graduated cylinder, bringing it to the tip of his penis. She realized just how woefully unequipped she was for such a task. The opening to the tube would be far too narrow for her to be able to aim him with any accuracy. "Hold on just a minute!" she said. She stopped to try to find a funnel.

"Twi! I- I can't!" he cried, writhing in the chair, denied yet again. "I need release!"

"Just wait. I'll be just a minute," she told him. He watched her turn around and bend over, digging for something in her bag. His eyes bore down on her wet marehood, all but dripping beneath her lifted tail. His legs moved on their own. Before he knew what was happening he was on his hooves. "A funnel has got to be in here somewheeEERRRAAAH! Dad!?"

Night Light surrendered to instinct, mounting the presenting mare. It no longer mattered who. Twilight felt his demanding shaft deflect off of her nethers in his first, uncoordinated thrust. In her surprise, Twilight hadn't the time to react. And her magic was preoccupied, levitating the glass cylinder. He pulled back and tried again, finding his mark. He pressed his tip against her wet pussy, forcing her lips to part. "Daddy!" she squeaked in surprise, not fear. She knew that he would never actually hurt her. Even so, her plea for him to stop fell on deaf ears. He grunted and pushed.

Twilight cried out in a pitch usually reserved for bat ponies as she felt her father's penis enter her virgin pussy. She fell forward, down onto her elbow on the carpet. It only served to give her father a better angle as he pushed his cock the rest of the way into her, filling his daughter. She could feel his heavy balls press against her winking clit. Unlike when she pushed herself into his face, she was not in control of the sensation this time. And that made the stimulation all the more intense.

She shuddered as he filled a void, scratched an itch, that she didn't even know she had. The quiet discomfort of the heat of her estrus that had plagued her each year. With one swift stroke, he made clear the solution to her problem. And it wasn't grinding against the rug. He pulled back, seemingly acquiescing to her pleas. She could feel him exiting her, leaving her with an emptiness that she had only just become aware of. She found herself wanting him not to stop, not to leave her now.

"Daddy," she moaned now in a throaty, lustful, tone, pleading for him to continue. He needed no other instruction as he pushed forward again, faster this time, refilling her. His balls struck her clit more forcefully, sending a jolt of electricity up her spine. "Yes!" she cried. His dick was thoroughly coated with her wetness now. Free of any resistance, he pulled back and thrusted again. And again. Faster and harder. "Daddy!" Twilight squealed under him. Her legs were trembling, but her knees were locked to support their weights. She could feel a tension growing in her tummy. Like a knot getting pulled tighter and tighter, threatening to snap.

"Oh, baby!" he moaned. Twilight felt him getting thicker inside her.

"Daddy!" she pleaded, "Wait! Don't!" But he only went faster now. He wrapped his hooves tightly around her, pulling her back to him just as hard as he was humping into her. His tip flared. The girth of it struck against her g-spot and he slammed it home, hitting her clit a final time. The knot in her tummy let go. Her pussy quivered and spasmed around him, spurting her marecum against his scrotum. "Daddy!" she cried out.

"GRR!" He held her fast as she came. His balls tightened, ready at last to let loose. She felt his flare stretching her even wider inside. She felt his cock throbbing and pulsing. "I'm sorry baby!"

"No Daddy! Don't ejaculate inside me!" she cried, even amidst her own first orgasm. But it was already too late. She felt the first rush of his hot load deep inside of her.

"I'm-sorry!-I'm-sorry!-I'm-sorry!" he cried, even as his hips kept making little thrusts, pushing his cum deeper. "AH!" A second, third, and forth rope he pumped into her. But he held her tight, despite his repeated apologies, long after he finished cumming, still making little jerks with his hips.

"Daddy, no! I'm in heat! You're going to get me pregnant!" she cried, sinking to the floor with him still inside her.

"But didn't it feel good?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter that it did!"

"Twilight, don't cry," he cooed, laying behind her, stroking her mane. "Everything's going to be okay."

"How? You ejaculated inside my vagina! I'm in estrus. I'm going to get pregnant!"

He laughed at her overly-clinical terminology.

"How can you be laughing!" she said.

"Twi, did you forget?"


"I had a vasectomy. I'm sterile. I can't get you pregnant."

"... Oh. Oh!" her eyes lit up. She looked back at him. "Why would you scare me like that, Dad!?"

"Because you're cute when you get all worked up," he said. She gave him an elbow to the ribs. "I bet you feel better now."

"Yes. It's quite a relief."

"I mean physically," he said, running his hoof down along her body to her tummy, pressing against the bulge of his cock still inside her. Twilight stretched a bit on the rug beside him.

"Yes, I- I feel fantastic!" she realized, now that the pang of her heat had been sated.

"Daddy knows what's good for his little filly," he teased.

"Hmm." She felt him going soft inside her, slowly retreating from her loins. "Help me up."

He pulled out with a wet 'plop' and helped her up to stand on her hooves. She quickly grabbed the graduated cylinder and the funnel and squatted over it. With a flex of her pelvic muscles, she felt a white rush pouring from her.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped as she squeezed the last dribble from herself. "250ml."

"Is that a lot?" he asked.

"It's incredible!" she said. "Even if half of that was my own fluids, its still almost double the average ejaculate volume!"

"Well, what can I say?" He smirked. "You bring out the best in me."

"Yeah," she scoffed, "And you put it in me!" He laughed.

"You want me to put it in you again?" he asked. She turned and pounced on him, pinning him onto the floor on his back with her hooves.

"Fine. But this time I get to be on top!"

Grim Mishaps

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"Good morning," Twilight said from the kitchen.

"Good morning," her father, Night Light replied, coming down the stairs. "Making breakfast?"

"Yup," she answered. "I had to go to the market to get most of the ingredients though. You didn't have much in the fridge aside from frozen dinners and cider."

"Well, your mother always took better care of me than I ever did for myself," he said, leaning over her at the stove, giving her a few kisses on the back of her neck. He worked his way up to her ear, giving her a little nibble.

"Hehe! That tickles!" she tried to shoo him away. He reared up behind her. She felt his weight on her and felt him prodding at her under he tail. "Daddy! I'm trying to cook!" She pushed him off of her, turning to see his stiff erection bobbing under him. "What's with you?"

"Sorry sweetie, it's morning wood. I can't do anything about it," he grinned.

"Even after all those times last night?" she said, still feeling a bit sore.

"Hmm, just thinking about it..."

"Gosh, you really were pent up." She rolled her eyes. "After breakfast!"

"Yes dear," he replied like the obedient husband he was. Twilight set the stove to simmer and trotted into the living room.

"Be right back," she said.

"Where are you-" Before he could finish Twilight vanished in a flash of light. A few moments later, she reappeared with a few sheets of paper and her reading glasses. "Where did you go?" he asked.

"My lab."


"In my castle Ponyville. I just wanted to check on some results from my tests."

"What kind of test?" he asked. She froze mid-step. She hadn't even entertained the possibility of discussing her findings with him. She wavered a bit, trying to decide whether or not to lie to him.

"Um, it's a..." she trailed off, regretting ever telling about it. "Well, don't take it the wrong way. But after what you told me yesterday, it's actually a... um, a paternity test," she said. He just sat at the kitchen table in silence for a moment.

"For who?" he asked finally.

"For... me."

"Oh." He responded with the sort of calm indifference that he might've had if he were told that it was going to be cloudy tomorrow. "And?"

"And..." she chewed her lip. "And they don't make sense."

"How so?"

"Well, I ran a blood sample from myself against the...sample I got from you, and from Mom. And I-"

"How did you get a sample from your mom?" he asked.

"What? Oh, um, remember when Mom got that short bob-cut for her tail, and we tried to make a wig out of it? I used some of that."

"Oh. Okay. So what doesn't make sense?"

"Well, the test would show whether you two are my parents. But the quantities are off." She showed him her papers. "You see? I detected both yours and Mom's genes matching mine."

"Well that makes sense. You're our daughter," he said.

"Yes, but... it should be a 50/50 split. I should have half yours, and half hers. But instead, I have 75% of Mom's genes, and 25% of yours," she said. Night Light had a decent grasp of genetics.

"How is that even possible?" he asked.

"I don't know. That's why I re-ran the test three times, but the results are always exactly the same." She scratched her head. "You get 25% from each grandparent. But how do you get 75% from somepony?" she asked rhetorically. Night Light rubbed his chin.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it too much," he said. "If there's something wrong with your lab equipment, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're the smartest pony I know."

"Aw. Thanks, Dad," she said, leaning over to kiss him. He wrapped his hooves around her and pulled her onto his lap.

"You're also the sexiest," he whispered coarsely into her ear as he pulled her closer. His erection was pinned between their bellies as she straddled him on the chair. She wiggled a little against it, feeling it grind against the front of her marehood.

"What about Mom?" she asked in a teasing, playful tone.

"Well aside from your hair color, you do look just like your mother," he said as his eyes ran over her body. "But a younger version of her," he continued. "Of course, she doesn't have these," he said, using his hooves to extend her wings. Before he met Velvet, he had dated a pegasus mare. He knew all about the erogenous zones of a wing as he nibbled on her wings' pinions.

"Dad-" she gasped. He worked his way along her wing, giving each of her primaries a gentle tug, as though he was preening her. Each nibble caused her to shudder. He could feel her hot excitement wetting his lap.

"And since you haven't had a couple of foals," he said between nibbles, "your pussy is still really tight." She blushed.

"Daaad!" she whined.

"What? It's true!" he said, freeing her wing. He ran his hooves over her slender body, picking her up by her waist. Twilight steadied herself on his chair with a hoof and lifted herself up. She grasped his cock with her free hoof and angled it under her, aligning it with her very-wet vagina. She rubbed the tip along her slit enough to get it thoroughly lubricated. She eased her weight down onto him and gasped as she felt the tip of his rigid dick pop inside of her.

"Mmm," she hummed, content to just continue sitting, impaled on him as he resumed kissing and nibbling on her wings, working his way up to her shoulders. Each contact of his warm lips on her neck made her quiver. Her pussy rippling around his member inside her, massaging it.

"Baby, if you keep that up, you're gonna make me go off again!" he said.

"But Daddy, I want one too!" she cooed, with her best pouty face. Night Light pulled her sad-face down to him, meeting her lips with his own. She was nothing if not a fast learner. He parted his mouth and her tongue met his with just as much passion. He wrapped his hooves around her midsection and with a mighty heave, stood up. He lifted her along with him, his penis still inside her. He turned and set her butt on the edge of the heavy wooden table. He let her lay back on the bare surface between the place settings and he gave her a couple more idle humps.

He pulled away, slipping out of her tight confines. Before she could even complain, he dropped to his knees between her legs. Twilight felt the air rush from her lungs as he pressed his face into her loins. He wasted no time in plunging his tongue deep into her opening. He used his hooves to spread her, giving him a better access as he ran his wide tongue up along her slit, flicking it against her sensitive nub. The rational part of her mind would have surmised that he'd made up for his physical shortcomings with her mother by mastering his oral sex technique. But she was hardly in the proper state of mind to voice the articulate complement.

"F-fuck!" she hissed through her teeth. His mouth popped off its wet kiss.

"Language, Missy!" he scolded.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay." He lowered his face back down to her splendid pussy and resumed licking her. She reached down with her hoof, grabbing her father's horn, holding him in place against her. She was careful not to be too rough. She knew how sensitive a horn was as she gently ran her hoof up and down along its spiraled ridges. Below the table, his cock bobbed in time with each stroke of his horn, teetering on the brink of climax. He redoubled his efforts, determined to give her an orgasm before he selfishly had another without her. He licked faster and gave her winking clit little kisses and a light suck. He felt her thighs squeezing his head hard enough to give him tunnel-vision.

"Daddy- I- I'm close! I- I'm gonna- ah!" she moaned. He wrenched himself free of her legs' grip and stood up in a flash, bringing his dick to her pussy once again. She hadn't the time to even react as he lunged forward, filling her with his entire length in one swift motion. His pelvis met hers in a rapid series of wet slaps. "Daddyyyyy!" she cried out. Her legs went rigid at either side of him and twitched wildly. Her pussy soaked his belly's fur with her marecum and spasmed around his thrusting cock, sending him over the edge as well. His balls tightened and she felt him flare inside her, stretching her even further.

Her wings flung open from under her back, scattering the dinnerware. The glass cups ceramic plates shattered on the tile floor as she felt the first bout of his hot cum splashing against her insides. She wrapped her legs around his back, holding him close as she felt him continue to throb and pulse, flooding her pussy with his copious load. He leaned down wrapped his hooves around her, aggressively kissing her between his desperate breaths for oxygen.


"DAD!? What the fuck!"

Night Light's head shot up and he turned to look behind him.

Shining Armor, his son, was standing behind him in the entryway to the kitchen. Night Light's eyes were as big as the dinner plates they'd just smashed.

Shining couldn't believe his own eyes. Here he had come to his foalhood home to visit his dad for Father's Day. And here he finds his father fucking some mare that was definitely not his mother. From where he stood, all he could see was his Father's back, and the splayed wings of the whorse pegasus on the table under him.

"Shining! What are you doing here!?" Night Light asked in reflexive defense. His flared cock was still firmly wedged inside his daughter.

"I should ask you the same thing!" Shining yelled, visibly furious. "I was here to visit you for Father's Day. But right before I was going to knock, I heard glass breaking. So I came inside." Night Light pulled away from her just enough to slip out of her with a wet 'plop'. His cum spilled out of her in a white torrent. "I see I'm not the only one, either! So who are you fucking behind Mom's back!?"

Night Light stepped aside as Twilight sat up on the table's edge, causing more of her father's semen to spill out of her pussy, still on full display.

"Hey B.B.B.F.F." she said with a weak little wave of her hoof.

"No..." Shining breathed, barely an audible whisper. Twilight watched as his face went through the entire spectrum of emotions. His initial anger had been so easy to justify, catching his father in the act of cheating, balls deep in some other mare. But of all the ponies, she was the last he would have ever expected it to be. Princess Celestia herself on that table would have been less surprising. Shining's anger vanished, replaced with disbelief. His face was one of shock before melting into a sad disappointment. It twisted into a repulsive sneer of disgusted horror. All in less than a few seconds. At last it returned back to rage as he looked back and forth at each of them.

Night Light stared at the floor in shame, unable to bear meeting his son's glare. He never even saw it coming.

In an instant, Shining took a large step toward him and reared up, bringing his clenched hoof back. Twilight couldn't react fast enough to stop him. Shining socked his father in the jaw, sending him reeling across the kitchen, breaking the wooden chairs as the blue stallion careened through them. Shining closed the distance quickly, ready to resume stomping him on the floor. Twilight shielded her father with her magic.

"You son of a BITCH!" Shining yelled, kicking the purple aura protecting Night Light. Iridescent sparks showered off with each strike.

"Shining! STOP!" Twilight cried. "Don't hurt him!"

"How could you do this!?" he yelled at him before turning to Twilight. "Both of you!"

"Shining! You don't understand the situation!" she said.

"Oh, I understand it just fine! He's been fucking you behind Mom's back!"

"No, it's not like that!" she said.

"I think I remember what I saw!" he yelled. "Fuck it! I don't even need my memory! I can see with my eyes right now!" he yelled pointing at her freshly-fucked pussy, still dripping her father's cum.

"Twilight, it's okay," Night Light muttered from the floor, sitting himself up. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have let any of this happen." Night dispelled her protective ward and looked up at his irate son, towering over him. "Let him do what he wants. I'm a bad pony." Shining was ready to oblige. Twilight jumped off the table and moved between them, her horn glowing, ready for anything.

"Dad, no!" she cried "Stop lying! This isn't your fault." She put her hoof to Shining's chest, pushing him away. "Don't hurt him!" she begged. Shining gave her the same furious glare. Twilight resigned to her own guilt. "Or are you going to beat us both?" she asked, letting the light of her horn fade away, leaving her defenseless. Shining set his hoof back down on the floor and relaxed his clenched jaw. He took a slow step back, deescalating the situation.

"Mom will decide your fate when she gets back," he said sternly.

"No! You can't tell her about this!" Night Light begged. "It would devastate her!"

"The hell I'm not!" he spat. "She deserves to know!"

"Please don't tell her about Twilight, at least! You can tell Velvet you caught me cheating, but leave your sister out of this! Please!" Night pleaded.

Shining took a deep breath, turned and paced a few steps, rubbing his forehead. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small stack of envelopes. He had grabbed the mail from the mailbox on his way in before he heard the commotion.

"Your mail," he said throwing them at Night's hooves. Shining's card was among them. "Happy Father's Day." There was also a letter from Velvet. Night Light opened it quickly. Twilight knelt beside him on the floor.

"She's going to be home this evening!" Night said, with a mix of excitement and dread.

"Shining, please! Don't tell her anything!" Twilight said. "You don't know how bad it's been for him. For both of them. Please!?" Shining sneered at his dad.

"I'm taking you out to 'celebrate Father's Day'," he said. "We're going to a bar and you are going to come home stumbling drunk. You're going to show Mom what a disappointment you actually are. And then you're sleeping on the couch. You don't deserve to sleep in the same bed as her after this!"

"Shining," Twilight tried to object.

"Or else I'm telling Mom that you cheated on her. But I'll leave Twilight out of it," he pointed at them "but this ends NOW. Or else I'm telling Mom everything."

"You're going to blackmail him!?" she said.

"Okay," Night Light resigned. He accepted his fate of hardly ever having sex with his wife, and never having amazing sex with his daughter ever again. He would do as he was told, over losing everything and ruining Twilight in her mother's eyes.

Night Light showered upstairs while Twilight cleaned up in the kitchen under her brother's disapproving glare.

"You're being a bastard," she said as she swept up the broken glass.

"Twilie, so help me if you try to claim the moral high ground-"

"I'm not saying I'm not wrong for this!" she said "Or that you wouldn't be right in telling her, but- dammit! You could be handling this a lot better!" He snorted.

"How, exactly?" he asked, taking a seat. "How exactly should I handle walking in on my dad fucking my sister?"

"I don't know! But not like this! You're going to ruin his life!" she said.

"He has done that himself! He did that when he used you!" he said. She turned and shoved him backward out of his chair, sending him spilling onto the floor.

"No! I USED HIM!" she yelled. "I seduced him. I made him feel happy. Appreciated. Mom doesn't appreciate him! She cheated on Dad first!" Shining balked, still sprawled on the floor.

"N-no! How would you know?" he asked.

"Dad told me! He found her pregnancy test in the trash last year. He's had a vasectomy since I was born. There's no reason she would need that unless she was cheating on him with some other stallion!"

"Bullshit! He must have been lying to you to justify having sex with you," he said.

"He told me before I seduced him! It's part of the reason why I did it," she said. Shining got back to his hooves, contemplating the new information.

"This changes nothing," he said. "It doesn't make what you two did right."


"Shining," Night Light said from the stairs. Shining checked the clock. It was just after noon.

"Perfect. Let's go," Shining said, ushering him out the door.


Shining sat at the bar beside his father. The barkeep lined up two shots of liquor in front of each of them.

"Happy Father's Day," Shining said, pushing his two shots to join the others in front of Night Light. "Now drink up, Fucko!"

Twilight sat at the the kitchen table. She had taken the time that afternoon to clean the house. She returned all the empties from Night Light's sabbatical as a 'single pony' again. She didn't need her mother to think any further less of him than she was about to. She frowned as she sat there, trying to think of a way to fix all of this.

"Stupid!" she scolded herself. She had been so sure of herself the previous day. She had been so certain that her mother was the unappreciative villain, and her father was the victim of her neglect and infidelity. And she was so certain that her brother was being an asshole, bent on ruining her father's life. But in the end, she had to admit, even to herself, that there was no excusing their actions. She hadn't a leg to stand on in this argument. She had done more to destroy her father's life in a single moment of blind passion than all the alcohol in Canterlot.

She heard the door's lock jingle with a set of keys. Twilight was elated that Shining had taken mercy to bring their dad home early. She ran to the door.

"Twilight!?" her mother, Velvet, greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"Mom!?" she faltered. "Mom! You're home!" she hugged her and took her bags.

"Yes, finally. Where's your father?" she asked.

"Dad? Oh, uh, Shining took him out for Father's Day. That's why I'm here. Visiting. For Father's Day."

"Oh. He must not have gotten the letter I sent, letting him know I would be home tonight."

"Oh no!" Twilight feigned. "I hope they don't over-do it. Shining seemed pretty intent on getting him... drunk."

"That's hardly the way I want to first see him after all this time. I was hoping we could have a romantic evening." She looked at the calendar. "I guess I forgot that it was Father's Day, too."

"Well I wouldn't be too hard on him," Twilight said trying to prepare her for the worst, "He misses you. And he loves you."

"I know, Sweetie," Velvet said. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"Barkeep! Another round!" Shining called out. The bartender trotted over, eyeing up Night Light. The blue stallion's half-lidded eyes wandered as he swayed and wavered, barely able to stay in his seat.

"I think he's had enough," he said.

"Come on, it's Father's Day!" Shining said. "And I've got the... best dad in the world," he forced the words out as though they left a foul taste in his mouth. "I'll make sure he gets home safe."

"I don't think so, bud." he said, motioning to the door before he walked away. Shining got down from his bar stool and slung his father over his shoulder. Stepping outside into the fresh air, Night Light's eyes crossed, looking down his snout at his son. He gained, for a brief moment, a small bit of clarity, remembering why they were there. His eyes turned and focused on him.

"I hate you."

"No no... you hate yourself."

"Ugh, I do," he groaned.

Velvet and her daughter waited nervously on the couch. It was dark out hours ago and the guys hadn't come home yet.

"I'm getting worried," Velvet said. "Your father never goes out this late."

"Don't worry," Twilight said, "Shining promised to bring him home." Unfortunately.

They both turned to look at the sound of the door being unlocked. Shining Armor, stone sober, unlocked the door and opened it.

"Here we are, home sweet home," he announced, holding the door open for Night Light. His father didn't so much step inside, as fall inside, flopping onto the carpet. "Oh, you." Shining said, looking into the home. Velvet looked at them from the couch. Twilight glared at him from behind her, staring daggers into him. "Oh. Mom! You're back from your trip!" he feigned. He stepped over his father to go give her a hug. Velvet shoved him aside.

"Night Light!? Nightie!?" she said as she and Twilight tried to help him up. "What happened?"

"Oh, this animal!" Shining said with a chuckle. "He was just out of control tonight! I was like, 'hey Dad, maybe you should slow down', but he was all like 'fuggoff'," Shining imitated in a gruff voice. "Isn't that right, Daaad?"

"Erry wurd" Night slurred into the rug.

"Night Light!?" Velvet scoffed.

"Sarry hun, ah gus um juss a oudda cundrol annamill!" he slurred.

"Here, let's get him on the couch," Shining said in a far-too-cheery tone, levitating the poor stallion onto the sofa. He turned to Velvet. "I'm sorry you have to see Dad like this." Night Light felt his world spinning as Shining levitated him. He turned and retched onto the rug. "Oh, geez Dad! Another one of your messes for me to clean. I hope you don't pee yourself."

"That's enough!" Twilight barked. "Dad, are you okay?" Velvet ran to the kitchen to fetch some paper towels, and knelt beside the couch to clean up the floor while Twilight helped to steady her father.

"It's okay Night, you just over-did it a little. But at least you're both home safe," Velvet said. Shining looked back and forth at the two mares doting on the drunk stallion. Twilight would occasionally give Shining a sharp glare as she worked. Twilight went and got a bucket to put beside the couch for him. Shining stood there, waiting for them to get mad at Night for getting so intoxicated, but it never came. He looked at his father on the couch. He looked like he had a terrible illness. Shining hadn't drank at all that night, but he suddenly felt sick to his stomach.

This was the pony that raised him. Played catch with him in the back yard. Taught him how to be a good stallion. Even as his wife was cheating on him with Shining. His plan had served to get Night Light on the couch. But maybe he had gone too far tonight.

Velvet finished cleaning. "I am exhausted from my trip and I would like to get some sleep. We'll start over tomorrow."

"Of course, Mom," Shining said.

"Good night," Twilight said. Velvet went to their bedroom. Twilight and Shining each went to their old foalhood bedrooms for the night.


Twilight couldn't sleep. It had easily been the worst day of her life. She couldn't even imagine how awkward breakfast was going to be. Especially if Night Light was so hungover. She looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was now so late that it was early. Twilight poked her head out of her door. She needed to help her dad somehow. She silently crept downstairs to the first floor bathroom. For as often as he must have been drunk, he was sure to have some-

"Ah ha." Twilight grabbed the hangover treatment potion and brought it out to her dad on the couch. "Dad?" she whispered, trying to shake him awake. "Dad, wake up."

"Hnng? Twi?"

"Dad, drink this."

"No more drinks," he groaned.

"It's medicine. Here, sit up." She rolled him off of his belly and onto his back. His morning wood swung out and stood erect as he sat upright. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to sit on his lap and make him feel better as she gave him the potion. Make him happy again. But they were in enough trouble from that as it was. "Drink," she said, helping him hold the bottle. He took a few slow sips until it was all gone. His eyes brightened up a little. He swayed a little. She caught him with her hooves. His cock brushed against her. They both looked down at it, between them. Twilight reached down and held it with her hoof, giving it slow strokes. Night Light put his hoof on hers and pushed it away.

"No. We can't," he sighed, gaining more of his sobriety. "Just... let me rest. I still hurt."

"Okay, Daddy." Twilight forced back her tears. "I love you,"

"I love you too, sweetie. We'll get through this." He laid down and rolled over. He was asleep in moments.

Twilight tip-toed back upstairs. She heard the creaking of wood. She froze, stalk-still on the stairs, fearing that she would wake her brother with the noise. He would assume the worst of her going downstairs to their dad. She heard the creaking again. It wasn't her. She feared that her brother was awake and getting out of bed. She didn't dare move. Her ears strained at the noise. She could hear it more now, just barely at the edge of her range of hearing.

She moved upstairs, agonizingly slow, focusing on the noise. She reached the upstairs hallway. She moved toward her bedroom. Her head whipped around looking toward the sound from the other end of the hall, expecting to see him behind her.

Nothing. She feared that Shining had gotten up to use the upstairs bathroom. But the bathroom's door was wide open and was no movement inside. She went past her bedroom getting closer to the noise. Her mother's door was closed. Mostly. It was open just a bare crack. The creaking noise was definitely coming from inside. She peeked through the opening, expecting to find her mother tossing and turning, perhaps talking to herself in her restless sleep.

Silhouetted against the window's moonlight, Twilight could see everything. Her brother, Shining Armor, balls-deep in their mother, Twilight Velvet.

"Oh Mom, I'm gonna cum-"

"Shining, not inside! You're going to get me pregnant again!"

HYPOCRITE!!!" Twilight roared, kicking the door in.

For a brief instant, in the blinding magenta light of her horn's spell, Twilight could see on their faces the twin looks of abject terror. The kinetic strike of her spell slammed into her brother with the force of a train. He was ejected from between Velvet's legs and slammed into the far wall, knocking picture frames to the floor.

"YOU! MOTHER! FUCKER!" she yelled, not even acknowledging the appropriateness of the curse.

"UNG!" Shining yelped, both in pain from the attack and in climax as his cock helplessly spurted involuntarily into the cold air. The combination, along with her element of surprise had him keenly vulnerable. He tried to scurry away from her into the corner, making himself as small as possible. Twilight gripped him in her magic, pressing him up against the wall, up off of the floor. She squeezed him against the wall in her magic, crushing the air out of him. The plaster of the wall began to crumble under the force. Shining's cock continued to dribble as he finished ejaculating.

"I should cut it off!

"Twilight! STOP!" Velvet cried. "Don't hurt him!"

Twilight's own words from defending her father earlier, echoed in her mother's voice now.

Twilight released him, letting him fall to the floor in a heap, gasping for air.

"You fucking hypocrite." Twilight spat on Shining's cheek. Velvet scurried from the bed over to help Shining. "You've been cheating on Cadance! You were the one Mom was cheating with this whole time! You were even reckless enough to get her preg-"

Twilight froze. Her mouth ajar in revelation.


" should be a 50/50 split. I should have half yours, and half hers. But instead, I have 75% of Mom's genes, and 25% of yours."
"You get 25% from each grandparent. But how do you get 75% from somepony?"

"Shining's my...?"

The look on Velvet's face was all the confirmation she needed. Shining had half of Velvet's genes, and half of Night Light's. The answer was so obvious now.

"Shining's my- f-f-father!?" Twilight gasped.

"Yes," Velvet cried into her hooves.

"WHAT!?" Shining scoffed.

"It's true," Velvet told him.

"That's how long this has been going on!?" Twilight did the math with her own age. "He was just a colt!"

"I know!" Velvet sobbed. "I'm a terrible mother!"

Shining was still in shock.

"You can not tell Night Light! Not about any of this!" Velvet said between sobs "And especially not about Shining being your father!"

Twilight didn't even flinch.


Night Light, feeling much better, stumbled as fast as he could fall up the stairs. His nausea and headache were gone. But only time could rid his body of the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

"Twi!?" he called into her bedroom.

"In here," Twilight said. He tripped and stumbled down the hall to his bedroom. He could see the carnage of the spells. Broken picture frames and cracked walls.

"The fuc- what the hell happened in here!?" he asked, still half asleep. "Am I still drunk?"

"Night, I-" Velvet was cut off.

"Shining was fucking Mom," Twilight blatantly reported.

"What!?" Night asked in disbelief. But his nose told him all he needed to know. The room reeked of sex. Fresh cum stained the carpet. The bed was a disheveled mess.

Twilight was awaiting a justified, angry outburst.

Shining braced himself for a second beating. None came.

Nopony but Velvet knew what would happen next.

Too tired, drunk or saddened, Night Light collapsed. His legs gave out and he fell to the floor. The news literally broke him. It was the final straw on an already strained pony. Tears ran down his cheeks and his mouth gaped in a silent wail. He hadn't even the strength to cry out. The pain was too great. His entire family bore witness to the exact moment his heart ripped in half. Velvet rushed over to him, cradling his head in her hooves.

"Night, I'm so sorry!" she said, holding him. She looked down at him. He looked up at her. At last he drew a breath. Velvet, knowing what was coming next, held him tight to her chest as he cried out, bawling into her fur. She glanced over at Shining, still recovering in the corner, both physically and emotionally. Velvet looked up at Twilight. There was no anger in her eyes, as she looked at her daughter. Only calm concern that she'd have to see him like this.

I've destroyed this family, Velvet thought to herself as she held her broken husband.

For several minutes, nopony dared move. Nopony spoke. As though whatever tenuous fiber was left holding things together might break for good.

"I think he's asleep," Velvet whispered at last, feeling her husband's steady breathing against her chest. Velvet lifted him gently in her magic, setting him in his bed, where he belonged, and she tucked him in. "Shining, go to your room." He didn't object. He did as he was told like an obedient colt without a word. "Twilight, come downstairs with me. We have a lot to talk about."

Loose Ends

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Twilight sat at the kitchen table in the dim light. Velvet grabbed a bottle from the fridge and sat across from her.

"Wine?" Velvet offered. Twilight looked a the clock.

"It's almost time for breakfast," she said. Velvet shrugged.

"It's five o'clock somewhere."

"Yeah," Twilight pointed at the clock, "Five A.M."

"Suit yourself." Velvet took a swig from the bottle. "I just think you might need some after... everything."



"Okay," Twilight accepted. Velvet slid the bottle across the table to Twilight.

"I imagine you must have a lot of questions right now. And that you want answers."

"I want the truth!" Twilight said, setting the bottle on the table a bit harder than she meant. Velvet winced, taking the bottle back.

"That's fair, I suppose" She took another long pull from the bottle of wine. "Twilight, do you have any idea how hard it is raising a colt? Because I do. Oh, it's not so bad at first. A little foal scampering around. But then when they hit puberty..." Velvet trailed off, remembering when Shining first start sporting morning wood. Or when unexpected things would 'pop up' at bath time.

"Colts get to a point where they just want to... fuck something," Velvet said, a bit more candid than Twilight was prepared for. "As the only mare around, their mothers often become the object of their attraction, even if they don't understand it. Usually you just explain that they shouldn't feel that away about their mother, and they grow out of it."

"Usually," Twilight mocked. Velvet sighed.

"Twilight, I was desperate. I was in heat, and your fath-, er, Night Light was away. Shining didn't understand the consequences of what we were doing. And I never meant to hurt him, or Night." She took another sip. "Twilight, I'm not going to try to rationalize what I've done. I knew it was wrong then, and I know it now. I should have stopped it before it ever started. But I... but I didn't."

"And once Shining was old enough to know better...?" Twilight asked.

"Are you a virgin?" Velvet asked. Twilight shook her head. Velvet smiled weakly. "Neither of us wanted it to stop. Sex feels good. What can I say?"

"You had Dad," Twilight cut in.

Velvet shrugged.

"Shining is... a blessed stallion. Even when he was a colt. You can call me a size queen if you wish, but, it just felt so much better with him. I have no other excuse," she confessed. "And I didn't want to withdraw myself from Shining's affections. He was still my son, and I only wanted for his happiness. It would have crushed him. And..." she trailed off. "We loved each other."

"To say nothing of Shining cheating on Cadance!"

"Well, technically, Shining cheated on me with Cadance. But no, Cadance knows."


"When Shining was old enough to know better, I encouraged him to date other mares. I was hoping that a mare his own age would break him off of me. But even though he did try, he insisted that he wanted to maintain our relationship. And though he didn't tell me until much later, Shining was honest with Cadance about our relationship from the beginning of theirs. He never lied to her. I may have been having sex with my son, but I still raised him right. And Cadance is a very understanding mare."

" 'Do as I say, not as I do', huh? Didn't you love Dad anymore?"

"Of course I do, Twi. How can you ask something like that?"

"That little display upstairs with Shining is how." Velvet winced.

"I really do love Night. And despite everything, I've tried to stay committed to our marriage. But I love Shining, too. Even though I know it's not the way a mother is supposed to."

"And Shining's my father!?"

"Yes. It was an accident, I'm afraid. I never told Shining the truth about you. But we were more careful after that. And we never got caught. Well, not until tonight."

"No," Twilight replied. "Dad knew."


"Dad knew you were cheating on him. He found your pregnancy test in the trash after he'd had a vasectomy. So he knew something was up. Of course he never suspected that it was with your son," Twilight said. Velvet covered her mouth with her hoof.

"If he knew, why didn't he say something?" Velvet asked.

"He told me it was because he felt inadequate. He knew you wanted more than he could physically provide. So he turned a blind eye to it," Twilight explained. Velvet cried into her hooves.

"You and Night must hate us now," she wept. "I've destroyed this family."

Twilight watched her mother sob into her hooves. Two days ago, her life was so simple. She had a mom, and a dad, and a brother. And that was that. Everything was so simple. She would have given anything to have that back.

But it was a lie.

Her brother and mom had been harboring secrets for so long. Her own life was a lie. And she loved her father now in a way she had never imagined. She couldn't take it back. None of it could be taken back. Even if it could be undone, she wouldn't even exist. She owed her own life to their elicit affair.

But there has to be some way to fix this, Twilight wondered. And then she realized that she still had one last card to play. It was a long shot of a gamble. Actually, fuck that. Giving her alicorn powers to Tirek for the final chest key was a long shot. If she could pull this off, if she went all-in, nothing held back, it would be nothing short of miraculous.

Her mother was in tears.
He family was in shambles.
Her home was broken.
She didn't have much left to lose.

"Mom, there's something else you should know," Twilight said, chewing on her lip. She braced herself to be ready to stop her mother from killing somepony, or herself.

"... What is it?" Velvet asked, wiping her eyes dry again. Twilight sucked in a breath, standing at the edge of the cliff of revelation, bracing herself for the deep plunge.

"...Dad and I have become lovers."



"Oh," Velvet replied, with no more emotional weight than having been told the weather forecast.

"Oh!?! Oh!?" Twilight scoffed. "Mom, I'm not joking. Dad and I have been having sex!"


"Wha-? What are you- Aren't you mad!?" Twilight yelled.

"Lower. your. voice."

"Aren't you upset at all!?" Twilight whispered aggressively. "Shining almost beat Dad to death when he found out!" She pointed at the broken chairs. "Then he blackmailed him into getting drunk, to be a disappointment to you! I didn't realize it was so he could leave Dad on the couch and have you in bed tonight!" Twilight barked.

"I didn't know that was his plan when I went to bed. Believe me I was just as surprised as you when I found him in my room." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe not as surprised as you. But I honestly didn't think he would be brazen enough to try that while you were both in the same house as us. And I didn't know he intentionally sabotaged your father's night for it. He IS in trouble for that."

"But you don't care that Dad and I had sex?" she asked. Velvet shrugged.

"What do you want me to do, Twilight?" she asked in a defeated tone. "Do you want me to try to beat you up, too? Throw you into a wall?" She drank the rest of the bottle. "Do you want to see me cry?" She shook her head. "You and Shining, both. You're both still so young. You just don't get it yet. You don't understand what's really important. Family!"

"Family doesn't try to hurt each other," Velvet continued. "Not on purpose. Shining was wrong to beat up Night Light. But you were just as wrong to do the same to him! What did you think was going to happen when you called your father upstairs? Hmm!? Did you think that he was going to beat up his wife? Or his son? Did you really think so little of him!?"

Twilight looked at the floor in shame. Her mother was right.

"I knew what was going to happen as soon as you told him about us," Velvet said. "I knew it was just going to break him. So you know what!? No!" Velvet slammed the empty wine bottle onto the table. "I'm not angry about you and your father. I'm NOT going to beat anypony up. I'm fucking happy for you! Because I love you both, and you both deserve to be happy! I love Night Light, and Shining, and you! Nothing about tonight has changed that. And nothing ever will." Velvet pushed the empty bottle away from her.

"Besides..." Velvet said, visibly deflating from her outburst, "what the hell right do I have to judge you? After... everything I've done." She pushed her seat out. "Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to bed. And tomorrow, you are going to apologize to Shining! And he's going to apologize to Night. And I'm going to- to- um... Everypony is going to apologize! And we are going to be a family again, damn it!" Velvet stood up, perhaps too fast, and was about to tumble to the floor.

"Whoa, easy there!" Twilight caught her with her magic. "Here, let me help." Twilight lifted her in her magic and levitated her in front of her. She carried her mother upstairs. At the top of the stairs, she stopped. To the left was Shining's room. Night Light's room was to the right.

"Um, did you want to sleep with... Shining?" she asked nervously. Velvet could only grin, weakly.

"Why?" she asked, "So you can have Nightie all to yourself?" Twilight blushed.

"I had no intention of-"

"Shh," Velvet hushed her. "Bring me to my bed. I miss my husband." Twilight nodded. She carried her mom into their room, setting her in the bed beside Night Light. Velvet rolled over to him, draping her hoof over him. "Missed you," she whispered before kissing him.

"Mmm, Velvet. Missed you, too." Night wrapped his hooves around her. "You've been drinking," he murmured, smelling the wine on her breath.

"So have you," Velvet said, kissing him again. Twilight left the room, closing the door behind her. She looked back at her parents' bedroom door.

"They really do love each other."

Twilight stopped just outside her brother's closed bedroom door. She stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Even with her newfound knowledge, she was still angry about what had happened. After everything he had done with their mother, the sheer gall he had to judge her and punish Night Light. She wanted to be mad at her mother for going behind Night Light's back all this time. It made her feel like what she and Night had done was justified. Righteous, even.

She brought her hoof to the door, eager to throw it open and finish what she started. But something her mother said stayed her hoof.

I'm not angry about you and your father. I'm happy for you. Because I love you both, and you both deserve to be happy. I love Night Light, and Shining, and you. Nothing about tonight has changed that.

Just as she had discovered her mother and Shining, Velvet likewise found out tonight about her daughter and her husband. And yet, she accepted it. Had she given them her blessing? Twilight wondered. Could Shining ever accept it? she found herself vainly hoping. After everything, an optimistic voice hoped that she would be able to continue her relationship with Night. Twilight felt her thoughts stop cold at a final hurdle. Could she ever accept them?

Twilight shook her head, clearing her mind of questions. She had gotten everypony's point of view but one. She took a deep breath and gently knocked as she pushed the door open.

"Shining?" she whispered.

"Mom?" he whispered back, anxiously.

"You've got the wrong 'Twilight'," she said. Shining backed away on the bed.

"Oh, shit- Twi- uh, what- what are you going to do!? I mean what do you want? I mean... uh, hello?"

"Relax, I'm not going to..." she sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry about attacking you earlier."


"I wasn't..." Twilight realized in that moment, what it was she had actually been mad about. "I wasn't even really mad about you and Mom. I mean, how can I be, now? I guess I was just mad about how you treated Dad. Especially since you had been... doing that with Mom all along."

"Twi, I'm sorry too. I, I just-" Shining relaxed and sat up on the edge of his bed. "It's just- that I know what it's like to be living a lie. Believe me, I didn't like keeping so many secrets. Having to always be making plans, and back-up plans. I never liked lying to Dad, or you. But... heh," he trailed off. "But I didn't want to stop, either. Mom is..." he visibly blushed, even in the dark, "She's pretty amazing."

"Hmf. She tells me she's quite fond of you, too," Twilight said, taking a seat beside him. "How did you even... how did it all start?"

"I don't really remember all the details. But I was pretty young. Younger than I should have been, starting to do something like that," he tried to remember.

"She said it was when you started going through puberty."

"Yeah, I guess. I just, I remember Mom just being so... pretty. And..."

"She seduced you?" Twilight asked.

"No!" Shining said firmly. "Never! Please, Twi, don't ever blame Mom for any of this! She never initiated it."

"She should have stopped it," Twilight said.

"She tried," Shining admitted. "She told me plenty of times that we should stop. She told me that what we were doing was wrong. And I knew it too. She didn't have to tell me for me to know that what we were doing was... unusual."

"She told you she wanted to stop?" Twilight asked. Shining hesitated.

"No. She told me we should stop. But... you know how stubborn I can be. I didn't want to stop. And even if she never wanted to admit it, deep down, she didn't want to either."

"Mom always did spoil you. "

"Heh, yeah."

"But what about Cadance?" she asked. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Mom insisted that I at least try to date other fillies. I didn't want to. But after you were born, she had Cadance as your foal-sitter. It's obvious now, what she was trying to do for me. And Cadance was- is a beautiful pony. We started dating. Once things started to get serious, I told her about me and Mom, making her swear to keep it a secret."


"I knew I was taking a big risk. But I didn't want to have to be keeping secrets with another pony in my life. And she took it... surprisingly well. I admit, I can only imagine the shock of hearing that your special somepony is literally a mother fucker. But Cadance is an incredibly understanding mare. She said that even though she thought that what Mom and I had was... unusual, to say the least, she said that it wasn't her place to pass judgement on two ponies loving each other. 'Any love is good love' she would say." Shining glanced at the doorway, and leaned closer to Twilight. "Mom and Cadance have actually..." He raised his eyebrows in an 'implying' motion.

Twilight gasped and gave him a slug in the shoulder with her hoof.

"Yeah. You don't need to tell me how lucky I am," he admitted. "But I've- Mom and I, we've beaten some very long odds. And I just didn't want you and Dad going down the same path of secrets and lies. I knew how dangerous it was. And when I found out about you and Dad, I knew that it was just going to be a matter of time, all of us living in this powder-keg of family secrets. I guess tonight was a long time coming for me... For us." A tear on Shining's cheek glistened in the moonlight. He wiped it away with his hoof. "Sometimes... I just wish I could undo all of it, and have a normal relationship with Mom. You know? And have a normal family." Twilight nudged him with her shoulder.

"Yeah, but if you did that... I wouldn't be here," she said. His eyes went wide again.

"Yeah... that." Shining took a deep breath. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. This whole time, I never knew I was a- your father." He looked at her, beside him. "But now that I know, do you want to know how I feel?" he asked.

After a long minute, Twilight nodded.

"Not the least bit bad," he said. "In fact, I gotta say, I'm damn proud to have you as my daughter. You're an amazing pony." He smirked. "Even if you did fuck your..." he trailed off, thinking about it.

"Grandfather?" she answered.


"Yeah," she breathed. "But I still kind of prefer thinking of you as my brother. And Dad being... Dad."


"You prefer to think of me as your brother!?" she teased him.

"You know what I mean!"

"I know," she giggled. They both laughed. It was a much-needed moment of levity after such a horrible day.

"So... are we good?" Shining asked.

"Yeah," she said, getting up to leave. "But you need to apologize to Dad tomorrow!"

"I know. I will, I promise." He said, laying down. Twilight headed to the door. "Goodnight... Sis."

"Goodnight," she said, closing his door. Twilight headed down the hallway to her bedroom. She thought to herself, Breakfast is going to be interesting.

Full Disclosure

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Velvet's eyes fluttered open as awoke to the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. Beneath the blanket, she could feel the weight of a stallion's hoof draped across her. She smiled and wiggled back against him. She turned to roll toward him to wake him with a kiss.

"Good morning Shi-" Velvet froze. She had grown so accustomed to sharing a bed with her son, she had nearly greeted her husband as such on reflex. Mercifully, Night Light was still sound asleep beside her. The morning sunlight poured through the window's damaged blinds. The previous night came rushing back to her. Shining Armor, Twilight, the fight, and Night Light, here now. Bits of plaster from the wall still littered the floor of her quite-literally broken home. In a single night, all of her worst fears had come true.

"Night?" she asked the sleeping stallion, nervously, unsure if she really wanted to wake him. He looked so peaceful. She hoped that he was having a pleasant dream. But like her own fantasies, it couldn't last forever. They each needed to come to terms with what had happened. She needed to talk to him. Even if all he had to say to her was a demand for a divorce.

Would it really come to that? she worried. He had every justification. But would it be the reason? Or would he use this opportunity to rid himself of her and her lies and pursue his relationship with Twilight? Velvet's hoof trembled as she brought it to nudge him awake, stopping just a hair's breadth away. Would she be freed to keep her relationship with Shining? She shook her head, unwilling to accept defeat.

"Nightie?" she whispered, giving him a little push, gently shaking him awake.

"Mmh? Vel?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I had the craziest dream last night, I-" he saw the carnage in the room. "Oh... Okay" he sighed, not quite ready to face this harsh reality. He was too dehydrated to cry. But Velvet could see the emotional anguish in his face.

"I'm sorry," Velvet whimpered. "About... everything! You must hate me now!" Night Light winced. His eyes felt like they had been replaced with cotton balls covered in saw dust. His head felt like his brain was rattling around inside on a bed of broken glass.

"Shhh..." he hushed her. "Water."


"Bring me... water," he repeated. "Please." Velvet hastily scurried from the bed, filling a glass in the sink and bringing it to him. He could tell that it had come from the bathroom sink and not the kitchen. But by the stars, in his condition, it was the most refreshing thing he'd ever had. "Thank you."

"Night, I'm sorry," Velvet started to apologize again. He put his hoof up to silence her again.

"It's okay," he said.

"Really!?" she asked, incredulous. He hazarded to open his eyes at last, and looking into hers.

"No. Not really. It's- it's not okay. Nothing is okay. Nothing about any of this is okay," he sighed, too exhausted to even stay angry. "Heh," he huffed a short laugh at the absurdity of it all. At that point, if he didn't laugh, he was going to cry. "No, it's not okay, Vel, but... Heh, what the fuck am I supposed to say!? Shining came up here to have sex with you to get revenge on me."

"Revenge? No! It's not like that! He's- he was the stallion I was cheating with."

"How could you?" he asked. "All this time? And with our son!?" Velvet buried her face in her hooves. "When did it start? A year ago?" he asked, recalling when he'd found her pregnancy test.

"No. It was before Twilight was born."

"Damn, Vel," Night Light couldn't look at her. He couldn't imagine his wife with their adolescent colt. True, he's had sex with Twilight as an adult. But their situation was completely different.

"I was weak!" she sobbed. "You were away and I was in heat. He didn't know any better and he-" she recalled her first time with Shining Armor. "He was young and horny and- oh Nightie, I should have stopped him. He didn't understand what he was doing. He was just a colt that wanted to do what felt good and I- I let him!"

"That little shit!" Night cursed, getting ready to get up and give his son a piece of his mind. Velvet grabbed his hoof.

"Night, wait!"

"No! He's an adult now. He knows better, and so did you! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go give him an adult-sized kick in the ass!" She grabbed his hoof harder, yanking him forcefully back into the bed.

"And what about you and Twilight!?" she barked.

He froze.

"Told you, did he?" Night asked.

"She did," Velvet answered. "Last night. We talked after you passed out again. So, when did that start?"

"Two days ago."

"Really? You're both adults. You knew better."

"I was weak," he echoed her words. "You were away and she was in heat. I knew better. I should have stopped her. Fuck, I should have stopped myself. But she just wanted to do what felt good and..."

"You let her." Velvet said.

"Yeah," he sighed again, losing his will to fight. "I'm a horrible pony."

"It's okay," Velvet said, holding his hoof.


"It's okay," she repeated. "After all that I've done, who am I to judge? You deserve to be happy after what I've done to you. To this family. You deserve each other. When we go downstairs, if you want to be with Twilight- I won't get in the way. I-" her tears welled up. "I won't fight you if you file for divorce."

"What!? Divorce!? Velvet no! I don't want to leave you! Do you want to divorce me!?" He asked.

"No! But how can you not? How in the world are we going to make this work?" Velvet asked.

"I don't know! But this family has gotten this far. We've-" he paused. "Okay, I won't say we've been through worse. I can confidently say that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to us. So... it can only get better."

"You want to stay married?" she asked.

"Yes! Don't you?" he asked.

"Yes..." she said.

"But?" he lead. She blushed.

"But... full disclosure, I still want to... with Shining," she confessed. Night chortled. "What?"

"No, it's just... ironic," he said. "I was thinking something similar."

"We're horrible ponies," she said. He took her hoof.

"Hey, we all are," he smiled and hugged her. "But I'm still pissed that Shining punched me and got me shit-faced just so he could fuck you in our own bed!"

"Yes, well, he IS in trouble for that," Velvet agreed. They each hushed as the heard Twilight rouse from her bed to go downstairs. When Night heard her start to make a ruckus in the kitchen, he got out of bed.

"I'm going to go talk to him," he said.

"Let me," Velvet pleaded.

"Fine. But I'm coming with you."

Velvet walked down the hall to Shining's bedroom. Night Light followed after. She stopped him outside Shining's door and let herself inside.

"Shining?" she asked, stirring him awake. Shining blinked awake and saw her standing beside his bed.

"M-Mom!?" He sat up quickly and wrapped his hooves around her, taking her by surprise as he kissed her. She tried to push him away.

"Shining," Night Light said from the doorway.

"Oh shit! Dad, uh-" Shining let go of Velvet and backed away.

"Where the fuck do you get off behaving like that!?" Night said, taking heavy steps into the bedroom. "The way you treated your sister and I after what you two have been doing!"

"Night," Velvet interrupted him, politely, but firmly, trying to deescalate the situation. Night Light stopped to let her speak. "Shining, your father told me about what you did yesterday. I'm very upset about the way you behaved. Attacking your father and getting him drunk just so you could be with me! You and I promised each other, we promised, Shining, that we would never let what we had hurt anypony! And you broke that promise!"

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to."

"I'm sorry... Dad," Shining said, hanging his head, before snapping back upright. "I hope you're not mad at Mom about any of this! It wasn't her fault!" he said. Velvet put up her hoof to shush him.

"Your father and I have made up. And now I need both of you to, as well."

"Dad, I'm sorry, really!" Shining said. "I wasn't even that upset at first, when I first saw you with another pony. I mean, given what Mom and I were doing, what right did I have to judge? To be honest, I was barely even surprised, really, given how long Mom was away, and... how rough things were between you before." Night glared at Velvet.

"What? We talked," Velvet said.

"But when I saw that it was Twilie, I-" Shining paused, still confused about the whole thing. "I don't know what came over me. But just seeing somepony f-f-fucking my sister, my Twilie, and you of all ponies-" Shining shook his head.

Velvet's eyes lit up in realization.

"Afterwards, I really wanted to..." Shining trailed off and blushed, embarrassed to be admitting this to his dad. "I really wanted Mom, badly. Seeing you with Twilight made me feel like there was nothing wrong with what we were doing anymore. I felt justified, righteous, even. But we were all here, at home, and so were you. So I cooked up a way to get you on the couch, drunk, so I could... well, you know."

"Son of a bitch," Night spat.

"Your words," Shining said.

"Night!" Velvet scolded.

"Sorry, honey."

"Shining, I'm extremely disappointed in you," Velvet said. "A simple 'sorry' isn't going to fix this."

"I know. How can I fix this? How can I make it up to you, Dad? Buy you a drink?"

"Ha. Ha." Night deadpanned.

"You can start to make it up to both of us today by going downstairs to the kitchen and doing what you are told! Do you understand?" Velvet said.

"Yes, Mom."

"We'll be down shortly. Now go on!" she instructed. Shining stood up and obediently walked past his father to head downstairs. Velvet closed Shining's bedroom door and turned back to her husband. "Night, I just realized something!"


"I think Shining has feelings for Twilight," she said.


"Does that really surprise you?" she asked. Night thought about it. Shining certainly wasn't pleased to have caught him with another mare, but when he realized who it was, he turned practically psychotic.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"No, but, I want to make this work," she said, taking his hoof in hers. "And I know you want to keep what you have with Twilight."

"Yes," he admitted.

"Just like how I want to keep what Shining and I have. I know they both want to, also. But we need them to both be okay with it, with each other!"

"I don't follow,"

"Night, come on. It's only going to be a matter of time before they consider how they feel for each other. And I don't want that to happen behind our backs. Not again! If it's going to happen, I want it to be on common terms."


"But first, we have to get them comfortable with our relationships. And I don't want it to be some drawn-out, awkward discussion. I want to get right to the point, and get it done."

"Okay. How?" he asked.

"Just follow my lead, and we'll all come out of this stronger." Velvet opened the door and grinned. "And if it helps you feel better, later, I'll talk to Cadance. I'm sure she'd be willing to help you... even the score," she purred with a wink. She trotted downstairs, leaving Night with a half-mast at the thought of getting with Cadance. He tried to willpower it away.

"I'm... gonna need a minute."

Breakfast Epiphanies

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Twilight Sparkle had her head on her pillow for a barely an hour before Celestia's sun came pouring through her window. It was okay, she reasoned. Of all of them, she'd gotten the most quality sleep. And so the early-riser did as she does.

"Breakfast. Take two," she said to herself as she began to cook. She glanced at the wine bottle on the table that her mother had emptied. The table that her father had ravaged her upon the day prior. The two broken chairs that Shining had sent Night through. She cleared away the bottle and broken chairs along with all the bad memories. She set the two remaining chairs at the table, and made up the place mats. Once that was set, she multi-tasked the cooking.

"Hey," Shining Armor said from the kitchen entryway. Twilight glanced back at him.

"That's not what you said the last time you were standing there," she said. He frowned, still upset about the way things had gone yesterday. Both the image was still seared into his mind of her on the table and his father... on her, and how he reacted, too. "Too soon?" she asked.

"I think so."

"Good morning?" she tried.

"Is it?" he asked. Twilight took a deep breath.

"We'll see..." she said, stirring the contents of the mixing bowl. Neither said anything further. Both in silent dread of what was to come of their parents, or their family altogether. Velvet came down a short while later.

"Good morning," Velvet said, walking into the kitchen.

"Good Morning," Twilight greeted. She tried to restrain her glare as Velvet gave Shining a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning... Mom," he greeted.

"Breakfast smells wonderful," Velvet said as she stood beside her daughter to lend a hoof with cooking.

"Thanks, Mom," Twilight said, tending to the stove. After a minute or so she cleared her throat. "Um, how is..."

"He's awake," Velvet said. "He'll be down soon."

"So what do we do? I mean, what are we going to... tell him?" Twilight asked.

"I think, at this point, full disclosure is best," Velvet advised. Shining leaned toward her.

"Even about me being Twilight's... father?" he asked.

"Give me some credit, son," Night Light said from the doorway behind him, "I can do math." He walked over to the stove and kissed Velvet. "Good morning, dear."

"Good morning," Velvet replied. Night turned back to Shining.

"When Twilight told me she had 75% of her mother's genes and only 25% of mine, I admit, I was confused at first. I though there was something wrong with her experiment. But even so, I couldn't stop thinking about it." Night Light moved up behind Twilight and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, sweetie." Twilight tensed at the contact.

"Good morning... Daddy." She looked back at Shining, sitting at the table. He turned away before she could catch his eyes.

"But then after last night's little... *ahem* revelation," Night Light continued, "it was the only explanation that made sense. When I realized the truth, I... well, I guess you were all there. Sorry about breaking down like that on you. I wasn't exactly in my best form."

"No, dear!"
"It wasn't your fault, Dad."
"We love you, Daddy!"

"Thank you." He smiled, and chuckled a little, sitting in the only other free chair.. "I... I guess we're all having a tall glass of irony for breakfast. Along with...?"

"An omelette," Velvet said, setting the pan on the table.

"And pancakes!" Twilight announced, turning around from the stove with a tall stack on a plate. She set the plate on the table as Velvet sat on Night's lap. Twilight regarded the remaining option, unsure how to go about her dilemma. "Um, Mom?"

"Yes dear?"

"Um, if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to not sit on Shining's lap," Twilight said.

"Why not? Are you two still fighting?" Velvet asked in a scolding, motherly tone.

"No I just..." Twilight was cut off.

"I'm sure Shining wouldn't mind sharing his seat." Velvet asked. "Isn't that right, dear?"

"I have no opinion," Shining said, diplomatically.

"I'd prefer to not sit on Shining's lap," Twilight repeated.

"Well then you're welcome to stand," Velvet teased.

"Mom~," Twilight whined.

"Twilight, if you have something to say, just say it," Night Light said, with a hint of frustration. "I think this family is a bit past subtlety at this point."

"Mhmm," Velvet agreed.

"Okay..." Twilight hesitated, considering just standing. But she felt a slight sting in the back of her head. Her pride. She felt the edge of her anger at her mother for cheating on her dad this whole time. And now she was just going to sit on his lap like nothing was wrong?
She didn't deserve him! Twilight set her jaw and steeled her resolve. She prepared a carefully-constructed counter-argument for her mother's objection. "Mom, um- I'd actually prefer to- sit on... Daddy's lap," she said.

"Oh?" Velvet teased, laying her hoof across her forehead in a feign swoon. "But wherever shall I sit!?"

"You're welcome to stand," Twilight teased back.

"Twilight-" Night said in a stern, fatherly tone, commanding her to keep it civil. Twilight cleared her throat.

"Well, Mom, what I meant was... I think you may prefer to sit... on Shining's lap," Twilight said. Velvet pretended to be thinking, as she emphatically tapped her chin with her hoof.

"I suppose I could," Velvet mused aloud. "What do you think, dear?" she asked Night. "Does that idea sound agreeable to you?" Night Light huffed in faux resignation.

"I guess. That is, if it's alright with Shining for you to sit on his lap," Night said, looking down his nose across the table at his son. Shining somehow turned a whiter shade of pale.

"I have n-no opinion," Shining said, diplomatically.

"Well, alright then." Velvet got up from her seat on her husband's lap and sauntered around to the other side of the table. She swished her tail to the side as she swayed her hips to an obscene degree. Shining backed his chair out a little to receive her. She settled into her son's lap with an excessive wiggle of her hips. Shining nervously looked over her shoulder at his father on the opposite side of the table. Night Light's expression was intentionally neutral. After a moment, he turned to Twilight.

"Sweetie?" Night Light asked, "Won't you sit down and have breakfast with your family?"

"Yes... Daddy," Twilight said with cautious suspicion of the situation, suspecting that she was still asleep. She sat as daintily as she could into her father's lap. She felt his hooves grab her hips with his hooves and firmly pull her back, snug against him.

"I. Am. Starving!" Night announced, reaching beside Twilight with his fork, cutting a piece of a pancake. "Ladies first, of course." He lifted the fork up to Twilight's mouth. She leaned a little to take the bite. Then, without the slightest warning, or attempt at subterfuge, Night Light slipped his free hoof between Twilight's legs, rubbing her pussy. It was a high table. Shining and Velvet could not see his hoof in her crotch. But from the angle of his limb, it was plainly obvious to anypony else what he was doing.

"MMff!" Twilight's gasp was muffled by her mouth full of food. She turned to glare at Night's brazen advance. But he directed her eyes across the table. Shining was struggling to hold his fork steady as Velvet held his hoof in her own crotch. Twilight could feel her father becoming erect behind her. He pulled her back against it, pressing it between them. Twilight took care to keep herself in place, to keep it hidden from the others at the table. Velvet shifted a bit in her own seat as Night Light took a bite of the omelette.

"Mmm, this omelette is delicious!" he said. "What do you think, dear?" Velvet took a bite, herself.

"Mmm! I agree," Velvet said. Twilight could see that Shining was beginning to look visibly uncomfortable, biting his lip as Velvet leaned back against him. "An appropriate dish, I'd say."

"Oh?" Night asked.

"Yes. Because sometimes you have to do a lot of breaking..." Velvet paused and lifted herself from her seat. For a brief moment, Twilight's mouth fell open as she caught a glimpse between Velvet's legs of her brother's erection. Velvet shifted it a bit before she sat on it. It penetrated her wet marehood with practiced ease, stretching her as she took it inside her completely. "... to create something truly wonderful!" Behind Velvet, Shining's terrified eyes went off in different directions. There was no way that Night Light didn't see what just happened. Twilight braced herself for his reaction.

"What an appropriate analogy," Night Light said in a cheerful tone, even as his wife was rolling her hips on the stallion across from him. Twilight could felt him grip her waist. "Sweetie?" he said. She felt him lifting her up with his hooves. She hesitated at first, not wanting him to get caught with an erection. Her legs moved on their own as she stood up, in disbelief of her own actions. He lifted her without rising from the chair, himself. She felt his penis fall forward, beneath her tail and between her legs. While she didn't intend for it, her eyes caught her brother's as Night lowered her back down. Night grunted as the tip of his dick pressed against Twilight's pussy. "Twilight," he mused, "you seem tense." He shifted her around a bit as he applied a bit more pressure. "You really should relax."

"There's no need to be so tight-lipped," Velvet said, catching her attention as she adjusted in her seat again as Shining chewed his lip. "Don't be afraid to open up to your family."

"Okay," Twilight squeaked. She took a deep breath and sighed, trying her best to relax. A difficult task as both her brother and mother were unabashedly looking at her crotch. The usual lack of clothing made her genitals an unassuming sight. But watching her getting penetrated by Night's blue shaft was an entirely different affair. For all the times she had felt it before, feeling her father penetrate her this time was far more exhilarating. Once his tip popped inside, he let her settled back down into her seat, taking all of his length inside her.

"Ah, much more comfortable," Night Light said with a sigh of relief, placing his hoof back in her crotch to continue playing with her pussy. He rolled his hips back and forth under her, making just the slightest movement in and out of her vagina. "So, Twilight, when did you start liking omelettes?" he asked, flicking her winking clit with his hoof, lifting her hips a bit with his free hoof. "I thought you always preferred your eggs-" he pulled her back down on him, "scrambled."

"O-oh y-you know me," Twilight said as her voice trembled. "I like to t-try n-new things."

"Clearly, you do," Velvet purred, watching her husband very obviously having intercourse in front of her. She leaned onto the table, not-so-subtly bobbing her ass up and down behind her on her son's cock.

"Twilight, could you please pass me the maple syrup?" Night asked.

"S-sure!" Twilight's horn glowed. Night Light extinguished her horn's glow with his moist hoof.

"Uh uh ah!" Velvet scolded. "No magic at the table! You know that."

"Sorry," Twilight apologized. She reach with her hoof, but it was just too far for her to get without standing up. The bottle of syrup rested not an inch away from Velvet's hoof. "Mom, could you pass it to me?"

"I believe he asked you to get it," Velvet said. "Are your legs broken?" Twilight could barely feel her legs.

"No... Mom," Twilight steadied herself and slowly stood, lifting herself up off of Night's lap. But not enough to let him pull completely out of her. Twilight blushed as she leaned across the large table. Night Light stood up behind her, shoving most of his length back inside of her.

"I'll help," he said, leaning over her, pushing himself the rest of the way inside as she grunted underneath him. He tried reaching, but he was too far away, behind her. "Here, I'll give you a push." Twilight felt him start to gently hump her against the table.

"Oh, Twilight!" her mother scolded, pointing at her plate under her. "You're going to get your fur in you breakfast!" Velvet slowly stood, as Twilight had, and leaned over the table, reaching for the plate. "Shining? Be a dear and lend a hoof?"

"Yes, Mom." He stood behind her and leaned over her in a similar fashion. The plate was very much out of his reach. Velvet could easily reach it, herself.

"I can't seem to reach it," Velvet blatantly lied. "Be a dear and give your mother a push?" Shining looked at Night Light. The older stallion had abandoned all pretense and had his hooves on Twilight's hips while he thrusted. Shining looked down at Twilight. She had the same 'is this really happening?' expression that he did.

"Shining?" Night Light gained his attention. "I believe your mother asked you to give her a push."

"Sorry," Shining apologized, trying to avoid eye contact with him as he pushed his hips against hers, causing the table to shift.

"Oops, looks like the table is out of place," Night said, giving Twilight a more forceful thrust, pushing the table back in the other direction.

"Ooh!" Twilight cooed.

"Oh, now it's too far that way," Velvet said with a devilish grin. "Shining see if you can sort that out." Shining grabbed his mom's hips and gave her another good thrust. Night Light returned with one of his own. The room was filled with the sound of the wooden table's legs squeaking on the tile floor, and the rhythmic, wet slaps of nuts to butts, occasionally punctuated by Twilight's moans of pleasure.

"Well, while the guys straighten out the table, I figured we could talk about things," Velvet said, trying her best to keep her composure.

"Your mother and I have been talking. And we have decided to embrace our -ngh- alternative family life," Night grunted as he fucked Twilight.

"We realized that we have- all of us, gone about this in the wrong way," Velvet added. "So from now on, no more secrets and no more lies. Your father and I still love each other," Velvet said to Twilight. Twilight gave her a confused look. "And I mean that in both ways!"

"What your mother means is she and I are still committed to each other. But obviously... things have changed," Night said. "We've decided that we should each be able to pursue our other relationships."

"So we decided to get the awkwardness of it out of the way as soon as possible," Velvet said. Twilight looked back at Night Light, and then looked at Velvet and Shining behind her, fucking her.

"I think -ngh- you've achieved that," Twilight huffed. "I don't think this could get -oof- any more awkward."

"Shining?" Velvet asked. Shining tried to focus on his work, keeping a steady pace.

"I've showered with thirty other stallions in the Royal Guard barracks. I thought it would be the most awkward thing I would ever have to do in my life..." He looked at Twilight. She looked up at him from the table while Night pounded her plot. "...but this wins."

"Perfect!" Velvet cheered. Night Light pulled back, slipping out of Twilight. She felt his hooves on her hip, twisting her onto one side, and flipping her over onto her back on the table. Night sat in his seat and leaned forward, licking Twilight, eliciting a squeal from the younger mare.

Velvet gave Shining a bit of a shove back, forcing him back down into his seat, pulling out of her. Shining watched Velvet strut around to the other side of the table, watching her husband going down on the other pony for a moment before giving him a gentle tap. Night stopped, and sat back, turning his chair sideways. Shining got up from his seat and followed her around the table, standing beside Twilight.

Twilight sat up on the table and watched her mom kneeling in front of Night, licking his dick from balls to tip. Twilight felt a strange combination of discomfort. The foremost, watching her parents engaging in foreplay. But also, Twilight felt a pang of jealousy that Velvet should be the one doing it, instead of her.

"Mom! That was just in my-" Twilight blushed.

"Mmm. I can see why he likes you. You taste wonderful," Velvet said, giving him another long lick before she glanced back at Shining. "Dare I say, better than Cadance?"

"Mom!" Twilight scoffed, unable to imagine her mother going down on her former foal-sitter. But with each passing moment, the list of things Twilight was unable to believe possible, was rapidly getting smaller. Unlike Shining beside her.

The fierce, territorial jealousy, combined with the eroticism of watching Velvet perform oral sex, nitro-fueled his erection. Twilight's eyes widened as she got her first real look at the throbbing beast protruding beneath him, still glistening from Velvet's wetness from earlier. She didn't make a point of ogling him the night before. She was too angry at the time to look at him in any kind of a positive way. And after, she had only taken Velvet's word before about him being 'gifted'.

But the evidence was before her, now, thick, and veiny. Twilight gained some small bit of empathy for her mother's decision to pursue her relationship with her son as she unconsciously licked her lips. Shining's condition did not go unnoticed by Velvet either as she spied his erection in her peripheral. Velvet pulled her mouth off of Night's dick for a moment to speak.

"You see, kids, I just want to emphasize that Night and I have made up. And we realize that things are different now." Velvet gave her husbands dick another long lick. "Or rather, we are aware of how different things have really been. But it hasn't changed how we feel about each other." She gave each of his balls a kiss, sucking them gently before she resumed taking his cock deep in her mouth.

"If anything, I'd say it's given our marriage a second spark!" Night Light said. On the table, Twilight frowned. "But that isn't to say that either of us are going to abandon either of you two," he added. Night punctuated his sentence by reaching over and pulling Twilight's legs, bringing her butt over to the edge of the table. He leaned over in his chair and began to lick her pussy, even as Velvet continued to felate him.

"Daddy~" Twilight moaned, letting her head lay back down on the table top. Shining snorted in frustration at the display, seeing his father with two mares while he stood on the sidelines. Velvet popped her head up for a breath of air.

"Shiny? Do you feel left out?" She asked. She didn't wait for a response. Instead she only flagged her tail and wagged her hips at him. It was all the direction he needed. As soon as she felt his hooves on her, she went back to servicing her husband. Shining mounted her and shifted himself forward, sliding into her with a bit of a push, causing her to briefly deep-throat Night Light.

"Mmmh!" Night moaned into Twilight's pussy, making her legs shiver. Twilight's head lolled to the side. She had a full view of Shining rutting Velvet. Twilight felt the knot in her tummy getting tighter as her orgasm neared. She didn't expect the sight of her mom taking Shining's big, throbbing cock would turn her on. Or perhaps it was Night's tongue probing her vagina. It was a confusing sensation for the sight. But it was not one she found at all disagreeable. Twilight's head leaned back as her eyes screwed shut, focusing on the feeling between her legs. She felt Night stop for a moment to catch his breath and adjust his seat.

"You know, since I've been so kind to share my wife with you Shining, perhaps you ought to see if you could get Cadance to return the favor," Night Light said. Shining gave him a glare. Velvet pulled her mouth off of Night Light.

"You've already shared her with me," she said. "Fair's fair." Shining huffed.

"I'll... I'll talk to her... I guess," he grumbled. Velvet felt Night Light throbbed even harder in her hooves.

"Whoa, easy there." Velvet said.

When Twilight felt a tongue on her again, he had completely changed up his technique. He was hardly inexperienced before. But now! Hooves wrapped around her legs, holding her in place. Twilight was getting hit in all the right places, driving her closer to the edge, yet deliberately skipping the one spot that would send her over the top. Each time Twilight got near her peak, her peak got just a little higher, building and building. She desperately needed release.

"Please!" Twilight begged, teetering on the brink.

"You heard her," Night Light said, far to clearly for a pony with his mouth full of pussy. Twilight lifted her head in a flash and looked down between her legs at the pony eating her out. Velvet's blue eyes looked back up at her. The moment they made eye contact, Velvet delayed no longer. She kissed Twilight's winking clit, and sucked.

"MOMaaaahhh!" Twilight cried out, overtaken by her orgasm. She flopped back onto the table as her hips jerked and bucked. Velvet held on as Twilight came, soaking her muzzle as her marecum sprayed forth with unprecedented intensity. "M-Mom! Oh- oh my g-gosh!" Twilight babbled incoherently for a few moments.

"Yeah, Cadance said something similar," Shining said, still rutting Velvet from behind. Velvet gave Twilight a moment to recover, shifting back to her neglected husband. Shining gave her a few series of forceful thrusts, punctuated by a modest slap on her butt. Velvet shuddered. Combined with seeing and tasting her daughter cumming, and feeling Shining's balls slapping against her clit, she moaned through her own orgasm onto Night's dick, struggling to keep up her blowjob. Her legs quivered and shook, threatening to give out. Night Light looked at his wife, sucking his dick.

"Wow! Did he really get you to cum without having to go down on you? Just from penetration?"

"Mhmm!" Velvet nodded with his dick in her mouth, a bit shaky as she continued to cum. Night looked up from his wife at his son behind her.

"That a boy, Son! Good job giving your mom an orgasm like that! I'm proud of you! Up top!" Night lifted his hoof.

"Uh, thanks Dad," Shining said to the awkward compliment. Shining gave his father a hoof-bump as the spit-roasted his mom. Velvet lifted her head and gasped for air.

"Why don't we move this to the living room?" Velvet suggested. "There's more room, and the carpet is more comfortable than this tile floor."

"Okay, Mom," Shining said, reluctantly pulling out of her. Velvet and her husband headed into the other room.

"Shining, be a dear and lend your sister a hoof?"

"Sure thing," he answered. Twilight's eyes slowly came into focus. She looked up at her bother standing over her from the end of the table. "Need help?" he asked. Twilight nodded. He leaned over to take her hoof. As he did, the tip of his still-hard erection deflected against her sensitive pussy at the edge of the table, sliding it's length against as he leaned over.

"Ooh-" she trembled at the unexpected contact.

"Sorry," he said, trying to minimize it as best as he could as he helped her up. "I didn't mean to- um,"

"No, it's just- I, um" Twilight stuttered.

"Oh, would you two quit arguing all the time," Velvet said from the couch, holding Night Light's face in her crotch, "and just get in here!" Shining helped Twilight down from the table and followed her into the living room. He was was finding new joy in being behind her. "Shining, lay down on the floor," Velvet instructed.

"Okay," Shining obeyed. Velvet lifted Night's face from her lap and got up. She walked over to straddle Shining. She squatted down, bringing the tip to her entrance.

"Actually," Velvet said, looking at Twilight, "Why don't you try it?"

"What!? Me!?" Twilight balked. She looked nervously over at Night Light. He raised his hooves.

"Hey, don't look at me," Night said defensively. "I'm not sitting on that!" Twilight looked back at Velvet.

"I- I can't!" she said.

"Can't? Or won't?" Velvet asked.

"I can't! He's- he's-" Twilight stammered. Velvet cut her off.

"Are you about to say to can't because he's your brother?" Velvet asked.

"Well..." Shining started.

"Or because he's your father?" Velvet asked. "Because that didn't seem to stop you before." Velvet's words echoed in Twilight's mind for a moment. The gravity of them sunk in. After everything that had happened, everything that had been happening, was this last moral hurdle even an obstacle at all? "Come on," Velvet teased, lowering herself to take just the first few inches, "I can see the way you've been looking at it. You're practically drooling."

"No I'm not!" Twilight denied, quickly wiping her mouth just in case. Velvet bobbed a few times.

"I think. You'd. Like. It." she said in time with each bounce. "I know Shining wants to. I can feel how hard he is just thinking about it. Isn't that right?"

"Mom~" Shining groaned. His voice's guilty tone was a testament of truth. A truth that, (despite his mom openly fucking him in the living room in front of Twilight), he was ashamed to admit to.

"I mean I can't-" Twilight tried to focus as she stared at her brother's dick, "b-b-because... it's so big!" She felt her cheeks flush in shame. She looked over at Night Light. "Sorry." He shrugged and walked over to her.

"It's okay," Night said. "I admit, I am a bit envious. But I'm also proud of him too. But don't worry. We'll be right here." He put his hooves on her shoulders and led her toward Shining. Velvet lifted herself off of Shining's cock and shimmied forward up his chest past his shoulders to straddle her knees at either side of his head. She looked back at Twilight.

"Come on," Velvet coaxed. She reached behind her, giving Shining's dick a gentle 'sit here' tap. Night Light guided Twilight to stand over it. He placed a hoof on her butt to direct her to squat. Velvet stayed upright as Shining pulled her tail aside to watch Twilight straddle his waist. "Here we go," Velvet cooed, grasping his dick and pointing it up at Twilight's vagina. Night placed a small amount of his weight on Twilight's shoulders, directing her down in her squat.

Twilight felt Shining's tip brush against her pussy. Her heart was racing. Her breath was ragged. It felt like her first time flying with Rainbow Dash, both terrifying and thrilling. Her stomach was doing a flip, like she was weightless.

Behind her, Night Light just held her steady. He and Velvet had discussed this possibility earlier. They agreed that it was an inevitability. They decided that if it were going to happen, that it be on common terms.

Velvet looked behind her as Shining's dick pressed against Twilight's pussy. Even as wet as both parts were, it was going to be a task for her to stretch for him for the first time. Part of her, a big part, envied her daughter. She had suspected Shining's feelings for Twilight for some time. But she had never broached her suspicions to her son. She was pleased that if it was going to happen, that it be like this, and not another damning family secret slowly breaking them all apart. She felt happier, and more optimistic about her family's future than she had in years. Below her, she could feel Shining's shallow, rapid breaths against her marehood.

Shining watched Twilight's vagina press against the thick tip of his penis. His mother suspected his feeling for Twilight. Cadance even called him out on it on a couple occasions. But he always denied it, to Cadance, and even to himself. Especially himself. But as he looked at Twilight's nervous face, and her body trembling in excited anticipation, he couldn't deny it any longer. He did want this. He had wanted so badly for so long and he hadn't even realized it. It was this repressed desire that had fueled his rage against his father. Shining understood that now.

"Yes," Shining breathed, barely audible. Twilight looked into his eyes. "Yes, I do want this! I want you! That's why I- I-" he tried to find the words. "I'm sorry, Dad. About yesterday. I- I was jealous!"

"I know," Night Light said softly. "It's okay now."

"Shiny," Twilight whispered. Velvet used her hoof to work sliding Shining's dick against Twilight's pussy. Night Light pushed down on Twilight a little firmer. "I want this, too!" Night Light gave her one last frustrated push down.

"Ahhh!" Shining and Twilight gasped in unison as his tip finally pushed it's way inside her tight vagina.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Twilight whinnied and winced, feeling herself stretched more than she had ever been before.

"Shh, shh, it'll be okay baby," Night Light whispered into her ear to comfort her. He moved his hoof between her legs, gently rubbing her clit, helping to ease the pain into pleasure.

"Oh, oh wow!" Shining breathed, gripped by the tightest pussy he'd ever experienced.

"Now work your way down, a little at a time," Velvet coached. Twilight nodded.

"Okay. Okay. Whew. I got this," Twilight said, feeling the burning sting pass. She lowered herself a bit more. "Oh my gosh!" Twilight said, feeling him fill her more and more with each inch she moved down. Velvet watched with an intent leer as more and more of Shining's cock vanished into the younger mare. For all the times she had thought about this happening between them, she never dreamed that she would have been so incredibly aroused to watch it happen. She felt so fortunate to be able to witness their first time. After a few more short motions, Twilight neared the bottom.

"Ow, ow!" Twilight yelped, clutching her belly, feeling the bulged his cock was making. There was scarcely an inch of his cock still outside of her.

"End of the line. Looks like you've bottomed out," Velvet said. Twilight looked up at her. "He's butting against your cervix. Not the most pleasant thing."

"How do you do it?" Twilight groaned, remembering watching Velvet getting pounded by him earlier, easily taking the whole thing.

"Oh, well," Velvet blushed, flipping her mane with her hoof, "I've had a couple of foals and..." she glanced down at Shining's crotch, "regular stretching."

"I know," Night Light muttered.

"But my ass is still tight as a drum, dear." Velvet offered.

"I'll have to take you up on that," he said. She looked back at Twilight.

"Have you ever tried anal?" she asked. Twilight shook her head. "Well then!" she said to Night Light, motioning to Twilight.

Velvet settled onto Shining's face. He obediently began to eat her out with all his effort. Twilight leaned forward, laying on Shining's broad chest as Shining began to slowly pump in and out of her from below. Velvet's tail obscured his face. Twilight pulled it aside to see Shining's tongue expertly licking her pussy. Twilight felt a push from behind, pushing her snout into her mom's exposed marehood. Twilight looked behind her to see Night Light rearing up on her flanks, bringing his tip to bear against the purple princess pony's puckered plot. He smeared plenty of lubricant all over her virgin anus and Shining slid in and out of her pussy just below.

"Uh, Dad!? Wait!" Twilight objected. Night Light leaned over her.

"Shh, it's okay, sweetie," he whispered into her ear, pushing against her a bit firmer. Twilight's butt clenched.

"Dad, I'm scared!" Twilight whimpered.

"It's okay, baby, Daddy's right here," he said, lifting her chin to kiss her.

"And here," Shining said from underneath their mother.

"Is it going to hurt?" Twilight asked. "It's going to hurt isn't it!?"

"It will at first," Velvet admitted, "But then it will start to feel good."

"And it will feel really good for Daddy," Night Light told her. "You want to make Daddy feel good for Father's Day, don't you?" he asked in a paternal tone.

"Yes, Daddy," Twilight said.

"Okay then. Just try to relax and let Daddy into your ass," Night Light coached. "I promise I'll be gentle." Twilight nodded, trying to relax. Night Light applied a bit more pressure against her back door.

"Ooh, ooh!" Twilight whimpered, burying her face into Shining's chest. Shining wrapped his hooves around her and held her tight. Velvet lifted herself off of his face.

"It's okay Twilie, I've got you," Shining said, giving her a kiss. She kissed him back, harder. His tongue met hers and slid over each other in their mouths. Velvet leaned back, this time taking Twilight's horn into her instead. Twilight felt her horn being enveloped by her mom's hot nethers. She pressed her face to Shining's, kissing him beneath her dripping marehood. Twilight felt herself melting in his embrace, letting go of her fears. Night Light felt her relax and gave one last small push, squeezing his tip into her ass.

"Mngh! Ah!" Twilight cried into Shining's mouth. "It's in! He's in my ass!"

"I know," Shining said. "I can feel him inside you." Shining rubbed her back with his hooves. Both Night Light and Shining stopped moving to let her get used to him.

"Just wait for a few minutes," Velvet said from above. "The pain will pass soon. Just breathe." Twilight focused on her breathing. Shining held her close in the hot confines between their mother's legs. After a few minutes, Velvet asked,"How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I- uh, yeah," Twilight breathed. Night Light pushed a little more in. "Augh!"

"Do you want me to stop?" Night asked.

"No, I can- you can... keep going," Twilight managed.

"Okay. Hold on." Night Light pushed in a bit more. Shining could feel his dad's dick through the thin wall of Twilight's muscles separating them. Twilight did her impression of rapid Lamaze breathing. "Just a little bit more," Night told her. Twilight felt herself being stretched to her limits. She couldn't take any more. She sucked in a breath to tell him to stop and pull out. But at the same moment, she felt his hips meet hers. "There!" Night said with pride. "It's all in!"

"That's my girl!" Velvet applauded. Underneath, Shining looked up at Twilight's moist eyes.

"That's my girl," he whispered, just barely loud enough for Twilight to hear, and he hugged her tightly.

"So full," Twilight groaned. Shining winced, feeling a warmth settling onto his scrotum.

"Ewww! The balls are touching!" Shining complained. Night Light rolled his eyes.

"Son, don't you know the golden rule?" Night Light asked.

"It's okay when it's in a three-way," Velvet assured him.

"It's not gay when it's in a three-way," Night Light explained.

"With your sister in the middle there's some leeway," Velvet said.

"The area's grey in a one-two-three-way," Twilight agreed.

"... fine." Shining grumbled. Night Light waited for Twilight to get accustomed to him inside her. Shining was the first to move, pulling out of her pussy most of the way, leaving only the tip inside. Then he raised his hips, slowly pushing it back inside as Night Light moved out of her ass in opposition. Velvet slid up and down on Twilight's horn as each of the stallions moved in and out of her.

"F-fuck!" Shining swore, feeling the extra stimulation of Night moving back and forth in her ass.

"S-s it's incredible!" Night Light stuttered, feeling his son's movement added to her extra-tight ass.

Twilight was at an absolute loss for words. It was a symphony of pleasure she could never have imagined.

Velvet slid off of Twilights horn and moved lower, taking Shining's horn into her pussy instead. Twilight tried to kiss him, but could hardly focus. He didn't complain, happily accepting her sloppy efforts as he rutted her with all his strength. Velvet lifted off of Shining again to sit on Twilight horn again. Twilight lifted her head this time, licking and sucking at her mother's pussy. She had to admit, that much like her father's cum, she was quickly becoming quite fond of the flavor. Twilight stopped and lowered he head again, letting Velvet resume her ride on her horn. Shining kissed her again.

"You taste like Mom," he said.

"So do you," she said, kissing him back. "You know, I never would have thought that I would be attracted to mares. But I guess I've been learning all kinds of thing about myself this weekend."

"Like how to get D.P'ed by me and Dad?" Shining asked.

"Mmm," Twilight purred, feeling another orgasm building. "Ngh, yeah, keep going! I'm getting close!" Both Shining and Night Light were close behind her. Each of them started fucking her more frantically, anxious to finish after the day's long build-up.

"Oh- Shiny," Velvet moaned. "Help Mommy cum!" Velvet shifted herself back down onto his face again. "Quickly!" she urged. Shining licked as fast and thoroughly as he could to help her catch up with everypony else. Twilight pressed her cheek against Shining's chest and just tried to hold on as they both continues to thrust in and out of her, driving her over the edge.

"Ah, ah ah Ah AH!" Twilight cried out. Her legs gave out and her whole body trembled and shook. In any other context she would have looked to have been having a seizure. Her ass and pussy spasmed and clenched on the fleshy intruders, at once trying to push them out, and suck them even deeper. Her gushing marecum drenched Shining under her. But her body's bucking would not deny the two stallions their purchase inside her. Night Light held onto her hips firmly in his hooves, keeping him lodged well inside. But feeling her cum and her ass squeezing him was the last straw.

"Oh, Twi, I'm cumming!" Night yelled, pushing himself deep inside of her ass. Twilight moaned as she felt him throbbing and pulsing inside her, emptying his balls into her bowels. Shining could feel it too, inside her. He felt his balls tighten and twitch, signaling the point of no return.

"Mmf! MMF!" he tried to yell out, muffled by Velvet, smothering his face.

"Oh yes! OH YES!" Velvet screamed, feeling his voice vibrate her pussy. Her back arched and her pussy winked into his mouth, drowning him in her orgasm. Shining struggled to breathe, let alone cry out his warning through the onslaught of Velvet's juices. Night collapsed on top of Twilight and pulled her down harder onto them both, forcing Shining even deeper inside.

"OwoOH!" Twilight cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Shining pushed harder against her cervix amidst her orgasm. Shining's cock flared wide inside of Twilight, stretching open her final barrier as he felt the first pulse rush up his shaft. His first load instantly filled what tiny space remained. His wide flare tightly sealed her already-tight passageway. The next burst had nowhere else to go but in. His potent seed flowed deeper inside her through the stretched entrance to her womb. Shining came again and again, too weak from his climax, and lack of oxygen, to stop.

Twilight felt a fresh warmth rushing through her abdomen. At first she mistook it for the afterglow of her orgasm. But she could feel a cock throbbing. And it wasn't the one in her ass.

"Shining!?" she shrieked, trying to lift herself off his dick. Her father weighed her down. "Dad, get off!"

"I did get off," he said with a silly grin.

"GET OFF OF ME!" she yelled. "Shining's cumming!"

"Wha- what!? Oh fuck!" Night Light got off of her in an instant.

"Shining!?" Velvet scolded, getting up, herself. He coughed and gasped, struggling for breath.

"I'm sorry!" he wheezed, "I couldn't stop!"

"Oh no, oh no!" Twilight cried, impaled on his still-pumping shaft. She too weak from sexual exhaustion to stand. Night Light and Velvet each helped her up.

"Oh Shining, you didn't!" Velvet scolded. Twilight was tethered for a moment as Shining's flare refused to pull free of her. At last he was released with a wet 'plop'. A dribble of his cum trickled from her sore pussy. "Oh no, you did! You really did!"

"I'm sorry," he cried. "I tried to stop but I couldn't help it."

"At least there's not that much," Night said, inspecting Twilight vagina.

" 'Not that much' are not words that describe Shining's loads," Velvet said, beside him. "Most of it must have gone inside her."

"Ugh," Twilight groaned, rubbing her belly, "I can feel it sloshing around inside of me! What are we going to do!?" Twilight said as Shining slowly sat up. Velvet held her close and comforted her.

"Whatever happens, we'll get through it," Velvet said "Together. As a family. I'll be here for you."

"And I will be, too," Shining promised.

"And so will I- OH SHIT!" Night Light yelled, falling to his knees, his eyes wide in horror.

"What is it honey!? What's wrong!?" Velvet asked.

"I'm only 49!" Night Light said. "And I'm going to be a great-grandfather!"

"Well shit," Shining realized "I'm about to be a grandfather at 31. I wonder what Cadance is going to say."

"I'd say that was fucking hot!" Cadance shouted down from the second floor banister. Cadance's horn was a tempest of love magic, with just a splash of a contraceptive spell. In her hooves was a recording video camera. "And I'd say that you two stallions owe me a round, next!"

Scoring Even

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"Cadance!?" Twilight shrieked, covering her modesty with her tail.

"That's my name! You better remember it," Cadance replied, putting the camera into her bag. "You'll be screaming it later."

"What are you doing here?" Night Light asked.

"You, hopefully," Cadance said with a wry grin.

"I mean, why are you here?"

"Uh, I was invited," Cadance said.

"By who?" Shining asked.

"Whom," Cadance corrected.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Invited by whom," she said.

"I invited her," Velvet said. "Although I wasn't expecting you so soon. What about-"

"Everything is taken care of in the Crystal Empire," Cadance said with a knowing look. "But it sounds like I've missed out on a lot here. Care to fill me in, Velvet?"

"Twilight started a relationship with Night Light. Shining found out about them. He assaulted Night, and tried to blackmail him. Shining got him drunk so he'd have to be on the couch. Then Shining snuck into my room, and Twilight and Night found out about me and him. Things got a little crazy. Twilight got into a fight with Shining, but... As you can see, they've made up." Shining and Twilight both blushed.

"Shining!?!" Cadance scoffed as she walked downstairs. "How could you do that to your own father? You promised. You promised me and your mother that you wouldn't let what you had hurt anypony."

"I know, Cadance. I'm sorry! But you heard Mom, we made up," he said.

"Oh?" Cadance sauntered over to Night Light. "Is this true, Night? Do you feel that things have been resolved?" she asked. He hesitated.

"... Yeah."

"You don't sound too sure," Cadance said. "You don't feel that you've been treated..." she swished her tail along the underside of his chin, "unfairly?" she asked.

"Hrmm, maybe a little," he grumbled. Cadance pulled off the belt holding her bag on and held it to Shining's cheek.

"Sounds like somepony has been a naughty colt!" Cadance said. Shining gulped. He knew Cadance well enough to know where this was going. Velvet put herself between them.

"Cadance, please, there's no need for this!" Velvet said. "We've made up and Shining is atoning for what he's done."

"Oh, Velvet," Cadance cooed, "You were always too soft on him. I remember what he was like before he joined the Royal Guards. And you always did spoil him. Though I didn't realize back then that it was with your own spoils." Cadance ran the belt along Velvet's flank. Cadance turned back to Shining.

"Geez, Cadie. Can't you just have my dad hang me from the ceiling and beat me with a bat like a piƱata or something?"

"Shining! I'm surprised at you!" Cadance gasped. "Do you really think so little of your father that you think he would beat his own son like that? You know two wrongs don't make a right." Cadance took a candy from her bag and put it in her mouth.

"I'm sorry." Shining bowed his head in shame.

"Oh, come here, Shiny." She put the belt aside and wrapped her hooves around him, holding his head to her chest. "You made a boo-boo?"

"I did. I'm sorry," Shining said.

"It's okay, Shiny," Cadance cooed. "Cadie's going to make it all better." She lowered her head and took the tip of his horn in her mouth. "Mmm."

"Oh, Cadie!" Shining moaned under her. She bobbed her head a little lower, taking more of his horn.

"Cadance! What are you-" Twilight was cut off as Cadance pulled her mouth of his horn, revealing her ruse. The candy from her bag was actually an arcane inhibition ring that she'd worked securely onto his horn. Before he even realized what was happening, she held him in her levitation magic and sat him down in one of the kitchen chairs she'd brought into the living room. Her magic snaked several nylon ropes out of her bag and tied him securely to the seat. He struggled at his binds but it was no use.

"There now!" Cadance smiled. "The punishment can begin!" she said with unnerving glee. Velvet snatched the stray belt from the floor and put herself between them.

"What do you think you're going to do to my colt!?" she fumed.

"Why, nothing at all," Cadance said, levitating the other kitchen chair into the living room. She placed it facing Shining's chair. "I'll be doing nothing at all to Shining. And that is exactly the point!" Velvet wore a confused expression. Cadance turned to Night Light and motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite Shining.

"Now then. I do believe that it is still Father's Day weekend," Cadance continued. "And we have a father to treat!" Cadance said, rubbing her hoof in Night's crotch.

"Cadance!?" Shining yelled. Cadance ignored him. Even Velvet and Twilight stood frozen in shock.

"And I'll need the help of-" Cadance shuddered, feeling her pussy tremble with arousal. Knowing about Shining's relationship with his mother had given Cadance a healthy fetish for the taboo. Witnessing them consummate the deed personally had been an indescribable sexual high for her. Now she wanted to partake in the act along with Twilight and Night Light. "...his daughter, and her mother." Her wings sprang open in excitement as she felt Night's erection emerge from his sheath.

"Hey, I'm a father, too!" Shining objected. Cadance gave him a stern glare.

"It's true," Night said. "He impregnated his mother and he's Twilight's biological father."

"Uh, uh, UH! STOP!" Cadance cried out as she felt her clit wink. "My wings can only get so erect!"

"And now he impregnated me!" Twilight cried, rubbing her belly.

"UNF! I wish that were so!" Cadance said, feeling herself nearly cum just from Twilight's words. "But alas, I did cast a contraception spell on him. He shan't be impregnating anypony for at least a week. But today isn't about him." Cadance looked down at Night's crotch. Her hoof's busy efforts had brought the stallion to full mast. She released it from her hoof and sidled up onto his lap, facing him. She cradled his face in her hooves, looking at his bruises from Shining. "My poor Night Light. Let me kiss the boo-boo and make it all better." She pursed her lips and kissed him tenderly.

"Cadance!" Shining yelled helplessly from the front-row seat, forced to witness the act. His pleas fell on deaf ears.

Her horn glowed a vibrant turquoise. Her glow wrapped his whole body in her magic. The bruises vanished from his cheek in her cleansing healing spell. "All better." She arched her back and ground her pussy against the base of his shaft, wetting his scrotum with her hot, dripping arousal before she climbed off of him.

"Now, where were we?" she asked nopony in particular as she knelt in from of Night. She took his cock in her hooves once again. "I think, right about here," she purred as she ran her tongue up along the length of his shaft.

"That was in my butt," Twilight said.

"Cleansing spell. Perfectly disinfected," Cadance simply said, giving Night's cock another lick. "With just a hint of minty freshness."

"That would explain the tingling," Night said. Cadance licked her way up his shaft and reached the tip. She opened her mouth, taking the head inside as well as several more inches of him. She turned and craned her neck, looking back as Shining while her mouth was still full of his dad's dick. She was pleased to see that he was visibly angry. Velvet followed Cadance's eyes and noticed Shining's demeanor. She understood Cadance's plan now.

"What's the matter, Shiny?" Velvet asked. "You seem upset to see your spouse with another pony. I thought you didn't mind sharing," she teased. She gave him a knowing look, referring to their many threesomes with Cadance in recent times.

"Hmff!" Shining huffed.

"Oh." Velvet sauntered over and knelt beside Cadance. "Is it because it's another stallion?" Velvet leaned over and began to lick up and down whatever parts of Night's shaft that Cadance couldn't manage to reach.

"Twilight! Do something!" Shining pleaded. Twilight walked past him and knelt down on the opposite side of Cadance. Night Light spread his legs a bit wider, letting Twilight lean in under Velvet to lick and suck on his balls. "That's not what I meant!" Shining fumed. The younger stallion whipped his head back and forth, but the anti-magic ring stayed firmly in place on his horn. He struggled helplessly at the ropes, forced to watch his father get the all-star treatment from the three mares in his life. All three mares had their tails held high, teasing Shining with their exposed marehoods pointed toward him. The combined scent of the mares in heat was tortuous. Beyond them, Night sat in recumbent bliss. His face was the very picture of smug as he looked at his captive son. Cadance lifted her head for just a moment.

"How does it feel to have your balls sucked on by your daughter?" Cadance asked in a sultry tone as her hoof played with her pussy.

"She's actually his granddaughter," Velvet said.

"Oh- FUCK!" Cadance's wings sprang open again, sending the other two mares tumbling to either side of her as she came. "S-sorry!" Her pussy winked and convulsed, spurting her marecum back at Shining's legs. She fell into Night's lap, a quivering heap of a mare overcome by the extra layer of kink to her fetish. "F-fuck me, Night!" she begged.

Night Light lifted her out of his lap and laid her back onto the rug in front of Shining. He moved between her legs and admired her pussy. Cadance reached up and grabbed his horn with her hoof, pulling him into her crotch face-first. Cadance saw Twilight's pussy still dripping with Shining's cum from earlier. Cadance was never one to let something go to waste.

"Twilight," Cadance called out to her, waving her over, "come over here." Twilight walked over to Cadance's head and looked down at her, upside-down from her perspective.

"Yes?" Twilight asked. Cadance didn't reply. Instead she levitated Twilight in her magic and turned her around so that her legs were straddling her head. She reached up with her hooves and pulled Twilight's purple flanks down to her face.

"Cadance! I don't know-ohOHhoHO!" Twilight moaned out as she was made to sit on Cadance's face. Cadance made it her mission to lick every last drop of Shining's cum from her. Her ravenous tongue dove deeply and licked with intensity. It was all Twilight could do to keep herself upright. Velvet recovered herself from her tumble and strode past Shining.

"You're going to have to really step up your game, Son," Velvet purred. "Cadance can eat out a mare like she invented it."

"Mom, come on! Untie me so, uh, you know, you and I can practice!" he said.

"Actually, I bet I know somepony else that needs a bit more practice." Velvet laid down on the floor in front of Twilight, pulling her daughter down to her crotch. Cadance lifted Twilight's hips for just a moment and smirked at Shining.

"Night Light! P-please! Fuck your son's special somepony like he fucks yours!" Cadance commanded. Velvet looked across Twilight's form behind Cadance as Night lifted his dripping face from her pussy.

"Oh, you're definitely a keeper!" Velvet said. Her horn glowed as she used her magic to spread Cadance's pussy open. Night Light righted himself and brought his cock to her pussy, rubbing it along her slit.

"Yes, put it in!" Cadance said. Night leaned forward and aligned the tip of his dick with her entrance, holding it there, adding just a bit of pressure.

"Dad!" Shining shouted. Night turned and looked at him. "Dad, I'm sorry! Don't do it! Please!?" Night didn't move. Velvet's magic held Cadance's pussy spread. And Cadance was all but begging Night to fuck her. Shining realized that this was going to happen, and he wouldn't have any say in the matter. He whimpered. "Be... gentle with her at least?"


"...No." Night Light never broke eye-contact with Shining as he pushed, penetrating Cadance at once. He didn't stop, sliding into her in one smooth motion until he hilted.

"Ahhh-ah-ah-ah!" Cadance cried out, feeling Night inside her. He afforded her no reprieve as he pulled back immediately and thrusted into her again and again, breaking up her moan into little choppy cries. She tried to catch her breath. "You weren't kidding Velvet!" she said. "Your hubby's cock really does feel like Shiny's!" Cadance pulled Twilight's hips back down as she resumed licking and sucking her pussy. Twilight could only comply as her own face was pressed into her mother's pussy.

Night Light smiled and looked down at the task at hoof. He watched as his shaft moved in and out of his son's wife. The pink fur of her young body perfectly framed the pussy wrapped around his dick. It felt wonderful. Not just the suede texture of her vagina, or the way her pelvic muscles were expertly gripping him in practiced rhythm. No. It was more than that, he realized. He looked at Twilight and Velvet. The three of them there to please him and each other for him as his son was made to watch.

It felt empowering.

Night felt his balls tighten. Cadance could feel his cock swelling and flare inside her, signaling his impending climax. She wrapped her legs around him, holding him inside as her horn glowed and enveloped his balls in her magic.

"Yes! Cum inside me!" she cried. Night grunted and gave a final push, burying himself into her completely. Cadance could feel his flare stretching her even wider inside as his cock throbbed and twitched. "Ah!" Cadance came again, her vagina milked his cock as he pumped load after load of his cum into her. "Yes! Yes! Fill me up! MMmmm!" Cadance's nose vibrated against Twilight's clit as she moaned, sending her over the edge next.

"Oh my gosh!" Twilight cried out into Velvet's pussy. Twilight felt the knot in her tummy snap free as her abdominal muscles clenched and squeezed the last of Shining's cum from her, gushing along with her own marecum into Cadance's waiting mouth.

Velvet was the only one left in the lurch. But Twilight could hardly have been expected to be at the top of her game with Cadance distracting her so much. But she took it with a mother's grace and just cradled Twilight head in her lap while she recovered. After a moment, Twilight looked back and saw Night still inside Cadance, even as his cum was beginning to leak out of her around him. Twilight stood and stepped backwards over Cadance, pointing her marehood at Night. She laid down on top of her former foalsitter, bringing her pussy against hers, as close to his dick as she could.

"It's my turn!" Twilight whined.

"Twi, baby," Night Light panted as his softening penis began to slip out of Cadance. "I need a few minutes."

"No you don't," Cadance said, enveloping his stallionhood in her magic. Night Light saw himself come back to full mast right before his very eyes. It was rigid as a steel rod, as though he hadn't cum in weeks.

"Ngh! What did you do!?" Night grunted.

"I just eliminated your refractory period," Cadance explained. "So now we don't have to wait for you to be ready again."

"Daddyyy!" Twilight moaned insistently.

"Okay, okay!" Night Light placed his hooves on her flanks and reared up to mount her from behind. He felt somepony's magic help to guide his aim. He pushed his hips forward to her magically spread lips.

"YesYesYes!" Twilight squealed, feeling him press at her entrance. Despite her young tightness, he easily penetrated her with the aid of so much lubrication from... everypony. "Yesssss!" Twilight hissed as she felt him slide inside her. Under her, Cadance wrapped her hooves around her in an intimate embrace, holding her as she was getting rutted.

"Is this seat taken?" Velvet asked. Cadance looked up at the mare standing over them.

"Just a sec," Cadance said, squirming a little out from under Twilight until her face was resting on Cadance's lower abdomen. "There. Lots of room."

"Perfect," Velvet purred, turning to squat on Cadance's face. "I hope you can give me an encore of your performance with my daughter."

"Certainly! I'd be more than hapimmff-" Velvet sat on Cadance's mouth. Velvet turned and looked back at Night Light, happily pounding away at Twilight behind her.

"Mmm, just like that, Cadie" Velvet hummed, feeling her expertly licking at her pussy. Velvet ran her hoof through Cadance's mane as her eyes listed over at Shining. "You really need to step up your tongue game."

"Hmff!" Shining huffed.

"Oh my gosh!" Twilight cried out, feeling Night's balls slapping against her swollen clit with each thrust. "Daddy! Daddydaddydaddy I'm cumming!"

"Oh, fffu- yes!" Night growled, feeling her pussy squeezing him as she came. "Oh baby! Daddy's close too!"

"Yes! Do it inside! I want to feel you cum inside me!" Twilight moaned into Cadance's fur. Night light felt his balls tighten and his tip flared again, stretching her.

"Ngh! Okay baby, here it comes!" He grabbed her hips tightly and pushed as far as he could as the first load shot deep inside.

"I can feel it!" Twilight squealed with joy as she felt him pumping his copious volume into her, filling her quickly. "There's so much!" she cried, putting a hoof to her belly as she felt it being pumped deeper into her. Night Light's legs gave out as he nearly fell backwards, pulling out of her with a wet 'plop'.

"Whoa there," Velvet said, catching him with her magic. She stood up and looked down at Cadance between her legs. "Cadance dear, a commendable effort. But I think I know what I need to finally get off." She motioned to her husband's limp penis. "Oh, do you mind?"

"Sure thing!" Cadance said, casting her spell on his penis, getting it fully erect once again.

"Velvet, no-" Night Light whined.

"I guess making you watch all that makes up for the sex," Velvet said to Shining. "But as for you attacking him-" Velvet swung Night Light in her magic toward him, causing his erection to slap Shining's face, leaving a sticky smear. "A slap on the cheek will suffice."


"Velvet, I'm too tired to go again! Please just bring me to bed so I can rest," Night begged. She carried him upstairs.

"That's alright dear," Velvet said. "You can just lay there and I'll do all the work." Night Light gulped as she carried him into their bedroom and locked the door.

"Can somepony untie me now?" Shining groaned.

"Alright. I guess you've gotten your comeuppance," Twilight said, cutting the roped with her magic and taking the ring off of his horn. He got out of the chair and stretched his limbs before settling onto the couch.

"So, Twilie, Cadie... I'm a little 'worked up' after seeing all that," Shining said. He patted the cushions on either side of him, inviting the mares. Twilight straddled his lap and licked his face.

"Mmm, still tastes great!" she said. Shining was about to put his hooves on her hips and pull her closer. Twilight got back up again. "Actually... this whole experience with mares has gotten me more curious. So I'd actually like to spend some more time with Cadance. Maybe I'll catch up with you later?" Cadance followed Twilight up to her bedroom and they locked the door.

"Okay," Shining said to nopony. "I guess I'll just be here on the couch. By myself."

Several Months Later

Shining Armor, and his father, Night Light, were both hard at work at the stove cooking dinner.

Cadance, Velvet, and Twilight all sat around the kitchen table. The heavily pregnant mares each looking like they had swallowed a whole watermelon.

"I still don't understand how this could have happened!" Twilight said. "Did your contraception spell fail?" she asked Cadance.

"No. It's a textbook spell. I've done it plenty of times," Cadance defended.

"It has to have been Shining," Velvet said. "He and Night Light are the only two stallions we've been with. And Night has had a vasectomy."

"The vasectomy! That's what it was!" Cadance realized.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"It must have been when I used that spell for Night's bruises! The Heal spell must have healed everything."

"Cadance! You're pregnant with my dad's foal!?" Shining gasped.

"We all are," Twilight said.

"Wow," Night said. "Just a few more and I'll have my own hoofball team!"

"DAD!" Shining yelled.

"What? You knocked up my wife. I knocked up yours! So now we're even," Night said as he stirred the food in the pan. "I raised your daughter for years. So now it's your turn."

"Shinyyy!" Cadance whined, "I'm horny again!"
"Me too."
"Me three."

Shining gulped. Night put a hoof on his shoulder.

"And Son, you and I are going to have to work together as a team if we're going to have any hope of keeping three horny, pregnant mares satisfied."

The End