The Rising

by ItsDaKoolaidDude

First published

From the ashes of an ancient apocalypse, an eternal awakens to the new world.

During their childhood within the Castle of Two Sisters, Princesses Celestia and Luna earnestly sought adventure. One venture led them to discover an ancient place that told, using a long and forgotten language, of a time before time, and held a statue of an unknown being. After informing (and enduring a lecture from) their parents, it became the most incredible find that captured the interest of the entire nation.

Long years pass, and the ancient site is forgotten again, except for the attention of archaeologists. What the being is, who it is, and what story the language reveals remain an enigma.

Only after Chaos happens does time ever tell.

Editors: Arron We, Doctor Sirius and AuthorGenesis
Proofreader: Jetflame and Tenth
Advisor: Dougtheloremaster
Artists: Mix-Up and Pillowrabbit (I've chosen Mix-Up, but here is the art that Pillowrabbit has given)

Mix-Up's art accounts: &

Pillowrabbit's art accounts: &

Entered Featured: 12/19/18 (WE MADE IT, REDDIT)
-6/19/19 (It happens again!)
-9/23/19 (I caught it sleeping)
-2/6/21 (Feels like Featured is more like "This just updated")
-5/19/21 (Yeah now its really feeling like Featured is "This recently updated rn")

Prologue: The Eternal Slumber (Rewritten)

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Planet Earth. Once home to near countless species of creatures and animals, once governed by and given dominion unto humanity.

It was now nothing but a scorched land of ruin, destruction, and barely any remaining proof that such a world had existed.

The Apocalypse that the Lord destined for Earth never was supposed to be pretty or subtle in the least.

Only one being remained standing and breathing upon the carnage, surveying the empty world with the permanent presence of Death. Upon a hill overlooking a half-destroyed mountain was that said being, an armored bipedal wreathed in Living Flame, its many wings gently swaying in an unknown breeze.

The being slowly turned their head, surveying the lands that they had once walked upon and the oceans they had sailed. But as the being leaned on its sword, embedding it further into the crusted and burnt soil, the events that led this planet to its current state changed drastically. All by the whim of those who refused, fought, and decided that rebellion was a better fate.

With a deep sigh of lament, they turned their helmeted eyes at the destruction and waste of all that had been, all because of simple disobedience. Thus brought a never answered question, "Was it worth it at all? To bring ruin upon all that is and had been to correct such a simple disobedience?" Such questions had been debated within the being's mind, but it never came to a conclusion.

The unearthly being shook its head, now was no longer the time to lament. No, now was the time to await final departure, its curiosity and solace sated. They started to descend the hill, to go closer to the mountain. For what reason that could be made, they didn't know which it was. They got as far as to reach a deep, blood-red river that recently came away from a turn not a few miles out before it would become a "blood"fall into a gorge that was made by a former living daemon that cleaved the land before it was killed.

The many wings of Fire shifted, giving them pause as they recognized and felt a presence descending upon them. With another deep sigh, whether this was out of exhausted expectation or some other emotion, they turned around to confront the arrival.

A bright and harsh light streaked from the skies above to come to a complete stop in front of the armored being, one of their hands moving to rest upon the hilt of his longsword as they gave a bow in obedient reverence. The holy yet eldritch being with twenty four wings beating the fetid air, slowing to a stop before extending completely out and revealing a far more human-like form. Its armor glowed brilliantly with the physical symbolism of greater splendor and of incredible supernatural, letting the armor the bipedal wore seem little more but cheapened knight armor. Normally in the presence of humanity, as it had several times within the past when men would batter each other away with brass and iron, the Angel of the Lord would appear to them in the guise of a human with a drawn sword in one hand. When his presence was revealed and his status as the commander of the Lord's army was let known, it would cause many to leave behind what there would have been of resistance, as they knew such efforts would be snuffed in an instant.

They kept their head bowed in the Angel's presence as they respectfully called out, as a low ranked soldier would to meet their military superior, "Angel of the Lord." Their voice a gravelly rasp, as if they hadn't talked for the longest time. Though the sudden arrival of the commander left the armored being confused and cautious, as they didn't know the intentions of their superior, and tensed as if to prepare for a fight.

The Angel paused and extended his arms in a peaceful manner, his voice in forgotten Hebrew, "Be not afraid or cautious. I am not here to fight you, but to deliver unto you a message and task. Arise, Human General."

The man relaxed slightly, raising his head and body to stand as the many wings of Living Fire upon his back flitted in nervousness, despite the reassurance from the commander. So answered the armored man again in a rasp, "We listen and obey." He replied before giving a small glimpse to one direction, as if searching for something, "What task does our Lord command? Does he call us back to the Kingdom?"

Before the final series of sieges and battles began, the human had asked the Son whether they would enter through to the Heavenly Kingdom, to which they had long since been unable to enter, ever since the world began that one long, terrible and final road of darkness, death and blood, that even Death itself did not approach him during the long line of violent inheritance.

They did not get a direct answer.

"No. You are still not called." The human nearly clenched his hand upon the handle of his sword in anger. Before he could retort and, respectfully, demand why the angel continued, "He knows of your anger and knows what you would yell, but calm yourself and listen, for there remain several tasks. Though you are denied, you are given rest and shelter upon the earth as it recovers. A deep slumber that had been denied from you." The Angel of the Lord levitated closer, placing a gentle hand upon the being’s shoulder, "Is that not among much of what you wanted?"

Rest ... A blissful, but empty word to the long lived being. It was something he had longed for. But within the confines of the human's mindscape, the confines of the collective minds that had collected together and became legion, sleeping and dreaming were long, forgotten memories. But to be barred from the Gates, and to be kept as a sole and only exception from the dooming fate from the Lake of Fire, and to be simply granted actual rest?

The human didn't accept this and in frustration, he gently brushed the Angel's hand, "Rest, Commander? For what? Thousand upon thousand we slain the despotic demons and fallen mankind, the idiotic men and women who followed The Enemy like sheep considering hungry wolves their mother, by our Lord's order alone we have followed and laid siege and death across the earth, and we are rewarded with sleep? What is there upon this barren land to sleep for! The Lord has condemned Earth to be doomed and destroyed! Had He not done so, we would have gladly taken it. But in what end, are we to sleep outside his Gates? Unless we are being spared from watching such destruction personally? What point is there to sleep when there's nothing to wait and wake up to see?"

The Angel gave a small smile at the human, not offended by the questioning and patient at their frustrations, "Did He say such things? Or had He said that such destruction and doom would come upon the wicked and evil? Did not such destruction and doom come and passed? Were you not a part of such condemnation as you and the army lay siege? Come with me. Though another task would have been given unto you, this shall be accomplished by others." The Angel extended a hand to the human, who looked at the hand before shifting to look at the Archangel. He stood and waited for a long time, before the human decided to reach out to the hand.

The skies above began to light with multitudes of meteors of light and fire, though they flitted far too fast to be asteroids, let alone how these meteors shifted and changed directions far too quickly and unnaturally to indicate a bombardment that would decimate the ruined soil.

Light formed and covered both Angel and human before fading, causing the human to stumble as such method of travel was neither a common occurrence nor a comfortable one as he looked around where they had traveled.

Surrounding the Angel of the Lord and the human were those of the low ranked angels, finishing their own tasks in a room of crafted and heavily detailed stone, the walls were as tall as a single story house, lined and written in Abrahamic writing and in depictive bas reliefs. But the human paid little thought to the walls and their workers who finished placing hands over them and chiseling out the life and stories of the Human General as finished looking around before turning back to the Commander.

"We are given a tomb to rest in." The human rasped, his wings of Living Fire flickering with irritation.

"Take caution, lest you find rebellion. Such bleakness is unbecoming." The Angel warned with a light sigh before pointing towards the center of the room.

There, not far from the two beings laid a throne, flushed into the ground and with the back of the seat forming as part of the many pillars within the cavern. The chair was up a flight of stairs, leaving the chair to be in the complete center of the place. However, as the human inspected the pillar, it was crafted with ten large wings, each wing carved and gilded in similarity to the armored human’s set of Living Flame. The human continued to look at their “bedchamber” while the Angel stood near what seemed to be the doorway, waiting patiently for them. The etched wings were extended completely while they were joined at the center of the chair. The chair itself was detailed in an almost forgotten design...

Gothic, as they found the memory... How cliché.

The chair itself was, more or less, boxy. While made in stone, it was colored black, with rich detail of lions faces and manes carved into the armrests to the ground, ending with the front legs showing. The sides themselves held no detail, other than meshing in with the pillar that supplied as the backing of the throne, as well as the ground.

The human turned to look at the Angel, the angelic workers backing away from the walls and throne with an indication that their tasks were complete before vanishing almost akin to a flame being blown out, "When was this made?"

"Shortly after The Enemy perished in the Lake. The Lord worked endlessly over what was to be put in." The human gave a soft "hmph" as they continued to look around at their "bedroom."

"This seems more like our tomb to die in rather than someplace to sleep, Commander ... What is He attempting with this?" The Angel didn't answer immediately, though such implication was not lost to the human, "He's sealing and imprisoning us, isn't He?" He whispered, turning to face the Angel, one foot near the throne chair while the other was one step down from it, "That is our fate then ... Is it?"

The Angel was quick to speak before the armored human would begin to fume in betrayed anger, "No! You are not abandoned, and neither are you being sealed for the sake of removing you from the world. Must you hold such disrespect that you find yourself low on worth?"

"Then what?" The man demanded, "Has our curse, which had been forced upon us by The First, made us deserving of being sealed away? Are The First's actions what dooms us to be removed?!"

The Angel immediately retorted in exasperated anger, his wings blazing in fire that caused the Human General flinch away from the being, "Did I not tell you that He has not thrown you aside? Have you all lost the capacity to listen and instead divulged upon yourselves with anger and resentment? Harken to me with your ears and know you are not lied to! You are not left behind like a broken and unsalvageable tool."

Both Fire and Light dimmed from the holy Commander as silence began to take precedence between the two to an uncomfortable length before the human spoke.

"How long?" The human asked.

"I do not know." The Angel responded.

"What should we expect? What shall we do when we awaken?"

"I do not know."

"Whom should we seek when we awaken? Surely there will be someone who will aid us."

"I do not know."

"Then what do you know?" He yelled at the angel. The silence lengthened again before he scoffed, "Father is everything but explainable, Him and His cryptic antics ..." He turned to face the throne once again, deep in thought. The Archangel shifted, almost being prepared for any reaction from the armored being, which drew his attention again.

The armored human drew a second deep sigh before un-belting his sword and placing it to the right of the chair, which caused the Angel to shift in surprise, "You will not argue further?"

"What point is there? We're not as blind as the rest of humanity was, you being the messenger is all the proof there is. If we didn't, your next orders were to subdue or kill us ... . And that silence is evident enough, Commander."

The human moved where his legs were just touching the chair itself, while the Angel slightly looked away, "For once, I'd wish your perception wasn't as sharp as your skill." The human merely laughed in response, the sound akin to clunking gears. He leaned backwards and sat unto the throne with a huff, placing his arms and hands on the armrests, the hands barely reaching the lions.

As The Angel approached slowly, the General leaned their head back against the high back of their throne and quipped, "Might we have an alarm clock? We would hate to oversleep when the time comes to awaken once again."

They shared a light laugh before the Angel was in front of the armored being, "Sleep well, good General." He raised a hand and through an unknown power, the armored being was encased in stone. As the stone crept from the legs up, the human sighed for the third time that day, before closing his eyes as he waited. The feeling of being petrified was ... disturbingly numbing. It was like breathing in sleeping gas, except the effect was incredibly slow and proceeded to go from foot to head instead of everything at once. It wasn't until his physical body fell completely asleep whilst his mental landscape remained active when the stone slid over the human's head.

He knew no more. And sleep finally came upon him and the Legion.

The Discovery and the Path of the Stars

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"Tiaaa! Slow down! I can't keep up!" A blue pegasus filly yelled at a slightly larger, pure white alicorn filly who was clearly outrunning her. She panted as she tried to fly faster, despite obvious exhaustion. She spent much of her energy getting past the large river that lie some yards from their home castle. The filly eventually landed on the ground and tried to regain energy as quickly as possible, her sapphire mane covering her face as she laid on her stomach spread-eagle and tiny wings resting on the ground. She heard hoofsteps and, flicking an ear up to move her hair, lazily looked up to the same alicorn she was trying to chase.

The alicorn giggled, her bubblegum mane covering one half of her face, "What's wrong, Lulu? Out of breath already? And I thought pegasi had more energy than that, little sister." She laid down next to the pegasus and waited for her. After a while, "Lulu" sat up and tackled her older sibling suddenly before jabbing two hoofs into the alicorns sides, making her squeal and writhe before she lit her horn to attack the filly's wing joints, making her giggle loudly before the two continued their play fighting.

After they collapsed in fits of giggles did the alicorn filly get up and said, "Cmon! Let's go explore some more!"

However her sister complained, "But father said not to go past the river! He'll be angry at us again!"

"Then I'll tell him I dragged you into this."

"You already are though, Celestia..."

Celestia scoffed and continued walking deeper until she heard her sister yell, "I'll tell mother!" She nearly halted, as she knew while her father was stern, he wasn't even close to how grumpy her mother could get when rules weren't followed. Celestia even nearly shuddered the last time she got in trouble with her.

However, she put up a brave face and continued walking while looking back, "I think I can handle mother, Lun-AHH!" She yelped as she fell over an unseen pothole, which led her to tumble into a larger hole she saw earlier, and would have stopped in front of it to wait for Luna. Now, she slid further in the darkness until she hit something solid with her left wing, leading Celestia to yelp again and start tumbling until she hit something just as solid on her rump, and tilting her over to land on her back with a weak, "Ow."

"TIAAA!" Her younger sister cried in panic. She heard scrabbling and started to slowly get up unto her hooves.

"I'm alright, Luna! Ugh, my wings aren't!" She looked up where the light was filtering through the dust and saw it move slightly, letting her know that her sister was at the very top of the hole she fell from.

"I'll go get father!!" The alicorn filly heard more scrabbling before hearing nothing. Now that help was on the way, Celestia looked around to see what was at the bottom, lighting her horn to see.

She found out that she landed on a set of stone bricks, which led deeper into the dark and out of her sight in the light. She gave a bit more energy to her horn to see better. The pathway still led deeper and deeper from the light. Celestia was about to sit down and nurse her injured wing when she felt a soft breeze and what even sounded like a voice... Calling to her?

Like a pony in a trance, Celestia couldn't help herself but follow down the path, trying to find and hear that little voice.

The path twisted and turned, ascended and descended for what felt like an hour to Celestia, and yet she still continued. She deftly avoided the animals and insects that would have made her shy away or hesitate, yet the voice that still called to her in an unknown language and still felt unclear drove her on. It was only when Celestia felt like she snapped out of the trance did she see that the stone pathway and the now gone and silent voice had led her to a very large "doorway". The doorway was as large as her mother and father, while it held the carved frame of two T's. The frame held no latices of any kind, leaving it bland. Yet, it held a descending outline from the borders that spanned clear from one side of the tunnel she followed to the other, giving it a visual effect that the tunnel was shrinking into this "doorway".

Driven curiosity and the now gone ghostly lure of the voice, Celestia crept through.

Celestia immediately stopped and gaped at the very large room. It was full of pillars, seemingly untouched by time except for the moss, but still holding the structure well enough with not even a clear sign of damage. The ceiling itself was in similar condition, holding up all the earth and trees above ground so well, there didn't seem to be a patch of broken stone or dirt anywhere. It all looked as if it had been made and finished very recently.

As Celestia moved further she noticed words of some language on the ground and walls. They weren't recognizable to Celestia, and she was often on ancient sites learning with archeologists out in the San Palomino Desert and even went on an expedition into the badlands, much to the worry and anger of her parents and the panic of poor Luna. As she looked around more, she noticed pictures on and around the walls, before she noticed a very large something in the center. The alicorn filly moved closer to it, noticing that she was at the back of it, judging by the wall of text facing her and seeing a set of ascending stairs behind it.

Celestia moved to see the other side and immediately stopped, noticed a sitting figure on a throne of a sorts. The throne holding heads of lions and the front paws of them as the legs of the throne, and the "backing" of the throne depicting 10 wings branching out of the sitting being. 'Ten wings?!' She thought, gaping at the sight she wouldn't have been surprised if her jaw wasn't touching the floor.

Alicorns were a rare and somewhat dying breed within Equestria, but it was rarer when pegasi reported of having a "half-wing" that was joined with one of their own, which didn't hinder their ability to fly, mind you, but it was near impossible to not stand out with them unfurled completely. Some considered such phenomena a freak of nature, while there were reports that a religious cult was formed and they held the idea that those with such conditions were "demi-gods" of a sort.

But what truly stopped her was that the "statue" sitting on the throne looked so real and so tall, it passed off to her as if an actual living being was right there, sitting so perfectly still.

She immediately sputtered, "E-e-excuse me! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know anypony would be here!" She continued to sputter apologies and scrambled backwards until her back hit a wall. She fell silent and expected the being to move its head to look at her.

And yet it didn't.

It didn't and it first frightened her. She waited and waited, with baited breath for the thing to suddenly move its head and have glowing eyes stare at her, and with every second that it didn't only made her more afraid, having read similar situations in novels and plays, most often ending in terrible fates. She waited more until she was for certain the being wasn't either aware of her... Or was just a statue?

She slowly crept forwards, freezing after every step, her eyes never wavering from the figure until she was standing in front of it, she first turned her head until she was looking where the statue was looking, only too see nothing. After testing and seeing if the statue wasn't in fact alive, she gave a large sigh of relief. She then inspected the statue itself.

The statue was carved with a very fanciful, yet practical armor. Coloured in the purest white that made even Celestia's coat look dirty (Which it did since she fell), the breastplate was in half at (what she assumed) the middle of the being's stomach, where it allowed more maneuverability to twist, turn and even bend forwards and backwards while not compromising any loss of protection. The leggings, cuisses connecting to both rear and foreleg grieves held a similar pattern in armor, while the pauldrons were somewhat opened outwards around the forelegs connecting to its body, seemingly to give the statue warrior to lift its forelegs higher. The helm itself held a Royal Stallionet design, however the visor was in the shape of an arrow, with the tip bending and pointing down the middle. The foreleg sabatons were not as armored as its rear legs were, but instead seemed to be clad in leather, and was covered in a stamp pattern of dragon scales.

She noticed however, that the rear legs were bent in only one direction, rather than how ponies rear legs bent in two. Which gave clear sign that this statue was from an unknown species that Equestria has never seen before.

And this was here? Right within the territories of her family's castle??

Celestia turned around and looked about the ancient site, excited at her discovery and wanted to see if there had been more. She descended down the stairway from the statue and roamed around the room. However, after seeing that it was only one room and there was little else but writings and pictures on the walls, behind and in front of the statue, her excitement started diminishing.

She knew she had to get back to the hole she fell in to check if her father was there to rescue her, but Celestia's curiosity of her newfound discovery kept her there. She once tried to make sense of the ancient and unknown language, but gave up quickly since she held no expertise in ancient typography. So she gave some attention to the pictures that were there.

The pictures themselves were in incredible detail, almost as if Stallionardo Da Vinci made them. They constantly held images of the same statue as a terrible but powerful warrior, decimating armies and what looked like cities. Some of them held the images of the same warrior protecting and defending either armies, cities or towns. Other times, they held images of the same warrior doing peaceful things, such as writing, training and sparring with what seemed to be recruits, to even painting with the armor on an armor rack while the being who wore it was hidden by an easel.

She heard another voice. This time it sounded male, it was faint but the sound of it carried its way to her. Celestia looked back, before realizing that she had been waiting for her sister to bring her father.

She immediately ran, using magic to blast back all the animals and creatures who she had once avoided with little trouble and, once reaching the hole where there was light shining through, called back, "I'm here, father!" She heard a harsh whisss before seeing a dark cloud moving down and when touching the ground, reformed into a tall, whispy alicorn as dark as the night sky, with a small Luna holding onto him. She gave a happy cry before galloping to hug the two. After the they hugged, she immediately started tugging on him, "Father! Father! You really need to see this!"

While Luna groaned a little, the Starry-night coated alicorn chuckled, "Oh alright, little Tia. What did daddy's adventuring filly find?" Once he saw the area, he immediately stopped and started looking around in wonder, often flying upwards a little to see the writings and trying to read what they meant. Once she shown him the statue, he almost stumbled the same way Celestia had before she told him it wasn't alive.

"Incredible, not even magic could make something like this." The alicorn muttered. Luna looked at the statue in fear and squeaked as she buried herself further into her father's mane. He moved his attention to the young filly to comfort her before he said, "I will alert the archeologists about this, well done, Little Tia." The filly grinned in pride, she tried to shift her wings, but was immediately reminded of the hurt wing, "Now, let's get you both home, your mother is in a panic, hearing you hurt yourself." That grin fell as she knew what her mother would say and yell, despite her love for her daughters. The three left the carved cave and as her father turned into the same shadowy wisp, Celestia took another look behind her, wondering just what was the statue.

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The news of such a discovery made all of Equestria erupt in excitement and surprise. To find something such as this, so close to the royal family's castle? It immediately became famous as all sorts of ponies skilled in ancient civilizations poured in, asking for permission from the royal family and investigating every inch of the cavern.

Due to the location being well within the family's territory, excavation was severely limited, however the archeologists were not so easily deterred and was able to make a pathway from the surface to the entrance. From there, hundreds upon hundreds poured in, desperate to study and see what could be discovered. However, despite their wisdom and knowledge, there was one consistent result: None of them could make sense of any of the writings upon the walls, nor the back of the throne. After hundreds of arguments that had to be broken up by the royal family, it was decided to focus on translating at least one passage of the unknown language.

Celestia decided to risk a trip to the place she discovered. After permission from her parents, (which took almost a day, to her despair) she went down to the cavern to see it well lit as compared to when she explored it with little more but her horn glowing. She noticed details she never saw before. The columns, as she noted they were rather than pillars, were bare except for the top and bottoms where in four corners were spirals that spun once inwards. She looked at the walls, now seeing the pictures in better light. She saw more of them than she had when she first arrived.

Those missing images held a story of sorts within the same and incredible detail, rivaling and even besting the skills of the gryphon kingdoms. There was a single being who was knelt with a sword in front of what seemed to be a depiction of light. The pictures moved on to some of the accomplishments she had either already seen or missed, such as the warrior confronting a large amount of smaller beings, with a mid-slain bipedal that seemed similar to the being. The numbers and even a few depictions of castles, land and what even seemed like villages varied but often said the same thing: This being was capable of laying waste to armies (or civilians she wondered). However, as she turned away from that wall, which happened to have been the left side from the entrance, and looked to the right, it depicted a different story. It was the same being, except he wasn't (She guess it was a he) wielding a sword, but rather was sitting with other bipedals, most often with a scroll of sorts being written in between them.

The best she (And through the other archeologists that were there with her) could guess at the depictions, this being was both dangerous enough to wipe armies, storm castles and raze villages alone (As far as they could tell, there was no allying army of any sort in most of them) but was wise enough to influence and aid in creating kingdoms and cities. But even when they declared that the depictions were completely translated already, there was still nothing about the translations of writings. Spells that were dedicated to translations failed miserably, as they often mistranslated and even failed to translate a few words correctly (Which almost reminded her of the first attempt at creating translation spells; The Guggle Translation spell.)

She was able to spend some days and weeks, however she was often dragged away from the stone room to focus upon inheriting her parents' throne. Despite all her habits and hobbies, she still was a princess. It still didn't stop Celestia from making it part of her daily activity as she grew up. She would get up, tackle the responsibilities as a Princess during most of the day, which often involved long, boring meetings and dull "parties" (Which often ended with her and Luna hiding away and giggling whenever one of the guards or even their parents passed by their hiding spots who were trying to keep an eye on the two.) Afterwards, within the evening hours she would go down and visit the ancient cave (She couldn't bring herself to call it a ruin, seeing as it was in incredibly unusual perfect condition, despite the moss and dust that collected there, almost as if it were made just only a month or so ago.) After exhausting herself to try and make sense with anything there, she would play with Luna and then head for bed, only to start the same cycle again and again. Even after her mane turned from bubblegum pink to sparkling rainbow and earning her Cutie Mark (Much to her joy, and amusement from her parents, and much to the annoyance from her little sister as she ran around all day.) Nothing truly stopped her from visiting again and again.

Then came a strange turn of events. Soon after Luna's mane turned from light-blue to sparkling midnight sky, becoming an alicorn and earning her Cutie Mark after raising the moon for the first time (Which resulted with Luna running around almost all night 'celebrating' about her accomplishments.) Luna found herself being given very lucid dreams about the statue, often frightening to awe-inspiring. She would see scenes of battlefields that waged with brutal ferocity, then scenes of grand cities; Some of which seemed to reach for the very clouds high above her, higher than she was used to, let alone clouds that seemed wild and untamed.

Often times within the morning, she ended up speaking in another language, or not understanding her family's language at all. There were even times she woke up with another personality, varied from silent, but calculating to outspoken and brashness. Once, Luna started talking with such wisdom that was far beyond her years as a young mare and ended up making, creating and solving alliances between Equestria and other kingdoms, much to the shock and surprise of the rulers (her parents included) at such wisdom. The last time it happened was when she could suddenly read the ancient writings that lie in the cavern. However, despite the urging of the archeologists, Luna only came up to one particular part of the site and refused to translate anything else.

Once deciphered, she fainted and couldn't read the writings any further. It was only after her father helped her during one very long dream that lasted far beyond her regular waking hours did she stop entirely dreaming them entirely. She couldn't even remember the dreams she had previously, and barely remembered the times she woke up with either a different language or different personalities.

What was oddly strange was that only the writings in front of the statue was deciphered, and even then they spoke of a rather ominous message that Luna spoke:

Here Slumbers My Blade. Sinner. Savior. Destroyer. Protector. Rebellious. Faithful. Here they sleep until the day calls.

Despite every attempt to translate and make sense of the writings, regardless their meanings. No one was able to translate even a letter between what Luna had said and the writings to both the floor and walls.

Days became weeks, then to years. Despite the incredible occurrence between her own sister and the ancient site, Celestia continued this cycle of coming to visit the site almost to an instinct, she still went and helped study the statue. The site turned from one of the most popular ancient sites amongst the archeologist community, to a tourist attraction, then to fade in the backs of every ponies minds as nothing was gleaned or found from the statue nor the writings.

And so it fell from the spotlight and into the dusty darkness to lie amongst other, not-so ancient sites.

But the site itself refused to disappear completely.

During the first year of school and finding herself constantly with no friends, Celestia had found herself one day, started to speak to the statue. Celestia obviously felt foolish when she did the first time, often constantly looking over her shoulder and immediately becoming quiet when somepony was within vicinity. The young alicorn mare would do this for several minutes to see if anypony was around before sitting in front of the statue, staring at first before she started talking about herself. She often stopped herself short when she realized what she was doing and on occasion, avoided the ancient room for a few days, fearing her sanity for talking to an inanimate object. However, fueled by loneliness, she would return to the thing again, she couldn't help but see the all-too real statue as an actual being.

Sitting..... Waiting


She ended up talking about herself again, this time going as far as admitting her dreams. As time continued to pass, she became comfortable and soon enough, started talking more and one-sided conversing with the statue, slowly seeing the stone being as a friend of sorts, somepony who could sit and listen to her and not judge her in anyway.

It even felt as if it was looking right at her and was actually listening. In some ways, it felt comforting, finding somepony who could listen to all her secrets, and not whisper a word to anypony. Celestia even found the statue an excellent psychiatrist, often making her hear her own words and reflecting on them, almost as if the statue itself was offering words of wisdom. With the statue, she shared her hobbies, said her concerns, admitted her fears; She hid her face with her hooves as she whispered her love interest in a handsome stallion captain that had been recently added to the Royal Guards. Gushed over her love and excitement when she successfully asked the stallion out for a date. Celestia yelled and ranted her anger at it with her problems and frustrations from both family and society; And when she was heartbroken by the breakup between her and the stallion, she sobbed and lied down next to the statue's feet.

Then the deaths of her parents happened.

The guards refused to tell her how it happened and often had to restrain the young mare from going out to find what happened to her mother and father. An entire day spent and past as Celestia and Luna had cuddled tightly with each other, trying to keep up hope and praying that the "deaths" were nothing but rumors. However, when the guards finally told them what happened, it almost broke Celestia.

They had been in the middle of a meeting with the griffon kingdom when a terrorist cult stormed the building and fought the rulers, determined to shake the rule of both the griffons way of diplomacy as well as shake and destabilize Equestria. Magic, underhanded tricks and even using hostages had been the result from the fight and ended with both parents and the griffon's king dead.

Luna refused to listen any further and bolted for her room, trying to ignore everything the guards tried to tell her. Celestia, meanwhile, tried to keep a brave face. Held her emotions as she was informed that while she and her sister was still held in Royalty, but both her and Luna were not qualified to rule, and that it would fall to the claws of a draconequus named Discord. She had met the being before, and while she was entertained as a young filly at his antics, she knew more than anything that he wasn't ruling material.

Many nights were spent as she wailed, sobbed and cried herself to sleep with her young sister. No longer could she be woken up with the rumbling and gentle voice of their father, and no longer could they drift into dreams as their mother hummed and sang lullabies to them. Out of the two, it was Luna who was able to get over their deaths, surprising Celestia to no end. To her, the scar of being an orphan still hadn't healed. While Luna was able to become her former self, Celestia still ended crying herself to sleep. Even after the encouragement and support from her sister and her maids, when she started returning to her daily activities she used to do with excitement, she now did them in a lethargic way. Whenever it was time for her to meet with her ancient, stone "friend", she'd find herself lying on its lap and sobbing away for hours, often to where she almost forgot to raise the sun.

It would be several long, hard and difficult months until she was able to get a hold of herself again, and once again move through life as she once did.

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They had done it, they defeated the insane draconequus. They were finally able to free Equestria from the claws of Discord, who had been plaguing the kingdom for so long with chaos and disarray. Celestia could only sit there and look at the sky, thinking that her parents would have been proud of their daughters for defending the kingdom and ascending to the throne. It was a terrible and long 20 years where Celestia and Luna searched and found the Tree of Harmony, and using the Elements to seal Discord in stone.

Despite the powers and insanity of the draconequus, he never even tried to put up a fight, more or less mocking their attempt. Then again, Discord was never the type of creature who would take things seriously. For all the troubles that the two had to suffer, it had to be the journey to and from the Tree of Harmony. The alicorn mares looked at each other and, after a few moments of silence and the scenery around them turning into "normalcy" gave a weak grin to each other, which evolved into weak chuckles.

"I can't believe simply he sat there." Luna said, small tears coming from her eyes. Celestia couldn't help but agree. The two had been preparing, planning and even training for a terrible fight against the insane being. And yet they didn't expect Discord to simply stand there and laugh at them.

In all honesty, it felt incredibly anti-climactic to the two Alicorns. But they decided not to lament on the killjoy and simply enjoyed that their efforts paid off and Equestria could finally live in peace.

And so came the day both Celestia and Luna ascended to the throne(s) of ruling Equestria. Luna once spent a few hours, worrying more than anything about whether the two would be received well. As much as Celestia comforted and counseled her young sister, she too was nervous and scared about the same thing. It took all of Celestia to keep a straight face and not panic as both she and Luna were crowned and being bowed to by both the guards and civilians of Equestria as they sat upon their thrones that had once been used by their parents. It was only after the day was done, and the two sisters were entirely alone did they finally break past their facades and began to bounce in excitement and acted like fillies.

Luna even suggested to disguise themselves as civilians and play like they had as fillies, to which Celestia eagerly agreed; Her excitement was too much to contain and for once in a very, very long time she felt the same genuine happiness she once held when her parents had been alive.

They spent hours outside until nearing scheduled sunrise, playing and shouting their excitement into the air, which resulted them running and hiding from sentries that came to investigate the noise. Often times, they played in the forest, amongst the clouds and even descending into the nearby Ghastly Gorge and played there until the river had nearly swelled to both sides of the cliffs. Other times, they would find a hill or a cloud, and watch the night sky. Celestia, being in the front row seat, watched Luna do all sorts of tricks she learned with the stars as the Lunar Princess.

After exhausting themselves, they snuck back into their chambers, rested and prepared for their newly given duties. Yet, despite the duties and responsibilities she had, Celestia still kept the habit of returning to the ancient chamber. She continued to see the stone statue as a friend, a secret-keeper and someone to talk without any restrictions she had to face within the castle walls.

But, during the times she continued to meet with the statue, and tackled her duties, basked in the showering of praise and worship by her little ponies; She never noticed the bitterness and resentment that had grown in her sister. Even during the times she met and sat with Luna, she ignored and never looked at her in the eyes, often reasoning she simply awoke on the wrong side of her bed. While she did try to help ease her sister's bitterness, she never noticed how much of it was rotting away and eating Luna. Celestia never had the skill of seeing into dreams her father had, as she inherited her mother's skill, rather than her father.

It wasn't until that one fateful night where she tried to talk to her sister, only to lead into an argument, getting kicked out of her own sister's room and became Nightmare Moon, did she truly realize her bitterness and hatred at being ignored by the public... And by her... for so long.

The battle had lasted for hours, the family's land and castle being destroyed along the way while it had been evacuated with everypony who once lived there with pride. Celestia often tried to reason and talk to her sister, trying to get past the creature that took over her, even after taking several hits from Nightmare Moon's attacks. After taking a heavy hit and lying amongst the ruins of what had been her parents room, Celestia finally realized that Luna was gone, taken and locked deeply away by her hate and bitterness taken form. Given no choice, she used the Elements of Harmony, locking her dearest and precious family member away into the moon.

She never gave attention to the Elements as they turned into spheres and dropped like stones as she stared at the moon as the face of it turned into her sister's form.

Luna was locked into the moon. For a thousand years.

Her precious, and only family member left.

It broke her.

Celestia couldn't longer hold it in any longer, any strength she had in her fell and crumbled as she first started crying, descending into trembling gasps, and ending with her fallen flat unto the ground and wailed. She was now completely, and utterly alone. Her parents: dead; her inheritance, temporarily stripped from her; her love always unrequited; her home, now decimated; and now her sister had been taken away from her by her own pride and ignorance. There was nothing left for her but a throne over a kingdom.

The cost was not even close to being worth it. Celestia even held the thought that it had been better had Discord still ruled if it meant keeping her sister, her only link that left her from descending into a spiral of depression.

Even when she was approached by guards accompanied by Starswirl the Bearded, she continued to lament and sob, refusing to be comforted by her dearest, but mortal friend. She refused to maintain the image of the Sun Goddess her subjects and guards knew her as, and continued to wail her sorrows.

Starswirl couldn't help but feel his heart break, seeing Celestia like this. He didn't need to look at the guards to know they were becoming shaken by the sight. He had tried to get Celestia to move, to get her to at least hug someone, but she either ignored or pushed him away.

In the end, he decided to levitate her and take her to his tower. The guards had scouted around to check if there was anything, or anyone, that was there to bring with her. After finding a few belongings that survived the terrible battle, he used is magic to take said belongings, them, and the Elements to his tower, where he deposited the Elements to his desk, and then took Celestia to his study.

He often made tea and asked for Celestia's maids to find and deliver her favorite cakes, but the alicorn mare didn't eat or drink anything. After long and miserable hours, her tears became spent and leaving her to simply gasp and hiccup. It was only then did she register Starswirl, and even then Celestia didn't say much.

She had refused to go out to her kingdom's subjects to tell the dreadful news about Nightmare Moon, often leaving Starswirl with a group of other unicorns to take her place in raising and lowering the sun and moon, while Starswirl would take over the courts and making announcements to the public. He kept visiting her to continue his attempts at comforting and helping her whenever his new and temporary duties allowed him. The unicorn sage spent his nights with her, either talking to her or helping her fall to sleep. There were even times he shared the same bed with Celestia to help her sleep better, as she had established a habit of crying herself to sleep.

It took a month since then to get her to talk, another for her to eat without being forced to and being connected by IVs. But despite the progress, Starswirl knew it would take a very long time for the frail, broken, depressed mare to become the same, smiling, wise and strong Celestia he once met and knew.

And in during these events of Celestia's sorrow and rehabilitation, no one had payed any attention to the ancient site that had been within eyesight of the conflict. Had anyone been there, they would have heard a loud SNAP, as the left inner thigh of the statue spawned a very large crack, that ran through the waist, twisting and turning into the knee. Small flecks of dust and broken stone flew from the crack, before all was silent once again.

The Road to Dawn (NEW)

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The years following since were terrible to Celestia.

A paltry two years since the string of misfortunes and loss impacted Celestia, and it took a toll upon her. During that time, her once youthful smile dimmed into a facsimile used in the presence of others, even to her own mentor and friend.

Despite her condition, Starswirl and her advisors returned her to the throne of Equestria and aided her in their best efforts to rule the kingdom in a capable fashion. In spite of Starswirl's help alongside her assigned caretakers, Celestia's progress to mental and emotional recovery was slow. And despite how Starswirl wasn't happy about it, he couldn't blame how much what had happened to Celestia would impact her heavily, nor could he bring himself to gripe against how much it affected her decisions in ruling.

Finally, the Archmage conceded and played the role of Steward of Equestria while Celestia was locked within his home.

"Archmage Starswirl, if I may ask how Princess Celestia is?" asked Clean Sweep, an unicorn mare with a coat the color of ripened wheat stalks and a mane of yellow cinquefoil flowers. Her eyes of sapphire blinked with concern as she held a broom and a small pan in a magical grip.

Starswirl sighed, the dark rings underneath his eyes signaling his exhaustion as he spared a glance at the room before replying to the maid, one of many who stubbornly kept their jobs in following the Princess to Starswirl's home.

Albeit, having maids take care and clean his small castle and tower was certainly an additional benefit, as he himself had gotten irritated and unhappy at his own messy habits of leaving scrolls which would mysteriously ‘disappear’ for days upon end only to stumble upon them later on, leaving him to wonder why on Equis it was there.

It didn't help that his age was clearly aiding and abetting the mysterious movements of his scrolls.

The maids' constant presence and randomly encountering them wasn't necessarily a welcome sight, however. Not in his abode at the most.

"I still remain worried for her. I’ve already placed a couple of guards to watch and escort her at all times because I fear for her mental health and what she may decide to do." He stayed silent for a brief moment before continuing, looking at Clean Sweep with a hundred yard stare.

"You may enter and perform your duties, Clean Sweep. But be aware and understand; the Princess has lost many of whom she held precious to her, not just her sister." The growingly old mage's voice drifted off before he shook his head and trotted away.

Two of the aforementioned guards which stood by the Princess' door scanned over Clean Sweep before allowing her to enter. Even as she entered, the Chief Maid could see three guardmares silently watching and standing nearby the Princess, who slumbered on her bed, which lacked even bedcovers, lest she attempt anything with them, either on herself or her 'captors' as she would grumble at them.

Clean could only look at the Princess with worry.

A magic cancelling ring had been placed upon Princess Celestia's beautiful and sleek horn, a set of hoofcuffs held tightly to her gauze-wrapped forehooves and a silk band wrapped and restrained the Princess' wings.

All in all, the Princess looked like a hostage held prisoner in her own room. It only made Clean Sweep frown as her sadness deepened while she set about her work as another year of little improvement in her princess’ wellbeing and the depressing sight and state of Princess Celestia would continue for the time being.

As Clean Sweep passed by the guards and entered her Princess' private chambers, she looked to see the Princess, flanked by her guardmares, out on the balcony. Celestia gazed up at the bright, full moon in the sky as tears fell from her muzzle as she stared at the silhouette of the ‘Mare in the Moon,’ the title ponies had taken to calling the result of her sister's rebellion. To many ponies, it was a reminder of Nightmare Moon's defeat. However to Celestia, it was a constant reminder of whom she lost and whom she failed to save.

Clean Sweep looked down as she swept a small patch of dust into her small pan before noticing a bit of parchment had gotten caught by her broom. Seeing that it had been written, Clean picked it up and silently read it, finding out that it was a poem written by Celestia:

Behold the night, ruined art without your light
behold the moon, shining light in deepening gloom.
But under the horizon, somewhere far away
the sun races along its course, to bring and brighten a new day.
The moon’s glory has faded away, once full and bright, now stained by sin, imprisoned sister, contained within.
Hear my cry, oh hear my plea
my beloved sister, watch over me.
The sun outshone, in foolish pride
neglected the glory of celestial night
and now you’re gone, so far away.
I miss you and regret every single day
I have no right, yet still I say
forgive me, sister
forgive I pray
forgive me, sister
for neglecting you that way

Clean looked back at the lamenting Princess before placing the poem on the nearby desk that it likely fell from before returning to her duty, unsure if her presence or words would've helped or do anything for her Princess.

It wasn't until she was about to leave the Princess' chambers did she find inspiration and the courage to go over to Princess Celestia, who, under the watchful eyes of her guards, gave the Alicorn mare a hug around her barrel.

Celestia gave a choked gasp from her reverie before looking down at the maid as Clean simply stayed there in her embrace. The Alicorn mare didn't push her away, and she didn't voice her displeasure at the maid's attempt of comforting and show of support and solidarity.

Instead, Celestia gently squeezed Clean Sweep with a hoof and wing, whispering, "thank you." as the two stayed there for half an hour before one of the guards gave a gentle nudge with an armored hoof, telling them that it was time for Princess Celestia to sleep in order to be rested and ready for tomorrow morning.


Clean Sweep continued to make continuous trips to Celestia's chambers, though she had to swat a few fellow maids with a broom to stop them from making gossip that additional perks were being granted during Princess Celestia's emotional moments.

One day, Clean Sweep had found Celestia at her desk, staring blankly and listlessly at an empty book, a freshly inked quill lying next to it. It was a diary that Starswirl had supplied to the Princess as a way to release her thoughts and emotions rather than bottling it and letting them rot within her.

However, getting Celestia to start using the book was another matter. At the start of being given the diary, she ignored it. She kept placing it aside and lying that she would work on it later on, almost like the same petulant filly she used to be many years ago, Celestia looked and searched for any excuse that would allow her to not use the diary.

That was until Starswirl informed Clean Sweep and Celestia's immediate guards about making Celestia establish the habit of writing on it at least once a day.

Clean Sweep nudged the Princess gently, startling her a bit as she asked, "Maybe you could write about the new maid, Polished Hoof, and about her panicking about knocking over one of the display vases this afternoon?"

All she got was an unamused huff from the Princess, likely unhappy about being pushed into writing, "You don't need to write everything about your day or about how you feel, just what happened at specific points about your day." Clean Sweep assured as she waited until she saw Celestia got past writing down the date before she began busing herself about the chambers, occasionally looking back at her Princess expectantly whenever she didn't hear the near silent scratching from the quill.

It'd be a month and a half before Celestia didn't need any motivation from the maid or her guardmares. What would've been something Celestia complained and did what she could to refuse and not write in the diary now started to fill pages after pages of her days, thoughts and the occasional depressed moments.


As Celestia continued to lament, write in her diary, or sleep within her given chambers, Starswirl sat upon the throne back at the ruined castle, taking up the duty of a Steward until a time where Princess Celestia could adequately rule without the risk of her emotionally breaking down.

Said nobleponies and militant leaders currently squabbled and quarreled amongst themselves as he rubbed his temple with a hoof. The current argument was what to do with the majority of the ruins of the castle where Luna and Celestia fought each other. The nobles demanded that it be rebuilt and the governmental stature of Equestria remain where it was even before the two sisters ascended to the thrones. It was a traditional and historical castle that was being left in ruins, and to them it was a terrible mistake to leave broken and destroyed.

The military leaders however, argued that the castle was about as compromised and vulnerable as the Princess' condition was. Adding on that the Everfree Forest was now growing exponentially around the castle, the wild life within it growing bolder and establishing territories. They argued that it was better to relocate and build a different castle someplace else.

It was then that Celestia's Majordomo, Clarion Call, cracked his staff against the marble floor and garnered the arguing masses attention. As they turned, he said with his voice reaching the entire room to not make himself unclear or misheard, "Enough of this. We have argued for hours upon end and the longer we continue, the less we will scavenge from what has happened. As it stands, this castle has fallen; both in figure of speech and literal. Our Princess is still recovering and it is clear she cannot lead Equestria from either the Archmage's Tower, or in this castle."

Starswirl added his thoughts onto the matter, "As many of you should be aware, Princess Celestia still laments and suffers under the scars of her fight and loss of her sister, Princess Luna. This castle, while having been the home of her and the Royal Family many years prior, is no longer a place where we can retain the location of the throne. Even if Princess Celestia recovers from her fight against her fallen sister, the memories surrounding it will be a great detriment to her ability to rule. Equestria needs an Alicorn capable of leading it ever onwards toward a better future. With Princess Celestia incapacitated and harboring terrible memories, as well as the banishment and fall of her sister; then our future has become uncertain and wrought with risk of falling back to the three tribes governance system."

Many of the nobles muttered or gave private thoughts about the idea of Equestria falling apart while the military leaders gave nods and murmurs of agreement as Starswirl continued, "As it stands, I agree with our commanders. The Everfree Forest has already proven far too inhospitable without more resources and efforts in stopping it, and this castle would consume even more necessary resources to maintain than to rebuild ... ."

Starswirl fell silent as he looked out above the holes in the ceiling, some of the tiles balancing precariously above everypony. It wasn't an easy thought of just leaving the castle to fall apart the rest of the way, and it wasn't easy to choose just where to move and establish a new location of where the throne of Equestria would be.

His eyes then strayed to a certain hole that showed a tall mountain.

Starswirl recalled that there was a construction project that aimed to construct a town on a mountain, hanging off from it and reaching as high as Cloudsdale was. It had been started by a group of unicorns that still held a sense of unicorn superiority and had gotten jealous of the pegasai's creation of their cloud-like city, but it had been struggling on gathering enough funds to fuel the construction and progress of the project.

"Clarion? If you would lend me your ear for a moment," Starswirl said as the Majordomo looked at him with a questioning expression.


Clean Sweep could only hug her Princess in silence as the Alicorn was wracked with yet another sobbing fit after raising the moon, shedding glistening tears of grief and regret. While it was an improvement to the mourning and wailing she went into a year or so ago, it still took its toll upon Celestia. Her disregard for her personal appearance was a frequent source of frustration and yet … and yet like soldiers on a battlefield, they daily entered the fray, not with weapons of war, but instruments of beautification. Her formerly regal posture had slumped and drooped down, looking as though she suffered from carrying the weight of the world on her back, the dark bags under her bloodshot and puffy eyes, and the haggard look of exhaustion appearing on her face.

Her guards were given permission to use sleep spells in order to treat her exhaustion, but they ended up being used rarely, as whenever they were placed on Princess Celestia, nightmares of varying situations and intensity would plague her sleep, often resulting in her feeling as exhausted as she had been prior to any attempts to sleep.

Celestia and her guards plus an on-duty maid began to head to her chambers in preparation to sleep for the oncoming visit with the Griffon King Shredder, who was a staunch ally to Equestria even before her parents and a fond friend of her and Luna. He and the nobles of both Equestria and Griffonstone were insistent upon such a meeting, both to discuss the future of the Griffons as they were starting to experience signs of an inflation that would lead to a great depression as well as Shredder wanting to visit Celestia and find out what happened to Luna, as he wasn’t aware of her banishment until not two days ago.

However, as the last guard left the balcony, a soft, melodious voice reached their ears in a song.

While a few ears from the guards twitched towards the song, trying to hear better as well as try and discern where it was coming from, Celestia stopped dead and turned around to look at the moon for several seconds before she whispered, “Luna.”

Celestia didn’t even think, it was all by instinct as she raced back to the balcony as her guards gave cries of alarm and panic, reacting to the worst outcome that the song was driving her to either suicide or some other purpose. Already, the majority of them being unicorns, they lit their horns and readied spells of either paralysis, temporal dialysis or gelatin encasement to keep the Princess from jumping or attempting to fly off despite her bound wings.

Said spells already flung and latched onto the Princess as she reached the railings and pulled her front hooves on the elegant metal as the ponies’ hearts leapt.

Whether it was instinct or some part of her that expected their reaction, Celestia was able to keep herself steady against their spells as she craned her head back to the moon, her ears and attention entirely focused upon what she internally believed was the source of the song.

The guards rushed to her side, additional spells ready to be cast a second time as a few pegasi took to the air in preparation as the song continued to hold their Princess’ attention. Her eyes fixed on the marked moon as she listened to what had to be Luna’s song.

She listened as she could hear the sorrow and guilt from her sister. Luna’s voice carrying forgiveness to Celestia, and a plea for the same. Luna prayed for her sister to hold better dreams, and her familial love which she still held for her sorrowing sister would be conveyed to Celestia as almost an hour passed.

At the end of the song, Celestia began to cry again, a broken smile appearing on her muzzle as she whispered, “Luna.”

Clean Sweep could only stare in wonder as she saw something change within Princess Celestia, it seemed like she imagined it and it almost sounded too impossible to be true to have occurred as the spells that held Celestia in place were let down and the guards encouraged the Princess back to her room and to her bed.

As Princess Celestia passed by the maid, she paused long enough to hug Clean Sweep tightly to her, getting a reciprocating hug in return, and holding it for a few minutes before she steadily trotted off to bed.

Clean dumbly watched her Princess settle into bed before a smile began to creep in, feeling a small but growing sense of hope and believing that things were turning around. Though she wished she could do more, Clean Sweep gave an audible whisper, “Good night, Princess.” before the mare hurried off to finish her rounds through the castle and give the good news.

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As much as the nobleponies, Starswirl included among them, and many of the maids to former staff of the royal castle held skepticism to Clean Sweep’s news, there had been a remarkable change in the Princess’ behavior.

Princess Celestia began to move around more, both inside and outside of Starswirl’s home. Some could see she gave effort in being social and being around others, though there still were moments they could see either tears or a saddened frown.

It wasn’t until the ponies began noticing her appearance gradually improving and her effort in giving attendance to many of the meetings with Starswirl and the nobleponies in the passing weeks did they start realizing that the maid had a point. Celestia started to give genuine smiles, she didn’t drag her hooves or hold her head low as much as she had used to, and she did her best in ensuring that when she spoke, she didn’t waver or mumble her words.

Regardless, it was a certain sign to them that their Princess was surely returning to the throne and returning to her duties, even with the noticeable slips and staggers.

One thing that sadly didn’t change was her moments of breaking down in fits of depression. This often led to moments where anypony who was with her when she started frowning, looking down and her ears flattening to her head assumed they had said something that had affected her more than they thought.

But despite some of these setbacks happening and remaining, it was certainly a sign of improvement upon Princess Celestia’s disposition. And it was only a matter of time until Starswirl would allow the Princess to return to the throne and lead Equestria once again.

Celestia now frequently smiled at the moon now, whenever she set the moon on its course through the night sky. Each evening, with the rising of the sun, Celestia swore she could hear Luna singing her song to her, that song of loss, loneliness and forgiveness from her only sister whom she missed terribly, sealed away on the moon as she was. Celestia's serene smile grew into a happier grin as she whispered, praying the words would travel to the moon, "Good night, Luna … . Thank you …"

The door to her room suddenly opened without warning and made her startle terribly and her forelegs accidentally slipped off of the railing and landed over the rail, making her land hard on her stomach with a loud 'Gh-huh!'

"Princess!" The same voice yelled, this time joined by all her guards. After looking down again and seeing just how high of a balcony her bedroom had, Celestia panicked and started backpedaling desperately as her guards quickly grabbed her with magic and hooves and after pulling herself back onto the balcony, she quickly scrambled away from the balcony rails so as to prevent anything else that could cause her to fall. She panted from her desperate act as her guards looked over her and ushered her further away from the balcony as she looked to see nearby the old unicorn sage, Starswirl. His horn was lit, mouth gaping in horror and his left foreleg outstretched, preparing to catch her in case the fear that was apparent in his eyes proved true.

"S-Starswirl, how … can I … help you?" Celestia gasped slightly, the force of landing on her stomach still smarting and leaving her almost breathless, tears still streaming down and her eyes slightly red.

Starswirl's eyes grew with concern as he closed his mouth, "Princess, I was coming to see you. I …" The sage sighed, his age becoming ever more apparent and looked at his ruling princess with weariness and love, one that only appeared among closest friends, "Celestia. It has been two years since … Her exile. While I’ve seen and heard of you making progress since a week ago, but …" Starswirl moved over to Celestia and placed a hoof over her shoulder.

But Celestia lowered her head ever so slightly, and lightly brushed his hoof off, "I know, Starswirl … In fact, I don’t think I’ll ever return to what joy and happiness I held before. However," She sighed deeply but then moved her head to look at her friend, strength finding its way to her eyes, "I have something to live for now."

Starswirl stared at Celestia, quietly studying his longtime friend and ruler, seeing the oft lowered head raised in expressive regal majesty. Her once reddened, blurry eyes fraught with tears now had an expressive life and a growing resolve. This was a Celestia that was not nearly the same as the one he knew before Luna was banished, but she looked much better than how she had suffered during the preceding two years.

Celestia continued, looking back up at the moon, “I needed to know my sister would. Or even could, forgive me for failing her. That even now, separated as far as we are, that she still loved me. I want to believe that Luna would rather return home and see her sister alive and well and waiting for her, rather than the wretch I have been.”

Starswirl’s eyes became unfocused as he remembered that night when she was brought to this very room, he had to keep her company through the long, star-filled night, as he felt her body tremble and wrack, and hearing the sniffling and gasping cries of his ruler and dear friend.

His attention returned to the present as he gave her a long and hard stare, searching eyes intently to see if she would look away, blink, or meet his gaze with honest sincerity. He had long since gotten a practice down in looking and telling if a pony’s words or intentions were genuine or dishonest during his temporary reign over the kingdom. And for all that was worth, Starswirl wanted more than anything to ensure that everything that his immortal friend, whom he had heard and watched suffer under her grief, was speaking in complete honesty.

Even though a good part of him wanted to find and catch her lying, that she merely said what she said to appease him and gain just enough free movement from him.

A good five minutes later, Starswirl found his answer, and he moved forward and hugged her tightly, his worries and concerns significantly reduced.

"I'm glad, Princess. I'm so very glad." He whispered, as Celestia returned the hug and began to lightly cry again. They held the hug for a few minutes before parting. Starswirl asked, a smile breaking upon his wizened muzzle, "Will you need anything then, Princess?"

Celestia shook her head, "No, my friend. I don't think I will for tonight."


Despite the hopeful attitudes that had spread amongst the ponies who lived and interacted around Celestia, many of them were cautious to almost completely disbelieving that their Princess had emotionally and mentally stabilized into a more functioning pony, her guards first and foremost.

They refused to consider their duty in guarding Celestia from herself completed, and continuously waved off her complaints, ranging from jokes to direct orders. Even after Starswirl had allowed Celestia to leave his castle, it seemed as if they couldn’t believe that their Princess had mentally and emotionally recovered and gotten past her depression and grief.

It would take almost six months before they would be convinced by both Celestia and Starswirl that they could relax and stop thinking she was lying to them and stop surrounding her with a tight ring of bodyguards around her every day.

Bypassing all the issues, problems and other sorts of distractions, Princess Celestia had progressed with rediscovered her strength and fortitude to return to her duties. Though when she expected to be brought back to the castle she and Luna had taken ownership as Princesses of Equestria, Celestia watched from the window that they were flying away from the Everfree Forest.

She practically bolted out of the carriage in both a panic and fear that where she was going was nowhere near where she wanted to go, seeing that they were over green rolling hills and halfway between the Everfree and Canterhorn Mountain.

Before both the Royal Guard pegasi and the two pegasi carrying the carriage itself could stop her, she flew off straight towards her home, hoping that either it was an attempt of kidnapping or some other mistake.

That outlook quickly changed when she saw the castle that had been her home since foalhood. Celestia’s heart fell at the sight as the pegasi guards found her and landed nearby. The dilapidated castle had been left to be reclaimed by the forest as moss, and bird nests were seen on the broken holes of stone.

Starswirl teleported nearby not soon after as one guard had flown back to inform him as Celestia sat down and stared at the remains of her former home with sadness. The mage trotted over to her and said softly, “While you were away, we argued and debated for many days whether to rebuild it. However as we all recovered and recuperated from what happened those years ago, the Everfree was becoming wild and dangerous again. In the end, we couldn’t keep the castle for long.”

Celestia didn’t respond, though one of her ears twitched, signaling she did hear him. Starswirl sighed and said to her, “I’m sorry. We recovered what we could before leaving, but … .”

The two stayed there for a few minutes before Starswirl got up and started nudging Celestia away from the castle and went with her back into the royal carriage that awaited her outside the forest’s edge and to her new home upon Canterhorn Mountain.

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The beginnings of Canterlot, a unicorn-focused project hoofed-over by Starswirl and Clarion Call and turned into the capital of Equestria, was a humbling one. At first there were only a few buildings that housed Princess Celestia, her Majordomo, half the maids and servants, a spare room dedicated to Starswirl whenever he visited often, and a storage room where all of Celestia’s and Luna’s belongings were placed in an almost labyrinthian way. The petitioners and nobles visiting could only stay for a few hours at a time, forcing only those who had the utmost dire need of a personal visit to come.

Said petitioners and nobles had at first arrived in droves, lining both the skies and base of Canterhorn Mountain to bring in attempts of either securing power so as a pathway to have themselves be seated upon the throne instead of Princess Celestia, wanting more economical or physical gains. However, they did not expect their Princess to still retain her sharp mind and shrewd judgement against their corrupt intentions. Whatever escaped Starswirl and the curiously dwindling circle of advisors, Celestia would see it and not fall to their attempts of manipulation or sleight of hoof.

Still, hearing word the return of their only surviving Princess set much of the kingdom ablaze with hope of better times to come. After hearing Princess Luna disappearing, an evil Alicorn appeared shortly after, challenging and failing against Princess Celestia only to have no news about her for more than a year? This series of events had left many cities in an uncertain limbo with no idea of what the future would be for them without an Alicorn ruling from the throne.

Some had started to dedicate the announcement as a means of celebration, though it was an unofficial one and only a hoof-full of ponies maintained it. That was until Princess Celestia had been giving a request to personally arrive and raise the sun for them, utterly unaware of such a situation amongst her subjects.

Her accepting and performing that request set everything off to create what would later be called the Summer Sun Celebration, which at first was waved off by Celestia until she heard how quickly the Celebration was taken in and adopted throughout the kingdom.

Starswirl quickly came to the idea of having Celestia participate and interact with the civilians. Soon after, he made plans and began to spread them throughout the kingdom of events, holidays and celebrations. Ranging from a day of giving thanks, though the name was still in pending, to turning Founding Day into Hearth’s Warming.

Despite his intentions, he could only name or make a few as they were still a refugee civilization in a new land after escaping the Windigos and there were very few special occasions that the ponies could make. It didn’t help that some of the cities didn’t have or understand the same kind of events or holidays that occurred to them.

But his attempt was still successful to some degree, as after a year of watching his friend with a careful eye, he brought her to Cloudsdale where they were due to celebrate the first Summer Sun Celebration.

Princess Celestia was surprised and shocked at the number of ponies who had gathered to attend the Celebration, and soon enough once word got out that Princess Celestia was in Cloudsdale, she was surrounded and badgered by the civilians into raising the sun on a podium that was hastily created for her. The roaring and ecstatic crowds of royals and civilian ponies had cramped themselves as much as they could into Cloudsdale. Through the noise and bright lights, Celestia learned that during the time of her depression, she had utterly forgotten just how cherished she had been to the Equestrian Kingdom.

As she, rather forcefully by the unicorn mages around her, participated in the Celebration and ended the night with her publicly raising the sun, she cast a revitalization spell upon herself and took a few moments to record her thoughts of yesterday and last night and slept rather heavily and soundly.

Month of Juna, Day 21, Year 4 After Banishment

I wonder to myself how often does anypony see the impact their lives have upon others? How much worse off are we, deprived of the good, the potential that we might have experienced had one of our subjects who had or are contemplating suicide not succeeded in killing themselves? I, myself, have been subject to not a few thoughts about committing suicide. Not a few times have I looked at the railing of my balcony and then the bindings upon my wings and been sorely tempted to gallop towards that railing and with a desperate hope that this time, this time that I’d be successful in plummeting to my death. However, my advisors and court magicians escorted me from place to place both as a way for my subjects to see me alive and well, as well as let me see how happy my subjects were.

I can’t even begin to imagine, let alone bring myself to think of the kind of lives our subjects might have been forced to live in, had I succeeded in my attempts. By my own hoof, I could have very well undone the efforts of everypony I cared for. My sister, my parents. Faust in Elysium, the Founders of Equestria themselves. Luna’s fall and transformation would have been a blessing in comparison … .



It had been five years since Princess Celestia had returned to the throne and began feeling more and more of her former self return, even if there were still present scars that would take a great deal of time to scab over.

However, one thought did continue to linger and bother her greatly, and it was that despite how the Elements of Harmony had locked and banished her beloved sister into the moon, the Elements had left a lingering warning that it wouldn’t be permanent.

And when she saw and read Starswirl’s book that had spoken about the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon and her prophesied return, Princess Celestia couldn’t begin to figure out just what to do during the time between now and then. The stars themselves would aid her escaping. It was all but obvious that Nightmare Moon would be the one returning, still holding a strong presence and source of control upon Luna.

There was no way Celestia could bring herself to fight her. Celestia still could not bear nor bring herself to harm Luna, regardless whether she was Nightmare Moon. Celestia could not hurt her, and she would rather perish alongside Luna than kill her. She had lost too much of those she loved and cherished already.

Worse still, the Elements rejected and refused to work for her. Despite both her and the brightest unicorns could do, all it resulted and ended was the Element of Magic to disappear and refuse to return, rendering the rest as useless as they had been. All because of Nightmare Moon taking her sister away … And her own negligence to Luna.

“... But … The Tree …" She muttered. The Tree of Harmony did in fact show that there would be others.

She recalled the Cutie Marks on the upper trunk and branches of the Tree, just above her and Luna's Cutie Marks.

"Does this mean the Tree expected this …?" Celestia muttered again.


And perhaps … she may have to plan things in the very long run, similar to how the Tree of Harmony used her and Luna as it’s bearers during Discord’s reign.

She hated it.

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A Thousand Years After Luna’s Banishment

A tower.

A tall, marble tower of the purest white, piercing through the heavens and any clouds which got in its way of ascension like a spear running through a sheep and continued to climb, even beyond the clouds through which it pierced. It held little to no exterior details but a rising cylinder of marble. There was no door, nor were there any windows, and the very top of the tower could not be seen from the ground.

Surrounding it was rolling green hills, reaching far and forever stretching to the horizon and beyond, sporadically dotted with rocks of various sizes, the largest only as long as six feet and the tallest a mere four. The clouds above, wispy and light, parting ever gently with the Tower of Eternity. The sun was warm, welcoming and bright, but was little more than an illusion.

An Elysium, neither Heaven nor Hell; Neither living nor dead.

All was quiet.

All was peaceful.

All was eternally sleeping.

The air resounded with a banging sound, followed by the sound of a rumble very much like thunder.

There was a sudden explosion of activity within the skies. A ring of rainbow surged with power through the heavens and over the land, impacting the Tower. The Tower shook and trembled, but did not fall or crumble. The ring instead painted the area of impact upon the Tower, and passed through as the arc of light and color raced from one horizon from whence it came to the other end of the horizon, never fading, never losing strength.

The earth trembled and shook from the sonic boom and resulting rumbling sound which followed in the ring's wake. The vibrations caused by the rumbling sound caused many of the rocks to shake and move, some of them becoming unearthed and shifted.

Then all was silent once again.

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Celestia gave a sigh with amusement upon reading the contents of her student's letter from the comfort of her personal bedchambers. Twilight was, out of the two students whom she had taken on to be her protégé, the more literary scholar of the two. Where Sunset … Celestia physically hesitated, but shook her head as she had learned how to move past such pain over the course of the century. Where Sunset Shimmer had been desperate to the path of power and prestige, Twilight had a far more intense adoration and dedication of her mentor. What Princess Celestia found very interesting was just how low the little unicorn's ear was to the ground.

Or perhaps it was just coincidence that Twilight knew about Nightmare Moon's return? She did have a habit of changing subjects the moment they didn't interest her or when she felt that had exhausted any advancement of her understanding on whichever particular subject she had been studying at that time.

Princess Celestia gave a light giggle before lighting her horn and summoning a feathered quill pen in a small bottle of ink, and a scroll before sending her reply, telling Twilight that while she valued her suspicions, Twilight was reading old mare tales.

Celestia added that she was sending Twilight to Ponyville to prepare for the Celebration, although she knew that the Celebration was going to be put on a temporary hold as Celestia looked up at the sky through the glass windows in her room.

She hated what she had done and was still doing.

’Faust forgive me,’ Celestia thought helplessly and regretfully, 'I've not just been manipulating Twilight's life, but the lives surrounding the soon-to-be Bearers of Harmony. I've studied, I've searched, I've hunted and whispered the right words ... Faust, I've even abused my own power upon my loyal subjects. Twisting thoughts, daydreams created, hopes dashed or created, events that could never happen made to happen even to the very manipulation of the weather itself, twisting, corrupting or changing words and causing them to be misheard or misunderstood. My abuse of power as Alicorn and as the Princess of Equestria has caused and created not just six little ponies for the sake of freeing my sister, but the creation of Ponyville itself and the little ponies that now inhabit it …’

The door to her bedchambers opened, gaining her attention as the descendant of Quiet Comfort, Calm Comfort entered and asked, “Princess Celestia? Are you awake?”

Celestia turned her head and got up from her bed saying, “I am, Calm. Is there something you need?”

“Only to talk to you about your student, Your Highness.” The maid admitted as she closed the door and walked closer.

Celestia could remember the days when Quiet had taken a stallion and eventually retired from her position as a maid in Canterlot, it had been a tad upsetting but an understandable occurrence to the Alicorn. During her youth it wasn’t uncommon to notice a prolonged absence of one of her admirers or hear about a few ponies she knew and encountered to have passed away for one reason or another.

It was only until the time Princess Celestia encountered Twilight and her uncontrolled magical surge did she hear about Calm and learned how she was related to the mare who had been a close friend during her depression.

“What is it, Calm?” Celestia asked, her mind snapping away from her quick trip in memory lane.

“Well ...” Calm hesitated before continuing, “Are you certain that Twilight is the next Bearer? I mean, I had listened to you about the Tree of Harmony and all of this ... but are we really certain you have the right mare? And even if she wasn’t, would you have sent her to Ponyville regardless?”

Celestia gave a bit of a sigh, more out of disappointment with herself. When Calm had been employed, Celestia was hasty in bringing her close. Far too soon and closer than she should have, as not soon after talking to the mare about her ancestor Quiet Comfort, Celestia had started to pour much of herself towards Calm, wrongfully assuming she would be similar to Quiet.

A tad far too much of herself.

“Even if Twilight wasn’t due to be a Bearer, I would’ve certainly encouraged her to move out from Canterlot.” Princess Celestia replied, putting Twilight’s letter of warning down, “Given her habits and day to night activities, I didn’t want to raise my student into being a royal librarian when she has such a talent in magic. I may not know her parents greatly, but I can give a good guess they wanted the best for their daughter.”

Calm didn’t look entirely convinced as Celestia continued, “And I had told you about the Tree of Harmony and the marks on its trunk and branches. And Twilight’s Cutie Mark matches it perfectly, Calm. And once the trunk had both mine and my sister’s Marks as well before ...” Her voice drifted off at the memory.

Calm still didn’t seem satisfied with both her Princess’ decision and plan, “It should be handled by you and the Royal Guard...”

“My sister nearly defeated me before I used the Elements,” Celestia countered, shaking her head in disagreement, “and I fear for the well-being of the Royal Guards should they ever try to attack her. No, I cannot face her again. And I cannot use military force for somepony who is far stronger, this requires a special touch and move.”

Again, Calm seemed like she wanted to argue and convince Princess Celestia from using her student and instead find another way, but she was cut off from arguing further, “My decision stands final, Calm. I have had a thousand years to decide what to do when my sister returned and this is the only answer I have found and made.”


The day proceeded without a hitch or concern, though between Princess Celestia and Calm Comfort, a small rift of perspectives had been revealed. The two didn’t argue or go deep into that rift, though it always showed itself through glances and stares between them. As much as Celestia tried to explain and show Calm her reasonings and how difficult it was to change plans so suddenly and expect them to just go okay, Calm always seemed to be placicated but it was clear she still remained unconvinced that it would work; Or that it should work.

Regardless, Princess Celestia had come this far and had kept to the one plan she had made and cultured after recovering from the fallout of her failure with Luna, and she wouldn’t and couldn’t change those plans now on the eve of her return.

Day turned to evening and Celestia kept a consistent watch on the skies, already seeing the stars start to coalesce around the moon, the last night and time her sister’s face would ever be stamped on its surface.

Once the sun had started its descent below the horizon was when Celestia started to quickly gather things, assigning a few guard details to specific parts of Canterlot, Ponyville and Cloudsdale. She even sent word to the Night Guard, Luna’s former legion, to be assigned on patrol duty well away from Canterlot and Ponyville. She knew that Luna would be quick and vengeful to find her, and Celestia would see to it that there were as few complications as possible.

Princess Celestia had already gathered a few snacks from the castle’s kitchen and was just about to leave for a few books to wait before she passed by one of the windows in the castle that gave her a good view of Twilight’s tower.

An idle thought about giving a small look around came to mind before memory took over. Hadn’t she given Twilight a minor Scrying Orb for one Hearth's Warming after she had fallen ill and still tried to attend her lessons?

Celestia tilted her head in consideration before lighting a teleportation spell and arriving at the door of the tower, unlocking it with her magic and entering inside.

She sighed as she saw her student's now old home. Even now, as Celestia moved to the center of the library, she still saw that small ‘bed’ Twilight had converted the couch that was nearby the front door. Celestia shook her head from the nostalgia before she turned her attention to the library. Moving up the stairs, she stopped in front of a pedestal containing a hoof-sized, translucent, teal colored orb.

The Alicorn quickly pocketed the orb and left the library, fearing she would get too caught up in her memories, again, when she needed to hurry. Already, she could feel the sealing spell that the Elements had used to seal her sister in the moon was starting to strain. The position of the sun was showing that the sun had to be set in its course on the other side of the horizon, and she did not want the chain of events she worked hard to set up to go to waste.

After quickly moving the sun down beneath the horizon, and in her haste forgone to give Luna her last lullaby, Celestia had returned to her room in order to give the appearance that she was preparing herself for the Summer Sun Celebration. In truth, she was preparing a teleportation spell, In addition to the food which she had stored within her saddlebags, she added several tomes, her favorite doll, Paper Mâché, a few candles, as well as a spare pillow and blanket. She then added the coordinates for where she wanted to go to the teleportation runes.

Celestia immediately winced as she felt the seals strain again, this time with more force. In fact, it almost fell apart sooner than she wanted had she not placed some of her reinforcement magic to ensure that the seals held out for just a little longer.

Now hurrying, she activated the runes with her standing inside the circle, her destination set and fed the runic glyph spellwork the activation magic it needed to power up and execute the spell spelled out by the runic arrangement.

A brilliant flash of light erupted around Celestia's room just as a maid, a mare who was the last to leave the castle, entered and saw her Princess leave.

She shielded her eyes then blinked at the remains of the teleportation in confusion, before shrugging it off and believing it to simply be Her Majesty's way of appearing down at Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration Festival which was about to begin in a matter of hours. She set herself to the task of cleaning up the Princess' room.


The Tomb of The Warrior, or rather the ancient site Celestia discovered and had been named long after, had ever since remained undisturbed. For over a thousand years, the site had passed and faded away from the minds of both young and scholar. Its legend faded into myth before becoming but simple memory and passing mentions, as no pony could discover anything more than what the pictures upon the walls could give, while the mysterious language remained untranslatable.

The thrum of arcane power and a sudden burst of light destroyed that silent peace, the thrumming sound of teleportation magic quickly followed by light panting from a white Alicorn, who had a pair of saddlebags secured on her barrel.

Celestia gulped more air before smiling. She never did tell Luna that she kept coming to this site during their reign as Princesses. Not once did she ever mention visiting and using the site as a place to be away and have a refuge in which she might enjoy a semblance of peace and quiet. It was the perfect getaway location that kept her within Equestria’s borders and close to Canterlot and Ponyville that nopony knew of; Or rather, anypony would have remembered.

She quickly bustled herself on making the site a temporary home for her. She laid the blanket and pillow at the base of the small flight of stairs which led to the statue, as it was the only comfortable spot within the room. After a quick Malleability spell at the ground, leading the stone to act more like a sponge rather than rough and hard stone, she turned and placed an Invisible spell over the entrance of the Tomb so as to shield herself from anypony from accidentally stumbling upon her place of refuge during her stay away from Canterlot and Ponyville.

Celestia then stored her saddlebags over into a nearby corner, taking one cupcake as a midnight snack, she trotted over to the Statue so as she could lie in its lap before activating the orb to watch the events unfold.

She was just about to make herself comfortable when her eyes lazily trailed up the statue.

Celestia immediately froze and her heart leapt as she saw a very long crack across the Statue's leg.

"No ... No, no no no. Please, no ..." she whispered as she tried to find a way to seal and fix the crack, her magic flowing over the statue, "Please, not on this ..." However, regardless of her knowledge and power, she couldn't fix the damage. It seemed resistant to every attempt she made in repairing and sealing its mysterious damages. She continued to fuss and worry over trying to fix the Statue before she gave a cry of pain from feeling the seal finally break. Celestia nearly collapsed as she felt Nightmare Moon's presence exert itself over Equestria before instantly fading.

The Statue long forgotten, Celestia levitated the orb to her quickly and activated it. She focused upon Canterlot and the orb first turned grey before the orb colored and gave almost a picturesque view of her castle. She studied and waited before she found a trailing dark “wisp” flying towards the Castle at fervent speeds. After getting the orb, by use of the tomes that allowed her to expand the uses of scrying, to focus and follow Nightmare Moon, she watched as her transformed sister broke through the throne room and appeared in her terrible glory.

"SISTER! THY TIME HATH COME!" Nightmare Moon cried, making Celestia wince at her sister’s suddenly loud speech before using another spell to adjust the “volume” of the scrying orb, "The night is here to reign fore-" Her speech was suddenly cut short as she opened her eyes to find the throne comically empty.

"Wh- What?!" The blackened Alicorn looked around, confused and infuriated that not only did her speech get cut short and go unheard, but that the subject for which it was meant was not even there! She stomped over to one door, shoving it open with magic before giving a loud groan when not even a single guard was present, leading Celestia to giggle madly at cutting her sister's thunder incredibly short.

After marching through and scouring half the entire castle Nightmare Moon, in a growing foul mood, finally had enough. She transformed back into her wispy form before flying off to the servant's quarters, where she immediately found one maid that was just about to sleep. The mare was suddenly lifted and held tightly as Nightmare Moon's head formed and demanded, "Maid! Where is she?!"

The poor maiden immediately screamed and began struggling before she was silenced with part of Nightmare Moon's 'mist' wrapping tightly around her muzzle and neck, covering both mouth and nostrils and held her there until she nearly passed out. Once she nearly stopped struggling, the 'mist' moved away from her muzzle and Nightmare Moon hissed as she demanded once again, "Where. Is. Celestia."

The young maiden shivered and tried to struggle again, but couldn't avoid looking at the corrupted Alicorn in the eyes, "Sh- She's—she's at the Summer S-sun C-Celebration in P-P-Ponyv-ville! S-She said sh-she would go there early!"

The aforementioned Alicorn quickly made note to give the poor maid a day off to be with her family so as to recover from being interrogated so harshly.

Nightmare Moon stared blankly at the maiden before demanding, “Where?”

After snorting in anger once she was quickly told, Nightmare Moon returned into a wisp and flew out of the maid's window, smashing it along the way. The scrying orb continued to follow the wisp as she made her way to the small town. Knowing that it would take a while, Celestia focused the orb away from her corrupted sister to Twilight Sparkle.

The orb turned grey for a moment, then colored to show her student with her assistant Spike on her back trotting over to a heavily decorated building in the town center. After a few moments of Celestia appreciating and looking at the decoration, and somewhat ignoring her student's blatant unhappiness at her given duty, she watched and waited for both her sister’s arrival and the chain of events that she was certain and had planned so much to happen.

And she was not disappointed throughout the night.

Princess Celestia sighed at her apprentice’s antics, as well as the antics and quirks of her newfound friends. How the athletic pegasus whom she heard and learned had performed the Sonic Rainboom after so many years was brash and quick to accuse, while the fanciful seamstress of a unicorn would complain and wail at mud and misfortune occurring to her mane, tail and coat.

She giggled at the sight of the pink Earth Pony’s jokes and nonsensical nature as well as the shy pegasus’ reluctance and rare instances of bravery.

How the Alicorn princess watched with concern and intense worry as she watched the group of six ponies travel from Ponyville to the ancient castle, memories once again sallying forth against the walls of her meditation, time and efforts in holding back what had sent her into the dark.

After several moments of face-hoofing of Twilight missing the point a few times as well as trying to fight Luna, Celestia couldn’t help herself but grin as all her efforts had paid off and worked as she watched Twilight and the five young mares reveal themselves as the new Bearers of Harmony.

And finally this time the Elements didn’t banish her sister, or cast her in stone.

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After establishing Twilight’s new mission, which was to study the Magic of Friendship from her new home in Ponyville, reuniting and giving the mares a surprise revealing how she had a sister, Celestia and Luna returned to the Canterlot Castle.

“Mine Sister, whyfor doth the guardians and maids give us such strange looks? Is it so strange there art other Alicorns besides thee? Doth not our subjects not remember I am thine sister?”

“After you were banished on the moon, it was too painful to be constantly reminded of how far away you were, to be reminded of how I failed you. I believe Starswirl ordered the literature and artistic treasures which depicted you stored within the treasury of the castle, so that it might spare my bleeding heart from bleeding even more. Then, as time went on, your fame faded to that of lore and fables, and as generations passed, our subjects only knew the rule of the one remaining Alicorn princess, me. Our staff stare for they can hardly believe what their eyes see, that not only is there more than one Alicorn, but that she’s also my sister and entitled to rule by my side, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.”

As they made a small tour to Luna's new bedchambers, Celestia started to shiver, overwhelmed with fear and apprehension despite finally being so close to the one and remaining family member she had left returning to her after a thousand years.

“What troubleth thee, mine sister?” Luna queried, feeling her sister’s coat shiver as they walked side by side through this castle which had been built during her absence.

Celestia scrunched her eyes closed tightly as she once again shivered violently but did not respond. And so she continued to show her young sister around the castle’s layout which had been built during Luna’s absence while her emotions began to overwhelm her.

Luna waited until she was shown where her personal chambers was and before she decided to take a look at her new room, the younger Alicorn turned around and used her magic to close the door and sound-proof it before demanding, "Sister, thy attitude hath been silent upon our questioning and this hath become far unlike thee! Just what that hath thee so troubled? Angered and upset, we expect such, but thou hast been most tremulous and silent upon our pry!"

Celestia at first stared at Luna before she bowed her head, her hair covering her expression. Luna waited and waited, with each passing second causing her to grow even more annoyed and concerned. As she was about to demand something from Celestia, it was quickly forgotten as Luna found herself being tackled and held tightly by a now sobbing Celestia. She was barely able to breathe, let alone hear her own thoughts at the sound of her eldest crying and holding her tightly akin to a foal who had just awoken from a terrible nightmare, holding their parents just as close and tightly.

Luna, hesitatingly at first, hugged Celestia and held her as the eldest simply wailed on. There were times she said, ‘I am so sorry,’ ‘I missed you so much,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘Please don't leave me’ in random order.

"S- 'Tia?" Luna asked tentatively, unsure and afraid of what happened to Celestia during her “solitude”.

Celestia flinched from Luna's voice before her sobs quickly quieted into soft, choked gasps, "I have missed you. So very much. I am scared, Luna. I’m so scared of losing you again to the nightmare. I cannot handle losing you again, sister. I am scared of repeating my mistakes and having to banish you again ... or worse.” Celestia's tears ran anew as she whispered, "Not again. Just not again."

At that, she continued to hold Luna as if she was about to be banished to the moon once again.

It was almost an hour later when the sun was to set did Celestia finally let Luna go, however that also meant the elder sister had cried herself to sleep, resorting Luna to use her new bed for Celestia while the night would allow Luna to wander the now candle-lit Canterlot Castle.

However, just as she got outside her chamber's doors, she saw a small detail of Royal Guards who looked at her in questioning expectation.

"Wh-What doth thee want? Why have ye abandoned thine posts?" Luna asked.

One mare stepped forwards and gave a polite bow, "Princess Luna. My name is Quiet Guard, and we are ... well, were a personal guard division assigned to watch over Princess Celestia, that had been on standing orders since the era of Great Archmage Starswirl the Bearded."

"From Starswirl?" Luna asked, incredulously, "And what situation doth demand such an order, and what were thy orders?"

"From what our parents could tell, and from their own parents ... It was because Princess Celestia had been acting suicidal shortly after your banishment, Princess Luna ..."

This startled and almost made her heart stop in the instant the word "suicidal" broke upon her ears, "S-Suicide ... Suicidal …?" She nearly fainted when Calm nodded, "But ... explain thyselves, why?!"

"My grandmother once told me, that Archmage Starswirl had placed a suicide watch on Princess Celestia after he discovered her trying to slit her forelegs. She used to tell me horrible events during those dark years while you had been gone. Archmage Starswirl had even made every Royal Guard, maid and hoofmaid to swear in secrecy about this. When I applied to be a guard in Canterlot Castle and was placed in Princess Celestia’s personal guard, I was told of her condition. In fact, there is a diary that Starswirl had given to Princess Celestia, he said that when you returned, it was to be shown to you. Would you like for it to be retrieved for you?"

Luna considered the option. To pry on the written state of mind her sister had been through during these "dark times"? It almost felt as if she were tempted to enter a forbidden garden ...

Yet it's because of who it is, did she fall for such temptation, "Yes, Quiet Guard, we would very much like to see what has placed our sister in such a dark condition."

And so, Luna then spent the night reading and peering into her sister’s mind, not having any duties to attend to during her night, not just yet.

By the first and second pages of her sisters entries, everything she read nearly broke her heart, seeing the headstrong, loyal, kind, and happy Celestia fall into such a deep and dark pit. Adding upon that not thirty years after losing their parents … .

It was only when she read the time when Celestia heard her lullabies that prevented her in believing that 'Tia was completely and mentally broken.

Reading that she had heard Luna singing to her made Luna pause. She thought that the lullabies that she heard from Celestia was nothing but dreams that she had as she waited alone with nopony but the poison in her mind called Nightmare Moon. It was only around some time later that she decided that singing back was enough to make the dreams stop. All that did was make the songs come back more emotional and stronger and in different lyrics. Now that she read from Celestia's side of the 'dream' it made more sense.

Her sister had suffered just as Luna had because of the Elements choosing to banish her corrupted self into the moon. It was a bitter realization she had come back at their reunion within their old home, but to learn about the fallout from such an event? To hear and read just how close she lost her older and only sister, not from Nightmare Moon, but from the aftermath of her transformation and rebellion?

Thus, Luna passed her first night after her return and being freed from her Nightmare, that she read through the journal entries her sister had kept during her banishment. Even if it was merely recording her thoughts about what happened upon those days, or amusing anecdotes she’d heard from her staff, it was a look into her sister as she saw, thought, and felt during those many painful years of her absence. Though Luna had spent the entire night reading her sister’s journal entries, she was not capable of reading a millennium’s worth of journal entries in a single night.

Her moon neared the horizon, and its keeper Luna arose to her feet, igniting her horn, setting the moon along its course on the other side of the sphere. And with the setting of the moon, the sun nagged its keeper to set it in its course to journey across the celestial expanse of the sky.

Pestered by her charge, Celestia awoke from her slumber with a start, realizing that it was time to return the sun along its ancient path, as it had since time immemorial. Igniting her horn, she performed the same spell she had ever since she had gained her Cutie Mark. She stared sleepily at her sister, as though Luna was some waking dream and not truly there. Celestia mumbled, just audible enough for the younger Alicorn to hear, “Sister? Am I dreaming? Have you truly returned? Or do I envision my heart’s desire and not see the bleak and dreary reality of you being gone?”

“Nay, sister mine, far be it from we to torment thee with dreams held near the secrets of thine heart. Thine sister is before thee in very flesh, Celestia,” Luna reassured Celestia, trotting up and nuzzling her to prove her words. The white Alicorn blinked before giving a genuine smile as she slowly moved her head to nuzzle Luna back in a loving manner, “I’m so glad.” She whispered.

A new era had arrived with the coming dawn. No more were the royal sisters divided, but reunited together once again. Now was a time of new beginnings.

[Excerpt of Luna’s Diary]

Month of Juna, Day 22, Year 1 Of My Return (Post-Nightmare Moon)

We suppose We wouldst follow the advice from Our eldest sister, Celestia. As much as We hath reservations upon keeping records of Our thoughts, ‘tis useful to prevent bottled thoughts and emotions from doing harm, according to her. We cannot help but wonder if she meant what led to Our banishment.
We hath been gone from Equestria for a millennium, since that fateful day when Our sister’s hoof was forced to wield the Elements of Harmony against Our corrupted self. Despite Our absence, We remain the only one who truly knoweth mine sister as completely as We do. ‘Tis strange to knoweth a time many years ago, We wielded the Elements of Honesty, Laughter, and Generosity. Yet, in spite of holding and processing these virtues, We made the choices which wouldst turn Us into Our Nightmare and Our consequence wouldst be banishment, imprisoned away from everypony. Our jealousy, and selfishness wouldst result in a millennium of, not only being separated from Our sister, but the appreciation and to be forgotten by the ponies from whom We sought their love and adoration. Our sister shakes and shivered beside Us as she gave Us a tour of the castle she had built during Our absence, fearful of committing the same mistakes beforehoof. Though We art no longer connected to the Elements which We once wielded, We can not help but feel 'Tia hath not told Us everything.

And We art determined to know, so as to return Our sister to the glory We hath knew her.


Yet deep within the Tomb of the Warrior, the ancient tomb was being disturbed in such a way that it had not been in a very long time.
One 'rock' stirred and then jolted. Then a pair of eyes opened.

The Coming Dawn

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The ‘rock’s’ eyes blinked once before breathing deeply.

It slowly arose from its curled up position which it had chosen to sleep in before it underwent the deep ‘sleep’ and revealed instead of having the form of the dominant species of this era, the quadrupedal ponies, instead arose a bipedal figure, dressed in a loose, but not baggy, black sweatpants and dark grey hoodie, complete with dark grey shoes lined with gold paint in an unattractive, but rugged and comfortable design.

The being straightened its back slowly, like a giant slowly awakening before it looked around, its hood and stringy hair covering much of its face, but revealing very small, brown sideburns, which connected to an equally small, unkempt brown beard, and broken, chapped lips.

He gasped and breathed in deeply before tilting forward and placing his hands on the ground in front of him to steady himself. As he steadied his breathing, he looked around again at the other features upon the Ever-Rolling Hills. The male slowly got up, and looked to the sky to see the Ring of Rainbows slowly shooting off into the distance.

He made no movement to chase after the phenomena, but neither did he stay to ponder in wonder.

The bipedal slowly began walking. Stumbling along the way, like a baby learning how to walk after several failed attempts. He stumbled and blundered his way to the nearest 'rock'. This one of fur and leather with small steel plates lining its back and some of its middle.

"... .Mph... ." The being groaned and coughed, his throat parched and dry and unused. He coughed harder, causing him to gasp and pant lightly before he could utter, "Wa—ke up ... ." to the 'rock'. He began lightly shaking it, his strength temporarily atrophied.

The furred and steel-leather 'rock' shifted but did not respond immediately.

The male made a frown before unsteadily balancing on one foot, with the other raised behind him. He then gave a weak, but sharp kick to the side of the 'rock' muttering again, "Wa—Ke up, bas —tard."

This time the 'rock' gave a weak groan before rolling over to reveal a middle-aged male with a prominent cheekbones and several white hairs standing out from amidst the long and dark brunette hair peaking out from beneath the furred hood. He laid out unto the ground on his back, revealing him to be somewhat taller than the younger male.

The elder groaned again and opened his almond-shaped, black-brown eyes and slowly locked them unto the younger.

The male on the ground coughed and grunted a little, before speaking in a language that sounded gibberish, nearly baffling the younger until memories began to surge into him. The younger clutched his head lightly as a headache began to roll with the strength of a migraine, a suffocating force that felt as if it threatened to smother and destroy his existence for several seconds that felt more like hours under the pain.

The younger collapsed and wordlessly screamed in pain and squirmed under the pain filling his mind. Blood, wars, battles, screams of dying, the dead and the despairing. Then came knowledge, wisdom, memories and muscle memory, filling in what was left.

The elder paused and waited for the younger, tensing as he began to wait and expect a similar pain to hit him at any moment. When the younger male relaxed and looked again, the elder spoke, this time he was understood easily, "Boy ... . We've awoken."

The younger nodded slowly, massaging his temples with his returning to color pale, white hands. The memories returned, but this time painless as what the elder said was translated by inherited knowledge.

Mongolian ... . Ancient Mongolian, his memories told him as he began to stand again, his hood falling off and revealing his head completely.

The boy’s hair was colored a light pale blonde, thin, wire-like hair around the front of the forehead before thickening to the sides around his ears and from the middle of his head to the back. His eyes a pale green that lazily looked around, trying to give something that would take the pain off his mind. He had relatively low cheekbone while his face held a rather oval shape.

The elder continued, "What has roused us from our ancient slumber?"

The younger male nodded to the distance, where the Ring of Rainbows had faded out of sight, "A ring of significant disturbance, Oyugun." The elder blinked in confusion, then looked at where the younger pointed.

The words of ... . English. The words of english caused the old male to look back at the younger in confusion before he too was struck by the migraine. His hands flew to his head and he groaned and rolled to his side and tried to ride out the pain.

The younger watched him while he looked around, seeing the Tower of Eternity still painted with the rainbow colors, then looking around the fields and 'rocks' that still slumbered.

The elder male finally stopped and relaxed, panting and sweating from the temporary illness. He looked over to the younger and said "We must awaken the others."

The younger nodded and held out an arm, to which the elder grabbed it and was pulled to his feet. He stumbled and staggered until the elder could hold his own balance, before he went to the next nearest 'boulder' and kicked it. The younger gave a dry chuckle before doing the same to another sleeping human.

As the young male went about his newfound duty, his thoughts quickly went to one certain motto from a toy company for one of their products that felt far too familiar to their current state,

”Awaken one, you wake them all.”

The sentiments were shared by the increasing number of humans awakening and chuckling as the thought crossed through their intertwined link between each other.

The numbers had once been one, but now the number had changed to hundred, then thousands as more and more stirred and awoken around the Tower of Eternity.

The ancient legion was awakening.

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Luna opened her sister's door, "Sister! ‘Tis time to arise and raise thy sun!" She looked around the bedroom, realizing it was the first time she had taken an actual look around in her sister's room.

Celestia's bedroom was expansive, which was to be expected since by her account to Luna, she wasn't the one in charge of designing the room when Canterlot was under construction and she was still mourning the banishment of her beloved sister.

It was split into two stories, one being the main princess part of her suite, while two curved staircases would lead to her ‘office’ of sorts, where she could read, handle paperwork, and go out to the balcony to raise or lower the sun or look out onto the Canterlot city and beyond that, Ponyville.

Meanwhile the bedchamber itself was more or less, ‘holed up,’ as there were walls underneath the staircases and left an oval hole as the entrance to the bed itself. There was enough room for a single alicorn, in armor, to walk around comfortably without disturbing whoever was asleep in the bed. The bed itself, where a very large lump of blankets, pillows and a certain snoozing alicorn lay, was a low-rimmed circular bowl.

The whole bed itself was enough to give space to two alicorns, which to Luna's rising suspicion as she was given a similar type of bed size, might have been made as a subtle suggestion from the architect. Its deepest point within the bowl was two feet, which allowed an easier time to curl up and allow the light to shine through the nearby window and on Celestia ... . had she not cocooned herself. The window was large enough that even the bright moon that Luna had left hanging in the sky was able to light the entire bedchamber enough to read a scroll from.

"Sister!" No answer.

Luna moved to the large lump and sighed in annoyance, using her magic to unravel the tangled mass of blankets, exposing a still sleeping Celestia with one wing now open and her on her back with one rear leg rather ungraciously up. The white alicorn groaned first, rolled over her wing and moved her forelegs a little closer to her chest before she smiled and continued to slumber on. Luna silently huffed before noticing that Celestia had a plushie of a white mare unicorn Royal Guard. The sight of that plushie made her eyes widen slightly, as she remembered giving that as a birthday gift to Celestia as fillies, to which 'Tia absolutely loved it and called it Paper Mâché.

Luna giggled softly before she moved over to the other side and nudged her older sister while saying in a sing-song tone, "'Tiaaa. ‘Tis time to wake uuup." The only reaction she got was a wing lightly slapping her hoof before Celestia moved again, this time a pillow over her head.

"Sister? 'Tis time to arise." Celestia merely moaned at the voice, before her pillow was ripped away, "'Tia, as both thine sister and thy charge, we demand thee rise at once!"

Celestia stirred and got up with a groan, looking around before seeing an impatient sister who, after confirming that Celestia had awoken, levitated her up like a doll. The action caused Celestia's mind to jump into overdrive, waking her up completely and began to squirm, wiggle and flail her legs in Luna's grip, losing Paper Mâché in which made her whine at losing the little doll as it bounced on the stairs while Luna ignored her protests before she opened the balcony door and placed her sister in front of it, blinking owlishly into the sky that still held the moon.

"L-Lulu. You're supposed to lower the moon before I raise the sun ... ." Celestia said after calming down.

“Not any longer, dear sister.” Luna said in a happy tone, akin to a filly who was given a delicious piece of candy as she trotted over to her sister’s left and sat on her haunches with a proud smile, “We had come with an idea regarding our charges! During the evening we wouldst lower the sun and raise our moon, and at which hour morning wouldst come, thee couldst lower the moon and raise thine sun! We feel we wish to repair our damaged bond, hence why we decided to do this! ‘Twould free up both o’ our schedules and increase our chances to be with each other more often!”

Celestia stared at her younger sister in bewilderment. Something such as this wasn't something to expect from a recently return from banishment Princess, let alone one who came from a time when they had been told again and again that the sun and moon was their responsibility and theirs alone.

Not including that Luna held a practical and near-military mindset. The Luna she remembered from before the banishment would have scoffed, deny and argue against such an audacious idea.

Holding suspicions, she followed through with whatever Luna was planning and as she lowered the moon and raised the sun into the early morning position, Celestia asked, “Luna, what about the Night Courts? They are an important time for the nobles within Equestria to ask for advices or—” Celestia was interrupted as her door resounded with somepony knocking.

Luna was quicker to answer the door, ushering in hoofmaiden Calm Comfort who was pushing a cart of food and ordered, "Place them upon the table out on the balcony."

Celestia looked between the hoofmaiden and Luna and asked in annoyance, "Luna, just what are you—?"

Luna interrupted her by levitating her again and placed Celestia at one end of the table before she picked up Paper Mache and gave it to Celestia, then sat down at the other as Calm Comfort placed down platters of food consisting of eggs, toast, and Marel Grey tea.

"Luna." Said blue alicorn paused from taking a bite looked up, "What is going on? What is all this?" Celestia motioned to both the table of food as well as Luna being up during the beginning of the day.

Luna simply smiled and said, "We art desirous to enjoy breakfast with thee, mine sister. Dost thou not remember our morning tradition?"

In all honesty, Celestia had completely forgotten such 'tradition' during the course of her solitary reign. It had started with their parents getting them up at the crack of dawn and having breakfast where they could watch the sun rise. Both fillies were quick and loud to give their protests at being not only being awoken at a ghastly hour but at the beginning the two days of the week where they were allowed to not be pestered by both school and their tutors.

Said protests were quick to die once they started seeing the sun rising up majestically and bathing the sky and land in beautiful and amazing mix of colors. It also helped that by waking up earlier allowed the two to enjoy their free days a few hours more.

“It has been a thousand years, little sister, since we last shared the rising dawn of a new day. While you were gone, I ... . Had nothing to compel me to look upon my beginning of each day as anything but an onerous, but necessary task. Our habit fell into disuse long ago, and other distractions had moved to replace our old ritual in the time since you’ve been gone. I had completely forgotten that we used to do this, before your long banishment,” Celestia explained, her smile not completely unrestrained as she remembered her part in her little sister’s banishment and felt the sting of regret and sorrow, even as she was happy to be reunited with her sorely missed younger sister once again.

“Then consider our ritual restored! Let us have our maids continue to bring us breakfast here on thine balcony! We desire to know what thy hast done and the sights thy hast seen while we hast been upon the moon,” Luna replied in a cheerful tone, her wings flourishing upwards before she turned and rang a magical summoning bell for the castle’s waitstaff to bring more food and drinks.

Celestia giggled at her younger sibling’s behavior. She dearly missed that happiness Luna could bring to Celestia within a single action or sentence. Already she felt the day brighten and seem livelier with Luna there.

And so, the two Royal Sisters enjoyed and talked to each other before the day would begin with the labors the two alicorn mares would face.

The worst of the labor fell onto Luna.

“Rragh!” Luna cried, knocking her chair back roughly in frustration and anger, the chair clattering loudly to the hardwood flooring beneath. There was so much knowledge she needed to absorb if she was to competently resume her duties as Equestria’s nocturnal princess. Equestrian History after her banishment. World History, Geography, Equestrian and global civic studies, Equestrian and global economics, Equestrian Law, Courtly etiquette and mannerisms, “Wherefore can we not rule as we saw fit, as we hadst in our younger days? Things wast so much simpler then! We didn’t has't to knoweth who didst what in Equestria’s history, or that of the world’s history. We didn’t has't to wonder which fork to useth! Wherefore would anypony see fit to filthy more than one fork? In earnest, all this information maketh mine headeth hurt! ” Luna scowled at the pile of literature which was the source of her pain, “Tis is the worst of worst! We succeed in passing the schools and tutors our father and mother dragged us both through, yet we must wend through such torment again!"

Celestia, who whenever she had time to be present with her sister, giggled at her lamenting, “Lulu, you know times would change! You even said so ever so long ago that the world changes enough that our scholars would have to make constant updates within the archives and libraries! And besides, Lulu, we still do rule as we see fit. The only difference is the limitations around us ... . Seems we need to add Modern Language with your studies, given your relapse into the archaic tongue, little sister.” Luna groaned loudly at the idea that more was thrown to her plate, causing Celestia to giggle again.

Within Luna's perspective, however, she started to see past her sister's happiness, and that happy facade often slipped. Such occurrence happened already and again the next morning as she saw Celestia zoning out and letting her tea stray levitating and touching her left cheek instead of at her mouth.

“‘Tia! Equestria to ‘Tia!” Luna practically shouted, while her sister’s eyes were unfocused and emotionally neutral. It was the same look she had seen on her sister when Celestia had thought nopony was looking.

“Huh? What?” Celestia started, before giving a loud yelp as the now cold tea spilled onto her cheek and down her neck and down to her chest and belly, making her shiver as her eyes instantly changed from the vacant, faraway look to full awareness that was enforced by the wet and cold coat. She shivered as a breeze blew through and looked to her little sister, who had been yelling to get her attention, “I’m deeply sorry, Lulu. What was it you said?” She asked as she set about cleaning herself and summoning Calm Comfort to bring more hot tea.

“We haven’t hath said a word, Celestia ... . Art thee sure you’re well enow, sister?” Luna asked, her ears folded against the top of her head, and her eyes expressive with worry and concern for her beloved older sister.

“... . I’m ... . Simply a little tired, Luna. It’s from all the nightmares which started haunting my slumber shortly after you returned to me,” Celestia mused aloud to her younger sister.

Luna scowled, far too aware of the nightmares plaguing her older sister.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

“Good Morning, Calm Comfort, I trust that there is nothing noteworthy to report of the going ons during the night hours?” Princess Celestia cheerfully greeted, trotting out onto the balcony to raise her sun and lower her sister’s moon.

“There is nothing requiring your immediate attention, your Highness. Any relevant reports will be on your desk, awaiting you when you return to your duties.

“Is Luna sleeping in this morning? Usually she’s the one waking me up to raise the sun and join me in breaking our fast.”
“I’m not really sure how to tell you this, your Highness, but isn’t she still up on the moon?”

Celestia looked up, expecting to see the moon without the ‘Mare in the Moon’ silhouette, but to her great grief and sorrow, the silhouette was upon the moon, her sister was still banished!

“No! No-no-no-no-no! This can’t be! I saw her return! She isn’t banished anymore! Noo! ” Celestia collapsed to the floor of the balcony, covering her muzzle with her forelegs as powerful sobs wracked her body.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

“Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia! You need to wake up if you’re to have enough time to get ready for the funeral today!” Calm Comfort shook her princess, startling her awake from her heavy slumber.

Princess Celestia stumbled out of bed, looking longingly at her comfortable bed. She looked around and noticed that her personal Night Guards were present and held an intensely focused watch over her. She mumbled, “Where’s Luna? Usually she’d be here by now and prancing in place wanting me to hurry up and take care of my celestial duties so we can enjoy breakfast together.”

Calm Comfort looked away from her princess, eyes downcast and she nervously rubbed her left foreleg with her right foreleg. “The funeral is for your sister, princess.”

“If you thought to jest with me, Calm Comfort, then I find it in exceeding poor taste. Any jokes about one’s loved ones being deceased are always not only in poor taste, but unacceptable at anytime, especially when you are on the clock,” Celestia admonished as she felt but didn’t acknowledge the band around her wings be released and the horn inhibitor being removed.

“Have you ever known me to make jokes about somepony’s death, your Highness? Go to the castle morgue and prove me a liar! Why would we be getting flowers with a black ribbon securing the bouquet together, if they aren’t for a funerary service? Why would the maids be scurrying to prepare the castle to receive visitors both elite and common? Why would the palace cooking staff be working to prepare a feast for everypony who is going to be there?”

“If it will cease this horrible jest of yours, then show me to my sister. But know I’m very disappointed in you for thinking my sister being dead was something to jest about.”

They finally reached the castle morgue, dodging many maids and other castle staff as they hurried about their preparations. Calm Comfort opened the morgue doors while whispering a heartfelt, ‘I’m sorry,’ and then following Princess Celestia into the chill of the morgue.

And there, lying in a casket with her forelegs over her chest and in a beautiful dress that was more fitting to see in a marriage procedure, with a peaceful almost sleeping expression, was her sister Luna.

“T-that is not my sister, Calm Comfort. It-it cannot be. My sister was just seen yester’-morning alive and well. This cannot be her.”

“Who else has a nebulous mane like this? Who else has both wings and a horn! Who else has that cutie mark! Wake up, Princess! That is your newly deceased sister!” Calm Comfort sobbed in frustration and sorrow.

“No! Noo! Noo! This can’t be happening! I just saw you alive, Luna! I just saw you last morn! Why! Why must you be robbed from me so soon after our reunion!? Luna!!” Celestia screamed and sobbed into the unmoving and cold chest of her dead sister, holding tightly onto the corpse of her sister as though doing so might keep her from being overwhelmed by her grief and sorrow.

“Wake up!” The astral projection of Luna cried as she illuminated her horn, casting her magic and drawing in the nightmare into her horn, leaving behind a deep darkness as she returned her consciousness to her body as her sister awoke with a panicked shriek from her nightmare.

... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..

As Celestia had said, Luna's return had quickly sparked a return of nightmares. Luna could count how often she would hurry from wherever she was in the Castle and burst through Celestia’s bedchamber doors or teleporting straight to Celestia and if her sister was not yet fully awake when she escaped her nightmares, how she would shatter the nightmares like a ball thrown through glass.

Whenever she had to, it caused Celestia to jolt or give a quick scream, squirming and struggling against her bed covers before seeing Luna there beside her and helping reassure her that she really was there, that she was alive, and that her bad dream was nothing but just that. The hours it took to get her sister to try and be comfortable enough to sleep again as she would lay against her sister’s side and drape her wing over her sister’s body. Other times, she’d lay on top of her sister and run a brush through Celestia’s Aurora-like mane. Her brushing and murmured assurances and reassurances often calmed Celestia down enough that she’d relax into a state of semi-consciousness.

However, there had been a recent and abrupt change between nightmares and dreams. Within a month, Celestia began to repeatedly dream of something entirely different.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Celestia ‘awoke’ to find herself lying on her side, feeling warm and comfortable. She stared ahead, looking at what seemed to be an enormous wall of bristling green against another, yet smaller, wall of blue and thick, fluffed white.
She blinked in confusion before recognizing the walls as grass, skies and clouds as a soft breeze blew across the grass and caused the plants to gently rustle and brush against her fur and muzzle. The alicorn moved her head off the grass, which she noted were of the wild, yet part of the warm seasonal that was almost tall enough to cover her head, hence why she was bewildered by the colors of green dominating her sight.

The mare slowly got up, absently noting she was devoid of her royal regalia, and surveyed the landscape around her. Celestia almost believed she was in a beautiful painting of grassy hills that rolled and seemed to stretch on forever without any change to the wild grass. There was not a single tree nor bush nor anything that grew any taller or stood out against the expansive green fields and hills. A deep sense of calm filled Celestia, soothing and smoothing all her fears, worries and loss.

As Celestia turned around, she gasped in awe. Her eyes widened as she saw a single object that not only stood out against everything around her, but stretched high, above and beyond.

A tall, solid and proud tower of marble dominated over her. A tower that defied anything she recognized, defied the rule of gravity and any rule of stability that would have caused anything else to topple over in a colossal crash. This tower seemed to reach and ascend beyond the skies and seemed determined to reach the stars as she tried to crane her neck to see its peak.

An unbidden instinct caused the alicorn mare to look down and notice something ... . Or rather somebeing else, was in front of the tower. How she didn’t see this someone when they were clearly in closer sight than the tower, she could never figure it out.

The being had what seemed to be their back to her. As she gazed and studied the being, she found it to be a bipedal being, whose legs stood apart far enough to whatever their ankles looked like would line up to their shoulder. The torso was moderately sized and was clothed by thick, warm, grey, dark-grey and black clothing.

The being did not notice nor acknowledge her presence, neither did it stir from her earlier gasp. Instead, the being continued to look out at both the tower and the landscape surrounding the two with an air of calm patience.

Celestia tried to will herself to walk over to or around the being, whither to see what the being is or what the being was waiting for or observing. It was when she was about to take a step did the being twitch slightly before slowly turning to face her.

... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..

Often, the dream simply ended there, and Celestia could not see who or what the bipedal figure was and neither could she see its face.

Thinking back upon it darkened Celestia's smile, causing Luna to look up from her breakfast and notice, "What hath thou troubled, mine sister?"

The older sister’s eyes looked at Luna before she shook her head, her right ear twitching, “It’s nothing, Lulu. I was just thinking.”

This caused her sister to glare and her ears swiveled back, unconvinced, “Sister, thine ear is twitching.” Celestia blinked before using her wing to try and make her ear stop before Luna continued, “Whenever thine attempts to hide something from us, thy ear twitches. What hath thou troubled, Celestia? Is it the nightmares again?”

Celestia pondered for a moment before she surrendered to her sister with a sigh, “It is. However, it's a rather different problem. The constant nightmares involving you after your return have gotten better, they have been getting less worse and by your efforts it most certainly dispels them. However, I’ve been dreaming of something else, and it’s beginning to replace those nightmares.” Luna sat silent as Celestia told and described her repeating dreams, her expression turning pensive.

Afterwards Luna looked down at her plate, contemplating before she looked back at her sister and said, “Thine dream is odd, sister. Repeating dreams are unusual as it is, and even then they’re not so easy to understand.” She looked up to her sister, “Hath thou ever met this being, sister?” Celestia meekly shook her head, “Then, perhaps an unresolved situation thy hath not settled. Most certainly t’is of the stress we cause by our return, relieving thy pain from our separation, but hast also caused thy memories of that accursed Nightmare Moon,” Celestia flinched slightly, almost confirming Luna’s suspicion, “T’is common for ponies to associate reoccurring dreams with premonitions, but they are usually unfounded. But this ... . Given thine detail thy sayth of this being makes it moreso unusual. Hath thy the urge to do something?”

Celestia looked down and thought about it before replying, “On occasion, I sometimes feel like I need to either fly or run back to our old castle. But they don’t come so strongly that I couldn’t ignore them.”

Luna nodded sagely, her experience with dreams giving the answer, “Then t’is a premonition dream, sister.” Celestia started to get up in a hurry, but Luna stopped her with magic. When Celestia blinked in surprise by her sister’s sudden action, Luna stated, “Premonition dreams are still not to be overcome by worry nor concern, sister. Premonitions are occurred by events in our lives. We hath seen dreams that predict a future, and yet often they doth not occur or are of little consequence. Thine dreams mean little except to signify thy stress.” She sat up and trotted over to her eldest sister, releasing her before rubbing sides, “We will help thee in thine struggle with this, dear sister. Just as thou hast been helping us.”

Luna felt Celestia shudder slightly before the younger sibling wrapped a wing over her as Celestia turned to nuzzle, “I would like that, Lulu. I really would.”

The two sisters continued to nuzzle each other, sharing their love and concerns until a small plume of green flame appeared and leaving behind a scroll to land on the table in front of Celestia, gaining their attention. Celestia levitated and opened the scroll to read what it said.

It was a Friendship Report from her student. Inside wrote,

Dear Princess Celestia,

My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia couldn’t help it.

Luna looked at her laughing sister until she magically pried away the letter and skimmed through it before she giggled madly, the timing to between the Friendship Report and the situation was incredibly accurate.

The melancholic attitude around the two mares evaporated away as they shared this bright moment before they would prepare for the day ahead of them.

Month 6, Day 30, Year 1 Sister’s Reunion

The consequences of Our my fall art are many and thanks to Our my consuming anger and frustration, We I neither knew, nor likely would hath have cared how Our my choices to exact vengeance upon the unappreciative ponies of that era, would hath have affected not only Our my sister, but the subjects of our kingdom.

Now having returned, do We I see the consequences made manifest before Us me. There hast has been a significant increase in nightmares plaguing our subjects, and they art are not alone! What torments Us me the most is how often ‘Tia is plagued by the night terrors, which in union with her reluctance to sleep in fear of those nightmares devastates her condition within the mornings. Recently, We I hadst had reinstated our ancient custom of being together during the rising of the dawn and the setting of the day.

We I confess to having somewhat selfish motives for restoring our ancient custom. By being near our my sister We I can then comfort and reassure her that We art I am real, alive and hath have truly returned to her, temporarily banishing whatever nightmare she held from her sleep into her waking.

In spite of Our my efforts, Our my sister continues to suffer, her once sparkling, dancing eyes now vacant, with a faraway look to them. We I so wish We I could go back in time, stop and berate Our my foalish young self from her descent into becoming Nightmare Moon and stop all of these horrible things which art are happening even now because of Us me choosing to nurse Our my frustration and anger until We I became that hateful monster!

We art I’m deeply grateful to Twilight and her friends for freeing Us me from the monster We I had chosen to become. We I only wish their Rainbow of Light hadst had destroyed the nightmares plaguing Our my sister! Alas, the Elements of Harmony still exhibit their powers in mysterious ways doth do continue to baffle even our brightest, even during Our my time upon the moon and Our my sister toiled and struggled to move past her guilt.

Our My sister hast has been sleeping even less as she helps Us me a little with passing judgement and making rulings and decrees while We I readjust to performing Our my duties as the Princess of the Night during that night’s Night Court. Only after learning even still to this very day, even after Our my return, the Nightly Court remains empty and the Royal Thestral Bloodlines rarely, if ever come. ‘Tis for this reason We I, without Our my sister’s awareness and even sneaking her permission, hadst had announced that the Nightly Courts were canceled, in favor to Our my secondary duty as the Princess of the Night to dreamwalk and bring peace to those suffering nightmares.

Alas, Our my price to pay was all sweets be taken from Us me and to be fed mashed alfalfa from breakfast to dinner for the next month and a long lecture from Our my sister, diary! We I protested against such criminal punishment but she didst did not sway. However, she could not undo Our my decision, and neither wouldst would We I take such decision back, so alas the Night Court is no more. In longer consideration, diary, Our my decision may bring problems in greater numbers than We I intended to solve, but this hath has been Our my choice so We I must stand by it and resolve what trouble may become of it.

Regardless of Our my attempts to avoid the Courts, Our my elder sister hast has requested Our my presence during Day Court, though We I believe thoroughly that Celestia was determined not to suffer the nobles alone.

Thus, We I lament to hath have discovered the very first benefit from taking part of the Night Court, and through Our my lament the first mistake of removing the Night Court.

Truly, We I wish we could throw these greedy and hoarding ponies, nobles or no, and throw them to the chain gangs! But Celestia tells Us me often that we can no longer employ such draconian measures against our subjects, that times hath have changed, that we art are now cultured and civilized and must choose punishments appropriate for a cultured and civilized kingdom. Disgusting parasites art are what they truly art are! We’ve I’m still half a mind to do it regardless and inform them that hard labor in a chains awaits them the next time they come before Us me with a proposition to exploit the commoner populace of our citizens.

Regardless of those kleptocratic foals ... . We’ve I’ve often began to wonder ... . If returning to Our my duties as the Guardian of Dreams, is not how We I will atone for the negative consequences of Our my having become Nightmare Moon, or perhaps t’is not enough?

Our My greatest and one priority in this atonement is to the healing of Our my sister’s heart and mind, if We I can. She is the only family We I have left, just as We art I am hers. Our book of our own thoughts, My diary, she hast has already suffered the loss of our beloved family, and the result from Our my actions only worsened it. We I wish to try to undo the damage which We I hadst had done. Yet Our my sister still sayeth say ‘tis not Our my fault! Oh, how couldst could Our my dearest sister not think elsewise, when it hast has been We me who pierced her with Our my bitterness and anger. She truly was the Bearer of Kindness, as she wouldst would never accept it as Our my fault for wounding her within this way. We I do not hath have the powers to change the past, and ‘tis most foalish to pursue for a power to do so, but We I can and will reduce or eliminate the negative consequences of Our my actions, so Our my sister shall no longer suffer Our my actions.

It was Our my fault that thou art you are hurt in this way, Our my eldest and precious sister. Despite thy your healing from the deaths of Mother and Father, Our my actions hath have hurt thee you deeply.

During our youth, thou hath you have always been the one to protect Us me from the world, sister. Thou hadst You had played and taken to the role of the bigger sister, thou hadst you stood above and in front of Us me in order to protect Us me from the world in which thee you believed wouldst would try and do greater harm than what had happened, and We I had accepted it gladly to let thy you be happy and to heal from our losses till We I thirsted for love and attention and thou you rising to the duty of our reign and failing to notice Us me, leading to Our my personal failure of letting thee you know.

Now it is Our my turn, Our my dearest, eldest sister. Our My one and only sister. It is Our my turn now to stand over thee you and protect thee you from those who wouldst would aim to exploit and destroy thee you and all we hath have built together.

We I vow this to thee you, sister. We I swear and vow to thee you as Princess Lunaria Eclipse, Princess of the Night, Guardian of the Dreams, and the Younger Daughter of the Light and Darkness themselves, that from this moment on We I will protect thee you, our my sister, and our subjects from the nightmares which plague them!

Alas this thrice blast'd language, ‘tis sore to coequal writeth prop'rly!

~Princess Luna~

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The young male sat with his back against the Tower of Eternity. Around him were his, considered, fellow kith and kin, milling, idling and conversing with each other.

Their sleep, as it were, contained lucid and dreams that felt real enough that it seemed as if they had separately awoken to different realities. Many of the dreams were either straight from fantasy books, science-fiction or even something found from movies, several even dreamed of being within what seemed like anime.

What was most unfortunate was the friends, even loved ones some of them had established, and for the several 'hours', they awoken and felt desperate to return to those dreams. One in particular continued to search in desperation for what he had described as “a partner of our own hearts and mind.” Further questionings revealed this “partner” was in the form of a dragon, which bewildered the others to no end. Yet said male acted as if the “partner” was as dear to him as his own soul.

After said 'hours' were spent calming and returning those to better condition, everyone decided to share both memory and experiences of their separate dreams, either by talking or by sharing it through the link God had established. The young male had recently finished talking to a similar-aged male who had been within a dream where he had been responsible of holding some sort of powerful weapon in the fashion of two literal keys the size coming up to their waists crossed to form a blade-like weapon almost as tall as themselves and had to keep it out of the hands of some decrepit old man with a glorious voice and a fetish for the letter X.

In personal opinion, the two males considered the whole dream similar to a bad drug trip through Disneyland. The only positive was them beating the life, death, heaven and hell out of everything in sight that didn’t seem friendly and no one around them gave a damn nor tried to correct them anything above “Don’t get too carried away and be corrupted,” “Don’t trust the evil looking old man,” and “Don’t do anything to these important people other than saying hello or rescuing them.”

The fights with the younger version of the old man was a close second, however.

The young male himself, however, did not dream of any separate realities or any such, but rather…

He wasn't entirely sure if it was a dream or if it was him being made aware of the physical reality that God created.

The male had fragments and slight glimpses of said awareness. It was akin to one who slept perfectly balanced between the state of unconsciousness and awakened awareness of their surroundings. Not within listed order, he sometimes saw only the 'tomb' they had been sealed in, or perhaps a stray animal or even three wandering in and around the 'tomb'. Fire, sand, dust and ash swirled and flowed around, past and out the 'tomb', never settling within the 'tomb', leaving the stone room in an unreal state of cleanliness. Suddenly a bright fire that expanded and swept through the entire 'tomb', before fading away instantly and leaving nothing burnt. It seemed as if the event was akin to that speculation the scientists had upon the Sun, whereas it would implode and reach supernova then burning itself into a small, white star. After that, all had been silent and quiet.

Then came a pure white horse with what seemed to be wings and a horn, wandering in and around, making the 'tomb' a temporary home or some other instinct gave the horse the idea that it was safe to be there.

Sometimes, he heard a young girl's voice or even an adult woman's voice. Occasionally, the two spoke with tones of either sadness, happiness, or scorned. Sometimes, he heard nothing but the same girl's voice wailing and crying.

Regardless, the experience was confusing, troubling ... . even concerning. Whatever the young male had seen or heard was vastly different from the others.

"Clearly, God followed through making sure no presence of Humanity remained," as the young male muttered. He had long since known just how thorough God gets when he says something was getting wiped off the face of the Earth ... . Yet, not only did the 'Tomb' survive, and not only did there seem to be proof of the sun imploding, but life seemed to have returned, whether by God maintaining it or Him simply dropping a Seed of Life and letting everything go its own course while He closed and locked the Gates of Heaven.

After everyone had enough talking, debating and discussing (Much of the discussion happened upon one certain popular Science-Fiction series, mostly involving a rebellion) The young male got up, clapped his hands loudly to gain the legions attention and declared, "Enough! We have had enough fun with our dreams, we have mentally awoken, and our time of awakening is now. Out of all the dreams you had experienced, mine alone was vastly different ... . I say I have seen time pass through the Physical Realm."

Many voices murmured and rose and fell through the legions. One male stood closer. He was a tall male, slightly darkened skin, dressed in sand-colored clothing and chainmail armor with his keffiyeh-turban uncovering and revealing a slightly bigger mouth. A round shield was strapped to his back with a exotic axe that swept down to merge with the shaft clipped to his right.

The older male spoke in a fluent and soft tongue, nearly sounding equal to the ancient language of Hebrew, which the young male recognized as the Crusade-era Arabic, "A valid thought, Successor. But what if perhaps as what you are, you are simply given a fractured dream, hm?" Very few gave support while many others closed their eyes and focused upon the link they shared with the young boy.

The Successor blinked and considered on that question, it would seem likely that everything he saw was just nothing. It seemed reasonable, yet in the order corresponding to what he had seen, it was too much to be considered a dream by any means, even in comparison to his Predecessors. Too much of it was shatters, fragments, glimpses and blinks of their "tomb" and nothing else had been seen. Neither did his surroundings and his body move nor change. Had there been even a twitch of his fingers, a slight movement or a wavering shadow happening across his sight, it would have certainly proved the Arabic man's words.

The lines of thought passed through him and to the Arabian soldier, who shuffled in an attempt to give a greater answer as the majority of the Legion agreed and added their own thoughts and logic. Too much proved the man's reason falsely, and he held nothing but theory and guesses.

The "Successor" shook his head lightly and said, "Regardless of whether what I've seen was a dream or not, we have awoken... . Completely. And we were awoken by that," He pointed to the Tower of Eternity, specifically the ring of rainbow that permanently painted the Tower, "And both of these are enough reason to emerge from our stone prison. Whatever the world has become of now, we must arise ourselves to meet it. If this itself is a dream, then so be it." The congregation within the Fields of Forever gave affirmations and agreeing thoughts as they inspected what the Successor pointed and to what he said.

And so, without argue, everyone closed their eyes and the Successor felt knowledge, power and memories fill his very being. He soon closed his eyes as well and moved his will, fueled by the others.

.- .-. .. ... . .

Celestia awoke in the fields once again, the grass still dominating her view as she laid down. She blinked before realizing a distinct difference:

She was aware.

Her dream had turned lucid, allowing her to do as she pleased. The sudden realization caused the alicorn to jump to her hooves and look around the fields.

She then made a very important discovery: Celestia wasn't alone anymore.

No, as she turned and looked around, she wasn't alone. No longer was it just only one of the being she had seen again and again, it was hundr-

No ... . She turned again and looked around the side of the hill she had woken up on. There were thousands of bipedal beings.

She tried to talk to one of them, a being that happened to be just above her own height, seemingly male that had tribal clothing similar to what she had seen from the Zebrica Nations. Infact, as she looked closer, it was akin to the warriors armor. But instead of the colors red, gold and blue cloth and metal bands around the male's body, it was instead clad in what appeared to be a leather armor mixed with feathers that stayed out of the way, mostly bound to either his helmet or his shield. The feathers looked quite similar to the parrots and macaws she had within her aviary that she both collected and saved from their abusive owners.

The "leather" armor was a dusted yellow and tan, with the underside a slightly paler tan with black splotches and spots dotted wherever the armor could be seen. Celestia looked at the being's face... . Or rather tried to as the dream still denied her any hope of identifying just what the being's eyes, face or anything of him looked like. All she could see was the helmet in the fashion of some wild and ferocious feline.

Regardless, she tried to talk, she tried to yell and even beat her wings against the being, but nothing stirred him!

In an irritated huff, Celestia moved on to a few more beings. Some of them unmistakably male. There were times she faced a being that was thinner and more lithe than the males she saw, with two round and soft protrusions at chest level.

It was only by memory and personal experience of meeting the Minotaurs of both genders did the alicorn mare figure out that the lithe beings were female.

As she continued to grow frustrated by being ignored, she wandered closer and closer to the base of the marble tower, wanting to take to the shade from the unseeable sun.

Celestia reached the base of the tower, giving a loud huff before sitting down on her haunches. She gave up on any notion that the beings surrounding her would notice her, the mare looked up at the tower, feeling small and awed by the incredible height of the tower. The tower was still as impossibly long as it always had been during her visits.

"Tis most strange, sister." Celestia almost jumped at hearing the sound of Luna's voice, "Thy failed to mention of ... . these beings, being here." Luna appeared, moving around one being who was dressed in a trenchcoat almost fitting to a mafia-costume in Manehattan. She observed the being before moving closer to her sister.

"This is a first for me too, Luna. It was usually just one being, now there are thousands of them ... ." Celestia replied, making Luna give a confused look.

Before Luna could ask, Celestia beat her to it with a question of her own, "Are you able to see their faces? All I can see is either a disturbingly blank face or their heads are down far enough that the shadows are hiding them." The younger alicorn blinked before she shook her head, "Nay, sister. W- I ... . can't, yes ... .? I can't see their eyes nor faces either. To know that they hold faces of their own and yet we ... . I, cannot see them." Luna immediately frowned and narrowed her eyes as her mind was conflicted between well established habit of speech to her lessons of modern day languages. She gave an annoyed groan, "Oh alas, tis ‘mod'rn language’ is sore to speaketh! Wherefore didst language has't to ‘improve’ and ‘simplify?’"

Celestia couldn't help but giggle at Luna's attempt at modern day Equestrian. She quickly returned to the subject at hoof, as she motioned with her wing to have Luna join her. Luna awkwardly shuffled of her wings before she began trotting over to her elder sister, who teased, "Whatever's the matter, Lulu? Afraid to sit with your sister in public?"

Luna puffed her cheeks and chest, "We doth not feareth showing our affection to our sister!" With that she lied down nestling to her giggling sister's stomach with a hard huff and eyes closed, cheeks still puffed out.

Celestia nuzzled the rather adorable and irate Lunar Princess until she had calmed down, in which she commented, "Still, ‘tis rather disturbing seeing all these beings here, standing and not reacting to aught we may doth, sister. ‘Tis reminding us of the terrifying stories father wouldst recount to tease and gallow us."

Celestia couldn't help but mirror Luna's discomfort. None of the beings did anything, and nothing either of the sisters did made them do anything, even using magic or their strength meant little. Not even yelling made them flinch in the slightest.

It was after they had walked around and observed many of the beings did Celestia freeze on the spot, causing Luna to look at her in concern and tried to follow her gaze.

Celestia, meanwhile felt as if she had drifted back into the dream, no longer aware or lucid that she was in a dream, and started moving closer and around the Tower, ignoring her sister's questions and attempts at stopping her.

It wasn't until she reached a certain point where the "sun" seemed to be shining down on the Tower did both alicorns find what Celestia's dreaming mind was looking for:

It was the same being that Celestia constantly dreamed of, this time he was facing Celestia. His face, in contrast difference to the other beings around him, wasn't hidden by shadows or blank. However all Celestia could see, and through her Luna, was his eyes.

It was a swirling rainbow of colors. It was impossible to Luna to list every color that whirled and spun in his iris', as every time she saw one specific color she knew, it danced away to be quickly replaced by another, and for the replacing color to dance into another.

Celestia continued to stare straight into the being's eyes, transfixed and incapable of registering that her sister was trying to get her attention.

Luna had been yelling, shoving, and buffeting her elder sister with the air from her wings to no avail as she had tried to bring back Celestia when she had drifted back into the dream realm, and no longer lucid nor acknowledging her presence.

During her attempts she had noticed that the beings started to move their heads to look at Celestia, further increasing her nervous discomfort and even further increasing her memories about stories of puppets and statues that either followed the movements of other ponies ... . Or moved on their own to do whatever ill intent possessed them wanted.

The sheer thought of it and seeing one of the two happening made Luna shiver and almost broke a nervous sweat before deciding that she had had enough and utilized her magic to wake Celestia up.

As she lit her horn, she saw a bright ball of light erupt from the Tower and began expanding rapidly, covering the entire field with the alicorns and beings with it until there was nothing to see but white.

Just as Luna finished casting her magic, she watched as the being that Celestia was looking at blink before disappearing into the white void as the sound akin to stone snapping, cracking and crumbling away resounded and filled both sisters’ ears.

Suddenly the white void ripped away into nothing, giving way to black as both Luna and Celestia were ripped away from the dream realm and awoken in Celestia's bed with a start.

Celestia shivered as she looked around before noticing that she was wrapped in her blankets, preventing her from moving her limbs while allowing her to turn and twist her head. She gave a slight struggle before asking, "Luna? Are you there?"

She had to wait for a few heartbeats before she heard Luna's voice answer back, "Indeed, sister. We art with thee." Luna's magic surrounded Celestia and began to unravel her from her blanket cocoon. As she was twisted and turned around to remove more of the blankets off of her, she heard Luna chide, "Thee shouldst behold into the Stasis Spell, sister. We wouldst rather not saveth thee from thy own sleep chamber."

Celestia gave a huff, freed of her clothed prison and gently placed onto her bed, "I don't possess the ability to move my body while within a dream, Lulu. I thought you knew this?" She turned to look at her younger sister and sat down on her flank.

"Perhaps a spell could help this, sister?" Luna teased, "We could do the honors and hold watch over thee so thine vulnerable body doth not fall into despicable hoofs?"

It was Celestia's turn to widen her eyes before puffing her cheeks in annoyance and mock-anger, "D-don't you dare remind me of the last time! And may I remind you that Unwavering and I had been dating beforehand and we agreed consensually!"

Luna simply grinned as she continued to pester her eldest sister, "Oh but surely the loud noises sayth different! Both us and our father hath thought thee were under terrible onslaught by a many-limbed creature!" The younger alicorn immediately laughed at Celestia's expense as the white alicorn blushed immediately with her eyes widening even further.

"D-L-Luna!" She cried in embarrassment, trying to focus on anything other than that particular event, but failed as her wings starting to rise. Luna's laughter only grew as both alicorns noticed Celestia's physical reaction, causing Celestia to put her front hooves over her eyes, still blushing hard enough to change her coat's color, "Why did you have to remind me of that?!" Celestia whined.

"Because, mine sister. We still knoweth thine vulnerable places, and we still adore the response we receive!" Luna giggled before nuzzling her elder sister to calm her down.

Barely a minute passed before Luna's tone became serious and said, "Sister, what hast happened? Thine attention was once with us, yet thee drifted into the dream itself and disregarded our attempts to awaken you. The dreamscape blanketed into a white nothingness soon after."

Celestia, still blushing, moved her hoofs away from her muzzle and replied, "I don't know, Luna. But I think ... ." She moved off of her bed and magically moved the curtains, showing the early hours of morning, "I think something has happened."

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In the Tomb of the Ancient Warrior, all had been silent. Dust, dirt and plant never settled nor was found over the two millenniums since Celestia's discovery of it.

Oft, it was declared that magic was held responsible for such a phenomena, but continuous studies showed that there was not a shred of magic present. This discovery quickly labeled the Tomb to be the greatest and unnatural location, rivaling the Everfree Forest that claimed it long after superstitions caused the ponies to refuse to study further.

That point was further helped along since there was little else that could be done.

But now, the very air around the Tomb changed. Had anypony or any creature been present, they would have felt a foreboding presence, filled by a deep sense of primordial, memory, and restless cold fury.

The Tomb was disturbed by yet another loud snap of stone. The statue now sported another crack, this time upon the helm that shot down to the neck, spider-like lines appearing along the rest of the helm, a soft glow of light flashing through the greater cracks before fading.

The sound of stone cracking and snapping filled the Tomb, before all had fallen silent once again, the Statue of the Ancient Warrior was now utterly covered in cracks and fractures.

.- .-. .. ... . .

Something immediately shot through the minds of both of the Royal Sisters. It was as if something happened that reminded them that had been forgotten, and they've forgotten that they had forgot.

And it felt disturbing and foreboding.

Adrenaline pumped through their veins, denying them any chance of sleep, defying both Princesses and royal mages attempts of the Calming spell.

Fearing it was premonition to signs of terrible events to come, Royal Scouts of all three races were sent throughout the land of Equestria. Vanhoover to Lost Pegasus and from Manehattan to Baltimare, the Scouts were told to observe while staying secrete to avoid worrying the public.

Mages scryed for hours as Canterlot Palace still broiled in activity and oxymoronic cautious panic. Some pushed themselves to the point of magical or physical exhaustion, two or three doing both. Often times guards had to move away from their eyes from the walls of Canterlot and the land far below to drag the Royal Mages to the nurses and medics of both the palace and city.

Despite both power and persistence and the reports consistently saying that nothing has happened nor has anything gone terribly wrong aside from a Minor Ursa of all things appearing and disappearing in Ponyville, but it had been disregarded as something Celestia’s Royal Student, Twilight Sparkle, and her fellow Bearers of Harmony would and could deal with.

Celestia sat at one table within the Canterlot Palace labyrinthal library and had made a literal book fortress complete with towers as she poured and poured into books, trying to find what the presence meant and the symptom of a forceful memory meant. While Luna had skimmed and looked over dreamwalking books and studies done by her and her father in the past involving the dream both she and her sister had seen. Often times she would land nearby the table, pour another cup of soothing tea to help her before flying back up.

A unicorn mage galloped in, her red with purple highlights mane moving in the wind before it whirled around and covered her face as she stopped in front of Celestia, a black book with the Cutie-Mark of a thin spiral with two, blue starbursts.

After shaking her head and moving her mane out of the way of her light, yellowish grey coat, she said while panting, “Y—Your—Your Majesty, th—the Book of Prophecies.”

Celestia looked up from her intense reading and barely looked between the mare and the book before replying, “Thank you, Twilight,” as she took the book from the mare’s magical grip.

The mare blinked and looked up to her hair, which had coincidentally took to the same manestyle as Celestia’s student before she fixed it to where most of her bangs was to the right side of her horn while some moved to the left. She had normally used a mane-tie to hold her mane above her head, but after the reappearance of Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna, she discovered she was much more approachable from the advice Lyra Heartstrings gave her and not few days afterward, was selected and given a chance to enter the Canterlot Circle of Mages, a subsection that was in league with the Royal Council of Mages.

Interestingly enough, it was Twilight Sparkle who gave that push upon the unicorn mare to accept the invitation. Twilight’s casual disinterest in her birthday party was enough to give the mare the goal and drive to become a Royal Mage ... . Well, after she immediately threw a pity party and had to take a few days to move past it. Her dream and goal now was to advance high enough that she could return to Twilight and tell her both her begrudged frustrations of her former friend ... . As well as communicate her gratitude, though mostly she’d start with venting and then boasting.

After fixing her mane she gave a slight cough, “My ... . My name is Moon Dancer, Your Majesty.”

It took several pages being flipped before Celestia realized what Moon Dancer said and took another look, “Oh, dear me. I’m so sorry, Moon Dancer.”

The mare gave a light laugh and rubbed the back of her neck with a foreleg, “It’s quite alright, Your Majesty. My mane did kinda look like your student, didn’t it?” Celestia replied to her remark with a eye-closed smile and a small hum before she had to return to the book, allowing Moon Dancer to trot away to find something that might aid the Princesses.

From somepony who was the Archmage of Equestria, it seemed that even her dearest friend Starswirl had his limits, mortality aside. Moving past old prophecies, future prophecies and the still obscure prophecies, she could not find anything akin to what she and her sister felt.

“Oh come on!!” Celestia yelled in frustration, throwing the book aside, which happened to knock over one of her booktress’ towers and caused the structure to fall on top of her and bury her with a squeak. Luna flew down and casted both a Revert Spell and a Retrieval Spell to both free her sister and to collect Starswirl’s book. Celestia shook her mane before groaning and curling against one of the booktress’ walls, “We've been searching all day and still we've not found anything!”

Luna nuzzled her sister as Celestia remained lying there, “Perhaps thine student may be of aid in answering our frustrations, sister.”

This only caused Celestia to shake her head and reply, “I’m hesitant on asking for her, we have more resources to use anyways, I am confident in my student's abilities, but I would rather her focus on her ‘studies’ in friendship than focus on me.”

Luna, however, knew her sister well enough. She nuzzled again and wrapped her wing around Celestia and murmured, “Thine student wouldst only be concerned for thee just as we have, sister. She wouldst never leave thee nor wouldst she see thou in a negative light, ye worry for nothing. Thine student is not akin to the nobles.” She moved away and waited for her sister to get up before continuing, “Let us stop for now, our head pounds like drums and our eyes have grown sore from texts and pages.” She summoned a small bell and rang it to call for a servant, “And it is evening, sister. Wilt thou join us in dinner?”

Celestia smiled and put away the few books that still lied on the floor, “I would love to, Lulu.”

Dinner consisted of a healthy and hearty feast of salads, stews and stuffed mushrooms. The sisters had kept mostly quiet and focused to their food due to them spending the entire day together trying to figure out the disturbances they felt early that morning. Afterwards, they walked through the halls on their way to Celestia’s chambers, as Luna had taken up aiding in the nightly patrols with her Night Guards to replace the Night Courts. Despite Luna focusing on participating and being with her sister more often, she still was a nocturnal alicorn fitting as her status of Princess of the Night, and she often still held enough energy to burn throughout the night.

As Luna had gone around the corner to join a nearby squad of Night Guards, Celestia took the time to write off on her diary before heading to bed, listing the events that had happened during the early hours of morning and throughout the day. She still felt frustrated that both of the alicorn Princesses had seen an unusual dream, with an unusual event happening directly after said dream, and yet there wasn’t a single answer or anything that happened to this series of events!

And yet, Celestia had to surrender to both her body’s demand for rest and that the event resulted in little to nothing. She signed her name to the entry in her diary before closing the book and hiding it in her dresser before lowering her sun and raising the moon.

It was a rather odd feeling, knowing that she was doing something she had once did so many times during her sister’s absence, and yet Luna was still with her, freed from her prison and from her possession. Celestia sighed as she began lightly humming the songs she once sang to Luna. Once the sun and moon had taken their rightful places in the sky, she curled into her dias, held Paper Mache close to her and almost fell asleep immediately.
And so night quickly passed.

.-- . ... .. .- ... .- . .- .-- .- -.- . -. . -..

Light …


The light shining down through the door at first blinded and hurt the being’s eyes. The male human who was born into this body groaned both mentally and physically as he sluggishly moved his arm to cover his eyes until the pain subsided. He watched as his arm move at almost a snail's pace before it reached its destination. He had shed the armor that he ‘slept’ in for his typical clothing, which happened to be the very same clothing fashion that he held within the Eternal Hills.

Pain shot through him again, making him groan and lie on his side to wait it out.

Ahhh ... . Pain. Wonderful pain ... . One of many minds resounded from the mental landscape, his tone sarcastic as the physical body arched and twitched in pain, Such a wonderful way to tell if you’re alive ... .

'Since when were we alive?' Another asked skeptically.

The male who owned the physical body shook his head slowly and gave a cough that erupted into a series of coughing. He continued to hack and wheezed until finally his throat felt clear. He shook his head again and muttered, “No ... . Matter ... . Let us see ... . What this ... . Light brings ... .” A feeling of agreements and affirmations passed through him as he got off of the ground, groaning again as he felt the blood in him move, signalling their movements by pinpricks and needles running through his entire body.

He crawled at first, grunting past the pins and needles spiking with every movement and every impact with the ground. When that feeling passed, he struggled to his feet by grabbing the nearest pillar and lifting himself up like an infant that had begun to learn to walk.

The man staggered into the wall before he forced himself forward up the stairs, which he noted had not been there before, and into the light.

Mere seconds passed until the bipedal male was able to stay balancing on his two feet and blinked as he surveyed the land before him.

And there it was …

The sun.

The yellow, bright circle in a blue sky, added with pure white clouds that moved with the air high above him.

The mimicry that was the sun within the Tower of Eternity was nothing compared to seeing the actual star.

And the warmth that radiated from it. Such welcoming warmth, akin to an invisible, but warm hug as the light laid on his skin.

He reached a hand out to try and grab the sun, as if it were just in front of him and waiting to be plucked from the air and descend the new world around him into eternal darkness.

The hand now casted a shadow over his face. The male human took a full minute to admire the sunlight that barely hid behind his raised limb, the sun shining around his fingers and around his wrist and the feeling of warmth once more.

Then he turned the hand into a fist, as if he could close his hand around the sun. He let his hand fall to his side before giving a deep breath, then began to look around.

It was daytime, that was he and the many minds that shared his sight learned. The sun was positioned just above dawn, the start of a new day and the sun had been peeking through the trees while the pale night sky was still present behind him.

The next piece of information the male’s brain registered and sent to the many, was that they were at the edge of a lush, and colorful forest.

Far too colorful, in his opinion.

The trees in front of him were vibrant and healthy, more healthy than he had ever seen in trees. The trunks were a rich brown with the bark thick and firmly attached, the leaves were a deep and lively green with the branches almost matching the color of the trunks. A stray wind blew through the trees and hit the male, who sighed in content at feeling fresh air compared to the hellish landscape that had once been.

The earth had healed …

It actually recovered from what humanity had done to the planet.

He turned around and found fields of solid green grass that stretched for quite some time before it gave way to what seemed to be ruins of a fortification. The sight of ruins caused the male to frown and dampen some of his hopes.

The male sighed as he marched through the grassy fields and to the ruins that sat there across a simple suspension bridge made of rope and wooden planks, with four very small pillars of stone. During the walk there, he and the others who observed and watched through his eyes debated and discussed over the ruins, as they had never seen the ruins there before and it obviously meant that there had once been a civilization established here.

When he reached the rope bridge, he inspected the work. It was clean. Very clean, something that took obsessive and expertise work. But it became very apparent that whoever or whatever occupied these ruins were likely shorter than the average human height.

So then a new species now inhabited this planet ... . One commented.

Then where are they now?The first voice asked.

The human man ran a hand through one stone pillar, feeling its smoothed and polished texture. He moved his head and looked at the ruins. The male gave a soft “Hm” as he walked confidently across the bridge. The bridge itself groaned and swayed, but stayed intact long enough for him to walk across and enter through what was left of the doors, trying to run his hand along the sidewalls that led to the door only to give up when he had to crouch and almost kneel just to do so and looked around.

He had once recognized the interior of the ruins as a fort of some kind as he approached, but once he entered inside, it was apparent that this “fort” was instead a noble’s castle. For one, the two purple gems sitting outside the double doors looked far too real to be simple and cheap crafts to display loyalties.

For another, the interior was far too large to be of any practical use, as there were no balconies or small ledges above the spacious floor that would allow the defenders to pelt the invaders in safety. In fact, there were small squares of grass that had wild flowers and what even seemed to be flowers that were planted manually within the squares. As he moved through the walkway that led to a staircase that split into two to allow access to the second levels, he looked up and noticed the two tapestries. One was a blue dominant banner with a depiction of a winged unicorn with a moon above it, while the other was mostly yellow, whereas the winged unicorn on it held a white coat and a lily-pink mane with a sun above it.

Interesting ... .' The first voice thought, 'This appears to be more than just a castle for someone of noble blood, I wonder if there is a throne nearby.

There must be ... . Answered the third voice, ... . Look around, this place didn’t fall to just time alone. This castle’s been given a rough fight. The male mentally viewed through the third voice’s sight and in his physical body’s peripheral vision were small blast marks scattered around both the walls, floors and skimming the ceilings. The human focused his eyes towards the nearest mark and went to inspect it.

It was the oddest blast mark they had ever seen, it seemed almost equivalent to the energy blaster blast points from the science fiction series Star Wars, except it was bigger and it had left the stone mostly intact.

“Curiouser ... .” The human hummed as he moved away and ascended the stairs and traveled through the halls with a bored but attentive expression. He, and through the memories of those within the Eternal Hills, had seen castle ruins many times, most of which done by their own hands. Though most of the ruins barely had anything left standing, this castle had somehow remained upright and mostly stable over the course of some unknown years. The being observed the pictures and other sorts of tapestries with simple glances and sideway stares before they came to a particular room.

“... . And curiouser ... .” The male concluded as he took his hands out of his pockets and inspected the new room.

Most certainly, this was a throne room. As there were two small flights of stairs that led to two different thrones, with matching colors to the banners above them, each depicting the Moon with stars and Sun with clouds in left to right order. There was a rather sizable hole that seemed to be the result from either catapult or some artillery fire, but as they looked around for the crater or boulder that was likely responsible, said suspecting object or crater was completely absent.

'Even more curiouser ... . There’s no sign that hole was made from the outside, yet there seems to be nothing that suggested that it was caused from the inside. That hole did not simply fall apart, regardless of time or weather. Not with how well built the walls look.' The second voice rang out, causing the human to frown.

‘Not just that ... .’ The human stated, ’Look around at the rest of the damages done to this place. None of these make any sense, they demonstrate that a battle had indeed taken place inside here, yet there's no sword marks, no spear shafts or arrowheads nor anything that suggests that an army invaded and conquered this place. It seems as if something went on a rampage and the castle was simply abandoned.’ He moved away from one pillar that had been blasted away leaving a stump on the ground while the rest of the pillar still remained connected to the ceiling.

After quick inspection of both the thrones, which only resulted that they were of equal make and simply different colors, the multi-minded human being left the throne room and went another way, planning to make another cursory round before moving off to make shelter for the night before moving on to explore rest the planet.

Said ‘last to inspect room,’ was simply renamed to them as the ‘music room.’

“Really, Asufeld? You suggest left and come to here?” The male who owned the physical body asked flatly.

'I merely suggested a direction, I held no intention of looking for musical instruments.' A German-Norman voice retorted. However, this only gained snickers and small chuckles.

The human gave an amused hum before taking a look around. Around the place were small compartments that either had or still held musical instruments of various types, however what dominated the room was a very large pipe organ that spanned all the way to the ceiling and quite possibly outside. The human male noticed that the keys were all half as large as his hand width, from pinkie to middle finger. He tapped one key and the whole organ shook before delivering a baleful note that echoed throughout the castle, startling local wildlife and causing them to flee.

The human didn’t react in surprise but instead flashed his eyebrows and made his head move gently left with a small smile of amusement. He began flexing and stretched his fingers and arms as his eyes flashed again, popping and cracking the few stiff muscles he still had.

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Officer Cadet Flash Sentry yawned as he returned to Canterlot. He had been flying almost nonstop and looking for anything and everything that didn’t seem right. Yet he went as far as Appleloosa and stopped to turn around when he reached the summits of Macintosh Hills, while some of his fellow Pegasi had spread out covering every other corner before turning around to report whatever they found on their end.

For Flash, he didn’t find a single thing that seemed out of place.

And so, Flash was in the middle of returning and delivering his report, and he planned to find the nearest cot and crash for the rest of the day.

He was simply tired enough that even thinking about the cot made him lose altitude until he realized he was about to hit the treeline before correcting course. A nervous chuckle later, and he continued onwards.

However, as he started flying past the old ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters he began hearing organ music playing, causing him to stop and look around.

It most definitely wasn’t the wind, as Flash heard the organ still playing and was playing an unfamiliar tune.

Whatever tune it was, it wasn’t being played by expert hands but rather somepony who had an idea how to play but only taken up adequate practice before abandoning it.

And this tune was coming from the old ruins … .

Of course … .

Flash Sentry gave a low groan before landing at the entrance and cautiously entered the old castle, spear at the ready in case whoever was there was hostile.

As he trotted through the ruins, he listened to the organ again. This time he could hear the music a little more clearly. The music was rather upbeat, utterly defeating whatever scare factor the ruins were renowned for. In fact, the music sounded like something from a carnival of all things. It was hard for Flash to not hum and march to the beat. This was the haunted ruins of the Royal Sisters, for Celestia’s sake! It’s supposed to be creepy and scary, not letting ponies including himself from trotting happily!

By the time he reached the hallway that would lead him to where the organ was kept, he quietly swore when he realized that his traitorous body had indeed started moving with the beat. And apparently, his curse was enough to cause the music and himself to immediately stop. The sudden disappearance caused Flash to swear again and galloped down the hall to skid around the corner, spear ready.

Whoever and whatever was here, they made an immediate escape and Flash either missed them or they were hiding within the room. Indecision raced through Flash Sentry, before he finally decided to investigate the room for the chance that the organ player was still within the room. He sneezed once as the dust puffed up with each hoofstep before he scoured the room, only to come up with nopony being there.

A small groan escaped Flash Sentry, he at least found something unusual, and yet he would come up empty hoofed for it. He gave a quick cursor around before giving up and exiting the room, finding the nearest open hole that was large enough for him to take off and returned to the task of returning to Canterlot.

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’Why did we run again?’

... . That is an excellent question, were we not interested in knowing what now lives on Earth in replacement of humans?'

The questions utterly baffled the many minds surrounding the Tower of Eternity. None of them coming up with an adequate answer. Just why did they immediately leave the ruins the moment they heard something or someone quietly swear down the hallway, their accumulating sensitive hearing allowing them to hear past the organ.

Regardless, they missed whatever chance at meeting the new being. As they heard the sound of wings opening and flapping, then seeing a shadow pass over the treeline where they were before the being disappeared, taking away another chance at seeing who it was.

’All that we know about it is it has wings ... .’ The human grumbled before quickly climbing up the closest and tallest tree, scaling it within seconds due to how close the branches were to each other, to look at which direction this winged being had taken. After seeing a yellow and shining speck flying away from the treeline, the human could see the mountain with what appeared to be an even bigger castle hanging off the side of it.

The size and physics-defying supports that were allowing the castle, plus a small city with it to stick to the side of the mountain made the male blink and stare for a while.

’Methinks Earth recovered with a screw loose.’ The male who owned the physical body flatly stated.

His opinion was met with some agreements while another replied, Not likely. But something most definitely has changed while we’ve slept.

He turned his head to observe what else he could see, keeping note of the castle and the shiny, likely armored being that was flying towards it. The castle barely passed out of his peripheral vision when he spotted another spot of civilization, namely a town that was just across the river.

A rather sporadic of a town, most definitely medieval-era, due to seeing thatch and hay as the roofs of the building, except for the building at the very center, which was given bricks and tiles. All in all, it seemed to be a simple town housing common folk. Apple trees seemed to be a dominant sight, which easily indicated the town as a farming center, responsible for producing and delivering fruit and vegetables across countries or throughout ruling states.

’A better place to start than any ... .’ The male said, ’A better idea to introduce yourself within the common folk, rather than getting mixed up with whatever’s at that castle.’

After hearing no arguments, the male looked around for anything else before he jumped off the treetop and landed without even a sound of effort, and a ground shaking thump, before he started off in the direction of the town.

As he reached the river, he and the many others debated over how to introduce themselves. Few of them simply did not care in the slightest other than to walk into the town and give a light wave and say “Hi” to the nearest inhabitant.

The rest of the many, however, did not take to the option well. It sparked a fierce debate that it nearly made the male’s physical body almost forget to stand up after testing the river’s speeds, which was a slow, gentle push that barely made his arm move even while relaxed and limp.

After utilizing his memory and some of the other beings’ experiences with surveying and the math involved, the male nodded and looked up, analyzing the opposite bank. Whereas he stood on a grassy bank, the opposite shore held a sloped sandbank. Without another thought, the male waded across the river before he began butterfly stroking diagonally across the river.

After a few harder pushes, and the being reached the other side drenched and dripping. He quickly made to the nearest dry place and away from the sand and immediately stripped himself of clothing before he began squeezing the majority of the water out of his clothing. Soon after his clothes were still damp, he placed them back on, ignoring the chill of the wind. As he looked up to the sky, he learned that it was now midday, with the sun at its highest.

The human decided, to make camp soon, let his clothes dry completely and hunt for food. He moved his hand over his opposite shoulder, as if to unsling something from his back and began to look for a good location.

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“There, now be sure to get plenty of rest, Ms. Doe,” Fluttershy said softly, backing slowly away from the larger cervine, who had a bandage around her left rear leg. The deer nosed the gentle pegasus mare, who gave a light giggle, “Oh, it’s quite alright. I’m just glad you’ll be okay after your leg has healed.” She watched as the deer began limping away before she turned around and was about to head home before both of them heard a twig snap, causing them to freeze and look around.

“H-h-h-h-hello?” Fluttershy whimpered aloud as she made jerking movements as she looked around.

The doe almost bolted when the sound of something crashing out of both cervine and Fluttershy’s sight. However, Fluttershy had given a shriek and hid underneath the doe, causing the deer to be forced to be the “brave protector” over her healer.

Fluttershy gave a whimper when a series of noises happened behind them before a small, white rabbit hopped into view and continued hopping towards Fluttershy, carrot in mouth. After hearing the pegasus’ whimpering, it paused to take the carrot out of its mouth and gave a look of confusion. It hopped over to the two as the doe nosed at the mare to look and see what had appeared.

“Angel!! You scared us,” Fluttershy sighed in relief, trotting over to nuzzle the rabbit, “I thought you were somepony else hiding.” He gave her an offended stare that she considered him a predator, “Come on, Angel. I need to head home to gather a few more supplies.” The rabbit gave a huff before hopping onto her back and began nibbling at his carrot that he had brought along with him.

“Th-thank you Ms. Doe,” Fluttershy turned her attention to the cervine, who simply nosed her and gave a small nip on her cheek before trotting off. Fluttershy gave a small wave of goodbye before turning around and trotting off to her cottage, happy that there had been no danger and she had helped another animal to heal.

Not once did she hear the soft twang of a bow, and neither did she hear the sound of the arrow approaching.

And she never heard the body fall.

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“You are certain of this, Cadet?” Captain Shining Armor demanded.

Officer Cadet Flash Sentry nodded in the middle of his salute, “Yes, Captain! As I stated in my report, I investigated the sounds coming from the ancient ruins and attempted to follow it through to where the musical equipment had been stored and forgotten and when I came near, whatever had been playing the organ had vacated the vicinity before I could get a glimpse of it.”

Shining pondered on it before nodding, “Very well, Cadet. At ease, you’re dismissed.” After a quick nod and final salute from the pegasus, he turned to the Princesses, who were wide awake and attentive over both the briefing and report from Flash Sentry, “Your Majesties, I request to take up a squad of ponies and investigate your former home?”

Celestia exchanged a few looks with Luna, before she turned to face Shining Armor, “Request granted, Captain,” The unicorn captain nodded and was about to turn around before she continued, “however, prepare another additional squad, for we shall accompany you.”

He stumbled before recovering and asked, “Your Majesties? Are you sure you would want to bring yourselves to the risk-”

Celestia interjected, cutting the captain’s protests, “We both understand the risks and we are more than capable of handling ourselves, Captain. Regardless, this is why we ask for another squad as a secondary guard.”

The stallion looked as if he would argue further, but instead relented, “V-very well, Your Majesties.”

“‘Tia? Thou art surest-” Luna tried to ask when Captain Shining Armor left to go assemble the guards.

Celestia shook her head, cutting her sister’s question off, “I am sure of it, Lulu. Because it’s only now that I’m reminded of the Tomb. And consider the cadet’s report from hearing the organ being played at our former home, the dreams I’ve been having and sharing with you and the event of what happened has made us nervous and panic not too recently!”

“Doth thou believe the being within the Tomb has awoken?”

“It’s the only explanation ... .”

“And thou believe the being shalt not be hostile?” Celestia hesitated on her answer, causing Luna to catch on, “Thou doth not know ... . And you would risk facing this being?”

Celestia hesitated again, seemingly contemplating on something as Luna stared at her sister hard, demanding, “Sister, just what hath made you so hesitant on giving us an honest answer! Doth thou not trust us anymore?”

Celestia sputtered and felt hurt by Luna’s accusation, “N-no, Luna! I’ve been trusting you with my own life and health ever since you retu-”

“Then answer us and make it a straight answer, Celestial Solare! Do not dance around us like a shadow, Princess of the Sun!” The white alicorn could see a hurt expression and knew that while Luna had become emotionally stronger of the two, which made the young alicorn make half-hearted boasts that she should’ve done this instead of becoming Nightmare Moon, she still held trust issues.

Both with herself and others.

There was always a suspicious paranoia that whenever she felt somepony close to her hide something important, she would either glare in anger and frustration at the offending pony, or close her eyes tightly and look away. Luna could sometimes be seen approaching the petitioners, offering either her assistance or aid during her now abandoned Night Court, even within Celestia’s Day Court. When the petitioners looked at her with fear or reacted in anger and frustration she would either mutter darkly under her breath, or close her eyes tightly with her ears against the top of her head, her head lowering as she withdrew, her offers forgotten and ignored even when the more caring ponies gave chase to deliver their apologies. Some days and nights, she could be seen standing or sitting somewhere with a faraway look in her eye and place a hoof upon the battle helmet which was no longer there, or the breastplate which she had once worn not all that long ago. Her frowns became more frequent, and her scathing retorts and snarls began to happen more often, and her smiles no longer had the sincerness they once had.

Celestia may still hold scars from losing those she loved and have terrible family skills, but Luna did not escape their troubled history unscathed either.

Feeling hurt and knowing Luna felt the same, Celestia moved over to hug her sister and said, “I’m sorry, Lulu.” Her sister stiffened somewhat before returning the hug before Celestia asked, “Do you remember the times I’ve been disappearing randomly after school?”

“Of course we hath, sister. It irritated us and made us believe thee accompanied friends of sorts and would always return later, why doth thou ask?”

“... . I ... . Never really had any friends except one inanimate object ... .” Celestia admitted rather shamefully, turning her head and tried to hide under her long mane.

Luna looked at her sister as if she had grown a third head, “Thou hast no friends after school?? Speak not thine falsehoods unto us, thou were most popular amongst our peers! The colts and stallions all held eyes and hearts after thee, they spoken of nopony else!”

“... . They never asked me for anything and whenever I got close to ask them, they always shied away or deflected me or left me alone ... . Only Unwavering Heart was the closest pony I ever had outside of our family, even then he eventually broke up with me ... .” Celestia muttered as if she had admitted something shameful to her mother and father.

Unwavering parted ways with thou?! Sister, why hath you not inform us of this back then! Why doth thou not inform us of any of this! Our family could hath helped thee in these difficulties!” Despite that Celestia was trying to get the subject to return upon said inanimate object, Luna couldn’t help but feel angered for Celestia’s sake from her relationship broken up on Unwavering Heart’s end, and appalled for Celestia’s social life being hidden until now. While she had slowly gotten used to being a Princess of the Night and with it the Dreams, it was disturbing that while the stallions and several bisexual and homosexual mares were attracted to her sister and even made a few disturbing discoveries a few of the ponies having either illusions, dreams or these ... . Pillows of body-length of both her and her sister in certain vulnerable or tantalizing positions, none of them even tried to go up to Celestia and asked for a date or anything!

“L-Luna, while it’s really comforting that you’re worried about my actual social life in the past, we’re kinda drifting away from the main topic ... .” Celestia started, moving her head to look at her sister, snapping Luna from her reverie before Celestia continued, “Luna, I’ve been staying in the Tomb of the Ancient Warrior every time I’ve ‘disappeared’ from you.”

Luna tilted her head in concern, “Thou felt so lonely thou made friends with a statue? Sister, why hast thou not talked to anypony, not even father and mother?”

“Mother was far more focused upon my studies and mentoring me in order to take her side as a fellow Princess of the Sun, just as Father had always been doting and doing the same with you, Lulu. I was always afraid of their reaction if I mentioned any of this. I was afraid that they would either demand something from the schools or ordered a medical visit,” Celestia said in an undertone.

However, Luna nudged her sister and replied gently, “Thy fears appear far more monstrous than what wouldst have happened, dear sister," She moved one wing up and over to embrace Celestia as she nudged again, "Mother we know wouldst done much to help thee and Father would hath aided as well, he is thine father as well as ours.” She paused and sat with her sister in silence to reminisce on the past. She then looked to Celestia and asked, “Was it in the Tomb thou hid when they were ... . Taken from us? The times thy nearly forgotten thy duty?”

“... . Yes ... .”

Luna reached up and nipped Celestia’s ear to pull her attention out of the past and said, “Thy attention must return here, sister. Thou didst say for thyself, we art drifting from the matter of this. So thou hast made a ‘friend’ with a statue within a Tomb that thou hath discovered when we were fillies ... . So thou art eager to meet thine ‘friend’ outside of its own Tomb, then?”

Celestia gave a nod, “I do. Although after your ... banishment ... I drifted away from the place, so hearing occurrences nearby it makes me wonder if all that we’ve been experiencing is connected to that statue.”

“Your Majesties?” The two alicorns turn to look at Captain Shining Armor, who saluted and stated, “The squads are ready and waiting for you.”

Luna gave a small smile to her big sister and nudged her, “Come, sister! Thou wishest to meet thy ‘friend’! Let us not tarry any longer if thou believe it to be friendly!” She walked past Celestia before manipulating her nebuli-like mane to almost drag Celestia down the thrones and into the awaiting carriage. Celestia almost fell down the stairs leading to her throne before correcting herself and caught up to Luna, who stuck her tongue out at her as an attempt of lightening the mood.

Celestia couldn’t keep a melancholy frown with her sister making faces and gave a laugh as they readied themselves to meet the Ancient Warrior from the Tomb she discovered so long ago, spirits raised and high hopes.

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The human hefted the now skinned and cleaned meat over the makeshift fire and sat to wait for the venison steaks to be thoroughly cooked. As he waited, he and the many minds that were joined and connected within his own pondered and wondered about what they had seen.

When they first saw the winged horse, it startled them just how small it was. It barely reached above his waist, not including the wings if they were open and held up. Even to the miniature ponies that were bred and raised by his own species, they would tower over the horse he saw recently.

After they saw it interact with the doe, they figured it’s species was either familiar with the cervine families and other herbivorous creatures or that they simply stumbled on the one rare chance of animals giving peaceful interactions as many other animals had, both predator and prey.

It wasn’t until the damn horse spoke. In clear, comprehensible English.

He was careless when he snapped one twig that had to be directly underneath a foot and almost lost his chance at getting a decent meal, but the sudden realization that the horse was sentient enough to talk caused him to stumble, almost lose his footing and nearly lost his hunting bow and arrow. He was lucky that both quadrupedal animals didn’t bolt and the appearance of that white rabbit made things easier!

Thousands of voices debated and roared around the Tower of Eternity. It was already concluded by many that such a thing was impossible and that they had imagined it. It was a ridiculous concept that a non-human could not only have sapience, but also speak one of their tongues. Many of them declared that this was something impossible, that God definitely had a hand in this. There was just no other explanation.

Their thoughts were disrupted by the sound of the doe’s meat sizzling, letting the pungent smell of cooked meat fill the air and his nose. This prompted him to pull some of the meat off the stick he had sitting over the fire, stick another part of the venson on and let it cook over the fire as he bit into his hot savory steak.

It was juicy, it was bland, and it was still bloody. As much as he lamented in not having a store of herbs and none of the vegetation around him seemed familiar, he forced himself to continue eating. Albeit he never had the need to eat, it was something that gave a small boost in reassurance that he was awake and that the reality around him was real. That and hot food on an empty stomach was amazing to experience at times.

As he continued to eat and wait for the next bit of meat to be ready, the debate continued. Considering the encounter, it was more than likely that the village he saw from afar contained more of the very small winged horses. While some part of him argued that it wasn’t likely, as the houses that he saw were stone and hay and it wasn’t something easily done by hoof, but something that demanded the dexterity of hands. Wings aren't enough.

’Which means,’ The human mulled, finishing off one piece of the venison and pulling another off the fire and eating it, ’There is likely another race that built all those houses and taking the majority of maintaining the farms ... .’

Regardless, the human needed to return to his resting place. He needed to check whatever was left there for him from either the Angel of the Lord or God. After that, he’d head for the town and find out what else lived on this rejuvenated Earth. He had noticed writings and pictograms at the time of his awakening, but he and everyone within the Tower of Eternity wanted, no needed, to know what the outside world was like.

And now that they found out a little bit of the new world, they now had to figure out the ‘plan of attack’ on their new lease on existing in this world.

After finishing off the last his meals, he got up and looked up at the sky. It was early nighttime and if they waited around for ... . maybe an hour or so before returning to their resting place, they’d make it by dawn.

A loud growling resounded behind him, making him turn and discover another creature. This time it amused them.

It was a wolf made out of sticks and branches, or rather as they made a stab in the dark, a ‘timber wolf’. A quick memory about wolves not traveling alone made him look around while keeping the first wolf in sight, revealing that it indeed wasn’t alone and its pack had moved to surround the human.

’They must have smelled the venson,’ He commented. As he could see some of the wooden wolves move their leaf-like tongues over their muzzles and what seemed to be their nose moving, sniffing the air and smelling the meat on both him and from the fire, along with the remains of the doe beside the fire.

Are they likely to ignore us? The human gave a shuffle to the left, away from the carcass, however the wolves didn’t budge or ignore him as they tightened the circle.

’Looks like it’s a no ... . I suppose a fight with a few wolves might do some good.’ He thought, rolling his neck and grabbing his bow before making an unsheathing gesture, as if the bow was a sword, before the human reversed it, followed by the sound of a metallic rasping.

“Good, He left that ability for us to keep.” He muttered before turning around so suddenly and made a slashing movement against a wolf that tried to jump on him from behind.

The wolf gave a yip before falling away from the human, his arm following him while holding not a bow, but a short sword of iron, embedded into the wooden “flesh” of the animated animal.

The human gave a curse, “Shit ... . More rusty than I thought ... . “ He shifted his feet into a better position and ripped the sword out, almost overstretching his pull while making the wolf to give a pained whine before some of the wooden flesh fell away.

Sword n' wood, ‘n at dat bigg’ova doggy? Wha’sa matta’ wit’cha! That little nap jingle-brain ya? One voice commented in a rough slang that was more fitting to criminal undergrounds in cities.

The human rolled his eyes and flipped the sword around, grabbing the blade with two hands before delivering a low to up smashing blow with the guard against the stumbling wolf. He was rewarded with the sound of branches snapping and the wooden wolf taking flight into another wolf two yards away.

’Strength’s still not what we’re needing, still got the fighting down, though.’ He summarized as he whirled around and with momentum, smashed the guard against another wolf’s jaw, snapping it and stopping it mid-jump before using the improvised mace to slam the animal down with a pained yelp.

The human snapped a hand down to grab the downed wolf by the jaw before using the animal as another makeshift weapon and slammed it into yet another wolf that tried to attack him from the flank. The impact made the jaw almost literally snap off as the human let go and sent the two wooden animals sent launching into a tree.

Realizing the bipedal wasn’t suffering so much a scratch and was critically injuring their hunting pack, the wolves took to taking their losses and bounded away, leaving the human alone. After a few moments, a howl resounded throughout the forest before everything was silent and the human could not hear anything except the fire crackling quietly.

’... . Good to know they still hold that survival mentality.’ The human said as he relaxed and returned to the fire. Despite that the fight itself lasted mere seconds, adrenaline still pumped through, making him impatient and thirsty for another fight.

However, he calmed himself and settled down next to the fire, feeling the warmth and returning to their previous debate. With that in mind, he nodded his head down, closed his eyes and retreated within to the Tower of Eternity, keeping a few of the many holding attention to his hearing as he engaged himself into the discussion.

And waited.

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Celestia admired the night skies as Luna did her talent in moving the stars and moon. She always had, even during the dark millennia of her sister’s banishment. Where the day was the time of life where she would see her subjects wander around and do whatever they needed or wanted, they never could shine as bright as the stars above.

“Tonight is beautiful, Lulu.” She hummed to her sister as they rode on their chariot, surrounded and escorted by the two squadrons of Royal Guards that either held chariots of their own or flew around the Princesses.

“It is, sister.” Luna replied, her horn still lit as she continued to move them around. With small meteors streaking across the sky, burning up within the atmosphere and the stars shining and dancing, Luna continued her show with Celestia until one of the Guards pulling the chariot looked back and said, “We are arriving in five minutes, Your Majesties.”

“Thank you, Private.” Celestia said, looking forward to acknowledge the Guard’s word before returning her attention to the night show Luna still held.

“Doth thou truly believe thine ‘friend’ will be peaceful?” Luna idly asked, glancing up at her sister with an eye before returning her attention to her skies, “We hath not seen much of the being’s history, however the pictographs and words We translated unwillingly tell a hostile story with thy ‘friend’.”

Celestia nodded her head, understanding her sister’s doubts, “ I do, Luna. We both know I prefer to see the best in most situations and ponies, even if they seem dire or unlikely to happen for the better. I want to believe that the Ancient Warrior would be peaceful and willing to talk rather than descend into violence the pictographs say. Remember, just as much as it showed the being involved with violence, there were pictographs that demonstrated it with knowledge and wisdom.” Celestia shook her head slightly to move her mane that a few hairs had blown and reached her muzzle, “It is enough to me that this being isn’t consumed by senseless violence.”

Luna turned her eyes again to stare at Celestia for a few moments, but didn’t say another word as she returned her attention once more.

Celestia noticed Luna’s reaction and asked, “You do not share the same high hopes as I do?”

The blue alicorn mare didn’t turn nor did she glimpse at her sister, “We worry what this Ancient Warrior shall be. Yes, thy ‘friend’ holds knowledge and wisdom, but shalt this ‘friend’ use its knowledge and wisdom against us?” It was only then did she turn to look at her, “Sister, We worry this being shalt manipulate and twist thee. We art worried enough for thine health, mind and nightmares, and We fear thy ‘friend’ shalt only harm thee more, its intent be ill and set against us.”

“I’m more than confident that it will n-”

“Sister, thy confidence is strong but We fear it hath made thee blind to what may be!” Luna interrupted her, taking a hoof forward and causing Celestia to flinch, “How might thee knoweth this being will not hide such intent? How might thee knoweth this being would not disguise itself to its true goals? How might thee knoweth this being would not use and take advantage of thee and turn thee into its toy as the nightmares hath been determined to do!” Luna insisted to Celestia, who had to fight to not wilt at her sister’s hard stare.

Celestia blinked a few times, her eyes drifting down to the floor of the chariot before she said, “I know because I believe and I’m praying to our parents that it won’t,” Mentioning their parents made Luna blink and shifted her expression neutral, “I have to because some risks were more than worth taking, Lulu.” Luna now blinked again and tilted her head slightly away, eyes looking outside the chariot, knowing that her sister was referring to her taking serious risks at manipulating the lives of her subjects for the sake of getting Luna back and rescuing her from her own Nightmare, “I’m not so reckless that I don’t know the risks of failing, and I’ve always been looking at contingencies in case what I risk falls apart. I know when to not try and push my luck anymore than I already have ... .”

Luna seemed as if to say something, but the chariot began to dip and slow down, signaling that they had arrived at their destination.

“... . Let us speak more of thine takes at risk to another time, Mine Sister,” Luna muttered to her, nuzzling her once just before the chariot hit the ground and came to a stop, letting the Princesses off and wait for the rest of the two squadrons of Royal Guards to arrive, with Captain Shining Armor barking orders and forming the Royal Guards into a protective box around the two alicorn mares before they began marching closer to the ancient Tomb.

As they approached, one Guard commented, “Look in the sky.” Everypony quickly looked to where she was looking at and noticed a wispy trail of low drifting smoke that lazily blew up and about, “I think somepony’s made a fire during the night, seems pretty close.”

“So deep in the Everfree Forest?” Another Guard replied, shaking her head, “Nopony’s that insane, not even from Ponyville, and I own a spring home nearby the local library.”

Captain Shining Armor looked at the trail of smoke before turning to the Princesses and asked, “Your orders, Your Majesties?”

The two alicorns exchanged a look between each other, Celestia giving a small hopeful smile while Luna shared a strained look. Celestia nudged her sister before replying, “Send out a few of our Pegasi to look and investigate. Should they see our Warrior, do not make contact but report if the Warrior is moving away from the Tomb. If contact is made, do not take hostile actions unless the Warrior attacks first.”

The unicorn captain nodded but quickly asked as two pegasi trotted forwards, “If the Warrior does prove hostile, Your Majesties?”

Celestia hesitated, Luna couldn’t help but hear a hint of fear in her voice, “... . If the Warrior does attack ... . Then at least try to gauge what it can do and return immediately, d-don’t take risks against it. I would prefer to not lose anypony.” The two selected pegasi mares nodded before taking off and flying high then heading for the source of the smoke. Celestia looked on before she said, “Let us continue, then.” She took the lead with her sister and the Captain on either side, as the Tomb’s entrance came into sight.

Upon seeing the stairs which descended into the Warrior’s Tomb, Princess Celestia held a hoof to the side, arresting any forward motion by her Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor.

“Guard the entrance, Captain Armor, while my sister and I enter the Warrior’s Tomb,” Princess Celestia instructed her Guard Captain.

Shining shook his head in negation. “My first and foremost duty is to see to your protection. You’re asking me to depart from your side, while something roams about, whose location we currently do not know, nor do we know this being’s battle strength or abilities. As Captain of your military, I cannot in good conscience leave you without a detail of guards to protect you from those who would harm you.”

“Captain Shining Armor, I move the sun. And not only do I this, but I am a pony with many years of experience under her hoof. I have knowledge which no other living pony does. I am well able to defend and fight for myself. The Tomb is empty of anything which might threaten or attack us, according to our sensory spells. We’re not asking you to stay back because we doubt your combat abilities, but rather because of your extraordinary abilities, do we command you to secure our exit,” Princess Celestia informed Captain Armor.

Captain Armor’s lips were pulled tight and his brow furrowed and he grumbled, clearly unhappy with his orders, but because they were his orders, he turned to face the team of ponies currently before him. “Right then, you heard our Princess, mares! We’re to secure the Tomb’s exit, so I want a perimeter established. Keep it small enough that you can see the other patrols at all time, but large enough to give us adequate reaction time should hostilities be engaged. I want you to not only keep an eye on your environment, but also on the other patrols, because if a patrol goes down, it is likely a hostile or group of hostiles with ill intents, either towards our mission or the princesses whom we are guarding. I want each patrol to consist of an unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony,” Captain Armor commanded the ponies before him.

Once Princess Celestia was confident that her Guard Captain would comply with her orders, Princess Celestia began to sedately stroll down the stairway leading toward the Tomb. Princess Luna looked back toward the guardsponies outside of the Tomb’s entryway, her own frown and furrowed brow upon her face. Celestia sensed her sister had not accompanied her farther into the passage toward the Tomb and turned sideways and looked in the direction where her younger sister stood, looking back at her.

“Art thou confident this is the right course o’ action, mine sister?” Luna inquired of her elder sister in the ancient tongue.

Celestia’s eyes looked anywhere but in her little sister’s eyes. Questions about how somepony’s actions might impact themselves or others further into the future was not questions she felt could be answered with any degree of confidence, because the future was unknown. “There is only one way to discover whether my decisions are beneficial or otherwise, Lulu.” Celestia answered after a pause to think of a response to her little sister’s query. Upon answering Luna’s inquiry, Celestia turned about and resumed her downward journey towards the Warrior’s Tomb. Luna’s furrowed brow and frown did not diminish, but she did rejoin her big sister as the both traversed deeper and deeper toward the Tomb.

During their trek toward the Tomb of the Ancient Warrior, Celestia’s eyes became unfocused as she remembered the time she first encountered the Tomb.

However, her reminiscing thoughts started drifting into other subjects within her past, and as any faulted being, her mind began to replay certain errors that she had either willingly or unknowingly committed, certain opportunities that she missed entirely or ignored that could have resulted in a much better situation for either her, others or her sister.

And now that she thought about making a “friend” out of a statue, she shivered and mentally gave a pained groan at her errors and mistakes, ’Lulu was right,’ She lamentingly thought, ’I think I should have told my family about it all. Why, Celestia! Why now do you start realizing your smaller mistakes! Making friends with inanimate objects should have been the first and clear sign of my problems ... . Oh Mother, how I wish I had been qualified for the Element of Honesty … .’

She had gone so deep into the spiral of looking back and mentally facehoofing her problems, the thing she did or didn’t do before she was startled back to reality to see that Luna had trotted to the left of her to stop her from running into the wall.

“Honestly, dearest sister. Thou art losing thy awareness. Methinks thou art far too young to begin displaying signs of thine onset o’ senility.” Luna chided her elder sister, to which Celestia’s response was an embarrassed chuckle.

After passing through the doorway into the Tomb, Luna slowed down behind Celestia before she utilised her magic to have her horn glow like a bluish flashlight and moved over to the pictographs on the wall, perusing and refreshing her memory of what she remembered.

Celestia followed her little sister’s initiative and made her way to the other side of the Tomb.

When she came around to see the throne like chair the statue sat in and shone her light upon it, Celestia gave a small gasp as her suspicions had proven correct, “It really has awoken ... .”

“Captain!” Shining Armor’s left ear twitched at the sudden call from one of his fellow Guards. He turned to see who had called and found Eye Sight, a fellow unicorn Guardsmare that had joined several months after him, looking at him from the far side of the Tomb the Princesses had descended into.

He trotted over, asking, “What is it, Corporal?”

Eye Sight didn’t say a word except to move to the side and pointed at the trampled greenery where the creature had traversed. “Captain, I think you should take a look at this,” Eye Sight called out, alerting Shining of something which demanded his attention.

Shining Armor looked down and noticed a trail of what seemed to be very odd hoofprints, each almost a foot long and in a wide oval shape. The creature’s hoofprint was unlike he had ever seen, with horizontally indentations in the hoofprint and often at various slants. The middle of each hoofprint was suddenly cut off before reappearing a few inches later, as if whatever made these didn’t have one part of a hoof but two.

Shining followed the trail of prints which led off into the forest just in time to see the Pegasi scouts return.

They landed, panting heavily, trying to get a moment for their bodies to recover from the exercise they had endured as their Captain waited for them to recover their breath enough to issue their report. One pegasi mare looked up and said in between her gasps and heavy breathing, “Captain. We arrived at where the smoke was.”

Shining nodded and asked, “And what did you find?”

The mare, Private Swift Swim he recalled, was able to calm her breathing down enough before continuing, “Captain, the smoke came from what seemed to be a fire pit not far from Ponyville. About two leagues away from Ponyville according to our estimate. We’ve looked around and hadn’t found anypony tending to it and the fire pit had long since been extinguished, but whoever was using it didn’t or wasn’t bothering to mask the smoke, which is what we saw earlier.”

Shining furrowed his eyes, this easily meant that whatever and whoever was there had moved on, “Anything else, Private?”

Swift Swim nodded, “We found the carcass of a doe, it had been stripped almost cleanly and its remains were placed away from the fire. Whatever had been camping there, sir, it’s carnivorous.”

Shining Armor bellowed, “Guards, to the Tomb’s Entrance! Deploy in a horseshoe formation. I want this formation to be tight! If you have to have multiple horseshoe formations, then by Celestia and Luna, we’ll make multiple horseshoe formations!”

Shining watched as his fellow Guardsponies gathered around the Tomb entrance upon which he stood looking up at him. “Don’t look at me! Keep watching the edge of the clearing!” Once everypony had gathered and formed multiple arcs of the Horseshoe formation, Shining resumed bellowing at his fellow Guardspony.

“Listen up! Our aerial recon informs me that the creature we’re guarding the princess from had a campfire only two leagues away from Ponyville! This creature either doesn’t know about smokeless fires or dissipating the smoke plume, or it is ferocious enough to not be concerned about any enemies that its smoke plume might attract! Private Swift Swim also has sighted the carcass of a stripped doe. So what ever creature we’re dealing with is at least omnivorous, and possesses an indeterminate amount of intelligence. This means that not only are we in danger, but the inhabitants of Ponyville are in danger as well!

“Unicorns are to use long and mid range magics if we encounter the creature! Pegasi are to maintain aerial superiority and use bow or drop rocks and debris upon it. Earth ponies, you’re the last line of defense; I want you to strike swift and hard! Go for the legs if you can, or hit it wherever you can, otherwise!

“Private Swift Swim also informs me that the bodies of several Timberwolves have been spotted during her patrols, so be alert for them as well. Unicorns are to use fire spells when encountering them. Otherwise, have one of your squadmates create a firepit about three yards away from the forest’s perimeter and use a burning log or branch to either chase them away or set them on fire if you’re able!”

The ponies of the Royal Guard saluted and cried out in near unison, “Sir, yes Sir!” while keeping their eyes on the forest’s edge, maintaining the vigilance required of somepony upon whom a VIP was entrusting their safety and security unto.

“Get to it!” Shining Armor informed, watching as the formations around the Tomb’s entrance broke apart, as squads reformed and firepits were being made by squadrons which didn’t have a unicorn capable of some kind of fire spell. Broken limbs and branches were being gathered from the forest’s dark gloom by the unicorn guards and shortly fires dotted the perimeter of the clearing they were guarding.

Shining maintained a watch from atop the Tomb’s entrance as many thoughts raced through his head. Many of them about the Everfree and it’s inhabitants. As unlikely as it seemed there had been times when animals of the Everfree tried to hunt ponies who made the mistake of entering the forest. Fortunately with the appearance of the Elements of Harmony, most specifically Kindness from his own reconnaissance, those incidents had long since disappeared.

Shining closed his eyes and thought about what to do. An unknown being was currently roaming around, It was known to be carnivorous and apparently capable of fighting off a pack of Timberwolves, and what frightened Shining the most was that it had settled for the night not far from Ponyville and could easily find its way towards the village.

Directly towards his little sister.

“Twiley,” Shining whispered in a low-volumed and tremulous voice, placing an armored hoof over his chestplate under which his heart raced in fear for the safety and security of his beloved little sister.

Shining understood well that his little sister was powerful in magic and could handle herself, as he read reports about her confronting manticores, hydras, and even a sea serpent. Yet despite all the faith the Princesses told him to have, he couldn’t help but have panic attacks over hearing what dangers his LSBFF had to throw herself against for the sake of harmony on a far more frequent basis than he ever seemed to confront.

He was the bucking Captain of the Royal Guard for Celestia’s sake! He and the mares and stallions of the Royal Guard were the ones supposed to protect the civilians and the crowns, not the other way around!

In all honesty, he was secretly excited that now it was on him and the small unit of Royal Guards to protect Ponyville and the Princesses, that he and his ponies could do fulfill the purpose for which the Royal Guard was created for in the first place while Twilight was unaware. His training and experience quickly tempered that rush of adrenaline with the knowledge that if he hunted after the unknown, he’d be leading his unit to their deaths, and he would be leaving either Ponyville or the Princesses unprotected should he choose rush pell-mell into the forest, haring after any noise within the sinister and foreboding-looking Everfree Forest.

In the end, he had to swallow his pride and knew that he would have to leave Ponyville under Twilight’s protection while he stayed here to guard the Princesses.

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The human had long since started moving when the moon had risen high. After making sure the fire would smolder itself out safely, he had made progress back to the Tomb.

He also found that his swim across the river was entirely unnecessary, for he learned there was a bridge not too far from where he had swam across. Had he followed the river upwards for a few yards rather than be impatient about finding civilisation, he would have seen the stone posts that signified a bridge which spanned across the entire river.

After sharing chuckles and laughter to himself and the legion within the Tower of Eternity, he made his way across the bridge and continued onwards.

Two shadows passed above him, causing the human to look up and just saw the flashing of gold fly above the treetops.

’It seems whatever we evaded from the ruins has alerted its kin, and those were probably scouts.’ He commented, quickly scaling up another tree to try and see where they were headed, possibly to intercept and even introduce himself.

When he breached the treetops just high enough to look around the sky, the voice named Asufeld responded, 'No, more than that it seems. Look at where they are headed, Following the mental pointing, the human looked at the column of smoke that had been his temporary camp, 'They are looking for us, but they do not know what to look for other than the smoke.

“Regardless, we need to finish our business with our resting place and quickly discover more about the civilisation, else we might trigger a crisis response from them.” The human muttered and jumped from the treetop, landing with a light huff and changing his walk into a light jog.

However, something almost bigger than him jumped in his way and began roaring at him in what seemed to be defiance.

The human being didn’t bother stopping to see what was roaring at him and decided to not caring whatever it was that decided to be bothered about him and lifted his left arm in front of him as a makeshift shield and merely pushed his body to move faster.

All in all, it was like an American football tackle against an unaware man.

He slammed into the creature, being rewarded with its roar interrupted and being cut off into a “HRK” as his head and arm collided. The human however, didn’t slow down as he met the large and furry creature and continued onwards as if he didn’t run into anything, only his legs pushing harder against the ground showed any sign of difficulty. A second after impact, the human tugged his left arm to push the creature away. It resulted with the furred animal being tossed aside and coming to a sudden stop against a large and twisted tree, dazing it while the human kept running, moving at a quicker pace now that he was unhindered by the large creature.

Within an hour, the human slowed to a walk once he was in sight of his recent resting place. However, he immediately halted once he saw multiple flashes of gold and movement around the entrance.

The human slowly crept forwards and hid behind a large bush as he observed what was going on. Seeing the patrolling armored miniature horses informed the human that whatever government existed was both aware of the human and his sanctuary and appeared to be looking around the area should he reappear.

We should enter the clearing, and introduce ourselves. Say that we do not wish for enmity and inform them regarding our reasons for returning to our ancient residence, One human suggested.

‘Ja, mon, led’s jus’ walk up dere ‘n’ git us shaft’d. Joo be talkin’ crazy, mon. I say we keep here ‘n’ talk to dem while we's stay here, another human countered.

Why not offer to talk over lunch. Nothing brings people together like sharing a meal! another human interjected.

Ach, how can ye have any accord without a stiff, cold drink o’ ten!? ‘Ave ye gone completely daft man!? another human argued.

Have the both of you taken leave of any sense? These are armed and armored beings! Since when do militants on duty prefer to drink or eat to a stranger? We need them to remain clear headed, if anything of beneficial nature are to happen! another human counter-argued.

And if they have an ‘attack first, ask questions later,’ policy? another human cautioned.

Are you kiddin’!? We’ve survived the End! Little ponies aren’t going to do jack squat to us! another human rejoined.

Yes, and pride was the Enemy's downfall. No, we have brains and we have ourselves, so use some common sense the Most High gifted us with and proceed with caution, whatever the decision, another of the Legion reasoned.

Those around the Tower of Eternity debated and discussed what actions were available to them and which course of action was the most favorable. They weren’t looking for a fight, but they were unsure about the intentions of the armored horses, wither they be peaceful or hostile.

A few more shadows flew above the human, causing him to look up and notice the same flying horses ... Pegasus, if his recollection of ancient mythology was correct. Pegasus flying overhead and landed in front of a lightly armored unicorn that was decorated in purple and gold.

’Perhaps that is the commander of this little group?’ The human asked.

'Definitely ... Hm, they seem to follow along the war tactics of the Roman Legions, see their formations, they follow a tight circle as they patrol and keep each other in sight.

The human blinked again as the horses talked with their commander, though he could see and hear them talking, he couldn’t make out what they were saying. This prompted him to crawl a little closer around the outer edge of the clearing to try and hear better, carefully stepping and moving his body and hands past, around and in between the leaves and branches that could give him away with an oiled and experienced precision.

As one pair of horses, a unicorn and an ordinary horse, walked past, he heard the commanding unicorn barked, “Guards, to the Tomb’s Entrance! Deploy in a horseshoe formation. I want this formation to be tight! If you have to have multiple horseshoe formations, then by Celestia and Luna, we’ll make multiple horseshoe formations!” The pair of armored equine guards stopped their patrolling and immediately trotted over to follow instructions, letting the human move with a little more freedom.

’Celestia and Luna?’ The human questioned as he moved and situated himself between a tree trunk and a small bush that was just tall enough to hide him without either equine noticing him, ’Religious idols, mayhaps?’ He moved slightly so as he could stay in a more comfortable position and hear better.

“Listen up!” The commanding unicorn barked, its voice telling the human it was male, loudly enough that even the human could have heard him over the din of marching armor, “Our aerial recon informs me that the creature we’re guarding the princess from had a campfire only two leagues away from Ponyville!”

The Many almost went into a laughing riot at hearing the name of the village they had predetermined to go to prior to arriving.

Horse puns! Whatever could be next? ‘Mare-scow’? ‘Chica-colt!’

“This creature either doesn’t know about smokeless fires or dissipating the smoke plume, or it is ferocious enough to not be concerned about any enemies that its smoke plume might attract! Private Swift Swim also has sighted the carcass of a stripped doe. So what ever creature we’re dealing with is at least omnivorous, and possesses an indeterminate amount of intelligence. This means that not only are we in danger, but the inhabitants of Ponyville are in danger as well!

“Unicorns are to use long and mid range magics if we encounter the creature! Pegasi are to maintain aerial superiority and use bow or drop rocks and debris upon it. Earth ponies, you’re the last line of defense; I want you to strike swift and hard! Go for the legs if you can, or hit it wherever you can, otherwise!

“Private Swift Swim also informs me that the bodies of several Timberwolves have been spotted during her patrols, so be alert for them as well. Unicorns are to use fire spells when encountering them. Otherwise, have one of your squadmates create a firepit about three yards away from the forest’s perimeter and use a burning log or branch to either chase them away or set them on fire if you’re able!”

The human pondered and debated amongst the Legion within his mind as the mares saluted their commanding officer and barked out their acknowledgements of the orders which they had been given, with loud “Yes sir!” being shouted from both aerial and non-aerial mares and stallions before returning to their patrols.

’Well, for one thing they’re terrible at keeping a sharp eye out, and two they are absolutely horrible at keeping their intentions quiet. Normally, guards don’t talk about what they’re doing aloud!’ The Legions laughed and added their own jabs and puns at the horses.

’Regardless, that’s a tight formation to try and sneak around.’ The human pondered over the mental din, a hand on his chin as he watched the horses mill about, ’Doesn’t sound like they’re intentionally asking for trouble, if they’re guarding the entrance that thoroughly. Perhaps there is someone in there? Ugh,’ He nearly let his forehead hit the ground lightly, ’This is not how either of us wanted to wake up, having to deal with militaries and having them interfere yet.’

However, as the human was focused upon dealing with the formation without instigating hostilities and resorting violence, they failed to notice one pegasus mare who was flying overhead. She began looking down and by luck coming from a gap in the canopy, she noticed something out of ordinary lurking in the underbrush of the forest.

Captain!!” She immediately shouted, making the her fellow guards jump and get into defensive stances around the clearing before seeing the pegasus dive down, “Something’s in that bush!”

The human flinched and watched as the rest of the horses galloped and gathered around to defend both the commanding stallion and the entrance into their home.

’Damnit!’ The human scolded at their misfortune, as he forgot to account for the aerial vantage advantage afforded the flying pegasi. Both he and the Tower of Eternity legion still held no intentions on acting hostile, and they most certainly didn’t need a fight within the second day of their awakening, and with them blocking their way into the tomb ... .

Unless the human were deciding to fight or instigate hostilities, there wasn’t a lot of options he could do.

The unicorn captain called out at him, “Come out of there!”

’What about distracting them? one commented.

’And how might that happen?’ The human retorted.

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Shining Armor stared intently at the now rustling bush. When Swift Swim shouted that there was something nearby, it startled the daylights out of him that something had either been in the bushes the entire time the Guards had been here or something snuck right past them.

It took mere seconds for the Royal Guard to move and take defensive positions around the Tomb. He had already tried to tell whatever was there to come out, only to receive more rustling. “Stand your ground! Lower your torso and widen your stance! For Celestia and Luna! For home and hearth! For our family and our loved ones!”

Suddenly the bush exploded with motion as something large bolted out and raced at them. The guards didn’t expect such an instant action that whatever it was slipped right between them, nabbing one of the Earth Pony mares of the Guard and raced into the forest, the mare screaming in panic and anger.

“Sure Strike!!” the second Earth Pony cried.

Shining gritted his teeth and barked, “After them! Swift Swim, Silver Wind! Stay here!” With that, he and the rest of the Royal Guards cantered off after the oddly shaped lifeform and its hostage.

Swift Swim watched as the Guards vanished into the foliage before she began to look around, trying to see if there was anything else she or Silver Wind could do while staying guard.

Finding that there wasn’t a damnable thing the mares could do, the Private gave a light whimper, ‘we are so totally bucked, I just know it!’ before preparing to take off and hover in the air.

That had been the plan until she heard rustling and movement from behind her.

“Swift!” Silver Wind cried out, her wings flared out in panic as everything happened so quickly.

Swift felt something tackle her and grab her by the barrel. Her breath was stolen away and she found herself flying across the clearing and into the forest, Silver Wind caught her, but her momentum was too great for either pony, and they both ended up slamming into a nearby tree with her back against it and her head touching the ground.

The impact left her utterly dazed and in a state of shock as her mind spun as did her world and she waited for her vision to stop spinning.

The human watched as the two mares flew and landed against the trees, careful to hold back enough so as he hadn’t harmed them any worse than easily healed bruises or minor scratches. After a few seconds of seeing one mare breathing hard while her eyes remained wide open in shock and the other laying on her side but her chest giving a clear sign she was still breathing and not noticing anything that told worse injuries, he turned around to walk to the entrance of his sanctuary.

Just in time to hear one voice call out, “Halt! Don’t make any sudden moves!”

He paused, but didn’t heed the familiar voice of the commanding stallion.

He froze when a second voice called, “Captain! What’s the situation?”


Luna had been standing nearby the entrance of the Tomb, waiting rather impatiently for her sister to be done. She huffed at how dedicated Celestia was to learn and relearn about this ‘friend’ of hers regardless that what she could have learned was back at Canterlot. When Luna took note that it was time to raise the sun and lower the moon, she tried to tell Celestia but she continuously waved her off, saying “I know” and “I will,” but she never moved away to do it.

And so after much grumbling, Luna had to take over for her moving both the moon and sun to gravitate both heavenly spheres into their proper places, letting gravity and motion take over once she gave enough magical push and pull on the respective celestial objects in the sky.

Once done, Luna decided to go and scold her sister for being so absent minded about her duties and being so focused on her ‘friend’ when she heard Captain Shining Armor give an indecipherable yell, sounding as if he had found something.

“Sister! Captain Armor is calling!” she notified Celestia, who trotted over after giving close inspections on both the seat where the Warrior had been and the crumbling hoofsteps it left while moving about the Tomb.

The Princess of the Sun waited with her sister to try and hear what her Captain was trying to say.

A sudden scream of panic resounded, causing both Princesses to crouch down into defensive stances. Celestia called out, “Captain! What’s the situation?”

However, what she received as an answer was a panicked cry from Captain Shining before they heard the sound of armor, clanking and clattering away, bouncing off the walls to them.

“Sister.” Luna whispered before hearing another, faintly heard surprised yelp, come from above.

Celestia exchanged a worried glance with her sister before saying, “Then we must confront what is there, Lulu. Are you with me?”

Luna didn’t give a moment’s hesitation to respond, “We art with thou,” and followed Celestia slowly up the stairs, horns glowing brightly, ready to strike whatever it was that decided to attack both the Royal Guards and the sisters.


“I know her voice,” he whispered.

The human knew that voice.

They knew ... that ‘voice.’

It was impossible to mistake it for any other voice.

The voice of a soft, commanding, but gentle tone of a female’s voice. Like the gentle breeze with a cloudless sky, with the sun shining brilliantly yet kindly upon the lukewarm earth as it transitioned from winter into summer.

’She was real?’ The human voicelessly thought, none of the many minds sharing with his own did not respond as he stayed near the descending staircase.

The human walked forwards slowly to the staircase, unsure of what to expect down there. He only was sure that whomever and whatever that voice belonged to, both he and the Eternal Tower’s legion within knew that they would find out.

He said again, this time clearer and audible, “We know that voice.”


Celestia’s ears perked at what she heard. It was a gravelly, raspy sounding voice, even though the timbre of his voice sounded rather young. A voice which sounded as though it belonged to a stallion who was just a few years out of his colthood, but the gravelly, raspy quality of the stallion’s voice sounded as though it belonged to someone who was world weary.

Luna gave her sister a confused look before hearing hoofsteps slowly impact against the stone that had been laid long ago to mark the pathway into the ancient Tomb.

Slowly, a tall and thin being appeared from the right side of the entrance.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she realized who it was before the being came into full view, her magic fading away and her horn dimming as she watched.

It was the Warrior who haunted her dreams. The Warrior who kept her company in her most private moments. Moments which even her sister had not known about until recently. The Warrior with whom she had grown up and before whose eyes, she had metamorphosed from a cute filly into the powerful, beautiful mare which stood before him now.

The eyes of the Princess looked into the now seeing eyes of the Warrior. Both Princess and Warrior looked upon the one whom had kept them company when everyone but one little filly had abandoned the one, and one escaped the demands and stress which her inheritance placed upon her.

Chapter One

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Chapter One: And So We Meet

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but lock eyes with the being that had once seated on his throne and gazing unseeingly at those who entered the Tomb. She stared at the being who she retreated to during her fillyhood. The very same being who crept into her dreams and dwelled there until now.

She couldn’t help but take in his eyes. The eyes that were the same hue as she had seen them in her dreams again and again.

His irises swiftly transitioned from hue to hue and glowing with every color she knew and didn’t know could have existed. Occasionally, she saw the iris’ rest on the color of a pale green before going off again into that intangible whirlwind of color.

“It’s you ... . It really is you,” Celestia whispered, not inaudibly but just quiet enough that even Captain Shining Armor could hear what she had said.

The human blinked at her curiously, as if he asked by what she meant, to which she answered, “Almost all my life, I’ve waited and watched,” she slowly trotted up the stairs, her eyes never drifting away from his own, which swirled and changed colors much like a chameleon, “Sometimes, I prayed that you would wake up,” she continued addressing her special companion ever since she had discovered his Tomb and then she stopped in front of the human.

She took note that the human was tall, even taller than her. Even at her highest height, the human towered above her by almost her own head and it was only by her horn or wings that could allow her to be considered the taller!

“Your Highness!” The almost forgotten Captain Shining cried, causing the human to look back at him with a raised eyebrow and Celestia to give a glance, “Keep away from that creature! It’s already attacked us!” He and the other Guards had taken a horseshoe formation around the human, spears lining inwards and pointing at him.

The sight of miniature ponies pointing spears at him in hostility didn’t seem to frighten nor disturb the human, as he simply looked around with bored interest, while Luna had slowly trotted up the stairs but kept her distance from the human.

Celestia shook her head, “It is because we had tried to prevent him from returning to his ancient place of rest. Neither of us truly expected him to return, Captain.” The human turned his head and attention back on the alicorn, nearly making her shiver upon seeing his abnormal eyes stare back at her.

However, she turned her attention to the man and continued, slightly proud that her voice didn’t waver from his renewed staring, “But he is right on erring caution. Why have you returned? And what was your intent when you attacked my Guards?”

The human shifted ever so slightly as he surveyed his surrounding, taking note on the guarded hostility from the Captain, to the wary and shifting eye from Luna.

Finally, the human said, “The why is our concern, and ours only. As for the intent, we expected your ‘guards’ to be gone much longer in the retrieval of their friend.”

Captain Shining took an exception to the human’s response with a growl, “You injured and kidnapped my mares!”

The human merely sniffed and reproached the Captain, “Injured? Simple scratches and bruises register as ‘injured’ to you? We may have had vindication that you were trying to keep us away from returning to our sanctuary, but we held no intention on spilling blood so soon upon awakening, Captain.”

Celestia moved herself between the human and the now angered Captain, “Enough, the both of you! Captain, were your mares injured when the Warrior took action in distracting you?”

Shining took a moment to look over to his left before almost muttering, “No Princess Celestia, the worst injuries we sustained were bruises from impacting a tree and another with the wind knocked out of her.”

“Then if that is the degree of severity regarding their injuries, it does not warrant such hostility to suggest that he had done worse!” Celestia stated before rounding on the human, “And you! My Guards were there to protect me and my sister from wild beasts and other hostile beings from trying to attack us and alert us if something happened! We may have intruded your sanctuary, but that does not mean you must initiate hostilities upon our Guards just to enter! You could have simply introduced yourself!”

While Captain Shining wilted from the simple reproach from his superior, the human blinked in complete surprise. Not once in the longest of time had he nor any of the Legion been scolded for what they did by other mortals. Yet, this Princess before them was telling them off like a parent to an errant child!

Outwardly, Celestia sat down with an irritated huff and waited for either of the two males to apologize. Inwardly, however, she was panicking as she realized she scolded the Warrior, who likely had a far different knowledge of combat and warfare than anyone alive, like a foal.

‘Faust help me!’ she inwardly cried, ‘Please do not let this cause any hostilities to escalate instead of solving them!’ She took with some amount of pride that she hadn’t started shaking in place as she waited for the stallion and human to reply.

Captain Shining caved first, giving a heated stare at the human who blinked back as a response, before the stallion sighed and grumbled with his head down in a slight bow, “My apologies, Ancient Warrior.”

The human blinked again before giving a dry chuckle, “Very well, Your Highness,” he said with both a sly tone and smile as he placed one hand to lay it palm down against his chest and gave a small bow, his head inclining to keep his eyes on Celestia as he did so, “Our apologies, Captain Shining.”

Celestia looked at the both of the males before nodding silently, “Good, now that that is out of our way,” She got onto her hooves and looked again at the human and asked, “As much as I wish to stay and discuss much of what is needing to be discussed here, both I and my sister have been gone too long from our other duties. Would you care to join us as we return to Canterlot?”

The human seemed to tremble for a quick second and his mouth seemed to move before he quickly said, “We will accompany you and those in your entourage, however we are still determined to inspect our sanctuary first. As much as one would have thought we would have already done so, we were rather desperate to see the new world around us first. If you wouldn’t mind?” Without stopping to hear any disagreement, the human walked past the two alicorn mares and descended into the Tomb.

Luna watched the human go before quickly trotting to her sister and whispered, “Sister, hast thou lost it? Even if thy ‘friend’ meant no harm but to remove our Guards out of his way, thou still intend to bring him to Canterlot? We hath little knowledge whether he is friend or foe! Nor do we know what danger he may represent unto us should he prove foe, rather than friend.”

However, Celestia retorted, “Where then, would we take the Warrior, Luna? If we merely toss him to the nearest village or let the public see him, who knows what would happen? No, I do not intend to inform the public with regards to him until we know what we are doing first, and the first that I would know to do is introduce him to our culture and manners quietly and gently before we can consider informing the public about him.”

Luna blinked in confusion before she relented, “We art simply concerned over thy eagerness, sister. We fear thy enthusiasm blinds thee to his unknown intents and motives, mine sister. We would not that ye bowels experienced harm or turmoil because thou wast unguarded around yon stranger. Ye treat him as a friend already, with thine guard lowered, rather than as tho ought treat sojourning strangers newly arrived ‘pon our land.”

Celestia nuzzled her gently, “And again I know, Lulu. And I am trying to not let my eagerness blind me to truly gaining the measure of his character. That is why I value your opinion, for I fear that I may not treat him as impartially as I ought. My affections are causing me to treat him more as ally and friend than stranger.” She looked down the stairs that the human descended before she gave one more nudge to her sister and followed, leaving Luna and the approaching Captain Shining to watch her departure.

The Captain sniffed, “I don’t like him.”

Luna gave a glance before giving a very small nod, “The Warrior is both stranger unto us and his intention and his knowledge is unknown, and that which is not known is more dangerous than that which we do know.”

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Celestia continued descending down the stairs, thinking about Luna’s caution. She could understand why Luna was approaching this novel situation with caution and reservation. The Warrior had acted as if he were the superior amongst both herself and the other ponies, yet he didn’t react against her impulse at getting him to apologize. In fact, he seemed amused by it.

... . Maybe Luna was right that the Warrior could take advantage of her and her unguarded friendliness regarding him ... .

Celestia stopped just at the door when that thought crossed her mind, one hoof hovering just a step in front of her. Was Luna right? Could the Warrior be considering using her and Equestria for whatever purpose he might be thinking of?

The thought scared her and there wasn’t much she could do to alleviate it. Instead, she gave a deep sigh and began a whispering prayer, “Dearest mother and father, Faust above hear my whispered prayer. Please do not let my decisions regarding the Warrior come back to bite me in the rump and ruin this kingdom of peace and prosperity which Luna and I have tended and cared for, and please please let this being hold nothing against Equestria—”

She continued to whisper her prayers until she felt calmer and feeling as if she was assured by some intangible unknown did she continue onwards, eventually entering the Tomb. Upon entering, she saw the human standing with a hand against one of the many lines of the unknown language that lie behind his ‘throne’ of sorts.

He silently looked over the words, occasionally mouthing them out. Despite Celestia trying to make out what he said, she couldn’t read the human’s lips. Finally, she asked, “What are you?”

The being didn’t take note of what she said at first, he was focused and his expression was hard as he continued to read. Just when she was about to ask again, he abruptly answered, “We belong to a race that once ruled and governed these lands you now rule upon. A race which is likely more ancient than your kingdom, Princess.”

The alicorn mare jumped slightly when he answered. She stuttered, “W-What was the name of your race? A-And may I know your name?”

The two questions made the man pause and look back to stare at her, as if questioning himself whether to answer her. He blinked before moving his attention back to the wall as he said, “Our names and titles are many and we often do not simply make one for ourselves, so do understand if we’re hesitant on giving you a name,” Celestia frowned and was about to object before he continued, “Our race called itself Humanity.”

That name made Celestia freeze, as she was familiar with the species.

Well, more familiar with the myths and legends involving such species. She had often heard stories as a filly, involving the ferocity and brutality of humans along with how they were a, more or less, merciless and violent animals which shared no sense of peace even amongst themselves.

She noted that many of the stories and legends were little more but mythologies amongst the Minotaur Tribes, as they held a rather distasteful xenophobic attitude towards other races, and only a few tribes who were the closest to Equestria were considered friendly. However with humans, the Minotaurs tended to see them as the greatest threat in all of existence.

’All the more reason to get him to Canterlot sooner ... .’ Celestia thought, dreading how the Minotaur Tribes would react upon learning there was a human in Equestrian territory.

She shook her head and decided to silently wait for the human. She watched as the now identified human continued to read, which did not take long as when he reached the bottom line of the still unreadable language he gave a low and deep sigh and placed one hand on his face and began muttering for quite some time.

Celestia decided to take a chance and asked, “F-Forgive my impatience, Ancient Warrior. But, are ... are you ready?”

The human didn’t answer immediately but instead began to stand and responded in a rather husked and tired voice, “We are ready, our business here is done,” The human turned around and began almost marching briskly out of the Tomb, his eyes glancing at Celestia before steadfastly looking ahead, “Yes. We’re done here.”

Once Celestia and the human ascended and rejoined the group of Royal Guards and her sister, Celestia took a look around. She saw that the Captain had retrieved his fellow Guards as well as the carriages that she, her sister and the non-Pegasi Royal Guards first arrived in on and said, “It is time we returned, Luna. Captain, has everyone gathered together?”

Captain Shining gave a quick glare at the human before nodding, “Yes, Your Highness. Swift Swim, Silver Wind and Sure Strike have recovered from being ... winded. The Pegasi among our Guards stand ready to fly us, Your Highness.”

Celestia took note and stared at Shining Armor before nodding and stepping aboard her royal carriage, “Then let us return home, Captain.”

Luna followed quickly, along with the other Royal Guards who were filing into their respective transports. However the human seemed hesitant. When the two alicorns looked back in curiosity, he eyed the carriage that he was to share with them warily, “... . Mind explaining how these carriages were able to go through the forest? As we’ve personally discovered, it’s rather dense forest and underbrush for these types of vehicles.” He placed one foot on and pushed down on it lightly, making the carriage bounce slightly as it registered the human’s weight.

“The magic within these carriages will sustain almost any weight and they are as light as a feather to the Pegasi drawing them, there is little to fear.” Celestia replied reassuringly, almost laughing at how dangerous the human seemed beforehand and yet acted as if the carriage would either attack or fall apart on him.

The human gave a curious look at the Princess and asked, “Magic, you say?” When both Luna and Celestia nodded, he raised an eyebrow and slowly got on the small transport, “Then we suppose this is going to simply fly us away to this ‘Canterlot’?”

Celestia almost responded when the carriage began moving and almost unstabilized the human, nearly kicking him off the transport had he not grabbed the railing and bent down on one knee. Celestia watched as he did and gave a small giggle as he looked around with wide eyes as the carriage lifted off the ground and catapulted away towards Canterlot.

The human was able to steady himself after they leveled off high above the Everfree Forest, and began to look around. He watched as the trees sailed past and occasionally replaced by small holes through the canopy. The man even risked a look underneath the carriage to see in proof that there was nothing holding or giving the unwieldy carriage enough lift to be above the ground, defying his understanding of the laws of physics which he was quite fond of.

He moved his attention to the pegasi who flew and drew the carriages around him, watching and observing as they flew with the similar movements as birds while occasionally ‘galloping’ in the air, somehow making them go faster with every hoof passing through the air.

Definitely a screw loose ...” he muttered to himself, his voice lost to the wind.

As Luna observed the human’s antics at discovering both magic and how it was currently used, she looked over to her sister and noticed that she had a happy smile, as if everything was nothing wrong.

She leaned closer and stated, “Thou seem satisfied, sister.”

Celestia glanced over and nudged Luna, “I am, Luna. I’m really glad that finding the Warrior hasn’t gone wrong yet, and that my fillyhood friend wasn’t some statue.”

Luna couldn’t help but giggle and poke her sister, “Thou shouldn’t tempt fate like such, sister. But, we suppose thou art correct,” She poked her sister harder, her expression hardening for a second, “However, we still stand by our words which we spoke with thee at an earlier time and remain firm in our belief that thou should hath told us about yon companion afore now, sister.”

Celestia semi-wilted against her sister’s words but recovered when Luna asked, “And what shalt we do about him? How long from our subjects could we risk to keep him secret? Doth thou even plan to introduce him to thy student?”

Celestia looked down and didn’t answer for a moment, her mouth opening slightly as she tried to form a response. Finally, as they passed over the edge of the Everfree Forest and onto the open plains before Canterhorn Mountain she replied, “I do not plan on keeping him secret forever, but neither can I simply dump him in Ponyville and hope for the best, Lulu. And you should know how Twilight would respond if she learned about him, I would rather not have him suffocate underneath her antics and I cannot in good conscience risk the other territories learning of him—”

Luna scoffed, waving a hoof, “Thou doubt thy student, e’en now? Thy ‘friend’ seems likely to survive her.”

Celestia stared at Luna before replying, “Regardless, I would rather take small steps upon this. He’s a stranger in a strange land, Luna. We cannot throw everything at him and expect him to understand ... . I think I have a solution, but we must ask the Warrior first and discover if he is willing to try my solution before we can consider it.”

Luna pondered on what Celestia meant and planned on asking her once they were away from the human and looked towards Canterlot, her mind still swimming with questions.

Meanwhile, the human watched as the gravity defying castle drew ever closer. Already, his plan on meeting the local civilization was launched far ahead than he or the Legions planned on, and even better they were already meeting the family who ruled over said civilization. Albeit, they were not out of the water just yet. There was still the problems about integrating with the locals, and both he and the Legions had limited patience to simply sit in one place and do nothing.

Even more concerning is that while they started off well with the ruling royalty, there was still that concerning flinch they noticed from ... Celestia, he recalled ... . She flinched the moment he named his race, which instantly meant that she was somehow familiar with the name.

‘Which is all the more concerning, just how does she know of the human race? All traces of humanity were wiped out, God insured that, and with us and our sanctuary being the last hint of human presence in the world.’ He thought, getting affirmations and nods of agreement from the Legion of the Tower of Eternity.

When they began to reach Canterlots walls, Celestia looked back and called, “I suggest moving closer, Warrior. I would rather avoid you falling off or letting the public see you yet.”

The human looked back imperiously, “And why should we not let the public see us?”

“The ponies frighten easily at things they do not know, and I would very much prefer to avoid what chaos could be brought if somepony did see you,” Celestia called back, giving a half-hearted glare at him, almost daring him to do so and find out what she would do against him.

He chuckled and smiled back. “Very well, Princess.” He moved over to sit with his back just barely touching Celestia’s who nearly jumped at the either innocent or conscious action, causing Luna to look and nearly laugh loudly. The man looked back and raised an eyebrow but did not ask, proving to Celestia that he was ignorant of his action.

Though when he did look back, the human noticed that the unicorn Captain was eyeing him and he had a look of shocked impotence at what seemed to be some offense from him merely following the Princess’ advice.

Thus, she had to suffer with a blushing face and a smirking Luna until they landed onto the Canterlot Castle’s landing area, where the Princesses could land and depart without any of the public seeing them or able to confront them.

The entire surrounding earned the human’s interest as he inspected almost every little bit of the architecture, ‘Most interesting,’ he commented, ‘This is mostly based upon a splatter of medieval civilizations, though some of it seems recognizable for some reason.’ He noticed that the Princesses and Guards were waiting for him and decided to take his inspection along the way, having to duck down to pass through the small doors.

As they continued onwards, Celestia pulled aside one of her Royal Guards and told him, “If there are nobles around and are asking for me, tell them to come tomorrow and escort them out of the castle, as there are events that command both our attention more than the Day Court. Be quick about it, do not let them know about the being with us and spread this order to the rest of the Royal Guards!” The guard saluted and galloped to do as he was ordered.

Celestia sighed, “Faust, Blueblood will likely be quite odious about this.” Her nephew often came to deliver increasingly petty grievances to his adopted aunt at this early of a morning. Luna gave a small nudge to her sister’s shoulder in comfort before they continued onwards to the soon to be empty throne room.

The human kept close note on both how many times the two sisters had been nudging, nuzzling and shoulder bumping each other, as well as keeping note on the names of other ho ... . ‘Ponies’ and other non sequiturs.

Curiouser and curiouser, it seems they do not refer themselves as horses, I wonder if the word ‘horse’ exists to them. The human hummed in response as he continued to look around, letting nothing escape his eyes for both himself and the Legion to mull over either now or at a later time.

Once they reached the throne room, the two alicorns turned to ascend the stairs to their thrones while the human gave his attention to the glass panes that were depicting the accomplishments and history of both sisters as well as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

His inspection was interrupted by Celestia coughing loudly, to which he said with a smirk, “That cough does not sound healthy, Princess.”

“That may be, however we require your attention,” The human turned around and walked towards the thrones until he was near the foot of the stairs that led to the sisters that sat above. Celestia looked to Captain Shining and said, “You are dismissed, Captain.”

The unicorn guard gaped at his superior, “Your Majesty, I have to protest! That being—”

“Has proven that he has no ill intent nor intends to inflicting harm to either of us and he has already apologized to attacking your fellow guards, Captain Shining. And this is an informal and impromptu meeting, I think that means he can be trusted without having to remain under watch by the entirety of the Royal Guards.” Shining Armor glared at the human before giving a grudging huff and marched off, making Celestia sigh as he closed the door behind him, “Now. I do not think I have been told your name, human.”

The man looked back and replied, “Because we haven’t, and we still haven’t figured a name to give.”

Luna frowned and scoffed at the human, “Doth thou mean to say ye were born with no name? We find such statements highly unlikely and we refuse to believe claims to such in the slightest.”

“That maybe so for many inhabitants of this world, but we are a much different from the many. What we say is the truth.”

Luna didn’t seem to agree to his statements, but Celestia cut her off, “Regardless, we do need a name from you, as we cannot simply refer you as ‘human’ and it is impolite to refer one by their race.”

The human merely laughed, “And regardless whether it is impolite or not, we still do not have a name we can agree to use. Perhaps we might find one once you tell us what this ‘solution’ we heard,” Both mares jumped in shock at the mention, “Really? You’re surprised that someone sitting behind you could overhear most of what you’ve said?”

Celestia looked sheepish at her mistake before she asked, “T-Then what do you think?

“Well first, we’d like to hear what this is. What’s the point of asking for compliance if one doesn’t know what they’re complying to?”

That question struck Celestia dumb, as it was a rather profound statement. She had considered letting the human know at a different time, along with the decision. However, now that the human proved privy to what she suggested to Luna, there wasn’t much else but to tell the human.

Except ... .

“Luna, come with me for a second.” Luna looked between the human and Celestia before following her through a side door and into a room that was magically enhanced so as they could discuss without any eavesdropping.

When Celestia closed the door Luna asked, “Dearest sister, what doth be on thy mind? Why didst thou seem so adamant on not making that human give his name? And why, dearest sister art thou dancing with secrets again?”

Celestia looked at her sister squarely across her muzzle and said, “It is because I do not even know if what I think could work ... . Do you remember the Trasfogromorph Spell?”

It took little to no time for Luna to realize what Celestia was suggesting. Luna looked to her elder sister and whispered, “Sister. Art thou surest we should use such a spell? We knoweth to which spell ye refereth to and hath thou forgotten how long it has been last cast? And by whom? Perhaps an illusionary spell—”

Celestia shook her head, “No Luna. We both know that Yaks can sense illusion magic being used and the Griffons are currently so paranoid that the last meeting had their guards search and scour this castle to make sure nothing was out of place or a threat. And if what the Minotaur Avatar told me was accurate, both Griffons and Minotaurs would smell this human’s presence, even if he had been hidden or under an illusion, they’d be able to know. And I dare not test if they truly know his scent.”

Luna tried to think of an argument that didn’t mean to use the spell that Celestia had thought about, however she could come up with nothing. In the end, Celestia pleaded, “Please, Luna? I cannot do this alone.”

It costed Luna dearly when she dared to take a look at Celestia and see her expression. Luna knew full well what Celestia was doing, yet that devastated, pleading look from her was often enough to convince even their mother, “Confound it all, dearest sister. Try us not with yond visage against us!”

Unfortunately, that only convinced Celestia to keep doing it. This time she began getting tears in her eyes, her ears going limp and wings unfurling onto the ground.

That was enough to make Luna almost yell, “Sister, thou art silver-tongued in thy expressions as thou art in words! Enough of thy begging!”

Celestia’s expression immediately changed to a happy look, “So you will aid me in this?”

Luna stared at her sister with a hard expression before giving a deep sigh and moved her head to look down before answering with a dull, “Yes.”

Celestia gave a small jump with an overjoyed expression and hugged her sister.

After letting the happy solar princess have her moment, Luna placed a hoof on her chest and said, “But thou doth owe us a favor for our assistance, give us thy word of honor at least.”

Celestia didn’t give a second thought about it and nodded, “I give you my word, Lulu.” And with that, she turned around and exited the private room.

Luna looked on with a half-hearted irritated huff as she watched her sister go. Though she still held reservations regarding the human, unable to shake the suspicion that he either had something nefarious planned or was in the process of planning some dastardly scheme, she couldn’t help but smile to herself seeing Celestia looking as happy as she loved to remember. Even if it came from somepony who was set in stone and remained so for most of both their lives, the being still brought a happiness to Celestia that made Luna jealous of him as it took effort for her to replicate something similar.

She was still determined to repent for the harm and damage caused by her fall and transformation into that dastardly mare Nightmare Moon and redeem herself in the eyes of Equestria and that of her sister, her sister’s happiness held a greater providence. If the human preys on Celestia’s happiness and then leaves her heartbroken, Luna decided as she followed her sister out the door, then there would be nothing to stop her from enacting revenge against him, even if Celestia tried to stop her and if it meant her own life.

If it came down to that, then it was nothing less than she felt that she deserved.

Luna rejoined Celestia, who was sitting on her respective throne just in time to hear Celestia say, “We’ve decided and have reached an accord.”

For some reason and unknown to both Luna and the human, something was making Celestia pause, as if what she said had some dreadful finality.

The human blinked once and furrowed his brow in confusion and pressed Celestia for more information, “Yes?”

Celestia jerked a little before realizing that she had paused, “W-Well, we’ve decided that with regards to your unique situation, should you agree to this, we can cast a spell so as to allow you to interact with the Equestrian populace at an easier pace, namely by taking the form of a pony.”

The human merely blinked before asking, “And why can we not remain as we are? Surely your civilians and military can tolerate our current form … . Unless your subjects happen to be far more xenophobic than you appear? We see no other reason why retaining human incarnation would not be tolerated otherwise.”

“My subjects are not xenophobic ... not in this kingdom,” Celestia protested, ’Mostly ... .‘ her mind also protested, however she did not say it outloud as she continued to say, “However there are some who do share that attitude toward certain myths and legends, as well as toward the actual races described within those myths and legends. Some of them are more violently opinionated against humanity. And most unfortunately, there are a few of those races who live in neighboring kingdoms and allied to us, but because of their xenophobia toward humans, they would be more than willing to conveniently forget treaties and alliances in order to destroy the humans whom they fear and hate.”

The human gave a small ‘click’ with his tongue without opening mouth and moved his hands to his hips, “Such as? And another thing we do need to ask; how is it that Humanity has been learned of?” Both mares gave him confused looks as the human waited for a response before continuing, “The last we checked, all traces and presences of our kind, besides us of course, was ordered to be wiped out completely, leaving nothing to indicate that humanity had once walked upon this Earth, not even the dust should recognize a human’s presence.”

This seemed to startle and trouble the two alicorns, “Who wouldst give such a terrible order?” Luna demanded. Ordering such extinction was terrible as it is, but to order all traces of an entire race to be annihilated?! Celestia felt incredibly disturbed that somepony would want to erase the very existence of an entire race, regardless of reasons or decisions.

“Our Lord did.” The human responded, as if nothing was wrong with the prospect that someone ordered genocide on a planetary scale and mostly accomplished it, “There wasn’t much left of our kind in the first place, when His order was given. Earth was much like a ghost town as far as humanity’s presence upon it was concerned. Though our Lord had planned for it to be a prosperous land for our kind, circumstances and happenings done by humanity prevented such as they were more concerned in running themselves into the ground. As far as one could have been concerned and from what we now see, the best option one could do at that time was destroy what was there and reuse the remnants for the land you see now. While it pained Him doing so, we didn’t and couldn’t argue against it.”

This only seemed to trouble and disturb the mares even more instead of calming them. Luna’s troubled expression led her to look at the human in sympathy, while Celestia tried to return to the topic at hand … . ‘Hoof’, the human guessed, “A- Anyway, the Minotaur Tribes holds a deep-seated hatred of humans, and some of the Griffons and Yaks of their own separate territories do not hold any positive views regarding bipedal races, and they traverse through us frequently enough, both here in Canterlot, as well as other cities and towns within the Kingdom of Equestria that letting you walk freely and in view of them would prove hazardous not only to your health, but could possibly endanger the citizens of Equestria, should it be known that Equestria harbored a human amongst their midst.”

The human paused and stroked his chin, as his eyes became unfocused as he had a moment of introspection for a few moments. Then he tilted his head, “Do we have a decision on which race we would become? Or does the decision come from you?”

Celestia shook her head, “I’m afraid neither of us can influence the spell. The magic within chooses for itself.”

“Then may we request a week to decide? Many of us hold a stubborn defense for or against your offer, and we require a week to properly arrive at a decision, as your ‘introduction’ to your kingdom hasn’t completely sunk in yet. Also, what we’ve learned down in our sanctuary regarding our ... . personal situation has grown a little complex than we originally believed, therefore it is difficult to decide at the moment.” The human spoke up, causing the Royal Sisters to raise an eyebrow.

However, despite Celestia holding many a questions, as it was obvious that he wouldn’t answer and would likely respond negatively if she pressed him, so she didn’t press the issue, “O-Of course. Although I can only give you so much time, rumors and gossip often escapes this Castle, regardless of how well our guards try to discourage both staff and visitors from being indiscrete regarding the things which we would rather our public not be aware of.”

The human nodded his satisfaction, however he shifted his standing position slightly and asked, “Our question still hasn’t been answered, Princess. How is it that Humanity is known to the Minotaurs, let alone anyone? When purges are made, they are meant to be thorough and leave nothing behind. So where has our species ‘mythologies’ come from?” He had punctuated his last question with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.

Celestia blinked at the hidden aggression behind the questions, but she calmed herself and stated evenly, “Though we are familiar with the myths, we’re afraid we do not know the entire story behind how the Minotaur Tribes have either created or conjured them. The best to our knowledge is that they had drawn these from the ancient Geckos and created their own from them. If you wish, we may send a request of translated Minotaur mythologies, though it may take at most a month or more for such request to be delivered and approved.”

The human relaxed his expression and replied, “We are willing to wait. We are simply worried that by knowing there is human mythology makes us concerned if there are more that had survived the events that led to now ... . We believe we have asked enough for now, as it has only been a day since our awakening, and there is still all ... .” He paused and gave a slow wave of his hand around him for emphasis, “All this to process.”

Celestia smiled comfortingly and nodded, “I am more than willing to help you with this,” She turned her head and nodded to the stallion and mares who were posted by the entrances and windows of the throne room, “Guards? Please show our guest to his new quarters.” Celestia said to the human just as he began to turn, “But before you go, will you be joining us for dinner?”

The human paused as he pondered over her inquiry. Normally, food was little more but simple pleasure in their long existence. They wouldn’t bother unless they simply felt like eating.

Then again, they had been recently aroused from their deep slumber, some food might actually be nice. The deer may have been a good hot food, but if royalty was offering possibly better food, why refuse?

Deciding to indulge in the pleasure of a tasty meal, as well as taking an opportunity to further his knowledge and understanding about this world and the two rulers before him, the human looked back and nodded, “We suppose we could.”

Celestia gave a happy smile and stated, “The guards will show you where the dining room is, then.” After he returned her smile with his own, she placed a hoof over her chest and said, “J-just one more thing? I would like to be the first to welcome you to the new world.”

The human gave a loud chuckle, either because of her greeting or some unknown irony, “Good evening, Princesses.” Having bid the Diarchy farewell, he followed his assigned guard out the throne room and disappeared from the view of the princesses as the door shut behind him.

Celestia held her smile until the throne room doors banged shut before her expression morphed into a far more somber one and she shuddered in nervous relief.

Things were going well. Too well in her opinion. While the human had appeared to be compliant and was reasonably engaged with them, She had observed how he would frequently fall silent and either intensely observe his surroundings or pay an inordinate amount of attention to her sister and herself whenever they conversed with him and his silence seemed to indicate that he knew more than he said.

Had she not known the Warrior to be a statue since her fillyhood, she would have believed that he was a close member of the Zebraic Druids, whom often danced in and out of history and legend telling the heroes and villains of that age either words of wisdom or doom and were kept as free roaming advisors or sages with the ruling figureheads.

Luna was quick to voice a similar opinion, “Doth thou not agree that the events of recent transpiration hath proceeded far better than thou believes it ought?” She stared at the door where the human disappeared to as if she expected him to burst through it and behave … however humans might behave in that situation.

When Luna chanced a look at Celestia, her sister gave a nod of accord and said, “All we can do now is just pray that things stay as peaceful as they have been.” She blinked when a flash of green fire appeared and out of the fire was a scroll with her student’s Cutie Mark tied to it. She levitated it over to her and unrolled the scroll, remembering her student’s ‘assignment’ on Friendship Reports.

Dearest Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that it’s hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who’s not so nice. Though it’s impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who’s true will surely come to light.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia gave a loud, exasperated sigh and lowered her head, nearly losing her crown from dropping. It caused Luna to raise an eyebrow before levitating the scroll to read it for herself.

“Thy student possesses the oddest sense of timed advice, sister,” Luna remarked, giving back the scroll to Celestia, “However, we suppose thy student’s lessons speak for themselves in this.” She looked out the windows on the opposite side of the throne room and stated, “We must tend to our celestial duty this eve, we shalt return unto thee by supper.” She got up from her seat and after earning a “See you soon” from her sister, moved down and out the opposite door where the human had left, leaving Celestia alone with only two guards and the scroll from her student.

Luna’s mind drifted from thinking about the human and instead pondering over what Twilight Sparkle wrote and the rather unusual timing it came on. It was far too coincidental that her scroll would contain the exact lesson she learned that could be applied in this delicate and most unusual situation.

’And,’ Luna idly thought as she approached a nearby balcony and stepped out to move both sun and moon, ’This hath happened once before now, and the unicorn Twilight Sparkle hath made a ‘report’ of her’s that specified the situation involved between our dearest sister and ourself. This cannot be dismissed out of hoof.’

With that thought came an underhoofed plan. It made Luna pause and frown as she knew that it would go against what Celestia wanted and she was overstretching her authority, regardless that she was the co-ruler of Equestria and that she was Celestia’s sister.

Yet despite the cost incurred and problems which might be raised after its execution, it seemed like a reasonable idea. Given the situation, her risk might pay off.

Mustering her courage, Luna teleported to her room and trotted over to her dresser, where her parchment and ink lie and began to scratch and scrawl on it, occasionally crossing out a few words and giving dark mutters every time.

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“Here is your suite, sir.” The Earth Pony guard stated, holding a door open for the human to enter through. He stared directly at the human in a professional air that disguised his unease which he felt at being near the tall being.

The human nodded and walked in and observed his suite. The room itself seemed something akin to a fanciful hotel, albeit in a rather modern decor. The floor was a checkered purple and light-blue ceramic tile, with the occasional circular rugs detailing either a moon or a sun in various sizes. A banner depicting a happy pony underneath a sun and moon was placed near a pair of tall windows that was almost as tall as the wall they were placed in.

The dresser and nightstand were of a parody of a Victorian-era furniture, the wood was made of sanded oak and stained in a dark mahogany and had been placed nearby the bed, which possessed a cutesy Valentine’s Day canopy bed with small, black hearts atop of the four bed posts.

The rest of the room was spacious, showing an openness that allowed those who stayed in such a room could decorate at their leisure and to their sense of aesthetics.

The human stared at the bed and raised an amused eyebrow. He turned to the guard who remained at attention within the room and asked, “Did the Princesses intend to select something more fitting between couples? While it certainly suits it’s intention, if a bit cheesy, it isn’t exactly as we would hope for a guest bedroom.”

The guard didn’t appear anything but stoic, but still replied, “The Princesses deeply apologizes for the confusion, sir. The maids shall be informed and will alter the room to your liking.”

The human waved a hand lightly, “Merely tell them for something that doesn’t look like it belongs in a love hotel, we’re not exceedingly picky. While our lodgings are being modified, we would like to ask where the nearest library is.”

The guard nodded once, “I shall pass your instructions to the castle maids. If you will follow me, sir.” He waited for the human to leave the room before closing the door and escorting him through the hallways, pausing only to notify one of the unicorn maids about the human’s request regarding the interior design of the furniture within his suite before resuming escorting the human toward the castle’s library.

When they reached the library, the guard stepped aside, gesturing with a sweep of his hoof for the human to pass him. Once he had, he maintained a yard of distance between the human and himself, scanning adjacent aisles for threats and remained prepared to intervene in the interest of diplomacy should the human encounter hostility by either native, immigrant, or a visiting dignitary or foreign embassy member. The human ignored the guard’s vigilance and roamed around the library, looking at both the books and the whimsical architecture that seemed to simply dominate the castle.

He strode to the nearest bookshelf and looked at several of the titles, occasionally thumbing one or two. The human picked a book out in random and opened it to read.

Not two seconds later, he gave an audible and heavy sigh, as if he had made an important and most disturbing discovery that could change the fates of the entire planet.

The Royal Librarian, who had been previously informed by a gossiping maid about the giant guest, heard him and trotted forwards, nervous about the being, “I-is there a-a, uh problem, s-sir?”

The human didn’t blink as he turned and replied, “Indeed, there is a problem. In fact it is something so incredibly important that your Princesses ought to be informed of this immediately.”

The librarian stared at the human and paled slightly at his dead serious look. She recognized the look from both the Princesses and from Princess Celestia’s protégé and asked, “And what should they be told, sir?”

The human blinked and his expression darkened and looked as if he had made a doomsday discovery, he lifted the recently opened book, and said with the utmost severity, "We can’t read.”

The guard nearly broke his stoic composure but managed to compose himself aside an initial burst of snorting.
The unicorn stared at the human who kept his dead serious expression in the meanwhile, appeared unsure whether to take him seriously or not, “C-can’t read, sir?”

The man nodded, “We can’t read your written language. Would you mind letting your Princesses know about this?”

“There’s no need to send anypony to tell me this, human.” The two turned to see Celestia herself walking into the library, with two Royal Guards flanking on both sides of her flank, “I hope the accommodations were to your liking?” she asked, looking directly at the human while the librarian bowed.

The human gave a shrug, his expression turning a full one-eighty from serious to amusement, “It’s satisfactory, however it seems you’ve given us the romantic couples room if the bedding were any indication.”

Celestia blinked before giving a small giggle, “My apologies. I had been hearing and seeing much of my Captain had been spending a lot of time with my adopted niece, Princess Cadance. The thought of them as a couple must have affected my decision in giving you the room.”

He chuckled in response, “That would certainly do it, then. Regardless, this guard here notified a maid and the room will be refitted without the rosy decorations. Though,” He paused as he reshelved the book, “What’s this about another princess? Is she another ruler of another country, perhaps a state since you refer her as an adopted part of your family?”

The mare nodded as she trotted over to a nearby couch for her to sit upon, “Cadence, or rather Princess Mi Amore Cadenz-”

Her eyes widened in startled surprise when the man’s composure suddenly broke and he burst out laughing, his laughter echoing throughout the library and into the hallways as the human struggled to compose himself. He coughed several times before managing to wheeze out a “We apologize.” The librarian scowled at the loud disturbance of the pervasive atmosphere of quietude suffusing the interior of the library, but bit her lip before she scolded the human in front of her princess.

When the laughing subsided into small giggles, he looked at Celestia who looked as if some disrespectful wastrel had spit in her face and began to explain, “We deeply ap-hah-ologize, Princess. The name that you say belongs to your adopted niece is familiar to us in one of many human languages. Although, given our observations of the penchance of ponies to employ verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns within your names. You, Celestia with your mastery over the sun and your sister Luna, commanding the moon. Would we be correct in guessing that your niece, this Princess Cadance has some kind of talent or skill with regards to love?”

Celestia blinked, her expression not changed before she shook her head and replied, “Y-yes. How did you come to such conclusion?”

The human gave a subsiding chuckle before he was able to keep his laughter completely contained, “It’s because the full name comes from one of our many languages and your niece’s name translates exactly as ‘My Love Cadance’. It can be considered a sappy way of endearment toward someone depending on how one says it. And when you previously mentioned your captain being her paramour and then you giving me a room that was decorated for … romantic engagements.” He paused and waited for the mare’s reaction.
It took Celestia little time to realize what the human meant and she began giggling almost uncontrollably, which caused the human to join in her laughter.


Meanwhile, Princess Cadance and a still stewing Captain Shining were together in the middle of the Canterlot Castle’s hedge maze. They had taken shelter there because it was both quiet and private, allowing the pink alicorn to sooth her coltfriend’s sour mood before her ears suddenly perked up and she turned her head up to look at the main part of the castle.

Shining noticed her sudden silence and asked, “What is it, Caddy?”

She shook her head and frowned, somehow feeling upset, “I don’t know, Shiny. But I feel as if somepony is making fun of me.”

Shining Armor chuckled and nuzzled his special somepony, “I’ll be sure to find who and get them to apologize to you.”


After the human and sun princess had finished laughing, the man turned serious and said, “However, we can’t say we didn’t anticipate that we might not be able to read your writing. After all, we’ve been asleep for over countless eons by our guess.”

Celestia tilted her head to the left and replied, “I can understand your need, and I can readily apply you for primer classes and other necessary educational classes necessary in order to integrate you into our society, unless you plan to travel outside of Equestria?”

The human gave some thought, causing his eye color to become that mesmerizing spiral of color before returning to his pale green. He turned to the large window that overlooked the whole of Canterlot as well as the expansive land below. The human stared out the window for a moment before he admitted, “We had planned on staying, but we do intend to travel abroad, outside of your kingdom.”

He walked towards it, placing a hand on the waist-high railing and looked out before continuing, “The world has changed for us, Celestia. Incredibly so since we last walked upon it, much less the last memory of it before we fell asleep. And we plan on updating our understanding of how this world has changed since.”

Celestia looked downcast, her ears flopping down, as if she was just told he was leaving that instant before he turned around and leaned against the railing with his waist on it lightly, “But, we do need to stay here for quite a while, and we are in no great hurry. We have all of the time in the world, and it’s not going to disappear on us if we decide to take a leisurely approach at learning about this world.”

Celestia’s mood brightened a bit and her ears perked up. However, she couldn’t help but note how he said that he ‘needed’ to stay in Equestria. She planned on asking him for further information regarding his unusual word choice, however there was still the matter of teaching him, “I take it you agree on my idea, then?”

The human nodded his assent. “We feel that we ought to warn you that we are a quick learner, so it shouldn’t take too much time to teach us the ABC’s of your ... Equestrian language?” He gave Celestia a searching look to ensure he had properly identified the name of their language. His reliance upon her to ensure that he was understanding the information regarding this new culture in which he suddenly found himself earned him a small nod whereby confirming that he guessed correctly. “Then when shall we be given access unto a teacher and when will that teacher be available unto us?”

Celestia tapped a hoof against the tile floor and admitted, “In honesty, we currently only have one available in Canterlot and he’s currently responsible for helping Luna. As you can tell from the way she speaks, she’s trying to modernize her language as it’s become a habit for her to speak in archaic Equish,”

The human raised an eyebrow and his eyes once again churned and swirled, but he did not ask nor press the issue as Celestia continued, “You may have to share with my sister during these lessons, as it will take too long for another teacher to arrive. Perhaps somepony who struggles alongside her with our written language may give her the push she needs to apply it and overcome her habit.”

The man gave a considering hum before agreeing, “And the time she takes her lessons?”

Celestia checked the large hourglass that dominated the center of the library and stood only just a little to the human’s left. “She should be having lessons soon after our dinner, which we should be heading to now. Would that be okay with you?”

The human nodded as she turned and began walking away, “We find ourselves amenable to this arrangement. The sooner we can read and write your native tongue the better, as there is much we wish to accomplish during our stay within your borders. As we’ve said before, the world has changed since we last walked upon its surface and we desire to see and understand in what ways this world has changed since we last walked upon it.” He then followed after her, the escorting guard quickly falling into formation with the other guards and walked behind them.

As they walked down toward the dining hall, Celestia couldn’t help but ask, “What was it like? Before ... . your ‘lord’... .”

The human was quick to pick up her question, “Before our Lord cleaned house? For one thing, eventful. You had to go out of your way and put effort into getting peace and quiet. Even then, the peace between us humans never lasted long as life demanded much from you.”

Celestia gave a small frown at how easily the human again mentioned his own species’ extinction, but didn’t linger as she said, “It is similar to the everyday life of my subjects, then?”

“In one way. There’s been times when the name “Human Race” was taken literally, a description of everyone scrambling over each other and clawing each other to pieces for something either useless, pointless, or what never lasted longer than their lives.”

The two continued in silence before Celestia’s curiosity overpowered the somber aftertaste left from her previous question, “Was there anything good throughout those ‘events’?”

The human gave a small chuckle and spread his hands with a shrug, “There’s far too many to truly count. If there is one thing that humans can become incredibly renowned for, it’s their adaptive innovation. Give a man a pile of rocks, and at some point he will created either landmarks, castles, or many other sculptures that either your kind or ours would have recognized before finally stopping on making a statue of an erect phallus, balls and all. After that, he’ll either kick it down or leave it there to go and do something else.”

While Celestia didn’t seem amused at the last bit of his example, one guard gave a crooked grin at the vulgar humor. She gave a glance to the guard in question, who was quick to mask his amused expression before she asked again, “Is there any that would be worth to note?”

He again gave a shrug, “As we’ve said, there’s far too many. First and foremost was that magic did not exist,” That little revelation caused the alicorn to freeze on the spot and gape at the human.

“N-There was no magic during your race’s time?” Celestia asked tentatively as the human registered her sudden stop and turned to wait for her to continued walking alongside him.

He nodded, “Magic was more or less simple superstition or simple party tricks. There was a time when Humanity did believe in magic, but they began hunting and executing those who either claimed or was named “witches” or humans who practiced magic. Sadly, their ways of finding out and discovering the difference between a normal human being and an actual witch was horrendously inadequate. The most common rule was if they died, they weren’t “witches” after all. Which was exactly as everyone continued to find out on every accused ‘witch’ they found.”

“Th-That is completely barbaric!” She protested in horror, “Wantonly killing the accused doesn’t help anypony in the least!”

“Exactly, those ‘witch huntings’ were little more but humans reacting in fear. You could even be rid of a political rival just by yelling at the top of your lungs who was a witch and you would never be challenged about it until after their deaths, in which case those who falsely claimed were considered like witches as well. In our honest opinion, that was an age similar to pruning a fruit tree of dead branches and rotten fruit. A few missed cuts here and there, but mostly kept the Human Race a little cleaner and healthier than before.”

She was first disturbed at his casual dismissal of his own species’ extinction, but to consider and compare mass murders based on nothing but false claims to pruning a fruit tree?

The human continued, “However, we stray from the topic you first asked. Without magic, we developed technology for everything. In fact it’s what led our species to reach the stars and land on the moon itself.” He heard two gasps and turned around to see the unmasked and dumbfounded faces of both the escorting guard and Celestia.

The alicorn was the first to speak up, “L-land on the moon? Your kind had developed so far, as to reach the moon itself?”

“Hah! If humans landed on the moon, then my mother was a jenny!” one of the Royal Guards mocked and chuckled at this stranger’s outrageous claims of his species accomplishments.

Celestia covered her mouth with a forehoof and giggled in amusement at this human outrageous claims. “I didn’t know that humans had such a sense of humor. I’m rather pleasantly surprised.”

The human chuckled at the ponies separate reactions, “Then your mother truly was a jenny and you, yourself, are a mule, for we were not joking.” The guard responded with a sullen glare while the human continued, “One man alone may not appear threatening, nor would he appear to do much on his own, and occasionally this may be true, but when he finds the will to accomplish a task, whether it is to build an empire, fly to the moon, or make the deserts flourish, then we are more than capable of accomplishing goals and tasks that you would consider impossible to do. If something can be conceived in the mind, then man can and will strive to bring that thought and manifest it into reality, even at the discouragement of his peers. Even among our own people, we’ve surprised ourselves with what humanity can accomplish when we worked together to achieve a goal. There were many things our Lord did right with humanity, one of them is how to create and construct.”

While the guards didn’t seem convinced, Celestia idly commented, “You speak much like an old friend of mine who saw the same way ponies could achieve greater success by joining their tribe’s magic together. In fact, he was responsible for helping Equestria come together.”

The human gave a small, mysterious smile, “Regardless, we did reach the moon. And previously we had eyes on the stars themselves,” He looked out a nearby window that was passing by and took note of the fading sun and the rising moon, “We’ve made stories about traveling through the vast empty space, colonizing or discovering all that there was in the universe around us.” He gave a small frown that Celestia looked at with concern. As it passed by he said slowly, “Sadly, that tale and fantasy is not likely to happen, in fact it’s a constant question for us, if mankind ever would have expanded to the farthest reaches of the universe had they not fallen so far.”

Celestia gave a small nudge with her side to his waist in sincere sympathy, “I’m sorry.”

The human gave a sigh and continued to walk on, accepting her sympathy by giving a small pat with his hand on her neck. After a few moments of silence, he replied, “Still, life goes on, and we are here and now, not in the days of old. There’s little point to mourn too much of the past when there is much to be done in the present. Now, about your offer for dinner?”

Celestia gave a nod as they turned a corner and arrived at the dining hall of Canterlot. The guards moved ahead of the two before opening the doors and revealing to the human what would consist of tonight’s feast.

The first reaction to seeing the dining hall was ... . Anticlimactic, really.

As his first thought would have been the fantasia dining halls that had impossibly long tables that reached over almost fifty yards and every inch of it laden heavily with food far beyond anyone’s arm reach and a hallway that was more fitting as a ballroom rather than a place for royalty to sit and dine. But instead while the hall was indeed spacious and decorated well enough to pass as a ballroom, the table was a seven yard long table with food placed sparsely and within reach of the two chairs at either ends of the table.

When seeing no other chair, he turned to give a curious look at the alicorn mare and asked, “And where are we to sit, seeing as you and your sister would sit at opposite ends?”

Celestia gave an amused huff before lighting her horn and casting a spell that summoned a chair appropriately his size. She levitated the three chairs and moved them closer to the buffet table so as the two princesses could sit adjacent to each other while the human would sit across from them.

She gave a small smug look to her fillyhood ‘friend’ before trotting over to her appropriate chair and awaited for him to join her.

Not shortly after he followed and seated himself did the door behind him open and reveal a smiling Princess Luna. Her expression didn’t falter at seeing the human or the seating arrangement her sister had decided upon and greeted, “Good eve, sister and human! We hath been informed of thy intention to acquire the modern tongue just as we art soothly attempting to learn how our native language hath altered since our exile.”

She ignored her sister’s flat stare and the intrigued look the human had as she came over to sit by her eldest.

’She scolds me of talking too familiarly with the human and yet she wantonly informs him of her exile!’ Celestia sighed long-sufferingly and addressed her sister, “Luna, you’re slipping into the archaic tongue again.”

Luna playfully stuck her tongue out at her big sister and replied, “Mayhaps we ought to decree that our subjects ought to learn to speak the proper tongue, rather than this mangled wretched tongue which they utter in this current age!” She lifted up her forehoof skyward, and even Celestia could not tell whether Luna was joking or was serious about making such a royal proclamation.

Celestia risked a glance at the human, who merely watched the sisters’ exchange with amusement.

She looked back with little consideration and argued, “Luna, even if we declared such a decree, think of the time it would take all of our subjects to learn the archaic tongue again, and that isn’t even considering how that would reduce efficiency and production all over our kingdom, nor the budget such a massive undertaking would require, nor the logistical issues regarding the staffing of qualified teachers and tutors such a program which you propose would likely entail. No, it is easier for you to learn, as your proposal merely shunts the lessons from you.”

Luna gave her big sister a dour look, “We still far prefer our proposal, than having to be subjected to this cruel and unusual punishment which we suffer in attempting to learn Modern Equestrian! Why should we have to change? We art the Princess of the Night and Equestria’s princess! It is our subject who ought to change for our pleasure, not the other way around! It is their fault we even ended up on the moon in the first place!”

Said Princess of the Night’s sister scoffed and retorted, “You know full well that is not how Mother and Father taught us, Lulu! Regardless that we are Equestria’s Princesses and we are to lead our subjects, that does not give us the privilege and permission to change what we wish for our personal comfort! Remember that they led by example, and they served their subjects and managed the lands over which they ruled,” Celestia’s expression changed to a smug smile as she closed her eyes and recited, “A good ruler of any land serves the people over which he or she rules over. A tyrant does not care about servitude.”

“Uugh! Sister, thou art truly Mother’s daughter!” Luna groaned at her eldest sister, which caused Celestia to twitch in annoyance, “Thou complain upon serving for our subjects pleasure rather than regarding thy own! Evenst our Father complained how lonely he hast been every night and morn and not once hath we heard thy voice cry in passion since!” Luna waved her hooves, “Thy dreams haven’t even held a single act of debauchery! Thy dreams, sister!”

Celestia blushed heavily and covered her muzzle as her sister spoke of the secrets best kept to the dark from whence they came. Her action didn’t fully prevent the human from seeing Celestia’s blush nor her embarrassment. “Luna! That’s n-naughty talk! Please d-don’t speak in front of others so l-lecherously!”

Luna simply gave a sly grin at her sister, “Tis our home, we speak as we deem fit!”

Celestia’s blush faded a little as her mind thought of a retort, “If that is how you wish to speak in front of guests, then perhaps I should return the favor!”

Luna gave her sister an arch look before giving an amused and mocking laugh at whatever ‘revenge’ her sister could possibly conceive! “Thou!? Ha! Goody four shoes ‘Tia? What could thou possibly ‘return the favor’ with?”

Celestia’s expression took in a half-hearted wicked look, “Perhaps your romantic relationships? Since when have you gotten close to a stallion outside your own guard? Not to mention the constant calls of ‘laundry’ we hear from the maids even now! And did you truly think you could hide from me those ‘mysterious’ gifts in the form of boxes and ‘wrapping’ and tell me they were ‘late birthday presents’! I at least had a stallion between my hooves in the evenings!”

Luna’s already dark coat failed to mask the blush which darkened her cheeks, nor the look of embarrassment which settled upon her visage, as her big sister ‘aired her dirty laundry’ as it were while the human remained silently in their presence. “‘Tia!” Luna whined, her ears flattened against the top of her head as she wrinkled her muzzle at her sister, displaying her distaste at what her sister had done. “T’was a low blow, sister mine! We thought ye incapable o’ such treachery!”

Celestia kept her grin, “Perhaps you should have thought better than to speak such lecherous words!”

“At least the stallions find us desirable enough to enjoy and remain in our company!” Luna retorted, glaring at her big sister, upset at the munition which her sister had used against her. “Doth thine subjects still revere thee as some celibate deity? A deity for the virgins all across the face of Equus? How does it feel, knowing that no stallion found thou desirable enough to pursue thee? That no stallion sought to enjoy thine company a’ter thine duties unto thine subjects had ended and ye enjoyed what little time ye had before ye retired to an empty and lonely bed, and knowing that the ‘morrow would be the same as today!?”

Celestia felt both hurt and angry at how Luna returned fire at her and was about to give another scathing remark about Luna’s ‘night life’ when the door behind the human opened loudly, revealing that the human had been present during the entire exchange and that the chefs had arrived to deliver dinner.

Both mares immediately turned to face the human with wide smiles and equally deep embarrassed blushes while the human had kept an amused expression with two of his knuckles resting against his temple. His other hand was held at his spasming torso as he attempted to quell the sound of his mirth from escaping past his lips. This was the best entertainment he had had in eons!

“What interesting topics siblings discuss and argue about,” The human commented, barely containing his mirth as the chefs placed silver platters consisting of a wide variety of food.

Celestia looked away as her blush seemed the more brighter against her white coat. “F-Forget what you have heard, just now, human. Speak nothing of which has transpired to another living soul!” she besought, secretly hoping that this embarrassment would never pass beyond the three currently present.

Luna looked as if she would rather die in that instant rather than suffer another moment of the embarrassment, “O-Our sister speaks highest wisdom, human.” Her voice had hit a high pitch as she couldn’t gain the strength to look away.

This broke the human’s attempts at containing his laughter and the sound of his mirth resounded throughout the dining chamber and even past the windows and down the halls of the room and passageways leading to and from the royal dining hall.

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“Please, Princess Luna, you must relax,” the tutor, an overly fussy unicorn by the name of Luminescent Scrolls, instructed to the alicorn mare, who grinded her teeth at her given work, “Frustration will only make learning more difficult, your highness.”

Luna gave a dark glare at her tutor and muttered to herself as she looked back at the book, a rather large cup of strong tea sat nearby the steaming princess, half drunk already.

The human sat a little further from her and was calmly peering at the strange writings that these ponies had for their written language. “Hmm, perhaps if there were a phonetic translation key, this might have gone faster.” the human murmured, and then glanced in the direction of the language primer’s which the tutor had brought with her.

“This ... is ... B ... Bell?” Luna struggled to say in the way her tutor instructed, in which Scroll’s nod confirmed it. “She ... is ... a ... pegasus.” While the man had the same book, it was obvious that the given sentence Luna had just recited was easier thanks due to the accompanying picture above.

“Watch her ... play with ... her doll.” Luna continued, this time showing a small bit of progress, “She ... . Oh for father’s sake, this is folly and exceeding grievous unto Us!!” She yelled and slammed the book shut, using her magic to throw the book against the wall she was facing toward as her frustration got the better of her, “We hath aged over a millennia, how can we hath such trouble and toil with a book meant to teach foals to read!”

Luminescent Scrolls began to grin as her passion for lexicology overtook her and she swiftly trotted over to her bulging saddlebags and began to extract thick tomes regarding language and its non-static nature. “I’m glad you asked that, Princess! You see, the wonderful thing about language is that it will change as the culture and environment changes. Now to give you …” Luminescent Scroll proceeded to lecture Luna regarding her query regarding why she was having such trouble with learning to read the modern Equestrian language.

Luna groaned and drank the rest of her tea as she suffered under the verbose lecture from the unicorn and began to tune her out for a little peace of mind. After listening to Luminescent as she droned on, getting even deeper into the science of lexicology, she’d take any peace of mind she could get!

She looked over at her classmate who appeared to actually be listening as Luminescent continued further and further into her dissertation regarding lexicology! He was even asking questions which only sent the unicorn tutor down additional rabbit trails as she provided answers to the questions he had asked.

Luna nearly dozed off from tuning out the noise before her nose was suddenly assaulted by a sharp smell. She gave a loud exclaim and reared as she returned to reality to find her tutor watching and waiting for her while the human had moved her empty tea cup to where her nose had been.

“I do hope you realize it is awfully rude to fall asleep when I am trying to not only teach you, but to answer your question,” Luminescent huffed, looking away from the night princess and using her magic to adjust the spectacles she wore.

“Perhaps if thou couldst refrain from droning,” Luna muttered as her tossed book was returned to her hooves and re-opened to where she had been left off, “We hath suffered such thrice before our banishment.” The unicorn mare sighed at the princess’ audible murmuring as she let her horn dim from the use of magic.

“We happen to find Miss Scrolls to be delightfully informed and a most excellent teacher. She has answered the questions we’ve asked in quite a bit of detail. Thank you, Miss Scrolls for teaching us and for answering what questions we’ve asked you,” the human genuinely smiled at the unicorn tutor, as he blatantly flattered her.

The mare blushed at the compliment and rubbed one hoof on the back of her neck, “I’ve never had a very experienced linguist under my tutorship in my life, let alone one who understands so much in terms of grammar and the science behind the fluidity of language. I truly enjoy helping you learn the Equestrian written languages and our lexicon.”

Luna scowled at the human as Luminescent enjoyed the humans blatant flattery and getting into her good graces, while she felt as though her language teacher was comparing her with the human, who seemed to be better at this language stuff from his first day while she had struggled with this accursed language for far longer than she would ever care to admit.

“Well, that is all the time we have for this session!” Luminescent announced, appearing to be a mixture of relieved to be finally done with having to deal with a … learning challenged princess and a little regretful at having to depart from the intellectually stimulating company of the human.

The human nodded with a gentle smile, closing his given foals reading book and holding it by his side, “We await for the next session, then.”

Luna watched her language tutor depart and felt the twinge of jealousy pierce her breast. She silently tried to read her language primer, but tears of frustration and embarrassment blurred her vision as her emotions began to take control, rendering the Equestrian type a wavy blur of ink. Her cheeks flushed and her ears flattened against her skull as she swallowed thickly. Her chair scraped back on the floor as she stumbled to her hooves and threw the book on the ground in front of her.

The human turned at the sound of the primer slamming followed by a choked sob and his expression sobered at the sad sight. He asked delicately, “Would you like our help?”

She tried to whisper but instead her words came out in a yell, “Stay thy hoof from us!”

The human blinked at her shout before ignoring her protests and sat beside her, “There is no shame in admitting that you need help. It is better to improve under the instruction of an adept or master who understands how to explain whatever it is you are trying to learn. But we will not help you unless you ask for it.”

Luna looked in the human’s direction through a watery veil of tears, “And how do we know that thou shalt not publish mine embarrassment throughout the streets of Canterlot!? How do we know thy soul doth not revel in perverse pleasure at seeing our tears and frustration!”

The human didn’t even react to her challenges, “The same way we wouldn’t tell the world of both you and your sister’s sexual life, Princess. And we’re not as sadistic as you imply.”

She immediately jabbed a hoof at him, “Swear it. Swear on whatever holds sacred to thee! Swear thou shalt breathe not a word of what thou hath witnessed!” Luna tearfully cried, rubbing the back of her hoof to dry the tears streaming down her face. Though she’d most likely end up washing her face with cool water, in order to remove the evidence of her tears.

He didn’t hesitate in reciting, “By Lord’s holiest name, we would not utter a word of your vulnerability. In all honesty, He wouldn’t have stood for such sadistic pleasure from his servants for even a blink.”

Luna fell silent for several moments, emotions still stewing and her pride demanding otherwise. However, after a silent internal debate, “T-then w-would you help me, human? We truly would rather not suffer further embarrassment before our instructor, nor cause her further frustration.” Luna tremulously asked, her eyes puffy and bloodshot from her tears.

“Of course, Princess Luna.”

Luna opened her primer and sat beside the human, as she stiltedly read from the modern Equestrian primer intended for foals. “W-we art troubled in understanding this word,” Luna confessed, a slight blush of embarrassment upon her cheeks, as she looked away from the human and feeling ashamed.

The human looked over and placed a finger on one of the words, “This letter here, this is the first letter that begins your word. While the spelling is important, it is more important to consider the phonetic sound the letters make, both individually and how it interacts with the other vowels and consonants comprising the word. So then the next letter …” the human began, teaching Luna in a manner that was far more simpler and much more understandable to someone who was struggling to understand the language like she had.

A couple hours had passed and while Luna still had a way to go in gaining mastery of Modern Equish, she was making more progress than she had in her collective time under Luminescent Scrolls’ tutelage. She reared up and wrapped her forehooves over the human’s shoulder, and nuzzling his cheek and face in gratitude and appreciation. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You art a life rescuing flotation device!”

Though the human didn’t understand the meaning behind her nuzzling, he chuckled regardless, “The proper term is lifesaver, Princess,” He gave a louder chuckle when she gave a heated glare, “But you are welcome.”

“If you are not careful, then you might earn a personal trip to the moon, human!” She lit her horn and playfully swatted the human’s rump with her telekinetic magic.

He laughed at her threat, “Princess while we’d love to go and see the moon for ourselves, we’d simply launch ourselves back and cause a crater in your kingdom.” He continued to laugh when Luna stared at him incredulously.

“You would do it too, considering the impossibilities you claim to do.” she deadpanned and dramatically reclined across a couple of chairs. “Alack and woe, art there none to magic this scoundrel into a respectable gentlecolt? Shall we ne’er be rid o’ thine wit?”

“You could kiss us,” He remarked, earning him the sight of Luna bolting straight up, staring at him with wide eyes and blushing profusely.

However she quickly recovered as she realized his game and decided to play along. “Be careful what thou wish for, for I am not Princess of the Night for only raising the moon each night!” she replied, approaching him with a seductive gait, her stride highly exaggerated as her flanks swelled and relaxed as the muscles tightened and loosened as they moved in accordance with her body’s command. She gave him a half-lidded stare and she licked her full, glossed lips.

“And I am not your eldest sister for naught, Luna.” A new voice resounded behind her, nearly making the alicorn’s blood freeze in surprise. She turned around and found Celestia standing there by the open doors with a flat stare.

Luna paused as she calmed down from her sudden surprise and goaded her big sister, “Have you come to rut your paramour, dear sister? Are you sure you just couldn’t resist having the human for yourself and messily kissing him in fervent passion?” Luna rejoined, circling around her sister and used a little of her strength to push her big sister towards the human.

Celestia gave a hot glare at her sister’s teasing before retorting, “At least I can hold myself off whereas you fall for him from a simple language lesson!” She turned to address the human before realizing something off from how her sister spoke. The mare quickly turned around and asked, “Luna? Are you speaking in modern Equestrian?”

“Hmmm, amazing isn’t he? Your precious Warrior was so smart that he was able to do in a short while what the language tutor you hired could not. Perhaps I shall be very ‘good friends’ with your human warrior,” Luna teased as she swayed her hips and approached the human. Once she had drawn near enough, she lifted her forehoof and caressed the human’s cheek. Her head drew closer, as she pursed her full lips, slowly drawing ever closer to kissing the Warrior.

Celestia almost yelled at her sister before recognizing just what Luna was up to, “Honestly sister, your antics are getting worse than what happened during the human’s first dinner. But was she right that you helped her, human? Better than the tutor I had given?”

“Your tutor is most certainly qualified to engage in a discourse regarding lexicology. But we honestly question any claim of her having taught your language to anyone learning even the most basic language building blocks, or even Equish as a second language.”

Luna blinked at the human as he placed a finger on her lips before gently pushing her down. She was mildly surprised for the human to suddenly turn on the compliments he had previously paid lavishingly to the unicorn mare, “She favored extremely technical and complex terminology, not once did she explain about attempting to use phonetics and not learning how the word or words sound, but instead relied upon the pictures in language primers to do a word-image association. We took what she tried to teach and made it much more simpler and easy to understand for someone just beginning to try and learn the language.”

Celestia sighed in both relief for Luna and disappointment in herself, “I am deeply sorry, and incredibly grateful for you to give aid in this. I had thought that Luminescent Scrolls would have helped. Though I was aware of her eccentrics with lexicons, I had thought that because we both went through the same tutelages together you would understand the same things I had learned through her.” Her ears flopped down as she tried to explain herself while Luna moved off of the human and nudged over to her sister, teasings and flirting forgotten.

“Thou art oft busy sister, and thy duty to helping Equestria and all her subjects that there is rarely any time for thee to observe every moment of our attempts to join the current societal terms and expectations. How couldst thou known?” she asked before giving a loving nuzzle.

The human remained silent during the two alicorns exchange, but noted over Luna’s physical interactions with both himself and her sister.

’Perhaps Equestria is a tactile society?’ He asked mentally, sparking theories from the Legions of the Tower of Eternity.

It’s fascinating, their social interactions also seem deeply based upon physical touch, I wonder, one voice pondered, perhaps their social structure is based upon emotions, and treats them as sacred. It would explain how the Princesses would maintain a relative neutral expression during civility yet let themselves be open the moment they have peace and knowledge their ‘impassive’ reputation isn’t tarnished.

Or perhaps social interactions themselves are considered sacred. Take Princess Celestia in example. She’s seemingly referred by her sister as a deity in the eyes of the public, and she has proven a tendency to keep secrets from us. Yet the moment Princess Luna both revealed one particular secret and badgered her into an argument, she threw caution to the wind in the safety of her castle yet forgetting we were there and listened to every word. Another commented.

Their thoughts were broken and their attention returned to the reality around them when they heard Celestia asking them something, “Our apologies, Princess. We were in deep thought, what did you say?”

Celestia gave a small, irritable huff but replied, “I had stated that during the time that I’ve known you in your petrified form and during the time you had been awake and with me, in my eagerness I had forgotten you carried with you a sword and was donned in armor. Yet now that I recall this detail, I do not see you carrying any weapon of any kind and neither do you seem to wear the same armor. Were they merely decorations prior to your comatose?”

Speaking of secrets ... . The human thought as he gave an imperceptible huff. He stood up and tapped his right side with a hand, “No, the sword was real, as was the armor. With the sword, we merely made it less visible whereas with our armor we simply exchanged it to our current attire. It helps when obvious weaponry can cause delicate situations worsen.”

Celestia followed his hand and found a small hilt, about the size of a hoof sticking out of a small sheathe.

Luna looked as well and asked, “Thy sword changes size, then?” She was nudged by her sister for falling back into habit.

The human shook his head, “It’s actually much different and far more complex than that.” He unsheathed a small weapon, revealing it to be a decently sized hunting knife, the blade being half a foot from tip to hilt. He tilted and moved the blade to let the metal glisten a little in the provided light before making a twirling motion, as if it were a longer weapon.

But when the blade passed behind his hand and reappeared, it it’s earlier appearance drastically altered into what was now presented before them.

The alicorn sisters’ eyes went almost as wide as dinner plates when all of a sudden, a yard long blade, completely disproportionate to the hunting knife, appeared out from behind the human’s arm. The grip which had been much smaller before being passed behind the human’s back had, upon its turn in the rotating movement, became a foot long hilt when it had ‘returned’ to their sight.

The mares’ mouths dropped when the human gave a slow, wide swing with the sword in front of him and as the sword passed, his clothes changed into the same armor the mares had seen him in before.

He twirled a third time and hefted it in one hand as if it were light as a stick.

He gave a grinning chuckle as Celestia muttered, “N-no. Impossible. That, that’s not possible ... Not without magic.” Yet the longer she stared the more she realized that a hunting knife and cotton clothes had somehow transformed into a hand-and-half sword and full metal armor the instant both weapon passing out of her sight and behind the human’s torso, while the same changed weapon ‘hid’ the human from sight. Luna was simply dumbstruck at the human’s ‘trick.’

The human replied with a shrug as he moved the sword to rest against his shoulder, his voice rang out from behind the hollow metal plates, “To anything and everything, oh yes. What we just did was impossible for anyone in the physical world to replicate. Out in the Lord’s realm and within His Kingdom? It’s so common, the anointed warriors and generals could do this in their sleep.”

Celestia’s horn immediately lit and a glowing aura surrounded the human’s weapon, which he let her take it. She brought it to herself and stared at it. She gave a light swing with the weapon, hearing it whistle through the air. When Celestia brought it back she placed a hoof over the tang to feel it and was met with cold, hard iron stopping her hoof.

“T-That’s ...” She stuttered a second time at the sight.

“Something only those beyond the physical realm can do, dear Princess,” The human stated as he took the sword by the handle and after Celestia let it go and watched him twirl it around before performing the same trick again by transforming the armor back into his previous attire.

“Though this does give us a thought,” he mused before grabbing the sword by the blade near the hilt and held it by his side comfortably as if his hand was the sword’s sheath.

The act of him catching the sword with a bare hand made Luna snap out of her dumbfounded reverie and gave a choked yell in alarm before noticing that no blood had begun to drip from his hand. She gave a skeptical look before trotting around to look at the sword for herself.

He gave a small grin before returning to a neutral expression and asked, “Once things do settle down and we have a looksee around the place, you wouldn’t happen to have a sparring ground around here would you?”

Celestia was able to recover from the startling trick he pulled and gave a nod, “W-we do, why do you ask?”

“A way of returning to our preferred condition. We were warriors, remember?”

Luna gave a small scoff, “Thou hast not answered in full, human. Wherefore doth thee find reason to use a soldier’s ground? One could expect such reason to prepare for an impending battle.” She gave a closer inspection and gave a disdain huff, “And why is thy sword dull!? Thou couldn’t cut bread with such a flat edge!”

The human shrugged, “Flat edges keeps the weapon durable, and it can still cut. Why we need the sparring grounds is because both our strength and abilities are not entirely at the level of skill and agility we held prior to our long sleep. Despite how much we needed the sleep, our body had remained completely still during the course of our rest, and despite being cut off from the world our body has deteriorated.” He gave a small gesture to Celestia, “Surely you would know what it’s like when you let your body stay in one position far too long?”

The alicorn mares gave their share of lamenting looks as they knew the feeling all too well, and its name was ‘Day Court.’ Staying still for almost an entire day minus lunch and dinner was terrible. Whenever they moved, their bones gave either small groans or popped while the blood rushed back through the body, not even a second of it happening wasn’t pleasant unless it was through the head. As blissful as the euphoria was, the blood rush always left them unstable and having to rely on calling the guards to help them down from the stairs or lean against a wall to steady them until the feeling had passed.

Celestia gave a sympathetic nod, though she shivered at remembering the painful pins and needles of leaving one of her legs in one position far too long and could barely imagine doing the same thing only for an unknown amount of time, “Very well. In the morning, I shall send a guard to escort you to the Royal Guard barracks. Though, I only feel it proper that I warn you that Captain Shining often rouses his fellow Guard early in the morning to perform drills and practice maneuvers,” When the human gave an intrigued look at her she frowned slightly, “I warn you for your sake, as he still remains sore regarding your actions and attitude to his attempt at performing his duties this morning.”

“Does he usually carry a grudge?” The human asked with a tilt of his head.

Celestia gave his question some thought before shaking her head in negation, “He usually does not, but regardless he doesn’t appear to like you. It is most likely that your attitude and actions towards his fellow guards and perhaps my demand out of you and him has hurt his pride significantly. He has been most passionate regarding the duties expected of our Royal Guards. It may be awhile before his damaged pride subsides enough to have anything resembling an amicable encounter with you.”

The human blinked before giving a small sigh, moving his arm that held his sword up so to let the point of the weapon rest against the tiled floor, “We’ll be sure to avoid or try not to antagonize him should we see him. Do you have any other questions for us at this time, because otherwise, we do want to know if there are any nightly activities we can do?”

“T-thou maintain thy vigil during the night hours?” Luna exclaimed looked a mixture of astonishment and excitement. Her grin grew when the human nodded in confirmation.

“Luna, you’re slipping back into the ancient tongue again,” Celestia gently teased and reminded her sister of her linguistic slipup.

She didn’t acknowledge her sister’s words as she threw her front hooves into the air, “Huzzah! We have encountered a denizen of the midnight hour, Sister!” Luna then clapped her front hooves in happiness, “One who does it willingly, and not from fear of our displeasure and wrath! Long have I waited for such a one to appear before me, a fellow comrade of our night, and not those daytime hoof-lickers that worship your very existence and the ‘yes’ ponies that surround you on a daily basis!”

The human gave an amused chuckle and replied, “We do often find the night as an hour of solace and respite, but we are well capable of dwelling in both day and night.”

Luna gave a happy grin before she made a thoughtful hum, “Despite how much one can do during the nightly hours, Our dear sister is oft grumpy when woken before morn. We suppose thou couldst perform the drills and military exercises alongside our night guards and spar with them. Their barracks is a little further away, so as to not disturb both castle and the public with the clamor of steel. Coming from an age of a bygone era, we suspect there art options for thee to pursue during our nights.”

The human paused as he conferred with the Legion of the Tower of Eternity. ’What are your thoughts, mine ancient companions?’

Watch your tongue with us, boy. Though that type of speech works with what seems to be the medieval era of this land, that does not give you excuse to play ancient silver tongue with any of us. You know full well how to speak simpler than that. Came the first response the instant the human finished asking.

The human gave an outwardly shrug, “Then sparring itself can easily wait until morning, as there is still much to think about in the meantime. We will keep in mind of your suggestion Princess Luna, though we still have a desire to learn and read from the library. Now that we have been given a start in understanding your written language, we can make a better headway into understanding Equestria.”

Luna made an unhappy look, but she did not look irate, “Such decision irks us, but we suppose we shalt agree to this.” She jabbed a hoof before he could respond, “We request as a fellow student of learning a foreign language, that thou show us a kindness and instruct us further to ease our frustrations with this new modern tongue. Shalt thee require an escort to show thee the way unto the castle’s library?” Princess Luna inquired, though she quickly looked away from her sister with a small blush of embarrassment, signalling she did not want to talk about the earlier lesson.

“Why not join us tonight, Princess Luna? Unless there any responsibilities which might obstruct you from learning your native tongue as well, we might make the learning fun with games and wordplay exercises to help speed up the progress.” The human asked Luna.

Though Luna gave a sideways glance and a gentle smile, she shook her head and replied, “Though we wouldst appreciate such aid, we still hold duties in our name as Princess of the Night. We art afraid thou shalt hath such activities done alone.”

The human shifted on his feet before he said, “A pity then, but understandable.”

Celestia stopped them from exiting before she asked, “Though I’m more than willing to let you learn of our history and culture, there is something which has baffled many of our ponies throughout your sanctuary’s discovery,” She hesitated when she saw the human’s brow furrow and his mouth pull tight into a frown but continued, “I-it’s about the language that was etched into the walls and the back of your chair and I was hoping that ... maybe you could help translate what they say?”

His face darkened further as his expression grew to a cold and stoic calm. Like the ever changing wind, his amused smile and jubilant attitude vanished swiftly and in it’s place was an intense stare and a silence which communicated his displeasure to the princesses. His irises had begun to shift through the myriad color spectrum at a dizzying rate.

In all honesty it was incredibly unnerving, seeing the change.

She quickly explained, “M-my sister had a series of dreams that left her with the ability of translating the language, b-but she only focused on one sentence that had lied in front of you as you slept. You had given a great deal of focus on the writings on the back of your seat, more so than the rest of the tomb. Th-the pictographs were enough to give some story about you but ...” she fell silent as the man didn’t respond nor did his expression waver.

Luna’s wings started unfurling and she started walking closer to her sister, her stance stiffening as she stared just as intensely at the human. Celestia looked between her sister and the human nervously and began to fidget as a few minutes dragged on in complete silence, as if the friendly and joyful fellowship had meant nothing during those several hours.

It quickly came to Celestia that while the human did seem to hold no ill intention, that didn’t mean things said or done could influence such decision, and there was little to nothing both Celestia and the human knew of each other.

Finally the silence was broken when the human closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He relaxed his cold expression and sighed before saying, “Forgive us for saying this bluntly, but this does need to be stated,” He looked up and gazed at the two alicorns, his expression still a scowling frown, “What is written on the backing of our miniature throne is a deeply personal letter between us and our Lord. We are willing to be friendly and we most certainly welcome your hospitality, and we intend to remain so and be thankful for it, but we will not discuss our past to complete strangers.”

Celestia and Luna immediately voiced their complaints against what he said, but the human remained adamant as he raised a hand, “That said, what is written are my secrets, and secret shall they remain. And our secrets are something that we’ve done very well at keeping. And so until further note, we’ll not trust you with our secrets.”

Luna glared at the human, “We hath trusted thee with our noble body and our recent return to Canterlot Castle, we hath remained in thine company with very few guards. We hath even allowed thee to aid us in our tutelage and, unintentionally, told thee secrets of our personal lives behind these very walls, before trusting thee to remain silent upon such! And now thou hast the gall to withhold thy secrets?!”

“Once again you fail to realize that Equestria is the first place that we have awoken to.” the human replied coolly, his voice not rising any further than he had before Celestia’s mentioning. The failed expectation of him shouting made Luna lose her anger and made Celestia feel unnerved by it, “And by our own witness and deduction, there still remains those who engorge themselves in selfish politics, which clearly must mean that your nobles exploit and use others to their own pleasure. Thus you’ve had to have dealt similar strategy against them in order to stand against their selfishness. And we’ve easily noticed about one particular ‘secret’ that was first delivered as your sister arrived to dinner, Princess.”

Celestia’s ears drooped and her head lowered as she realized what he meant. However, Luna kept her aggressive stance as she regained her dropped anger.

The human gave a chiding remark, “Trust is one thing, but playing harlot with your heart is folly.”

Luna was quick to respond, now baring her teeth, “Thou speaketh of trust, yet thy response to a simple question marks thine own distrust! The nobles are spoilt and selfish, but they do not resemble all of Equestria as a whole! Equestria was built on trust and friendship, and we hath besought thee in friendship and we still beseech thine friendship, and thou respond with guarded walls! Art all humans this distrustworthy to selfless benefactors?!”

The human was even quicker to retort, “Perhaps you would prefer your heralds to proclaim your dirty laundry from the rooftops? Perhaps talk with your enemies and their spies and assassins and then invite them to have tea? To demand a trade between of intelligence and then claim that ‘trust’ has been exchanged is—” the human fell to silence, and seemed to fume silently behind a frown, “A relationship must be built on trust and friendship. But using goodwill to levy information which we do not want to disclose is not a wise idea.”

Luna flared her wings open and took a step forwards, her head low while her horn was pointed at the human, “Then enlighten us, how mightest we gain thine trust in us, since ye deem it fit to mock our kindness and hospitality!”

“If you wanted our trust, you would not be asking how to do so.”

“We would not be asking for ways to earn thine trust if thou wast free with it to begin with!” Luna screamed her frustration at the infuriating human.

Celestia couldn’t take any more bickering and yelled with her Royal Canterlot Voice, “Enough!

Both parties stopped and turned their gazes toward the Sun Princess, who had watched the two yell at each other in dismay and almost looked as if she was torn about whether to panic or not.

She began to calm herself down with several deep breaths and was able to calmly talk, first addressing her younger sister, “Luna. In all honesty, I agree with the human. We ought to guard our tongue more closely, lest some cunning foe uses what he or she learns to their advantage and our hurt. If the human does not want to talk about his personal past, then let him be.”

Luna gave a small, angry snort but did not talk back as Celestia turned on the human, “But trust is a two-way path, human. Though what we’ve said in your presence was more than what should have been shared, we’ve already asked to trust in you to not speak of such things to anypony. I have already given you my trust by bringing you here, given you what I had planned since you said you ‘needed’ to be here and showed you respect and granted your request to be given a week before making such an important decision, even warning you that a week is the longest I can afford to hide your presence. I have trusted you to not immediately attack either me, my sister or any of the ponies here in Canterlot Castle multiple times. In all things considered, I have given a great deal of trust to you, and while you’ve done well to hold that trust. Can you not do the same for us?”

The human stared and debated within himself, and through his mental debate Celestia could only hope that he would at least acknowledge what she said.

After a few seconds, he closed his eyes, sighed and then admitted, “Perhaps. Perhaps because of being human and having once lived alongside corrupt humans for so long, it’s hampered our ability to trust deeply. In time, we will see about that, Princess. But for now, we are adamant in guarding our trust.”

She gave a comforting nudge to Luna to calm her sister down, “It is all I ask for ... . As for the matter with the library, it closes after sunset. There has been a history of students and unicorn mages burning midnight oil within the bookshelves, which had forced me to set up such closing hours. Only in cases of dire urgency does the library become available.”

She turned around and looked out the window, noting that night had completely fallen, “And Luna will be needing to start her nightly duties quite soon. We do apologize the inconvenience, however.”

Celestia was lying, albeit not entirely. Though she did indeed place a closing hour for the library, it was placed there more so for her student’s sake as Twilight often spent too many hours within it’s many bookshelves, and that often ended up with Celestia having to come to her and inform her on being late to her breakfast and daily lessons.

There was a sneaking suspicion that her constantly berating Twilight for being late might have made too much of an impact to the unicorn mare.

The human blinked and seemingly bought her lie, for he shrugged and said, “Very well. Since there is little else to do, we will wait for morning then. Good evening, Princesses.” He gave a small bow and left. The guard who had escorted him earlier began following after him and helping him find his given room.

Once they were out of sight when both Princesses left the room, Luna gave a huff of disbelief, “‘We’ve yet to trust you,’ he says!”

Celestia looked over to her sister and replied, “He is not entirely wrong, Lulu.” She took note over how Luna’s gaze became more upset, “Sister, I know I lied about the library, but in truth---”

“I know, ‘Tia.” Luna interrupted, returning her stare, “I know that my duties as Guardian of Dreams takes precedence and would have left me with very little time to spend with the human. But it still upsets me how he continues to claim and then do impossible things to our very eyes and then shy away the moment a question is asked!”

Celestia frowned and let her posture slump as her eyes drifted away from her sister. None of this human’s behavior made sense!

’A stranger in a stranger world.’ The thought echoed across her mind. She paused in her musings and dwelled upon that thought. Despite how she knew the human as a statue and was considered a ‘fillyhood friend’ there was barely anything she knew about him and it was only by their series of verbal slips did he learn much about them.

Even then, he barely understood any of the social norms and standards of Equestria, and his ignorance was obvious as he didn’t understand what touching his back against hers meant during the ride to Canterlot. The more and more Celestia thought about it, the more it made sense.

Luna gave a long sigh that distracted Celestia from her thoughts and said, “The hour is late, and you, my dear sister, must go to bed.”

Celestia gave a foalish whine at her younger sister, getting Luna to giggle and retorted in a similar tone their mother would have used had they still been fillies, “Young filly, you march yourself right into your room and get yourself ready for bed now! Do not make me escort you!”

Celestia laughed with her before she nuzzled her head against Luna and said, “Good night, my beloved sister.”

Luna was quicker to return the nuzzle and her reply, “Good night, dearest sister. Dream well.”

The white alicorn gave a low huff, “I better dream well. After all that I’ve been through, one would think I would have earned respite from it all! I’ve yet to see that Cakeland you once promised!”

“And thou shalt, precious sister! We shalt assure thou shalt be the first to faint in a dream and enter the comatose of sugar!” Luna declared with pride, her head tall and her stance wide while her wings had opened at their fullest.

Celestia giggled again and gave one last loving nuzzle to her little sister, before departing to her chambers. She had to focus on not cantering all the way there just to escape the aches and pains of her physical body and the exhaustion from the efforts she had to take to prevent the human’s presence from being revealed and to appease whatever problem had arisen that day.

Not two seconds after entering her chambers did she teleport her shoes, jewellery and crown away from her, nearly making them crash against her dresser and sighed in relief in feeling the cold tile with her, now naked, hooves.

She was quick to move to a door that was a sharp left from the front doors and stepped into her royal bathroom, eager to relax in a hot bath.

The bathroom didn’t appear in the golds and whites so prevalent of the majority of Canterlot’s architecture. Instead, the floor was tiled in ebony plates of obsidian, The walls were tiled in the azure blue of Lapis Lazuli and the ceiling with diagonal planks of red cedar which glistened in a clear lacquer. The wooden furniture was made in oak varnished in a dark mahogany, especially the massage bed and the washing stools, while other furniture such as towel racks and cabinetry were of the red cedar with the glossy clear lacquer. The cushion of the massage bed was stuffed with wool and contained in a woolen sheet. The towels, rags and the massage table fabric was of wool dyed in a dark wine red. Oil sconces decorated the room, as did several oil chandeliers, all of which burned pure olive oil and was fed from an oil reservoir kept above the room. Very few of Celestia’s subjects saw her bathing room and most of the nobility likely would be shocked to learn that it didn’t follow the trend of the white and golds so prevalent in the majority of Canterlot’s architecture.

Celestia wouldn’t have had it any other way.

However, Celestia wasn’t focused on the interior decor, and neither was she focused on her maids who had waited and bowed to her when she entered, her eyes were solely focused on the bathtub that was filled with soap water and with her rubber duck.

Celestia hopped in, causing a slight splash. She gave a quick, sharp gasp at the heat difference, but gave a just as quick sigh as her body adjusted to the hot water as it helped her to release some of the stress she often gained from ruling over her kingdom and her subjects. She sank ever deeper into the tub, eager to soak every bit of her body as her maids placed a cushion under her chin and began working at her body, cleaning every inch of her.

Celestia drifted off as they worked away and nearly fell asleep before she was aroused by her maidens. When she got up and found the bathtub already empty and her body almost literally sparkling clean alongside her mane and tail glistening and silky smooth while retaining a bit of moisture.

She gave a appreciating nod to the two mares before leaving the bathroom and collapsed upon her bed in a manner most unbefitting a royal. Without a second thought, she pulled Paper Mache close to her and fell asleep.

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While Celestia and Luna had discussed to each other and while Celestia had drifted off during her nightly bathing, the human had debated long to himself as he was escorted to his now sparse and removed Valentine’s Day decor in the place of a single bed that was long enough to accommodate for his size along with the canopy in a near opaque white color.

He sighed as he moved to the window and watched Canterlot below sleep.

One and a half days and already he had found entertainment in the form of rediscovering the world and how it had changed since he had last walked upon its surface and the first civilization he had encountered since his release from his formerly petrified state had lied within eyesight. And on top of that, he encounters the leading rulers of his first encounter with this current civilization and was given much, some of it more than the two mares had even likely intended to give him.

Despite all the excitement, he was still concerned over a great deal of things. First and foremost was the choice which the Princesses had given him.

It was easy to see the reasoning behind it, though the explanation as to how that reasoning had come into existence was patchy at best as there still should have been no indication regarding the presence of humans or their civilization. And yet these ... Minotaur Tribes? ... Minotaur Tribes had somehow conjured up a mythology involving humans and treated the species like the Black Plague.

The Legion within the Tower of Eternity shelved the decision for another time. They had a week to decide, not a night.

For now they would go over the events since their awakening.

’Although,’ the human thought before any of the Many began to ponder, ’What do we truly do about that letter of ours?’

His question echoed across the Mental Plains and was met with considered silence. The question itself was a very good question to ask. It was obvious that they would follow it, who the hell wouldn’t when it was literally coming from your superior, let alone creator?

But how to follow it was the problem. What He had said to them left a great deal of freedom and room to maneuver, albeit within the standard set of rules that anyone with a shred of common sense and moral fibre would understand.

Finally a single and unified thought came across the Mental Plains, ’What now?’

And it was a thought that left them utterly stumped.

’We’re trying to do too many things at once,’ The human mentally decided, gaining the ‘attention’ of the Many, ’Let us prioritize and focus on the task with the greatest priority.’

And what would you want to start on?

’A name, for one thing. We can’t walk around anymore without a unified name. In the past we got by with simply ‘you’, ‘them’ and ‘us’. But now the world has changed and we need to adapt to that change, starting with a name.’ The Many slowly started to agree to his reasoning. Simply being called ‘the human’ wouldn’t work anymore.

Thus began the discordant cacophony of trying to find an appropriate name for them to be identified by..

First name that was belted out was, Blade! The reasoning behind the name came quickly, explaining that since the ponies were all named after their talents, why not name themselves after what they used and were good at using?

’Too edgy.’ Was the resounding answer from every soul that resided. Not a single soul wanted to be identified by such a name, with the exception of the human suggesting it and therefore didn’t even consider it.

The next one came from one human who didn’t belong to the same language as the name he was suggesting, Tsubasa!

’Coming from the basement dweller? No. Came the mocking answer, which gained the human who made the suggestion to grumble in hate against the others.

The human outwardly moved himself over into the bed, disrobing himself as he did so and quickly moved into the bedsheets before he would have lost attention to the outside world.

Once he was done shifting into the mattress, he turned his attention inward, joined in the naming debate.

And waited for the coming dawn.

Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Antipyretic

When the hour of dawn had arrived, the human moved himself from the mental realm and retook control over his body. He opened his eyes, ever ready to begin the day and face the new world.

Only to find himself enclosed in darkness, curled into a ball and surrounded in blankets.

He blinked, bewildered by the darkness and pressed against his fabric prison, testing where the blanket might loosen if enough force was applied, pushing a hand here and there before feeling the blankets push back to where they were.

The human then moved his hand to make it rest in front of him before letting it drop. After feeling the arm move relatively straight to his stomach, the man shifted and began to move his legs underneath himself. After a few struggles and slips, he was able to get his legs underneath and stood up.

Light immediately greeted him, showing a greatly illuminated room with the sun shining from the window on his left. He acknowledged the dawn before looking down and finding a most curious sight.

The bed he had slept in had “sucked” him in, directly into the center of the bed and the blankets and comforter had went with him, exposing the gentle blue color of the mattress while he found one pillow resting against the bed on the floor.

The human deeply sighed at the newfound task before him as he crawled forwards a little. He pulled his legs out from the hole and spread them wide, displacing his weight as if he were trying to escape quicksand.

He felt a small grin of satisfying victory before suddenly noticing that he was sinking into the bed. Immediately, he rolled until he fell off the bed and landed with a grunt.

A sudden, loud knock resounded from the door across from him, followed quickly by a born and raised British accent, “Sir? Are you awake?”

The human rolled again and got to his feet, quickly donning his pants before opening the door and peeked out owlishly.

He was greeted by the biggest, most glorious and most incredibly British moustache, everyone inhabiting the Tower of Eternity wondered how could such a thing exist and if it could have been considered racist amongst the English. Viewed from the front, it was a grey, double V and thick moustache that reached from his muzzle and was long enough to touch both his front shoulders and completely covered his mouth. The moustache was fit with equally grey and half as bushy eyebrows that just as completely covered the eyes.

The human stared with wide eyes for a full thirty seconds before the pony that was born with the glorious facial hair gave an annoyed cough, getting the human’s attention.

All that did was convince the man that he was being greeted by the horse form of Alfred from the Batman series, par the facial hair and that there was a grey mane cleanly curling around his right ear.

The dark-grey colored pony spoke up, his annoyance now growing, “Excuse me, sir?”

The man blinked before realizing the pony was talking to him, “Yes, mister ... ?”

“Reginald Glass, sir.” The now introduced pony bowed politely, his moustache moving with every word he pronounced in comically thick british accent, “I trust you have slept well for your first night in Canterlot, sir?”

The man gave a slow nod, constantly drawing his eyes away from the facial hair and tried to stare where Reginald’s eyes would be, “In a way, we did. Though waking up in a blanket cocoon and in the middle of the bed was an interesting wake up call.”

The stallion butler took a few steps inward and looked at the bed, which had slowly recovered from the man’s “sleeping hole.” His eyebrows flapped as he “blinked” before giving another polite bow, “I apologize, sir. I shall inform the maid mares immediately of this and replace the bed appropriately. For now, the Princesses have requested your presence within their dining chambers for breakfast.”

Once again, the human watched the facial hair dance away at every pronunciation Reginald said before replying, “Of course, one moment.” He closed the door and quickly dressed back into his clothes from yesterday, as he hadn’t been given any new clothing.

He opened the door again and after exiting, he turned and said in equal politeness, “If you will, Reginald.”

The stallion gave what seemed to be something akin to distasteful disappointment at the human, which made his eyebrows join into a sharp V and looked rather fierce, but he did not voice whatever had upset him. Instead he turned around and began escorting the man through the Canterlot Castle’s hallways.

It wasn’t until they passed by two mares in maid outfits did Reginald pause and mutter something to them. The human twitched his left ear and due to his better hearing, could catch what the butler said, “Our guest is in need of a replacement mattress for his room, as he awoke to find himself eaten by his bed. Also, inform Seamstress Golden Needle that our guest is in need of replacement clothing. He has no other set of clothing and that will not do at all.”

The human opened his mouth and nodded slightly with a silent “ahh.” Reginald wasn’t upset about having to escort him and replacing the bed, he was simply unhappy at the man reusing his clothes.

The mares nodded and began trotting down the hallway both human and stallion had left, following the butler’s instructions as Reginald began moving again and escorted the human into the castle’s dining hall.

He opened the doors and called, “Your Majesties, your guest has arrived.”

“Thank you, Reginald. Please show him in,” came the still familiar voice the human hadn’t gotten over yet. The butler opened the door a little wider and held a hoof out, allowing the human to walk in.

The human gave a nod of appreciation to the stallion as he was walked into dining hall. He found the two alicorn sisters already eating their breakfasts, which appeared to consist of pancakes and a wide assortment of fruits laden on both the main dining table and the banquet table. He politely greeted, “Good morning, Princesses.”

Celestia was the first to respond. She smiled and said brightly, “Good morning, human. I trust you slept well?”

The human gave a mysterious smirk as he walked over to the table and removed the sheathed hand-and-half sword from his waist and let it rest against the table so he could sit more comfortably, “We did indeed, though we had to struggle with clawing our way out of the bed. Are all the guest beds made to encase those who sleep in them?”

Both Princesses stared at the human for a few seconds before Celestia answered, “Most beds were made with the magical mixture of clouds, feathers, and wool. I have never heard of somepony sinking so deeply into their beds befo---”

She suddenly cut off before she recalled a memory from the night before and stated with both her hooves gently landing on the table, her alicorn strength still strong enough to make the contents on the table jump upwards an inch off, “It was because your species has no magic either passive or active, you told me this just last night! Most ponies and many royal guests are able to sleep upon such beds because of the magic within both the bed and the guests! You have never beheld magic before, thus you simply sank through much like how non-Pegasi would fall through a cloud!”

Her excitement was quickly dampened once her mind realized the implications and she immediately bowed her head in repentance, “I am so sorry, I apologize for not rec—”

The human raised a hand from his side and interrupted her, his smirk falling into a wry smile, “It’s alright. In fact, if we are being honest, it was on us to remind your castle staff, as we had that discussion well after several other subjects. This would’ve still come up sooner or later. Either way, it’s being attended to by Reginald. It certainly was an interesting night and wake up call, regardless.”

His eyes had briefly flashed to look at Luna, who immediately avoided his gaze and was quicker to turn her head so as to mask her expression from her sister. He returned his gaze back onto Celestia and remarked, “We didn’t notice anything wrong with the mattress until we woke up and found ourselves entangled in the blankets.”

Celestia didn’t notice Luna’s actions as he said, “Everyone makes mistakes, and we’re all no different, Princess Celestia. You haven’t messed anything up ...” He paused just as he grabbed his placed chalice as he gave an unserious, condescending grin, “Yet.”

He had to withdraw the chalice from his mouth as he laughed at the responding growls from the two alicorn mares. However, his jab at Celestia did raise the mares’ spirits up a little as he sat down and began eating the hearty meal.

In between his silent eating, he said, “Joking aside, we’ve yet to find any fault from your hospitality. Which we did forget to mention,” He dipped his head in appreciation to the two alicorns, “We do humbly thank you for extending such a warm welcome unto us, as well as introducing us to both your kingdom and castle.”

The two beamed at his words as Celestia replied, “You are most welcome, human. And we thank you for being a kind and gracious guest in our castle.”

He gave a small nod as a silent meaning of saying ‘You’re welcome’ as she replied to him just as he resumed eating. Once he had cleared his mouth of food, Celestia asked, “Have you thought about what you would be doing today?”

“Studying would have been our first answer, however the books can wait,” he replied before taking a drink, “No, today we plan on staying true to what we said before,” He tapped the sheathed sword’s pommel with one knuckle, “We want to visit your Royal Guard barracks and their attached sparring grounds.”

Luna was quick to speak up, “We can aid thee in thy search for the barracks, for the pathway to it is along the same path my sister and I both take to perform the Day Court. Mine sister can delay the court no longer, as our nobles ever fill the castle with their selfish and petty requests.”

Her sister made a soft jab at her side with a hoof, “Come, now Luna. Not all the nobles are voracious and petty. Fancy Pants is most certainly a noble stallion.”

The two mares glanced at the human, as he gave a sharp exhale through his nose and his head ducked down, his chin nearly touching the edge of the table. When their eyes landed on him, he was quick to return to his previous position with the most level expression the two had ever seen.

The mares stared at him for ten seconds before returning to their conversation, Luna starting, “Duke Fancy Pants is merely one pony, sister. One good fruit does not redeem a cask of decayed fruit.”

“Yet that seems to be enough for you to condemn him, Lulu.” Celestia admonished gently, “And there are more good hearts amongst the nobles than him.”

“Five. Name us five, sister.”

Celestia grinned and rose to the challenge, “Easily. Fancy Pants, his wife Fleur-de-lis, Radiance, Good Will, Nightingale, and the entire Sparkle house, both in this current age and in the eras of the past. Should I continue onto the Royal Thestral Bloodlines next?”

Luna sulked at her older sister and replied, “No ... . This still does not redeem the majority of our kingdom’s nobility.”

Despite how caring Celestia was for her kingdom and her loyal subjects, she sighed and agreed sadly, “I suppose it doesn’t ...”

The human gave a raised eyebrow at hearing the unfamiliar word. He wiped his mouth with his given napkin after finishing his food and asked after waiting, “Thestrals?”

The alicorns blinked before remembering that the human was still a stranger to Equestria and all her inhabitants. Luna was quick to answer before Celestia did, and the human noticed a hint of pride in her voice, “The Thestrals are a race of ponies who have similar characteristics of a bat. What is most notable of the Thestrals are the extra fluff at the end of their ears, their fangs, and their slitted eyes. Another notable thing regarding the Thestral tribe is they are as nocturnal as I am, and many Thestrals are under my employ as my Night Guards,”

Her prideful confidence faded a little as she recalled an unfortunate event, “Though ... the Night Guards have long since dwindled while I’ve been gone and I have yet to make contact with them, as my banishment caused a great deal of hate between Celestia’s ponies and my Thestrals.”

Celestia gave a concerned look to her sister and replied, “Sister, you know I have done as much as I could to stop the violence between our little ponies, and you forget that both they and the Thestrals are as much my subjects as they are yours. I would rather bring harm to myself than let anypony fall.”

Luna didn’t respond while the human tried to imagine a Thestral but because he didn’t have all the details, he only came up what could have been called an abomination and asked, “Perhaps a bit more specific detail of what they looked like would be helpful?”

Celestia didn’t respond as she stared at Luna with a sad disposition at how her words didn’t comfort her sister. Luna however, happy to change one part of the subject and replied, “Perhaps when my night arrives, we may visit the Night Guard barracks. Thestrals are indeed ponies, but they hold many traits and features which give them a strong semblance to bats. Their wings are the most notable difference. You have seen the Pegasus guards in Celestia’s employ, correct?”

After the human gave a confirming nod, Luna nodded in return, “Then imagine their wings leathery skin and bone instead of feathers. Their eyes are slitted-pupils, allowing them to interact with the night better and the tips of their ears hold more tuft.”

The details given made much more sense to the man as he reimagined a Thestral. Amongst the women numbered within the Legions, even the more battle-hardened were quick to gush over the adorableness that was resulted.

Outwardly, the human chuckled, “And these Thestrals were viewed in such bad light? ” Both princesses’ countenance fell, which caused the human’s mirth to cut short. He gave a sigh and said, “Well then, we’ve delayed our activities for today long enough. Shall we move on?”

It took a second for the two mares to remember what he meant but Celestia nodded, “I suppose it is time. The nobility can no longer be without our guiding hoof, lest they take advantage of our silence, little sister.” She nudged Luna in a loving push before the three beings moved from the dining table and departed from the room, allowing the maids which waited against the nearby walls of the dining room to move in quickly and clean up after their guests.

The human fell silent into mental deliberation as both Luna and Celestia led the way through the halls. When his eyes fell upon a window that overlooked the castle’s throne room and noticed a certain stained glass window which depicted six little ponies and an unknown alicorn and inquired about it, “That window up there, and the other few similar to it. Are they supposed to commemorate certain events in Equestria’s history?”

Celestia glimpsed up to where he was looking and replied, “They are. Though the fullest history of Equestria was placed in the Royal Chronicles of Equestria tomes within our Royal Library, the windows are placed there to commemorate the most important key events which happened during our kingdom’s history. What you see depicted in that window there was the return of my sister from her banishment. Through the efforts of my protegé and her five friends, they harnessed a power which aided in defeating a nightmare that possessed my sister.”

The human gave a confused glare and asked, “A spirit possessed your sister? Then how did this result in her banishment?”

Luna was the one to answer, but she did so in a depressed and ashamed whisper, the human had to step closer, “T’was our jealousy and loneliness that spawned the hateful spirit and ... through our unwise decisions, we attacked dearest sister in earnest ...”

The human had some understanding but then asked, “And the first response was to banish rather than exorcise this spirit?”

Celestia suddenly stopped as her expression turned into a deep depression and the human’s eyes widened, completely convinced that she was about to break down and sob on the spot. Her head bowed low enough that her mane covered her entire face as Luna recognized her sister’s plight and was quick to take to her side.

No words were said, but the meaning was quite clear all around to the human. Whatever happened was a deeply sensitive subject.

Luna was the one to answer in Celestia’s stead, “Celestia had used a power which holds a will of their own. Instead of taking your idea of merely purging the darkness within me, the powers contained within the magical artefact which my big sister employed decided it a far more fitting punishment to cast me and my darkness into banishment for a thousand years, sealing me within my beloved ward and enveloped within the night which I loved so much.”

The human gave an upwards nod with a silent “ahh” of realization before blinking in surprise once the words “thousand years” registered as Luna comforted her sister, pushing and nudging her to assure that the young alicorn was still there and with her.

The human, impatient to start the day, gave a frown and shelved what would have been his question about the Princesses’ ages as he walked over to the still bowed Solar Princess. Luna watched him approach and held a warily watched Equestria’s strangest alien as he moved around to the other side of her sister and spread his arms wide as if to grab Celestia.

Then proceeded to give two simultaneous, sharp pokes into Celestia’s ribs.

Canterlot Castle had never heard a more shrill and loud “kya.”

Celestia’s head shot straight up, her eyes flung wide as she gave out the cry and immediately squirmed out of both Luna’s wing and from the human’s hands as her body shook and danced herself into the ground, as if she were electrified.

The reaction was so sudden and unexpected, Luna collapsed in laughter, holding her barrel with her forelegs. Never in her long life had she known that Celestia was incredibly ticklish in that specific area and made a deep, mental note where the human struck.

The human didn’t move as his eyes tracked Celestia’s impromptu jig with a smug and amused look as the mare tried to calm down.

Once that was accomplished, Celestia got up from the floor. Her face blushing heavily in embarrassment while her expression had taken an exhausted anger as she glared at the human.

The human’s smug smile only made her more angry as she confronted him and yelled, “That is not funny!

The human’s smile didn’t fade but he turned to address the giggling Luna, “She’s right, Princess Luna. This isn’t funny.”

Luna was quick to reply, “Nay! It is most riotous! Oh, sister we hath made note of thine weakness!

Celestia’s anger was replaced with horror as she realized what her younger sister implied and stuttered, “Y-you wouldn’t dare, Lulu!”

Luna had calmed down from her giggling fit and was about to respond when the Royal Guards stormed to them, with one mare yelling, “Princess Celestia! Are you alright?!”

Said alicorn panted from her sudden exhaustion and waved a hoof, “Stay your hooves, my little ponies. A mere joke at my expense was played, but I am well.” She glared at the human before addressing him flatly, “We ought to move on, we have duties to perform and you wished to know where the sparring grounds were. Sure Strike!”

The Earth Pony guardsmare that had approached them saluted when her name was called. Celestia turned and didn’t face him anymore, “Please escort this human to your barracks and show him where the sparring grounds are. He wishes to spend the day outside and would prefer to remain there until dinner.”

The human’s smile still did not fade as he took in Celestia’s attempt at repaying his trick as the guardsmare nodded and lowered her foreleg and addressed him, “This way, please.”

He nodded and began walking away without a word, but Celestia could still tell that he didn’t regret a single second for his actions.

Luna nudged her sister, “Oh, ‘Tia. Thy mood seemeth to us quite prickly!”

Celestia was quick to protest, “I am not! What he did was both inappropriate and—”

“Helpful, dearest sister,” Luna interrupted as she moved in front of Celestia and sat on her flanks, “Not fewest seconds ago, you had begun to languish in your memories of our absence. Humiliative as his action had been, your attention had been dragged from the laments of the past and returned to the present where you belong, big sister.”

Celestia mulled over what Luna said for a second before grudgingly admitted, “You are right, Lulu. Perhaps I should go and apologize.”

However Luna shook her head, her smile returning, “Ney, sister. Your anger was correct, he did find two most vulnerable spots without your permission. We would have done the same.” She then turned and let her nebulous tail touch her sister’s forelegs, “Now come, big sister. The court awaits our presence!”

Celestia blinked before smiling and following after her, her spirits uplifted and somewhat more confident to face the petty demands of her kingdom’s nobility.

As the Royal Sisters discussed before moving off to attend to their duties, the human had long since left earshot of them and followed Sure Strike closely, keeping in mind the route they were taking so as to navigate the maze Canterlot Castle quickly turned out to be for him.

As they continued down the hallway, the human recalled the name Sure Strike and asked, “That name seems a bit familiar, would you happen to have been the same mare we encountered back at our sanctuary?”

The guardsmare reacted with a stiff step but didn’t respond as she maintained her professional and stoic expression. However, it was quickly seen by the human despite her trying to hide it and took the ensuing silence as confirmation that she had been amongst the party he had encountered upon his return to his sanctuary.

“At least it is good you’ve returned to duty without much harm.” The human remarked and allowed silence to take over for the rest of the walk. Though he could tell that his words did affect Sure Strike in some way, she still maintained her stoicism.

As they exited the Canterlot Castle hallways and entered a large field with what seems to be the barracks for the Royal Guards. The field itself was about a quarter mile long, with the barracks situated in a corner.

The edges of the field was walled in stone about five feet tall evenly perforated by one foot squares to prevent any unfortunate pony from getting sent off the edge to fall to their deaths while allowing anyone to look out and see the world below Canterlot.

The grassy field itself had been segmented and divided into separate areas with a bright white line running through the middle. One half was left mostly untouched and as was being used by the Royal Guards which were on that side to physically train the guards and for drilling formations, while the other half was divided into even rectangles. A few pairs of Royal Guards were in some of the rectangles and was sparring with full armor alongside short swords and spears.

At the front of the fun-sized formation of Royal Guards was a familiarly purple armored unicorn who trotted up and down the ranks, yelling orders left and right. Occasionally he confronted one pony and after a few terse and inaudible words, and the pony he talked to either dropped down and began doing the equivalent of pushups or shifted their hooves into a proper position.

The human glanced over the barracks and was slightly surprised to find that the barracks was akin to the bracketed architecture of a Roman barracks found from an old RTS game, fit with two statues of the Royal Sisters on both sides of the main entrance of the double building. The barracks itself was about the size of a three story building. One side of the ‘bracket’ barracks was connected to a large door that led into the castle, easily allowing at least three ranks of the Royal Guards to march through efficiently.

Sure Strike continued to lead him directly to the captain as he continued to give orders and instructions before he noticed them approaching.

His expression became exasperated as he barked, “At ease, guards! Rest up and return in ten!”

The ponies saluted and gave a loud “Yes sir!” before dispersing and moving off towards the barracks for either food, their bunks or removing their helmets and trotting near the walls and talk with each other.

As Shining removed his helmet and shook his mane briefly before he gave a hard stare and asked Sure Strike while he gave an emphasised jab at the human with a hoof, “And why is he here? I thought he was being kept inside the castle?”

The mare blinked and recoiled from his expression but replied, “Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia informed me to escort our guest to the field, where he’s staying for the remainder of the day to spar.”

Shining’s eyes widened in shock before growling, “And did either of them say who was going to spar with him?”

The human replied before the guardsmare could, “We didn’t, Captain. As it is, our physique has deteriorated during our long sleep and we are hoping to fix that.”

The human’s response only made Shining angrier. He gritted his teeth and was about to say something most likely unkind before the man raised a hand and said, “Captain, as much as you’re still upset over our first encounter with each other, we are still ordered by the Princess for the rest of the day here. We can either take to both sides of the field glaring and angry at each other and end up explaining ourselves to the Princesses, or we can at least try to make the remainder of the day go by smoothly and peacefully.”

Shining Armor’s anger smoldered over the idea of being confronted and being admonished by the Royal Sisters. Though he still glared at the human, he reined in whatever he would have said and instead grumbled, “The sparring grounds are yours, then. Will you be staying to escort him afterwards, Strike?”

Sure Strike nodded and Shining returned the nod, “Alright. Today’s lunch was spicy potato patties, spaghetti squash and green beans.”

Sure Strike broke her composure with a lick of her lips before trotting off to the cafeteria while the human gave an amused “Mmm.”

However, Shining didn’t share in his amusement and after a quick glare, trotted off after her. The human merely shook his head in disappointed amusement before walking off towards one of the empty sparring grounds.

He stopped at the middle of the grassy rectangle and began stretching, focusing first on his limbs.

Shining had retreated into the building and after climbing the set of stairs that led to the second story, he leaned against the window sill, sulking as he watched the human begin his exercises and stretching.

After what Shining could guess was twenty minutes, he shifted to get more comfortable in his brooding. One guardspony came up from behind and once noticing his captain idling against the window he asked, “Captain? Is there a problem?”

The unicorn stallion looked back and recognized the Earth Pony. He gave a small nod, “Nothing, Sergeant Stout. It’s nothing you need to know or worry about.” Shining returned his attention to staring at the human, who had now switched to what seemed like something a pony could’ve expected from a ballerina dancer, with one of his rearlegs lifting clear up and juuuust touched his shoulder with his odd, flat hoof and balanced perfectly still as the hoof came ever so slowly closer.

The sergeant behind the unicorn didn’t look convinced, but he risked a look out the same window as saw what the captain was looking at. Despite how harsh Captain Shining was when taking to the role of Drill Sergeant, Stout Stance gave a risking question, “S-Sir, is there a reason why you watch that creature?”

The captain didn’t answer immediately as he stared for a while longer until the human was done stretching his entire body. When that point in time arrived, the human picked up the sheathed sword and grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands before going into very slow, cutting motions with the weapon, the scabbard still on it.

Something inside Shining Armor seemed to snap as he pushed himself off the window sill with the scowl still on his face and began to walk away. Stout Stance watched him go and returned his gaze out to the odd creature and watched the being slowly “dance” with the sword for a few minutes.

Before he got bored of watching the human and decided to get dressed in armor for his next few hours standing guard at the Canterlot Castle’s entrance, he paused and saw his captain march onto the grassy field and straight for the human, dressed in armor and his sword balanced on his back.

’Oh Celestia, Captain! What are you doing?!’ The Sergeant mentally yelled before he ran from the window and down the stairs to chase after his superior.

The human either didn’t notice or didn’t pay the marching unicorn coming towards him any attention as he continued to go through the meditative practice, his eyes closed and focusing on both balance and forcing his body to continuously move at a slow, dedicated pace, never letting one foot or hand stay idle for a split second.

It wasn’t until he heard the sound of grass being stepped on at an irregular pace compared to his did he open his eyes and see Captain Shining standing there, still holding a hard look while he was fully dressed in armor.

The human didn’t stop his meditative dance but now that he knew that the captain was there, he asked, “Is there a problem, Captain?”

The unicorn didn’t answer except levitating the sword he had on his back to the ground chape, or the tip of the scabbard, first before unbuttoning the small strap that kept the sword sheathed.

When Shining pulled the sword out with magic, the human immediately knew what the unicorn was up to and warmly smiled in anticipation. Shining adjusted his grip on the sword before readying his stance, his body lined diagonally perpendicular from the human.

The sword seemed to be of standard issue, if one had to really guess. It was a one handed leaf-blade, but the length of the blade itself was almost half as long as the captain, colored in gold, metal and red while the grip was dark leather. The guard was a two spiked, golden cross-guard with three smaller spikes encompassed with a half circle. A red V was clearly shown between the cross-guard and the blade itself.

The pommel was a circular disk of gold with the same mark the human had seen on some of the other guards as well as on the very flanks of Princess Celestia. Seeing the same mark again made the human pause and consider about the mark.

’It seems we have something to ask of the Princesses. As we’ve been seeing different marks on every pony we’ve met and in the exact same area.’ He mentally remarked.

Indeed. Perhaps they are similar to ID cards. There’s no way they’re similar to livestock branding, there isn’t a sentient being alive who would accept something like that at one point of their lives very willingly. Not without revolts or protests if their young are involved with it.

Satisfied on considering another inquiry for the Princesses, he returned to eyeballing Shining’s sword.

The blade itself was of fine work, and there was a slight thinning from the fuller of the blade before widening into a bigger central ridge, allowing itself to be better used for hacking and slashing. The sword was held at an upwards angle, ready to block any quick jabs or attacks towards Shining’s body.

The human unsheathed his own sword and stood in a middle guard stance, his left side was forward, his right back and the sword was below his waist and slanted upwards with the point of the sword was aimed at Shining’s head and from there he waited.

The two held and waited for the other to begin the first strike as the Royal Guards saw them and began crowding around, some of them throwing jeers or supportive cries while others looked on in concern and worry. One departed and began galloping towards the main entrance into the Castle.

They waited and Shining’s patience grew thin when the human blinked and gave a smile before lowering the sword’s point down and lined it in front and between his legs.

Shining saw it as an opportunity and reached out with a thrust. The human merely made a step back and shifted his grip on his sword’s handle, Shining’s sword falling short about a foot away. Though Shining could easily just altered his sword’s momentum and turn it into a stab toward the human, the being’s quick reaction to his strike told him he would have missed and would leave his body vulnerable to anything and everything the human could do.

With that in mind, Shining retracted his sword and returned to his previous stance, shortly after his attempted attack, he readied his sword in a defensive position, ready to parry the humans attack and respond with an attack of his own.

The human’s smile didn’t fade as he immediately levered the sword from pointing at the ground to suddenly lifted up and, with the point aimed straight for Shining’s face, jabbed at him faster than Shining watched.

The Captain of the Royal Guard realized his mistake and immediately tried to jump back and ducked right. His sword however, was held by magic and instead of following with him, came down at the human for a cut.

The human merely let one hand go before grabbing the blade itself and met the strike with the flat of the blade, letting it slide upwards and away to Shining’s horror at his now capitalized mistake as the sword was now in an extended strike position and therefore making him vulnerable to an incoming attack.

The human wasted no time in chasing the captain down and pinning the sword against his throat with the edge of the now makeshift spear. The two paused when the human arrived to the victorious position before withdrawing and after making a few steps back returned to his starting guard.

Shining panted lightly with his eyes wide open. He didn’t expect the sudden agility from a two-legger. Shining reviewed his spar with the human and how quickly he resolved that round within two moves and one thrust.

This animal knew how to fight and how to quickly end it.

The unicorn captain shook his head before resuming his own starting position. A few seconds later and after a few supportive cries from his fellow guard, Shining returned into an attack stance again and responded with a cutting swipe at the human’s left waist.

The human parried the strike with his own sword before answering Shining’s attempted strike with his own, his sword slashing in a cut towards Shining’s muzzle. In a panic, Shining pulled back a few steps and was able to push the strike up and away from him, affording him an opportunity to stab, that he did not see or take advantage of.

The human held his position and observed the unicorn as Shining recovered and tried to glare back. After the unicorn did so, the man asked, “How old were you when you applied to the Royal Guard?”

The question proverbially tripped Shining, as he expected the human to either berate his missed opportunity or his “cowardice.” He considered it for a few moments before answering, “I was eighteen when I joined. Why?”

“Eighteen?” The human cocked his head as he relaxed and gently pointed his sword into the ground, “So that’s why. You shied away from what could have been an easy parry and approached us in anger. And then we recall hearing from the Princess that you’re the Captain of the Guard, the youngest if we guess your current age.”

Shining looked at him in bewilderment, not understanding what the human was talking about before the man gave a “tch” and muttered, moving his head down, “Honestly, subtlety must be nonexistent.” He tapped his weapon and looked up and, rather lamely, declared, “You’re fighting us because we’ve wounded your pride when we first met. That tells us that not only are you young and naive, you’re letting your pride of being a captain affect your judgement. Clearly, you’re unprepared to handle a situation which doesn’t conform to whatever military scenario you ponies employ.”

The unicorn’s jaw dropped at the human’s evaluation of him as the Royal Guards around him fell silent at the jabs at their captain. In all honesty, Shining had dealt with the “young” insults from those who were older and had better experience, but it drove him to the same kind of dedication his sister had to prove his detractors wrong.

True enough, his pride had been hurt during their first encounter. He had thought that he had been prepared for a combative confrontation and yet this creature suddenly employed evasive tactics against him and his fellow guards and the human had “fought” in such a manner that that he responded to the situation poorly, sending him to command his guards to chase after the creature that had he been in better control of the situation, he would have not issued. Once he tried to come back for round two, the Princesses prevented him from seeking redress for his wounded pride and ended up explaining to him that he and his guards were in the wrong.

Though Princess Celestia had told the human to apologize, it didn’t help soothe Shining’s wounded pride at all. And upon being reminded of it, Shining’s shock at the human’s words turned into anger. With a wild yell he charged toward the human, with his sword raised up and ready to descend on the human’s shoulder.

The human snapped the sword up and stepped back, once again grabbing both grip and the blade and letting Shining’s sword land on his before pushing it back up and lashing out with his back foot and swept the angry unicorn’s forelegs out from under him.

The moment Shining hit the ground with his side, the human twisted around and landed the tip of his sword rest against Shining’s throat. The unicorn’s anger at getting shown up rose again and he growled at the human.

His expression didn’t change to Shining’s growl and instead turned around, walked four steps before turning again to face Shining. The man then barked, “Get up, captain!”

Shining Armor slowly got up but stayed laying on his stomach, his legs curled to his body as he recovered from getting sent into the ground.

It only made the human give a huff of impatience annoyance and said again, “Get. Up. Captain. You started this fight and since we’re stuck here for the rest of the day, we may as well iron a few things out. You wanted this fight and now we’re talking with our swords, Prove to us that you’re worthy of that title, Captain of the Royal Guard. Get up!” He gave emphasis to his last demand with a quick flourish with his sword, making the metal sing through the air.

Shining gave a groan as he got up and gulped down air before readying his sword in front of him, his expression still grimacing from the pain in his legs and side. The human observed Shining as he steadied himself and gave a small snort, “Honestly, we’ve seen tougher guards and soldiers handle worse than a bruise like that.”

The unicorn’s expression started getting hard, “Sh-shut up.”

“No, Shining Armor. We don’t think we will. You’re calling yourself guards and soldiers when we haven’t seen anything that proves you any higher than simple militia!” The human’s smile had fallen into a disappointed frown, “Just when was the last time you and the “Royal Guards” ever seen a fight that wasn’t between squabbling couples?”

Shining gave a cry of anger before charging forwards, his sword jabbed to make a stab. The human reacted and moved his own weapon to bat it away before Shining pulled back and made for a cut across the human’s right knee.

The unicorn gave a grin in victory at getting past his opponent’s guard, waiting to see a small cut appear from the human’s leg.

Only to be upset that the human jumped over the strike entirely and landed unharmed.

Shining hesitated in his shock that despite him getting through the human’s guard, he still missed landing the blow. The human was quick to take advantage of his long pause and dashed around to the opposite side of where the unicorn’s sword went before landing a solid slap on Shining’s flank with his hand, directly on his Cutie Mark.

The crowd of guards fell utterly silent at hearing the sound of flesh being smacked. Shining’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates when his brain registered the pain, and his flank briefly jiggling.

Nopony, except his beloved Cadance, would dare do such a thing. Let alone another stallion!

Shining’s face flushed red in both embarrassment as his fellow guards gave low collective gasps of shock. Shining’s mind had been shocked by the creature’s action badly enough he was slowly comprehending what the human had done. In Equestrian culture, a public slap on the Cutie-Mark, marked the pony as being the bottom of any type of relationship, and it was the most humiliating act a stallion could have associated with him, as it implied that not only did he see himself as unworthy to continue propagating his lineage or his species, but it also was seen as a stallion who was weak and submissive. That they needed a “real” stallion to protect him and make the decisions for him.

And this animal had the gall to call him weak!

Shock turned to anger, Shining roared and his sword raced around. With gained momentum, he brought the sword to try and smash past the human’s sword. After the human deftly blocked the smash, Shining brought his own magic into the fight and gave a blast of magic at the human’s stomach.

The human’s eyes widened at the sudden aggression, and unsure as to what the magic would have done knew better than to stand there and wait or take the attack twisted around and rocked back onto the balls of his heels and let the beam of magic fly underneath his stomach.

His head snapped around to watch the beam blast away the statue on the far side of the field. Now aware of Shining’s anger, he stepped around again towards Shining’s flank and gave an even harder slap before kicking him away in the side.

Unfortunately, Shining recovered faster than before and was now infuriated, his mane an absolute mess and matted against his head and his eyes widened in rage. He responded with an even bigger pillar of magic and it moved faster than the human expected.

During the last few seconds before the blast hit, the human brought up his empty right arm and held it out as if to block the magic as it collided against him.

The air and field shook from the explosive report as Shining stared at the dust cloud in rage. The guards around the two quickly discovered themselves as targets for collateral damage and had quickly dived out of the way or darted skyward to avoid being hit.

Part of Shining’s mind prayed that the dust would reveal the human unconscious, letting him have a long-since denied victory over the damn animal and recover some pride he lost from the beast.

“Feeling better?” the human’s voice rang out from the dust as it settled. Shining blinked before his jaw dropped when he saw what had happened to the human.

In the place of where the human had been, was a towering shield barely taller than Shining. It was a rounded and curved rectangular wooden bulwark decorated in painted wood with iron bolts around the edges of the shield and a brass semicircle in the center of it. The shield was painted with a red background while yellow wings and arrows were symmetrically placed.

The human emerged from behind the shield and picked it up from the ground, as it had been embedded into it from the force of the magical explosion. He placed it back on the ground and leaned on it. The grass around him had been completely burned away and left a sizable crater that spanned around him and all the way back to the mountainside and against the walls separating the field from the long drop below.

The walls of both the field fence and the castle had taken moderate damage in the form of scorch marks, as they had been enchanted to resist magic attacks for this exact instance, though the walls would need repairs and repaving.

However, the area behind the human and in tangent of the shield’s curved shape was left completely unharmed.

Before either human or unicorn could do anything more, another voice called out. This voice clearly angry, “What is going on here?”

The spectating guards quickly bowed low, heads lowered with muzzle mere millimeters from the ground as the human and Shining turned to see two narrow-eyed, frowning visages of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as both galloped from the direction of the Castle where the had been holding court. Shining blinked as he recognized Sargeant Stout Stance trailing behind the Princesses, giving a concerned glance between both the human and his captain.

Princess Celestia first confronted her captain, “I am waiting for an explanation, Captain Shining!”

Shining began sputtering incoherently, his anger dissipating against the shock and horror that the Princesses had arrived just in time to see the aftermath of his unprofessional behavior.

Now that they were here and with Princess Luna looking on at the destruction he had made because he allowed himself to be badgered and reacting in anger, Shining mentally sobbed and kissed his rank as captain goodbye.

“Our most humblest apologies, your highness,” the human apologised and looked contrite, startling Shining out of his sputtering spree, “We had desired to try ourselves against the best of your best once we had sufficiently warmed up. Unfortunately in the heat of our sparring, we allowed our eagerness to blind us to realize how much noise we must have been making. If you must punish someone, then we willingly accept what punishment you deem acceptable for having disturbed your Court and any anxiety our sparring session may have caused you.”

Princess Celestia looked at the devastation of the sparring grounds and turned to address Shining, “Is what the human says the truth, Captain Shining? Did he ask to spar with you and achieve such a result as a consequence of your sparring session?”

Shining was left speechless. He had attacked the human with anger and near lethal force and yet the same human was trying to save him!

However, despite that the human was helping him and taking the blame willingly. Princess Celestia was still his commander and he was duty-bound to her, that and he would not accept letting himself be considered a liar, and he would not allow the human to hold one over him!

But … .

Having the human take the blow and saving Shining from being sent home to two very upset parents was enough for him to impulsively reply, “Y-Yes, Your Highness.”

Princess Celestia looked around again and then asked, “And how did all this destruction around us happen when both you and the Warrior are here? The Warrior does not have magic, so he certainly couldn’t have caused this level of destruction. Also, the magic spells which are capable of causing this type of devastation are all lethal and would not be used in combat, as I am sure you are well aware of, Captain Shining Armor. Therefore I will ask again, why do I see this level of destruction in what is supposed to be a sparring area?”

Shining began to wither at her words and was convinced that he was bucked more ways than one, however the human stepped in and replied, “Once again that is our fault, Princess Celestia. We had asked your captain to use magic, and convinced him to use such lethal spells in our sparring match so that we might see the types of effects that your warriors and your subjects are capable of, and familiarize ourselves with the different spells which are used in the fields of combat.”

The alicorn princess stared hard at the human before asking, “If you gave such permission, then you or Captain Shining would have made sure that none of the guards would be too close to arena of combat and so run the risk of being harmed. Why have neither of you not done so?”

The human simply shrugged, “We underestimated Captain Shining’s magical prowess, since we had never encountered what you call magic. We confess no prior foreknowledge of Captain Shining’s spell, area of effect, or the skill he possessed. We must admit, we’re impressed with your Captain’s strength in both magic and physical prowess.”

Princess Celestia continued to stare at the human before giving a nod, “Fine. Since you admit to requesting Captain Shining to utilize his magic in your sparring match, and the result is the destruction around us, consider yourself banned from the libraries for five months and from the sparring grounds for three weeks, after you help clean up this mess.”

She then turned her attention unto her captain, whose jaws had dropped and was staring at the human, “Captain Shining, since you complied to the Warrior’s insistence when you should have denied such requests, you are to aid him in cleaning the fields and you are hereby assigned to be his personal guard until the end of his three weeks. You will aid him in avoiding the nobles when they are present until the end of the week, and you are to assist him in any other aid he requires of you. Understood?”

Shining gulped loudly but gave a meek, “Yes, Your Highness.” while the human blinked and gave a smiling nod to the Princess.

Princess Celestia looked between the two beings before giving a stern nod, “Good. Warrior, it would be best if you leave with us for now. You may clean this mess immediately after your lessons with Princess Luna and Luminous Scroll.”

With that, both Princesses huffed their annoyance and turned to return to the castle, Stout Stance gave a nervous shuffle with his hoof on the ground while Shining sat on his flanks in shocked relief at dodging the proverbial bolt.
When the human began to follow the alicorn sisters, Shining croaked at him, “Why?”

The human paused and look back. He stared at the unicorn before giving a sly wink and walked away from the devastated field and rejoined the awaiting Princesses.

Shining simply watched him go, his mind still recoiling from the near-destruction of his life’s career. He didn’t even register his Sergeant coming up and apologizing for informing the Princesses.

Princess Luna turned and faced the human the moment that he had arrived, “You lied,” she accused.

“We lied.” The human agreed, his smile not hurt by her accusation in the slightest.

“Why? The captain held nothing but contempt for you, yet you obviously egged him when we told you not to. His anger and the magic, which you had goaded him into using, could have casted him out of the Royal Guard and we would have lost a great captain and his life and family name would have fallen into most unfortunate times, yet you took the blow for him.”

The human blinked and his smile became more wily, “We were not completely lying about wanting to see what Captain Shining was capable of. And neither did we lie about being caught unprepared for just how proficient he was. We had long since known of his problems with us and we decided that because we are likely to be staying here for quite some time, we may as well make the castle more hospitable.”

Celestia frowned in confusion, “And you did not consider merely asking us? We could have—”

The human gave a slight frown in return and interrupted her, “You could have, but orders are orders and only give temporary solutions. No, what is between us and the captain is simply something the two of us had to solve ourselves. All you needed to do was give the setup.”

The Royal Sisters widened their eyes, with Celestia stating in realization, “You planned this the entire time.”

He smiled.

Luna quickly started looking between the human and her elder sister, then back again. She immediately blurted out, her expression turning to growing horror, “Praytell, doth ancient past truly instill a sense of manipulation within all who linger this long?!” She gave a jab with her hoof to Celestia, ”First it is thou, sister! And now it is with thy fillyhood friend!” Luna then opened her wings and flapped them once in annoyance, “When doth the time cometh when we too must twist and turn another pony?!”

Princess Celestia gave an amused sigh to her sister and nuzzled, who flinched once before accepting it, “I pray that time never comes, Lulu. It is a terrible feeling to use another pony.”

The human gave a small shrug, “Not entirely, but it’s not a habit you’d want to develop. Speaking of ancient age, we couldn’t help but recall you saying that this spirit possessed Princess Luna around a thousand years ago?”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both knew what he was wanting to ask. They were now more hesitant on giving the whole truth, as last night’s discussion was still in the forefront of their minds.

Princess Luna whispered to her sister, “‘Tia, our age are already known by populace, as is what being an alicorn meant. This is no secret, excepting him.”

Celestia gave a warm smile in return, “There are times, my little sister, you show wisdom that is older than I am,” She turned to face the human and replied, “As for what you are asking, human. Indeed, what happened to my sister did occur a thousand years ago. However, we are both older than that. It is because of us being alicorns, that we are able to live very long lives.”

The human blinked and his expression fell neutral, “How long?” he asked slowly.

Princess Celestia pawed the tile idly before replying, “If we stay safe and do not throw our lives recklessly into the wind, forever.”

Her answer immediately rewarded her with the first sight of seeing the human dumbfounded, fit with his mouth gaping open slightly and his eyes not changing as he stared at her.

She would have admired the feat, and only on the second day of him being introduced to Canterlot! However, she still had other things to deal with alongside being angry that the human still egged her captain into blasting him with magic and questioning his social status as a stallion.

Thus, she gave a loud “ahem” to draw him out of it, to which he promptly asked, his expression still confounded, “You two are physically immortal?”

Princess Celestia nodded, “Within reason, yes. Why does this shock you, human?”

The human blinked and replied, “T-Technically ... so are we.”

Princess Luna was quick to retort with a level expression, “Ye liest.”

He shook his head in negation to Luna’s vocal disbelief, despite knowing that he’s incapable of showing any proof otherwise, “We’re not saying we have complete immunity to aging, we still physically grow. We’re ... simply time resistant.”

The younger alicorn didn’t blink and repeated in the same level tone, “Ye liest.”

The human could only shrug, “It’s all we can really say in terms of proof, Princess Luna. Do you yourselves have any proof that you’re physically immortal as well?” Luna blinked and thought about it for several seconds but shook her head, coming up with nothing, “Still, alicorns being ... it’s ... seemingly unbelievable to us. It’s ironic that we’re saying that, yet ... .”

Celestia didn’t admit it aloud, but it was an unbelievable surprise to herself as well. It was easy for anypony else to just claim that they were as eternal as she was, among many other arrogant boasts and whatever else ponies decided to declare. But, how the human had stated his own eternal status. If he was actually telling the truth … .

Luna meanwhile, still didn’t believe it. The human first claims to have no name whatsoever, and then he lets on that he is just as eternal as she and her sister are! What else was this being going to falsely claim?!

It didn’t help that the remnants of the Element of Honesty that still lingered in her said otherwise.

The three stood in awkward silence, incapable of finding a way in continuing the subject. Both sides declared themselves blessed with eternal life, but neither of them could find a way to prove their blessings existed nor could they truly believe in what the other said.

And the irony wasn’t lost to either of them.

Finally, the human changed the subject. Seeing as how they were both figuratively and literally going nowhere, the human asked, “What are those strange marks on the flanks of every pony we’ve seen? We assumed them to be some sort of identification so as to easily spot and call out to anyone you needed.”

The sisters relaxed at something being something by which to break the uncomfortable silence that had settled between them. Princess Luna was the one to answer, “The marks you see are called “Cutie-Marks.” They are both a symbol of what a pony’s talent is, as well as the insignia of the bearer becoming an adult. Ponies are born without a Cutie Mark, so they often search for their special talent. Though, frequently they are found by accident or coincidence rather than simply trying everything a pony can and they are open to interpretation.”

Celestia nodded and added, “Whenever a pony finds their Cutie Mark, it’s an occurrence which often called for a celebration. As no two ponies share the same Cutie Mark, it’s much akin to a pony finding their purpose and identity in life.”

The human gave an interested hum as the three began to walk again. Having a physical identity and a guaranteed natural way of discovering one’s talent, skill, or ability seemed like an incredible blessing, considering how humanity had to fumble and adapt their way from anywhere for several months to many years to accomplish the same thing.

However, there were still downsides to having these “Cutie Marks,” namely where ponies would simply “discover” their talents, it apparently limited them within that one talent. Whereas humans were capable of adapting to their environment much faster and more capable of performing a variety of different tasks, with the rare few who could handle performing fifty different tasks.

Simply put, regarding a matter between the quality of the task accomplished and quantity of tasks accomplished, there’s been times throughout history where men and women found various ways to balance between the two.

Celestia’s next question drew the human from his mental musing as she asked, “Do humans have something similar?”

He shook his head, “No. We usually relied on adaption, ambition, and practice to develop talent.” He paused as he took note regarding where they were heading and realized they were moving straight for the main hall, “Is there a reason why we are going to the throne room? We thought you said we weren’t ready to—”

Celestia’s tone became a bit curt, with her being upset over the events down by the barracks still present, “You aren’t ready yet, and you still have six days until we hear of your decision. As it is, the only place you can spend the day is by listening in on the Day Court and its proceedings with us.”

The human feigned hurt and placed a hand over his heart, “Punishment by politics! Such cruelty behind a gentle smile.”

His remark made the two mares giggle before he asked, “But how are we going to listen to the proceedings? We didn’t notice any entrances or overhangs for us to take shelter in, and the doorway you and Princess Luna had gone into didn’t seem to have any other passages into it.”

Princess Celestia nodded, “You haven’t noticed, but there is indeed an overhang for you to hide in. Have you noticed the golden decorations above our respective thrones?” The human’s eyes flashed briefly to the left for a moment before nodding, “It is in fact an architectural illusion that my old friend, Starswirl, had made during my sister’s banishment and when I returned to ruling Equestria as a Princess. He had this planned during the construction, holding in mind that due to the ... impact Luna’s exile had on me, he wanted to keep a close eye upon me. It was only until his disappearance and after reading his journal did I ever discover it, and there is a discreet way of entering it.”

She promptly stopped after turning a corner in front of a door, the human having to swerve a little on his feet to avoid running into her. The door seemed as innocent and unremarkable from every other door within the castle. Luna nearly didn’t notice her stopping and backtracked to her sister as Celestia said, “Go through this door, this will lead you your way into the overhang. It is tall enough to hide even me from anyone looking up, and there are cushions up there allowing for one to sit in comfort.” Celestia gave a wary glare at the human, “I would greatly appreciate it if you do not tell anypony else of this, human.”

The human knew better than to challenge her on that, as he had already done enough damage today as is. He gave a polite bow with a “Very well, Princess Celestia,” before he turned and entered through the door.

The door opened up and merely showed a rather sparse room in the shape of an oval about the size of a living room of a one story house. Though it was still decorated to match the theme and colors within the Canterlot Castle, there was little else except for the obvious circle in the middle of it.

The human blinked as he turned his attention to the circle. Considering how the world now ran on magic of all things, seeing the letters and runes etched into the flooring with the circle it didn’t take much to assume it was his pathway to his soon-to-be hideout for the next three weeks.

The rune circle was a deep golden color, two yards length long in diameter and was filled with multiple geometric shapes. Within the shapes were either some kind of letter or symbol or small words which was barely readable to the human, as he still hadn’t progressed much with his language lessons.

Despite how Luna would claim otherwise, he actually struggled with the primer. It was only due to the assistance of the Legions within him, did he catch up to her.

Both the human and the Legions within shook their heads, casting the stray thought away before taking a figurative leap of faith and stepped forward onto the middle of the rune circle.

The magic within the runes activated and fired the instant he stopped moving on the circle. With a bright flash of yellow and a sharp escalating whirring noise, the human blinked for thirty seconds before realizing he had been teleported and his ride was already over.

Outside of the rune circle, he was met with a quarter sphere shaped space three yards in diameter from one corner of the space to the other. In the farthermost front of the quarter sphere was a rectangular hole walled by golden colored sheer fabric held by the sides by a white bordered golden band with a sun symbol underneath it.

The enchanted sheer fabric allowed the human to peer down and see the throne room, which was sparsely crowded with nobles and other ponies of various status’ as they stood and chatted idly while they waited for their Princesses to return to them.

Seeing as he arrived sooner than the alicorn siblings had, the man looked away from the seeing spot for a moment and found what seemed to be similar to papasan couches with equally sized body pillows to allow anyone who entered there to lay there in comfort.

Satisfied that he wouldn’t be uncomfortable during his three week stay in the alcove, he settled down and turned his attention to the conversations below.

“Honestly, what on Equis demanded so much out of our Princesses that they had to leave us? There are a great deal of things I need to attend to after this!” The first coherent voice rang out, the stallion’s voice utterly poisoned with snob arrogance.

“I only hope that whoever or whatever made that magical explosion was swiftly dealt with and exiled. Disturbing the most important time of the day, hmph!” An equally poisonous voice came from a mare with an upward movement with her chin.

“Be patient and stay in line, Jet Set! Princess Celestia has better things to listen to than your attempts at rooking underneath her nose.” Another voice audibly replied to the first stallion’s comment. The din faded slightly at the third voice’s scathing remark, but did not completely die down as Jet Set turned to reproach his verbal attacker.

’I’ve heard better drama from the debate between Trump and Clinton ...’ The human flatly stated, convinced that what Luna held against the upper classmen of Equestria was well founded. He was met with agreeing laughter in the Tower of Eternity before the doors at the opposing side where the human hid flew open and revealed both Princesses Celestia and Luna, immediately silencing the nobles ... equine? Nobles-equine as they moved to the sides of the room and respectfully waited for their Princesses to travel across the red carpet leading to their respective thrones.

The man studied his hostess’ face and saw the reason why the other ponies would consider her a demiurge. The calm, patient, and near motherly expression fit with a gentle smile was something he would have seen from his Lord’s Son. Princess Luna had something similar, however there were cracks in her mask belied her inexperience at hiding her opinions of the nobles-equine around her.

Once the mares sat down, the Princess called out, “My sincere apologies for our sudden absence, my little ponies. The matter that drew us away has been resolved, and the Day Court may resume.”

The first dressed up unicorn separated herself from the crowd of ponies and addressed herself as the rest of the nobles-equine shuffled out the doors to await their turn, “Your Royal Majesties, my name is Jade Star and I am the leading mare of---”

The human immediately tuned the mare out, already knowing that her proposal was simply something that was meant to fish something from either her fellow nobles-equine or the lower classes for selfish benefit. Since he wasn’t the one in charge of saying yea or nay, it made the choice of ignoring the pony all the easier as he drifted back to the Tower of Eternity and joined in the idle debate over Celestia’s offer.

He returned his attention to the mass below when he heard Princess Celestia’s voice ring out, “My sincerest apologies, Ms. Jade Star. However I must respectfully decline your proposal, as it would only lead to an unpopular monopoly over the sites, forcing many other businesses and hard-working ponies to either lose their jobs or be coerced into joining your own. As it is, I cannot allow an unfair act to them.”

The nobles-equine mare gave an imperceptible huff in annoyance, but relented with a silent and polite bow. She turned around and trotted out of the throne room to return to wherever she came from.

The Royal Sister’s Majordomo, a unicorn named Forward Bastion called out, his voice booming against the walls, “Will the Nobles-stallion Life Style and Miss Tutor Rial please come forward?” As the doors opened and a stallion and a mare who was not as dressed as the stallion traded places with Jade Star, Forward Bastion turned and informed the Princesses calmly, levitating a small stack of papers to them to see, “This petition is regarding an insurance claims dispute and the laws pertaining to the Unlawful Trade Practices Act.”.”

The dressed unicorn introduced himself with an equally polite bow, “Your Royal Majesties,” The human’s eyes widened slightly as he recognized the same voice who had berated Jet Set, “My name is Life Style, and I am the stallion in charge over Manehattan’s life insurance company, Gecko.”

Oh this will be good. The human had to fight off chuckling aloud while he shuffled closer to listen.

The mare bowed and said, “My name is Mrs. Tutor, Your Majesties. I am from Manehattan as well.”

“And it seems we have had to come here for a ...” The stallion gave a heated glare towards Mrs. Tutor before finishing his sentence, “legal problem with our insurance and the laws in Manehattan.” The stallion drew himself up and began his tale, “Within the Manehattan’s courts, and by your consent, lies a law named the ‘Unlawful Trade Practices Act’ which disallows anypony from using unequinable tactics in commercial bargains. This allows customers to be reimbursed from those who have taken advantage of them through unscrupulous and devious tactics.”

The mare was quick to put in, “However, the law does not extend to insurance companies, Your Majesties, and this stallion had—”

Princess Celestia’s wings unfurled slightly as she immediately cut both the stallion from defending himself and from the mare’s further accusations, “Enough! Mr. Life Style, I am familiar and was present during the law’s creation. I am fully aware what the law allows and disallows,” The stallion stiffened but relented at her words, before she turned her attention to Mrs. Tutor, “If you may, Mrs. Tutor. Please tell me of your side of the story.”

The mare gave a relieved smile and relayed her story. Apparently, she had blindsided a mare by accident with a wooden cart and informed both the injured mare and Gecko that she owed the injured mare twelve and a half thousand bits, and this fit well within Gecko’s own policy of the total amount as the maximum. However, Gecko did not pay the amount and did not inform Mrs. Tutor of their declination, leaving the mare to pay for the bits herself even though she could not afford the price due to her jobs payment. It was only later was she informed of what Gecko decided to do and was barely able to make a judging appeal to the Princesses because of the injured mare she had hit was a third party in Gecko’s decision.

Throughout the story, Life Style tried again and again to defend both himself and the company through both reciting either the same law he began with and other non sequiturs, however as the story progressed he started losing ground quickly.

In the end, both Princesses Celestia and Luna declared that not only is Gecko to pay the due amount to the injured mare, but also to pay two million bits to Mrs. Tutor. Despite Life’s protests, he was forced to concede to his ruler’s judgement and accept their terms in replanning his company's policies to not allow this to happen again.

Once the two ponies left, Princess Celestia addressed a guard by the door, “Sergeant Evergreen? Please send a letter to Manehattan of our ruling and to modify their Unlawful Trade Practices laws to include insurance companies.”

The guard nodded and followed after the two ponies, informing another guard on the way to replace his station while Forward Bastion’s voice rang once again.

The human merely watched on in amusement. He had already heard of a similar story, the only difference was the names. But it was always amusing and satisfying to watch or hear a company screw up and try to cover it up or try and shift the blame to regain whatever they lost, often to spectacular fails that damaged them to take an actual dent into their reputation and paycheck.

The rest of the day was filled with Nobles-equines coming and leaving in polite disappointment at their proposals and petitions being rejected left and right, the Princesses revealing holes in both their arguments or their petitions. Whenever something similar to Mrs. Tutor’s case would appear, the Royal Sister’s would act as judge and jury after hearing both sides.

Sometimes, they took to the side of the lower class pony that asked for the appeal, as it continued to prove to the human that the Nobles-Equines were quite determined at taking the word stereotype to heart. Snobbish, greedy, arrogant in their status’, determined to undermine those in equal or higher power, or kissing up those in power so as to get a share of it, the noble caste was incredibly eager to put themselves in bad light, as Princess Luna claimed earlier that day.

Eventually, boredom with how predictable the nobles continued to be and how they droned on and on about themselves and their shortsighted self-righteousness took its toll on the human and he decided to focus once more onto the debate of Celestia’s offered spell.

And once again, he and the Legion within was stuck on agreeing or disagreeing. The cultural attitude was unnecessarily harsh to remain in human form, though that wouldn’t completely stop them.

Their problem was the collateral damage.

As far as they’ve seen with the Princesses and what limited knowledge they had discovered, Equestria was utterly unequipped to deal with anything remotely close to a non-negotiable war. As much as the human was familiar with waging war, they were still physically recovering from their hibernation and, by guess and estimate, would not be completely recovered for the next few months.

And they would preferably not test the full strengths of magic-wielding beings yet, Captain Shining’s lethal outburst wasn’t unexpected on any account, but the amount of power behind it was enough to confirm that should he have taken that blast head-on, he would most certainly would’ve lost a torso and a limb.

And that was only Captain Shining, the young but promising stallion. What were the Princesses like, let alone everyone else?

This, combined with how they were in relation to Equestria, left them incapable of handling an army and not allowed to help train the national armies for an even longer period, as they were still a foreign to Equestria. No sane being during an era of peace and faced with the threat of an impending war would willingly let a foreign and unknown being lead their nation’s armies.

Albeit all that could be mitigated by them leaving Equestria, but considering what had been inscribed back at their sanctuary and which they weren’t willing to discuss it yet, that option was neither available, nor favorable.

Even if the human somehow, by some miraculous feat, defeated the minotaurs who were invading Equestria and even if he chased them back to their own borders and exterminated them, it would draw far too many political complications, public scorn from a millennia-old peaceful kingdom and possibly forceful exile. Once again, that was an option that would not be taken.

They could just not care. It’s not the first time they’ve done so.

’... Are we seriously considering disobeying Him?’ The human pointedly asked, which immediately changed the opinions of those who had entertained such a thought as it crossed their minds. They fully knew better than to dance with disobedience for a second time. They were given a new world to live in as the consolation prize after the Second Coming, they were not going to throw everything out the window and do whatever they want. Not yet.

The more the Legions dwelled on the downsides of disagreeing, the more it seemed like an unnecessary and nonsensible course of action and was counterproductive to His last order. And the more the Legions came to the same conclusion, the more they began to agree.

The offer to transform into one of the ponies wasn’t a favorable idea by any means, but considering political and cultural attitudes regarding his species within Equestria and her surrounding neighbors, they would simply have to accept and make due.

’Besides,’ the human thought, his tone upbeat to try and ease the unhappy few that still did not agree, ’It’s not often you get the offer to be transformed into something.’

This is still unnatural, humanity was created like this in His ideals, if He wanted us to shed our human appearance, would He have not done this Himself before we awoke? One stubborn voice thought.

To say that means that the second stage of His plan is already enacted, which means we would’ve been given a warmer welcome than this because everyone would’ve known about us. Besides, He’s long since locked the gates and withdrew from Earth, which means cutting off all knowledge of what’s happening or what will happen.
This statement caused a wave of disturbed shock through the Legions. Saying that He no longer was aware of what was happening on Earth anymore? It was damn near unthinkable.

’Yet ... . That’s what seems to have happened ... We’ve not been recognized, nor hailed by anyone we’d know.’

The human returned his attention to the Day Court below, putting the disturbing fact out of the way and decided to enjoy the last five days in human form. They had already decided on agreeing to the Princess’ offer and it was far too late to argue otherwise.

And the first thing they enjoyed was seeing who Prince Blueblood was, as he was the last to show up and take a figurative stab and grubbing power or money from his aunts.

Forward Bastion called out, “May Prince Vladimir Blueblood the Fourth approach!” and the human watched as a light grey unicorn with light amber mane color came through the door and towards the thrones in a typical strut similar to how many other nobles-equine trotted.

When he was closer to the Princesses, Forward Bastion turned to them and stated, “Prince Blueblood is the last visitor for today, Your Highnesses.”

Princess Luna nodded gratefully to her majordomo and said, “We greatly thank thee for thy service today, Forward Bastion. Thou hast our permission to cease thy labors for the remainder of this day.”

Her sister gave a nudge with her wing to silently tease Princess Luna for returning to her archaic speaking habit before turning her attention to Blueblood as Bastion trotted towards the large doors and politely asked, “Whatever brings you today, nephew?”

The unicorn gave a “harumph” and in an unexpected gentle tone groused, “Indeed what does, Auntie Celestia. I’ve been besieged by the other nobles and hounded by the raving mad griffons disguised as Equestrian pony journalists for two whole days ever since you’ve returned from your Everfree Expedition. They constantly demand and ask me about your excursions to Faust knows where within the Everfree Forest. I have heard about your order to keep it a secret amongst the maids and guards and yet they continue to ask and pester me about some ... ‘Being’ you found and brought back! I’ve asked again and again to ask of you about this, for I can only hope this does not continue Auntie, I cannot stand being in the middle of the filthy barbarous commoners and not being privy regarding to what whatever your secret is!”

’What a long-winded pony.’ The human commented.

Indeed, but now we’re learning just how well secrets stay secret within the confines of this castle, as well as hearing how the rest of Canterlot is handling our arrival. The human gave a quiet hum in response while Princess Celestia gave an answer, “My little nephew, I am sorry that you had to be in such a difficult place. However the circumstances in what both Luna and I had discovered needed to be kept away from the public, else it would have caused unnecessary hysteria off of what the journalists would say.” Blueblood stiffened at the word ‘hysteria’ but relaxed when ‘journalist’ came with it, “You may inform those who ask about this secrecy of ours, that by the end of this week, we will be able to properly answer regarding our commands regarding the matter which is currently being kept secret .”

The unicorn prince gave a sigh through his nose but only replied, “Thank you, Auntie Celestia. Quite frankly, I wish it were done sooner but if it is something that can become greatly exaggerated by the press, then I suppose it should be handled carefully. Though I must ask, does what you have ... discovered correlate to the recent explosion of magic which I felt this afternoon?”

The alabaster alicorn blinked in subtle hesitation but was quick to hide it, “It involves the occurrence, but does not directly correlate to it.”

Blueblood seemed to mentally sulk at her cryptic answer, but did not press further. He knew when his aunt was trying to hide something and did not want to discuss it so openly. In the end, he gave a nod and replied, “Very well, Auntie Celestia. I shall see you later this eve.” With that, he turned and walked out the same door he came in, the door booming shut behind him.

Princess Celestia sighed tiredly as she leaned back to rest against the throne’s back, relaxing after sitting for hours in one spot.

Princess Luna looked up and ask, “Art thou still awake up there? Or shalt we send Reginald to awaken thee?”

The human was quick to answer from behind the enchanted cloth, “Oh, we’re still awake, Princess Luna. Though it seems your castle isn’t very capable of hiding recently discovered secrets.”

Celestia was the first to defend, looking up and replying, “This has always been a problem, regardless of how well our guards are trained to not let anypony in, a pony will always find a way around them and into the castle. In fact, I’ve had to establish twice the numbers than before due to one pony being brave enough to not only sneak in and past the guards, but was able to find his way into my sleeping chambers.” Her sister immediately turned her head to stare at her incredulously, clearly showing that this was the first she heard about it, “Though the pony did not get away when I awoke, it still showed that regardless how much I have tried, somepony finds an overlooked answer in.”

“Perhaps a harsh punishment would make them think twice.” The human mused, “A day as target practice would certainly do it.”

Princess Celestia shook her head, “As much as I would want to, it could send the wrong message to the other ponies.”

“How so? It’s better than a prolonged sentence to the dungeons for months to years at a time. It demonstrates that if someone’s going to sneak around in the castle without permission, they may as well serve a purpose and help the guards while they’re there. In fact,” He moved closer to where his head was rubbing against the cloth as he leaned forwards through the hole, “Why not let them be target practice for you two? Certainly you both practice your magic at some point to stay powerful, seeing as you have more direct access to magic than the other pony races besides the unicorns.”

Celestia blinked in surprise and looked up at the noticeable bulge, “Where and when did you learn about magic and its relation to the ponies?”

“Luminous Scrolls, who else?”

She grumbled in a low voice, “Oh, of course. You buttered her up, then asked whatever you wanted, didn’t you?” A small chuckle above confirmed her suspicion. Celestia blinked before looking up and asking, “You did not answer me when you asked her though, human. As far as I was aware of your movements, you did not have the time to ask her.”

“We asked her before helping Princess Luna. We tried talking to your sister, but she was a little ... deep in thought.” The human replied, hesitating at how to describe Princess Luna’s internal meltdown, “Before you protest, Princess Luna, it may have seemed that only moments passed, but you were oblivious within your musings for several minutes.”

Celestia looked down to her younger sister and saw her startled expression before she asked, “Luna?”

The midnight blue mare’s expression became crestfallen and lowered her head, letting her mane cover her face. When Celestia moved a wing over and gave a subtle hug for support, she shook her head and muttered in a hushed voice, “L-later.”

Princess Celestia gave a sympathetic look to Luna before getting up and after stretching her legs and waiting for the numbness and pins-and-needles sensation to end, and went over to her sister. She wrapped her front hooves around her and gave a loving hug, with Luna leaning against her to return some of it.

After a few moments the two parted and, after Luna stumbled from her own numb limbs, whereupon they left their thrones to go to feast on supper. Before they left the throne room, Celestia looked back and called, “If you’re still up there, you may come down and join us. Reginald is likely waiting for you, as we have told him where you were.”

She did not get an answer, making her presume that the human had already left and discovered her royal butler waiting for him.

As it turned out, it wasn’t just Reginald there to meet him.

“Captain Shining, what brings you indoors?” The human asked the startled unicorn, as Shining Armor had been trotting down the hallway that went straight to where the human and the butler Reginald were.

Shining stuttered from the shock, whatever had been on his mind and what he would have said to the man was forgotten.

It took Reginald to give a loud “ahem” to bring the unicorn out of his stuttering spree and said, “Captain Shining Armor, if you have something to say to our guest, then please do so in a coherent fashion and not as a colt still struggling to speak.”

This was enough to get Shining Armor to begin slowly, “I, wanted to thank the ... human for earlier.”

The human nodded his head and was about to respond, but Shining continued and stated, “However, I am not going to allow you to blackmail me into anything and I will not let you use the aftermath of the sparring event against me. I may be young, but I’m still loyal enough to know better than bend down to you just to save my career!” he finished the last sentence with a hostile stance and a heated glare at the human.

His glare deepened when the human chuckled in response, but instead of him admonishing Shining and placing threats as he expected, the human instead replied, “Then it should gladden you that we have no intentions of using it against you. What we did, we did of our own free will and without any hope for reward other than sparring with you, the magical rage included.”

Shining almost stuttered again but caught himself with a simple, “What? But-”

The human gave a flat stare at the captain, “Captain Shining, are you asking us to blackmail you?” When Shining Armor blinked and shook his head, the man waved his hand and continued, “Then why are you pressing the issue when we already solved it for you?”

This left Shining Armor speechless until he saw both the human and Reginald depart, the human looking back and saying, “If you want, you could follow us to dine with the Princesses, since you already found your way to us.”

It was until the royal butler and the human turned a corner did Shining canter after them, though when he caught up to them he kept silent and his head down instead of starting any conversation with the human. The three continued to weave their way through the Canterlot Castle halls until a familiar door was found, Reginald trotting ahead to open the door and usher in Shining Armor and the human.

Just as they entered, Reginald Glass announced, “Your guests have arrived, Your Highnesses.”

After thanking and dismissing him, Princess Celestia looked at her Captain in confusion and asked, “Captain Shining, is there a reason why you join us this evening? You usually prefer to dine with your fellow guards instead.”

The human was quick to answer, “He wandered into us and decided to follow us here. We hope you don’t mind having a fourth join us for dinner?”

The two Princesses shared a look between each other before Celestia gave a small huff and replied, “I suppose we can make due. Captain Shining is trustworthy enough to keep your human form a secret until the rest of the five days are over,” She cocked her head to the side as she remembered and asked, “Since I have mentioned said secret, have you come to a decision yet, human?”

Shining blinked in confusion as he turned his eyes to the human. Said human didn’t move his eyes from the Solar Princess as he said, “It is still early, and we are still taking things into consideration.”

Princess Luna gave a small frown, as the lingering instinct instilled by the Element of Honesty told her he was lying. But because it was only able to tell the difference of a lie and the truth and not the reasons why, she simply gave a small nudge with her shoulders against her sister’s side to let her know.

With an answering nudge to her younger sister, Celestia then said, “Very well, but be sure to inform of either of us your answer. The sooner your answer is given, the sooner we can give you a proper introduction to Equestria.”

The human gave an understanding nod, “We will be sure to do so.”

Seemingly satisfied, both of the Princesses turned and sat at their respective seats to wait for their food, the human and Shining Armor following their example. As misfortune would have it in Shining’s case, he had to sit next to the human.
As they waited, Princess Celestia decided to break the silence by asking her captain, “Captain Shining, how is Princess Cadance? I’ve heard you two have been meeting each other quite often these days.”

The mention of the pink alicorn’s name caused Shining’s face to redden in embarrassment and started to stutter, “S-s-she’s a-alright, Y-Your High-hness. C- Princess Cadance has been happy a-about my uh ... um.” his voice drifted off as he lost his composure.

The human laughed at the discovery of the Captain’s adorkableness and teased, “We imagine he’s trying to imply they’ve already gotten past their night together and moved to second stage.” His remark caused the unicorn to immediately sit up straight with wide eyes once his mind understood what the human said.

Shining was too slow to object as the Princesses both giggled at his reaction and Celestia replying, “You are quite the ambitious colt aren’t you, Captain Shining? Well, as long as my niece is happy about you and your body, I suppose I can allow your little escapades until the wedding.”

The captain ducked his head down in embarrassment as the human and the Princesses laughed at his expense. He fell silent as he simply prayed to Faust that the food would arrive so the others would stop focusing on him.

As luck would have it dinner did arrive to divert their attention, arriving on the backs or in the magical grip of the servants as they were dispensed on the dining table. The night’s food contained once more a vast assortment of fruit and vegetables and other variety, even two types of cake. Though it was once again devoid of meat.

“Sugar? As the first part of the meal, Princesses?” The human asked in a teasing tone.

Before Celestia could answer that the cake was desert and the chefs preferred to deliver their food in one trip, her sister intercepted and answered for her, “Tis’ our sister’s obsession, we’re sadly admit. Our dearest sister hath always held a tooth of sweets e’er since we were fillies. We hath always bothered her to dine sensibly and in a manner befitting a proper princess of Equestria, alas, she oft defies our familial wisdoms. We wonder if all her sweet eatings hath allowed her to grow as large as she is, since all her food must go somewhere as her stature hath grown exceeding gross.”

Shining immediately looked at Princess Luna, scandalized by her words, while Princess Celestia’s composure immediately broke as she gave a foalish pout at her younger sister’s words. The human burst into laughter until Celestia flatly explained what she was going to say before she had been interrupted.

They were served their meals, starting with salads with hay croutons and cranberries. While Shining Armor dug in eagerly, as cranberries were his favorite, the human used his given utensil to scootch and move the croutons away before eating.
Princess Luna saw what he had done and asked, “Human, why doth ... do ... do you move your croutons from thine meal? Are you allergic to hay?”

The man shook his head, “No, Princess. It’s not because I am allergic, it’s because my body isn’t as capable of digesting hay as much as you ponies can.”

It only made her head tilt in confusion, “Do you mean to say that you cannot eat hay?”

Celestia couldn’t help but suddenly notice that the human had said “I” and “my.” Ever since she had began listening to him, he had only referred to himself in plural. So why the sudden change?

She abandoned her food for a moment to pay attention to the human’s way of speaking, “No, what we mean to say is that though I am capable of eating hay, it is simply not a natural part of our kind’s diet. Though We can certainly eat hay, it just won’t digest as easily as the rest of the food would.”

His answer confused Shining as he paused from his meal and asked, “So wait, if you can’t eat hay as much as we can, then what do you humans eat?”

“Simply put? Anything, though that doesn’t mean the majority of anything isn’t going to harm us, much like we could eat these plates, but if we did they would tear our innards apart.” The human replied with an innocent smile, only to chuckle at the stallion’s flat stare. He changed his answer to placate the Captain, “Humanity can digest a great variety of food, though usually we eat fruit, vegetables, grains, and meat.”

The mention of meat made the ponies pause and stare at the human in silent shock.

Princess Celestia was the first to ask, “Y-you’re ... the humans are carnivorous?”

Princess Luna and Captain Shining stirred from their shock and glared at the human in suspicion as the human rolled his eyes as if he expected such a conclusion, “Yes and no,” He answered lamely, “The proper term is ‘omnivorous,’ though in truth, we humans are semi-omnivorous as we’ve said to Captain Shining a few sentences ago. The human body was designed to adapt and digest whatever was most available or most doable, even if we had to hunt or farm. And just because we are capable of eating meat does not mean we solely rely on it, it’s like saying you ponies solely rely on eating hay because you are capable of eating it. Even then, we’re used to cooking and baking our food, as we do not eat meat raw as you’ve likely seen.”

The ponies relaxed slightly, however both Princess Luna and Captain Shining still held their respective suspicions but did not persist on them as they tried to return to their given meals.

Celestia couldn’t help but watch as the human ate in observation as the conversation had drifted off into awkward silence.
The human noticed and asked, “Something on your mind, Princess?”

The mare blinked in surprise before asking, “Do you know how long you have been in this ... “hibernation?””

The human gave a thoughtful hum but replied quite quickly before taking another bite, “Haven’t the foggiest. We haven’t had any mental clock during the deep sleep and neither of us was awake or aware to keep track. We’re still making some theories, the most reasonable would be ... perhaps four to six billion years. Why do you ask?”

She blinked again, taking note of his words while being shocked at what the human was considering his best guess before she pointed with her hoof to the human and the food around them, “While I was involved with arguing with Luna, I noticed when you began eating, you treated it as if it were nothing special. I do not mean to say this as a way of thinking you have either eaten better or mean to insult the castle’s chefs, but when my sister had her first meal for the first time in a millennia, she nearly broke down in tears at even having celery soup.” Princess Luna nodded at remembering her meals as Celestia continued, “So I must ask, how are your first meals after so long?”

The human chuckled and replied, his eyes swirling and on occasion his voice wavered until the end, “While we had gone through hibernation, we were placed into numerous dreams. These dreams were ... quite close to lucid dreams, if that’s a familiar term to you two,” When the Royal Sisters nodded in understanding what he meant, he nodded in return and continued, “We could taste, eat, drink, sleep while sleeping, and could feel the world around us, but we weren’t aware of our dream-like state. Because we slept for so long, it all felt real enough to make us believe what we dreamt was us awake and living alongside everything and everyone in them,” the man wiped his mouth politely with his napkin before continuing, “We will say that your chefs are most certainly talented, and the food is incredible. But because of these pseudo-lucid dreams, all the surprise and joy of having an actual meal was long gone.”

Princess Celestia blinked before muttering, “I see ...”

The four couldn’t find anything else to follow up with the human’s explanation, leading to them finish their given dinners before moving onto the deserts. As Celestia bit into her cake happily, she found one question to ask, somewhat desperate to not let the dinner fall into uncomfortable silence, “Human, how do you like Canterlot as of now?”

The man smiled as he gulped down a bite, “We find it incredibly interesting, the existence of magic being the most fascinating subject and how it’s used in both civil and military matters. Albeit we didn’t know what to expect what would come after our kind, let alone that such fantastical and mythical races such as minotaurs, talking ponies and griffins. It only makes us more interested what else lives on this planet in this current era.”

It was there that the four was able to continue a discussion well past the deserts as they discussed anything else that lived on the planet, surprising the human by mentioning the hippogriffs, the dragons and Diamond Dogs.

Before they could discuss about the Diamond Dogs, one of the doors in the dining room opened and a Royal Guard stepped forward and stated, “Your Highnesses, Scholar Luminous Scrolls is waiting for Princess Luna and our guest.”

Princess Luna immediately sulked at the mention of Luminous Scrolls waiting for her, already dreading the lessons she would have to crawl through until she remembered that the human was going to be with her and helping her understand better than what Luminous could explain.

She still sulked regardless when her sister nodded, “Well then, I suppose we’ll have to talk another time,” Celestia’s expression immediately darkened as she glared at the human and her captain, “I do hope you two remember what you’re to do afterwards. The tools and equipment for helping you fix the Royal Barracks will be waiting for you. Captain Shining, since you have little else to do tonight, you may begin now.”

Shining Armor withered at his superior’s glare and gave an obedient, “Yes, Your Highness.” While the human merely smiled and gave an understood nod before getting up from his chair and lightly jogged to catch up to Princess Luna’s side and followed the Guardsmare while Shining left the dining room, hurrying to get a head start with the repairs.

Celestia was left alone in the room, watching as the human and her sister departed in silence before they were concealed behind the closing doors. Once she knew she was alone, the alicorn mare deeply sighed and relaxed her tensed body.

Today ... had been an quite stressful.

Celestia was just about to wonder about how else the day would be complete when purple smoke appeared in front of her, announcing itself with a small pouf before depositing a scroll with her student’s Cutie-Mark emblazoned on it.

Seeing it brought a small smile to her face as she unrolled it and read what her student wrote.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship: I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia blinked and re-read the letter, both being confused from what her student said, as well as wondering if there was anything else. During her years of training and mentoring Twilight, she had never seen her humble enough to be afraid to use her magic, nor as braggart as she had seen in other ponies she spent time with, both noble or civilian. It was apparent that something had happened, but she couldn’t figure out what it was through the letter.

In the end, Celestia sighed and lit her horn to cast a teleportation spell to her chambers. Once there, she trotted over to her desk sitting above her sleeping alcove and wrote a letter of askance to the mayor of Ponyville, Mayor Mare, what had happened before she had received the letter.

She then made a second letter that would tell her assistant dragon, Spike, to deliver it directly to Twilight without reading it aloud to her. Celestia wanted her point made as clear as it could be,

My Dearest, Faithful Student,

Have you ever seen a Pegasus go through their lives with a rope binding their wings to their sides, because they were afraid to fly? Have you ever seen another Unicorn live their lives with a magical suppression ring because they were afraid of using their own magic?

Dearest Twilight, you shouldn’t be afraid to use your birthright that is magic, even for the most trivial of things. Going against or even suppressing your own talents that is symbolized on your very flanks is a terrible way to live through life. I myself have seen the few unfortunate ponies who thought that way and even until their dying days, I have never seen a happy or satisfied smile on their muzzles.

Bragging is indeed a terrible habit, but there lies a line between showing what you can do and what you are capable of, and biting more than you can chew. Knowing your limits is all well and good to know, but that does not mean to not push past or using what is within your limits to help your friends. Do not be ashamed of being a unicorn, or that you utilize a magic which pegasi and earth ponies cannot. If any shame or satisfaction be felt, let it be through the actions you take or abstain from, that determines how others perceive you, not because your appearance is different from the expectations of others.

Your Loving Mentor,
Princess Celestia

She sealed both letters to Mayor Mare and to Spike and send them on their way before hearing her chambers doorway opening to reveal her sister.

“Good evening, Lulu,” Celestia said with a welcoming tone as she left her desk and trotted down the stairs to meet her sister at its base, “Is there something you need?”

“Doth we truly need a reason to see our beloved sister?” Luna asked with a smile as she deposited her royal regalia and boots before levitating them to lay next to Celestia’s dresser. She shivered in relief as the frogs of her hooves felt the cold tile.

Celestia chided with amusement, “Lulu, we both know you don’t wander around without some reason, even if you couldn’t explain it well enough.” She giggled at Luna’s pouting as she removed her own regalia and placed it besides Luna’s.

“Ugh! Must thou remind us of such memory?” Luna muttered loudly enough for her eldest sister to hear, causing Celestia to giggle again. She gave a small glare before Celestia gave a hug with one wing. Luna rubbed against her sister’s side to return the hug.

“Still,” Luna remarked, “I ... came here to discuss with you about the words from today.”

It took Celestia a few moments to recall what ‘words’ Luna was talking about before she asked, “Do you mean about what the human mentioned of you in ‘deep musing’?”

“It ... it is ... in a way ... . One of a small number.” Luna paused before she was about to explain what what wrong. But before she got a single sound out, her sister turned her one wing hug into a full grasp, her forelegs wrapping around Luna while balancing on her rear legs.

“Lulu,” Celestia whispered in her sister’s ear, “Just know that I’m here and I am always willing to listen and help you.” She tightened her hug as she continued, “I lost you once because I didn’t give you the attention you had needed so much, my negligence forced you to bottle your feelings up. I care about you too much to let that happen again. If there is something in you that is hurting, know that I am always here for you and will support you through your sorrows and hardships.”

The younger alicorn gave a heartfelt sniff and rubbed her cheek against her big sister’s neck in a pony hug and nodded her understanding, letting Celestia let go of her sister and sat beside her as Luna began.

“It ...” Luna gave a deep sigh before looking down for a few silent moments. Celestia waited patiently for her sister before Luna continued, “During our time in Scholar Luminous Scrolls’ tutorship, We hath struggled and fought our way to learn this modern tongue and everything which has changed since we hath been imprisoned. Yet, I find myself frustrated frequently at our slow progression to learn all of the requisite knowledge that is necessary for us to restore the Nocturne Court. Sister, we both know that we alicorns possess the ability to learn faster than the other pony races. We still expect our lessons to last for two weeks, despite our progress being frequently frustrated and agonizingly slow. Yet, the moment thy ‘friend’ arrives and shares the same tutor with us, he is immediately beyond and further than we hath progressed in those few days of starting!”

It never did cross Celestia’s mind but now that she thought of it, it was indeed odd. Normally, learning or relearning took time or a talent to quickly adapt to lessons of any kind. With the three pony races, they took to learning at an average pace of a usual few months, at most a year or two.

With alicorns, it was much shorter, as since time meant nothing to the magically immortal beings they could focus more upon their studies as well as staying up longer. The only limits that stopped them from doing something similar to what her student Twilight Sparkle would attempt during her time being tutored in Canterlot Castle was food, water, and sleep.

Yet it seemed strange how this human accomplished such a thing in mere hours. Perhaps it was because of experience? He was used to being in unfamiliar territory that when he wanted to learn something, he knew what to skim and how to efficiently study what he had learned, and then teach another in a way that was understandable.

It would also explain how he had awkwardly interjected regarding his immortal status with her and her sister.

Celestia’s mind got back on track as she nodded and listened to her sister’s fuming, something she had recommended for Luna as a cathartic therapy for any built up tempers.

It was most certainly a method she was familiar with during the age when the nobles of Canterlot became greedy and pathetically petty while her sister still remained banished.

Luna was still fuming, being alone with her sister and pouring her heart to somepony she trusted the most changed her emotions as she talked about even her most foalish complaints. She started to ramble away from her frustrations at being shown up by a foreigner, and began talking about what else was frustrating her, words flying, and slipping from her mouth faster than Luna could process what she was saying.

Celestia listened to her sister pouring herself out for a solid thirty minutes before her younger sister sat down and fell silent. When she did, Celestia nuzzled her and said, “Lulu, it troubles me that so much of the knowledge that you’re still trying to learn, frustrates you to such an extent.”

Luna gave a small huff as she muttered, “And We are grateful thou aids Us in this. We simply do not understand how the alien human can learn our tongue so swiftly.” She moved her head to rest more comfortably against her sister’s chest, though as with all of the mono-horned ponies, she was ever mindful not to stab her big sister with her horn.

The two held their hug for a minute before Luna asked, “What of thee, sister? How art thee with all that has occurred?”

Celestia gave a deep sigh and admitted, “Confused and anxious. Everything we learn about the Warrior continues to thwart my understanding. Humans being our forerunners, said human is in allegiance to a higher power, who is also responsible for destroying an entire species and allowing us all to live where they lived? The nobles somehow learning about our meeting with the human and asking for more as usual. Somehow I miss the days before we had to ascend to the throne.”

It was Luna who gave the first condescending shove, making her sister move about a foot away before Luna remarked, “Thou knoweth better than to ask for such a day. Doth thou not remember how those days were the days we wouldst fall and become the resentful spirit that was Nightmare Moon?”

Before Celestia could apologize, Luna returned her own nuzzle, silencing her, “Thou hath worried too much.”

She held the nuzzling until she added, “Before then, thou still soiled thine bed.”

Celestia gave a disgusted and betrayed sound, making Luna laugh. Celestia quickly lit her horn and casted a vengeful spell at her laughing sister.

Luna’s laughter suddenly increased in volume and lost control as her sister’s magical aura covered her body and began poking prodding her. Celestia grinned as she watched her little sister squirm, “I wonder if you still have those ticklish spots, Lulu! Maybe that should teach you to stop making fun of your older sister like that!” She then made herself comfortable, reclining on the floor and closing her eyes in amusement as she awaited the conclusion of her sister’s forced merriment as Luna began to roll and squirm around.

It wasn’t long until Luna’s horn lit with her own magic and broke her eldest sister’s spell as she panted exhaustively. She glared at Celestia with an air of mischievous vengeance, causing Celestia’s neck to suddenly prickle and opened her eyes to see her sister.

Celestia’s heart skipped a beat when she realized what her young sister was thinking and recalled what Luna was likely going to aim for.

She immediately begged, “Lulu. I-I am you-your sister and I beg you not to do it!”

The laughter shall reign tonight, dearest sister!” and before Celestia could say anything, Luna dived at Celestia and tried to replicate what the human had done.

Celestia dodged and ran, but Luna’s magic was faster and held her prisoner just as she reached the door. She couldn’t turn her head but looked back with her eyes in horror as she watched Luna’s mane come closer behind her.

“Oh, it will most certainly reign, dearest ‘Tia.” Luna whispered to her sister’s ear as her magic slowly closed the doors like a fading light of hope abandoning Celestia to her doom, Celestia herself pleading and praying for mercy as the room fell into darkness. The moon’s light reflected off of the opposite side of the windows and preventing anybody from seeing what Luna was doing.

The castle walls echoed and resounded with Celestia’s despairing cries of laughter.

Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: The Gates

Captain Shining Armor groaned as he stretched his back as he straightened up from his labor and surveyed the area he and the human had worked to repair.

It had been three days since their volatile sparring had torn up the small field and the visible portion of the Canterlot Castle’s walls. Within those three days and into late afternoon, both human and stallion were able to fix up the walls quickly thanks due to Shining’s magic matched with the human’s instruction and both of them had just begun working on the grassy terrain.

Despite how Shining still kept a small glare at the human for tricking him into using lethal magic and getting him into trouble and then pulling his flank out of the fire and acted like Mr. Nice Colt to him by not blackmailing him.

Shining didn’t want to be blackmailed anyway, but really, who throws somepony onto the train tracks then pull them away just as the train nearly runs over him?

Regardless of how much Shining Armor held the incident against the human, the task of repairing the damage done to the practice field and castle wall made them bond in a way. Not so much as to call each other ‘friends’ but their interactions exhibited the social behaviorisms more in line with each other being ‘tolerable acquaintances.’

The unicorn blinked as he returned to reality as he heard the human call out, “Captain, the dirt and sod are here.” He turned from his given water canteen to see several pegasus fly up and over the field walls carrying square patches of grass seedlings along with a small amount of dirt. He heard the doors from the Canterlot Castle open up, which revealed several Earth Ponies pulling carts filled with enough dirt to fill in the trenches and craters marring the practice ground’s terrain.

Shining Armor took one last gulp of water before setting it aside and getting up to finish the job.

As they labored away and began shoveling, or in Shining Armor’s case levitating the dirt into the newly dug trenches, Shining slowly began to recall his sparring match with the human and noticed several unusual details, some of which didn’t make sense to him.

“Hey, human.” The human moved his eyes to look at the Captain, but didn’t pause in working, “Back when you pestered me into using magic. How did you dodge them? Usually, it takes a Still Way grandmaster to recognize a magical blast at point blank range, even the impulsive and lethal kinds. Even then they don’t usually get away cleanly because magic moves faster than what ponies can react to. And that last blast, you blocked it with a tower shield. As far as I’ve heard and gathered, you and your kind have no knowledge or experience with magic, yet that shield of yours came out of complete nowhere and was able to shield you from a lethal level of magic.”

The human gave a low, amused hum, “Hmm, you’re more perceptive than we realized.” He straightened his back and was silent for a moment.

“We can easily answer why our shield endured such a hit, which we might add, does fit the meaning of lethal. We, who have been called upon to serve our Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven, are given certain privileges. For one, our weaponry and armor are simply not allowed to shatter or break. You could send our weapons or armor into volcanos or smash them between the plates of the Earth, or even let them be left in the rain for two days and then start hitting them with all the magic you could possess and they would come out with not even a scratch. They’d probably get tossed and thrown about on the last example, but the result would remain the same.”

Shining stared at the human with confused shock, armor that’s not allowed to be damaged? He was struggling to understand and make sense of it as the human continued, “As for coming from nowhere, that’s one certain ability we’re not allowed to completely explain. All we can say is, they simply come to our hands whenever we need them.”


Twilight Sparkle paused from finishing the last bits of her work, as well as coming back from calming everypony in Ponyville down with Zecora’s visit and after being cured of the Poison Joke ... .

She also finally got the ashes and the smell of ashes out of her mane.

She stayed stock still for a few seconds before she gave a sneeze loud enough to startle her adopted little brother, Spike, from his dozing. Twilight sniffed and levitated a tissue to her nose as the little dragon asked, “Catching hay fever already?”

“Must be, it’s almost time for the winter wrap-up everypony’s talking about.” Twilight replied before giving another sneeze, prompting Spike to retrieve Twilight’s nasal congestion medicine before he felt his stomach burn and he proceeded to belch a scroll out. He grabbed the scroll absentmindedly while fetching the medicine for his sister.


The unicorn captain continued to stare at the human, when he realized that the human was done talking, he sputtered and waved some dirt on himself in his exasperation, “Th-That doesn’t make any sense at all! You can’t just tell armor or weapons to just defy the natural laws and not take any damage!”

The human simply looked at Shining Armor and replied, “When your King is responsible for creating everything you see around you, does it really need to make sense? Would you question and ask Princess Celestia or her sister, if she created something that didn’t follow the same expectations you’ve seen in your life, since they are both considered deities by Equestria?”

Shining was quick to answer that with a grumble, “Yes, and my little sis would demand the same thing. I may not be as knowledgeable about the land I’m living in, but what you’re saying is just ridiculous nonsense.”

The human chuckled mirthlessly and shrugged, “Some of us thought the same thing.” He returned to his task as he left his response in ambiguity, leaving Shining to watch him in silent confusion.

The two worked silently after that, focusing on the task and trying to finish it as quickly as they could, but without making the result look sloppy. Even then, it took until evening for the Princesses to arrive and inspect their work and give their acceptance.

Once they gave their approval regarding the work the two had been assigned and left, Shining Armor immediately used what was left of his energy to cast a teleportation spell and lost consciousness as he landed on top of his bed within the Royal Guard barracks.

The human gave a silent smile as he watched the Captain disappear before he moved on and, with an escort to guide him through the still winding maze of Canterlot Castle, arrived to his assigned bedroom.

He gave thanks to the Guard before entering and was quickly met with Reginald Glass and two maidens.

“Here you are, sir.” The Royal Butler stated as the maidens beside him offered a pile of neatly folded clothing to the human.

“Another set, Reginald?” The human commented as he began to prepare himself for a shower since he was utterly covered in dirt, beginning with his shirt.

“Indeed, sir. As it is, it is most improper and most unsanitary for one to remain with only one set of clothing. The seamstress had taken a look at your clothing while they were being washed and tried to replicate the style. Raised quite a storm regarding the monochromaticity of your garmenture, as well as being exceedingly vocal regarding the ensuing scandal that a visitor should wear such plebeian and chromatically simple clothing within the Canterlot Castle halls.”

The human gave a small scoff at Reginald’s insistence at wearing such ornate and gothic formal wear, which made one of his bushy eyebrows twitch, “Human propriety and courtly sensibilities had fallen out of favor with the majority of humans ever since we entered into the latter half of our twentieth century, Reginald.”

The human moved off into the bathroom, continuing as he did so and raised his voice while he moved, “Gone were the days of ornate flamboyants with ruffled dress shirts and cloaks, along with the ballroom dresses for women that made them seem a different species at the hip. Comfort and practicality became the favored style of clothing amongst the majority of humans during the latter days, and bright colors had lost their cheer unless the formal event was cheerful. Besides, the “improper two-tone” clothing fitted well within those standards.”

The Royal Butler didn’t respond negatively, but steadily replied, “Regardless, sir, times have changed since the culture of your era. Propriety is still present and required within Canterlot, and it would reflect poorly for your specie’s fashion of the era of which you speak to be seen in our kingdom’s capital.”

“Ah, but you forget,” The human interjected as he finished undressing, unashamed and unfazed that he had just stripped himself to the bare skin in front of two mares and a stallion, “We are not supposed to be announced unto your populace as of just yet. Within two or three days, that may change. But until then, we recommend not outfitting us with an entire wardrobe’s worth of clothing, as they may become useless should we decide to take on your species’ form.”

Reginald wasn’t troubled in the least as he followed the human into the bathroom, though he kept his distance and did not get within eyesight of the human entering the shower, “Perhaps not, and your suggestion is appreciated. However, sir, it seems that you also forget that magic can address your concern regarding such a problem. Most unicorns who dabble in the textile industry are well-versed in transforming clothing for other species should there be an error.”

The man didn’t answer immediately, as he had turned on the showerhead and had began to lather his body and hair. After he rinsed once and prepared to repeat, he replied, “Fair enough.”

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Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

A situation of the most unique and interesting nature hath has arisen and we I request thy your presence at Canterlot Castle immediately. We art I am sending our my personal chariot to the Golden Oaks Library so that thou you may arrive posthaste. Please come, if at all possible.

Thy Your friend and Keeper of the Dream World,
~Princess Luna~

P.S. Yes, Spike may come too.

Twilight read over the scroll at least twice just to make sure she hadn't missed anything important. It was without a doubt from Princess Luna, the crossed out words of words which had fallen out of favor in this modern era’s tongue was obvious, but it was incredibly vague to explain what this "situation" was. How was she supposed to know how to respond when she was lacking any information regarding the “situation” Princess Luna was referring to?

"This is ... weird," Twilight commented, moving the scroll in a few directions, as if a clue or another scroll explaining everything would appear.

"Yeah. I thought Princess Luna was asleep by now, and she's sending you letters asking for us to go to Canterlot just like that?" Spike asked in response. He was well accustomed to weird stuff happening by now, but this was a new one, even for him. "Whadda we do, Twi?"

"What do we do?" Twilight repeated in disbelief as she looked at Spike. He seriously asked that? "Princess Luna just requested an audience with us and went so far as to send her own personal chariot for us to take so we can meet with her. What do you think we're doing to do, Spike? Refuse the summon of one of the highest authorities in the kingdom!? Of course we're going to meet with her! This has gotta be a matter of great importance!" she stated, turned around and tried to stand taller.

"I know Twi, it's just ...well this is really weird. Like, a whole new kinda weird, and you and I've both seen plenty of weird stuff happen. Princess Luna didn't say anything other than to show up," Spike explained.

"I know, Spike, isn't it absolutely fascinating?" Twilight lifted the scroll up as if it were a trophy as she continued, "Out of everypony to ask for us, it's Princess Luna, the Princess who controls the moon and watches over the night. And what's more she's asked for us during the daytime meaning she's passing up on her rest to talk with us! I can't imagine how important this must be! I'm absolutely giddy with excitement!" Twilight gave a small "squee" and made a small dance.

Spike however, felt nervous. An excited Twilight was rather dangerous at times. And right now, she was bordering on Pinkie Pie levels and if this wasn't resolved soon she'd be crossing that border; then he'd have to deal with the equivalent of Pinkie Pie, but one capable of wielding powerful unicorn magic and that was a terrifying thought already. His concerns and trail of thoughts were soon displaced as the sight and sounds outside the window greeted him.

"Looks like our ride's here," Spike commented.

"Well let's not keep anypony waiting. C'mon, Spike, we've got a princess to go and see!" Twilight stated and galloped out the front door.

Luna's chariot was touching down just outside of the Golden Oaks Library, while two of Luna’s intimidating and fiercely loyal Night Guards pulling it slowed to a stop and gave two low snorts as they didn't wait long until they saw Twilight galloping towards them.

"Hey wait for me!" Spike called and chased after her, trying to keep pace the whole way with his short little legs. Whatever was happening, he didn't want to miss out on it.


During the trip to Canterlot Twilight couldn't help but keep thinking about everything going on today. First the message from Princess Luna, an escort in Princess Luna’s personal chariot traveling back to the castle at a hurried pace? Something was up, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. To make matters worse, no matter how hard she tried to figure it out she simply didn't know enough information to make a conclusion, and engaging in wild speculation wasn’t helping.

Turning her attention back to the two stallions -or whatever they were- her mind came back to her initial conclusions. Despite their rather scary appearance, they were really nice. They had a politeness about them that eased a lot of her tension about approaching them. One of them spoke with such a velvety voice it almost made even Twilight's incredibly bookish, and rather virgin-like sheltered nature, to actually melt and go giddy like Rarity's often romantically-inclined dramatic acting.

In fact, this was enough to make Twilight think about asking for a name before she shook her head to return to business. Sadly, she realized too late that her body had betrayed her by blurting out the question before she could stop herself.

Incredibly lucky for her, said stallion gave her his name, which was Midnight Wind.

Unfortunately for her, he grinned and even looked back to add his address and availabilities, causing Spike to laugh and tease her mercilessly. Despite her denials and attempts of trying to change the subject, she ended up memorizing the details Moonlight gave. He lived within a thestral colony not far from Ponyville, which confused her to no end as she never seen or heard of the colony, and was mostly available at around evenings.

Spike replied, cutting her off from asking about it, "You're still a teen, sis, I'd say it's pretty normal for everypony to get all lovey-dovey at some point."

"Like you do with Rarity?" Twilight tried to tease.

"Yup! And still got my heart and soul set on her and I’m not afraid to proclaim it from the rooftops using the Canterlot Voice!" Spike boasted shamelessly before he scratched behind his head with one claw in a sheepish afterthought, "... . Well, I might stutter a lil’ once I’m there ... . And I might fall apart if Rarity was in sight. But I'm can go that far." Sadly, this did not help Twilight at all.

She stewed in her revealed embarrassment and was desperate to try and change her mind, but ended up observing the two thestrals fly, the manner in which their bat-like wings flapped as she analyzed and compared how they flew with how she'd seen Rainbow Dash fly.

The movements were similar, the strokes were similar, the way they flexed their muscles were definitely similar. But there were key minute differences that put them worlds apart. It was enough to re-distance her mind from silly romance, as watching the thestral’s bodies move was fascinating and would make for an interesting study later on when she had more time.

That and the sunset was amazing from her perspective high in the sky.

"So ... Princess Luna didn't tell you anything about why we were needed?" Spike asked one of them, having to speak up to be heard over the rushing of the wind and the wing beats.

"No sir. Her Majesty simply instructed us to head to Ponyville and to bring you back to Canterlot as swiftly as we are able." The second stallion replied, his voice similarly uncharacteristic for his intimidating form like Midnight Wind's voice was and managed to leave Spike feeling rather uneasy. If they were rough and gravelly sounding at least he'd expect that.

The rest of the trip back to Canterlot passed in relative silence except for the occasional rattle of the chains, or the leather-like flaps of the bat wings.

"We're approaching the landing strip now," Midnight Wind silky announced as their trajectory adjusted, bringing into view another angle of the castle that neither Twilight nor Spike were accustomed to seeing as it faced away from the direction of the setting sun most of the time.

The descent was quick, sharp and more than a little scary their first time out and sent Spike cowering on the chariot's floor, fearing that he might be sent flying out of the chariot, whereas Twilight squealed in a panic as she tried to keep herself on the chariot’s bench, even though they were never at risk of falling out. The approach had been even and their landing smooth as the wheels touched down on the firm stone, squealing as they came to a full stop.

"Is it over?" Spike asked as he looked up from the chariot floor.

"Y-y-yes ..." Twilight squeaked as she tried to calm down from the sudden drop before dismounting the chariot, Spike close behind, "I wonder where Princess Luna is."

"Wonder no more, cherished friends, for we art here!"

Both looked upward to see Luna flying over to them and touching down with far more grace than her chariot had, "Put the chariot in the hanger, then you may go," she told her guards before turning to face Twilight and Spike, her wings tucking themselves in at her sides. Twilight risked one last look at Moonlight, which caused him to notice and give a knowing smile and a lazy wink, causing Twilight to shake her head to try and disguise her blush as Luna continued, "We are quite happy to see thee again. 'Tis wonderful to be among our dear friends."

"A-always happy to help out, Princess," Twilight and gave a polite bow before raising to face her again, "I'm afraid your note didn't explain much. What's this interesting event you spoke of?"

Luna blinked before taking note of Twilight's fading blush and began putting two and two together, making Twilight widen her eyes as Luna teased, "Thou hath swooned for a Night Guard, hath we?" Twilight groaned in embarrassment and Spike began laughing, "Tis not so unusual, Twilight. We even remember a time when love once made the call to us." Luna smiled, "Who hath she swooned to, friend Spike?"

Spike gulped air to try and settle his laughter down enough to say, "Midnight Wind." And with that he returned to giggling.

Luna gave a small giggle, covering her mouth with a wing, "Ooh, him! Such a good choice, Twilight Sparkle, as Midnight Wind hath reached of age and seeks a worthy mate. He is of noble birth, sired from the Lorcan lines, and most certainly one of the finest of stallions as part of our Night Guards." Twilight's blush returned, full force. Luna winked at Twilight, "Though, we doth warn thee. Those of the Thestral Bloodlines are oft insatiable, dominant, and most adventurous. Mares who dare to accept their offers are oft left drained, muscle sore and requiring buckets of water, and sporting the most dazed and silly grins we hath seen."

Twilight's blush caused her to change her coat's color completely to red and leaving her stock still at being told this. Never had she known that Princess Luna held such a perverted mind. It was utterly mind boggling and almost unimaginable to her. She may as well be told that Celestia would go out on a daily basis and teach at a local foal's school!

Though now her emotions took a confusing crash when Princess Luna next said, "We shall plan and schedule a playdate for thee and young Moonlight, friend Twilight! Perhaps that should help thee with thy in capabilities in reaching him."

The unicorn mare was struck dumb by her suggestion and idea, and she began to protest. However, whatever arguments she had was lost to her sputtering and stuttering. Spike, either intentionally or unintentionally, decided to further soil Twilight's virgin mind by asking, "Did Princess Cele- . Y'know, maybe I shouldn-"

However, Princess Luna caught what Spike was thinking and replied, "Oh no, she was much in preference of many limbed appendages as a youthful filly. She hath ne'r looked at a forest nor a certain cephalopod the same way," She gave a giggle and winked at the two shocked young mare and dragon, "She still hath such fantastical dalliances within her dreams." Spike's jaw dropped before he joined Luna in laughter.

The poor unicorn sputtered as her scientific mind made the unfortunate connection and realization of her own mentor's sexual preferences and stammered, desperate to change the subject, "P-P-Princ-ess Luna ... Th-The "si-situation" y-you were talking about ... P-please?"
To her poor and now no longer innocent mind, it was like accidentally discovering her own parents during their "loud rough housing."

Luna gave another chuckle before she turned around and began to walk back, causing Spike to quickly follow, and quicker to subdue his laughing, but Twilight was slow to move.

"T'would take hours to truly explain by ourselves when thou canst observe our reason for thy hasty summons directly. Follow us to our Night Guard barracks and all shalt be explained there," Luna stated.

"The Night barracks? Really?" Twilight asked, her excitement returning but she cautiously tried to turn said excitement to what the "surprise" would be.

That and she never got to see what Princess Luna imagined for her own barracks looked like ever since she had gotten word of Princess Luna reinstating the Night Guard.

So being summoned by the Lunar Princess she helped save, and being told that there was something in the Night Barracks, waiting for her gave her a feeling of giddiness in her. Spike merely rolled his eyes and said nothing, choosing to follow in silence as Twilight was making enough commotion for the both of them.


Sword met wooden shaft as the human and a smiling thestral Night Guard battled away and battered at each other, trying to establish a dominant foothold or hoofhold whichever was the correct term. The human twirled his poleaxe, a much more preferred and more favored weapon for him, and moved the metal multi-head behind his shoulder while keeping the metal spike at the end of the wooden shaft at the thestral, who shifted the sword in her mouth.

The human waited and watched his opponent, who also took the opportunity to watch him before she juked to the right and tried to strike him on the inside of his right leg. He was quick to step back, and move the iron spiked end to nudge the sword away then pivoted the poleaxe to punish the Thestral with a descending hammer head onto her right shoulder.

The Thestral took the blow and rolled away to soften it before turning around and bucking both hind legs out in a powerful bucking motion in the direction of the human. Only to discover that her attack had been avoided as the human back stepped once again before moving forward just as the Night Guard was recovering from her failed buck, hammering the thicker part of her armor on his right side.

The Thestral was sent back a few meters, losing her sword and causing a subtle dent into her armor before rolling to a stop and seeing the human hold the spearhead of the poleaxe resting on her neck, causing her to freeze.

A few moments passed before the human lifted his weapon away from the Thestral before offering a hand to the downed pony. The panting pony looked at it in silence before putting her hoof in the human’s hand, then staggered as she was pulled upright quickly.

The human looked around and asked the gathered Night Guards as he twirled his polearm, “Anyone next?”

The group of thestrals and nocturnally adapted ponies muttered and shook their heads, having become savvy to how skilled the human was and decided to not try their own luck, even though they were told that he needed help returning to physical peak and the practice would help them.

When the human first visited the Night Barracks and was given a quick but polite tour by Princess Luna, he and the European warriors within the Tower of Eternity thought they had returned to the past during the days of the Late Renaissance Gothic architectural era as well as the spread of their architectural design.

In fact, it just occurred how similar Luna’s choice of architecture was to the ruins they had discovered back in the forest.

Though none of the European kingdoms and countries would ever paint their castles black and purple, or decorated in star constellations. The stars might have been respected and revered, but not to the extent that Princess Luna went.

That said, it was odd how Princess Celestia followed a Roman-Russian mixture of architecture, even more so when it came to her Royal Guards decorated as the Roman Imperial soldiers. Princess Luna however, took a different opinion and opted for the Gothic designs, which was an inspiration from the Romanic culture.

The human had been introduced to the Night Guards by Princess Luna, and he had expected full suits of plate armor, scale or mail armors or even lamellar, as was the preference from the Goths’. But instead, they saw the Night Guards wear the mixture of steel and leather two piece, their helmets sporting a dorsal fin at the top and the chestpiece a purple butterfly design with a cat’s iris in the center.

This all but supported his suspicion that Equestria was utterly unprepared to defend their borders should war be declared.

The human discovered that the Night Guard used leaf blades and spears, much similar to the Royal Guards. Though the swords were more impractically designed and the spears were of standard make and pattern.

The human chuckled at the reluctance of the gathered Night Guards and leaned against the poleaxe, “Come now, surely this is a good chance to see how you fare against the Ancient Warrior.”

He waited and watched them look at each other or exchange glimpses until he heard a familiar voice resound from the barracks interior echoing, "This way," The human turned from the gathered group of Guards to see Princess Luna come into view, followed by an unfamiliar unicorn.

This pony was smaller in stature and in an unnatural coloring, what with a mix of dark blues, lavender, dark purple and hot pink, and a strange symbol adorning its hindquarters. To the side was another strange being of even smaller stature, reptilian in appearance, its scales made up of light purple and green.

"We hath a guest." Princess Luna announced and used her foreleg to gesture over to the human, the Night Guard behind him bowing to their Princess.

Twilight nearly gasped at what she saw. She'd never seen anything like this before and the scientific part of her mind instantly took over, pushing her into examination mode. Who or whatever she was looking at it was safe to conclude this was no pony.

Standing considerably taller than Princess Luna in a bipedal fashion but possessing no tail to serve as a counterbalance indicating an entirely different biological makeup to maintain such an unnatural balance. Dressed neck to hoof in weirdly yet fanciful black and grey clothing with a similar black colored hoofwear that looked as if he were dressed for a funeral.

The skin was an almost a hairless pale pink, while its mane had a light brown hue with a small brown mane coming down its chin, around it and rejoining its mane at the bottom of its jaws, a flat calculating face, and pale green eyes that on occasion, or so she could swear, would change into a spiral miasma of thousands of other colors that flashed and vanished.

While the unicorn remained silent and staring at the human with an open mouth, the human and the many minds that resided along side him made a few observations of their own.

Clearly, this "unicorn" was female, even if this new world followed the lines of "Long eyelashes means female" there were other quirks that showed the pony's gender, most of which could be compared and seen with a certain Princess not five feet away from her.

"This human, doth persistently claim that they hath no name, hails from an ancient time beyond even before the time of Equestria." Princess Luna announced to entire field rather loudly, snapping the unicorn out of her dazed appearance.

""Doesn't have a name"?" The small lizard questioned, identifying itself as male as he scratched one side of his head and gave a confused look at the human, "What kinda excuse is that?"

"Spike!" The unicorn almost yelled, acting as if the lizard had blatantly insulted the human, who merely responded with an amused smile, "Be polite!"

"Spike" shrugged his shoulders as if there wasn't anything wrong, "What? Who goes and says that they have no name? It's impossible to not have a name."

The unicorn rolled her eyes before asking Princess Luna, "Does ... He understand us?"

The human merely blinked, his eye colors flashing and swirled at a faster pace before the smile became a small grin, as if he just discovered something incredibly amusing. Then he said, "Mente introduciendo usted mismo?"

Princess Luna’s head snapped to the human in surprise and confusion. The unicorn mare's eyes immediately sparkled as she seemed to recognize what he said, as she quickly bowed and said, "Saludos y Bienvenidos a la ciudad de Canterlot! Mi nombre es Twilight Sparkle, estudiante personal a Princesa Celestia!"

However, the human did not respond kindly. He immediately clenched one of his hands while he grabbed his poleaxe and made a loud and audible inhale, his chest puffing up and outwards. Twilight immediately looked up and quailed at seeing the human take a seemingly hostile stance.

Twilight squeaked and started backing up, her mind in sheer panic as she realized she deeply offended the creature in front of her and her first instinct was to keep backing up until her back hit the stone walls meant to prevent the weather of Canterlot from entering the Lunar guard’s sleeping quarters.

She immediately grabbed herself and held her front hooves tightly to her head while curling her hind legs in to her barrel as she waited for the verbal barrage from the human, who finished inhaling and was about to speak.

"Well then, Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, it's very nice to meet you."

Twilight's mind instantly shut down as she dared to open one eye to find the being hadn't moved and was now standing comfortably with both front hooves going into the two-sided pocket that was at its stomach, one rear leg resting slightly ahead of the other and him leaning on the back rear leg.

This time he held a full blown grin.

Twilight could see its top teeth and saw that while some of it seemed similar to a herbivore, she could distinctly see two pairs of canine-like teeth on either side of his face. She shivered as she started realizing that he was capable of eating meat.

Princess Luna sighed, "Ugh, thou art worse than Celestia's prank to the Gryphon King of eld. He at least saw past her attempt and held amusement."

The being simply blinked and defied Twilight's expectations of shrugging, instead he replied, "Sometimes a scare is just as entertaining as a prank."

The human's grin faded back into his previous smile and turned his gaze towards Spike, who had stayed stock still during the bipedal’s prank, "The reason why we haven't selected a name for ourselves is because we, individually, hold too many names and do bear a great many titles and we've not a clue which name to use, and often we didn't have any reason nor consensus to simply create one."

Spike blinked as his mind returned to reality. This being's voice almost sounded similar to Nightmare Moon's voice, except more masculine and held a much more entertained, but world-worn rather than the mare's egotistical, honeyed and gloating voice.

It was then that Twilight's mind finally calmed down and realized that the being had pulled a prank on her, as she got up and said, "W-why did you do that?!"

The being grinned again and chuckled, "Why not?"

Twilight groaned before glaring at the human, "You had me scared! I thought I was about to spark a war! O-or maybe I still did an-"

The human had crossed the distance towards Twilight in two steps and quickly placed a hand over her mouth, causing her rant to stop pre-maturely, "Up-pup-pup. We’ve seen that kind of rant, and we'll cut that line of thought off there before you work yourself into one." He stared at Twilight in the eyes until some unknown signal between both pony and human passed, making the human remove his hand from her mouth.

Twilight felt stunned enough that her mind looped back to the same question before, "Why did you do that?"

The human blinked in surprise, "That’s a first." He stood up before saying, "It amused us, if that's what you wanted to ask about, unless you liked that hand?"

The unicorn shook her head and after giving a heated glare, "W-well, anyways. Um, welcome to Canterlot, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike." She said, gesturing over to her assistant before extending her foreleg towards him.

Now that introductions were fully given, the human took note that this was indeed the one whom Celestia and Luna had been talking about. Giving a quick glance to the Princess, he noticed that she held an expectant stare. He then wrapped his hand around Twilight's hoof and gave a small shake to return the gesture.

"That's ... not a hoof," Twilight stated as her mind snapped back into analytical mode at the strange appendage. It looked a lot like a dragon's claws but lacked the roughness they characteristically displayed.

"Indeed it isn't," The human replied and released his grip.

"Fascinating ... Could ... Could you flex it? So that I can observe its range of motion and the movement of the bones and muscles underlying the dermal layer ... Please?" she asked, launching deep into her scientific habit. She observed with an intensity matched by few others as the human complied, flexing his hand in a number of different ways and into different shapes and showing just how far each individual point could bend, leaving her in stunned silence ... for a moment anyway, "That's so incredible!"

"I don't get the fascination, Twi', you've seen me do stuff like that everyday," Spike pointed out. He was confused at Twilight's sudden amazement. It didn't look like anything spectacular to him. He looked down at his own hand and flexed it in a similar manner, not seeing the differences.

"I know Spike, but ... But this is an entirely new level of physical dexterity that likely exceeds that of a dragon. The potential for fine motor skills is practically unlimited with how he can bend and flex his ... his ... manual muscles contained within his hand. Entire books could be filled detailing their physical structure alone. This is an unprecedented discovery and we've been privileged to be able to observe a species which predates anything in our world’s history!" Twilight stated.

The human being gave a nearly silent breathing chuckle but said nothing as he tried to tuck his hand back into his pocket but found it restrained by a lavender aura as Twilight stepped closer.
'She's rather wrong on that note, one made a book about the human body and it only lasted about a hundred or so pages.' He commented to the many within, 'Though I must admit, for a small little horse acting as a scientist, it's rather adorkable watching her act like that.'

"Sorry," Spike apologized, knowing there was very little he could do, "Twilight's a really pass ... passi ... enths... eager scientist ... . Anything new and unfamiliar comes along she gets like this. She means well though."

"Clearly." The taller bipedal remarked. He looked over to Twilight again and his eyes stayed on her flank, most notably her "Cutie Mark."

"Hm, so that's what the Princesses called a Cutie Mark?" He commented idly as he waited for the purple unicorn to finish observing his hand.

Spike blinked before following his gaze and once he found Twilight's Mark, he replied, "Oh that? Yeah, they're pretty much symbols of what a pony's talent is."

Twilight snapped out of her reverie and looked back at her Cutie Mark, releasing her magical hold on his wrist, "Well, it's a little more than just talent, Spike. A cutie mark is a special symbol all ponies get when they discover what their special abilities in life are. Mine symbolizes that my special ability is magic itself, just like how Princess Luna's cutie mark symbolizes her control over the moon and the night sky. However, cutie marks are sometimes open to interpretation, and serve as a complimentary talent to what a pony already knows. My friend, Rarity, is very talented in fashion but her cutie mark symbolizes her skill with gemstones which she incorporates into her works," she explained.

"As the Princesses has told us once. So these "Cutie Marks" can hold one main ability while you're able to do something else entirely?" The human blinked, his curiosity regarding these strange flank-markings, piqued.

Twilight thought about it for a second before lightly scratching the back of her head, "Well, not entirely something different, most of the time ponies would find either a job or hobby that they can do alongside their abilities, much like I said with my friend, Rarity."

The human's eyes glazed away, his expression pensive while the swirling colors came back in full force, sometimes staying for as long a two whole seconds before reverting back to pale green.

Twilight spoke up, bringing his attention back to the present. However as soon as she had his attention she began to falter in confidence, her posture suggesting she was now nervous, "Um ... C-could I, uh ... Study you?" she asked.

'Ooh my.' One voice stated. Outwards, he raised an eyebrow, 'She’s that type of a science girl, hm?'

'George Takei, take your business elsewhere. If we need to embarrass her, we'll let you know.' The human mentally replied in a joking tone.

"I ... I know it's a little blunt, but you're incredibly fascinating. Outside of myths and legends, there's nothing about anyp- anything like you in Equestria's history that I can recall reading about. There are just so many questions that I'm coming up with just standing here and talking to you. Who you are, what you are, where exactly you're from, what kind of organic mechanisms you must have to maintain that strange posture ... the sky's the limit," Twilight explained, sitting back in her haunches as she finished.

Princess Luna couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. She knew to expect this, but she now realized she'd been foolish to think that she knew the fullest extent of her sister's faithful student and her reactions from the level of curiosity she was seeing. Luna had learned of Twilight's "Lessons of Friendship" and she hoped that what Twilight had or would learn about friendship would have been enough to reduce some, if not a good deal in her personal opinion, of her natural curiosity and would discuss about various details at a smaller level. But, her sister's prized student had gone past what she expected of her and shifted back into her previous self and it was rather concerning.

"Friend Twilight, we art glad to see thou hath a most inquisitive mind. But we didst not calleth thee here for such academic purposes. This is the Ancient Warrior from the Tomb of the Ancient Warrior, from a foregone era that is older than even the three pony tribes. He even claims he hath been near the beginning of our very land! He hath recovered from his unique state of petrification only to find that he hath become a stranger in a strange land and unfamiliar with all of the wonders which Equestria holds and the state of things outside of her borders. We hath brought you here hoping that thou wouldst be able to help him in this matter," Luna explained, bringing Twilight's attention back to the present by hearing the words "Ancient Warrior."

The human chuckled again as he reminded the Princess, “Princess Luna, you know you’re supposed to practice more with the modern language.”

Princess Luna gave a playful glare at the human while Twilight began stuttering, "Y-you mean that th- he? Th-this being h-here is ... ?" She shakily pointed a hoof while her expression became a confused mixture of giddiness and shock.

"Our sister wishes to handle this matter discretely and gradually due to his sudden appearance and because of his species. We do agree to some of her views, but we mostly see such course unneeded. And as our sister's pupil, we believe thou art the one who can best aid this human, as thou knowest better than anypony that the world cannot be fully experienced in a library or on a sparring field. Besides, thou couldst do with company of another outside of the castle within which ye sequesters thine self within for so long." She beamed at the young mare, who currently still held a hoof pointing at the human and her expression still stuck between deciding to be shocked, awed, or happy.

"You broke her, Princess." The human quipped, squatting down to wave a hand in front of the unicorn, who did not respond to the sudden appearance of his hand.

Twilight finally responded by slapping both her hooves to her cheeks and gave a loud squeal of delight, "This is so fascinating! Oh, I can't help myself!" She gave a small squee again and danced on her hooves, spinning in place and continuing, "A new being here in Equestria, and he's from an ancient time, The legendary warrior renowned for being more mysterious than the Everfree that nopony, not even the Princesses could solve anything regarding it, except from a dream, and now I’m being hoof selected by Princess Luna to help him learn about Equestria?!" She gave a happy scream, "This is so overwhelming, my head is almost spinning with thoughts of all the information that can be gathered and shared. There's so much to ask and so much to explain I don't even know where to begin!" Twilight sat on her haunches, squealing again before falling on her back and giving an excited giggle.

"Thou hast sayth?" Luna asked the human smugly as they watched Twilight roll on the ground.

"We still say you broke her." The human retorted, not budging to Luna's rise, "Didn't Celestia also say she would rather not bring her student into this?" Luna gave a small jolt, however she did not show him her expression at remembering what Celestia had said.

She turned and said in with a smirk, "Indeed, but she merely feared her student would 'suffocate' thee with her habits and antics. Thou art still here and well, art thou not?"

The human returned her smiled and asked, "You do know she's still going to be upset about it?"

"We shalt deal with our sister's peculiar moods."

The little dragon had wandered up closer and was studying the polearm the human had returned to using, as he leaned against the polearm and waited for Twilight to return from her excessive enthusiasm. The human blinked and looked down to Spike as he was inspecting the woodwork and tried to inspect the multi-head of the weapon.

“Found something interesting, little lizard?” The human quipped.

Spike gave a low glare but changed his expression into one of curiosity and asked, “Well, since Twilight doesn’t know where to start, I guess I could make a start. So ... is this a halberd?”

The human raised an eyebrow while the question was able to bring Twilight back into reality. She took a moment to recall what her adopted little brother said before sighing and nearly facehoofed. Ever since he met Rarity and listening to her preferences of a “shining knight in armor” he had taken interest in weaponry and armor and anything else that was related to knights and daydreamed about being one.

The man replied, “You’re relatively close, however this is a poleaxe,” He twisted the weapon around so as to let the little dragon see the multi-head of the weapon as he continued, “Halberds are typically one piece of forged metal while this is made of interlocked pieces. Also, both weapons serve different purposes.”

His explanation only confused Spike, “Wait, so pole weapons have different purposes? I thought they were all jus’ meant to keep enemies from a distance.”

The human chuckled, “They all can do that, though they’re actually close quarters combat weaponry. Halberds are meant for countering cavalry and cannon-fodder infantry armed with spears or pikes. Poleaxes were meant for countering armor as well as being a universally cheap yet versatile polearm during our species Middle Ages.”

Twilight tilted her head in slight confusion, “The ‘Middle Ages’? What kind of era was that?”

“It was a particularly violent period over a thousand years during mankind’s history. It’s also called the Medieval Ages or the Middle Ages. Nobles and the churches at the time had the full run of one particular continent named Europe, owning most of the land there. Then the ones in power during that time instituted the feudal system and employed a manorialistic system so that both the nobles and the church could protect their lands. A noble would give land to a lesser noble, called a vassal. And said vassal would, in exchange for the privilege and prestige of being a landed noble, would then protect the more powerful noble with knights, soldiers, and weapons. From these systems would arise an infrastructure designed to protect the nobility and their interests; castles, guilds, and trading guilds were built and scattered around the continent.” The human summarized as much as he could.

Twilight’s eyes brightened as she recognized what he was talking about, “Oh! You mean the Maredieval Era, which just recently passed a few weeks ago. Princess Celestia had to establish nobles and puppet governments in certain cities so she could efficiently run Equestria after ... Princess Luna wasn’t available to rule the kingdom alongside her sister.” She looked back at the aforementioned Princess and was given an appreciated smile.

The human raised an eyebrow, “Perhaps you could tell us what happened during those thousand years, since we seem to have a common similarity between human history and equine history.”

Twilight gave a sideways look and began reciting, “Well, after Princess Luna temporarily took leave, it’s said that Princess Celestia promoted Starswirl the Bearded and the majordomo of the time, Clarion Call to temporarily act on her behalf for two years while she recovered from her fight with Nightmare Moon. It was mostly a time when the nobles and higher class ponies had a more noble intention for Equestria and had sworn to better the kingdom rather than care about the lining of their banks.

“Like I said, Princess Celestia established and reworked the noble caste, though I suppose feudalism and manorialism would be the best suited term, now that you mention that word. Afterwards, there was a significant event involving religions about either Princess Celestia, or Nightmare Moon. The latter was more of a cult and the former tried to start crusades against them. There were about ... eight attempts, each of them with partial success in suppressing and forcing the cult underground. However, Princess Celestia personally told the Churches of the Sun to cease their crusades as they were also imposing and attacking other sub races of the ponies in Equestria, most notably the Thestrals.

“They obeyed mostly, however they began again around a century later, resulting in Princess Celestia arriving with an army of Royal Guards to both protect the Thestrals and to force the Synagogues to both stop and to close their doors permanently, essentially telling them to stop worshiping her. The very few and fervent churches attacked, under the belief that their ‘goddess’ was had either been hypnotized or brainwashed and being manipulated into being sympathetic to their enemies while the majority of the churches didn’t follow the fervent radicalism of the few churches which attempted attacking Princess Celestia. It was then that they realized that Princess Celestia was serious about her decision as several of the attackers were either ... .” Twilight seemed to hesitate from saying the word, as if she were a daring filly that was trying to utter a foul word, “S-slain, or imprisoned.”

The human half-expected the unicorn to immediately look left and right as if she did or said something wrong. With how nervous she uttered the word ‘slain’ he almost believed that saying anything involving killing was considered taboo. After a small period of silence he asked, “We suppose this religion didn’t go away as the Princess asked?”

Twilight shook her head, “No. They’re more subdued and careful about their actions, but they are still spread out and still around. I’ve even seen one pony representing them come to Ponyville and went door to door trying to see who else might be interested in joining them.”

The human blinked and his eyes flickered about as he digested on the history lesson as he put a hand over his chin. He admitted, “There are a lot of differences between our history and yours. However it seems there’s still some similarities, some of them are between the Catholics and this ‘Church of the Sun.’ Though in human history, there were a great deal of other events in and out of Europe, these crusades you mentioned are indeed what happened, though there was far more blood spilled.”

Twilight’s eyes sparkled until her mind registered the last few words, “I would love to hear more ab-- ... . Wait, did you say ‘more blood spilled’?”

Spike meanwhile, had tuned out Twilight’s talking. He normally did whenever his adopted sister was given or started to give long talks about anything. Instead, he went back to thinking about what the human stated about polearms, more specifically how they were considered cheap weaponry.

The small dragon poked at the human’s leg to get his attention before asking, “Hey, um. So if polearms are so cheap, then what about swords?”

His question was only answered with another question, “What about swords?”

Spike was quick to answer, “Well, y’know. All that ‘knight in shining armor’ stuff! Gleaming sword, shining shield, slaying monsters, saving the princess. What about all that?”

He was met with a snicker that sharply turned into a boisterous, almost mocking laughter as Spike continued to try and explain the easily seen stereotype he seemed to thoroughly believed in. Finally, he had enough and demanded, “What’s so funny about this!?”

“It's that naïve idealism of yours! Knights are supposedly “paragons of chivalry and honor,” correct?” The human was met with an eager nod, “Well, this will certainly change your mind. Yes, there has been some regulation that those who are appointed to knighthood were to act honorably and with some level of chivalry, that was only with those who were on their side of the land and in the same religion. Everyone else wasn’t given the same courtesy, often labeled as ‘heretics’ and were slain en masse as such.”

He watched as Spike’s eagerness started dying as he started considering what the human was saying, “Oh yes, that included the civilians. In truth, the knights were looked upon as cowardly. They rarely, if ever, risked attacking an enemy knight as it ran too high a risk of them being killed. This dispensation didn’t extend to the peasantry, who were often within sight and deemed ‘in the way’ regardless if they were or were not. Hah, many of them were even guilty of committing a lot of horrible atrocities. Most, if not every knight, followed a tacit understanding that pragmatism could overrule ceremony wherever necessary, they were almost no better than mercenaries, brigands, and raiders.”

Spike’s enthusiasm nearly flickered out before it returned with full force. He gave a determined glare and retorted, “Well then, I’ll just make an example of what a knight is supposed to be!”

The human laughed again, this time encouraging, “Good! That’s what being honorable is, making an example as a person and giving others someone to resemble, not by what their titles were and what their titles are supposed to be.”

The little dragon gave a victorious snort, satisfied that he made his point come across, even though the human had let him have his fantasy. Spike’s thoughts went back to the weaponry he talked about and asked, “S’what about the swords? What happen’d to them?”

He was answered with a small shrug, “The swords were indeed something most knights had. They were used as a symbol of status and power more than a fighting weapon, though they still saw some use on a battlefield. However, swords were incredibly expensive. They were more expensive than a spear or a mace due to the amount of steel or iron used to forge one. One knight fitted with a sword and armor for their horses had the same price as ten common foot soldiers armed with spears and leather armor.”

The human found himself being stared at with various expressions when he mentioned the word ‘horse.’ Twilight gave an hurt stare while Princess Luna gave him a level glare, alongside the few Night Guards that had stuck around giving small surprised gasps.

He looked around and remarked, “We suppose the word ‘horse’ is a racial term, then?”

Twilight winced at hearing the word again but replied with a hurt voice, “Y-yes. T-though that word is based off of our evolutionary cousins. But ... please don’t repeat it?”

Princess Luna nodded and gave her own opinion, “E’en before our banishment, we hath heard of such profane word used by ignorant, foreign dignitaries. Thou art fortunate times hath changed, for thou wouldst be chased out of the castle for uttering such a word in our presence.”

The human nodded, “We’ll keep that in mind, then. However, it is and was the term for what was used as our cavalry. As we said before this, one knight in full plate or chainmail armor with a sword and armor for his mount was about the same as having ten infantrymen. It was only until the last two hundred years of the Middle Age that swords were cheap enough for the peasantry to be able to afford and in some cases, required to have one.”

Spike’s eyes widened at the man’s words. He immediately got animate and eagerly replied, “S’that means swords were used a lot in battle, right!”


That response cut the little dragon’s enthusiasm as his arms fell in a comical fashion and flatly stated, “What?”

The human gave a shrug and a sad smile, “They were considered secondary or backups, and in towns they were considered simple defense. Once chainmail and plate armor started to become more common, everyone started looking more at maces, axes, bows, crossbows, spears and other polearms. Swords started losing their utility both due to their ineffectiveness against these two newly invented armor, as well as how long it took to train a soldier to wield one without swinging it around like an idiot.”

The man gave a small chuckle, “Even the archers and pikemen usually preferred daggers as secondary weaponry. From there, swords only found themselves used as ceremony and as symbols of status or used in fantasy or fictional writing.”

He then turned his attention to Twilight Sparkle, “One of the most tragic things about human history is the amount of blood spilled, there was rarely a time that things were accomplished without someone dying. We are still willing to tell you some of it, but do be aware that most of it is not pretty, and there is no happy ending for any of them.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably, but her curiosity and interest didn’t allow her to change her mind. She gave a nervous nod, “I’ll ... keep that in mind.”

Luna simply stood back and watched in silence and contemplation. So far, things seemed to go well. What with Twilight Sparkle's friendly nature and her rather singular focused dedication to knowledge but with a desire to help others, appeared to be in full swing right now. Perhaps this would address the problem of what to do with the human while her sister hesitated and tended to other matters and having to drag him along or have him elsewhere, twiddling his ho-- thumbs.

She snapped her attention back to the two as she heard Twilight ask, “So ... can you do magic?”

The human didn’t answer immediately, but answered with his own question, “How do you mean?”

“You know, much like how Luna and I can cast all sorts of spells and even levitate objects through our horns as the focal point, or how Pegasi actively utilize the magic through their wings in flight and touch clouds as physical objects, or how Earth Ponies passively used theirs in all related matters to nature on the ground and nurture plants and crops. So I’m wondering if you’re capable of anything in relation or similarities to this?”

The human blinked and considered the question for a moment before answering readily, “In terms of the definition of “magic” we’ve seen a great deal of variation. The most constant that’s been seen is the “smoke and mirror” type. In the terms that you spoke of, no. Humanity wasn’t and isn’t designed to utilize any magic, if it at all existed during our species’ run of the Earth. Some of what we were designed to use and were able to use isn’t similar to magic at all, as what we were able to do would defy a scientist’s explanation, just as we can assume that gramarye couldn’t explain it nor replicate it.”

Twilight twitched and immediately blurted, “That is absolutely ridiculous! Everything can be explained with science, even with magical studies!”

The human merely chuckled and counted, “Four hundred thousand, sixty two and three.” He was given a questioning look from both ponies and dragon, as well as the few remaining Night Guards that bothered to stay awhile and listen. The human shrugged and explained, “That’s how many other people said either the exact same thing or something in close relation to us, whether directly or not. You have no idea how many people believed that science could explain everything, and “if something isn’t explainable by science, then it doesn’t exist.””

The unicorn gave a rather adorable pout with a matching glare, still stubborn to believe that not everything could be explained by science. As she continued to mope silently, Spike asked, “S’wait. If you humans couldn’t do magic an’ all that, then what did you use? Ponyville’s the only town I’ve seen that was built without magic and compared to what I’ve seen fr’m Baltimare and Manehatten, did you guys live in straw and mortar houses?”

He was answered with a small nod to the side as well as one hand coming up and shook a little, “We used to make houses with those, however humanity learned to use other material to make housing and other buildings, simply with our hands. While we didn’t have magic, we had technology and science.”

The mentioning of science brightened Twilight a little as she started to ask more questions, some of which the human answered either in long explanation or in short sentences. Both Princess Luna and Spike stood by and listened to the two different species talk back and forth about what humanity had, what they didn’t have, and what they made due with.

However, the conversation began to bore both the alicorn and young drake, as well as the other guards, who had long since moved on to either train or perform what duty was available. So as Twilight and the human continued, the Princess and drake began their own conversation and catching up on what was happening on their own fronts of their lives, most notably about the appearance of an Ursa Minor in Ponyville.

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Princess Celestia gave a low sigh as she trotted away from the throne and from the Day Court procedures, shaking off what was left of the feeling of pins and needles in her legs and body as she was flanked by her guards. It had been a long and agonizingly slow day, and the demands of the nobles were still as intolerable as ever before.

She had at one point wondered what would have happened if she decided to force the Day Court to proceed without any clothing whatsoever, see how much the nobles were attached to their expensive clothing once they’re told to deliver their silly proposals au natural.

The more she thought about it, the more appealing it seemed. She might have to pass it through with her majordomo and her sister, but the response should be enough to make it worthwhile, maybe even compensation for trying to outlast her or Luna with numerous attempts at greed or misdirection.

But for now, she still had Royal Duties to perform. Namely, the human.

She had still yet to hear his answer to her offer. At first, she thought that the human would refuse, maybe even vehemently.

Celestia prayed that he wouldn’t refuse in a violent manner.

The feeling in her legs returned one last time with a barrage of sharp pain that it made her stumble, the guards beside her reacting quickly and helping to keep her steady until she gave a nod that she was okay.

There was too much that she didn’t truly know about him, which felt ironic. She had been with the human while he had been in hibernation for a great deal of her foalhood and considered his statue-esque form as her “friend.” And yet the moment that “statue” started moving and showed what lie underneath that skin of stone, he acted, reacted and moved in ways she didn’t expect of him.

It was both a dream come true, with her wish that they could talk and be with each other in this façade friendship granted and giving the human movement and life, and an unknown danger as he both pushed her away from connecting with him and what his life was like and hid his intent, as well as admonishing her when she spoke candidly with him in attempt to show that they could be friends.

Maybe she should simply ask if he would be her friend? He seemed to be the one who appreciated somepony to come up and ask, rather than dance about and then make the question.

As she walked down the hallways and the maze of Canterlot Castle and to the Night Guard’s barracks, she saw several guards were still present at the entrance, meaning both her sister and the human were there. She nodded as she entered their line of sight and they silently nodded back, returning the greeting. However as she got closer she became curious as she heard something like a conversation going on, echoing across the tunnel that led out and into the field.

Stepping outside and listening, she found the human in Luna's company and joined by, to her shock and surprise, Twilight and Spike. Twilight and the human carrying most of the conversation, asking a whole variety of questions about him, while getting answers in return.

Luna was still watching the two converse, with a somewhat bored but listening expression Celestia was familiar with while Spike sat on the ground with his eyes closed next to her, occasionally looking back and listening in whenever something interested him before going back to “napping.”

She didn’t expect her student and her adopted brother to come and visit, let alone wander far enough to find the human doing physical ‘exercise’ with the Night Guards. It’d only make sense that her younger sister was the one who introduced the human to the unicorn, ‘Honestly, Lulu. Couldn’t you have tried to keep Twilight away from the human?’ She rolled her eyes while shaking her head, a small smile on her muzzle.

Once she was closer, Celestia cleared her throat loudly enough to gain the attention of the four, her sister’s back noticeably straightening as she seemed to realize what was coming for her.

But before Celestia could gently berate her sister, she was greeted by her student. Twilight's face beamed with incredible levels of excitement at seeing her and bounded toward her, "Princess Celestia!" she greeted and quickly bowed before raising her head back up again and nuzzling her teacher adoringly, "It's good to see you again, Princess!"

"It's good to see you too, Twilight.” Celestia replied, returning the friendly nuzzle, “I see you've met our guest."

"Princess Celestia, this is so incredible!” Twilight blurted, “We've been talking for hours and we've found out so much amazing information in that time. Do you know how many of Equestria’s theories about our land before ponies and the mythos of humans are being confirmed just by this human's presence?!"

Twilight stated excitedly. "And his hands! Princess, you have no idea how much dexterity he has in his hands and how incredibly fascinating they are. And his fingers! Thumbs, pointer fingers, middle, ring and pinky fingers! They're all capable of nimble and precise movements and his writing style shows such a fine level of control! He can do everyday tasks with the same level of skill only an experienced unicorn would be capable of!"

Celestia gave a more neutral smile, fooling Twilight into thinking all was well, “My dear student, while it is nice to see that you two have become well acquainted, though I must say I’m surprised, I truly didn’t expect to see you today ...” She gave a small glimpse around and returned to her student, an expression of gentle confusion on her face, “or over in the Night Guards’ barracks, for that matter.”

Twilight gave a sideways glance before replying, “To be honest, I didn’t plan on coming. But Princess Luna sent a letter to us, asking us to come and visit, and well ... here we are.” She gave a small smile as she finished.

However she wasn’t rewarded with the warm smile she was used to seeing. Instead, Celestia’s expression became a very serious frown as she turned her eyes straight towards her sister, who flinched at the piercing gaze.

The temperature outside almost felt as if it dropped below freezing.

Princess Celestia asked rather flatly, “Is this true, Luna?”

“S-sister I—” Luna tried to explain but was immediately cut off.

“We need to talk.” Celestia spoke in a short and clipped manner, which implied how upset she was, silenced her sister and stepped aside as a mute way of telling Luna to come.

Like a filly who was about to be scolded firmly and punished by angry parents, Princess Luna lowered her head and walked off the field, followed closely by a stern Princess Celestia.

Whatever was going to be said, wasn’t going to be pretty.

Twilight shivered as she watched the Royal Sisters leave while the human gave a sympathetic gaze, getting an idea of what would happen between the two, but he knew better than try and say anything as they left.

Sibling arguments, regardless how small, were never a fun thing. Some of them can even end up with both sides hurt in the aftermath of words spoken in anger and the heat of the moment.

Spike stared for a moment, then awkwardly asked, trying to change the subject, “So ... any weapon suggestions?”

It took a great deal for the human to not burst into laughter, the question was far too much similar to the role-playing gamers.

Thankfully, the Legion and the human were able to keep it together as he began to ask what the little dragon was looking for in his ‘knight in shining armor’ fantasy, with Twilight sitting behind her brother rolling her eyes and sighing half-heartedly at Spike’s reignited eagerness.

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In.” Celestia ordered as she held the door open with her magic. Luna reluctantly and hesitantly stepped into the room, Celestia soon following behind her. The younger alicorn gave a quick glance around the room and found that Celestia had chosen her personal quarters to talk to her.

The door was pulled shut and clicked into a locked position before a wave of magic poured out of Celestia’s horn and spread across and over the room. Judging from its texture and intensity, Luna knew it was a high level soundproofing spell.

Knowing that didn’t inspire any confidence or hope out of her.

"I'm not going to yell, Lulu.” Celestia told her, the tone of voice causing shivers to run up and down Luna's spine, “Not until I hear the full story. And I truly hope you have a good reason for this ... . Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"We do.” Luna began, stuttering slightly, “B-but we have a question first, and if we do not ask now we fear we may never have the opportunity to," Luna stated and breathed to steady herself. "Dost ... dost thou still love us?"

It was a cheap blow.

An absolutely cheap and shameless ploy, and even Celestia could see right through that.

Her sister was attempting to appeal to her emotions in hopes of saving her own flank. It was no different than a foal in trouble asking their parents if they were still loved despite what they'd done.

Albeit, it was a varied sort of thing when it came to foals. But it was an absolutely foalish maneuver that her sister was using it on her, as a mare who was older than all the mares in Equestria, with those big worried eyes of hers.

And unfortunately, it still worked. Despite her own anger with her sister's actions, she couldn't remain angry with her sister herself. Celestia found herself needing to vent herself with a sigh as she hung her head and shut her eyes.

"Luna. I never stopped loving you. I can’t even bear to bring myself to do so. Not even when you were Nightmare Moon, I couldn’t." Celestia told her before opening her eyes and looking at her once again. "That being said, I'm still upset over your course of action. Writing to Twilight Sparkle directly doesn’t upset me. In fact, I'm glad that you have done so, and encouraging her to interact more with our subjects and our friends. But this is another matter entirely."

"We ... I, am aware," Luna stated, correcting herself as an attempt of stopping a force of habit.

"Are you? You are aware of how delicate the matter with the human is? Do you understand how much danger the kingdom could be put in through your actions? You're aware of what you put in jeopardy by bringing Twilight into the equation? You know as well as I do how important she is, what do you think would occur if something happened to her?" Celestia asked as she trotted back and forth, the vented frustration coming back as she spoke.

"We would not let anything like that happen to Twilight Sparkle, she is our friend as well as yours!" Luna stated, her wings flaring open.

“That may be, Lulu. But we have yet to get anything out of what the human wants to do, we don’t even know what he intends to do or plan to do. Luna, I’ve heard him specifically state that he “needed to be here” and for what reason, I still have yet to figure that out!”

"Do not presume we didst not weigh the situation carefully before we acted simply because we are the younger sibling, dear sister, for we did indeed consider with much thought and care regarding our course of action. We believed that Twilight Sparkle's involvement was completely warranted, after much contemplation regarding these unique circumstances and responded accordingly. You may not believe that we were careful in our actions but we most certainly were. Thy student and our friend was never in any danger." Luna said as she tucked her wings in at her sides.

Celestia found herself taking a hesitant step back at her little sister's outburst. Long had she forgotten how frightening Luna could be when she successfully caught somepony off guard just as she'd done with her, going from quiet and reclusive to authoritative and thoughtfully discursive in less than a second.

But now that Luna's outburst seemed to have passed it was Celestia's turn to talk. And unlike her younger sister she didn't need to catch somepony off guard to be intimidating.

"Necessary? And how can you say that with such certainty? Twilight’s involvement doesn’t even seem necessary in the first place." she asked as she looked down at Luna.

"Thou hadst no interaction with the human outside of your role as Princess Celestia, ye have made no attempt of talking to him for the purpose of learning about himself! Ye have made no attempt at establishing friendship with him. Ye have treated him as ye would a refugee! He hath neither seen nor heard of the outside world beyond the palace walls and windows and only by the books we share between each other during our tutoring, e’en then, he hath had to keep any attention away from himself other than our Royal Butler or the maredens, maids, and guards.

“We did not believe thy course of action was the correct path and so chose to intervene on his behalf. If this being chooses to remain in Equestria, then he hath also chosen to be one of our subjects, thus 'tis our responsibility to see to the matter properly. Especially as he is so alien to this current era and the species inhabiting this world. His case is extremely unique and therefore cannot be handled as ye might a fleeing refugee from another country," Luna replied, doing her best to present herself in a manner equal to her sister in terms of intimidating presence; an effort she, sadly was failing. Her sister looked like she had just been slapped and just before Luna finished, Celestia had her head lowered.

"How I was dealing with the matter was my decision and mine alone!” Celestia retorted, her eyes closed tightly as her anger reignited. She lifted her head up quickly, her eyes blazing in barely controlled anger, “Also, that is not fair for you to accuse me of not trying to talk to him! You know full well what my responsibilities were, and how little time I’ve had in between them and tending to my own wellbeing! I’ve had to take upon myself the responsibility of running this kingdom for the thousand years you were gone by myself!”

The sudden outburst made Luna go silent this time, nearly frightened enough to take a step back as she began to see the signs of an impassioned tirade beginning to spill forth from her sister.

“I rarely had any time to enjoy a minute of peace and quiet as I’ve ran myself into the ground between keeping Equestria intact and trying to get you back!” Celestia stomped the ground with a hoof with emphasis, her tone revealing stress from her near constant duties and that her sister’s jab made it snap, “Even during the times I was teaching Twilight and Sunset, I had to cast refreshing and illusion magic just to hide my exhaustion, the thought of getting you back was the only thing that kept me from collapsing! Do you not remember the long hours of passing judgement regarding petitions in our royal courts? Or all the parties, balls, and fetes, where we had to either interact with domestic and foreign subjects or be forced to sit almost till midnight until they finally decided to leave!? I had to go through all of them alone! In light of all of this, you accuse me of neglecting my attempts at friendship with the human?”

Luna mentally regretted jabbing at her sister about her thought on Celestia’s purported neglect of her friendship with the human, before taking time to sit down with her sister and voice her concerns and hear her sister’s view on the issue. Her passion had ran away with her, as she empathized with the human, seeing him in a similar light as her millennial exile, and she hadn’t thought to talk to her sister about what her sister thought about what Luna had seen as willful neglect.

Celestia continued her tirade, “Enlighten me, dear sister, in light of everything which I have spoken, when would I have had the time to nurture my friendship with the human? I have far too little time to even spend it with you, my precious, beloved little sister,” She gave a hiccup, tears of distress, stress, and frustration pouring from the corner of her eyes. “I want to be friends with him too, Lulu, I really do, but where am I to find the time? If you know of a way, then please tell me!”

Celestia took a few minutes to calm herself before she would continue. During her heavily breathing to reign in her emotions, Luna remained silent and waited for her sister to be done, still regretting what she said without proper forethought.

At last, Celestia gulped down both air and saliva to relax her tightened throat and said in a choked voice, “And you don't seem to understand the severity of the situation, Luna; This is not a pony, or a dragon, gryphon or any other species we have had diplomatic relations with. This is a being that had been formerly deemed to be nonexistent. There has been enough rumors and given mythos to cause an entire species that made most of those myths and legends to declare his kind as their most hated enemy, and a threat to the world around them.

“And until now he’s been nothing but seen as non-existent. And from his own words, he's the only one of his kind in this world and he presents a unique situation as well as a unique threat to those around him. He's-" Celestia lectured, but again was interrupted by her younger sister.

“He is a bygone being of a bygone era and a stranger in a strange land, ‘Tia. E’en he hath told us. And he is not alone in this, sister!” Luna had gathered a second wind and unfurled her wings suddenly, getting Celestia to give a small flinch back, “We hath been banished for the fullest millennia from Equestria! Nothing we hath seen around us is familiar anymore, not e’en this castle!”

Her emotions started to run rampant, some of her fear of the unknown started to show in her eyes, “Thou doth not see it, for ye experienced thine own demons of thine mind, but we know nothing of the world which we once knew, anymore! Our friends, former friends, and e’en loved ones are but dust and ash! Thou art the only one we trust in fullest anymore! The human is of the same, and he hath no pony to trust!”

Luna continued bitterly, tears started to show in her eyes, “Thou gave me thine friendship and trust when we returned and were bathed clean by the Elements of Harmony from the accursed spirit. Why then art we accused, when we desired to extend the hoof of friendship and felicity to another e’en more alien than we!? When hast kindness and compassion become an act most criminal!?”

She was left sitting on the floor of her sister's chambers, panting to catch her breath again after that last outburst. Her entire posture more or less silently stated that she wasn't done yet and her sister at least seemed willing to wait for her to get the last of her second wind before saying again.

"Twilight Sparkle doth know about the human, and she hath learned from his mouth that his species were not a happy nor peaceful lot, and yet she doth not fear the Warrior e’en knowing this, but rather exhibits a fascination with him and his species and intrigue and a desire for further intelligence regarding him and his culture. And we hath seen nothing to suggest the human hath intentions to cause her or young Spike any harm, just as he hath not done the same with us. We art willing to risk our continued rule on it.”

Luna then stood tall and proud at her sister, with a voice of determined resignation, "If thou doth insist on punishing us for our “thoughtlessness and lack of due consideration,” then there is nothing we can do to stop thee. But we doth not believe the human deserves veils, shadows, and ignorance and should not be treated as we might a refugee to our fair kingdom, for we know just what that is like; 'tis a most horrible experience to be sure."

Celestia remained silent for a minute, her mind digesting what her younger sister had told her and tried to understand from her point of view on this subject.

“Luna, you know that it hurt me just as much as it did for you when you were sent to the moon for a thousand years,” She began, trying to take control of the situation, “And it still hurts me that you’re still struggling in returning to Equestria as her diarch, the human’s assistance or not.”

The two continued to argue back and forth, despite arriving at points that would have ended them returning to their companions they left behind at the Night Guard barracks. Either Luna or Celestia would start the whole discussion again, leading to yelling, screaming, shouting above and beyond their Royal Canterlot Voices. Not to mention the crying. Oh Faust, the most unprincess-like crying gone unseen by their subjects, and the ensuing hugs which followed them. The two alicorn siblings were both grateful that the silencing and the soundproofing spells had been invented.

What felt like hours passed by before the two settled their differences, or rather what would have been best described as settled, and all that remained was the healing and soothing reconciliation from the aftermath of their verbal battle. Thankfully due to their long lives, disregarding Luna’s banishment, they held enough experience to know how to handle damage control between each other.

As for the human and his revelation to Twilight and her adopted brother, all the two could agree with how to handle it now was to simply wait for the remaining few days and see what would come after the decision arrived at by the human.

Before they returned to their quarry, however ... .


Luna turned to look at Celestia, who despite still holding anger and not being happy looked unusually nervous, “Yes, ‘Tia?”

“Could you perhaps tell me about the human? Since ... I couldn’t?”

Luna gave a her sister a disappointed look as she replied, “Sister, thou didst not ask friendship of me through another pony to speak thine words. We art not and shalt not be thy mediator unto him. If you wishest to learn about him, then go and speak with him yourself.” With that, Luna trotted away leaving Celestia to watch while her ears drooped down in moderate sadness.

After a few moments of silence, Celestia muttered, “That’s not fair.” But she didn’t say anymore before catching up to her sister.

The two trotted side by side as they returned to the Night Guard barracks. While they did settle down from their irritation and unhappiness, Celestia was still disappointed and angry with her sister for going behind her back and acting instinctively. Luna, while resigned to whatever fate would become of her for her actions, had her own anger with her elder sister for handling the human slowly and without taking chance, as well as keeping him almost in the dark about what Equestria was outside of books and the Day Court.

When they returned to Twilight, Spike, and the human, they found the three talking. Whatever it was, Celestia couldn’t hear it over the echoing sounds of her and her sister’s boots against the flooring as well as one of the three voices from their quarry.

The human was the first to notice them returning, after looking up upon hearing their hoofsteps and gait and fell silent. Twilight and Spike listened and realized that he had stopped speaking and turned to face the approaching Royal Sisters.

Celestia was the first to talk, her many years of experience with running Equestria alone in both politics and government guiding her as she masked her emotions about what had been discussed, “We apologize for making you wait, however we had to go into a lengthy discussion about you, human.”

The human didn’t reply, but merely returned a content nod.

Princess Celestia took his nod as consent to continued, “As it stands now, very little about how this current situation is to be handled has changed. Twilight and Spike,” The young unicorn gave a surprised blink before stiffening as her teacher and Princess addressed her, the drake simply looked up when his name was stated, “With the interests of the Kingdom of Equestria in mind, I adjure that the both of you are to keep silent regarding the human. There is still preparations to be made before he can journey forth from the safety of our home see Equestria and the other nations inhabiting this great world of ours. How long do you plan to stay?”

Twilight gave a small gulp at being issued a royal command to silence and secrecy. But when she was asked, Twilight thought about it for several seconds before replying, her eyes drifting off to the side in sheepish embarrassment, “Well. You did kinda, sorta made a plan to visit Ponyville tomorrow, Princess Celestia.”

Her response made Celestia’s train of thought grind to a complete halt.

She had completely forgotten about that she said so.

Celestia moved quickly to recover from her lapse, “I-indeed, my faithful student. It was what I had meant to ask before you returned.”

Celestia could swear she was sweating from trying to fool her student, as her sister and the human looked at her with amusement at her mistake. She gave a mental sigh of relief when both Twilight and Spike bought the excuse as the unicorn mare replied, “Well, the next train leaves in an hour, so I’m afraid we’d have to leave quickly, Princess Celestia.”

Her teacher nodded and said, “Very well, I will have the guards escort you to the train station, if for some reason you should miss the train, then the guards will fly you back. In the meantime, my sister—”

Luna’s expression immediately changed again as she remembered what she had done as her eldest sister continued, “As for you. You went behind my back, without consulting me for my counsel upon the matter in question and involved my dear student before both she and the human were ready to meet each other. It seems I am delivering punishment left and right this week. No sweets for a week, that includes Doughnut Joe.”

Luna looked as if she had just been abusively attacked by her sister, no sugar? Not even Doughnut Joe’s!?

She was quick to protest, “Sister!”

“I will make it two if needed, Lulu,” Celestia stared firmly, but not enough to be harsh, “and both the castle staff and Joe shall be informed of this.” She added before turning to Twilight and said, “It is best if you go now, my dear student. The train will not wait, not even for a Princess.”

Twilight snapped to and declared, “Yes, Princess Celestia!” and after bounding forward to give a friendly nuzzle goodbye to her teacher, she gave her respectful goodbyes to both the human and Princess Luna, after which she levitated Spike onto her back and galloped away. One guard turned and hurried to follow after her so as to both ensure she arrived to the station as well as prepare a chariot should they arrive late.

The Sun Princess watched her go with a smile before she asked idly, “What time is it?”

Her second Royal Guard was quick to reply, “It should be approaching evening, Your Highness.”

Princess Celestia nodded, “Then it’s time to move our celestial bodies, sister. But before we do so, let us go and eat. You, dearest sister, have another dinner date with mashed alfalfa.”

This caused Luna to become irate. She could survive and endure no sweets for one to two weeks, such a thing was not even a problem in her way of thinking due to her prepared caches of hidden sweets that were placed in magical stasis to retain their freshness.

But mashed alfalfa? Again?!

Celestial G—” Luna tried to protest, indignant to such harsh punishment and gathered wind for a tirade. However the heated glare from her sister promised an even worse punishment from her sister stopped her from even finishing her sister’s full name.

Princess Celestia held the glare before stating, “Dining room. Now, Luna.”

Princess Luna’s anger wilted, but did not surrender as she gave an irritated huff and turned to trot to her destination, who was quickly followed by one of her Night Guards, as he noticed Luna’s rapid departure and galloped to escort her. Celestia gave an equally irritated huff and gave a simple glance to the human before trotting away with her own guard.

The human was thus left alone, now given new light and information from the young mare and drake.

And was left with even greater curiosity and intrigue. What did Princess Celestia mean by “move our celestial bodies”? He and the Legion pondered and wondered about that question while they walked after the two recently departed Princesses and leaving the Night Guard Barracks.

And what was both Celestia’s and Luna’s full names?

Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Final Touches Before The Plunge

Celestia lowered her head to rest it upon her front hooves as she stared out into the night sky from her balcony railing. She sulked at how the day had gone, what with the argument between her and Luna, including the reason why she had argued with her sister so vehemently.

What frustrated her the most was how Luna accused her of not trying to befriend the human. And her visit to Ponyville barely helped ease her unhappiness since it was cut short because of those insects!

She was trying! It was because of her duties and obligations and the seemingly nonexistent time she had for herself and to spend with her sister which made accomplishing the other things which she would like to do, had she more time, difficult to do. If she had even a little more personal time aside from spending dinner or breakfast with the human, she had complete confidence that she would make more progress in befriending the human, but even the responsibilities of governing a kingdom always seemed to demand her attention.

“It’s. Not. Fair ...” Celestia groused sullenly in a quiet mutter.

“Life never is.”

Celestia’s head turned in surprise, causing her to hastily turn her body around to face whomever intruded upon her privacy and nearly tripped onto her side as she tried to see who it was that had said that. Her wings flapped out of sync before she was able to steady herself from being startled.

The human watched her extremely closely, having already taken a step forward from the top of the stairs in case he had to rush down the stairs and help her. Once Princess Celestia was able to stand without looking like she might trip and fall, he relaxed and placed his hands at his hips and leaned onto one leg.

Celestia quickly exercised one of her breathing exercises to help calm herself before stating, “In the future, I ask that you not silently skulk about like some assassin.”

The human gave a quick grin as he came closer, “We’ll make no promises.”

She gave an irritated glare toward the human before asking, “Was there something you needed, human? Usually you don’t wander any farther than either the barracks, the library, or your room ever since you accepted our offer of hospitality, even after Ms. Luminous Scrolls’ lessons and from being banned from the library for a few weeks.”

The human gave a low-volume chuckle as he replied, “Indeed we do. It’s about your offer.”

Princess Celestia blinked in surprise as she asked, “You’ve made your choice?”

His grin didn’t fade as he answered again, “It’s not that, though we shall get around to making a decision about that soon enough. It’s about what happens to us after.”

The smile did fade as he shifted slightly as he continued, “What will happen to us after our transformation? Given how you and the inhabitants of this land are these harmonious ponies who prefer being pacifist and kind, I think it highly unlikely for you to simply throw us to the streets the moment we announce which decision we choose to accept.”

Celestia blinked a few more times before giving a murmured “oh.” She paused a few moments to think about her answer before she nodded, “Indeed. You are a guest and from an ancient race who had once lived in this land long before us. Throwing you out would have been an insult to your kind as well as being hypocritical to the ideals we encourage our subjects to embrace within our fair kingdom.”

Celestia paused again to think before she stated, “Once you do transform, you would be living alongside my student and her friends in Ponyville. It’s a small, but local village that’s within sight of Canterlot. You can even see it from this balcony for yourself.”

She moved out of the way as the human walked out onto the balcony to see for himself, “That way, we can keep you close to us while allowing you some freedom to see a world beyond these walls. Regarding anypony asking questions about your past, we can try and fabricate your history and life story which ought to ease anypony’s anxiety about you suddenly appearing within our borders. Ponyville is most accepting of even the most oddest of strangers.”

The human hummed as he observed both the panoramic view of the land seen from his current vantage point and the village which Celestia had pointed out. He idly commented, “Funnily enough, that is the exact same town we had considered visiting first after we returned to our sanctuary.”

He moved away as he returned his attention to Princess Celestia, “Considering how we’ve already started learning the modern Equestrian language lessons along with your sister, as well as helping more than your hired ... hoof,” Celestia flushed in embarrassment upon remembering how her sister’s linguistic professor’s help was more suited for university-level academia, rather than helping immigrants learn the native Equestrian tongue, “May we suggest that we continue our residency here within your castle and visit Ponyville on occasion instead?”

“O-of course!” Celestia stuttered, “You are not my subject by law yet, and since you have not undergone the immigration process as well, where you go is entirely your choice. I only ask that you stay in touch with either Luna or myself. Even if it means staying with my student or one of her friends, so long as you take up residency nearby and live somewhere where we can get to you quickly, you can otherwise live wherever you wish.”

The human gave another low hum, but didn’t say anything as the two stood together in silence. Celestia felt awkward as she waited for either her mind to come to a topic to talk about or waited for the human to break the current silence between them.

Remembering what Luna said to her, Celestia tried to push the conversation onwards, “So ... . What about you?”

She had to fight her first impulse of fidgeting when the human turned his head to assess her and raised an eyebrow in askance, “W-what I mean is, outside of what you wanted to know and with regards as to what is to happen to you ... . How are you?” Celestia gave a awkward grin as she asked.

The human’s grin came back as he laughed at her attempt, which caused Celestia to laugh with him, though hers had a more nervous tone to it. He replied, “For the famed Princess of Equestria, renowned for her oriative skills, asking someone how they are is exceedingly difficult?”

Princess Celestia shifted nervously as she tried to laugh off his jab. The human said, “All in all, we are well. We are still recovering from the culture shock and we’re still adjusting to just how much has changed since we began our long sleep.”

Celestia took initiative and asked, “Well, what is it that you like?”

The human was about to answer when his eyes flourished with color again and made him fall silent for a moment before staring at her for another moment.

He then said, “Finally getting around to asking us about us, are you?”

She shrugged helplessly and admitted, “I think this is one of the rare times I’ve been able to talk to you. My duties as Princess has been exceedingly demanding and it’s ... it’s been taking too much of my time.”

“That would explain why you were not present this morning at breakfast ... . Do you not have recesses or even holidays where you don’t accept governing duties?”

Celestia shook her head as she leaned against the balcony door, “No, and I’m afraid that the nobility would argue and voice their complaints immediately about any inconvenience to either themselves or their cushy lifestyle,” she muttered the last few words to herself.

The human gave a loud “tch” and commented, “All work and no play, indeed. That is not a healthy lifestyle, immortal or no.”

She shook her head again and stated, “Even if it is, it’s still my duty.”

“Even though your sister could take your position at anytime?” Celestia immediately locked eyes with the human as this apparently was the first time she thought about it, “She is your co-ruling sister, is she not? And she was present during every court session held during the day, as such she cannot possibly have any other duty outside of guarding dreams.”

Princess Celestia was about to look as if she had an epiphany before her millennia long experience at ruling cut that short, she sighed and replied, “No, it wouldn’t work. Luna may be a diarch alongside me, but she is still learning about the kingdom-wide laws and the municipal ordinances of the cities which are a part of our nation, and she still doesn’t know the subtleties of the current accepted etiquettes and subterfuge of the Equestrian nobility. Luna’s still convinced that all of the nobility are rotten to the core, and she would rather threaten them than see fair reason.”

The human gave a disappointed grunt, making Celestia blink in surprise as it was the first negative response she had seen from the human. Out of all the responses and replies that she had seen and gotten from him, the human seemed almost impossible to frustrate.

It was almost relieving, knowing that he wasn’t impossibly optimistic or easy-going and that he could have moments that shows this.

’Maybe Lulu was right, I should learn about him on my own with him rather than from somepony else’s interactions or observations of him.’ Celestia realized. She quickly found several more questions to ask as the inspiration from her first discovery drove her forwards.


Princess Cadance trotted down the hallway with a happy tune in her mind. She had just came away from a dinner date from Shining Armor and he had been adorably shy the entire time.

She had decided on a whim to bid her adopted aunts goodnight before heading off to bed herself. Cadance was lucky at catching Aunt Luna just before she was getting ready for her duties in the dream world and the two discussed for approximately an hour about Cadance’s date.

Despite how Auntie Luna was sure that she wouldn’t find time for love of her own, Cadance was quick to assure her that love would find a way for her displaced aunt to encounter a special somepony of her own. Even though her Cutie Mark was connected to love itself and through that her sentiments as a whole didn’t appear to help her Auntie Luna all that much, she did get a word of thanks for trying to help.

Regardless, she knew that Aunt Luna appreciated the support. And Faust above, did she need it.

Once Cadance arrived to Auntie Celestia’s room, she put the depressive situation about Aunt Luna and asked the guards that were stationed at the door and asked, “Is Auntie Celestia inside?”

The guard nearest to her smiled and replied, “Yes she is, let me let her know.” He turned and knocked on the door, raising his voice to as to let himself be heard, “Your Majesty? Princess Cadance wishes to see you.”

“Oh, of course! Send her in, please.” Princess Celestia’s muffled voice replied.

The guards then moved to the door handles and pulled them open and waited for Cadance to go through.

Princess Cadance gave a quick smile and thanked the guards before walking in. She was still looking at the guard she had talked to as she said, “Auntie, I just wanted to come by and say goodnight and that I think Shiny might be---”

When she turned her head to look at her Auntie, she realized that she wasn’t alone and locked eyes with the stranger.

That was all she registered and said before the magic within her Cutie Mark and her magical connection to emotions slammed into her as hard as a runaway train.

She saw an ocean of hatred and suffering. The waves that danced and roiled, gently yet powerfully splashed onto the ‘beach’ she stood upon were a dark, murky and a sickening green. The surrounding area held a terrible and forbidding feel, her every instinct warning her to not touch even a drop of the water. The ‘beach’ she was standing on was barren, its sand as black as obsidian. To Cadance’s hooves they felt coarse and cold, it almost felt as if the sand was actively attacking and draining the very warmth from her body. The very air began impressing into her the feeling of a deep loss while the ‘skies’ above felt bleak and utterly cruel. The ‘wind’ blew against her coat and mane, bone chilling and mournful.

And just in front of her was the bipedal being who had all this hiding underneath a deceptively calm expression.

Cadance immediately tackled the being and hugged him tightly, lighting her horn and began focusing her magic into her captive, trying to heal and help alleviate so much suffering from him.

Normally, when she dedicated herself into helping anypony like this, the magic would have warmed the pony’s heart and would begin transforming the landscape into some place that they held very dear to their hearts.

However, nothing seemed to happen. Cadance felt the being start pushing against her, resisting her. All that made her do was hug tighter and started fueling even more of her energy and magic, mentally praying and begging that something, anything was changing from this terrible ‘beachside.’

She heard her name being called, but she chose to ignore it.

When she heard the word “Stop,” she whispered “No,” and kept casting her love magic, hoping to heal the unseen hurt this being bore within him.

When she heard the words “There’s nothing you can do,” she flat out rejected those words and kept going, denying those words with all her heart. There has to be something she could do. This being’s hurt and anger can’t be allowed to stay any longer than she had already seen it!

After what seemed forever and the extreme exertion she had made, which made her pant and feel faint, she looked around again.

Only to begin crying in horror as she realized that all her efforts had only cured a small patch, showing a patch of golden clouds half the size of a mare.

She buried her head against the being’s chest, instinctively careful not to accidentally stab him with her horn as she demanded, “How? How are you still alive with all this? All this suffering.

Cadance heard a deep sigh come from the being before she heard some words being spoken by the being. Whatever they were, she didn’t immediately recognized them.

She suddenly felt utterly cold when something grabbed her horn, cutting her off from seeing that terrible beach just long enough for her regain control over her magic. She still cried silently as her awareness returned to physical reality and found herself on the cold and hard tiled floor, with her Aunt and the bipedal being standing above her. The being regarded her carefully and neutral while Auntie Celestia moved her head to nuzzle her in concern.

Cadance slowly and got up, still shaking from the magical exertion she had gone through. She disregarded the disrespectful gesture the being did by grabbing her horn and shoving her away, as she was more concerned about him than the inappropriate action. She locked eyes with the human and asked, “Why?

The human gave another deep sigh as he shook his head, placing a hand over his face. While her efforts did not do much, it still held an impact against the walls and seals both he and the Legion within had solidly built. He opened his eyes and replied, “It wasn’t going to work.”

Cadance vehemently retorted, “No! I refuse to believe that! I’ve already made progress, just let me help you!” She almost tried again before she stumbled and nearly fell over, surprising and shocking her just how much she put into her first attempt.

“Then help us by letting it go, Princess.” The human flatly stated, “What you were doing was undoing years upon years of wounds becoming scars and us adjusting to them. And considering that you are struggling to stand, you’ve put more energy into whatever you were doing than you realized.”

Princess Cadance fell silent as she listened to him, “We don’t know what it is you saw, but whatever it was, was the end result of our efforts. It’s now nothing more than a scar that we can bear with, we’ve had lifetimes to move on.”

She shook her head, “No,” Her voice wavered as she tried to regain control of her emotions, “There is no way you could’ve moved on with that much emotional burden. There’s no way anypony could do so.”

“Maybe not anybody, but we have, Princess.” The human closed his eyes again. His expression softened, but still held a hard edge, “Unseemingly as it may, it was once much worse than it is now. But we recommend not doing that again. We already feel that you made a small difference, but to heal us entirely will kill you before you see any success. This is our scar, thus it is our decision what to do with it. And we decided to accept it and to move forward, rather than sulk and worry about it.”

With that, he turned around and began looking in one direction and seemed to dwell on something, his eyes flourishing in color while he did so.

The pink alicorn simply stared at him, stupefied that he would rather ignore it and not have any help from it. Cadance could only whisper, “I’m so sorry for you.”

The human seemed to have heard her, for he returned his attention to her and replied in a low voice, “And we appreciate your sympathy ...”

He stood still, stewing in silence at how his introduction to Princess Cadance went and how determined she seemed to help him. He stayed that way until Cadance's crying was brought under better control before he asked, “Is there anything else, Princess Cadance?”

She shook her head slowly, having whatever she wanted to say lost to the sudden event with the human, “N-no. I ... I just wanted to say goodnight ...”

Princess Celestia was quick to hug her shaken niece with a wing over her barrel and bringing her closer and nuzzled her. She said to Cadance, “Goodnight, my niece. I pray you sleep well, even after all this. Perhaps I should alert Luna to your troubled heart.”

Cadance gave a shaky nod, “I-I think I’d like that, thank you Auntie ... . G-goodnight, the both of you.” She started for the door, stumbling here and there.

Once she was able to exit, Princess Celestia called, “Guards? Please escort my niece to Captain Shining, she will be in need of him tonight. Also, do alert my sister to guard and watch over the dreams of Princess Cadance.”

Whatever the guards did, their actions went hidden and unseen to the human behind the closing doors from Celestia’s chambers. The human watched in what almost seemed empathic silence for the troubled mare.

The moment they closed, she sighed and placed a hoof on her head. She turned to the human and asked, “What was that?”

The human pointedly looked away and refused to turn around, “It’s like we said, an ‘emotional burden’ that’s scabbed over. And what Princess Cadance was doing was picking at it.”

Princess Celestia scoffed, “You sound like one of those emotional foals from a trashy drama book, all these ‘emotional burdens’ and ‘scars.’”

This alleviated the grim feeling from the two as human began laughing, “It does, doesn’t it?” He chuckled again as he mimicked Celestia’s action, placing his hand on his forehead, “Well, as ‘trashy drama’ as it seems, it’s closer to the discomforting truth. We’ve had many lifetimes to deal with it.”

Not soon after he said that he burst into laughter again, turning around to look at her, “And this would’ve been the perfect point where said trashy drama queen tempts fate and then later on, all that ‘emotional burden’ gets out of control and they would break down and bawl like a baby!”

Just thinking about it caused Celestia to join in the laughter, adding, “Maybe a chapter later, they sob their heart out to their planned loved one and they begin dating not but a few paragraphs later?”

The two continued laughing and made more drama queen jokes, acting out lines or making jabs at other drama-related clichés.

Finally, the two had to stop as Celestia was crying from laughing too much and the human had to breathe. The two panted and struggled to control their laughter, failing now and then but they were able to recover long enough for Celestia to say, “I needed this. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve laughed this long.” She gave a quick chuckle before having to lean against the wall and breathed heavily.

The human grinned and looked away from Celestia, as he had to face the wall and couldn’t face the alicorn without laughing again, which would have sent Celestia into another fit, “Maybe we should try more often, your laughter is rather adorable.”

His compliment immediately sent Celestia into a startled blush as she stared at the human. Her reaction would have caused him to laugh again, but he was quick to turn his head before it happened.

Celestia silently pouted at the human’s remark as he was able to calm down enough to turn around and not start another laughing fit from looking at her.

The human remarked as he finished turning, “Well, it is true that laughter is the best medicine. Since we have little to no actual experience in governing politics, we can barely imagine how your duties prevent you from even a little laughter.”

Celestia blinked in surprise, “You have lived longer than I have and you don’t understand politics?”

The human nearly nodded, then gave a few thoughts before answering, “Yes and no. We understand how politics work, what we meant is we haven’t involved ourselves into political affairs. The complaints from the corrupt rarely received our attention.”

The princess gave a small huff of envy, “I almost wish I had the same attitude that you have. However, that may change in case you become a unicorn, as they are the most prevalent and have the most political power among the three tribes.”

He gave a thoughtful look as he listened, “You talk as if you hate your position.”

Celestia looked as if she would argue and say no. But, as she thought about it ... .

‘That may not be as far off as it seems.’

She shook her head and replied, “I ... I don’t hate what I do. I know that being a diarch of Equestria is necessary, and it cannot be done by any other pony, as they would suffer prejudice and judgement from either their own tribe or the other two pony tribes. I do not even need to mention their own mortality, where one may be a good ruler might pass on and surrender the crown to somepony incompetent ... . But ... well, before both Luna and I had taken the thrones, I was always the more adventurous filly between the two of us. I always was fascinated by the world around me, and I wanted to see all that there was. Lulu would follow behind, tired but still happy to laugh and play with me.”

“So you do miss it?”

Celestia nodded, “Not so much that I would daydream of the world outside of the throne room windows, but I prefer moving and doing things, rather than sitting in one spot all day and everyday ... . Do not misunderstand, I have accepted my duties and that I can rarely escape them. But there’s still a stirring within my heart for adventure.”

The human was quick to suggest, “Then establish a holiday. Something that keeps you away from the throne for even a day.”

Celestia shook her head, “I cannot, the nobl--”

Damn the nobles. If they complain, then tell them that their diarchs cannot perform their duties if they are not well rested and are constantly beset by their selfish affairs of the nation. Considering you are their ruling diarch, they would have nothing to say against it.”

She blinked at the vehemence the human dealt with her disagreement. Though she was no stranger to hearing something like this from either her sister or even from her butler Reginald, it was still startling to see the human act or talk abruptly outside of either subtle amusement or until just recently, a sad expression.

Regardless of how she wanted to agree with the human, she couldn’t tell off the nobles so easily, “I must act fairly for my subjects, regardless of how tedious it may be.”

The human’s vehemence turned more expressive as he frowned and half-glared at her, making her take a hoofstep back, “You are no deity, Princess Celestia. Even though you are a diarch and hold true to being fair and gentle to those under your rule, you are not inexhaustible.”

Something triggered in Celestia, whether it was her pride or something else, it sparked anger in her as she snapped, “Maybe not, but at least I can rest at night and be ready to handle the nobles in the morning!”

“And yet you don’t seem to have the time to talk to your own sister, nor your student, nor even us! You are wasting your life on a throne of slavery!”

“That slavery is of my own volition and with the intention of guiding Equestria toward a better future, my fellow subjects would not last a day without me!” Celestia spat.

“That may not be true, Your Majesty.”

The two paused in their arguing to notice that Celestia’s Majordomo seemed to have waited patiently for them.

Princess Celestia turned about to argue with Forward Bastion but was cut off by the stallion, “If I may, Your Majesty. While Equestria is reliant upon you and your sister, many of the proposals are made by the high social class-equines coming from Canterlot. They are usually the first you discuss with during council meetings and the Day Court, listing the pros and cons of their proposals. Though the idea of letting them wait a day to deliver their thoughts and projects may displease them, you are still the highest authority in the land, along with your sister. Should you will it or decree it, then though they may not like it, they will have no other recourse but to comply. It is you who rules over them, it should not be the other way around. Their obedience to you is greater than their wants and needs.”

Celestia was quick to counter, still reluctant and stubborn to agree to the two, “But what of those whose issues or proposals do not come from Canterlot, such as Mrs. Tutor and her issue? They are not likely to wait a day for me to decide. Yes, I am aware of my authority, but it would do poorly for me to simply declare a vacation simply because I can no longer tolerate my duties.”

“Your Majesty, If you recall it is by law that those who approach the throne with a petition are to be provided housing and food for these subjects petitioning you. The nearby hotels are very rarely full. Even those furthest from Canterlot Castle are regularly occupied by at the most two dozen ponies, whereas they may individually hold over a hundred rooms with enough size to, with some planning for space in each room, hold a family of five,” Forward deftly defended.

“That still does not solve the problem of them needing to wait, Majordomo.”

The stallion blinked calmly, “If they must wait, then they must wait. They had waited for the train to arrive to their city, they had waited during the ride from their city to Canterlot, I am quite sure they can afford to wait another day for you.”

“And might we add,” The human chimed in, “It’s not an abuse of power to take time off. You yourself had to be kept away from the throne during the first few years from your sister’s banishment.”

Princess Celestia half-heartedly glared at both her Majordomo and the human. She already figured that the human would have learned about that particular absence from Equestria’s throne somehow without her knowing, whether it was from her sister or somepony else who knew. She sullenly argued, “I still do not agree to this.”

The human gave a breathy chuckle through his nose, “Regardless Princess, it is something that would do you and your sister some good,” he turned his attention to Forward Bastion and suggested, “Perhaps she could start by taking time off on national holidays. You do have national holidays, correct?”

“We do, sir. Nightmare Night is due within two months, the Winter Wrap Up had passed through Ponyville today and is soon to be followed by their fall event The Running of the Leaves the day after tomorrow, which Her Majesty would be attending as it is both nearby and she does hold high regard for the autumn season.”

Princess Celestia turned her head to hide her blush while the human gave a nod before asking, “That does remind us, why is it that winter is followed by autumn? Normally the seasons pass as spring, summer, autumn and then winter before returning back to spring.”

Princess Celestia was the one to answer, “That is because of Discord’s chaotic reign. Despite our attempts to fix this, the seasons now go in reverse rather than as you say.”

The human gave a low-volumed “ah” as he remembered that particular history lesson. It was a rather interesting lesson, as they noted that while there had been a lot of chaos and confusion, the lives of those at this creature's reign merely suffered from being subjected to his small, inconveniencing jokes, pranks, and tricks being played on them.

But in spite of their inquiries regarding Discord, the only deaths which occurred prior or after Discord’s imprisonment were all natural, whether from old age or diseases as the tribes adjusted to their new home in a foreign land.

He mentally shook his head and got back to the topic which they had been discussing beforehand, “Are there any closer events or holidays that could be added? Two months away for any significant holiday or event is too far off,” the human blinked slowly so he didn’t chuckle at how ridiculous it sounded to say it, “Not to mention that this event is likely only an hour long, perhaps two at the most.”

Forward Bastion gave a low hum as he moved his eyes upward while wracking his brain for possible alternatives. After a few moments, he shook his head and replied, “There is one notable event happening sooner than The Running of the Leaves. The Young Fliers Competition, which is to take place in Cloudsdale. Though that too is a royally attended event, in a similar manner as the Galloping Gala.”

“Is it possible to come up with events and holidays prior to those recognized by Equestria’s government, then?”

The Majordomo shook his head again, “If we do try to utilize such events and holidays, we would have to do so sparingly.”

The human relented with a sigh, “Fine. It’s far less than we’d like, but we’ll make due with what there is.”

Princess Celestia stared at the human before asking, “Why do you care so much about my health and putting in effort in order to try to get time off for me? It is one thing for my Majordomo and my sister to care and worry about me having time to myself, but why you? You’ve only met me for six days.”

She was answered with a slight smile, “Curiosity. That and we like getting to know our hosts, since we both know that we’re not going to be allowed to run loose in your kingdom without your supervision. Outside of our various educational hours and a bit of sparring, some of what we know is only summarized in this: You are an immortal being who has had to rule alone for a millennia, you care very much about your sister, and that the ponies recognize you as their ruler and perceive you to be as a sort of deity to them. Outside of a few tidbits, there’s not much else we know about you.”

Princess Celestia blinked in surprise, ‘He had the same intention as I did?’ She stayed silent at realizing this before she turned to her Majordomo and asked, “Outside of asking about my days off, was there something you needed, Forward?”

The stallion nodded with dignified respect, “Indeed there was, Your Majesty. However, since your guest already addressed it, I no longer have the reason to.”

‘And there it is.’ She thought sullenly, ‘Even Forward came to talk to me about leaving the throne for a day.’ Celestia huffed and nodded back, “Thank you, Majordomo Bastion. You may be dismissed.”

Once Forward left she gave a defeated sigh, lowering her head, “Am I really working myself this hard?”

“Considering that we’ve barely met you for more than several days and arrived to this land and age as a stranger, even we think you’re working too much,” the human commented.

Princess Celestia blinked and looked away for a moment before saying, “About that ‘complete stranger’ bit ... . I think I would like to change that to something better.”

The human took a step back, a hand over his heart and made an exaggerated look of shock and horror, “You’re not proposing to us already, are you?”

She didn’t see that he was joking and immediately turned around, her face flushed red. Celestia’s first thoughts was that the human learned enough about Equestrian social behaviors enough to recognize how mares proposed to stallions.

She immediately sputtered, “N-no! No no no no, I wasn- I’m not-!” She stopped the moment she saw his expression and gave an exasperated pout, “Could you please not do that, human? This night was already an eventful one, I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop stirring everypony up.”

All she received was a smug and cocky grin and the human’s response of, “No promises.”

Princess Celestia glared at the human as she continued, “What I meant, was that since you will be staying around Canterlot for a while, well maybe I could get to know you better? I mean, before you came to life, all I know is that you used to be called ‘the Ancient Warrior’ by the scholars of our academies. All I know about you was just the pictures on the walls, and that before Luna’s banishment I used to go down into that place where you sat, and ...”

She hesitated and shifted around in embarrassment before admitting, “I would talk to you and take comfort in your presence with some surety that at least you wouldn’t judge me on what I thought or desired. But ... now you’re more than a familiar statue of my foalhood, you’re a living being who has seen and experienced eras which no pony has! I want to know the ‘real’ you, and not the foalhood companion who I would often run to in order to escape my duties as Equestria’s princess.

“I want to know things about what you like and what you’ve been through. I want to know what your favorite food is, what your favorite color is, what kind of dream you had about who you wanted to be growing up. I want to-”

The human cut her off with a raised hand near the front of her face, causing her to flinch slightly before he stated. “What you’re asking is, ‘Would you be my friend?’”

Princess Celestia lightly scuffed her right forehoof against the castle flooring and grinned sheepishly at the Ancient Warrior, the human whom she had sought refuge with as a foal. “Yes. Will you be my friend?”

The human gave a long, exaggerated hum as he ‘thought’ about it. Which made Princess Celestia reply with an annoyed sound before pushing him with a hoof to his waist, making him move back a few steps.

They shared a laugh before he answered, “Oh fine, we suppose we could have another friend.”

Princess Celestia rolled her eyes. Of course Luna would have been the first to ask him.

‘Not that it is a bad thing, she really does need to make more friends and to see Equestria outside of her studies and guilty sulking ...’ Celestia’s eyes widened for a moment before giving an grumbling sulk herself as she started realizing what Luna, her Majordomo and the human had been doing.

“Something wrong?” The human asked, but was given an unhappy noise and a shake of Princess Celestia’s head as her pride didn’t want to answer how he was right.

Instead, she looked outside, where the moon was shining just perfectly into her bedchamber window. Once she mentally checked with her celestial charge, she gave a brief yawn and stated, “It is late. And tomorrow is the last day before we decide on a course of action, depending upon your answer, human. Either you tell me your answer now or you will say it in the morning, neither Luna or I can keep you secret any longer.”

The human’s eyes glazed over and the colors in his iris changed and spun before he blinked and nodded, “Then we will tell you in the morning, Princess Celestia. Good night.”

“Good night, human ...” Celestia nearly muttered, but was able to say it loud enough to not appear rude. She watched him leave her chambers before looking over to where her diary was. After thinking for a few moments, she dredged up what remaining energy she had left to trot over and wrote about her day into her diary.

Afterwards she gave another yawn, her muzzle opening as wide as physically possible and her yawn sounded much louder this time. She gave one strong flap with her wings to glide over to her bed before using magic to cover herself up with blankets and swiftly fell asleep.

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Princess Luna immediately knew her sister overslept.

She was already presented with three things that proved it. First off, her sister’s dreams had been pulled closer to herself and did not respond to her own dream magic immediately. Meaning that Celestia had stayed up longer than she ought to have had and her mind had figuratively ‘pulled the covers’ closer to herself.

Secondly, when Luna awoke and looked outside, she did not see her lunar charge move and neither did she see her sister’s celestial charge rise.

Thirdly, her Lunar Guards were quick to allow entrance to the Royal Butler Reginald Glass and the butler himself informed her that Celestia was still sleeping and ignoring his calls.

Luna sighed as she began to travel through Canterlot Castle to her sister’s bedchambers, which curiously, was on the opposite end of the Castle.

‘Simply another complaint to address unto her.’ She mentally muttered.

Once Princess Luna arrived at her sister’s bedroom door and was allowed in by the morning shift of Royal Guards, she stomped over to her sister’s head and gave Celestia a wake up call in the form of her Royal Voice.

This prompted Celestia to give a shriek while awakening the rest of Canterlot at the ungodly hour of four o’clock.

Once the human and the two princesses gathered for breakfast, he was met with an irritated Princess Luna and a grimacing Princess Celestia who was holding her head with both hooves at the dining table with one of the Castle’s medical personnel slowly casting a curing spell for Celestia’s headache. When he asked why, the mare told him that instantly curing headaches would have caused another headache from the sudden change.

“So even in magic, healing slowly is the better option,” he concluded as he watched Princess Celestia ever so slowly relax as the magic did it’s work, her hooves resting against her head instead of clutching it, and her bared teeth unclenching.

The medical magician nodded firmly, “Most definitely, and it’s typically the same for ponies in hospitals. We are capable of instantly healing more serious injuries, however the patients would have to be asleep for that to happen. It also usually is accompanied with unpleasant side effects, such as pain and discomfort, ravenous hunger, heart arrhythmia. I could go on, but I think we both already see why instantaneous healing is used as a last resort, rather than as a solution to all of the world’s health-related problems.”

“Because once again, either the shock of instant healing or because they would lose all sense of balance, since their minds remember being hurt and thus ‘told’ the body to compensate?” The human commented.

Once again, the mare nodded.

“Thou seemest most knowledgeable about the dangers of spontaneous recovery, human,” Princess Luna rasped, due to her voice being affected due to the sheer force she put it through to wake her sister up.

The human nodded, “We are. During our species’ time on Earth, exerting our power into healing, either for ourselves or for each other and either by our hands and knowledge about medicine or by asking our Lord, usually took place slowly or instantly the moment our minds and eyes aren’t paying any attention. It’s baffled a lot of people when that happened, since before the apocalypse it was near impossible to tell whether it was medicine or miracle. Needless to say, instant healing wasn’t effective as long as people around the wounded were aware or paying attention.”

Princess Luna dismissed some of what the human said, as she wasn’t much of a believer in religion. The rise of cults and religion before and after her banishment had quickly desensitized her to the idea of a higher being.

Instead, she turned her head, placed one blue-silver shoed hoof to her cheek and looked out the window and watch her sister’s sun ever so slowly rise from the horizon, the beams of light coming from it stretching and recoloring many of the clouds that were gathering and coming in.

‘The hour cometh,’ Luna’s first thoughts were, as she considered what was going to happen to the human now, ‘Whereth then shall you go and what manner might thine occupation be, human? Thou art most unlikely to merely settle for a humble home and humble life.’

“Your Majesty Luna?” Luna’s mind snapped back to reality to realize that breakfast was placed just in front of her.

She quickly made a disgusted face once she realized it was alfalfa.

‘Curses, sister! We shalt find revenge for this!’ She sullenly thought to herself before levitating one utensil to pick up her first bite of food. After several seconds of agonized chewing through the dry food, Luna decided to ask the human in an attempt to either delay long enough to skip breakfast or make the taste not as unbearable.

She looked over to the human and asked, “We hath been wondering, human. What might you do once you do decide to live here as a pony?”

The human eyed the Princess before looking out the window. He looked back and stated, “We haven’t given our answer yet, though you will have it soon, Princess.”

Luna scoffed at his deflection, “Nevertheless, we art curious with regards as to what you would do, should you agree?”

The human blinked and seemed to consider how to answer her question for a grand total of two seconds before shrugging with a grin and stating, “No idea.”

Both Princesses stared at him in silence with wide eyes. Out of all the wisdom and knowledge the human stated and shown, the two sisters thought the ‘ancient’ human would give either a long winded answer, a sentence that would have sent the three into a long discussion, but not an ‘I don’t know!’

Princess Luna was the first to take exception to his answer, “W-what doth thou meanest, ‘No idea!?’”

“Its means ‘we don’t know,’ Princess Luna.”

The young alicorn bristled, “We knoweth full well what it means! We demand an answer to why thou wouldst say it!”

The human regarded the angry Princess with a deadpan look, as if what she was asking was more than obvious, “Because we don’t know.”

To Luna, it seemed so out of place for him to admit that he didn’t know what to do with himself in the future. Once Princess Celestia recovered from the human’s strange action, she moved a wing over to her sister to calm her.

Luna still looked at the human in anger, but calmed down enough for Celestia to ask, “I think what my sister wants to know is why you don’t know. During the times that we have shared, you demonstrated a great deal of wisdom and seemed to know an answer to many things, you even did things that were most unusual to what the both of us are familiar with, such as saving Captain Shining Armor from the consequences of your fight with him.”

His expression didn’t change, “Just because we know things doesn’t mean we’re omniscient. Hell, we’re far from it and proud to admit that. Even we’ve had times when we’ve made mistakes, all of them in various degrees from simple and easily fixed to down right atrocious, or had misunderstood things which led to more complicated problems.” Princess Celestia blinked at the human saying this word. She decided it was similar to their Tartarus as both a formal and informal noun.

“Most of what we’ve said or done was either from our own experiences or from others. We taught ourselves to listen, watch, and learn from others experiences,” the human gave a grin as he paused for a moment, “And let us tell you, it’s enlightening to hear from other people’s experiences in failure or success and see how you can avoid the same things they did.”

Princess Luna still glowered at the human while Princess Celestia gave a small smile as she concluded, “So you truly do not know what to do after this?”

The human shook his head, gave a simple, “No,” and went back to finishing his breakfast.

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It was still early morning once the human and the Royal Sisters finished eating and being prepared for the day. Though the human still complained about the necessity of dressing him up with even more clothes that would mean little for him, as Reginald Glass had delivered almost an entire wardrobe of human shaped clothing.

He didn’t argue any further about how it was needed to look ‘proper’ in Canterlot’s high standards and being reminded once again about how the seamstresses within Canterlot and their ability to change the clothing to fit any species.

Despite his continued protests as he heard about being given more of the flamboyant garments, he silently relented and walked in his previously given royal clothing alongside Princesses Celestia and Luna to the throne room.

They walked in silence, rather than talking to each other as the three had done several times during the human’s stay. Though Celestia was willing to let the silence stay, she couldn’t help but wonder what he would or could do as a pony.

Not two mental questions in and Celestia started to wonder what the human might look like.

Since the human was depicted and carried himself like a soldier, she imagined that he would’ve been muscularly built like an Earth Pony, maybe even that red-coated and orange-maned stallion that was Applejack’s brother. Maybe she could get him into the Royal Guard or let Luna have him as Captain of the Night Guard ... .

However, the human was lithe, agile, and even quicker than many of the Night Guards. During one match that she snuck out to watch, he was able to dance and weave in, around and about attacks that were thrown at him. He likely could fit in as a Pegasus.

He'd probably be dragged into a heated competition unwillingly against Rainbow Dash, since she was a very prideful mare in being the fastest pony.

But then again, being ancient and ... well, supposedly older than both her and Luna, and being remarkably wise would make him fit in with the Unicorns ... . However, the idea of the human utilizing magic considering his title as Ancient Warrior both frightened, worried, and intrigued her.

Maybe Twilight could do with a bit of competition. She never had an actual rival in magic before and it might push her to greater accomplishments than she had under Celestia's tutorship.

But then again, something told her that the human would beat the poor mare into becoming Equestria's greatest Archmage. Even that thought both worried and downright terrified Celestia.

There was no easy answer to what was going to happen, and that was what scared Celestia the most.

‘A thousand years of ruling Equestria and now I'm about to enter into an unknown future that I will have little to no control over ... .’ Princess Celestia thought silently as the trio approached the doors to the throne.

Even when they entered, no one said anything. The human merely walked over to the very foot of the long set of stairs and stood there waiting as the two Princesses ascended the stairs to sit at their respective thrones.

After several seconds, Princess Celestia was the first to break the silence. She tapped a hoof against the tiled floor and stated, “Human, during the course of a week, you’ve caused a great deal of commotion, regardless of whether you intended to do so or not. Much of it had to be held in secret from both the public and from the nobility while you were given the choice between staying in Equestria and taking equine form, where you would then be placed within the public under our eyes and given a home and find your life from there.

“Or you could refuse and voluntarily leave Equestria, as this kingdom’s nearby allies and neighboring kingdoms and tribes would not tolerate nor be happy of being aware of your species existence within Canterlot Castle’s halls.”

Princess Celestia paused for a few moments to let the words sink in before finishing, “Human, you were given a week to decide and now that a week has passed, it is time to hear of your decision.”

The human himself stayed silent with his eyes closed during the entire speech. When the Princess finished, he looked up and stared at the two in the eyes before he began, "During our time here with your hospitality, we discussed with ourselves and thought deeply about your offer. While we are still hesitant ... on changing our physical appearance, there are a great deal of reasons and many influences both inside and outside of your kingdom.

“Your allies and your neighboring kingdoms clearly do have issues against our current appearance, that much is clear. And it is incredibly unwise to not heed the danger of this world’s attitudes regarding humans. We are not so callous as to let your kingdom suffer merely because we cherish our physical appearance for reasons both personal and cultural.”

He looked over to the side a little before continuing, “During our studies to understand and learn about the world we currently reside in, it was recorded in your tomes that the Minotaur Tribes hold a negative view regarding human mythology and for reasons yet unknown unto us, view us as abominations that call for immediate destruction. Meanwhile, the Yaks and Griffons have exhibited an uneasy and extremely tenuous relationship with you and your kingdom, if the latest literature regarding their cultures are true. Their cultures are described as paranoid and retaliatory when given enough reason.

“Should war break out between this kingdom and theirs, this kingdom would not survive it, even if we allowed our death to happen. Equestria has existed through over a thousand years of relative peace, making you well-known as a ruler, but this has made your military complacent and untested. They are unprepared for any significant attack or invasion. Your subjects enjoy this current state of peace, but at a cost as they have become incapable of repelling any ambitious warlords, or an incensed kingdom.”

The human returned his gaze back to the Princesses, “Not only this, but even if you still allowed us to stay in human form, we would have been advised or demanded to wear covering cloaks or disguises and only allowed to traverse Equestria either during the night or stay locked within the castle, never allowed to see Equestria as a whole, let alone the world itself. Naturally we could and would argue, but this would only lead to us being banished.

“Even worse, due to your alliances with these other kingdoms and cultures, they might request your assistance and continued proof of the validity of your kingdom’s treaties with them, demanding that you assist in ‘the eradication of the human abomination’, and even if we had been exiled from your kingdom, we would be vulnerable to any hostile attack from you. You would be coerced into slaying me, the last of a race which preceded yours and the unique creature that I am, all for the sake of continuing your current peace with your allies."

When the words 'banished' was uttered, Celestia gave a shudder and a barely audible, shaky gasp, a break in her usually calm and collected composure. The memories of banishing her sister were already starting to resurface as her mind remembered the ruling about banishing as a way of trying to divert her episode into something else.

It was rare enough as is to be banished, her sister excluded. By ordering such a thing, it felt like a personal failure to her. That she had failed completely to help the accused to see reason or any chance of peace and that only being thrown out of her kingdom was the only option to help all of her subjects within her kingdom, to be able to live happily.

Luna was quick to notice Celestia's small episode and moved out of her throne and over to her sister and rubbed her side against Celestia's to comfort and reassure her sister. Celestia turned and gave a quick and thankful look to her before returning her attention to the human, thankful that the distance between her and the spot the human chose to stand at was far enough to make her reaction seem unnoticeable.

As was typical for him and his mysterious abilities, the human waited until Celestia’s attention returned to him. Once she did, he gave two hard taps against the floor with his right foot behind him for emphasis, "And that, Princesses, will not do. By any means. You have been gracious and kind, housing this stranger, feeding us, and even asked to being our friend as we tried to learn about this strange new world."

The human's tightened in calm anger, "We did not awaken to this new world and age just to throw it into destruction and chaos ‘simply because.’ We are not of the Fallen, and we refuse to even step towards what they were.

Celestia wondered what the ‘Fallen’ were, but it was clear to her from how the human spat the name, that he despised and held extreme animosity for whatever they had become or stood for as he finished. "If we are to re-discover this world as the pioneers of our kind's history once did, then we accept your offer of transmogrification. Because transforming us to become one of your kind wasn't offered because, ‘it's fun being a pony,’ or ‘we want to know what it's like.’ It was offered as a necessity."

‘Such determination and honesty,’ Princess Celestia thought, ‘He truly means what he says.’

She gave a quick glance to Luna, who's expression had matched to the human's as he gave his impassioned answer and the logical reasoning he had arrived at as he had clearly given this matter much thought. It was clear that his words convinced Luna that the spell was a need rather than a 'want'.

When she returned her attention to the human, Celestia gave a small bow with her head, "Well said and well reasoned, human. Since it seems my sister was swayed by your impassioned reasoning, there is little point in delaying this any longer." Luna flinched and turned her eyes away from her sister, but she couldn't hide the blush on her cheeks.

Celestia nodded, and gave her sister a small look, "Luna."

Luna stayed still for a moment, then sighed and lit her horn as she prepared for her part the complex spellcraft to which she agreed to help her sister with.

"Any ... instructions on our part?" The human raised an eyebrow in confused interest as he saw both sisters light their horns and felt ... something enveloping his body.

Luna gave an unhappy look at Celestia before replying, "Merely remain still, human, and wait until we inform ye that the spellcraft is completed."

Before the human could respond, the two sisters aimed their horns at him and blasted him with beams of magic which appeared to be a mixture of yellow and white and dark blue colors.

The two beams collided and formed a solid opaque orb around the human, who seemed torn between either dodging out of the way or trying to follow the princesses’ advice as he disappeared into the orb completely.

Celestia watched as the orb swirled and mixed with the colors of her and her sister, often making shapes of different types. She swore she saw a bunny for a split of a second before it contorted into something else, it was much rather like watching some sort of bizarre light show that Discord once did for the two sisters as fillies.

Both she and Luna continued to stare and watch the orb play its artistic show for several minutes before Luna asked nervously, "S- Sister? Isn't this spell supposed to have finished within seconds?"

Celestia couldn't help but nod, now starting to become concerned once five minutes had passed. This spell had been used many times before and all of them had usually taken a maximum of twenty seconds to complete.

Now she became worried once ten minutes was reached. She started to go over what might have gone wrong while Luna said, "Sister! We don't believe this was to happen! We ought to abandon the spell!"

"No!" Celestia immediately shouted, a little louder than she needed too. This resulted in both mares flinching before Celestia said in a gentler voice, "No, if we try to abort the spell, it may cause irreparable damage to the human. I think, the best we can do right now is just wait … wait and hope."

Fifteen minutes passed and still the orb did nothing.

Then twenty.

Finally thirty passed before Luna hastily declared, "Enough! We have waited long enough! This spell has been cast for far too long and something wrong must have happened!" Celestia watched in alarm as Luna lit her horn and aimed at the orb.

Celestia cried, "No! Wait!!" before the orb immediately spun faster and started becoming a disc, signaling that the spell had finished.

The two froze and watched as the disc grew, then broke apart and spun away to dissipate and crash against the walls in the throne room.

A large stallion stood where the human had once stood. The stallion's coat was a mixture of ash-grey, black, and metallic-grey. His body was built lithe and thin, matching to his thin human form. What seemed interesting was that the human did not shrink as Celestia had somewhat expected, but rather simply grew outwards from behind.

But what was most prominent and startling was his mane and tail. Instead of a simply matching the colors of his human hair, his mane and tail was like beautiful rays of orange that changed to amber and golden yellow. It was as if his mane had become something of a sunrise.

Sunrise ... That's what his mane is colored like .... his mane has the colors of a sunrise! Celestia realized, ... Sweet Faust, what is he?

It seemed that his mane and tail had taken to such a display, that his coat appeared to be colored like granite while his mane and tail behaved like crepuscular rays of the light of dawn haloing the mountain in reds, oranges, and gold.

Luna looked like she just found a young god in equine form. While Celestia looked as if she just saw something that could've just passed as her brother, had she not known better and had she not been the one to partake in casting the spell.

The large stallion opened his eyes and blinked once before he started to explore his new form. The moment he tried to move one leg, he immediately began stumbling and nearly falling over like a newborn colt that realized he could walk.

After he had made himself stand still, and when Luna and a few guards finished silently snickering at the sudden change from amazingly regal to an adorably awkward sight, the stallion moved his head to see a wing of equal color.

He suddenly unfurled them to an impressive wingspan that was significantly longer than either of the Princesses. It unfurled and stretched upwards, almost reaching the height all the way up to the height of Princess Celestia’s throne and to her horn, if the stallion had been close enough to make the comparison. He inhaled deeply, then stretched them all the way outwards and revealed the wingspan to be around three meters. The sight made the entire guard, and Princesses stare in awe at such a length.

Celestia noticed that the stallion seemed to have had some sort of recognized instinct with the 'new' wings, as she watched him lightly flap. He nearly took off from the floor when he gave a harder beat, then experimentally moving his new wings around in different ways before folding them expertly, rather than fiddling, flailing, and stumbling with them as many pegasi foals tended to do when they realized they had wings.

The stallion sighed before he moved one hoof to rub the front of his head, which caused both Luna and Celestia to gasp as they noticed something they hadn't earlier noticed, so taken had they been by the majestic and wonderful appearance of the stallion.

The stallion reopened his eyes and paused as his hoof hit something in the middle of his equine forehead, he looked around rather calmly before using a window to try and use it as a mirror get a guess as to what was there.

There, in the middle of his now elongated forehead, was a long, thin spiraling horn.(*)

He looked back to the Princesses and calmly asked, "We'd be right to guess, judging from your reactions, this was not supposed to happen."

"N- No. No, that wasn't ..." Celestia nearly whispered behind her hoof.

Luna looked back between the stallion and to her elder sister, "'T-Tia ... ? Why … ? How?"

The stallion went silent as he ran a hoof through his head, touching his horn and mane. He asked, "What was that spell supposed to do?"

Celestia quickly reviewed from memory about the spell as she was once taught by her Mother, "This spell has been used for the rare few travelers who had decided to change their forms, either for asylum, trying to make a new life, or even wanting a change of pace in life. It was supposed to choose which of the three pony tribes of Equestrians the petitioner would best fit into, usually looking at the characteristics, personality, and in one certain case, dreams and aspirations."

"Hmm ... . Perhaps this spell took a long look at us all and simply gave up?" The stallion muttered as he sat back on his rear legs and, after maintaining that he wouldn't fall over, placed one of his forelegs’ knees to his chin in an awkward attempt of making a thinking gesture. He nearly abandoned it when he had to move his other foreleg to balance and steady himself, "Or perhaps what we are ... were, is similar to what an Alicorn is."

This confused Celestia, as despite the stallion's quiet muttering, the throne room's walls provided little protection from even the lowest of noises, allowing her to have heard what he said, "‘Similar?’"

The stallion looked up and blinked before explaining, "It's merely a guess, Princess."

Luna wasn't comforted at all by the stallion's lack of response, "That does not answer my sister's question, Warrior. What did th- you mean by ‘similar?’"

The stallion sighed before giving a level stare with the air of somepony reluctant of giving an explanation, "Even though we appeared like a human to you, we did not share, nor were we bound to the same limitations our Lord had made on his human creation."

Princess Luna couldn't help but ask with exasperation, "Enough with your riddles! What are you then? What is it that makes us the same as you?"

The stallion shifted and hesitated, his eyes flashing at incredible speeds that nearly blended the color within into either white or black. Finally, he sighed and looked down before giving a full answer, "We ... are a being who holds a high rank within our Lord’s Kingdom. An ... a semi-human being ..."

Princess Celestia could barely understand what the stallion was talking about, "What do you mean “A semi-human being?" Do you mean to say you lied about being human?”

The stallion snorted, "No. We began and we were born as a human."

Celestia asked calmly, “Then tell us what you are and how being someone of high regard in your Lord’s hierarchy allows you to stand equal with Alicorns.”

He hesitated again, and fell into reluctant silence for a minute until he looked away and didn't meet either of the Princesses' eyes, “It’s ... something we're not ready to ... share yet.”

Princess Luna bristled at his vague answer, “Again with the ‘not ready’ and ‘not willing!’ Perhaps you are not comfortable to share, as the rulers who are seeing to your safety and comfort, we desire to know what makes you different from the rest of your kind. We desire an answer as to why you are now an alicorn! What and who are you, human? And how have you made the spell decide to give you the equine body that is the symbol of unity between the three Pony Tribes?”

We don’t know!” The human turned stallion snapped, startling both Princesses, “We don’t know why or how, and all we have is made-up theories and best guesses!”

“Then tell us what you do know about yourself so we may figure out what happened!”

Child, what you ask of us what we have been ordered to keep secret from mortal understanding longer than our own births!” The stallion declared loudly, almost desperately. His wings flared open in helpless anger and his eyes wide open and the colors in his eyes blazing wildly, stunning the Royal Sisters into silence.

He visibly panted before blinking at what he said and looked down, reigning in his anger and folding his wings once more. The stallion turned his head to look away and refused to meet either of the Princesses’ eyes.

He almost muttered, but raised his voice to let them hear, “We don’t even know if we’ve been given any freedom to talk about it. We don’t know what rules are still in play and what we’re allowed to do yet.” He looked as if he was about to say something else but did not say it.

Both Celestia and Luna blinked in surprise, it almost sounding like he was pleading for them to not press him any further.

‘Ordered to keep secrets? So that is why he’s barely shared anything from his past or his status.’ Celestia thought.

‘Though ...’ The mare recalled, ‘Why was he so hesitant on talking about what he was? Is he lying about being human ... ? No, he wasn’t lying about that ... . Is he unsure if he’s still human, then?’

Then her eyes widened slightly, ‘He’s in the dark more than I realized. He’s using his calm and amused attitude as a coping mechanism to hide his confusion! He's so used to always knowing what to do, and now he's lost and unsure of himself. Just what did those words behind your seat tell you, and why do they frighten you like this?’

She started looking back during the times that she had been looking at the human turned stallion in the eyes. Celestia then started to look past those mesmerizing color wheeling iris’ to try and read his expressions, as she had done so with nobles that tried to sneak their ideas under her nose with a blank stare.

And quickly recognized the small tics and twitches of involuntary movement and his body’s non-verbal communication. It was the same as somepony who was merely holding themselves together with something familiar or comforting to them and simply trying to adapt to an unfamiliar and therefore dangerous environment and trying to figure what to do next.

Celestia sighed and replied, “I understand.” Princess Celestia nudged her sister to accept the former human’s unwillingness. Luna gave a offended glare, but did not say anything to either protest to the stallion's look of askance or to her sister's action.

Princess Celestia decided to change the subject slightly, hoping to get to know more about the stallion, "What about when you said ‘all of us?’ You speak as if there are more of you in this room."

The human turned stallion looked back at Celestia and blinked in surprise, whether it was because he hadn’t mentioned it before, or that he didn’t mean to mention it.

Or he wasn't hoping to answer it and wanted it to go over her head.

’The cat is out of the bag.’ He solemnly stated, ’Should we tell them? Or simply claim that we employ the plural form for addressing ourselves as Luna does?’

... These ... ponies ... have already treated us kindly, respectable even ... .

’We’ve already stepped into unknown territory, this new body is already confusing as it is and we’re not going to get any answers or comfort from a Lord who no longer speaks with us.

The stallion remained still and silent as Princess Celestia waited patiently for him to answer, already recognizing his reluctance.

She started to believe that she might have finally asked too far when he shifted uncomfortably, stumbling again before giving a sigh and said, “We refer ourselves in the plural form for a very good reason, Princess. In fact, it's the only reason.”

Luna turned her head in confusion and asked, “What doth thou mean? Thou speaketh as if thou art legion.”

The stallion gave an innocent look, fitted with a small smile, “Well, that depends. Are ‘Legions’ a single physical being containing thousand upon thousand of minds and souls?”

Both Princesses almost answered and asked at the same time when they caught themselves on what the stallion said.

“Impossible ...” Celestia whispered.

However, the stallion caught on to what the Solar Princess had said, “Not really,” he replied, “It helps if you consider our Lord being responsible for creating an entire universe.”

“That violates all of the rules of logic and common sense!” Celestia exclaimed, “I’ve dealt with foalish cults and fallen ponies enough to know about these Legions, and they’ve always ended in miserable failure. Both for the casters and the souls which were ripped away and placed inside a living body.”

The stallion looked even more uncomfortable and squirmed at being asked how he could possibly become a vessel and house so many within him, “... That’s a ... piece of history you’ll either not learn, never learn, or have to earn our trust to learn, Princess."

His expression returned to a more neutral state, "But regardless we are many ... . In fact ...” he continued with a frown, “you said your spell transformed a being into another physical form, what happens if these ‘Legion’ were transformed?”

Celestia simply stared at the human turned stallion as if he grew four heads, “When I said Legions ended in failure, I meant it completely. Even if I wanted to know the answer to your question, performing the rituals and spells needed to accomplish such a thing is currently both legally banned and socially condemned in Equestria. Not even I nor my sister are above that law.”

“Then perhaps this spell simply gave up after looking at all of us. Unless the spell has given someone an alicorn body before?”

Celestia and Luna both firmly shook their heads, “Neither of us has seen it choose anypony to be blessed in becoming an alicorn. I have seen this spell performed several times and I assure you that the spell was performed without any errors.”

The stallion blinked and shuffled his wings, “We haven’t said anything about the spell not working, that much we know and trust you regarding this matter. But it’s our only guess as to ‘how’ we became an ... Alicorn. It's supposed to observe and judge someone's soul and categorize them into one of the three Pony Tribes, yes? Maybe because we are Legion, the spell had to look at all of us for evaluation and because we all didn’t share one tribe, it didn't know what to do.”

Both Princesses stared at him in silence before Celestia asked, “So you mean to say that you, as a Legion, overloaded the spell and forced it into giving you the form of an Alicorn, which is the physical and magical symbol of unity of all three pony tribes?”

The stallion shrugged, “It’s the best guess we’ve got.”

Celestia groaned and placed her head against her hooves, “Faust, this will cause too many problems. How in Equestria are we going to let you into our society if you’re an Alicorn?”

“Why not say we left Equestria for some odd years and came back?”

Princess Celestia shook her head, still holding her head with her hooves, “No. The last one and a half thousand years were historically recorded, and it’s already recorded as the Decay of Alicorns.”

The stallion blinked and stated, “We don’t recall that within our history lessons.”

“Because that particular part is kept near the door to the Canterlot Castle Restricted Section of the library. It is not necessarily forbidden, but it’s something that isn’t meant to be freely learned,” Celestia replied, “Regardless, simply saying there was one who was older than either of us came back will cause too many questions that shouldn’t be answered. Even if Equestria accepts this, you may end up becoming immediately entangled into all sorts of governmental issues. You may even be used to overthrow both me and my sister and have either somepony else or yourself sitting on the throne.”

The stallion tilted his head to the left and asked, “Then what shall you do?”

A thought suddenly came to him and he added, “Even if you hide us in your castle or out among your civilians, it will only cause more questions from the nobles and anyone else who’ve heard about your venture to our sanctuary. Even then, if you told them about the ‘statue’s’ disappearance, it’ll only make the questions more numerous. Your allies and enemies would become uneasy about our ‘ascendancy’ or if we were discovered while hiding in plain sight.”

Princess Celestia didn’t answer, and his words caused her to stare at the ground as if the golden shoes on her legs were the most interesting objects to her.

Minutes passed before she looked up and stated, “Luna? I need to talk to you in private again ...”

Princess Luna looked over to her sister in confusion before following Celestia down from their throne and into the side room they had used before.

Luna gave a curious glance at the stallion before entering the room and closing the door behind her.

The stallion was left with himself and the Legion within to digest what occurred.

‘This is getting more complicated than it should be ... .’ He mentally groused.

Indeed. Maybe it was a mistake to accept the offer. Considering how there’s only three alicorns in Equestria and they all are considered royalty, us becoming one of them is going to put us into an unwanted spotlight.

'You worry about the attention the most?

The Legion quickly descended into arguments and fights against each other, three sides already taking place and establishing ‘fronts.’ One side considered taking back the offer and returning to their former physical appearance, the second wanted to push on and overcome this problem and do what they can. The last was little more but the ‘undecided’ few that didn’t know which side to side with.

The fight began to drag on for so long that it felt like literal weeks had passed, as the entirety of the Legion focused all their attention into the three-sided war. One side would gain ground and rallied more to their cause, then an action or impassioned rhetoric from the other two factions would cause that advantage to be lost and turned around.

It was only when one of the Legion noticed that they left their physical body unattended and left alone did they leave their ‘war’ as it was for the moment.

And found themselves on the ground and surrounded by several Royal Guards, three medical personnel and the two Princesses looking at the newly minted alicorn stallion with increasingly worried looks. Princess Celestia looked as if she was helplessly watching a loved one slowly die in front of her.

When the stallion blinked and looked at Princess Celestia in the eye, it made the doctors stare in awe and shock as they watched him begin moving without trouble.

“How long have we been silent?” The stallion asked, as if nothing was wrong.

Princess Celestia began sputtering in shock and confusion. When she and Luna had reached a decision as to what to do with the former human, she found him standing stock-still with the most blank look she had ever seen in any pony.

When both Princesses tried to call to him and tried to talk to him, he didn’t respond or even blink at their words. Of course, Luna became irritated and shouted at him, but when he didn’t respond even to her, the two sisters became concerned about his unresponsiveness.

Celestia urgently called for the castle’s doctors when they tried shaking him and still received nothing.

One nurse, Patch Work, was able to talk, “Y-you’ve been standing comatose for almost an hour! When the Princesses told us of your transformation, some of us thought that the magic had shut your brain down!”

The stallion blinked in surprise at her words. Neither he nor the Legion expected to have argued so heatedly for so long.

He gave a small nod with his head apologizing, “We apologize for that. We had been deep in thought with what’s happened to us, we forgot to pay att-”

Moments later, the stallion realized that his head had sharply turned to the left along with hearing a very loud clap.

He turned his head and found Princess Luna standing in front of him with her muzzle within an inch of touching his, glaring at him with enough venom to kill a city.

Thou hath worried us and remained as still as the statue thou came from, and the cause of it is merely ‘deep in thought?!’” she yelled at him in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

The stallion closed his eyes tightly and his ears instinctively swiveled backward at the force of her voice. When she stopped yelling, he tentatively opened his eyes to see if she would continued.

Once he was sure that she was done venting, he replied calmly, “We’ve been on the fence over this problem while you two were discussing Equestria’s options regarding ourself between the two of you.”

Princess Luna blinked at him in confusion as he continued, looking over to Celestia as he talked, “Telling the world about us brings both your allies and your enemies attentions upon your nation, and since Equestria seems to be a mare dominant society, a male alicorn is going to bring even more attention given the rarity of our existence. But by hiding us, we run the risk of being discovered and bringing that same attention but with the addition of distrust by both ally and enemy. They will look to your kingdom and ask why you hid us. And regardless of your answer, you would lose their trust for it.”

“How does this explain why you stood as still as a statue and when the nurses looked over you, they reported that you were ... c-confirmed brain dead?” Princess Celestia asked, her voice wavering as she still hadn’t recovered from shock.

“Because that’s what we’ve been discussing with ourselves with, Princess. Unfortunately, we were so focused on trying to figure out what to agree on we forgot to pay attention to the world around us.”

The stallion blinked as he was still met with confused stares.

He gave a small sigh as he attempted to explain, “Are you familiar with mental meditations, mental states where someone ‘turns their focus inward and filtering out external distractions and stimuli’ as certain monks and other meditative gurus preach about?”

It was Princess Luna was the one to answer, “Indeed, W— ... I am familiar with this term, however it occurs more often within the minds of dreaming ponies that are aware of their state of dreaming. Though it is a rare occurrence by the dreamer, it occurs every time when I enter a pony’s dream.”

The stallion nodded, “The word for that is ‘lucid dreams’ Princess.”

Princess Celestia seemed to have an epiphany, as her eyes widened and she immediately blurted with little thought, “You mean that dream was your mental landscape?!”

She blushed in embarrassment when everypony turned their heads to stare at her in bewilderment.

Princess Luna asked, “Sister. Dot— ... do you mean the dream from before the human awoke from his slumber and your impulse to go and see his sanctuary out in the Everfree Forest?”

Celestia nodded her head in earnest, while the human turned stallion asked, “We don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Princess Celestia looked to the stallion and replied, “It was a dream which I encountered repeatedly for some time, though there were a few times it changed, but it was still the same dream. I had discussed with my sister about it before showing her the dream itself when it appeared again.”

The stallion seemed skeptical and unconvinced, “Dreams can mean a lot of things, Princess.”

Celestia shook her head, “Not this one. I can still remember a lot about what was there. One of which was you in your human form along with an uncountable number of others of different clothing and physical sizes.”

This made the stallion raise an eyebrow in curious interest, “What else was there?”

Princess Celestia replied, almost as dutifully as reciting something she had been studying for, “A large expanse of rolling green hills, almost like an ocean of green. There weren’t any trees in sight except for this very large and very tall white pillar.”

The stallion’s eyes slowly widened as she continued, “The pillar seemed to reach past the sky itself and despite the occasional breeze, it stood resolutely still and immoveable. I didn’t see any entrances or windows, so I assume it was a pillar. Besides that, I could describe one of the humans there if you want?”

He stared at her in amazement, “No. You just described the Tower of Eternity perfectly. And you saw all this through a dream?”

Celestia nodded, “I did. Though before Luna came into the dream, there weren’t any other humans besides you.”

The stallion remained silent for a while before nodding, “Then explaining it will be a little easier. Because that was indeed our mental landscape. It is where ‘we who are legions,’ reside and linger. It is also the place where we decide what to do next.”

“And the side effect of deciding there is being placed in a comatose state?” Princess Luna questioned.

“Considering how no one had commented nor took any note about it beforehand and we don’t take much note on what happens when we stop paying attention out here?” The stallion gave an awkward grin, “Perhaps?”

Princess Luna grumbled, still angry at the stallion for making both Celestia and her panic for nothing.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia sighed and waved off the nurses and guards. Now that their guest was alright and wasn’t harmed in the slightest, the medical personnel wasn’t needed anymore.

After the two doctors left and the guards returned to their posts, Celestia moved over to Luna to give a quick nuzzle to her sister before addressing the stallion, “Regardless, it is a relief to know that you are well. Now before we forget, both Luna and I have figured out a way to deal with you and ... this ...” Celestia hesitated as she let her eyes roam about the stallion’s body and mane before forcing herself back on topic.

She briefly looked over to her sister, who had been looking at her in turn. Luna’s expression was still unsure about their agreed decision, almost mirroring Celestia’s worried thoughts about how bad this would and could go.

Luna gave a silent and shaky breath before pressing her side against Celestia’s, assuring her that the two would do the best they can.

Now that she had been given some support, Celestia returned her attention back to the stallion and stated, “Our best option now is to pub--”

“You mean to openly declare to the world about us?!” The stallion nearly yelled in dumbfounded amazement, standing up on all four hooves as he did so.

Princess Celestia nearly flinched, but took pride when she didn’t do so, “Yes, we do. As Equestria is a peaceful nation, we desire to maintain good relations with our neighboring allies and the nations beyond them. It would communicate to them that we wouldn’t hide something such as discovering a male Alicorn from the world.”

“No, no it wouldn’t. But it most certainly will put all the spotlight in the world on us because we’re a male Alicorn. You said yourself that Alicorns were rare enough as is, and because of a female dominant society, it makes the males all the more rare to you. You do realize then, that mares all over Equestria and perhaps some of the females of other nations will start gunning for us and our hand for marriage because of our current form and gender?!

Both Princesses closed their eyes at his words, before Celestia replied, “Yes. We’re painstakingly aware of what would happen. However, despite how Equestria is mare dominant, it is still upon the stallions to accept or refuse offers of marriage and it is still upon the mare to tender such an offer. It’s how both my sister and I have avoided any political marriages and political ties to our kingdom’s nobles or those outside of Equestria, my greatly distant nephew Prince Blueblood aside ... . You said you were of high rank in your Lord’s reign, surely you are no stranger to the limelight?”

The stallion snorted, “Because the limelight didn’t matter in His Kingdom, and humanity as a whole was still struggling with their own problems and had different views on what they wanted to believe in. Yes, we were of high rank. But outside of His walls and with the rest of our kin, we weren’t known to anyone. The governments and Central Intelligences certainly knew us, however.”

Princess Celestia thought about questioning the stallion about that last sentence, but decided to put that aside so she could convince him to go along with her plan, “Regardless of the attention it will bring on you, it’s our best option that won’t enter Equestria into conflict with other nations of this world.”

Princess Luna added, “On top of that, sister. It may give us more chances to make allies with other nations and give better standing amongst others.”

The stallion snorted again, this time annoyed, “Not twelve hours and already, you plan to use us for cultural commerce?”

Luna visibly flinched at his jab, “That ...” She tried to find a reason to defend herself against his question but came up with nothing.

Instead, she fell silent with her gaze looking down.

Celestia replied resolutely, “It wasn’t what we wanted, but it was the only option that had the greater benefit, both yours and ours. After all, we still stand as Equestria’s ruling diarchy, and we desire what is best for our land and our civilians. Neither of us want to use you, and neither did we see you as a tool of anything, but this is the best offer to what we can do for you, human.”

The stallion gave a small glare at the two Princesses for a while before closing his eyes and giving a slow nod, “Fine,” he muttered audibly, “But we won’t like it.”

Princess Celestia sighed and trotted over to give a comforting nuzzle to the stallion, though he flinched back at the unfamiliar gesture and still unfamiliar to the more physical social attitude of Equestrian society.

It didn’t let Celestia stop her from gently hugging him.

After a few silent moments, Celestia moved her hoof off of the stallion and stated, “All that’s left now is a name for you,” she gave a small giggle as she added, “We can’t keep calling you ‘stallion’ or ‘human’ now, can we?”

The stallion begrudgingly added, “It wouldn’t hurt to keep it that way.”

The two Princesses laughed at his comment.

Celestia asked, "Nevertheless, you still need a name to be legally identified by and use during your stay here in Equestria," She gave a sly grin and added, “Unless you would like the both of us to come up with a name for you like parents do?”

The alicorn stallion laughed at that, “No, mother.

He fell silent for several minutes while Celestia and Luna snickered at his retort, especially how he drew out the last pronunciation.

The stallion shifted slightly before looking out the window, both to see his new form as well as the bright and sunny day outside, as the three had spent all of morning and well into mid-afternoon with his transformation and what to do about the new problems it presented.

Silenced reigned in the throne room for several minutes as the Princesses nervously waited for the new alicorn's name.

Princess Luna gave a small, irritated noise before asking, “I do wish you find a name soon enough, unless you wish us to keep us standing here until the next dawn.”

The stallion suddenly twitched, as if startled by Luna’s call.

Then he began to look down, his eyes flickering left and right as an idea came to him.

Just as Celestia was about to chide her sister for being impatient, he turned back and declared, "We've just decided what to name ourselves:”

“Our name shall be Rising Dawn, for we have awakened in a new age and a new world, and we have arisen once again with a new purpose."


Both Princesses stared at him in silence before Celestia asked, “Wait a moment, you mean to say that you overloaded the spell and forced it into giving you the form of an Alicorn?”

The stallion smiled, “Yeah, so?”

Princess Celestia’s eyes widened in shock, “But ... that’s against the Alicorn rules!”

The stallion gave a bigger grin and declared loudly, “Screw the rules, we have souls!”

Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: The Rising of A Reluctant Alicorn

The three ponies stood still once the newly christened Rising Dawn declared his name.

Both Celestia and Luna stared at him for a while, seemingly awed by how well his appearance matched with the colors of the afternoon sun coming in through the windows in the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

... . Or they were waiting for something, Rising didn’t know and couldn’t tell what the two princesses might have been thinking.

He waited for them to say something for a few minutes, his eyes flickering between them before asking, “What?”

This seemed to snap them out of whatever reverie the Princesses had, as Celestia gave a soft chiding glare at her sister before asking the stallion, “Are you sure about this?”

When Rising nodded, Celestia smiled and replied, “It’s a fitting name then ... Rising.” She paused and mulled over the stallion’s new name, committing it to memory before turning the guards to summon a royal scribe so that she could commission her royal scribe to create a legal document of citizenship amongst other necessary legal documentation.

A loud knock on one of the large doors which led into and out of the Royal Throne room resounded, interrupting her intentions and gaining the other two alicorns’ attention before a Royal Guard poked his head in and stated, “Your Majesties? Prince Blueblood is here to see you.”

Rising Dawn gave a small noise, “Persistent cousin of yours. Remind us again how he become related to you?”

“A result of me not paying attention to the noble caste, they were able to slip in and approve the idea that a family line should happen and Blueblood’s family was chosen for it, as they were the closest direct line to Princess Platinum.” Princess Celestia sighed through her explanation as the doors were opened to reveal the stallion.

“Good morning, Auntie Celestia,” Blueblood said with his eyes more focused on the Princess, not seeing Rising in his peripheral vision.

“A good morning unto you, nephew.” Celestia replied, changing her tone to seem friendly and welcoming.

“You did say that you would have an answer to all this madness at the end of the week, didn’t you? Well, I have waited and I’ve now come for an answer so that I might calm the nobles down about your recent evasiveness and your secrecy regarding your visit to that dusty old tomb.” Blueblood huffed when he spoke about the ancient site, “Honestly, Auntie. Why you would ever want to visit such a place is beyond me, even when you gave your reasons.”

“Well, my dear nephew, I had frequented it long ago and I wanted a breather from all of the events which had been recently happening,” Celestia explained, taking a leaf out of both Rising’s and her Majordomo’s book, “Also if you had been more observant of your surroundings when you came in, then you would see the reason for my ‘secrecy’.”

It was then that Prince Blueblood looked and seen the much taller alicorn. While Princess Celestia spoke to Blueblood, Rising decided to intimidate the smaller stallion and extended his wings out and, after awkwardly moving his legs around, made himself seem even bigger than life to the young Prince once he realized Rising existed.

He then gave a glare to see if he could convince Blueblood he had just angered the human within stallion skin.

Rising would have grinned at Bluebloods flinch and surprisingly feminine squeak, but he was more determined to keep up the act.

Behind Blueblood’s back, the two Princesses and the few guards saw right through Rising and stifled their giggles at seeing the irritating and pretentiously pompous Prince nearly wet himself.

Blueblood quickly lowered himself to the ground, his ears flat against his head as he sputtered in a high voice, “Dearest Faust, I greatly apologize! I meant no offense, I had not anticipated that another alicorn would grace Equestria! Please don’t eat me!

That was enough to cause Princess Celestia to break first and laugh. However, she quickly moved over to her nephew and said, “In all fairness, you did arrive rather suddenly and if I must be honest demanding.”

She turned to Rising and said, “I think you can stop scaring my nephew in law now.”

The stallion seemed to consider it for a moment before relaxing and giving an unhappy noise.

Princess Celestia turned back to her nephew and said, “This is Rising Dawn, my young nephew. He is a ...”

She fell silent as Luna uncomfortably shifted, as neither of the three had agreed upon what might be a believable history they could make for the newly minted alicorn.

Rising frowned, his eyes swirling before he moved quickly and inserted, “We were a wayward alicorn that had long since departed from the tribes long before they left their homelands and founded Equestria.”

When Blueblood turned to look at Rising, both Princesses glanced at him with a look of relief that he was able to quickly make up a reason for his sudden existence.

After finally recognizing that his life was not in danger and that the strange alicorn was not offended, Blueblood used one hoof to dust himself off as he spoke, “W-well then, I suppose that is reasonable regarding as to why you have not been seen around before. However,” He paused for a moment before continuing, “if I may ask one certain question?”

Rising blinked once as he answered, “You may, within reason.”

“Then tell me: Why have you remained hidden and isolated from your own species? The unicorns would certainly have had a terrible need of you during our migrations, not to mention the help you could have given our Princesses when we first arrived into Equestria and dealt with the vicious creatures and other disgusting beasts.” Blueblood gave a light sniff as he continued, “I can’t even begin to talk about Discord and his vile and atrocious ways, let alone Nightmare Moon and her dastardly set of actions not once, but twice.”

He clearly wasn’t aware that Princess Luna was within close proximity. And he seemed utterly oblivious to not hear Princess Celestia turn and tackle her sister in order to prevent her sister from attacking Prince Blueblood viciously. It took some effort for Rising to not look up and briefly watch the two sisters scuffle as silently as Princess Celestia could and ended up making Blueblood look at the ugly scuffle the two alicorn princesses were engaged in.

“All in all, I must ask why you decide that now was the time to arrive and reveal yourself when you could have done so when we ponies needed you most?”

The very first thing that Rising acknowledged was that there was a nearly visible racial divide between the unicorns and the other tribes, considering how Blueblood specified his own tribe and not the others.

Another thing that he realized was that Blueblood seemed to consider alicorns such as Celestia and Luna as symbols of sorts, a symbol of tribal segregation intended to be used to remind others of unicorn superiority and reinforce the feeling of inferiority of the non-unicorn tribes. This perceived tribal prejudice indicated that the unicorn nobility believed that they were worthy of ruling Equestria, instead of the Princesses.

‘Clearly, Princess Celestia has been lax with her rule. Allowing this stallion to say what he wishes with the delusions of impunity and forgetting his place? We may have to share with her some experiences from a few other kings and queens that we know and learned of, whom had greater mettle than many of their peerage. There would have been more heads rolling than the French Revolution, had any of the kings and queens had their way, Princesses in charge or not.’ He mentally muttered.

“For the first part of your question regarding as to why we have only chosen to reveal ourselves to Equestria now, rather than back then during the times of the trials and hardship; There is a reason of our own that we will refrain from sharing which prompted our departure. What we can share that added to the reason was the dislike and the distaste of how everything was as they had been before you left. After hearing news regarding your migration and when we had heard of the Princesses arising up from obscurity to guide and rule over your three tribes, we decided not to leave our sanctuary, as we desired not the throne of Equestria nor did we perceived that we needed to, since you had the Royal Sisters to guide and rule over you. In other words, we simply saw it was not the right time for us to reveal ourselves unto Equestria and her subjects.”

Prince Blueblood seemed incredibly skeptical. Though he kept his tone polite, he may as well have been spitting mad at Rising, “And you call this your ‘reason’? That comes across to me as the words of a coward who thinks himself more highly than the rest of us. There were times our migration and our establishment might have failed utterly and ended with us all dead.”

Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia stopped their silent fight for a moment and stared in shocked silence as Blueblood declared his accusation. Celestia herself believed that Blueblood was intentionally suicidal and that Rising was going to cut him down not moments later in anger.

She was not the only one who seemed to believe that Blueblood was about to either be killed or seriously harmed, as the Royal Guards tensed and prepared to either stop Rising or pull the Princesses out of harm’s way.

Rising chuckled at the unicorn’s thinly worded insult, “Understand that we cannot truly rule in the same benevolent manner as Princesses Celestia and Princess Luna can. Had we been given charge, Equestria would have been far more militaristic, matching our more practical and survival-focused lifestyle which is contrary of the cushy lifestyle you seem to enjoy rather wantonly.”

It wasn’t entirely true but it still held the desired effect on Blueblood, revealing his preference for a given lifestyle than being productive, and taking the subtle hint. Blueblood backed down on his words and muttered, “Apologies.”

Princess Celestia was quick to chime in, “Little nephew, was there anything else you wanted to ask of me, seeing as you now have your reason for my secretiveness?”

The unicorn glanced at Rising before shaking his head, “Not ... entirely, Auntie.”

“Well, regardless whatever else you want, I think it is time for you to go. We were in the middle of discussing matters pertinent regarding Rising Dawn’s welcome to Equestria.”

Blueblood almost looked as if he would argue, still unimpressed and unhappy that he was being told to go away, as well as not being given an apology from the strange alicorn. But, he relented and in a respectful but sullen tone, “Very well, Auntie.”

He turned and left through the same doors he entered from, his expression barely stoic and didn’t look back at either of his aunts or Rising, who watched him go with amusement.

Only to quickly replace his expression with a guarded expression when Blueblood was replaced by Captain Shining Armor and his ... . Well, she could be considered his ‘girlfriend’ by human standards.

“Good afternoon, Cadance. I didn’t know you were coming ... . Or wearing a magical inhibitor.” Princess Celestia said, briefly looking at her sister to see if she was, once again, responsible for an unexpected visit, in which Princess Luna quickly gave an offended scowl toward Princess Celestia in response to her sister’s subtle accusation.

Sure enough, Rising spotted a rather artistically made metal ring with runes etched into the band around Princess Cadance’s horn. Cadance explained, “The ring is meant to help me see the human and not be overwhelmed with the emotions I previously encountered, since my ... first meeting with him triggered my magic. To be fair, I didn’t think I would have been overwhelmed a second time, however, Shiny was ... well, really insistent after what happened after I first met the hum—” She looked over to Rising and realized that she wasn’t looking at the human whom she met yesternight.

Naturally, when she first met Princess Celestia and then Princess Luna, she was in awe with the regal and majestic appearance of the two immortal sisters with how tall and how etheral they looked in comparison to other ponies she knew and seen.

So seeing yet another alicorn whom she didn’t recognize, and a stallion at that. She couldn’t help but feel shocked, “... . A-auntie Celestia, who is this?”

Rising gave an amused smirk and answered, “And like that, we’re forgotten already.”

Shining Armor nearly tripped while standing still the moment Rising spoke and Princess Cadance stood still, slack-jawed upon recognizing the former human’s voice.

Princess Celestia chuckled as she quickly explained to the two dumbfounded ponies, “After a discussion and a week to decide, Rising decided to shed his human form to both disguise his former vessel and in order to better integrate into Equestria. However ... the spell that was supposed to give him the form of a pony from one of the three tribes ended up giving him the form of an alicorn instead. Neither of us are completely sure why or what caused this.”

Captain Shining Armor was the first to recover, and the first thing he did was sulk and mutter, “And of course, he had to look good. Why should I have expected anything else ...”

Rising gave a thoughtful expression at Shining’s words and moved his eyes towards the Royal Sisters, who quickly hid their blushes at his comment about Rising’s curiously good looks.

Normally, Rising nor any of the Legion bothered themselves about physical appearances except for when it was demanded or when they truly needed to dress up properly. Yet post-transformation, they could tell that his new appearance was remarkably “handsome” to the Equestrian standard.

‘I suspect the Princess aesthetical preferences came into play, however conscious or unconscious it might have been.’ Rising said, gaining some agreement from the Legion as they briefly considered the thought.

He returned his attention to the ponies around him, as Princess Cadance recovered from her shock and had asked him something, “Sorry, what was it you said?”

The pink alicorn blinked in slight annoyance at being told to repeat herself, “I asked what will happen to you now?”

Rising considered the question before turning his head to give an querying expression to the Royal Sisters. Out of all that had happened, along with choosing his own name, the event of becoming an alicorn by either sheer accident, ignorance or lack of communication, “Prince” Blueblood and then Princess Cadance, they didn’t take the chance to consider whatever would happen now.

It appeared that both sisters were also at a loss, as they remained silent for a while before Princess Celestia sighed and said, “The best I think we can do now is coronate you as a Prince, Rising.”

Rising raised an eyebrow in disbelief. By accident, he went from being an awakened ancient being to a Prince in a matter of weeks? Unbelievable and ridiculous, “You really mean to convince us to take part in ruling alongside you? After a week-”

Princess Celestia blurted a little more loudly than she wanted, as after she yelled, “No!” she winced and reiterated, “No you won’t, I mean. Being named royalty in Equestria has two different meanings, some of which I can’t get the nobility to change their minds about, no matter what Luna or I can say, or even threaten to do. No, by being given the title Prince, you are more or less in the same state of power as Cadance is, as well as to give you some manner of position rather than be helpless to the nobles.”

Princess Cadance’s ears perked at hearing this as Princess Celestia continued, “Though she is given the title ‘Princess’ she’s considered a minor noble at best in terms of political power. She, as will you, do not have as much political obligations restricting your freedoms, so you will still have the freedom to go and do what you wish. Though I will ask that you promise to consider that no matter where you go or what you do, you ought to be aware that you are a representative of Equestria’s nobility to others and many more eyes will be upon you within largely populated cities like Canterlot or Las Pegasus.”

Rising didn’t seem completely convinced at what the Princess was offering, “That doesn’t answer the question of what this means.”

Princess Cadance was the one to answer, “It means that we are nobles with the public giving us a celebrity status. We won’t hold much weight in politics, but we’re still revered since we’re both alicorns. It also means that you might have to avoid or disguise yourself around Canterlot and the other big cities in Equestria if you want to move about freely and not have problems like rumors, gossips, or ...” she gave a shudder, “the worshiping. I was barely able to convince my own hometown to stop praising me as their goddess and realize I’m still Caddy the local pegasus to them.”

“We know a few ways of preventing worshipful deification from taking place.” Rising commented with a sly smile. Though he made mental note at hearing how Princess Cadance referred herself as a “local pegasus.”

‘Does this mean that being an Alicorn isn’t solely genetic or hereditary?’

All three Princesses responded to Rising with an unamused frown, with Celestia replying, “I’d prefer if you would not to dissuade our subjects from their beliefs in their diarchs. With how Alicorns are revered as higher beings and that this belief is giving us some control over Equestria, we would rather it not be tarnished. Even if we don’t like being treated as deities. Even Cadance had to learn how to act appropriately.”

“Until I’m out of everypony’s sight and hearing.” Princess Cadance winked mischievously, causing Captain Shining Armor to blush slightly and making the Royal Sisters giggle.

“Either way,” Princess Celestia replied, “You will still have the freedom to move about, though you will have to face the nobility and their demands for tradition as well as the civilian worshipping. While we can easily disguise ourselves into hiding our alicorn status, as Princess Cadance does so whenever she isn’t in Canterlot, we cannot afford to stay hiding for long ... . Still, since we will have you established in the same position as Cadance, it’ll mean more lessons for you involving Equestrian politics, the Day Court procedures and receiving other related education relevant to being a good and effective Prince of Equestria.”

“Even though we will not have any legal authority in matters pertaining to the kingdom?” Rising asked, his eyebrow raised.

The three Princesses nodded in confirmation. While Princess Celestia continued, “Consider this more as an opportunity for us to judge your character before any legal power is granted unto you. You may have been titled ‘ancient warrior’ from what the hieroglyphs in your sanctuary say, but Equestria has little need for warriors and generals. In addition, both you and Cadance will be considered ‘next in line’ should anything happen to my sister and me that makes it hard for us to continue ruling Equestria.

“In addition to this, you will be attending Day Court with us almost from start to finish. Also your observation of the Day Court will not nullify your ban from the castle’s library for the period of five months. The only exception to this ban will be for the purpose of ensuring your proper education in matters pertinent to governance and politics. Is that understood, Rising?”

Rising didn’t seem happy at how everything had turned out this way, but gave a frowning nod and a huff of irritation.

Princess Luna eyed his distaste and asked, “Why art thou unhappy? Thou stated thine--” She was interrupted by her sister cuffing her neck gently with a wing. Luna gave Celestia a small glare before continuing in modern Equestrian, “You said your lord had given you a high rank in his kingdom. Surely this endeavor will be as easy as donning one’s barding with one’s arcanokinesis?”

For all this Luna was rewarded with a confused, incomprehensible stare from Rising, clearly not understanding what she meant. After a few moments of silence, Rising replied, “We assume you mean that this should be easy or not a problem for us?”

“Indeed. We can not imagine that thine lord would grant a high and prestigious title unto thee ‘lest thou had some measure o’ capability in accomplishing the tasks given unto thee,” Princess Luna replied, raising a querying eyebrow unto Rising.

“That is because our tasks never involved being a politician,” Rising said, shaking his head lightly, “neither were there any martial authority to lead anything. It was more of a position of being His proxy. And once again, the attention and power of what was given didn’t matter to any of us in the slightest.”

It was Rising’s turn to be given the confused looks from the group, as while Princesses Luna and Cadance seemed bewildered and Shining didn’t seem to understand, Princess Celestia was the one to clarify, “You were ... an agent?”

Rising gave an affirming nod, causing Celestia to ask, “You were given high rank and yet you were simply given the duty of carrying out your lord’s orders? That does not seem very ‘high rank’ to me!”

Rising chuckled, “It’s more common than you think, a lot of people of various ranks and status’ were often sent to do things that seemed below them. But none of us considered to complain about it, laziness wasn’t held highly in His Kingdom.”

The newly minted alicorn paused for a moment as he seemed to consider something, his eyes once more glowing for the briefest of moments.

Then he asked, “What happens now?”

A small twinkle in Princess Celestia’s eye appeared as she responded, “Now, we have to tell the nobility and Equestria that there is a new Prince, it’s likely going to be a very big event.”

“Have we already reminded you how we’re not happy that we’re catapulted into being a noble in your kingdom, and that you’re making it as big as possible on purpose?” Rising dryly asked as he watched both Royal Sisters trot over to him.

“You are not the first to say that.” Princess Celestia replied as both she and her sister nudged him forward, causing him to trip and stumble as he was forced to try and learn how to walk as a quadruped. Princess Cadance and Captain Shining had taken to following the three as they walked.

“Just one question, before we leave.”

Rising could almost hear the sigh of exasperation from Princess Celestia as she turned around and asked, “Yes, Rising?”

“How in God’s name and all that is plentiful in Heaven do you live with these large eyes?”


Prince Blueblood trotted down the halls with almost a dazed expression.

An unfamiliar alicorn?

A stallion alicorn?

It was almost like a dream that Blueblood was expecting to end at any moment, it was already a mess having to see Princess Cadance as the newest alicorn in Equestria, but now there was another that looked just as tall and possibly as old as Princess Celestia!

It was both a dream, and a nightmare. Now that there was a fourth alicorn around Canterlot, all sorts of hulllabaloo and commotion would start once Equestria became aware of this alicorn stallion’s existence. Nobles would likely scramble to form a political relationship with this stallion and curry favors with him in exchange for benefits, whether material, legal, legislative ... or certain physical benefits, whether they had ‘good’ intention or to get some support from this stranger.

And as a Prince of Equestria, and nephew of Princess Celestia and Luna themselves, it simply would not do to have an alicorn not within the crook of his hoof or earshot of Vladimir Blueblood V!

He stopped his posing for a moment to grumble at his first name. It made him seem like the classical arch nemesis of some heroine.

For now however, Blueblood needed to find out more about this stallion. As he recalled, several ponies and families as well as a few libraries, had a various collection of the long history of Equestria and of the time before Equestria’s founding. Maybe Blueblood could find something, either blackmail material or anything that he could use to ... convince this alicorn to his side.

‘The word ‘wayward’ can easily be turned into ‘exiled,’ for starters.’ Blueblood mused as he turned a corner and trotted off back towards his own mansion. He needed to talk to a few certain ponies first ... .


“Left leg, right leg, then the other left leg, and then the other right leg.” Princess Luna tried to advise in a low voice as they continued very slowly over to whatever destination they were going to, as Rising was more focused at walking rather than looking.

Princess Luna didn’t dare show it, but she was incredibly smug about the role reversal. She had something that her fellow student did not know or could do very well, and she was hoping to get as much satisfaction out of it.

“We’re aware of that, Princess. Remember, we began with two feet. It is going to take time to get used to this.” Rising muttered back, his eyebrows furrowed as he focused on moving his legs in the right pattern.

As he continued to stumble, walking with stiff, wobbling legs and grumbling under his breath at having to learn how to walk all over again, Princess Celestia waved over a guardsmare and told her, “Please fetch Seamstress Proper Stitch, Majordomo Forward Bastion, and Royal Butler Reginald. Tell them that I have need to discuss about the arrangements of Rising’s introduction into Equestria.”

Rising paused just a bit to look at Celestia before resuming his focus on his new appendages, which Princess Luna had noticed.

“Thou art still uncomfortable in becoming Equestria’s prince?” she asked.

Rising had to pause from his newfound task in order to think and talk, making the gathered alicorns and unicorn captain pause with him. On sheer instinct and not remembering his quadrupedal physique, Rising moved his two front hooves over to his face, one resting on his chin while the other moved to hold his “elbow.”

Which ended with him being unbalanced and, before he or the other ponies could react and save him, ended with him falling to the floor and face planting.

The three Princesses giggled a little at his expense, while Shining Armor came around and helped the stallion alicorn up, smiling all the while.

Playing it off as if nothing ever happened, which only earned him more giggles, Rising answered, “Yes. Having gone little more than a week of awakening from our slumber and being thrusted headfirst into politics and holding a high position with a high amount of responsibility? It’s something more fitting for a fairytale character or a rags to riches miracle story that continued after the story’s end, our King’s will in this or not.”

Princesses Luna and Celestia stopped giggling and hesitated for a moment, then nodded together with Celestia answering, “It does seem like a fairytale. It has been more than a millennia since the last time there was a stallion alicorn.”

Rising looked up at Princess Celestia in interest. Before he could ask, Princess Celestia explained, “There has long since been a vastly different birth rate between stallions and mares. With mares being so dominant in everything, birthed stallions were often celebrated and considered as precious. Alicorns being even more rare and important, you can easily figure out just how astounding the appearance of a stallion alicorn is.”

Rising nodded, “We knew this, as there was a species similar to you ponies during our time that held a lot of similarities, though they were not intelligent enough to form a society outside of a herd. No, what interests us is that you use words which seemed to suggest that alicorns were not as rare as they are now.”

Princess Celestia shook her head, “No, we weren’t. Before all of ponykind fled from their homeland from the pursuing Windigos, alicorns were far more plentiful, though not to the amount of the other pony tribes. But our race was surviving.”

“Then why are there only us now?” Rising interjected, “You stated that there was a book aptly named, ‘The Decay of Alicorns’. What brought this decay?”

Both Royal Sisters hesitated before looking at each other. Princess Luna gave a sigh and answered, “We ... know not.”

When Rising raised an eyebrow, Luna explained, “We were born after the Decay ended, with only our family being among the few alicorns remaining after the Era of Decay. Whenever my sister or I asked them about other alicorns ... they would simply dodge the questions or make something up to pacify our curiosity.”

“Not that it did any good.” Princess Celestia muttered to herself, remembering her curiosity leading to her getting a lot of trouble from her parents.

“Tis not after we were given the thrones did one day one guardspony discover the book and brought it to us,” Princess Luna continued, “Only to discover that our parents placed a spell that didn’t allow us to read it, and we cannot dispel it.”

‘How odd ... and concerning,’ Rising thought, while the Legions interests piqued at both the book, the secrecy behind the Decay, and the Decay itself. Rising asked, “And you did not think to ask another pony to read it for you?”

“We did.” Princess Celestia replied, “Multiple times, even with Starswirl. Nopony could read it, as it was in our race’s dead language, something our parents did not teach us in. Starswirl was barely able to decipher the title of the book.”

Rising and the Legions within briefly thought about giving a try themselves, some even considering utilizing their given power to try and force a translation from the dead language. It was a brief consideration, but nonetheless was turned down.

“It bothers you both.” Rising stated, rather than asked.

The Royal Sisters nodded, with Celestia replying, “It does. Whatever the cause for the Era of Decay, if we have no knowledge of what caused the Era or what measures were enacted to emerge triumphant, will make any preparation difficult at best, if not downright impossible ...” she fell silent while Luna gave a loving nudge in comfort.

“Your Majesties?”

The three alicorns turned to see both Reginald and Forward Bastion trot over to them, both of whom were occasionally eyeing Rising’s form.

Princess Celestia was the one to speak, “Good, you are both here. As you can see, the human who had visited us before has decided to become an Equestrian citizen ...” She hesitated when she noticed Rising raising an eyebrow while holding a deadpan expression, “though ... there was a slight complication. Therefore, my sister and I shall need help in making preparations for a national proclamation regarding the newest addition to Equestria’s royalty and the Coronation ceremony following that ...”

Rising’s expression didn’t improve while the Royal Butler and Majordomo looked back at the new alicorn, this time with some recognition.

“You ... turned the human into an alicorn?” The Majordomo asked, being somewhat confused.

“No, Majordomo. What your princess meant was that the spell that was used was supposed to give us a form of one of your three pony tribes, but for some unknown reason, we were given this form instead.” Rising replied, slowly turned around to face Forward Bastion, somehow managing without falling over.

Princess Luna was the first to notice Rising’s improvement, with a small bit of unhappiness, but before she could comment on it, Forward Bastion stated, “That would certainly explain why you and the Princesses were in the Throne Room for so long and why both Reginald and I were summoned ... This will really stir the nobles into a frenzy.”

“Soonest than thou might think, Majordomo,” Princess Luna replied, who shared his unenthusiasm, “As mine sister’s petulant of a nephew had been introduced to Rising before thou hadst been summoned.”

It only soured Forward’s expression, “Then we better get the coronation quickly done before the nobles learn from him and try to make any moves.”

Reginald was the first to move, as he bowed and said, “Then I shall fetch the necessary staff ponies for the coronation. Do expect the local jewelers and Seamstress within the hour, Your Majesties.”

“Nay for the Seamstress, for we have already sent her a guard to summon her.” Princess Luna replied.

The Royal Butler gave a “blink” with his still enormous eyebrows before bowing again, “Very well, I shall send ponies for the jewelers instead.”

And with that, he left. Leaving the Majordomo to watch the stallion go before saying, “Then let’s continue onwards. The sooner we prepare and have the coronation happen, the less chances the nobles will try to pin you down with anything. And it’s the last thing anypony wants, including you.”

Rising only smiled, his eyes betraying a more untameable fire, “We’d love to see a noble try.”

“And that’s another thing nopony wants from this,” Forward frowned, “As much as the nobles try to gain as much power or favor from the Princesses as they can, the moment any of the Princesses, and most certainly including you, show any muscle or spell against the nobles, it would scare them witless and fear the worst from you, ranging from another Nightmare Moon trying to rule over Equestria to believing that you would destroy Equestria. They often trade their intelligence for wild imagination when things do not meet their expectations.”

So it’s the news and social medias, except they’re doing it on purpose.

Rising chuckled loudly at the thought, but he quickly corrected himself to not give the wrong impression to the Majordomo, “The worst that would come from us is plain refusal, Majordomo. And they are not the first who’ve tried multiple times, wasting their lives in trying to gain favor or power from us or from our superiors.”

“Perhaps,” Princess Celestia commented as she moved a little closer to urge the group to move on and attend to the matters at hoof, “But it only takes one lucky pony to pin you down.”

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Rising could only stare at the scroll that was levitating in front of him by one assistant, who seemed to clearly expect him to take it.

It was one thing to hear that magic ran deeply into the Equestria society, and while there were bits and pieces of seeing it being performed by, and around, the Princesses and the other staff within Canterlot Castle, as well as seeing Captain Shining wield his sword in it during their fight, he never had the actual chance to sit down, see it happen up close and personal in such a way as the levitating scroll was doing.

Having to see a scroll be enclosed by a wavy, sparkling “mist” of sorts was unusual to say the least. Normally seeing levitating objects were done by thin string or wires or by computer generated effects. And yet this scroll was legitimately floating by means of this “mist” that originated from the mare’s horn.

His thoughts and inspection was interrupted by the speechwriter, who cleared her throat loudly in an annoyed tone, matching her impatient look at him as she waited for him.

It took a moment for him to realize that she expected him to levitate it as well. The only problem was is that he had no idea how to even access this, if he even had it.

While the transformation was an odd feeling to experience, he didn’t feel any ‘mystical, omnipital presence’ that was usually associated with magic in stories enter him or become noticable.

It took a little longer for the Princesses to realize anything, who had been with him for quite some time as they had moved on from the hallways and into a dressing room to begin with Rising’s preparations. But after several seconds of the assistant mare growing more annoyed and Rising staring at her and the scroll she had for him, Princess Cadance was the first to ask, “Rising? Are you going to take the scroll?”

The stallion looked back and over to her and replied, his eyebrows raised, “Seeing as we no longer have hands, how would you suggest we take it? Walking on four is hard as it is, and using our mouth doesn’t help us much.”

Cadance replied as if she was asked with a childish question, “Well, you can use ma---”

Her answer suddenly fell silent as she realized something. The entire time after seeing Rising as a fellow alicorn and as a pony, she had somehow completely forgotten that he wasn’t born a pony and nearly believed Rising’s story he had given Blueblood about being a hermit. He likely wasn’t even aware that he had magic in the first place, let alone know how to use it.

Both Princesses Luna and Celestia looked at each other in concern as this dawned on them as well. Princess Celestia was quick to trot forward and take the still levitating scroll from the scribe, whose annoyed expression lessened somewhat and after a quick bow, left the room.

“It seems you will have a very busy month after this, Rising.” Celestia commented as she unfurled the scroll and held it out for him to read.

Rising was mentally thankful that he was given literacy lessons before the transformation as he read what appeared to be a speech that was for him to use, “Most likely, thank you, Princess.” He fell silent as he continued to read as a few more assistants entered and left the room while the Seamstress fussed over what colors or what clothing would accentuate his coat and mane.

‘... It is with great honor to be given this by the Princesses of Equestria. And though my experience in this is short and the task so new, with the help of ... .’ The more Rising read the given speech, the more it seemed to be short but utterly bland, as if it was something that was supposed to make the ponies just cheer that there was a new prince being added to Equestria rather than cheering for the arrival of an alicorn that arrived to Equestria, becoming a prince of Equestria and that this alicorn was as old as the Royal Sisters, if not older.

Rising rolled his eyes over to stare Princess Celestia with little amusement.

Princess Celestia looked over the speech itself and sighed, “I suppose this could be considered a first draft. Remember that the last time there was coronation speech as great as this was from both mine and my sister’s crowning. Princess Cadance only had a small coronation and a quickly made gathering.”

“We see.” Rising said before shaking his head, “Still, a speech like this wouldn’t help with anything. It’s short, but it’s not as impactful as the news of what happened. This is a speech we could expect from school graduations and other ceremonies. But, as it’s been said many times before and as much as we cannot get over it, we’re an alicorn stallion. And as much as we never wanted to be one, or in this position, we’ve little choice but to make this as big, meaningful and memorable as possible.”

“Do you want me to try again with a bit more grandiose?” The speechwriter asked politely, having her impatience reined in after learning of Rising’s setback.

Rising didn’t immediately answer, though Princess Celestia gave back the speech to the mare and said, “Yes, I think that may help, thank you Eloquent.”

The speechwriter gave a respectful bow before departing with the floating scroll following her. Rising watched the mare go before the Seamstress came over to hold one bright colored cloth at his flank before immediately taking it away with a slightly disgusted frown, muttering slightly.

Princess Celestia sat a little closer to Rising and said with amusement, “I still remember my coronation with Luna. None of the unicorns could find a dress that would fit or compliment our coats. In the end, they simply had to settle for adorning us our crowns, shoes and necklaces.”

The Seamstress gave a loud, annoyed huff, overhearing the Princess’ words, “Had I been there, I would have found several ideas as to what would have made you and Princess Luna even more majestic than the sun and stars themselves.”

“Times and fashion had changed greatly since then, Proper Stitch,” Princess Celestia gently admonished, “ponies then would have been baffled by today’s clothing.”

Proper only responded with another annoyed huff before continuing on her work.

“If I may, may I ask you a personal question?” Princess Luna said, as during the entire time the group of Alicorns and a currently sleeping Captain Shining Armor in the corner had been there, Luna had been deep in thought over Rising giving away his “Legion” condition.

Rising turned to stare at the blue-midnight mare, though he had to do so slowly to keep his balance. When he finished turning around, he looked at Luna straight in the eye and stated flatly, “Why.”

Princess Luna would have flinched back at such a level stare, however she had braced herself against this as she expected his response, “Because I am curious, and I’ve never encountered anypony who is like you as well as your ... Legion.”

Rising blinked in surprise. Instead of deeply or shallow personal questions, she was more curious about them as a mind hive. Seeing little harm in this, he asked, “Very well, you may ask us.”

Princess Luna gave a small smile of victory at getting something from him, she asked, “What is it like? Being a part of hive of minds? Legions are always dotted in myth and legend, and any that could have or possibly have existed were always slain or driven to death by their own madness.”

The stallion’s eyes blazed and wheeled in his attempt of how to best answer Luna’s question. He moved his head around several times as the ponies around him, minus one napping captain, waited to hear his answer.

It was one thing to be a part of something, as you would usually know your ins and outs of that same thing, yet it was quite another trying to describe it to someone who has little to no knowledge about it.

Not without having to explain a great deal of other things that revolve or are connected to it, at least.

After a minute of thinking, Rising gave his answer, “It is still difficult to truly describe what it is like, but we believe this is the best we can give ...”

He fell silent for a moment before continuing, “Mind hives behave in a similar but greatly different concept compared to hive minds. Bees, wasps, ants and even in specified situations humans demonstrate the natural tendencies of a hive mind. What one encounters is shared through the others and eventually is led by a single thought, command or even by one ‘leader.’ And despite how their reports may overlap with each other, they’re still heard loud and clear as if there wasn’t any interference that made anything hard to understand.

“With mind hives, however ... it’s ...” Rising became silent again, as words wasn’t forthcoming from neither him nor the Legion. His mouth was left open, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his eyes flitted left and right as the failure of getting the right words or description lingered.

His speechlessness became such a problem that he moved backwards to sit in an attempt of trying to have either inspiration or finding any words to use.

Princess Cadance was about to stop Rising from continuing, as the amount of emotions that was now chaotically running through the stallion with enough strength to get through her own magic nullifying ring.

However, the moment she took a step, Rising closed and reopened his mouth and said, “It is, eye opening ... enlightening beyond what we can think of. We can share more than just the four senses; sight, hearing, smell, touch. We are even capable of sharing memories between one another. And we can do more than just share these five things, though... it’s even harder to describe any of it to anyone else.”

He fell silent again before Princess Cadance suggested, “Then maybe you don’t have to answer it right now? If it’s giving you so much trouble in describing yourself, then you could save the thoughts for later?”

Rising didn’t respond to her suggestion before the Seamstress added in, “Indeed. As much as deep thoughts about your own character is lovely, I really must focus more on making sure you have something to wear.”

Princess Luna however, wasn’t easily dissuaded. As she sat in silence for a while before asking, “Is it like a city of ponies attending a grand festival? With the mayor as their leader and the ponies discovering that trying to yell over each other does not work and instead speak in turns? With the only difference is that instead of the city of ponies having a physical form, they lack a physical form and instead all of them live inside your head?”

Rising thought about it before shaking his head, “While that is within the same direction, it isn’t anything like that. Perhaps we will tell you when we figure out how to describe it more accurately.”

“Yes, thank you.” Proper Stitch flatly stated as she shooed away Princess Luna and levitated several squares of cloth, several in which was black, white and a different shade of grey.

Only to throw the black away, muttering, “No idea why I even bothered with such a thing. It’s completely out of fashion this year. The white and light grey can stay, though.” Proper looked behind her to the slowly turning into a mess of cloth bolts and levitated a different colored cloth, “Hmm, your coat and mane would work with the clothes if ...”

“So other than the coronation and being given lessons about magic, what else is there?” Rising asked in an attempt of passing time.

Princess Celestia tilted her head to the side before answering, “Well, shortly after the coronation there’s a celebration. This is mostly just to have the ponies see you more and get used to the idea that there is indeed an Alicorn Prince, and that nopony is trying to pull wool over their eyes.”

Celestia gave a glare at her sister, who didn’t meet her eyes but from Rising’s standpoint he could see Luna was trying to not laugh.

“You two are the ruling diarchs and still you find ways to egg each other, don’t you?” Rising said, shaking his head with a slight smile.

“Mmhm.” Princess Cadance hummed as Celestia quickly caught on to her sister’s subtle attempts and tackled Luna to the floor, “The moment the castle doors close, and there aren’t any ponies looking through the windows and there isn’t anything to do, my aunts quickly turn from being rulers of Equestria and become foalish sisters.”

“That explains why the Seamstress is so familiar and informal with them.”

Proper moved her head to give a deadpan look at Rising and stated, “Mostly because I’m the one who has to fix their messes when something happens to everything textile.”

“Cadance, both Luna and I keep telling you. It’s to bring levity in a day otherwise devoted to ‘stuffed-shirts,’ the egotistical subjects, and the hoof-lickers. You’ll gain this understanding when you are given charge over a kingdom,” Celestia reminded before being taken down by Luna, who gave a laugh of victory.

Both Rising and Cadance continued to watch the sisters brawl before being startled by the Seamstress exclaiming, “Oh finally! Je l’ai!!”

Shining Armor gave a startled snort before waking up in a confused daze while the group of Alicorns turned to look at Proper Stitch, with Rising staring at her with eyes widened and the colors in his eyes swirling at her exclamation. She took a proud stance and levitated four bolts of cloth around her, slowly orbiting as she admired them.

Proper Stitch didn’t give anypony any time to say anything as she pivoted to face them and declared, “Now shoo, the lot of you! My muse aides me and I shall not allow any of you to disturb us! Away with you all!”

Princess Celestia sighed and said, “We best leave, Proper is exceptionally zealous to her work and this is about the best warning she’s willing to give us.”

After helping Rising turn around and walk out of the room, Cadance turned to Princess Luna and asked, “What will be your dress for the Grand Galloping Gala, Aunt Luna?”

Rising’s curiosity piqued at this while Princess Celestia started to sulk for an unknown reason.

Princess Luna shook her head, “Nothing, my niece. For I still have duties to perform, and though as much as mine sister would appreciate company to this event, I would rather not have to suffer idiots and foals while I attend to my royal responsibilities.”

Cadance gave a disappointed hum, “Are you sure, Aunt Luna? You would’ve looked amazing in a dress, and the mares could do with a bit of their pride knocked down.”

“Please tell me you will attend, Cadance?” The still sulking Princess asked, almost desperately from Rising’s point of view.

Much to Celestia’s dismay, Cadance shook her head, “I’m afraid I can’t. Shiny said he wanted to go with me somewhere during that particular night,” she leaned a little closer to her aunt and whispered, “and I think I know what he’s going to do!” with that, she started dancing on her hooves as Shining Armor slowly started to wake up the rest of the way from his nap.

“Mind telling us what this ‘Grand Galloping Gala’ is?” Rising asked as he watched Cadance pull the captain away in one direction.

He could swear he heard a faint pop from Celestia’s ears as they swiveled up and her expression brightened as she seemed to have found hope, “Its an annual royal ball held to celebrate the completion of Canterlot ...” Her newfound expression started to fall greatly before she shook her head and continued as if nothing happened, “Anypony who was given a golden ticket is allowed to attend, and usually it was almost everypony in Canterlot.”

Mel Stuart and Roald Dahl would have had a fit over this.

’Hush, you.’ Rising quickly bit back before saying aloud, “So when is this royal ball?”

“On the twenty first of Descent, which is within around a few weeks from now.” Princess Celestia replied, before asking hopefully again, “Perhaps you could attend the Gala with me?”

Rising blinked before saying, “Since the event won’t happen soon, we’ll have think about it, Princess. Besides, we have a more pressing matter at hand than a social gathering.”

Slightly put off, Princess Celestia gave a huff before nodding, “Then if you may excuse me, I will attend to a few details before the coronation begins.”

Rising watched the alabaster alicorn go before Princess Luna turned and poked him with a hoof, “Thou best believing that thou shalt go with mine sister.”

“Perhaps.” Rising replied readily. Although he likely knew the reason, he wanted to have it confirmed rather than assume, so he asked Luna, “Why is it she’s desperate for someone to accompany her, though?”

“From what I have been told from her, it is deathly boring. She is oft attending only to greet and welcome the attending at her door before being placed at her throne only to sit and watch them from afar. And from what I hear, there is a line of the attended waiting to be greeted by her that reaches from the entrance of Canterlot Castle almost to the very front gates of Canterlot.”

“All to have but a “friendly” hello from their Princess.” Rising grunted, “Humanity may have been born into selfishness and sin, but even their narcissistic tendencies doesn’t compare to these ponies.”

Princess Luna grew curious over what he meant, but she didn’t get the chance to ask as Rising stumbled again after having failing to focus enough on which hoof was supposed to come next. She rushed forward to rescue him from landing hard on his side and wing and helped to steady him.

After he was upright, stable and walking again, Luna asked, “Perhaps we might use this momentary pause to practice your walking?”

“That might be a good idea.” Rising grunted as he felt a slight twinge from one leg that had moved the wrong way.

The two alicorns proceeded to slowly but surely demonstrate and practice how to walk as a pony throughout Canterlot Castle for almost two hours. Numerous times Rising stumbled, hesitated and paused, but with Luna and the occasionally posted Royal Guards nearby, he was increasingly becoming familiar with the pony-style of walking to be able to comfortably walk properly as a pony with increasing confidence.

It was after spending a full ten minutes walking without looking down, hesitating or stumbling once, did Luna first exclaim, “Huzzah! Thou now hast walked like us!”

Rising blinked and looked down to realize what she meant. He looked back up and smiled at Luna, “Step one accomplished.”

“Indeed, mine friend! Now thou shalt run!” Luna added before using her magic to force Rising forwards, catching him off guard and sending him hard onto the floor. She looked down with a twinge of guilt and concern, “Art thou well?”

“If we were more used to our body. We’d have grappled you down to the ground and pin you there.” Rising grunted unhappily as he began to get up, “And there would have been little to stop us from that.”

Luna gaved a confused look at him as she helped him, “And whyfor wouldst thou tell us this?”

“Possibly to instill enough fear and dread to avoid a next time.”

She gave a small laugh as he became steady, “Fear springs from a lack of knowledge and understanding and I am far too old to claim any pretense to such foolishness, but I’ll consider giving you a warning beforehand.”

As both Rising and Luna continued to walk and occasionally canter through the halls of the castle, Luna thought back on what Rising had said beforehand. Just what was Rising talking about? How can humans be “born” in selfish intent and sin?

When they turned a corner and had arrived at a cross section Luna knew well that led to the gardens, she decided to try and see if she could get answers. The mare stopped and suggested to Rising, “Let us go this way. There is a garden there that is large enough for us to practice thine gait and if we are ever needed, then neither my sister nor the guards will have to hunt for us in this labyrinth of a castle.”

Rising didn’t see anything wrong with the idea and followed her. As they made their way to the gardens, Luna trotted beside the stallion and asked, “What didst thou mean about selfish birth and sin, Rising?”

He looked at her for a moment before answering, “What we meant was that humanity has a natural inclination to serve our own personal needs above anyone else’s. A child didn’t need to learn how to lie or be selfish. Instead, parents had to teach their children about telling the truth and to at least consider others first. Almost always, any news we heard regarding our own kind involved tragic examples of someone acting with ill or selfish intent. Such as it is with the aspect of friendship which is deeply rooted into your race’s nature, the aspect of selfish and sinful intent is deeply in ours. Sadly our nature, added with deception by another faction, is what caused humanity to be doomed and led to us being the last human on this planet, regardless of how we’ve changed physical form.”

Luna’s ears drooped at his words. To be doomed by your own race’s nature with little to no cure for it? “Thine species seemst most pitiful.”

“Perhaps, but answer us this. Is it better to be born good, or to overcome your own evil?” Rising continued to walk down the hallway while Luna paused in a half-step in deep consideration.

Why did that question seem almost aimed at her? Was Rising hinting at her past as Nightmare Moon or—

“Princess? Are you coming?” Luna snapped her head up and saw Rising standing and looking back at her, his expression seemed concerned.

Princess Luna shook her head and replied, “I am. My apologies, Rising.” She hurried over and trotted beside Rising as they continued.

The question still nagged at her, though. Yes, she had overcame her own Nightmare, but she was born from a race of ponies that were supposed to be above committing such evils.

‘Or mayhaps I must strive to avoid asking such questions to this damned clever stallion ...’ Luna mentally grumbled as she tried to push the question away.

To distract herself, or whatever she wanted to do to get her mind off of the philosophical questions this stallion loved to answer with, Luna started to think more about Rising. His attitudes, opinions, actions, something she could ask him about that didn’t get him defensive.

By luck, there was one thing she found odd about him, “Rising? Why art thou so recalculant about thineself or thy kind? Why doth thee speak little of thine race unless it is to paint them as if they were miscreants and creatures of darkness?”

Rising paused momentarily to think. He had hoped that Luna had taken the idea that knowledge would come in time, but perhaps he was either too restrictive, or too vague for her to see it as that.

As he figured out how to best answer her questions, Luna added, “Is it because thou fear thine lord’s retribution? Perhaps thou art afraid of our perceptive judgement?”

“No,” Rising was quick to answer for her, “It is not in judgement or from Him. Trust us when we say to you that you will learn about our race in time. Not all of the answers are best given immediately.”

He was about to walk away, but after reaching five steps, he heard a familiar voice ask, “Are you afraid that Equestria will be corrupted by the knowledge about humanity, and all its mistakes and failures?”

Rising halted mid-step at that and slowly turned around to see Princess Celestia standing behind Luna, looking at him in concern. For whom, he couldn’t tell.

He moved his eyes off of Celestia’s, unsure how to answer their questioning as Celestia came closer to rub affectionately against her sister’s side as she continued, “Is humanity so horrid that learning anything about it would corrupt Equestria?”

The stallion stayed silent for a full minute before sighing in defeat, “We do have some fear about Equestria repeating the mistakes made by humanity. We are not afraid about giving knowledge, though there is some knowledge we’d rather never disclose, as it might inspire some towards evil deeds instead of being warned against them. We did not mean to describe humanity as evil, nor incredibly wicked. Our race has done a great number of accomplishments, many of which was helpful or beneficial. But with humanity, the tools we’ve made can be used for good or ill, and it’s always depended upon those who hold those tools. Poisons can be useful in beneficial ways, but in the wrong hands it can destroy and kill. And we humans have had a long history of giving or making tools to the wrong hands.”

“So you mean to say that the legends of brutality and violence of your kind are true?” Celestia asked, now worried about what she was learning.

“In general, yes. Our kind has committed more violence than we committed to doing good. And we’re afraid that if we shared everything or too much with Equestria, then your ponies would feel the same temptation of choosing as humanity did, and it is a heavy temptation. Rest assured, there is a great deal of things we are willing to share. You, and through you Equestria, are one of humanity’s inheritors. But they will come in time and with assurances that Equestria can handle, what humanity could not. As we are the source to all that you are to inherit what we’ve left behind, as we’ve seen much of humanity’s history, learned much of what they have learned and know how to make the things they’ve made. But we need assurance that Equestria, her neighbors, and the world we live in can handle such things.”

Both Princesses looked at each other in concern and worry. Having to inherit from a race long gone and hearing that the legends and myths about their brutality were mostly true?

‘I suppose I could be grateful that Rising is deciding to not give us everything on the spot. But now I’m not so confident that I want anything he would give ...’

“These are a few of the reasons why we are so tight-lipped about humanity and my own history, because for every great and wondrous achievement humanity has accomplished, we have created two of terrible technologies and awful horrific tragedies. As heirs of humanity, we want to be certain that nothing is repeated and what we give is not abused.”

Now both Princesses were unsure about his answers. Yes, it explained why Rising didn’t talk much about his own race, and now they know some of what he planned to do.

“But ... what about you?” Celestia asked.

Rising blinked again and seemed to consider about her question before asking Celestia, “Was there something you needed, Princess? As much as this conversation is interesting, we’re sure what you wanted to tell us was more important.”

Princess Celestia sighed and shook her head with a sad smile. “Rising, friendship is not about focusing on things which seem important, but about enjoying the company of your friends and your relationship with them. I genuinely want to know you for who you are, and not as somebody who kept me at hooves-length, whatever their reasons for doing so may be. Don’t you want to be my friend, Rising?”

Rising gave a silent, exasperated sigh through his nose, ‘Clearly, I underestimated how much they value friendship. One could believe that they consider it a religion.’

Rising chuckled half-heartedly at that thought, “It is not that we’re trying to keep you at arms length, Princess. We still remember how to make friends, and somewhat know how to keep them ... . Hm, perhaps we’ve been around mortals for so long that we likely have forgotten how to make friendships with strangers and knew more about making allies instead.”

Celestia laughed with amusement and her eyes sparkled with mirth. “And yet I have a friend who can help us, in the event that I don’t have an answer regarding the matters of friendship.” She gazed into Rising’s eyes with a look of genuine sincerity. “I want to be friends with you, Rising. Won’t you do the same for me, even if doing so might hurt my feelings? Won’t you relearn how to be a friend with me?”

Rising gave her a long searching look, as though to gauge her sincerity before grinning and replying, “Have you been reading sappy stories lately, Princess? We didn’t figure you believed in such emotional soap operas.”

Celestia blankly stared at the stallion before her expression became infuriated. Her wings flew open, her face turned angry red, and she flung one hoof into the air as she gave an angry growl before almost yelling, “I’m trying to be sincere, Rising! You’ve been silent and hushed about yourself for over a week, and I’m becoming tired of it! A few days I can accept, but a week?”

Both Luna’s and Rising’s laughter only made Celestia increasingly angered at how hurtful Rising’s reply to her heartfelt entreaty made her feel. How dare he treat her sincere feelings so lightly!

Before Celestia could have a chance to enact vengeance on the infuriating stallion, Rising reigned in his laughter enough to say, “As we’ve said, it is likely that being around humanity for so long that has made it hard to open up and make actual friendships. But it is also as we’ve said, it will take time for all of us to consider what to share about ourselves.” Rising tapped a hoof against the side of his head, “Remember, there is more than one roaming around my mind than just the stallion you see in front of you. It’s going to require time.”

Celestia grumbled, her wings still open and her face still red with anger, “Couldn’t you at least tell me more about just the stallion I see in front of me? At least start there?”

Rising simply winked at Celestia, “I might. But first, let’s hear about what you were here for initially. As much as you two are persistent in trying to solve us, we still have a coronation that the nobles will demand and complain about to us if we try to put it off. Then, we can get to talking about me.”

It still infuriated Celestia how he played with her feelings, and after giving him her hardest stare, which only made him give back a toothy smile, she stated with the utmost severity, “I will hold you to that, Rising.”

Luna came up beside her unhappy sister and rubbed against Celestia’s neck, “Calm down now, sister. Doth thou not realize he hath pulled on thy leg? We greatly doubt he truly meant harm to your words.”

Both Rising and Celestia quickly chided Luna almost in unison, “Language, sister/Princess Luna.”

Rising came around to Celestia’s other side while Luna scoffed at their reminders to her, “She is right though, Princess.” He gave a soft poke at a space between her ribs with his hoof, which made her squirm and tried to bolt out of his reach before Luna held her tightly with magic with a mischievous smile, “We understand your drive, and we’ve not taken your words lightly. But regardless, you were going off into a melodrama rant.”

He gave another soft poke, sending her into a helpless squirm, “And just because we said we might have forgotten doesn’t automatically mean we have, and not only that but we are of two different species. We both handle friendship very differently from each other. You are used to having friendships established within days or a week. Our friendships take a little longer to build.”

Celestia huffed and looked away, her ears flattening against her head and her cheeks coloring in a blush. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. It’s simply ... I deal with a lot of Canterlot’s selfish nobility, frequently trying to get the citizenry to pay for things that benefit them. And with how you dance about with conversations about yourself and humanity and combined with how little both I and Luna know about you since you began living with us more than a week ago. On top of all that, you were transformed into an alicorn, which wasn’t what any of us wanted nor expected, and now with the sudden plans for your coronation, I’m left feeling rather frustrated. It is not fair to you regardless of whether you choose to be my friend or not and for that I sincerely apologize. It was wrong for me to take my frustrations out on you. I am sorry, Rising. I hope you will forgive me for lashing out at you like I did.”

She was rewarded with a sharper poke and a poke from Luna. It was only by Luna holding Celestia up did she not fall to the floor in a jittering squirm. Once she was able to stop writhing, Celestia saw that Rising frown at her, “You apologize far too much, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia flinched at how he addressed her formally and braced herself when she saw his hoof rise again. When she felt his hoof poke at her shoulder instead of her ribs, Celestia opened her eyes as Rising continued, “As we just said, we understand. It’s not the first time, and neither will you be the last.”

Rising began walking away, surprising Celestia at his improved walking ability as he asked, “Now then. For about, what? The third time? Fourth? Honestly, we’re not surprised that the guards aren’t hunting for us now. So Princess, let’s ask again. What is it that you wanted to come to us for before all this happened?”

Celestia looked at Luna, who stopped casting magic and let her sister go, before Celestia tried to remember what she was going to say.

“Methinks mine sister hath forgotten completely, Rising.” Luna mused in amusement, with Rising giving an equally amused hum.

Princess Celestia gave an angry huff at her sister before looking down at her hooves to remember, her eyes flicking left and right.

As she busied herself to try and remember, Luna looked over to Rising and asked, “Hath ... Have you truly been alone before your awakening?”

Rising snorted, “Of course not, with our access to enter the Gates, we could come and go as we please and with our Lord having an eye and presence to everyone, it was near impossible to actually be alone. Our problem is that despite this privilege, we preferred to stay around earth, watching events as they unfolded right in front of us. Of course, we could do it outside of physical sight, but watching is more boring than literally being there and sharing your reaction with the crowds around you. It’s why we disliked living even a single life where we sat around, did little regarding the affairs of mortals and watched the world turn and time pass, and went out and attended to as much as we would. We have made it clear how much we dislike being crowned as a prince of Equestria and having to be stuck in this castle with nothing but nobles bothering us and idling at our desk, hidden away from the cares and troubles of the citizens in some office or behind some desk and tackling paperwork.”

“Thou ought to be grateful for thine luck,” Luna grumbled, “The station of prince will allow you more freedom and less paperwork than what we as ruling diarchs must suffer.”

“Then you’ve so little idea how much paperwork was involved in absolutely everything towards the end of the Human Era.” Rising deadpanned.

“How so?”

“Once, you had to file paperwork which was required to have permission to put handmade and handwritten advertisements involving personal or private sales of your own belongings from your own house.”

Luna snapped her head to stare at the human in disgusted surprise. After a moment, she stated, “We find ourselves credulous that thine people would permit such a bureaucratic system to exist at all. It sounds positively torturous to a barbaric degree.”

Rising laughed, “Absolutely monstrous.”

It was then that Princess Celestia raised her head and exclaimed, “Now I remember! Rising, I was given a new transcript from our speechwriter,” She turned her head and levitated a scroll from underneath her wing and held it in front of Rising to let him read, “and Reginald informed me that the coronation preparations are swiftly underway and are in the process of being finished and that the coronation will be ready within two days.”

Rising looked at Celestia with a raised eyebrow, “You ponies work fast, normally such preparations would’ve taken a week or so to be done. Then again,” he looked back down at the speech floating in front of him to continue reading, “we didn’t have magic.”

“It’s because I’m hoping to have this done before the nobles can pull anything over you, I figured you wouldn’t accept anything they tried to put on or against you for their personal benefits,” Celestia replied readily.

Rising gave a hum as he continued to read. He looked up and sighed, “It’s much better than the first, however most of this makes it subtly sound as if we’re a villain.”

Celestia blinked in confusion as she levitated the scroll over to her and read it. She looked back up at Rising after that, “I don’t understand your point. This seems fine.”

“Yes, but notice how the sentence, “lend me your trust and I will aid Equestria and her citizens” can easily be translated by others as a subtle way of saying, “give us power and trust us that we might use it for,””

Both Princesses still looked at him in confusion, which made him sigh through his nose and reply, “We’re still assuming that lying about a promise and then either doing nothing or doing the exact opposite of what the promise was about lingers even now among your high caste.”

This made both Princesses bristle, “Rising, the nobles may be selfish, snobbish, and this generation may contain the power hungry, but not once has anypony doubled back on a promise.” Princess Celestia was able to calm down, but it was clear that what Rising said still angered her, with her sister silently steaming at the accusation, “Their very reputation and status demands upholding any promises made. Otherwise, not only do the other nobles condemn somepony betraying their word, but they lose almost all favor from Luna and I, not to mention how the civilians would treat their presence. It is almost worse than death in certain cases.”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t see it the same way.” Rising muttered under his breath, being reminded of a few who tried to bribe or force their way with him, before he blinked and said, “Regardless, the speech is alright, but it still rubs us the wrong way. Perhaps it might be better for us to think upon one.”

Celestia blinked at him with some concern, “Are you certain? Scribe is talented in speechwriting and was given her position for a good reason.”

He nodded firmly, “If she objects or gets sad about it, tell her it is a reference point for us. Sometimes the best words are better delivered with genuine sincerity and with one’s own words rather than the words of someone else.”

Both mares shifted slightly at hearing that tidbit of advice, but they didn’t express anything else as the three alicorns continued to walk down to the gardens in relative silence. As they exited the halls and went through a door that led to the gardens, Rising took a slow look around.

The first thought that came to mind was that it was an earthly attempt of the Garden of Eden.

Despite that, and that they’ve seen what it was truly like, it gave the Legion a sense of nostalgia and the bittersweet melancholy that was homesickness. The pathways led around the garden, which was strangely decorated with not just trees bearing fruit, various bushes and large flowers, but statues of ponies.

He paid little mind to the other Princesses, who trailed a little behind him, as he walked and observed the garden, listening to the birds that fluttered by, chirping as they flew and nesting in the infrequent wooden birdhouses. Occasionally, he slowed to stare at the assorted odd flowers he either did or didn’t recognize.

As he continued to walk about the garden and arrived at the edges of the hedge maze he had once spotted from the throne room’s multitude of windows, he paused at one particular statue.

It was the oddest sort of statue he had ever seen, a creature that stood taller than even Rising himself that had the body of a chinese dragon but had a multitude of different body parts that firmly separated it from the fabled serpents.

“That is Discord, Rising. The spirit of chaos which I told you about and whom you have learned about.” Rising looked back briefly at Princess Celestia, who trotted to his side.

“So that is what happened to him.” Rising muttered before eyeing the other statues with some trepidation.

Princess Celestia saw his eyes roam to the other statues and quickly caught on. She gave a light giggle, “No, Rising. None of them are petrified ponies. Discord is the only one here that was petrified and kept here.”

Rising replied with an eyebrow raised, “And we’re to believe that so easily?”

Celestia’s anger slowly came back, “Rising, I understand that you lived in harder and harsh times, and trust was an easily broken matter, but this is one you can trust me upon. None of these statues, save Discord’s own state of petrification, contain any living ponies.”

The stallion chuckled, waving a hoof at her saying, “Of course, of course.” Which did not help placate Celestia until a puff of magic appeared before her.

All three alicorns blinked as the small, green puff dissipated and revealed a small scroll with the familiar symbol holding it tied up.

Princess Celestia was quick to untie and unroll the paper while Rising commented, “We’re assuming Twilight writes to you everyday?”

Celestia paused from her reading and replied, “You would be correct. I had given her the task of studying the magic of friendship a few days before your awakening, though it seems that she thinks that this type of studying involves experiments and tests whereas she continually sends me letters of what she learned through small misadventures with her friends in Ponyville.”

Rising’s eyebrow rose in curiosity, “Define ‘misadventures.’”

“She and her six friends often get entangled with odd events and happenings which affect either their own lifestyles or whatever happens to arrive around Ponyville. Over the course of your week here, she was tasked to handle the dragon that we informed you about,”

“Even though it seemed more like volcanic activity more than a dragon roosting there.” Rising muttered sullenly, remembering how his cautious warning wasn’t heeded.

“And we told you that volcanoes haven’t been active around Equestria even before we arrived here, Rising.” Princess Celestia clarified before sighing and continuing, “She and her friends also have had to handle an Ursa Minor, and was able to convince all of Ponyville that a local Zebra shaman named Zecora that she wasn’t evil in any way.”

Rising didn’t immediately admit it, but he did overhear about this shaman, which interested him somewhat. Shamans, even during the later days of humanity, were not common. Due to the fear of persecution from the adverse public, as well as the more known and globally recognized religions, shamans often kept themselves, avoiding the name of ‘shaman’ entirely, and lived within villages or towns that were more acceptive, receptive and appreciative to their ‘soul healing’ practices.

Sadly, their practices lied within the darker grey area of relations with the Kingdom, as the methods in comparison were unneeded as there were other, somewhat easier ways to heal oneself. Many didn’t hold or tried to convince themselves that they can hold allegiance to Him and to their own devices. Which unfortunately wasn’t possible, as there was a bold line of ‘Either follow solely, or do not.’

That and in comparison between the processes of healing, their way was more of a blindfolded approach, which was very easy to mislead anyone undergoing them; and one certain faction took advantage of that blinded position in spades.

Of course, there were other kinds of shamans, including ones who often just scammed their way around people, though they and their bid for money were frequently scorned by all sides.

However, since both humanity ended and any influence that could be inflicted easily to everyone was practically nonexistent now, including that the term for “shaman” had apparently changed for the inheriting inhabitants; it was rather hard to tell just where to categorize someone like this Zecora.

Regardless, this Zecora apparently practiced natural medicine and used natural potions and herbs for the few who had been stricken by a “Poison Joke” and as far as he was aware, there hadn’t been any tremors within the familiar, yet disturbingly empty realm that Rising and the Legions were more familiar with during the course of the days that happened with this Zebra.

A personal visit would be required sometime within the future, that much Rising and the Legions could agree upon.


Zecora was tending to her dinner, brewing happily in her cauldron as she overturned a small bowl of cut carrots to finish the necessary steps to finish preparing her meal.

She gave a small hum as she turned to grab a bowl with her hoof and waited for her stew to finish brewing when Zecora felt a foreboding sense of anticipation run through her body as if she was about to be petrified by a cocktrice.

The zebra turned away from her cauldron and stared out the nearby window in trepidation,
“Premonition in my gut,” she recited in worry, “a surprise does come to break the rut, a meeting to await. And little doubt for it to be late.”


... In due time, of course.

Rising returned his attention back to Celestia as she continued on, “Overall, they’ve been accomplishing quite a fair deal. Though since they are the new Element Bearers, I suppose its expected.”

The stallion tilted his head to the side, somewhat confused, “Element Bearers? They can control the elements like airbenders or firebenders?”

That does make me wonder how—

They weren’t real ... None of it was, it was just a dream ...

A small sad expression crossed Rising’s face and his eyes drifted to the side, but quickly hid it as both Princesses quickly turned to face him. Celestia asked, “No that’s— Oh ... right.” She quickly deflated as she remembered that Rising didn’t know about the Elements of Harmony as well as she did.

She sighed and admitted, “No, they do not control the elements like air or fire, instead they are bearers of an ancient national treasure called the Elements of Harmony.”

Rising furrowed his eyes in confusion, “Elements of Harmony? We’ve heard of Virtues of Harmony but not elements, and certainly not as ancient treasures.”

“The Elements of Harmony are six artifacts that each represent an aspect of harmony, they’re the most powerful source of magic known to Equestria.” Celestia finished explaining somewhat sullen, having to admit the somewhat not secretive secret.

“And they’re in the hands... hooves, of six ponies living in a nearby village? Did they acquire these artifacts by themselves or ...?”

Celestia hesitated, trying to salvage something out of her blunder, “Y-yes and no?”

The stallion stared at her, his expression seemingly hardening, “And who are these six ponies, holding the most powerful source of magic in your entire kingdom?”

Princess Celestia could feel a drip of nervous sweat down the back of her head as she replied, “A-as far as I am aware, my student whom you’ve met already, and five other mares, one assisting a family in their bakery, another is in charge of her family’s apple orchards, another works as an animal caretaker, one works in the local weather control in Ponyville and Cloudsdale, and the last works as a fashion designer and seamstress.”

Rising couldn’t help but shrug with a chuckle, “What a crew.”

Both Princesses shared in his laughter before Rising fell silent and stared at Princess Celestia for a while. Celestia felt nervous as he did so, being put in the spotlight and having to reveal both powerful artifacts and the mares who wielded them.

The stallion looked down gave a sigh, “Well, we’ve heard of worse choices, some of which who were not only far less worthy, but also had a laundry list of crimes which they did unto their fellow man. Though then again, they were often put there by the democratic process, which is not known for always yielding the best results or for having the best interests of their constituencies in mind.”

Both Celestia and Luna blinked in surprise, with Luna asking, “Th ... you have dealt with corrupt nobles before?”

Rising nodded, “More times than we can bother to count; The love of money corrupted even the most moral and ethical person, regardless of how good their intentions are at the beginning. And there were those whose hearts were already black in greed and corruption even before being placed in a position of power and authority. Once they’ve fallen, they’ll pretend to be your best and only friend, all the while hiding behind the most irritating grins and smiles that many a man considered their expressions deserving a fist into their face. One of whom we’ve had the misfortune to meet often,” he snorted in amusement, “that faked smile of his was so punchable we felt there didn’t even need a reason to do so.”

Both Princesses giggled at that as Luna asked again, “Perhaps we may tell you which nobles here in Canterlot thou shouldst avoid, then? Otherwise, we might fear you may attack a noble.”

Rising raised a hoof and waved at Luna, “Maybe later, for now didn’t you have a letter from your student to read, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia blinked in surprise as she forgot about the letter. But before she returned back to the letter, a thought came to her and she asked Rising, “You’re not unhappy that my still learning student and her five friends are in charge of a great deal of power?”

He shook his head, “We’re not,” Rising gave a small laugh, as he continued, “After all, our Kingdom was guilty for giving incredible tasks to a lot of people who weren’t ready or prepared for any of them. If these six can handle the responsibility and handle things such as a nesting dragon to returning a Princess to normalcy, then we’ve little to judge who would have been better.”

Both Princesses flinched at his hinted words, revealing that he was able to connect the dots even after Princess Celestia’s attempt at keeping things covered.

‘I kept the Elements vague on their usage on Luna and he still inferred what they were capable of?’ Celestia thought in shock.

The stallion smiled and raised a hoof to his temple and tapped it twice.

Princess Celestia glowered at him before looking at the letter and finally reading it, reciting it aloud for her sister to hear and consequently Rising as well,

Dearest Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that one of your youngest subjects has learned a valuable lesson about friendship. Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out can actually be the thing that helps you make your closest friends and realize how special you are.

Rising was the first to respond, laughing, “You ponies really enjoy making new friends! It must be impossible for any of you to go a day without a friend being made.”

Both Celestia and Luna nodded, with Luna replying, “While we are capable of making friends, those whom we don’t understand or fear, are far more likely to be ostracized and shunned; Because it is easier to push the ones we don’t understand or the ones whom we fear away, than to invest time and effort to understand those whom we don’t understand or be reconciled with what makes us afraid and so conquer our fears.”

Celestia looked over and almost came over to give a loving nudge, but Luna shook her head at her sister and was about to talk more before she saw over to his side two guards galloping towards them.

Her confused look made both Rising and Celestia turn around to see the two ponies arriving as one guard came closer and said, “Your Majesties, we were sent here to retrieve and remind you, Princess Celestia, of the tomorrow’s event: The Running of the Leaves.”

Princess Celestia nearly facehoofed as she remembered about it, “Thank you, Private Post. Has Reginald already gone ahead and scheduled everything?” The guard nodded, “Alright, you may go then.”

The two guards saluted before trotting off while Rising glanced at Princess Luna, “You won’t be going?”

Luna shook her head disappointedly, “As much as I wished to go, both mine sister and I agree that I still need social lessons before I may leave the castle, elsewise I may end up in an awkward situation caused by my overeagerness and me being disconnected from this current generation and the changes to the language and communication since my banishment.”

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but look at her sister in happiness that she was able to recognize her social faults as Rising then asked, “And what of us?”

Celestia seemed to have an answer, only to fall silent as she pondered on the best way to answer the question.

After a few minutes, she shook her head, “I think it is best you stay here and let the coronation and official royal proclamation reveal you to the world, rather than this.”

“Considering how both your student and her assistant saw us, what makes you believe they wouldn’t reveal us too early to anyone else in that town, even among her friends?” Rising noted.

Celestia chuckled, “I’m quite sure Twilight will follow my directions,” she added with an unhappy tone, “even if she tends to take them far more seriously than it’s either needed or wanted.” She noticed the sun still high above and frowned, “Apparently I’ve also not paid attention to what time it is.”

As she continued to watch the sun and her horn began to glow, Princess Luna leaned closer and whispered, “Thou art in for a sight to see. We wast originally the one to do this, but mine sister’s habit is still hard to break. It still amazes us that both our sister as well as ourselves can do this.”

Rising looked back and forth between the two Princesses before he saw the shadows around them start to move.

He immediately looked up at Celestia, whose horn still glowed and still stared at the sun, or rather where the sun was moving. Before long, he could look at where the sun was without much pain, and in shock and amazement he could just see the very same color as Celestia’s magic haloing the sun as it moved at the most unusual of speeds towards evening hours. The sky and clouds around the three turning into the colors of twilight and sunset as the sun came to a rest, the very bottom touching the horizon.

Princess Celestia cut off her energy with a practiced sigh, having done this more times than she could bother to count as she waited for Princess Luna to start her part of the task.

She turned to look over to Rising and Luna. Luna seemed to not be interested in the slightest doing her part of the ... .

‘Oh right.’

Celestia huffed in annoyance before she looked at Rising.

Who had without a doubt the most expressively mixed emotions she had ever seen in her life. His eyes practically glowing white, she could tell some of the emotions in his reaction; Some of it was shock and disbelief, there was even a little bit in there that even seemed scandalized at her performance.

As Princess Luna nudged him gently, Rising blinked and while his iris’ were still glowing white demanded, “How in His and His Son’s names have you done that?”

Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Sudden Deviances

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear regarding Rising, as he continued to stare at her with the most intense amount of attention he had ever given her.

Her sister, Luna was looking between both Celestia and Rising, a slight frown of worry upon her face as she was uncertain whether or not to mediate between the two or if she even should! What worried Luna more was that either or both would resent her if she did.

Friendship, it seems, was a fickle relationship amongst humans.

Rising demanded again, raising his voice just a little, “Well?”

Both Princesses exchanged worried glances with each other before Celestia answered hesitantly, “I―we’ve always been able to do that.”

Rising wasn’t convinced with her answer, “That would’ve meant we would have either foreknowledge or even hinted words of you two being capable of moving literal planets, stars, and moons! Seeing as how we’ve had no word nor hint neither felt any disturbance from either here or from behind the Veil during our stay here, and we’re still sensing nothing; How have you done this?!”

This made Princess Celestia blink in confusion at Rising, though now that he was clearly expecting an answer, she quickly answered, “Neither of us know how we are doing this! Ever since we first realized we were doing this as small fillies and earning our Cutie Marks from moving the Sun and Moon, we never looked into why or how we could! Since neither Starswirl, our mentor, nor our mother and father found any fault or affect to anypony, we never considered it anything other than our magic doing this!”

Rising continued to stare at Princess Celestia in silence, his eyes still blazing and his expression still hard. Luna tried to help and added, “Even during our banishment to the moon, we felt nothing wrong other than a sense of being bereft of our duty, Rising. What we have and continued to do never harmed anything.”

It still didn’t change his expression.

Despite that, Rising didn’t do anything aggressive or hostile to either Princesses, even when Luna tried to nudge him with an attempt of comfort; Which was more daring of Luna than Celestia could bring herself to do.

Princess Celestia blinked and jolted as she noticed a very sudden occurrence.

Rising had disappeared.


Right before her and her sister’s eyes.

It took a little longer for Luna to realize the same thing, but once she did she gave a small squeak in surprise that an alicorn that was larger than either of the two Princesses had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Princess Celestia felt a sense of dread and fear start creeping up, having little knowledge of just what Rising was completely capable of, and with the realization that he could either turn invisible or disappear, anything could be possible now.

Both Celestia and her sister started looking around immediately, desperate to locate and try and figure out what Rising would do next.


Despite numerous beliefs and contrary to the more popular belief, both Tolkien and Jackson were the closest with their interpretations of their Wraith-World. Though it could be as close as one could get without moving past physically living and sacrificing the chance to tell others what it's like.

And the ease of access to and from both realms was as easy as breathing.

The world had turned from a bright, cheerful, and colourful place into a contrast between light and dark. Life and souls in the surrounding area were given a pure light. With the plants, their physical detail easily seen, whereas with living beings such as Princesses Celestia and Luna who were now running helplessly trying to look for him, their hearts shining brightly as their location of their very souls inhabiting their physical body and left an aftertrail as they moved about.

With the absence of the Heavenly Kingdom, the still and lukewarm darkness had filled the void left behind and replaced the once present, comforting, and warm light that would shine out and down from the Gates.

Only issue was, once arriving within this realm, there was little to no ability to interact or interfere with the physical world, not without permission that is. Which was why it reasonably stood as a barely used if ever considered ability, even if one wanted to ‘check-in’ His Kingdom for anyone in particular. It was more useful to just look up or reach out to Him and simply ask for whatever they required.

Rising, in his truer form that was and ever would be, human, didn’t have any of that on his mind however. He still fumed at how he and the Legion spent more than a week within this new world and not once had they noticed that the sun and moon moved to the whim of two ponies, magic or not.

Having to know the very rules of the reality around you for your entire life, then seeing two ponies who are, within fair comparison to most of the Legion, younger than yourself and are able to move and control day and night?

It demanded more answers than the questions that now blazed around the Tower of Eternity.

Rising turned around and looked towards the sun, utterly dim in comparison to the bright souls around him. He breathed once, flexed his back.

And very nearly overshot the sun of the solar system that bent to the will of Princess Celestia.

Or rather, what used to be the sun.

In front of him was not a great ball of white plasma, but instead was a white dwarf just slightly bigger than the very Earth.

Rising ‘tilted’ his head in confused interest. Perhaps this was the explanation that he saw the vision of heat and fire engulf his Sanctuary. Which clearly would mean that both he and the Earth were more ancient than the Legion thought, as the scientists during the human era had predicted and guessed at when the sun would explode and turn into what it is now.

It was easily dismissable that the Earth was still around, let alone how the star didn’t tear it apart and was in a perfect and stable orbit with the planet, otherwise Rising wouldn’t have been left there and the King wasn’t even close to being dumb or cruel enough to just leave Rising and the Legion to get destroyed by the sun.

Regardless, he and the Legion inspected the white dwarf, seeing and feeling nothing different nor unusual how any other white dwarf could’ve felt other than just as warm as the sun was.

He frowned and decided to look back towards Earth, more specifically the moon, looking past the clear absence of both Mercury and Venus and the now pale and grey planet of Mars, having boiled whatever was existent from the intense heat.

Once again, nothing felt changed and nothing felt out of the ordinary other than the sight of both the Earth and its moon surviving the sun’s death.

Overall, there was nothing out of what was expected, outside of the small but familiar presence of magic he had felt, but none of it felt enough to change anything.

As if the magic the two alicorn mares wielded were truly just reaching out, grabbing and shifting either the sun or Earth and the moon and positioning them to turn night into day and vice versa.

This made Rising and the Legion within stare at the sun for a good long while before a few of them threw their hands into the air and gave up.

Apparently, they weren’t going to find answers by themselves.


Both Princesses were now in a worried panic. Rising was nowhere to be seen, had shown clear distaste or unhappiness regarding what they were able to do and had done for over a thousand years and had shown no clear intentions of what he would do next.

Luna had already began to use magic and scanned for him outside of Canterlot while Celestia did the same in Canterlot, hoping to just know where Rising went.

Celestia was praying desperately that nothing wrong would happen as she did so, her magic scanning room for room and hallway through hallway.

What had she done wrong? Was it a mistake to tell him? Was it a mistake to show him that they could raise and lower the sun and moon?

Was it a mistake to befriend him so quickly?


Both Princesses immediately haltered their spells when they heard a familiar voice and looked around to quickly find Rising appearing exactly where he had disappeared, his eyes closed and his expression lightening to a more neutral air.

Princess Celestia immediately galloped over to him, desperation still running through her to try and placate Rising before he did anything, “I am so sorry! I did not know that you would take offense―”

Rising raised a hoof at Celestia, quieting her, “Don’t... it’s as you’ve said, nothing was affected nor changed and nothing wrong has actually occurred from what you’ve been doing for the past centuries. While we will apologize for seeming hostile to you, there is a reason for our reaction.”

He took a few seconds to breathe slowly before explaining, “The movement of both the sun and moon during the Era of Humanity is significantly different to how they move now; Our Lord had set intensely intricate laws regarding the movement of the heavenly bodies, this planet included. It is disconcerting to learn that the movement of these bodies has been altered from those days long ago. As normally, He did not let anything interfere with the heavenly operations, so to learn that two lifeforms who are not Eternal to move these celestial spheres ... it’s extremely disconcerting for myself and all within the Tower of Eternity...”

Both Princesses Celestia and Luna looked at Rising in silent anxiety as he paused before he opened his eyes, looked at them and said, “While we are alright that what works is working, and that nothing is wrong or out of place; We need to know what, how and why you are able to do all this.”

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“Well?” Twilight asked, turning away from her library’s window after watching the newly minted Cutie Mark Crusaders rush off to school and looked at her assistant and considered brother, Spike.

“Well what?” he queried back, not understanding what Twilight was asking.

“‘Well what?’ Well, has anything arrived from Princess Celestia?” Twilight sighed, exasperated, “Since she did answer one of my reports, surely she might give advice or any sort of feedback on this report!”

Spike simply continued to stare at Twilight before frowning, “Twi, just ‘cause the Princess answered you once, it was ‘cause she didn’t get what you were saying.”

This seemed to put her out, leading her to munch on her toast before she remembered about the human, “Well maybe the human might respond? What if we made a letter to him?”

“Who’s ‘him’?” The sudden sound of a certain pink pony made Twilight give a shriek of surprise while Spike merely waved, barely fazed at the sudden appearance, “Hiya Pinkie Pie!”

“Hi Spike! So what-cha-talking-about, who’s-this-’him’-you-guys-are-talking-about? Is-this-’him’-somepony-you-like-is-he-someone-you-don’t-like-as-much, though-that-reminds-me-I-still-don’t-like-” Pinkie Pie had waved back before launching into a chatting rant that Spike quickly lost track of, as he turned his attention to Twilight who had impacted hard enough into the first story ceiling with legs dangling.

After a minute of Pinkie continuing her tirade and Spike doing what he could to help Twilight and repairing the hole she left behind after falling down, Pinkie had stopped just long enough for Twilight to ask, “Hi Pinkie, what are you doing here?”

A long gasp and then, “Hi-Twilight! I-came-over-because-I-reeeeeallly-need-this-one-little-book-fo--”

Twilight placed a hoof on Pinkies mouth before asking, “Pinkie, I can’t understand you when you talk that fast.”

“Okie-dokie!” Pinkie Pie said while bouncing, “So what I’m saying is I need a reeeeeeeally important cookie bookie because my Pinkie Senses were ReeeeaaaalllLLLy going nuts, which tells me that I’m about to meet somepony new!”

Pinkie quickly galloped and took hold of Twilight’s face and brought it close and continued, “And I’m really excited to see who it is, also who are you talking about, who’s this him, huh huh, who’s this him?”

Twilight started sweating slightly as she didn’t know how to respond to Pinkie’s prying, “Uh ... um.”

“Hey, what’s going on?” came yet another voice, this time by a familiar cyan pegasus.

“Hi-Dashie! Twi’s-got-a-new-friend-she’s-gonna-tell-me-about!”

“Hi Pinkie, what’s this about a new friend?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, quickly looking around if the ‘new friend’ was nearby.

Now Twilight was visibly sweating, which didn’t go unnoticed by Rainbow, who stared blankly at here before grinning smugly, making the unicorn panic a little, “Twilight’s got a stallion.”

Pinkie gave a loud and long gasp while Twilight blushed and sputtered, “Oh-My-Celestia! Twilight’s-got-a-stallionfriend!” She quickly took Twilight into a spinning hug, “This-is-gonna-be-the-best-day-ever!”

Pinkie stopped and gasped again, “I-need-to-make-a- ‘Twilight’s-got-a-stallionfriend’ party! I’ll-be-right-back!”

And with that, she left in a blur, leaving Twilight to continue spinning dizzyingly to the floor.

Rainbow Dash’s grin grew mischievous and nearly yelled, “I’m gonna tell everypony else!!”

“Rainbow, no!” Twilight exclaimed in horror and lit her horn to stop the pegasus, but was too late as Rainbow flew out of the library in a rainbow line.

Now Twilight was in a full blown panic, she had sworn to keep the human secret and now the rest of her friends was about to find out about this secret resulting in her failing Princess Celestia.

’No-no-no-no-no, the Princess is going to banish me!’ Twilight ranted mentally as she started racing around trying to find a way or an excuse not to talk to the other mares about the human.

Meanwhile, Spike simply watched the chaos that Pinkie and Rainbow left Twilight in before he asked, “Do you want me to ask the Princess for advice?”

“Nooo!” Twilight nearly screeched in horror and unleashed panic. It was the last thing she wanted her mentor and ruler to find out that she couldn’t find a way to not let her friends know about the human.

Spike jumped and shrank back from Twilight, though not out of fear. He was used to Twilight’s panic attacks happening frequently enough that while Twilight’s panic attacks wasn’t scary to him, it was still sudden and surprising when they came. Twilight started pacing and muttering to herself as there was a knock on the library door, forcing Spike to leave her to her own musings to answer the door.

Once he opened the door, he was greeted with the sight of Rainbow Dash nearly dragging Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity inside. Wisely, he leaped out of the way as the mares piled in with various degrees of complaints.

Rarity was the first to air her complaint, bringing a comb that she had on her incase of quick mane and tail touch-ups to fix what the cyan pegasus mussed up, “Honestly, darling! I would have arrived on my own hooves! That was absolutely unnecessary and drawl of you to drag me like a common stack of hay!”

“Ah’d say th’ same, Dash!” Applejack chimed in, “While Ah’m interested hearin’ bout Twi gettin’ a stallion, you hootin’ an’ hollerin’ before dragging us all off ain’t th’ best way to do it!”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything as Rainbow Dash defended herself, “Hey! I was tryin’ to tell you about it and you all weren’t doing anything anyways! Besides this is Twilight we’re talking about! Twilight Sparkle, the local egghead of Ponyville?

Rarity sighed at the pegasus’ antics, “Well, I do suppose she is right. As far as I can remember with the mare, she’s never been interested with love before.” She looked around before seeing Twilight growing in panic and her muttering getting louder, “Oh my. Um, dear Fluttershy, I think the poor dear needs your help.”

The shy pegasus was quick to move to help Twilight once she saw the unicorn. Fluttershy turned around and asked, “Um. Rarity, maybe if you could go and make some calming tea? It—it may help, if you could?”

While Rarity moved off to the kitchen to make tea, with a lovestruck Spike mystically floating after her; Fluttershy wrapped a wing over Twilight and looked at Applejack, “If, um, could you come over here and help keep her still, if you’d like to?”

Applejack didn’t say a word as she came over to do just that, while Rainbow Dash watched before flying quickly in front of Twilight and was just about to ask her more about her stallionfriend.

Fluttershy immediately stopped her with a powerful and silent Stare, which made Rainbow Dash fall to the ground with a grunt before asking quietly, “What the hay was that, Flutters?”

Fluttershy pointed a hoof toward Twilight who was hyperventilating and her body would occasionally twitch and spasm, “I know that you’re excited and happy for Twilight,” she admonished sternly, as if talking to a foal, “but Twilight needs our support in this very emotional time. She needs your support. Be the friend I know you can be, and not so caught up in your excitement for Twilight that you remain blind to her need for you to help calm her down from her panic attack.”

Once she had finished admonishing Rainbow for not helping, she turned her attention back to calming Twilight, who had started to squirm and struggle at both Applejack’s and Fluttershy’s attempt at holding her still.

Rarity came back with a cup of Camellia, “Will this work, darling? Twilight doesn’t seem to have anything other than green tea, the darling is unhealthily obsessed with caffeine.”

The pegasus took a small sniff and nodded, “Oh yes, that will help. Here you go now.”

Twilight resisted at first before getting a long gulp before she sighed and muttered, “Thanks, mares.”

Applejack was the first to give a smile and bumped a little closer to Twilight, “Jes’ concerned fer ya, Twi. So, now that we got ya to settle down all them jitters and shakes, ya feelin’ like tellin’ us bout that somepony Dash kept hootin about?”

Twilight’s expression turned sour and uncomfortable, “I ... it’s just ...”

Rarity gave a small sigh, “Come now, darling. I’m sure it isn’t as bad as you make it. It could just be a penpal for all Rainbow is exaggerating!”

“Well,” Twilight shifted and fidgeted between her two friends, “It’s not a stallionfriend, for one. He’s ... a new visitor to Canterlot that I met and was curious about—”

“Is he hot?” Rainbow Dash butted in, flying low as she flew closer to Twilight and nearly hitting the cup of tea, “Is he buff like Big Mac?”

“What was that ‘bout mah brother?” Applejack deadpanned and glared at Rainbow.

“Uhh,” Rainbow gave a nervous grin and flew up a little higher to give herself the chance to escape if Applejack decided to chase her down, “well, he is.

Applejack kept a stern eye on her friend as Twilight gave a frown, “Not, exactly? He ... sort of, is strong?”

“Is this mysterious pony a knight?” Rarity chimed in, leaning her head close and under Twilight’s chin before moving away and dramatically placing a hoof over her forehead, “Oh he must be royalty if he’s in Canterlot! Wherever did you meet him?”

Twilight felt as if she dug herself in a deeper hole as she lowly admitted, her head slowly lowering to the ground, “W-with the Princesses.”

Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash gasped, though the former did so with sparkles in her eyes and glee while the latter was simply shocked.

“Okay, what the hay, why was he with the Princesses? What did he ever do to be visiting them?” Rainbow grumbled, “I mean we save the day on a daily basis here in Ponyville and yet we don’t get to see them much, not even a recommendation or a word to the Wonderbolts either ...”

“The Princesses have Equestria to run, Dash. You know boring stuff like sitting still and-” Twilight mock-shuddered with a pained grimace on her face as she managed to squeak out a pained-sounding, “paperwork,” Twilight chided as Applejack and Fluttershy let her go and let her stand by herself with the cup still in her magical grip.

Twilight continued to drink and smell the aroma from the tea as Rarity fawned about, “Even better! Oh he must, must, must be somepony of amazing importance! To be with the Princesses! Oh you must tell me more!”

Spike, who still had been mystically floated after Rarity even after she delivered the cup of tea to Twilight, took it as a command from his crush. And before Twilight tried to keep the human secret, the little lovestruck dragon gladly obliged that command and opened his mouth.

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Rising looked up from his floating cup of tea, “And that’s all?”

Celestia nodded, her magic holding the tea cup for both Rising and herself, while Luna sat close to her, eating her breakfast “It’s all we know. Outside of that, we never really understood why or how we could do this. Other than one day after watching Starswirl and a group of unicorns move the sun and moon and then trying for ourselves and earning our Cutie Marks from doing so.”

The former human looked down again and stared at the floating cup, which raised slightly in case he wanted another drink from it. Rising closed his eyes before moving his head up and looking at the blue sky with a pensive frown.

On the table between the three Alicorns and scattered around delivered plates of their breakfast was ancient texts, tomes and even pictures in various art forms, from rubbings to hoof painted and magically painted.

“Let us summarize what you’ve told us,” Rising said after leaning forward and drinking from the cup, “Before either of you two, there had been a very long line of unicorns that were placed in charge over the sun and moon, which is the reason why we saw a magical aura of sorts permeating around them. The reason why was because the sun, moon and Earth had been slowly failing to continue the same orbit? With the moon either drifting further away or wavering too close, and the sun not moving from one point of the sky?”

Princess Celestia nodded, “Before the unicorns took on such a task, the ponies back then before they migrated here that would become Equestria had been fraught with confusion, superstition and paranoia, trying to explain why they happened. As far as I was told, they blamed one of the other tribes just to have a sense of justified reason for attacking their fellow pony, placing them as enemies and rationalizing through the de-equinization of said enemies so that their soldiers wouldn’t have to deal with the reality that they were harming and attacking their own kind.’”

Rising blinked before he continued, “And it wasn’t until the unicorns found out they were able to move the sun and moon?”

“At the terrible cost of their own magic. The assigned unicorns, which were numbered ten at a time, found themselves no longer able to use magic. Some were able to slowly recover and were barely able to attain the same magical strength they had before, while others had no magical power outside of what allowed them to live in good health.”

Princess Celestia moved one tome with her hoof and poked at one picture depicting three unicorns rearing up with their horns pointed at a depiction of the moon and sun, with what seemed to be Earth Ponies and Pegasi bowing down to them, “Soon after discovering this, the unicorns firmly established their discovery as part of their tribe’s duty, alongside the Earth Ponies holding control over the land and food, and the Pegasi controlling the weather and being the military strong arm of the species,”

Celestia turned the page and poked at a new picture on the next page, depicting the Unicorns holding scepters and other royal symbolic objects while having the same Earth Ponies and Pegasi bowing down, this time with a few more numbers, “The Unicorns used this as a reason to lord themselves over the other tribes, as the Earth Ponies couldn’t grow anything with either too little or too much sunlight while the Pegasi couldn’t control the weather itself.”

“Likely due to the moon’s influence over the polar region and tides,” Rising muttered, which caused Luna to tilt her head in interest.

She quickly asked, eager to discover if her moon was more important than signalling the arrival of night, “Doth thou meanst our celestial body is of influence of the very weather itself?”

“Not directly,” Rising replied, turning his head to face Luna, “however the moon has enough gravity of its own to push and pull on the oceans, generating high and low tides. It even has influence over animals when it is at its brightest, giving enough light that some animals may stay out longer and remain more active, thus being more likely to be traumatized or injured. In fact, during full moons, the sheer brightness from it has been enough to influence the sleeping patterns of humans, reducing their sleeping hours by twenty minutes and making it harder for them to fall asleep, due to the blue or white light that tricked our minds into staying awake. In addition to its influence on the oceans, it also affects the air and air currents. Think of the moon as a gravitational environmental force, whereby its rotation around our planet, causes the oceans to churn and remove trash and impurities, it helping the air circulate and prevent the air we breathe from stagnation and even holds influence over the biology of this planet’s living creatures and even flora.”

Luna felt her spirits lift and even smiled brightly over learning that her celestial duty over the moon was indeed more important that just being a visual signal of the arriving night, though it dampened her spirits a little knowing that the moon was just as capable of harming others.

Celestia noticed her sister’s changes of attitudes and gave a loving nudge, which was accepted with a small smile before Celestia asked, “How then, was the celestial bodies supposed to work, if they didn’t require magic?”

Rising gave a smile as he started to explain, “Well, first we’ll need to shortly explain how the moon orbited the earth, then how the earth orbited the sun, and then how the sun orbits our galaxy.”

Rising was met with two confused Princesses, ““Shortly”?” Celestia asked.

“If we went into the fullest explanation, we would be here a two full days and one night, and since you are the ruling diarchs, as much as interesting as our explanation would be, you have other things to do other than listen to us go into such a lengthy lecture,” He replied readily as he began to look around for several objects to try and explain, “To start with, our Lord, is someone who likes order and laws with a good deal of figurative legroom wherever possible. Thus after he created the earth, the moon, and the sun, he instituted inviolable laws in order for his creation to exist in accordance to his will. One of these laws is that of Gravity, if that is familiar to you?”

Both Princesses nodded, with Luna replying, “Ser Newting hath studied and discovered this, stating in his study about “size” and “mass” and that the greater mass something has, the greater its own strength in pulling objects closer.”

The stallion nodded in kind as he returned himself back to the table, “Close enough to the same name and the same properties.” Since he failed to find any immediate objects, he moved one forehoof and then used his other forehoof to revolve around his other hoof. “Through this, it is possible for objects of smaller mass to revolve around those of greater mass by getting caught by the greater object’s gravity, or more eloquently termed a “gravitational field.” This is how the moon revolves around our planet, because our planet is both bigger and has greater gravity, as was enforced by this very law.”

“Now as for the sun,” Rising said, tilting his head and moving his hoof a little further away, “has a far greater mass, thus it has our planet in its own gravity. As such, the moon orbits us, while we orbit the sun.” He looked at both Royal Sisters waiting to see if they had anything to ask. Once seeing that they didn’t misunderstand or wasn’t confused, he added, “Now here comes the fun part. Our sun is in fact in orbit with a much greater object.”

Now both Princesses semed lost as he explained, “What comes next are what we humans had come to name as “galaxies,” these galaxies also have mass, and on a much larger scale. Because of a galaxy’s mass is this great, the more massive stars that dwarf even our sun, both now and before, revolve around the center of the galaxy’s gravity. Which means our sun, because it is one of the innumerable stars in our galaxy, which we named as the “Milky Way galaxy,” revolves around our galaxy’s center of gravity.

“Now this isn’t the only law He made. There are other laws such as the Law of Motion.” He noted that Princess Celestia nodded in familiarity while Princess Luna had somewhat of an agreeing nod. This told him that Equestria was also familiar with this, allowing him to skip and skim over explaining the Law, “Our planet rotated while it revolved around the sun. Doing this was imperative so as to regulate the global temperatures and prevent one side from being blood boiling hot to sustain life, while the other side would have frozen life into solid ice. This would leave a narrow band of life-sustaining real estate around the hemisphere between full day and full night, which was recorded to be a twelve hour passage between our day and night. Otherwise, it would have required us all to live underground and nearby the core of the earth just to keep from freezing to death and from boiling to death.”

This made Princess Luna’s blood chill, as she was still familiar with her plan as Nightmare Moon to enact Eternal Night over Equestria. Now knowing that had she succeeded, she would’ve rendered almost all life on the planet extinct. She took two hoofsteps back in horror before her sister stopped her and brought Luna closer with her magic and into a tight hug from Celestia’s wing.

Rising stayed silent and observant as Celestia moved her head closer to Luna’s ear, whispering and murmuring lowly enough that Rising couldn’t discern as he waited patiently.

He and the Legion watched as Luna trembled and shook in her sister’s holding grip, her head shaking and mumbling back at her sister. It intrigued them that she seemed as if she was still traumatized to her experience and it seemed to guilt tripping her the more she realized how much she nearly harmed or doomed lives around her.

‘Where are the therapists?’ Rising asked, almost muttering to the Legion, ‘Where are the doctors who are trained in dealing with mental trauma? Does Equestria not have them?’

These two are in charge of their kingdoms welfare and Equestria relies upon them to think clearly and fairly, yet the moment Princess Luna learns the delicate balance between the sun and moon is with the Earth, she nearly breaks down and seems to still hang onto her experience as this ‘Nightmare Moon’ far longer than need be.

‘And instead of seeing it as the opportunity to learn from her mistakes, accepting what consequences would have happened and improving herself or even helping others by using her experience, she seemed content to corner and suffer in guilt. Unless these ponies take guilt and wrongdoing much more deeply, she should be within the stages of moving on, why isn’t she doing so?’

It would take five minutes of watching the two nuzzle and privately murmur between each other before seeing Princess Luna give a deep breathe before giving her sister a few firm nods before they separated and returned their attention to Rising.

He didn’t comment or say anything on their clearly emotional moment, however his observant attitude spoke volumes to the two. Before Princess Celestia could try and make an excuse, Rising said, “Once we have a bit more time to talk, we’ll discuss a little more about her and this ‘Nightmare Moon.’”

His brusque comment bit at both Princesses, but they could understand what he meant. Though he understood and respected Luna’s need for emotional support, clearly he didn’t seem to agree with how it should have happened during an exchange of knowledge, both of Luna’s reaction to learning about how delicate the balance was for Earth to maintain life, and the need to pause and tend to her psychological needs.

Rising closed his eyes for a moment and gave a small sigh before returning to his lecture, “Now here is the Law of Change. It is thanks to this law that the Earth’s axis has tilted to a degree that depending upon where it is in relation to our orbit around the sun, then we will change seasons. When where we are on Earth gets the most direct sunlight on a hemisphere, you have summer. Conversely, when you have the least amount of sunlight, you have winter. And as you transition from the least amount of direct sunlight to more direct sunlight, you have spring and then fall once going from more direct sunlight to less sunlight.”

Rising shifted in his seat a little as he recalled back to an earlier topic with Princess Celestia, “This is why we had asked why the seasons here move backwards, because originally they all flowed in the pattern of winter, spring, summer, and fall before coming full circle with the return of winter once again.”

Princess Luna blinked before looking at her sister, who nodded as Rising moved on, “It is by these laws which He enacted and enforced, that our planet was capable of sustaining the vast enormity of life, humans or otherwise. And it is because of these laws that could self-enforce themselves alongside the Almighty seeing to them, that no one, mortal or otherwise, might or even could cause what He created to violate these well enforced laws.”

Both Princesses seemed awed at what his lecture, impressed that the world around them was so well built and almost self-maintained for so long that even today they still ran, even if it required magic to push things around from time to time.

Princess Luna then asked, “Is this all that you learned from your lord, or ...?”

“Much of what we said was discovered and learned by humanity, the part of how was what our Lord told us.”

Princess Celestia was the next to ask, “So ... what does this ... ‘galaxy’ look like as we’re in it?”

Rising gave a small hum before responding, “We may need your help in demonstrating this, since we don’t seem to see anything that could help us show.”

Both Princesses’ horns immediately lit and created a good number spheres of magic in the same size but in different colors of blue and yellow.

Rising blinked in surprise at how fast they casted before mentally shrugging, he batted at one sphere to bring it closer to him before placing it on one spot before trying to fetch the others much akin to a cat trying to gather the spheres.

In fact, it looked so similar that Princess Celestia gave a small giggle and instinctively moved one sphere out of Rising’s reach as he tried to gather it.

She quickly surrendered the sphere when he turned and gave a threatening stare at her, not even needing to know what he would’ve done to make her stop.

Once he had the magical spheres floating nearby, he began to work on setting them in a line, occasionally asking for the two Princesses to either increase or decrease the size of some of the spheres.

After accomplishing that, he said, “Now we make these nine spheres go in a circle around the ‘Sun’ if you would, please.”

As the spheres moved, he made some move faster while others slower, and even asked for one of the further ‘planets’ to have its orbiting pattern in a much more different and elliptical path.

Rising then stated, “Now that we’ve established how our solar system is orbiting the sun.”

Princess Celestia raised a hoof in question, “I don’t suppose the sun is spiraling around this ‘Milky Way galaxy’ would it?”

Rising was very quick to point at her, “Not even remotely close to how it goes around, and it's something a lot of people get wrong. We don’t orbit around the galaxy in a spiral or in a helix pattern, instead we are bobbing up and down similar to how floating objects bobs up and down in water waves. Now, tilt this whole thing slowly into a sixty degree angle with the sun being the center point.”

The mathematical term went over Luna’s head, as she hadn’t completely committed modern geometry, however with some help she was able to follow Rising’s instruction.

The result of seeing the whole system spin and then letting the system start bobbing up and down in an orbit around the table was quite mesmerising, both mares couldn’t help but continue to watch how the system spun while the ‘planets’ orbited in various speeds around the ‘sun’.

Princess Celestia tore her eyes away from the display to look at Rising, who had been watching them with some amusement much akin to a parent watching their children stare and watch at an interesting science display. She gave a quick look at the solar system as it dipped down in front of Rising before she asked, “What about this “galaxy” you mentioned several times? How big is it?”

Rising’s smile grew, “First we’ll need to shrink this solar system. So let’s start with that.”

Celestia blinked at what he said and asked, “How small should we make it?” The question brought Princess Luna out of her reverie to look in askance at her sister and Rising.

“Until we say stop.”

Both Princesses looked at him in confusion before following his instruction again. Before they started the “solar system” was in a rough diameter of a yard. As they continued to cast the spell that shrank the solar system, Princess Celestia kept an eye on Rising, who watched impassively.

Now the system was about a foot long in diameter, and yet Rising still said nothing, telling the mares to keep going.

Three inches.

One centimeter.

It was now barely visible and both Princesses had to pause just to move the now tiny solar system that was almost a grain of sand into somewhere where they could still see it, and Rising still hadn’t said stop.

Both Princesses were sweating at the tiny shred amount of magic they had to have just to keep the solar system existent, it was as hard as trying to balance two scalpels by the tips of their points.

Rising immediately said, “Stop.”

The Princesses then tried to stop and hold everything together, but finally had enough and lost control of their magic at holding something so small and complex, leading to a small spark resulting in the death of their tiny solar system.

Princess Luna had fallen off of her seat and was panting audibly on her back while Celestia was clearly sweating, her mouth dry and didn’t dare try to reach her own cup with her magic, forcing her to ever so slowly reach out with her own head and neck to drink from it.

Rising smiled apologetically as he waited for the two mares to calm and settle down, though once Luna was able to stop shaking and was able to get back onto her seat, she glared at him for the effort both she and her sister had to deal with.

Celestia also glowered at the stallion, as she asked heatedly, “Was that really the size of our galaxy or was this some excuse to see how much control we had over our magic?”

“Jolly good guess!” Rising replied, adding a slight Scottish accent mixed with something else before dropping it and adding, “But the former is correct, that is how small we are and how big the galaxy is, though it's not correctly small enough--”

Not small enough?!” Luna nearly shrieked.

“Yes, not small enough, in fact to actually know the real size of the galaxy and our solar system, we’d have to consider the distance from here to the very edge of the Griffon Kingdom’s territory as the radius of our “galaxy” and our solar system would still be about the size of a grain of sand, whizzing up and down around the inner middle of its “arm.””

Both Princesses still glared at Rising for putting them through the whole ordeal, but it threw them off knowing just how big the galaxy was in comparison to their solar system.

Then Rising told them that the galaxy itself wasn’t stationary either, and it wasn’t the only galaxy in the universe, neither was it the biggest or smallest.

“Th-that’s not possible ... .” Celestia croaked, shocked at just how utterly small everypony was in Equestria, how small she was.

“And ... all of this was ... ‘created?’” Luna asked, equally shocked and skeptic at how all this could be true.

Rising gave an affirmative “Mhm” before he continued, “Humbling isn’t it? Knowing that compared to how the entire universe works and how its always moving and even the most biggest event won’t be seen to us for at the minimum a decade or two, and it would surpass and overshadow anything we could do and yet all eyes were on this planet. It’s mostly due to how it all happened that’s been argued back and forth, some say He simply said, “let there be ...” and there everything was, others say it was a colossal bang that appeared out of complete nowhere from nothing, and a few more others believed that the universe was already existing and had no beginning.”

“And, what do you believe?” Celestia questioned.

He looked at Celestia directly and replied with a expectant eyebrow, as if she asked something incredibly silly, “We don’t believe either of them, because we don’t need to believe in either of them, since we already had our answer given not soon after we asked it and from the very being who made it all in the first place.”

Luna couldn’t help but ask helplessly, “Then how are we able to move the stars themselves if they are so far away ...?”

Rising blinked and stared in wonder at her before answering, “It is possible that you are not actually moving the stars themselves but instead manipulating and moving the light from the stars themselves as they reach the Earth.” He went on to explain how light worked in space and was used by the human astronomers, though he shortened them down when a guardspony quickly trotted by and reminded them of the Day Court, “Even now, a star out there is likely dying and we’re likely to never notice it until at maximum of several thousand years.”

“So thou sayth we control light rather than the stars themselves?” Luna asked in a wondrous tone.

The stallion gave a sideways nod, “Quite possibly, though it could also be a massive illusion, or even an alteration of visual perception of those who gaze at the night sky. Given that we do not know what magic is capable of, these are merely guesswork and theories right now. We’re not entirely sure nor what it means what you could potentially do.”

“Your Majesties?” The three alicorns turned and saw the Majordomo trot forwards, his expression firm, “The day court requires you, now.”

Princess Celestia sighed in unhappiness, “It seems we will have to stop for now.”

“We can always continue this another time,” Rising commented as he left his seat and nudged against Celestia’s side, a bit more rougher than he wanted as he was still trying to master having four legs rather than two. He quickly apologized as Celestia recovered from his shove, “Sorry. Besides, we have all the time in the world and we’re not likely to go anywhere for the time being.”

Celestia gave a huff, rubbing her shoulder with a hoof, “Fair enough, though I would rather not have to spend lifetimes just to learn about you and from you.”

Just before they left, a puff of light lavender magic and a scroll appeared in front of Princess Celestia, surprising the three alicorns.

Princess Celestia calmly opened the scroll and immediately sat backwards and double facehoofed and muttered, “Oh my Faust.”

Luna took the scroll and read it before feeling herself shrink a little as she gave a pitiful groan.

Rising gave an unhappy huff and yanked the scroll out of Celestia’s magical grip and laid it on the ground to read it himself,

Princess Celestia I am so sorry! We tried to keep the human secret but our friends caught on and Spike still has his adorable crush with Rarity! We’re trying to get them to agree on keeping this secret, please-dont-send-me-to-the-moon-I-can-fix-this

The note continued on, but it lost any resemblance of coherent writing and became nothing more but hurried scribbling.

Some of the Legion grimaced and gave some concern at the clearly sharp decrease of mental stability Twilight demonstrated at losing control of a situation.

“Clearly, secrets are nigh impossible tasks to hide, Princess.” Rising commented while raising an eyebrow at Celestia, who hadn’t moved her front hooves away from her face, “Though,” Celestia lowered one hoof to look at him as he hoofed the scroll back into a roll, “this can be salvaged, just means we need a firmer and stern hand on this before it gets out of control.”

“I truly hope so,” Princess Celestia muttered as she came back onto her hooves and magically grabbed the scroll and tucked it under her wing, “while I can at least trust Twilight, Spike and their five friends, as they are the Element Bearers, your presence truly must remain close to our chests before your official introductions.” She turned her head upwards and muttered more quietly, her eyes closed, “Just two more days.”

“Will you be asking them to come here?” Rising asked as the Royal Sisters started moving again, preparing themselves for their Day Court duties.

Princess Celestia gave a small hum before sighing, “We might have to.”

Luna looked up at her older sibling and said, “Sister ...”

“It’s alright, Lulu.” Celestia quickly replied, her voice warm and didn’t have any edge to her tone, “We’ve already had this discussion, you’re already paying your dues. There’s no need to add anymore onto you. This is just something that we hadn’t accounted for.”

This didn’t seem to convince Princess Luna until her sister nudged against her side and the side of her head, which Luna moved herself a little out of Celestia’s reach but her smile returned slightly.

Rising asked in clarification, “Are you sure you want them here? Rather than sending a letter to them warning them to keep us secret?”

Princess Celestia shook her head, “Word by mouth can be more effective than word by letter. As you’ve said, a firmer hoof is required in your case.”

Just before they arrived to the doorway where Rising would enter and attend the Day Court unseen, Princess Celestia asked one of the escorting guards that had been silently following them alongside the Majordomo, “May you send a letter to my student and ask her and the other Element Bearers to come to Canterlot so we may discuss about Rising? I would very much like to make sure that they know the importance of secrecy.”

The stallion saluted and galloped away as Rising watched the guard go, causing Celestia to ask, “Do you not agree to this?”

“The options on dealing with this aren’t agreeable whichever you decide, but we will give advice where needed and little else; This is your kingdom, Princess, and thus it is your decision upon what to do, not ours.” Rising replied readily, turning his gaze to Celestia, “We may have been a proxy to our Lord, but even we know when to let those with responsibilities remain with those who are duty-bound to govern. It is only when they forget and forgo their duty for selfish or ill means are they to be replaced and set by example of what not to do.”

Celestia felt his reply seem relatively aloof, though not in the way of separating himself from her, but more as an easily given reply as if he had answered this before, “You do not have to reply so coldly,” she said, feeling somewhat hurt.

Rising breathed slowly before answering softly, “We did not mean to say it as coldly as you believe, but regardless the answer still remains. It is by your choice ... . Princesses. Majordomo.” He gave a polite nod to the sisters and to Forward Bastion before entering through the door and closing it behind him.

Princess Luna quipped, returning her sister’s nudge from earlier, “He doth speak sagaciously, sister. E’en I would reply in such a way to another ruler.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia muttered before turning away and trotting off to the throne room, with both her sister and the Majordomo following after her.

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Twilight had completely lost it.

Her tea was gone and rendered useless in her panic, and Rarity was barely able to save the teacup from breaking on the ground as the lavender unicorn shrieked after realizing five full seconds after Spike admitted everything he knew about the human.

Her shriek of horror was able to snap Spike out of his reverie and confused him for a little before seeing his foster sister gallop to the nearest scroll of parchment, inkwell, and quill.

“Settle down now, suga’cube!” Applejack was the first of the seven to respond to Twilight’s meltdown as she furiously scribbled on the scroll and immediately teleported the scroll off.

Sadly, Twilight’s panic caused her to not recognize how bad of an idea it was to personally teleport a letter to her mentor rather than relying upon Spike to send them. Twilight stumbled like a newborn foal learning to stand on four hooves.

Fluttershy once more stepped up and whispered, “Somepony catch her!”

Applejack and Rarity were the only two to hear Fluttershy and moved to stop Twilight from falling down and hurting herself.

Finally, Spike’s young mind caught up with what was going on and said, hurrying over to his sister, “Twilight! You shouldn’t send letters without me! You said the distance was too far!”

Rarity gave a slight gasp, as she remembered her own lessons in utilizing her own magic as a foal getting lessons from both the schoolteacher and from her parents. She had some knowledge about teleporting objects, though she hadn’t had much interest in the more advanced magical classes.

But one thing she did recall was that distance was a major role in terms of teleporting anypony or anything. The greater the distance, the more magic and energy it required to perform something than what it would have been if it was closer, the size of the pony or object never changed anything to matter. Most unicorns, as she learned and gathered, could teleport objects at the maximum distance from one side of Ponyville to the other.

And while she knew that Twilight was powerful, well she was mentored and taught by Princess Celestia herself! Of course she would be incredibly powerful under such a tutelage! But still, having to perform something as demanding as that?

“She must be under magical exhaustion!” Rarity claimed, causing the everypony in the room except for Rainbow Dash to stare at her in surprise.

She looked at them and said, “What? Just because I am a fashionista doesn’t mean I don’t recall tidbits of magical lessons I had as a little filly!”

“Regardless,” Rarity continued, “we need medical help. Somepony must go and retrieve Nurse Redheart. Inform her that Twilight is suffering from extreme mana depletion. She would know what to do with a patient suffering from a case of mana depletion.”

“Wait a sec!” Rainbow Dash cried at long last, having been dumbstruck by what Spike dumped on the mares, “Didn’t Spike just say that he and Twilight saw and met a human?! C’mon mares, that’s a whoooole bigger news than getting the nurse!”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy quietly snapped, getting a hoof around her fillyhood friend’s tail and tugged her down hard and forced Rainbow to look at her in the eyes, “I know you’re excited about meeting a ‘cool’ alien, but you’re losing sight of what’s important right now! Twilight needs somepony who is fast and can quickly bring medical help to her!” The technicolor mare withered at the assertiveness that the normally shy mare had usually kept well hidden away as Fluttershy continued, “As one of Twilight’s friends, I want you to go and fetch Nurse Redheart and bring her here and you are not going to focus on anything else other than successfully completing this mission! Do I make myself clear?”

With Fluttershy appealing to Rainbow’s passion to emulate her Wonderbolt idols, Rainbow snapped off a salute while responding with a rehearsed shout of, “Y-yes, Ma’am!”

Fluttershy let Rainbow Dash go and gave a disappointed glare at the chastised mare, who took little incentive to take flight and rush out the door, looking for Ponyville’s local nurse.

Everypony except Twilight, who was now in an incoherent daze, sweating lightly and was lying on her side with a pillow between her head and the wooden floor, was staring at Fluttershy with jaws hanging open.

“S-suga-” Applejack stuttered, “Wh-where in tarnation is all this comin’ from?”

Fluttershy squeaked and shrank a little before saying, “W-well, I kinda d-do handle the forest animals, an-and they do sometimes act up.”

The two mares and baby dragon continued to stare at Fluttershy in stunned silence, who shrank back a bit more in embarrassment, until Rainbow Dash returned a minute later. Her arrival was announced by hearing Nurse Redheart’s voice protesting, “Honestly, Miss Dash! There’s no need to drag me! I’m perfectly capable of-”

The nurse’s protests were cut short the moment she saw Twilight, “Oh my Celestia! What happened to her!”

As Redheart galloped over to Twilight, Rarity replied, “She is suffering from a case of extreme mana depletion, the poor darling in a panic teleported a scroll off to Princess Celestia.”

The nurse stopped checking over Twilight and stared at the fashionista in shock, “From here? To Canterlot?!”

“Ah don’ git it.” Applejack remarked, scratching her head with a hoof, “Not too long ‘go, Twi was sendin’ away an Ursa Minah back to its mama, magic carryin’ it like a foal in a foal cradle, how’s this som’ big deal?”

“What AJ said,” Rainbow chimed in, “Twi’s pretty eggheadish with her magic, on top of whatever Princess Celestia taught her to do, something like this should be barely a prob!”

Redheart nodded, “Indeed, even I’m impressed with how strong Twilight’s magic is, though I suppose being taught by Princess Celestia herself does come with their perks. But teleporting is a different matter entirely. It has its own separate rules as far as unicorn magic goes.”

Applejack and Rainbow simply stared at the nurse in confusion, with the farmer mare repeating, “Ah still don’ git it.”

Rarity pondered how to best respond, mostly trying to gather whatever she could remember, “Hmm. Perhaps ...” She paused to think how to best answer the question in a way that Rainbow could understand. After a few moments, Rarity’s expression brightened and stated, “Aha! For you, it would be like disassembling Canterlot Castle! All of it! An-and pushing every bit of it through a pony sized tunnel all the way to Appleoosa! And you cannot use carts, sleds or even baskets! And everything had to be reassembled perfectly, without anything out of line or out of place!”

Rainbow would’ve passed the challenge as far too easy, but when Rarity added in how it was going to be done started making her nervous and felt a drop of sweat roll down the side of her head. After Rarity finished, Rainbow had landed on her flanks, her eyes wide and her expression pure horror at the unfair difficulty she was just given.

“Are you nuts?!” she exclaimed, “That is soooo unfair!”

It was Applejack’s turn to frown nervously when Rarity looked over to her and said, “And try thinking about collecting your harvest from your orchards without bucking any trees, using ladders or wagons. Depending upon what else is coming with a unicorn when teleporting, it may be twice or even thrice as many orchards.”

Applejack took her hat off and waved it a little at Rarity, “Alrigh’ Rars, yah got me. Ah’ll keep tha’ in mind if Twi goes off like this again. But that sounds ah lot like it could really hurt somepony.”

“By Celestia, I hope we never get another case like this, and it really can hurt a unicorn when they’re pushed further than what they’re capable of.” Nurse Redheart said as she turned Twilight onto her back and made quick checks to her eyes, breathing, and heartbeat. She gave a small sigh of relief, “Besides doing something incredibly reckless and beyond stupid, she’ll be alright. She just needs a little jumpstart. Rarity? I need you to cast and transfer a little bit of your magic into Twilight, do you know how to do that?”

The fashionista gave a nervous chuckle, “I, most unfortunately, do not.”

The nurse gave a sigh before explaining, “First you need to connect your magic to Twilight’s horn, much like you’re casting a levitation spell on her horn, however do not move it.” Once Rarity performed the task, Nurse Redheart continued, “Now, I need you to slowly pour more magic into her horn, then try to push the magic into Twilight. Envision your magic as though it was a fluid, like water and you’re pouring it into Twilight’s horn and from there it’ll fill the thaumic gland underneath her horn. You don’t want to ‘pour’ too much or you could overwhelm her thaumic gland or cause her horn to heat up, crack, or even break. But you don’t want to ‘pour’ too little because then it will not only cause Twilight’s recovery time to lengthen, but will place unnecessary stress on both of your thaumic glands and mana reservoirs.”

Twilight gave an immediate reaction when Rarity did so, giving a sharp gasp and her eyes flying open. She looked over and around, still feeling some of Rarity’s own mana enter into her own.

She tried to say something, but Redheart quickly shushed her, “Easy now, don’t talk just yet. You’re not completely out of the Everfree yet. Ok, Rarity. You can stop casting. I need water, if somepony would, please?”

Applejack was the first to go and fetch for water, and despite Redheart’s orders, Twilight groaned and asked, her tone a little airy, “W-what happen?”

The nurse gave a disappointed ‘tsk’ before answering, “Well what happened was a result of you not thinking clearly, Miss Twilight. You teleported a scroll much further than your capabilities.”

“O-oh ...”

“Here ya’re, Nurse.” Applejack reported, with a glass of water in hoof. Redheart took the glass and placed it over Twilights mouth and gently tilted it for her to drink.

After a few more glasses of water and a little more magic, Twilight was able to stand on her hooves, albeit shakily. Rarity was almost in equal state, though due to using more magic than she was used to using in her day-to-day lifestyle.

The mares gratefully thanked Nurse Redheart for her quick help, though she told Twilight to arrive in her infirmary the day after so she could go through a more thorough checkup.

Once Nurse Redheart left the library, Spike felt like he was about to hurl and belched out a scroll. He caught it and was about to read it before Rarity asked Twilight, “Well, now that we’ve had that ... comotion done and over with, mind if I ask why you were panicking as badly about this ... guest?”

Twilight froze a little, but gave a unhappy groan and rounded on her younger brother, “Spiiiike! Princesses Celestia and Luna asked us to keep this secret!”

The young lizard now realized his fault and sheepishly rubbed a claw at the back of his head, “Eheh, s-sorry Twilight.”

The lavender unicorn gave an even louder unhappy groan, placing a hoof to her head before admitting, “Well mares, this wasn’t supposed to be revealed at all, infact me and Spike weren’t supposed to learn about this yet.”

“Yet? Darling, is this similar to spoiling us a surprise?” Rarity asked, somewhat concerned.

“Well ...” Twilight was about to say before Spike raised his claw and waved the scroll that was in it at her, “Oh fine, Spike. What does Princess Celestia say?”

Spike cleared his throat and unfurled the scroll, “It says,” He said with some fanfare, before reading it a few times over, “We need to get to Canterlot Castle soon, the Princesses want to talk to us personally.”

“R-really?” Twilight squeaked, her balance starting to get shaky again as the feeling of dread started to creep up on her. She sat down and hugged herself and started panicking again, “O-oh no. She’s going to banish us together!

Applejack came up and replied, trying to calm Twilight, “C’mon suga’cube, Ah don’t think th’ Princess is gon’ do that. Ya’ll need to settle down, now. Don’ want to get the nurse after she just left.”

A knock came from the library’s front door, causing the mares and baby dragon to look at it curiously before Spike went over to open it to find a small present box in pink and white.

“I wonder who left this?” Spike asked before taking it inside and placing it near the mares.

Not sooner after he placed it down, the box burst open revealing Pinkie who cried, “Surprise!! Happy ‘Got-A-Stallionfriend’ Twilight!”

The initial surprise made everypony jump, but once they realized it was Pinkie, they calmed down with Rarity saying, “Um, Pinkie dear. Twilight’s friend isn’t a stallionfriend ... nor a stallion at that.”

This only made Pinkie gasp, “She picked somepony else!? Is it a griffon?”

Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash immediately blushed at the response. Though the implication went over Twilight and Spike’s heads.

“N-no, Pinkie. It’s an ... what was it again?” Rarity turned to ask Spike.

“A human.” He readily replied, despite Twilight’s chagrin.

Pinkie’s jaw hung open before saying, “Ooooooooh, it’s that kind of thing again. I probably should check with the others before we go.”

“Go?” Twilight couldn’t help but ask, getting back on her hooves and approaching the Earth Pony as she dived back into the box, her tail waving to and fro, “Go where?”

“Again?” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“Where else, silly! We’re off to go meet the human out in Canterlot, right?” Pinkie turned around and booped Twilight’s nose before turning around again and disappearing from sight.

The mares looked at each other in bafflement as the box shook and shaken around before Pinkie came back out and said, “Okie dokie! Everything’s goodie now! Of course we might have a little problem once the season finale of season five comes around, but we’ll get a plan some point!”

All that ended up with was her getting stares of confusion. Twilight was the first to dare ask, “S-Season five?”

“Oh don’t worry about that!” Pinkie pronked out of the box and ruffled Twilight’s mane with a hoof, “It’ll be its own adventure for you! Besides, don’t we have a carriage to ride just outside the door?” As she said this, Pinkie wrapped a hoof around Twilight’s head and pointed the other hoof at the door.

On que, the door resounded with a knock again. This time when Spike opened it, a Royal Guard stood at attention and gave a salute, “Element Bearer Twilight Sparkle? The chariot awaits you and the other Bearers.”

Twilight blinked at the guard before saying, “O-ok, let uh, give me a moment.”

The pegasus guard gave a curt snort and trotted to stand nearby a large chariot that was attached to four other Royal Guards, all identical and standing with a professional and stern attitude.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Pinkie asked eagerly, running off and letting Twilight go, resulting in the unicorn spinning into the floor.

As Twilight got back up, Rainbow Dash quickly flew after Pinkie, exclaiming, “Alright! We get to see an alien!”

“S’long as its not one of th’m “steal yer cows and probin everythin’ that walks.’” Applejack muttered as she trotted off after them.

“Well,” Rarity stated as she looked back at Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike, “this is certainly turning out to be an active day. Dealing with your panic attacks and sudden mana depletion, visiting aliens and visiting with the Princesses.”

Fluttershy dragged a hoof around in a circle and whispered, “I hope this alien is nice.”

“He is,” Twilight replied, just catching what the shy pegasus said, “Though ... he’s a little odd. Not as odd as Pinkie, though.”

“He’s really cool!” Spike piped up, his eyes brightening, “He told me all sorts of things about weapons, armor, and about knights!”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile while Rarity gave a giggle, “This alien taught you about knights, did he? Did he teach you how to act like one, too?”

Spike’s grin fell a little but replied, “Well, no. Though he did say that some knights weren’t very chivalrous.”

He continued to talk about what he learned from the human as both he and Rarity went off to follow after the other mares, leaving Twilight being the only one in her library treehouse.

She turned to look at the now open and read scroll on the floor and gave a long sigh. While she didn’t mess up as much as Princess Luna had, she still had failed in her responsibility to keep the human’s existence a secret.

And despite how much support she had from her friends, Twilight still remembered the scary face her mentor had, and mentally prayed that Princess Celestia wouldn’t look at her with the same or worse expression.

Dread growing, she trotted off to follow her friends, preparing herself to face either the music, steeling herself for a trip to the moon or anything else which might be worse.

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For once, the Day Court was a relaxing lull from all the events that had happened that morning. It gave Celestia time to consider what to do about Twilight and her friends, now that she had gone through with the plan of bringing them here.

She had a few thoughts about doubling back on it and trying something else.

Ok, a little more than few ... .

Alright, a lot of times.

Celestia had been worrying that she was too hasty in bringing Twilight here again, not to mention including Twilight’s friends in order to contain the secret from getting out. Perhaps she should have gone to them? Should she have wip--

No. Celestia immediately shook her head and gave a forceful stomp with a hoof, before quickly apologizing to one noble during her presentation of repealing a small law, Luna looking at her with some concern. As the noble relaxed a little and hurried up a little, misinterpreting Celestia’s action as subtle impatience, Princess Celestia resumed with her response to that one suggestion.

There was no way she would ever do that to her own student, let alone to anypony. Using magic to purge memories was an affront that she would never accept. She would never look at herself in the mirror if she did. Maintaining a secret at such a level may seem reasonable to use memory wiping, but to do that to a young mare, her own student no less, as well as an infant dragon?

If and when that secret is found out, there would be blood.

No, there had to be better ways.’ Celestia thought resolutely as the noblesmare left.

When the throne room was empty, Luna looked over and asked, “Is something the matter, sister? Thou nearly terrified Fortuna.”

Princess Celestia snapped out of her thoughts and replied a little quickly, “N-no, Lulu. Nothing’s wrong. Just in thought.”

“Over how to deal with Twilight and her friends, apparently,” Rising’s voice called down.

Celestia hid her pout under her mane as Luna looked up and called back, “And how doth thou knowest this from up there? Art thou to say thine eyes can see through material?”

“No.” Rising replied, before the sound of a small groan and rusting was heard up there before his voice came back, “It’s because we’re bored enough.”

“Thou art immortal, thou hath seen many events in thine life, events which no other carnal being hath witnessed and thou darest to claim thyself ‘bored!’” Princess Luna exclaimed in astoundment, enough to trot off her seat and turn around fully, lighting her horn and lifting the curtains above to reveal an upside down Rising, his mane spilling out a little over the edge, “while attending a Day Court in the royal throne room in a land of magical creatures thou hath ne’er met nor heard of?”

“While attending a daily meeting of nobles expecting their own rulers to kowtow to their selfish whims.” Rising countered.

Princess Luna tried to give a counter to his statement, but failed to find the words. With frustration, she tugged the curtains over him, trying to get the fabric to slap him. She didn’t know if she succeeded or not, but simply sat back down onto her seat while Celestia chided, “The nobles have enough sense outside of their own ego to know not to demand such thing, Rising.”

“Greed isn't inanimate, Princess.” Rising returned, “It is not something that simply exists without action and temptation. It is all too much like a poison, corrupting a little at a time. It's also an addiction, inflaming and teasing at the desires of the self.”

“I assure you, the nobles can retain themselves to remember who sits upon the throne and whom does not.”

“Your faith in your nobles is touching, but we warrant that more often than not, you have had to either completely refuse, or have had your 'noble's' proposition revised to exclude whatever loopholes or monetary benefits beyond what is required for what has been proposed.”

“Which is why my guards are present throughout Equestria,” Celestia stated firmly, going as far as getting up and looking at him, curtain pulled back again, “My guards and the local guardsponies are as far as Vanhoover and Manehattan, and they are more loyal to my word than anything a noble could dare bribe them with.”

“Outside of their or their families lives,” Rising said as he rolled over and placed both hooves hang over the edge, “either by the quality of their living or direct threat.”

“Rising, you are forgetting that this land is no longer akin to the land you have lived in before.” Celestia said loudly, bringing a hoof down hard, “Yes, greed is still present, but it does not have the same drive with which you are familiar with. I’ve lived and ruled this throne for almost two millennia and I know a pony well enough to see their intentions well enough, and not once have they ever considered undermining my authority for anything. And when Luna returned, it only proved the idea of going against us as alicorns and diarchs is the most counterproductive action the nobles could do.”

He didn’t immediately argue, as he and the Legion had been noticing the same. Before they had gone into stone and slept all those millennia away, greed was exactly as he had told the Princess, it was alive and parasitic, spreading to and fro at a frightening pace when motivated.

But here, it was just an adjective term, barely lingering with little sentience amongst the ponies, easily shaken off with the right push and motivation.

With the death and destruction of the Fallen and their influences, the driving force of Seven Sins had gone stagnant. While still present and still capable of festering into the new inhabitants, it wasn’t powerful unless the infected being divulged themselves further into the temptations.

“It maybe not the same land as we know before, but the choices are still present, whether you know it or not.” Rising said after a moment.

“Am I to not trust and hold paranoia over every pony that I come across of? For fearing either my life, my rule or my sister’s life for the paranoid thought that every pony would take advantage of in blackmail to force my hoof to despicable whims? Are you to have me believe my own sister would choose to start again, except this time with little regret?!” Princess Celestia demanded, now angry at Rising. When she gave reference to Luna’s retaliation a millenia ago, Luna immediately winced.

“Whether you live in paranoia or not is not our call, nor our advice,” Rising countered, frowning and his eyebrows furrowing, “what we take exception, Princess. Is your naivety in to trusting blindly. When one is given a choice of what to do with themselves and has the will to do what it takes, it is better to understand that anything can happen.”

“And I’m taking exception to you being determined to see the worst in anypony!” Celestia retaliated, her voice now rising, her ears swiveling back, “What is the point of making and creating trust and fellowship if you’re only going to push others away and hold a knife in your other hoof?!”

“The same reason you would rather walk into a hungry lions’ den, without the slightest expectation that things could go wrong, and the steps to ensure that if what can go wrong does go wrong, you would have a plan to bring yourself out of harm’s way.” Rising returned, his voice raised but not as loud as Celestia’s.

“For what reason should I? War hasn’t happened or occured to Equestria since the Disappearance of the Crystal Empire!” Celestia was now yelling, and was briefly considering using her long unused Canterlot Voice.

“Enough with thine arguments!” Luna protested loudly, her earlier anger rising again, “Hath thou forgotten we are still in the midst of Day Court procedures? Thou hath reasoned and lad'ned with logic with both o’ thine views! We hereby demand a compromise for ye both. Rising, for thee we do propose tha' ye shall not expect enmity regarding Equestria's nobility and their relationship with the laypony. Celestia, for thee we do propose that thou acknowledge that not everypony has the interest of others before their own self-interest and that ambition can be wielded with selfish intents just as easily as it can be wielded with noble intents.”

Princess Celestia flinched back slightly, her eyes widening as she forgot, while Rising fell silent. His eyes still narrowed. Thankfully and gratefully, during their argument, none of the nobles and petitioners had entered the throne room as they were still waiting outside the doors.

Whether they had heard Celestia and Rising, was unclear.

Princess Luna stared hard at her elder sister, both with unamusement and vented frustration. Celestia refused to look at Luna in the eyes, her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment at being told off and having her own sister settle an impromptu argument similar to an argument between two ponies she had to settle and intervene a year or so before Luna returned.

Princess Celestia quickly let go of the curtains, hiding Rising once more before stepping back onto her throne, calling, “S-send in the next petitioner!”

Said next petitioner was decidedly clear in their intentions, with an incredible amount of sugar coating, and stood stock still throughout their presentation.

Chapter Seven (Fixed)

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Chapter Seven: Cheerful Misfortune

Twilight’s confidence was at an all-time low, with the Canterlot Castle’s gate passing under the chariot she and her friends were flying in.

The only thing that kept her from panicking and bolting was that her friends were with her and that the guards which were escorting them off the chariot and to the Princesses weren’t crowding around them.

As Twilight sulked and dreaded what was to come, her five friends continued to talk about the human, with Spike riding on his sister’s back.

“Psh, he sounds more like a pushover.” Rainbow scoffed, “Preeetty sure he’s nothing compared to the incredible Rainbow Dash!” She gave a few loops in the air as she boasted.

“Nuh uh!” Spike protested, “This guy could handle the Night Guards! And he said he sparred with the Royal Guard’s Captain!”

“So?” The technicolor mare countered, flying up close to Spike’s face and touching noses, “How’s that supposed to make him better than me?”

“They’re trained guards?” Spike replied, flinching back at the sudden closeness.

“Well, they’ve never gone up against Nightmare Moon, before have they?” Rainbow backed off a little, but still gave a smug smile as she crossed her hooves, “Yeah they aren’t much.”

The Royal Guards that were escorting them remained silent though privately disapproving of Rainbow’s clearly low opinion of them as a military institution, but the few that were there couldn’t hide the unhappy frowns as the group continued on their way to the throne room. One of which muttered, “And we can tell the Wonderbolts who’s unsuitable for their team.”

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash caught what the guard said and confronted him, “What’d you just say?!”

The guard met her challenge and said, “I said I could tell the Wonderbolts who’s not suitable to join their team!”

“Oh yeah? Says who, tough guy?”

Another guard immediately stepped in between the two arguing ponies and said roughly, “The one who’s trying to do his job, rather than argue with somepony who occasionally does her job, whereas the guards work twenty-four seven.” The stallion immediately turned on the other guard, who flinched backward a little, “And the one who’s about to assign somepony to latrine duty.”

Rainbow was about to start turning on the other guard before Applejack reined her in with a quick lasso around Rainbow’s barrel, “Settle down now, Dash. Les’ not start rough-housin' with the guards.”

“Pff,” the pegasus scoffed, pulling back a little on the rope around her, “I bet I could take ‘em!”

“Applejack has a point, darling,” Rarity commented, “Just because they didn’t do much when that ghastly villain Nightmare Moon arrived doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable. And it would be exceedingly barbaric of us to start fights in the middle of the Princess’ Castle.”

The technicolor mare gave a pout as she was released from her restraint and followed the group.

When the group turned the corner that led straight to the throne room, they were stopped by a small line of five petitioners, who were muttering to themselves and exhibiting signs of slight nervousness, their eyes occasionally looking toward the door.

Twilight halted and gave an expression of confusion, as the seven friends stopped at the end of the line to wait their turn to see the Princesses along with the other petitioners.

“I suppose we arrived just at the wrong time if the Princesses are still undergoing their royal duties.” Rarity surmised, resulting in some of the mares finding a comfortable spot to sit and wait while the Royal Guards that were escorting them moved up toward the front of the line.

Twilight looked around before trotting to one stallion, a fancy dressed noble, and asked, “Excuse me, sir?”

When the noblestallion turned and looked at her, Twilight asked politely, “Could I ask what’s going on? Why is everypony acting so nervous?”

The stallion looked back and raised a hoof and replied in a conspiratorial whisper, which made Twilight blink in surprise before leaning in closer to hear, “It’s because an argument was heard from behind the doors.”

“What?” Twilight nearly yelled, but reigned herself in enough to an indoor voice, “With who?”

“Clearly,” The stallion stated, his chest puffing out a little in typical pompous fashion, “it was between Princess Celestia and another pony, though nopony here knows who he is or where he is from, but it was a stallion’s voice and it may be this new stranger Princess Celestia has been hiding from us for quite some time now.”

Before Twilight said anything, one of the guards that had gone to the door returned and addressed her, “The Princesses will see you and the other members of your party immediately.”

The noblestallion immediately sputtered in protest as he watched Twilight and the other mares as well as Spike, who was accompanying Twilight follow suit and walked around the small line of ponies who had been waiting longer than them.

Each of the petitioners made sure to give an unhappy glare at the mares as they passed, which made Fluttershy and Twilight wince, not liking the animosity directed toward them and they lowered their heads down, not wanting to see the glares of the ponies who had waited in their queue to petition the princess as they were passed by.

Unbeknownst to every pony in the hall, one guard’s horn quickly flashed green and executed a strong mental suggestion to the Royal Guard that was escorting the six mares and one baby dragon to the door, taking the affected guard’s place and dismissing him to return to his post at the door. He silently opened the door and followed them in, drifting a little behind them as they approached the thrones where both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were sitting.

Twilight flinched as she noticed the look of resentment her mentor had, though she could tell it wasn’t directed at Twilight nor Luna. It still brought up unpleasant memories of when Celestia would look upon her with disappointment.

The look quickly went away as Princess Celestia looked at her and her friends as she said, “It is good to see you again, my student. And you all as well, my little ponies.”

While the six mares gave their respectful bows, the Royal Guard that had escorted them in took position nearby the door, though carefully moving his head so that he could see what was going on more easily.

Twilight was about to speak first, but was immediately interrupted by Rainbow Dash, who quickly flapped up a little off the ground, though she did not fly towards the Princesses, and asked, “So where’s this alien of yours?”

Rainbow!” Applejack cried out, incensed at her friend’s brash rudeness towards the princess, unhappy that her friend was more than being pushy about seeing the human than she had been even about her qualifications to join an exemplary team like the Wonderbolts.

“What?!” Rainbow protested, “Who wouldn’t be eager to hear and learn about an alien and that it's here in Canterlot?”

Applejack began arguing with Rainbow about talking disrespectfully to the Princesses, while Twilight facehoofed again as Princess Celestia commented, “I did receive your letter about your ... indiscretions regarding highly confidential State secrets.”

This sent Twilight from annoyed at Rainbow’s antics to panic as she sputtered, ‘P-Princess Celestia, I’m so, so, so sorry! We tried to keep it a secret but—”

She was silenced with a raised hoof, “Twilight, I’m not angry at you, or Spike. If anything, it was unfortunate that it was prematurely revealed.” Princess Celestia’s horn lit up and Spike was levitated off his sister’s back, which made him squirm a little before being set down between the mares and the Princesses, “However, I won’t say that I am not disappointed in you, Spike.”

The baby dragon flinched as the Princess continued, admonishing the dragon gently, “You and your sister were trusted to keep our guest’s presence secret until after his formal introduction to Equestria. Though Twilight was able to keep it somewhat secret, you didn’t.”

She looked over to Twilight and said, “As his adopted sibling and his caretaker, Twilight, I recommend that you should suspend Spike from accessing his comics and gems, at least for a few months, and I will have to send a few guards to watch over him for him to understand how serious and important it is, and how serious this is to not reveal something that may cause panic and chaos, and that what he revealed could have instigated a great deal of conflict and issues from our neighboring kingdoms. This kind of secret could lead to our neighbors declaring war upon us and with that war, all of the deaths which accompanies a war.”

Spike immediately gasped, bringing an arm up close to his mouth and recoiled as if he was just struck hard across the face while Twilight asked, “A-and what about me, Princess Celestia?”

Both Princesses Luna and Celestia exchanged looks with each other before Luna replied, “We doth not think thou shouldst endure punishment for what was not thine fault completely. The true fault lies upon us for bringing you here and revealing him to you. Though thine adopted brother didst reveal, tis only small and not as catastrophic as it could hath been. Perhaps we shouldst be thankful that ‘tis only thine fellow bearers that hath learned.”

Twilight looked as if she was about to protest, but Rarity stopped her, “Twilight, I really do think you shouldn’t take their magnanimity for nothing, darling. If they say they are not blaming you, then you really shouldn’t take that lightly.”

It didn’t seem to convince Twilight, but she sighed and gave a meek nod. All the while, Spike was silently mourning and comically crying over his loss, while Pinkie gave a few comforting pats on his shoulder saying, “At least you’re not getting blacklisted, Spikey.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued to argue while Pinkie left Spike and said eagerly, “So when do we get to see him?”

Celestia and Luna gave quick looks before Celestia stated, “I’m still unsure whether to let you mares see our visitor, or if he even wants to see you all.”

“Tis surprising he hath not spoken up for himself by now,” Luna muttered, giving a quick glance up.

Pinkie followed Princess Luna’s glance and squealed, “Ooooooh! He’s hidden in a secret place! That’s so spy-ish! Almost like double-oh-seven stuff! Is he like a spy? I know a few spies but they weren’t all these cool spies like the others, they had all these silly little bland hidey-holes that—”

The pink Earth Pony was shortly tuned out as she started going off into a rant, leaving only Fluttershy not doing or saying anything as she was sitting flat on the floor, hiding behind her long mane.

Princess Celestia smiled, though it looked awkward and forced, “Please keep in mind that our visitor comes from a world and culture that is very much different than ours. Not only will his appearance be unlike anything you are likely expecting, but how he thinks and perceives the world will be greatly different than how a native pony of our current era thinks and perceives the world.”

Princess Luna increased her speaking volume so that their hidden guest could plainly hear her, even though he was likely listening to all of the conversations taking place quite easily, “Wilt thou cease thy airs o’ being a strange jackanapes and shew thyself before our comrades and champions, or shalt thy add rudeness upon insult?”

A masculine voice echoed throughout the chamber, while sounding familiar to Twilight, “Jackanapes, Princess Luna? Thou wouldst insult us so? Whyfore ought we obey thy missives when thy rudeness precedes thee? However, that thine comrades and champions not think us to perpetuate thy rudeness with like, we shall deign to show ourselves afore them. Know of a surety ‘tis not due to any missive thine rude and sharp tongue has issued.”

Princess Luna smirked wryly and rolled her eyes at their visitor’s theatrics and muttered, “Stallions,” in a tone of amusement.

“Snark at us and we’ll be inclined to return it, Princess,” the male voice countered, before the curtains above the royal thrones billowed out before parting. A large form flew out from the curtains before gliding gently down to the right of the gathered Bearers, flapping hard once before nearly landing on all four hooves.

Twilight stared at the newcomer in awe as she realized what had appeared was an Alicorn stallion, through his mane and tail didn’t billow or wave about much like Princess Celestia’s and only recently had Princess Luna’s manes begun to billow and wave in the same manner as Celestia’s mane.

The others were in similar states of awe and stunned expressions, with Rarity staring at the stallion with stars in her eyes at the color combination and regal stance he landed in. Rainbow Dash and Applejack both had their jaws drop, and Fluttershy gave a quiet squeak.

Pinkie was being Pinkie when she encountered strangers, surprised and immediately running through ideas of a surprise “Met a stranger” party.

The stallion took a measured step and nearly stumbled, ruining whatever moment he had in revealing himself to the Element Bearers.

Princess Celestia gave a small giggle, “Still unsteady on your hooves?”

“A day’s worth of practice does not equal a lifetime of experience, Princess.” The stallion replied, giving an expectant look all the while.

Rainbow quickly picked up her jaw and gave a small snerk, “Way to ruin the awesome entrance, dude.”

It was then that Twilight recognized his voice and said, “W-wuh? Is that really you?”

“Twi? You know this here stallion?” Applejack asked.

“Well, yes. Though ... why are you a stallion, an ...” Twilight’s eyes widened as the realization hit her. In front of her was an alicorn stallion. An Alicorn. Stallion.

“And we’ve lost Twilight.” The stallion commented, “Are alicorn stallions that unheard of, Princess?”

“You have asked this before, Rising, and the answer still remains the same.” Princess Celestia replied, chiding him.

“Only asking to make sure.” Rising said as he slowly, and carefully, stepped closer to the Element Bearers.

“Wait,” Twilight stated as she came back from her shock, “when Spike and I first met you, you were human, so does that mean ...”

“We did indeed accept the Princesses' offer in the terms of entering Equestria, though ... there were some ... slight complications neither of us expected.” Rising replied as he stopped half-step to correct one of his hooves, which had stepped a little too far from his body.

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but comment, eyebrow raised, “Unintentionally becoming an alicorn stallion is a ”slight complication”?”

“We could try the spell again, as we know a way to undo our physical form, but it’s more than likely, we’ll end up with the same result,” Rising replied, turning his head towards her, “Let’s not go around the mountain, only to end up back at the beginning.”

“Sagacious art thine words and fill’d with wisdom,” Princess Luna retorted.

Some would question that, One of the many voices called within Rising’s mind.

The conversation started to confuse the other mares except for Twilight and Spike, as Applejack asked, “So ... if this isn’ wha’ yer stallion friend looks like Twi’, then whu’d he look like before?”

Twilight bit back her quickly made retort to her friend’s stallionfriend comment as she knew that Applejack didn’t mean it in that way, though it did cause her to pause a few seconds before responding, “Do any of you mares know what a human looks like?”

Both Fluttershy, Rarity shook their heads in slight confusion while Applejack asked, her head tilting a little, “Them ol’ folktales? Granny Smith always said them stories are jus’ that.”

Rainbow gave a small shrug, “Gil’s told me a lil’ about it, but she just says they’re dumb old stories her grandpa kept telling her.”

Only Pinkie gave a form of agreement, as she bounced up and down, “Oh yeah! I know about them! They’ll be focused on by a movie-not-so-movie-sorta-movie and another movie-not-movie-sorta-movie, though both of them are not gonna be liked very much because ponies are soooo much better and the characters there look waaay too thin for parents to like and Faust herself didn’t really like them much so she stepped away from that.”

Everypony except Rising failed to understand what the pink Earth Pony had just said, as the stallion gave a subtle, backward jerk with his head in surprise. Though Rising hadn’t heard of this Faust, he had heard of movies where parents complained about, fanbases of certain franchises complained about, and sometimes even someone of importance in a franchise complained and left.

But this world and the technology he had been told Equestria had wasn’t even remotely close to possessing such a conundrum! ... How would this pony know anything about it?

He didn’t pursue the pink pony’s answer as Twilight said, “Riiight. Ok, so you know the Minotaurs? Two-legged, muscular upper body, five-fingered hands instead of hooves or claws?” When the other mares nodded in agreement, Twilight continued, “Well, think of humans similar to that, except their entire body is hairless except the top of their heads, and their hooves are similar to their hands but more wedge-shaped, the ‘fingers are short and stunted-looking and there is no opposable thumb on the ‘hooves’ and a bony skeletal structure which is overlaid with muscles and flesh instead of keratin.”

When Rainbow Dash and Applejack frowned in confusion, Twilight quickly added, “They’re what our hooves are made out of, a hard form of protein.” This made the two mares give slightly perturbed expressions as she returned to her point, “Anyway, the stallion here--”

“Our name, Twilight, is Rising Dawn, as we annunciated ourselves soon after transforming,” Rising interrupted Twilight.

Twilight froze upon hearing the previously unnamed human had suddenly chosen an Advent Mark Name.

The other ponies looked at each other as Twilight stood completely still aside from the little eye tic which indicated that she was upset or irritated about something.

Rising looked somewhat confusedly at Twilight and the nervous glances the other ponies were giving both Twilight and himself, "Did we miss something?”

Twilight zoomed up to Rising and placed both forehooves on his chest, with her eye tic still occurring, "You gave yourself an Advent Mark Name without any formal announcement or celebration to acknowledge your new name!?"

“A ... what?” Rising asked and raised an eyebrow expressing his blatant confusion.

Behind Rising, both Celestia and Luna quickly looked at each other with worried looks. During their time with Rising, both in human and in equine form, they had completely forgotten to tell Rising about a few of their more important parts of their Equestrian culture, some of which was contained in the library ... which he was still currently under ban as punishment from his incident with Captain Shining Armor ... .

It took exercising her self-control for Princess Celestia not to give a pitiful grimace in front of her student and friends.

Twilight immediately went into a rant, “An Advent Mark is both a rite of passage from foalhood into adulthood, but the law also recognizes the pony who has taken on an Advent Mark Name as a legal adult with all of the rights and responsibilities thereof.” Twilight explained, her mane now looking just a tiny bit frazzled, along with the twitchy eye, “This is why primary schooling contains only those who either do not have a mark, or their mark was so recently acquired that they have not performed the proper procedures to graduate from their primary school.”

“Then, we are to understand that this is an important and extremely significant event in the life of a pony?” Rising inquired, his brow furrowing but still looking as though he hasn’t fully grasped the social and legal significance of this Advent Mark Naming ceremony or process.

It is one of the most important events in anypony’s life! It isn’t something to be treated as casually as talking to other ponies about the weather today! It is a major social and legal milestone in the life of anypony who has attained their Advent Mark! It’s something that friends and families celebrate once a pony has been inspired to choose a name appropriate to the Advent Mark they attain! There’s not only a formal ceremony which is performed once a pony has chosen a new name, but there are also formal celebrations which are held afterward so that both friends and families might celebrate with the newly Advent Marked pony in this important milestone of their life’s journey!” Twilight shouted, her tone of frustration in her voice as she paced back and forth while informing Rising on this important aspect of pony culture.

“Almost all our friends, and all of our family have long since passed away, we are still unknown to the world at large, and we are collectively old enough to be considered your ancient ancestor had we been born a pony, the petrification not counting.” Rising pointed out with a deadpan.

Twilight’s retort quickly fell silent as the other mares stared at Rising in shocked concern. Twilight quickly apologized with her head down, “S-sorry. I-its ... it just really rubs against our culture to learn of a pony who didn’t hold an Advent Naming Ceremony, or the Advent Naming Celebration, or as the popular slang calls it, ‘cutie~cenara.’ It’s ... a really big shock.” Twilight looked to her other friends for confirmation about being shocked about Rising’s casual treatment of such an important cultural life event for anypony who has gotten their Advent Mark, alongside his announcement that his family and friends were no longer alive.

“F-for instance, there is a mare in Ponyville who, as a pre-Advent Marked filly, went by the name of Sweetie Drops, but once she attained her Advent Mark, she chose the name Bon Bon for herself, and all legal documentation from that point forward recognized her as Bon Bon and not by her pre-Advent Mark name of Sweetie Drops. And as I said before, it also meant that legally she was recognized as an adult by Equestrian law. That means that she would be charged with any crimes as an adult, instead of the minor that she was. She is responsible for paying taxes, and could own property and being gainfully employed. There’s a lot of other things, but hopefully, you’ll get some understanding of the importance of the Advent Mark in anypony’s life.”

“Hmm ... “ Rising mused, pondering on everything which the purple unicorn previously prodigiously pronounced. “So what then? Should we hold this Advent Mark Naming Ceremony and Celebration now, or even at all? Should we do this when we reveal ourselves to Equestria as her prince and after the coronation ceremony, or perhaps before the coronation ceremony? As we’ve previously stated, we had chosen a pony-sounding name soon after the transformation.”

“If we may suggest,” Princess Luna chimed in, turning everypony’s heads to face her, including her sister. Luna quickly flinched at the sudden spotlight before continuing, having spent much of her rule and banishment alone and having little attention even before her ‘vacation’ to the moon, “p-perhaps we may have Rising’s Ceremony at his Coronation? As he is due for an official introduction to Equestria as a whole within two days.”

Celestia was quick to chime in, “A most splendid idea, Luna. Not only will it reduce having to send a second kingdom-wide announcement, but as many ponies will already be in attendance for the coronation ceremony, they’ll not only spread the word about Rising throughout our kingdom, but also feel especially honored that they were there in attendance for Rising’s pre-Advent Mark Naming ceremony and we can include Rising’s pre-Advent Mark Naming celebration with the celebration following his coronation! We’ll save on budgetary expenditures, we’ll already have the logistics and labor in place already, and we’ll save time by including the pre-Advent Mark ceremony and celebration on the same day as Rising’s introduction and coronation ceremony!”

Upon hearing the term ‘Mark’ for the uncounted time, Rising’s eyes blinked as he remembered a certain aspect of the ponies, and quickly swiveled his head around to face his own flank. His sudden action catching the other mares’ attentions and causing them to look over at his flank as well.

The result ended with the group staring at Rising’s blank, yet curiously toned, flank.

Twilight and Princess Celestia blinked a few times in shock while everypony else except Rising and Princess Luna stared at the apparently missing Cutie Mark with curious interest.

“Oh, Faust,” Rarity muttered, “Sweetie Belle and her friends will never give Ponyville peace if they hear of this ...”

“Perhaps thine talents are too broad to truly mark?” Princess Luna pondered, a hoof raised to her chin.

“We suppose that is a fine hypothesis to work from. … Unless you have other humans-turned-ponies we haven’t heard about?” Rising teased, which caused Luna to give a quick raspberry.

“Remind us not ‘t introduce ya’ll to Lyra Heartstrings, she’s more obsessed with human conspiracies than Twi’ is with her books.” Applejack commented.

“Hey!” Twilight cried out in objection. “It’s not an obsession! It’s passion! Passion!”

Various ponies could be heard snickering, announcing just what they thought of Twilight’s rebuttal.

“Also ... this is something we’ve been meaning to ask, but is it normal or socially proper for you ponies to be … ‘naked’?” Rising took a quick peek ‘back there,’ hoping that nothing untoward was showing, now that he no longer wore any pants. Though the afterlife held no meaning for clothing, Rising was in unfamiliar territory.

Most of the mares blushed, with Applejack and Rainbow Dash being the only two who didn’t blush.

“W-well, Rising, ponies generally only wear clothes for fancy occasions, dressing up as fictional characters, occupational roleplay, or important ponies of their historical period, or as a status symbol ... or if they’re going to engage in … err, ‘b-behind closed doors,’ kinds of activities,” Twilight blushed heavily and looked away, feeling embarrassed that she mentioned the latter openly. Fluttershy quickly hid behind her wings after her eyes shamefully roamed to a certain area, eliciting a soft and embarrassed ‘eep’ from her. Rarity’s face and neck was pretty heavily blushed and the prim and proper unicorn looked away in shameful embarrassment. Pinkie Pie was hard to tell if she was blushing, but pronked in place with an excited looking grin, likely due to seeing a stranger she had never seen before. Applejack simply continued to let her eyes roam over the ‘not hard on the eyes at all’ stallion and Rainbow Dash whistled appreciatively.

Once again by this assortment of reactions, Rising was dumbstruck by the situation why his transformation had given him an attracting appearance, and outwardly showed his discomfort by moving his rear legs closer to his body and finally figuring out how to quickly lower his tail. Rarely, if ever, had he or any of the others within the Legion given enough care about their appearance to worry about it.

It was not an often made decision to pretty themselves to make anyone’s heads turn, except for the few who stuck around long enough to fall in love and marriage, but that was just love and the need for close company talking.

But yet here they were, in the form of a stallion that clearly caused the mares to flush and ‘wolf’ whistle.

“You use clothes for sexual activities?” Rising hurriedly and bluntly put the question out, his aim to cause the mares to immediately quit looking at him.

Almost immediately, Rising felt and heard the Legion either staring at him in dumbstruck amazement or facepalming at his impulsive idiocy.

And there’s your proof.

... Du. Blöder. Idiot.

He was met with outstanding success, as everypony except Pinkie Pie immediately looked away and blushed heavily. Pinkie collapsed to the ground, giggling as if she was just told the funniest joke in the world.

Even the Princesses weren’t immune to Rising’s blunt question, as Celestia’s now reddened face proved it.

“Ye-uh ... y-yes,” Twilight stuttered as she lightly scuffed her right forehoof against the tiled flooring in a gesture of embarrassment. Her cheeks still flushed heavily and she looked away from the group, unwilling to show her ruddy embarrassment to those present.“Though i-its really not a-appropriate to talk about it in p-public ... R-Rarity would be far better suited to speak with regarding articles of clothing and the various roles they fulfill within our society. From reasons mundane and common to ... reasons exotic and uncommon.”

“D-dear, please do not put me onto the spotlight of such an inappropriate subject.” Rarity quietly protested, her voice slightly higher than usual.

The room fell into awkward silence as they lost track of their previous conversations, both with Rising naming himself without a proper pre-Advent Mark Naming ceremony or a celebration to celebrate the momentous occasion of being blessed with a name, however common or rare.

“S-so would you like for Rarity to answer your question, or should we move on to the next topic at hoof?” Twilight inquired of the newly minted alicorn stallion.

Rising, seeing that his blunt question had caused discomfiture amongst the group of mares present, and as he suffered criticism and jeering from the Legion, he frowned and turned his head away, refusing to lock eyes with anypony and said hesitantly, “Let's ... not discuss it any further.”

Twilight muttered in a tone of beleaguered exasperation before turning around to her friends and saying, “A-as I was saying b-before, Rising is ... was?” She turned again to look at Rising for confirmation.

“Though we did turn into a stallion, we still retain the mind and presence of a human being, and we have the ability to restore our original body.” Rising gladly corrected, happy to change topics. After noticing that she was still unsure about what was going on, he slowly stepped forward and said, “Perhaps we should take over in explaining?”

“N-no,” Twilight shook her head, recovering from earlier, “I know my friends a little more than you do, so I kinda know how to explain complicated concepts to them.”

Rising relented with a light snort as Twilight returned once more and said, “Well ... Rising used to be one of those humans before he was transformed. And as far as I’ve learned from him, humans were the first living beings before any of us.”

“Technically not true,” Rising interrupted once again, though there was a sly smile on his face this time around as Twilight started to get grumpy, “Though we were the first physically sapient living beings, we were not the first living beings.”

Though Twilight wasn’t very happy with Rising talking over her again! The thought about him saying that humans weren’t the first did give her another topic to ask the stallion.

But for now, she was glaring at him, waiting to see if he was going to interrupt one more time. As she waited, Rising simply looked at her with an innocent smile, which only served to infuriate her further before Twilight finally turned around and almost opened her mouth.

Before she immediately turned around and looked at Rising to check one more time. Still the same innocent smile, and he was still not talking before or over her.

Twilight turned back again slowly before saying, “And, Rising is the Ancient Warrior from the Tomb of the Ancient Warrior.”

“Th’ tomb of the what now?” Applejack asked, “Ain’t never heard of this “tomb” before.”

“Well, that’s because it’s an ancient site which was forgotten about a few years after it was discovered,” Twilight replied, “it was just a small room with unknown languages and pictures around the walls and on the back of a throne that had an armored bipedal statue. It was a pretty big discovery considering that it was so deep in Equestria’s territory. But after a while, everypony just lost interest because there wasn’t anything left to discover and nopony could figure out the text.”

“And you believe this stallion,” Rarity gave a small rotating hock to Rising, “is from this dusty old tomb nopony cares about anymore?”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but giggle, “Way to go reducing his pride, Twi’.”

“I fail to see how inhabiting a room filled with writing which has stumped the world’s best linguists for ages, and the artistry depicting important aspects of a culture which has become so legendary as to become part of our world’s mythology as ‘reducing his pride,’ Rainbow Dash. In fact, I should take great satisfaction, were I him, that these things are so,” Twilight replied hotly, “He is now the only pony in all of existence that could tell any of us what the writing translate—”

“Yeah yeah, whoop-de-doo, he can translate gibberish written on a wall,” Rainbow waved a hoof at Twilight, angering her even more.

“What Ah want t’ know is why Rising isn’t one of these ‘humans’ and now has the body of ’n alicorn stallion an’ why Twi’ and Spike wasn’ supposed to tell anypony that Rising was one of these ‘humans’?” Applejack queried, removing her stetson and scratching the back of her head as she attempted to make sense of the current events in which she found herself privy to. “I don’t know ‘bout ya’ll, but it jus’ seems dishonest to change who ya are, fer whatever reason.”

Rising turned to look at the Princesses, who had been watching the conversations in silence. When he and Princess Celestia locked eyes, she gave a tired sigh before giving a silent nod to him.

He blinked back at her before answering the farmpony, “As we’ve been informed with the Princesses, due to the mythical nature of humankind, more specifically amongst the Minotaurs and in a minor detail to the Griffons and Yaks, it was better to keep our origin a secret to prevent the two races from discovering that something from their mythology inhabited their world. I am given to understand that humans are portrayed in a rather negative way, which has thereby caused a culture of fear to be established regarding these humans of their mythology. They would likely demand that the Princesses prove their continued interest in continuing their good and beneficial relationship with them by either publicly executing us or turning us over to them, after which they would likely carry out their own execution of us due to Humanity’s poor representation in their mythology. As far as Princess Celestia explained to us and as we’ve learned, they seem to be the type that would rather spend all their resources dedicated to eradicating what they perceive as something to be feared, rather than learn the difference between myth and truth.”

“Woow! Talk about party poopers! They probably don’t realize the partying opportunities if they try to get rid of possible new friends! Ooh, ooh! We should totally send letters to these countries and invite them to a friendship school! Then their partying potential can increase and everypony will have fun!” Pinkie Pie pronounced while pronking in anticipatory glee of expanding her already considerable circle of friends.

She stopped pronking for a moment and put a hoof on her chin, “Weeeeeell, it won’t be as fun when Season Eight and episodes twenty-five and six comes around ... Oh well, we know how it all ends!” With that Pinkie returned to smiling and bounced up and down on the spot.

Rising stared at the pink pony in total confusion before looking over to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, only to be met with the two shrugging back at him.

Applejack chuckled and bumped her flank against his. “It’s jus’ Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Don’ think about how she does what she does too much pardner. As we have a sayin’ in Ponyville ‘if Pinkie's-a-twichin', ya’ll better listen.’”

Both Rising and Twilight turned to stare at Applejack before Twilight said, “I’ve no idea what you mean by that, Applejack. But I don’t believe that, there’s nothing that defies reason and logic. I may not know how Pinkie does it, but sooner or later, the mystery of Pinkie’s ability will be explained logically and rationally.”

“I believe we are getting off the topic of the reason for why we have summoned you, little ponies.” Princess Celestia interjected, gaining everypony’s attention.

Princess Celestia cleared her throat before continuing, “You see; I, and Equestria as a kingdom, would greatly appreciate you keeping the knowledge of Rising being a former human being a secret. For you see, our griffin, yak, and minotaur neighbors exhibit a terrible animosity towards these humans and their portrayal in each of their mythologies. The ... failure to do so may lead to our griffin, yak, and minotaur neighbors declaring war upon Equestria, for merely harboring a human and for either keeping his existence a secret from them or protecting them.”

The mares quickly recoiled at the mention of violence, whereas Fluttershy paled and seemingly shrank and Pinkie’s grin vanished, her normally poofy mane slowly deflating. Princess Celestia paused and looked at them with an expression of serious determination, matched with her sister’s own expression hardening, “Neither I nor Luna will not risk my subjects to be harmed because of something which could have been prevented. That is why I cannot stress enough to you all the importance of not telling anypony about Rising’s former form. It is ... also why I have made it so that anypony who tells another soul about Rising’s origin is to ... .”

She looked hesitant and uncomfortable in issuing such a terrible consequence, but after seeing assuring looks from her sister and from Rising, Princess Celestia forced the words out of her mouth, “Is to be charged with treason against the Kingdom of Equestria and treason against the Crown Royals, with all of the legal, social, and punitive consequences thereof.”

Her words impacted both the young mares and dragon as they felt the full weight of what Princess Celestia was saying, more so for Twilight. Now there was definite and serious proof to the young unicorn that if she slipped, there would be a great deal of consequences, beyond just disappointment from her mentor.

Rising decided to chime in, “This was why the Princesses offered to us to transform into a pony, because the alternative was banishing us from Equestria as a whole. Though we had offered a different alternative in solving our racial problems with them, your Princesses apparently wouldn’t be as welcoming for someone who ... ‘eliminated’ the problems rather than worked around them.”

Princess Celestia gave a quick and hot glare at the stallion as he gave the hesitating mention of genocide, though he paid little attention to her response before relaxing into an apologetic and gentle appearance, “I apologize, my little ponies, but the severity surrounding Rising and the mythology surrounding his kind demands severe actions. I must have your word and promise that you will agree and help keep this secret.”

Princess Luna gave a stiff nod, “E’en mine rebellion and return, in which you six hath saved and redeemed me, pales in comparison to the consequences which wouldst occur should this be revealed.”

The mares and dragon turned and looked at each other, clearly showing fear and unease at the thought of terrible consequences if they either failed or didn’t agree. Even Pinkie Pie wasn’t her cheery self anymore, as she was on her flanks and hunched over, her pink colors dulling into a dull grey pink and mane looking combed flat.

Twilight looked at her friends before giving a nod and trotting a little closer to the staircase that led to the Princesses, making the others stare at her as she placed a hoof over her chest.

Before Twilight was able to say anything, Pinkie Pie came up alongside her and said, “I know a promise that can help, Twi-Twi.”

The nickname threw Twilight’s focus off a little while Pinkie’s whispered words tickled her ears, causing her to giggle involuntarily and rotate her ears backward in an attempt to get the ticklish sensation to stop. “But that always hurts whenever I do that! Do we really have to?”

“Princess Celly needs to have complete confidence that this secret will be kept, Twilight. She’s even informed us of just how serious failing to keep it can be. Proclaim the Pinkie Promise, Twilight!” Pinkie requested of her friend.

Rising’s eyebrow immediately raised in curiosity, both in what the pink Earth Pony was talking about, as well as the nickname she made, “Celly?”

While Princess Celestia would’ve demanded Rising not to dare use it, she remained silent and waited for what Pinkie Pie was going on about.

Twilight sighed in defeated resignation before she then uttered an oath which she uttered with utmost sincerity, ever since she’d heard stories about Pinkie’s reaction to those who ended up breaking the Pinkie Promise. “Cross my heart, and hope to fly. And stick a cupcake in my eye. Ow!” Twilight exclaimed, still managing to somehow hurt her eye while performing the motions of her Pinkie promise.

Princess Luna looked towards her sister and then toward Rising, “Art this some modern oathmaking which hath arisen during our absence?”

“I do not know,” Celestia replied. “Twilight? Pinkie Pie? Would you two care to explain, er, this phrasing which you’ve uttered? I’m afraid we don’t understand what it is you’re trying to say.”

Pinkie’s appearance brightened and her mane quickly poofed up as she explained cheerfully, “Oh its the biggest and most important promise you can give to anypony! It’s sooooo important that nopony, and I mean nopony dares to not keep a Pinkie Promise! Isn’t that right, Applejack!?”

Applejack nodded, looking solemn, “‘S true! While Ah’ve never seen what happens if somepony breaks a Pinkie Promise, Ah’ve heard things which would send chills down yer spine! It’s why Ah haven’t broken any o’ mah Pinkie Promises. Ah reckon’ it’s easier to deal with keepin’ mah Pinkie Promises, than whatever Ah’d go through fer not keepin’ ‘em.”

“What happens if someone does break them?” Rising asked, curious as to how or why it seemed so serious to the young mares. He knew how children would consider promises greatly important, but to have a “pinkie promise” be so important that no one has broken them?

Applejack shivered and looked around, “Nopony knows. Ah don’ know what happens, but Ah figure it just ain’t worth whatever happens for breakin’ a Pinkie Promise.”

Pinkie immediately yelled, and suddenly appearing over Rising’s side, who gave a startled jolt over seeing her appear out of nowhere, “And breaking one is like breaking your friend’s trust, and if you break a friend’s trust, then you lose your friends,” She gave a very long and loud gasp before yelling, “Foreveeeer!!!

Rising blinked at Pinkie, “And ... what kind of ‘broken promises’ would be enough to shatter a pony’s friendship?” He and the Legion could only imagine what these ponies would have thought of the kinds of betrayals they had seen by the backstabbers, liars, and traitors that dotted throughout human history.

Pinkie Pie wrapped herself around Rising’s forelegs as twin fountains of tears gushed from her eyes. “Oh, Risey, it’s too terrible! Don’t become the kind of pony who becomes isolated and alone because of broken promises!” She put her head against his leg and continued, slightly muffled, “It just isn’t worth it!”

Rising’s expression hardened for a moment as he whispered, nearly growling as his eye colors started swirling again, “No. it isn’t ...”

“Then this Pinkie Promise art an oath of utmost earnestness?” Princess Luna queried, wishing to ensure she understood how serious a Pinkie Promise was.

“Yepper-ooni!” Pinkie replied, disappearing from Rising’s side and bouncing at the foot of the stairs, “Nopony gets away with breaking a Pinkie Promise!” She stopped bouncing and gave a serious and hard glare, raising a hoof and moved it in a straight line for emphasis, “No Pony!

With that, she continued bouncing happily, “I bet those Pinkie Promise breakers would have rather faced the legal consequences of breaking a Pinkie Promise, rather than the punishment they received for breaking their Pinkie Promise!”

“Then if everypony and dragon present swears by this Pinkie Promise, will the promise really be kept?” Princess Celestia inquired of the Element Bearers and of Spike, who was starting to realize just how serious keeping the secrets which Princess Celestia intended to be kept.

Frantic nods from each Element Bearer and Spike responded to Princess Celestia’s inquiry. “Hmm. Very well. Then I require that each pony who has not just made a Pinkie Promise, to make a Pinkie Promise to keep Rising’s origins a secret from anypony who is not presently gathered before us.”

An obedient chorus of ‘cross my heart, and hope to fly. And stick a cupcake in my eye!’ issued forth from each of the Element Bearers’ lips as well as Spike’s, excluding Twilight, who had already Pinkie Promised. Each of the promising mares and dragon followed the verbal promises with the motions required for the Pinkie Promise, though none of them accidentally hit their eyes as Twilight had.

A knock resounded from the rightmost door, “Come in,” Princess Celestia called, acknowledging the unspoken request for entrance to the room which the doors concealed. A page colt quickly entered and cantered over to the Element Bearers, passing along thin platinum cards embossed with an ornate hornwriting.

Princess Celestia explained to the confused mares, “Due to the nature of you having to meet with Rising, and as well as your status as Element Bearers and that the Elements of Harmony are safely kept within Canterlot Castle, I thought it would be better to give you all Royal Train Passes, giving you permission to board any train that travels to Canterlot. That way, none of you need to wait nor delay coming here on short notice. They should also allow you to return to Ponyville with a minimal fee.”

“Minimal fee?” Rising asked, curious as to why a Royalty given train pass would still require money to be spent.

“As much as I would wish to allow them free of any charge, some of the railroad managements had asked for more income, due to the increase in transportation by train and trolley in many of the major cities such as Manehatten, Baltimare, Vanhoover, Applewood and Las Pegasus, in addition to the railways reaching to every other city and town in Equestria. I had accepted to their askance and gave a slight increase and allow a minimum fee of five bits.” Princess Celestia easily explained.

“Oh thank goodness,” Rarity sighed as she accepted the pass, “You would not believe the crowds and lines in Manehatten.”

“Ah wouldn’ know,” Applejack commented, “Ah jus’ trotted there ‘n back as a filly.”

Most of the ponies gave a quick look of amazed curiosity to the farmpony, who looked around and asked, “What?”

“How do we know that this pinkie promise works?” Rising asked, trying to steer the conversation back onto more concerning topics, “Our kind had pinkie promises made by children, but even then they were not considered as serious as you seven make them out to be.”

“Oh, silly Risey!” Pinkie Pie replied, flopping a hoof at him, “Those aren’t Pinkie Promises, they’re mini-Pinkies! They’re just not as big and as important as a Pinkie Promise!”

Rising stared at the pink pony with bewilderment as Applejack simply replied, “‘Is jus’ Pinkie, Risin’, it’s jus’ how she is.”

“Of course ...” Rising muttered, unconvinced in the slightest.

“Happy Chinese New Years!” Pinkie cried, giving a wave in the direction of someone either unseen or nonexistent, as Rising glanced in the same direction as the pink pony.

Most of the ponies present were used to Pinkie’s odd antics and didn’t treat the odd outburst with any more attention than acknowledging that it had happened. Rising raised an eyebrow in query seeing nopony in the direction which Pinkie was waving. He lightly glimpsed into the supernatural and still didn’t see whomever Pinkie was wishing a ‘Happy Chinese New Year.’

Applejack looked between Pinkie and Rising before speaking up, “Like Ah said, it’s jus’ Pinkie bein’ Pinkie Pie. We might not un’nerstand why she does what she does, but it’s like Twilight says about magic. There was a time when natural disasters were attributed to them ‘divine beings.’”

“Which is why it irritates me when somepony uses some blanket claim like, ‘it’s magic,’ to explain something not currently understood by our logic and scientific understanding. Magic adheres to rules and logic. In fact, it would not be incorrect to claim that Magic—”

“Twi’?” Applejack quickly butted in, which did stop Twilight from continuing as she looked over at the farmpony, “Now’s not th’ time.”

Twilight gave a light groan at her friend before sighing and put a hoof to her head, “Well ... since we’re kind of over this whole mess, I may as well introduce you to my friends ... Rising.” She grumbled out his name, still angry and unhappy that he missed an important part of tradition of the Equestrian culture.

Rising snorted through his nose and closed his eyes, not really wanting to deal with Twilight’s attitude regarding steps in culture that he hadn’t known about, given that he had not grown up in the same culture that she and her friends had.

However, Princess Celestia was quicker to the initiative than he was.

“Twilight,” She stated gently.

Twilight turned to look and asked, “Yes, Princess Celestia?”

“Before we start the introductions, you need to know that circumstance and an unfortunate event had ended in preventing Rising from knowing and following most of our traditions and culture. There is still much that he still does not understand. Not too recently, we’ve had to calm him and explain to him how it was possible for us to raise and lower the sun and moon, as during his time they moved through the sky on their own rather than by our magic.”

“I ...” Twilight started to say before pausing and looked down.

After a moment, she looked back up and apologized, this time with remorse, “I’m sorry, Rising. I know that you’re a human who has transformed into a pony body ... . But I’ve never seen anything like you, and seeing you as a stallion, an alicorn at that, I forget that you don’t know our customs and social etiquettes, and ... well, learning that a pony has been Named, without any kind of proper ceremony or celebration taking place, it’s either unheard of or feels that it cheapens the celebration of being Named. Could you forgive me?”

Rising blinked in slight surprise, seeing at how quickly the unicorn went from disgruntled and moderately unhappy to looking deeply ashamed within one reminder from her mentor, “We forgive you. We only ask for your patience and understanding as we continue to learn and understand your society and its etiquettes.”

“In the meantime, Rising,” Princess Celestia said, causing the stallion to turn around, “I will be sending for a servant to fetch the proper books that can help you in learning the important parts of our culture. Hopefully, we will avoid problems such as this in the future.”

Now seemingly satisfied that she was forgiven and that all seemed well, Twilight brightened and quickly moved to introduce her friends to Rising, trying to wrap a hoof around them all in a hug, which they joined in and giving cheery smiles at Rising, “Soooo, these mares are the friends I’ve made during my time in Ponyville!”

“As we can see,” Rising commented in amusement.

Twilight began gesturing with her hoof over to each of her friends, starting first with Pinkie, “This is my friend Pinkie Pie-”

Pinkie zipped up in front of Rising fast enough to startle the stallion and lost balance, falling on his rump, “I’m so excited to meet a new friend! Will you be my friend, Risey? Ooh. I need to fill out your profiling report. What kinds of foods you like. What kinds of parties. What kind of music. What kind of party games! I can’t wait to learn more about you, Risey!”

Rising gave a half-hearted glare to the other giggling mares, as Twilight used her magic to help Rising back up off of the floor.

After he was stable on his hooves, Twilight continued to motion over to each of her friends, starting with Applejack, “The gamboge pony is my friend Applejack-”

“Err ... what’s gam-bow-gue, Twilight?” Applejack asked, completely thrown off by Twilight describing her.

“It’s a shade of orange, Darling,” Rarity explained, with a tone that clearly stated she was used to having ponies ask.

“Oh, well why not jus’ say orange ‘stead of a color tha’ most folk aren’t gonna get?” Applejack inquired.

Twilight gave an unhappy sigh, “Because I know what color your coat is, and I’d rather increase other ponies awareness of colors that aren’t the primary, secondary, or tertiary colors of the color wheel.”

Rising started smirking wryly at the banter between Twilight and her friends as both Celestia and Luna giggled at the exasperated look Twilight was wearing.

“Anyhoo,” Applejack said as she gave a polite one-legged bow to the stallion, “Is a pleasure to meetcha, sir! Sorry if yer feelin’ like a pony sinkin’ in quicksand if yer, er, a more private pony like Fluttershy an’ not th’ social butterfly like Pinkie is.”

“Accustomed is the better word for it,” Rising replied, then giving a slow, polite nod, “but it is a pleasure to have met you.”

“The white mare is my friend, Rarity, and the buttercup-yellow mare is my friend, Fluttershy, and last, but certainly not least, is the blue mare, my friend Rainbow Dash.”

“Well I must say, your coat is intriguing,” Rarity commented, looking over Rising’s appearance again, “I don’t suppose you had any hoof in what your appearance was during this, er ... transformation?”

He shook his head, “We had as much a hand in what happened as a butterfly is in a hurricane.”

“I suppose each has their own luck of the draw, then.” Rarity gave a quick, dramatic sigh as she trotted in a circle around the stallion, “Well I must say, and do forgive me for saying it so blatantly; you barely carry yourself with any poise or grace. Though, being so new to being a pony ...”

She fell silent as she continued to circle and study Rising with a critical eye as Rainbow Dash fluttered closer to his face and stared at him.

Rising took notice of the cyan pegasus and turned to meet her gaze and locked eyes with her, his own expression unimpressed by what he assumed was an attempt at looking tough.

The two continued their staring contest before Rising blew a puff of air at Rainbow, which made her blink first in reaction. When she recovered and rubbed her eyes with a leg, she glared at him hotly while he merely responded with a small, smug grin.

Rainbow gave an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture with her hoof before her tail was pulled on by Applejack, dragging her away from Rising’s face as Twilight added, “Rainbow’s mostly a hothead and the tomcolt mare among us, but she is as loyal as anypony comes.”

“Oh come on, Twi!” Rainbow Dash complained, waving her front hooves at her friend, flapping hard enough to slip out of Applejack’s grip on her tail, “You’re making me look bad! So not cool ...”

“... And she’s a bit of a showboat.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head, while Rainbow Dash hoof-faced and groaned.

“A showboater? Meaning she talks more out of her flank than back it up?” Rising asked with a smile, easily getting a rise out of the cyan pegasus.

The mare was very quick to answer, flying up and bumping her nose against his, “Hey! I can do more than you, that’s for sure! I bet you can't even use those wings of yours!” Rainbow bragged.

Rising took one look at the mare and said after matching her with an amused grin, "We bet we could."

Rainbow rose quickly on his words and demanded, "Then we're racing. First lap around Canterlot, and I bet I can win and beat that smug smile off your face."

"Go for it."

And with that, Rainbow took off leaving a trail of rainbow behind her, and nearly blew down the doors.

Rising however, elected to not move nor chase after her. In fact all he did was just watch the mare disappear, his amused expression never left him.

The younger mares looked at each other before Applejack asked, "Err. Aren't ya suppos' ta race her?"

Rising gave a shrug, "We just did. One lap around Canterlot? That would mean racing back here, wouldn't it?"

With that, Princess Celestia gave a groan of annoyance as she recognized what Rising had done while her sister matched the stallion's amusement.

The room fell silent for a little before Rarity asked, "I'd hate to be bringing a terrible question, but does Rainbow know her way out of the castle?"

Twilight and the other mares looked at each other in concern as in truth, none of them knew for sure that the pegasus did know her way out.

Rising gave a chuckle as he said, "And that is why and how we won her little race. If anything she'll return frustrated and tired and likely already convinced we had actually flown around and beat her at her own game."

Both Rarity and Applejack gave an unamused look at the stallion as Pinkie said, "That's just mean."

“I’m goin’ go after ‘er,” Applejack announced, before running after her friend.

Princess Celestia gave a sigh as she explained to the mares, “As I have said before, Rising comes from a very different time and era.”

“I ...” Twilight hesitated to say, “He has told me some of that, Princess.”

"I bet there were a lot of parties and lotsa fun from where he's from!" Pinkie bounced gleefully.

Both Spike and Twilight looked at each other with concern as Twilight tried to put it delicately, "Not ... entirely, Pinkie."

The pink mare gave a confused look before waving her friend off, "Naaah, I'm sure there was plenty of fun. I bet it's like Ponyville!"

Rising gave a wavering shrug with his body, still having difficulties with his new physical body, "Not entirely. Though, we've not seen this 'Ponyville' yet."

"And there wasn't as much 'fun' as I think you're interpreting it as." Twilight muttered, still somewhat disturbed over how Rising had briefly described human history.

Pinkie didn't seem convinced in the slightest as she asked in an almost too innocent tone that nearly made Rising want to ask if she did know but just wanted to hear him tell the fullest truth, "Well, come on! I'm sure there isn't anything really bad that happened outside of what we've went through or what the Princesses went through! It's not like Risey did a lot of bad things!"

It was tempting. It really was.

Despite that, Rising knew not to go all out and made it sound as if he and the Legion were psychopathic.

"We won't go into fullest details and we'll skip over quite a lot of context." Rising said, "But we've a lot of 'bad things', Pinkie Pie. Villages razed, kingdoms destroyed. We've even been a participant in the declination and extinction of an entire civilization during our earliest years. And that pales in comparison to what humanity has done to itself."

"But ya didn't like hurt anypony and ya regret doing all that, right?" Pinkie asked, nudging her ankle at one of Rising's legs, "And all the baddies were stopped, right?"

"No, we've done more than just hurt people, and there's a great number of our deeds we do not regret that did involve harming others." Rising stated, "Though some of them we are sorry that we had to."

"Wait wut?" Pinkie said with a confused look.

Rising began to explain as he gently pushed Pinkie aside, "We can understand that this world is young and innocent; As far as we've learned, Equestria hasn't experienced tragedy or criminal actions on levels that would appall us."

He looked over at the mares and gave a glimpse at the Princesses before speaking up, "Life in our world was unfair, harsh to the point of cruelty. The 'Baddies' as you term them were everywhere and could come from even the most sincere smile, even worse is that they could and usually would get away with everything they did, the only time they truly gotten justice or even a twisted mockery of it is only through their old age, medical issues and mental disorders established from old age, assassination or death itself. The good suffered and had to fight and become strong only to be overridden and deeds forgotten while those of ill intent thrived, lived richly and greedily and died while remembered in history."

The room fell silent as all the mares simply stared at Rising with fascinated horror, even Pinkie's hair started deflating at his words.

Rising gave a frown as he continued, "Such was the nature of our race's history. You were not given a peaceful life, you worked for it. It is never handed to you, and if someone had tried to do so, it only left you in a temporary state of limbo that could change in the blink of an eye, and more often than not someone else or a great number of people died in the past allowing you to have the ability to have that life. There would always be a life where you've treated someone else poorly and made yourself a villain to them, whether from childhood or during your remaining days as an adult."

The stallion heard doors opening but he didn't bother to pause or give attention to it, "Such was the state of the world, and it only progressively grew worse, even those who thought they were changing things for the better would find the harsh truth that they've only helped everything become worse. Hence why humanity is no more, and we've aided in its own annihilation."

None of the ponies spoke up, having to hear all that Rising told them of his own actions and the world that he summarized. It was an incredibly stark contrast to what they knew and lived through. And who could blame them? Though Rising hadn't lived long in Equestria or seen the height and depths of the new world around him, he and the Legion could tell and repeat the same message that was given to them again and again when the differences between humanity and Equestria showed up: This world knew so little of cruelty and darkness.

A familiar voice squeaked at Rising as he turned to face a relatively tired but nonetheless shocked Rainbow Dash, "But ... . Why?"

"Why what, specifically?"

"Why would you go an-and just do ... that to your own race?" The pegasus gesticulated.

"Why indeed." Rising said, "We could go on an ideological rant, or a religious sermon, make ourselves seem like loons. We could lie and say our involvement was minimal." After a bit of struggling with his hooves he was able to turn around and slowly trot in one direction and spoke up loudly, "We could tell you we followed a Lord who dreamed of world peace! When He actually planned salvation through the world's destruction. He gave a message that was clear, and with minimal mistranslation: "Follow me! I know how to have you survive in really complex ways that'd make you think you're in a science fantasy fiction! Or don't, and end up drowning with the sinking ship and into the void... ."

Rising stopped and turned to look at Rainbow Dash, "Would you really remain loyal to your own decaying and depraving race after seeing what they do, and all they cause? Even if someone told you that some of them would survive and you yourself could be among them, and see their future be brighter than ever before?"

The pegasus didn't have an answer. Though she definitely had one that she would've impulsively spoken if Rising hadn't added the second question.

Rising didn't stop there as he confronted her again, "Would you really insult and hate us for deciding where our loyalties were better served and result in greater rewards than what meager things humanity had to offer, Element Bearer of Loyalty?"

Again, the pegasus didn't have an answer. And it looked like his questions were affecting her particularly hard as Rising could swear he was hearing gears grinding and pulling Rainbow in two different directions.

Finally, Rainbow seemed to have had enough and took to the air and fled the throne room again, with Applejack giving a dull look at Rising before turning to fetch the mare again.

Everypony else didn't seem to have an immediate answer, not that the questions Rising pointed at Rainbow were directed towards them. Even Pinkie didn't seem to have the heart to say anything as she sat on her flanks with a depressed frown.

"It seems your time and era was far more different than even I initially thought, Rising Dawn." Princess Celestia said, breaking the silence as her voice broke Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity out of their own reveries. The shy pegasus looked down to Pinkie and skittered over to hug and comfort her, Rarity and Spike following suit.

"Is..." Twilight began tentatively, "Is it really what it was like for you?"

Rising stared at the unicorn for a few moments before saying, "In terms of summarizing without delving into details and complications ... . Yes."

The room fell into contemplative silence, with only small whispers coming from Rarity and Fluttershy helping Pinkie.

It would be several minutes before Fluttershy booped Pinkie on her nose, which brought the mare back some of her cheerful self before Rarity turned and spoke to Rising, “It has been … interesting getting to meet you, Rising. Though I am loathed to chat and run, a dear friend is now gone off again and has likely already exhausted herself. Though I do hope you do visit my Boutique in Ponyville within the future, as I may have something made for you there. Until next time, Darling,” She then trotted off to try and find wherever Rainbow and Applejack might have gotten off to.

"... Rarity is right.” Pinkie said, her expression still downcast, “I want everypony to laugh and smile and be able to play together. I want my friends to enjoy the life they have, and making them sad or upset is definitely not okay, Risey. I’m still your friend, but Rainbow needs her friends to be there for her right now. So I’ll see you later!” Pinkie turned around and trotted after Rarity.

Twilight watched her friends go before adding her own input, “They're right. What kind of friend would I be if I were not there for my friends when they may need or want me ... . I'm sorry that your life, or... lives, were difficult and hard. I still would like to hear more about the Human Era and your thoughts and experiences during it, but it’ll have to wait I suppose. Until we meet again, Rising,” Twilight reasoned. “C'mon, Spike.” Twilight turned around and after feeling the weight of her number one assistant on her back, galloped after her other friends in order to find Rainbow Dash.

‘If their era of peace has lasted as long as we’re beginning to understand, then it would explain much. This is an era of peace and not of bloodshed, violence, and war. But will not such peace lead to complacency and stagnation? Will it not lead to entropy and death? Or is such a thing merely a concern of humanity and is not an issue for those who inhabit this present era?’ Rising thought, as he impassively watched the seven depart in haste.

The three alicorns fell into silence as time passed before Rising inquired, turning his attention back to the two Equestrian princesses whose company he shared, “We do not suppose that there are any other ponies you wish for us to meet?”

Luna chuckled. “Ye soon art a Prince o’ Equestria and art th’ world’s sole alicorn stallion. We have every confidence that thine audience shalt be sought after, not only by Equestrian political figures and her ‘nobility,’ but her military figures, her citizens, and whatsoever visitor whom might desire to travel to see ye and mayhaps have whatever manner of discourse with ye. Ye can expect very little personal time if not f’r th’ efforts o’ th’ Royal Guard and th’ body’s need f’r slumber.”

“My sister, though her speech is rather archaic to this current era’s Equestrian linguistics, and soon to return to her modern language classes,” Princess Celestia paused to giggle at Luna’s rebuking raspberry, “She speaks the truth and from her own personal experience. But she has her strengths and matters of strength and of martial arts is a benefit to Equestria, her citizens, and her sister.” Celestia smiled and gave an appreciative nod toward her younger sister, who, in embarrassment, scuffed the ground with her forehoof and looked away from her adoring elder sister.

“So what happens now?” Rising inquired, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at the antics of Princess Luna, seeing her behave outside of the professional manner she usually exhibited during the times he had to secretly attend the day court with the Princesses.

“Now, the day simply continues and so too does the appointments both you and Luna have to further your education, both of that which is common knowledge among our citizenry, but of your civic, and political education as well. The time draws ever nearer to the moment when we shall make you known to Equestria and the greater world around her. Your name shall be, not only common knowledge, but also likely much thought upon once you are announced and coronated as a prince of Equestria,” Princess Celestia informed Rising.

“Well, if there is no other matters requiring our immediate attention, I do believe that we still have petitioners waiting to have their petitions made known and if possible, resolved,” Celestia announced.

“We’ll take our leave, then,” Rising said before taking flight in a canter with three full flaps, reaching the hidden alcove quickly, though he had to quickly nose and use his head to move aside the curtains before he would end up tangling up with or tearing a part of the curtains.

Once Celestia was confident that Rising was properly sequestered within the hidden room overlooking the Equestrian throne room, and correcting the few creased spots with her magic, Princess Luna addressed one of the Royal Guards within the room, “Please have Majordomo Forward Bastion resume his post and his duties for the remainder of this session of our conjoined Court.”

The guard nearest to the throne room doors opened one of the doors with his magic and briefly exited the room to execute the commands of his Commander-in-Chief.

Once again, and unbeknownst to everypony, the guard’s green magic flashed again, switching places with a different Royal Guard, subtly inputting directions that he had been given a few moments ago by the Princesses.

The switched guard turned and obediently trotted off to find and retrieve the Majordomo while the other watched for a little before trotting off in a different direction, disappearing around a corner and out of sight.

It would be a minute later, did a guard return with Majordomo Forward Bastion. The guard took his place by the door, all the while Forward Bastion taking his seat and returned to announce the name or names of the next petitioners as well as the reason for which the petitioners had sought an audience with the two Princesses.

“Presenting Viscount Trade Tariff with grievances regarding the modified trade draft regarding the taxation of incoming goods into Equestria!” Forward Bastion announced loudly as the two guards at the throne room doors employed their arcanokinesis to open the doors and admit the pony announced on the petitioner’s docket.

“Your Royal Highnesses,” The stallion stated humbly, giving a polite, but exaggerated bow before the Princesses before standing tall and continuing, “I have come to ask and beseech for you to restore the previously drafted version in which I submitted for your purview and approval! ...” Whatever else was heard outside of the throne room was lost to them as the throne room doors clanged shut, like the finality of the banging of a judge’s gavel when delivering judgment.

Chapter Eight (Fixed)

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Chapter Eight: A Slight Step Back

The Viscount’s tirade drifted from Rising’s attention as he mentally debated with himself and Those Within. Returning to the Tower of Eternity within the mental confines of his mind, he began to wonder if Princess Celestia would give him a Petitioner’s Court of his own, as he had heard that Princess Luna once held her own separate royal court before closing her Night Court in favor of co-ruling with her sister in the newly formed Conjoined Royal Court. Where he would have to share in their duty in dealing with the various petitions, from major to minor, petty to matters of the utmost national significance.

Of course, it’s possible to assign other ponies of minor authority to handle and deal with the less important issues. Such an idea could easily free a lot of time, instead of tirelessly hearing about somepony’s marital infidelity, or some merchant’s grievance with a shoplifter, or someone’s mother taking issue with somepony cursing in the hearing of their impressionable ‘little angel.’

To him, and through him some within the Legion within, it didn’t make much sense to have the highest political and legal authority in the land resolving everything, from petty issues such as noisy neighbors or arguments over the establishment and enforcement of private property lines.

If the princesses wish to run their royal court in the manner that they were, then, as some of the Legion reasoned with Rising, that was their decision.

But given the choice, it would be better to establish and employ minor judges, or even better Circuit Courts, if not several across the kingdom, in order to eliminate having to deal with the minor matters.

And it would certainly allow him to learn more about the Princesses, share what he knew and could bear to give to them, rather than stew out of sight or find little to do to forward the day. It would certainly give Princess Celestia more time to herself, as many of the Legion still took to displeasure at how she quite literally slaved herself away on a daily basis to ensure the comfort and care of her civilians.

Rising continued to consider and debate among the others about the whether tos and whyfors of what might be placed upon them, and ways to handle them, alongside certain discussions involving the constant caring and comforting of every aspect within the kingdom. Throughout it all, the talks and debates eventually caused Rising to give a long yawn, and closed his eyes ... .

The artificial ‘wind’ that blew through the Eternal Fields soon took dominance over his hearing, the ‘sun’ being as it always had been, there, gently warm, but never real. Even the grass itself never felt truly real, just barely above the artificial grass and turf that was used in replacement over the earth during humankind’s time, whether to hide the terrible soil that refused to grow anything but weeds, or to tame overgrown grass that spread as fast and as far as weeds themselves.

But just for once, in that one slight moment, that didn’t feel terrible.

And he drifted into sleep.


Rainbow Dash continued to fly through the air, still disturbed and confused at that stallion’s words.

What the buck was wrong with that guy?! What kind of pony talks about loyalty and adds it with obeying someone that willingly destroyed their own race?!

She hadn’t paid attention to the guards and nobles who still stood waiting for their turn. Blowing past their shock and complaints as she flew over their heads. As she continued to fly, Rainbow couldn’t stop thinking about what Rising had said about loyalty. She didn’t understand how he could question her understanding of what loyalty meant.

Wasn’t staying by somepony’s side no matter what popular opinion thought of the pony she was being loyal to, or the personal sacrifice required in order to help the pony she was being loyal to the correct kind of loyalty? Why would anypony be loyal to the kind of monstrous villain that would have their entire race destroyed? How could any pony be loyal to that kind of pony?

The technicolor mare continued to fly without thinking where she was going, taking turns and corners easily on instinct honed by her near-constant habit of flying while being aware of her surroundings for everything which might affect her safety in the sky. However, as she finally brought herself out of her thoughts and simply decided on just calling that stallion dumb, Rainbow looked left and right and realized she had absolutely no idea where she was within the castle.

She hadn’t lived nor visited Canterlot Castle much, or at all for that matter, but the mare figured she would’ve found the garden or an open area that led to open skies or something.

In fact, where in Tartarus was an open window? Or anypony? Rainbow would settle to scooch out of an open window to find out where she was!

Now grumbling and cursing her misfortune, Rainbow began flying again, hugging the side where the windows were fitted in the walls as to hope she’d find one that she could open or even better, find that line of stuck-up elitist self-entitled rich ponies.

Then came an even more unfortunate situation, as she felt a certain pressure below her stomach.

Now Rainbow was getting desperate about being lost, as now she had to find the little fillies’ room.

‘I really shouldn’tve drank all that cider before visiting Twi’!’ Rainbow groaned, her rear legs crossing to try and hold it, ‘N fact I should’ve gone before we left!!’

As she turned a corner where the windows shown one side of Canterlot Castle, specifically the the throne, with its expansive stained glass windows, Rainbow’s impatience grew before she finally snapped and decided to dive through the nearest door, taking to the idea of hopeful seclusion, and see if she couldn’t spot a plant.

What no pony will find in time to know who did it won’t hurt nopony, right?

Rainbow quickly looked through the room, not taking note about the room before seeing her lord and savior, a potted plant in a corner and away from any windows where somepony might peep.

She quickly poked her head out of the room to check left, right, up and out the windows before closing the doors and rushing straight for the plant.

A minute later, an embarrassed Rainbow Dash quickly flew out of the room and hurried down the hallway, once more on the hunt for somewhere that led outdoors.

Only to be met with an angry shout from behind her, causing Rainbow to immediately look back and saw that the same door she had left was now open again.

She didn’t wait to see who came out, as she bolted down the hall she was in, found a different door and flew inside.

Only to be met with a bright flash that blinded her and made her give a startled yell.


Twilight rejoined her friends as they eagerly ignored the once again startled, and now loudly grumbling nobles as the mares quickly trotted their way through and found Applejack after a few minutes of trotting about.

Even strangely, Pinkie Pie hadn't pronked about the entire time they left the throne room. She had been remarkably sullen and unhappy, though not enough that her hair had become flat and smooth, thanks to the efforts of Rarity and Fluttershy.

Twilight could just hear over their hooves echoing through the halls about some match against rams and patriots.

As they turned a few corners, with Twilight mentally mapping and remembering where they came from as she had to during her tutelage with Princess Celestia, and shelving Pinkie’s strangeness as her just being herself, Twilight finally stopped and called loudly, “Mares, wait.”

They quickly screeched to a halt on their hooves before Applejack complained, “What, Twi’? We ain’t gon find Dash stayin’ here like tree stumps.”

“That’s the problem, AJ.” Twilight replied, “ Canterlot Castle was built like a labyrinth, girls. We could run about the castle for a day and we’re as likely to find Rainbow flying about here as we are winning the Baltimare State Lottery.”

“Still doesn’t hurt to try and dream ...” Rarity muttered to herself, lamenting on one of her more foolish spendings.

“We’re better off either going back to Ponyville and waiting there for her to return, or ... go back to the throne room and wait with the Princesses there ...” Twilight said, hesitating on the last suggestion, recalling her friends unhappy reactions at the former-human’s words.

The other mares met her expectations by their various reactions. Pinkie was the first to react, which was losing her smile and her ears lowering, while Rarity and Applejack shifted uncomfortably and Fluttershy hunkering lower to the floor while giving a concerned frown.

“... Mares, I know that what he said wasn’t a very good thing to say, let alone appropriate nor contributive to how loyalty is supposed to be even in the same line as all that,” Twilight admitted, looking down to one side, her ears flattened, “But he does mean well, and he is somepony who’s not had anything like what we’ve had and enjoyed even before Princess Luna came back. He’s just ... different.”

None of the mares changed their dispositions, however Pinkie again was the first, this time speaking up, “Well ... I’m still not very okie-dokie with how he chased Dashie away. Buuuut, he is a friend, even if he wasn’t a very friendly friend ...”

Twilight didn’t have much to defend Rising from Pinkie’s remark, so she said nothing in response, looking down at the carpet.

“... Buuut,” Twilight’s ears perked up as she looked back at Pinkie Pie, “I suppose we could try again. I mean, if Risey was going to be a really really meanie weenie of a friend, he could’a done worse.”

“A fair point,” Rarity commented, “Though how soon might we expect the same thing to happen again from him? Respectful and wise as he acts, he didn’t act very remorseful for his words, and neither did he promise on not repeating his rather brutish statement.”

“More blunt th’n a hammer, too,” Applejack agreed, “Only thing that stopped me fr’m buckin’ him till next week fer what he said was ‘cause he’s a guest o’ the Princesses.”

“It still wouldn’t be friendly of us if we didn’t give another chance though, right?” Pinkie argued, “I mean, Princess Luna wasn’t very friendly when she was Queenie Meanie, right?”

“Pinkie, sweetie,” Rarity explained, “Princess Luna was a different situation, she wasn’t herself, nor aware of the consequences of what she was doing, and she was very repentant when we helped her. Rising, however, ruthlessly spoke of terrible things with a rather sound mind and as I said, he wasn’t very sorry for saying such things.”

“Still, Pinkie’s right.” Twilight said, gaining attention from her unconvinced friends, “Guest or not, he’s more out of touch than Princess Luna still is. The times and land he’s been in isn’t a very kind place at all, and even when I talked to him about some of the similarities between Equestria’s history and his race’s history, his was always much more brutal and harsher than ours. It’s likely it’s all he knows in who knows how long his life is. Maybe we can change him for the better?”

The three mares looked at each other as Twilight talked, considering and weighing their choices and options mentally. They remained silent after their friend asked her question for a while before Applejack gave a grumble before replying, “Ah’ll give him a shot, Twi. But Ah won’t like it. An’ Ah’ll at least promise Ah won’t say “Ah told ya so” if it don’t work.”

“I shall have to agree with Applejack, darling,” Rarity nodded, “As greatly as I am hesitant to try a second hoof at befriending that stallion ... . It wouldn’t be very generous to refuse a second chance.”

“We just need to show him there’s no need to remain as he is,” Twilight assured, gaining some agreement, though not a whole lot.

“So ...” Applejack drawled before asking, “About Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight blinked before realizing she had sidetracked out of finding their missing friend, “Oh right. Well, I think I had said that we were better off returning to the Princesses and wait for Rainbow to turn up there?”

“That is what y’all said before, Twilight.”

The mares began to turn around and trotted back where they had came from as Twilight replied, “Well, let’s get going and start waiting.”


Rainbow Dash’s yell shortly turned into a yelp as sight returned to her. She gave a startled look around, seeing that the room she had entered in a panic turned into a sort of small den, fit with a long and curved couch with a long, golden curtain surrounding the majority of the “den” and--

Rainbow Dash’s heart skipped a beat when she realized that there was something on the couch.

She froze with here eyes wide open once she realized that ‘something’ was Rising Dawn, curled and seemingly snoozing.

Rainbow would have yelled in surprise and shock, had she not heard a familiar call, “May the next partitioner enter!”

‘Oh buck! That’s Princess Celestia!’ Rainbow’s first thought blared through her mind.

The technicolor pegasus looked around for an exit where she didn’t get herself into trouble or attract the attention of either alicorns, getting as far as turning around and seeing an oddly painted and carved rune of sorts on the floor behind her when a very unfamiliar voice asked, “Takens a wrong turn haff you, kleines Pony?”

Rainbow instantly recoiled and shrank. Realizing she was discovered, she turned her head slowly, eyes still wide and teeth gritted.

Rising’s head was up and looking straight at her, with the same hard look he had given her during their last talk. But what struck her first when she locked eyes with him was that his eye color had completely changed.

What had been a sort of green color to her was now a sort of brownish color, which stayed as Rising blinked and asked again, his head moving up and to one side, “Or perhaps you’ve became lost and guessed randomly? Such terrible luck then, to haff circled back.”

“I ... uh ...” Rainbow stuttered, the shock of becoming aware of where she had ended up mixing in with the sudden change of voice and attitude from the stallion.

She started to think about leaving and her eyes darted to the odd looking rune, if that was what brought her here in the first place when Rising waved a hoof, lazily calling, “Nein, I see your eyes looking at zie portal. And you may has well stay und vait wiff us. You und your friends vould wander zie castle for a week if you get lost yet again. How the Princesses haffen’t made zie map of zis castle iz beyond me.”

“I ... who ... what?” Rainbow continued to stutter, not understanding how Rising had turned from a clear and easily spoken Equish, with no accent to notice, to some sort of Germaneic accent, like some foreigner that had finished Equish school but didn’t completely shake off their accent enough to slip around words.

Rainbow shook her head and was about to demand what the buck was going on and why Rising was acting differently when he quickly moved his head and hoof forward and lower to the floor, raising his hoof up to his muzzle and giving a soft but long shushing sound, before saying softly, “Halte und senke dein Stimme, kleines Pony. The curtain may seem thick, but zie slightest yelp shall alerten zie ponies below.”

She took the hint and lowered her voice as well before demanding, “What ... the buck are you? What the buck happened to your voice?!”

Ahh, zat’s right, we did not inform you nor your friends of our more unique characteristics.” Rising replied, moving his eyes and head upwards and rolling to the right, “Vell, kleines Pony. Let us just say, we don’t refer ourselves in plural merely for zie formalities. It’s a bit more literal.”

His answer only served to confuse Rainbow Dash even further, as her facial expression quickly matched up to her bewilderment. 'Rising' waved a hoof again, giving a smile that said he expected her to be confused, “We’ll explain zis on a later time, wiff your friends, of course. We often do not like repeating ourselves. Repeating self is bad use of precious time. Time what could be spent better than sounding like broken record.”

Rainbow could only give a slow nod, trying not to bolt away from the possibly insane stallion before her, “So ... where’s the guy I was talking to earlier?”

Ahh, zis is most peculiar, even to us!” 'Rising' softly exclaimed, sitting up and resting on his flank, “You zee, the man you’ve spoken to is ... er,” he paused to articulate a little before bringing his front hooves close to his barrel, “... . Well, he haff, fallen asleep!” His eyes widened, an amazed smile appeared on his muzzle and he moved his hooves up, showing the frogs on his hoof as to give a small gesture of surprise.

All Rainbow could say was, “Huh?”

Indeed!” 'Rising' softly exclaimed again, pointing a hoof at her, “That is what is so odd! One of our more unfortunate downsides that come from being us as we are before all zis, is that we cannot fall asleep! Zis just impossible! We can drift and daydream, but we always must vait for morning to come, not sleep! We are like a flashlight that has been left on. Our batteries do not ever run dry, our light does not dim nor need changing, and our ‘off’ button was removed! Or, perhaps we simply never found it ... . Eizer way, while sleep iz usually typical mortal concern, it iz still good for getting break from zie seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing, and touching all zie time! Alzo give rest from always being stressed out by zie problems while awake. Fer us, sleep is as difficult to make such a thing happen as to tell you to never use your wings for zie rest of your life!”

“O-oh ... O-kay.” Rainbow simply said, getting some sort of sense on what 'Rising' was talking about. She quickly remembered about her previous talk with the stallion. Considering that this 'Rising' is different than the one she had been shot down pretty harshly by the 'Rising' she first met, why not get an explanation as to what the buck was wrong with him.

Rainbow Dash then stepped forward, her expression hardening and asked, “Ok, so ... 'Rising' ... .”

She hesitated on continuing as the stallion gave a curious hum, but after a few seconds, Rainbow gained the courage to continue, “What the buck was with that other ... uh ... guy? Why did he go and ask something as crazy about being loyal to somepony that wanted to ... destroy their own race?”

Ah, I see. Yes, vell,” 'Rising' muttered, “Vell, since he has fallenz asleep, und since he spoken rathzer hastily, I suppose we can give him some explaination,” He muttered just loudly enough for Rainbow to hear, “und certainly for that clothing question.”

Rainbow had to focus to not blush hard at the remembering mention of the awkward question that had been thrown out during her first meeting with the alicorn, as ‘Rising’ spoke up, “To start, you vill haff to understand that, we haff our own King that we haff followed from some centuries after the beginning onward to our race’s end, with very devote hearts at zat. And vell ... during our early stages of our existence, our King wasn’t er,” 'Rising' paused and reconsidered his words, “well He still wasn’t, a particularly pacifistic ruler as your dear Princess Celestia is. He was very set und strict in His rules, He did not take well to anyone who disobeyed or decided to insult Him. Mein Gott, He did not suffer insults idly. He was quite determined to guide and return our kind back to His Kingdom, however, und He did still care, offerwise he would not have endured us and our antics at all, und he certainly would not have sacrificed much for us.”

“Wait, how’s this supposed to be the reason why loyalty and all that is connected to k-” Rainbow Dash hesitated on saying the word, “H-hurting everypony?”

It iz part of the reason because the one you’ve spoken to and are more familiar wiff wasn’t a very appreciating man of His strict commanding, specifically during those early times. Some of which we haff done by our hands, much of the others were done by His own soldiers.”

“He didn’t act like it.” Rainbow scoffed.

'Rising' gave a shrug, his eyebrows raised, “We all haff our own ways of expressing content or discontent, some more uncertain zan others, iz only by us being connected so well do we know, offerwise we’d be guessing day und night what zie other was thinking.”

The two fell into a contemplative silence, with the ongoings of the Day Court continuing below them. As they listened to one pony, a stallion by the tone of voice, was desperate to try and barter with the Princesses to buy and occupy land outside of his business’ jurisdiction, Rainbow became curious about one thing about what 'Rising' said.

She moved her head back up and looked at the stallion, “So ... why follow somepony that’s so strict like that? Isn’t it like that uh ...” Rainbow stumbled on her words a little, trying to get what she was trying to say, “Sort of like this uh ... King ... Sombrero? I think that’s his name?”

‘Rising’ tilted his head in confusion, not understanding who Rainbow Dash was referring to, which prompted the mare to try and explain, “He was sort of a king that ruled over some part of Equestria in the snowy part of the mountains.” She groaned and complained, “Ugh, I’m really bad at legends and things like that! The egghead could probably explain better, she should know something about the Crystalis Kingdom or something.”

‘Rising’ raised an eyebrow and remarked, “Perhaps we’ll haff to ask zie Prinzessin about it then. Do you know or remember what was about zis king?

“Yeah, uh ... he ...” Rainbow started before faltering yet again, racking her brain in trying to remember, “Sort of terrorized his ponies, I think?”

Ah, a tyrant, then?” ‘Rising summarized, which made Rainbow give a ‘sorta’ nod, “Vell, we can definitely tell you, kleines Pony,” ‘Rising moved his head forward with a very knowing and confident smile, “without a doubt that tyranny iz zie last thing upon our King’s mind. Oh ja, He certainly has a taste of being grandiose and He most certainly has quite zie temper. But!” ‘Rising’ gently pointed at Rainbow Dash, “He certainly takes no pleasure in maliciousness. Hates zit, as zie matter of fact.”

“But ... why the strictness then?”

"Oh zimple, kleines Pony. We were at war.

This made Rainbow blink in confusion, “War? With who?”

"Mostly, wiff zie part of the Heavenly Kingdom’s own rebellious faction.” ‘Rising’ couldn’t help but snort, moving a hoof up,"Imagine zat, zie one kingdom in zie afterlife brought to a civil war. Und sadly, zis began shortly humankind’s first steps. Zey wanted death and destruction to everyzing around them, we didn’t. We clashed for almost zie eternity, wiff humankind caught between picking sides.”

“What, like picking Wonderbolts or Shadowbolts?”

“... Iz a bit more permanent than zat, I’m afraid, kleines Pony.” ‘Rising’ admitted with some degree of sadness, “Much more unbegrenzt.”

Rainbow simply had enough of ‘Rising’s’ odd words and accent, as she took to flight, flew up right to his face and demanded, nearly yelling, “Could it hurt you to say something in clear Equish?! I didn’t take a language class just to learn what somepony else is saying in something else!”

‘Rising’ gave a quiet laugh at her issue, which only served to anger her more until he placed one hoof on her shoulder while waving the other hoof, “Calm, calm, mein kleines Pony. Speaking clearly in a language I was not born wiff is not easy, even through zis link of mein between us all, mein heart und tongue was und alwayz has been Deutsch. Vat I had said was is zat you could not simply pick one or zie other. Oaths, sworn loyalties, obedience und diligence was zie only way to stop being on one side.”

Now Rainbow had a better picture of what the problem was, “So then ... the other ‘guy’ ... wasn’t happy about the conditions on being one side?”

‘Rising’ gave a slight nod, “Not completely. Honestly, zat rebellion was good as dead before zey even begun. All humanity was in zie middle of it was rats aboard zie sinking pirate ship, wiff zie victorious ship just off zie bow and in a very long swimming distance from zie doomed one.”

“Your Majesties, the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony has returned!” A stallion’s voice echoed from the throne room below.

“Please send them in, lieutenant.” Princess Celestia’s voice followed.

It seems your friends haff given up trying to navigate zie labyrinth, kleines Pony.” ‘Rising’ remarked, “Perhaps you vould like a good spot to fly and glide down?”

Rainbow looked over to the curtains that he gestured towards after he asked her. She took a few hoofsteps before asking, “What is it you keep calling me? This “clines”?”

‘Rising’ chuckled, “Little, I call you little pony. As you are smaller than us, nein? Offerwise, we would call you ‘pony’ or groß pony, ‘big, or tall pony’ if you were our size.”

The mare just shook her head at the stallion, “You’re really weird.”

All she was rewarded with was ‘Rising’ bursting into a hearty laugh, no longer caring who heard him below.

He calmed down just enough to coherently remark, “Sie haben keine Ahnung, kleines Pony!” before returning to laughter.

“I hope whatever up there is greatly amusing, because you are lucky that the last petitioner had left this room not seconds ago, and that there is no pony down here that does not know your presence.” Princess Celestia’s voice called, clearly sounding irritated.

All iz under control, mein Prinzessin. All is well.” ‘Rising’ called back, his smile still filled with mirth, “We haff found our friends’ missing pony, so we haff been busy quietly talking as you busied yourself upon your country’s little daytime plans.”

Princess Celestia didn’t immediately answer back, seemingly taken back by the odd accent as much as Rainbow had been. Eventually, the voice of Twilight Sparkle rang out, “Rainbow Dash? Are you alright up there?”

“Yeah, yeah, Egghead. I’m fine, lemmie get past this thing first.” Rainbow said before pushing against the curtains that, for some odd reason, they didn’t budge until ‘Rising’ got up and used a hoof to unleash a bit of rope that had gotten caught on some of the sharper parts of the carved decoration.

Rainbow didn’t bother giving thanks before she flew out and glided down to her friends. As she landed, Twilight and the her friends crowded around Rainbow, asking where she had gone and what was she thinking going off like that.

Princess Celestia looked away from the reunion between her student’s friend and asked ‘Rising’, “Could you please explain why your accent is different now when not an hour and a half ago, you could speak clearly and not with the additional foreign language?”

Mein Prinzessin, did we not tell you before?” ‘Rising’ replied as he stretched his head past the curtains and looked down, where he still couldn’t see the Princesses from their thrones.

It took a moment for Celestia to recall, but her eyes widened and muttered, “Oh.”

Then her expression turned to shock, standing on all four hooves quickly, “You can switch control with each other?!”

Iz possible,” ‘Rising’ replied, before leaping out of the curtains again and gliding down before landing a bit more rough than he had the first time. He muttered a few curses to himself before continuing, “Though it is not often used, usually for zie more ... er ...” He flitted his eyes left and right in trying to find the right word, “Unusual circumstances.”

“‘Unusual,’ as in … ?” Princess Luna tentatively asked.

‘Rising’ simply gave a neutral stare at Luna, indicating that it wasn’t anypony’s business as of yet.

‘Or possibly at all ...’ Celestia weighed, electing to simply accept what ‘Rising’ had answered with and asked, “If you’re not the ‘Rising’ that we’ve been talking to all this time, then who are you?”

‘Rising’ gave a wry smile, but just as he opened his mouth to answer, Pinkie Pie raised a hoof and chimed in, “Hay, could we maybe skip the confusing Kingdom Hearts talk instead of going on about it for three fourths of the chapter not getting anywhere? We still have an episode to do real soon, like tomorrow soon? Maybe before Risey’s ‘Welcome-To-Equestria-Good-Morning-And-Happy-Coronation Party’ soon? That about eight of us need to be present? You know, the Running of the Leaves, that thing?”

This brought everypony to stare at Pinkie in bewildered confusion, Celestia, however, began to go through several emotions, starting from from bewilderment, to realization and shock before she immediately turned to her Majordomo and said, “Are there anything we need to discuss before the Running of the Leaves?”

‘Rising’ just looked at the others with a look of slight incomprehension, and slight irritation at the change of subject, “We haff been meaning to ask when we first heard of zis event, but er, what is zis ‘Running of zie Leaves?’” he asked, his question directed to nopony in particular.

“The Running of the Leaves is a seasonal transitory event which is designed to, through the seismic vibrations transmitted through the ground and into the trees of all of a city’s or village’s race entrants, helps shake the leaves free from the tree and prepare the environment for the upcoming season of winter,” Twilight explained, happy to get started on giving some of her extensive knowledge to the benefit of her fellow ponies.

Vat? Zie leaves do not fall off on their own?” ‘Rising’ asked, sounding bewildered and raising an eyebrow in expressive incredulity.

“Having leaves fall off on their own sounds super weird. Why? is that different from how Fall was a long time ago?” Rainbow Dash asked, hovering, an uncomfortable grimace on her face as she tried to imagine fall happening without any assistance.

Indeed, mein kleines Pony. Zie leaves would either fall, or be blown away, und for zie leaves that did not fall, they either fell off wiff zie sprouting of new leaves, or become food for bugs, or even used as nesting material. We humans might look at the changing colors of the fall leaves, but humans didn’t, nor er ... never were, be so ... micromanaged over their environment. No one could ever truly control zie weather.” ‘Rising’ explained.

“Wait what?!” Rainbow Dash demanded, her jaw dropping, “You ponies just let your clouds run amok?!”

Ja!” ‘Rising’ chirped, his smile wide, “All we did was shimply monitor und report a seven day forecast.”

Twilight was the next to protest, “But, but what if you have a tornado, or a hurricane? Or- or a blizzard—a snow storm?!”

‘Rising’ shrugged, “We evacuate or stay put und take shelter as best we can, not always zie best plan, but it has worked enough zat we can forewarn everyone in advance.”

Unfortunately, this did little to calm Rainbow and Twilight, as they simply stared at the stallion, who had basically just told them that humans did nothing to control or tame the weather around them, allowed it to stay out of control and simply endured whatever it threw at them.

Finally, Rainbow Dash came to the simple conclusion, “Lemmie take back what I said earlier, you and your ... whatever you are, are weird.”

‘Rising’ simply gave an amused nasal snort while Princess Celestia gave a few hoof stomps to call everypony’s attention, “As much as this interesting and it’s still leaving us with more questions than answers, I believe Pinkie is right in regards of time and events.” She turned to look at ‘Rising’ with an expectant glare, who merely met hers with an impassive amused smile as she continued, “I’m certain that once things have settled enough that we have time, we will be able to get some of those answers from our up and coming Prince, correct?”

Of course, mein Prinzessin. We would be happy to answer most questions.” ‘Rising’ answered.

“Good,” Celestia gave a small sigh, before continuing, “Since the Running of the Leaves is tomorrow, and it is an all day event. Unfortunately, I may have to push your introduction a little longer, Rising.”

‘Rising’ raised an eyebrow and asked, “Can zie coronation be held within zie evening or late afternoon? Perhaps even at dusk? Surely zie civilians and nobles tolerate zie day und night enough to allow zis to happen later?”

Both Princess Luna and Celestia glanced at each other before returning their attention back onto ‘Rising’, “Perhaps, and it might be possible. Though it’s unusual you want this to be held sooner rather than wait for the day after. You had agreed that you wanted this to be significant, considering your current physical state.”

Mein Prinzessin,” ‘Rising’ argued, his expression becoming serious, “zie longer zis is held, zie longer zie nobles und zie civilians shall become impatient und suspicious. Und your nephew, spineless as he is, has demanded und done enough upon what he could do to delay and calm zie nobles. We do want zis memorable unto Equestria, zat they will soon haff another Alicorn wandering around as Prinzessin Cadance has been. But your nephew has already seen us, und how long can he hold his tongue until he opens his egoistische mund, und reveal us to them sooner than zie coronation vill?”

Princess Luna looked over at her sister and gave a questioning look of her own, which was met with a concerned gaze. ‘Rising’ had raised a valid point, Blueblood had seen and spoken to the stallion, regardless however short it was, it wouldn’t be much for him to cave in and blurt out everything he learned and of his own impression of the stallion.

But to hold the coronation almost on the dot of when Fall arrived? There wasn’t any way to have the Running of the Leaves happen sooner, as nature had its own tune and rhythm that even the pegasus had to obey and allow at times.

“The Running of the Leaves begins an hour before noon, Your Highness.” Majordomo Forward Bastion stated to them in a low voice, “Unless you feel that this is more important than the event?”

“I have not missed the Running of the Leaves before, Majordomo,” Princess Celestia insisted in the same low voice, “And even if his coronation is more important, I dearly would rather not miss the chance to just be away from the castle and welcome Fall with my student.”

“I doth think Rising would sayth the same, sister.” Luna quietly chimed in, her eyes flashing towards Rising, who patiently waited in silence. His own eyes starting to swirl and twist in colors, signifying to her, after some time and trials and errors of watching and observing, that he was mentally thinking and debating amongst himself.

Celestia looked down at the floor and thought about it silently, her eyes flickering left and right, “What time will I return to Canterlot, Forward?”

“At the best possible speed and after the event? I’d say you would be back by early evening. By standard time that you and your sister follow diligently, the sun should still be up enough to set everything in order.”

“But what of Twilight and her friends?” Celestia asked silently, “I know they might participate, and they’ll likely be exhausted to travel all the way to Canterlot ...”

“Your Highness, the Running of the Leaves is not a marathon from here to Yakyakistan,” Forward argued, “it’s a paltry two mile pace. The Element Bearers traveled through the Everfree all the way to the old and abandoned castle, and traveled up a mountain, to its very peak to deal with a dragon that had roosted there. I severely doubt they are lax and unfit enough to not endure two miles at pace.”

“Well, I’ve never been allowed much exercise during my constant stays and escorts throughout Equestria, Forward. I have no idea what two miles truly feels like to everypony else.” Princess Celestia grumbled, “And as long as I’ve lived in this castle, it’s no longer a labyrinth to me that it would ensure me any equivalent distance. I haven’t even used my wings except for the occasional times in my own garden!”

Forward’s ears swept backwards at hearing her complaint, “As much as I agree on your sentiments, you know how everypony else considers it improper for you to fly or walk in great distances on your own.”

A sudden and very loud derisive snort resounded from behind and the three turned to look who made such a noise.

Still standing where he had been, Rising was still looking in their direction, his eyes no longer swirling and his ears swept backwards, his expression clearly unamused.

They stared at the stallion a little more before returning to their conversation, with Forward Bastion stating, “Your Highnesses, all I am saying is that you and the Element Bearers will have enough time to reach Canterlot and begin the coronation well before sunset arrives. We can easily prepare and set the decorations, and if we do it soon or even now, we can send news and invitations. You recall our recently developed spell that instantly sends news out to all the cities and towns in Equestria?”

“Thou hath invented a faster way to send word to the town criers?” Princess Luna asked, her eyes wide with awe at the achievement.

“We did, Your Highnesses, and it’s as simple as the scroll courier spell you share with Element Bearer Twilight Sparkle’s adopted brother. We can successfully send news throughout Equestria at a moments notice.”

“But how long might it take for anypony who wishes to attend to arrive here?” Princess Celestia fretted, “The trains may take too long, and I’m quite sure the taxi carriages from the more major and populated cities wouldn’t dare risk themselves in exhaustion to reach here.”

“Which is why we would add the advisement of arriving early, Your Highness,” The Majordomo assured.

“Wouldst Canterlot even hath the room?” Princess Luna asked, her eyes furrowing at the thought, “As spacious as we know Canterlot is, it is likeliest half of Equestria if not all of Equestria, shall wish to witness this.”

With practiced patience, Forward replied, “Perhaps we may spare rooms within the castle itself. At the worst of cases, we may have to open and break out our military tents and settle specific spaces dedicated for temporary shelter. The nobles may complain, but I’m certain we can placate them and inform them that this is only for one day. Even they can’t simply say that all of Equestria shouldn’t see and know who is being coronated and placed among the high ranks of society.”

“And risk revealing Rising?” Princess Celestia pointed out, “If Rainbow Dash could stumble upon him, how can we tell a little foal won’t?”

“It’s a risk we will simply have to take, Your Highness,” Forward said simply.

“A risk I’d rather not have happen at all.”

“Hath mine sister gone soft-headed from enjoying a season of peace for too long?” Luna chided, “If the Majordomo offers the soonest path, then the slightest risks are meaningless.”

Her sister, however, was not convinced, “We face the same risk if we delay this the day after.”

“Mine sister, thou art more stubborn than asking Mother for permission to leave the castle!” Luna protested, exasperated at Celestia’s persistence.

“I understand that, Luna, but I’m already committed to my decision!” Princess Celestia affirmed, putting a hoof down.

Both Princess Luna and Majordomo Forward Bastion exchanged glances at each other before Forward asked, “This is your decision, then?” Princess Celestia gave a firm nod to him, which made him give a frown, but relented under her command, “As you wish, Your Highness.”

When the three turned to inform ‘Rising’ and her student and her friends, they found that Twilight and the others except for ‘Rising’ were gone.

Celestia was the first to ask, “W-Where is Twilight and the others? Where did they go off to?”

They hurried off to catch zie train to Ponyville, Mein Prinzessin.” ‘Rising’ shrugged, “You vere so busy that they left us to tell you their farewells und they would be happy to see you again tomorrow.”

It confused Celestia for a moment as she asked, “Twilight left without telling me goodbye?”

She did, Mein Prinzessin. You didn’t hear her.”

Princess Celestia gave a silent “oh” with her ears drooping before Princess Luna came around to her side, giving a slight nudge. This snapped her out of her thoughts as she stood tall and stated, “We have discussed and decided that regardless of the risks involving my nephew, we shall have to push your coronation the day after.”

‘Rising’s’ ears flicked as he frowned in annoyance, his eyes swirling all the while. However, he did not argue or raise his voice against her decision.

Before he could make a decision on what to do next, Celestia relaxed and said, “It will be fine, Rising. I have enough faith that my nephew will stay silent over your presence until then. He may be arrogant and prideful, but he still has enough brains in his head to know.”

His expression of annoyance didn’t change as Celestia looked over to one of the guards that was at the door and called, “Are there any more petitioners?”

Upon seeing the guard open his side of the door and shook his head after checking, Celestia sighed in both relief and a slight tinge of sadness that her student and the other bearers left.

After the Princesses got up from their thrones, and getting the blood back through their legs and waiting out the pins and needles, the four ponies plus an escort of four guards departed from the throne room and moved into the dining room.

As they progressed, Blueblood stomped around a corner, his attitude sour, irate and comically a clothespin over his nose, turning his voice slightly nasally, “Auntie! I must have a word with you!”

‘Rising’ raised an eyebrow as Luna gave an exasperated sigh while Celestia gave a silent groan to herself and asked patiently, “Yes, my nephew, what is it?”

Prince Blueblood gave an impertinent huff and said, “Well, if you had taken a trip down the hallway I had just departed, you would know what my problem is! Somepony has decided to insult me greatly by relieving themselves on one of the planters! While I was still in the same room!”

Ah, zat explains why kleines Pony kept avoiding zie question,” ‘Rising’ muttered to himself, putting a hoof to his chin.

Both of the Princesses heard his mutter and while Luna put a hoof to her mouth to cover her silent giggle, Celestia twitched her ear at ‘Rising’ before responding, “Well, my nephew, I will be sure to check whom among the guard and petitioners had done so. I most certainly sympathize over your misfortune, and I will be sure to send somepony to remove the smell.”

The irate unicorn gave a low stare at his aunts before giving a nod, “Very well. I will await word that the deed is done, and I certainly hope that whoever is responsible is given their rightly dues. Good evening, Auntie.” And with that, he left with a huff, using his magic to adjust the clothespin.

Both Princesses gave a silent giggle as Blueblood disappeared around the same corner he left, “I suppose I really should get somepony to handle the problem, if my nephew is complaining about the smell of it,” Celestia commented as the small group of ponies continued onwards, “Otherwise, the smell might spread and infect the rest of the castle.”

Indeed, one vould not vant such a scent to linger.” ‘Rising’ added, stumbling a little.

“Though, this still makes me question how and why you’re different now, Rising.” Celestia turned her head over to the stallion, who misplaced a step again and had to lean against one Royal Guard to rebalance himself, nearly flattening the poor, smaller Guard in the process, “With the Rising we had been with and discussing, he was able to keep himself steady and was closing on being able to gallop without trouble, and yet with you, you can’t go without five or so hoofsteps without falling over.”

‘Rising’ stayed silent for a while as they continued to progress into the dining room, though he was looking down at his hooves more than he was looking up and at the Princess.

With the presumption he would answer when he was given a chance to not focus on walking, Princess Celestia let it be for the time being, though Forward wasn’t thrilled at having ‘Rising’ not answer.

Once they had reached the dining room and seated themselves, ‘Rising’ gave a quick sigh as he sat down and started, “There. Now zat we can talk without falling over like an unsupported sapling.”

He went silent for a little, looking left and right with a deep in thought expression, “Vell, we’ve told kleines Pony about what had happened, und we are still shocked and surprised at what happened to zie boy you know and recognize, mein Prinzessin ...”

“I do hope that he is alright. I’ve already gotten used to one of you, I’d rather not end up having to reintroduce ourselves every time.” Princess Celestia quipped as one maid delivered the last dish of food, which was a two leveled strawberry cake.

Her sister had already started on getting her dinner together, incredibly hungry after a long, and somewhat eventful day. Though Celestia noticed that Luna was still paying attention throughout the discussion, her ears perked and forwards.

‘Rising’ gave a chuckle, “Vell, you won’t need to endure restating your name to us. Und we doubt zis will be a repeating performance,” he paused to consider his options before reaching out and pointed his hoof at one plate of food, which contained scalloped potato casserole. One maid that had been standing nearby him lit her horn and with an expert use with her horn, scooped a small portion of the casserole and brought it to ‘Rising’s plate. After pointing to a few more plates of different food, ‘Rising’ gave a polite nod to the maid before continuing, “As it seems, our dear boy has found himself sound asleep.”

Princess Luna was the first to ask, “Asleep? How canst tho ... you be asleep when we clearly see you are up and awake?”

Nein, mein Prinzessin. You forget there iz more than one voice in zie head,” ‘Rising’ tapped a hoof to his temple, “We thought you knew zis by now.”

‘Rising’ paused for a moment to consider how to best explain himself, “Now then ... sleep is used und kept by zie mortals, bound to die und limited by exhaustion und tiredness, ja?.”

Both Princess Celestia and Luna nodded as ‘Rising’ paused for a response, prompting him to continue, “Vell, we are not affected by such limitations. Much how one iz awake during zie bright of day und one iz asleep during zie dark of night, one must haff in zie least eight hours of rest. However, by our affinity within zie Heavenly Kingdom, our ‘sun’ does not set at all, leaving us never to tire nor face exhaustion. Zis, combined wiff all of us in zie Eternal Fields, connected wiff each other as deep as a spider’s web, takes away any chance of us finding rest or sleep.”

“You speak of nonsense, human.” Luna protested, “How canst thou find sleep impossible? We hath seen one stallion take to the challenge of staying awake as longest as possible, and he lasted a scant two days.”

Pfft,” ‘Rising’ scoffed as he ate a few bites from the levitated silverware that the maid was using. After swallowing down one more bite, he said, “Some of zie more idiot men tried and ended lasting more zan zat. But ja, sleep is hard to find when in zie middle of a loud crowd with bright lights all around, so we simply went wiffout.”

Princess Luna scoffed, “Foolishness. How canst thou still remain cognizant and capable to ‘simply go without.’”

‘Rising’ was about to answer when he stopped mid-breath, his eyes widening. He immediately recoiled and gave a painful groan as he placed a hoof to one side of his head.

Both mares took note of his sudden response as Princess Celestia bolted out of her chair in concern, “Are you alright? What happened?”

The stallion recoiled a little from her outburst before shaking his head, speaking softly, “Nein, mein Prinzessin, it seems our boy has finally arisen. Though, I do wish his awakening was quieter … .


Darkness first took presence before sweeping away to a beachside, him standing on the sand as he felt the ocean water quickly reach his feet. He stood upon a cloud, looking at the ever bright and slightly cloudy day, the clouds barely moving at all. A large, warm something drew close to his back, side and legs, and a familiar voice asked him and he replied, I can keep going, and he pushed a book back into its place upon a bookshelf. A crowd of voices clapped and celebrated, glass and mugs clinking against each other and the tables. He sat on the couch, tossing the newspaper away from him.

Then a colossal, loud Bang shattered through and around him.

He bolt awake, instantly alert and ready as if he had just been startled awake by what sounded to him like a single fire from an artillery piece.

Upon realizing that he was still within the Eternal Fields, he gave a massive and irritated groan.

He wasn’t the first to give complaint about the neural syndrome as he heard more groans and growls from the Legion around him.

He looked up, seeing himself surrounded in shadows, with light occasionally flashing and hitting him in the eyes, making him blink several times and raised his hand to shield his sensitive eyes.

After a moment, he looked around and realized that the shadows around him was the men and women of the Legion, whom he was linked and connected to, and the few that completely blocked his view of the Eternal Fields. Some of them holding a hand to one of their ears while a few others were on their knees and had a hand over their face.

He was about to ask something else, but one of the Legion, an Impi, stated simply, “You slept.

It confused him at first as to what the warrior meant, of course he slept, it was a natural cycle wasn’t it?

Another of the Legion, this time a Goth, repeated, “No, young one. You slept.

The full effect of what they meant still did not reach him, as he sat up groggily and gave a stretching yawn. How could he not sleep? The Day Court was boring, there was barely any interest in what the nobles were doing, and—

Now the implication hit him.

He stood up, the adrenaline already cooling down from the EHS stumbling for a second before the few that surrounded him parted and showed the Eternal Fields that surrounded the Tower of Eternity. Countless formerly prone and sleeping forms sat about on the grass or against the Tower, having some expressions of frustration, irritation or grumpiness. Some of the more lucky continued to sleep and dream, ignoring and resting without a care or thought about what was happening, or even budging after he woke up.

And here is the boy himself, awake and seeing the fruit of his labor.” He turned around to see the german officer in a solid and very plain, dark grey tunic, who was sitting down not too far from him. Sleeping soundly and peacefully next to the officer was a young teen who was dressed in a dark green tunic with a brown bandolier coming from his right waist to his left shoulder, with a color matching cap.

“I slept.” He replied, still in a slight daze at waking up as well as recoiling from the revelation.

You did.” The german nodded, “And it has inspired others to follow.” The officer grunted as he got up and offered a hand to Rising, “However, now is not the time to be amazed, I’m afraid. The dear Princesses are getting tired of me, and I am more than eager to begin my own nap.

Just before Rising left, he heard, “Oh, and good luck telling them your name. They are quite determined in getting one or two now.


Could we please have a name from at least one or two of you?” Princess Celestia immediately protested, “It is difficult as it is to understand your numerous nature, but to know that you can switch at will and, until now, remained nameless? It’s beyond frustrating!”

When he had moved from the mental landscape to reality, he had been greeted by two increasingly irritated Princesses with a floating fork holding some food on it, held up by one of the pony maids.

The first thing they asked was if it was him specifically. The next question was why in their god’s name, Faust, didn’t he tell them or at least hint that he could switch with one of the Legion in terms of controlling his physical body as easily as a Chinese Fire Drill.

And they weren’t satisfied with the responding answer, “It never came up.”

The maidmare wisely took the situation as a hint of getting out of the way until things calmed down, as now both Princesses Celestia and Luna were now within five feet from him and demanding at least his actual name and the officer they had been speaking to during his own absence.

Rising could do naught but helplessly shrug at the irate Princess, “It’s part of the reason we never agreed on any one name, and we’ve rarely if ever had this occur at all.”

Celestia put a hoof to her muzzle and asked with exhausted patience, “Just please. At least give us your name and that Germareic-speaking soul?”

Rising immediately snorted, “‘Germareic’? Must you ponies make equine puns with everything?” He fell silent in thought as both Celestia and Luna looked at each other in confusion, “Suppose it couldn’t hurt, as Thomas said it’d likely be the last time you and him would speak between each other.”

“Thomas?” Luna caught on, “That was the Germareic’s name? Not one of the most outstanding of names, if one must ask.”

Rising immediately gave an offended glare, his eyes changing back to the same brownish color and the same accent returned as he nearly spat back, “Vell excuse you too! Not all mutters und vaters names zeir children so unusual wiff something a cheap piece of fiction vould come up vith!

Luna quickly flinched back while Celestia moved her hoof to her mouth, stifling a giggle, “Whatever happened to ‘This will be the last you see me’?”

“That was before Luna asked that kind of question,” Rising replied, giving a slight shake of his head as he resumed control, “But yes, Thomas is his name.”

The maidmare that had quickly evacuated the room had peeked her head through the door, testing and seeing if things had calmed down enough. When Princess Celestia noticed the mare, she gave a gentle nod and said, “Well, let’s finish our dinner before we have you two set off for your lessons and I myself to deal with paperwork, shall we?”

Before Luna sat down, she turned her head and asked, “Rising? If I may ask, what happened when Thomas groaned as if he had been struck by something painful?”

The stallion gave a small grimace as the German's memories of what was said and done during his sleep and answered, “Exploding Head Syndrome.” Both the Princesses and the maidmare looked at Rising in concerned shock before he quickly explained, “Before you panic, even though we know how morbid it sounds, it’s not a literal event. It’s more of a sleep disorder, accompanied by either a very loud bang or a bright flash of light.”

Princess Luna simply stared at Rising as she tentatively asked, “Wilt ... thou be well?”

“Outside of being annoyed and irritable for a little while? Of course. It’s more alarming and startling than it is an actual problem.”

The lunar princess fell silent before muttering to herself, “Perhaps this explains the sudden awakenings in some ponies?” However she didn’t ask or voice her questions as the three returned to eating, though she decided to keep the topic in mind until a later date.

Princess Celestia decided to try and change subject, as she wasn’t completely willing to continue dinner in silence, “After all this there was one question that I think wouldn’t hurt to ask, Rising,”

The stallion looked at her in curiosity as she paused before asking, “If you hadn’t turned into an alicorn, what race would you have prefered or expected?”

Her answer came within two seconds of consideration as Rising’s voice nearly broke from the resounding answer from almost the entire Legion, “Pegasus.”

Rising immediately started coughing, holding his head away from the maidmare and the table as both Princesses burst into laughter at the sudden answer.


As the day turned to evening and dinner came to a close with smaller talks and non sequiturs, the three alicorns departed and went their separate ways throughout the castle.

Princess Celestia would return to her royal room, where waiting for her would be a stack of papers, missives, and the more written forums of petitions when ponies could not make the journey to Canterlot for a personal meeting.

All the while, Rising Dawn and Princess Luna would return to Luminous Scrolls, both for their daily lessons in modern Equestrian matters, as well as Rising aiding Luna in understanding Luminous’ verbosity and misdirected way of teaching.

However one certain Royal Guard, who had departed to return to the Royal Barracks, took a very different route. Instead of heading down the hallway that would lead him to where his fellow guards trained and rested, he instead took a different turn.

After pausing here and there to ensure that he wasn’t followed, and that he was alone, the stallion released his breath that for quite some time he didn’t realize he had been holding. Normally any other stallion would’ve gone blue or passed out, but for him it wasn’t much of an issue.

Years of experience kept his outward emotions level, however internally he was at a loss. Another alicorn, a stallion alicorn at that. And from what that purple pony said, the stallion was transformed into one. Something about a ‘hue-man’?

Still, a new prince and one coming from the same race as the rulers of Equestria? His queen most certainly will need to hear about this, the guard thought to himself as he found a door and quickly went through.

Inside the room was completely empty except for a circular table with a large, pony-sized orb in the center of it, precariously held in the center by scrounged books and random assortments that seemed enough to hold the orb in place. The orb’s color was colored a translucent pearl, distorted and warping the other side of it when peered into. The guard would’ve used other resources, most notably some of the construction gunk that was used in the Badlands, but it would’ve taken more time and effort to do it, let alone he wasn’t a construction drone and didn’t have the proper gland.

The guard noticed that there was an insect-like pony standing near the edge of the table, whom glimpsed at the stallion before returning its attention to the orb. The guard didn’t react to its presence outside of recognition.

Now knowing it was safe, his horn was lit green again and he was consumed in a quick flash of green fire, revealing his own insectoid body and shedding his disguise and armor.

The other Changeling lit its own horn and engulfed the orb with its magic, turning the pearl orb a dark green, casting light and shadows against the room before the orb showed a wall of black, jagged and full of holes in many areas, some of the holes having light shining through.

Occasionally, a Changeling would buzz by, in its hooves a small green and gunky basket carrying several medium sized, sickly green and grey eggs as the first sound that came from the orb was the Changeling’s wings and the sound of squelching and the sound of a female grunting and hissing in discomfort, while accompanied by the even more disturbing sound of what was most likely an ovoid spheroid being gently ejected from an elastic fleshy tube.

After a nearly silent groan before a quick sigh of relief resounded from the orb, a tired, echoing voice came through, “What?”

The now revealed Changeling stepped forward, “My Queen, I have ... significant news to report which I believe warrants your attention.”

“And?” The irritation and frustration was palpable to the Changeling, even from the orb which normally couldn’t convey emotions.

It made him shiver a bit but he continued, “My Queen, there is a new alicorn. A stallion alicorn.”

He was met with a very long silence before the orb started showing a much different Changeling, a more gangly yet feminine one appeared in the orb, slightly panting and revealing some sweat down her muzzle and face, more notably around and underneath her eyes was a slight hint of a different color as she stared through the orb and at the Changeling with some remaining frustration, but with curiosity and interest.

She stared at him a little more, trying to catch her breath before saying, “Go on.”

Chapter Nine

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Chapter Eight: A Half Step Forward ...

Princess Celestia frowned unhappily and looked back, feeling the wind rippling through the Royal Carriage and past her body, causing her mane to quickly get in her eyes before she used a hoof to move her mane out of the way. She watched as Rising below her slowly become smaller and smaller, seemingly determined to stay there until she could no longer discern him from the ground.

She was on her way to watch and enjoy the Running of the Leaves in Ponyville, to be away from the castle and enjoy life and the open, colorful world that lie on the other side of the windows and away from the balcony rails.

As Celestia turned around to get her mane to stop blowing and covering her face, she began to briefly think back earlier today.

Both breakfast and lunch had passed quickly and outside of cleaning up after Rainbow Dash’s little stunt, little else of unusual events happened. Though, having almost a full day where there was no new sudden reveals about Rising was almost unsettling, as whenever she could gather up enough time, she tried to spend some part of the day or evening with Rising, there was just something new about him that came up and changed her perspective again on the former human.

Celestia silently wished for more time to devote to learn more about him, every meeting and discussion with the former human was almost like a new adventure, except that was engaged by talking and listening to somepony who had tales to tell, rather than battling and traveling to distant lands. He was utterly different than anypony she met and either defied, exceeded or met her expectations of what she thought she knew about humans.

Though, Celestia reconsidered. She never actually asked the former human about any tales and adventures. Even looking past his unusual and sometimes violent views, surely there might be something he could tell that was exciting.

Princess Celestia shook her head, chuckling softly as she made a mental note to try and ask Rising once she returned from Ponyville.

As Canterlot City began to shrink, Celestia could see that she was still a good half hour away from the little village, already seeing and making out the lush, library tree in the center of it.

Seeing how she had plenty of time to let her mind wander again, Celestia thought about the current status of the up and coming coronation.

As luck and whatever else could be counted upon would have it, Rising’s identity stayed hidden within the castle. Which would have been reasonable, since both Celestia and her sister made it very clear to the castle’s guards and staff to stop mentioning Rising to anypony who wasn’t another guard or staff. And it seemed as if her nephew finally used his pride obsessed head and kept his mouth shut or was afraid what would happen if he did.

‘Or Rising found out where Blueblood was sleeping and informed my nephew of it,’ the mare mused thoughtfully..

The plans about Rising’s coronation, in the meanwhile, had begun in detail shortly after breakfast, ranging from specific invitations to have personal meet and greets with the former human to teach him about the high noble families who would certainly demand to see and speak to him, invitation or not.

At the end of it all, there was still a need to hire somepony who would teach Rising about certain social interactions between the self-important and the more essential nobles. Rising had protested against the need for it and said that he had enough knowledge dealing in politics.

“We understand you have the knowledge, Rising,” Princess Celestia gently replied, “But as it’s been said several times since your awakening, there’s many differences between your kind and ours.”

Despite some of Rising’s grumbling, he relented and allowed them to schedule and list multiple subjects that Rising would need, though while the number in which would take several months to go through and memorize sufficiently, it was on the same level of rigorous education that Princess Cadance had herself during her early years of becoming a princess.

Both Rising and Princess Celestia had taken to trot silently through the hallways of Canterlot Castle, on the way to the royal carriage that would carry her off to the Running of the Leaves happening in Ponyville, enjoying each other’s company with little need for words or any topic that comes to mind.

Captain Shining Armor meanwhile, trailed along behind them both, yawning and stretching as much as he could. He had taken to being silent and nearly tried being invisible for most of his remaining time being Rising’s escort throughout Canterlot Castle, only answering when he was noticed and talked to.

As they ventured outside of the Castle and out onto the landing field where the carriages were kept, one certain topic did come to mind on Celestia. Though she kept silent on it, mulling on how to ask Rising as she waited for the two Royal Guard Pegasi to finish getting the carriage ready for take off.

It wasn’t until everything was ready and she had nearly boarded the carriage did she finally pause and turned to Rising, “Before I depart, I ... have a question to ask.”

The stallion blinked in curiosity as he commented, “Considering how you’ve been looking around and staring off into space, we must say it has to be quite the question.”

Princess Celestia fell silent for a moment, mostly to sulk at his little jab, before asking, “I’ve noticed since the nights prior to your transformation that you never left for the Night Guard Barracks after classes. Before all this, you were quite determined and eager to ‘get back into shape’ as you say.”

Rising merely gave her a look, almost as if he was disappointed she hadn’t figured it out by now, “Princess Celestia, do foals gallop and calculate advanced mathematics within ten seconds of birth and after their umbilical cord is cut?”

Surprised by the sudden question, she shook her head, in which Rising shook his as well, “Neither did we. Princess, we’re still learning how to walk and gallop and move about on four legs,” He gave three light steps with one hoof as he continued, “We barely know how to grab things with our own hooves, in which to our perspective is absolutely ridiculous how you, your sister and every other pony in this castle can do so without needing to wrap their hooves tightly around something. We don’t even know how to carry things upon our back or with one hoof and walk with it without losing balance or the item,”

Rising then gave an impatient snort, “We don’t even want to start with the use of magic that you were born with while we and our kind have lived completely devoid of it. The only things we know how to use without a problem is our face, our mouth, our eyes, our nose and our wings,” Rising gave a quick flap up with his aforementioned limbs before folding them and continuing, “Needless to say, combat and weaponry holding is completely out of our grasp. And it will stay that way until after we’ve learned to walk and run.”

Some part of her felt a familiar sense of sympathy, as she commented, “I suppose that’s reasonable. I know what it’s like gaining unfamiliar limbs.”

When Rising gave a questioning tilt of his head, she explained, “Long before Luna and I became Princesses of Equestria, we weren’t born as alicorns. Before we became alicorns, I was a unicorn and Luna was a pegasus, and while we were born into a family of Alicorns, we were part of the rare few in our family’s branch who had to ascend in order to become Alicorns. When I first gained my wings, I couldn’t hold them straight to save my life.”

She gave an embarrassed laugh as she shuffled her wings a little, “And my flight teachers always commented that I was worse than a pegasus with a balance disorder, it took years for me to learn to glide straight. Luna had her own misfortune with her newly gained horn. No longer was she allowed to grab things with her teeth or hooves, now she had to use and exercise magic that she’s never used before. And everytime she was able to use her magic, something would either skyrocket away or something random would happen to it. The worst part for both of us was the Earth Pony magic that now flowed through us, we ended up breaking and cracking so much tile and ripped apart our beds and pillows with no control of our own strength.”

Celestia gave another laugh as she gave a warm smile to Rising, “So do believe me that you’re not alone in being unfamiliar with new limbs.”

Rising looked down briefly with an amused and thoughtful hum. Though he frowned a little as he replied, “It’s a bit different when you’ve not had magic within you in the first place.” He gave a small smile, “But we do appreciate the sentiment.”

The Princess gave another giggle before she stepped onto the carriage and said, “I believe the event will last for most of today, and I will likely return just in time for the sunset.”

Rising gave an uncomfortable shuffle at the mention of the sunset before nodding, carefully moving backwards, “Until then.”

“Until then, and do keep an eye for my sister, she’ll likely panic waking up so late.”


Luna heard a familiar voice badgering her and tried to shy away from it, tucking herself further under her blankets in her room, determined to try and sleep what was left of the day away. Celestia had discovered that her little sister had elected to stay up longer, neglecting her duties in safeguarding the dreams of everypony in Equestria for a little more study with her given lessons after Luminous Scrolls and Rising both left to have dinner and head off to bed.

When Reginald Glass had awoken Princess Luna, she felt exhausted and slow. She barely recognized the Royal Butler’s words outside of just being additional noise in tandem with her hooves clopping across the cold tiles. It wasn’t until she turned her head to the windows just before she entered her personal bathroom did she realize what time it was.

Seeing how high the sun was in the sky, Luna immediately turned around and asked Reginald what time it was. Once realizing how late in the morning it was she abandoned her daily habits of getting herself ready and, ignoring Reginald’s protests and attempts to stop her, bolted out her bedroom door towards the carriage landing field, her mane and fur still a mess.

Princess Luna rounded a corner and barreled straight into Rising of all ponies, calmly and struggling to not trip and fall as he trotted away from the landing field.

Rising had initially tried to dodge when he saw her appear suddenly, but failed to get out of the way in time and ended up getting entangled with Luna in a mass of limbs, wings, and heads, nearly adding Shining Armor in the process of them struggling.

It took a minute or two before both Luna and Rising stopped and carefully pryed and moved their limbs out and off of each other enough for them to get up onto their hooves again.

Rising gave a slight cough after Luna hit his side hard enough to knock some wind out, “Gu-morning, Princess Luna.”

Luna gave a slight groan of pain, as one of Rising’s hooves had nailed her hard at the base of her neck, “Good Morrow. I deeply apologize, but has sister--?”

“Princess Celestia had already left a few minutes ago,” Rising interrupted as he saw Luna begin moving towards the airfield, “and she will be gone for almost the entire day.”

The mare quickly turned around, irate, “And mine sister refused to awaken me beforehoof?!”

Rising shook his head, “She did. You apparently studied far too late into the night, and while she did everything that she could without it not resulting in either harm to you or payback for her chosen method of awakening you. In fact, just as she left she told me to look for you and tell you about it.”

With an irritated huff and a flick of her tail, Princess Luna trotted slowly back the way she came. Just in time for Reginald Glass to appear and gallop towards her somehow in a dignified way for someone of his age.

He came to a gradual stop as he saw Rising standing around and Princess Luna no longer running away in a panic. Looking for confirmation, Reginald asked, “I assume Her Highness is now aware?”

Both Rising and Princess Luna gave a nod, though Luna’s response was more terse and unhappy.

Reginald gave a nod in return and stated, “Well, since that hullabaloo is over with, Your Highness. I think we can return to making you look ready and presentable to take over the Day Court for the time being.” He continued as he trotted alongside Luna as he started ushering her forwards, “Your bathwater has unfortunately gone cold, Your Majesty. Though I’m sure a quick spell would solve it, and I’ve had to—”

Rising started tuning out the Royal Butler’s words as Reginald and Luna trotted away to attend to Luna’s unkempt appearance and to get her fed and ready, as much of what he said didn’t pertain to the alicorn stallion ... yet.

It still felt a little uncomfortable to him and the Legion about the situation they found themselves in as a whole, regardless of what either Princess said or ensured.

However, Rising and the Legion had brooded, they groaned and they bemoaned both silently and audibly about their newfound situation and all the additional tidbits that were going to be placed upon them both once he had been coronated and whatever plans Princess Celestia had in store for him in the long run.

Rising looked over at Shining Armor who started to doze off again and gave a light kick to one of his hooves, getting a light gasp of pain from the Captain as he said, “May as well fetch yourself some coffee if you’re going to be asleep standing, Captain ... . You ponies do have coffee, right?”

Captain Shining Armor gave a massive yawn, which Rising had to resist by breathing deeply, “We do, but by the time we get to the barracks, I’ll already be awake enough to not need it.”

“Better than having you yawn everywhere for who knows how long,” Rising pointed out, which Shining only grunted before being poked in the side again, “Come on, let’s get going. By the time we make it back from the barracks, Princess Luna will be awake and ready to handle the Day Court.”


Princess Celestia breathed deeply as the more crisp, and more natural smells of nature welcomed her to Ponyville first. There was just something more relaxing and better than the air and environment around Canterlot and the Canterlot Castle. Less expectations, less exacting demands and just getting to walk on dirt and grass rather than the hard and unyielding cold tile or the relatively uneven paved stone.

She took another deep breath before Mayor Mare arrived and gave a reverent bow to the Princess, “Good afternoon, Your Highness.”

“Good afternoon, Mayor Mare. How goes the preparations?” Princess Celestia asked warmly as the two mares began trotting through the town to the outskirts where the Running of the Leaves was taking place, some of the banners and a pink hot air balloon could be seen above some of the houses.

“Everything is going well, we were just about to start and all the participants are lining up already, your student included.” Mayor Mare replied happily.

Princess Celestia stumbled a little in surprise, “Twilight is running in the Running of the Leaves?” she asked in clarity.

The mayor nodded, “She is! In fact she was just about to join her friends, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Pinkamena Diane Pie and Spike are doing a shared job of commentary on that pink hot air balloon just over there.” She pointed with a hoof at the balloon which was currently gaining altitude.

As Mayor Mare continued to talk about the minutiae of the event, Princess Celestia simply followed the pony and allowed her mind wander and pondered at the fact that her little student had undergone a rather drastic change in activities.

Before, Celestia had to keep reminding Twilight that she had to stay active and fit, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to have the strength or energy to keep up with her mentor and the lessons her mentor gave. Celestia even decided to keep her lessons a good distance away from Twilight’s old house, Canterlot’s Royal Library, and the Castle’s personal library.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of a ringing bell and she looked around before seeing a large stampede of ponies racing out of the town and away from the event’s starting line, hearing a familiar, cheerful voice echoed down from the hot air balloon as it began flying off and following the stream of ponies.

“Well, I must say the turn out of ponies attending has met the yearly standard,” Mayor Mare idly commented as the two mares watched the contestants gallop through the trees and out of sight.

Celestia gave a hum in agreement before the mayor turned to the Princess and said, “Well, while we are waiting for them to come back, mind if I ask a certain question, Your Highness?”

“Of course, Mayor Mare,” The Princess replied kindly, turning just a little to the mare, “What is it you would like to know?”

“Well, Your Highness.” Mayor Mare started as she looked to her right to recall, “Yesterday when everything had finally calmed down after the Parasprite infestation, as well as the repairs for that Ursa Minor attacking the town, I noticed that Rainbow Dash had been flying around quite swifter than usual.”

Princess Celestia immediately knew what the mayor was going on about. It was by her experience that kept her composure calm and the lessons she had been given by both her mother and Starswirl that kept her from panicking as her mind began to race on how to quickly excuse and cover up the real reason why the mares had been called to Canterlot that day.

Mayor Mare continued, “Once was when she dragged her friends Rarity and Applejack to your student’s library, and then after a rather loud noise that sounded like yelling before Rainbow raced away again, this time bringing Nurse Redheart over.”

Maybe say it was to scold Twilight for impulsively and recklessly teleporting a letter of progress to her, as well as out of concern? No, that wouldn’t work, if it were truly that, Celestia would’ve journeyed there herself, regardless of any royal business. Celestia cared for her student enough that if Twilight was injured, she wouldn’t summon them all the way to Canterlot.

“I had asked the nurse what had happened and she said that your student had undergone magical exhaustion by teleporting a scroll straight to you without thinking or consideration about what she was attempting.”

Or Celestia could say it was just a diplomatic lunch with her students and friends. It would make the most sense, as Twilight and her friends were newfound heroes and new Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. She could tell the mayor that ‘diplomats’ had been asking questions and she introduced them to the mares who have saved Equestria and possibly the whole world.

“And then seeing a royal carriage land next to Twilight’s library, collecting all six mares including Twilight’s ... dragon. And not soon after, the royal carriage flew off back to Canterlot,” Mayor Mare finished before giving a few breaths, as she hadn’t had to talk this much before, “So to make matters and story short, I just wanted to know what was the reason for all the noise and commotion that Twilight had to magically exhaust herself before leaving to Canterlot?”

Once the mayor finished, Celestia had a simpler idea and gave a gentle laugh, raising a hoof to her muzzle, “Well I can certainly understand your curiosity, Mayor Mare. Twilight does tend to overreact to a lot of things a bit.”

Mayor Mare tilted her head and asked sarcastically, “‘A bit’? During the time that the poor mare had taken residency in our local library, I had enough time to quickly see her obsession in keeping everything organized and followed to the letter,”

She quickly put a hoof to one side of her chin as she added, “Although she did help us immensely with our annual Winter Wrap-up.”

Again, Princess Celestia gave a gentle laugh, “Yes, her obsession with organization and order has both helped and hindered whatever she happened to be involved in at the time.”

The mayor shared her amusement with the Princess before asking, “Do pardon me, Your Majesty, as I did interrupt what you were going to say.”

Internally, Celestia had hoped the mare would have fallen silent and forgotten to ask. She smiled softly, but shook her head, “I’m very sorry, Mayor Mare, however it is a matter of national security. I am simply not at liberty to freely talk about it at this moment. I can, however, keep you apprised of the situation if your interest still lingers.”

Mayor Mare shifted a little, mentally debating whether she wanted to press the issue or not. Initially, the Princesses way of wording was odd and seemed to be avoiding the question, and it certainly didn’t help to quell the mayor’s curiosity.

However, the mare considered, this was coming from Princess Celestia of all ponies, so if it wasn’t something somepony such as a mayor of a small town to know, who was she to judge?

Mayor Mare sighed, “Very well, I’ll let the matter be, Your Highness.”

Princess Celestia hid a quiet sigh as well, “Thank you, Mayor Mare.” She looked away and started seeing a small group of ponies galloping out of the forest, clearly sweating and breathing heavily, indicating that the race was coming to a close.

Celestia blinked, and she saw what appeared to be Twilight just behind the pack, “So soon?”

The mayor added, her eyes widening a little, “And so quickly? Must have been quite the competitive spirit between Applejack and Rainbow Dash, those two have been trying to best each other since they started racing.”

At the mention of the two Bearers, both Celestia and Mayor Mare quickly looked at the group that had just crossed the finish line. Some of the ponies quickly coming to a halt and panting, yet none of the ponies were Applejack or Rainbow Dash, making the two mares look back at the forest just in time to see the rest of the ponies.

Princess Celestia tilted her head just a little as she saw Nurse Redheart quickly trot over to the aforementioned ponies, “I only hope they didn’t take it that competitive spirit too far.”

Omake Chapter

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Omake Chapter: It Has Left Us ...

Rising, in human form for the moment and the moment alone, leaned against one of the pillars on the balcony, watching the world outside slowly turn and pass. He simply watched and observed intently, his eyes slowly wheeling all the while holding a somber but contented expression.

He heard several hoofsteps and turned to see the three Princesses and the other Bearers of Harmony slowly trot up to him, Princess Celestia leading the group with a curious look, "Rising? Is there something wrong?" She asked gently.

He gave a sad smile and shook his head, "No, Celestia. In fact nothing is wrong, but everything is changing." Rising turned his head back to the outside world and continued to watch.

The mares looked at each other in confusion before Rising asked, "Do you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Luna asked, as naive as a young child not understanding what was happening around her.

Rising only gave an amused chuckle at her response, "Do you feel what is preparing to leave?"

This still confused the group before Celestia attempted to try and feel around with her senses and with her heart. At her first attempt, she only felt her warm and hard jewelry that had rested on her body for most of the day, smelt only her friends and sister, saw only Rising and the balcony showing the world outside the castle, and heard her friends and her former student ask and mutter in confusion.

But with her heart, she felt something moving slowly. Something that felt like she was about to be seperated. Much like a dearest friend was soon departing and would never return to her.

Curiously, Pinkie Pie trotted forwards and sat next to Rising. She turned her gaze outside and her ears drooped as she whispered, "Yeah, I do."

Celestia asked again, "What is it?"

Rising merely blinked as he explained, "That, dear Princess, is a great spirit that held a deep presence in this land, and the lands outside of Equestria. It's what inspired and held great joy, fellowship, a deep sense of togetherness the likes that pen, paper and text cannot convey. It is what held and brought many lives and those of similar minds together in a happy purpose," He slowly turned back, showing his remorse and sadness, "And it shall soon leave us."

This caused the other mares to both wonder what was happening, and why it was happening. One by one, they started to feel the same senses within their hearts, the same presence that Celestia found.

Twilight asked, her ears slowly drooping as well, "Where is it going? Will it return?"

Rising only gave a sad smile, "To another world, similar to this one, but what it will contain even we cannot tell nor discern. I doubt any of us shall ever know until that world will host this spirit."

"But it'll be back right?" Twilight asked with a small tone of desperation, "It'll come back to us?"

Rising shook his head, "No. It will not. It has served long and well for ten years here. Now it shall spend time traveling to another, and rest there for ten. But no, its time and purpose has long since passed here."

It was then that the mares began to sense and feel the same presence as it slowly started to fade, almost akin to the slow sunset taking away its light and warmth and surrendering to the coming twilight. Where the light and warmth that the world would have to supply itself with for the rest of its life.

None of them had realized just how deep, warming and comforting that presence had been, how during the very start of their adventures, when Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon returned, they felt like the world could throw all its weight and all its problems at them and they would never suffer against any of it.

And now, realizing too late just how much this presence mattered to them, did sorrow and a desperate refusal against its departure start to arrive.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the first. They both asked Rising if there was anyway to have the presence stay and not leave, to keep them company or even take them with it.

Fluttershy simply sank to the ground and watched and felt the presence leave with growing despair, akin to an abandoned pet that watched helplessly as their former owner began to walk away, mere moments before trying to get their attention and return to them. Had her voice been any louder, her friends would've heard her beg, "Don't leave."

Rarity herself was teetering on the edge of being both angry that this was to happen and that she had no warning or time to prepare herself to be bereaved, and losing her grip on her conflicting emotions, chose to lie down with Fluttershy and cry alongside her.

Twilight leaned against her mentor, who took both her and Luna under her wings and held them close to both comfort and be comforted in return, now having to see the one thing that brought them the greatest happiness and joy continue to fade and leave them.

Both Pinkie and Rising simply stayed side by side and watched, with Rising simply refusing and telling the slowly getting angrier farm-mare and Wonderbolt how and why there was nothing that could be done, despite their pleas and ideas of bargaining and desire to drag the presence back.

Pinkie on the other hoof, simply stayed silent and watched. Her mane had lost some of its puffiness, however it did not completely deflate into the streamlined flat mane that signified the complete loss of laughter and joy in her life.

It would be an hour until both Applejack and Rainbow stopped pestering and demanding ways to fix this. Applejack simply sat down and buried her head into her hat in an attempt to hide her tears that had arrived as she argued, not wanting to show any of it. Rainbow herself simply sat next to Fluttershy and held a hurt and betrayed expression at the horizon.

It was when Rising said, still facing away from the mares, "We will not say, 'Do not weep.' for not all tears are something to be ashamed of. Bottling up your emotions is like containing evil magic, it is harmful to the mind and emotions, it does you no good to hold them back."

Rainbow Dash grumbled in a quavering voice, "'Not crying." Though unsurprisingly, she rubbed her eyes with her hoof just before giving a choked sob.

It wasn't long before the entire group, minus Rising, gathered around the athletic mare and gave in to their own emotions, tears of sorrow and bitterness falling from their eyes and either onto each other or onto the floor, lumps swelled in their throats and their voices sounded choked and quivering. A few times they would give a crying gasp, while at other times they sobbed and buried their muzzles into one another's side or shoulder.

Rising, in the while, had known sadness and loss, having lost so many whom the Legions had individually cared and loved and had been loved in return. The loss of family and friends was always hard, and the loss of those who held unyielding and unwavering guidance in their lives and paths in life was always difficult to ever pass on.

Yet it was their bond connecting them to each other that they had, which enabled each of them to comfort and support each other during this time of mourning the loss of the beneficent entity which had a positive influence upon the world and its inhabitants.

Words started to form from them, something that would kindle and alight hope in the soon to come unending twilight, as Rising looked down and said, "All is never lost, even now."

Only Celestia and Twilight were able to hear him say that as he continued, "Though the light shall leave us, there still remains many, smaller lights in the sky, more than the stars themselves. Each light holds remembrance, fond memories, and the knowledge that even though time may pass, neither they nor us shall be forever gone. Yes, many shall fade in time, some shall drift away and even more shall forget. But there shall be many who will pass on what they know and share their experiences with others, inspiring them to see what we've seen, and feel what we've felt. So long as they hold together and stay true and remember."

Luna could only say, "It hurts. It feels as if we have lost our parents again."

"Because of how much it mattered to you." Rising nodded, closing his eyes.

"But what are we gonna do after all this?" Twilight asked, staring at Rising, "Without this ..."

Rising stayed silent for a while before giving a deep breath, "We breathe in, we breathe out. We cry until we cannot mourn anymore, then we dry our tears. We join with our friends, family and allies and celebrate what we had and still have. Then," He leaned away from the edge and walked towards the mares, "One step at a time, we continue to live."

"Besides," Pinkie softly spoke up, tears still falling in her eyes and still holding a sad smile, "We're still here, and we'll still be here."

And so, the group of mares and human watched and waited until the last shred of the presence that the mares, barring Pinkie Pie, had just discovered and realized how much it had affected and mattered to them had finally disappeared.

And then the world seemed to turn darker, and lost its vibrant colors.

Rising then muttered, "It is gone now."

Their tears returned anew.

Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: ... And A Full Leap Forwards


“May the next petitioner come forth!”

It took all Luna had to not groan at that sentence. It was like tolerating a broken record looping away. It was always done in grandiose manner, no matter who said it.

Blessedly from Faust herself, the next pony to enter was the last pony ... Only for the petitioners to be replaced by piles of paperwork.

Luna nearly lost control of her temper and composure again and started slumping ever so slightly, already dreading having to scan and read reams and reams of paper filled with legalese and clauses which do nothing but try and disguise in excessive verbiage and their greedy plans or wear her down to just accept whatever proposal was before her without question. It was bad enough knowing that her eldest sister had to tolerate such manure for so long, but now to experience just how bad it was for herself? Tartarus must surely be naught but bureaucracy and legalese.

Princess Luna almost wished she was back on the moon before she snapped out of her reverie and back to reality as the last petitioner came forward hesitantly.

Taking note on the mare’s hesitance, Luna decided to offer some support for the shy mare to help articulate her thoughts. Straightening her back a little, Princess Luna spoke in the most benevolent voice she could muster, “Mine sister is currently occupied with a traditional event down in Ponyville, and has left me in charge of the Day Court in her stead.”

The mare flinched, as if she didn’t expect Princess Luna to accurately know what she was thinking. After several seconds of uncomfortable silence and Luna slowly expressing her impatience with a frown and furrowed eyebrows, the petitioning mare stepped forward a little more and asked in a quivering voice, “Y-your Majesty, Princess Luna ...”

Above the congregated Princess, petitioner and Royal Guards, Rising gave a small snort at Luna’s attempt of encouragement before returning to his thoughts and those of the Legion within the Plains of Eternal Hills.

As Rising looked over inside the alcove and at Shining Armor, who was pawing the ground in boredom, he thought back to yesterday during the Royal Sisters’ small meeting with their Majordomo, more specifically when Celestia’s little student and her friends had sort of made up with him after his indelicate turn on Rainbow Dash.


As the two princesses and Majordomo continued to discuss and talk amongst each other, it was clear to Rising that they would be at it for possibly more than ten or so minutes. Still, he had elected to wait in silence, occasionally getting coherent snippets of what the three were saying.

That is until Twilight had meandered up to him and hesitantly poked his leg to get his attention, “Um ... Rising?”

Getting his attention with a slow turn of his head, Twilight began, still hesitant on trying to work out what she wanted to say, “So, about before ... when you first met my friends ...”

“If you’re asking for an apology for what we’ve said, then say no more.” Rising started before he gave a halting, “We ...”

He looked to his left, as if someone invisible had just called for his attention, and his irises’ had changed colors twice before he restarted, looking back at Twilight, “I, apologize, as I still wasn’t thinking things as thoroughly as I should have been.”

Twilight blinked in mute surprise, “O-oh.” She gave a quick glance over to her friends, seeing similar states of surprise, “Well—”

Pinkie Pie quickly scampered up to Rising and said brightly, “Apology accepted!” She frowned for a moment and gave a surprisingly hard poke to his chest, “But don’t be a meanie to my friends, okay buster?”

Rising blinked at the pink pony with raised eyebrows and replied with, “Noted.”

Either by wordless conversation or telepathic approval, the other mares trotted towards him with less hesitation, though they still had their own expressions judging on his words before.

Silenced reign among them as the group occasionally looked back at the princesses and Majordomo, who were still in discussion until Twilight was the first to break the ice again, “Sooo, how are you doing in Equestria?”

The stallion gave a shrug, which was rather difficult to do, which ended with his neck and head moving down and up. “We’re faring well enough, considering how a great deal of things either disobey or ignore the rules of physics and gravity, the shock of whatever else is new to us is just dulled to where we can simply stare and move on.”

The unicorn student gave a small scoff and roll of the eyes, “Yeah, I can imagine a lot of things don’t make sense. Much like how the clouds and trees in the Everfree Forest just tends to themselves without our hooves.”

That, is natural to us.” Rising gave an amused smile, “We can prune, we can tend to the ground and weeds around plants, but we can’t influence the clouds and the growth of the trees or its fruit.”

“... S’what again?” Applejack drawled after staring at the stallion for a few seconds.

This garnered a returning stare from Rising as he repeated, “The natural climate of your Everfree Forest is normal to us and our race.”

“How’d y’all gather fruit for e’ery harvest, then?!” Applejack started.

“We watch and wait.” Rising smiled.

This sent Applejack into a sputter, “Bu-but what about the fruit?! Do they all turn ripe in time?”

He shook his head, “No, some get over-ripe and just become food for the ants, worms and birds, if they haven’t gotten to the fruit before they became ripe already. Some aren’t ripe enough to haul them to markets or stores, and sometimes the ripe and ready to be picked don’t make it in time to be sold, or they don’t get bought long enough that they are thrown out.”

This brought Applejack to give the stallion a look of uncomfortability, her ears drooping as the farm pony complained, “But ... but tha’s such a waste!

Once again, his neck and head dipped down and back up as he replied, “It’s the best we could do. Pesticides only came back around and turned us ill, and nobody was ever willing to stand guard and patrol a full crop all day and night to prevent animals, insects and thieves from getting at them.”

Applejack gave another question, her ears falling flat, “But what if you can’t get any fruit?”

“Then their are no fruit or vegetables for farmers to sell or eat. Sometimes they have to fight both the weather, natural disasters and the earth itself to ensure they at least get a handful. And if they can’t, then they either replant and wait, give up the farm, or starve.”

Applejack fell into a depressing silence as Rarity asked with a frown, “Darling, isn’t there anything that does not contribute to this distasteful outlook of your race’s life?” She gave a disdainful sniff before adding, “Or does everything in your do perpetuate nothing but barbarism and low quality of life?”

The mares were finally rewarded with a smile as Rising replied, “Thankfully, no.”

Rarity raised her chin up and gave an almost snobbish harumph, “Then perhaps we should have more positive conversation instead. All this frowning and negativity is doing nightmares against my health and beauty. I’ve taken years perfecting my body and I’m not letting it go to waste, thank you very much!”

The alicorn relented and gave a nod, “Very well, what would you like to know that isn’t doom and gloom?”

Thank you,” Rarity pressed before giving a few seconds of thought with a hoof to her chin.

She gave a happy exclamation and was just about to ask what came to mind before Twilight was nudged by Pinkie Pie with a pocket watch in her hoof, indicating that she wanted her friends to get a move on. Twilight gave an odd look to Pinkie before stepping forward and saying, “Mares, I think we do need to get back to Ponyville, we’ve been gone too long and we need to get everything ready for the Running of the Leaves.” She turned towards Rising and gave a polite bow, “It's nice to see you again, Rising. Though I hope during the coronation our meeting will be under less sour circumstances.”

Rising blinked before noticing Pinkie jabbing at her pocket watch, ending any chance of him asking what Rarity had in mind. However he did glance over to the still arguing princesses and Majordomo and asked, “You’re leaving without saying goodbye to them?”

Twilight’s ears immediately perked up and quickly turned to face the princesses while Rarity gave another unhappy huff, “Well! Since we are being pushed out the door, I suppose I shall have to rely on either the coronation party or through letters. Goodness knows I could do with a Pen-Pony outside of my own parents and customers are often formal.”

“We’ll do what we can with letters, though don’t be surprised if they’re a little difficult to read or have different handwriting.” Rising commented.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight called. However she didn’t get an answer, not even an ear twitch from her mentor to signal she had heard her.

Twilight was willing to sit and wait for the Princesses to acknowledge her until Rising looked over and said, “May as well give your goodbyes anyway.” His ears swiveled to hear something that Twilight strained to hear before he gave a loud derisive snort, his expression souring.

That as it turns out, garnered their attention enough to look over and notice his reaction to what one of them had said.

Twilight took that opportunity to try and gain their attention again, only for them to return their attention back to their discussion.

Now with Pinkie appearing before her again, this time jabbing the pocket watch harder with a stern look, Twilight simply relented and called out, “Goodbye Princess, I’ll see you at the Running of the Leaves. ... Alright let’s go, mares.”

Rising gave a small chuckle at Twilight’ grumbling as the group of mares, with Spike climbing back onto his adopted sister’s back, having gotten over his dismay and despair of having no comics.


“Finally!” Rising’s ears and attention returned to the present as Princess Luna grumbled as the timid petitioner left the throne room and out of hearing range. As it turned out, the mare was the last pony to visit for the day. It had taken quite some time to figure out what she had wanted, which had been about her wanting the highest ruling approval for adoption papers over a small colt that had been abandoned.

Shining Armor added his own grumble of relief as Rising commented “Odd,” he stuck his head out with the curtains fluttering open, “With your sister, you barely complain. Even when the last petitioner left, you never grumbled nor complained. Is it because of your sister nearby you wouldn’t dare raise your voice near her?”

Luna glared at Rising, “Tis none of thy business to know!”

She was only answered with a level stare before he pulled his head back.

Now groaning that she snapped at him as well as being irritable that Day Court was done, only to be soon replaced by paperwork, Luna got up and slowly stretched before leaning against her assigned guard and descended from the throne.

After leaving the throne room and finding Rising and Captain Armor around a corner, Luna quickly trotted up and muttered, “We ... apologise for that. While we art oft familiar with nobles who begrudge and ask of menial things as it has been since the days of old, it still angers us that they do not try to figure out how to solve their own problems or even consider any other thought than to trot to us like a foal to their mother.”

“We understand your impatience.” Rising commented, as he regarded her with some leveled patience, “And we’re willing to look past your anger. However, as we’re assuming you were taught this, many will look to you or your sister for guidance and wisdom, even those who wish to supplant their selfish desires past your nose. Those who are patient have great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.”

“Thou speak as an aged pony.” Luna muttered, quickly recalling the lessons that had been pounded into memory long before she had become princess.

“And you grumble like a spoilt and rebellious child.” Rising retorted, gaining enough balance to give a gentle nudge at Luna’s side. Luna’s only response was to grumble to herself as they continued to move onwards.

Shining Armor meanwhile, would have commented that they argue and bicker like a married couple. However since he was in the presence of both one of the two Diarchs of his own homeland and a guest that could beat him seven ways till next week, he opted to hold the thought to himself and followed in silence, mulling over the events he heard about his sister and her treacherous journey to a dragon’s lair.

Instead of having the ‘office’ to do her own share of paperwork and file through written proposals and askances within the comfort of her own room, Luna’s workplace was instead created out of the unknown number of open rooms in Canterlot Castle. The construction of her room was a replicant of what she had before her banishment, placing a large enough desk for her to do it all was considered an afterthought, left unconsidered. And sadly, due to the determined effort to replicate everything, this left no room to place a desk anywhere that wasn’t in her way nor was there a possibility of renovations.

So instead, Luna was left to choose out of the many locations in the Castle where she wanted her own workplace. Said room she chose was one that was the closest to the throne room, as she figured it was best to have both jobs be closest to one another rather than have to travel all the way to her room and then go across it.

She didn’t consider that had she done so, she would’ve been sorely tempted to abandon paperwork for the safety and excuse of going to bed earlier until her sister had noted it aloud.

A sudden, very loud noise ripped Luna’s attention from her thoughts as she almost literally jumped out of her skin.

She gave a quick yell before dancing away from the source before she turned to the direction of what Luna would have been convinced as a loud magical blast detonating next to her, and saw Rising hold a hoof to his nose, sniffing a little.

Shining looked at him and spoke with his ears folded back against his head, “Bless you.”

Luna simply stood there, looking almost scandalized as she commented, “Art ... thou well?”

Rising’s response came slightly nasally, “Health be willing, thank you.” After noticing how his voice sounded, he gave a rough growling to clear his throat and tried again, this time sounding better, “We may need a zinc lozenge, though.”

Luna’s expression turned from startled to bewildered. Zinc? Wasn’t that supposed to be one of the modern supplements for a pony’s growth, if what the medical notes she had to read was correct.

Whatever the stallion’s problem was, it could probably wait. For now, Luna had an appointment with a pile of papers.


Princess Celestia gave a chuckle after seeing the aftermath of the race. It was a welcome surprise to finally find her student participating in physical activity, as she had been hinting here and there during her tutelage. She had watched and facehoofed upon seeing Rainbow Dash and Applejack take their competitive attitude to such an extent that each mare would try to sabotage the other for a race that was more about tradition and seasonal ecological management than about who crossed the finish line first.

However, she was glad that the two mares felt ashamed and embarrassed about their unsportsmarelike behavior and that the both of them didn’t let their desire for prestige and praise ruin their friendship.

After watching them gallop off to help the remaining trees which had not yet shed their foliage, Twilight came up beside her mentor and said with an amused smile, “I’ll give them around a few hours before they’re back to trying to best each other.”

Celestia admonished her, “Come now, Twilight. You should have more faith in your friends.” However after a small thought, she bent down closer to Twilight and said, “I’d give them tomorrow.”

The two shared a laugh before Celestia added, “I’m sorry that I hadn’t noticed your departure, Twilight.”

Her student waved it off with a hoof, “It’s okay, Princess Celestia. You were busy trying to figure out what to do about—” Twilight nearly mentioned Rising before realising where she was and quickly hushed herself as she placed a hoof over her mouth.

Celestia quickly took initiative to cover Twilight’s near blunder and replied, “I’m glad that you were understanding. Handling something as complicated as this ... .” Her voice drifted off after thinking over the entire event of Rising’s awakening.

Twilight moved her hoof away and moved a little closer to whisper, “Princess Celestia? Do you really think that Rising can fit amongst everypony? Given his attitude and his ... eccentricities.” She waved a hoof around the ponies and Ponyville, “Is he really going to be able to handle all this?”

Her mentor’s long silence and her eventual answer didn’t assuage her concerns, which bothered her and everypony around her, “I don’t know, Twilight Sparkle.”

That answer stayed with Celestia, even after she had stepped aboard her carriage and flew off back to Canterlot.

Was Rising going to be able to handle the tameness and innocence that Equestria now had? Out of all the attitudes and behaviours, it seemed that her speculations of the Minotaurs’ and Griffons’ reactions to his presence was the most familiar to him.

Yet there were very few options available to Celestia that she, her sister and Rising would agree upon.

A small voice at the back of her head began to whisper a thought. For the majority of the flight back, Celestia mulled about it, toyed around with it and gave it consideration.

Finally, she decided to agree to it and with a spare parchment and small quill she kept with her whenever she was out of Canterlot so as to send messages to anypony at any moment, and wrote upon it, ‘We simply hold onto hope and shall endeavor to do our best in helping our friend adjust as he transitions from the world and culture he knew to a whole new world.’

With that she rolled it up and with a little magic, sent it on its way to Twilight, and went back to feeling the wind blow through her and meditated on what to do for the coming days.


The same loud noise erupted again, making Luna and her more literate attendant jump and nearly make a line of ink tear across the recent proposal in front of her. Even Shining gave a start and jerked his head towards the source of the noise before calming down a little.

“Confound and buck it all, Rising!” She yelled, turning to the stallion who was the responsible criminal, “Doth thou seek mine startlement for thine entertainment?!”

Rising gave another sniff and answered with another rub to his nose, “No. We’re not doing it on purpose.”

“Then take thine bothersome sneezes elsewhere,” Luna demanded, “Hath thou no place else to busy yourself?”

“Looking at our track record,” Rising replied, “We’re not allowed into the library, we’re not allowed near the Royal Guard barracks, the Night Guards are asleep at this time, and we’re not allowed outside the castle. Unless you can think of something to entertain us, we’re well enough staying nearby you and watching you work.”

Her glare was all she could give in response, before inspecting the proposal to be sure she hadn’t ruined it. After seeing no damage, Luna returned to listening to her aid resume their duties and reading and summarizing the key points covered by the proposal she was currently looking at.

She placed the piece of paper in the ‘Rejection’ pile as relative silence returned for a few minutes, with Rising observing and listening to her work being done.

After a few more minutes, Rising looked over to Shining Armor and asked, “Could you go into the library and fetch us a few books? The elementary primers would be preferable.”

Luna immediately stopped what she was doing, paper levitating just shy of being added to the increasingly growing ‘Rejection’ pile and stared at the stallion. She nearly proclaimed that Rising wasn’t allowed into the Royal Library until she realized exactly what he said. Shining took a little longer at catching on, but just before he reached the door, he paused and turned to look back at Rising with surprise.

Luna turned to face him, astounded, “Thou knew and planned this from the beginning.”

“Not entirely.” Rising shook his head a little and admitted, “We did know that your sister would ban us from the Royal Barracks, though we didn’t think she would’ve added the library and the Captain to be our aide.”

“But thou predicted we would restrict thee.” Luna pressed, unconvinced.

He fell silent for a little, before giving a small nod to the side, “We suppose we did.”

The Princess scoffed, though a small smile creeped in despite her unhappiness, “Thou remind us of our youthful days. None could keep us down and often did we worm our way out of discipline.”

It was then that Shining moved, hesitantly, as if waiting for Princess Luna to call him to stop. However once he was nearly out of the room, he began to pick up his pace and headed toward the library.

When the Captain was out of sight, Luna commented, “Thou art aware our sister may not share our amusement?”

“As far as we’ve seen and are aware Princess, you both are too well adjusted to having everyone heed and beckon to your wills. Yes, Princess Celestia won’t be as amused by this, however there isn’t much she can do about it without sounding like a tyrant.”

He was rewarded with his remark with Luna giving a shiver and a glare at him, though she didn’t retort or snap back at him as she returned to her work in silence.

That silence would continue well into the evening, even after Shining returned with the procured books until Luna had finished her job, as once the last paper was dropped off into the ‘Rejected’ pile and her aide said that was all the paperwork for that day did she give another grumble of relief and jumped off her cushion.

It was when they reached one of the main halls that led to the entrance of Canterlot Castle did they find Princess Celestia and Golden Needle trotting up the stairs. Upon locking eyes, both groups moved towards each other, with Celestia greeting warmly, “Hello Luna! How was the Day Court?”

“Droll, as ever.” Luna grumbled, “And thine paperwork was just as terrible. Couldst thou believe it if we told thee a pony wished to remove ten homes for the sake of building a high rent apartment that cost more than either one of those homes?”

Only patience and years of experience made Celestia respond by shaking her head in amusement, “She always did prefer to look at the numbers instead of cost and effect.”

“This wasn't the first time?” Shining asked, his interest piqued as he was there with the other alicorns when the proposal was read aloud.

“Oh yes, Captain.” Celestia gave a small laugh, “Compound Gemina has been insistent on pushing apartments and smaller homes to populate Canterlot, even at the expense of the middle class ponies.”

“And she hasn’t learned at all about compromises, exceptions and what seems to be proper rent prices?” Rising flatly commented, his eyebrow raising.

“Sadly.” Celestia shook her head.

Seamstress Golden Needle decided to speak up, eager to change the topic to her own efforts, “As charming as most of the noble class ponies’ wits are, I am more than happy to say that I’ve completed the necessary garments for our up-and-coming Prince!” She hesitated a little as she took another look at Rising, “Though ... We may need to have him dress up and trot around with it before we can say it’s perfect and ready.”

“Then it seems we have a task for thee, Rising!” Luna said in a smug tone, “Thou hast asked if we knew what to do with thee, and now we hath our answer!”

Celestia looked between Luna and Rising before asking, “He hasn’t asked for books to be brought to him yet?”

This garnered Celestia with an incredulous look from her sister and a thoughtful look from Rising as Luna cried out in frustration, “How in Equestria is it that thou both figured such a loophole and we hadn’t?!”

Both Celestia’s and Rising’s laughter at poor Luna’s expense rang through the halls.

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The day had come at last. The news had been spreading like wildfire the day before, and thousands of ponies had quickly made traveling plans. The rich and higher classes made reservations and fought proverbially tooth and hoof for the best seating and view to see both the princesses and this new ‘Prince’ that had been declared.

The lesser rich and more numerous middle to lower classes did their best in getting anything else to see and hear the event, though there were the smarter few who decided to hear about the coronation either from second-hoof accounts or from their daily newspaper.

Then there were those who packed up their camping equipment, gathered supplies and headed out to the designated areas within and around Canterlot City, where designated unicorn teams fueling and casting a series of vision and audial spells, broadcasting against a blank wall showing the balcony where the princesses and their new ‘Prince’ were to appear.

While the kingdom of Equestria underwent an orderly chaos in preparation, Princess Luna gave a small protest to Rising, “Couldst thou settle down? I cannot tell if thou art uncomfortable in thine coat or anxious!”

Rising continued to fidget around in his given dress as Princess Celestia agreed, “As much as I’ve seen and been with you, Rising, I don’t believe you would be the one to have stage fright.”

The stallion himself muttered, “Is it stage fright? Or are we just uncomfortable with the rapid change of pace?”

He didn’t have long to ponder as Reginald Glass trotted over to them and reported, “Everything is almost ready, Your Highnesses. The nobles from Canterlot, celebrities and high class ponies of Manehattan and Los Pegasus, and the Royal Thestrals of Hollow Shades have been seated and the crowds attending are slowly trickling to a stop.”

“Then it is nearly time,” Princess Celestia remarked as she looked at Rising, “How do you feel, ‘Prince’?”

“If you’re expecting a witty one liner from us, Princess, then you’re going to be disappointed.” Prince Rising replied almost flatly as he rolled the shoulder joints of his front legs as a reminiscent gesture of rolling his shoulders, before giving a quick sigh.

Celestia assured the stallion as she came up and bumped shoulders with him, “I can understand your hesitance. Just breathe and keep to the script, Rising. It doesn’t take long at all.” She gave a small giggle as she added, “After all, I’ve had to deal with my coronation.”

Rising gave a huff as he replied, “Our ‘coronation’ is a bit smaller and less important in comparison to that, Princess.”

Both alicorn mares rolled their eyes as Celestia argued, “Rising, you are the first Alicorn stallion to appear to Equestria in a thousand years. During that millenia, ponies everywhere believed I was the only Alicorn, and even when Cadance appeared and when Luna came back, nopony ever considered that another Alicorn to show up, let alone a stallion at that.” She ruffled her wings a little as she looked at Rising, “I don’t think our own coronation to being the Diarchs of Equestria can beat that.”

If we are ready,” Reginald Glass pressed, making Princess Luna and even Princess Celestia flinch as his tone became hard, “Perhaps we can begin and prepare to walk out to the balcony?”

Rising looked at both mares with bewilderment as Celestia gave a nod and agreed, “Yes, we should probably be moving, then.”

Shelving the question for Reginald for later, Rising said nothing as he followed the other ponies, a few Royal Guards following alongside as they trotted off to where the balcony was.

As they walked on, Rising gave yet another loud sneeze. The princesses gave a start, Celestia’s flared her wings open, nearly taking off while Luna turned around and glared at the offending stallion.

Reginald turned and raised his obscenely large eyebrows as he asked, “Bless you, sir. Will you be alright?”

Rising gave a few sniffs as he answered underneath a tissue being levitated over his nose, “Thank you,” After giving a few, hard snorts into the tissue, he added, “We’ll be fine long enough, the sooner the coronation begins the better.”

The other ponies looked at the stallion with silent regard for a while before continuing onwards, depositing the used tissue into one of the many placed trash bins within the castle.

A thought came to surface to Princess Celestia and she turned to Rising to ask, “Rising, before ... you transformed, you had spoken something about being highly ranked within your lord’s kingdom ...” She hesitated as she didn’t know whether the stallion would answer her or not.

Her sister picked up on what she was heading towards and continued for Celestia, “Mayhaps you enlighten what rank you hold within this kingdom that you served?”

Rising came to a stop and considered his answer. While the information itself was harmless and it wouldn’t immediately give an edge on anything, it still was something of a personal information that he and the Legions didn’t usually divulge. Not to mention that announcing one’s rank would easily be considered a matter of pride, which lay on a very fine edge.

He glanced at the Royal Butler before looking back to the princesses, and by reading his body language, Celestia was able to interpret his concern and added, “Reginald Glass is sworn to secrecy on any private matters which he happens to hear, Rising. He wouldn’t reveal anything unless it was an order.” The butler gave a respectful bow after she finished speaking.

The stallion stayed silent for a little longer before he answered, “Our Lord, after adopting all of humankind into His family and declaring them as His sons and daughters, had established and given them relatively high positions in the Kingdom. Although those who followed him devoutly were in a sense equal to the status of princes and princesses and as such were his heirs, he knew better than to entrust humankind with substantial and actual power. He instead gave them a more political power, preferring them above his own soldiers and generals.”

Slightly put off with the vague answer, Celestia decided to press him on it, “What position were they given?”

Rising answered with an even voice, almost as if he was trying to verbally walk on eggshells, “As we had said, mankind as a whole had been adopted and named as heirs and heiresses, on top of being given the political position of a Judge. They, among the Lord, his son and his ...” Rising seemed to hesitate on what to say next before giving a slight nod to the side of him, “‘Majordomo’ would later on preside and judge both their fellow humans and the Fallen.”

“Judges?” Celestia asked with her head tilting slightly.

Luna gave a light scoff, “Thine lord grants a rather interesting position, for those who he calls his “heirs.””

“If you recall, princesses, humankind has had a deep descent into behaviours that would’ve made many conclude casting them into the void than consider any of them worth of salvation.” Rising gave his remark, “Precious and loved as they were, He still knew better where to draw the line of what they would be given.”

“Wait,” Luna nearly muttered and slowed her pace a little, causing the other ponies to slow down as well, “Thou saidst that thine kind were meant to be judges in presiding court, but both by thine actions, habits and by the ancient scrawls within thine sanctuary, thou were more a warrior than a judge!”

Rising’s expression immediately soured as his head lowered slightly, “Now we know how the Angel felt.”

He didn’t answer the questioning stares from the other ponies as he answered, pausing here and there, “Our ... own position came at our own personal request. We didn’t achieve the same feeling of satisfaction and peace. Instead of becoming a judge as He had wanted, we ... requested to participate in His army.”

Luna seemed to have some relation, as her eyes softened, “Thou wanted to take action and move rather than sit and wait.”

Nobody was thrilled in the slightest when we had asked, that much we can tell you.” Rising said with his eyes closed and eyebrows raised, “Should’ve seen their highest commanding general after they relented and allowed us to join the army.”

Princess Celestia was about to ask why they allowed Rising to, except she noticed her Majordomo trotting over to her. As she turned to look at him, Celestia realized that they had arrived at their appropriate destination.

Giving an irritated huff at being forced to push the question aside, Celestia politely asked Forward Bastion, “Is everything ready, Majordomo?”

The stallion gave a firm nod, “Everypony in Canterlot is seated and ready, Your Highnesses,” He turned around to walk with them closer to the large balcony, “Shall I tell the trumpeters and crier to begin?”

Princess Celestia gave a quick nod to him. As Forward galloped away, she turned to look over at Rising, who in turn was looking at himself through a tall mirror that had been placed there.

Celestia trotted closer to him as Luna discussed and verified a few further details with an assistant. Rising didn’t react to her presence as he continued to stare at the reflection and the very pony he had become and was dressed in.

The tall alicorn stallion had been dressed in a mixed suit of armor and clothing. The metal-grey armor wrapped once around his breast, with a bolo tie of the Equestrian seal in the middle of it, and the back of his neck before going across his back and arching over his thigh where his Cutie Mark would be. The detailing and engraving was a tarnished silver in fanciful designs that reminded Rising of both blackleaf and beading engraving; It impressed Rising due to just how much detail and effort was put into the armor’s design, let alone how quickly it was forged, detailed, and finished.

His hoof shoes, which had a more broader shape of a Fleur-De-Lis, were also in a metal grey color, with brighter silver detailing around the metal edges and it enveloped a little more of his hooves than either Celestia’s or Luna’s shoes did.

The same was done to his peytral, though there was no symbol upon the center of it, leaving it to have a solid plate of blank space surrounded in engraving details, as since Rising didn’t have a Cutie Mark of his own ... yet, as both princesses and the seamstress assured.

Finally, Celestia asked, “Rising?”

His ears didn’t twitch at her word, however he responded a few seconds later, “One week.”

Celestia’s ears drooped a little as she stepped closer and hugged Rising with a wing around his barrel.

“A single week since we’ve arisen,” Rising muttered as his eyes remain focused upon the mirror, “and already, we’ve shed our human form, soon to be placed upon a lofty pedestal. A crown placed upon our head, and civilians to hail us as their prince ... .”

Princess Celestia tilted her head slightly as she asked softly, “You don’t take well to being given any of this?”

He shook his head. His wrapped tail twitching once, nearly drawing both of the Royal Sister’s attention to the movement, “Nothing like this.”

Rising had protested and was very vocal against the tail wrap, despite the constant reassurances from every pony around him how it would’ve completed his given coronation dress and still given him acceptable privacy and prevent anypony from seeing.

“Acceptable or not,” Rising argued at the time, his iris’ blazing in color and a flustered blush coloring his cheeks, “you forget we’re used to covering the crotch up to the hip!”

“You draw spies from nothing!” Luna had protested when one pony that had been in charge of helping him dress up tried to approach Rising again with the tail wrap only for him to quickly flap and shy away, “Nopony shall notice or see anything unless you keep mentioning or complain about it! Come down here!”

What followed was a dogfight in confined quarters that Rising had nearly won had Luna decided not to add her magic.

Celestia had to force herself not to let her eyes linger on his tail and return to the current conversation as Rising continued, “We are more used to being alone, letting our decisions either be dictated by us or by His orders. All we have in leading anything was armies, many of them would have won without us anyway. We never led a kingdom, and too few of us ever owned any significant land or business ... . None of us wanted to.”

Rising looked over to a circlet that rested upon a baby-blue pillow that was emblazoned with the Equestrian seal, consisting of both Royal Sisters flying in a circle around the middle, which bore the sun and moon.

It was a single, inch and a half wide band fashioned to look like a band of bright silver chain with a sort of celtic engraved plate in the middle. In that plate was fitted with a trilliant cut tanzanite as its center stone. The tanzanite was an attempt to make it stand out against his own brightly colored mane while not having the colors clash or dominate over each other, as if left bare, Rising’s mane would’ve distracted anypony from seeing his silver circlet.

She couldn’t immediately find the words to say. In a way, Rising was in a place she didn’t have the right advice or answer to. Both Celestia and Luna had been raised by tutors, advisors and their own parents to know and understand how to lead in their places. Rising was simply dragged out of his sleep and thrust into a new world and barely anything besides the buildings and structures seemed recognizable. Luna had some trouble with Equestria after being gone for a thousand years, but for untold eons? As much as she could gather from him, it seemed as if there were neither signs or warnings that he was going to be crowned as a prince or be turned into a pony for Equestria’s safety, including him.

Celestia pressed closer to him as she softly apologized as Luna trotted closer, “I’m sorry.”

Rising shook his head again, “Don’t be. You're not at fault for any of this. It’s merely life being as it always had been ... .” His eyes drifted over to his crown and stared at his own reflection in the large gem.

When Rising was informed that his circlet had required a gem to make it stand out, he hadn’t argued about it. Considering his rather distracting and eye catching mane, a gem that was enough to stand out against it was reasonable enough. Add on seeing Princess Celestia’s peytral and crown being fitted with significantly large gems and Princess Cadence's crown having a slightly smaller gem, and understanding how Equestria was a more matriarchal society, this led Rising to believe his gem would’ve been around thirteen millimeters by thirteen, a typical size for headwear or necklaces all the while keeping to the societal terms. He even expected the color of the gem to be a pastel violet.

Apparently not.

Instead, the tanzanite was a massive three inch trilliant cut, exceptionally violet. It was large enough to be seen from yards away!

When he asked how on earth could the princesses afford getting such a gem and why he was getting something that stood out so visually, Princess Celestia calmly told him that they had naturally growing gem and crystal farms in certain areas of Equestria. And gems or precious stones at this massive size would only set a pony such as Rarity, or Twilight in the case of her younger brother, back by a hundred or so bits.

All Celestia was rewarded with was a spit take from Rising as he ranted, “Gemstones and crystals take years to form and be ready to be mined! The only—”

Rising immediately fell silent and unamusedly stared at her before finishing with a response that would send both princesses into a giggling fit, “Magic ...”

A Royal Guard came trotting quickly towards the three alicorns, interrupting both their talk and Rising’s reminiscing, his hooves clacking on the tile loud enough to gain their attention.

“Your Majesties,” The stallion reported with a sharp salute, “The ponies are ready and awaiting for you.”

Princess Celestia glanced at Rising before she used her magic to pick up the pillow containing the circlet and followed her younger sister to the balcony.

Rising paused, his eyes returning to the mirror for a few moments more before giving a long breath and moved to follow behind the mares. Though not without breaking into a sudden cough and a sucking in air through his nose with a grimmance.

The numerous crowds of ponies began stamping their hooves and the smattering of other creatures among them cheered as they saw the approach of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. All the while the quieter nobles sat in advantageous places where they could see their princesses and this newcomer that Prince Blueblood had been trying, pestering, and spreading rumor about. Some had started moving their heads left and right, trying to see past the Royal Sisters and their currently inconvenient manes from revealing their mysterious pony.

"My little ponies," Celestia began, her voice amplified with a spell as the cheering settled down and every pony and creature below fell silent to hear her, "Long ago during the early days of Equestria, alicorns had been a name of myth and legend. Until both my sister and I ascended to the thrones, there had been no records of alicorns. Even the recent coronation of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her accomplishments are the only intact record of such ponies. But now, the times as we once knew them are now past us and we have entered into a new era. We have discovered that we are no longer alone. The rumors of a new alicorn are true, and soon you shall behold an alicorn who had lived long before the birth of Equestria itself, hailing from a time many eons prior to even the most earliest of civilizations and having traversed through the lands we once lived in before the Windigos had driven us here. Now he returns to us from his long solitude and seeks to live among us in our great kingdom. My little ponies, I present to you all, Rising Dawn."

There was a great roar of applause but among the nobles and royalty, it was a very different story. An alicorn? And not only an alicorn, but one older than the birth of Equestria itself? Already the nobles began muttering and speaking amongst themselves, some making plans and others resolving to confront this new pony. Where has this ‘alicorn’ been all these centuries and why now did they decide to show up now?

Rising Dawn, after giving another round of deep breathing, walked between the two princesses as they parted ways to let the civilians of Equestria see him. His wings unfolded partially, displaying and proving that he was an alicorn to the crowds around and below as he looked out and down at the sheer mass of ponies, gryphons, thestrals and other creatures in silence.

Many of the nobles very nearly bolted out of their seats at the sight of their new pony. An honest to Faust alicorn. An alicorn stallion. Such an idea of a pony existing had flitted to and fro in their imaginations and idle thoughts. Sometimes a few nobles would’ve come across a question whether there really were any alicorn stallions, or if their princesses were the only ones in existence of such a physical status ... while fewer nobles considered and thought of other thoughts surrounding them.

Sometimes a few noblestallions would’ve imagined or dreamed during the night or day on how they would’ve looked as one. But never in all their lives had thought that such a gender on the epitome of all ponies in Equestria truly existed.

The silence began to linger as the citizens, nobles and the princesses patiently waited for Rising to give his speech. However it started to seem as if something was delaying him, as he stood there and said nothing.

At first, Princess Celestia thought that Rising was being dramatic, and internally thought that he was over-exaggerating about his hesitance. She tilted her head a little to get a side-long gaze at his expression and noticed how his eyes swirled in color and kept flicking left and right, how he was blinking a little more than usual and how his mouth barely seemed to move.

The crowds below began to mutter and wonder to each other as Luna trotted forwards slowly and asked him in a soft tone, “Rising? Art thou well?”

He didn’t immediately respond to her question before he closed his eyes and breathed slowly a few times. After calming himself down, and with a few reassurances from the Legion, Rising opened his eyes and started, "Citizens and nobility of Equestria. We are honored to stand before you all, and deliver our humblest of greetings. As your diarchy, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have stated, our name is Rising Dawn."

Already, Celestia could tell that Rising wasn’t planning to follow the transcript her scribe had written for him. Albeit for starting himself off, he was certainly doing better at not stuttering between words or pausing in an attempt to come up with the right words like many other ponies had and floundered at.

He unfurled his wings fully and upwards, while his mane had spread out and flowed in a similar breeze that Celestia's mane had, giving his appearance a seemingly powerful presence, "After centuries upon centuries away from ponykind, we return to you. Leaving our long seclusion and hermitage after your plight against the Windigos, whereby you have established the Kingdom of Equestria."

Rising continued, "Long has it been since we have lived among ponykind,” his mouth gave a small twitch at using the alternate usage of terminology but didn’t give any further reaction as he continued without halting, “Well before you were driven, we had sought to live away from your settlements for both peace of mind and body. Though your ancestors had hoped to convince us to return, we stayed and remained alone, in seclusion from ponykind.”

Rising paused as he heard some of the whisperings from the crowd, a very rare few suspicious over that the new alicorn before them was, or could have been, implying.

“Years upon years had passed and we still held reluctance to return until your princesses had encountered us and befriended us.” Rising paused again and gave a small glimpse over to aforementioned mares before continuing, “We still cling to our old ways, and we are unused to living within a grand kingdom as this, and it will take time until we are ready and able to do all that we can do for Equestria. Thus we ask of you, for patience and understanding as we learn to live and help you thrive. You are all that is great in this land, and you are all that is worthy in it. We are honoured to return and stand before ponykind once again."

A greater round of applause came from the civilians and from the majority of the nobles, although some of the nobles and the more politically-intelligent civilians whispered and muttered to each other. Regardless of who held suspicions, they still gave reluctant applause.

Celestia slightly frowned at the sight of the nobles, perhaps she might have to talk to Rising about them, but she decided to talk about it later once everything had calmed down. She stepped forwards with the pillow and crown trailing behind her as she declared, "In recognition of both age, wisdom and of great nobility, I welcome Prince Rising Dawn, the Prince of the Dawn. Let us welcome him as one of us!" She finished as she lifted the circlet off the pillow and placed it gently on Rising’s slightly bowed head.

Her declaration was well expected by the gathered ponies as they didn't hesitate in joining the rest of the crowd in cheering and stomping their hooves on the ground. Many of the naive and optimistic now held the belief that the golden age of Equestria was just beginning, with such momentous events like the defeat of Nightmare Moon and now the announcement of a stallion Alicorn within their territory.

Were it so easy.

Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: And Thus We Venture and... Collapsed?

Prince Rising gave another sneeze followed by a series of coughs.

He was brought another tissue to his nose courtesy of Princess Luna, which he took with his hooves and as best as he could, and tried to clear his blocked nose before trying to collect whatever he coughed up and spat into the tissue. Giving a grunt of annoyance, he let the tissue be taken away, wadded up and into a nearby trash can as Princess Celestia asked Hibiscus Stem, who was the Royal Doctor in Canterlot Castle, “What’s happened to him? He was fine only hours ago at the ceremony.”

The pony could only shrug and shake her head in confusion, “I wouldn’t understand either, Your Highness. As it stands, he’s establishing a fever with several other symptoms I’ve not seen in one illness.” She looked down at her gathered notes and reports and listed them off, “The fever I’ve already mentioned and all it’s accompanying symptoms, but for one reason or another, it seems he’s catching almost anything that is related to other illnesses, the pox, as you can see on him, the inflammation around his mouth and nose, pony flu … honestly, he’s even caught what seems to be a lichen infection!”

“It’s called, ‘our immune system being weakened.’” Rising hoarsely muttered, loud enough to get everypony’s attention, “We already expected we caught a flu, but—” he drifted off into another series of coughing and shifted around to try and scratch at his back.

This only gave him looks of bewilderment as Princess Celestia asked, “What do you mean?” She fell silent for a moment before furrowing her eyebrows, “You knew you caught a flu before the coronation and yet you didn’t tell us?”

Now it was Rising who gave a look of bewilderment, “Do you ponies not know what an immune system is?”

Hibiscus thought about it and mentally dug through her memory and training before shaking her head, “I don’t believe there was any records or books about this system.''

And now Rising looked at her annoyed, “You ponies can recognize a series of flus, infections and diseases and have ways of curing them, yet you have no idea what the immune system is?” He quickly went back to a coughing fit as his throat was irritated by bacteria-infested mucus.


The celebration that followed the coronation of the newly crowned Prince Rising Dawn, something that remained an uncomfortable change of pace, was almost exceedingly exuberant.

Soon after he left the balcony and entered the large dining hall of Canterlot Castle, Rising was informed by both Princesses that this would be a ‘meet-and-greet’ sort of party, where the nobility and prominent middle-classed ponies would attend to personally see him up close and speak to him.

Of course, the first ponies he aimed and figuratively hunted down were six specific mares.

“Rising!” Twilight was the first to call before she stumbled over herself and self corrected as her friends gathered around her, “Prince Rising. Congratulations!”

The stallion raised an eyebrow in bewilderment and asked, “Congratulations? For what? We don’t recall really doing anything other than being the center of attention with a series of events.”

The academic mare sputtered a little before mumbling an apology while Applejack gave a friendly nudge to her friend, “Ah told ya.”

The farmer turned her attention to Rising and said, “But best a’ luck to ya, Risin’. Ah don’ have much ta say abou’ all them fancy ponies, but it certainly ain’t a thing Ah wanted to be included in.”

Rising was about to answer her when he was interrupted by the sight of two noblesponies walking towards him.

They disregarded Applejack and barely gave Twilight a look before one of them introduced himself with a bow, “Your Highness, Prince Rising Dawn. It is an honor to meet and speak to you, my name is Lord Amadeus Blueblood, er, Prince Blueblood’s father if you will.” He gestured to the mare next to him, “This is my wife, Alura Blueblood.”

Said mare gave a polite bow, “Your Highness.”

Rising gave a polite bow in return as he said, “Your son did not communicate aught about you, Lord Blueblood. When we heard of his relation to the Princesses and how he maintained his stay here in the castle, we admit we had some thoughts as to his parents.”

The noblestallion gave a short chuckle, “Our son had been adamant on leaving our mansion. An adventurous burst of wanting a little more of the world rather than the boundaries of our acres.”

“A burst indeed.” Rising commented with a small, wry smile, “If he could only go so far as his aunts.”

The two Bluebloods shared a polite laugh before Amadeus replied, “Indeed. At first I thought he would reach as far as Manehatten, but then I realized not soon after he could barely stomach our trip to Los Pegasus.”

Rising gave a polite chuckle before his body interrupted with a sneeze and accompanying cough, which prompted Applejack to ask, “Y’all right there, Prince Risin’?”

A sniff and another set of coughs answered her before he said, “Probably not.” He attempted to clear his throat. He turned to the Bluebloods and apologized, “We’re afraid you’ll have to excuse us. While we’d love to share experiences, we’d rather not share whatever’s affecting us.”

Amadeus waved a hoof, “Of course, Prince Rising. Though I’m surprised that allergy season is so soon. Perhaps I will have to ask a servant about it. That said, I do hope we discuss more often.” With that the two gave a polite bow of their heads and trotted off.

And already we have someone trying to influence us, One voice dryly commented, aside from the Princesses. A while it has been since we’ve been the spying eye-light in the candle.

Rising considered trying to find if the castle had anything to reduce his coughing, and was about to find Celestria when he gave a terrible series of coughs that almost sounded as if he was about to hurl on the spot.

In fact, the man turned stallion almost thought he was about to as another series of dry heaves came and started gaining worried attention from the attending ponies as he felt a familiar wing wrap around his barrel.

Within the Tower of Eternity, the Legions quickly started assessing what was happening. If the sneezing was the first symptom before the coughs, that would’ve narrowed things plenty to assume influenza, or a similar type of infection.

Infection. One voice repeated before an idiotically obvious and clear danger reverberated through the Legion. They were still new to this land and age. Rising was as exposed to every sickness on the planet as much as an ignorant tourist.

And they’ve gallivanted about inside a castle without even a thought of it.

Rising had just reached past a doorway before giving a terrible sneeze, “We’re sick.” He rasped, barely recognizing an answer.


The stallion finished his series of coughing just in time to comically show like he was about to hurl, which felt and tasted horrible no matter how anyone in the room would’ve commented.

Luna was quick to levitate the bucket to him just in time for Rising to grab it and hurl his dinner from coughing too hard and too frequently.

The mares winced in sympathy before Rising moved his head away and said softly, as to prevent the stench from his mouth from wafting over, “Once we recover enough, Doctor Hibiscus, discussing health and wellness will be the first topic between us. We recommend getting paper and quill for documenting it.”

Hibiscus blinked at the stallion before giving a slow nod, “Maybe. That will depend upon what else is affecting you and how quickly you recover from it all.”

Rising guzzled water down before giving his answer, “If we start and keep up with soup, broth, tea or water, a bit of coconut water and with a few oranges, we’d maybe estimate at least a week.”

This gave a recognizable and skeptical eyebrow from the mares as Princess Celestia asked, “And how exactly would you know how to estimate that? Some of my students that went on to become doctors and nurses would’ve estimated longer than placing such optimism like that, Rising.”

The stallion gave the princess a dull look, “This isn’t our first illness, let alone the first time we’ve diagnosed one, and it won’t be our last either. Also we recall informing both you and Princess Luna that many of us had previously held occupations, practices and hobbies. That includes jobs and tasks such as medical personnel.” He rested his head against the raised pillows as he continued, “Though to be honest, some of that was more focused upon human-physiology and well-being, not equine pathology … Still,” He finished, “ while we won’t say we’re the dedicated experts on the final say, we do have some idea of what we’re saying and doing.”

Doctor Hibiscus gave a small noise, “At least you have some sense, decency and humility, more than some of the mares I’ve tended to who wanted to ignore their well-being. I can’t tell you how often I had to drag Princess Celestia’s students out of the schools and to their rooms whenever flu season arrived.”

Rising gave a hearty laugh, despite how stuffed his nose quickly became, “Bloody stubborn-headed idiots. A shame our society looked down on professionals slapping sense and insults on their patients when they were ignoring clear advice and ended up watching their patients either return worse than before or getting a call that they’ve ended up in the E.R.”

Hibiscus gave an eye rolling groan, “I’m constantly expecting the latter each and every day.”


In the purest sense of honesty, Celestia thought, this was expected.

She was back on her throne, alongside her sister in front of a continuously growing crowd of nobleponies and journalists, all desperate to hear and find out just what happened to Rising so soon after the Coronation.

Twilight and her friends had been the harbingers to approach and pile questions on her before the crowds began to appear. As far as she could tell, the mares were still with Rising and likely worrying and fretting in trying to help him recover sooner.

Luna’s patience finally ran out with hearing too many voices and questions and no time in answering them as she demanded in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “SILENCE!

The crowd within the throne room obeyed as the echoes of her command bounced and faded before Celestia cleared her throat and stated, “If we could begin in an orderly fashion, who among you wishes to go first?”

Many of the ponies quickly bustled and shoved around before one pony, a dressed up mare with a notepad and pencil in hoof and teeth asked, “Your Majesties, what happened to the newly crowned Prince Rising during the Royal Banquet?”

At least somepony started with an easy question,’ Princess Celestia thought as she answered, “Prince Rising had unfortunately fallen ill due to catching multiple illnesses, while safety and cleanliness was performed and exercised, Rising did not have any sufficient resistance against them. From what our Royal Doctor had reported, Prince Rising had taken ill to Pony pox and flu, Feather Flu, fevers, and among the worst of them being a lichen infection.”

Any semblance of order between the nobleponies and journalists were lost as they recoiled and reacted to the news and sheer amount of illnesses that their new Prince had caught as some number of ponies began asking and demanding why and how the stallion had caught them.

It wasn’t long before the nobles were accused and demanded their personal records of health, along with those who had attended the banquet; With the nobles being quick to become defensive against the journalists, Celestia quickly put a stop before anything drastic would’ve occurred, “I will not have misconduct and accusations happen here, cease your accusations and panic, and calm yourselves!”

While it settled the ponies down, she couldn’t stop them from glaring at each other and their grumbles as she continued, “Now, Prince Rising is under the best care that Equestria can provide for. With the doctors that are assigned to help him recover, I can say with little doubt that Prince Rising will return to us in good health within a month.”

Again, she was met with a wall of questions before another glare from Luna made them fall silent and the press conference began again, but in a more orderly manner.


“Isn’t there supposed to be a minimal safe distance from someone as ill as us?” Rising commented dryly as Twilight continued to work and worry over him while Fluttershy did her best in either re-soaking the wet hoof towel on his forehead, “On top of that, hadn’t the nurses and doctors already established what to do?”

Twilight didn’t pay any mind to what the stallion said as she kept flipping her eyes between a medical book in her magical grip and over to Rising as Fluttershy gave a sheepish grin at him.

Both Spike and Applejack were quick to give their dull looks of ‘I told you so’ at the aforementioned mares. Rarity tutted, “I may have to agree with you somewhat, Prince Rising. As much as one can trust and believe that the medical professionals know what they’re doing, these two do care enough about you to worry about your health and wellbeing.”

“Regardless … .” Rising grumbled as Twilight summoned what clearly seemed to be a table meant to create potions and tonics alongside several herbs and an assortment of ingredients.

Before she started working on mashing one pair of ginger roots, Rising reached over with his hoof and, with a grip which he nor the Legion could quite understand was possible with hooves, grabbed her tail and gave a gentle yank to demand her attention.

This rewarded him an embarrassed yell from Twilight as she spun on her hooves and with a blush on her face glared at him, her tail and one rear leg tucking tighter to herself. Rarity gave a condescending scoff at Rising’s action, despite that she herself had considered trying her hoof in bringing the intently focused mare back to reality.

Rising interrupted her before she could scold or yell at him, giving her an equal and unamused glare in return, “You’ve been ignoring every other attempt we’ve tried at getting your attention, Twilight.”

“As rude and boorish as that was, he has a point, darling.” Rarity commented.

“More to the point, however. You do not need to add your own input on our condition, nor should you be trying to fix us when we will return to full health before the month is over, Twilight.” Rising stated tiredly, more out of repeating himself than loss of strength.

The unicorn gave another glare at Rising before complaining, “But what if the doctors missed something? I could probably get Zecora or maybe even a potion or two that’ll—”

“Only complicate things more than they need to, Twilight.” Rising interjected, “Do you understand the phrase, ‘Too many cooks spoil the stew’?” He got a reluctant nod from her before finishing, “We’ve already spoken with the doctor and her staff, and we’ve already established an effective method. Your input and concern are well appreciated, Twilight. But leave it to the professionals who do this kind of thing for a living.”

Twilight started to argue further, however her rebuttal came out as a whine, “But!”

“Whining doesn’t suit you, Twilight.” Rising commented as he adjusted back to a more comfortable position after he had rolled on his wing and gave a slight grimace when Fluttershy removed the hoof towel to rinse and keep it cold on his forehead.

The unicorn mare then protested softly, her hoof pawing the ground, “I just want to help.”

Rising gave a silent sigh as he gave a glance at the rather silent audience of four mares, who seemed content to watch the back and forth exchange between the two, “We know that feeling, Twilight. We really do. However if you could but step back and consider what has been done and what the problem itself is, you’ll find that the answer had been simple and already answered: We have fallen ill due to our lack of resistances against your civilization’s number of illnesses and diseases that you and every other pony and creature have resistances against. Were it any other human or another being in our place, they would surely not survive it and your worry would’ve had very good grounds. It’s by what we are, who we are, and whom we’ve served that keeps us away from death’s door entirely. Yes, you might see us suffer and we’re not going to lie, getting sick sucks and there’s not a moment that we’d rather not suffer from this illness at all. But we would rather endure this and know we will recover within a scant few days, than hold a prayer that we survive the next hour as you rush and panic and experiment upon us in trying to save us.”

“I’d rather not for you to suffer at all ... .” Twilight muttered audibly, still shuffling her hoof.

The room fell into silence for a moment before Rarity tilted her head in thought and remembered, “I think this is a good time to come back to what we promised to talk about the day before yesterday?”

Rising looked over at the mare and asked, “You had one question about something before you all had to leave quickly, didn’t you?”

Rarity took a moment to recall what she had, “Hm, I believe I did start with an easy question about how your kind dressed and what fashions they had.”

Rising gave an expression of shutting his eyes, turning his head and pursing his lips and exhaling through them, “Easiest and most complex answer to really give, Rarity. We can give a relative understanding where fashion started and what it was like when it ended, but you’ll have to understand that you’re asking for a list of fashions that occurred for more than several thousand years in thousand different places.”

Rarity drifted closer with apt attention as Rising paused before beginning his story, starting off with clothes that started from plants, animal skins and bone before turning to looms, linen, cotton, silk and wool.

As he continued on, doing his best in describing and giving a verbal image of what he tried to describe, Applejack looked over at Twilight and could tell that her persistence in helping the stallion over his illness was eating at the mare. She trotted over and gave a poke to her shoulder, “S’m’thin’ wrong, suga’cube?”

Twilight seemed to snap out of her thoughts to look at her friend before waving a hoof, “It’s nothing, AJ. I mean if Prince Rising’s health is due to return after a bit, what’s the least I should worry about?” She gave an awkward laugh that did not sound convincing in the slightest.

Even Rainbow nearby looked over and commented, “Oookay.”

Pinkie, on the other hand, zipped up past Fluttershy refreshing the hoof towel and nearly tripping her over onto the bucket and on the ground as she quickly asked, “Were there any parties?! Big parties, surprise parties, Huuuumongus humongous parties?!”

The ponies in the room merely stared at Pinkie with wide eyes as Rising commented, “Of a sorts. Some you’d recognize like birthdays or holidays, others not as much.”

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say to the pink pony as she started getting excited and demanded what sort of parties she didn’t know about as Applejack returned her attention to Twilight, “Ya know ya can talk t’ us, right?”

Twilight looked at Applejack for a moment in silence before nodding, “Yeah, I know, AJ.”

“Pinkamena Diane Pie! Darling, let the poor Prince breathe!” Rarity’s voice nabbed the two mares’ attention as they turned back to see Pinkie nose to nose with Rising, who had already placed a hoof against her chest to gain some distance from her.

“But. But parties!” Pinkie protested, giving Rarity doleful eyes before Rising placed a hoof against Pinkie’s cheek and gently but firmly pushed her off of him and the bed.

The alabaster unicorn put a hoof to her muzzle for a second of thought before she gave an “ah” and suggested, “How about you go and plan out a party for when the Prince recovers, Darling? I’m certain he would appreciate something like that.”

Pinkie recoiled before giving a dramatic gasp, “And I didn’t make the “Happy Waking Up” party! I-GOTTA-GO!” And with that she bolted to the door, barely pausing to open it and vanished around it.

Rarity gave a sigh of relief, “I swear, she’s a good mare but honestly her energy is far too much for any one pony to handle. I’ve no idea how she does it.”

She then returned her attention to Rising and said, “So as we were discussing; Was there anything new for your kind’s fillies and colts during that era? I imagine it must’ve changed as much as the adults did.”

Rising gave a chuckle, both out of Rarity’s method of turning Pinkie Pie away and not swarming him as well as her asking about the fashion change, “The first ten years of the nineteen hundreds didn’t see much or anything extensively noticeable for children, girls would see light colors and stiff, starched clothing. But other than that, they still were given miniature-sized adult clothing. Although then came a highly rising complaint about how difficult and impractical it was to wash and maintain the whiteness of the garments. It was an increasingly rare sight to see pure white clothing and limited heavily by those who had both money and time to dedicate to it, and even then such clothing gave an insight of their parents wealth and class.”

Rarity felt a slight chill of apprehension, whether that was out of what fashion might’ve devolved to or some other reason, she couldn’t tell, “Dare I ask what happened after those ten years?”

“Well things started to split down the middle between two periods: Before the war and after the war.” Rising answered, immediately getting wide eyes from the mares as he continued, “At the start was a rise in oriental themed clothing amongst women, as well as the last and final sight of the corsets in replacement for what was called “lampshade tunics”. As for men, the three-piece lounge suits still reigned while more casual alternatives started to appear, noted more by their leggings reaching to the ankles and the cuffs turned up. And as for children, this was the point when simplicity took a startlingly dominant—”

“Wait wait wait!” Twilight waved her hooves to interrupt the stallion as she asked with concern and hesitation, “What was that about a war?”

Rising looked over at the mares, noting Fluttershy’s wide-eyed and scared expression while Applejack and Rarity were both silent with worried stares, and Rainbow Dash wasn’t flying in the air anymore as she was teetering on either wanting to ask about the war or not wanting to ask.

These ponies are truly that adverse against the vast majority of violence outside of beating someone to unconsciousness...” One of the Legion commented.

“Indeed, there was a war during the 1900s.” Rising explained, being careful not to scare them with the knowledge that there had been two and the fact they were labeled “World Wars.”

Besides, some of the best kept secrets are the ones no one ever asked.

The room fell quiet again before Twilight tentatively asked, “D-did … how long did it last?”

“Four years, three months and fourteen days.” Rising recited, remembering during the days that it winded down and countries had started to back off and lick their own wounds, Germany in particular.

It still brought the feelings down on the ponies as Rainbow Dash nearly demanded in shocked exasperation, “Why?!”

Rising gave a snort before Fluttershy quickly remembered about the now warm and drying cloth on his head. After she fixed this, he answered, “The first and foremost cause was because of an assassination of an archduke from a country visiting a different country, which caused politics and alliances to come into play in a rather messy bout because said alliances were separated by several different countries. Another cause for said war was due to how many of these countries did not like each other at all, and due to the massive increase of technology including military resources, everyone was incredibly eager.”

Twilight’s expression seemed to grow in horror as she recalled, “There was once an assassination and war with Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom a millennia ago.”

“Did it end with the Griffon Kingdom in shambles both economically and in social disorder?” Rising asked, his and the Legion’s interest quickly piqued.

That brought Twilight’s interest and curiosity up as well as she said, her panic and terror forgotten, “Actually, yes! They’re entering a recovering phase and haven’t found any form of unity yet, but they had a massive decline in economy from the end of the war till today.” She gently tilted her head in confusion, “How did you guess?”

“Similar effect happened to the country that had been waging the war almost by itself, though it found it’s unity … to its own misfortune and discord, however … .” Rising drifted off before continuing to a different topic, “Curious, both this Griffon Kingdom and Germany had a similar aftermath from a war they were mostly involved in, we wonder what else is mirrored so closely with human and equine history … .” The colors of his iris’ began to swirl and dance once more as he took in what was said.

“I’d love to go over history and check that out, Prince Rising!” Twilight excitedly jumped up before being slightly startled with Rising giving a nasty set of coughing, shirking back as if she feared catching any splash from him, “Err, maybe after you’re feeling better.”

Rising gave a muttering agreement as he settled down and was quick to guzzle down some water that he was able to reach. In his case, a bucket of water with a ladle in it.

That some quickly turned to nearly dumping all the water on him to quench his thirst as he set the wooden bucket on the bed and asked, “Perhaps we could ask you instead, let you talk while we rest and recover. We never learned much about you, or the Princesses outside of simple meetings, more so with those two mares.”

The five mares looked at each other before giving various agreements, seeing no harm and agreeing that Rising did have a point in that.

Twilight decided she was the first up as she began to talk about herself and some of what she had interests in, mostly revolving around reading and collecting books, and her current job at Ponyville, and how she came to live there after rescuing Princess Luna from her Nightmare self.

“We had heard about “Nightmare Moon”.” Rising commented, attempting to speak simply to not trigger a cough, “She seemed more a demonic possession than Princess Luna’s indulgence into her emotions. Perhaps you could describe her? Attitude, behavior?”

Now that Twilight and the other mares had time to think and consider what they saw and thought of Princess Luna during their time facing her as Nightmare Moon, out of all the scaring myths, legends and bedtime stories to get fillies and colts to be good, including Nightmare Night … .

Rainbow Dash was the first to answer, “She … really reminded me of a lot of those boring villains I listened to back in pegasus elementary … .”

Rarity gave a nod, jogging her memory a bit as she considered the whole showdown, “She did exert quite the overconfidence, and she seemed to love repeating herself about ‘The night lasting forever’.” Both Applejack and Fluttershy nodded in agreement with what they recalled.

This sent Rising and the Legion for a loop. Here were five of six mares who’d faced and fought against Nightmare Moon, despite that they knew she was almost like a demon incarnate by legend and history. And out of the words from both Princesses, Nightmare Moon was described and supposed to be just as equally demon incarnate, uncaring and demanding total obedience and worship out of the world. To hear next that her attitude and behavior was little more than a cookie-cutter, over-the-top villain, who was overdramatic and arrogant to a fault born out of a buildup of envy, jealousy and neglect … .

Perhaps Luna had suffered while being this Nightmare and Celestia had been uncontested at a level such as her own sister becoming inane and falling into a completely different personality, as well as the pain of fighting her own sister? Questions upon questions.

Considering Prince Rising’s deep contemplation and confused expression, Twilight risked a question, “Nightmare Moon ... doesn’t seem all that terrible to you, does she?”

After a few seconds and a quick look from Rising, snapping himself out of his thoughts, he nodded, “No ... and it’s confusing with your accounts and the Princesses’ accounts on this Nightmare. It's curious ... .”

“Well it’s of little matter,” Rarity chimed in, “The dreadful, albeit rather well designed and fashionable form that Princess Luna had been was needing to be stopped, and we successfully did so. Though, one of us was being a student of Princess Celestia while the rest of us mares were little more than civilians.”

Getting a few looks from her friends sans Rising, Rarity took the opportunity to introduce herself and her profession. Adding how she first found her talent in fashion before she became apprenticed to a seamstress in Canterlot before she opened her boutique in Ponyville.

Rising gave another quick cough before saying, “And what exactly encouraged you to open shop there?”

“Oh my family, mostly. They’re not entirely thrilled about the high life of Canterlot,” Rarity said slightly airily, “and with my parents preferring to be the adventurous sort, I’ve been splitting my attention to both my business and my young sister.”

“Ah thought it was about ‘helpin’ Ponyville find fashion’ since Ah recall ya’ll sayin’ we were “behin’ the times”.” Applejack said.

“Hush, darling. You of all mares have the least to say when it comes to fashion.” Rarity argued halfheartedly.

“What of you, Applejack?” Rising asked, “We doubt your life was nothing but—” He immediately was cut off with a series of hacking and coughing, his hoof quickly reaching for the trashcan before spitting up what his throat had collected, much to the disgust from the mares around him.

“I see your health hasn’t gotten any better,” A familiar voice called from the doorway as Princess Celestia trotted in, “And you still claim you’ll return to better status within the week?”

Rising gave a small sour look, more out of recoil from the small ordeal while the five mares gave a bow to their princess, “Definitely. Is the Day Court over already? Only felt two hours since you left.”

“The Day Court is on hold for now, since I wanted to come visit and see how you were doing.” The alicorn mare answered as she inspected disdainfully at the trashcan and empty bucket of water. With a bit of magic, she incinerated the contents and refilled the bucket, which Rising quickly took as a sign to start gulping more water down.

The stallion kept silent for a moment and tried to look behind Celestia and at the door before asking, setting the bucket down on the bed and letting it be taken by Fluttershy, “And Princess Luna? Since she visited us before you left for your duties, it's curious she’s not here.”

“She elected to retire until the evening, saying she was losing focus and energy and needed both when her lessons and nightly duties came.” Celestia gave a quick look around before asking, “Where is Pinkie Pie? I recall her being here when I left.”

“She’s off making Rise a party when he gets out of bed.” Rainbow Dash answered, making the Princess give a small giggle, “Knowing her, it might be held over at Ponyville, trying to get Rise over there.”

“Might need to inform her that leaving Canterlot is temporarily off the table, then.” Rising said as he closed his eyes from the cool cloth placed over his forehead.

Rainbow only gave a shrug, flying a few feet up, “Ain’t stoppin’ her. She likely will just have it on hold till you visit.”

That only rewarded her with a flat grunt, getting giggles from the mares. The room fell into thoughtful silence for a few seconds before Rising returned to the question he had before, “So Applejack, that story we asked?”

It took a moment before the farm mare remembered, “Well shucks. ‘S much as Ah’d like to say Ah was just born an’ raised on the Apple Farm, tah be honest Ah wasn’t always. Bout after Ah reached about ten ‘r so, Ah went off on mah own to Manehatten tah stay with mah aunt ‘n uncle an’ tried to see if Ah could try an’ live big.”

That got Rarity’s attention as she exclaimed, “You went and lived in Manehatten?”

With that and a smile from Applejack, the farm mare cleared her throat and spoke without even a hint of her drawl, “Indeed I did, Miss Rarity Belle. It was not an easy life and I had stayed with Aunt and Uncle Orange for quite some time. They even helped me try to become what they termed as ‘ true Manhattenite with proper Equish before I saw a rainbow-colored explosion coming from Ponyville’s direction. Taking it as a sign, I returned to the Apple Farm, as that was where I truly felt where I belonged, considering that I missed my grandmother and my big brother quite terribly. I even earned my Cutie Mark soon afterwards.”

The sheer change of accent and dialect gained Applejack a lot of wide eyes and raised eyebrows, including Rising.

Before Rising could ask or comment on her story, Rarity sputtered and exclaimed, “Wait a second! You saw the rainbow explosion? That was responsible for me finding all those gems, gaining my Cutie Mark afterwards at the Ponyville’s school play and I never learned what caused it!”

Twilight took that moment to chime in, “Wait, an explosion was what caused me to have a magical surge just as I was failing the entrance exam into Princess Celestia’s school! It’s what caused me to gain a Cutie Mark after Princess Celestia helped me calm down.”

Fluttershy decided now was the time to mutter in and just audibly said, “I heard an explosion and saw the rainbow, it helped me get my Cutie Mark by helping and communicate to all the animals that were scared by it.”

“Wait, Ponyville and rainbow explosion?” Rainbow asked, “Ehh, how long ago maybe?” She quickly gave a sheepish grin as the mares turned to look at her.

Celestia was the one to answer, though from her smile Rising could tell she probably already knew, “It would be ten years ago when I heard and saw that ring, and it happened at Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash, would you happen to be involved with that?”

Rainbow’s grin didn’t fade away as she scratched the back of her head, her cheeks blushing, “I... might’ve had something to do with a race when I was a filly and ended up causing a Sonic Rainboom and got a Cutie Mark out of it.”

The four mares sans Celestia stared at Rainbow before trotting up to her for a group hug, with Applejack saying, “Et was you all along, ya squirrely pegasus! Ah’d never find mah home without ya Rainboom!”

The four mares continued talking about how much they owed Rainbow Dash for her actions as Celestia trotted closer and studied Rising’s expression, paying more attention to his eyes as they changed colors at an almost dizzying speed.

“You seem contemplative, Rising,” She commented, getting his attention with a flick of his eyes and ears towards her, “A bit for your thoughts?”

He seemed content to be silent as the stallion continued watching the five mares laugh and smile before replying, “We heard that explosion and I saw that rainbow ring within the Eternal Fields.”

Celestia blinked in surprise as she waited for him to continue, noticing that his reply had gained the attention of Twilight and her friends, “Whether it was the explosion itself or some other aspect, I was the first to awaken in those Fields not moments afterwards. I stared at the open sky and saw the passing ring race through the skies above, painting and leaving behind a rainbow mark that still remains to this day on the Tower of Eternity. Once I had awakened the others, we debated much and long about what caused that explosion, and what that ring was … .”

Rising stared at the dogpiled and wide-eyed Rainbow with what Celestia could honestly describe was a mixed mask of expressions as he finished, “Now we know it was you who caused that, and you were the one that awakened us.”

The pegasus squirmed underneath the pile of her friends as she comprehended just how far reaching her stunt had affected, “I … wow, I … really? You kinda … don’t seem as happy as the rest of us are, though.”

Rising gave an amused grin at her, “We’re a bit more contemplative than expressive when learning, Rainbow. Especially since a certain Pegasus was responsible for waking us up in that fashion. There are better methods than explosions, you know.”

He gave a frown as he pondered on how the pegasus’ actions ten years ago had such an effect on her friends that are currently dogpiling and giggling around the mare, including Rising and the entire Legion.

WAAAAIT!!” A familiar voice cried in panic, snapping everypony’s attention as Pinkie Pie ran around the door and exclaimed, “Did somepony mention a rainbow explosion?!”

Perplexed, the mares and stallion looking at the pink pony gave a nod with Twilight replying, “Rainbow was the one who caused it and helped us all get our Cutie Marks.”

Apparently this didn’t cheer up the usually happy and eccentric pony as Pinkie complained, “But-but-but, I wasn’t ready for this yet! We were supposed to talk about this ten episodes later! I had plans and songs, and-and-and I had this whole thing, charts and pictures! We were gonna talk with Scootaloo and her friends and I was gonna talk about how I got my Cutie Mark from that rainboom and—” She rambled a little more before giving a low groan of frustrated despair as she fell on her back, “Just, the one time, and awh. Geez. T-the one time I get it all.” She muttered in spoiled unhappiness, “Ya’know, just forget it.”

Pinkie looked as if she was about to drudge off before Twilight and Rarity picked up the pony and brought her over as Rainbow asked, “Did my Sonic Rainboom help you find yours too?”

The party pony gave a sniff as she drawled lamely, “Yeaah, I was born and raised at a Rock Farm, it's just off the San Palomino Desert, South-East of Los Pegasus. It was a really boring place and then the Rainboom cleared out all the clouds and poofy’d my hair and made me learn to smile and … .” She drifted off after that, still unhappy her future planning had been wasted before she was dragged into a group hug from her five friends.

Rising was still contemplative as the six mares giggled and held their embrace. It was a remarkably unusual event to have seven lives … well, Rising and Legion would rather count themselves as just one life to avoid unnecessary math. But still, seven lives that were affected by a single event such as this ‘Sonic Rainboom’; And later on six of those lives would become these ‘Element Bearers of Harmony’.

As for Princess Celestia, she simply kept smiling at the group of mares as they continued to talk, hug and laugh. Even if Twilight hadn’t been destined to be the Bearer of Magic, Celestia would have still been happy for her to have these five as very close friends.

Though she did wonder if Twilight would remember some of the friends she used to have and left around here in Canterlot. Normally it wasn’t her place to pry into her student’s life despite having planned out her involvement with Nightmare Moon, but she used to have a small group of friends that at least she kept in contact with.

Celestia was snapped out of her thoughts, as was the heartwarming scene from the six Element Bearers by Rising giving a nasty series of coughs, which prompted Fluttershy to hurry over and replace the now dry hoof towel over the stallion’s head and Celestia calling one guard to bring in another bowl of soup; adding for the chef to put thyme and mint in it.

Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: Over The Hiccups and Through The Chills

“Bloody impossible ...” Rising grumbled as the broken pencil was taken from him to be resharpened and replaced the lost graphite point with the help of an assistant.

“Indeed!” Grouched his writing mentor Crossed Quill, as the stallion looked at the splotched mess that Rising had on the parchment, “I’ve met ponies with terrible hoofwriting, unicorns that had to switch from their horns to hoofs or mouths, and one mare who could only write with her wing, but never have I met or had to teach an Alicorn who broke as many pencils or barely made a recognizable word on paper!”

As much as one would’ve commented that when one was ill, they would be more focused on bedrest, but boredom was one of the first things that would cause them to complain and demand some kind of engaging activity. This certainly was the case for Rising. Despite Celestia’s attempts at reasoning that she could have a pony be assigned to write letters for him, Rising was adamant on having something to do. Adding on that he would want to keep in touch with Twilight and her friends, after getting a promise out of them that they would write.

Writing with magic however, was out of the question between both Celestia and Rising. As much as being an Alicorn normally would mean magic came easily to them, Rising was never born as a pony, let alone as either a unicorn or an Alicorn and as such magic was well outside his capability, requiring a full course of magical lessons.

Which was not happening while he was still sick and bedridden. Especially since magic can go haywire whenever a sneeze or cough would come out of nowhere and nothing to stop it.

Rising didn’t even have the will in him to question how Equestria had invented pencils when quills were used just as much within the castle as he attempted again to write in Equish.


’He’s only ill, Celly. He’ll be back on his hooves in no time. Tartarus Celly, he's not going to disappear on you either.’ Celestia mentally chided herself while she listened to the ranting of one noble who was unhappy about an inconvenience.

It was a curious feeling. She knew where Rising was; She knew how he was, that he would recover to wander about the Castle with much less problems except for the labyrinthian nature of the Castle, and Celestia knew both she and her sister could visit Rising at any given time after Court.

And yet for some damnable reason, she still felt like life dimmed just a bit.

’Am I just this starved for casual conversation with somepony that will see me as a pony and not for my title?’ She frowned carefully, so as to not have the noblespony notice. It wasn’t entirely out of the question, as she knew every mare and stallion inside the castle by name. She could instantly remember names and professions from Chef Evergreen Leaf, to the recently recruited Fair Longhoof. So to want to know about somepony she didn’t know about would certainly be a welcoming change.

Except with every pony in Equestria, she could probably find out almost everything about them either by her presence indirectly demanding them to confess anything, even their personal secrets, or by looking at their documents and recordings of their lives. With Rising, there was barely anything about him or the Legion and he held his secrets much closer to his chest. What made him interesting was that he only revealed what he felt was worth telling to her and Luna to know.

Or the two are just not asking the right questions, either answer did seem to be the case.

“Your Highness, she’s waiting for an answer from you.” Forward Bastion’s voice cut through Celestia’s thoughts, bringing her back to the present and saw the noble that she let ramble on without paying attention to was staring expectantly at her.

Celestia blinked before giving off her best excuse to pacify the noble on ... whatever it was she was complaining about, “Very well, I’ll be sure to give some time and thought into the matter. You will be notified of my answer within the near future.”

The excuse seemed to work, as the noblespony gave a happy smile, “Very good, Princess. I’m thankful for you hearing me out on this and I’m certain the issue will be resolved on that front.” Without a farewell, she trotted off and left the throne room.

“Is everything well, Your Highness?” Forward asked once the door closed shut.

Celestia waved him off with a hoof, “Yes, Forward. Just had a bit of personal thought that went too long, I’m fine.”

He gave a few moments of staring at her before relenting, “If you say so, Princess. Next!”

Perhaps it was just best to hold off on thinking about her drawing attraction ...

Oh Faust, she wasn’t falling in love that easily was she...? She barely even knew a lot about Rising, let alone give any emotional attachment … .

Oh right, she kept sneaking out of school and home to have Rising, when he was a statue, be her companion and confidant. That’s about as close to having an emotional attachment as one could probably get … .

Alright, so maybe there was a good reason as to why she was attracted to Rising ... when he was a statue and not the Rising as he is now.

Celestia finally gave a grumble and asked her Majordomo, “Forward? Could you send for a maid to have some chamomile tea be brought to me?”


Luna gave an exasperated huff as she turned on her side in her bed and failed to find any sleep again. She looked out the window once more and learned it was still early afternoon.

Normally at this hour, she would’ve been dead asleep to the world and nothing would wake her up, as it's part of what she inherited from her father aside from the nightly duties and night-owl habits.

But apparently, a lull after a week’s worth of recent events was enough to disrupt any plans for Luna to rest as she turned on her side again and flipped her pillow upside down.

Finally after an hour, Luna threw the blankets off of her and got out of bed. Since her mind and body was refusing to relax and find any rest, she may as well be up and about. With that decision in mind, Luna went to her bathroom to shower and look presentable, using a moderately cooler shower to shake off any drowsiness that had settled.

As she washed her mane and tail, Luna considered what to do. She could just visit Rising, as taking the trip to her sister would end up with her sitting on her throne and definitely finding sleep.

Or she could take a leaf out of Rising’s book and visit the library to get a bit of exercise in her reading ability. It seemed to work well for him.

In the end and by the time she finished washing and dried herself off, Luna decided to go visit Rising and maybe grab a book from the library. That way she could have the benefit of both and if she was lucky, her sister wouldn’t be aware of Luna’s whereabouts and she’d have almost a full day of free time.

And as it turned out, she had the fortune of reaching Rising without a sight or sound of her sister, and entered Rising’s room to find him struggling unhappily at trying to write with his mouth and an equally unhappy scribe trying to teach him.

The two stallions turned to look at Luna before Crossed Quill gave a polite bow, “Your Highness.” While Prince Rising gave her a slightly surprised look with the pencil still in his mouth.

Rising set aside the pencil and said, “We thought you’d be asleep at this hour, Princess Luna.”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I sought to occupy myself for a while before trying again.” Luna admitted, “And I hadn’t wanted to find it with my sister at court.”

“The Lunar Princess with insomnia?” Rising said with mock astonishment, "And we thought this day wouldn't be any stranger! Is a dragon about to fly through the windows next?"

Though Luna almost expected something like it happening, she gave a sullen look at the stallion, “I merely thought you would appreciate the company, if thou hath not then very well we shall visit the library and return to our quarters.”

She didn’t get far as Rising gave a chuckle, "Forgive us, Princess Luna. Just the thought that someone such as yourself with duties that take place at night has insomnia strikes us both amusing and odd.”

Luna stopped from trotting away, but she still wasn't amused by Rising's jab. Sadly, that still made Rising chuckle.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. But I still have a stallion in dire need of learning how to write properly." Crossed Quill said, giving an unamused look at the new Prince.

“Thou hath troubles with writing?” Luna asked, somewhat interested and somewhat confused.

“Indeed he does, Your Highness. And honest to Faust herself, I’ve never seen anypony struggle as much as this stallion does.”

“We’ve never had to write with our mouths before.” Rising grumbled, “And we can’t afford to try with magic since we’ve no innate knowledge of it and if we recall, being sick and casting magic is a good way to transform someone’s eye out.”

Luna gave a small wince, as both she and Celestia had fallen ill a few times as fillies and could attest how easily miscasted magic could be, “Well, thou hast finally found out how we feel as we struggle upon adopting recent habits, including proper dialect as my sister puts it.”

The stallion shrugged, “Had to happen at some point, wouldn’t it?” He gave a low curse when the pencil broke again.

“For the love of— Don’t press so hard, I’ve told you this several times by now!” Crossed Quill complained as he resharpened the writing tool.

“It’s not intentional! Otherwise we’d get barely visible chicken scratches!”

Luna gave a small giggle watching the two stallions bicker as she found a chair to sit in. As Rising’s instructor gave an audible grumble, “At least these pencils aren’t coming out of my pay.”

The banter between them continued onwards even during Rising’s attempts at writing for quite some time as Luna treated the sight and situation as entertainment, somewhat regretting she hadn’t brought tea or a drink with her.

After a good hour and a half later between Crossed and Rising arguing, Rising finally succeeded at carving a legible sentence in Equestrian.

His instructor however, wasn’t pleased knowing what the sentence called him, making Luna stifle her giggles as hard as she could as Crossed Quill swore up a storm at Rising, who himself had a semi-rebellious look.

Everypony’s attention turned when Celestia opened the door saying, “Hello, Rising. How are your lessons?”

“Bloody awful.” Both stallions groused together.

Celestia gave a giggle and was about to ask as to why when she spotted Luna, “Luna? What are you doing up so late in the daytime?”

“I couldn’t sleep, sister. So I figured I would come and visit our friend and then head off to the library to practice for a bit.” The deep blue mare replied with a shrug.

Celestia gave a small grumpy huff at how she was left alone in trade to give the stallion company before she shook her head and asked, "May I see? Perhaps I might help you with your problems."

Rising said nothing as Crossed Quill sourly passed over the results of half a days worth of learning.

Celestia took one look at the final result and eyed Rising with a look that silently gave the dull question, "Really?"

She was rewarded with Rising sticking his tongue out, causing Luna to giggle more.

The alabaster alicorn gave a scoff and muttered, “You are a conglomeration of some untold number of souls and how old are you? As a whole?” She specified when Rising was about to ask a question.

The stallion’s eyes flicked to the left and right in mental consideration and in deep thought as he and the Legion started recalling and recollecting just how long they’ve existed, excluding the time they’ve been encased within stone.

For almost a minute, Rising stayed silent until finally he answered with, “At best guess, we’ve lingered for a total of around four thousand years.”

That caused Luna to sputter and Celestia to just stare at the ill stallion with wide eyes and amazement. Not even the ages of her mother and father combined were that old!

How in Tartarus could one want to live on after that many centuries, even Celestia already began to feel the pull of existential exhaustion after being barely above a thousand years old...

“Though given in comparison to how our kind existed for over a hundred thousand years, our perpetual cycle is not as impressively long.” Rising continued, his expression turning reminiscent, “Still. Having existed in such a long connected string of years, we have wandered and saw everything our ever changing world had to offer. We have seen events and sights of beauty and of profound ugliness, even if others had differing opinions to what they saw as ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’.” He gave a small chuckle, “We’ve even seen multiple times where one part of the world thought and considered it was the end of days, where all life collapsed either through one event or another, never really knowing just what apocalypse truly awaited before we would be set in stone.”

Luna sat there in silent awe as Rising informed them how long humanity reigned on earth before ponies ever came into existence all while Celestia stood there in a more thoughtful silence. It certainly was shocking and awe-inspiring that a race stood for so long, but what caught her attention the most was what Rising had said about his “perpetual cycle” and “long connected string”.

What exactly was he talking about? Did he just mean that he and the Legion were simply a conglomerate of souls and lives that spanned so far back? If so then what was the “birth” of him and the Legion? It couldn’t have been for very long if he experienced what amounted to the death of his species....

With that thought in mind, Celestia decided to ask Rising about it, clarifying about what she figured.

Rising gave a small smile, “You’re certainly an attentive mare, Princess Celestia. Though perhaps it’s on us for letting slip that many hints and tidbits... No, while we are a conglomeration, we didn’t come together all at once. No, our Lord wouldn’t even dream of making something and someone such as us on the eve of the End.”

“Then when exactly were you ... “Born” as it were?” Celestia pressed, hoping for either a straight answer or a more obvious hint.

Rising didn’t answer as he merely stared at the mare, the colors of his iris’ didn’t change in the slightest. Indicating that he and the Legion were not going to deign an answer to her.

Celestia gave a frustrated frown at Rising, and nearly considered pushing her luck in getting what she wanted. But seeing at how the stallion was resolutely silent and wouldn’t budge, if not become further reclusive if she tried to force him, reluctantly changed her mind.

Still, now she had questions and possibly find her answers, whether or not Rising intended for her to do so or not.

Crossed Quill, who had been silently taking in the information he was being allowed to hear but hadn’t made the connection that Rising wasn’t talking about alicorns, gave a light cough, “Forgive me if I speak up, but regardless of the fact that our Prince is four thousand years old, I still do not understand how he can be so foalish and impetuous, not to mention woefully inept at writing in Equestrian.”

With Crossed Quill reminding Celestia, the alabaster mare was now more unhappy as her mind reconnected to what she had been trying to say before Rising explained himself, “Indeed. Much as I lost my train of thought, you’re four thousand years and yet you act like a foal with your mentor?”

Rising only gave her a cheeky grin, only making Celestia further irritated at his antics and Luna giggling louder before hearing the door open again, revealing the Royal Doctor bringing in a small tray with a bowl of what appears to be medicine.

“Time already?” Rising asked, his eyebrows rising as he turned to look out at a window before remembering two certain alicorns being responsible for what consists of “Time” in this new land.

Hibiscus gave a happy nod as she replied, bringing the tray to lay on the bed before bringing the bowl over, “I’ve been working on this for a while with an apothecary, so this potion should give an extra helping hoof in your recovery.”

Rising gave a small huff as he took up the bowl, carefully juggling it between his front legs before gently sipping the potion.

He sputtered and coughed at just how sour it was, spilling a good portion of the liquid from the bowl and across his chest and on the blankets.

“Prince Rising, I understand it’s not as sweet as mother’s milk but I’d appreciate you not wasting the potion.” Hibiscus Stem tutted as she refilled the bowl away from him so as to give a moment to recover.

“Doctor, we expected it to be incredibly bitter. Not sour.” Rising coughed again as he could already feel his tongue recoiling and blistering from the acidic drink.

This made Hibiscus pause as she took a look at the potion before dipping a hoof and tasting it herself. She immediately recoiled and said, “Must have been a bad root.” She started grating her tongue against her upper teeth as she muttered, “Ponyfeathers ...”

After a few moments, the two ponies recovered enough from the sour drought as Hibiscus said, “Well, despite how horribly sour this is. You still need some of it.”

“And lose our tongue in the process? We’d rather wait for a proper and bitter medicine than that.” Rising grouched, “Lord Almighty, It’s worse than apple cider vinegar and ten warhead candies combined."

Both Alicorn mares looked at Rising in confusion before Celestia tutted, her horn lighting and working her magic, “A bit of magic should help with this. Though I’m surprised your apothecary didn’t taste this before hoof, doctor.”

Hibiscus gave a helpless shrug, “He simply said the potion would work, and I suppose I simply assumed he had already taken a small taste before sending it to me.”

A few moments of silence before the bowl gave a small puff of magic and Celestia levitated the potion back to Rising, “I believe this should be more tolerable now.”

“The way you speak, it sounds like you’ve done this out of experience, Princess.” Rising said as he gave a wary look at the potion.

“As a filly who hath been under mine sister’s care, she had to.” Luna commented, barely recalling the more vivid memories of being nursed and helped when she fell ill or injured.

Rising hesitated a bit more before taking a second try at the potion, now nearly spitting at just how quickly the incredibly sour taste had been transformed into an incredibly sweet taste.

“And we can see how she likes to push her sweet tooth on others.” He muttered before drinking the potion as best as he can, Celestia scoffing at the ingratitude, “Princess, we’ve well noticed the times you keep sharing and pushing cake and other sweets to your servants and guards, and don’t think we noticed your sister pawning some of them as well.”

Luna suddenly straightened up as she seemed to remember something and hopped off her chair, turning to the occupants, “I’m afraid I must bid thee good day, now. I’ve spent enough time and it is best I return to my quarters. Good day, sister.”

She barely waited for Celestia to bid her goodbyes before Luna trotted quickly from the room, leaving Celestia confused and Rising watching with interest at the sudden leave.


After she visited the library and acquired a few primer books for her to practice on, Luna moved off to her room, attempting to be both swift and quiet as she could.

Once Luna reached her room, she deposited the books on a nearby desk before moving to lie down on her bed. Though she would normally make an attempt of getting comfortable, what she planned and had meant to follow through allowed her to forgo the effort.

With practiced and experienced aptitude for her speciality, Luna breathed slowly as she prepared for entering the aether-like realm that was the dream realm. She had gone through numerous rituals and habits on herself and her given bed in order to have the most efficient and most effective method in performing her duties as a Princess of Dreams.

She breathed one more time before her mind slowly disconnected from her body and lost contact from the physical world as she ‘fell asleep’ and ‘woke up’ in the dream realm.

The world around her now took on a more ethereal space, as she stood on the atmosphere and the numerous wispy clouds of a planet. In front of her were three more similar looking planetoids, two of them small enough to be hidden behind a bit, while the third was dominating a part of the void that was called space. Cosmic dust arrayed in beautiful patterns that could only be made in the imaginative minds of young and old danced and settled in the background, the unseen sun shining down on the planetoids, making them shine and glow brilliantly as Luna observed the realm.

She sighed in content, already feeling that she had been gone far too long in the cold and black silence upon the moon during her exile. Though this was only her interpretation of the dream realm and she never saw the true face of it, she wouldn’t trade such a sight in the world.

Knowing she had much ahead of her, she opened her wings and flew up and away from her planet and crossed the vast empty void, planets appearing and disappearing as she traveled, like fireflies at night.

She flew to one little planet that glowed in an unhealthy blue, signaling to her of a thestral undergoing a nightmare. Once she landed upon it, she looked down and through the turbulent clouds and atmosphere, she saw a little colt running in fear of an exaggerated creature.

Luna gave a deep breath before lighting her horn, enveloping herself and the planet in her magic. The dream within shimmered, evaporating the creature and replacing the world as the little colt saw as a more pleasant dream of him finding a utopia of candy and other assorted sweets. With her efforts, the planetoid turned to a bright and vibrant light blue and the clouds within becoming calm and whimsy wisps.

Satisfied, Luna smiled and flapped a few times before flying away, continuing her search for her goal.

She quickly flew past one certain world that gave a glimpse of one adult bat pony and a dream version of her sharing a romantic room filled with ... interesting tools she didn’t want to look at.

However it was too late as she saw a very large pony-sized dreamcatcher in that dream and now Luna could never look at those trinkets with a straight face anymore. And now the implications of it already made Luna blush hard.

What in Tartarus was with ponies and their thoughts on ensnarement these days?

Luna moved much more quickly through the realm and did her best in suppressing what she saw. Throughout her journey and experience, it was her best response when finding bedroom activity related dreams. Luna shook her head and did her best in casting off her thoughts on it, other than remembering her first time after returning from her banishment she realized just how many ponies and curiously enough a few griffons and dragons held secret crushes on her more than Celestia.

Though one certain griffon was a bit more public and ... Concerningly determined to find his way to personally meet her and try his luck … .

And Celestia wonders why Luna doesn’t attend some events and activities outside the castle grounds … .

Regardless, it was both heartwarming that so many saw her and appreciated her ... and incredibly concerning and self-conscious with the depths of said appreciation.

Luna immediately shook her head and tried to get rid of her blush. Despite her focus and her intention, she knew she’d have to satisfy herself afterwards. And she would likely have to order in a new replacement for her equipment as well as change her laundry, just that sight and the stray thoughts that attacked her was guaranteeing it.

But no matter and no longer did Luna grouse at what happened, she found the world she was searching for and after a moment of taking time to recollect herself, descended down upon the dream.

As Luna “landed”, the environment melded away to show a nearly gloomy castle interior decorated in a midnight theme similar to how her Night Guard barracks were themed. There were banners streaming here and there showing a side shot of a pony silhouette with bat-like wings and a furred mane traveling down the neck towards the middle of the banner.

The Lorcan Bloodline. Doth he still worry of his house’s expectations?’ Luna thought as she traveled down its hallways and soon heard audible arguing.

She turned a corner that led to the source of the voices and saw a young bat pony colt standing impetuous with tears in his eyes at his mother, who had been decorated and fashioned with royal garments that trailed down her body and stopped short of her shoes while she was topped with a small crown that held a jewel down the center of face and a long, trailing black coat.

The mare’s words were jumbled and unfocused, with the occasional recognized words “Honor”, “married”, “shame” and “future” in that order. The colt’s response was just as jumbled and unformed, however he delivered it in a staunch defense for his side of whatever the argument was about.

The mother scoffed and gave a glare before using a wing to fling her coat over to her right before walking in that direction before Luna dissipated the dream and spoke, “Midnight Wind.”

The colt suddenly found himself turned back into his actual age and size before giving a panicking gasp, looking around before locking eyes with his Princess and gave a bow, “Your Highness. It is an honor to meet you at this hour ...” He looked towards where he had seen the mare and asked, “How long might I ask, have you been waiting?”

“Not long, dear Midnight. Though it would seem you still hold weight from your family and their expectations.” Luna replied with a concerned look.

Midnight gave a silent huff, “We both know my mother, and how she demands that the line continue to be strong and reach greater heights with every generation.”

“And doth she feel a Night Guard is not of proper grounds?” Luna asked.

The stallion shook his head quickly, “N-no, my Princess Luna. It’s ...”

He fell silent for a moment before one memory started to drift past both ponies as the same mare appeared and demanded, “And praytell, my child, what will you seek afterward? How long will you stay silent? Until you can no longer physically or mentally remain in service? It is an honor to stand in guard of the Night Princess, but not once have I heard any proposal from you or any accepted proposals from the other families. And I will be damned before I see any decline in the Lorcan line!” She fell silent for a moment before adding on, “I already gave my terms on this, Midnight Wind.”

The memory drifted away out of sight and out of mind before Princess Luna commented, “She doth demand foals to continue the bloodline?”

The thestral gave a nod, “So long as the mare and family matches her standards, which are almost as high as your moon, my Princess.” He gave a sigh and laid down on his stomach.

Luna didn’t speak up for a little, letting silence reign between the two ponies before saying, “I have a task for you, dear Midnight. As this is primarily what brought me here. Though it seems this may in the end aid your own issues.”

“By your command, my Princess. What may your Night Guard do?” The bat pony responded instantly, getting up and letting his training take over, though he sported a confused look at her.

“I am sending you to Ponyville, specifically to spend company of a variety of sorts to a specific pony whom you may recognize having briefly escorted her from said village to the castle.”

Midnight’s confusion worsened as he stared at the Princess and he risked a question, “Princess Celestia’s student...? Your Highness?”

“Your duties there would be concerning and revolving around this mare.” Princess Luna continued, “I feel it is time that the ponies of Equestria become further aware of your kind. With both you and aforementioned mare, it may help in bringing both ponies and thestrals together and bring further friendship between each other.”

“After all. I still hear rumors and whispered false tales of what the ponies consider the thestral race, and it will not do for Equestria nor its harmonious message if both races cannot be brought in friendship.” She finished before giving a small smile, “And I feel both you and Twilight Sparkle might find something in common enough to accomplish this task.”

Midnight’s mind wheeled at what his Princess was saying and considering, “But ... Your Highness. Does ... What about ...”

A memory flew past them again, showing a moment during Midnight’s training under his family’s tutor in history at how ponies and thestrals had a great deal of differences and moments in history where both sides came into conflict and combat, often to the detriment of the thestrals.

“Mine sister shalt be aware and she shall approve my mission to you, with blessing no less dear Midnight.” Luna assured with a smile, “Doth thou understand and partake in this mission?”

The bat pony stared dumbfounded at his Princess before he gave a hesitant, “B-by your command, Your Highness.” He didn’t give a salute to her before he asked, her words and intentions still baffling him, “When do you expect me to begin, my Princess?”

Luna gave a pondering thought before saying, “Thou shalt begin thy journey to Ponyville by morrow evening, it shall give thee time to settle in a home we shall provide. By then, thy first task likely shalt be the changing of thine sleep to increase interaction with thine charge.”

Midnight protested, “What of my mother? I do not think she will—”

“Thine mother may protest, but it is our command and our will. She shall bow to us. Once our sister voices in her approval with us, thine mother’s wrath shalt not find you.”

This didn’t seem to placate the thestral as he looked for another reason to not go, “But how can I help with Princess Celestia’s student? I’m no academic and I don’t have any talent in research.”

“Thou needest only follow what Twilight Sparkle asks within reason.” Luna rebutted, her brow furrowing at the resistance her Night Guard was presenting.

Midnight started looking around for any other reasons as Luna asked, “Why doth thou wishest to avoid this task? Thou struck well with our sister’s student during thy brief moment.”

He gave a mutter and pawed at the ground with a hoof, “Was just a whim and fancy at the time, I didn’t really expect her to take any action with me.”

“Then thine worries are hollow, and we art confident in thy success.” Luna said, her smile returning before turning to leave, “We shalt leave thee to thy dreams now, dear Midnight. Good morrow, and be not afraid of our task to you.”

And with that she flew out of the dream and left Midnight Wind’s dream “planet” before taking a venture around other thestrals’ dreams to check for nightmares, which blessedly were rare.

Once she returned to the physical realm, she quickly set about putting aside what garments she wore and placed the books well away from her next thought and activity that she could no longer put off.

Imagination is both a curse and a blessing, Luna concluded.

Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: But Still We Carry On

"Alright, Princess Celestia. Explain to us again about the “Grand Galloping Gala”?"

The mare gave a silent sigh, “It’s an annual royal ball, which is mostly attended by the higher classes of Equestria.”

“And you figured Twilight and Spike would want to attend?” Rising continued asking with a raised eyebrow and getting a nod from Celestia.

“I figured she would want to reconnect with me, since it’s been some time since she went off to Ponyville and became an Element Bearer, as well as after meeting you a few times.”

Rising gave a nod as well and after being given another few mouthfuls of water from the refilled water bucket, “And yet you gave her only two tickets because ...?”

“I had figured at least she and one of her friends, Rarity specifically, would want to attend while the others wouldn’t want to. While I admit that I don’t know much about Twilight’s friends, Rarity did seem to have some preferences toward high society and the high society lifestyle,” Celestia explained.

“And Spike?”

This time she shrugged, “The Gala doesn’t really require a ticket for the younger foals, or young dragons in this case, so long as a responsible stallion or mare was in charge over them. He would’ve been allowed in as long as he attended with Twilight or Rarity. Even then, the guards in the castle knew Twilight and Spike enough that they would’ve allowed him in and directed or escorted him towards me if he was alone and his adopted sister was nowhere in sight. So no, I hadn’t intended or known that Twilight would’ve had the drama she experienced with regards to her friends, or that her friends would all want to go.” Celestia gave a frown as she finished, “Let alone hear that all of Ponyville would have wanted to go.”

“And how well did Luna take to hearing that?” Rising asked in an amused voice.

Celestia groaned and rolled her eyes, “She thought for a while I was lying and that I had intentionally started all that trouble so that Twilight would learn something from it. I may have planned on trying to get the Elements active again, and through them bring Luna back, but I’m not so inconsiderate as to try and make somepony learn a lesson from this.”

“You might be surprised at what you are capable of,” he said, taking another sip of water and getting a grumpy look from Celestia.

It had been five days since the start of Rising’s illness, with two of those days having been the worst for him and the Princesses, consisting of Rising not even going several words before heaving, coughing, nearly choking and even vomiting.

Princess Celestia wasn’t easily nauseated, but it only took a few moments of just listening to Rising’s bodily upheaval to send her dry vomiting. And after hearing from her, Luna opted to merely leave Rising to both rest and endure the days and nights, expressing she wanted nothing to do or be near his audible illness.

A day after that, Rising looked as if he was right as rain, as though he had just woken up from a good night’s sleep. However, he insisted and was able to get Doctor Hibiscus’ agreement on letting him remain one more day before being let go.

So, for the time being and for Celestia’s break from Day Court, the two discussed some of the activities that Twilight and her friends had been up to. Both good ... and unfortunately bad.

“Still, we’re more than surprised about Ponyville’s attitude to having a zebra living within walking vicinity, since the majority of Equestria’s morals center around friendship and goodwill.” Rising added, for which Celestia rewarded him with an embarrassed look from the Princess this time.

“The Zebras rarely migrate outside of their homeland, usually for a variety of reasons. Some have been exiled, others to journey and experience the world, and a few others have needed to expand their own knowledge or share them to others.” Celestia explained, “I do find it interesting that one elected to live within Everfree Forest. Regardless, the majority of Equestria is incredibly used to their prominence as a dominant species within our kingdom and have become so expectant of their lifestyle around that prominence that they tend not to consider how alienated our non-pony citizens and visitors might feel about our pony-centric attitude and culture. Ever since my sister was returned to me, much of an average pony’s lifetime had been a contained and orderly sort of life. Which I suppose may have been my fault in trying to maintain a kingdom by myself for so long ...” Her voice drifted off as she started looking away outwards through one of the windows.

Rising raised an eyebrow at the mare before summarising, “So ponies aren’t isolationists or holding onto a sense of speciest superiority complex, they’re just easily spooked when confronted with creatures and cultures that are alien to their society?”

She snapped out her thoughts and looked back at him, “I-in short. Yes.”

“How close-minded of them." Rising commented airily and got a swat to his shoulder, making him chuckle.

Celestia frowned at him, “It’s a perfectly fine life and it suits ponies well enough.”

“We know, Princess. That is why we call it isolated, dull even.”

She looked at him with confusion as he explained, “From all that we know and have learned, ponies of this generation, let alone the previous generations during your reign, few among your citizenry have rarely, if ever, met any significant amount of strife to instruct and teach them that life is never a stable and consistent state of existence, and they shouldn’t expect life to be so contained and in an orderly fashion. With how you describe their reactions to even the oddest of sights that would or should barely inconvenience them had they undergone a cultural interchange, they act as if everything has fallen away and nothing but anarchy remains.”

He quickly put up a hoof in front of Celestia to stop her from arguing, “And we know, it's not always the case and not every pony here does that or reacts like that. But it doesn’t dismiss their reactions to the odd or extraordinary, right?”

The princess gave a deeper frown at how Rising was belittling her ponies and how they reacted, but she couldn’t help but nod that there were some times where nobles or ponies in the cities she visited would genuinely react much like how Rising described.

Not enough to make his point agreeable, nor was it enough to say he was right, but she could see where he was looking and pointing towards.

Rising continued by explaining a little more, “The lives of living beings has two states; Entropy and Negentropy, or rather the antithesis of entropy. You’re either making improvements, and making progress towards personal excellence and perfection, which does result in learning it is better to never say or declare you’ve achieved perfection and believe that everything can become better than it was before. Or you enter an entropic state, stagnating and becoming weaker as you either do not learn or adapt or do not use something often, mostly this happens in stable or peaceful environments.”

Celestia took that moment to chime in, “And you believe that Equestria is in this ... declining state?”

“We haven’t seen enough of this kingdom to really say so, but the attitude of your ponies do point in that direction.” Rising said, waving a hoof to the side, “We’re not foolish enough to make assumptive conclusions on something such as this. Though we do recommend making the encouragement for your ponies to seek self-improvement rather than remain sedimentary and satisfied in their comfortable hum-drum everyday lifestyle.”

He turned to the bucket to get more water as he finished, “While we don’t know if ponies improve and adapt like humans can, but we can certainly attest to the effectiveness of self-improvement.”

Celestia looked at him with a few thoughtful moments before she commented, “You’ve had a lot to think about during your species’ era and thereafter.”

Rising gave a laugh, “It doesn’t take long for someone to, and someone has to think about it from time to time. It’s why philosophy is a popular hobby.”

“You remind me more of my mother.” Celestia sighed, “She always liked philosophy and she even got my father involved with a few gatherings, with both Luna and I being dragged along to listen.”

Another chuckle as he said, “Probably wanting to have you two be like your parents. We know quite a lot of people who wanted miniature clones of themselves.”

The mare gave a huff before falling silent for a few thoughts, some of it remembering a bit of her mother nagging her.

“Regardless,” Rising continued, “It only makes us wonder what Equestria and the other races around Earth contributed, either culturally, technologically or even philosophically.”

Celestia looked at him with some confusion before a certain voice called out, “Prince Rising!”

Her ears perked up as she recognized the voice, belonging to her sister as she continued to speak, “Our ears are not receiving horrid noises coming from thine room, art thou fairing better than thy plight from the last few days?”

“We are well enough on the mend, Princess Luna.” Rising answered as the midnight blue mare trotted in, “One day more and we’ll be back to accompany you in both our duties and studies.”

Luna gave a huff in response, “Almost half a blessing, that.”

The room fell silent as Rising went for another drink and Luna had brought over a second chair to sit next to her sister as Celestia explained, “We were just going over recent events as well as going over a bit of Rising’s taste in philosophy.”

Luna gave a groan as she relaxed a bit, “Oh Faust, not another deep-thinking pony. I’ve had enough from our mother and father.”

Rising chuckled as he repeated, “As we told Princess Celestia, someone has to. And it doesn’t take long in anyone’s life to start delving into it.”

“I suppose somepony must, since you are the equivalent of an old nag.” Luna retorted, “I cannot even begin to understand how you’re able to stay standing and active, being this ancient.”

Rising gave another chuckle as Celestia turned to look at her sister with a scandalized expression.

Luna didn’t look apologetic in the slightest before the thought occurred to her, “Now that I doth consider it, how doth one endure living so long? I must admit that when sister informed me of your collective ages, it was a significant shock. While I don’t know how long our own parents have lived for—”

“Nine hundred eighty and one thousand, Luna. I keep reminding you of this every time you forget and ask.” Celestia groaned and muttered at the midnight alicorn.

“—I still can’t help but wonder how and why you live for so long.” Luna continued, either ignoring or not hearing Celestia.

All they were given in was a grim smile and a sentence that left them pondering, “Only together, Princess. Only together.”


Twilight stood stock still, her eyes wide and a faint blush on her cheeks as she stayed as silent as the grave when she answered the front door of her treehouse to see a familiar sight she honestly didn’t think would reappear.

“Twilight? Who’s at the door?” Spike called from behind her, curious as to what was going on.

Midnight Wind blinked at her in confusion with her reaction to seeing him. He normally got looks from other ponies mostly out of it being strange to see a thestral during the day or at night, but he had figured after meeting him and his fellow Night Guard wouldn’t rustle Princess Celestia’s student.

He cleared his throat to try and get the mare’s attention before she blinked and profusely apologized, “I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t really expect to see you ... or have you visit me ... . Um ...”

A patter of feet came from behind Twilight before Spike saw who it was and quickly started snickering, now realizing what was going on.

A few more seconds of Twilight stuttering before Midnight decided he may as well speak up, “I am sent here by Princess Luna to help you in a project to study and detail information about my race, the Thestrals.”

Midnight and Spike could hear the gears grinding in Twilight’s head as she processed his words as well as still registering that the same stallion she met some time ago and had stared at was in front of her.

This lasted until Twilight’s brain finally clicked and connected what she heard and gave one of the most adorable and happy squee and said, “A project? From Princess Luna?!” She then got closer towards Midnight, making him take a step back from her overeagerness, “How soon does she need this done??”

“Her Highness didn’t say.” He replied, hoping his answer calmed the mare down, “She only expects it?”

Sadly his expectations were denied as Twilight gave another happy squeal before grabbing Midnight and after declaring, “We need to get started right away!” She pulled him in and started rambling about all the tests, and experiments that had to be done.

Some part of him wondered what he did to Princess Luna to send him into this.

And neither of the ponies, including the young dragon noticed a pair of wide, magenta eyes from a nearby cloud.


Sooner or later, the Princesses had to leave Rising to recover as they made their way to the throne room to continue another day of attending court.

Along the way, they discussed some of what Rising and Celestia had talked about, most of it involving the state of Equestria in what Rising had the current view of it being in this “entropic state” as he put it.

“And he considers the peace and order you have held since my absence as this?” Luna asked, skeptical at the human-now-stallion’s opinion.

Celestia nodded, “In a way I can understand and see why he says such, despite how minimal he has seen Equestria. And it does make me wonder what the other races have contributed in the years.”

Luna gave a dull expression before reciting, “Lately, the Minotaur tribes claimed to have invented a method of moving water through some sort of helix pump, which they are using for their crops, and draining flooded lands. The Yaks in the meanwhile are rumored to have created a sort of contraption that harvests grain at a faster pace than our own methods, though it is made of wood and pulled by a yak.”

Celestia paused and turned to look at Luna in surprise, “And how did you learn about these? I haven’t heard of this!”

“Then it appears you need a scribe from the local paper of news, dearest sister.” Luna replied, “Much has been talked about their discoveries for three days already.”

The alabaster alicorn stared at her sister in silent shock as Luna continued to walk. After a few moments, Celestia chased after her and asked, “What newspaper are you subscribing to??”

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Rising shifted his new silver peytral to get more comfortable, causing Celestia to make an annoyed noise at him, “Would you quit fiddling with that? It’s making me feel like doing the same.”

He turned and gave a half-lidded stare at her, giving a drawl, “Well excuse us, Princess. We’re still not used to this body, or having jewelry that is meant for this body.”

The mare rolled her eyes in some exasperation as she trotted forwards. Her horn lit as the peytral began to move, allowing Rising’s fur to smooth downwards before the jewelry laid on top and lost the magical glow.

It was the first day that Rising would publically attend the court proceedings, rather than hiding away in the alcove. This was to show to the ponies who would arrive and give their appeals that Rising was real and not a public stunt, that he was a Prince, and an authentic Alicorn.

Both Rising and Celestia were at the throne room, awaiting both for her Majordomo as well as a temporary “throne”, the more fanciful name for a cushion, for Rising. Considering that his public appearance was still fresh and recent on Equestria’s span of attention, there hadn’t been time to really design anything for him, even his own room.

In fact, there were still plans being drawn to remake the throne room to include Luna. With the inclusion of Rising to the Canterlot political arena, a majority of those plans now were scrapped. The only reason Princess Cadance didn’t have her own throne or seating in the throne room was that she was exceptionally stubborn against showing up and attending court. Should she ever have been met and talked to by Celestia, Cadance would simply grab a cushion or place a cushion spell on her shoes, sit or stand on one of the levels below Celestia and that would be that.

For Rising, he would be placed to the left of Celestia and on the platforms covering the two small water fountains that were currently gurgling and pouring merrily.

The stallion gave a frown as he took a look over at the water fountains, as he hadn’t taken the time to inspect them before. Or comprehended the reason why the Princess wanted not one but two in her throne room, right in front and below her where they caused somewhat of enough noise, not to mention the resources and effort to keep both fountains running. As far as he and the Legion could recall, electricity wasn’t invented or used widespread.

The sound of one of the double doors opening turned both of the Alicorns heads to see Forward Bastion with two guards approach, one of them carrying a large cushion on his back while the Majordomo had a saddle pouch filled with paperwork of various kinds.

Forward and the guards gave a bow to the Prince and Princess before approaching with the paperwork, while the guard with the cushion trotted up to where Prince Rising would sit as the last guard trotted to the side to take his post.

“Good morning, Forward.” Celestia said as she levitated some of the paperwork, “I trust you are feeling well?”

“As well as ever, Princess.” The stallion replied as he removed the pouch from his side, “Though that might change with some of these appeals and cases.”

Celestia turned to look at the first appeal in the pile and gave a small noise, “One does have to appreciate Jade Star's determined attitude.”

“Indeed,” Forward nodded, “if only she focused such energy into other things instead of expanding both business and buying other businesses. I recommend another viewing over rules against monopolies to make sure the mare doesn’t find a way to slip past.”

Rising merely blinked as he looked over just a little to the left, “Barring that, royal decree would and should deny her any headway, and allow one to immediately cover where she found her exploits.”

Both ponies turned to look at him in curiosity as Celestia gave a light frown, “I would rather obey the rules and laws set by Equestria rather than enforce my own status, Rising. While we are royalty and do have the final say, we shouldn’t be so quick to use it.”

He blinked again, “Did we ever say it had to be the first response?”

“Even so, I’d rather not.”

Rising rolled his eyes at her unwillingness to employ her legal and authoritative status in such matters. “And that is why we see you as soft. The greedy will rob you of every moment, because you keep handling them with ...” Rising paused as he thought about how best to say what he wanted to tell her, “Silk socks.”

Celestia gave Rising a bewildered look as he trotted up the carpet-laid stairs of her throne before he sat down on the cushion provided, giving a word of thanks to the guard and elected to wait in silence for Celestia to begin.

Celestia returned his huff and looked back at her Majordomo, “Anything else for the court?”

Forward didn’t look at the pile of paper as he replied, “There are a few permits being asked of you, and the rest are merely nobles arriving to ask for certain things, Princess.”

She nodded her head before trotting up the steps to her throne and with a look to Rising, who didn’t return it, declared, “The court is now open! May the first petitioner come forth!”

As the guards shuffled about and brought in one pony, Rising looked a little to the left as he recalled in passing about how the Day Court used to have all the petitioners and nobles be in the same room and would one by one line up to present themselves while the others conversed or sat back to watch. However, that only presented an increasing problem with how where one noble would fail to gain approval in something they wanted, another noble would have found a way around whatever was stopping the previous noble. On top of this, it gave the other ponies to silently heckle or passively embarrass the petitioner for what they needed or wanted from Princess Celestia, regardless of how she constantly made the attempt to keep the crowd silent.

Rising snapped back to reality as he felt one of the Legion mentally nudge him and noticed that the Princess had already gone through with the first pony of Day Court and a second was waiting patiently for their turn.

However, after the pony spoke about how they needed a permit in order to both expand their hotels as well as permission to remodel said hotel, Rising simply lost attention again and started conversing with some of the Legion to plan out their next steps, since he was still new to the whole aspect of being a quadruped.

Unsurprisingly, Princess Celestia caught on to what Rising was doing and was quick to drag his attention back to the physical present not unlike a mother chiding her offspring to pay attention.

Surprisingly it took her several ponies until she caught on.

Prince Rising, I know and understand how dull it can get when the ponies arrive asking for things that are easy to grant or deny that it makes little sense why they have to ask royalty in the first place, but that doesn’t mean you get to daydream and ignore them.”

“Then why is there no civil court for these?” Rising calmly asked. Though from what Celestia could see from the slight twitch in one of his eyes, she couldn’t tell whether he regretted making it sound like he was irritated or that he really was irritated, “The daily line of ponies would be greatly reduced or be traded for issues of greater importance if there was one or even two courts in different locations.”

“Which would’ve been swamped to the brim no matter how many judges we appoint,” Celestia explained, remembering this from her mother’s lessons, “Ponies would’ve used those courts for even the most petty of issues.”

“So you would rather keep personal control and use their fear of wasting their Princess’ time with their squabbles as a filter?” Rising replied.

Celestia sighed exasperatedly at him, “You make it sound as if I’m the one who invented this method. I’m not sure if it was my mother, but I didn’t argue since I saw it reasonably.”

“Yet Equestria seems to have only two courts, yours and your sister’s.”

“We used to have six, two here and then the rest spread out.”

Rising blinked as his irises changed a few colors, “And what happened to them?”

“Nobles and ponies who used bits for brains,” Celestia grumbled, “Soon after a few rounds of judges changing seats, nobles started trying to get ponies more sympathetic to them or their bits. My mother and father ended up having to shut both the courts and the nobles down.”

“No rules to prevent them?” Rising raised an eyebrow, now getting an understanding of Princess Luna’s position with nobles.

“The nobles would’ve found their way around, and neither my parents or Luna and I could make a tight enough net.”

“And what better motivator for them to behave through exorbitant fines and other possible legal punishments such as the freezing of assets, seizure of goods and property by the Kingdom and the forfeiture of any titles the criminal may hold? What of the middle-class wanting to make a business somewhere? Or what of the far more petty cases that shouldn’t be of your concern?”

“Again as you said in an ineloquent manner, we do ‘use their fear’ to scare them off. And what you’ve listed is among that tactic when it comes to the nobles, especially the more antagonistic kind.” Celestia said with a frown, “As for the middle-class ponies wanting to make businesses and the “far more petty cases”, it usually relies on the mayor or whoever is in charge of the town or city.”

Celestia looked as if she would speak more but then fell silent as she stared off into the distance with something clearly on her mind.

Rising wasn't entirely thrilled at the smile that crept up her muzzle, "Perhaps if it seems like an issue to you, dear Rising ... Majordomo, who are the next ten ponies and what are their issues?"

The stallion looked down at a list that he had carried with him and reported, “Seven of the ponies are cases of requesting permission to either expand or create new businesses. Although I think the other three might be something if you’re intending for the Prince to try his hoof.”

Rising turned to look at Celestia with an unimpressed expression, “And what exactly are you aiming for, letting us have judgement over your kingdom’s court?”

She returned his look with a wide grin and lidded eyes, “Well you did mention that your status had formerly been a Judge, Prince Rising.”

Rising’s eyebrows only furrowed, “That does not answer our question.”

“Really? I would’ve figured you would know the answer by now.”

“Crypticism does not suit you as much as you think, Princess Celestia.” His voice now flatlined, “In the least not for us.”

Princess Celestia’s eyes rolled before looking back to Forward Bastion, “Let’s get through those seven before hoofing the other three to Prince Rising, since he seems to be in a judging mood about how Equestria runs.”

One of Rising’s eyes twitched slightly as the two ponies returned to resume court, clearly making the attempt of not locking eyes with him.

And it wasn’t long before it was to be his turn being the deciding factor in Equestria, starting off with one Earth Pony stallion.

Still irritated at how Celestia was just giving him reigns over three ponies and whatever they were wanting, Rising could do little for the moment but turn his attention to the stallion and listened to what he had to say.

The stallion gave a respectful bow to the three before he spoke, “Your Highnesses. My name is Harvest Leaves, and I work for a charity organization in Manehattan.”

Celestia did not like the brief light in Rising’s eyes and that flicker of a smile on his muzzle...

Prince Rising took a step forward, “Welcome, Harvest Leaves. What have you to ask of the court?”

Harvest glimpsed at Celestia before looking at Rising, as if he expected or is still expecting her to speak to the Earth Pony instead of the newest royal.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Harvest gave a nervous cough and chuckle before beginning, “Well, as I’ve stated, I own and manage a charity organization, this is mostly to give goodwill and gather ponies who would like to make changes for others, such as for the poor and unfortunate.”

Harvest gave a few seconds of pause, leaving Celestia, Rising and even Forward Bastion to wonder what he was waiting for before continuing with another nervous cough, “Your Majesties, I’ve come far to Canterlot because my organization is going under in finances, despite how much help the Bank of Equestria has offered to us. As much as I wish it were not so and I didn’t need to do so, I respectfully ask for financial aid into my organization, both to keep it open as well as give some incentive in investigating, as I fear somepony may have been embezzling bits out of it.”

It was only then did Rising spoke again, “Certainly an unfortunate case, Harvest Leaves. Might you tell us what the name of your charity is?”

This seemed to have inspired some courage in the Earth Pony as he gave a slight smile that didn’t seem to be out of relief to Celestia, “It is called the Equestrian Wishing Well Foundation, Prince Rising.”

Rising’s eyes slightly opened wider before turning his head to Celestia and the Majordomo, gesturing with a wing to have them lean close. Then, he spoke up just enough to have him be heard even by Harvest, “Does Equestria happen to have a Federal Trade Commission? Or rather—”

Celestia didn’t need to hear anymore as she replied softly as Forward gave a recognizing nod, “We do happen to have one, it's even the same name.”

She looked at him with some concern as he replied, his voice not becoming any louder or quieter, “Perhaps have them go through the organization and their accounting and donation receipts, both here and there. Maybe even ask a few of their employees while they’re at it. See if there aren’t any discrepancies.”

When he turned his head back to face Harvest, his entire demeanor changed. Before he had been calm and polite, if a bit fidgety. Now, he was holding a smile that was a tad too wide and there were a few beads of sweat around his face.

“Thank you for patiently waiting, Harvest.” Rising began with a polite smile, “However, we’re afraid we may have to ask you to wait a little further as we take note and inspect the Wishing Well Foundation so as to accurately judge the source of your misfortunes. In the meantime, we additionally ask you to please wait within Canterlot Castle. You will be provided room and food in the meanwhile as the FTC takes a look.”

Harvest was quick to speak up, “Oh, m-Your Highness, I’m confident that this issue will be resolved quickly. I’ll be sure to send a letter over to my charity that the FTC will be coming over.”

“Of course, of course.” Rising gave an understanding nod, “If you follow the guard, they’ll show you to your room.”

With that, Harvest left and the moment the door closed shut, Rising turned to Forward and flatly stated, “Get someone to send a team of their fastest Pegasi and hold their Foundation down until the investigators make their arrival. We’d rather not have any letters forewarning the charity.”

The stallion blinked before giving a frowning nod.

Princess Celestia meanwhile leaned forward and asked, “And what brings such a decision like that?”

Rising gave deep breath before turning to explain, “Charity is sadly among a society’s “murky swamps” that one has to be careful and aware of, as anyone can set up scams or fraudulent charity organizations and trick people who aren’t aware into surrendering large amounts of money. They appear more often around certain events or disasters; Illnesses, environmental crises or natural disasters, even around certain holidays.” Rising rustled one wing towards the door where Harvest had exited,” And from how Harvest Leaves approached and asked for royal funds, it seems he attempted to aim for the sun itself.” Rising gave a cheeky grin, “Literally, in your case.”

Forward Bastion shifted around nervously before looking over to the Princess, “Your Majesty, may I suggest looking back at some of the other organizations that had been asking for aid? I fear this might not have been the first time we had a pony attempt this.”

“That is an excellent degree of caution, Majordomo.” Rising complimented with a turn of his head.

“I would fear it borders on paranoia, Prince Rising,” Celestia commented, “But I’ll consider it until afterwards, Forward.”

“We’ll talk later about the difference between caution and paranoia, Princess Celestia.” Rising rolled his shoulders, “For now, let's just send the next one in.”

Not one but two Unicorn stallions were ushered in, both dressed in clothing that clearly indicated they were both nobles as they exchanged dirty looks at each other up and giving clear amounts of space between themselves before coming to a stop before the throne stairway.

The two nobles gave a polite bow, though still snuck dirty glimpses at each other, very much likely to soon come to blows before Rising cleared his throat and expanded his wings with a quick and loud flourish, “Gentlestallions, we would welcome you to the Royal Court, but unless you both are eager to further embarrass yourselves right in front of us and be escorted out of the castle bound in rope, we kindly ask of the both of you to behave in a manner befitting of noblestallions and not like bickering children.”

That seemed to be enough to warrant them to stop and turn their attention more so on Rising as the one on the left introduced himself with an additional kneel, “Count Saffron Haze, Your Majesties; Occultist scribe and High Noble of the courts of Equestria.”

The other stallion was quick on his hooves to add his own introduction and copied the kneel, “Baronet Silver Vision, Your Majesties. Librarian, scribe and scholar.”

Rising gave a relatively slow nod in acknowledgement, “And what argument brings you both to the Royal Court?”

Again, the two nobles looked at the Princess for a few moments, wondering if the Prince was speaking for her or they were to speak to the Alicorn stallion himself instead.

The Baronet seemed to decide to take the first step and spoke up, “My Lord, Prince Rising. A month earlier, a father who had ties to both my family and ...” He clearly had the thought of spitting out the next word, but with what Rising had said before Silver elected to make an effort to not spit or give a glare at the stallion next to him, “His.”

One of the Count’s eyes twitched before he stepped forward and spoke over Silver Vision, “My Lord. Onyx Haze, who had recently deceased that month and left behind a great deal of wealth and possessions. While we’ve already sorted away the majority of everything he has left behind, some of his possessions were not mentioned within his will.”

Rising gave a slight frown as he gave a nod to the two to continue. It’s always been the small details that some people forget to mention in their will and testaments. There’s been a reason why the best answer to that problem is either with a lawyer or giving the general statement “for all that is left in my possession”.

Count Saffron gave a slight smile from the Prince’s gesture to continue, “Onyx Haze was a stallion within my family’s name, who had married Dew Vision into the Baronet’s family. This was a marriage both out of preference as well as to make ties between our families. Both mare and stallion had lived long and happy, then passed away in old age. However, as stated before, while they had written much of what they had left behind to both families, some were sadly never mentioned. Specifically, it is the ownership of a business chain and a set of artifacts dating as far as five hundred years.”

Princess Celestia’s attention perked up at hearing about the artifacts as Rising raised his own eyebrow, “A set of artifacts? What might they be, specifically? And neither Onyx or Dew made mention of their own business?”

Baronet Silver was quick to explain, nudging the Count out of the way. However, just after informing Rising and Celestia about how the artifacts were two sets of jewelry for a mare and a stallion, Count Saffron nudged back.

This resulted in a brief shoving fight which brought Rising up on his hooves, his wings spread wide open as he thundered, “Enough!” Both stallions recoiled from Rising’s actions, their eyes wide with the Baronet with one front leg up and nearly rearing while the Count skittered away from the former, looking ready to bolt as Prince Rising settled back down and folded his wings.

The court fell silent for a time as Celestia gave a look at Rising, who did not turn to see it. Knowing that he was unrepentant in his outburst, Celestia elected to step in for a moment, calling to the two stallions, “It is alright, my little ponies. You are still welcome here, and there isn’t any danger upon you,” she gave another glance at Rising with furrowed eyebrows as the mare added, “I can assure you.”

The two stallions shared a quick glance at each other before cautiously returning to stand before the Prince and Princess, with a Majordomo giving Rising a raised eyebrow.

The Prince again, didn't look. Instead, he calmly stated to the two nobles, “We would prefer hearing from you in a calm manner, as you stand in the presence of your Princess, not embarrassing yourselves by behaving like a couple of unruly foals.” Rising paused for a moment before asking again, “Now. Neither Onyx Haze or Dew Vision made mention of their business chain in their will at all? And has either family made any headway between negotiating who should receive the two sets of jewelry? Even considering using them as wedding gifts for any continuing marriages between your families?”

Both nobles remained silent before Baronet Silver took a step forward and answered, “T-Yes, Prince Rising. Neither of them had made mention even during their days alive unless it involved success or another business opening somewhere in Equestria. As ... for what else you ask, I do not believe this idea ever came up.”

Count Saffron looked away with a thoughtful expression as he mulled over the idea as Rising gave a nod, “Then perhaps we will let your families consider the jewelry with the idea.” He went silent for a moment before thinking aloud, “As for the issue with the chain business ... . Maybe allow a duel, wherein the victor shall possess ownership of this business chain?”

Minus the guards who still stood by the doors and by the Princess, the occupants of the throne room looked at Rising with bewilderment as Princess Celestia asked tentatively, “A ... duel, Prince Rising?”

“Of course, Princess Celestia.” Rising’s head moved to give a glimpse at Celestia, “We assume duels do still occur even in this day and age, though the procedures likely changed and it’s far less lethal than we’re used to seeing, correct?”

Both Celestia and Majordomo exchanged looks with each other before the Princess gave a reply, her voice taking a hesitantly curious tone, “I ... believe we may need to take a look at that, Prince Rising. As it has been a long while since duels were ever done.”

A small light brightened in Rising’s eye as his wings gave a rustle and his lips curling upwards a slight bit, “Then perhaps what we say might work for this situation, if the two gentlestallions are willing to agree to the idea?”

It was now the nobles’ turn to exchange looks at each other, though in their perspectives, they didn’t really know what to make of both Rising, his idea and the prospect of settling their issue over who owned a business chain in a duel.

The Count replied with hesitation, “If ... if Your Majesties deem it wise ...”

Rising’s smile crept up a little more, “Then in the meantime, we will peruse through laws and history in order to best suit this case and deliver the necessary terms to ensure proper conduct over this matter, will you both be in need of rooms?”

Count Saffron gave a slight sniff as he replied, “While, I appreciate the offer. I believe I shall not be needing one, Your Highness.”

Baronet Silver gave his own polite declination, resulting in Rising giving a nod, “Very well. We will send word when we have reached a conclusion over this matter.”

After another guard escorted both nobles out of the throne room Rising turned to face Celestia, his expression turning unamused as he didn’t say anything other than merely look at her.

Celestia shared her own unimpressed expression, determined to return his silence.

Forward merely elected to peruse through what was the next and final pony for Rising to deal with before giving the call, “May the next pony come forth!”

Rising gave a huff at Celestia before turning to the third and final pony given to him. This one was curiously a pale heliotrope Unicorn mare with the cutie mark of a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams. On her back were two saddlebags with a few scrolls that seemed big enough to look like maps peeking out of them.

As the mare approached, just ... something about her felt off to Rising. She seemed to walk up towards the Alicorns as if she already knew the outcome of their interactions yet wanted to hear it anyways. Adding on to that smile of hers ... .

The mare came to a stop at a fair distance from the Alicorns before giving a polite bow with a quick, “Your Highnesses,” before standing back up and introducing herself, “my name is Starlight Glimmer.”

Rising’s irises swirled gently while the Legion started pondering and conversing with themselves quietly. Though Rising himself paid some attention to their conversation, he focused on the mare and asked, “Welcome, Starlight Glimmer. What do you have to ask of the Royal Court?”

“Well your Highnesses, I’ve come to ask for permission to build a village.”

Rising couldn’t see from his peripherals what Celestia’s reaction was, but he could guess she raised an eyebrow, “And where, might we ask, are you proposing to build this settlement?”

That smile she first responded with was an immediate second red flag to Rising as she replied happily, “I’m very glad you’ve asked, your Highness!”

Her horn lit up as she quickly opened her saddlebags and revealed several maps as she straightened them out to let both Alicorns and Majordomo to see. Several of the locations gave significant details in the surrounding areas that ... seem to indicate quite a good distance away from what seemed to be labeled Manehatten.

Starlight began to explain, “I would like to build Our Town—” She paused as Rising responded to her with a raised eyebrow to the rather curious name, “Oh that’s the name of the village. But as I was saying I would like Our Town to be built within this area,” She made a mark on one map, specifically in a flat area surrounded by mountains, “which should be just northwest of Manehattan.”

““Just northwest of Manehattan”?” Forward Bastion repeated in confusion, “Miss Glimmer I do feel that I should inform you that such a location is many miles away from trade routes and guard patrols. This would leave you effectively isolated and forced to rely on your own resources for everything.”

Starlight merely gave a happy hum in agreement, “That’s the whole point!”

Rising quickly challenged her on that with a simple, if a bit flat, “Why?”

Her response was just as quick, seemingly as if she'd been rehearsing it before she arrived, “For a fresh start, your Highness. I want to create a sanctuary, a refuge with no distractions from outside, where we can be self reliant. A blank slate, if you will. This will be my chance to make the perfect place to live.”

Rising’s eyebrows subtly furrowed at her response. That’s a third red flag that annoyingly places her in a legal position where as much as Equestrian law involved in building a settlement, he couldn’t outright deny her ... which added yet a fourth flag in his book.

He didn’t dare risk a glimpse over to the Majordomo or to the Princess, as now Rising realized that this was a mare who likely knew how to get her way even from the Princesses. Instead he kept a level stare at the mare while discussing and listening to the Legion conversing.

Much of it involved comparing this to some incredibly bad memories and moments that led to a great deal of deaths in human history … .

A sudden cough brought Rising’s attention back as he realized that Starlight was looking at his side, likely where a Cutie-Mark would be. The mare looked back at him before asking, “Your Majesty, Prince Rising?”

He didn’t speak up but instead blinked and tilted his head to the side. This seemed to be enough for the mare as she asked, “If I may be allowed to be a bit bold, but may I ask about your Cutie Mark? With the Princesses, their own Marks are straightforward and open for everypony to see. But, you seem to hide yours behind your clothing.” She seemed to want to ask further but given how he was looking at her, the mare didn’t seem to find the courage to really call him out on it.

However, it was well enough to be implied to Rising. Though he elected to not take offense since this seemed to be more of a curious remark than an intentional jab at him. On the other ‘hoof’, Rising didn’t feel like answering her truthfully considering something about Starlight Glimmer rubbed him the wrong way.

So instead, he elected a different method of answering her, “Our own Cutie-Mark is covered more out of personal preference as well as to honor an ancient habit which were once integral to the society we once lived in. While Cutie-Marks were just as common as they are today, clothing was used to prevent temptations as well as keep eyes on a pony's face rather than their personal locations, if you understand our meaning.”

This brought Starlight to blush and quickly lift one of her rear legs closer to her body while lowering her tail.

Rising continued spinning the web a little longer, drawing memories and experience of the Regency era of England, “Another reason for it is because it was considered improper behavior, if not provocative and exceedingly flirtatious, to walk in public with your flanks exposed. Normally, the only time a Cutie-Mark would be allowed to be seen openly was within the confines of your home and among friends within either their homes or yours. Or in bed with your spouse.”

The mare gave a nervous chuckle from what she learned, “I-I see. I do apologize if I’m giving any offense for that, Prince Rising.”

Rising simply shook his head, “We do accept it, though that was a very long time ago, and we are still adapting to the new methods and trends that Equestria now holds.” He paused for a moment before asking, “Perhaps we may see one of your maps for a moment?”

With a blush still somewhat on her face Starlight gladly levitated one over to him, which he took into one hoof, “Thank you. Allow us to consult with the Princess and Majordomo.”

Just before he let Starlight out of his sight, Rising could tell that she was still looking at his covered flank, either hoping she would see his non-existent Mark or something else.

He turned to see an angry and embarrassed Princess Celestia and an amused Forward Bastion, and only returned their looks with a subtle smile.

The mare quickly encompassed the three in a soundproof shield before poking him hard in the chest, “Don’t ever do that again.”

“Then understand how it feels for us to constantly need to look away from a pony when walking behind them.” Rising flatly retorted.

“Perhaps we can return to the subject at hand?” The Majordomo said, his amusement not going away.

Celestia gave an annoyed snort while Rising looked over to Forward and asked, “How much did she fill out for this petition?”

“Everything from what I’ve checked and been told,” Forward admitted, “the application, building permits, fees and dues. She’s done everything to the letter.”

“Which is yet another red flag for us.”

Forward gave a reluctant nod, “Indeed. Starlight’s even filled out in triplicate. This is normally done to ensure things are processed properly, but this is the first time this was all set and ready by the time she presented her application. And that’s not the end of it.”

The two Alicorns looked at the stallion curiously as he brought back his saddlebags and revealed a clipboard and listed out, “She’s done work for environmental studies, impact usage analysis, stormwater mitigation. The mare has done everything with a level of organization I would’ve expected more from your own student, Princess. Either she’s gotten this done all at once or she’s been planning for this proposal for months to even years.”

Rising exchanged a look with Celestia, who returned with her own concerning look. After a moment of silence, Rising looked as if he would ask her for her own input, but instead she only replied with, “This is your call, Rise.”

His eyes furrowed again but didn’t complain. Instead his eyes flicked left and right a few times, and after another consultation with the Legion he gave a gentle nod before turning to face Starlight.

The soundproof spell fell away as he returned to his “seat” before looking at the Unicorn mare, her smile still present and still unnerving him, “As it stands, everything is legally set and there isn’t much reason to deny you from going forward with this plan, Starlight Glimmer. You have the Royal Crown’s acceptance of your petition and application.”

Starlight started to bow and nearly began to thank Rising, “However,” he interrupted her and made her blink, “this is on the condition of allowing a contingent of inspectors and specialists to visit and review that everything is built to code and specifications during construction.”

To anyone else, they might have imagined seeing a twitch in Starlight’s smile. To a Legion like Rising however, you may as well have let that smile fall completely, “Oh, Prince Rising,” She gave a playful scoff and lifted a dismissing hoof, “I’m certain that isn—”

“That is not a negotiable condition, Starlight.” Rising ordered in a firm tone, “To build a settlement, a village no less, outside both trade routes and guard patrols as well as a long hike to Manehattan is an unusual request. It’s in the interest of the Royal Crown to ensure nothing ... illegal, occurs.”

Starlight fell silent for a moment but caved to his demand with a polite bow, “Of course, Your Highness. Your inspectors will be given access to everything.”

“Very good.” Rising said with a nod, “Is there anything else to bring before the Court?”

“No, Your Highness. I believe that’s everything I need.”

He watched silently as the mare departed and followed one of the guards out of the hall.

“Majordomo Forward, could we perhaps request a team of Pegasus to do a high fly-by and take photographs over her village two months or so after construction is done and Starlight’s settled in?” Rising asked with a frown.

Both Princess and Majordomo looked at the Prince with concern as Forward answered, “I believe I might be able to accomplish that. Is something wrong?”

Rising didn’t turn to look at them, but instead kept looking at where he last saw Starlight’s tail, “We very much hope there isn’t. We’ve heard of isolated villages and towns before ...” He gave a slow sigh as he explained to them “None of them were run by good people, and none of them lived happily for long, nor did such leaders and their citizens end peacefully.”

Celestia blinked at the dark tone that crept up on his last sentence as she asked, “Do you want to bring her back and reject her proposal?”

He lowered his head and looked at the platform he sat on before shaking his head, “To do so would result in nothing but trouble upon us if we did ... . Just make sure we have updates on her and her little “village”, Majordomo Forward. We want our gut feeling to be wrong.”

The three fell silent for some time before Rising gave a sigh before turning around and fixing Celestia with a level stare, “Now. Princess Celestia, let’s talk a bit about something called the Lower Courts.”

All Celestia could reply with was an exhausted sigh.

Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Back On Track and On Our Way

To the Equestrian, each day rarely, if ever, changed or seemed to be any different from yesterday or the day before. Clouds were a constant and fluffy sight, though they never blocked out the sun unless that same day or tomorrow was scheduled to have rain. The animals weren’t so loud but weren’t a strange sight to see passing by, and neither were the Pegasus darting about the sky or persistently pulling along whatever they needed to carry with them. Every day seemed to carry the same energy and promise as the last did, so long as luck would hold and there weren’t any frustrations thrown at the ponies.

To one being, it was these days that were as great as one could ever consider it.

He gave two powerful thrusts with his great wings as he streaked across the skies with eager abandon. Mist from the clouds trailed behind as the wings became stiff and allowed him to hurtle upwards from the momentum Rising already gave himself from a recent power dive.

Another strong flap was given before Rising tilted and rolled at the height of his ascension. For a few moments, he watched the great blue void of the earth’s atmosphere before closing his eyes and allowing himself to stall and let gravity pull him back down.

The world around him tilted, whirled and spun around Rising in a dizzying manner as he continued to fall, his wings folded and held close to his body as the human-turned-stallion simply let himself feel the temporary and brief weightless fall take over, not even the slightest bit of fear taking hold.

Once he felt his body straighten out, his eyes reluctantly opened and his wings unfolded to their fullest before Rising maneuvered into a smooth pull, accelerating again and rocketing back into the skies, the air tugging at his face and roaring in his ears as gravity pulled at his body.

With a grin, he slowed down and began to glide his way through the air, allowing himself a moment to observe the wide world so far below him before two armored Pegasus were hurrying to join up with him, one of them giving a worried cry, “Prince Rising!”

The Prince Alicorn gave a scoff over the Royal Guard’s concern as he gave an Immelmann towards them before they flew in escort around him back to the flying carriage that was on its way to Cloudsdale, slowing down as he approached.

Once he was within range of the carriage, he gave a quick flutter of his wings before landing precariously at the door of the vehicle, carefully opening it with his hoof before stepping inside as the Royal Guard Pegasus currently pulling the carriage began to pick up speed, the other Guards that had followed after Rising returning to their escorting positions around.

Celestia sat there with an amused look at him as Rising ruffled his wings before sitting down, “Feeling better?”

Rising gave another ruffle, “Always.”

The Princess gave a titter as Celestia allowed silence to settle in the carriage for a few minutes before she asked, “Rising? While I know I could have asked this at any moment, it’s only now do I find myself wondering and seeing the right moment to ask, but as I recall that you never had wings during your time as a human.”

Celestia blinked for a few moments to recall further, her eyebrows furrowing, “And yet my sister had to rely on magic just to pin you down when she had to apply the tail tie to you after chasing you, and she has always been the more active flier than I am. Even now, you fly like a Pegasus who has flown all their life; The dives, turns, banking and even some maneuvers I’ve never seen before. How is it you know how to do all these things?”

Rising fell silent as he started looking towards his left, his irises changing colors and giving the indication to Celestia that he and the Legion were considering what to respond with.

Which was also enough to tell her that the mare might have just found another question that’ll give her something to know about Rising. Or at least know more things revolving around him...

The stallion blinked before he gave an uncomfortable glare, though Celestia could tell it wasn’t directed at her. After a few more seconds, Rising gave a long sigh before locking eyes with Celestia and replied, “Normally, humans do not gain wings or any method of organic flight. Regardless of what happens in life or after death.”

He shifted his hooves around a little before continuing, “That said, with us being the most unusual exemption from a lot of things humans do not have or get, yes we happen to have a great deal of experience with flight because of a certain ... ‘perk’ and a long history in aerial combat.”

Rising once again blinked a few times, “Before we answer as to what that is, you’ll need to understand what wings are and what they mean within the Kingdom. Normally when you see wings on beings, what is the first few things that they mean to you? Does it denote that they’re special? That they’re some new breed? There’s been a great deal of documentation about what wings are and what they symbolize. Even during times when many in the Heavenly Kingdom go out to certain tasks, some of them utilize wings as a sort of ‘shield,’ whether it's to protect others from the sight of their bodies or the opposite. In essence, wings there are far more complicated to know and see than you’ve seen on yourself, Princesses Luna and Cadance, or the Pegasai.”

“For beings such as us and similarly higher ranked beings such as the Angel of the Lord, who is our military leader, they’re a display of both status as well as the power bestowed upon them, or in our special once-in-a-reality case entrusted. They still act like actual wings; We can flutter with them; They can flap and fold, we can do all sorts of acrobatics with them. But they are not made out of feathers but made of living fire and light, as they come from our Lord. Amongst the low ranked, you might see one with a pair or two pairs of wings.”

Celestia’s mind quickly came to a halt at that last part and just as quickly demanded, “Wait. What?

Rising gave an amused smile, “You didn’t hear us wrong, Princess. We said two pairs of wings.”

After seeing her expression turn to astounded confusion he asked, “What? Did you think that wing size would be the indication?”

About half of her was about to quickly reply yes before Celestia bit down on the instinctive response as she tentatively asked, “And ... what of you and the “higher ranked”?”

Rising’s smile didn’t fade as he continued on from his explanation, “Well as we’ve said, among the low ranks of servants or soldiers, you’d find them with a pair or two, as you go higher up in the hierarchy you’ll find some having six wings, and even eight wings.”

“The Angel of the Lord and a few specific Angelic Beings, who serve and perform other duties but are still no less of high regard and status, have around twenty. I’ve personally heard from some people around the Kingdom that whenever the Guardian Prince Michael’s wings were out and spread on display, he looked more like someone with butterfly wings made of layered feathers.”

“How ... would you even move with them...?” Celestia nearly whispered. She felt like she was missing a specific impact by hearing how there were literal beings who possessed more than a pair of wings on their backs. Really though,, the idea or thought of adding additional wings wasn’t utterly unusual that it was completely beyond imagination, especially to the more incredibly creative artists who would add more wings to pictures of Griffons, Pegasai and even Dragons.

Rising's smile crept up a little with her question, but didn't say anything. Moments after she was done pondering, Celestia asked him with wariness, "And ... How many wings do you have? And ... What do they look like?"

Rising gave a quick glimpse around the carriage and said, "You'll have to wait until we are outside, as it's better to demonstrate where it won’t end up confusing or blinding you in this carriage.” He gave a chuckle as he commented, “Let alone burn this entire box to a crisp. However, we believe you already know the answer, after all they were carved into the stone back in the sanctuary.”

Celestia’s face softly turned to confusion for a few seconds before scrunching her eyebrows to recall the memories.

The stallion didn’t give her long to consider as he looked away for a moment before asking, “Now. About that “Lower—”

“Rising Dawn!” Celestia’s physical wings flaring half-open and held up as high as she could inside the carriage as she angrily arose from her thoughts and attempt at remembering and declared, “I said I would talk to Luna about it. Later!

“And how else are we supposed to remind you?” Rising asked with an eyebrow raised, “Your own sister ousted you for selective forgetfulness on certain topics either you don’t want to get involved in or bring up.”

The mare fell into sputtering outrage at both Rising for bothering her again for the third time this week, and Luna for pulling that one time she didn’t want to talk to Luna and Raven Inkwell about the expenditures to the Canterlot Castle, specifically the room remodeling for Luna and Rising as well as the supplies for certain types of cakes.

Ever since the topic started a week ago after Rising’s trial on Royal Court procedures about installing additional courts with advice and instructions about personally choosing judges added onto it, the stallion had been insistent on keeping Celestia aware of it.

The carriage took a slight dip to one side as the Pegasus pulling the vehicle upwards to Cloudsdale, Celestia fell silent as Rising spoke up again, “We can understand that we’re suggesting things that take either a lot of ponies or a good portion of them off of your hooves and into others. Considering you told us how your parents raised you and the millennia of ruling experience, it’s unsurprising to us you would feel so strongly about being involved in everything.”

“Not everything, just ...” Celestia muttered, but her voice and her side of the argument faltered.

Rising waved a hoof under his chin, as if trying to bring a breeze to his face, “Of course. However, it still reveals how much of their influence impacts you; Both beneficial and, at least from our perspective, detrimental.” He gave a light sigh before continuing, ignoring the mare’s glare, “We’re not insisting this so much as to try and force our methods into Equestria, Princess. Despite how it may sound that way, we are trying to encourage some development in places that are blatant to us that needs some attention. You overworking yourself on that throne being one example.”

Celestia quickly gave Rising another glare and stuck her tongue out at him, not wanting to go back to that argument.

Rising only gave a huff at her in amusement before looking out the window of the carriage, recollecting the past week’s events with some of the Legion.

As it turned out with Harvest Leaves while there had indeed been embezzling, it was Harvest himself that was doing it and had been pulling this stunt for a week, already tricking a few banks and a few other organizations before trying for the Royal Court.

Much of the week ended up with Harvest being tried and found guilty in Luna’s court of law and was finding himself jailed for quite some time.

Though before Rising could get curious and see how exactly Equestria handled their criminals, jails and prisons, he and Princess Celestia had to oversee the dueling between the Count and Baronet.

As fortune would have it, there had been dueling laws in the early years of both Celestia’s and Luna’s Diarchy. It was a form in which nobles could settle disagreements in a more controlled manner rather than either taking it into the streets where civilians would get caught in the crossfire, or in lethal manners that ended up exterminating entire bloodlines...

Only problem was that the duels still tended to result in one pony or both ponies being dead.

But, adaptation is a profound process. Thus after a bit of meandering, fussing, and bringing a more modern and acceptable terms and conditions, both nobles agreed to what was made and set out to drum up hired duelists.

They would have three duelists for each noble and set them to fight in a one on one duel with melee specific weaponry of their choice. Neither of the duelists would fight again unless the results were inconclusive or in case the others were incapacitated, in which case the most able bodied would enter the “ring” again and settle the matter.

Initially, the idea had been to use ‘First Blood’. And initially, Rising had hoped that the nobles themselves would duel instead of hiring duelists. Sadly, Equestria proved to be much more resistant to moving out of its own comfort zone than Rising had expected, and the nobles were not interested in having personal participation in the duels. There were barely any pony that were duelists or even weapon enthusiasts, which resulted in the nobles having to hire griffons to settle that particular problem.

From there, Rising was treated to six lively days of activity. Three of them had been spent being involved with the planning and construction of the arena and three days of the duels themselves.

When Princess Luna had learned of his decisions and his ideas on bringing back dueling and how to adapt it into the modern setting, she had graced him with the smile and hug of a filly who was just told that an exciting fair with dazzling talent shows, daring stunts and obnoxious amounts of candy was coming to her hometown.

Oh how the Lunar Princess begged and demanded she be involved and help Rising. She began making small threats such as restricting Rising access to the library, her Night Guard’s sparring grounds, the kitchen, to even the Royal Gardens or threatening to replace his diet with alfalfa for the next week. Then she would turn around and start trying to bribe the stallion, first with stashes of her sweet candy, then with promises of secret locations that she would use to escape her sister or have a moment alone to herself.

Both Rising and the Legion were pretty good at giving guesses and one ever so very likely guess as to her excitement and desperate wish to be involved was that this was something she was intimately familiar with. In the end, Rising relented and allowed Princess Luna to help with the location of where the arena would be placed, which rewarded him with a bone breaking hug and a loud cheer from Luna as she spun on her rear legs and raced away to scout out a suitable location, with or without approval from the ponies that had already been looking for such a spot.

Princess Celestia meanwhile looked as if she was lost in the decision. Initially, Rising thought it was because it was simply that she was being forced to accept things that were outside of her zone of comfort, much less pushing the nobles into an arena to settle their differences instead of letting her hear them out in a peaceful manner. Another thought was that Rising had caused one significant change that felt incredibly sudden and generally accepted by everypony, leaving her with another perspective of loss over control.

A different thought had occured to Rising that perhaps she was wanting to uphold what her parents had during their reign to keep every memory of them alive, but that one didn’t have much weight behind it to give consideration on.

At the end of those three trying days, a rather large and convenient space in Canterlot now beheld a three story circular, wood and plaster open roofed arena. The first floor was a walled off sand pit with a few entrances so that the dueling fighters, medics or Royal Guards could enter and exit. On the outside of the arena walls were little more but barren hallways with wooden supporting struts and seven staircases leading up to the second and third level.

Said second and third levels of the arena were little more but simple wooden seatings or stands for ponies to watch the fighting that would take place below. Not the most comfortable seatings, despite putting long strips of cloth on them, but Rising said that the cloth were a luxurious seating when it came to setting up crowd seating and taking them down. Adding on that this was at best a three to four day dueling event, and the construction ponies were willing to go along with his suggestion. One section on the second level was a specifically made seating for the Prince and Princesses, where they could sit and see everything and everyone in the arena in a more relatively comfortable state with stone and plaster.

It wasn’t the most fanciful of buildings, and a good number of the Equestrian nobility made clear their complaint about it, but nevertheless it would serve its purpose well enough and could be taken down with little issue about having to throw away resources or complaints about overstaying its welcome in the city.

When official word came about with its grand opening, it attracted a great deal of attention, and not just from Equestria. Both merchants, nobles and the curious folk that had the money and time to travel arrived in droves, wanting to see what was the reason as to why Equestria had brought about a dueling arena and was hosting it in their territory of all places. Though for the merchants hearing about it, they simply jumped on the bandwagon to get as much commerce as they could.

The fights themselves had been particularly interesting to watch, seeing how griffons would don plated armor to cover the majority of their bodies while leaving their limbs and wings nearly unprotected except for plain chainmail, and instead of spears or the ironically humorous “bec de crobins”, they had chosen bastard swords that held the appearance of thicker rapiers, paired with parrying daggers with guards that gave it a sort of ... sai-like appearance.

As if the mess of technological advances in this new world were confusing....

Regardless of that headache, at the end of the third day the matter was settled and victory was claimed for the Baronet.

This three day spectacle ended up drawing quite a crowd to watch this newfound entertainment, and it caused many of the other nobles to consider the revived idea of dueling to resolve their issues. And within a matter of both the days of the arena’s construction, use and aftermath of the event, mercenaries from multiple territories and kingdoms, even ones as far as Abyssnia began arriving in groups, hearing news of a new source of income.

An effect that left an impact in the form of a significant reduction of noblesponies attending Day Court, and even bringing the Prince and Princesses to a few wide, open courtyards of Canterlot Castle or some fields outside of the castle to oversee several more duels.

Additionally, nobles and those of higher classes started finding interest in dueling weaponry, such as rapiers and longswords. And this in turn caused a series of debates between the nobles about the issues of possessions of such weaponry, and even more so with publicly carrying such weaponry.

Even moreso, there was word that some of the nobles were interested in finding a more permanent spot to build an arena for duels to be situated in. Where exactly this arena would be built was still in discussion, however a few popularly discussed locations were a spot North of Canterhorn Mountain, within the clouds much like Cloudsdale and a few other Pegasus cloud-based villages were, or just a little further South from Ponyville and on the Western side of a railway that skirted the edges of the Everfree Forest and shortly before the Ghastly Gorge.

Such a series of results from one decision made by Rising.

And he still had yet to discover why Celestia allowed him to do such a thing...

As Cloudsdale came into view from the side windows, Rising stirred from the musings to take a glance at Celestia. The mare had also fallen into silence and watched the world go by in the nearby window, a pensive expression on her muzzle and one leg resting against the window of the carriage, her hoof resting her chin. She seemed to be either remembering something, looking back much like he had just been doing or was daydreaming.

Celestia didn’t seem to notice him looking at her and for a few moments, Rising felt taken aback looking at the mare. It was as if he was right in the middle of watching an animated drawing that an artist of exceptional talent had made. Her mane cascading over her side and waving gently with whatever magical breeze was causing it, her wings barely unfolded that acted like a feathered cloak around her barrel. That distracted expression of hers with lidded eyes and a hint of what seemed to be a smile.

The feeling faded away as he gave an appreciative combination of a soft hum and sigh as she stirred. Her ear flickered towards him and started to look his way, prompting him to smoothly look out her own window.

The Princess was tempted to give a questioning hum at him, since she knew he had been looking at her and clearly not turning his gaze from his window to hers just to see what Cloudsdale looked like there.

Celestia wasn’t blind to know that during her reign, both with and without Luna, there had been many creatures that tried to sneak in a look at her, whether she was looking at them or they thought she wasn’t paying attention. Most of the time, they had been simply looking in awe or appreciation. Though there had been quite a number who had other thoughts or ideas. Some seemed flattering, others ... not as much.

Though coming from Rising, the mare felt her smile grow a little and felt just a tad giddy. Now knowing that he had snuck a look at her sent her mind abuzz with thoughts whether this confirmed whether he was interested and was starting to look her way.

With a few wistful thoughts and an unformed plan involving a personal outing with her and Rising, Celestia turned her gaze back out the window and thought back to the results of her giving Rising control for a mere moment in Day Court, among other things.

She wasn’t aware what troubles the three ponies that Rising was given to resolve, for one thing. In fact, Celestia had expected either Rising to flounder or fail to consider certain laws or rules that she would remind or even take a hoof over. Having one pony be tried and arrested for embezzlement, renewing and refreshing dueling laws and encounter one pony who greatly rubbed her own sense of caution in unnerving ways.

It wasn’t something Celestia wanted to admit, but with how Rising handled and the three court cases he was given, she actually forgot the reason she gave them to him in the first place.

All she could recall was her wanting to prove to Rising that the Day Court wasn’t as easy as he imagined, or that his desire to let other ponies take over for her wasn’t the better plan or idea, that she needed to have at least a hoof involved.

Though as always, Rising complained about her methods.

Celestia gave a frown as she recalled one luncheon that led to an argument between her and that stallion.


“There’s a massive difference between managing a kingdom and feeling the need to micromanage everything, Princess.” Rising stated flatly, his shoulder slumping forwards as he paused from eating his sandwich of cheese and dandelions, a part of his adventuring tastes into Equestria’s near vegan diet.

“I am well aware of that Rising, and I’ve had lessons on that subject well before I sat on a throne.” Celestia retorted with her eyebrows furrowing, mirroring the stallion’s own unhappiness with the revitalized argument, “I know and trust that every pony will do the best they are capable of rather than feel the need to look over their heads and observe their efforts. At most, whenever I see them again, I ask whether things have improved for them since then or not.”

“And yet you still insist on involving your own personal decisions when others can be entrusted to handle such decisions.”

“And yet I insist on letting my little ponies work without constant guidance from me. I don’t tell them precisely what I want done unless it was a project or decision that came from me or my sister, or even from my student, and even then I allow freedom of movement.”

“Yet we come back to you spending so much time in court and over the business of others that again, could be handed over to others. Time that could’ve been spent either for yourself, your sister and niece and perhaps your student or us?”

This made Celestia roll her eyes, “That’s part of running a kingdom, Rising. You know this more than anypony if you’ve lived longer than me and my sister.”

“Indeed it is.” Rising replied without a blink or change of color in his iris’, “But one issue: Even they knew when to let others take over and take time for themselves.”

Now Celestia gave a frowning glare at Rising, “And how long was it until they started getting bribed or supplanted by nobles or those with more bits than sense? Do you recall that I said that my mother and father had lower courts before the nobles began putting bribes, favors and undermining them that they had to force the courts to close?”

“Has it occurred that after a thousand years, those that knew their ways to manipulate a court are no longer around? And perhaps you only need one or several trustworthy lives to help advise on how to manage those courts once they are reopened? Who were those few ponies you argued and named to your sister that were trustworthy and in that regard could greatly help you?” Rising looked briefly away as his eyes changed for a second before he turned back to look at Celestia and recited, “A married couple by the name of Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur-De-Lis? Perhaps Twilight Sparkle’s family house, if we are guessing correctly, or the few other names such as Radiance, Good Will, and Nightingale? In fact, you even mentioned—”


Princess Celestia’s thoughts were brought to an abrupt end as she felt the carriage give a jolting halt. Though just as that happened, she gave a frustrated growl and even nearly spat a retort at Rising with how he fluidly kept arguing her points and found ways around her stance.

Rising was just ... so infuriatingly obstinate at trying to reduce the amount of her own work that she was so used to and didn’t feel like relieving herself of. Why can’t she have her own hoof in handling some of her ponies’ lives? Was he planning or even expecting her reign to be autonomous that her crown was nothing but a mere symbol of her status as Princess of Equestria?

A few stiff feathers touched her shoulders startled the mare and with still smoldering resentment turned and gave a withering glare, a spell nearly ready to blast the offender out of the carriage.

Her eyes locked onto Rising, who defensively recoiled away from her with a concerned look on his face, his eyes slowly changing colors and one half-raised wing recoiling from her reaction.

Celestia’s guilt and regret was very quick to snuff out her emotions as she moved her head down in apology, “Ri—I’m so sorry. I had been thinking back to our argument. It still has left me in a sour mood over it even now.”

Rising didn’t respond immediately, but did relax from what likely felt to him a potentially confrontational situation, “We’ll accept your apology, Princess. Though we didn’t know that our good intentions were that much of a threat to you.”

“I—” Celestia halted for a moment before admitting, scratching one leg with her hoof, “I’ve been ruling with a busy, but stable rule for so long that this decentralization of power that you’re insisting to change whats been established for so long in the brief time since you’ve arrived here, it’s been a horrible source of stress and worry.”

The stallion blinked a few times before gently asking, “Do you want us to stop?”

“Just ... just for now, Rising. Just small hoofsteps at a time with your ideas and suggestions ... .”

“As you wish, Princess.”

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Rising wasn’t a complete stranger to the thought, idea and semi-execution of cloud cities. Adding on certain dreams that contained and performed such ideas had been given to some of the Legion, hearing and seeing Cloudsdale wasn’t something that neither he or the Legion could bring to complain about.

Now, having a cloud city that's literally made of clouds. That’s one particular aspect that was unusual and near uncomfortable to them.

Has any of the Legion ever walked on clouds before? Oh yes, quite a few times. Sadly, the experience wasn’t as impressive or as magical as one thought. Anyone else could’ve easily mimicked the experience by riding an airplane and gazing out the window below.

Add on that the clouds back then tended to not remain thick or fluffed forever … .

That fact caused Rising to continuously watch where he was placing his hooves, even so far as impulsively flutter his wings or even call upon his entrusted power just to make sure he didn’t fall through one cloud that didn’t look exactly like the others.

Celestia giggled at his antics as she nudged him lightly, “Calm down, hot hooves. As long as you’re on a cloud, you’re not going to fall.”

“You forget we weren’t born in this world of odd logic and magic, Celestia.” Rising muttered at her, attempting to keep his voice down and not let any nearby Pegasi overhear him.

Celestia only giggled again as she came to a stop with Rising and waited for him to become comfortable with Cloudsdale’s clouds, “If you keep doing this though, you’re going to miss quite a lot of the city.”

It would take quite a few minutes for Rising to get over Cloudsdale’s “ground” before he looked up and gave a gander at the Pegasus city.

Though once he did, it took a bit of effort for him to not succumb to nostalgia from the sights.

The city was like a combination of Greco-Roman architecture, highly reminiscent of both Athens and Rome, and one certain cartoon animation company. Though with a helpful amount of snow and what looked like ice dripping down from some of the buildings, as well as a few focuses of Equestrian culture littering throughout much of the city. Specifically the smooth curling clouds that acted as rooftops or structure braces for buildings that had been placed high above or well away from anything. The rail-less bridges that connected a lot of the houses or what seemed like places of commerce or research. And rainbows that acted like rails or fences in some of the cloud houses or rivers as he could see it flow from several buildings, never mingling with what seemed like water as it followed a path out of the city and then entered freefall out of Rising’s sight.

Rising’s shoulder was nudged as he turned away to see Celestia giving a warm smile as she asked, “Amazing, isn’t it?”

He didn’t respond immediately as he replied slowly, “Reminiscent, really. There’s a lot of the city that looks similar to some of the cities and civilizations we knew and walked through. The Ionic columns here and there around the large buildings, some looking like they are meant to support the structures, yet over there with the houses they have a combination of Ionic and Doric for sheer decoration ... .” Rising paused as he pointed over some of the houses he mentioned, “We’re almost expecting to see cloud shingles shaped like terracotta clay on many of these homes and buildings, lavish statues and pillars placed throughout, some of them holding up statues of gods or greatly recognized generals or emperors. Walls containing bas-reliefs of heroes, legends and tales of their adventures. All of it being a display of wealth and opulence.”

The stallion fell silent as he looked out and continued gazing at the city as Celestia turned to look around, “I suppose one could expect that. It’s been a long time and even after the Geckos and the Roams, there's a lot that the Pegasai picked up from them. Though I suppose that would have to be the case since Pegasai had been involved so deeply with the two civilizations, both good and ill.”

Celestia rolled her shoulders and wings as she gave a sigh, “I don’t miss either of them, though. Especially the Roams.”

Rising rolled his eyes as he muttered, “Of course there’d be Romans here … .” He didn’t bother giving an answer to Celestia’s questioning look as the stallion closed his eyes and moved his head down with a dry chuckle, “There’s not a lot of love we had for the Romans on our end, either.”

Celestia gave another nudge to Rising, wordlessly encouraging him to walk with her to an arena where the Young Flyer Competition was being held as the guards plus Shining Armor followed along with them, “We can tour the city after the competition, Rising. I think you’ll be interested in how Cloudsdale makes their rainbows, clouds and snowflakes.”

Now the stallion gave a grumble, “Of course they would be making those.”

Celestia gave a giggle as Rising paused in thought, his eyes changing color for a moment, “Though we doubt they could make snowflakes as great as we would find them during our times: Infinite possibilities of what every flake would or could look like, infinite shapes and even the most minute designs that just happens. Some of them you would think they had to have been handmade.”

This made Celestia give a thoughtful hum, “Well, snowflake making is a delicate process.”

Rising only made a noise in response before Celestia started picking up the pace, “We can argue about this after the competition, Rising.” She paused as the group heard the sound of trumpets from a fair distance away, “In fact we may have to hold off any more conversation if we want to arrive on time!”

With that, she opened her wings and quickly took to the skies, her guards keeping pace with her. Rising didn’t argue or offer anything else to say as he followed the Princess’ suit and leveled off slightly above and behind the small formation.

As it turned out, they had just skirted the edge of being on time as the ponies flew over the top of a cloud coliseum, with cheering Pegasi and a few curiously sighted Unicorns seated around the walls of the building with an empty center that gave a birds eye view down onto Equestria.

“—nd join me in welcoming our beloved Princess Celestia and our newest Prince Rising!” An announcer standing on one small cloud declared and pointed over to the Alicorns just as the two plus several Royal Guards landed at a high rise clearly marked out with a cloud statue depiction of Celestia standing over another depiction of her Cutie Mark.

The Princess was quick to begin waving to the audience while Rising opted for a slow wave to the crowd until the cheering calmed down.

“You know,” Celestia quietly said as she leaned her head towards him, “They’d like you a lot more if you gave a smile and waved a little better than that, Mr. Stoic.”

“Hah.” Rising said before seeing the arrival and quick demonstration of the Wonderbolts as they flew upwards into the sky, trailing smoke behind them from what almost seemed nowhere as Rising didn’t notice or spot anything on the ponies as they accelerated up into the sky, forming up a line before coming together and jumping off from each other, detonating some sort of fireworks that gave off sparks forming into the Equestrian symbol.

Both Alicorns gave a polite clap as Rising commented, “A lot more different and looks safer than the airshows, especially since they can perform more with those wings.”

Celestia looked over in curiosity, ““Safer”?”

“Remember Princess, we had to rely on technology and science,” The stallion gave a quick shuffle with his wings, “No wings.”

She gave a soft sigh, “What else did your kind do so recklessly.”

Given Rising’s exceedingly large grin, the near silent laugh and the merriment in his eyes as a response, Celestia had very clearly asked the wrong question.

Even one of the Pegasi Guards had given a quick glimpse of concern before returning his gaze back to the arena.

“... Oh by Faust, Rising!!” Celestia exclaimed as she stared at him in horror as the competition began.

That grin didn’t go away until the first contestant appeared behind a large curtain, a young tan colored mare who hesitated at first before beginning.

As the competition continued, Rising had remained silent as he and the Legion watched with some amusement and some boredom over each contestant. While many of them had demonstrated what one can do with their wings, they weren’t entirely inventive or impressive.

While having the stomach to endure performing fifteen aileron rolls was adequately respectable from one stallion, the word ended up with Rising and Celestia bickering over what she thought was called a barrel roll and a promise out of Rising that he’d show what an actual barrel roll was after the competition was over, the performance wasn’t all that exciting.

Or very well practiced as Rising gave a slight wince as one stallion slammed face first into the arena’s wall during his run, despite not showing or sporting any significant injury and willing to continue.

That was among another list of questions that Rising and the Legion had gathered during their tenure in Equestria: Giving the significant lack of wincing and concern from the crowd and the sight of a still intact and slightly dazed Pegasus stallion still flying, with only a scuffed face to show for his recent faceplant; Just how durable or even prone to injuries are these ponies? And where do they draw the line for injuries to be considered minor or critical and needing hospitalization?

He was about to turn and ask the Princess when four familiar fur and mane colors attracted Rising’s attention. Pausing for a moment and looking, the stallion was pleasantly surprised by the sight of four out of six Element Bearers, watching with excitement as Pegasi flew out one by one into the arena to perform their tricks and flying back through the curtains to allow another to do the same.

Again, Rising was about to turn and notify Celestia about his musings as well as the presence of the Bearers before the announcer broadcasted, “And now, for our final competitor of the day, contestant number fifteen! ... And apparently contestant number four ... .”

Contestant number four indeed.

Not a single soul amongst the Legion could comprehend the reason and sight of seeing a familiar alabaster Unicorn flying not only with oversized and opulently colored butterfly wings, but dressed up as if she was entering a Pegasus fashion show. … For a simple flying competition.

"Ambitious for attention, perhaps?" Rising audibly commented to Celestia as they watched Rarity perform something akin to ballet in the air while another familiar sight of a cyan pegasus looking like an absolute nervous wreck and not doing anything.

"I ... don't believe so.” Celestia replied, “While she is a fashionista and in ownership of a clothing store in Ponyville, she doesn't intentionally seek attention in that regard. Unless it's to attract customers, I think her attendance was more of a spur of the moment. Though I may have to ask her or Twilight how she got those wings."

Rising shifted his attention to Rainbow, who had gotten over her stage fright and began a quick slalom between several pillars of clouds. Though after she botched that and ended up face planting in the same manner as the stallion several numbers ahead of her had done so, Rising quickly found the moment to ask, “Just how durable or prone to injuries are you ponies?”

Celestia turned to look at him in confusion as he explained, “Ordinarily, when someone ends up slamming their face against a wall, the most common resultant injury one would receive is a nosebleed. Second most common would be a concussion, which is particularly a serious concern depending upon how hard someone was hit in the face or head. This is the second time we see a pony get hit with significant enough force that a paramedic would be rushing towards them to make a quick look over and judge whether they were good to go or had to stop, yet both that one young stallion and now Rainbow have come away from such with barely anything than a scuff.”

The mare stayed silent for a moment, considering her response before gasps from the crowd caused both Alicorns to turn and look up, seeing a spinning cloud hurtling towards them.

Celestia and the guards quickly took to ducking while Rising opted to use his wings as shields and braced himself against the oncoming cloud, having thought on the direction it spun and how fast it was approaching.

Fortunately for them, the rogue cloud had collided safely with the walls and pillars a meter above them.

As both Rarity and Rainbow started flying up and gaining altitude, Rising relaxed his wings and looked over to Celestia, “Everyone alright? Rainbow certainly caught our attention if that was her plan.”

“We’re fine, and it certainly would’ve.” Celestia replied as she eyed the two still climbing ponies, “Well for your questions on our durability, Rising. I’ll have to give you an abridged answer: Magic being the primary reason, though because we ponies are so infused into magic, it brings us a more durable physical constitution. There’s a few other factors but that’s for a later discussion.”

... . Does this also mean our own physical capabilities are affected by this much magic? One of the Legion considered with concern.

Rising was about to give his own thoughts on the starting discussion before his vision was blinded by colored lights flooding the arena.

Looking up, he could see Rarity spreading her wings out and allowing light to filter through the colors on it, giving quite the light show to everyone below her.

Rainbow in the meanwhile, was still climbing and was barely invisible in the sky, her rainbow mane and tail being the only indication of her presence.

The light show that Rarity was giving suddenly disappeared as from what Rising could see, her new wings burst into flames for a span of one second before vanishing off of the Unicorn mare, sending her plummeting downwards.

Rising’s wings flared open in instinct and very nearly took off and would have knocked Celestia and the guards down before Celestia quickly learned of what was happening and did what she could to stop the stallion, “Wait! Let the Wonderbolts help!”

He did.

And watched the three that went after Rarity get knocked unconscious from her flailing all too easily.

Once again, Rising’s wings arose and prepared a power dive. And once again, he was interrupted and had his chance stolen by a blazing and inaudible Rainbow Dash plunging straight towards the now larger numbers of falling ponies.

“She’ll paint the ground.” Rising grumbled, watching the Pegasus fly faster and seeing the sound barrier start to push against her.

“Care to put faith in that claim?” Celestia looked over with a smile.

He gave an unamused look that also told her that the stallion wasn’t rising to that bet, which was quickly followed by the detonation of the sound barrier being broken.

Rising moved his attention and was able to watch just in the nick of time to witness the very same rainbow-colored explosion and aftershock that had appeared and painted the Tower of Eternity, complete with a rainbow-trailing Pegasus catching and carrying the three still unconscious Wonderbolts and Unicorn as Rainbow Dash streaked from mere feet above the ground and back into the sky.

She gave a single arcing pass over the arena, leaving a glittering rainbow over it before flying slower up through the middle, letting some of the Pegasus nearby catch and carry her passengers.

Rising watched as the rings continued to expand before slowly fading away, whatever energy fueling them expiring.

“Magnificent display, isn’t it?” Celestia asked as she gave a light nudge, having watched the rings as well.

“Certainly a sight. Though, it seems to not have carried the same energy and effect as it had before, as the rings had kept going and reaching far.” Rising answered softly, “Perhaps that time was more significant, or simply something never done before and the effect is more subdued now that this is the second time.”

The princess half-heartedly scoffed at him as she unfurled her wings and prepared to glide over to Rainbow, “Aren’t you just unsatisfied with anything!”

Rising opted to laugh loudly but didn’t give his reply as he followed suit and very nearly overtook the mare in flight.

When they landed, several of the Pegasi had brought up a rather gaudy air balloon and had seated Rarity in it while Rainbow Dash seemed to be sputtering at the sight of the three Wonderbolts talking to her and giving thanks for their rescue. Twilight had turned around at that time and gave a gasp and was the first to bow, “Princess! Prince!”

The other mares, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie if Rising recalled correctly, followed suit in bowing before Celestia gave a happy smile to her student, “Hello, Twilight Sparkle! And hello to your friends, too!”

Rising elected to give an amused smile and let Celestia’s words be his own greetings as Rarity began to apologize about throwing herself into the competition, even vouching Rainbow as the better.

To be honest, he had already tuned out Celestia’s declaration as his attention returned to where this “Rainboom” had been, if to at least give a few thoughts and musings over the sight before Rainbow began rambling excitedly again as she was carried off by three of her friends while Twilight and Rarity stayed behind. Celestia then began speaking to Twilight about what she had learned in terms of friendship.

Deciding that this was one conversation more reserved between Celestia, Twilight and Rarity, Rising’s attention turned away to watch Rainbow be paraded around the arena, much to the cheering of the crowd. This didn’t last more than a few seconds as Celestia looked over to Rising and asked something that both he and the Legion didn’t catch, making him turn back and give a questioning hum.

Celestia gave a small sigh at him, clearly disappointed in him not paying attention, “I asked you if you think Rarity learned a valuable lesson.”

“Having elected to perform a fashion show and dance in the midst of a flying competition, and getting carried away with her wings we’ve no doubt she learned her lesson, Princess Celestia.” Rising replied smoothly.

The Princess simply stared at Rising, half her face being masked by her mane. Whether this was still out of disappointment that Rising didn’t listen to what Rarity said or because of his answer, he couldn’t answer. If it was the former, why for? Did she think he didn’t know better about keeping himself grounded and needed to hear it from someone else? Perhaps she wanted him to hear Rarity testify?

Whatever it was, it likely was going to be discussed back in the carriage as Rainbow and her friends cantered over to the group to put the crowned Pegasus down as she declared, “This really is the best day ever!”

Both Alicorns gave a chuckle before Celestia said, “Well, my little ponies. I think it's time I gave Prince Rising a tour around Cloudsdale.” She leaned over towards Twilight and gave a conspiratorial whisper, “He’s very interested in the cloud and snowflake making.”

Rising, having clearly heard Celestia’s jab, rolled his eyes at her antics while Twilight gave a giggle. Rainbow Dash spoke up, “Well, before this whole competition, I had been giving a tour around Cloudsdale for my friends here. Though this was also when Rarity was still happy about her wings, so if you happen to go by the snowflake factory, you might wanna keep your wings closed.” She gave a small sheepish grin as the Pegasus remembered the small bits of chaos that Rarity caused wherever they went.

“I don’t think we will have to worry about that, won’t we Rising?” Princess Celestia asked, getting an amused shake of the stallion's head in response.

As the six mares jumped into the air balloon, with Pinkie giving Rising a curious warning to not taste the rainbow, and descended out of the arena and out towards Ponyville, with a quick promise out of Rising that he would visit and an unanswered question from the stallion as to why Fluttershy and Rainbow were riding, both Alicorns made their way out of the arena and began to walk towards their first stop in Cloudsdale.

“A lot of notable Pegasi had been born and raised in Cloudsdale, a few of whom you’ve met in passing back in Canterlot.” Celestia started as they made their way up the steps to the weather factory, “Specifically, you’ve met Wind Rider during the formal party after your coronation.”

“The preening veteran elder of a stallion that liked being swarmed by mares?” Rising quipped.

Celestia gave a giggle, “The same.”

The two leapt into the air and glided towards the weather factory, where a great deal of lightning clouds were high above spewing loud thunder left and right as a small crowd of bowing Pegasi who had been in the middle of corralling some of these black clouds.

After asking for a small tour around the factory for Equestria’s newest Prince to see a little bit about how everything worked, both Celestia and Rising were asked to follow one Weather Control Pegasus, a tan colored mare named High Stream. The two were given white coats to prevent their fur and feathers from getting anywhere and white hard-hats, the sight of the helmets becoming yet another bewildering and irritating sight for Rising.

High stopped at one stairway that would lead the Alicorns plus guards into one of the main flowing rivers of rainbows and turned around to inform the two, “Your Majesties, I usually start off with this tour with other ponies by issuing a disclosing statement, and with the fact that you Prince Rising aren’t fully aware about Cloudsdale, our weather factory and our means of weather production, I may as well have it said here. Our rainbows are made in an organic fashion of mixing sunlight and clouds, they are not formed by blood-related rituals or sacrificial means.”

One of Rising’s eyebrows rose incredibly high at the statement and turned his head to look at the Princess, who gave an unhappy nod and explained, “There’s been a conspiracy theory running amok accusing Cloudsdale of having a “Rainbow Factory” where young and inept Pegasi who failed flight tests were thrown into a machine as “salvage” and was the primary means of creating rainbows. Rainbow Dash herself has come under fire because of this theory, though she doesn’t know the full scale of it. It started with a fictional piece that involved this sort of thing as a sort of horror story, it ended up with somepony spinning wild misinformation and it just snowballed from there.”

“And there’s been thorough investigation both in and through Cloudsdale as well as the author?” Rising asked calmly, his eyes looking steadily at the mare.

Personal investigation.” Celestia answered, her eyes half-lidded, “The Pegasus herself said it was just something she came up with after listening to a song that had lyrics detailing a horror story and everything started from there.”

Rising stared between High and Celestia before finding it in both himself and the Legion to ask, “Are there any other conspiracies we need to know of concerning anyone we know?”

High was the first to answer, giving a shrug, “There’s three nasty rumors involving an Earth Pony baker, a Unicorn using slave labor and another about a Pegasus mare and a shed, but I honestly didn’t give much attention to them. Sounded more like something to use against Ponyville.”

The Princess simply looked away and grumbled about something involving cakes and parties.

Rising was very quick to express the Legion’s unamusement, “Do tell us that these aren’t leading to Guards being falsely called into hostage situations, personal attacks or vandalism, or mailed death threats including poison laced mail.”

Celestia’s head whipped around with wide eyes and a nearly jaw dropped mouth. Almost every pony that coherently heard what Rising said stopped where they were and turned to look at the Prince with stunned horror.

“N... No.” Celestia replied weakly, “Nothing ever reached such a point. Perhaps a heated letter to Cloudsdale but... Faust above, Rising.”

“Good.” Rising curtly stated before giving a quick breath and turning to look at High Stream, his tone lightening, “We apologize for that, we had hoped the topic was going to be a quick one, but sadly that didn’t happen. If we could perhaps move on towards the tour?”

The two mares continued to stare at Rising before High gave a cough, “R-right. Right this way, Your Majesties. W-we’ll get started with showing how we produce and filter our rainbows.”

Celestia didn’t immediately follow behind, still stunned at Rising’s guessing. The thought of calling the guards to a false situation, poison laced mail...

During the early years of both Celestia’s and Luna’s reign and even during the years where Celestia had to rule alone yes, there had been vandalism and personal attacks to even assassination attempts, but to go so far and this horribly damaging?

Didn’t she recall Twilight wanting to know more about human history?

... Was now a good time to start digging her hooves in and tell Rising not to?

“Princess.” The mare gave a start at the sound before being startled again by the sight of Rising looking at her mere inches away from her nose. His bemused expression alongside seeing her guards give looks of concern quickly informed Celestia that she had been deep in thought over Rising’s questions a bit longer than she intended and tuned out the world in the process.

Celestia shook her head gently, “I’m alright. Just had a lot to think about.”

Both Rising and High gazed at her for a moment before they turned and walked up the stairs again, this time with Celestia and her Guards following close behind.

At the top, Rising saw an open and circular area with Grecco-Roman architecture with a massive rainbow waterfall being collected into an unseen well, somehow not producing spray or any running off rainbows as it flowed down. Nor was there an instant explanation as to how the rainbow flowed smoothly from an opening in that collection well into a multiple series of basins, with the lips wide enough for two ponies to walk around.

And there were several small teams of ponies that carried and used what seemed to be a combination of a skimming net and a comically large spoon. From what Rising could tell, they were doing exactly what their tools were designed for, skimming the surface of the rainbow as it passed through each basin and stirring it in a thorough fashion.

Ponies came and went, replacing some ponies at their job while others began to idle and rest, giving an impression to Rising that this was likely shifts changing as High Stream began, “Cloudsdale has been the most reliant and requested city when it comes to making clouds and rainbows across Equestria, so while there are other weather factories across the kingdom, we’re Equestria’s largest and most productive. This has kinda become a thing of pride for us Pegasi. Adding on how we’ve had a history of amazing Pegasi in Equestrian history come from Cloudsdale, there’s a pretty good reason we’re proud of ourselves.”

She turned to point a hoof at the large rainbow fall, “Above us and where this rainbow fall is coming from is the actual factory where we create rainbows. The reason we have it so high up is because we have to have sunlight and air be involved with the processing, so we have it spill over and fall down into the well. It’s mostly machinery and magic-involved operations up there and from some of the workers I know that are from there, it's a tedious and mostly boring operation. That sorta leans into why we don’t give tours around the factory or talk much about it, it’d bore the tears out of anypony listening to us drone on about how everything works. Only reason Pegasi still works there is because the pay is really good and the job’s the easiest to do, and the hardest to get hired there.”

“A hard bargain, we’d imagine.” Rising quipped, which caused both Celestia and High to giggle.

High turned to lead the two Alicorns plus Guards over to a nearby basin of swirling rainbows, “As you’ve seen with everypony working around, we let the rainbows go through several mixing basins while we skim out lumps and the occasional odd object that end up getting into the rainbows.” She gave a small grimace as she added, “You’ve no idea how often we find animals or belongings that fell down into the well. Despite our efforts and projects, birds seem to just keep getting themselves stuck in the well or fished out of the basins.”

It was there that Rising had a question, “How often do you clean out these basins? We’d imagine there’s unwanted sediments, objects and particles that end up collecting down at the bottom.”

High seemed to appreciate the question as she answered happily, “Most of the time we start draining and cleaning out the gunk every week. With the well itself, we do it every start of winter since that’s when rainbows aren’t needed to be produced as much and we can shut the factory off. The well’s deep enough to stay “clean” every year, but the basins aren’t as lucky and we often have to switch them around.” She pointed over to a nearby rack of the fish-net spoons, “As for everything else, we use these to fish 'em out.”

Rising seemed satisfied with the answer before commenting, “We heard one warning from a previous tour about “not tasting the rainbows”.”

“You mean Rainbow Dash and that group of trouble?” High asked before giving a chuckle, “Well, what happened here before that one butterfly-winged unicorn distracted everypony was the pink Earth Pony deciding to taste some of the rainbow here, dipping a hoof and giving a good lick of it.” The mare gave a huff of disappointment, “Had to clean up that pool, mostly because we figured she didn’t keep her hooves clean. Anyway, it’s a good thing she only took a lick because the rainbows aren’t exactly edible for us Ponies, and it’s a bit addictive despite its spiciness.”

Celestia’s ears started to fall as she watched Rising’s eyes start to get cold again as he asked, “Is there a drug epidemic with the rainbows?”

“Surprisingly enough Prince Rising, no there hasn’t.” High paused to look at the stallion, “And that’s because of the heat of a rainbow’s spice that prevents any abuse in the first place. The real deal-breaker when it comes to “Tasting the Rainbow” as the term spreads, is that the rainbow doesn’t stay the same level of heat every time it’s tasted. There’s been a few hospital cases where mares or stallions that decided to try their luck ended up with debilitating nausea and internal body irritation. So normally “Tasting” just ends up as an occasional dare instead of becoming like a drug.” She shrugged, “Docs can’t even figure out how to use rainbows for medicine, as there’s a lot of other things that do the job better and cheaper.”

This seemed to please Rising, making Celestia’s ears rise back up as High continued the tour, going on about how rainbows were collected into sterilized metal containers before being flown out towards distant cities like Las Pegasus and Vanhoover.

“What of the rainbows we’ve seen act as railings or fences for some of the houses here?” Rising asked, having remembered the sight.

“Those aren’t actually rainbows.” High Stream replied, “They’re made of a combination of Unicorn magic and glass. They look like rainbows mostly out of requests that Pegasi would want for their fences.”

After they had finished going through the rainbow factory, High Stream then led the two Alicorns through a quick tour into one of the nearby Cloud Factories, where it was responsible for creating thunderclouds.

Needless to say, High had to explain a lot of things that were happening outside the factory.

“Alright so this is where we make all our thunder and lightning.” High began, “They’re mostly created by Pegasi magic and take a lot of care and handling for good reason. Despite us being a bit more resilient to lightning than other Ponies, we prefer not getting zapped by any of them as much as we can. Normally, I would warn tourists to not touch anything but I believe it's not necessary for either of you, Your Highnesses.”

Rising gave an amused hum as the Pegasus continued, “As strange as it may sound, our thunder clouds are actually used for quite a lot of things and a reason why some cities or villages order them from us. For the most part, storms blow away seeds and pollen, on top of the really weakened or dead vegetation. While the rain washes out the rest of the pollen from the air and the ground, the lightning themselves are able to give a “jump start” of sorts to the soil. This goes towards the Earth Ponies who can use both the heat and pressure from the strikes to vitalize the soil more than if lightning were to hit somewhere else. Though some of the science-heads had started learning about a sort of “electrical balance” Equis has and how lightning maintains all that balance.”

High Stream gave a slight shake of her head, “I honestly don’t know much about what the eggheads talk about, but if that means “lightning good,” then I’m all for producing these thunder clouds.”

Celestia turned to look at Rising as they listened to High ramble on, wanting to see how he considered the tour so far as well as hearing about the production of Equestria’s weather.

And something told her that Rising knew more than what High Stream or the science teams had discovered, as he held an expression of interested amusement towards the Pegasus’ speech. It reminded Celestia a lot about how she treated some of the students in her School of Gifted Unicorns whenever they discovered something that she or the scientists of Canterlot had discovered and made meticulous notes of.

Rising’s irises quickly flashed with a swirl of color before he turned his head towards her and gave a questioning look.

She shook her head, deciding to ask him about what he knew later on.

From there, High Stream led them through the factory itself and let them enjoy the sights while handing them earmuffs to muffle out the sheer noise that would’ve left someone deaf for a week.

Occasionally she stopped the tour to point out at a few clouds as they were brought into a machine that cycled them around almost no differently than putting laundry through a tumbling dryer cycle before clouds were dispensed into a compressor that turned the fluffed and steaming clouds into darkened puffs before a team of Pegasi would carry the clouds up into a chamber where the clouds would stay and start rumbling before spitting out lightning and contributing thunder to the overall noise inside the factory.

Considering Rising’s expression of mute disappointment, it seemed to Celestia that this was not how he expected or considered how thunder clouds were made in Equestria. Or could be that there was some other element that he believed how thunder clouds were formed, if recalling how humanity didn’t have magic or weather controlling abilities.

The human-turned-stallion didn’t express much of his disappointment except to hide it behind a blank stare whenever High or any curious Pegasus turned to look at him as they were led out of the factory and brought up to the Snowflake Manufacturing.

As the two Alicorns were led up the stairs leading to the facility, Celestia leaned over to Rising and asked softly, keeping High Stream from hearing her, “Were you alright back in the factory? I noticed you weren’t impressed with their work.”

“We’re well enough, Celestia.” He replied in an equally low volume, “We just didn’t expect to see machinery be involved with cloud creation.”

The Princess gave him an inquisitive look as she asked, “You aren’t about to act fanatical and accuse it as “heresy” are you?”

Rising gave an immediate and loud snort that nearly caused him to break down in laughter, causing High Stream to give a start before looking back. He waved her off with a hoof as the stallion calmed himself down enough to reply, “Rest assured, Princess. We’re not about to demand an inquisition or scream about heretics and blasphemy any time soon.”

At the entrance to the manufacturing, High turned around to warn the two Alicorns, “Alright so, after a certain Unicorn with butterfly wings caused a bit of havoc in here, we’re starting a warning to tourists to keep themselves on the ground and not flap any wings at all, as the slightest breeze is enough to send a lot of snowflakes flying everywhere. We already saved enough snowflakes to prevent a drought, but we’d rather not take another risk like that. So Your Highnesses, I’m required to ask the both of you to not take flight while we’re inside. Also, please keep your voices down, it's a bit of a delicate operation in snowflake making.”

After getting a nod from both Prince and Princess, High Stream ushered them inside a nearly dead-silent room where Pegasi heavily clothed in winter coats stood over large magnifying glasses with the largest snowflakes that Rising had ever seen.

Oh sure, Rising had seen a few snowflakes that reached up to thirty centimeters. But those were rare occurrences, not numerous enough to see an entire manufacturing facility full of them!

High Stream gave a low whisper as she explained, “Snowflakes are hoof-made here and are left to solidify enough to have them travel off towards cities that are due for winter. After having gone through winter in Equestria, we store them away in properly cold temperatures to keep them intact.”

“Such high effort,” Rising commented to High, “for such short-lived flakes.”

High merely replied with a shrug, “It’s just how we work, and it's a pretty high-end profitable type of job, especially since our snowflakes are meant to bring water throughout Equestria outside of the usual rain clouds.”

“Might we see one snowflake? Perhaps one that’s unformed?” Rising asked, his irises swirling gently.

High gave a curious eyebrow at him before saying slowly, “I’ll see if we can afford to give one. If you could wait here for a moment.”

As the Pegasus silently trotted over to one of the workers, Celestia looked over and asked, “What are you up to, Rising?”

He gave her yet another mysterious smile, getting a grumpy look from the Princess as High came back with a rather broken snowflake in a bundle of cloth as she apologized, “I’m afraid we can’t give unformed snow, but the best we can give is one of the shattered snowflakes that’s still preserved. Though this and several other broken snowflakes would be thrown back outside to melt and refreeze them.”

Rising shook his head, “It’s quite alright, we believe this is more than enough for our own snowmaking.”

This one made High raise both her eyebrows and look at the Prince in confusion as she hoofed over the snowflake, “Prince Rising?”

He didn’t answer her but instead asked a question, “Is there perhaps a safe place to use our wings? We’d rather not interrupt everyone here.”

“R-right this way, Your Highness.” The mare answered as she brought the Alicorns to a relatively empty room, “This one is mostly empty for the night shifts, Prince Rising. But why—”

Rising again didn’t answer as he went to the center of the room and gently opened his wings before curling them around to the front and began flapping gently, pushing the broken snowflake pieces up off of the cloth.

From there he started to beat his wings a little harder, creating a small circular gust that brought the pieces up higher before he began breathing at the pieces, causing them to melt slightly before another gust of cold wind brought them up higher, freezing the snowflakes.

Both Celestia and High Stream watched as Rising began to repeat the process several times, giving a quick breath of warm air that buffeted the snowflakes before blowing them up higher and falling gently down towards him.

After about a minute, Rising stopped moving his wings and brought out the cloth to catch the snowflakes before hoofing them over to the mares, “It’s a bit more complex than what we’ve done, and we apologize if we’re boasting or trying to make these look better than what you make here, but these are snowflakes that we have been used to for years. They were all incredibly small as well.”

Boasting or not, Celestia couldn’t help but see the point of what Rising had said earlier. Some of the snowflake pieces had reformed themselves into shapes that the mare honestly didn’t expect snow to form into. One of them looked like an intact frozen column with caps at the end of it, while another flake had a triangular shape with the tips flattened, and one other seemed to have formed into a caltrop-like shape except more frozen points in every which direction.

High seemed particularly amazed by the shapes as she carefully brought them up to look at them and ask, “These ... . But how did you make them, Prince Rising?”

Rising answered with the attitude of simplicity, as if wondering why she would ask such a thing, “We merely melted the snowflakes before bringing them up and surrounded them by much colder temperatures and repeated the process until we felt like we were done.”

“B-but this! Th-that snowflake there!” High started to stutter, pointing with one hoof at the capped column snowflake.

Rising only shrugged, “We didn’t know that the snowflakes would’ve formed into any of these shapes. We simply repeated the process of melting and refreezing them.”

This left the Pegasus mare in stunned silence before she muttered, “I-I’ll get these over to some of the teams and... and get these sorted away... . C-could you wait here for a moment?”

She didn’t wait for either of the Alicorns to answer before racing off, snowflakes delicately kept on the cloth as the mare left the Prince and Princess alone.

Celestia turned to look at Rising and accused, “You made those on purpose that way, didn’t you?”

Rising shook his head, “No, we hadn’t.”

“To quote my sister, Rising: Thou liest.”

He stared at her with a raised eyebrow, “And we’ll reply with the same answer: No, we hadn’t. We don’t plan and micromanage everything, Princess.”

Celestia only shivered slightly from the cold, deciding to sulk over Rising’s denial and subtle jab at her as they waited. Thankfully, they didn’t need to wait for long as High Stream came back with company as a few coated Pegasi followed behind with wide eyes and a bundle of snow.

She could only give a mental groan, knowing full well that they were going to be in this freezer for quite a while with Rising entertaining the snowflake scientists.


Princess Celestia gave another sneeze that she tried to stifle as they finally left the manufacturing facility as Rising came close and had a wing over her back to help warm her up. She shuffled her shoulders to warm up her furred and heavily winter coat that covered her from neck to fetlocks.

It had been almost an hour since Rising had shown off what snowflakes looked like and could form into for High Stream and the other Pegasi when the cold started to get too much for the Princess. While she could handle freezing temperatures, staying in freezing temperatures wasn’t preferable.

When she first sneezed inside the below freezing room, High Stream’s face paled as she realized she had forgotten to grab winter coats for the two Alicorns while touring the manufacturing facility and had raced to fix her mistake.

This led to a long series of apologies with the Pegasus mare following them out and almost down to the carriage itself before both Princess Celestia and Prince Rising had finally gotten the message through that High was forgiven and that one or both of them should have alerted her about it. Instead, Celestia had been focused more on Rising’s reactions while Rising himself was more interested in the creation process. His demonstrations and creations of snowflakes in his own manner only worsened the lapse of judgment.

Celestia gave a shiver after the sneeze when they reached their ride home as Rising gave a chuckle as he commented, “Certainly been a day.”

The mare gave a weak smile and a nod at him, her teeth nearly chittering, “I-it h-has-s.”

Rising gave a look of curiosity at her as he asked, “For a Princess of the Sun, you certainly have a problem with cold temperatures, Princess.”

“I-it gives-s s-some warmth through me, yes. Just n-not enough to cm-combat winter or cold t-emperatures.” Celestia admitted as she let her body shake and jitter, making the fur coat generate heat through the friction.

The Royal Guards standing nearby the carriage gave a sharp salute before one of them opened the door and took to the air, preparing for the journey back to Canterlot.

Rising departed and retracted his wing, causing Celestia to give a silent and small frown of him leaving her as the stallion entered the carriage first.

The stallion Alicorn paused at the steps leading into the carriage and gave a nearly silent mutter, “Ah right.” He turned his head towards the still shivering Princess and asked, “Princess Celestia, you had asked us earlier how many wings we have?”

Celestia’s ears perked straight up as she realized what Rising was intending to do and gave him her fullest attention as she nodded eagerly.

Rising gave a wolfish grin as he warned her as he closed his physical wings and kept them pinned to his sides, “Don’t blink.”

Celestia’s own wings briefly shuffled as she eagerly watched Rising, hoping to catch whatever would happen.

A brief, but sudden and sharp rise in temperature blasted her as a gust of wind swept through Celestia, sweeping through the winter coat entirely and took away her chills entirely as she nearly blinked as heated air pushed against her eyes as something fire-like swept from Rising’s back and nearly covered the entire carriage. The Guards and one passing-by Pegasus flying above Rising gave various yells in surprise as their wings caught the warm drafts that pushed them further into the sky for several meters.

Celestia couldn’t describe what she witnessed. Not because there weren’t any words that could be used, eloquence wasn’t the problem ... . She couldn’t because of how quickly it all happened and how she could see the outlines of what clearly had to be his true wings. She couldn’t even study the shapes of each wing because of how quickly they flitted in and out of existence. What Rising had warned her was true enough, if Celestia had blinked in response to the heat and wind blowing at her face, she would have missed it all.

Rising gave her a smile before he stepped into the carriage, the non-metal walls of the vehicle having slightly melted and the gold glowing hot in the aftermath of that little show as Celestia stood there. Her eyes remained wide open and her mouth slightly agape as the mare desperately racked her mind, trying to replay and study the short memory of watching his wings reveal themselves and disappear in short order.

All that the Princess could recall and remember seeing as the memory started to fade, was that Rising had ten wings of fire on his back. Long enough to encompass the carriage.

Faust above, what have I brought into Equestria?’ Celestia asked as she slowly followed Rising, feeling the heat pass through her from the still glowing metal of the carriage and sat in front of Rising.

His smile hadn’t disappeared as he watched her enter and sit down, his eyes remaining pale green.

Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: What's Today's Mail?

Dear Prince Rising,

I’m glad to hear how the Day Court is being handled between you and my sister. Especially with Luna having received ample amounts of sleep. Ever since she had become the Princess of the Night, sleep has been a difficult task for her to find in between her duties over the dreams of ponies as well as the Nightly Courts. It’s turned her into a night owl with the unfortunate results of having very little personal time together whenever we cross paths in the mornings and evenings. Though with the changes that have happened even before you arrived, I suppose I should be grateful for having more chances of seeing my sister.

I can tell you’d roll your eyes reading that sentence.

Regardless, I am still happy that everything is fine within Canterlot and that the Courts are well in hoof. I will still be remaining here to ensure and cement some of the cooperation between Appleloosa and the local Buffalo herds, as well as making certain the three Diamond Dogs were acting alone and not under the admission of any tribes they belong to.

In the meantime, I do believe this is the time of year a dear friend of mine should be making her way towards Canterlot. While I’ll sadly miss out on welcoming her here from her worldly travels, I’m certain Luna will be able to fill her in on my absence as well as your presence while she awaits my return.

She’ll know her way around the castle and everypony knows her presence and are able to tend to her as well as any other welcomed guest, though I think it is best that I do warn you. She has a knack for tricks and pranks, though she doesn’t go too far with them ... most of the time. I’d rather not hear about her doing something and you chose to use any unequinely powers to either undo or “fix” her prank. Though I do suspect she’ll have the surprise of her life should that ever happen.

Despite that, I’m certain that the two of you may get along with each other quite well.

Your Friend,
~Princess Celestia

Prince Rising could only give a noncommittal huff as he set it aside and began finishing his daily hoof-writing practices atop a few couch cushions and in front of an open window, the sun outside shining and warming his body. Nearby the letter from Celestia were a few other letters from Twilight, three of them detailing “Lessons in Friendship” that had happened in an nonsensical adventure around Ponyville.

Rising set aside the aforementioned letter before picking up the next piece of correspondence. With a bit of using his hooves to unfurl the scroll, Rising began to read the rather scrunched up letter that came from Celestia’s growing pile labeled as “Letters of Friendship.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Within Ponyville are three young fillies who have yet to earn their cutie mark. Apple Bloom, Applejack's younger sister exhibits a talent toward construction. Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister, has a melodious singing voice. Scootaloo, a pegasus filly, loves zooming around on her beloved scooter, going fast and performing tricks and stunts while riding it. Despite their obvious talents, they band together and engage in all manner of crafts and activities in their search of obtaining their cutie marks. Even when I have attempted to steer them to their strengths, in order to sooner obtain that which they desire, they have chosen to ignore sound advice and race around doing many things in order that they might get their cutie marks. Tonight, the three fillies participated in a school talent show. It was clear that Apple Bloom wasn't involved in the construction of their props or backdrops, due to their haphazard appearance and unstable construction. Scootaloo obviously wasn't involved in the choreography as their act consisted simply just a bunch of leaping, jumping and racing around the stage. Sweetie Belle despite her involvement in creating their lyrics and costumes, didn't stand out using her amazing singing ability. The costumes were confusing, looking like splatter paint art, but with fabric instead of paint. For their efforts, they earned the laughter of the audience, instead of the adulation and ovation they were likely aiming for. However, in spite of the dangerous props and backdrops, the uncoordinated dancing, if it could even be called that, and the confusing and crazy-looking costumes, they did win the talent show in the best comedic act. And yet, instead of pursuing their strength they now appear to be pursuing ... being comedians? And yet, I myself have learned that true friends will stay by your side, regardless of how many times I, or anypony may fail at something. A true friend will always be supportive and encouraging, celebrating our successes and being the friend in deed whenever we fail. I, for one, look forward to seeing how their friendship develops as they continue to crusade for their cutie marks.

~Your Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Rising and the Legion could only give an amused shake of heads. It seems that children will always pursue the silliest of things. Though how exactly could that ever be a terrible thing? Children will always be children until they mature and grow past their fantasies and daydreams.

Placing down the letter, Rising’s attention moved over to six smaller letters addressed specifically for him. It’d be an understatement to say how easy it was to guess who had written and sent these letters, especially since Rising could still recall the conversations between the six mares about writing back and forth.

Speaking of … .

Salutations, Prince Rising! I hope this letter finds you well as I have no doubt that you will be, if you already aren’t, inundated with lessons in various fields and getting your hooves wet learning and executing Equestrian law. My friends and I desire to show you our little slice of Equestria and our lives. Contained herein you will find the letters my friends and I wrote as well as some photographs that we took to show you around. In friendship, Twilight Sparkle.

Having already separated the letters out, Rising extracted the first letter and began reading what was written, the first coming from the farm mare, Applejack.

Howdy, Prince Rising! My name's Applejack! Hope you’re as comfy as a squirrel in a nest of acorns!

My family, the Applejack family, had the humble start as seed collectors, uptill Granny’s Pa met Princess Celestia, who offered them a bit a wild land in exchange for taming and cultivating the land given them. Figured you would need a photo to see how things look out here. This barn that Granny, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and I are standing in front of is the original barn that Granny and her family first built when they were just starting to farm what would eventually be known as Sweet Apple Acres.

The old green mare is my Granny, she has a lot of wisdom and knowledge. She taught me everything about being a farming mare, and that it’s important that the produce we sell be of proper quality. It’d look bad on us as farmponies if we’re selling bad or low quality products to our customers and clients and we don’t settle for that, no sireery!

The big red stallion is my big brother Macintosh. He’s the muscle and forepony on our farm. He works at all aspects of the farm, from planting to harvesting. I can count on him whenever and wherever! He’s not much a talker, but he knows how to get the word across.

The young filly with the pink bow tie in her mane is Apple Bloom. When she isn’t at school or helping with chores on the farm, you can often find her with her two friends as they do all kinds of things in their search for a cutie mark making its way onto their flanks.

Here’s a photo of our apple orchard. It's so big that we let some parts of our orchard go as wild as a dog with a bone tied to her tail. Every day, it’s just Mac and I working our hooves off out on Sweet Apple Acres, so letting some of the orchard go is a little necessary. One word of advice, you gotta run the farm, otherwise it’ll run you and you won’t be at your best or be able to make the quality products that you would otherwise.

Working in friendship, Applejack.

Already, Rising could tell that the mares were going to start spilling their life stories in their next letters. Though, the farm mare hadn’t completely explained every single little detail of her life here, so small blessings at that.

Really, what’s wrong with spacing your life out over multiple letters? It’s not like the receiver needs to know everything as soon as possible, and Rising was due to give Ponyville a visit later on in the future.

Having felt a little vindicated from the thought, Rising moved the letter and began reading the next letter.

Hello, Prince Rising. It was a pleasure getting to meet you. You can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that an alicorn stallion had entered the world stage. If you haven’t deduced by now, I am Rarity. To understand who I am, we shall go to the beginning.

Despite how I may sound and act like a noble or a filly belonging to high and upstanding cities such as Canterlot, I was born in Ponyville. A shocking revelation to be certain, but alas I was not to be born luxuriously in the great city atop Canterhorn Mountain.

As a filly in school, our class was putting on a play about the various food groups and the foods each group contains. I loved looking at fashion magazines and seeing how varied and dynamic the different styles of clothing could improve not only other’s perceptions of a pony, but the pony herself and the boost it could give to their self-image. My mother taught me how to measure fabric and how to use patterns to make a particular garment. So I would practice making clothing for dolls and by the time the play had arrived, I could make the costumes not only fit, but comfortable as well. But looking at those school play costumes, they just didn’t have that dynamos, that impact, that I’d seen in the fashion model magazines I read and treasured. Then my horn just lit up and pulled me away until it stopped once I’d hit a massive geode. Then an explosion of light and color cracked open this massive geode, wherein contained a rainbow of crystals. I cut and polished each gemstone and added the gemstone to the costumes, where the stage lights refracted off the gems, casting spots of rainbow colors everywhere. That was when my cutie mark manifested and I realized that my talent was bringing out beauty at whatever I put my hoof and mind to.

You can see the display room of my shop, the Carousel Boutique, where I display my finished works, both on ponyquinn and upon hangars. In the next picture, you can see my work room where I both plan and craft the garments that I create.

Here is a picture of my younger sister, Sweetie Belle, caught red hoofed getting into my amethyst gemstone dust, even though I have explicitly prohibited her from getting into my work supplies. Here is a picture of mother and father, Cookie Crumbles and Magnum dropping by to leave Sweetie Belle in my care, while they go on yet another trip to someplace exotic. Plotting Richeau, if memory serves. And here is Opalescence, my pet cat. While she’s aloof and very independent, she has quite a temper, expressing her displeasure through her claws.

Rising, when you get discouraged, remember that it is never a bad thing to pursue excellence, but you should know that you likely won’t get there alone. That is why the princesses have their Cabinets, relying on the experts of their particular field to guide and advise them regarding the matter as touching their expertise. I shall eagerly await to see what you will do, now that you are part of Equestrian Royalty.

Ciao for now!

Hence Rising's question about spacing one’s life through multiple letters rather than one was exemplified and well founded, as he placed the letter down feeling slightly put out. After taking a few seconds to pause from reading and refresh his eyes, Rising moved on to the next letter. Blessedly, this one was much shorter.

Although, what was going on with the mares reintroducing themselves by name rather than just putting them on the front folded half? Nervousness, mayhaps? The attempt of surprise, despite how that’s not really how you’d want to surprise someone in a letter? Or just didn’t know how else to start their letters and when one decided to just reintroduce themselves, the rest followed like lemmings?


‘S’up Prince Rising? Name’s Rainbow Dash. Fastest mare to fly the skies, friendly or otherwise. I bring the kaboom with my Sonic Rainboom! I’m aiming to be a member of the Wonderbolts, an aerial acrobatics military team. When you’re counted among the Wonderbolts, you’re counted with the best!

But I didn’t begin as a pony who won at whatever she put her hoof to. No, believe it or not, I used to be a pony who wouldn’t even win third place, let alone first. But I had parents who loved and encouraged me. So I trained, to get just a little bit stronger than last contest, to be a little bit faster than I used to be. And, by the effort I put in, it began to show in my race results, as I began to win third place and then second place. I trained until I was winning first place in whatever contest I entered.

Here’s a look at the outside of my cloud mansion. Pretty awesome, right? I’m really happy with how the rainbows came out looking. It’s part of my passion, making awesome looking rainbows. Here’s the inside. There’s a lot of Wonderbolt memorabilia. I’ll be a Wonderbolt, once I can prove to them how awesome I am.

Here’s my weather crew for Ponyville. Don’t mind the silly looking charcoal stallion, he thinks he’s all that, but he’s still have yet to be as awesome as I am.

Here’s a picture of me with Scootaloo. She’s my biggest fan. At least somebody recognises how great Rainbow Dash is before she becomes a Wonderbolt, am I right? Anyways, I gotta jet. See ya, Rising!

Rainbow Dash

Again, with the reintroductions and signing their letters at the same time ... .

Getting past the grumbling, Rising took a look at the Wonderbolt insignia stamped on Rainbow Dash’s letter just to the right of her name. It wasn’t as flashy as he or the Legion had come to expect, given how the mare’s letter and photos clearly displayed how much of a fangirl she was for the Equestrian Air Force. But with it being a circle containing the words “Wonderbolts - Royal Equestrian Air Force” surrounding a lightning bolt with wings, and a motto underneath that Rising couldn’t tell what it meant other than being similar to Greek, he and the Legion supposed it was about as good as many of the other emblems and insignia that many human militaries used.

At least it wasn’t as bad as New Zealand’s Air Force’s logo. As much as their respect for the Kiwi can be given, having the flightless bird as the logo for your Air Force wasn’t recommendable.

On to the next letter, which promptly let out a bit of confetti and the sound of a noise maker, causing Rising to move his head back.

Hiya, Prince Rising! My name is Pinkie Pie and I love parties and friends. You ever need a party thrown, I’m your pony! Parties are serious business. Especially as a professional party planner, I have to be responsible and make sure that my parties are in compliance with the health and safety codes of the city and nation the parties I plan occur in!

Oh! Before I start, I want to let you know that I already consider you a friend, but I’d love it if you’d want to be my friend. And spread a little happiness and joy to someone else! You might be surprised at how good you, yourself, feel when you do!

But to understand me as a pony, I gotta take you back to a very important paradigm shifting event that happened to me as a young filly! So see, I grew up on a rock farm and let me tell you that rock farming is one of those activities that won’t strain your brain!

I was about to follow Father to rotate the rocks in the South field, when an explosion of light and color blasted away the clouds which usually blotted out the sky over the farm. It was so brief, so fleeting, yet so intense, that rainbow of light that raced through the sky. I felt something that was so utter alien and strange to Pinkie Pie the rock farmer! Happiness! Joy! I wanted to spread it, to share it with others, like a gift, to help make another pony’s day just a little bit better, and if they smiled, then that was a reward of itself! But how could I make that happen, how could I share this feeling with others?

And then I remembered an event that my Granny Pie had called a party. I had felt these same feelings before when enjoying her party! I zipped off to get the supplies I needed.—

Rising elected to fold the letter closed and moved it to a separate location from the other letters he had already gone through. Reading through the letter was like listening to an increasingly verbose skit and it didn’t take much for the Legion to quickly see that the party mare was one for long one-sided conversations. Though judging from the indication of how she planted her advice right before going into her life’s story, she seemed to have an awareness of it. He wouldn’t disrespect the mare by not reading the rest of it because of that. However, it was a letter meant to read in a far more leisurely moment, especially since Princess Celestia’s friend was due to arrive and her sister likely needed to be notified.

Looking at the remaining pile and seeing only two letters left and knowing which of the two Rising hadn’t read through yet, the stallion reached out with a hoof and began reading again. Recognizing Twilight’s hoofwriting from the Friendship Report, Rising settled down a little, assuming that she wouldn’t get as excitable as Pinkie would be.

Salutations, Prince Rising! It would please me quite well if my letter finds you well. You’ve met me before, but I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s protege. I don’t know if you’ve ever looked at me and thought that there’s a pony that doesn’t have any problems! Because that assumption would be completely and utterly wrong! I went to see a Summer Sun Celebration as a filly. Seeing how majestic and powerful Princess Celestia was, I aspired to be like her. So I began practicing my unicorn magic with the hope of attending Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. To enter, I had to pass an entrance exam! You can imagine my crushing disappointment when I failed to perform the task assigned for my entrance exam. A sonic boom of light and magic startled me, causing my magic to run wild. Princess Celestia saved me and then not only informed me that my heart's desire would be fulfilled and that I would have the opportunity to attend Princess Celestia’s school, but that I would become her protege. Plus, I had earned my cutie mark as a consequence of that event. I was so happy, I leaped around her like a jumping gazelle!

This is the Golden Oak’s Library, where I work as the town’s Librarian and I live in a part of it which is roped off from public access. The little dragon is my son, Spike, who I hatched from the egg which was presented as my entrance exam about a decade and a half ago. Princess Celestia has tasked me with discovering friendship and reporting my findings to Princess Celestia. Rising, if you’re ever unsure about something, look to the books, for therein shall you find wisdom and knowledge.

In friendship,
— Twilight Sparkle —

... One would’ve learned after four thousand years to know better than to put assumptions like this.

Electing to ignore the snickering from the Legion, Rising placed the letter in a pile with the other previous letters and began to read the last letter, knowing full well who it was from out of the five he had already read. Surprisingly, Fluttershy’s letter was longer than the rest.

Dear Prince Rising,
I hope you’re having a good day, because I’d feel terrible if your day isn’t going well. I don’t know if you know, but as a Pegasus, I’m a weak flier, easily half to a quarter of the wind speed the other pegasus ponies get when measuring their wingspeed. As a foal, I was often seen as slow and clumsy because of how slow I flew and my penchant for tripping over things with my long, ungainly legs. Unfortunately, this led me to be a bully magnet, and my shyness around other ponies wasn’t helping. My friend Rainbow Dash can not only fly fast, but also pull off tricks which ordinary pegasi would either pass out from the blood going to places it shouldn’t be going, or they often tend to crash into something as they lose control from attempting maneuvers they just weren’t skilled enough to handle yet.

I was the starter for the race between my bullies and Rainbow Dash. I flagged the start of the race, but fell off the cloud I’d been on. It was very scary. Fortunately, a bunch of Herculoid Pinkwings and Bluewing butterflies had been passing below me, so that my fall wasn’t as fatal as it otherwise could have been.

It was so magical, seeing the flora and fauna of the forest. The squirrels with their cute cheeks puffed out with nuts filling them, or the deer, tall and stately observers of forest life. Then suddenly there was a loud explosion of sound and light and the animals got scared and went into hiding.

Being a shy pony and easily startled, I had empathy for the scared animals. So, I began to go around and let them know that it was safe to come out. I discovered that I could understand many animals and earned my cutie mark as a result.

Here is my cottage, where I live and where a lot of my animal husbandry activities take place. I take care of any wild creature in need of medical care. I also take care of both usual and unusual pets who would love to be a companion for a pony. Here’s me with Angel Bunny while I’m fluffing his tail. Here I am with Harry as I perform a massage to help with his back pain. Here I am, performing grooming services for Rarity’s pet cat Opalescence.

Here’s a picture of my mother and father, Posey and Gentle Breeze. They’re even shyer than I am, if you can believe it! Here’s Zephyr, my younger brother, who only does something that catches his interest for however long it catches his interest before moving on to whatever else catches his interest. Mom and Dad have really spoiled him, as he acts like an alpha lion and does whatever he pleases without concern or consideration for Dad and Mom, or their possessions. Dad has lost more than one of his special clouds from his time at the weather because of Zeph breaking Dad’s collection bottles. I just really wish that Dad and Mom would stand up for themselves and give Zeph the discipline and guidance he needs for living on his own.

Rising, fear will rob you of wonders and experiences, if you let it. Oftentimes, fear is due to a lack of information or understanding. If you understand what it is that you fear, then you can make progress to conquer the fear that makes you afraid.

Oh, and while it is important to show kindness to others, it is equally important to be kind to yourself as well.

— Fluttershy —

Many of the Legion could not help but elicited their surprise, seeing how Fluttershy was capable of taming and befriending wild animals within a day or so. Even to the point they were all willing to pose for a “family” picture, as Rising took a look at the given photograph depicting a large variety of animals, with every one of them recognizable.

Rising’s pale green eyes blinked before a memory resurfaced to the front of his and the Legion’s minds. Said particular memory was of his first sighting of Fluttershy with a doe during the first daylight hours of their awakening, as well as how the moment Fluttershy had left the doe alone after Rising had been startled by how the mare was able to speak in an understandable language to him, he had silently shot the animal and prepped its body for dinner... .

Oh dear. That may be best to not let the mare know... .

Listening to the uncomfortable muttering resounding from the Eternal Plains, Rising returned his attention to look at one particular letter that lay atop of a pile of its siblings, unfolded and filled almost top to bottom with a detailed report, if a little pseudo-militistaric. Its contents were still able to receive a curling frown and a hard gaze from the stallion and removed the awkward feeling from his little revelation.

Situational Report: Operation Stonehenge

From: Equestrian Division of Dangerous Magicks
To: Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia
Precedence: Priority Alpha
Incident Status: Complete

First sighting of a Basilisk was reported by a local apothecary zebra. Forced to flee, the zebra reported sighting to Princess Celestia’s Protege; Twilight Sparkle. A dragonfired emergency summons to the E.D.D.M was made in response. After appropriate preparations the E.D.D.M moved out, requisitioning Equestrian Air Force’s Pegasus Transport Division in order to arrive at their base of operations which would be located in Ponyville and operated out of the town’s Town Hall.

Basilisk: Class S magical beast. Recognized for its bipedal stance and the blend of reptile and chicken features. Is classified as such due to the capability of petrifying anypony who directly meets its gaze. Its teeth and claws also emit petrification magic. Unlike Cockatrices, which only petrify potential victims in a stone shell, victims which fall to the petrification effects of a Basilisk are unfortunately deceased, even when the petrification is removed.

Personal student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and local animal rehabilitationist, Fluttershy ventured into the Everfree Forest, unwilling to await the arrival of E.D.D.M. due to reports of three local foals venturing into the main entryway into the Everfree Forest. Twilight was then separated from Fluttershy and fell victim to a Cockatrice. She remained in a petrified shell until Fluttershy had the culprit Cockatrice remove the petrification. Fluttershy successfully extracted both Twilight Sparkle and the three local fillies, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

E.D.D.M. upon arrival, Twilight and Fluttershy were temporarily recruited to assist E.D.D.M. Twilight for spell knowledge, arcane prowess, and mana reservoir. Fluttershy due to the ability to communicate with a vast majority of animals.

Because of the S-class danger, E.D.D.M. agents made preparations, both lethal and non-lethal. Standard procedures of non-lethal methods were employed, with E.D.D.M. preparing to execute lethal methods, should the former fail.

Once preparations were made, E.D.D.M. agents moved out at approximately 10:45 early morning to their first navigation waypoint, the home of the aforementioned apothecary. The task was to sight the Basilisk in the area it was last sighted, or to discover its tracks or its scent and begin pathfinding our way to the primary objective.

Upon arrival at the first waypoint, E.D.D.M agents split into groups of three and began searching the area. Fluttershy had brought along a Bloodhound named Mr. Whuffles to aid in the search. Mr. Whuffles scented the Primary Objective and led the team in following its trail.

The E.D.D.M team encountered the Primary Objective at around 15:00. The team deployed camouflage canvas tarp to break the line of sight between the E.D.D.M. and the Primary Objective.

Temporary Civilian Agent Yellow Quiet was deployed as the E.D.D.M’s negotiator, while Temporary Civilian Agent Protege was deployed to protect Agent Yellow Quiet and subdue the Primary Objective.
Despite obvious reticence toward the negotiations proposed, Agent Yellow Quiet eventually prevailed and secured an agreement between Equestria and the Primary Objective.

Addendum: A strong strength temporary paralysis potion as well as a medium strength sedative had been employed to assist Agent Yellow Quiet. See the attached Form F13D3R41 for non-lethal tools employed to protect E.D.D.M. Agents from the Primary Objective. See also Form 3QU3S7R14 for a certified agreement between the Sovereign Nation of Equestria and the Primary Objective.

Report Submitted by E.D.D.M. Agent Aegis
Day 27, Month Sunflower, Year 0 L.R.
Completed at 17:45.

Rising placed the report down and took another moment to breathe, calming his nerves. A verified encounter of a Basilisk within the familiar, but quite alien Everfree Forest, the very same forest he and the Legion had awoken in. A wild fauna straight out of humanity’s folklore mythology; a bipedal and reptile-tailed lizard-chicken capable of petrifying any who met its gaze to stone.

How close had the creature been? How close had the two passed each other or nearly intercepted one another? How long had this Basilisk lived in the forest and not encountered them? Out of sheer luck? Or had it arrived as they left aboard the Princess’ carriage?

The Basilisk’s abilities didn’t frighten Rising, and he was in the firmest belief that he wouldn’t have died in the encounter. Afterall, having spent four thousand years working with beings that flatout defied reality and substitute it with their own in what others could sum as “Cthulhu Mythos”? At best it would’ve inconvenienced him, the worst with an unknown fauna however was the collateral aftermath, especially since Fluttershy had been in the forest at that time.

A fight between multiple powers of any sorts tended to rarely, if ever guarantee a clean fight.

Even worse was the alarming report that Twilight Sparkle had fallen prey to its cousin, a Cockatrice, and Fluttershy had raced into the Everfree to find three rambunctious fillies. The same fillies that were detailed in the previous letters.

Remain calm, Rising. Given that the mares whom you have been introduced to are fine, it is obvious that the danger is passed. Do not behave as the young and foolhardy do, for they are quick to take action without either sufficient information, or lacking wise counsel.

Rising’s wings twitched as he mutely acknowledged the Legionnaire speaking to him. Biting a retort, Rising continued to breathe in order to restore his calmness. It was after reading through the report several times that his apprehension was subdued regarding the safety of the mares whom he considered ... could he say it yet, his friends? He still hadn’t known them long enough, not even as long as Rising had been around the Princesses.

’But still. Fluttershy?’ Rising commented, baffled and confused, reading the operational report just to make sure he hadn’t misread it. The shy pony whom he first saw in Equestria? The one, easy to frighten and quick to jump at shadows? In spite of his incredulousness at the pony that he had been introduced to behaving in such a manner, the operational report contained verification of Fluttershy’s actions and accomplishments regarding the dealing with the Basilisk’s danger towards the citizens of the town in which she lived.

Questions upon questions plagued the Legion like a bacteria with the ability to multiply, many hours were spent as they debated within the Eternal Plains. What was this ability that caused a Basilisk to retract its behavior with unusual sapience and guilt? How did it function? How did this shy mare come across such an ability? This was certainly no ability from the Kingdom, for one.

Beneath the Operation report lay another report, this one titled ‘Fluttershy and the Stare Ability.’ One paragraph in particular held more significance rather than the whole.

It is important to note that visual eye contact is necessary for the Stare ability to work. Therefore, should something break the necessitative eye to eye contact the ability will lose whatever power over the target(s) upon whom the ability is activated. In the interest of scientific inquiry …

Rising had given it his best to understand the report, but with biological science and what limited knowledge he had with magic and whatever studies were done around magic, it was becoming increasingly clear that Rising was going to need someone to help explain this strange and, for him, previously unencountered ability of Fluttershy’s. It was looking like a trip to Ponyville for a powwow with Twilight and Fluttershy was becoming more and more necessary, if Rising was to have any hope of understanding the contents of Twilight’s report.

In due time, of course. There was no need to rush to solve this conundrum at this very instant, and there was no point in dropping everything that he was doing. Solving mysteries were best taken at a leisurely pace, otherwise one would find themselves going mad with demanding answers for everything. With that in mind, Rising returned to spend some of his time on the more immediate necessities, such as finishing writing another few lines of almost legible Equestrian.

After finishing his fifteenth line and finally, finally having achieved one clean sentence, Rising’s writing utensil hesitated, its motion temporarily arrested as Rising’s thoughts wandered to the gossip and rumor mongering the castle staff had been engaged in.

“Have you heard? Philomena is returning to the castle!” A maid excitedly exclaimed to her co-worker, as Rising at the time had been passing by with both letters and writing exercises held underneath his wings.

“No way! Does Princess Celestia know?”

“Have you seen her practically prancing lately? Of course she knows! She’s practically been beaming smiles ever since she heard that Philomena was coming back to the castle! Real smiles and not those fake political smiling masks that she usually wears!”

One of the Head Maids overheard and replied, “While I am sure that Philomena’s return is very exciting, let’s not prove ourselves unprofessional to Her Royal Highness and shame her by neglecting to execute our assigned tasks with the decorum and professionalism expected of Her Royal Highness’s Royal Maid Corps!”

Rising’s focus turned inward as the Legion began to discourse about this friend of Celestia’s, to which many expressed surprise that Celestia even had anyone she considered a friend. Usually she was seen with nobles, guards and sycophants, the former and latter having their own motivations and machinations for whatever time they spent in the presence of their Princess.

The Legion’s surprise was so great that Rising had to reread Celestia’s letter to confirm what they’ve heard twice, and even then some had to view the memory to ensure their sanity was clear and stable. Given such reverence that had been placed both on Celestia, it was hard to believe there was a mortal pony still alive that the alicorn could call a friend. Even her own student was guilty of referring to her mentor as a higher being, almost a goddess amongst mortals.

Rising’s eye twitched as he remembered just how much time Princess Celestia spent either within the Throne Room, her office and within the Canterlot castle in general. And a small flame of annoyance sparked within Rising as the half-hearted consideration to chide Celestia on allowing herself to be deified took root. It is one thing to be hailed as a ruler, but to let your name even be used in vain in a similar manner to how humanity took his Lord’s name in vain? And has done nothing about it?

Rising’s head straightened out, his eyes closing as several long breaths came and left his nose and mouth. The breeze from the window flowed through his body, lightly ruffling his fur as the stallion remained still. His actions were mirrored by the Legion as peace and patience swept away their roiled emotions. Frustration and anger at Celestia’s stubbornness faded as Rising’s eyes gently blinked.

A knock on the door interrupted Rising’s ponderings as he turned his head to answer, “Enter.”

The door swung open as Princess Luna trotted in, “Good afternoon, Rising. Still thou slave away at thine work?”

He merely shook his head as Luna came to stand close, “There’s always work, Princess. Though we happened to have received a letter from your sister. She mentioned a friend was coming to visit, if you happen to know anything about it?”

Luna gave a curious look and picked up the letter with a midnight blue glow from her horn and quickly read through the letter before giving a smile, “Tis Philomena our sister speaks of, and we know of her. Though t’was wise she warned thee of Philomena’s tricks and jokes.”

“Language, Princess.” Rising reminded, getting an eye rolling scoff from Luna before he asked, “You speak as if this Philomena has been around even before your absence, and implying further that she is of the same ageless state as you and your sister are.”

“She was and in a way, she is.” Princess Luna replied succinctly as she brought over a pillow for herself from the nearby and nearly barren couch to lounge on, “If thou art to correct me upon speaking then in the least do away with the formalities, Rising. Thou art a Prince, and an Alicorn at that. And disregarding thine status in the same manner as our niece Cadance, thou art our friend.”

Now it was Rising’s turn to roll his eyes before a thought occurred and his amusement fell as he turned to accuse the Alicorn, “Why do we have the feeling you’re intentionally not informing us more about this Philomena?”

Luna gave an amused smile towards him, “She was part of the reason why I had once possessed the Element of Laughter. You will see soon enough, and with luck I will warn her of not getting too out of hoof.”

The two fell silent before Luna shook her head lightly and spoke up again, "Philomena aside, I came here to talk to you about your magic.”

Rising turned to give a raised eyebrow at her as she clarified, “I meant with the magic within you as an Alicorn. Tis’ been many a month since, and you have not found time to be given lessons upon it.”

Luna awaited for Rising’s answer as he fell into a contemplative silence, his eyes swirling in color. At first, she believed he was considering the amount of time that had passed since his awakening as well as his current state. However upon seeing his eyebrows furrow and a worrying frown creeping upon his face, Luna began to reconsider.

She blinked in confusion and began to frown slightly in return as he stayed silent for quite some time. Surely, after having to lose his dexterous and nimble hands for hooves, having to learn to balance on four hooves and having to relearn how to steady himself, Rising would’ve at least been happier knowing that with telekinesis he wouldn’t need to use his mouth or rely upon other ponies to accomplish something for him. It had taken weeks for him to trot and canter without aid from either her or some of the Guards, and he was still struggling to hoof-write.

Even if he felt comfortable or patient with these challenges, he likely ought to have had some curiosity about his horn and his newfound link to pony magic. Not even to mention that he still did not receive a Cutie Mark, which has been an inconvenience to keep hidden from Equestria regardless of how Rising was able to make excuses to dodge the inquisitive ponies.

Rising snapped his head up, making Luna give a start before he said, “We figured it was better to be fully used to our body before we started any attempt on magic casting. Only those without wisdom attempt to use a tool before understanding its designated purpose and how to properly use it safely.”

Luna’s frown deepened at his vague answer, still uncertain as to what is troubling the stallion, “Regardless, I spoke with my sister and we deemed it agreeable to at the very least give you a tutor on magic.”

Rising gave an amused huff as he listed off everything that’s been handed to him, “History lessons, language tutoring, law reviewing, writing practices, Day Court attendances and now magical lessons? You ponies certainly know how to be slave-drivers.”

“Ha!” She barked in laughter, “Thou complain now, yet thou hath not been given any share of the bureaucratic Tartarus which both mine sister and I handle upon a daily basis! Thou art lucky thine hoof writing is terrible enough to let thee escape legislature!”

“We’ll be sure to procrastinate as much as possible. Also language again, Princess.” Rising teased as he moved his head down to finish another line, leaving the mare to glare at him.

Luna stuck her tongue out at him before silently watching the stallion continue practicing and working away at trying to write with his mouth before she asked, “Why do you seem so worried about practicing magic?”

His expression faded away as Rising began to try and guard his reaction to her statement, the Legion already rumbling and muttering again about the concept of him wielding magic. Some of whom had entered dream-worlds that held their own types and concepts of magic in some form or another, and some of those had access to said concepts.

And with every dream-world that they did, regardless of method and restrictions, the results quickly escalated to these few becoming unironically and unsurprisingly demigod-like, almost to a disturbing degree. Because with every sense, make and concept of magic, all it takes is one to experiment or have creativity to achieve a numerous of things that the denizens had never thought of.

One in particular dream that one of the Legion had contained magic following the concept of a human’s very soul being used as a weapon, and with each soul being unique in at least possessing one or two abilities or rather as they were called “semblances” used to fight off creatures made of darkness and lured by fear.

It wasn’t long until the dreamer rapidly “awoke” every single soul in the Legion. The sheer thrills of power, surging through their body and soul like electricity that gave the promise of total invincibility and the subtle belief of ascending to godhood with the thought of every foe that dared to stand and challenge them would fall like tall, rotten and broken trees succumbing to gravity.

The dreamer was driven into a state of giddy madness from the sheer magnitude of power that surged through their body and soul. The dreamer quickly and joyfully attacked everything in sight until their power-craze finally dwindled and left them to realize the trail of destruction they left behind.

That dream alone gave Rising and the Legion a significant concern. Even after waking up and living with Equestria for several months, the giddiness still thrilled down some of the Legion’s spines. And after perusing through the library and learning more about the magic that Equestria uses on a daily basis and in methods that defied math and physics and them being a part of the Equestrian population, and they were linked to this same magic, who knew what would happen?

On top of it all, a few of the Legion mused, how much magic would they be required to know? Telekinesis would certainly solve a great deal of his issues and perhaps even make up for the loss of hands, it could even give him an easier time re-handling weapons. But what else would they be told to know and cast?

With how Princess Luna was able to bend the light of the stars into whatever pattern she wished, what was going to be expected of him? Paint both dawn and dusk as he so pleased? Rising gave a silent and slow huff as recalled a few painting lessons, but that was from the life of someone else in the Legion and much to their begrudgement they were far from good with not a great deal of practice or bitter work made in it either.

Already, Rising’s attention began to drift. Memories of the past met his attention like wind being caught by gliding wings. The days in which several of the Legion were given the task of hunting and killing off those who practiced witchcraft, these beings who ignored, rejected and even mocked the warnings that their Lord had issued.

Oh, how such warnings were given grounds and proved why they were issued, as ancient memories, like kitchen servants, served dishes filled with the sights of bloodied altars littered with desecrated bodies and organs belonging to both human and animal. The disturbing feeling of blood and viscera soaking through leather or rubber shoes and staining armored boots. The smells of sacrificial essences that would ring the tables of stone or gold as the leading priest would verbosely vomit lies into the ears of the misled.

The sights still rankled them, sights of sculpted idols of gold, wood, iron or bronze sitting atop such altars, some holding hands out in false promises. All having been struck down whether through rope pulled by either the Legion or those they could sway from such lethal paths, the Legion’s maces or axes as their worshipers met similar fates as they cried to their false gods for salvation that would never come.

Satisfaction rose from Rising’s chest as the memories continued to drift through some of the Legion and gave a curl to one side of Rising’s mouth. Those were one of several tasks that the Legion was all too happy to oblige, even when great light and fire would arrive from the Kingdom as sudden as restless sleep and chide the Legion’s well-founded enthusiasm.

Rising felt multiple mental hands on his shoulders, bringing him out of his musings. He flicked his left ear to acknowledge the Legion before speaking up, slowly turning his eyes toward Luna, “It’s a matter of personal concern. Especially in regards to how powerful we’ve seen magic at work.”

The mare leaned her head to the side as she asked to clarify, “You speak of both Captain Armor’s abilities and the movement of both the sun and moon?”

“In a way, yes.” Rising blinked, his eyes flickering between colors of pale-green and amber, “Understand that we have our own power, one that towers over much of what we’ve seen magic do. With great power, comes great responsibility, and we prefer using our own physical abilities and cognizance rather than rely upon supernatural powers, even if it would save more lives from undergoing strife or conflict, or even if it would ease everyone’s pains in life. Whenever one or some of us feel we should, it leads to discussions that vary from a short second to almost weeks, becoming unresponsive to the world much like you’ve seen us do so in the throne room. This magic however, doesn’t seem to rely on rules or restrictions that can act immediately or preemptively upon any time someone decides to abuse it.”

Luna blinked a few times, her mouth hanging open just slightly so as she mulled over Rising’s answer.

Though it appears Rising wasn’t done, as his eyes began to change colors a few times before he said, “Additionally, there are our own grievances with magic and witchcraft. We can understand if you’re quick to defend against this, however if you were to see how magic and witchcraft was practiced during our species’ reign, you would understand our reticince.”

“... Dare I ask what was done?” Luna’s worry began to swell within her gut, her face already reflecting what she feared would’ve made the mare reluctant in discussing magic any further with Rising.

“Much of what is done in terms of calling upon unholy powers revolves around sacrifice and temptation. And by sacrifice we don’t mean losing a bit of wealth, donations or giving a bit of one’s day to protest or some sort of physical labor. No, we speak of sacrifice in extreme forms. Flesh, blood, livestock, family members, the mere action of murder or even incest. There was once a woman who used her developed, but aborted fetus as a sacrificial offering, hoping to prolong her lifespan beyond the age of ninety for mere vanity. Those who went down such a path usually have done so for only one goal: Pleasure.” Rising began to list off what he knew, “The mortal pleasures of currency, power, concubines, honor, the pleasure of an easy ride in life; sanctity and morality didn’t matter. Whatever attracted or seemed appealing to mortal life, it was wrapped in words, decorated with a pretty bow, and priced at the cost of their morals, their sanity, loyalty and sooner or later their lives and souls.”

With that, Luna felt her fear being realized as she listened to Rising before asking, “Surely there was effort to confront and prevent such darkness?”

“Indeed there was.” Rising gave a feral grin at the Princess, making her ears fall flat, “Us. And we will not deny we became eager in accomplishing such tasks.” His grin fell as he added with some embarrassment, “Though, such eagerness was quickly met with the occasional angel to chide us, reminding us of our duty and tell us off for indulging in our satisfaction and pleasure.”

Luna’s worry began to gnaw greatly within her stomach, giving her reason that it was better to not ask of the stallion’s involvement. Rising’s eyes were gleaming in satisfied memory, akin to the days her and Celestia would recall the happier days of their youth. Whatever Rising and the Legion had done during such times against such practitioners, it was clear they had been happily brutal and merciless. Luna feared she would need to leave and find solitude for a day and night away from him were she to ask or allow him to explain any further.

In an attempt to not go down such a path, Luna asked tentatively, “Were there no witch hunts performed by many of your race?”

Rising’s ears went backwards as a scornful noise erupted from his mouth and looked away from the Princess.

Curiosity and surprise replaced worry as Luna tilted her head, her ears perking towards the stallion and catching his voice uttering what she could easily guess were curses in an unfamiliar language.

It would be a while until Rising gave a grumble and turned back towards Luna and said, his voice taking a harsh tone, “There were witch hunts, however when you have dumb, emotionally led and easy to panic civillians all led like sheep by “priests” who thought themselves far too highly, and one malicious idiot, it quickly led to massacres that spread across the planet.”

It didn’t help because of that evil and wicked idiot of a man, angry about how he could not hold the company of a courtisan, elected to write fantasy fiction about torturing women, in His name!’ Rising’s barely stifled anger was but a physical reflection to the responding rage of the unfortunate man of Denmark as his words rippled throughout the Legion, like a rock thrown into a pond and the wave of derisive agreement rebounding back to Rising.

Never in the entire length of four thousand years of history and memory, had anything else enraged the entire Legion. The spiteful action of a single man who had sworn service to their Lord and fueled such a spiteful revenge by utilizing His name to make it a “holy cause.” The Corruption of the Churches, the Jewish Oppressions, the Klux, not even the Crusades could give the same level of anger, even if they were related in abusing the Lord’s name for their causes.

Oh, how dearly any and all of them would have given to fly like lightning, Death in hand as they appeared above the masses like the fire above Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, obliterating the Germanic Inquisitor both in body and soul, and those who would foolishly defend him.

Alas, such a task was not theirs, and neither would their hands find their way to the man as he was allowed to live till old age.

Luna wilted under his darkening expression, surprised and unnerved by seeing the more thoughtful and observant stallion react increasingly vexed. She lowered her head closer to the ground and away from the stallion, ears nearly flat against her head, to which Rising noticed and began to breathe deeply with his eyes closed, calming the helpless rage of those infuriating years.

This silence would smolder over Rising’s resentments for some time before the stallion and the Legion began to quietly converse with each other. Expressing their distaste over witchcraft and admitting their hesitance upon having access to Equestria’s magic had given some relief to Rising. The tension and stress upon his metaphorical back suddenly felt lighter and not as pressing as it had before. While having company with those who knew you thoroughly and knew what pressures lingered on your mind was a boon in many circumstances and situations, it wasn’t the same as confiding with someone who didn’t, but was willing to listen to you.

Though judging by the Princess’ reaction and current demeanor, she may end up misinterpreting and misjudging him and the Legion when it came to Equestria’s magic. Only question in how to clear that up was how.

And then a stray idea appeared. As it passed by like a rabbit electing to cross an open field, a few of the Legion’s attention upon the idea made them become silent and ponder over it, similar to how a feline would take notice of something moving but show no interest in chasing after it.

However ... .’ Rising considered as he took notice of the idea. It would aid the Princess in understanding their hesitation by example, though how exactly would the others consider the action? Especially how would the Legion as a whole consider the idea of letting Luna within their Tower of Eternity?

Let alone allowing the Princess to witness that particular event?

Rising could only mentally look upon one of his many predecessors in the Eternal Fields, uncertain how to pose such a question.

The middle-aged Spaniard didn’t meet his eyes with Rising, but gave a low mutter in an old dialect of Spanish. Despite how Rising and the rest of the Legion could hear and know what the man said, no one spoke up for or against either of the men.

After a long while, several seconds of curses, grumblings and laments, the man shook his head before giving a flick with a hand, ‘It is a black mark from my history and I have nothing but shame and derision for what happened during that time, but if you feel it is wise, so be it.

And still, none of the Legion spoke up and voiced their own opinions over the matter. This was in Rising’s hands and his alone ... .

Rising gave a long sigh, catching Luna’s attention as he began, “We apologize over our outburst, the Witch Trials during our time had been ... agonizingly frustrating. It still antagonizes us over what had happened and how little we could be involved. A lot of lives were lost over the publication of one fool’s religious maliciousness and an accomplice that aided him.”

Luna’s worried expression hadn’t dimmed, especially hearing how it had happened over religious fervor as memory served to remind her of the same religious hunting over her Thestrals. Though the tension in her body did lessen and give her some comfort of safety, knowing that she hadn’t pushed Rising too far.

The stallion remained silent for a minute longer, his eyes flicking left and right, indecision still plaguing him.

Finally, Rising sighed again as he asked, “Do you remember our warning when you intruded in our sleep? After our first night’s sleep in Canterlot Castle?”

Luna’s grimace was enough of an answer, as such an experience was significantly hard to forget … .


The Lunar Princess wandered whimsically through the dream realms, delving far and wide in her special pocket of the aether. It had been a week after her return from exile and from her corrupted self, but even after all that had happened and all she learned about Celestia’s plight, the Dream Realm was among the few things that couldn’t keep her sad or angry forever.

Luna flitted to and fro to each dream planet, aiding, guiding or simply observing until she found one particular planet that was colored completely different in contrast to the thousands of others she saw. What was most interesting was the clouds upon it, it almost covered the entire planet in a raging hurricane except for one ‘eye’ of the raging storm. The colors that were glowing were similar and it puzzled Luna as to what she was looking at.

She landed upon it and looked down on the ‘eye’, puzzled at how she still couldn’t discern what was happening below. All she could see was a spire of sorts and a land of green.

Confused and irritated at being confused, Luna decided to descend into the planet.

And was promptly met with a world of vibrant green and something holding her head down harshly.

Immediately, Luna squirmed and struggled, trying to see what was fighting her and holding her prisoner in the dream-like planet. After several seconds, she was angered enough to light her horn with magic and forced her hostage-taker and threw them off of her. Quickly, she staggered up and tried to see what was around her.

Instead, her sight was dominated with what seemed like hollowed tubes pointing at her, alongside a rapier and an axe.

Luna froze, not daring enough to try and fight back as she looked around. All around her, she saw weapons of various designs and of various types pointing at her, edges or hollowed tubes first.

Then she saw what, or rather who, were holding the weapons.

And she quickly realized whose mind she had delved in.

There were bipedal beings, all of them of different sizes, seemingly different genders if any observations from below their necks could be made, and of differing colors ranging from light pigmy pink to deep dark brown to the barest hint of yellow-tan.

“How foolish of you, Your Highness.” A familiar voice rang out from the encompassing wall of weaponry and staring bipedals.

“H-human?” She asked tentatively.

She was answered with one section of the wall parting to reveal the same human who she met and saw in the physical world, his expression no longer amused nor grinning.

No, this time he looked quite unhappy.

“The next time you wish to see in my head, ask.” The human stated, his expression not changing.

The wall of weaponry seemed to converge on her before she immediately blurted, “I’m sorry!”

The wall paused, just shy of impaling her and just shy of hiding the human from her sight. Luna slowly turned and faced the human before repeating, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to invade your mind.”

“Unintentional or not, you are not welcome here.” He merely replied, his eyes shining against the metal sheen of several bladed weaponry, “Regardless, apology accepted.”

The human was quick to cut any question or thought Luna might have considered, “We do advise you not to be so willing to share this little experience, Princess. And please, do not return here unless in dire emergencies.”

A sudden lurch was felt from Luna, almost as if she was being yanked from above and the rest of her body was too slow to respond. The resulting throw made her feel ill as air escaped from her lungs as she suddenly was thrown out and away from the planet.

The experience was so sudden, Luna immediately awoke from the dream realm and lunged forwards from her bed, almost eliciting a short scream.


“Tis difficult not to, Rising.” Luna answered, the unpleasant and rude feeling of whatever the Human-turned-Stallion did to throw her out of the Dream Realm resurfacing. Her eyes narrowed as the mare looked at him with scathing resentment, “Thou may hast right in thy displeasure of my intrusion, howe’er thy stallion-handling still felt unnecessary.”

Rising’s own expression darkened slightly as he defended, “Princess, you were the first to enter our mindscape. Dreams and their eccentrics aside, we’ve never had anyone do so.”

The stallion’s expression switched on a dime as he shook his head and said uncomfortably, “Let’s not get off track. The reason we asked is because as much as I could sing day and night in explicit detail about our grievances and hesitation over Equestrian magic being ours to use, it's harder to understand someone telling you about our issues than it is to show you.”

Princess Luna blinked at Rising, her face becoming blank, “Rising, you’re allowing us entry?”

Rising’s uncomfortability and hesitation grew as his hooves shuffled underneath him, “As it so stands, yes. I am. Specifically, I’ll be guiding you to one memory.”

““I”?” One of Luna’s eyebrows quickly raised, “Am I to assume the ... others, aren’t as accepting?”

“I don’t know.” Her eyes widened slightly as Rising squirmed, “No one has argued to or for it. Our decision is unanimously mine ...”

A contemplative silence settled between the two as Luna's thoughts began to mull.

However, the Princess hadn’t gotten a chance to mull for very long, as three knocks on the door acquired both of the Alicorns’ attention. Luna’s memories were quick to take advantage of the distraction and reminded her of both the Day Court as well as awaiting Philomena.

Reluctantly, as she had hoped to prod Rising more about his latest decision, Luna got up and raised her voice, “Enter.”

A few seconds passed before the door opened to reveal Reginald Glass, regaling Rising once again with his enormous mustache as the stallion stepped forward and gave a bow, “Your Majesties.”

Luna returned with a nod, “Thank you, Reginald.” She turned her attention to Rising and said, “The Day Court awaits us both, and there is still some attention to be done before you meet our dear friend, as she most certainly will have heard of your presence and will want to see you. Are you finished with your mail, or shall we need to wait for you a little longer?”

Rising nodded gently, allowing Luna to levitate the piles of letters and reports on the desk nearby, “Yes, we are done.”

Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Roots of Midnight

Midnight Wind took another swig of the headache medicine that he had been given from Ponyville’s local nurse, Redheart. After giving a grimace to the bitter taste, the Thestral Night Guard settled down with his lunch at the table, making an effort to not create any noise so as to awaken his hostess and assigned partner.

However, instead of eating, Midnight’s mind began to drift. His eyes were left content to stare at the sunflower and lettuce sandwich as the stallion mulled over his stay with Twilight Sparkle. That ever eager, ever organized, and ever unceasingly hungered for knowledge, Canterlotian mare.

He gave a soft frown as the stallion remembered the mare’s place of birth. Like a calm wave, other memories began to surface to the front of Midnight’s mind. One memory presenting itself with a vision fifteen years ago, during a time where a young colt was told of ancient stories from his elders about the Princess of the Night, and he would cuddle with his pillow with dreams of aiding the Princess in wild fantasies of adventure.

The wide-eyed young colt and his mother were walking through the streets of Canterlot, the smells of fried corn dogs and crispy hay fries overwhelming the air. Vendors busied themselves, announcing the benefits of their products or wares which they offered to the passersby and the whimsical shoppers. Food stall vendors equally busied themselves, both in preparing food and giving the occasional cry about their food, baiting other ponies by both their noses and bellies. The majestic Canterlot Castle pierced the sky, whitewashed with golden roofing, the banners with the sun and sun rays in yellows and oranges splashed and patterned. There were so many unicorns in this city, quite possibly the highest unicorn population compared with similar larger cities! Ponies here and there, dressed fancy with black overcoats and white dress shirts. Mares with fancy dresses and often seen with sun umbrellas and folding fans. The colt saw one mare, her dress and folding fan decorated elegantly with blue and gold, flirt and giggle at one stallion attempting to woo her.

Yet, despite the grandeur and majesty of the Castletown of Canterlot, one fancily dressed and nearing elderly age unicorn noblemare crossed paths with the young colt and his mother, quickly sneering on sight of the pair. Whether she had intended for them to hear or not, the shape of Thestral ears made it quite easy to hear her scornful muttering of ‘oversized vermin,’ being a ‘scourge and defiling Canterlot.’ Little Midnight’s eyes turned to look at the mare in confusion, only for the firm hoof from his mother changing his attention as he saw a neutral frown lay upon her face, not once looking down or back.

Midnight’s frown fell away, his memories souring unhappily with what the Daylight Ponies thought of Thestrals in so much of his colthood, wide eyed fantasies and seeking adventures in every way weighed down by the insults of the older generation.

Another memory arose to the forefront of his mind. The days Midnight felt blessed just seeing Princess Luna in person as she returned and sought to recover from exile, the jubilant joy seeing his accepted papers, causing a ruckus throughout his family’s territory in eager celebration. Despite his mother’s exasperation, even she did not deny herself a look of pride from the moment. Even remembering that simple moment would rekindle a giddy flame in his heart, and that memory had served him well in his hardships as a Night Guard.

Midnight was one of the guards stationed around the Royal courtroom. His silver and midnight blue armor gleaming, fresh from the hooves of the blacksmiths hired by Princess Luna herself, how it shone after nights of polish training. Sadly that was not what the stallion’s attention was on. What caught his attention was a fancily dressed Thestral mare and her husband. Duchess Silverlight and Duke-consort Bloodfang, considering that they were one of the few Thestral Royals that the Thestral tribes had. Behind them was an opulently dressed unicorn mare, Madame Guildenshine. Guidenshine had trotted in front of Silverlight and her husband and essentially ‘cut-in-line.’

Silverlight cleared her throat, which prompted Guildenshine to turn her head and raise an eyebrow at her. “I quite remember that you were queued behind us, unless you unicorns prance with your noses so high in the air that you neglect to look at what's in front of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had an unfortunate case of falling down stairs. I am quite certain that one of these fine guardspony can offer assistance if you require such aid.”

Guildenshine scoffed and retorted snootily, “My business with the princess is of greater importance than whatever you filthy vermin could possibly have. By Celestia’s name, you should be more thankful that such low vermin are permitted to be here!”

It was at that time that Midnight and a nearby Royal Guard approached Guildenshine, knowing full well how quickly the situation would escalate if they did not. “Return to your queue.” He said.

The noblesmare turned to face him with a face reminding him of failed transfiguration spells, “Do you not know who I am?”

Warnings from the more friendly Royal Guards were enough to keep Midnight’s emotions at a standstill as he replied, “Barring war declarations or armed incursions into the sovereign nation of Equestria, all petitioners are to be treated equally with regards to the order in which they were queued. By order of Princess Celestia, return to your former queue, or you will lose your queue position and you will be barred from petitioning the Crown for a full day cycle.”

“Celestia will hear of this! Mark my words!” Guildenshine swore as she haughtily returned to her former queue in line. There were now two guardsponies approximately a yard’s distance to either side of Guildenshine as a precaution and to further deter any further action by the unicorn mare.

Midnight’s smile fell quickly. As that memory was the beginning of his revelation, how deep the division and racism between the Daylight Ponies and Thestrals truly went. As a colt, he couldn’t understand what brought such anger and hate, and thought it was merely stallions and mares being old.

Guildenshine and Duchess Silverlight may have been his first to see such treatment, and they would not be the last encounter of Ponies and Thestrals, verbally scrabbling at each other's throats. Ever since he had been taught about the beloved Princess of the Night’s exile and how it brought the end of the Night Guard, Midnight realized that he had been born under a time of strife and tribalism. Luna’s rebellion and her transformation into Nightmare Moon may have been over two millennia, and nopony would know or remember such an event but the Day Ponies’ misgivings against the Thestrals had long since endured, scary foal stories or not.

While both the Pegasi and Earth Ponies had their own discrimination against Thestrals, they were minor at best and in comparison. In all of Midnight’s colthood, while the Pegasi maintained their pride about being better flyers, and the Earth Ponies with their stubbornness in being the best farmhooves or toughest workers, the greatest majority of his troubles had always laid at the hooves of the Unicorns.

Canterlotian unicorns however, held the utmost dominion over his strife towards Daylight Ponies. Enough to where he could not even begin to count. Whispered words such as ‘traitor,’ or ‘dirty creature.’ Exploiting any and every moment to make his life both in and out of the Night Guard armor a living Tartarus, acting as if they were doing him a favor, or accusing of being ‘attacked’ by a barbaric bat pony ruffian! There were even ones where shoving or even having magic spells used against him were not uncommon.

And his high-born blood did little to nothing, if not cause Canterlot to become further insidious against him. Even after Princess Luna returned, the capital of Equestria still felt happy to trod upon Thestrals and Princess Luna’s name... Except if Princess Celestia or her Royal Guards were within eyesight.

He may not be a son of the Dragulas, or rather the highest Royal Bloodlines of the Thestrals, but he still was the son of a Duke. And in the very least, it was enough to keep him alive, as the Canterlot unicorns couldn’t have him slain without just cause or a fair trial, but they had become creative of working around such law, no differently than how they became creative in trying to work around Princess Celestia’s laws.

Unicorn stallions would mutter slander like; ‘Did you hear how he became an absolute beast and satisfied his bestial lusts with one of the mares on the castle staff?’ Even mares weren’t above slandering his character and name. ‘I heard a maid didn’t do something just so and he flew into a rage and beat her until she became ugly and scared of stallions!’ It wasn’t just limited to that either. A favorite trick of the unicorns was a ‘sticky hooves’ spell. A simple spell, one that arcanokinetically held the hoof where it was, despite the body’s forward momentum, often causing the target to trip and fall, usually getting some kind of pain from the experience. They were especially delighted when it caused a sprain, or bruising. ‘Clumsy oaf, clumsy oaf, fall to the ground like a great hewn oak!’ was a taunt they enjoyed employing when they did get him to trip and fall. Or they would use their arcanokinesis to sling pebbles and small rocks at him, causing welts and bruises to arise from wherever they hit him.

During the cadet years of his life under the Night Guard, he had been first stationed at the front gates of Canterlot Castle, the early morning hours often begun with Midnight needing to endure a good portion of complaints and disparaging sentiments from the Unicorn mares and stallions. Much of it was just them whining or demanding their dearly beloved Princess Celestia to attend to whatever in Tartarus they wanted to pester her with no matter the time, to damnation with whatever answer he or his superiors responded with.

”I have important business in the castle! I’d probably already be in there if it weren’t for you filthy flying rats holding decent unicorns up!”

“I think the good ponies of Equestria should benefit from these flying rats paying a breathing tax. I’m a fair stallion, so I’d agree to a tax of one bit per breath being paid for by these night loving traitors!”

Midnight’s head shook to throw off some of the angry retorts that trailed behind his thoughts as he continued his meal, the taste of the sandwich losing its flavor in his mouth.

A concerning number of Unicorns put in accusations of ‘black, dirty bats’ were trying to keep everypony away from Princess Celestia, attempting a silent coup against their precious Princess. Midnight’s memories continued to assail him as he recalled several times when various unicorns had huffed in impatience.

”If the proper Royal Guards were operating these gates, us important ponies would have already been inside the castle. I simply don’t understand why we must suffer these fools, much less waste our valuable time waiting and having our stuff rifled through like some common boor!”

“It’s those filthy bat’s fault! They want to keep the majority of us out so that we can’t protect the Princess once they begin their secret coup d'etat against our beloved Princess!”

‘Filthy bats’ was the kindest, and among their more common and tolerable methods of their name calling. Though they didn’t dare use the more unflattering and more offensive name calling should the Princesses be nearby, as Princess Celestia’s actions with the former noblespony Prince Lockhart set a permanent example to the rest of Canterlot who sat on the throne and what words were tolerable or not.

More than once, the young Midnight would lose his temper, the barrages of name calling reaching a boiling point and breaking past what defenses his training established, getting into one-sided shouting fights or even hoof-fights with the offending noblespony. For much of the resultant fights, he either lost or fell for manipulative tricks designed to give the nobles any and all reason to put in a petition of defunding or removing the Night Guards entirely from Canterlot. All of them given straight to Princess Celestia, of course.

And then came his meeting with the Night Princess herself … .

Midnight stood in his uniform before the two Equestrian Princesses as well as his commanding officer. Princess Luna picked up a sheaf of papers in a magical grip, lightly ruffling them as she stared hard at her errant Guard.

“Private Midnight,” She began, her voice sounding strained as her eyes pinned the Thestral to the floor, “Do you know what these are?”

“A petition for the expulsion of Thestrals from serving in Equestrian security and military forces and to have them exiled from Canterlot, if not the entirety of Equestria?” Midnight ventured, his words coming softly.

“And how many times will you stand before us, not behaving in a manner worthy of a member of the Night Guard, Midnight Wind? How long until we’ve no choice but to send you away in dishonor and shame?”

“Wha- Princess!” Whatever Midnight might have said in his defense was cut off when his princess raised her hoof, stopping him from whatever verbal tirade which might not have come forth.

“As a member of the Night Guard, you are held to a higher standard than what might be expected of any other security detail or military group. Your princesses expect our guard to behave with honor and dignity, not like brigands or mercenaries. Tell me Private, are we wrong to expect this of our Night Guards? Are we asking too much of them?”

“No, But-” Again, Midnight was interrupted from whatever defense he could possibly make, Princess Luna’s voice gaining an edge, her eyes growing hard and exemplifying how little patience she had left.

“We expect you to behave in a manner worthy of the honor and dignity which is expected of our Night Guard. We don’t want excuses, nor do we wish to continue to be informed of your failures in living up to what is expected as our Night Guard. Sergeant, I will leave it to your discretion whether Midnight’s family is informed of his behavior as one of our Night Guards.”

“Your Majesty!” Midnight’s Sergeant replied, snapping off a crisp, sharp salute.

Midnight’s blood ran as cold as freezing river water during the height of winter. If his family ever learned of him causing problems for his Princess, being exiled would probably be the kindest thing that could happen to him!

Princess Luna stopped at the door of the meeting room which they were in, deciding to give her last warning, “Our patience is not infinite, Private Midnight. If you insist on continuing with this, we will deem you unfit to serve as a member of our Night Guard, dishonorably discharged and barred from future service to Equestria and her Crowns.” Luna’s eyes narrowing as she glared at the shaky-kneed Private, “Be the guardspony we rely upon you to be, Private Midnight.”

Then both princesses left, the door’s slam sounding unnaturally loud, like the bang of a judge’s gavel when he caught sight of his commanding officer glaring at him with eyes narrowed in anger. No words were spoken, for none were needed. Midnight knew how thin the ice he was treading on was. Then after a brief moment, his Sergeant also got up, leaving Midnight alone in the meeting room.

That phrase, ‘dishonorably discharged,’ made him shudder. If he returned to his family with that kind of shame tarnishing his name and that of his family, he would be lucky to retain any part of his body as he would face exile.

Midnight’s awareness returned as he found himself half-huddled under the table, sweat pouring down his face. If there was one nightmare that he was certain his Princess could not soothe, it would be this. Facing not only dishonorable discharge from the one Princess he had grown so much to adore, and facing his mother’s rage.

It was no idle fear to be afraid of his life and body from his own family. The Canterlotian Unicorns may feel devastated in being simply removed from nobility and their family name stripped, but among the Thestral noble houses, blood, wings and or legs were oft left behind. There was so little tolerance for unchanging failure.

Midnight’s ears perked as he heard an audible creak. His mind snapped, his years of training alerting him, his body jolting out from under the table without a thought, the Thestral’s head on a swivel.

The front door was closed and still locked and the windows didn’t look tampered with. The Thestral let silence reign as he tried to listen and hear how there wasn’t a storm or strong breeze happening outside.

Midnight’s head swiveled towards the stairs and saw nopony there. While he couldn’t hear the soft sighing from Twilight and Spike, he couldn’t hear them moving about above him on the 2nd floor of the library.

His eyes finally turned to the table and located the source of the noise. Midnight’s memories had caused him to grip the table with his hooves extremely hard, which caused indents into the wood and nearly splintered the furniture.

Sighing and taking a moment to close his eyes and just breathe, Midnight’s eyes flickering left and right underneath his eyelids as the Thestral mentally pushed himself to turn away from the memories and nightmares of his foalhood and early stallionhood.

He didn’t know how long it took to calm down and not fall into that familiar pit that plagued him since Princess Luna’s reprimands, but Midnight’s mind found a new direction to roil with memories. Not willing to fight himself, the Thestral’s focus began to turn to more recent events, more specifically what he had heard and learned about Twilight Sparkle.

During his tenure as a Night Guard, “horror stories” had been spun about between both the Night and Royal Guards about Princess Celestia’s student. Whenever his interest piqued and he asked for clarity, the senior guards of both orders would wax eloquently about Twilight’s eccentricity.

Royal Guard Sergeant Haymaker’s voice echoed in Midnight’s mind, his chuckle almost sounding so real again inside the treehouse, as if he had suddenly teleported next to the Thestral, “Rookie, that little filly was something else. Always had her nose in a book. She’d often even walk with her nose in one. Frequently bumping into everypony, not being aware of her peripheral surroundings. Not a few times, the Royal Librarian would call us into the Royal Library to help carry a sleeping Twilight to bed, while the Royal Librarian would mutter to herself as she dismantled whichever constructed book buildings the little filly had done at that time. I don’t think she’s ever grown out of it, even if she’s not living in Canterlot anymore.”

... Now that the Sergeant had spoken about “book building,” Midnight’s mind connected one memory to another, a time that his mother had brought him into a social party hosted by the more tolerant Day Ponies.

There truly wasn’t much that he remembered of the social party hosted by some of the more tolerable Day Ponies, not that a young colt would bother to form memories over whose name it was or adults talking about things he wasn’t interested in. However, if Midnight could remember correctly he had successfully snuck out of the party and as a result became lost in Canterlot Castle.

The young colt looked in disbelief at the massive book structure located in one of the atriums of the Royal Library. There in front of him with all the detailing, all the effort put into replicating, was the Stalliongrad Castle, scaled down and built solely by books within the Library. The towers stood there, defying gravity and strong, surely held together by magic, as he couldn’t imagine how this castle made of books could possibly remain standing otherwise.

He trotted around the outer walls, inspecting the detailing with fascination as he didn’t hear or notice the hoofsteps and voices of the Royal Librarian and a Royal Guard. The young colt didn’t hear them speak about how a certain filly had found a new method of using magical glue to bind, manipulate and carve the books.

Midnight did realize their presence when a harsh noise of the Librarian clearing her throat, startling him. “As much as it is fascinating to see a sculpted depiction of a castle from Stalliongrad in the form of books as well, I don’t believe I know you around this castle. Who are you, colt?”

“M-Prince Midnight Wind.” He stuttered, trying to calm his nerves over both being spotted and surprised, “S-son of—”

“There you are!” A familiar and very unhappy voice interrupted and resounded from behind the Librarian and Guard, making the two ponies turn while Midnight gave a terrified jolt.

There at the entrance to the halls of Canterlot Castle stood his mother, a stern and disappointed frown on her muzzle and her eyes a sharp furrow. The jewelry adorning her leathery wings lightly jingled and her decorated hoofshoes made of silver and amethyst clicked as the mare made her way between the Day Ponies and stood in front of Midnight.

“What precisely brings you to leave without warning?” Her voice cut through his thoughts. Her eyes an even leer at the young colt, a greatly displeased frown worn on her muzzle as she seemed to indicate a demand for answers.

Midnight’s voice cracked and wavered, making a noise but nothing coherent as he tried to find a meaning to answer.

The Guard stepped forward to ask, leaving Midnight in silence and some level of safety from his mother’s focus, “Excuse me miss, this is your foal?”

She didn’t immediately turn to face the stallion as Midnight’s mother responded curtly, “Indeed he is, having left my side unattended, and without a word to me no less.” It was only after her response did the mare turn, eyeing the Guard, “I do hope he hasn’t caused trouble?”

Midnight didn’t catch onto what the stallion replied with as the Librarian held his attention more, walking around the two and staring at the book castle. Eyeing the structure for a moment before eliciting a heavy sigh, the Librarian turned her head before locating and grabbing a basket with her magic, began removing books from the structure and placing them in it, starting from the top.

From there, the young colt with relatively wide and curious eyes kept himself busy watching the mare work away at the castle. He would continue to watch for quite a while, to where the towers had been taken down fully and the Librarian had begun to deal with the walls and everything else that was at the same level of height.

His mother calling his name ended his fascination with the deconstruction as his head swiveled to see the mare look sternly at him, “Come, colt. We are returning to the party, and I am hoping you’ll pay attention this time.”

Midnight, after letting the memory fade away, could swear Twilight had an instinctive mind on designing hard-to-dismantle layouts. There had been horror stories from the Royal Guards where they had required the aid of a team of Unicorns to carefully pry the foundations, the battlements, and even re-transfigure some books back to their original size or shape when they had been made into portcullises and castle stairs.

Had Midnight not become a Night Guard, having seen one of Twilight’s works, and having heard the uniqueness of Twilight Sparkle, he would’ve naively considered her behaviors another quirk of the Unicorn race, besides their obstinate behavior about the purity of blood and how it made them seemingly ‘better’ than other ponies. As during his cadet years of being stationed at the front gates of Canterlot Castle, during the early morning hours before his shift ended, he had to endure a good portion of complaints and disparaging sentiments from the Unicorn mares and stallions. Much of it was just them whining or demanding their dearly beloved Princess Celestia to attend to whatever in Tartarus they wanted to pester her with, to damnation with whatever answer he or his superiors responded with.

In fact whenever he had guard duties at the front entrance of the city, while some of the nobles that lived outside of Canterlot went into their tirade about family trees and why he and the other guard were supposed to give them preferential treatment, Midnight would simply continue his check of either their wagons, or the unicorn themselves, as they’d often be so lost in their recounting of their family tree and bloodline purity that they’d often lose whatever spatial awareness, thus enabling him to search them and whatever they intended to bring into the castle. Confiscations were surprisingly easy when dealing with the Canterlot unicorns, once you got them started on ranting about who they were and their family tree.

His first night with Twilight Sparkle was the night that quickly proved the stallion terribly wrong on his assumptions with Unicorns. The mare had a far greater tendency for tunnel-visioned attitudes for knowledge, and she matched it with a deep sense of hunger that Midnight was slowly coming to believe would not be matched.

That said, not everything had been smooth during that night. Introductions and the initial hours of settling in were fairly easy and without much trouble, but soon enough there was a growing amount about Twilight that grinded against him.

“Sooo... U-uh...” The mare’s stutters combined with her surprise, “Hi! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I-uh, am nice to meet you… I mean it’s nice to meet you, uh again!”

“Sergeant First Class Midnight Wind of the Equestrian Night Guards,” Midnight supplied, recalling a few memories about how the Princess’ protege was prone to stumble and misspeak when excited... Or he recalled that’s what he was told.

It did seem to work for the mare, as he could hear her breathing easing up, “A-I uh, so about P-Princess Luna’s task! Studying a Thestral pony!”

Midnight could almost see the gears spinning and churning in the mare’s head, clearly indicating she was getting over her shock and embarrassment and becoming far too focused for his liking, “Thestrals are feared by many ponies because they look fierce and because of their associations with Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon. Do you mind if I touch your wings? Does having skin-flap style wings cause you to have to flap differently than the feathery fliers? Do you suppose they also serve thermal regulators, cooling the body when it's warm and keeping the body’s heat in when not flying?” Twilight asked, overwhelming Midnight with her interest in acquiring knowledge about his species.

While it was nice not to hear another Canterlot Unicorn refer to him as a ‘dirty bat’ or ‘treasonous traitor,’ he was woefully ill prepared for her intense interest and nearly fell to her pressure, trying to take steps back to gain space. Only for Twilight to take up that space and leave him little room to breath.

“Lady Twilight! I literally just arrived here! Can you give me some time to let me scout the lay of the land before interrogating me like this?!” Midnight nearly yelled, ruffling his wings and feeling an odd prick of irritation and disappointment at her treatment of him.

“No!” Twilight loudly spoke, her passions affecting her vocal volume, “The Thestral tribe is almost completely unknown to ponykind!” She paced back and forth before Midnight, blank scrolls, several inkwells and multiple writing quills arriving to her side through her magic, “Despite the Thestrals returning to the Equestrian stage, so few ponies have ever been brave enough to have any in-depth interactions with the Thestral ponies! And the few that have been brave enough, haven’t written anything at all! You can do all of that stuff that you want to do later. I require answers and insist that you provide as truthful and accurate answers as you are best able!”

It was a blessing and a half with how her dragon-friend-brother had been quick on his claws to offer help to take his belongings, taking them upstairs to where a spare bed could be placed... Unfortunately, that would put Midnight on the opposite side of where Twilight’s bed was. And there were no wall dividers between the two.

From there on until he had managed to beat back the knowledge hungry mare just to rest during the daytime, Twilight would be relentless in asking as much as possible. Ranging from difference in appitite, wingspans, flight times, glide times, and color variance.

Upon reaching history and culture, multiple times would occur where Twilight would give the Thestral a look of confusion or openly tell him that he couldn’t be right. A quick session of “yes I am” and “no you’re not,” and the mare would race off to her library for a minimum of a minute. She would appear with multitudes of books in her magical grasp and would use them to correct him over what they say.

Sadly, the contents of those books she recited to him not only rubbed Midnight the wrong way, it almost felt like she was intentionally lecturing to correct him from what Midnight had been taught by both his mentors and elders. And he was more inclined to believe them than a bunch of Day Pony books.

It didn’t take much or take long for Midnight to quickly snap back and call out the inaccuracies. And perhaps he could have spoken better or worded his responses better, as his words at first caused Twilight to recoil before giving a gasp of offense, as if she couldn’t believe that books could be inaccurate in anything.

Two quickly fell into argument after argument, and how. Twilight, staunchly defending with the fullest belief that her books were correct and could not be wrong, flustered whenever something that she missed came up or went against what she had read. And Midnight telling her that the books she possessed held a bias towards the daytime ponies and weren’t covering the complete story only rewarded the Thestral by making the Unicorn defensive.

“Those scare stories of Nightmare Moon depict Princess Luna’s fall as if it were something that happened instantaneously, but it simply isn’t so. It never was. See, Princess Luna was smarter than many gave her credit for. She knew that without proper preparations, the world couldn’t simply survive on just the day alone. That was why she and a select group of ponies loyal to her were searching for ways to help ‘her’ ponies adapt to the night. Her greatest success was in creating the Thestral race,” Midnight said, his memories providing information on what history his species had.

“Wha- But, there’s nothing in the history books about any of that!” Twilight exclaimed, giving Midnight an incredulous look.

“And who wrote those history books?” Midnight asked, one of his eyebrows raised, “One that favored a more patriotic narrative, or one that tells the whole and ugly truth? If you haven’t found any books anywhere on Thestrals and their history, there’s a pretty obvious reason why. Not all knowledge can be found in a book, Lady Twilight. Especially if they were written by fanatics or liars.”

“You’re wrong! Books are my friends! They wouldn’t lie to me!” Twilight cried in horror, hugging one tome on the history of Equestria to her chest, as if the Thestral had threatened it. Her arcanokinesis quickly attaching to multitudes of books on Equestrian history and settled them around her. She opened one history book after another, “See, there’s nothing about anything that you’ve told me in any of these history books.”

“Yes, because your beloved sun princess is going to tolerate whatever paints her capable of making mistakes of any kind or failing in anything. Especially when it hits so close to home as her failure to actually stop her beloved little sister from becoming Nightmare Moon!” Midnight shouted, irritation in his tone of voice.

Twilight gave another offended gasp before shouting back, angry tears appearing in her eyes as she glared, “Celestia is not like that!”

“Then why is there nothing about what I’ve just told you! The truth is there, but you’ll have to accept that Celestia has censored truths that either attack her character and ability as a ruler, or inconvenience her for whatever reason!” Midnight concluded, his wings spreading open a little further.

“But each of these history books were written by respectable historians!”

“Are any of them Thestral? Or was it always written and done by Day Ponies?” Midnight asked, his stance relaxing slightly.

“Well no,” The hesitation in her voice only spurring Midnight into believing he was in the right.

“So not only do none of these books contain the history that Princess Celestia had censored, but none of them were written by the tribes which experienced and lived that history?” Midnight replied, lowering his eyebrows in an imperious query.

“And how exactly are you so sure that what you’re telling me is even remotely true?” Twilight returned, “Ponies can end up mishearing, misremembering or even twisting things the longer stories are vocally shared and taught across the ages. The Fjorse mythologies being a prime example.” The mare began to sit on her haunches as she looked to pull out another book, levitating and opening it to the Thestral, showing depictions of one Fjorse “God”, “The Trickster Pony, specifically. There’s been so many stories about him that it’s ended up a complete mess to connect anything solid about him. As much as we’ve researched and studied about Fjorse mythology even before the Princesses’ reign, a lot of the Trickster Pony’s stories were either made by biased storytellers, left incomplete or both! We still don’t know his origins, what his role as a Fjorse God was, any connections to any other deities, and we don’t even know what kind of Pony he was!”

The book closed with a thump, coming over to sit in front of Twilight as she gave a soft glare at Midnight, who was busy hoof massaging his temples from the headache he was developing from dealing with Princess Celestia’s protege.

Needless to say, they were off to a very rocky start with Princess Luna’s project. And if Midnight hadn’t been scared of what she would do to him, the Thestral might’ve given into the temptation of abandoning the whole thing altogether and riding the train back to Canterlot. Alas, the haunted memory of nearly being thrown out of the Night Guard and his mother being informed of his dishonorable discharge resting within his shadows was a potent knife resting at the back of his neck, thus he had little choice but to endure the Day Pony.

And endure, he certainly would have to. Twilight possessed energy that surpassed him in terms of both focus and persistence. Even when the clock that sat between two bookshelves chimed midnight, even when her ability to stay cognizant deteriorated as time continued to progress. The mare was just seemingly inexhaustible in her quest of knowledge. There had been several moments where Midnight would look away from Twilight, his wings fidgeting, legs twitching and his body giving silent complaints in multiple areas. If there were any comparison, it was worse than the early morning parade shifts. Parade shifts at least granted rest after a four hour shift, while the patrolling guardsponies would be relieved after six hours. At least he was capable of getting a break to relieve himself in the bathroom, but Twilight would just follow and wait outside the door, continuing to pump him for more information.

At the very least, Twilight wasn’t impossibly inexhaustible. Despite her pestering about courtship practices or romantic relationship practices, and despite her mumbling objections about stopping for the night, it wasn’t until the little dragon began to pester the mare in return, using her hornwriting as a primary reason. The sprawling, increasingly illegible texts that Twilight had slowly become would prove difficult for the Princesses to understand or decipher, the little dragon had said to the mare, and it was more likely she would have to rewrite and redo everything she recorded.

With the thought of ‘disappointing the Princesses,’ Twilight conceded and brought their 'session’ to a blessed end, with nearly nine hours left in the night until the day would arrive.

While she hadn’t been afraid or terrified of him way back when he was tasked with bringing her to Princess Luna through the carriage, or seem as unease around him akin to many of the Day Ponies were after Midnight appeared and informed her about the Princess’ project, it wasn’t as comforting as it should’ve been, because by Luna's starry mane did this mare ever find sleep?

However, as Midnight allowed his thoughts to mull around while he pawed his hooves over his sandwich and ate a bite. The latter part of Twilight’s antics were ... somewhat a bit endearing. He wouldn’t go and say that her bubbly and eager attitude to learning something new was similar to a happy dog, but Twilight did have moments where she had the behavior of a little filly on her birthday, such as a big, genuine smile and excitedly clopping her hooves together in the pony expression of applause, and it was hard to not get caught up into her happiness. And there’s been a few moments that Midnight could honest to Luna call the mare adorable. Midnight slowly came to a stop, mid-chew. His eyes slowly widening as suspicion began to connect quite a few dots.

Princess Luna did indeed issue to him a mission intent on expanding general knowledge of the Thestrals and other nocturnal species in Equestria to the general populace, specifically to remove any and all leftover myths or horror stories to cause distrust or hold suspicious contempt against said nocturnals. Especially those left behind by the less than civil historical accounts of the Order of the Sun. Thestrals taken at the point of a weapon and ‘escorted,’ to wherever the Order or Church convened, to which many did not return. And too few of the Day Ponies spoke against the Order, for fear that they too would discover what happened under the Church’s hooves.

It wasn’t until now did Midnight start to suspect that Princess Luna was doing more than just encouraging this little outreach project and his interactions with Twilight. No, there was a growing suspicion that this was an attempt of Princess Luna to play matchmaker between Midnight, a Royal Thestral Prince, and Twilight Sparkle, the Royal Student of Princess Celestia.

Granted’ ... Midnight’s cheeks did give a little glow of red, his eyes lazily drifting over to the stairway, his thoughts lazily bringing up their first meeting, ‘I did leave an impression on the mare. I suppose whatever the Princess saw or heard from the student must have given her the thought the two of us would be interested ...

The blush faded as the dream of Midnight’s strict mother returned to the forefront, and much akin to the commanding voice of a drill sergeant, reminded the stallion of the family demands and expectations over his affairs. This in turn made Midnight Wind list off what he knew and would meet ... perhaps be “acceptable” to said demands.

Twilight Sparkle, a daughter of a minor noble family and a Canterlotian... . That alone was a less than impressive start in the eyes of her mother and her high expectations for him, and he could almost hear her disappointment in him aiming low. However, Twilight is a personal and close student to Princess Celestia. And the primary reason as to how she became a personal student was because she had been born with incredible levels of magicka that started at a young age, magicka that was growing in greater strength to this very day, the Element of Magic likely being a mere enhancement or even a focus. Just that alone would practically reduce the downside of Twilight being a Canterlotian... . If he recalled correctly, she was also among five other mares who were responsible for the return of Princess Luna, and the return of the Thestral Courts into Canterlot. Adding on to the aforementioned fact that she was the Element Bearer of Magic itself, one of six virtues that had formerly been under the Princesses before the Night Rebellion...

That ... would certainly gain favor from his mother and her demanding expectations of finding a mate.

That said, thinking back upon such an accomplishment, how in Tartarus was Twilight not swarmed by suitors? Her antics could easily be overlooked by the more greedy and pompous nobles of both the Equestrian and Thestral courts. This was still a noblesmare who had become an Element Bearer, had incredible magicka strength, had performed the incredible feat of returning Princess Luna to Equestria and had personal contact and connections with Princess Celestia. Certainly, she could have had offers or flirts sent her way!

It’s possible that the Princesses and Sparkle’s family have been running interference.’ Midnight thought, taking a moment to look around and see if there was any sign of affections or anything that would’ve given an indication that somepony had caught her eyes, whether here in Ponyville or Canterlot. Photos, perhaps a misplaced letter? It would’ve made sense for her parents or the Princess herself to interfere with Twilight’s lovelife, since anypony marrying her would result in being in personal connection to the Princess as well as have a voice over the mare’s responsibilities with the Elements.

Midnight looked down at his unfinished and cold lunch, his thoughts slowly returning him to reality. The sound of birds chirping quickly brought reality to him, as his head moved swiftly to look at a nearby window, seeing the sky outside shine a dull blue. A slight twinge of exhaustion fell over the Thestral as he came to the realization that much of the night had been pondered away. His lunch now became a late dinner and if he left it alone much further, Midnight would have to throw it out and fix an entirely new meal.

A grimace spawned on his muzzle as Midnight began to scarf down the sandwich, the unpleasant lukewarm taste of the flowers, lettuce, cheese and slightly mayonnaise soaked bread assaulting his tongue and mouth. After finishing up and quickly fetching a glass of water to chase down the flavor, Midnight began to silently make his way up the stairs, avoiding any parts of the wooden floor that would creak and groan. Once up in the bedroom, Midnight opted to use his wings to fly up and stealthily glide over towards his bed.

It had taken some convincing, but the Thestral had been able to hash out a schedule with Twilight. Where he would sleep during much of the daytime until evening hours, which would be when the two ponies would continue their project until the closing hours of midnight... Or rather when Twilight was successfully convinced to get a good night's sleep... Mentioning her hornwriting being unreadable for the Princesses might be an effective method to shut down whatever excuse she might bring up.

As for the suspicions and concerns over Princess Luna acting like she’s a matchmaker... Give him a week, and maybe he could find something that would give both him and Twilight a reason to go a little further beyond being friends.

Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: All Dreaming Rejects

Luna once more touched down upon the grassy hills that made the great, mental landscape within Rising and the Legion, she looked around and watched many of the humans that inhabited the Ever Rolling Hills. Some were sleeping in various positions that felt comfortable to them while others sat around in small groups, deep in discussions that often went spiraling into different languages the mare could not understand. Snippets here and there she could hear and understand a word or three, but none of them made enough sense to piece together what the topics were.

Her eyes slowly drift left and right, the mare feeling content with seeing the great plains of vibrant green. The sense of eternal serenity permeated her. Soft “wind” rustling the grass blades, stirring some of the hair of the strange humans and giving lift to Luna’s mane and tail, a subtle feel that seeped, silent in telling how unneeded it was to be swept by the unfriendly tides of life and time. Eternity need not be seen dull nor cursed, but simple freedom from urgence.

Perhaps this might explain how easily Rising lost track of time in debating here, Luna mused. Time felt as if it had little need to be here ... . Might he excuse her for wanting to come back?

The human, whom she had seen during the one week of Rising's awakening, appeared through her peripherals with little warning. She had merely turned her head in one direction for him to simply be there, as if there were a momentary lapse of sight and forgotten when he stood there, his arms behind his back and waiting patiently. Whether it was due to all the times Celestia or some of the ponies in Canterlot had snuck up behind or beside her, Luna was able to have some sense of pride that she didn't become so startled by his appearance.

The human gave a small smile to one side of his lips as he gave a soft jerk of his head towards the white marble tower, "Come along, Princess."

Following closely behind, Luna continued to look around at the other humans, some having chanced a glance to return her stare, holding it for but a brief thought before returning to their discussions. None betrayed any thought or emotion towards her, leaving little more but a feeling that they were acknowledging her stares and little else.

As the two came closer to the white tower, Luna’s gaze rose, watching with growing awe and amazement as the tower seemingly climbed, higher and higher. It never seemed to stop even beyond out of her sight. Even with clouds thousand leagues high or only within a quick flap of her wings wrapping around or drifting by, there simply seemed an ending to it.

"Princess." Luna's attention snapped back to Rising, who stood by the base of the tower as if he was about to open a door, "This way, if you would."

She would have asked how precisely there would be a way to enter the tower, as there did not seem to be any door, regardless of how Rising held a hand against its side. Would there have been an answer, but instead the man spoke no more and turned his head away and did once more something that should never have made sense.

Rising pushed against the tower and 'opened' a way, disappearing inside the Tower all while the tower’s walls remained solid and unmolested, leaving no ripple nor indication that the tower had registered his presence. Like a ghost that had misguided a lost pony through a haunted building, Rising left Luna to stand dumbfounded at what was witnessed. Before long, his foot disappeared within and left the mare alone.

Luna blinked as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. There surely must have been some sort of 'door' as Rising had pushed something with his hand before he phased right through the Tower.

She trotted nervously closer and placed a hoof against the 'wall' and for a few seconds felt resistance, feeling solid marble hold itself against her hoof before suddenly giving way. The sudden sight of seeing her hoof disappear made Luna give a start and took a few steps back, her eyes slightly wide.

Luna was no stranger to such spellcraft illusions such as these. Afterall, she had been known as the ‘Princess of Illusions’ by her school peers as a filly and had made similar methods as fake walls such as what was in front of her. However, what lay in front of her was a truly solid tower of marble. No magic or any sort of indication could have implied the same method of entering such a creation as Rising had done earlier. None of it felt like illusion spellcraft or some sort of visual illusion.

The mare cautiously brought herself to the face of the Tower again. Hesitantly, she placed a hoof against its surface, feeling once more the cold, solid feeling of polished stone. Upon placing pressure, Tower resisted her once more before giving way and allowing her hoof through, nearly destabilizing Luna and almost falling forwards and through.

Princess Luna gave a nervous breath, uncertainty plaguing the mare as she slowly pushed herself forwards into the Tower, fear and hope battling and screaming behind her ears on the thought of the walls electing to take that one horrible moment to return to solid and deliver either a gruesome fate or render her helpless as she moved through it.

A shaky breath caused Luna to pause for a moment before her head moved through. Just before her muzzle touched the tower, Luna closed her eyes and braced for impact that never came. Her fears expecting the tower to suddenly become solid once again, either harm her or imprison her in the worst of ways. Such an experience felt as if the mare had truly trotted through marble and stone.

Her eyes were closed, and yet her travel through the stone felt as if Luna walked in with eyes wide open. Luna could see and almost feel the white metamorphic rock, the veins of light gray and black crossing the mare’s body and eyes. Darkness took dominion, and quickly did it arrive and establish itself. Luna thought she had entered a dark cavity of the marble that it took several steps forward for her mind to realize that her travel had already ended. The Princess of the Night’s trot came to a full stop as she racked her mind wondering when did the marble end as her eyes flew open in surprise.

It took Luna a moment that felt far too long for her to realize what had happened as her eyes beheld a massive, massive library. But what caught the mare’s eyes the greatest was simply that: Shelves. Shelves of towering heights that held greater dominion that even the proud libraries of Equestria and Saddle Arabia would feel inadequate in. Shelves that spanned far upwards inside the Tower. And what method that granted access to those shelves was vast expanses of stairs, platforms, ladders and bridges. They crossed and spiraled within the Tower that went in every which way and direction, seemingly giving the promise to all who entered that they would access every single book that filled this vast, labyrinthian shelves.

Humans could be seen, whether as small as a speck of movement or those passing by her, traversing up or down, across ladders and ladder bridges, perusing through a shelf before placing a hand over a book and either reading its title before putting it back, or opening it and staring at its contents.

And there, standing just ahead of Luna was Rising, the slight smile of amusement upon his lips as her reaction was slow to what was before her. His eyes of pale green held a soft glow, like the filtering light caught by dust through an open window. The sense of timeless patience could be perceived from his posture as he awaited the mare, breath was slow and measured, his thumbs placed within his pockets and leaving the rest of the man’s hands to hang limply from his body.

Luna could not but stare at him and the library in awe, "All this ..." She muttered, "What are all these?"

"You stand within and before the Tower of Eternity, good mare." Rising stated in a reverent tone, "Here in its base, to the tallest heights lie the memories of the lives of all you have seen.”

His arms and hands slowly spread, like a great bird opening to demonstrate its impressive wingspan, “Here, stored within its walls are memories that contain who we are, what we are, what we dreamed, what we want, what we wanted, and what fate and our Lord had in store instead."

"You're trusting me to know of this place?" Luna nearly whispered, her legs locking in place as her eyes spanned upwards, nearly seeing the endless expanse that trailed into a dot of darkness that the mare could not perceive, “You would lead me here and see everything rather than deliver what you wanted me to see?”

Rising’s eyes blinked once as the glow in his eyes dimmed but a little as the man relaxed his arms, “A step of faith and trust. But it is a step. To peruse our memories is not yet given to you so willingly. Memories are a closely guarded and sacred aspect to us, let alone to any living being. They reveal far greater than what words or physical conveyance ever could. Perhaps in time, and perhaps with your sister.”

His head moved slightly, the glow of his eyes returning with the sense of stern warnings, “Even then you will not find freedom to choose as you wish. Some you must ask, some you must provide reasons as to why you seek theirs. And some will not allow you, even in the most dire of times and their memories alone could save Equestria, not even the offering of your soul will sway their stance. Understand such boundaries and do not breach them.”

His eyes softened, though his glow did not wane this time as the man brought his hands together with a soft clap, “Come, our goal lies not far from us. Stay close to me, as it is very likely you will be lost in this “labyrinthian” as you so put it.”

Luna could do little but stare at Rising with bafflement and shock as he began to one flight of stairs she hadn’t noticed before. She had not expected him to give words of possible encouragement that she and Celestia might be given the allowance to return and learn more of both Rising and the Legion. She hardly blamed him for giving warnings about how limited access would be... Though ... How was it he knew she had seen the Tower’s inner workings to be a labyrinth? Was her mind as easily accessible to the Legion as it was with her being led to a memory?

Seeing Rising up several more steps and the echoing chuckles of some of the nearby humans brought Luna to shake her head and race after him, a feeling of perturbation passing through her mind and “body”.

Following behind the man up a flight of stairs that soon met one wall of shelves before splitting into two, the Princess chanced a look across the books that occupied almost her entire vision. Many of these tomes and “chapters” of the lives of Rising and the Legion maintained a single color of muddy bronze. Some were highlighted in a navy blue, and even as Luna turned her eyes to ensure she was still with Rising a few books changed colors before her, either to indicate something of importance for the Legion to look through or reference. Strangely enough, none of them held any titles nor words placed upon any of these memories.

Perhaps it was because the Legion knew their memories by heart, Luna mused to herself as the two followed along the stairs that ringed the walls, the occasional path splitting towards the center of the Tower. After all, who else would peruse through their library of libraries, locked within a mental landscape? Though perhaps that may end up changing should she earn the privilege as Rising said.

It wasn’t long, just as Rising had said when they came to a stop with another human. This man held perhaps a slightly more pale skin than Rising, but was dressed in a suit of plate armor wrapped in bands of silky red cloth. Around the waist where his legs began and his shoulders were billowing pockets of the cloth, seemingly exaggerating their size. A rather clean, bushed mustache so similarly small and thin in comparison to Reginald’s adorned the man’s face. He held within the pocket of his right arm a curious helmet, almost like a pointed bucket that swept into two sharp points, and along its top was a comb-like metal crest. Within the man’s left hand was a book, colored in navy blue.

Rising moved towards the older man’s side, turning around and addressing Luna, “If you may, Princess.”

Not understanding what he had meant, Luna moved only a little closer to the armored man and took a look at the offered tome that he stretched out towards her. Much like every other book Luna had seen, it did not hold any name or title across it. In fact, it didn’t even possess a picture to detail or give a hint as to what contained within. After seeing the book of memory come closer, Luna could only guess she was meant to hold it, whether in her hooves or by her kinesis.

Doing so, the Princess lit her horn and gently picked up the book, noting its hardbound covering that almost seemed to be made of brightened buckram, as if it had recently come away from a bookbinder’s workshop. Yet despite expectations that just touching or holding the book would activate something, Luna could only look back with puzzlement. The two men said nothing and offered no advice, seemingly content to staring steadily at her with impassive patience.

Hesitantly, Luna brought the book to open before her, its binding strong with very little sounds of creasing. To her surprise and slight disappointment, the pages contained no words or depictions. But no sooner had the mare opened the book and stared at how little to nothing there was, a sudden change took place over Luna.

The air swirled around and between Luna, darkness and color passing over her sight, under her legs, and through her wings and mane. The great library, Rising and the armored man passed away from her sight like gossamer fabric caught in a wind, and were no more. She could only look on in amazement as the miasma took hold and seemingly cocooned the Princess as both memory and dream took shape before her.

The very first feeling that assaulted her body and to the very roots of her mane was a great heat. Not the dry heat similar to the Badlands, nor the sweltering heat of the Dragonlands that held the throne land of the Dragon Emperor.

No, as Princess Luna’s eyes began to adjust to the blinding light, threatening to take her sight even if she had shut her eyes closed, this was the kind of heat that sought to consume and reduce anything in its presence to ashes, then reduce the ashes to nothing. Even now, Luna felt that her body would disappear in an instant and leave nothing left. The world around her became a living tartarus, the lava of all the volcanoes that the Princess had witnessed could not compare to the “land” of brilliant yellow and moving heat beneath her silvered hoof shoes.

Then came a comforting cool as Luna turned and saw Rising coming nearby, the armored man following close behind, “What is this place? Tis’ a wasteland of nothing but yellow fire and heat.”

Rising came to a stop by her side as the armored man continued, “Because this is not a land of any type or kind you would find. Admittedly, we are far from where we should be. However, context is required in order for you to understand what you will see, Princess.”

A great presence was felt by Luna’s back. A sense of great light was the first feeling across her back, bypassing her physical flesh and almost by an unsaid command brought forth memories. Memories that contained small and large moments of time where Luna had wronged another pony. Her lies, her thefts, her insults, her arrogance... And it all culminated to the moment Luna had thrown everything away in becoming Nightmare Moon... And all the harm she had done to Celestia...

Luna’s legs fell and gave away, weakness plaguing the mare as she was reminded of these memories. The small moments and memories brought feelings of foolishness and embarrassment, yet the greater things in the Princess’ life brought the undenying feelings of shame and sorrow. Not for having remembered them, but rather for the mere fact they had happened and she was guilty for doing such things.

The light remained as came fire, greater to the wasteland around her. Its heat pierced through her as light had done so before. But rather than bring memories, the fire brought pain. The small memories of her guilt burned as if she had brought burning coals to her very flesh... . The memories of her lies and harm, however ... .

The mare fell to the ‘ground’ as tears poured from her eyes as the pain threatened to reduce her to nothing.

Time and space suddenly halted as distance brought Luna away from where the memory started. She heard voices, but she could not comprehend them. The pain still remained as her eyes had been shut the entire time, her memories of all the small and great things Luna had done unto another pony coming to the forefront and demanding her utmost attention in remembrance.

Luna did not know how long it was until the pain cooled, the memories fading and her tears running dry. But at last they did, and the mare could hear her gasps. She could feel the presence of another that felt comforting as a familiar voice reached the Princess’ ears, “Forgive me, Luna. I did not realize that even by memory our metaphysical form remained potent to another mortal life.”

She again did not know how long, but Luna did recover as she slowly brought her hooves underneath her, “What ... What was that? What happened to me?”

“A partial, but nonetheless the utmost of what we are if we remove our physical body and manifest it. Many within the Heavenly Kingdom can exert and reveal ourselves into the physical world. However it is often ill-advisable to ever do so because of what our mere presence can do upon both the living and reality around us. What happened to you is what happens to anyone that comes into contact with such light and fire at their utmost.” Rising looked up over towards the light and fire that Luna could feel. It was far lesser than what she had experienced, but the presence and form that Rising spoke of was still there.

Luna was able to amble onto her hooves and looked around. Instead of a miasma of light, fire and colors of orange and yellow, there was now a starry void. Stars twinkling here and there, freely and uncaring to the going ons in the memory. Looking away from the calming and distant sights, her eyes elected to drift towards the source of what had caused her such painful emotions and terrible fire.

Her jaw nearly dropped to her hooves as terrible revelation ran down the mare’s spine like lightning and ice. It was so odd to her that they had begun the memory-dream in a world as hot as Tartarus, but now having put distance between such a nightmarish realm the answer couldn’t have been more obvious as to where Luna had just been.

And now, Luna could quite confidently speak to her sister and anypony she wished what walking upon the very surface of a sun was like. Celestia could certainly describe what it felt moving the great ball of fire was like, as was her charge and duty. But to stand within it and live to speak of such an experience?

A sudden flash of brilliant white and Luna’s attention and thoughts came to a halt as her eyes flickered towards where she thought the flash had occurred. The “sound” of something banging echoed to the mare’s ears and a slight reverberation pulsed from the sun.

And then another, where Luna could see the sun not only pulsing with a reverberating “wave” but a ring of light coming from the star as another “sound” and flash of white came from it. A rhythm was occurring on its surface where the armored man beside her and Rising was in this dream-memory.

The overall sight of both the sun reverberating in light and “sound” only left Luna confused, uncertain as to what precisely was happening down on its surface. Most certainly there was a rhythm that could be discerned, but it still left the question of what was happening, and due to her ... experience with just being in the same presence as whatever had affected her, there was no way to go and tell.

The rhythm of light and ‘sound’ came to a stop, causing Luna to nearly not recognize its absence. Then after several seconds, the rhythm began again. It was only after a few intermittent pauses did recognition widen the Princess’ eyes.

This was the sound she had often heard coming from Guided Steel, a blacksmith pony that both the Night Guard and Royal Guard were often customers of to repair their weapons and armor. The ‘sound’ she was hearing was akin to a metal hammer banging away at another piece of metal. Whatever was going on down on the surface of the star, the armored man was making something.

Princess Luna couldn’t turn her head quickly enough towards Rising, the more familiar face between the three in this memory.

She didn’t expect needing to verbally ask him, as one of Rising’s eyes locked onto her and gave a nod, “Yes, Belmonte was indeed making something in that star. That something would be the key to both his path towards incredible, and untamed power. Ordinarily, metalsmithing was simply that. Crafting things out of metal, ranging from weapons and armor to kitchenware and jewelry. What is happening down within that star is metalsmithing empowered by both our entrusted power and the magic that exists within this dream.” His expression turned dour as the rhythm continued, “Two things that perhaps should not have been brought to union.”

“Two things,” The armored man, now known as Belmonte, countered back. His voice a soft rumble as his eyes never strayed from the star, one of his hands raising as a brilliant band of light, gold, fire and above all else power formed on one of his fingers, “That had to be brought into union. Within this ring I wove my life and the very fabric of reality into it. And into this ring, I poured my ruthlessness, His power and my will to guide both Light and Life.”

Rising’s eyes briefly flitted towards Belmonte before returning to look upon the star.

Belmonte did not let such a look go as his own eyes were brought to bear and gaze at Rising, “Still you act high and mighty over my decisions, Successor?”

Rising did not lock eyes to the man, “We have had this discussion before.”

“Yet you still believe I was in the wrong.” The armored man’s voice was flat, though a tone of angry accusation could be noticed, “You still believe I should not have used our power in this dream.”

“You know full well why.” Rising’s eyes finally turned to lock with Belmonte’s, “Creating a ring such as this, and tying it with your life and the very fabric of reality as a method of ‘adaptation’?”

Belmonte’s body gave a turn as he confronted Rising, “You say it so easily when this dream did not function so similarly to how life had been before. Magic was in this realm, boy. Magic. The very same magic you bring her here to see. Fantastical creatures and the likes of entities we never dealt with even as far as the Bronze Collapse. This was my dream, and I adapted accordingly.”

The memory froze as both Belmonte's and Rising's attention turned upon each other. The armored man gave a daring and angry stance towards the younger male, his mouth twisted in an impetuous frown. Rising's own position was a calmer but nonetheless equally angry, his eyes narrow and a more moderate frown on his lips.

Rising was the first to begin with a dumbfounded tone as Luna found herself in what clearly had been a heated topic, "Adapted accordingly? You call all that you did here," a sweep of his arm towards the frozen sun, "accordingly? Abusive clairvoyance, twisting and manipulating the bureaucracy between both of the mortal factions, using our power in endeavors that the mortals could have accomplished with the same result, and let's not even begin with the results you ended up with in vassalizing the Naga Empire to your will."

Belmonte's anger rose at the mention of this empire Luna had heard nothing about as the armored man took a step forwards and placed a hand over his chestplate, "What the Naga ended up doing was neither my design or intention, they chose to enter slave trading, they were the ones that began to develop such a taste for it, and I could do nothing but tolerate it because of all they had been through. Me turning against them and meddling any further would have sent them to the Old Gods' grasp, letting anarchy take every coastline for decades to come," Belmonte's hand reached over and prodded Rising's chest, emphasizing with each word, "and you know it."

Rising didn't push away the finger, but his own retort nudged the armored man back, "And who was it that thought he could change them? Who was it that thought he had enough agency in the world that he could do just whatever he wanted?" Rising began to move closer as he confronted and nearly went nose to nose with Belmonte, “Who was it that made the Naga believe you were a god?”

"And who was it that held not a single dream while the rest of us lived through our own!" Belmonte countered, "You speak highly for someone who didn't see and decide their own actions." Luna nearly believed that Belmonte was about to attack Rising, as he brought his heavier weight and height against the younger male, “Hijo a puta, the Naga came to believe me an agent of a god, never did they start praying and worshiping me as one.”

“Explain the statues!” Rising’s voice became louder and echoed across the emptiness of the memory, his head giving a small glimpse to the left alongside his arm waving over towards the same direction, bringing Luna to believe that she was now seeing just how two or perhaps more of Rising and the Legion argued. Needless to say, it seemed to resemble a lot of what had been considered “debating” back in the early years of Equestria’s birth.

Belmonte was quick on the explanation as his voice rose in both volume and echo, his own stance in a defensive exasperation, “Four statues, all located and in a building that goes over my achievements during my tenure in Azeroth is suddenly considered idols meant to be worshiped?”

“Considering there’s one particular memory here,” Rising countered, immediately grabbing the ‘wheel’ and giving a hard yank and spin, sending the world and universe into a fast forwarding frenzy around the three as Luna watched mere glimpses of Belmonte’s travels, deeds and adventures across this ‘Azeroth’ that he had mentioned. Though due to how Rising had brought the ‘wheel’ of time to spin, Luna couldn’t make sense over what she had seen and even short term memory wasn’t capable of registering what had occurred.

Time stopped as the world was plunged underwater, the sun glistening and giving rays of light dancing from above as Luna quickly observed what and where they had arrived at.

It was so much like the dreams of Ponlantis she had seen in some of the ponies before her banishment. Exotic, nearly similar Roam-Gecko architectures that were colored in splatting, corroded colors of cyan and green populated much of the surface. Great trees of branching and colorful coral flourished and grew around or nearby some of these buildings, occasionally decorated with seaweed in an artistic manner. Sea anemones of beautiful designs attached to some of the coral reefs that provided shade from the glistening light of the sun as Luna’s attention drew to a predominant building that Rising and Belmonte had inadvertently brought her to in the midst of their argument.

Swimming, slithering and generally roaming around this mystical underwater civilization was surely the ‘Naga’ that both Belmonte and Rising had spoken of. And to Luna’s admission, these serpent-like creatures were not at all a pleasant sight; Bulky, thick and multi-armed and long-tailed, with muzzles that would give the Hydras in the Everfree Forest pause.

Then came the sight and design of such a grand building that reminded the Princess greatly of the Hall of Heroes within Cloudsdale, with grand pillars and bas-reliefs filling the outer walls, the reliefs holding depictions of incredibly strange creatures, some of them holding flaming wings ranging within numbers of two and six.

Time accelerated again as the three were brought inside the building. It was the interior decoration and the Nagas’ dedication to Belmonte that gave Luna a significant insight as to why Rising was so adamant in his argument.

Within the temple to Belmonte were great statues that were indeed positioned in four corners, however they depicted the man greatly, favorably, and lightly decorated in beautiful offerings. Two of them just nearby Luna held Belmonte in an unknown but intimidating armor with one hand over the handle of a longsword as it rested the tip of the blade just in front of the statue, while the other was holding onto the entrance of the temple, as if to indicate the two were holding it open, giving the impression that the statues alone were allowing people to enter and leave as they wished.

Around the walls of the temple brought great depictions and pictures, Belmonte holding dominance with his unknown armor on. Over to the left was him locked into a static sword bind with a steel and blue armored bipedal, what seemed to be depictions of ice and magic flowing behind the unknown while fire and light were flowing from and behind Belmonte as his sword seemed to have cut itself into his adversary’s blade.

To the right was Belmonte again, this time with some sort of spear as both he and the weapon were engulfed with fire and light. His stance and pose was akin to a Minotaur having just let fly a javelin, but instead of letting it go Belmonte had it kept in his hand. There was no depiction of whatever power both Belmonte, Rising or the Legion possessed released through the spearpoint as whatever was done into the side of a strange depiction of a dragon. The great scaled creature itself was almost made of nothing but fire and shadow as its horns seemingly glowed with flames, licking the ‘air’ within the depiction, as sort of purple magic flowed off of its wings and tail as it ‘flew.’

The strike that Belmonte had delivered into the side of this strange, short, front-legged dragon with his spear and power was a terrific blow. As from what Luna could see, the power that Belmonte possessed had pierced completely through the dragon’s torso, leaving a great hole and rewarding him with the dragon’s open maw of quite reasonable roar of terrible shock and pain.

And then to the very front of the temple, where a large goblet of an unknown liquid sat with the two remaining statues flanking it and an extravagant, coral and jewel decorated podium resting just above and behind the goblet. The two statues knelt, with one hand reaching out as if to beckon to place a hand, claw or hoof in either of their own, their eyes etched with firm, mute expectation.

Just behind the podium was light shining down from the surface of wherever this underwater city was located, glistening through a grand, stained glass window. To top off all that Rising had argued about how religiously set Belmonte had become by the Naga that they were talking about, the window was stained in a pattern depicting the man with a sword held down in one hand while the other clutched a circle with two long, green swaths on opposing sides of the circle.

Luna no longer wanted to look at the window anymore as the mare’s eyes locked onto Belmonte and began to listen to the argument once more. Rising had been incredibly animated while her attention was away, gesturing to the statues and the stained glass window, all the while Belmonte’s body had changed. Before, he had been stalwart and firm in his side of the argument, now in the presence of the temple that had been dedicated to him in religious fervor and painting him in such a high standing he was incredibly uncomfortable at the memory.

“— precisely is this not worship, Belmonte? They come here, not out of respect for a hero, not out of someone who led them out of the darkness. They come here to idolize and revere you!” Rising’s tone being harsh and exhausted of Belmonte’s attempts at explaining and stubbornly defending himself.

As Belmonte began his own retaliation, his eyes suddenly locked with Luna. The Princess didn’t know whether it was her aetheric mane fluttering slowly with magic, her presence a clear stand out from the background where both the men were at or because she moved around, but nonetheless it brought a sudden halt to the man’s attempts.

Rising’s head and body wheeled on the spot, his eyes wide and making it apparent how utterly forgotten Luna’s presence had become in their arguing. He did not immediately speak out with an apology or say her name, instead his eyes danced across the bottom of his eyelids. His head looking fully away from Luna while Belmonte gave a long sigh as his own attention went away from the Princess, neither of the men electing to lock eyes with her.

With all that had happened abruptly in her visit, Luna could see no other option than to bring the two back on topic with what she was here for, “I think I’ve seen well enough of the reasonings and issues that Sir Belmonte had in this strange world, though it wouldn’t be wise of me to say neither I or mine sister were strangers to being thought of as goddesses.”

Still without offering apologies or excuses, Rising’s arms raised once more to grab the “wheel” and revert time backwards and move the scenery around the three. This time they left the underwater territories and emerged out of an ocean before vaulting off towards another location, much slower than before and allowing Luna to note just how vast and expansive said ocean was.

As they traveled, Rising began to speak, his tone slightly hesitant, “The Ring that Belmonte made was an ultimatum to the many forces that existed within this dream. While Belmonte could physically die by any handheld weapon, sans poisons or curses or by an indirect method, the ring allowed him to return from the realm of death without issue and no one and nothing could stop or delay it. Should any force sought to try and destroy his existence, the ring bound to him would cease to exist as well, and through the ring, all of reality. Mutually assured destruction, on a scale no one else ever reached ... or considered.” Rising’s eyes locked briefly onto Belmonte as he finished, displaying a degree of contempt towards the man.

“Quite similarly to how a dreamworld becomes nonexistent the moment the dreamer wakes up.” Belmonte growled, his eyes and head still looking away from the Princess. With a small sigh he added, “Ironic, since this was a dream in the first place and I hadn’t known until afterwards.”

Rising did not comment or add his own thoughts to Belmontes, disregarding him to continue filling the Princess in, “The Ring’s creation caused waves and great deals of concern to all corners of Azeroth, the planet and location of Belmonte’s dream. It strangely didn’t cause him to be someone every faction sought control over.”

“Some of our theories,” Belmonte said, “was that the Elder Gods underestimated and didn’t see just how connected I was to existence. Either they thought I was bluffing, or thought that I would just be another easy to obtain tool...” The man gave off an amused scoff as his gaze returned to the environment around them, which began to show thicker clouds producing snow and the ocean below revealing ice.

“It wasn’t until a certain duel did Azeroth realize who and what they were hosting, as you’ll see in a moment. And it was the beginning of Belmonte’s rise to a prominent standing that the rest of us fear to become, no matter how well intentioned it was.” And indeed as Rising said, the world around Luna became colder, snow and ice began to appear far more frequently as their traveling path led the three to a heavily fortified and patrolled camp. Upon the walls were great numbers of bipedal races that Luna could and could not recognize, as some were visibly human in shining armor while others were some sort of variants that had different skin colors, height, ear shape or even difference in the shape of their legs.

However, this was not what Belmonte and Rising were focused upon, as the world continued to move until the three were placed within a large military-designed tent, surrounding them with more bipedal beings of various species and sizes, from an unusually and obnoxiously large Minotaur leaning upon a table to a human with obnoxiously heavy armor gesturing at a a map of the continent or island they were in, and several "army pieces" on it.

Luna couldn’t immediately make out what the creatures were saying, as they were muttering and either pointing to a specific part of the map or making vague gestures towards another part. Though what she could glean from their faces, whatever the situation they were in and trying to plan for was a grim prospect, whether they were struggling to form a plan involving the land they were on or some other issue.

The sound of the armor from two guards outside of the tent shifted everyone's attention, including Luna as another Belmonte entered. This one was differently armored from the more tame and somewhat fashionable armor that Belmonte next to her was wearing. This one was dressed in a more modestly sized, but still ornately designed heavy plate armor. One incredibly noticeable detail that stuck out for Princess Luna, other than how Belmonte’s armor wasn’t in ridiculous size, was that Dream Belmonte had two strangely curved metal “spikes” attached to his back. They were far enough apart that he could turn his head left and right without them presenting too much of an issue with his peripherals, though they only reached as far as his shoulders and were barely a few hooves taller than his helm. In fact, Luna could reasonably mistake the two metal attachments as some sort of symbol of a crescent moon.

Dream Belmonte stood quietly before the gathered creatures before the man at the table and next to the Minotaur spoke in a language that Luna couldn’t understand, though from what she could guess it was possibly a question or even an acknowledgement to Belmonte’s presence.

The Belmonte who had been by Luna's side for the duration of this memory spoke up, as if to sense her confusion to the context, "The man at the table is Tirion Fordring, and somewhat in charge over the forces in this camp. Why such a force is present in this winter wasteland is due to the presence and involvement of a Lich King, or rather a—"

"We are familiar with Necromancy, Belmonte of the Legion." Luna quietly interrupted the man, though she would not look at either Belmonte or Rising in the eyes after hearing the word "Lich."

Belmonte fell silent before continuing, neither asking why or what made her familiar with such a branch of magic, "This Lich King had previously been silent and holding back a destructive force for many years, however whatever had brought him to stir and awaken made him have no love to anything that was not under his control. Bringing a plague of death and disease that allowed him to raise the very corpses that died on a daily basis to drown the world, there wasn’t a soul who did not realize his presence, and they made to move past their conflicting interests and united to be rid of him. By the time I had arrived, plans and strategies had been drawn up on how to lead a spearheaded assault to kill him. Their plan at first was to throw twenty of their best at the Lich King alongside one of their great knights."

A closed smile formed on his lips as the scene unfolded, where Dream Belmonte spoke up and declared something that brought the entire tent to stunned silence, "A shame I ended up throwing a wrench into that by saying I alone would deal with the Lich King."

Luna couldn’t help but give a giggle, “T’was similar to when Starswirl, both mine and my sister’s mentor, had proposed us to the nobles as their diarchs. Though perhaps we were able to convince them better after we had retrieved the Elements of Harmony and defeated many enemies that had plagued us.”

Both Belmonte and Rising gave a wry smile, “Perhaps, Princess. However, I was an unknown being, easily mistaken as a mercenary ‘Adventurer’ to the people here, save for a few specific factions. Said factions had taken charge in being ...” Belmonte’s posture began to sway left and right a little bit, an expression of either doubt or uncertainty formed, “somewhat hands-off guardians over the entire world. They would maintain control over natural forces such as time, nature, or life itself, and sometimes they would involve themselves amongst the mortal lives.”

A small hum escaped Luna’s mouth as she turned her attention to the room, as the beings surrounding Dream Belmonte began to mutely argue, either giving vague scoffs at him or speaking animatedly towards him. It did not require any explanation to the Princess that Belmonte’s plan was not welcome and likely thought he was arrogant.

Time suddenly began to shift as Luna was brought away from the tent, causing the mare to turn and see Rising having his hands over the “Wheel”. He was spinning the “Wheel” at a determined pace as Belmonte spoke again, “You will have to peruse this memory and dream at a later time, Princess. Everything you saw was more or less meant to quickly establish the foundation and overall situation over our argument ... our own personal arguments aside.” Belmonte’s eyes flicked towards Rising, who did not deign any response.

"During my time here, I had decided it was wise to adapt and take up more abilities that this world had to offer. Taking up pyromancy, light manipulation and a fairly general used branch of lesser magic spells, levitation and the like. These sets of magic would allow me to have an easier time rather than use our entrusted powers as they come with sets, expectations and rules. This is the same decision that we as a Legion are taking up as an Equestrian Alicorn. Only this time, the ability to use Equestrian magic was not something we had willingly intended to obtain."

Luna's ears began to flick upwards as one memory recalled something earlier, "Hence why you said you had expected to be a Pegasus? Minimal magic outside of what you were already capable of doing?"

A smile formed upon both Belmonte's and Rising's mouths as the armored man gave a nod. The world around them became a great blizzard as mountains and glacial wastelands began to surround them, approaching a tall and imposing citadel of ice and blackened steel. They reached the peak of this foreboding citadel to be met with a flat plateau. The most prominent sight was the throne over this citadel. Its great glacial spikes edging the stairway to the throne, and from behind the ice-sculpted seat of power was a colossal glacier.

There, sitting upon the throne was a heavily armored figure. A being of cold steel, tarnished gold and almost exaggerating depictions of skulls upon the crown, stomach, knees and even the sword that rested its tip into the ice. Power of an unknown dread leaked through the eyes of the being, the depicted skulls upon its armor and weapon.

Luna could already sense and tell, without even needing an introduction to who this was. What Belmonte had spoken about of the Lich King, she felt she had underestimated the depths that this being had become. Thinking briefly back to her initial thoughts, Luna couldn’t help but wonder if this Lich King was worse than the far more familiar Grogar, what with his lichcraft and demonic sorcery.

“We’re not familiar with that name, Princess.” Came Belmonte’s voice, interrupting the mare and causing her to spin around and look at him with wide eyes, “But the creatures that the Lich King here created, summoned, and brought into existence to plague Azeroth and all that lived in it, as well as his ability to curse the physically living into a state of undeath with just a cut of that sword in his hand, this ‘Grogar’ would likely have appeared infantile, in comparison.”

The sound of metal boots crunching against the ice brought their attention away from each other as the Dream Belmonte walked slowly towards the foot of the throne. His armor was not as polished nor clean as the man had been when he approached Tirion and his ‘generals’ as Luna had guessed them to be. Instead, blood and melting ice splattered across almost the entirety of him, save for his helmet. While the ice was cleaning off some of the remnants of battle, it still did not give any illusion that Belmonte had fought through whatever was housed within the citadel.

Both Dream Belmonte and the Lich King did nothing for the moment other than to stare at each other. A distant draconic roar and the brief sight of an undead dragon’s wings with ice coating the majority of the tail as it dived out of sight, a slight tremor shook the citadel not soon after.

Though Luna had wanted to see who and what that undead dragon, she would be unable to take the time to see what was going on as the Lich King began to stand.

His voice was a rumbling echo, whether it was magic giving him this additional effect to the Lich King’s voice or some other element causing this, Luna didn’t know. As another dull sound of thunder made the citadel shake, likely the battle of the twenty heroes against the Lich King’s undead dragon, the armored enemy spoke, “And so the Light sends its vaulted justice, or perhaps its arrogance if it would only send you.”

The Lich King’s helm tilted to the side, as if something amusing came to mind, “Or perhaps you are here as a messenger, calling me to lay down Frostmourne and throw myself down at my executioner’s mercies?” Then he tilted it to the other direction, a far more crueler tone of amusement creeping in the edges of his voice, “Or did you come here to seek my mercies? To become my champion in hopes of escaping the doom that awaits you all?”

Dream Belmonte did not reply to any of the questions, though from where Luna could see as she turned towards him that the man was planning and plotting underneath that blood and ice painted helm. His hand tightening and relaxing on the grip of his greatsword and his foot occasionally shifting ever so slightly.

The Lich King seemed to take notice over the lack of banter that Belmonte was not here for either of what he said, and it certainly didn’t seem like the armored man was interested in talk.

“Arrogance it is,” He rumbled, whether in offense or pity.

With that, the Lich King was the first to initiate the fight. Through either magic or some other means that Princess Luna didn’t know, he flew down from the throne, over the steps and charged headlong with his sword raised for a downward strike.

Belmonte’s response was a simple sidestep from the Lich King’s attack, the smaller in size greatsword raised in an equally simple stance.

The Dark Lord gave a quick glance at Belmonte before giving a rising slash as he moved to press the offense, relying mostly upon the Frostmourne. Once again, Belmonte dodged the attack, letting the strike slide off his own weapon harmlessly. Strangely, he did not counter or press his own attack towards the necromancer, seemingly content to dodge, block and give ground towards his enemy.

Confusion set in with Luna, and likely the same with the Dark Lord as the fight continued. From all the fights that the Princess had been a participant in, they had been similar to dances between attacks and defenses, usually with an end goal of finishing the fight through differences in strength or experience.

And yet, Belmonte seemed content to just defend and observe the Lich King’s offenses, even when spells of ice and shadow were hurled upon the man by the hand or blade of the Necromancer. Blasts of magical fire and light countered and dissipated, but Belmonte didn’t send any magic back to pursue.

Such passiveness didn’t last long, however. After another strike coming towards Belmonte’s side was blocked with his greatsword pointed down, a sudden shift had come over the man and did not waste a single second in his counter-offensive. As one of Belmonte’s hands moved from the handle to grasp his sword just above the guard, his shoulders lined up and his left foot slid backwards before giving a strong heave against the bind.

Now with surprise on his side, Belmonte wound the tip and upper blade of the greatsword around, preparing to drive the sword from tip to guard into the Lich King’s neck. Had it been so easy, as frost magic formed around the Lich King. His form shattered into ice crystals and reformed into physical form a fair distance away from Belmonte.

It was there and then Luna's eyes widen as she realized that for much of the fight, Belmonte had been patiently learning and planning. Rather than put every effort to clash and overwhelm the Lich King as she had found as a favorable tactic over fighting champions or leaders, Belmonte aimed to simply take the Dark Lord apart, as said necromancer raised his sword and summoned several undead wretches that nearly caused Luna to react with her own magic.

A sudden hand on her side stopped her, and after seeing Rising nearby with both a shake of his head and an expression of amusement. Remembering where and what she was in, Luna reluctantly let the magic building in her horn fade away as Dream Belmonte raised one spare hand as both the Ring in his finger glowed. Within moments and two small rolls of his hand, flame magic formed at a terrific rate and focused into a single point between the pointer and middle fingers, to which Belmonte gave a wide sweep towards the undead ghouls.

A long blade of flame launched from the two fingers and cut down the gathered ghouls with minimal issue, though by the time it reached the Lich King it splashed harmlessly against his armor.

With another roll of his hand, Dream Belmonte unleashed a gout of flame behind him and using the spell to launch him forwards and skated with the icy ground to close the distance, readying the greatsword to thrust.

The Lich King raised Frostmourne to beat away the thrust from the thinner greatsword and tried to stab Belmonte in return, but the man’s momentum across the ice was enough to let him slip away. With another burst of flame and another charge, Belmonte’s hand grasped the bare metal between the two parrying spikes and guard. Instead of a passing strike, Belmonte slammed against the Lich King, binding and winding Frostmourne around to either ready a thrusting strike into the unprotected parts of the Dark Lord’s armor or rip his cursed sword away.

However, the Dark Lord was not so easily disarmed or foolish enough, and with undead strength he pushed back and forced Belmonte to give ground and prepared his offensive, giving slashes and thrusts at the man. Despite the greatsword being thinner, Belmonte seemed to have no problem using it to parry and block the enormous Frostmourne, letting his armor take hits and let the cursed sword’s edge slide and skate safely.

With a frustrated growl, the Lich King gave another heavy slash that resulted in shoving Belmonte a fair distance before spinning Frostmourne around and plunging it into the ice arena, causing the snowing environment to intensify into a great blizzard that blinded Luna from seeing almost anything, including the two men beside her.

The sound of metal banging against each other echoed loudly enough to be heard over the winter storm, indicating that dream Belmonte had continued to fight under the poor conditions, leaving Luna with nothing but imagination and blinded vision to know what occurred.

The storm would not last for long however, as a glowing spot of light erupted some ways to Luna's left before the blizzard was suddenly blown away by a great impact of heat, the colors of red and orange and sound.

Her eyes were drawn towards the source, Luna’s mouth parted open as the feeling of awe and fear consumed her, seeing a mountain that had exploded into a fully active volcano, its rock and ice peak turned into falling meteors as the blizzard fully died out, lava already having taken advantage to flow as freely as water down the mountainside.

With a clenched fist and the ring glowing brightly, dream Belmonte stood still briefly before giving a two-handed swing with his greatsword against the now-revealed lich king who had previously been preparing to strike at the man from behind and to his right, the sword beginning to glow with fire. Having not expected both the volcanic eruption and sudden strike, the Lich King was pushed back after several more heavy-handed strikes that were uncharacteristic of Belmonte’s previous tactics.

The surprise did not last long either, for the Lich King brought down Frostmourne into a bind that allowed him to spin and disarm Belmonte of his greatsword as the cursed sword would’ve bitten into Belmonte’s hands.

With a cruel and victorious laugh, the Lich King raised and brought Frostmourne down upon Belmonte, preparing to cleave him through. Luna gave a terrified gasp as her horn once again began to glow in preparation for saving Belmonte from what would have spelled his death.

The sound of somepony clearing their throat came from beside her as the world suddenly paused for a brief moment, causing her attention to turn and see both Rising and Belmonte with the same amused expressions. Giving a grumble over forgetting she was within a memory and a dream, Luna's grasp over magic lessened and returned to watching the memory resume.

Whatever Luna had thought that dream Belmonte was vulnerable was dashed away as the armored man brought up both the heavily armored parts of his gauntlets into a cross. The metal gauntlets just below the wrists crumpled but held only enough for Belmonte to shove Frostmourne aside before closing in to grapple.

Without his weapon, Belmonte settled for the next best option by bashing one gauntlet against the Lich King’s helmet while wrapping his other arm around the necromancer’s sword-wielding arm, preventing him from using the weapon. Belmonte began trying to move one leg around behind the Lich King, who had begun to stagger backward over the surprising assault of closing the distance and resorting to fist-fighting.

Upon getting his free arm to stop Belmonte from continuing to bash his helmet in, the Lich King was wrestled to the ground with Belmonte straddling on top, one knee pushing down upon the arm-wielding Frostmourne. Now left with a second free arm, Belmonte swatted away the other arm and proceeded to beat down upon the helmet, flashes of light and fire impacting against the Lich King, who was still recovering from the assault.

This lasted as long as three full punches before the Lich King dissipated into snow and shadow, teleporting himself a fair enough distance away from Belmonte, though the impacts alone were still enough to cause a slight stumble.

Belmonte got up quickly, locating both his greatsword and inspecting the damage to his gauntlets from what surely was an impulsive gamble. Seeing parts of jagged metal from one gauntlet, the man proceeded to rip off the straps and toss away the gauntlet, preferring not to risk cutting his wrist.

Roaring in rage at the impudent and still not falling being, the Lich King brought his sword up high, then down into the ice as he casted the one spell that Frostmourne never failed to take down even the most stalwart of mortals.

The memory supplied all that Luna needed to know that underneath the armor, Belmonte was taken by surprise at the massive buildup of frost and shadow. Knowledge whispered to her from the memory of the man that the spell would indeed kill him, if Belmonte did not act quickly.

And quickly did he indeed, as time began to slow. The greater and important details were revealed to the three viewers as the Princess saw flames take hold of Belmonte’s body at a rapid pace as he abandoned any thought of charging in and trying to race against the impossible. Instead of moving forwards, Belmonte went on the back of his heels and bounced away, buying him sufficient time.

Fire and light took hold of his body, disintegrating it into nothing ... Or it would seem to those within the memory would think that Belmonte had erased himself utterly, electing death before servitude as the Lich King had sought. To Luna’s eyes, Belmonte had instead let fire and light consume and erase his physical body, letting the soul escape past the threat of death and into what Luna could only describe as a ‘realm of light and shadow’. In this realm, Belmonte seemed like a bright star, far brighter than any star that Luna had seen before as the Lich King’s spell passed over the arena where the two fought, its target missing and thus the Fury of Frostmourne was denied as the undead looked around in confusion, his helm swiveling this way and that in quick fashion.

Belmonte did not hesitate as he moved. He did not move with his legs nor did he bring forth wings to glide him to the desired spot. No, the bright star that was Belmonte stood still as his soul’s body slid across the surface of the ice and brought him to the very back of the Lich King.

Then a great surge of power, light and fire similar to before came again. Luna gave a yelp of panic as she felt her guilt and memories begin again. A hand found its way to her shoulder and brought her attention to Rising, who gave a returning look of support and comfort, wordlessly telling her that the pain was lesser than what the mare experienced before.

And he was right, as Luna looked back and took account of what was happening. Instead of feeling great flames devouring her, her guilt and memories threatening to drown her, Luna felt instead as if someone else had been bringing up the embarrassing past and the fire was instead a subtle feeling of the wish to not exist in the moment of those pasts being brought up. A feeling that Luna could ignore as she began to push her attention back onto the memory of Belmonte.

Belmonte had raised his sword upwards to prepare a devastating downward slash, the surges of power, light and fire taking formless shapes of wings. Luna called such a sight as formless, as she could not see whether the wings were made of feathers of fire and light or instead were stretched out like leathery skin similar to the Thestrals.

Regardless, the realm of light and shadow that Belmonte had taken shelter in faded, and no sooner did he return to the physical realm did the Lich King realize and react. A great and audible gasp came from the undead as he brought the cursed sword to bear and block the downward strike, already seeing how it was too late to exploit the dedicated attack as it sought to cleave the Lich King from the nape of his neck down to his hip.

Time seemed to slow once more as Luna saw the great wings of fire and light pour out from the tips and into his greatsword, enveloping it with the entrusted shard of power from Belmonte’s Lord and Creator.

Their weapons came into contact as time resumed its normal pace. Streams and lines of magicka, fire, and light splashed from the contacting point of the two swords and arced away. The great lines of energy began carving, slashing and burning into the ice arena around the two combatants. The great throne and its towering spikes of ice was not safe from such a barrage as scorch marks gouged paths, water splashing down and pooling into the small rivers.

Luna could naught but watch in awe at the spectacle. Belmonte was pressing everything he had into his greatsword and upon Frostmourne, while the Lich King struggled to recover enough to bring forth spells that would blindside and win the battle. The undead’s free hand sacrificed to keep the blade up against the strike, prohibiting him from casting. But all he needed was a moment, where Belmonte’s last strike would falter.

Unfortunately for the Lich King, he would not find that moment. Three seconds into the exchange and Belmonte’s greatsword had regained its bright glow once more, focused on the contact point where Frostmourne was meeting the weapon. Then the dreaded cursed weapon of the Lich King shattered.

The blade fractured into thousands of pieces and flew to embed themselves into the ice all over the arena, as Belmonte’s empowered greatsword pressed through, and with Frostmorne’s blade gone there was nothing left to stop its path, and the Lich King’s armor could do even less than the blade had in holding back the sword’s bite, as Belmonte’s power could never be derived from magic. Belmonte achieved his threatening downward strike as the Lich King tried to stumble backwards as great billows of fire and light passed through his now bisected body.

Yet Belmonte was not finished, as no sooner did the blade embed itself into the ice between him and the now finished Lich King, the man lunged. His hands reaching out, one finding its way to the Lich King’s throat while the other grasped the undead’s missing half.

With a great roar, Belmonte poured fire and light into the undead’s body, swiftly consuming the now vulnerable insides almost no differently than how Luna witnessed some carnivorous creatures consume the insides of a crustacean. During such a process, Luna could feel the power of the Lich King being consumed and converted, leaving little doubt to her mind that Belmonte did not seek to just burn the undead to a crisp. No, this was him taking the Lich King’s power and magicka for himself, burning whatever might harm him away and consuming what remained.

The fire and light, having found everything Belmonte sought from the defeated undead swiftly left. Great gouts of power returned to their master as the man let go of the two halves of the undead and allowed them to fall to the ground as his head tilted to look upwards.

Luna turned her gaze from the now victorious Belmonte and towards the same man who was watching with a dispassionate gaze, letting questions form in her mind and believing that either Rising or Belmonte would answer.

With a side look from the human, Belmonte was the first, “Upon victory, I stripped the Lich King’s powers from his soul, some of them I took as my prize. His powers in cryomancy and shadow magic for starters. However ...”

He paused, letting his dream-self demonstrate as a terrible beam of power was released from his body and sent into the skies above. Luna’s attunement to magic made her skin crawl as the unforgotten touch of necromancy, chaos and several unknown powers that she could not identify but still brought chills into her body and soul.

A full minute would pass before the powerful pillar dissipated, and Belmonte began to speak again, “While I had taken the Eye of Acherus’s power for myself, I did not take up the power of necromancy, as it was already an affront to use such abilities as corrupting as that field of magic was. Frostmourne’s power was shattered, and the armor could not be salvaged ... That helm, however.”

The wicked helm still remained upon the Lich King’s head as Belmonte slowly walked towards it, the point of his greatsword twitching, as if eager to plunge into another victim that dared to defy and stand against its wielder and his desires.

A pained, ethereal voice called out towards Belmonte, as if the very effort to call out had brought terrible harm to the owner of such a voice, “Stay your hand, Belmonte of Light!”

Both Luna and the Dream Belmonte turned their attention towards the throne that the Lich King had once occupied, and with a cry of horror from Luna did she see a still living, still breathing and still burning body of the unrecognizable human sitting upon it.

What could only be considered a seared and still burning corpse raised his voice again, his voice in a hushing crust of ash and fire, “Your intent and deed would have been noble to the lives in Azeroth. But it would cause greater damage than you could undo. The curse of the Lich King is cyclical and eternal, and without the Scourge’s master they will become restless and plague the world forevermore.”

“Bolvar Fordragon,” Dream Belmonte nearly muttered as he approached the burning body, “you survived after all ...”

“For worse and perhaps for better, powerful one.” The now identified burning man rasped with something that resembled amusement, “But I must ask you. The world of the living can no longer comfort me, Belmonte. I cannot return even if you were to heal all that has been done. Let me give one last act of service to the world, and place the crown upon my head.”

Though Belmonte’s helmet made it impossible to see his emotions, Luna thought that his response would have been to furrow his eyebrows and give a frown as he ascended to the foot of the throne, the helm of the Lich King in his hand.

“Must this be, Bolvar? What of your old friend, Tirion?” Belmonte asked, a tinge of hesitancy edging his voice, giving well enough implication to Luna that he still thought that destruction of the helmet would be better.

“It must be.” Bolvar insisted, “It hurts that he could not be here, that he still believes that I had died long ago. But it is better if he believed I died fighting than see what has become of me.”

For several moments, Luna wondered if Belmonte would ignore or disregard the intending sacrifice. As his behavior and decisions regarding the Naga seemed enough to think that he would take such decisions into his own hands.

But instead, Belmonte turned and gently crowned the helm over the burning man, the fires within him converting the cursed armor. As Belmonte began to step backwards, ice began to form around the newly crowned Lich King, his voice becoming clearer, harsher and more ethereal, “Tell no one of my fate here, Belmonte of Light. Let me be forgotten, let the world forget the Age of Terror that Arthas Menithil had brought. Tell them only the Lich King is dead, and Bolvar Fordragon died with him.”

Once Bolvar’s body was encased in ice, Belmonte turned away and began to make his journey back towards the united forces of Azeroth. It was easy to tell in Luna’s eyes and thoughts that the man had agreed to those commands as he faded from view.

Princess Luna’s attention turned to both Belmonte and Rising, “While dangerous to consume and take the powers from a fell being as a Lich King, I do not see where your thoughts on hesitating and reluctance towards Equestrian magic lie. What was done here surely was of mythic legends and a great triumph, and despite the secret to hide away the fate of both this Bolvar and him being a replacing Lich King, it does not seem to correlate to your ... godhood to the Nagas, nor the point of this memory.”

Both of the men’s expressions were dour as Rising replied, “As Belmonte has said before, here in this dream he took the time to adapt and gain power from multiple avenues. He didn’t merely take what was needed, but what gave him both powerful and versatile options.”

“I did more than that.” Belmonte rumbled, his face turning away, “Don’t play coy with the Princess on what happened during my tenure here. She doesn’t realize what I became at the end of this dream.”

A slight moment of silence came and went between the three beings before Belmonte turned once more, facing Princess Luna. His expression became a curious sight, having a ghost of a smile on his lips while something lingering edged his voice, “My triumph over the Lich King was certainly a celebrated occasion, I initially wanted to limit my interactions with Azeroth. I gave wisdom to those who came to me, and I gave a direction of where to look when those feeling lost came to me. Some of the guardians and overseers gave their approval over my decision, as I had sufficiently demonstrated myself to Azeroth. Not that I needed the approval of others.”

Belmonte’s expression started to fade into apathy and indifference, “After Deathwing and a few other events that I was drawn into, I realized that my involvement with Azeroth would not be so limited as I and others would have wanted. And so I adapted, and applied more of myself within Azeroth.”

Luna could only watch with a growing sense of fear as Belmonte’s armor began to change. Flame cloaked and licked away the fine armor and fur, revealing blackened armor arrayed in a fashion similar to the scales of dragons. As he spoke, Luna could see within his eyes a growing fire of satisfaction. The eyes that began to give licks of fire as he continued to speak, “With every page of knowledge of magicka gained, I grew in power. The dragonflights held fear of me, knowing that at any moment, I could turn and become another force the likes of which they could not withstand.”

The fire was reaching past his waist, a black and billowing cloak fading into existence and came to rest just shy of his armored shins. A shining bright light began to appear upon one of his fingers, drawing Luna’s gaze for a moment and recognizing the very ring that brought Belmonte to his infamy, “With the death of the Lich King, no longer could Azeroth afford to ignore me. My words could not be smothered by even the most proud Orc or ignorant human nobleman. With every achievement from his death onwards, my presence grew upon Azeroth. My desires guided my hand in introducing weapons into the world. Weapons the likes of which many could only dream of wielding as I became the force of change and evolution.”

His voice grew smug, the lights of his eyes lavishing over his deeds as Luna felt fear creeping like ice down her spine. She begun to step away from Belmonte, “No longer did Azeroth stay stagnant, no longer could they afford to employ the weaker and fallacy of the old tactics. No longer could the Adventurers skirmish or fight off entire armies, as they’ve always done. Not even the forces that held sway over the planet, not even Azeroth herself could contain my presence as it changed the world. Innovation, invention, industry, progress, and advancement came to the minds of mortals.”

The fire had now passed his shoulders, the armor giving Belmonte a human-dragonic appearance. As it finished passing over the man, his helm covering his face and leaving only the glow of fire from his eyes. The helmet covered his mouth and jaw as beautifully swept horns of gray and midnight appeared over the top of it, delivering a beautiful and terrible sight of Belmonte as he towered over the Princess. His voice now a deep rumble of mountain and metal, “By my hands, mages of all aspects delved into the mystical deep. Alchemists, enchanters and blacksmiths found their methods expanding, discovering how they could combine their skills. And as Azeroth grew from their discoveries, so did I. As their powers varied and reached far, mine grew off of them. The many guardians who had been charged in maintaining Azeroth found they could not resist the tides of change I brought about as I walked across the planet. And they were left with an irreversible choice by me: Adapt and walk in the wake of my waves, or be affected by entropy and become respected relics clinging to the past.”

Belmonte’s voice purred, the soft rattle of his breath against the metal as he maintained a gaze over Luna. The mare’s ears were almost flat against her head as she drew closer towards Rising in hopes of shelter from the armored tower, “And I fondly miss it, Princess. Some of my thoughts linger over this dream, idly am I drawn to wondering what next I could have given, how far was I from becoming the highest power. Where none, not even the Old Gods, could stand against me as I led the Golden Age of Golden Ages.”

“A thought that still brings shudders to the rest of us, Belmonte.” Rising’s voice cut through the silence and darkness, bringing the armored titan to a halt as he gave an unknown look towards the man, “And not merely for the fear of what destruction you could wrought or what the aftermath of your defeats would have been, but rather for what our superiors and our Lord would see you for.”

With an unknown wind, the power and fearful presence from Belmonte diminished from the three. Snuffed as quickly as a candle, his blackened and draconic armor turned to ash and dissipated, returning to the far more modest steel breastplate and colored cloth. Belmonte’s shoulders were low as he merely turned his head away from Luna and Rising, his expression nearly unreadable if not for the traces of resignation seen in his eyes.

Rising’s eyes turned towards the Princess as she gave a shaky breath, “Uncontrolled and unrestrained, Belmonte achieved greater powers than even we would’ve allowed. Now do you see why I am hesitant on learning Equestrian magic? We fear both myself and ourselves of growing too far in strength and power, to where we could conquer all life and with no one to stop us. Our hearts and minds growing more certain to listen to our own judgment rather than listen to mortal life and those ‘lesser’ than us.”

The dream-memory began to fade away as the Tower of Eternity took hold over Princess Luna’s vision, both Rising’s and Belmonte’s wish to let her see the Legion’s reluctance now complete.

Luna’s response was muted, as while seeing again the great library within the Tower was still amazing to her, the recent memory dive had left much for the mare to ponder over. And certainly much of her experiences would be shared with her sister over this new perspective revelation.

Her eyes were first drawn to the carpeted floor before the weight of her thoughts and considerations brought Luna to look away towards one part of the Tower’s circular wall. Now knowing that Rising and the Legion were hesitant, reluctant and close to unwilling to partake in Equestrian Magical lessons ... it was hard for the Princess to not fault them ... .

“I ... will need to consult with my sister over this.” Luna finally spoke up, her eyes moving towards Rising, as Belmonte had started to walk away. His expression hidden from her as the mare continued, “As much as I can see why you would not want to wield magic, it’s ... hard to come to fully agree on letting the matter be.” Rising didn’t argue or raise his voice against Luna’s statement.

“With that said, there still may be some lessons regardless, Rising.” If Luna’s ears were sharp enough, a part of her could’ve sworn there was the sound of a slight misstep from Belmonte’s footsteps across the ground floor of the Tower, “Equestrian magic is connected and a part of you and everypony else here. E’en with mine sister’s experiences in Equestria while I was in exile, rarely if ever there was a pony that willfully stopped using magic so completely. There is more to this than I speak of, if only because I cannot recall them fully and there is much I and mine sister need to discuss.”

Silence began to reign over the Tower as Luna couldn’t find what next to say regarding the memories she’d been shown. Neither did it seem that Rising had anything further to add which had not already been said, and such silence would remain between the two before Luna’s head shook slightly and she began to get up.

She locked eyes with Rising before giving a polite and respectful bow to her host, “I thank you gratefully for sharing this dream-like memory, Rising. As well as allowing me into your mind, that I might understand thine trepidations with regards to learning our magics. I think it’s best I return to mine own body, as you’ve given me a great deal to think about.”

Rising only gave a returning and respectful nod.

Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Lifestyles of the Remedials

It was still early in the night when Luna barged into Celestia’s chambers, startling the alabaster mare terribly in her bed.

“Luna!” Princess Celestia nearly yelled in the Canterlot Voice, her anger quite evident after seeing her sister responsible for nearly knocking the doors down, “By our mother’s mane and fire, were you not taught to knock or quietly wake me!? It’ll take me another hour or so to find sleep again! This is a poor prank if that’s why you’re here!!”

Luna’s breath was slightly ragged, as she cantered down the halls to reach the mare, “Apologies, Sister. But, I needed to speak to you, ‘t’is a tale about Rising and his access with magic.”

And what a tale it was for Luna to tell, in more ways than one. Over the course of Luna animatedly retelling her adventure within a ‘Memory-Dream’ as she called it, this was the first time Celestia came to realize that Rising had more to hold against the transformation spell than he had ever let on. Having to learn that Rising and the Legion are reluctant to try anything with magic, and learning that their fears were from becoming both adaptive and inventive with their newfound abilities. Watching Luna’s hoof drawing circles over the bedsheets as she spoke about Belmonte’s reign over the Nagas and his rise to effectively leading the entire world in his dream ... .

It was a small comfort when Luna told of both Rising and Belmonte’s argument, knowing that they were determined to curb their ego rather than obtain higher status. Meaning, unless Celestia and Luna ended up doing something that tilted Rising, they weren’t about to face subterfuge and overthrow, unlike some of the nobles that she had to hobble and deal with a hard hoof over in the past.

But small comforts aside, the issue remained on his reluctance. From the sound of it, Rising was curious and experimentative by nature. If one had to ask her about this, Celestia might have thought Rising was a quieter, more composed version of Twilight with her own inquisitive nature on some subjects.

The two were still apples and oranges by miles, though. And as it stands, Celestia could only nod, “You’re right about what my stance would be, sister ... . As much as you saw and told me why Rising hasn’t been interested in magic, it still remains a part of him now, even if he wasn’t born with it. I only wonder what it would take to help curb this part of him.”

She fell into a shared contemplative silence with Luna for some time, as answers were not forthcoming at that time of night. After a hard yawn from Celestia, she conceded, “I don’t think we’ll find the right answers, Lulu. Not at this hour, I need to sleep.”

“I suppose you’re right, sister. I merely couldn’t wait to tell you of my experiences with Rising’s memories.” Luna gave a reluctant nod before giving a gentle nudge with her head against Celestia’s, “Best of dreams, then. I had best return to mine own duties.”

A soft mumble left the mare’s mouth before turning back to her bed, hearing Luna depart and close the doors as she sought to get comfortable again, though given Luna’s sudden entrance it would be a good while before sleep found her.

Once morning came and Celestia brought the sun around to Equestria’s skies, the three alicorns convened over breakfast, consisting of a rather sugary batch of fruit and pancakes. For the first ten minutes consisted only of the three eating their fill before Luna broke the silence.

After clearing her throat, Luna looked over to Rising, “Both mine sister and I hath spoken over thine memories last night.”

Rising after finishing off his glass of juice, gave a small look towards the midnight-blue mare but did not reply. His eyes slowly turning in color as he waited for her to speak, “As I had said before, e’en with thine reluctance—”

Luna quickly recoiled when Celestia brought an empty cup to nudge her head before resuming, “Even with your hesitation with Equestrian magic, you cannot remain with an aide to lift and use magic for you forever. As such, your magic classes are still to resume.”

A small furrowing of Rising’s eyebrows was his response to her as Celestia picked up the conversation, “I think the only difference is our approach to teach you. Originally, I had thought to hire a tutor to help give you a significant step into harnessing your magic. However with what Luna relayed, a different and far more therapeutic method will be needed.”

With a hoof lightly tapping the table, Celestia continued with her decision, “And I believe the best way to start is with the same mare that’s freshly out of remedial magicka school, as she’s had her own struggles with harnessing her own magic.” She gave a small look over to Rising as she hinted, “You might know her, since you’ve met her.”

His irises wheeled a little faster as Rising spoke up, “You mean Cadance.”

“Yes,” Celestia nodded, “though I’m hoping she wouldn’t be overcome by her own talent at the sight of you. I’ve already sent a missive to her and given her time off of school.”

A small, but audible sigh escaped Rising. His eyes closed briefly before looking back towards the sisters, “Very well. If this is what you wish to do, then we won’t argue further against it. Though, is it truly that necessary that we can’t avoid these lessons?”

Whatever hope that Celestia thought Rising might have been holding onto within his mind when he asked if the magic lessons absolutely couldn’t be avoided, it faded away as she nodded, “It is. Equestrian magic runs deeper within ponies, more than you realize. The physical and mental health of a pony is often tied quite heavily to their magic being in use, even the Earth Ponies' own health is tied to their ability to utilize their magics to manipulate the world around them.”

Celestia tilted her head slightly as she suddenly considered something, “If I recall correctly, fillies and colts are usually unable to use magic, thus they don’t experience the severe problems that come from disuse. You seem to hold a similar state as them, so the need to have these lessons might be even more important to have.”

Rising’s mouth moved a little as one eye narrowed in skeptic confusion, “Irregular or complete disuse of Equestrian magic can result in a pony developing depression?”

Having seen both mares give solemn nods, his apparent confusion and skepticism didn’t fade, “It sounds more akin to psychogenic symptoms more than the lack of using magic.” He gave a few slight shakes of his head and his eyes rolled somewhat as he said, “What you’re saying honestly seems like it flies in the face of centuries of my species’ psychological and biological studies.”

“‘Psychogenic’?” Celestia asked, genuinely curious over this new word and began mulling its pronunciation in her head.

Rising gave another shake of his head, his eyes closing briefly over the need to define the word, “Mental or emotional processes. What I mean is mental or emotional stress causing physical illnesses.”

Normally seeing someone straighten their back at hearing seemingly important information to them would’ve caused Rising to look and ask with regards to such a reaction. But with his eyes turning away as his focus over trying to understand how the use of magic could take mental precedence caused him to not pay attention to both of the Princesses to nearly bolt upright with their eyes widening as their irises shrank in surprise. The implications to them that stress alone could induce illnesses simply seemed unbelievable to them, yet for Celestia’s years ruling alone she had seen hard working ponies fall ill despite no clear cause as to why.

Then came Celestia’s voice, taking Rising’s attention again as she asked in clarification, “Stress is capable of causing ponies illnesses??”

His eyes flicked over towards the two Princesses, his head following along as he didn’t answer immediately, “It’s not limited to ponies, but yes. With enough stress, either chronic or otherwise, a person’s body will respond by lowering their immune system, cause muscles to become sore or tight with spasms, create skin or digestive issues. There’s been some notes of how enough stress can change another’s thoughts and behaviors.”

With that, Rising was able to notice both the Princesses’ reaction. Celestia had already begun to form tears from her eyes as she seemingly came to realize that such a thing was possible. Her eyes flickering downwards before staring at the table as Luna’s own reaction was that of uncomfortable sickness. The Lunar Princess’ mouth gave a slight waver while her ears fell close to her head, lost in some memory and perhaps already in thought that her own rebellion had much of this ‘Psychogenic’ stress affecting her more than her feelings of neglection.

In a small feeling of annoyed sympathy, Rising gave a silent sigh and a small shake of his head before gaining their attention, “Moving away from psychology for the time being, you’ve already figured into both ours and Cadance's schedules for these private lessons? In fact, we’ve not heard or seen much of the mare outside of our first meeting.”

It took a few seconds to pull the Sisters away from their dwellings, but Celestia was the first to speak up, “My niece doesn’t live within the castle, out of both comfort and preference. Living like a royal has never been something that she liked, even when it comes to standing in ceremony. As for the scheduling, I believe we can work it out, especially as you haven’t invested too much into personal time outside of reading.”

“Apart from running your Kingdom,” Rising’s flat voice making Celestia give a silent sigh at the sight of his unamused stare.

“Apart from that, yes. Cadance still attends one of my schools, as she’s still learning how to utilize her own magic. I’m hoping that her lessons can bring you up to speed.” Celestia gave a sly, patronizing look, “I figured it would’ve been a better option for you than attending preschool as she had to.”

His stare quickly hardened, bringing Celestia’s ears a little lower and deflating her teasing fun as he replied evenly, “It wouldn’t even become an option to us in the first place, Princess.” Rising straightened his back out as he continued, “That said, the way you speak about Cadance’s magic it sounds as if she wasn’t born an Alicorn.”

At this, Celestia gave a small smile, “That would be because she wasn’t. She was born a Pegasus.”

With the sight of Rising’s irises coming to a halt at a light brown color and one eyebrow raised, she explained as she noticed out of her peripherals that Luna was returning to breakfast, “Naturally born Alicorns have always been a historically rare event, even Luna and I weren’t born with both wings and horns.”

Rising’s attention was now apparent as he hadn’t blinked during Celestia’s small explanation, and quickly asked her, “How precisely does an Alicorn happen, then? Rapid evolution?”

Celestia’s mouth opened as she was soon to explain the best she could understand the phenomena when a rough sound of a throat clearing resounded from one of the dining hall’s doors, revealing to be Reginald as he gave a rather stern look at the three. For the few seconds of looking intimidated by her own butler, Celestia’s thoughts recollected that their day’s schedule was soon to begin, bringing her to give a gasp and widen her eyes in realization before apologizing, quickly igniting her horn to help aid in eating faster, “We’ll have to answer that another time, we’re almost running late for our day’s work.”

Luna, having already finished her breakfast, stood out of her chair and looked over to Rising, “Thine meeting with our niece is to occur within late afternoon, and Reginald or one of the maids of the castle shall aid in guiding you to thine lessons.”

“Language.” Both Rising and Celestia intoned, despite Celestia’s mouth being slightly full. Their reward for reminding Luna was a scoff of exasperation and her eyes rolling before she left. With her departure, both Rising and Celestia returned to quickly down their breakfasts under the slowly growing impatient eyes of Reginald Glass.


After wolfing down the nearly cold breakfast from their earlier discussion, Rising was once again left to hide away within the alcove above the Sisters. Much like every other time, he idly listened to court proceedings out of sight from the nobles, thinking they’ve at last found a way to one-up the Sisters.

Yet Rising couldn’t help but notice how the day gave a slightly surreal feeling throughout the Day Court. It seemed as if time resolved to move at the right pace for Rising, before leaving him in front of a door where his magic remedial classes would take place. Though as if to make up for his patience, upon opening the door did Rising discover a certain Princess and Captain of the Guard rubbing muzzles with each other.

Despite having a romantic moment, the two clearly weren’t so deep with each other’s presences that they didn’t register Rising’s entrance. Most notably Cadance's instinctive reaction to feeling Rising’s presence upon entering the hall.

As half of Rising’s body finished clearing the door, Cadance’s head started turning towards him, resulting in her muzzle smashing against Shining’s. Regardless of the pain to her face and muzzle, Cadance had taken several steps forwards before finally restraining herself from finishing what her impulsive thoughts wanted her to do.

Cadance, after recovering from both her instinct and the slight pain, was the first to break the silence as Shining was recovering from being suddenly shoved aside. “I-eh. Uhm. So uh, si-since we’re here and my Aunts told you this morning, let’s begin with the basis of magic and how it’s used!”

The explanation started with a demonstration of how magic was accessed. Shining created shields around the hall, while Cadance showcased different spells, like conjuring a table with a full dining set. However, the attempt to bring Rising up to speed about magic quickly turned into a problem.

As it so turned out in some misfortune, magic was an instinctive ability amongst ponies rather than a conscious exertion, much akin to utilizing an obscure muscle that an everyday civilian wouldn’t have thought of using. Though Rising was aware that Cadance was born a Pegasus, she still possessed an innate ability to translate the passive magic from her wings to the unique abilities of her hooves and horn.

Magic, as ponies wielded it ever so casually, from influencing the earth to pushing clouds to cast magic, came from within as an organic and energetic sense.

Earth and Pegasi magic were a passive and constantly used form of energy by their respective races. Both pony races developed an incredibly strong affinity for the elements of the earth and skies, although they lost the knowledge of how the natural inclinations came to be due to both the Windigos and Discord.

But the evidence was quite clear with the connection between ponies, magic, and the elements. The bodies of Earth Ponies were heavyset, sporting incredible strength and endurance. Their bones were thick and made of a harder mineralization makeup. And both magic and the earth elements were naturally influencing their muscles to strengthen, even amongst the Earth Ponies that chose a lazier lifestyle.

In contrast, the body of a Pegasus was more suited to the skies, similar to bats and birds. Their bones are lighter and have more flexible give, granting the ponies greater affinity to speed and distance while losing only some of their equine stamina. While their wings had a hybridized make of between the wings of bats and birds, Pegasi leaned far more towards the avian side of anatomy while Thestrals leaned towards their chiropteran counterparts. Were one to pluck the feathers off of a Pegasus’ wing, they would’ve discovered a thin, muscled and leathery limb containing four digits hiding underneath.

Unicorn magic, in the meantime, was a far more active and far more raw element of energy.

As best as Cadance could come to describe it while Shining was busying himself by levitating the table over to a corner and setting its utensils in arrayed line, “A Unicorn and thus an Alicorn channeled magic from within the body and directed it up towards the horn through concentration and effort. The magic would interlace with the caster’s brain before being expelled and “cast” into the spell. The greater a spell was remembered, the easier it would be for a Unicorn or Alicorn to cast it.”

There were additional and more complicated issues with the varieties of spells, like differences in transfigurations upon objects. And upon asking where precisely the magic was being channeled, neither Cadance or Shining had an acceptable answer other than just “somewhere”.

However and more to the greater of issues, because of Rising not having been born a pony in the first place and thus left with no ground to work with, Cadance didn’t go over the “advanced lessons,” as she called them. So instead, Rising’s first lesson was simple levitation.

And it showed in spades how little to nothing Rising had when the three had to move away from the table. After watching Rising stare at several silverware for a collective three minutes of nothing happening, it quickly dawned on both Cadance and Shining just how little Rising knew in accessing his own magic. Thus, what began as a private lesson on how to levitate objects soon became a lesson on how to light his horn with magic.

Yet even this seemed to be an effort in frustration to the couple. Despite making the attempts ranging from meditation to a makeshift internal seance, the latter of which left Rising staring at them as if the two had grown extra heads before they dropped the suggestion, Rising still struggled to both access magic and light his horn.

Despite their growing and expressed their frustrations, what drove their emotions further was the lack of shared unhappiness by Rising. It wasn’t he couldn’t express any emotions over his lack of results and success, but the simple sight of not seeing a grimace or even hearing a growl from the Alicorn drove their nerves up a wall, as the most the two had seen his frustration was a concentrated stare and audible breathing. Even Cadance’s patience began running out as she nearly ignited her horn and considered throwing the teacup to shatter against the wall as she kept herself from yelling.

“I don’t understand! We’ve been practicing and studying everything we were taught for twelve years!” Cadance fumed, as Shining had to pull her away from Rising and his given table and teacup. She continued, nearly going hysterical as her memories begun reminding her, “Several years in foal elementary, Shining! How are we not getting anything done?!”

Shining didn’t have an answer as he rubbed his side against his marefriend. It was obvious Rising didn’t know how to use magic or even access it was the answer; but it still confounded him how, even as an Alicorn, which was the greatest connection to Equestrian Magic out of all the ponies, that the stallion couldn’t even emit a spark of magic out of his horn.

Electing to take a break from the consistently failing attempts, Rising turned away from the table. Seeing a comfortable spot nearby on a carpet, the human-turned-stallion trotted over to lie down and rest a few meters away from the table. As Rising watched Cadance bring herself down from her stress and anger, he spoke up, “We can’t resolve this within a single day. As fortune stands, we’re not under pressure for anything related to magic, so getting worked up over the first day won’t help anyone.”

Cadance was very quick to turn and glare at Rising, her temper already rising back up as he continued, “Despite how we’re an Alicorn, the fact remains that we still have come from a race that has never possessed magical abilities in anything similar to what Equestria has. Princess Luna herself is still taking time to learn to understand your modern language, and it’s been weeks since her return from exile.” He gave a slight shake of his head, “It’s just going to take some time for us. Trying to resolve our lack of magic in a single day would’ve been a miracle.”

As much as it didn’t calm the mare down, Cadance preferred to fume in silence with Shining by her side for what remained of their allotted time, bringing an end to Rising’s first day of magical lessons. Seeing that words wouldn’t do enough to help calm the mare, Shining elected, “I think it’s best we go and find some lunch.”

Cadance didn’t bring any resistance towards the suggestion as she wordlessly followed both her coltfriend and the source of her frustrations, her thoughts still furious over their lack of results.

By no means was she as intelligent in magic and science as Twilight was, young and being foalsat by the Alicorn, but most of the lessons from her twelve years of education still somewhat stuck to her and they were the reason that drove her mad. None of this made sense, even when she had her issues over using Unicorn magic, nor the issues ever came from refugee Griffons or Abyssinains that arrived in Equestria because of exile, accused of treason or otherwise.

So why and what was responsible for preventing Rising from the simplest task of lighting his horn? “Caddy?” Shining’s voice started pestering one of her ears, making her give an angry grunt before turning her gaze away from the nearby Rising walking down the halls beside the mare and to her coltfriend. After giving a slight nudge to her side, Shining said, “Breathe, Caddy.”

Not that Cadance wanted to, rather she’d love to just fume and yell. But given another nudge and look from Shining, the mare slowed her stomping hooves to breathe deeply a few times. As she brought herself down, Shining’s own thoughts weren’t that far off. He hadn’t forgotten about Rising’s lack of origins in Equestria, but even then it was puzzling over the Alicorn’s lack of innate abilities.

Arriving back at the dining hall and finding their preferred seats, with Shining and Cadance taking a spot that faced towards the windows and allowed them to see the outside world, the three wordlessly agreed on sitting in silence to soothe Cadance’s thoughts for the time being.

However, as Shining turned away from Cadance to get the pensive Alicorn’s attention, he had a particular thought, “Rising, you have remained the calmest out of the three of us, and you haven’t even shown any frustration about all of this.” Were you a monk at some point before coming here?”

Rising gave a small smile in response as he began, “While some of us have been monks, that wasn’t the actual reason.” He gave a sly look and pointed with a hoof towards Cadance as some of her anger had cooled off enough to look over and listen, “And it might end up something that Cadance might experience at some point. In fact, we’re probably certain that the Princesses had gone through this.”

He brought the hoof down, “As much as we’ve experienced with being long-lived, there’s a certain point where you simply ... Stop getting as angry as you’d usually be with some sort of mystery, trouble or some issue that you couldn’t solve on the spot. Instead of getting angry, you become...” Rising’s head moved a bit as he didn’t seem to have the right word, his expression changing from confused to being slightly lost, “Focused? Invested... Excited?”

“Obsessed?” Shining offered, having plenty of memories of knowing how his younger sister would get with books.

Rising mulled over it before shaking his head, “No. Obsessed would’ve meant we wouldn’t leave the room or pay much attention to anything else around us... a lesser definition of it, maybe.” He shook his head before continuing, “Either way, we tend to love challenges and mysteries and solving them. It’s like candy to us and we prefer savoring over it rather than crunching it, and it’s addictive once you start. Which is a part of why we’ve been hesitant with learning magic in the first place. The other is what we’ve shared with the Princesses.”

His explanation was soon cut short as the mare maids began to arrive with a swath of food on plates, moving with practiced ease in placing them down around the dining table before giving a polite bow to the three and leaving. With a variable amount of food ranging from braised vegetables, stuffed loaves, to sweet fruit salads arrayed before them, there wasn’t much further discussion as both Shining and Cadance were quick to start grabbing what they could while Rising was a little slower in selecting with some help with one Unicorn maid.