• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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206. Bed.

Because of course the Random Omnipotent Being, or ROB for short, would transport me - clad in my pyjamas - right into the bed of Princess Luna whilst she was asleep; that's how these things start, don't they? And of course, you'd expect the whole song and dance. Luna immediately detecting me there, then screaming for the Guards, her sister busts down the door, and... yeah. Only... it didn't happen that way. Instead... Princess Luna just sleepily wrapped all four hooves around my human body as I snuggled a little deeper into the bed, then she slowly pulled me towards her until my back rested against her barrel and she could 'rest' her head atop mine, spooning me.

"Mmmmmm..." the Princess 'mmmmm-ed' sleepily, then inhaled my scent. Then, she murmured, "... not doing this..."

"Mmmmmmmmm..." I 'mmmm-ed', buried in warm, musty comfort, revelling in the feeling of her wing sloppily draped over me. Then, I replied, "Nuh. Good. I'm-a sleep..."

And that was that. Luna and I slept on through the day - perhaps the best sleep we'd both ever had in our lives - then when Celestia came to wake her sister, the Night Princess cracked open one gritty, bleary eye and growled "What?!"

"Are you aware, dear Sister, that there is a human with you in your bed?" Celestia asked, delicately.

Barely-awake-Luna-whom-had-not-had-coffee replied, "Yuh. Soft. Warm. Comfy."

"And are you aware," Celestia continued, speaking to barely-awake-me-whom-was-cuddled-with-Best-Princess, "that you are sleeping with my Sister?"

"Mhm," I answered. "Pretty. Friend. Best Princess," because she was. "Dun' call th' Guards..."

"Why not?" Celestia asked.

"Because," Luna replied, more awake now, "this has happened before, and it will happen again." Zombie-whom-had-not-had-coffee Luna awakened fully and I rose and shambled after her in eerie synchronization as she made her way over to the ponnequin holding her regalia. Whilst I helped her put it on (something I'd done many times before) and as she helped me into a set of custom clothing suitable for the palace (something she had done many times before) the Night Princess continued, "We are both displaced."

At this, Celestia's eyes widened. "Then... then where is 'my' Luna?!" she asked after quick cast of a lie detection spell.

Luna and I turned to face each other, looked at each other for a moment, sadly. Then, as we turned back to face Celestia, I answered. "I don't know."

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