• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 753 Views, 6 Comments

Fallout NLR - d716

In the Valley of Dreams, On the long road...

  • ...

I got spurs that giggle jangle.

This is your great and only Friend again Trixabatha With Chocolate Chip Radio News! With me as Always is your other best and only friend Twinight!
Why thank you, and I must say you are looking more wonderful than normal, thirdly percent more in fact.
You know so let’s see what those dumb dumbs normal ponies are doing. It would seem a number of large ponies wend trotting around at night near Hidden Ranch. Normal ponies being less great and powerful than your best and only friend, me, Trixabatha haven’t been able to make them out well, because they’re too weak and lame.
Like Marcus, more like baldcus.
HA HA HA Of yes, he didn’t have a mane, I have a glorious mane that is far better than his non-mane, ISN’T THAT RIGHT PARIDISE!!!

I, um, i-I jus-t work here, boss.
It sure is my best and only friend!
… Sure-e thin-ng boss.
*broadcast cuts*

Fallout NLR – I got spurs that giggle jangle.

Snow, snow never changes. The way it falls ever so gently forms the sky. All around me is large triangle like trees; I think they were called Fine trees, odd but fitting. In the distant is the city of S-Ta-Grad its long buildings tower the land scale, each were colored like that of a candy cane, twisting downward, many may be in ruins but the ponies and griffons who call it home are a stubborn herd.
“Wow, so this is what snow is like.” A voice said behind me. “Didn’t think it would be so cold.”
“Well you should have worn a coat like I told you, Blue.” I replied back.
Buzz Blue sat down right beside me. He insisted he didn’t need to wear anything, something about whatever Sun-Tia, and Night-Lu gave you is good enough.
“No, I’m fine.” Blue lied “It’s really pretty.”
“Yeah, ever thought about bring your family blue.”
“Haven’t thought of it, Humming Magenta might enjoy all the Griffons, she always like birds, Snap Green has been really into other areas latterly. Melody Gold is kinda woredy he might abandon the tribe but she’s his Dam that’s normal. Don’t know about Song Purple, or Breeze Red. But then again that’s never going to happen now...”
“Why… not…?”
“Oh I think you know why Cherry.” Blue said as wounds open staining the snow red. “Always though name was funny, but now it fits; always so pure, so white, no matter how much blood, how much red, stains you…”
My eyes snapped open; it was a dream, just a dream. I try to go back to sleep but to no avail and so I just sat in bed waiting for daylight.
After an hour I got boarded wanting and headed downstairs. Getting up I went to my saddle bag reaching into and pulling the bottom of Toughie, and swallow it with a glass of water before heading downstairs.
To my surprise I found the casino crowed with over a hundred of ponies, even a few other races, its still nowhere near the level of a Haygas casino but it wasn’t the odd dozen I saw a few hours ago. Thankfully it wasn’t too large a crowed to navigate, after passing a herd of cows I was finally able to fine the casinos bar. It was rather empty which is a good thing I supposed being, sometime in the morning. Sitting on a stood I was approached the bar tender, I didn’t notice at first but the bar tender was a big horn. She like every other Big Horns was massive; three times the weight of a pony and that’s not counting her massive horse each as long and think as a ponies leg. It was a miracle she was able to behind the narrow bar path.
“Welcome the 90k Bon bar ma’am our breakfast specials are the valley omelet or the courier oatmeal”
“Thanks, to be honest I didn’t expect this place to be so crowed, Slot said an odd dozen guest a big deal.”
The big horn just chucked a bit “These aren’t guest hum, these are townsfolk, we might not look like much but our little town has a population of 1069.”
“What? But wend I came here last night there was not even a tenth of that!”
“If I remember correctly you weren’t in the other main building, were I was, also a good half at number are courier who are often out of town.
“Oh, I’ll have the oatmeal.”
“ A well choose ma’am.”
The oatmeal, was interesting, never thought of using straight booze instead of water.
“Well hey there friend!” Yelled a voice form behind me before sitting on the stroll next to me, her coat was silver grey and had a golden brown mane couldn’t see her cutie mark due to the earth pony’s raincoat. I didn’t pay any much attention to her and just went back eating breakfast.
She however went on “I should introduce myself, I’m well now sheriff Bronze Star…”
“What happen to the last one?” I asked half hardly while still eating.
“Oh, well he wasn’t much a drinker…”
“So what they got a good 400 ponies drunk?”
“Not the best moment our town had I admit, especially for the old man... anyway I guess I’m here to thank you for helping out Speed last night.”
“Why is a lawmare care about a tahki.”
“We all have our closet skeletons.”
“What does that mean?”
“Not sure but it was something Chief always say whenever I ask him something like that. Heh going to miss him…”
“so does all this have a point?”
“umm” Bronze Star started to scratched her head “I forgot…”
“That’s nice. Well been fun talking to you.”
“oh um Speed’s still up in your room?”
With that I left the bar. If I remembered what Slot had said I probably should go talk to Speed’s manager.
Surprisingly outside the casino was more in part to what the town was last nice, only a few ponies trotted along the sidewalks even wend I can still the stains of blood on ground. Amazing how fast these ponies recovered for their town being almost destroyed only a few hours ago. Then again my hometown The Hub suffered worst.
The Valley Express remained mostly untouched saves for the ponies at the desk. I presented to walk to the nearest pony working.
“Umm excuses me” I asked.
The pony continued to work at her desk for quite some time before stopping what she was doing and finally reply.
“My I help you?” she relied.
“Yeah may I talk to the pony in changed?”
The mare once again took her sweet time answering my question. “Hey Diz she’s here…”
Out from nowhere a grey coat Pegasus mare, her pale yellow mane silvered with age. Her right eye bared an eye patch.
“Yeah what is it?! “ The Pegasus yelled out.
I was begging to think there was another 31 type stable somewhere in the valley.
“The ranger you wanted to see is here Diz” the pony replied.
“Hmm oh yeah. That…”
Within seconds the elder Pegasus was far too close to confirmed.
“Greetings! I’m Diz Edo, head of the Dream Express! Welcome The Ranger!”
“Umm its Cherry Snow actually.”
“That’s a nice name Ranger.” Diz replied as if my job was my name. Turning to the mare at the desk “Umm is she always like this?”
“Yes” she relied.
“Oh… so umm.”
“Its about Speed being your companion, its fine, tell her, might even help her character grow, clear up some baggage if you will. Probably for you too.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked
“Well characters like you and her, you know like the Stable Dweller, Chosen One, that New Reino movie a while back about what’s her name, Big Pip, wait no that’s the porno anyway they tend to play well off each other.”
“Good” Diz replied clapping her hooves “So anyway other questions?”
“Yeah so did you…”
“Found the Dream Express? Kinda it was an old world business me and a few restarted 20 years ago, once I saw how poorly connected the many tribes in the region where, after all a key reason why the republic was founded was commutation between the five cities, who needed what, which routs were safe that kinda thing.”
“Yeah but weren’t you worried about, you know raiders, or Legion?”
“Oh that’s just you because of your ranger thinking. The Legion wasn’t around yet and by that time most of the raider gangs were either gone thanks to NLR or House or too big to care about one pony or what they had on them. Well minus the Vipers but they aren’t after stuff like that.”
“ah huh, so how did you…”
“A cazadore stung me in the eye.” Diz reply with a smile.
“That explains a lot… well bye”
Awkwardly I walked out of here.
Well it was time to finally get going, heading back to my room in order to get my things I left behind. As I headed out I saw a familiar floating sphere and red Pegasus. Gum-e holding my saddle bag and gear with his magic, which is a good thing I guess saving me the trouble of backtracking.
“Where the hay have you been?!”
“Its called waking up before noon, ever here of it?”
“I have heard of the theory.” Relied Gum-e
“Nopony asked you!” Speed yelled at Gum-e, I don’t thing
Gum-e’s body tilted down warded.
“Anyway” I said “ I went to see your boss Speed.”
“Why!?” Speed busted
“Because I wanted to tell her you’ll be traveling with me, but she seem to already know that, somehow and something about character ‘growth’."
“Oh so normal, great…”
“Do you need any?”
“You sure, I could have swore…”
“Fine, fine I’ll drop it. Really to get going?”
“Fine whatever, were too.”
“Well first we need to stop by the near by NLR Outpost…”
“Wait why?!” Speed yelled back
“Because I need to report in of course, you know what happen, like me getting shot, in the head.”
“Buck that, it’s only going to delay us for ta-“
“Well there are other reasons…” I admitted.
“Like what.”
“The earth ponies vital signs suggest she has a mating mate in that location.” Replied gum-e, thankfully Speed couldn’t understand what he was saying not did that didn’t matter as the tone he used was enough to clue her in.
“oooh” Speed remarked with a smirk. “A little in barrack horse dance?”
Trying my hardest to not die form blushing I relied “what no, I mean, well he’s just…”
“Wait he?” Speed interrupted
“Yeah that’s normally what a coltfriend is… why is that shocking?”
“Well nothing really but I guess it would make sense that you’d knocked yourself up to get out of the army or whatever. ...”
“Can’t we just go already?!”
“fine…” Speed
And so the three of us headed out.

Level up!
Perked Gained!
Stud finder!:

In a cave hidden away, a lone pony stood in the darkness, unmoved in the total silent, pure darkness. The whispers of the true god echo into his mind. The sounds of hoofs on the cave floor broke the purity of the silent, it better be important though the stallion.
The noised enter the sanctuary, a mare clan in red robes. The mare bowed before her master before speaking.
“My master, prey approaches, two and a machine, both bear the marks of the heretic members of the home stable.”
The stallion nodded and prepared, his mind and body must be really for what much be done. The World Snake only demands the best of prey and his children, his Vipers will delivered.
Notes: I know more delayes, no real reason other than for a while I kinda gave up on the story, but I’m going to still try and stuff.

On the bright side I did start a new Tumblr :D

Comments ( 2 )


i never added my story to that group


well what done is done

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