• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 752 Views, 6 Comments

Fallout NLR - d716

In the Valley of Dreams, On the long road...

  • ...

Dusty Road

Good Moring New Haygas! Did you have wonderful dreams? I did dreaming about you. ..

On today's morning news, attacks form the gang knows as the Droogs increased around the west Haygas area. While deaths have been minimum, many victims have been badly injured or crippled.

NLR Apple Barons and Haygas Casino Families have come to an agreement over the prices of Golden apples, residents of outer Haygas may soon be eligible to partake in the luxury food.

Following Last Night's report about an escape NLR chain gang, NLR officials have reported the majority have been captured.

Promotions been brought to you by The N3 Studio, which is hosting their annual Octopony's Garden, offering drinks half off all week, so if you're in Free Mellows come on over to have a groovy time.

This is Mr. New Haygas telling you, I love you, each and every one of you wonderful ponies.

Fallout NLR: Dusty Road

Quite, everything was so quite. It was as if nothing around me, but Blue's corpse lying on the ground loosing what little blood was left. He looked peaceful at least that's good I guess. I really should do something for him; he was still my friend the last hour, what was his tribes proper burial rites. Moon damned you'll think I would know something like that, of all the things we use to talk about. I just killed my friend…

It was then I heard a faint humming sound behind me.

"GUM-e? Is that you?" I asked

"No, it's a dragon, rawr." GUM-e replied

"Very funny, what happen anyway did they fly off, I didn't see any bodies fall."

GUM-e didn't say anything, he didn't need to, I knew what happen. Sometimes a light beam weapons causes a ponies magic field to overload turning her into ash. I've heard it's supposed to be painless but the way they scream…

"Oh, yeah… well… I… I'm gladded you're alright."

"Yes sure… I supposed I should say the same to you, would hate to have my new favorite meat shield broken so soon."

"… walk, right into that, one…"

GUM-e tilled himself like a pony would her head "Hmm normally one would get angry, it is like you have something on your 'mind'."

"Umm well… "

Before I could reply I heard a faint wet cough, looking at the source I saw the unicorn was still conscious, just laying there, in her state even breathing must be an achievement by this point.

Well guess I have to do something about that.

Raising back to my hooves I began to limp towards the unicorn, hmm speaking of achievements, the fact I could walk by this point was one. But then again a few days ago I was shot in the head so still being able to walk after being beaten 3/4s to death isn't that big a deal. By this point the unicorn became aware of me approaching, fearing the worst she tried to get away, try of course with the broken chest all she was able to do was flop around and crawl, begging for her life, how sorry she was for her crimes, if was really quite sad.

Sitting down beside her "hey there, claim down new you'll only hurt yourself more."

The unicorn paused in shock, she must have thought I would use my hooves to snap her neck not pet her comfortably. In a matter of monuments the unicorn was relaxed enough for me to explaine her rib cage.

"Gum-E can you in any way get some more light?"

"I supposed" he replied as his 'eyes' light up, allowing me to get the first good look at the unicorn. Her mane was a dark red going well with her orange coat. Her cutie mark was a pair of scissors guessing she must have been a mane stylist.

First and foremost I remove her Light beam rifle, better safe than sorry, with a pull of a level on the gun harness and the whole thing comes off.

Reaching into my saddle bag I pulled out another stimpak and the medical kit I bought form Hooves. Upon further expression her it look like most of her ribs had multiple fractures, still she might have some internal bleeding but nothing a shot of stim can't fix. Carefully I stood the unicorn upright I began to warp her chest with the bandages.

"So, Frizzy what it?" I said making some small talk.

"Yes… Frizzy Leafs, th-thanks for not killing me, after all what we…"

"No problem" I reply patting Frizzy on her shoulder. "Can you lift your fort leg up? I need to imply a stimpack and it works better at the area of the wound." Giving Frizzy a warm reassuring smile before .

"Sure…" Frizzy obeying "You're not afraid I'll just break your neck?"

"Do, and my robot will ash you." While keeping the same smile.

Frizzy for the first time notice GUM-e floating a few feet away from her. GUM-e making a few bleeps and tilting back and forth as if he was waving. Her ears started be lower in shock and then jumped a bit that the pain of my jamming a stimpak in her broken ribs.

"Watch that!" she yelled.

"Oh pipe down you big foal."

"Again, thanks but what about the ones you didn't…"

"What them, they just have concussion that never hurt no pony!"

"And the one you, shot, down there…"

Peering over I saw the shadowy figure lying on the ground a dozen or so feet away. The mare was still conscious but … it looked really painful…

Reaching into my I bit down on another stimpak and threw it at the general area of the pony. I'm sure that will all work out.

Then I relized I should asked Frizzy something.

"Hey Frizzy, what's her name and the others."

"Uh? Oh… Well that's Oxy, the stallion's is Tumble Weed, I really don't know the others well enough, why you ask."

"Nothing I was just wondering… "

"What? That you killed my friends? Look Ranger, I really don't want to have anything that connected me with this time in my life. Especially the past few days, like following that crazy tribal."

"Then why did you?"

"He ripped a Stratadon's throat out with his teeth!"

"Danm, it's a shame you should have meet back wend he was really him, you would have liked him."

"I doubt that" Frizzy said adjusting the bandages wrapped around her chest.

"No I mean it, sometime he was more like a school colt, always asking questions eager to learn, wend our unit wend to the then newly reopen Haygas Movies, by the way never take a ghoul to see a movie about the great war even if it was a comedy, heh, he kept wondering what was half the things the General was talking about."

It was then a notice the sound of hooves galloping, looking on I said a squad of NLR Troops moving in.

"What took you so long." I asked

"Oh like you really needed help." Replied Forest "Lieutenant Hayfield just came, he wants a debriefing."

"Sure, say what you are planning…"

"What kill them, please" Forest shaking her "that's just a waste of marepower."

Leaving the squad behind with GUM-e floating behind me we headed by to the camp outside the town. As we came up I said the outlines of a number of ponies and a carriage. As there figures became clear, I wasn't too surprised that the group were all Pegasus. In the center was a golden yellow stallion, based on the insignia on his armor I assume it must be Hayfield. Looking on over the carriage I saw the three escapees I took down over at Dapp'.

"Ranger" Hayfield greeter.

"Lt. Hayfield, I just finished your job for you."

Hayfield chucked "So I've been told, any casualties?"

"I'm not sure about the town ponies, but I had to kill two and my robot additional two."

"What you do mean I'm your robot, if any you're my pony, like a pet." GUM-e budded in.

"What did it say?" Hayfield asked

"That reminds me, I need to get you a collar." GUM-e went on

"Oh you know stuff, robot stuff" I covered

"We'll play fetch in the morning" GUM-e toward me "then I brush your mane, I know how you mares love that smooze."

"ANYWAY" I said annoying GUM-e bizarre ramblings "About four, oh and watch out I'm pretty sure parts of the town are rigged with the explosions the escapees had with them."

"Thanks for the heads up I'll make sure my ponies are informed" With that Hayfield made a gestured with his head signaling the other Pegasus to fly towards the town. "Also thanks for keeping the death toll to a minimum, I know how most would rather just kill them and call it a day but those ponies are still republic citizens."

There was a small pause because Hayfield continued like as if he was having troubling coming up with what to say. "Say how familiar are you with other rangers' station in the valley?"

Will that I knew what he was going at "You mean their leader? Yeah he was one of us."

"Dweller save us… this isn't going to be good."

"Don't blame Blue, it wasn't his fault he was on some chem."

"Oh yeah that's good news, not only do we have a rogue Ranger but one high out his flank like some Droog."

"I'm not happy either he was a good, friend, and I don't want his name smeared in the mud, but something doesn't feel right, the Blue I know wasn't some crazed junkie."

"Are you sure about this?"


"Good, I'll keep it covered, say he died trying to bring them bad into custody, you look into it, for all we know it's probably connected with the ponies who shot you, yeah I know about that, the ponies in Dapp' talk, a lot."

'You really think so" I said rubbing the scars with my hoof.

"This reeks of Legion so much it might as well start galloping around mispronouncing Cesarina. First they start picking off Rangers them they drugged others to attack towns that support us, and now we lost contact with one of our bases, and real soon they're going to see find out that you rangers aren't the only ones who can hand them their flanks on a silver platter."

"You sound either to fight them."

"My brother was taken by them…" Hayfield answer lowering his head. "He was found in one of their…'factories'…"

With that my ears dropped my mouth hanged open a little. "Oh Luna… I'm sorry, is he alright?"

"He's, better, at least, all he wanted to do was help the farms you know push some clouds, the legion found him, broke his wings and, and used him..."

Hayfield looked like he was about really to break down in tears. We all had lost somepony in that war, one way or the other. It must be even harder for a Pegasus form 31, they're not big fans on being enslave. Ever since there Stable was attacked by the mad cult UNITY and forced into an isolated village so they can have a steady supply of ponies in their creation of The Master's Super Alicorn army. Eventually however a pony form a nearby Stable stumbled into the village and saved them, even helped them make the cloud city. Funny thing the rumor was he was just trying to mind the means to repair his Stables water system.

Without thinking I approached the stallion and gave him a hug. After a few seconds he return the gestured. Mother often said at sometimes all a pony really needs is a hug.

Of course GUM-e just had to ruin the moment.

"Yes, that's it, now move your hoof lower down his flank…"

Glad Hayfield couldn't understand the ball of junk.

We moved apart just in time for the troopers to come back from the town with the prisoners in tow. As the approached I noticed they had an extra.

"Hey Lieutenant!" one of the troopers yelled out "Look at what we found!" with that he shoved the pony into a nearby light. Bring Speed Run with bound wings and legs to vision.

"Watch it you gelding smooze eater!" The green Pegasus lashed out.

"What in Celestia's name are you doing?" Yelled Hayfeild "Is that a Takhi?"

"Yeah, in full colors no less, just sitting around with the rest of the town folk, took a while to find a way to grab her without upsetting them. Ponies these day can't spot a raider when wend they see one." The trooper replied shaking her head.

"IF You NLR brainless mother mounters are to kill me then quite yah talking and do it!" Speed butted in.

"Temping" Hayfield replied "So Ranger you want to?"

"Actually I was hoping to recruit her, Takhi then to be more cooperative wend you have one on your side."

"Like Hell!" Speed answer.

"Where's the Dweller wend you need him…" Hayfield said starting to get a headache based on the fact that he was rubbing his head.

"Yeah, I bet you need him, having a craving for his hard meat- ack!" Speed rant was cut short but Hayfield firing his Light-Beam into her leg.

"You patch her up." Hayfield turned to me as he started to leave "May the Princesses help you, you're going to need it." He patted me on the shoulder as he went off.

Within a short time the NLR forces left leaving just me GUM-e and Speed still rolling on the floor.

"So, Speed need any help, maybe some medical aid?"

"No! I am a Takhi we're made out of far tougher stuff than you little pansy Fetlock shaggier." Speed replied trying to get up, only succeeding in rolling around the ground. "Ok maybe a little got a key for this?"

"They didn't give me one, how about that, hold still for a second."

Sitting down next to Speed I examined the locks on her chains, I should be able pick it, although it might take longer than the 30 second charge my helmet's arty-horn can hold something. Guess I need to take out the Earth Ponies' secret weapon.

Reaching into my saddle bag I pulled out a bobby pin and a roll of duct tape. Ripping off a piece off and attached it onto my hoof inserting part of the bobby pin before breaking off the other half with my teeth. Satisfied with my work I inserted the bobby pin into the lock and began working on the lock. Slowly I listen to the ticks and working form there until the lock popped open. With the chains open Speed shook them off and jumped up on her hooves in a Split second. Speed took a few minutes to stretch out her wings, flapping them up and down.

"Ah, those things were horrible on my girls, I think they got rust on them."

"Oh no whatever shall you do."

"Yeah I know, a Haygas spa cost a month's pay! Anyway we should head out if we're gon-"

"No" I interrupted "We're staying the rest of the night here."


"Well for one, its been a long day. And two I'm not sleeping outdoors."

"Yeah again, why?"

"Because weird things happen wend I do."

"You're making that up"

"No, I'm not."

"Yeah whatever, I need to get pack anyway I'll meet you back."

"Hey Gum-e go help her out."

The metal sphere just turned to me before floating to Speed's side as the two headed out to, the hotel while I headed towards the casino. Most of the ponies were gone, most likely wend home and there was still a few NLR troops combing the area looking for any of Blue's explosives. Bucky was standing

"Well welcome back little filly! Glad to see yah back so soon!" Bucky greeted

"I was outside for a few hours." I reply

"Well that's a few hours so many"

"Yeah where's Slott?"

Like hitting a queue the stallion popped right behind me grinning like a school colt. "Hey there! You're back! Do you need a room to stay in? Oh my your coat is a mess I can get that clean for you…"

Before he could say anything else I jammed my hoof into his mouth "I just need a room for the night." Removing it so he could reply.

"Oh sure, we have the princess suite available."

"Ok I'll take that."

"Great" Slot replied holding up his hoof.

There was a much awarded pause.

"Wait, you want me to pay for it?" I finally replied.

"That kinda how it works."

"But I saved the whole town form criminals!"

"I give you a discount."

I attempted to hate Slot to death while he just gave me a big dumb smile. But in the end he won out and I paid the 500 chips for the room.

"Thanks for your patronage, Bucky will show you to your room, anything else?" Slot replied as I handed him the chips I will get back once I break the bank.

"Yeah, Speed Run is going to come with me…"

"Oh so that's what those ponies ask her to step outside."

"Sure that's it."

"Well just be careful will her."

"I know how to watch my back." Said the mare that got blindsided and shot in the head.

"That's not what I…" Slot tried to reply but stop.

"umm yes?"

"You should really get some rest" Slot replayed before turning the casino's robot "Bucky take her to her room now."

"Sure thing Slotty!" The Hutectron began to move towards me its claws opening wide.

"Hey! Get away from me you walking tin can!" but the machine just kept coming. I drew my revolver and tried to fire it but, nothing, I forgot to reload it. "Smooze"

"Right this way, missy!" Bucky yelled out its arms warped around me "on your left are designs Lyra worked on. And here is a picture of Bon Bon working on the food that really pull this place on the map, you should try her Carrot Alfaro, it's the bon! Ha ha ha! Bon Bon programmed that one in, just like the hundreds of others. "

"That's great…"

"Wonderful! Here's on you'll love…"

I want to be shot in the head again.

After what felt like a thousand years in the land of bad puns, Bucky finally dropped me in front of a door.

"Here yah are, if you need anything don't be shy to give your old friend buck a holla" Bucky said before leaving.

Walking into the room I gave the room a quick scan. The design was completely different form the rest of the casino, rather than the faux western look and earth tones, the room had an old world charm to it. The wallpaper while faint form years of grin still had its spring colors. On the side table was a glass cast with a book and a lyre within it. Right under it, was a picture of a young filly unicorn, her colors were faded until it almost look black and white. She must have been theirs.

Reaching into my jacket I grabbed a hold of a saddle bucket and unhooked it, allowing me to removing the outer layers of my armor, letting my jacket and bags hit the floor. After slipping out of my plate armor, I should run an inventory check, maybe after a bath; hmm I wonder a town this small still would have running water well one way to find out.

Again I saw a mare in a mirror, again I hardly recognized her. Her face was cut and brushed a gash across her muzzle one of her eyes blackened. Her mane covered most of it but if you looked closely her there was streams of dark red leading up to her ear. Sweet Luna no wonder Slot though I needed to get some rest. I should have a concussion or worst, yet I feel fine other than being a bit ditzy for a while. Maybe it just looks bad, Hooves didn't think I had any problems but then again he's mostly use to patching up holes in ponies. A Flower might know, The Race Yard academy trains their Doctors in almost everything. I heard even in cybernetics, hmm I wonder…

Wait I need to focus, shower yeah that's it.

Moving over to the shower, I turned the faucet and waited, soon enough water began to flow, not by much, and the hot water didn't work. But hey it was clean and got the job done.

After shaken off, I stepped out and head towards the desk a cross from the bed grabbing my staddle bag along the way. Empting out the contents onto the desk and began writing down on the back of the map.

Box of .375 cal X36 rounds

Tin of bb, 94 pellets

1 jar of to Toughie, half full

1 pact of Ment-tacts, 12 remanding

4x shots morphine

6 stimpaks

Bag of fried cookies,4

1 grilled oat steak

1 of each gin, vodka, and whisky

3 bottles of water (clean)

432 chips

2000 New Bits

Well with that done, I began repacking, only to stop wend I notice the computer sitting, odd how I didn't see it. Looks like it still works, turning it on the computer asked for a password. But before I could begin to type I realized what type of layout the keyboard, they were too small for my hooves to type on. Great a 'pencil' computer grabbing the pencil in my mouth I began, to slowly type out the command lines.

Moon cursed racist computers…

After a few dozen tries, mostly consisting of guessing and restarting the computer before it locks out. I finally got it right, 'HmnsrRl'. Most of the files seem to be things any old world computers then to have, what caught my attention was the messages. These are always interesting seeing history through the eyes of ponies that were there.

Message: October 12, '73

Form Las Haygas to Ponyville

Hey Sweetie, its Lyra I just got here, the place is amazing full of lights and so many technological wonders, there's even designs for a machine that doesn't use magic! Can you believe that? Can't really talk, still need to give Bucky a few more touch ups. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for your support.

With Love, Lyra

Message: October 13, '73

Form Las Haygas to Ponyville

Bon bon! I won; I can't believe it I won! I even meet Princess Luna (she was one of the Judges, I didn't even know that) and she loved Bucky, so did General Pound Ripple. House Dice… not so much she said Bucky's design was too impractical l. But she said I had potential.

Message: June 01, '74

Form Las Haygas to Buckeham

Ms. Bon-Heartstrings while I admire your devotion to your, creations. I must yet again remind you that you are not in the position to demand a recall of the RAR-14 Humectorn class robot because you feel that Her Royal Forces are not using them to match your intent. Be it at home or in our Annex lands. This will be your final reminder Ms. Bon-Heartsrings.

Before I went any further, I heard the door opening.

"Hey this robot won't shut up!" Speed yelled out.

"It is not my fault everything you do is made of stupid, clippie." Gum-e replied knowing Speed didn't understand her.

"And stop beeping! Bleep this bleep that I swear you're like some bleeding machine…

"Your come back burns me like the fires of the Great War."

"Hate to interrupted this enlighten conversation" I interjected

"What yeah sure, I'm just going to check in with the boss in the morning."

"Ok, let's see your list?"

"Wat?" Speed ask scratching her chin.

"You know your inventory list."

"Pff, I've never write those."

"What do you mean?" I yelled gesturing with my hooves " List are important! How else are you going to ration your water, ammo and whatnot?"

"Spoken like a true citizen of the republic of eggheads, founded by Twilight Egghead and her daughter Mid-hard boiled."

With that Gum-e chipped in "And with the help of the Scramble Dweller teaching them basic flipping technique …"

"You guys are jerks!" I yelled back "Anything else I should know about?"

"Hell yeah!" Speed bust in enjoy, she even spun around in excitement. "Check this Smooze out!"

Speed pointed to a weapon in her gun harnested, it looked simpler to the light beams used by the prinors, same boxy shape and all; however the front half was completely different. It look like the rifle was cute in half and put a bigger box in its place, making it look somewhat like a hammer.

"What in the moon's name is that?" I asked.

"Oh like it" replied Speed "Well let me introduced you to the Scatter Beam Rifle, it's based off the Boxy Blues 9 rifle modified to fire several beams at once to make up the fact that its out pull sucks harder than a New Reino stud."

"So… its like a shotgun? But with light beams?"

"Hell yeah!"

I probably should change the subject "So, if we're traveling together, I guess we should get to know each other..."

"I'm not real comfortable talking about my past to you." GUM-e replied

"Good because I wasn't talking to you." I snapped back.

"You really can understand what that fling eyeball is talking about?" Speed question with pride "All you need to know about me is what you know about the Takhi. Most awesome group in the whole wasteland, be so ever since the Great Khan Fluttershy left that loser stable."

"Yes as recent history has shown." I replied sarcastically.

The semi smug grim Speed seemed to have most of the time was whipped clear off her face. Replaced by a cold stare that could freeze the sun.

"I probably shouldn't have said that…" I replied

Speed didn't reply.

"I, think we should be go to bed…" I said breaking the pause.

"Yeah, sure." Speed finally replied, but without looking at me.

It took some time to fall asleep. I was at that point wend I was so exhausted I just couldn't sleep. But under the warm blankets of my bed I slowly but surely closed my eyes and drifted away.

Funny how I felt so relax while a Takhi was in the same room, same bed even. I'm good at telling a threat wend I see one, well most of the time, and Speed wasn't one. Her death stare had, sadness to it. Funny right before I dozed off fully, I could have sworn I here, crying.

Speed Run- Takhi courier



Faction: Takhi – Speed Run is a full fledge member of the Takhi tribe known for their brutal initiation rituals making them tougher than most other ponies. Speed has a naked DT of 5.

Pegasus: As a wing pony you're as swift as the wing and can soar to the clouds, however having hollow bones makes they're easier to break. +1 A, can fly but limps are 15% easier to cripple.

Tags: Magic Weapons, Barter, Survival

Companion Perk: "2nd rate knock offs" : Being a member of the oldest "and proper" raider tribe Speed as a major dislike of others raiders and has given you some tips of dealing with them. +15% damage to raider factions (minus Takhi).

Note. Done some world building

Anyway for the world as a while, Dream Valley is semi based on G1 becoming a desert after the Smooze attack. This resulted in the ponies slitting into the tree tribes and G4 history. After the Great War the events are:

1: Day of Black Fire. Ghouls begin to form.

15 AW: Stable 8 exits and begins building a city outside the stables doors.

16: Year of the Black Winter, weather becomes fully automated.

20: Events of Wasteland, an army of Hutectrons attack the ponies in Mareizona they were defeated by what's left of the State's Rangers.

24-37: The Hub, Raceyard and Night Lamp are founded

~30: Mane Six are born

31: The Hub introduces the cap system

33: Caravans being to go missing without a trace.

~42: Rainbow Dash breaks out the Stable, Sonic Rainboom damages the Stable forcing everyone to leave early, Shaggy Fetlocks is founded

48: The groups being to fight for the town's few food resupplies, the former stable guards leave. The Takhi are born, marking them as the first "Tribal" on recorded.

50: Stable 15's religious groups set out to find the Princesses, wend they are unable to they lost their faith, only to find a new one in a god know as the world snake. The Vipers are born.

53: The Flowers of the Apocalypse are formed.

55: Raceyard academy is founded.

56: Applejack becomes the first Apple Baroness.

60: Angered by their Caravans being attack for the last time The Hub declares Raiders to be killed on Sight, placing a bounty of pure water on their heads, and refusing to trade with any who deals with raiders. The Takhi hire themselves out as raider hunters and guards.

64: UNITY comes out in the open.

65: The Vipers attack a Steel Herd's patrol, thanks to their stealth and poison they overwhelm and sacrificed the knights. Being the Steel-Viper war.

66: Despite being better train and armed the Herd makes little gain in breaking the fanatic faith of the Vipers.

68: The Great Khan of the Takhi goes missing, members slowly become little more than thugs running a protection racket.

75: Rainbow Dash returns home now a Ranger, she soon becomes Shaggy Fetlocks sheriff.

80 Fallout 1: An Earth Pony Stallion form Stable 13 was sent out. Help lay the groundwork for the NLR , recessed Unity's prisoners and founded city 31, defeated The Lieutenant and exiled from his Stable.

That's it for now