• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 754 Views, 6 Comments

Fallout NLR - d716

In the Valley of Dreams, On the long road...

  • ...

The Streets of New Reino

This is Chocolate Chip Mountain News with your bestest, and only friend Trixabatha!
Thank you Twinight, and as a friendly reminder that we Super Alicorns are stronger, faster, harder better than any of you normal ponies!
Oh yes they sure are easy to squish aren’t they my greatest best friend Trixabatha!
They Sure Are Twinight, and since the genius that was the Master made the Nightmares, a super SUPER Alicorn if you will , even better than normal less super alicorn, and since I’m the greatest most powerful of all of them that is why I’m the boss FOR-EVERRRRrrrr…
You just can’t argue with that logic.
You sure can’t, SO DON’T! DO YOU HEAR ME!! Anyway it’s time to give some less important new, I guess. The moon dum-dums have lost contact with Halterton and Camp Light-trot which is what happens wend you work with the dreaded BATTLE CATTLE!!
OH NO Now the dreaded Battle Cattle!
Don’t worry Twinight I wouldn’t let the dreaded battle cattle hurt you! This is Chocolate Chip Mountain News tell you to come see my show coming up this week, unless you’re a little pony THEN STAY THE HELL AWAY!!

Fallout NLR
The Streets of New Reino
And with that everypony open fire. As fast as I could I drew by revolver and fire two shots an unicorn bring him down before galloping as fast as a could to any cover. GUM-e floated backwards with me laying down burst of light-beam on the rest as they to rush into cover. While I was almost to an auto-carriage an earth pony came up on by flank with a sledge hammer in her mouth, she might have hit me if she swung to the side alas she roused on her hind legs for an downward strike, which exposted some unarmored part I took avenged of, well I’m sure she didn’t want to be a mother any time soon. As soon as I reached the auto-carriage I jumped over it stuck to it. A quick look out I saw they split into two groups three were behind another auto-carriage providing covering fire to the second group two pegsi flew up into the air in order to flank me, using the dark so they wouldn’t be too open. Looks like Blue was teaching them some basic tactics, even told them about despite what most think ranger helmets don’t have night vision. Granted I can see pretty well in the dark, Luna thanked, but not that well.
“GUM-e” I yelled “Filly on Zebra!”
“What?” he reply firing another burst.
“Don’t you know Royal Guard Code?” I ask as I empty out the remainder of my revolator before ducking back to reload.
“No I deleted that”
“To make room for more important things, like where that tribe is that I’m pretty sure thinks I’m a god.”
“Cool Story, now go shoot at those Pegasus, aim for the wings” With that he flew off.
Turning back to the group I was fighting I saw for the most part they were still there at least; one of them was leaning over the auto-carriage in order to get her light-beam. My cover was being blow apart, each shot burning yet another piece, there wasn’t anything else to use and so if I didn’t end this I’ll probly end up as a pile of ash.
“Hey” I yelled to the group “Any chance you ponies might want to give-“a volley form their side cut me off, get they gave me their answer.
“Up Yours Ranger!” One of them yelled.
Well I tried.
With the use of my alty-horn I pulled out a stick of dynamite form out of my stattle bag, only to notic for the first time, it didn’t have a fuse. Franticly I searched my bag for any stick that has a fuse only to my dismay that, no none of them do. Remember what the con said about how they escaped, they could have ran off with a box of dynamite, or had some on them, but the fuses would still be with the guards. Glad to see they weren’t as lazy as I though. Guess I have to make something up again.
Leaping over what was left of my cover I galloped straight towards the convicts, with a quick turn of my head I reach into my saddle bag using my alty-horn and threw a stick of dynamite. Using what’s left of my helmets power I activated VATS and fired a shot into the dynamite, detonating the stick above their heads. That should give me enough time to make it over to their side without turning to Swiss cheese.
I gallop as fast as I think I ever had, knowing that if even one would to get back up I would be dead, the distance must have been just fifty feet, maybe less, but at that time it felt like a mile each second ticked away as slow as they could. I could hear GUM-e fighting above in the dark, firing away at the two pegusas as they circled him.
Wend I finally made it too the auto-carriage, one of criminals was starting to get up, acting quickly I slipped across the auto-carriage kicking the mare square in the face, once she was down I made sure she stayed down with a well played kicked to the face. Now I was face with the two remaining criminals, minus Blue I don’t know where he went off too. The stallion tried to fired an shoot but before he was able to, I got his head into a grab lock and started slamming it on the auto-carriage’s hood, I kept doing that until I was sure he’ll be out cold.
Turning to the last one standing, the unicorn mare visibly looked like she was nearly about to run off. As I became to approach her, the door of the auto-carriage explode revealing were Buzz Blue went off too. Before I could even face him, Blue threw the nastiest right hook I’ve ever taken, which for Blue was normal as that alone was enough to knock me on my flank. I would have screamed in pain but I’m pretty sure my jaw was dislocated, still able to cough up blood so most likely my helmet saved me the trouble of having to pop in back in the socket.
Thankful Blue didn’t feel like crushing my head in as he inset turned to the mare still in shaking with fear.
“Tsk, tsk Frizzy…” Blue said to her “Looks like you’re not really devoted to the cause…” he then slowly began to walk over to the mare.
The mare tried to walk backwards stopping only wend she backed into a wall. Blue was still coming; while my vision was blurred and it was dark I knew that look, a cold dark glare with a smile so faint you could barely see it. The mare finally remember that she had a light beam gun and fire at Buzz, only for Blue to be annoyed at best. Blue slowly just looked down at the smoking hole now in his chest then looked back that the mare all the while maintaining the same expression.
In a split second Blue backed hooved the mare knocking her to the ground, a few of her teeth flew through the air, and then using the same hoof he, slowly started to press down on her rib cage slowly pressing down on each rib until they cracked before moving on to the next. I remember he did something like that to a raider during an assault on a raider base, after fishing breaking every rib he walked away letting the raider to die a slow painful death as her chest cavity collapsed, well would have been a slow painful death if Ranger Chief Moondancer didn’t mercy kill her. Seeing him do that to a pony, have he really change that much over the past few years? The stallion I knew wasn’t like that..
Seven years ago; Dream Outpost
“Cherry Snow?”
“Yeah” I said getting off the bar stood facing blue stallion, the very first thing I notice was his markings. On his forehead were a diamond flank by wing and several long line strips running from his chest to his neck coming to a point on his mouth. The second was that other than the wild flowers on his mane he didn’t have on, not a saddle bag, or even a hat. “I thought my commander was a mare.
“Nice to meet you I’m Ranger Buzz Blue, sorry our commander had, plans.”
“Buzz Blue? What kind of name is that?”
“I would say the same to you. Trust me it makes more sense in my tribe’s language. I thought about making it fit, with NLR’s tough but you know about changing a pony’s name.”
“Really you’re a tribal, would explain the tattoos.”
“Yeah, Wind Flowers tribe, we roam the Picnic Hills not far outside the valley, you should see it at sunrise wend the wild flowers are in bloom…”
As we walked out of the bar Blue went on about his tribes culture, how they gather flowers and other herbs to trade to the nearby towns and how NLR asked, there songs and stories like how ‘Sun-Tia’ and “Night-Lu” made the world by dancing with the wind, each step bloomed the grass and flowers, in order to remember this the youngest of the tribe partake in a race called ‘The Running of The Leaves’. I in turn told him about my cutie mark.”
“A snow cone? What the hay is snow, or a cone for that matter.”
“Snow is kinda like fallen rain.” I explain only for Blue to give a puzzled stare “Rain is water that falls from the sky, so what you do is take some pull it in a cup and then add flavoring like lemon juice or like my cutie mark” pointing to it, a snow cone with cherry juice and a cherry on top “cherries.”
“How did earn it?” Blue said while staring at my flank a little too long, although it would seem he was just looking at my cutie mark.
“Wend I was twelve, me and my family were part of a caravan heading to S-ta-gard it was the first time any of us have seen snow, being part of the name and all, I’ve pretty much exploded with excitement and just ran around until I’ve crashed into a traveling ghoul…”
“SURPRISE!” Yelled a voice that seemly came out of nowhere, if wasn’t a normal voice either it had an, echo like it was in a cave. Before I was able to fully turn my head I was tackled to the ground, coming face to face with a white mare standing right on me, but something about her was… off…
The mare had large cracks running throughout her entire body, like a dried lake. Her yellow mane looked thin and parts of it moved on its own, and her eyes, what should be the whites of her eyes were solid black, with not even a hint of reflection. I’ve never seen a ghoul this close. And yet oddly quite beautiful.
“Hiya!” the ghoul said, once you get past the echo her didn’t carry any weight normal ghouls have form living so long.
“Umm… eep…”
“Wow watch chief, looks like you broke her.” Blue said to the ghoul with a chuckle.

Five years ago; a week after the signing of the ceasefire, Camp Four
This may have been the best week I had in a long time, reports throughout the valley have reported that most Legion forces are pulling back to their control territories, most flat out leaving the Valley, although their Frumentarii agents were still all over the place. But that’s not something the worry about today, today was for me and my follow Ranger unit to relax and enjoy ourselves, today was for golfing.
Well not really, Surprise said golfing had more than just hitting a tiny ball with a stick but nopony really cared. It was fun and we had booze.
“Whoohoo!” Yelled Surprise “Another hole-in-one! Now what’s the score again?”
“You know Surprise” Popcorn replied the light yellow earth pony placing his hoof on the ghoul’s shoulders “I don’t think the lake counts as a hole… its … umm what did you call it?”
Surprise took a second to think “hmmm, birdie but that’s silly, birds don’t life in lakes.”
“Who cares” I slurred being a little drunk “It’s my turn!” Kicking a tin can up to the tee. “Hay Blue what iron should used?”
“Umm oh I don’t know three.” Blue said as if there was something on his mind.
Surprise bounded over to Blue placing her face close enough to Buzz’s so that he could see even the smallest of cracks that ran throughout her white coat. “Aww what’s a matter Bluesy? Still feeling downy in the dumps?”
“I guess, I don’t know it just feels like things aren’t the same anymore, you know? What are we going to do with ourselves?”
“Well I don’t know what about you” Popcorn said “But I’m going to Gallopiena and put the spurs to some broodmares.”
“No, no I mean us as Rangers, its like we’re no longer needed anymore, the Core is near pre-war standards, after Bitter Sweets nearly all Raiders have been driven out what little we have left, are and now the Legion has fallen back… we should have kept fighting…”
“That’s silly” Surprise rebutted “Nothing ever good happens wend we kept fighting, trust me but don’t worry Bluesy” Surprise giving blue a hug rubbing her hoof threw his mane “You’ll be amazed how little some things never change.”
“Yeah” I said “Rangers are still need we’re scouts and law enforces…”
“That’s not it Snow, not any of those, I’m don’t think I can be any of those. I was born in the Wasteland, things were simple there, it was free, but now towns are popping up everywhere, I have to fill out reports every month. Sometimes, sometimes I wish thinks went back to normal.”

My vision was blurred, there was blood dripping out of my helmet, making it difficult to breathe using the auto-carriage to support myself up, I threw off my helmet spiting a wade of blood out and drew my gun at Blue as he was just finishing crushing the mare’s third rib.
“Blue!” I shouted at him “Stop it, this isn’t you!”
Blue just glared back at me and broke the mare’s fourth rib.
With that I fired two shots, however with my current vision imparted I was only able to hit Blue on his left shoulder and hunch, even still that alone should have brought Blue down but he barely stagger, Dark moon I knew Blue was tough as nails not this tough what he on chems? Thankfully Blue stepped away form the mare at least.
“Not me?” He yelled “What do you know?”
“The Blue I know doesn’t torture ponies like some Legion smooze head!”
“Legion? That least they let you know wend they destroy your homes.”
“What are you talking about Blue?”
“Oh please don’t pretend you don’t know, wend I returned to my tribe after the war and do you know what I found? A town, just like any other, we should be roaming the hills, like the wind! The once proud hills are now home to whores! All thanks to ponies like you…”
“Then why are you doing this? What do you hope to accomplice with just seven ponies?”
“What do I hope? HA HA You still don’t get it do you Snow? This town is set to be annex… So I needed to save it…”
“Save it? By holding them hostage, you’re not thinking straight!”
“Shut up!” Blue charging right at me, I only had enough time to fired one shot which only grazed Blue’s shoulder but that barely slowed him down, who spun around and throwing a buck to my neck, only a spilt second dodge saved my head form being kicked off. Blue continued his onslaught with a backed hoof as his turned to face, I was able to block the punch using my off hoof I attempted to counter with my revolver almost jamming the barrel right into the bottom of his head; can’t miss wend it’s that close now can I? Before I could fire Blue deliver a head butt with enough force to push me back a few feet leaving a line of my blood between were our two head connected.
I was amazed that my head wasn’t smashed opened by this point, but what was left of my brain was telling me I needed to end this now, or else it was going to find a way to get up and leave me. My one good eye I had could still see that Blue was starting to get a few worn out too, whatever he was on must be wearing off. He was trying to shake off the pain giving me time to get really. By this point the night was getting late enough for the few light around the town to not matter much, as well as my eye to finally get use to the darkness and see Blue much clearer. He looked like a mess and it wasn’t form the fight, his coat look off, he lost enough weight that you can start to see ribs and there were dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept or eaten anything in a week, and yet despite this he was still able to hit like a train. I only had two shots left; I need to make sure I Blue goes down. Using my mouth I unfolded the barrel of my bb gun, the mechanics that normally do the job would be too loud. I only had one change for this.
“Blue, last chance, give up, please…”
“GET MOUNTED YOU NLR” once again Blue changed at me.
Lining up my shot, without VATS I wouldn’t be able to make a quick kill but at least it would tip this fight in my favor, I took aim and with a jerk of my shoulder the bb gun fire the ball going straight into Blue’s left eye, stopping blue in his traits.
“You still carry that useless thing around?!” Blue screamed rubbing his hoof in his damage eye.
“Yeah” I replied drawing my revolver and firing at the front hoof Blue was standing on dropping him to the ground. “Give up, Blue before you bleed to death.”
“Never! I need to prevent you monsters for doing what you did to my tribe…”
“That’s the chems talking, Blue you help build that town.”
“Lies!” Blue yelled back trying to drag himself to the auto carriage he hide in. “I’m going to save these people and you’re not going to stop me!”
“What are you doing…” I said aiming my gun at him.
“AGIEST ALL TYRANTS!” Blue reciting part of the Rangers creed. “A Ranger Must Be Honest and Loyal: For they are the law bringers, A ranger must be Kind and Generous, for they are the defe*cough*-nders, A ranger *hack* must know laughter…” Blue finally reached the auto carriage door grabbing something with his mouth. It was a small box attached to a rod, it had two buttons, one on the rod being pushed with Blue’s teeth, and the other on the side of the box.
“Blue that better not be what I think it is…”
Blue replied while still holding the detonator in his teeth, amazingly he was able to speak relatively well. “What do you think?”
“You didn’t”
“Of course … how do you think I found them?”
It all came to me; often the guards of a chain gang would have a ranger assign to them, and after the war most of us knew a thing or two about explosives, like rigging a town up, and this town is a lot smaller than Rock Farm City.
“Like I said Snow, I’m going to save this town and what better way than to take away the thing NLR wants!”
“I’m not letting you ruin these ponies lives…” I said pulling my revolver’s hammer back with my mouth before aiming it at Blue.
“Of course that’s NLR’s job, what are you doing to do eh? Shoot me in the legs, again, you know that wouldn’t stop me form *cough* so what are you doing to do? Kill me?”
“Yes Blue, I swear to Luna I will kill you.”
“Well then you better not miss!” With that he began to move his hoof to push the detonator.
But his injureres slowed him down and I didn’t miss.

Level Up!
Perk Gain!
A Friend to Luna: The Princess of the Night has taking a liking to you. You can now see in the dark.