• Published 22nd Nov 2013
  • 17,897 Views, 45 Comments

Snakity - MightyShockwave

Rarity has been turned into a lamia and Twilight comes to visit. Hijinks ensue.

  • ...

Ch. 1


“Come in, darling! The door's unlocked.”

Twilight pushed open the front door of Rarity's Boutique. The shop was closed for the day, but it seemed like Rarity always found something to do on the shop floor. Twilight entered and shut the door behind her.

“I'm in the back!” Rarity called from down a hallway.

Twilight trotted briskly, following the voice deep into the building. She was looking for an open door when Twilight suddenly tripped and fell face-first onto the ground. Looking back, she saw that she tripped on a thick, white, scaly tail.

“Whoops, at least I found you.” Twilight stood up and followed the tail as it pulled itself into a nearby room. Inside, she found herself gazing on the new monstrous form of her friend. Recently, a shady salespony came into town and persuaded Rarity into buying a bottle of snake oil. He promised that it would make her skin silky and smooth, which, Twilight though to herself, it most certainly did. When Rarity tried it out, she found out that it was a nasty cursing agent and turned her entire lower body into that of a huge snake. The spell would turn out to be simple to break, but it would be a week until the cure was ready. Until then, Rarity just had to cope.

However, it didn't seem like that big of a disability. Despite her huge size, Rarity learned how to slither pretty quickly and was able to get to where she needed to be. Not to mention, her new form was visually gorgeous. Rarity's scales where a shiny alabaster, with a sky-blue diamond pattern resembling her cutie mark. Twilight couldn't help but stare at the patterns created by the sheen of the room's lamp scattering off her scales as Rarity did some last minute sorting.

“Why good evening Twilight. How are you?” Rarity's voice broke Twilight’s trance.

“Oh, I'm fine,” replied the purple pony. “Just wanted to come over and check on you, see how you're holding up.”

“All is well. I'm actually beginning to like it. It's refreshingly different, though designing dresses for it is a bit of a nightmare. I'm thinking of something that accents the contours, but it's tough to take into account the fact that the belly drags on the ground. Maybe if I base it on a high-cut saddle...” her voice trailed off in thought.

“Uh, okay. That's actually pretty good, because I also needed to tell you that Zecora couldn't find any ripe scaleberries. It'll be a few more days until the ones she found mature enough for the cure.”

“That's perfectly fine. I don't have any big events I have to go to for a while, and, in fact, I might not change back immediately.”

Rarity's response shocked Twilight. “What do you mean? Isn't your condition a bit of a hassle?”

Rarity shrugged. “Well, it IS a bit awkward sometimes, but I think I'm getting used to it. Besides, It just feels absolutely heavenly when I lie down and just stretch.” Rarity said as she lowered herself to the ground and unraveled her coils, fully extending herself across the entire room. “Besides, I do get a lot of onlookers and I must admit that I adore the attention. I'm surprised you aren't more curious yourself, Twilight. You're one of those science-types, aren't you?”

Twilight a taken aback. “Well, I am, but I don't want to violate your personal space.”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh, it's no problem at all, dearie. I completely understand. After all, it's not everyday that your friend gets cursed.” Rarity curled her snake-body towards Twilight. “You can touch it if you want. It's surprisingly smooth.”

Twilight gulped. She was a little nervous about invading her friend's personal space, but was also extremely fascinated with it. After all, how could she call herself a scientist if she backed out from acquiring new knowledge.

She timidly approached Rarity. Her lower body was massive; it had to be two feet thick before it tapered off into the tail. Slowly, Twilight raised a hoof and gently placed it on the tube of flesh before her. Rarity was right, her scales were very smooth and dry, much like Spike's. However, what Spike didn't have was a thick track of muscle laying underneath, soft enough to press down under the hoof yet firm enough to still maintain the cylindrical shape.

“Wow Rarity, you are right, it is kind of cool.” Twilight said as she poked and prodded.

Rarity giggled, “Ha ha, that tickles!” Her snake body undulated uncontrollably, almost knocking Twilight off her feet. “Sorry about that. The muscle is sensitive.”

“It's no problem., Rarity. I shouldn't have got carried away. I'm just usually afraid of snakes, so this is probably the only time I'm ever going to handle one.”

“Hey, do you trust me?”

“Uhhh, yeah. Why?”

“Well, remember that book I checked out on lamia ponies a couple of days ago?”

“The one by Standard Brass the Explorer? Yeah. You've been reading it?”

“Yes, and I found a passage where he writes that the lamias he found could enchant other ponies.”

Twilight was curious. “Enchant? But I've never seen a picture of a lamia with a horn or wings. I just assumed they didn't have magic.”

“Not magic enchant, you know, mesmerize, enthrall...run of the mill hypnotism.”

Twilight laughed. “Hypnotism is a load of rubbish. There's no way swaying a pocketwatch in front of my face is going to make me a mindless slave.”

“No Twilight, theirs was apparently something different. They did something with their eyes, sort of like a spell. I was just wondering if I could do it. I would have just tried it myself, but I realized practicing hypnosis in a mirror might not be the best idea.”

Twilight shift her haunches. Those entries in the book were almost certainly exaggerations of some sort of cultural practice or something. Still, the thought of being put into a real trance both scared and excited her. She was a bit cautious about willingly turning her mind into mush, but it would definitely be something new. It might be the the only chance in her life to experience this. She took a deep a breath and resolved to go through it it. For science!

“Well, I guess we could try it. Don't know if it'll work though.”

“Oh splendid!” Rarity squealed with delight. She shifted her body to move a particularly thick segment next to Twilight. “Why don't you take a seat and then let's begin.”

Twilight walked over to the little seat of coil Rarity had prepared and sat her butt on it. “And this doesn't hurt?”

Rarity quickly moved herself right in front of Twilight's face, causing her to jump a bit. “Not at all, dear. It's very tough. Comfy?”

Twilight shifted a little on the fleshy log. “Yeah. It's actually like a nice pillow.”

“Alright, then let's try this.”

Rarity stared intensely into Twilight's eyes. She furrowed her brow never once breaking eye contact. After a minute, Rarity raised a hoof and spoke with a dramatic voice. “Yooou are getting veeeeeeery sleeeepyyyy....”

Twilight just looked quizzically as Rarity continued.

“Your eyelids are getting heeeeeavyyyyy...” she continued, waving her hooves all over the place in some sort of bizarre gesture.

“Uhh, Rarity, I don't think this is working...”

“It isn't? Hold on, let me try something different.”

Rarity closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. “Alright Rarity,” she thought to herself, “Just concentrate and focus. Reach for the inner serpent...” She breathed deeply one last time to clear her mind, then Rarity opened her eyes.

Immediately Twilight was bombarded with waves and waves of beautiful color. It was like a fountain of circles flowed freely from Rarity's pupils. Twilight's jaw dropped at the amazing display.

“Whoa, Rarity, something's happening...” her voice trailed off as the colors continued to draw her in.

Rarity's eyes widened. “Oh, really!?” Her surprise disrupted the flow.

As the colors stopped, something in Twilight's mind felt cold and empty. In the brief moment she had looked, her mind was filled with warm, calm feelings, like laying in bed after a long day. Now she just felt cold and stressed, like if a headache was quickly coming. Whatever that spell was, she wanted more. She NEEDED more.
“Rarity, don't stop, please.”

Rarity was taken aback, but she wanted to continue too. “Well, I suppose.” She closed her eyes, refocused, and began the spirals again.

Twilight felt the calming colors wash over her once more. She stretched her neck to get closer to Rarity's face. She wanted to fill up as much of her vision as possible.

Rarity decided to try her act once more. “You are getting veeery sleeeeeepy...”

Twilight's eyes immediately dropped as her whole body felt heavy and sluggish. She was sorely tempted to collapse right then and there, but closing her eyes would mean that she'd once again be deprived of those beautiful colors.

Rarity saw how much Twilight reacted to her first command. The entry in the book was true, she had been the one to teach something new to Twilight tonight, not the other way around. A smile crept across her face as Rarity's confidence rose. Instinctively, she curled the part of her body Twilight was sitting on around the hapless unicorn's midsection, forming a single snug-but-not-tight loop.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Twilight saw Rarity smiling. Good, if Rarity was happy, Twilight was happy. If Rarity was happy, she might let her look more at the colors. Twilight barely even felt Rarity beginning to coil around her, and what she did register was just being encased in something soft and comfortable.

Rarity began to sway back and forth, watching Twilight turn her head to constantly maintain eye contact. She felt a little bad for utterly dominating her friend like this, but also felt a sick sense of glee of how much Twilight was becoming her plaything.

“You like this, don't you? My eyes are so pretty, aren't they?”

The question caused Twilight to try to formulate a response, but the colors were making it hard to think. “Like this...so pretty...” was all she could muster.

Rarity chuckled and raised herself so that she was looking down on poor little Twilight, causing the purple unicorn to lift her front half up to keep staring. As she did, Rarity continued to curl around Twilight, adding a second full loop around her chest.

“Are my coils comfortable, dear?” Rarity asked with a devilish smile on her face.

“....comfortable...Rarity....” At this point Twilight was beginning to slur her speech as her mind dulled considerably.

“Tonight, why don't you call me mistress, hmm?”


Twilight could barely register what she was saying. Her mind was filled with images of the beautiful spirals. Thinking was hard. Mistress could do the thinking for her, and they'd both be happy. Feeling warm and immobile in Rarity's serpentine grip didn't help her focus, either.
“Relax, just relax and obey,” Rarity said as she curled yet another loop around Twillight, completely trapping her front legs and pressing up against her base of her neck. Rarity even wiped off a bit of drool that began to drip from the corner of her open mouth.

Twilight was almost totally gone. The prolonged bombardment of colors, combined with the wonderful sensation of being wrapped snug in smooth, silky scales, had turned her mind to mush. All she could do was stare at Rarity's beautiful eyes and listen to her words.

“Poor little Twilight, you look like a little bunny rabbit in the grasp of some big bad snake,” Rarity taunted.

Twilight just continued her vacant stare.

“Let's play a little game. You said you trusted me, right?”


Rarity smiled and, slowly began to tighten her grip. She took her time, but she could hear Twilight's breathes getting more shallow, with little moans as air was forced from Twilight's chest. Twilight herself could feel much, but that didn't matter much in her current state. Mistress said she could be trusted, so anything Twilight was feeling had to be good, right?

Rarity continued cinching her muscles, morbidly curious to how far she could go before the trance would be broken, if at all. As her body pressed into Twilight, she noticed just how bony the purple unicorn was. Rarity could feel the outline of individual bones and ribs as she continued to constrict. “Not much meat on her, then again she's so involved with her books and experiments that she probably forgets to eat half the time.”

By this point, Twilight's breathing seemed to be short and strained; her tongue rolled out from the force of exhaling so much. Rarity was actually concerned when Twilight's eyes began to flutter and relaxed her muscles. Immediately, Twilight inhaled deeply, her subconscious mind determined to suck up that delicious oxygen if her conscious mind was out of commission.

Rarity was a little bit shaken. The hypnosis was so powerful that she probably could have crushed her friend without her so much as making a peep. She closed her eyes and shook her head, letting her focus dissolve and her eyes return to normal. Rarity was going to unwrap and break Twilight out of trance, but she kind of liked how warm Twilight was in her coils. She swore her lower half had to be col-blooded with how freezing she had been at night lately, and the thought of having a personal heater was too tempting.

Rarity turned to still hypnotized Twilight. “Listen, Twilight. On the count of 3, Mistress commands you to sleep deeply. When you wake up in the morning, you're be out of trance and only remember the hypnosis being pleasant and a fun new experience.”

“Alright, three...two...one.” Rarity gave Twilight a gentle tap on the forehead and she was out like a light. Rarity took a moment to admire how serene Twilight looked in her brilliant white coils. As she dragged Twilight to the bedroom, Rarity just hoped she didn't make her fear of snakes even worse.

Twilight groaned, emerging from a dark and dreamless sleep. She tried to stretch, but for some reason her arms wouldn't budge. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to find herself wrapped up by her still-snoozing friend. The coils were loose though, and Twilight slowly inched her way out of them before giving Rarity a bop on the nose.

“Hey Rarity, wake up.”

Rarity's eyes shot open as she sat up. “Oh, Twilight! Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, I'm actually feeling really refreshed right now.”


“So, about last night...”

Rarity scrunched as nervousness overcame her. How much did Twilight remember? Did she go a bit overboard? Would Twilight not want to be her friend anymore?

“It was a surprisingly cool experience.”

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad Twilight didn't remember the squeezing, or if she did, she didn't mind.

“I guess hypnosis isn't just a parlor trick. It was a little scary at first, but then I was just lost in a sea of bliss. It was so relaxing to just let go and just ride it to the end.”

“Well, I'm glad you liked it, dear. You did look a little silly. Shall I go make us something for breakfast?”

“Okay, but Rarity...”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Not tonight, but maybe we can do this again some other time? It was fun, and maybe you can show the rest of our friends it, too”

Comments ( 45 )

That was an interesting read, thank you.
I enjoyed it.
So is there going to be more or was that just a one-shot?

Either way it was fun.
Hope everything works out
Best luck in the future

I'd drop the comedy tag.

Also, write more of it!

:derpytongue2: That... was... AWESOME! :heart: Keep up the great work! :twilightsheepish:


Thanks. I'll get to writing more once my exams are over.

Please , please PLEASE write a squel (but make it longer) :applecry:

hehehe :heart: this is one of my faves, but, :flutterrage: MAKE MORE!!!! :flutterrage: and :facehoof: no equestria girls stuff!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!:applecry::pinkiesad2::raritydespair::raritycry::fluttershysad::ajsleepy::pinkiegasp::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch:

this was amazing X3

also what's the differentness between lamias and nagas or are they the same thing?

I could of swore I saw this exact same story, but with Pinkie and Rainbow... And another one with Sunset and Fluttershy!

Only 1 word is needed here:
k, i'm done.

Lamia are Greek, I believe, while Naga are Indian, they look similar but I believe they have been shown to have different abilities and roles.

So... will... will Snakity go crazy insane with power, or will she actually make a difference to the world?

This is one of those stories that tries to use fetishes to cover up for a very dull plot and sloppy characterization.

This is even worse than the usual case, since MC is a fetish that relies on slow, deliberate pacing and especially subtlety to work well. The only justification for this fic isn't done well, and it just highlights all the other problems that much more.

Your grammar and spelling are better than most fetish fics I've read, but the descriptions lean towards "functional" rather than "interesting." Overall, I'm gonna have to downvote this; the things it did poorly far outnumbered the things it did passably.


Yeah, there like a million of these coming out of nowhere, kinda like all those "x is actually a changeling and never knew it" fics.

This isn't really Romance as much as Random, might want to change that

Well, as I replied to That Gamer's comment on "Pink Scales", I feel it only fair to comment here to tell you that my story, "Shying Up To Sunsets", was inspired by and heavily influenced by this story. I loved your descriptions. They showed how being wrapped in a two-ton pile of snake tail might actually be soothing. And there was an element of consent here that I, personally, have difficulty finding in these kinds of stories, which it makes it hard for me to enjoy them, try as I might.

I'm gonna assume this is a prequel to cuddling the caretaker?


Eh, if you want. Cuddling the caretaker is another "canon," but at the end of the day they're just hypnofics.

Hello there, I am JofY (as evidenced by the name on the left) and I want to become a riffer of fanfiction. I'm hoping to start with this story. The main site where riffs can be found is this here. My opinion on your story is that it's a descent fic. Nothing bad about it and it has a unique concept. If you want, I'll send you the riff before it is posted. But other than that, I would like your permission to do this riff. Please reply to this comment whether you would be okay with this story being riffed or not.


Sure man, it's cool. I know the fic is bad and really niche. I won't throw a hissy fit because someone on the internet calls it out for what it is. I can't wait to read it (or listen to it, whatever you're doing). PM me it when your done.

I just now realized how short this is. Not nearly as short as mine, but still. Either way, it was pretty good. 6/10.

I... I don't know if I should be aroused or not

I have to wonder, would this make things less awkward for Spike, or more? :rainbowhuh:

4537410 I don't know it depends on whether or not he's cold-blooded I guess.

my bad side is saying this is awesome! :pinkiehappy: my good side is saying that this is morbid junk :pinkiesick: my normal side is saying that this weird :moustache: and my friend rarity is saying that this is ruining her image :raritycry:

She swore her lower half had to be col-blooded, you accidently forgot the d in cold.

I got two stories about the Nagas. Will you guys mind., if I'm going to put them in groups odf Snake Pony and Lamia? They don't have anything to do with Pony turns into Naga.
It is about the fight to get the land of Equestria be tween the Natives that are Ponies and the colonists of the Nagas Empire.

Well, you just sold me on an entirely new kink! Cute story. *runs off to find more lamia themed fics*


Thanks! I half-think to rewrite this one; it's definitely rough around the edges, and I feel like I've gotten better.

6488848 You're the writer.

6488848 Uh, hi...I'm hoping you'll help me with something, my messages and comments on userpage's seems to be going haywire, I just don't know what to do, I've tried logging in and out, and I can't think of what to else I can do, all it says is "failed to send X". I have stuff to send to a follower of mine, and I can't:fluttercry::flutterrage::fluttercry:


I don't know, email FimFic support I guess?

6490940 thank you, how would I do that?

6491071 Thanks, this has been eating away at me:twilightsmile:

ok, ive been looking for the first story of this and ive never found it...

I did a little reading for this fic.

Hope someone enjoys!


WOW, I love it! I feel so flattered, and that reading was a joy to listen to.

Thanks. I had fun recording. Happy you liked it.

Comment posted by Nitro Indigo deleted Feb 25th, 2019

Hey, this was the VERY first fanfic i stumbled upon back in my senior year of high school 2013. I had a previous small account, but I found this around when this was published in April. The story was good and I particularly liked when you wrote that Rarity squeezed Twilight in her coils. It was the first time I found out people had this kind of liking in the fandom. I was barely 4 months into being a brony, and I knew I wasn't gonna be the same. I must thank you for being one of my first inspirations for drawing/animating squeeze. I had no prior drawing experience, but I was tired off fapping off to something I know in my head I could probably draw and share with fellow snake fanatics. So thank you~

(Btw, I was the one who drew the old twin snakes fanart with your oc squeezed between the two lamias. I just don't have that picture or account anymore. But I do want to do something better than that for you since you unlocked a core memory with this amazing story here. <3

Thank you for telling me! I'm a fan of your work too. To know that my stuff played a part in inspiring you...that seriously just made my evening.

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