• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 610 Views, 20 Comments

Brandon Pierce: An Equestrian Tale - BronyInDisguise

One misstep, one wrong move, can change your entire life. Just ask Brandon.

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Chapter 8 *Partial*

Chapter 8


"Ouch. Dangit!"

"Oh, uh, bump incoming!"

"Yeah.. thanks for the warning..."

After deciding that I was going to be living with Twilight, preperations were made. Twilight told Rainbow to fly ahead and tell Spike to make preperations for a special guest. She had flown off like a rocket toward the nearby town of Ponyville.

Now, there was the issue of getting me there.

"We can't just waltz right in. You'll attract waaay to much attention." Twilight had said. "What we need is some way to hide you untill we get to the Library."

After some thought, and a little bit of arguing on my part, we had decided on Applejacks haycart. It was as simple as placeing me inside, covering the cart with a blanket, and pretending that there wasent an Galaxy-Traveling alien inside and that It was full of orders for the town. It was all so simple.

It was simple, but it wasent, however, comfortable.

Applejack pulled the cart while Twilight walked beside it, making sure it didn't look too suspicious. Although the expression she wore didn't really help.

Under the blanket, covered in hay and cider bottles, I lay there, enjoying the nice relaxi....

Bang "ow"

The cart ride, which only lasted for 15 minutes, seemed to last hours! At some point, I was sure that Applejack was going out of her way to hit every single bump and rock in the road. Each and every one causing me to slam my face into the cart. It didn't help that my arm was starting to hurt again, now that the medicine I had applied was wearing off. It wasent too painful, but it was just enough to make the trip that much longer.

During the ride, I could hear what was going on outside. Pretty soon I could hear the sounds of the city, although instead of honking horns and engines, it was the clip clop of hooves on the ground and the sounds of other carts being pulled. The overall sound made me excited.

I'm really here. This is really happening! This is Awe..BangO come on!

Outside I could hear Applejack and Twilight talking

"So Twi... how exactly do ya plan on gettin em in once we get there?"

"I guess we just wait untill nopony's looking and then he just runs in."

"Thats all ya got?"

"It's the best I can come up with at the moment. It'll work... hopefully..."

A few minutes later, i feel the cart come to a halt. The outside still sounded like it was pretty busy.

"Well... What now Twi?" Applejack said.

"Wait! I have an Idea!" said Twilight.

At that moment, i heard the blanket lift.

"Brandon," Twilight wispered, "This is whats gonna happen. I'm gonna use my teleportation magic and get us both inside the house so that nopony sees you. Is that alright with you?"

Holy crap i'm gonna get teleported! Awesome!
"Yeah. Sounds good."

"Alright. Applejack, once were gone, leave the cart around back and come on inside."

"Gottcha Twi!"

I then felt something touch my back. I could only assume it was her hoof. O my gosh she's touching me!

"Here it goes!"

I shut my eyes. I heard a charging sound behind me, then.... poof.

Have you ever been teleported before. No i guess not. But let me tell you, you ar'nt missing out on much. It felt like everything turned 100 degrees hotter for a split second. You can also here a genuine "Poof" noise as well. Its kind of funny really.

When I open my eyes, i'm staring at what looked like wooden planks, only they were colored purple. I lift my head to find that I was now on the other side of the door, inside Twilight's home.

"Are you alright?" Asked Twilight behind me.

"Yeah Great!" I said, already feeling the my eyebrows singed a great deal.

I sat up and looked at my surroundings. To the right I could see what looked like a kitchen, by that I mean that there were cabinets and pots hanging from what looked like the rest of the house.

All around me I could see books. Nothing but books everywhere. It was then I recognized the room that I was in. I was in the main room that was most shown in the show. Open area, a kitchen on the side. To the left I saw a staircase that led up to a door. I could only guess that was were Twilight's room was. I saw the ladder that led up the second floor, where I could only guess were more books and probabily her alchemy lab. All of this was bringing some instense Brony nostalga.

"I havent gotten the teleporting spell down pat yet." Twilight said, "Sorry about the burn marks. They should wipe right off."

I look down at myself. I was covered from head to toe and black soot. Luckily, like she said, It wiped easily off.

"Wow! a real human!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned to find Spike staring up at me like I was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

"I had only heard about humans in that book we have. I didn't actually thing you guys existed!" Spike was getting very excited. "What's your name? How did you get here? Wow, you have fingers too? Can you breath fi..."

"Thats enough Spike." Twilight Interjected.

About that time, Rainbow and Applejack walked through the door.

"Thanks for the help Dash." Twilight said as her friend walked in. "Don't mention it. You should have seen the look on Spikes face when he heard that you were bringing a 'human' here. He freaked out!" Rainbow grinned and the memory.

"Well, what if someone told you that one of the WonderBolts were coming to hang out at your place?" Spike asked. "I have read everything there has ever been on humans. There the only other species that I know of that have fingers and toes like us dragons!" Spike looked back at me, a huge smile building on his face. "I mean, look at it, it's amazing!"

"Well, its nice to meet you too Spike." I said.

"Sweet Celestia It talks too?!" Spike was beginning to jump up and down.

Comments ( 6 )

Tons of lowercase "I" and "I'm" Some other stuff I remember but I can't find. This is the partial and probably not edited that much, so there's a few things to look out for and edit.

totally right! I could use some editing skills
BTW sorry for the long waited release, ive been swamped with work/school.

Oops, I saw an update and was like, woohoo! But then it was short... ;p
I can certainly sympathize, we just had finals this week. Glad to see you still have interest in your story!
Keep going! ;)

nice to see that people are excited about my posts!

Just a question (because I want the next part to come out soon hopefully) when is the next part coming out?

Quick Update:

Sorry that I have not been posting as of late. Getting ready to head for college, finding a summer job, etc. Lots of stuff.
Anyway, I am proud to announce that I will be starting a weekly livestream event called "Lets Write 'Brandon Pierce'". This is supposed to be something that will encourage me to keep writing this fan fiction. I still have several ideas for it, I just have not had the will or the time to do so. Hopefully, this will help it out.

The streaming will be every Friday starting at 8:00 MST. Be sure to check it out!

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