• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 609 Views, 20 Comments

Brandon Pierce: An Equestrian Tale - BronyInDisguise

One misstep, one wrong move, can change your entire life. Just ask Brandon.

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Chapter 5 - This Can't Be Real

Chapter 5

I lay'd there for what felt like hours. My mind was racing; my breath came in short gasps. I had landed in a large pile of hay. Above me was a large hole that I had apparently made leading up to the surface.

My body was frozen in place with fear. Something, no, someone, had just saved my life. I have just had two near death experiences in the past 5 minutes. I should be dead right now... Why am I not dead right now?

As I began to calm down, I thought about who had rescued me. My mind was coming up with a mental picture, but it was too bizarre to believe. I'm not sure who it is.

No, I do know who it is! The problem is is that my mind can't comprehend it. Caught in mid-air, cyan colored, hooves, the voice. It all pointed to one thing.

No... It can't be. She's not real. She's not...

"Hey! You alright in there?"

I jumped. It was that voice again. Her voice.

"Hello? Are you OK?" said the voice.

There was only one way to find out for sure who this was.

"Ye-yeah. I- I'm fine." I was still gasping for air and the words were hard to say.

"Oh, good. I thought you had passed out for a second there."

She then poked her head through the hole I had made.

My heart almost stopped.

There she was. The rainbow-haired, cyan colored pony. Rainbow Dash.

I...I've got to be dreaming still. This is not happening. Why haven't I woken up yet?!

She was looking at me with those large, black eyes with the violet rims around them. All she did was stare at me for what seemed like an hour.

"What are you anyway?" she asked.

Just then. Another voice called from the distance.

"Rainbow Dash! What in Tar-nation are you doing over there?"

Is that who I think it is?

"Oh, Coming!" She turned back to me "One second. Don't move."

Then, as quickly as she had come, she darted away.

I just sat there, wide eyed and confused. Is this actually happening? I began to hear voices coming from outside the hay bale. It sounded like Rainbow talking to some other person, er, pony I guess. I tried to hold my breath to listen, but that didn't turn out to well. I was still breathing heavily from what had just happened. I could make out a few things that were being said.

"...you throw somepony in my hay-bale?

"I didn't throw him, I saved him from falling."

"Then, how did he get up there in the first place?"

They were talking about me. Of course they were, it's probably not every day that you see someone appear out of the sky. Especially not here. In... Equestria...

The reality of it all sank in. If that was Rainbow Dash, then... that machine thing must have taken me to... Equestria. I tried to reason the opposite, but I just couldn't. How else would Rainbow Dash be here, talking to...

"Darlin, you alright in there?"

Applejack. It was Applejack, I remember the voice from the show.

"Uhh, ya, I think im alright." I responded.

"Well then, do you think you can find your way out of my hay-bale Sugercube?"

Yep, that's definitely Applejack.

"Sure. Just... Give me a second."

I tried moving my arms and legs. They were a little bruised, but other than that, I felt fine. Situating myself into a better position, I began to dig my way back up the hay-bale. During this process, I continued to listen to what they were saying.

"He sounds like a nice pony." Applejack said.

"Ugh, I'm not quite sure if he's a pony." Rainbow said.

"Oh, he isn't? Then what is he?"

"Um... I don't know."

"What do ya mean you don't know?"

"I mean I've never seen somepony like him before."

"Well, were bout to find out."

I made my way up to the top, and tried to climb out of the hole. At that moment, the hay slipped out from underneath me, when made me fall forward. I hit the side of the hole, which in turn gave way. It was then that I began rolling down the side of the hay-bale. I rolled down around 6 feet of hay before hitting a bump and falling the rest of the way.

I landed on my stomach, face down in the dirt. The impact knocked the wind out of me. I lay'd there for a few seconds, coughing and trying to catch my breath.

"You OK there?"

I look forward to see four yellow hooves right in front of me. I turn my attention upwards to find the face of Applejack staring down at me with a worried expression.

"That was quite a tumble you had there. You need some help?"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There, standing right in front of me, was a pony that I thought only existed in a cartoon show. Behind her stood Rainbow Dash, staring at me through curious eyes. I just lay'd there, staring what I thought up until now, was not real.

"What exactly are you staring at hun?"

I then realized what I was doing.

"Oh, uh, nothing mam. Sorry about that." I said. I made my way back onto my feet and began to brush the dirt off of my cloths, if not a little bit nervously.

"O darling, your arm!" Applejack exclaimed.

I quickly looked down at my arm. I could see why she reacted like that. There was a substantial cut on my left forearm, right underneath my hand. There was a good amount of blood coming from it. Wow, I thought, I didn't even feel it. Well, I guess when you were as traumatized as I was, you don't notice little things like that.

"Oh, it's nothing." I said, covering the area with my other hand.

"I'm no doctor, but I've seen my fair share of cuts, and that, darlin, is a big'un." Applejack then gestured with her head the other direction. "Come on, let's get you patched up."

"It's nothing, really." It tried to shrug it off, but with the large amount of adrenaline gone, I was really beginning to feel the cut. I winced as I tried to touch it.

"It sure don't look like nothin, now come on." Applejack said.

With that, we began to walk toward what looked like a wooden house on the horizon. As I passed Rainbow, she walked by my side. She continued to look at my curiously, her first question still on her mind.

I had no idea what had just happened, but it seems like my life has taken a turn. Whether it's for good or worse, I had yet to see.