• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 610 Views, 20 Comments

Brandon Pierce: An Equestrian Tale - BronyInDisguise

One misstep, one wrong move, can change your entire life. Just ask Brandon.

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Chapter 7 - Explanations

Chapter 8
The attention in the room suddenly turned toward the door.

“Oh, that must be Twi here ta pick up her order.” Applejack said. “Just wait here Brandon.”

Applejack then left the room.

I sat there in disbelief. I can’t believe it. I’m actually going to see Twilight Sparkle!

If you would have asked me “Who was best pony?” First off, I would play dumb. I would deny knowing of the show and ask what they were talking about. But, if they somehow knew that I had watched the show for so long, and that I was lying, then I would answer “Twilight Sparkles Best Pony, Definitely.” I mean, why not? She is not only the main character of the entire show, but she is also the smartest of the bunch. She is kind, thoughtful, always thinks things through. She has saved the town of Ponyville on more than one occasion. Best of all, she is a magical genius. She, in my opinion, was and will always be the best pony.

And now I was going to see her in person. I swear, if I wake up now, I’m going to be ticked!
Twilight waited on the porch, her mind wandering back to what she had read about Apple Cider. It not only is a great drink, as long as it’s not fermented, but apparently it can be used for Alchemical purposes too. According to the book she had found in her library simply titled “101 Uses for the Apple.” She had decided to order a couple of bottles to test out what she had read.

The door opened. There stood Applejack, a smile on her face as usual.

“Hello Applejack.” Said Twilight in her usual polite manner.

“Howdy there Twi! I’ve got your order all ready inside. Come on in.” Applejack gestured for her to enter.

Twilight stepped into the Cabin. Applejacks cabin always had that fresh smell of apples about it. But, this time, something was different. There was another, incredibly delightful smell. The smell of fresh baked apple pie.

“Mmhmm, something smells delicious.” Twilight exclaimed.

“That there is the smell of the Apple family’s homemade apple pie! Just baked some a while ago. ” Applejack proudly announced.

“It smells Amazing.” Twilight continued, “What’s the occasion?”

“Nothin special, just cooking for a guest.” Applejack said.

“A guest? Did I come at a bad time?” Twilight said concerned.

“Naa, your just fine Sugercube. He’s just got himself a nasty scrape and we helped em out.”

“Scrape? What happened?”

“Not quite sure. He just kinda… fell outa the sky.” Applejack said wonderingly.

Fell out of the sky? Twilight thought, that doesn’t make sense. Now I’m curious.

“Do you mind if I see him?” Asked Twilight.

“I don’t see why not.” Applejack answered, “He’s right in there. I’ll go fetch your order while you say hi.”

Applejack trotted down a set of stairs toward the cellar. Twilight began to trot toward the kitchen. Fell out of the sky? Twilight thought, wonder what she meant by that?”

Twilight turned the corner and looked in the kitchen to find her friend Rainbow Dash and……

No. It can’t be. Twilight froze in fear as she looked upon what she had thought was a myth. A….. Human?!?

24 hours before

Twilight sat in her home, looking through a book she had found in her library about different uses for Apples. She found a pretty amusing use that said that you could make a potion that would make somepony shrink to half their size for a short period of time. Huh, Twilight thought, that could come in handy I bet.

“Spike?” Twilight yelled.

“Yeah Twilight?” She heard from across the house. Spike must be in the kitchen making something for Dinner.

“Could you deliver a message to Applejack for me? I want to make an order for some Apple Cider.”

“Sure thing.” Spike called.


Twilight replaced the book back in her library. While she did so she noticed another book. It looked to be an encyclopedia of some sort. Using her magic, Twilight took the book out and set it down so she could read the name. “Equestria's Mythical Creatures.” Twilight had always wondered about them. In a world so full of magic and all sorts of creatures, it was odd to think that there were some creatures that only existed in myth.

Twilight opened the book and began so scan through the vast amount of creatures to choose from.

Table of Contents
1-3 Introductions
4-100 Land Creatures
101- 234 Air Creatures
234-300 Sea Creatures
301-305 Authors notes

Twilight flipped through the Land creature’s portion, curious to what she would find. There were dozens shown, each with art, descriptions, shown sightings, and where they are known to live.
There was one part in particular, though. One chapter that seemed to be shorter than the rest. The chapter talked about a particular mythical creature, called “Human”.

Twilight began to read aloud. “The human is an omnivore that is said to have lived thousands of years ago, before being driven to extinction when the first ponies arrived. The species walked on two legs and were mostly hairless. Although not much is certain about the human, the creatures were known for their ruthless nature, always fighting amongst themselves for power. “
Twilight continued to read on, learning more and more about this mysterious race. The more she read, the more she wondered about them. How could a race fight amongst one another like that? Twilight thought. What was there to gain from it all?

After Twilight had finished the section, she set the book aside. She continued to think. Were humans really that ruthless? They couldn’t have all been bad. There’s good in everyone.

As she thought, a voice came from downstairs.

“Dinners ready, Twilight!”

“Oh, coming Spike!” Twilight replaced the book where she had found it and continued down the stairs.
Twilight stood there, frozen in place at what she was seeing. Her mind flashing back to the book she had read the previous evening. Two legs and hairless (Well, except for the short hair on its head). But, it’s a myth, it can’t possibly be real. Twilight remembered what the book had said. These humans were supposed to be ruthless, unable to feel emotion. But, here it was, in Applejacks house. It sat there, at her kitchen table, an excited look on its face. Wait, why is it excited? And…. Is he pinching himself? Twilight thought.

Twilight began to think rationally. Applejack and Rainbow don’t seem to be afraid of it. It was ruthless it sure didn’t look like it.

He actually looks like a pretty nice pony, err, human really. But… what is it doing here? They are supposed to be a myth, not real in any way.

Twilight came to a decision. I shouldn’t judge something by what I had read. I’ll just talk to it; maybe it can explain why it’s here.
I stood there, gazing at the purple unicorn. I pinched myself to make sure I still wasn’t asleep. After the fall, the cut and the amazing food, I was beginning to think that I wasn’t dreaming. I was really here, in Equestria, sitting in Applejacks home, next to Rainbow Dash, and I’m about to talk to my all-time favorite pony!

It was then I noticed something. She seemed… afraid. She was reacting about as much as I reacted when I first saw Rainbow Dash in the haystack. Does she know what I am? If so, this might get interesting.

It was then that she finally cleared her throat.

“Hello there.” Twilight started, “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

O my gosh, o my gosh, o my gooooosh!!! I’m actually talking to Twilight Sparkle. This is awesome. I can’t believe it, this is amazing!! It took every ounce of willpower in me to finally calm down. I needed to answer her back. Come on; think of something smart to say back!

“It’s nice to meet you Twilight. My name is Brandon.”

Brain, I love you sometimes!

“Nice to meet you too Brandon.” She glanced down at my wounded arm. “Oh dear, that looks like more than a little scrape. Are you alright?”

“Oh, I’m fine really. I’m more than fine, I’m Hunky Dory!” I tried to grasp those words back, but I couldn’t catch them in time.

Brain…. I hate you sometimes.

Applejack came up the stairs, a saddle back around her with a couple of bottles of Apple Cider placed in them.

“Here ya are, Twi. 4 bottles of fresh Apple Farm Cider!” Applejack loosed the strap on the saddle bag and set it down on the floor. “So, ya say hi to Brandon yet?”

“Yeah, I’ve met him.” Twilight said.

Rainbow took that moment to speak up. “He was just about to tell us his story when you showed up Twilight.”

“Really?” Twilight said. “I would like to hear about that.”

“Well, then pull up a chair!” Applejack motioned for Twilight to sit opposite of me. As she did so, Applejack spoke. “So, Sugercube…. You mind telling us who you are?”

I cleared my throat, excitement boiling down. “Well, as I was saying, I am called a...”

“Human?” Twilight interjected.

I was surprised. She really did know what I was. “…Yeah. How did you know?”

Twilight nervously looked around. “Ugh… lucky guess?”

I could tell that she was hiding something, but I ignored it for now. “Yes, well. I am a human. My name is Brandon Pierce and I…..”
I told them everything. I told them who I was, where I had come from, my hobbies (They seemed really interested in my love of Acoustic Guitar). I also told them what had happened at the Science Labs, about the vortex that I was sucked into, and how it had somehow lead me here.

I did not, however, tell them anything about how I knew them from a cartoon show. I’m pretty sure that if they knew about that, there would be trouble. I didn’t want to ruin this. This was something that I had only dreamed of. To be in equestria, talking to the ponies that I adored. I wasn’t about to let that be ruined by mentioning that I knew about their existence because their world was a show in my world.

“….after that’s about when you found me in the hay bale, Applejack.” I concluded. “Now, here I am.”

“Amazing..” Twilight said, “you were transported here from an entirely different universe?”

“That’s right. I didn’t even know it was possible.” I said.

“So, you could have been thrown anywhere, literally, anywhere in the galaxy and you were thrown here.” Twilight pondered.

“Well, it’s a good thang ya ended up here in Equestria. Ya won’t find a nicer group of ponies anywhere else.” Applejack exclaimed.

Ya, I sure am lucky aren’t I? I’m probably living every Bronies dream right now.

There was silence.

“So…..” Rainbow Dash began, “what will you do now?”

The thought occurred to me. What do I do now? There’s no way I can get back home. No one knows what happened to me. The machine that took me here in the first place exploded. The people in the room didn’t even see what happened……

I’m Stuck here.

“I….. I don’t know.” I said. “I honestly don’t know what to do.”

I didn’t know how to feel. I was in the world of my dreams, around the ponies of the same aspect. I loved that fact that I was here in the first place. But… the fact that I couldn’t go back home. The feeling of loneliness crept in. I would not be able to seem family again. My parents, who loved me even when I told them that I was getting into a T.V. show that was more or less un-manly. My brothers, who in spite of knowing that they would kill me dead if they ever found out about me being a brony, were still my brothers who I loved to hang out with, all of them..... I could never see them again.

But good heck, I’m in freaking EQUESTRIA! This if freaking AWESOME!

As the room fell silent, Twilight mind was at work.

Wow. A time traveler, no, not just a time traveler, a world traveler! Even if it was accidental, he actually traveled through time. That means that the practice is actually possible. There’s got to be way to replicate it. I bet the princess would love that kind of information. If I can find it.

“I have an idea.” Twilight suddenly said. “If your world was able to world travel then why can’t we?

“Where are ya goin with this Twi?” Applejack asked?

“There’s got to be some kind of spell that would allow inter-dimensional travel. I mean, anything is possible isn’t it? It will require a lot of looking around, but I bet I could find something.” Twilights face light up with the idea.

Great! I thought, if anyone can help me with this, it’s definitely Twilight! “How long will that take?”

“I can’t be sure. It could be a few days, or I could turn out to be a few months.” Twilight answered.

A few months in Equestria? Yeah, I can live without my family for a while.

Rainbow Dash spoke “Wait. Wait. If he’s gonna be here for a while, then where is he gonna stay?”

“I’d offer my place, but me and Mackintosh barely fit her ourselves.” Applejack said. “Not to mention Granny Smith.”

Twilight light up again. “He can stay with me and Spike! There’s an extra room at our place that we can convert into a bedroom for him.

I’m… gonna be… living… with TWILIGHT!!


The group turned to me, looking at me like I had just had a stroke. “I mean… ugh… yes. That’s sounds like a good idea….yeah.”

Learn to keep your mouth shut brain. Wait..... mouth shut… brain.. has a mouth…

Really brain… really?