• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 611 Views, 20 Comments

Brandon Pierce: An Equestrian Tale - BronyInDisguise

One misstep, one wrong move, can change your entire life. Just ask Brandon.

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Chapter 6 - Introductions

Chapter 6

We soon arrived at the Wooden House in question. The outside looked like a normal cabin, one that looked very familiar to a cabins from my world. There were what looked like stalls on the outside, I'm guessing for showing off apple product.

Applejack was the first to walk inside. "Come on in you two and get comfortable. I'll go fetch some supplies."

I walked into the cabin. The first thing I noticed was that the room we in looked like a normal living room. All the furnishing included: coffee tables, a cozy looking fireplace, a large rug on the floor, a couch, along with other normal things.

If I hadn't known that this was Applejack's place, I would think that this was a normal human cabin.

"Macintosh! We've got a visitor with a nasty scrape. Go fetch some water for him would ya?" Applejack yelled.

"Eeyyup." I heard from another place in the house.

I sat down on one of the wooden chairs surrounding the walls. Rainbow sat down to the left of me, on one of the couches. She continued to look at me like I was the strangest thing she'd ever seen, well, to be exact; I probably was the weirdest thing ever. A human, in a world covered in ponies. I was probably an Alien to them.

"Can I help you?" I asked her finally.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to stare. You're just… strange."

That's a nice way to put it I suppose.

"Yeah, I guess I probably am." I sat there for a second, thinking. "Hey. I never got to say thank you. You saved my life back there."

"Oh, don't mention it, Weirdo. Just remember that you owe me." She said smiling with her eyes narrowed.

"I'll…. Keep that in mind."

Just then, Applejack with another, much larger pony came into the room carrying satchels on his back. They unloaded them on a nearby coffee table. Out came some bandaging, a bucket of water, some cloth, and what looked like some kind of disinfectant.

"Alrighty lets clean this wound. Big, this is… ugh… what's your name Sugercube?" Asked Applejack.

"Um… Brandon. Brandon Pierce."

"Well nice to meet you Brandon Pierce, My names Applejack. My family and I run this place here. We call it Sweet Apple Acres." She turned toward Rainbow. "You've already met Rainbow Dash." Rainbow makes a flexing pose.

"I'm part of the weather team. Our job is to keep the skies in check and let rain go where it needs to. It's a pretty boring job, but I make it awesome!" She said. For a second, I thought she was going to say 20% cooler. I guess that was just a meme.

"Anyway", Applejack began, "This here is my big brother, Big Mackintosh.

Big Macintosh seem to give no signs of fear or confusion from seeing me. He just gave a neutral look.

"Nice to meet ya." He said.

"Now, if the introductions are done, we have a wound to clean." Applejack came forward with the bucket of water and set it on the coffee table. "Go ahead and wash off the blood. Then we'll apply the disinfectant."

I do as I'm told, first washing the area and then thoroughly applying the gooey paste. It burned a lot but I did my best to hide the pain.

"Alrighty, now all we gotta do is apply the bandaging." She took the end of the bandage in her mouth and began to come toward me.

Wait, she's not gonna put her mouth on my wound is she? I can't let her do that!

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What is it?" Asked Rainbow behind me.

"I can do it, don't worry." With those words, I swore I saw a look of relief in Applejacks eyes. She set the bandaging back down on the table. I took it off the table and began to place it myself.

As I applied the bandaging, the other ponies watched with what I could only assume was envy. What are they staring at? I thought. I'm just putting bandaging on my arm. Then I remembered. Applying this stuff took a lot of finger work. Ponies don't have fingers. They were probably amazed at how easy it was for me.

"Man," Applejack exclaimed, "Them fingers sure are useful arn't they?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

I did my best to wrap the bandaging as tight as I could. As far as I could tell, I did a pretty good job. It held in place and, in my opinion, it looked pretty cool.

"Alright, I think its done. " I said.

It was at that moment that my stomach rumbled.

I froze in place, embarrassed. Could that have been any louder?! Come on!

Applejack smiled. "Sounds to me like your starvin." She said. "Well, you couldn't have landed in a better place. What would you like?"

She was offering me food. I couldn't believe the kindness of these ponies. I have literally fallen out of the sky no more than 30 minutes ago and I was being taken care of and fed.

"You really don't have to do that Applejack. I'm fine, really." My stomach took that moment to contradict me.

"Of course I do, Sugercube. I'm not about to let a guest go hungry." Applejack said.

"Well, ok I guess. What do you have?" I didn't like how I was having to take food from them, but, i guess this was a farm after all.

"Everythin apple you can think of! Take your pick!"

I sat there, patting my stomach, a empty plate that used to contain apple pie by my side. The others did the around the same thing. We all sat around her kitchen table, with a empty pie tin in the center.

"That was so good." I said.

"Thank you." said Applejack, "We take pride in our Apple Pies. It's an Apple Family recipe."

"Well, thank you for sharing it with me." I said thankfully.

I got up and started gathering the plates around the table. It was a habit that I had developed over my life. No matter where I was, I would always help put dishes away.

"Well, how mighty kind of ya!" Applejack said. She handed me her plate using her hoof. I noticed something then. How are they able to hold things with their hoof like that? It was something that I had always wondered as I watched the show. I thought about asking them, but I decided against it, thinking that it wouldn't be very kind to ask.

I placed the dishes in the sink over in the corner. As I returned I noticed Rainbow and Apple were talking to one another in hushed tones, glancing at me a few times. A few times Rainbow would seem to ask her a question and Applejack would glare at her, telling her no. I pretended that I didn't notice and sat back down next to them at the table. Big had left before the pie was served. He had said that there was a lot of work to be done today and that Applejack could keep us entertained.

As I sat down, the two of them became silent, staring at me.

"So," I started, "I'm guessing that you have some questions for me right?"

The two of them looked at each other, in mock confusion.

"None that I can think of." Applejack said. "Rainbow?"

"Actually…" As Rainbow spoke, Applejack elbowed her in the side. "Ow... ugh, no, no questions at all." Rainbow glared at Applejack as she rubbed her side with her hoof.

I knew what question she wanted to ask me. She wanted to know who, or really, what I was. I was an alien in their world. There are no humans in Equestria as far as I could tell.

"It's alright, I'm just fine with you asking questions." I said. "I know I would if I were you."

Rainbow expectantly looked at Applejack, who seemed to sigh in defeat.

"Rainbow here wants to know..." Before Applejack could continue, Rainbow busted out.

"What are you?!" She was met with another sharp jab from Applejack. Rainbow winced at the blow and glared back at her friend.

"Sorry Sugercube. Rainbow can be a little…. Careless at times." Applejack said.

"I'm not careless." Rainbow said as she rubbed her side again. "You're wondering the same thing too."

"What Rainbow is trying to say," Applejack began as she glared at Rainbow, "Were not exactly sure what kind a species you are."

"Yeah," Rainbow began, "I mean, you're not a pony, obviously. You don't look like a dragon either. No scales or tail. And you wouldn't be much of a gryphon without wings." She spread her own wings to show what she meant. "So…. What exactly are you?"

The question hung in the air. Well, I thought, I don't really see any harm telling them.

"Well I…"

There was a knock on the door. A muffled voice came from behind.

"Applejack, are you there?"
