• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 3,426 Views, 84 Comments

Slender: Equestria - MarcusFirehaven

Play Slender? Let's say you escaped, you actually won. Slender cheated and you won. He is a sore loser, as young Jaime here found out.

  • ...

Party Tricks

As the Crusaders approached the bakery, they noticed that the town seemed emptier.than it was before.

"Anypony else notice how it is even emptier than it was earkier?" Scootaloo asked her friends.

"Yeah, odd." Jaime said.

"Maybe they are just inside?" Sweetie Belle suggested.

"hmmm... Maybe Pinkie saw Jaime earlier and decided to throw her a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party?" Applebloom suggested.

"Maybe." Sweetie said. They opened the door to the bakery and were greeted by the sight of a certain pink pony who worked there, setting up streamers and such.

With a cannon.

"FIRE!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled the cord to fire the party cannon, and suddenly the room was filled with various streamers and a banner that says 'Welcome to Ponyville!'. Pinkie turned around and saw the four fillies come in.

"Shoot! The party was supposed to be a surprise!" Pinnkie said. "So who's your friend?"

"I'm Jaime." Jaime said.

"Oh, that sounds more like a Hriffin name than a pony name, anyways, I'm Pinkie Pe! So what brings you girls to Sugarcube Corner?"

"We're going to earn cutie marks in cake baking!" Sweetie said, "The bakery seemed like the logical place to go to try and earn it."

"Sounds about right to me!" Pinkie said, then lead them to the kitchen. "Now, before we start, I have a few rules tso that you don't break the kitchen. Follow the recipe exactly so that it turns out right, cean up as you go so you have more counter space and to make clean-up once you are done easier, and no touching the knives. I have to go give out invitations to your not-so-much-a-surprise party. Good luck!"

And with that, she left the room to take invitations to everypony.

"Okay, let's find the cookbook!" Scootaloo said, thenvturned her head slightly to a book that could only be a recipe book. "oh."

She opened the book and out fell a note, it landed face up and read 'Dear Cutie Mark Crusaders, if you are trying to bake a cake, please use box instructions. We understand you are trying to get your cutie marks, but we don't want you to get it too dirty, we just got new things. Signed, The Cakes. P.S. Yes, we knew you were going to try this eventually, we put the note here probably a few months ago. The boxes are in the cupboard.'

"Okay, I think the reason everypony is inside is because you guys are a force of destruction together, and you just got what could be a permanent fourth." Jaime said.

Sweetie was reaching for the box. After a few seconds of precarious balancing on a chair, Sweetie grabbed the box and brought it down safely.

Sweetie was put in charge of tlling the directions.

"'Put mix in a large bowl'." Sweetie said, then poured the box's contents into the bowl.

"'Add two eggs'." Applebloom opened the fridge and got two eggs out, then cracked them open and poured the eggs into the bowl.

"'Add 2 cups of milk'." Scootaloo went and grabbed a plastic cup used for drinking. "I think it means a measuring cup."

"Oh, that makes more sense." Scootaloo then grabbed a dry measuring cup, and began to tip the milk carton.

"Wait!" Jaime shouted to Scootaloo, since she was across the room throwing away the eggshells. "There is a difference between solid ounces and liquid ounces, so there is a difference between solid cups and liquid cups. I took a cooking class in my old school, that's one of the thngs I learned before ending up here. Let's find a proper one."

Jaime opened the cupboard that Scootaloo got her measuring cup and carefully grabbed a glass one. She brought it over to the counter and Scootaloo poured out two cups of milk into the measuring cup (it was fairly large, it could hold 3 cups if it was filled to the top). and poured that into the bowl.

Since the mix seemed to have everything else that was needed, they mixed it and poured it into a cake pan and put it in the oven thst was already preheated.

"There, now we just cook for half an hour at 350 and we have our cake baking cutie marks for sure!" Sweetie said.

After about fifteen seconds, Scootaloo waa tired of waiting.

"This is taking forever!" Scootaloo said, then put her hoof to her chin as she thought for a moment. "If it takes half an hour at 350, it should only take only 3 minutes at 3,500!" She then turned the temperature knob up to 3,500 degrees...

...and Jaime calmy turned it back. "I saw it in a cartoon once, I do not want an oven exploding in my face, or at all... And why does an oven need a setting for over 3,000 degrees?"

"I don't... know..." Applebloom said, the trio was actually curious about that.

"I'm guessing it made sense at the time?" Sweetie suggested.

"What are we gonna do for half an hour?" Scootaloo asked. "We can't leave or else we may miss the timer and burn the cake."

"That's a smart idea! I saw intelligence there! I am positive of it!" Jaime said, then laughed, letting the others know that that was a joke. The other Crusaders didn't laugh. "My wit that dry?"

"We could draw, but we don't have anything to draw with." Applebloom said.

"We could play with the twins!" Scootaloo suggested.

"Pinkie wouldn't leave if they were here, and I think the Cakes took them with them on their trip to the baking contest in Canterlot." Sweetie said.

"We could teach me more things about Ponyville and... wherever I am, I only know some things about Ponyville, Canterlot's name, 5 ponies and then the bullies, and how to walk. I can't even run. I can trot, which is about the equivalent of jogging where I'm from. I would have read books on this place, but I got pulled out. I expected Twilight to take longer to get you, how did she get you so fast?" Jaime asked.

"We burst into the library to get books on how to be a ninja. It had none." Applebloom said.

"Maybe we can sneak one of the cupcakes?" Applebloom suggested.

"Sure, the cake still has 25 minutes." Jaime said. "And I kind of want a snack, I'm sure she won't mind us taking a cupcake each, considering we just made a cake."

The four Crusaders exited to be greeted to just about all of the ponies in ponyville shouting "SURPRISE!".