• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 3,426 Views, 84 Comments

Slender: Equestria - MarcusFirehaven

Play Slender? Let's say you escaped, you actually won. Slender cheated and you won. He is a sore loser, as young Jaime here found out.

  • ...

...who needs enemies?

The Crusaders and Jaime were nearing the clubhouse, and Jaime seemed a bit nervous.

Sweetie Belle seemed to be the only pony to notice her being nervous. "What's wrong? Are you nervous? Don't worry, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are open to everypony who doesn't have their cutie mark!"

"That's good, but not quite what I am freking out about." Jaime said, looking around herself, surrounded by trees.

"Well what is it then?" Sweetie asked.

"I just don't like being around so many trees..."

"Did you get lost in some woods before? Or is it an irrational fear, like a fear of blinking?"

"I have my reasons, but I want to keep them to myself. It's a.... scary story." Jaime did not want to tell them, Slendy was going to haunt her nightmares forever, if he didn't just cut out the middle...pony and just haunt her forever.

"Guess we don't need to hear it then!" Scootaloo said, she remembered the last time she heard scary stories, and she ended up going over a waterfall.

"Oh come on, don't be a chicken!" Applebloom said to Scootaloo.

"I am not a chicken!" Scootaloo said defensively.


"I don't want to tell you because, unlike some scary campfire stories, this one is real." Jaime said. "very real. In fact, I'm pretty sure knowing it is how it even happened and how it got me here in the first place."

"Then you have to tell us!" Applebloom said.

"Did you miss the part about knowing it causing it to happen? I don't want to get you guys in danger!"

The group entered the clubhouse

"We get in danger every day!" Scootaloo said, "And Applebloom claims to have found some sort of town in the Everfree forest that-"

"That really happened!" Applebloom told her friend. "You believed that there was such thing as the headless horse, what makes you not believe what I said really happened?"

"The place was called 'Sunny Town', who would believe a place like that is scary?"

"Have you been there?" Applebloom asked, "That place was all nice and sunny, then I found the bones of a filly who got killed just because she had her cutie mark, then everypony was a zombie and the place was broken! The place was cursed!"

"Wow! I can't believe that happened! Mine is scarier though, there was no nice parts before the scary. None at all..." Jaime said.

"Why don't you tell us?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Because you guys will be in danger too! I don't think it ever left me, that's why I was stopped until you came back for me after we left Diamond Tiara!. I would have been taken back to that forest, or even worse, I could have just been no more if you hadn't come back! You never saw it, which is good because you probably would have been affected too, now I am leaving this at that because I dob't want you to get curious and get in trouble too. I would never forgive myself if you guys got hurt or worse because of me, you are my only frends other than Twilight."

"Oh, okay." Scootaloo said.

"We didn't think this would be that personal." Sweetie Belle said.

"Sorry we pestered you about it." Applebloom said.

"There is no need to apologize, I shouldn't hsve really said all of that, but really, I only know a grand total of six ponies, two of which are bullies, and I don't want to lose half of them because of me." Jaime told the group. "So, um, what are we going to do?" She then thought for a second, "And it isn't so much personal as it is I have repeatedly told you no for your own good and you aren't listening."

"We are going to try to earn our curie marks in base jumping!" Scootaloo and Applebloom said together.

"What!? I was never told that!" Sweetie Belle said to the duo.

"I'm with Sweetie Belle, I'm for keeping my limbs." Jaime said.

"Do you guys even have parachutes to use?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We had some when we tried sky diving, but I think they fell in the stream." Applebloom said.

"Well that sucks." Scootaloo said, "I was really hoping to base jump."

"Why don't we try something fun, like going on a hike?" Sweetie suggested.

"That sounds fun! And it could help me get more used to moving in this body and maybe be able to un to keep up if you guys decide to just run like you did earlier." Jaime said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that whole 'was originally bipedal' thing!" Scootloo said.

"We walk a lot, if our cutie mark was that then we'd have it already!" Aplebloom said.

"Maybe we could let her ride your scooter?" Sweetie suggested.

"I left it at home." Scootaloo said.

"I thought you were an orphan, I've never seen you with them, or even where you live." Applebloom said.

"Seriously? You thought I was an orphan?" Scootaloo asked, shocked. "My parents are just embarrassing! I live about a block south of Sugarcube Corner. Where are your parents, anyways?"

"Their dead," Applebloom said. "I was a little baby when they got in an accident."

"Wait, Jaime, aren't your parents still in your world? Won't they miss you?" Sweetie asked.

"Um... I'm an orphan." Jaime said. "Nobody would miss me."

"That ain't true! Somepony would miss you!" Applebloom said.

"You had to have had friends, or maybe a caretaker of some kind!" Sweetie said.

"I actually kept to myself, I was bullied when I went to school because I had no friends to protect me, but I never let them get to me. I think they kind of led me to find out about the thing that lead to me ending up here." Jaime told the trio.

"That sucks." Scootaloo said, eliciting a glare from the other two Crusaders. "What? It does!"

"Yeah, Scootaloo is right, but I have Twilight at the moment to live with for now and I have you guys as friends, so I have it better now." Jaime said. "So since we are trying to get cutiearks, why not try something like baking a cake?"

"That sounds awesome! Let's do that!" Applebloom said.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER BAKERS YAY!" The trio yelled, which caused Jaime to cover her ears to keep from becoming deaf due to her close proximity.

The group began to run towqrd the bakery, then stopped when they remembered that Jaime doesn't know how to run.

Sweetie thought that she saww something out of the corner of her eye watching them, but when she looked, nothing was there.