• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 3,426 Views, 84 Comments

Slender: Equestria - MarcusFirehaven

Play Slender? Let's say you escaped, you actually won. Slender cheated and you won. He is a sore loser, as young Jaime here found out.

  • ...

The new place

Twilight thought it was odd.

Nopony was in the streets, so Twilight was not seen holding the little filly while she was heading to the library, but that was not the thing Twilight found odd.

She knows she saw something in the forest, and she could only describe it as odd.

She found a filly in the forest, then a tall pony in a fancy suit just appeared then vanished into thin air. She did not get a good look at it, but she thought it had no face. That would be silly! What kind of pony lacks a face? Though with the Everfree it can never be known for sure about what secrets lie within...

Spike was out helping Rarity collect gems for her 'Greatest ensemble to ever be brought upon the world', so Twilight decided that he wouldn't mind if the filly borrowed his bed, since her own was full of scrolls and books of various topics from psychology to farm work, she was in one of those moods where she just had to read anything she could get her hooves on.

Twilight thought she had read something about a tall pony without a face, but it was just an old mare's tale about a creature that stole faces, and it wouldn't have disappeared like that if they were the same creartures. Another thing that bugged her was Jaime's name. It was more of a Griffin name than a pony name.

Twilight's mind went back to the tall pony. She knows it was there, she saw it, and the Everfree has many creatures in it that have never been seen before, it could very well be benign or have followed her out for all she knows.

She levitated various books over regarding mythology, creatures, and a book of information on eldritch monsters. She was going to go through that last book last since the knowledge of some creatures tends to draw them to the poor pony who dared to read it. Twilight was halfway through the third book when she heard Jaime begin to awake.


Jaime crawled out of the small bed, more tired than when she fell asleep. She attempted to take a few steps, but just fell down. She noticed the staircase, but decided she should get some practice actually moving before falling down the stairs.

Before she could do much to figure out how to move, Twilight came in.

"Good morning, Jaime!" the purple unicorn said. "Would you like something to eat?"

Jaime's stomach growled, letting her know that she hadn't eaten before her games with Slendy, and that he was keeping her from getting hungry so that their games never end. "Yes, please."

"Okay, you want to come down or would you like me to bring some food up to you?" Twilighr asked, remembering how Jaime didn't take one step before falling on her face.

"Up, please." Jaime replied. She was not planning on falling down stairs.

"Okay." Twilight said, then went to the kitchen to make some daffodil sandwiches.

Jaime took this oppurtunity to try walking some more. She started slo, and was pretty clumsy, but after a minute she got a bit less clumsy. Before she got the confidence to even try going down the stairs, Twilight came back with the sandwiches.

She levitated a small plate with the sandwich up to Jaime, then said "If you need anything, just call down. There are some stories up there to read if you get bored, and if you want, I know some fillies who might come over to play."

Jaime thought for a monent, then decided that she would like another child to play with her, and she at least wants to know somebody around her age, since she doubts that she is going to be here just shortly. "I would like some friends to come over."

"Okay, I'll go see if they are around, off trying to get their cutie marks in something like extreme sports." Twilight said.

Coincidently, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo entered the library as Twilight left her room.

"Twilight!" Applebloom shouted, "We need a book on being ninjas!"

"Sorry girls, I don't have books on being a ninja, Spike tried, he found none." Twilight told the trio. "But I found a filly in the Everfree forest, and she woud like to meet you girls, and she doesn't have a cutie mark, so she can go crusading wi-"

"WHAT!?!" The three fillies yelled.

"She was in the forest?" Applebloom asked.

"She doesn't have her cutie mark?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She came here willingly?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes, yes, and I am not even going to answer that last one. She's upstairs, and-" Twilight said before the trio zoomed past her up to her room.

The trio crashed through the door to find Jaime halfway done with her sandwich.

"Hi! I'm Applebloom, this is Sweetie Belle, and this is Scootaloo!" Applebloom said, introducing the group. "What's your name?"

"We heard Twilight found you in the Everfree forest! Is this true?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Where did you get that jacket?" Scootaloo asked.

"My name is Jaime." She said, "I was found in the forest, and... I don't know. It was a present."

"Who gives clothes as a present?" Scootaloo asked. She found it absurd that anypony would give clothing as a present.

"So, uh, we heard you don't have a cutie mark, do you wanna join our club?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What's a cutie mark?" Jaime asked.

The three just laughed, until they saw Jaime's face pretty much said that she really didn't know what a cutie mark is. "Seriously?" Applebloom asked, then explained "It is a special mark that appears on your flank that tells you your special talent!"

"So Twilight's talent is sparkles? Why does she live in a library instead of an arts and crafts store?" Jaime asked.

"Her talent is magic, not sparkles." Sweetie Belle explained.

"I'm gettin' an odd sense of deja vu here, have you ever heard of a place called Sunny Town?" Applebloom asked.

"Where?" Jaime asked.

"Do you know anything?" Scootaloo asked.

"Scootaloo! That wasn't a nice thing to say!" Sweetie Belle told her friend.

"Not... really." Jaime said, which got her odd looks from the young trio.

"What do you mean by that?" Applebloom asked.

"I mean... I'm not quite from around here."

"Then where are you from? Another universe?" Scootaloo asked jokingly.

"Yep. Jaime repkied. The three crusaders' jaws dropped simultaniously. "What?"

Author's Note:

I am pleasantly surprised at how lved this is so far, considering ir came out to you this morning through basically a bottle in a sea of seas of bottles known as the stories produced on this site. I actually thought this wasn't among my best works.

Also, show me sympathy, I slammed my thumb in a car door and write this on a mobile device.