• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 3,946 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight Sparkle loses Weight - articunos bitch

Is Princess Twilight first issue to resolve is found in her mirror or her perception?

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle Loses Weight

Twilight Sparkle hit the ground chest first and slid twelve meters to a painful stop. Rainbow Dash swooped down to the mess of purple fur, feathers and dirt that until recently had been gliding softly or lay on the ground where it belonged. Twilight took a few steps back and shook her head off while her friend chuckled softly.

“Ya know, I think that’s your most shallow trail yet. Maybe next time you could even stay on your hooves.”

A sharp look told her to insults were not productive. “But seriously, kick your legs and stay up right if you think you’re going to crash. It’s better than rubbing your belly raw on dirt and sand.”

“I thought I did that. What did I do to crash that time Rainbow?”

“Maybe your problem is getting off the ground. Your body language still seems unconfident about flight. Maybe we stick to taking off and hovering for a few lessons?”

“No! I am going to need to fly in two days for my Coronation; I need to know that at least. If I crash in the river no-one will see me.”

“You expect yourself to fly-“

“Because I’m a good student and can learn this!”

“Okay Twilight, but take a breather.” The two of them lay down on the grass while Dash opened a sandwich she packed and Twilight took a bite of her pear. “So, I noticed our bodies are shaped differently. Maybe that’s part of the problem.”

“Well unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies develop differently. I mean Applejack and Pinkie are never sick, it takes a LOT to give an earth pony the sniffles, and they can take a heavy beating before they get seriously hurt. Whereas pegasi have hollow bones and get hurt easily, but having a thick leathery skin like you do means wind burn doesn’t affect you and it takes a lot to get through your skin. Now unicorns can do magic but are rather fragile compared to earth ponies and soft to pegasi.”

“That’s one more lecture than I wanted to hear Twilight. Now, back to it. With less crashing this time okay?”

“I’ll show you Rainbow Dash,” she growled playfully.


Twilight’s flying lesson was over for the day and she had shown signs of definite improvement, but she still struggled with takeoff. And she had a theory about that, “Maybe the magic just needs more time to develop in me. Pegasi have years before they learn, so maybe I need some more time. These wings can’t provide Lift for a full grown unicorn, or maybe my body is the problem and I need to adjust how I beat them. Maybe my body’s shaped differently…”

“Geez Twilight, lighten up.”

“Lighten up, like weight?”

A guffaw escaped the cyan pegasi’s mouth. “Yeah, your fat rump is always the last thing to leave the ground. Hahaha.”

“Well I gotta go. See ya Princess Sparkbutt!”

Watching Dash zoom off Twilight dropped her head in thought. Words that sounded awfully like “fat rump?” escaped her lips as she turned her head to take a look at it. There were her flanks; round, well-toned as she saw them, and…did they always curve like that? Well her Cutie Mark might look a little stretched. Maybe she should take a better look with Rarity’s full body mirror tomorrow.



“Hi Twilight! We are trying out a new cream filling for cupcakes! Try one!”

Half a cupcake was shoved into her mouth before she could react, and knowing Pinkie’s confectionery prowess she gladly bit down and melted when she realized it was the peanut butter-chocolate she heard rumors of weeks ago.

After much difficulty keeping her mouth closed until she swallowed, “How do you always make them so good Pinkie?”

“We believe in making everything with love. And lots of butter and sugar don’t hurt.” <snort> As she wrote Twilight's' thoughts so far.

A look of confusion dawned on Twilight’s face.

“Oh don’t be so silly. You must know that, I saw you reading a cookbook when you were bored once. Yes, butter and sugar go a long way in sweets and pastries. A good reason not to eat too many. Consider yourself lucky we didn’t add candied haycon to these cupcakes.”

“Oh, er, thanks Pinkie. Thank you for telling me that.”

After answering Pinkie’s survey about SugarCube Corner’s new filling, she had a question of her own. “You eat a lot of sweets don’t you?”

“Uh-ha. They’re so yummy.”

“They are, but how do you stay so…healthy looking? Certainly not fat, but you’re certainly not going to starve soon either. I know as an earth pony you naturally burn a lot of calories in a day. But is there anything else?”

“Hmm. I am very active with pranking, and running around cheering up ponies and all those crazy things I will never explain to you so I burn a lot of calories in my day to day life. And I always eat with an audience; I rarely eat alone unless I feel really bad or sick. Why do you ask?”

“I just have something on my mind,” she said looking behind Pinkie to Time Turner who watched them. She gave him a quick smile.

“Okay. I gotta get back to work. Don’t eat too many cupcakes or you won’t be able to fly.” Pinkie chuckled as she pranced back behind the counter and rung up Time Turners apple turnovers.

Twilight sighed and laid her head on the table mulling over what Pinkie said.


“You’re gonna love this Twilight. I spent months on this. My new Cream of Chocolate Cosmos soup with Koki’o sandwiches, you can’t keep those on the extinction list, finished off with Jade Vine wine. I was saving this meal for Princess Celestia, but had to do it now with, you know. Tell me, can Spike deliver, or can he deliver huh?” Spike was more proud of this than saving the Crystal Empire, but Twilight simply could not believe he would do this for her the first day she was an alicorn. She only recognized the names of flowers, but this was fit for a Princess.

“Spike, it’s lovely. Thank you, thank you. But, I can’t see what’s so special about it right now.”

“I hoped you wouldn’t. So dig in, and I’ll go find the botany book you need,” scurrying off leaving Twilight to drop her plot onto her usual cushion and hearing a slightly louder thunk than normal.

Looking at her feast did entice her curiosity. Sky blue wine, red velvet colored soup and sandwich’s with layers of red leaves draped lovingly gave her pause before tentatively pouring a glass of wine.

It turned out Spike made her dinner with some of the rarest flowers in the world, just for her. He received many hugs that night and was given the whole week off which he promptly denied, so he settled for letting his newest Princess wash the dishes.

After a dinner on a night with no studying to do Twilight usually took a long luxurious bath. Neck deep in hot water her new wings got submerged before spreading out without Twilight’s notice. Perhaps this was the life she had to look forward to in the castle, if Celestia deemed it necessary to keep her there. Seeing her teacher and Princess Luna, along with Cadance and Shining Armor on a regular basis was much healthier to hope for. She knew that before moving to Ponyville, but it had more meaning now. She smiled contently, reflecting on all she had learned.

Drying herself off had given her the chance to look in the only full length mirror in the library, it was here before she was. Turning to face all sides she paid particular attention to her backside. It looked just as curvy as she remembered, but maybe a little too much? What did the others girls’ flanks and plots look like?

Walking to her bed for an early night’s rest did not interrupt her train of thought. Well Rarity was more cushioned, but she worked hard to keep it lean. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were very well toned; Applejack had to use legs for her chores and Rainbow ran often since the Running of the Leaves when she smoked both of them. Fluttershy’s was tiny, and a mystery as to how she kept it that way since she didn’t work out. Pinkie Pie; she had the most meat on her bones but even then her flanks were shapely and picturesque. Whereas her own…

Another look in the mirror showed Twilight her own might have grown since dinner. Oh no, had Spikes’ delicious dinner had made her plot bigger in one hour? What is she going to do? She has to fly on her own in two days but she can barely get off the ground. No, no.

Maybe since she took in too many calories for dinner she can skip breakfast and burn them off in some early morning flight practice. Yes, perfect her takeoff and show it to Dash in the afternoon. And worry about her flanks later. Crawling back to bed she did fly off seamlessly, into the peaceful dreamless sleep to which she was so accustomed.


“My Nerd senses are tingling,” made Twilight pull her muzzle out of the book she was studying. “Are you reading about flying instead of doing it?”

“Hi Rainbow Dash. I was practicing all morning and wanted to give myself a break. I think I got the hang of taking off though. Watch this.” Drawing her wings as wide as she stood on her hinds she could she twisted them upwards, tossed them up, then pushed down with all her might and shot into the air. Beating her wings with the same pattern she climbed higher, higher, higher still until Dash’s clapping hooves resounded.

“Yeah! That’s the Egghead I know. So, ready to learn a few tricks?” A smirk spread across Rainbow Dash’s face.

“I think I’ll stick with the basics for now. I don’t want to wear myself out; the Coronation is in two days.”

“You got this Twilight. And a barrel roll is really just stalling, nothing you can’t pull out of. C’mon.”

The two of them flew high over the park as Twilight started asking questions. “So, is weight much of an issue with pegasi?”

“Not really. I mean our magic kicks in during flight making us nearly weightless. And when you cast that spell on Rarity I figured the wings were the easy part and that underlying magic was the tricky thing. Even I know my ‘ground’ weight couldn’t be lifted with wings this small,” indicating her own.

“So it doesn’t matter how much a pegasi weighs?” Twilight’s fears last night might be misplaced.

“Not too much. I mean there’s this one pegasi I know: big, burly stallion, this guy’s ripped like you wouldn’t believe and he’s got these tiny wings. But he also has some of the strongest wing power I’ve ever seen. He was accepted to train alongside me when I went to Wonder Blot Academy, so he’s doing something right.”

“I think I remember him.”

“It’s not so much weight but what it does. I need it to be muscle to make me faster, and it needs to be aerodynamic. So I watch my figure a bit more than most mares do. And that does help with flight.” She changed the subject oblivious to Twilight’s face dropping. “This looks high enough. Okay, fly that direction then swoop upwards and to the left and keep gliding until your belly’s facing the ground again.”

Heeding Rainbow Dash’s direction Twilight pulled off her first barrel roll, while her thoughts were rolling all over in her mind.


Princess Twilight Sparkle’s Coronation went off without a hitch. The Princesses: her teacher Celestia, foalsitter Cadance, and good friend Luna stood by her. Her friends were there; the best she could ever have and others she didn’t know as well, and many she knew only through passing. Her parents and BBBFF were there, she spotted the Great and Powerful Trixie at one point, made a grand speech to the kingdom, and everything was perfectly fine. Even her flight over Canterlot went smoothly.

“You know Shining Armor; I’m not going to be upset if you don’t bow to me every time we see each other. In fact I am going to be disappointed if you call me anything besides Princess Twiliy. I mean you’re married to a Princess but you’re not that formal with her all the time are you?”

“No, but she’s my wife. I call her Caddy when no-pony else is around,” Shining Armor turned away to show a slight blush under his snow white fur.

“And as your sister you call me other names when others are around. And it means a lot to me. It reminds me of when we were young, please don’t take it from me.”

She shot him a set of puppy eyes no Princess would use in an official setting.

“Okay Twilight. Okay, <cough> Princess Twiliy,” holding up for a hoof bump which she gladly returned.

He stepped away and she turned around to see Pinkie bounding her way with a quart of. “Sarsaparilla! Come on Princess Twilight! Jug it! Give yourself more sass! You’re gonna need it for us commoners to see you as one of us.”

“That’s okay Pinkie. I think I’ll stick with water for today. And I don’t think any-pony should treat me differently now either. I was just telling my brother-“

But she was swept away by Pinkie Pie to the dance floor where the music just changed to something less befitting the event and more exciting. “C’mon Princess Twilight! Show us how you dance. And sing!”

Throwing her hips around wasn’t something she did often, but she had fun. The song was an oldie, one she was quite fond of, and she “knew” the “dance.” No-pony would say she was half way good; she quit after hitting five ponies with her flank and backing into two others. Ironically her wings stayed put, something else she learned as quick. Walking off the floor in giddy shame she ran into Rarity who was talking business with a horse who looked like a merchant from Saddle Arabia.

“Rarity, just let me thank you again for my dress today.”

“My Princess Twilight, I will never be granted a greater task than designing a dress for a Coronation. The pleasure is entirely mine,” with that they embraced.

“Tell me Rarity, does this make my plot look big?” She whispered.

Rarity let out a rather unladylike like guffaw followed by a series of snorts. “Twilight Sparkle? Did you ask me that? Of course not.” Leaning in she whispered, “Your plot looks the same as it did the day you came to Ponyville. So relax, have some Black Forest Cake. It’s delicious.”

“No thank you. I already ate.” The lie fell off her tongue as easily as the rumble left her stomach to betray her words. “Well, maybe a snack couldn’t hurt.”

Darting off to the salad table she grabbed a plate and heaped celery until it threatened to overflow when another familiar voice sounded behind her.

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Princess Celestia.” Taking a deep bow and having it be returned was going to take a while to get used to.

“I have said all I needed to already, but there is so much more I want to say. So I hope simply telling I am immeasurably proud of you will do.”

“Oh thank you.” Setting down her plate she galloped the few meters to her mentor and nuzzled her with all her might. “I will do my absolute best to not let you down!”

“You’ve never let me down before. So do you think you can fulfill your duties from the Ponyville Library?”

“You mean it? I can stay in Ponyville?”

“I see no reason why not. You will not have any official duties for many months, so do continue studying as you have.”

Another round of nuzzles, “Oh thank you, thank you. I won’t let you down.”

“One more thing, perhaps you would like oil for your celery?”


(six weeks later)

The front door opened and “Twilicorn” (as Rainbow Dash had taken to calling her) trotted in and called out to Spike. “Do you have breakfast ready?”

“You bet Twilight. Oatmeal and strawberries; per the Lady’s Request,” taking a low bow as she stepped into the kitchen and took her seat.

“Oh Spike, you did good today,” lifting her first spoon to her mouth.

“So any plans to this fine day your Highness?”

A soft giggle sounded behind his back. “I’m going to fly off to the Gates of Tartars and see just how things work there. First I’m going to see if Fluttershy wants to see Cerberus again.”

“She’ld love that. Are you going to be home tonight? ‘Cause that was the best night’s sleep I had for months when you first went there.” <silence followed> “Twilight?” Spike turned around to see Twilight giving him a very irate look.

“Spike? Is this brown sugar coating this? And maple syrup?”

“Uhh, yeah.”


“Because you like maple syrup and brown sugar on your oatmeal. Right?” He was growing concerned by her look.

“When I ask for it.” She stood up and stomped over to him. “When maple season is starting and we have some left over. When I hear ‘Hey, this brown sugar’s getting lumpy as my belly and we should finish it soon.’ When I have trouble sleeping and I need a pick-me-up. Not when some little dragon decides I need to have both on my already compromising breakfast and wants to ruin me!” Spike was now back against the wall and saw her shadow creep over him. This was not the first time recently she had shouted over something so trivial. And this time he wasn’t going to lay down and take it.

“You know what? I tried to do something nice for you and this is how you treat me? Well I don’t like it,” leaning right into her so their noses touched.

“You’ve been acting weird ever since you got those stupid wings of yours. I’m taking the day off, maybe go see Rarity. She knows how to treat ponies even when something goes to her head.” With that he brushed past Twilight, stormed across the hall and slammed the door on his way out.

Growling, Twilight picked up her mostly full bowl of breakfast and tossed it down the garbage disposal, filled herself up orange juice and went to her bedroom to cool down.

Spike was right she thought collapsing on her bed. She had been irritable lately, just yesterday she snapped at Discord in Canterlot for humming some silly song that Luna had been practicing in the Sculpture Garden. Maybe she just needed more sleep, her studies were becoming harder to focus on and…oh she can sleep in a minute.

Scampering to the washroom she shut the door and turned to take a good look at her rump. Darn it, it’s even more rounded. Grrhh! What will it take to shrink her Celestia darned plot?

In a worse mood than ever she plopped onto her bed again and screamed into the pillow. She’d been working on this for the past six weeks, and it was only becoming more rounded and, was it bigger?

Standing back in front of the mirror, yes it was getting bigger. She had no scale in her house, but she knew her body. Sinking back onto her bed for the third time in as many minuets she went through her schedule and diet. Running every morning she managed to work her way to three kilometers but didn’t seem to have the energy she used to, still it was three kilometers more than she used to do. Breakfast was still the most important meal of the day, and Spike’s sweet tooth threw her caloric balance off, so what if she didn’t finish it today?

Lunch usually was splitting a bowl of soup with Spike now, no more snacks in between meals either. Celery was caloric negative so that was always fine, and she had given the celery stand in the market far more business lately. And Pinkie was an exception too, if she could snarf like that in public then so could she. Then what? No more teleporting, walking everywhere was fine now, unless she needed to fly. Oh she was supposed to go to Tartars today.

<sigh> She didn’t really have to, so she would take this morning to catch up on sleep. Which was strange, she had been getting nine hours a night now but how was she still…still…


Trotting happily towards the market Twilight noticed Time Turner’s messing around with the town center clock. Maybe he would give more notice to a slimmer, more attractive Princess Twilight Sparkle than he gave her before.

“Hellooo Mister Turner.”

“Beg your pardon. Little busy here.”

“I don’t mean to bother you. I just want to say I see you working very hard often, and it’s something I admire.”

Looking down, “Princess Twilight? Well thank you very much. I am sure you study very hard yourself.”

“It’s mostly learning what others have to say. But hehe I try. Is something wrong with the clock? I set my own clock by it.”

“It must have happened last night. A spring snapped and the whole thing just stopped. Do you study clock mechanics Princess?”

“Not really. I have tried taking one apart, so I can understand that one piece throws off every <yawn> little thing.”

“Uh, look Princess. I really AM busy here and you- Princess!” Time Turner shouted as the world went dark around Twilight Sparkle.


Lifting her head Twilight smelled a whiff of cotton candy, meaning there was only one bed in Ponyville she could be in.

“Good afternoon sleepyhead.”

“Pinkie?” Sitting up caused her to become lightheaded. “Um, what happened?”

“I saw you talking to Time Turner and you collapsed in the street. I brought you here, and you woke up.”

Something was wrong with the earth pony: she wasn’t smiling. Even Twilight waking up would be an opportunity to smile for her, and she wasn’t. Her face wasn’t just neutral, something was upsetting her. Her mane wasn’t as coiled as “normal”, and she wasn’t speaking as quickly as she often did.

“So I just blacked out?”

“Yeah. You looked hungry so I got you some ice cream cake. Want?”

Daisy flavored Ice Cream was the key to her heart, and now it was inside a chocolate cake. That would make her day perfect, that would be so creamy coming from work of Pinkie Pie’s hooves. That would…take hours of running to burn off! But it would make Pinkie happy, and she looked so bummed about something.

“Okay. Yeah, that sounds good.”

A smile spread across her friends face as she reached behind Twilight's ear and pulled out two sporks.

“You know how to cheer me up,” said Pinkie stabbing the edge and spoon feeding Twilight.

"Is something bothering you Pinkie?"

"Yeah," she looked downcast at the bedroom floor.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Do you want to tell me something Twilight?"

"Uh, Pinkie? We're talking about you."

"Twilight, I'm worried about you. Are you...feeling well?"

"I'll be fine. That's never happened to me before. I'll go to the hospital if it happens again. Okay?" Giving a reassuring smile didn't help ease her.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me? I can help you with anything you know."

"No Pinkie. I'm fine."

"Okay." Her mane drooped a bit more.


The next day knocking on her door reminded Twilight that Applejack was to return the book on garden insects, and she called to Spike to let her get it.

“Howdy Twilight. Thanks fer having me over. Ah just couldn’t mooch off yer so Ah brought my world famous apple and pear pie! What’cha think?” The pie was swept under her nose before Twilight could respond, it did smell good though.

“Uh Applejack? Invite you over?” She stood still as AJ wiped her feet and strolled past her.

“Yes ma’am. And I was gonna stay home and fix a few buckets otherwise. So again thank you.”

“I didn’t invite you over Applejack. I asked if you had finished that book you borrowed and you said you would return it tonight.”

Applejack turned around and tilted her head in confusion, “Ah sucks. Ya right. I’m sorry gal. Look, keep the pie, uh, you do want the pie right?”

“I’m sure Spike will finish what I don’t. Look, it’s no trouble. He’s going a little overboard with dinner as it is-“

“Well let me at least return yers book. Ah swear one of these day’s I’m a gonna ferget my tail. Hey, you want to come with me? We ain’t spoken much in the past month. And ya look a tad pale, sun’ll do ya good. C’mon.”

“Okay. Spike, Applejack and I are coming back for dinner in half an hour okay?”

“Got it!” could faintly be heard from the kitchen.

Catching up with Applejack she asked, “Do you really think I look pale?”

“Ah think ya could use some sun. Ain’t yer teacher got sumat do with it?” A snide smile crept onto her face but did not reach her eyes.

“Ha ha. Yes. Are you okay Applejack, you look…bothered.”

After a pause she spoke. “Some things are happenin’ around and Ah don’t like ‘em. Ah can’t control all it, but Ah’m doin’ what Ah can. Oh hey Rares.”

Rarity was pushing a mirror of hers in their direction. “Good evening Applejack. Twlight? Is Spike home by any chance? I…want to ask him something private involving Sweetie Belle. Hehe.” Rarity’s smile looked rather forced.

“Yes he is. Did he do something?”

“Oh no. I just think my sister…has a crush on him. That’s it. Look at the time, I should be hurrying.” With that she trotted off leaving Twilight slightly confused.

“What was with that mirror?”

“Ah reckon she’s got a good reason. Ah try not to figure her out too much.”

"Soo, back to the subject at hoof, what’s happening that you can’t control?” She asked turning the conversation back.

“Well, like these wings of ya here. Ah’m not saying Ah don’t like ‘em, but, their different and beyond my control. Ah know they mean a lot to you, but, what if they change yers? What if ya don’t even see it? See? That could go wrong and Ah couldn’t do nothin’ ‘bout it.”

“Spike said something like that two weeks ago. I don’t think I changed. Have I?”

A silence washed between them before, “Yer know yer can count on me. And Ah will let ya know IF yer wings change ya. Or anything else does. Ya hear?”

“Thank you Applejack.”


The rest of their trip to and from Sweet Apple Acres was filled with lighter discussions and Twilight insisting her friend join her for dinner. Until she opened the door to her home again.

The first thing she saw was Princess Celestia standing in her living room, and she was surrounded by her closest friends all sitting in a circle. It looks like Rarity had more business here than talking to Spike, and her mirror was standing next to the wall. Shining Armor was also there, and looked as bad as he did waking up from Chrylsis’s spell. Celestia was the first to speak.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, please take a seat. We all need to talk to you.” She pointed to her favorite cushion.
“Princess, what’s going on?”

“Have a seat and we can discuss it.”

“Applejack-“ Turning around and seeing her standing directly in the door way.

“Sugar, just do it. We’re serious ‘bout this.” Her face reflected it, including her eyes this time.

Very self-conscious about having all eyes on her, Twilight slowly walked forward and sat where she was directed to.

Celestia took her seat across from her and cleared her throat.

“We apologize for deceiving you like this, but it’s for your own good. Don’t forget that we love you and would not lie to you. Twilight, you have an eating disorder.”

Twilight looked at her in disbelief. “No I don’t Princess. That would be ridiculous”

“Spike has been worried sick about you for weeks. Look at him.”

Spike was sitting in his chair right next to her looking at the floor and twittling his thumbs. He looked so ashamed.

“But there’s nothing wrong with me. Spike, you’ve been worrying over nothing”

“Twilight, stand up dear.” Rarity brought her mirror to the center of the room and showed Twilight her reflection from the side. She promptly poked her multiple times with her hoof between protests. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. And eight where it digs back into your body. I just counted EIGHT ribs that I can see. Look here, eight ribs! You have been starving yourself and- and-I’m sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears as she dashed back to her seat.

“Look every-pony. You’re wrong. Okay, I have been dieting a little but-“

“Twilight, don’t lie to us,” Pinkie Pie chocked out her words through her silent sobs. “You’re dying, and it hurts to watch. And I tried talking to you about this yesterday and I didn't, wwwwaaaa…” She broke down into sobs and collapsed into Fluttershy while she patted her back.

“I haven’t seen you since your Coronation little sister. But I saw it the moment you walked in. Why are you doing this? How long has this been going on!?” Shining Armor was calm and collected most of the time, but he was livid and doing his best to hold it back. Rainbow Dash got mad when she was scared and looked just as furious.

Flying over to her, “Yeah! Just how long have you been keeping us in the dark about this? I noticed something wrong and was going to knock some sense into you if it came to that. But Spike had his little plan and-“ Sighing heavily she calmed herself down. “You might be Empress Egghead, but you’re very sick. Look at me, I’m crying. And you did this to me.”

Tears were indeed filling her eyes, but she went back quietly to her cushion, crossed her fore hooves and let them flow instead of wiping them off. It was a testament to her sincerity and it set off Twilight's tears too.

“Every-pony, listen to me. I know what I’m doing. I’m just trying to lose weight. I’m not binging and purging.” Her sobs punctuated her words. “I’m being smart about this. I’ve been drinking enough water…”

“You’re just doing what I told you Twilight. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Pinkie shuddered.
Fluttershy finally spoke up. “Now Pinkie, I told you before. You did what any-pony would have done.”

“Fluttershy,” Celestia interjected. “No-pony is too blame except Twilight. She made her decision and we made ours to do something about it. Twilight, you should have come to us: Luna, Cadance or myself if you thought your figure was less than perfect. But it’s more than that; you have been deceiving us this whole time. Pinkie, explain to Twilight how she’s been lying to us.”

“Lying? I haven’t b-“

“You gorge yourself out around us Twilight. You have been eating almost everything I eat, but Spike told me that’s all you eat unless he makes it special for you. And I told you I eat with an audience so I gave you that idea, now you use it to make us think you really are eating enough. I’m so so sorry.” Her mane was sinking the whole time and simply looked as curly as normal ponies have it.


Spike remained silent-no-he was sniffling. but grabbed around her leg and squeezed tight.

Celestia spoke again. “Spike has been concerned ever since your Coronation. You’ve tried to hide what you’re doing to yourself but he had a front row seat the whole time. Will you tell her what you did?”

The dragon shook his head.

“He has been tricking you into eating as much sugar, fat and carbohydrates as he can. He naively thought he could take care of you and solve this on his own, but he told me everything. After you collapsed in the street yesterday we all agreed this had to stop and set this up. Rainbow Dash nearly funnel fed you many times from what I heard." A rainbow colored mane bobbed up and up down.

“Twilight Sparkle, you need to put a stop to this stupidity. You are hurting every-pony around you. Do you understand what we are telling you?”

Twilight was now weeping. Could they be right?

“NO! You’re wrong. I’m not starving myself. I am slimming myself down and if you’re too upset with my change to-“

She was cut off by Shining Armor embracing her and let his tears drop onto her head. Rainbow Dash swooped over and soon every-pony felt the touch of Celestia’s majestic wings around their group hug. They cried, part from the pain they felt, mostly knowing it was over and the healing could begin. Above it all the newest alicorn felt the love and acceptance she longed for these two months.

Twilight couldn’t finish her words and broke down into tears too. Maybe they were right. When was Celestia ever wrong about her? Noises erupted from her merging cries and hiccups.

“I’m sorry! I am so sorry every-pony! I <hic> didn’t mean to hurt any-one.”

“No-pony ever means to hurt any-one Twilight. Not like this. We forgive ya.”

“I’m sorry. I think I can do this girls. And boys. But I can’t do it alone. Help me.” Her voice was strong but muffled.

“Don’t worry dear. No-one’s going to let you go through this alone. Pinkie Promise.”

A chorus of “Pinkie Promise” sounded out as those who could mimic the movements did so.

Rainbow hollered out, “Do it again and I’ll kick you into next Saturday morning. Got it?”

“Now’s not the best time Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy whispered.

Eventually they broke apart. Pinkie opened the box of peanut-butter filled cupcakes she had hidden in her mane and Spike brought out the Cream of Potato soup her had warming on the stove. Twilight ate as much as she could of both and thanked her Creator she had such wonderful, amazing loving friends who would look out for her and pick her up. Especially whenever she threw herself down.

Fluttershy gave her instructions on how to eat after a famine or starvation. Dash still wanted to head butt her for being so uncouth, Rarity was amazed how she had knew the word. Her brother said he wouldn’t have let her get this far if she was in Canterlot, but maybe this happened at the right time, and he would have bludgeoned his way through it rather than a calm talk so it was for the best.

Celestia sighed heavily and leaned down to nuzzle and berate her, nothing Twilight didn’t expect.

“I am disappointed in your mistakes, but I believe you have learned from it. So my pride in you has been well placed.”

“Again, I’m sorry Princess. And I have learned. Two lessons in fact.”

“Oh? Well would you mind delivering your Friendship Report now?”

Dear Princess Celestia;

Today I learned that you are responsible for your own actions, but a good friend will never let you hurt yourself. We all struggle with problems, but a good friend will make sure you don’t go through it alone. That is the beauty that we should strive for; not what we see in a mirror, but what others see in us.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

My first attempt at TV-Y7 and Twilicorn. I am not butthurt over her, just the Princess and Destiny thing, not going there though. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
The phrases 'Princess Sprakbutt' and 'Emperors Egghead' are borrowed from TheLastBrunnenG.
I asked several women about how Twilight might think and what she would do in this situation so ladies if I got something wrong or missed something else please tell me.

Comments ( 7 )

Not bad, not bad at all. The Goddess of Magic tries to starve herself so she could get thin....fail:facehoof: I seem to notice a small amount of Spilight in this story but could be wrong, you did very well, a few errors that need to be corrected but nothing major, poor Twi, I'm very impressed though:twilightsmile: And I think you meant Tartarus, you know, the underworld, hell, the dark and evil place that perhaps not even the Gods would dare enter unless they had no other choice and that is not meant for mortals, I love that place:yay:

There are a couple of persistent mistakes in the fic to work on for next time, but I liked the story :)

The singular form is "pegasus" while the plural form is "pegasi". So Rainbow Dash is a pegasus, whereas Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are pegasi.

You use a hyphen for words like anyone and everypony, typing them as any-one and every-pony. That's not the correct way to write it.

All in all, very nice story.

Bad Twilight! No starvy starvy!

No seriously, a nice little story with the consequences of not taking care of your body. good job.

A big thanks to everybrony who likes this story, you have made my week. I will be sure to try this again.:pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

I liked it. You obviously researched your topic well, and the emotions were spot-on.
Good job! :twilightsmile:

I really liked this story. However, men suffer from eating disorders just as much as women. Just thought I'd point that out. :pinkiehappy:

It was pretty good except that they were mad at her for having a mental illness and blamed it on her, when it wasn't even her fault that she had it in the first place or saw herself that way. I think if this actually happened, Twilight's friends wouldn't have blamed her for her problem. Also, it was sorta fast-paced...2 months is a very short amount of time to develop an eating disorder.

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