• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,449 Views, 598 Comments

Spike the Knight - vadram

Spikes fears the day Twilight will leave to fight for Equestria and never return.

  • ...

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Chapter 7 A hard time ahead

A hard time ahead

“What the hay are you doing in ma bed?” Apple Bloom asked Spike as she awoke.

“Five more minutes...” He said still asleep. He turned and thinking she was his pillow grabbed her and pulled her closer.

She jumped after feeling the touch of the dragon’s claws against her yellow coat. In a single movement she put some distance between them, turned, and bucked him off the bed, screaming loudly after.

This didn't do them any good. The sudden movement caused her injuries to cause deal of pain, while Spike felt the full force of an Apple’s buck. Even if Apple Bloom was still a filly she had enough experience working on the farm and with the apple trees resulting with powerful kicks that hurt a lot.

Spike was now on the floor curled up into a ball sobbing.

“Oh stop crying,
You are not dying,
Now get up you two,
Your breakfast is due.”

Zecora was standing near them reading from a book, on a nearby table two stone bowls sat filled with green bubbling liquid. She carried the bowls towards them, and placed one on the bed near Apple Bloom and one on the floor next to Spike. Afterwards she returned to her book and continued with her reading.

“Now you eat,
Then on your feet,
For we have much to do,
For tonight's brew.”

“Ugh, I think I am never going to get use to this.” Apple Bloom said before drinking the whole thing in one gulp and sticking out her tongue in disgust.

Spike was still looking at his. He took a whiff and it smelled awful.

“Thanks Zecora... but I have some gems with me.”

She turned and looked at Spike. Before she could say anything Apple Bloom hopped down from the bed and whispered into Spikes ear.

“You better drink it before she gets mad. Just think of it as medicine.” There was a slight hint of dread in her voice.

“Fine.” Spike said before he drank it.

"Horrible, horrible medicine." she said with an evil smile on her face.

The moment it touched his tongue he felt like throwing up. It tasted like nothing he ever ate before, to say it was the worst thing he ever ate would be a compliment. He fought against his bodies wishes and gulped it all down.

“It tastes like... dirt... and sweat... and...” The taste was returning.

“It mostly is.” Apple Bloom said with a giggle.

He could feel it in his mouth. He was now busy making sure it stayed in him. It was not easy, every part of his body wished the foul concussion out of him, by any means necessary.

“So Zecora what are we gonna do today?”

“Today Apple Bloom,
You’ll be using the broom.”

“Cleaning again? I just cleaned it last week.”

“There will be no hocus pocus,
Until you can learn some focus.”

Zecora threw a broomstick to Apple Bloom and went on reading.

“What about me?” Spike asked feeling a bit better. His stomach calmed down and the pain was gone but the taste remained.

Zecora walked out the door, grabbed her walking stick and made a sign for Spike to follow her, they walked to the middle of the clearing in front of her house.


Spike sat down. Zecora traced a circle around him and a smaller circle in front of it. From them many curved lines were being drawn. Spike could have sworn that there was a pattern to them, but he could not make out exactly what it was. After she finished drawing the complex symbol around him she stabbed the staff between him and the smaller circle. Spike looked up at her and saw her smiling.

“If you wish to improve,
From your circle do not move.”

And with that being said she left, returning to her house.

The wind was blowing, noises could be heard coming from the brushes, the leaves were moving but for several hours nothing really happened. Spike just stood in his little circle doing nothing, just sitting there and waiting. A couple of times he dozed off, his head leaning forward until hitting the wooden stick Zecora placed in front of him, waking him up.

Spike’s stomach was now growling, he was starting to get hungry. All he could think of now were the gems from bag, all those juicy juicy gems.He could hear talking coming from the hut, Zecora and Apple Bloom appearing came out shortly after. It took Spike a while to notice that they were walking towards him. Both of them were now wearing cloaks, Zecora also had a large pack tied to her back, Apple Bloom had removed her red bow and had a rock tied around her neck.

Spike took a closer look at them especially at the stone around the filly’s neck. His eyes widened in amazement and his mouth had started drooling.

“Is that a...” he could not finish the sentence, there was too much saliva in his mouth.

“I think it’s called a jedi.” Apple Bloom answered removing the green gem from around her neck.

“Jadeite.” Spike corrected her immediately. “I never thought I would see another one.”

“Another one? Is this rare?” She asked looking at Zecora, she remained silent.

“The only one I ever saw was on Luna’s crown.”

“Crown? Doesn't the princesses wear tiaras?”

“Not on that, Queen Luna’s crown, back at the Royal Canterlot Museum.”

“Museum? Wait did you say queen?”

“The last time I went with Twilight to meet the princesses we also went to a new wing at the museum. It was dedicated to Nightmare Moon. Her crown and her armor were the main attractions.”

Spike was still drooling and his eyes were fixated on the small gem. His stomach let out a loud growl. Zecora took the oval piece of jadeite from Apple Bloom and placed it in the small circle if front of Spike, before leaving.

“Zecora?” Spike asked.

No answer came, she just made a sign for Apple Bloom to follow her and disappeared from sight.

Spike’s stomach growled again.

“I don’t think she wants you to eat it.” Apple Bloom said before running after Zecora.

“But I’m hungry...” He cried.

No one heard him, his stomach growled again this time even louder.

“But I want it...”

His sight was on the green treat that stood in front of him. It was so tempting.

"Grab it. Look at it.
Eat it. It’s just sitting there.
Grab it. In front of you.
Eat it. Taunting you.
Grab it. You will never see one ever again.
Eat it. Just stretch your arm.
Grab it. No one will know.
Eat it. You know you want too.
Grab it.
Eat it.
Grab it."

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