• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 4,449 Views, 598 Comments

Spike the Knight - vadram

Spikes fears the day Twilight will leave to fight for Equestria and never return.

  • ...

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Chapter 4 What's that smell?

What's that smell?

Spike left the house bright and early in the morning. He passed by Quill and Sofas and headed towards Sugarcube Corner. It had been only less than two hours since the bakery opened that day so everything was fresh, fresher than usual.

The doorbell rang as Spike entered the building and he was promptly greeted by Pinkie Pie.

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner... Hi Spike,” Pinkie said as she saw who her customer was. “What can I get you.”

“Morning Pinkie,” he replied. “How about a couple of fresh topaz cookies?”

“Sorry Spike, there isn’t much demand for gem filled sweets. I can have some ready for you in a few hours if you want.”

“Nah,” he said. “Give me a box of chocolate chip ones instead.”

“Okay.” Pinkie said as she pulled a box of chocolate chip cookies from under the counter.

Spike gave her the money and he left heading towards Sweet Apple Acres to look for Apple Bloom.

The apple themed weather maine that stood on top the Apple’s home soon came into sight. Despite his small legs Spike managed to get to the farmhouse in less than an hour.

He was walking towards the farmhouse, when he saw Applejack busy getting some water from the well.

“Morning A.J.” Spike said as he approached the orange pony.

“Morning Spike. How can I help you?” she said as she picked up a bucket and poured the water into a nearby barrel, filling it up. She put the barrel on her back and started walking towards the farmhouse, Spike followed.

“I was actually looking for Apple Bloom. Do you know where she is?”

“Well, today is not a school day, and I don’t reckon the other two came by, so she should either be around here somewhere or at the treehouse.”

“Thanks A.J.”

“Sure thing Spike.”

Applejack left and continued with her chores. Spike was wandering around the farmhouse looking for the filly, without much success.

“Hey Big Mac!” Spike said as the red stallion came into sight.

“Have you seen Apple Bloom?”

“Eeyup.” He said briefly as he pointed towards the orchard. “Clubhouse.”

Spike thanked him before running off into the direction of the tree house that served as the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse.

“Hey, Apple Bloom, you up there?”

“Ahh!” Apple Bloom yelled from inside the clubhouse. “Be down in a moment.”

“Apple Bloom you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Squeaking could be heard from inside as if somepony was bending some wooden planks.

“You can come up now if you want.” she popped her head out the window.

“Spike?” she asked, surprised by his presence. “What are you doing here?”

“Umm... Can we talk?”

“Sure. Come on up.”

Spike walked up the wooden stairs that led to the clubhouse that was build around an old apple tree. When he entered he noticed an odd smell, it seemed familiar, something a bit damped and earthy, but he could not remember where he smelled it before. He took a deep breath.

“What’s that smell?” he asked as he continued to sniff the air hoping to remember where he had smelled it before.

“Smell what smell. I don’t smell nothing.” The filly panicked when Spike mentioned the smell.

“I am sure I smelt it somewhere else... But I just can’t put my claw on it.”

“No you didn’t.”

“I’m pretty sure I did.”

“Spike!” Apple Bloom said loudly, she was feeling uncomfortable.

“Sometimes I wonder who’s the worst liar in your family.” Spike said laughingly.

Apple Bloom was looking at him angrily.

“Okay okay... I actually wanted to ask you a favor.”

“You call me a liar then you want to ask me a favor?”

“Umm... Sorry?”

“Fine. What can I do for you?”

“I need to head over to Zecora, but I’ve never went there alone so...”

“You’re scared and you want me to tag along?” She said teasing him.

“I’m not scared. I just don’t know the way. Can you help me?”

“Well I’m not supposed to see her until tomorrow...” Apple Bloom muttered. “Can’t it wait till tomorrow?”

“It can’t!” Spike shouted. “I really need to see Zecora today.”

“Can’t Twilight take you?”

“She... she’s busy... with stuff.”

“Stuff?” Apple Bloom asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah stuff... Princess stuff... like papers... and documents... and stuff.”

“You sure it can’t wait till tomorrow?”

“Please Apple Bloom,” Spike said dropping to his knees. “I’m begging you.”

“Uh... Fine. Now run off and go tell ma sister we will be going somewhere to play.”

“Sure thing, but what about you?” Spike asked before leaving the clubhouse.

“I’ve got stuff to do before we leave.” Apple Bloom noticed that Spike was giving her the same look she had given him before. “Stuff okay? The same kind of stuff Twilight has to do.”

“Right. Gotcha. I’m off to find Applejack.” He said as he ran towards the farm,

“Wait for me by the well when you’re done.” She yelled from the window.

“Sure.” Spiked yelled back before disappearing into the orchard.

Now that Spike was gone, Apple Bloom moved a flooring board away and it revealed a secret compartment. She pulled out an old book, badly damaged by the elements but still in a decent enough condition so one could make out the wording.

“Now where did that go?” She asked herself as she was sticking her head into the hole.

“Ah there it is.”

She pulled out her head and stuck her hoof in. After a few tries she grabbed the object and pulled it out. It was a rather large yellowish mushroom with a pointed cap, greenish blue mold was covered its other end.

“Now where were we?” She opened the book at a marked page and took the mushroom in her hoofs.

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