• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 773 Views, 7 Comments

Battle Bears: Friendship is Magic - The Anonymous Colt

The Battle Bears team have arrived on a new planet, and boy, is it colorful

  • ...

Chapters One: The Beginning

Battle Bears: Friendship is Magic
By The Anonymous Colt
Chapter One: The Beginning
It was a beautiful day, sunny day. Every pony was out strolling through the small town of Ponyville, having small conversations with each other, selling goods and trinkets on the street with a big grin on their faces, enjoying the splendor of nature and the good will of each companion they meet. One such pony was a young unicorn mare, her coat a modest shade of lavender, and her mane was a darker shade of purple with a pink streak through it. Twilight Sparkle, the resident librarian of the small village, was taking a nice, relaxing walk through the public park located in the center of Towns Square, humming to herself a small song she read from a little book she had read earlier. It had gotten stuck in her head, and just couldn’t help herself repeating it to no one in particular.

Suddenly, she heard a frantic and hyper voice behind her, shouting out her name. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight!” The unicorn sighed, getting ready to face the onslaught of words jumbled together that would come her way. Her friend, Pinkie Pie, was a good friend that would always support you in any way, but can be a bit tiresome at times, especially when she’s planning a party for a special occasion, or just about any occasion, for that matter. “Twilight, my Pinkie Senses are tingling!”

Suddenly, the purple mare’s ears perked up at the remark. Twilight learned the hard way that whenever Pinkie had any sudden jitters or seizures, they would usually foretell some sort of calamity that would happen just after her predictions. Twilight had no idea how Pinkie was capable of predicting the future just by her various twitches, and had even tried solving her mysterious condition, but to no avail. After a harrowing adventure revolving around a hungry hydra, she chose to finally trust the ‘Pinkie Sense’, despite the lack of proof that it was all just a coincidence or not. “What’s going to happen, Pinkie? Is something else going to fall on me again, and if it is, will it be a frog again?” Twilight remembered the first time she discovered the power of the Pinkie Sense, when a frog fell on her face just seconds after the prediction.

“No Twilight, it’s something much bigger than that!” Her voice was urgent, as if something bad was going to happen.

“Is it a flower pot?” The purple mare asked dumbly.

“No, nothing going to fall from the sky, well not exactly, I’m not really sure, I just started to shiver all over, and something tells me something important is going to happen with the sky, and it’s going to be one heck of a doozy!” Suddenly, she started to tremble uncontrollably across her entire body, shaking for about three seconds before she stopped. “See, there it is again!”

The unicorn was worried now. If what Pinkie said was true, then something really serious was going to happen, and it had something to do with the sky. “What do you think is going to happen? Do you think another dragon is going to start filling the town with smoke again?”

“I don’t know, but whatever is going to happen, it’s going to be something to be big. Really big!”

“That doesn’t sound good. We better tell the rest of Ponyville what’s happening.” Twilight began to run towards the mayor’s office.

“I’m right behind you, Twilight!” She began to run too, but started to shiver again, causing her to only be able to vibrate her way to Twilight like a foal’s toy.

I wonder what could be so big to cause Pinkie to shiver like that, Twilight thought to herself as she ran, hoping that whatever was coming wasn’t too dangerous.


A large spaceship was swimming through the empty void of space, desperately trying to escape a massive cloud of various colors slowly swirling towards it. Some parts of the cloud would fly away from the rest of the nebula, and latch onto the exterior of the ship, and would then crawl inside any open valves or crevices. A white bipedal Polar bear stood on the captain’s bridge, checking the security footage that would reveal the carnage in the halls below. Grizzly, Black, and even Polar bears, all of them standing on two legs like him, were being hugged to death by countless amounts of colorful teddy bear like creatures, all of them mindlessly repeating the same wretched words over and over again, “Hug me! Hug me!”

Some bears were fighting back, however, giving the Huggables a good run for their money. One such bear, a young Black bear, was running along the corridors of the massive ship with his friend, a Grizzly bear the same age as him, slowly making their way through the hordes of the mindless drones. They came upon a double-seal door, locked on the inside. “Hey Riggs, it’s us, Oliver and Wil! Open the door, quick, more Huggables are coming this way!”

Suddenly they heard a gruff voice roar over the intercom. “All right, Oliver, I’m opening the door, but it’s going to take a while for the seals to open, you’re going to have to wait for a few minutes.”

“We don’t have that much time!” As soon as the Black bear’s words left his mouth, he suddenly heard the infamous “Hug me!” He turned around, and his eyes widened as he saw a vast horde of rainbow assorted Huggables slowly making their way to the two buddies.

Wil started to panic. “Oh god, we’re going to die, we’re going to die!”

But Oliver wouldn’t give up as easily. “No we’re not! Grab your shotgun, Wil! We’ve survived this long, and we’re not going to go down any time soon!” He held on to his Saw machine gun tighter, and started to mow down the infestation. “Die, damn Huggables!” Wil would fire at any pink appendage he saw, making sure none would ever get to close to them.

Soon, the two friends were covered in rainbows, desperately trying to hold back the ever impending threat just inches from hugging them both. After about three minutes, Oliver yelled at the intercom, “Riggs, are those locks open yet?!”

“Almost, I’m unlocking the final seal, just hold on a little longer!” The Polar bear was working furiously at the keyboard, typing in any command that would make the door open faster.

“I don’t think we can last much longer!” Wil fired a Huggable, got ready to fire at the next one, and realized that he had just slain the last one, a pile of teddy bears lying on the floor in front of him and Oliver. “Oh, uh, never mind! Take your time if you want, heh heh!” Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed, a whole army of Huggables in front of them, ten times bigger than the one they faced before. Wil screamed, and started to bang at the door frantically. “Don’t take your time, don’t take our time! Open the door, open the door!”

Oliver couldn’t take any more of Wil’s whining. “Wil, stop panicking! We can do this if we just work-“suddenly, his gun started to click, a sign that he was all out of ammo. “Wil, your gun!”

Wil stopped panicking for a few seconds to shoot Huggables, but his gun wouldn’t fire. “I’m all out too!”

Oliver looked back at the horde ahead of them, which was dangerously getting close. “Okay, now we can panic!”

“Open the door, open the door, open the door!” The two friends yelled over and over again, banging at the door desperately, trying to get inside with every fiber in their bones. Oliver began to pry at the door, hoping that by doing so, he could create a small crevice for him and Wil to slip through, but then his friend screamed. He turned back to the Huggables, and realized that they were right in hugging range, ready to strangle the life out of them. The two friends began to scream, thinking it was the end, until they heard a sudden whoosh, fell on their backs, and then heard a loud bang. Riggs, a few soldiers, and pilots were staring down at them with a small grin on his face.

“Well you boys handled that situation well.” It took a few seconds for Oliver and Wil to figure out what just happened, then got back up on their feet.

“Jesus Riggs, if it weren’t for you, me and Wil would’ve been done for!” Oliver had always admired his leader, a bear who would never leave you behind. Well, except that time when they left Wil on their old ship, when it became infested with Huggables, but that’s another story.

“No problem, boys. Now, we found a planet nearby where we can dock to replenish our supplies and, hopefully, get rid of the Huggables in the ship and the huge armada chasing us.”

“Is it a dead planet, and if not, are the locals friendly?” Wil asked hopefully, not wanting another race of hug-loving monsters on their hands . . . er, paws.

“Hard to tell, the Huggables are scrambling our signals, so we can’t get a very good reading at the moment. We don’t have time for a scout to check it out, so we’ll just have to hope for the best.”

“Well, beats having to go back out there and fight those creeps again. I say we go.” Oliver would have like to known if there were hostiles or not, but it even if there were cannibals on the planet, it’s better than being hugged to death.

Riggs nodded, and then told the pilot to head to the destination at hand. Getting ready to enter hyper drive in ten seconds,” the captain told the crew, then began to countdown.

“Hey Riggs, what exactly is this planet called, anyway?” The Black bear asked.

“Explorers have named the planet ‘Equestria’, but no one has ever visited the planet for about a thousand years now since some sort of war between royalty.”

“Well that’s about to change soon.” Oliver was excited at the prospect of a new adventure, and the possibility of killing something. The countdown ended, and the ship entered hyper drive, leaving the rainbow cloud in the dust.


The ponies were gathered in front of Towns Square, murmuring amongst themselves what could have possibly caused them to be summoned here in such urgency. The mayor of the town walked up to the podium, and began to speak. “All right, every pony, settle down, settle down now!” The crowd in front of her became silent, the only sound coming from someone who had a serious sore throat, and was coughing severely. “First off, I would like to thank you all for coming here in such short notice, and hope that you all forgive me. I know you are all very busy, and have your own personal tasks that you wish to attend to.” Some of the ponies agreed with her, giving silent nods towards her direction. “Now, the reason why you all had to come to Ponyville Town Square immediately is because a reliable source has told us that she believes that an eminent force is approaching our fair little town, which may or may not be dangerous.’ The audience began to panic wondering what could be approaching their village. “Quiet, every pony, please calm down.!” But her words were useless to the town, one pony exclaiming “The horror, the horror!” during the trauma welling within the crowd.

“Listen up, all of you!” The townponies returned their attention to the stand, and saw a purple unicorn speaking diplomatically. ‘We are not sure if whatever is approaching is even alive, let alone sentient and bent on destruction. We all just have to stay calm, and just have to hope under Celestia’s name that we will all be okay.” Her words were able to calm the audience down, coaxing the crowd back to stability. “Okay, so according to Pinkie, whatever is coming will come by any minute now, and so, in the unlikely chance of it being able to talk, we will greet them with love and affection, so as not to provoke them, understood?” The ponies nodded, albeit nervously, some swallowing with difficulty, causing them to gulp.

Suddenly, the pink mare ran out next to Twilight. “My Pinkie Senses are tingling again! That means whatever is coming is getting closer!” Suddenly, se began to convulse all over her body, which lasted for a few seconds, stopped, then convulsed again. The cycle went on for a while, each shiver getting more and more frequent, until she just kept on shaking for three minutes straight, much to the dismay of the pink mare. When she was finally able to stop, everything was eerily quiet, nothing making even the slightest of sounds. Even the usual singing from the birds throughout the city stopped.

After for what seemed to be an eternity, a colt from the audience asked, “So, uh, where is it?”

As soon as the colt’s words left his muzzle, a giant ball of fire fell through the sky with a deafening roar, causing every pony to cover their ears, or risk becoming deaf. The unidentified object continued to fall, until it landed in the Everfree Forest, causing a loud boom to shake the earth, and making birds fly away in search of a new home. Once the residents saw what happened, any peace that was kept was immediately shattered, causing all the ponies to scramble all over town, searching for a place to hide. Twilight and her six friends were a bit harkened by the events that just transpired, especially a certain yellow pegasus, but their resolves wouldn’t dissolve. “Come on girls, we have to make sure whatever that thing was isn’t going to threaten the ponies of this town!”

“Yeah, let’s go kick some flanks!” Brash as always, Rainbow Dash was about to fly towards Forest, until the orange farm pony bit her tail, keeping her grounded.

“Nah hold on jus, a’ sec, Rainbow. Ya’ shouldn’t go all willy nily like dat.”

“Applejack is right, you shouldn’t go and fight something you don’t even know. Plus, what if they’re friendly? You could end up causing a fight between two species!” As much as the cyan pegasus hated to admit it, she knew the lavender mare was right. She sighed, and set her feet back on the ground.

“Fine, then what do you think we should do?”

“Well I think we should be civilized about this and greet the newcomers. If they are dangerous, Twilight and I could use our magic to protect us.”

“That’s a great idea,” Pinkie said, praising the white unicorn for her idea. “If they are friendly, then I can throw them a super duper party filled with cake, and soda, and candy, and-“

“I think for now, we should worry about the creatures than a party, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said with a bit of exasperation in her voice.

Then Applejack said, “A’ right, nah dat we know wat we should do, ah say we go confront dis here thang.”

And with their plan settled , the six friends galloped towards the Everfree Forest, except for one lone mare, who was cowering on the spot she stood on. “Um, wait uh . . . eep!” Then ran with her friends, not wanting to be alone.


“Ow, that was a rough landing . . .” Oliver stood shakily on his feet, swaying a bit from the crash. The Huggables had messed with their landing sequence, which caused their anti-thrusters to malfunction, and the landing gear to break. ‘Hey, is everybody all right?”

He heard a low groan, and saw Riggs rise from a pile of rubbish. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Soon, other bears were rising from the wreckage; all of them bruised and scratched, but otherwise were fine. ‘It seems as though everyone’s okay.”

Wil stood up last, disorientated. “Ugh, I’m actually feeling a bit nauseous.” Suddenly, Oliver screamed, “Oh god, Wil, your arm!”

“What about it?” He looked down at his right appendage, and saw that it had a small scratch along the length of his forearm. “Oh that? That’s just a scratch, that’s all,” the young Grizzly bear said light heartedly. As he tried to examine the cut, his arm fell off, causing wires to spark and oil to flow, which made both Oliver and Wil scream.

“Calm down, soldier. That’s nothing more than a flesh wound,” Riggs said, trying to calm the private down.

“Flesh wound?! My arm just fell off! You call that a flesh wound?!” Wil was desperately trying to keep his fluids from pouring out of his nub.

“It happens to me all the time,” the Polar bear said nonchalantly. He walked over to Wil, picked up his arm off the floor, and began to study it. He placed the Grizzly’s appendage into his stump, checking to see how they connected like a puzzle piece, intense focus straining his face.

After a few minutes, his analysis complete, he handed Wil his arm, and told him, “Well, I’m no doctor, but with a little gauze, your arm should be back to normal. Now go to the infirmary before you diesel out.” Wil ran out into the hallway, running to the nearest medical supplies he could find.

“Do you really think he’s going to be okay?” Oliver asked Riggs.

“Of course not, I just told him that so that he could stop crying.” Riggs turned his attention to the perimeter security footage, and saw something he thought was . . . interesting. “Hey Oliver, come check this out.”

Oliver came and began looking at the footage, and his eyes widened. On the screen were six horse-like creatures, two having wings, two having horns, and two having neither of the attributes their friends had. They were all colored in very bright shades of pastels, and were actually speaking in English. The six horses stared upon their ruined ship, probably never seeing anything like it. “Do you think they’re hostile?”

“I’m not really sure, they could be just like the Huggables, we can’t trust their appearances.” The two comrades continued to stare at these strange new creatures, transfixed by their relative cuteness, but still wary of their presences.

The bears realized that the horses were also wondering if the ship held some form of ‘monster’, as the yellow one had stated, quivering.

After a few minutes, Wil walked into the room. “Hey guys, I’m back!”

Riggs and Oliver looked back at him, surprised. “You mean you were really able to reattach your arm,” Riggs asked.

“Yeah, it was just like you said, I just put some gauze over it, and now I’m fine, see?” Wil began to bend his arm, fully capable of moving it without it falling off.

“Huh, impressive,” the Black bear said, then Riggs and him turned their attention back at the security footage.

Wil, curious as to what they were so interested in, asked, “Hey, what are you guys watching?” He ran over to them, and then began to squirm between the two, until he was able o squish through and saw the ponies. “Oh my God, these things are so cute!” He said laughing, bringing his cheeks together to form a ‘Wuv Woo’ face.

“Careful Wil, those things could be dangerous,” Oliver said, trying to warn his friends of the possible danger, but Wil’s mind was already in some faraway place. Oliver sighed, embarrassed by his friend’s enthusiasm of the horses. But, he couldn’t blame him, for some reason, he himself felt attached to these things, even though he would never admit it.

Suddenly, the three bears heard the terrifying “hug Me!”, and started to panic, thinking another Huggable had breached their stronghold, but soon realized that the call had come from the footage. They looked back at the security cams, and realized the once quivering yellow pegasus was bravely trying to hug a standard pink drone, completely oblivious to what was going to happen to her. “Oh God, she has no idea what she’s going to do! Somebody has to stop her!” Oliver told Riggs.

‘We can’t risk it, those things could be just as dangerous as a Huggable”, Riggs said solemnly.

“But we can’t just stand here and do nothing! Wil, back me up, man, you know I’m right!” but as the Black bear looked back to where Wil was once standing, he realized that he was missing. “Hey, where did he go?

“Oh crap, he must have ran out there to help them!”


Wil was running with every muscle his stubby legs could carry him, making a mad dash towards the landing dock to warn the small ponies of the danger. The moment he saw one of the pegasus trying to hug one of the drones, he exerted all of his entire being to get to them before it was too late. He had forgotten to grab a weapon to defend himself, but that didn’tmatter right now. Wil turned a corner, and saw a Huggabble right in front of him, about to hug him. With lightning fast reflexes, he was able to leap over the parasite, and continued to run. Wil saw natural daylight ahead, which is something he had not seen since he was a cub, and stopped just outside, smelling fresh air. As Wil scanned his surroundings, he saw that they were more Huggables than the camera let on, probably dozens of them. He spotted the yellow pony, inches from hugging the monstrosity. Before he could stop himself, Wil shouted, “STOOOP!!!” at the top of his lungs. The pegasus looked up at him with surprise, but before she could comprehend what the bear menat, the huggable reached forward and hugged her, strangling her, crushing her ribs, probably breaking her spine. The pony began to make guttural sounds, flailing her legs around in a desperate struggle to free herself, but it was no use. Once you were in the death hold of a drone, it would be nearly impossible to break free.

Her friends tried to help, but were soon getting surrounded by more Huggables, inching closer and closer. Wil himself was becoming clustered at all sides, with no hope of escape. Just as Wil thought he was going to perish, he heard loud gunshot from above, killing the Huggable that was hugging the yellow pony to death. Wil, the ponies, and even the Huggables looked up to see who fired the gun. Standing on the cockpit window was Oliver, his sniper smoking from the last shot.

He jumped down, causing cracks to form on the ground he landed on. “Oliver!” Wil exclaimed, never happier to see his friend.

‘Don’t worry, buddy, we’ve got each other’s back, no matter what stupid thing you do. ‘ He looked at the Huggables with a devilish grin on his face. He took out a radio and said, “Battle bears, move out!” And with that command, a horde of bear soldiers came running out the landing dock, ready to fight, starting the struggle between the Bear and the Huggables.

Comments ( 7 )

Author's Note: This is my second fanfic ever, and as always, comments are appreciated. The reason why this chapter is shorter than my other fanfic (which is still in progress) is because lately, two authors have written crossover Fanfics that were similar to mine (Friendship is Algebraic and My Little Powerpuff Girls):fluttercry: and so I wrote the first chapter down before someone else wrote something like this. In distant future, I will edit this chapter to make it longer. Now enjoy!:pinkiehappy:

Oh, my lord, battle bears!? Perfect, my friend. Absolutely perfect.

First off, those were a different species. Second, did Oliver ever say he hated Unicorns? I think not. But don't worry, i'll answer your questions in the fic.:pinkiehappy:

In fact, theu had unicorns pulling the wagons about, so not only were they not too averse to them, but these unicorns were probably not far above our equines on Earth in terms of intelligence. Finding a certain purple unicorn that can teleport them to a great big winged one that can send the huggables to the moon, should they so much as THINK about bananas :trollestia:, would be greatly appreciated by our ursine heroes.

Also, can the huggables manage this :flutterrage:?

I was about to brain storm a crossover along the same lines and this seems to be the only other one. I'll give it a read.

Edit: my lord this is old...and probably abandoned... I'll just see my way out...

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