• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 1,080 Views, 25 Comments

Fearless - Layne Mittens

Twilight has her parents, Shining Armor, and Cadence, Applejack has Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, Rarity has her parents and Sweetie Belle, Pinkie Pie has her parents and sisters, and Rainbow Dash has her dad. What about Fluttershy?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Back to the Past


Princess Infinate kept spacing and hyperveltalating. The paramedics of the palace took her to her old room, which hasn't been used in nine years. "This is bad very bad!"

"Well we haven't been eaten yet so ya!" Pinkie gave good news to the situation. The princess walked over to her sister laying unconscious. Oddly Fluttershy's skin had started to glow. Blazing Wings came in almost crying. He too was traumatized about the situation. Infinate ran away shedding tears on to the floor as she ran. The young squire sat down and kept calling himself an idiot.

Luna upset by the situation stayed strong, convincing Twilight to also, "Girls I guess we are going to have to search quickly before he attacks."

"I hate to be the stick in the mud, but Twilight I'm very confused and I'm sure the rest of us are also. This library thing is confusing. What does it have to do anything? I'm sorry it makes no sense to me." Applejack rubbed her head.

The squire stepped forward, still extremely upset, "Fluttershy dropped this when she uh ran away." He handed Twilight Fluttershy's pendant.

"This looks identical to the other princess's!" She turned them over curiously Fluttershy had a D written on her's and Infinate's had TS on her's. "What does this stand for?" She set on down and opened on. Music played as a hologram of a dove with a branch came to picture three ponies one sort of looking like Fluttershy guessing her past self, another like Princess Infinate, and one that was completely foreign. She opened the other revealing the same thing. "Could they be it? It all makes sense! They must be 'The Ultimate three!'" Twilight cheered.

"I don't think so Twilight 'The Ultimate three' are a huge legend, meaning they are ancient. Futtershy is immortal, but exactly around your ages. Celestia gave me the pendant to give to her. The spell Infinate cast I know wouldn't last forever. I wanted to give Fluttershy it because revealing her destiny could unlock 'The Ultimate three', she may not be them, but she is a very important alicorn her family runs a historical race. I wish I knew what her destiny was, it would be so much easier. But that is not the time, fate, and destiny wanted it to be! I have been gone so long, my memory of the ancients is so vague." Luna rubbed her head.

"Wait back up! Time, fate, and destiny! That reminds me of my book!" Blazing Wings took out a book that he was reading.

Pinkie snatched it, out of his hands. She flipped though the pages. "Lookiee here! It says something about hope, and faith, and love, but most of it has hope. What does that mean?"

Princess Infinate came out from behind Pinkie, "I have some facts I should tell you that should help you all! I'm sure your still confused about why I had to put that spell over Fluttershy and about the virtues and 'The Ultimate three'. It is best if I tell you the whole story." She stepped towards Wings, "Are you comfortable watching this again, I know losing our two best friends isn't something you want to see over again." He closed his eyes and nodded. She then backed up and and her magic turned around her as a sounding image played. They were still in Triple Equasia, but from a long time ago. "We will be visiting through Fluttershy's spirit nine years ago."

Fluttershy woke up to here the birds from far away singing. She stretched and smiled, felt as though it were going to be a perfect morning.

She looked over to see a messy un-made bed, with no pony in it. Lightening Shield must have gotten up early, for once. She stretched and walked downstairs to the garden square. Hidden butterflies flew around gently. She smiled as the sun glistened against her sunshine coat. It just had to be perfect, today, it felt like it. She sniffed in the summery aroma of air.

A rustling sound came from the distance. She looked over and swirled her tangerine magic over the bush behind her in the distance was a hopping faint pale of white. Could it be an animal. All her life she wanted to see an animal, the stories her sister told her me them sound so amazing, so fun. She ran forward moving a way cluttered branches leading to the edge of the forest. She followed the creature as she felt a tingling inside. All she focused on was the fluffy white creature.

She snapped out of it as she realized where she was. The beginning of the forest/end of town. She gawked at the scenery. Before any pony saw her, she peddled her feet backward and ran away. Getting farther away from it, she kept on staring at it. A solid object stopped her as she tumbled forward, having the figure land on top of her.

It revealed a dust colored young pegasus, with messy, but adorable blue, gold, and pink hair. He got off as she got up, "Princess I'm so sorry!" He shook worriedly, and examined her for scratches.

"No it's okay, it's my fault." Fluttershy ran over to pick up his glasses. She placed them, back where they once came. "Blazer what have you been up to?" Blazer blushed everytime she called him that, including now.

"I've been reading, I want to learn to accelerate my wing speed by 4.31%," Fluttershy nodded, but didn't have a clue to what he was saying. He knew right in her eyes that she was confused."Well the thing is, what I mean is that I want to go faster so I can help form thunder clouds." Fluttershy nodded in agreement, she actually knew what he was saying this time.

Fluttershy started to walk away and go find her brother, but then Shadow Stones came by to torment Blazer. "Hey nerd how many books does it take to hurt a worthless nerd."

"None?" He hesitated. They grabbed his books from underneath him and bent them and threw them at him. Fluttershy put her hooves to her mouth, she trotted over to stop them.

"Boys?!" She came between them.

"Princess Fluttershy, we were just playing with him," Stones smiled and rubbed Blazer's head hard. Stones tried to walk away with her, but she politely refused as he walked away in disappointment.

"Are you all right Blazer?" He nodded as fumbled for his glasses. Fluttershy picked them up and placed them on his head. He put a hoof over a profusing bleeding paper cut, that didnt seem like one. Fluttershy ran back to the palace to grab a bandaid. She placed it over his wound as he smiled. He thanked her for taking so much care of him, "My pleasure." She left him be and continued walking along the garden-like path.

"There you are Fluttershy!" Fluttershy looked up to see her sister.

"Infinate," She responded and nodded.

"Sis you almost missed your flying lesson. Come on we've got to practice." Fluttershy shly rubbed her leg and blushed. "The more you practice the better you will be."

"I'm not good at all-" Infinate pushed her forward and yelled like a coach for her to start. Fluttershy's knees wobbled.

"Lift you wings up gently." She did as told, "Give yourself a little gallop." She jogged forward, "Now jump, and flap your wings." Fluttershy left the ground about an inch, though she couldn't see she was covering her eyes in fright. "Open them dear!" Fluttershy removed her metaphoric blindfold. She smiled a bit, she flew maybe a few inches up and forward.. She saw Blazer come over to watch her. Embaressed by her best friend/audience, she lost control and fell down on top of him. They fumbled in a circle until Fluttershy fell many feet in front of him.

"I'm sorry Blazer! You getting hit by everything today!"

He helped her up and brushed himself off, "That's okay, I'd rather want to get hit by you then anything else." He quietly said, Fluttershy blushed like a pink fire.

Infinate impatiently grabbed Fluttershy and told her to try again, "This time increase acceleration/power in each step." 'Why does she have to talk that way?! Can't she just say use more power or something less confusing!' Fluttershy thought to herself. Again she did as told and relaxed while flying above. She this time was able to fly way higher. She felt a bit of adrenaline or completion and tried to fly higher. "FLUTTERSHY STOP!" She looked down. Infinate was yelling at her "Sis don't fly so high you could get hurt, some pony over the forest could see you and hurt you!" Fluttershy sighed and flew down a bit, to where she originally flew. Lightening Shield came out from the distance and rolled his eyes at their sister.

"You don't half to freak the frick out, Infinate, she's no where near the forest." Fluttershy looked up and agreed she decided to come down gracefully. She failed collapsed on the grass. Shield let out a giggle and helped her up.

"Fluttershy if you put as much effort into flying as you do magic, you would be as good as your brother."

Shield didn't take that as a compliment and instead grimaced his teeth, "She is fine the way she is, she could fly if you stopped putting overly safe mode on her."
"Shush you can't do magic anyway, you don't even care about it! And where have you been?!"
He didn't hesitate, Blazer moved closer to Fluttershy, "The forest."
"WHAT?!?! The forest is strictly forbidden, you know what dangers lurk on the other side and in there?!"
"Relax 'mother' I only went on the edge."
"Still you could've gotten hurt." He rolled his eyes, "Your both to young to realize this stuff!" Any pony could tell she was frustrated.
"Stop treating us like children!!!"
"Because you are one!"
"The edge won't kill us! Fluttershy will be able to fly if you took her out of her invisible box!"

"I've just about had enough with you, every since you got that stupid cutie mark you've been acting with intolerable attitude!"

"Infinte, Fluttershy wouldn't have a blank flank still if you would just lay off on us!"

They kept on screaming at each other. She started to cry, she hated when her siblings fought. She hid in her room crying, as Blazer ran after her. He comforted her, as he felt the same way about them.

Lightening Shield slammed the door shut, "I can not stand her!" Fluttershy looked up with a wet face, "Fluttershy I know you could fly half as fast as I can in one second if she would let you! I can't even try to do magic anyway without Infinate freaking out, the forest won't kill us, The slave town is miles away from here." Lightening stopped and smiled, "Guys I have an idea, tonight lets sneak out! Fluttershy I can teach you how to fly like a pro and you can teach me magic! We'll go out in the woods not to far from the palace, but far." Shield smiled with his evil plan. He failed at evilly laughing, so it turned out adorable.

"I don't now Prince Lightening Shield." Blazer tried to talk him out of it.

"Are you sure? How about you Fluttershy?"


"Great so Fluttershy and I'll sneak out tonight and you can stay home and be boring and not tell any pony okay!"


"Just kidding!" He punched Blazer in the shoulder. Blazer rubbed it in pain.

Later that night Fluttershy and Lightening Shield snuck out to the forest. Fluttershy neutrioticly kept looking around to see if any guards were there. "Hey Lightening Shield, do you think you could show me some animals?"

Lightening smiled and nodded they reached the forest, Fluttershy hesitated before she went inside. Fluttershy felt like a bad ass. She didn't like it. They walked for what seemed miles, until he gestured her to stop. They reached an oddly open circular area. Way too large dark trees grew around the area. "So sis how do I do magic?!" He stomped around in excitement.

"Well back up a bit to give yourself some room. Focus on that rock over there, focus on it real hard. Imagine picking it up in your mind and then you wait." He tried over and over, but no magic appeared on his horn, he sighed in frustration.

"This is stupid!"

"Try once more." He rolled his eyes and focused in it once more, his yellow horn started to glow as a spark of red came out, then some more did, and some more until his horn had red magic all around it. The rock had lifted a bit as he focused on moving it over, it landed a foot away. "You did it!" Fluttershy yelled without realizing it.

"Shhh! Do you want to get caught!" He covered her mouth. "Do you want to move on to flying then?"

"Uh how about the animals!" He shrugged and gestured Fluttershy to follow, as she changed the subject. A fumbling sound came from the bushes, Lightening had gone ahead a bit and wrestled with something. He grred at something. Fluttershy was scared a bit by what he be was doing, he could get hurt. She saw a glimpse of her yellow brother.

In a way she envied him, he already knew what he had to do in his life, he had his cutie mark. His mark resembled a sword for loyalty and bravery. Lightening Shield always dreamed of being captain of the royal guard. All Fluttershy was good at was fumbling and magic.

A little white creature ran away. It was almost all white, but it had a red foot. It had long ears and a fluffy tail, she had never seen anything like that in her entire life. It was graceful and beautiful. "Dang animal."

"What is that?"

"A bunny, those things are cute, but very clever. I forgot that you've never seen an animal before, that's another thing I hate about Infinate. She is so overly protective that we can't even see a simple animal with out her screaming at it like its going to hurt us."

Changing the subject, Futtershy ran over to wear this 'bunny' ran. It hid behind the bush in fear. Fluttershy slowly walked up to it. It peddled backward a bit. She noticed that this 'bunny' had a huge wound on its leg. Fluttershy swirled her magic and picked a long leaf of a tree and wrapped it around its leg as the bunny smiled. These creatures floated by also, they had cirular wings that were circular. They were so magestic and beautiful. The bunny distracted her and it jumped onto Fluttershy and hugged her it was the most amazing moment in her entire life. She wanted spend the rest of the night with animals. She nuzzled the cute little creature as she came back to her brother who had a worried face.

Fluttershy's spead a bit faster, she felt a tingling all through her body. Her eyes felt as though they were glowing. But then her body seemed to go along with her eyes. Something felt like it swirled around her, but it did. A white explosion hit around her. Lightening Shield had looked away from the brightness, but then looked back when it dimmed and gaped. The bunny peddled back a bit to see, it gaped to. Fluttershy looked around to see nothing, what was going on?!

"Fluttershy you might want to check your flank," as her brother helped her find what she was looking for. She looked to see it was no longer just that gold and sunshine shade, three little creatures. The flying creatures seemed to stick to her flank, but those weren't the same creatures. Those creatures were still flying around her. "Fluttershy you've got a cutie mark! Your special talent is ... Butterflies?"

"Animals." She whispered in a guess. Shield nodded as he realized that made more sense. Their new excitement was cut off by a large boom and more shades covering the sky. Fluttershy quivered, as Lightening moved towards her with a raised brow. Trying to change the subject, he asked, "Fluttershy so uh with your new cutie mark, what do you want to do for a career?"

"I want to be a vet, I want to take care of animals."

"I want to be captain on the royal weather guard team, but uh sis you do know that they're more than one type of animal right?" Fluttershy cocked her head in confusion, "I swear Infinate is on my last nerves, animals consist of almost everything in the eco system besides plants, like here are fluffy bunnies, like the one clinging on to you, furry squirrels." He showed her a not so bunny like creature, with a giant fluffy tail that sniffed politely at her. "Birds with wings like ours," Something else that didn't look so furry, but like feathers, flew above them. Fluttershy smiled as she felt this was the best moment of her life.

Her happiness was cut off by a huge pound of thunder. Lightening Shield came closer to his sister. I gust of white wind rolled in towards them. White and yellow flashed in the sky. And an evil laugh bellowed all around where they couldn't make a trace of where it came from. "Well, well, well, what have we got here? A young prince's fate and a little princess's destiny to befall right here.

Lightening Shield growled. "Oh don't you two know to listen to your elders, your could/going get lost and hurt all alone out here, it'd be a shame to run in to something some stranger more powerful than your weak little selves." It laughed again. "Technically I'm no stranger I know who you fillies are, Prince Lightamere Shielding and Princess Flyterria Shia."

"Show your self creaton!" Lightening Shield yelled. "Who are you stalker?"

"Why you should listen to your sister, Princess Infinatious Everel, didn't she tell you to stay away from a villain like me?"

Fluttershy was scared, but knew exactly what who he was. "Lord Reaper! W-what are you going to do with us?" She squeaked.

"Well done Princess I can see your not as idiotic as your brother. Oh and I cannot tell you what I'm going to do it wouldn't be as fun now would it, to see you both tremble in fear." Frightening red glowing eyes and glowing sharp teeth laughed away. right in front of them through the thick caging fog.

"You don't scare me!" Lightening flew up and raced to the glowing eyes. He hit the fog as though it were made of bricks.

The evil laugh got even worse, "Young Prince were you going to leave your poor weak and helpless sister behind?"

"No, I-" he was cut off by repulsive green creatures clawing him far away too far for Fluttershy. Though she could here his screeching and screaming from even farther.

"What are you going to do to him? Why do you want us?" Fluttershy barely could get it out of her mouth.

"Maybe you as idiotic as your twin brother. Do you not know how valuable, powerful, precious royal alicorn blood is? With your family's blood, which is even more speacil, hope, can over power an entire kingdom in seconds. Don't worry about this brat you can see him get tortured all the same." The fog cleared to show Lightening Screaming in pain. "Now as for you," Lightening whispered a no. An invisible bat like weapon hit against her making her fall back rolling her neck landing on her back. Something felt as though it grabbed her spine and broke it like a stick into two. She screamed bloody murder. Dark magic spirled above them, "This is just too easy, thankfully the weak and helpless is first, but second important. I get destiny and I will be a greater challenge, hope then cannot stop me when its not full."

Fluttershy had no idea what he was talking about, she just lay there too weak to move and see what was going on. They finally saw the evil lord a deep and dark blood red and pure black pony-like creature come away from the distance. His odd rough looking horn was digested in dead fish eye color magic and the magic formed a huge thundercloud that glowed darker than dark green and purple. It stirred up a painful light in the clouds.

Lightening Shield looked up slowly and kept on whispering no each time getting louder when he tried to get up. "FLUTTERSHY, look out!" She slowly turned her head, but didn't make the view in time.

What she hadn't seen was a lightening bolt ready to shoot down on her. Lightening Shield stood up with all his might and glided too Fluttershy as it periced through the wrong pony. A budging yellow light escaped through as a boom and crash not meant to be together hit. Pain shot through her leg, "Well I guess I can accept fate, destiny will come later. How interesting Lightening killed Lightening!" Lord Reaper bellowed and atomatically somehow disappeared into thin air. She wormed/limped over to se what had happened, "NOOOO!!!!" She held her body tight to her brother who laid eyes closed lifelessly on the grass.

"Come on, Lightening, get up, please, please be okay!" She denied. "Lightening you have too be okay! this is all my fault." Tears poured through eyes as she accepted hated the truth. "This is all my fault!" She mumbled over and over again.

Fluttershy lay there, playing that image through her head, her bright yellow coated brother was now a fading yellow and ash colored gray. She couldn't believe what had just happened. He couldn't be gone.

"Fluttershy! Lightening Shield! Fluttershy! Lightening Shield!" Came a familiar voice. Her sister came tired, but surprisingly not angry. Infinate and the royal knights came up to her as they found her. Infinate came forward, "what happened?!"

Fluttershy couldn't speak all she did was limp to her sister and cry away the emotional pain. 'It's all my fault, it was supposed to be me." Infinate nuzzled her and shushed her. She gently looked over to the crime scene and gaped. She silently sobbed as she held on to Fluttershy, "Men get a stretcher ready and report back to the palace." She turned to Fluttershy as leaned against her to help her walk, "Fluttershy what happened?"

Quietly she explained everything, "Lightening Shield and I snuck out to practice magic and flying in the woods. we ran into Lord Reaper and he tortured us. He was going to kill me to get my blood, but Shield pushed me and saved me. But he didn't save himself, Lord reaper then disappeared."

Niether Fluttershy or Infinate spoke to one another for the rest of the night. Fluttershy had gotten fixed up and just broke her spine a tiny bit. She lay in her bed that night sobbing that the bed next to her wasn't filled with the usually snoring loud sleep talking colt and never will be again. Fluttershy walked over towards her window seat and cried against it. She noticed her leg that swam in deep pain. It was jagged like a lightening bolt, like Lightening Shield, and the wapon used to kill him.

She couldn't get through her mind that he was gone. She couldn't go to his funeral it was too depressing. While the kingdom all came to the funeral tramatized that the had lost a great prince, Fluttershy lay still on the seat in denial feeling worse than the whole kingdom's sadness added together.

She looked up in the clouds knowing that's where he now lived, with her parents. Though her parents hadn't gone in a tragic way, they were the gods that watched down on Triple Equasia. It didn't seem right, it didn't feel like he was gone. It felt like he could walk in and playfully scare Fluttershy.

Fluttershy wouldn't talk at all since, she put the shy in her name. Blazer tried, but it was useless. She kept her head down and stayed in her room most of the day.

A knock came at her door, it was Infinate, "Hey Shy!" Fluttershy looked away. "Do you want to practice flying again, in the garden, we are putting a memorial for Lightening." Fluttershy held back her tears two things in that sentence made her die inside, "Come on Fluttershy, cheer up it wasn't your fault that Lord Reaper killed our brother." Fluttershy shot like a cannon out through the doors crying more than a thundercloud could.

What she didn't see was this. Infinate sighed and gave her self a face palm. She sighed and walked out. Blazer tumbled in sadly staring at Fluttershy running away, like a child to a mother he asked, "Princess Infinte is she going to be okay?"

Infinate sighed and knew the truth, "I don't know." Blazer looked down in worry. Infinate walked away to the balcony. She too was upset and in grief about her lose, but right now she was worried about Fluttershy. In the distance, dark clouds were forming. Orange mist seemed to float around, for fate, it also seemed to begin in Lord Reaper's slave camp.

While Fluttershy was in depression, she knew she wasn't safe. She didn't want to tell them so they didn't get scared, but Lord Reaper wanted to get rid of their identities to rule over the world and live immortal. Lightening Shield was Prince of Fate, Fluttershy was Princess of destiny, and Infinate was Princess of Time and spirit. Their parents had told her that and that they all came together for something, but what? Lord Reaper must've known all about their powers and she Fluttershy would be next she needed to be protected. A thought formed into her head, one she didn't want to have to do.

Infinate looked back Fluttershy was crying in Blazer's arms. Somehow she just knew Fluttershy wasn't going to get any better. She ran to her spell room a secret dark and gray place. She opened her spell book to try to find a cure. She knew what she had to do. She had to do it.

With this spell Fluttershy wouldn't remember her dead brother, she wouldn't think of Infinate, Blazer, Triple Equasia, or anything of her past life. With this her identity would go away and Lord Reaper couldn't get her. It was sad, but this way Fluttershy would be safe and she could for once talk and be happy just not with Infinate.

"Fluttershy can you come her for a moment?" Fluttershy looked up and walked over. "Sit down dear. Fluttershy did as told. Her yellow magic started swarm around her horn. Fluttershy widened her eyes and gaped. "Sis I'm sorry it's for the best, goodbye."


Fluttershy lay on her old bed still unconscious. A dream of her past came through her mind since she had fainted, though it wasn't a dream. Fluttershy seemed to be wiser and different. Her body had glowed over her gold body. Though a second had past she was no longer unconscious her deep emerald green had opened.

Comments ( 2 )

Poor Lightning Shield :raritycry::raritydespair::fluttershbad::fluttercry:

Eeyup hey can u continue pweti pls ;( :fluttercry::fluttercry:

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