
by Layne Mittens

First published

Twilight has her parents, Shining Armor, and Cadence, Applejack has Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, Rarity has her parents and Sweetie Belle, Pinkie Pie has her parents and sisters, and Rainbow Dash has her dad. What about Fluttershy?

No one knows about Fluttershy's past, life, or family. Even she doesn't know. Everyone assumes she is the shy loner, who is more shaky than an earthquake. When the forgetment spell is broken, she soon figures out who she really is. Nobody, not even her friends expect her to be an alicorn warrior, fighting demons and things scarier than Deaths army...Oh wait she's fighting those too! But something is drawing her to them, like there is something in there, important to solve this secret of the war. Will this be her destiny? Is she able to be the leader she is supposed to be?

Chapter one

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Thump, thump. "Hmm..." Thump, thump. Fluttershy opened her eyes to find an impatient Angel. "Angel is something wrong?" Angel nodded his head. "Did I forget to feed you or fluff your tail?" Angel lowered his lids and grabbed a picture of Applejack. "Oh no, I slept in I'm late. I promised Applejack I would help with her beaver problems again." Fluttershy flew out of bed and began to brush her mane "Oh I don't have time I'm late."

"Thank you again... Angel." Fluttershy raced to Sweet Apple acres. Although she was late is was just about a perfect spring morning. Apple crisp air warped around her. The birds sang the mlp theme song because the writers wouldn't let them sing anything else. The sky was clean and fresh from the Pegasus's scheduled storm. The only thing missing was the ponies. A random tumbleweed went by. "Where is everypony?"

She walked along the dusty path to Applejacks, hoping maybe the Apple family had an answer. Only for Fluttershy to find was well no pony. "Where is she?" Maybe she went to sugar cube corner? She thought. So off Fluttershy went.

Is Applejack okay? Did something happen to the Apple family? Maybe she was busy and something turned up, but it wasn't like Applejack to miss a date with a friend "Well hello there Fluttershy, what a pleasant surprise." Mrs. Cake happily cheered. "Do you need another carrot cake for Angel?"

"No, that's fine. Have you seen Applejack?"

"Nope, sorry she's probably at the park for Family day. Mr. Cake and I were going to take the kids out for-" Futtershy zoned out. Applejack probably forgot, but maybe Pinkie pie would want hang out today. "-Have you seen Pinkie Pie? Oh, sorry I interrupted."

"Oh that's okay. Uh.. Pinkie pie went south to visit-"

"Thank you Mrs.Cake, oops sorry for interrupting again." Futtershy bolted out. Clumsily knocking over a table full of goods and a vase. A loud crash hit the floor. Fluttershy guiltily put the goods back on the table, and started to clean up her mess. Mrs. Cake smiled and gestured her to run along.

Seriously where was every pony? She decided to ask Twilight, she knew everything. Knock, knock. A lazy Spike opened the door, "Oh hi Fluttershy."

"Spike is something wrong?"

"I'm fine, but uh Twilight isn't here she left to the crystal empire."

"Oh dear, did something happen?"

"No, she went off to see her brother and sister." Spike sighed.

"Are you sure your okay,"

Spike started to nod, but then sighed, "It's just you guys are always here for Twilight, you guys never ask for me."

"Oh perhaps you would like to hang out."

Spikes face light up, "Really you wanna hang with me?" Fluttershy nodded. "Oh sweet, yah of course! Oh wait I have chores to do before Twilight gets back."

"Would you like me to help you?"

"No that's fine."

"Okay, maybe later you would want to come to my picnic with my animals", Spike nodded and smiled. Fluttershy walked off the steps and decided Rarity probably needed help. But when she arrived to Rarity's boutique a note was on the door. "My dearest clients, I shall be in Manehatten for the holidays. I will be back soon."

"Maybe Rainbow Dash, isn't busy." Fluttershy started to fly up to Cloudsdale, but then stopped. "What am I thinking, Rainbow Dash is probably gone too, with my luck." Fluttershy flew down and lay down next to a tree. Is everyone okay? It's so odd for everyone to be gone. Fluttershy sighed. And left for home, with her head down, once again she was alone. Waves poured out of her green ocean eyes. Not everyone could be gone. I guess I could read more Daring Do books or catch up on... Something. 'I really need a hobby' Fluttershy thought to herself. None off the animals needed her today.

"Hey Fluttershy," came a cool, laid back voice.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy stuttered. Then she stopped and realized something, "Rainbow dash!" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and half smiled. "Where is everypony?"

"Uh duh, today is family day." Fluttershy cocked her head. "A day where you spend the whole day with your family. How do you not know about it?" Fluttershy still was confused. Rainbow Dash sighed. "That's why all our friends are gone. Twilight's visiting her parents and brother and Cadence, Pinkie pie is with her parents and sisters, Rarity went with Sweetie belle to see her parents, and Applejack is probably doing something with Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith."

"What about you-"

"My dad is in the guard, so he couldn't get off." There was a hint of sadness in her brave voice, while she rubbed one hoof with the other. Changing the subject, "Hey Fluttershy, what about your family?"

"My family?" Tiny images flickered in her head to fast to tell what was happening, to little detail to tell what was going on. The only thing that seemed to be made out was images of a young colt with a yellow body and a smooth black glossy mane spiked around his head, with little dark purple streaks hidden in his dark colored mane. Another pony came to the images also one a bit older than the colt, she had a sea-foam green body with aqua shaded in at her wings and hooves. Her mane was like a mist that stuck to her head in soft waves.

Something seemed so familiar about them, no past memories came to picture. Her stomach felt heavy along with her head, so heavy her hooves couldn't hold her up. Wobbling and wobbling till she fell, leaving the world with a faded picture.

Chapter two: Who Am I?

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Fluttershy awoke, well not so peacefully. Her head pounded. The room blurred and spun. 'Where am I?' She thought. An unfamiliar room came to a clear view of pure white walls. The last thing she remembered was talking to Rainbow Dash about her 'family'. Futtershy noticed around her was a hospital bed. And obviously she noticed she was in one too. There was no pony at all in the same room. Fluttershy frowned. She got out of the hospital bed and walked around.

She stopped by a full sized mirror. She looked at herself, a cheap, shoddy, probably Walmart made hospital gown covered her, but was a bit to big on her. You could see... down the front. She noticed a blood stained bandage was wrapped around her forhead Fluttershy straightened her self up and sat down on the ground. A tiny scar on her back leg appeared one she had never noticed before. A memory tried to make its way though, but stayed blocked. That scared Fluttershy. She backed away still on the floor.

"Is she alright?" Or what she assumed said a muffled voice. Fluttershy looked over to where the sound came from. She went out through the door and followed the sound. She came to a corner not far from her starting place. The corner entered into a waiting room. Twilight her newly Alicorn-born friend asked a doctor. She looked around to see an uncheerful, worried Pinkie Pie, a scared and also worried Rainbow Dash, a compassionate Applejack rubbing Dash's back, while secretly trying not to cry, Spike was crying, Rarity had her head down and kept walking in circles. Although it was a blue sight, Fluttershy smiled. It made her see that her friends really cared for her. The unhappy doctor shrugged.

"She has been in there for five days and you can't tell us if Fluttershy is doing okay?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Fluttershy leaned in closer. The doctor shook his head and shrugged again. Dash looked like she was going to attack the stallion. Twilight stuck her hoof out to her so she didn't do something she might regret. The doctor glared.

"Look your friend is right there, she's fine now please leave!" he pointed to Fluttershy who had come closer, blew her cover. She guilty smiled. They all ran over to hug her.

"Thank Clestia you're okay!" Twilight happily told her. "When we got Rainbow Dash's message, we immediately came here. To see if your okay."

"What in hay' happened to you?" Applejack's thick farmers accent asked.

"I don't know I was just talking to Rainbow Dash about Family day and I had this weird flashback and saw some even weirder images."

"Are you sure, you're okay? I mean that just sounds freaky." Pinkie asked. "The grumpy 'doctor' said when you awoke and felt better you could go home." Fluttershy nodded.

They all went back to Twilights place. Twilight announced, "We decided that you should stay at my house. Till you get better."
"What about Angel, and my animals?"

"Rarity and I will take care of your house, I normally hate cleaning, but for you of course and I learned my lesson with animals when we switched cutie marks."

"Pinkie and I will take care of the critters you have." Applejack explained. "And Spike brought Angel here for you." In Spike's arms was an anxious Angel who bounced down to hug Fluttershy. Fluttershy nuzzled him.

After they all left, Twilight laid out a bed for her, and they all slept. Well all, but Fluttershy, she decided to walk around. She found a picture of Twilight's family on it. Rainbow Dash's question, rang in her head. Where was her family? An even better question, Who was her family? She looked in the mirror and saw the same scared Pegasus, as herself. She looked at the same scar, the same latent scar she saw earlier. Fluttershy had never got hurt as bad as getting a scar like that. The scar was about an two centimeters wide and jagged in a shape a badly drawn lightening bolt. The same memory tried to break out, still failing, but this time more detailed.

"My past, what is my past?" The oldest thing she remembered was finding her way to flight school and meeting Rainbow Dash when she was only about eight years old, but what about before that.

All her friends past came on the same path as their cutie marks Twilight being a student to follow magic, Rarity to become a fashion designer, Rainbow Dash to become a future famous flyer, Applejack to become farmer and cook, and Pinkie pie to become a smile maker. Sure fluttershy got a vet as a hobby, but something felt missing. Being a vet didn't feel like who she was at all. Like she had a flair she didn't know about. She shook her head at the thought and walked upstairs to attempt to sleep.

"Fluttershy, look out!" CRASH! Panic shot through Futtershy. Her head hit a patch damp, dead grass hard enough to give her a concussion. Part of whatever caused the crash caught on to her leg and punctured into her. She let out a terrifying whimper. The sky was so dark the moon couldn't shine through. The area gave her a worried feeling. An evil laugh came about. She looked over to see the same young colt lay lifeless where she was seconds ago. "NOOOO!"

Fluttershy awoke in Twilight's bedroom. Twilight and Spike were surrounding her. Angel put a paw on her in worry. "Is everything okay?"

She nodded and answered. "Just a strange dream." And how strange it was. Twilight looked scared and hugged her in consideration. A loud, eerie moan interrupted them. Twilight left to her balcony-like window, to see what was going on. Her mouth dropped. She slowly backed away. Fluttershy looked out the window to see a scary, repugnant sight.

Chapter 3: PI- Awakened

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Princess Infinate sat on her throne in worry. Moments ago her gold necklace had lit up, it gave her a warm warning. Something was wrong.

She was the Princess of Time and Spirt, the only reason that her necklace would light up is because of something needed to be fixed now to save the future or fix the past for the future. It was sweet to be able to to go back in time and to the future, but her powers were very limited, like a law. Sure she could do anything she wanted to, but as an Alicorn, she was a princess and it was her duty to keep time happening the way fate wanted it to. Sometimes she didn't know if something was supposed to happen the way it did, but in her heart she knew what had to be done, even if it was hard to do. That's why Celestia gave her her the necklace, not only did help find what was right, it also helped her when something was terribly wrong with someone's spirit. Spirit was a mere hobby. Time was what she was known for.

Her necklace was warmer then usual, only one thing could lead to that. Fluttershy!

"The spell cannot be broken, I can't let her remember the tragedy." Nor did she want to be reminded of that event. She shook her head. And tried to block it. Then stood up and walked over to her siblings old bedrooms. Then started to rain out of her eyes. Until the warmth, she hadn't thought about them in so long. It had so lonely in her palace. Only Blazing Wings, her squire as you could say, could keep her company. Her squire was about a year older than her younger siblings. "Blazer!" A young stallion came in to the room. He had a silver gray body with a blue and gold layered mane. "Can you hand my communication spells book? I have no clue where it is." He nodded. The Pegasus flew back quicker than before he began. Aqua swirls of magic formed around her horn as she began the teleportation spell.

The whole room went white as it warped out into infinity. A place that was dark where the stars floated around her. Only for a few moments she was there then infinity faded to Canterlot. She arrived on the Palace's balcony. "Infinate what a pleasant surprise." Infinate turned around to see a dark coat with a glossy night mane.

"Luna!" Infinate ran to hug Luna. "I was wondering if I could talk you and Celestia. It's very important." Luna nodded.

"Celestia, you have a visitor." Celestia in the Palace's garden. She looked up and spread her wings. She walked gracefully on the air, placing her hooves gently on the balcony.

"Infinate what do you need?" Infinate sighed.

"The necklace warmed and light, more then usual I believe 'she' found out." Infinate ashamly rubbed her light green fur. "I don't know what I should do."

"Be calm young princess, you may be jumping too conclusions."

"That's one of the reasons why I came to see you."

"Very well it doesn't hurt to see what is going on." Celestia's magic swarmed around her to portray an image of Fluttershy. Infinate's stomach knotted. Seeing her once again, a picture of fluttershy. Not memories of when she was a young fillly. She was just about all grown up. Infinate hadn't seen her since well almost forever, she had pictured what Fluttershy would look like when she was older, but she was more beautiful then she had ever imagined. "Infinate, I need your help." Infinate was confused. "You also have the gift of spirit, we need to look into her mind to see what has happened." Infinate joined the spell. Adding blue magic to Celestia's yellow. Oddly it didn't turn green. Fluttershy mind reading everything, she thought off. It's as if she was speaking right to her. "Those creatures they had red glowing eyes, what in Celestia are they?" "Just keep calm Fluttershy, Twilight will know what to do." "Just a while before I was walking around worrying who my family was and what was my place in life, now I'm being attacked by the eeriest things in the world."

"Wait, so she has been triggered to learning about her past." Then Infinate stopped, "She's being attacked by demons or something. Celestia, Luna we have to do something!"

"Perhaps we don't, it is fate my dear Infinate. Your necklace can prove that to you. Fluttershy and Twilight will know what to do it is all meant to happen "


Celestia put hoof to her mouth. "Young Princess, be calm now if they were in real harm and danger I would have done something moments ago" Infinate let out a slow breath, that felt as is it took tons of pounds of her shoulders. "We have evidence, to maybe look more into what is going on."

"But how?"

"Luna!" Luna looked up, awkwardly sitting in a chair alone. "Luna you can look into her dreams to see what is going on."

"You want me?" Luna looked very surprised and walked over. Luna's indigo magic combined with the aqua and gold magic. Soon they came to an familiar place. The forest that separated the Evil Lord Reaper and Infinate's palace.

Lord Reaper was cornering poor young Fluttershy. She was unaware of Reaper's next move. A dusty, ugly yellow, fuzzy pictured lightening bolt seemed to just about touch her and tear out her soul. "Fluttershy, look out!" Her twin, Lightening Shield pushed her out of the way. He then was shocked and electrified piercing himself right too death. Reaper evily laughed in the way that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand out. "NOOO!!!!" Fluttershy cried.

Then that was all for that moment. "Oh my gosh, that shook me more then I remember seeing it the first time."

"Hush now, Infinate there is one more dream we must go to." Luna told.

This dream was much different then the last one Fluttershy had. Images flickered too fast for her to tell what was going on, but that was probably the point. Then some things did slow down too see a teenage version of Infinate and young little Lightening Shield.

Infinate felt warm also seeing her brother once more, but moment quickly ended as the dream faded back to Canterlot. She then sighed. "So it is true, Futtershy is learning her past. I was afraid this will happen. If things get worse, Reaper could easily break the shield and attack us hurt more of the people I love and ruin even more things and take over the whole magical metropolis."

"Infinate tell me more about the spell you cast on the day you sent away Fluttershy," Celestia asked.

"The spell was supposed to make her forget she had a twin, never let her think of me. That made her lose her cutie mark just in case it somehow caused her a memory. I had to rid her of her horn so she couldn't figure out with magic either. I also had to shield out The Lord from attacking, he wants nothing more then everyone's soul, specifically royalty. His goal was to get Fluttershy's. since she doesn't know about her true self, she isn't an Alicorn at the moment, since she isn't a alicorn he can't attack her which is making him weak. If she does figure out, well it'll be the domino effect."

Luna straightened "Wait doesn't he have a bloody bolt as his signature?" Infinate nodded in suspicion. "That's what those demon-things had for a 'cutie mark' each one if them. He must be controlling them."

"Of course Fluttershy knowing what she knows, he is able to seep through and attack her or some pony else. What do we do?"

"The elements of harmony will help, they always do, they generate a powers no pony could preform alone."

"But that will require Fluttershy and her represneting kindness?" Luna asked

"Yes, my dear sister, but perhaps we could block her from what is going on!"

"I suppose that could work. Bring Fluttershy and her friends over to the Forever Palace. Just make sure Fluttershy doesn't figure out what is happening. We will need all the help we can get." So it was settled. Infinate shown her aqua magic and returned back to the beautiful place of infinity. She felt so at home. After all it was her cutie mark.

She arrived back to her own palace. "Welcome back Princess!" Blazing Wings happily shouted.

"Thank you Blazer, we must prepare we are having some visitors in the near future."

"Sweet, this sounds fun!"

"Not quite, Blazer. Everything needs to go right or we could lead to another war."

"Princess will this involve your sister, Fluttershy?"

Infinate nodded. Changing the subject, "I'm going to step outside for a moment." She was curious about the magic shield. Blazer nodded. And she headed down the steps. Heading outside into the beautiful night sky, she was amazed, it was so peaceful. Her hooves felt a cool liquid beneath her. She looked down to see a pool of red. She then looked forward to see where it came from.

A young filly lay on her door steps covered with red slashes and eyes popped out. The princess backed away, and held a hoof to her mouth to keep her from barfing. 'They had better get here fast' she thought to herself.

Chapter four: First Fight

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Meanwhile at Twilight's....

"What are those things?!" Twilight screamed she couldn't stop shaking.

"Twilight, calm down there has to be an explanation for this. There can't be that many." Fluttershy denied. What were those things? Where did they come from? 'Those were the ugliest creatures ever, okay not ever just a little.' Fluttershy thought. Leave it to her to represent kindness.

In the distance, was not so peaceful sounds. It sounded like frightening, evil moaning, fire burning, screaming, and stabbing. Fluttershy and Twilight looked out at the window.

"Get your hands off of me you, creepy what ever you are!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she kicked off the things trying to bite her. The thing squealed, like a monster.

"Seriously please, do you have any manners?! Do not touch me I just got my hooves shinned." Rarity yelled. Being cornered by the hideous creatures.

"Don't hurt the cupcakes! Or me!" Pinkie Pie cried put the cupcakes on in the air, running for her life.

"Get. Out. Of. Our. Town." Applejack kicking them away, and using her rope.

Fluttershy and Twilight looked back and forth at on another. Twilight ran so fast down the steps, Fluttershy couldn't keep up. Twilight opened the doors. "GIRLS IN HERE-" Twilights voice got cut off by Fluttershy muffling her mouth. "Fluttershy, what are you doing."

"What am I doing? What are you doing? Do you want both of us to get killed?!"

Twilight sighed, "Your right that was a dumb move. Wait I do have an idea." Twilight opened her door once again, to reveal a terrifying scene. Trees were burned down, houses were crushed, sirens blaring, people screaming and panicking, blood was everywhere. Ponyville wasn't Ponyville anymore, the beautiful town was now a horror film. Fluttershy tried not to cry, everything she once loved, everything that once used to be was gone. Ponyville was basically her hometown, everypony who had lived her was her basic family, the one she had. Thinking of her family once again made her want to cry even more.

"Rainbow Dash! Get over here."

Rainbow Dash glared. "Don't you think I would if I could!" Twilight gave her a 'please', sad face look. Dash sighed. "I would, but I got these zombie things hanging on me." Twilight rolled her eyes beamed a magic flare at the creatures, setting Dash free as a bird. She then flew to the library, Twilight lived in. "Thanks, but about everypony else?"

"I have an idea, us three can all fly they can't. Rainbow Dash scoop up Appleajack, Fluttershy you get Pinkie Pie, and Ill get Rarity." They all flew out to rescue the non-winged ponies. Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie was the farthest.

Deciding to meet her half way, she yelled. "Pinkie Pie quick run towards us!" About five seconds later, Pinkie Pie looked straight at Fluttershy as if she had just been told that five seconds after she had actually said that. Pinkie Pie smiled as a tear dropped along her cheek, though she was quickly distracted when the glowing red eyed beasts with a bloody, repulsive signature on each of their foreheads and moss dark green skin, with gaping red marks that seemed to be rotting.

As if she had loyalty to represent, she flew faster than she had ever flown before. The wind ran against her wings, as adrenaline rushed through her. "Gotta get to Pinkie! Gotta get to Pinkie!" Right at that moment that was all that seemed to matter. Something hard, hit against her wing as she flew. Her wing went in the opposite direction, right in front of her. She squealed. And fell. The blocker mimicked her voice, sounding like a velociraptor, and bit into her feathers. She squealed once more and kicked it off. Making it land into the nearest tree. "Sorry! Wait what am I thinking, they're evil! But they were attacking me." Shaking her head at the confusion. Fluttershy slowly tried to put her wing back in socket, grunting at the pain, holding back the tears. Then slowly tried to fly, the highest she could was about five feet off the ground before the pain hurt to much. She couldn't fly to her and the beasts wouldn't keep her alive to save her. No matter what she had to get Pinkie. "Pinkie run!" She nodded, with a serious look. She then ran forward to Fluttershy.

A crash got to her to stop. Sugar cube corner collapsed right in front of her. Tears poured out Pinkie's eyes, in the traumatizing moments. Futtershy remembered how much, Pinkie, her, and the rest of the girls spent so much time their together. Mostly Pinkie Pie was their though, to babysit and eat dozens of cupcakes with Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Sometimes they would throw parties, like the time for Gilda's party, or Diamond Tiara's cutesinara, well that was the bad example since nobody liked either of the two. But still many memories were defeated, now in the former building. Not only Sugar cube corner, but the horizon around was flames, blood, and death. Being no happiness at all in this town, Pinkie Pie had to be hit the worst, it was her destiny to make people smile, she even sang a song about it.

The creature sneakily creeped up behind her, having her unaware she was going to be attacked. "Pinkie!" Fluttershy galloped forward and locked arms around her and flew. She raced as fast as she could to Twilight's. Twilight had a door open, waiting for them. Fluttershy bolted in the door lightly dropping Pinkie Pie and falling to the ground in exhaustion. No pain had she ever experienced like that before. Her wing felt like it was being ripped off her. Her heart pounded like it was going to explode out of her body. She leaned against a pillow. Pinkie Pie excitably hugged Her, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You saved my life!" As much as she liked the gratitude, Pinkie was crushing her not-good wing.

"Um..." Pinkie Pie looked up and smiled.

"Was I hurting your wing?"

"No it's fine. Just a uh-um..."

"Oh for crying out loud Fluttershy, you won't upset Pinkie Pie by telling her she was hugging you too hard." Rainbow Dash shook her head. Fluttershy awkwardly rubbed her leg and blushed.

Twilight examined her, "Oooh that looks bad. We need to wrap you up quickly. Spike!" Spike came in with a first aid kit. Twilight examined her once more, "This may hurt, but we need to look under your wing." Although she lifted the injured wing gently, Fluttershy tried not to scream, when the pain hurt more then you could imagine.

"Oh dear!" Rarity looked over. Pinkie backed up. Dash's dyes widdened. Applejack rubbed Fluttershy's head in concern. Spike looked terrified.

"Spike a mirror." He quickly ran out. With the hand held mirror the image seemed to horrifying to be real. It looked like the city. It was all bruised, demented, deep cuts and punctures, odd yellow goo, some bone sticking out, and blood where ripped out feathers used to be. She had to keep a hoof to her mouth. Twilight swirled her magic and took the goo and a not noticed tooth in the wound. She jerked in pain. "Sorry I wanna analyze these." She put them in a plastic sealed bag. "Spike wrap her wing up quickly and put some anti-oxide so she doesn't turn into a zombie-demon creature." Spike opened the kit, while Fluttershy widened her eyes. Spike quickly acted like a doctor, and poured the liquid on her soft, almost lifeless wing. She squealed once more as it went into the wounds and stung her like a thousand bees. The pain shocked her once more like it was spreading through her veins in her wings. 'More things to make me miserable....' She thought to herself.

"Sorry Fluttershy!" Spike stopped. He then placed a washcloth on her wing. After that he did some doctor stuff, she felt woozy. The surrounding went fuzzy and black.

Rainbow Dash woke her up gently. "Come on, Fluttershy you gotta get up!" Sounding worried and annoyed at the same time. She lifted her head and got up. She looked at the mirror and sighed, while her eyes glistened. Her left wing was bundled up in white. "Hey it's not like its that serious, you will will probably get to fly uh soon...!"

Fluttershy lifted her head and looked into the mirror. She exhaled deeply and glistened. Then walked over to the window, where evil creepy demon things were still attacking the town. "Girls, we need to do something!"

"Yes, but what exactly?" Rarity stood up.

"Well, you could use-" Spike got cut off.

"We have to fight!" Futtershy spoke like a leader.

"FIGHT?!" They all spoke as if she was crazy. Twilight stepped forward, "I think your tired, you have had a long day and been injured a lot with your head and wing.

"No, we need to save Ponyville!"

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, except Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "Maybe she's right, we've got to keep things from getting worse." Applejack also stepped forward.

Dash nodded, "For the fate of Equestria!"

"Okay so what are we going to so then? We aren't exactly trained fighters." Twilight asked. She put her head down and then looked up and smiled. "I have an idea! Fluttershy you're right. Okay Jack we need you to herd the creatures into one main area so they can't terrorize the whole world, Rarity we need you to find all the injured and bring them back to the tree, where Spike will tend to them, Pinkie you need to set up and act like a nurse for the patients, make them feel happy, and Dash take the un-injured and put them into sections to fight, and I'll organize and help out with what needs to be helped."

They all nodded in agreement except Fluttershy, "What do I do?" Trying not to sound mad.

"Oh we are going to let you rest, I mean today wasn't you're greatest."

"But I-"

"You need your rest, plus it is going to be scary out there." It was no use auguring against Twilight. She went upstairs with her head down. She wanted to help. She wanted everypony to stay okay. She laid on Twilght's bed and stared out the window. Everyone began to work. She sighed and burrowed her head in the pillow. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't she was to worried. Her legs shook. She closed her eyes and ignored, well tried to ignore the terrifying screams. Finally she closed her eyes and didn't open them, until a scream woke her up. She stood up. She looked out the window. It was worse before. So many dead and injured ponies. So many evil things digging at the poor innocent ponies, "I don't care what Twilight says, I'm going to fight bad wing or no bad wing. She stood up with pride.

'I can do this!' She thought to herself each time she took a step downstairs. Lots of moaning filled the main part of the living room. How she wished she make them feel better, and she was going to help, but something told her she had to be out there in chaos, fighting for Ponyville seemed well right. Se aimed her eyes at the door and locked them there. "Fluttershy what are you doing?" Spike asked like she was mental.

"Going out there."

"Fluttershy! You need to get better, you just demented your wing and earlier you just got out of the hospital with a severe concussion!"

"They need my help, I may not be an experienced fighter, but I'm sure I can help!"

"Cool story bro, but be careful out there." Vinyl Scratch told with a smile, she had her shades off revealing her bright red eyes, with a body cast showing she dislocated her shoulder and deep cuts and stitches. "I had to use my music equipment to fight them, but I think chaos is stronger than Dubstep." She meant as a joke, but instead made her upset. "Good luck, Fluttershy!" Vinyl hugged her for support and then smiled.

She smiled in return and took in a deep breath. Then walked out the door. Her skin felt like a metaphoric glow, it just felt right. "Where to begin?"

"Mraah!" A creature mocked her. At first the creature headed towards here like she was the only thing in sight, but Derpy stopped its image on accident and it headed towards her. It lurked towards her, drooling. Derpy was unaware of the creature at the moment she was traumatized of what was going on. So it easily sank its rotting, sharp fangs into the flesh on her back. She screamed in agony. Fluttershy kicked the ground with her back leg. Anger flowed through her. She ran faster than ever before. She tackled on top of it. She sank her teeth in to the back of its neck, till she tastes blood. She put a hoof below the middle of the shoulder blades. She teeth wrapped her mouth against its spine, and pulled with all her force, until it lead a path along its neck where tell spine and blood spilled out. She spit out and threw it ten feet away.

She got off of it, and ran backwards into a tree. What had she done? She just killed this poor creature! -poor creature- that thing would have killed Derpy, if she hadn't killed it.

A tingling sense felt like it was going to electrify her body, it felt so amazing like fate wanted her to. Something got in her eyes like she was imagining something that she couldn't stop. Images bounced in her head like they were meant to be. A story danced her mind, a story where she was armored in shields with the sea-foam green princess and a young yellow colt on both of her sides ready to battle an evil lord. All you could see was thick black smoke and glowing red eyes in a evil glare. Instead of being scared, she felt ready ready to be a leader, to fight against him. She glanced at the two alicorns aside her they felt so close to her. Like they would always protect her. They were her fam-

The image stopped. Fluttershy tried to remember, but she didn't know what 'fam' meant. Could it be what she was looking for? She shook her head at the thought and focused on the present. "Ha, ha" Rainbow Dash kicked off some of the creatures and told Bon Bon and Moon Dancer to head by Applejack.

"Rainbow Dash, do you need any help?"

"Fluttershy, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"I felt like I had to help, to do something."

Rainbow Dash smiled as she punched away a creature, "Sweet, I think my coolness is catching on to you." She teased. "You can stand with me to fight against them." Fluttershy nodded. A group of the creatures lurked towards her. Dash kicked him off and defeated them with her skills.

Futtershy aimed at one and lept on one and kicked it with her back legs to city halls walls. It grunted as it clawed her. With her anger, she snapped its neck and it fell to the ground. She sucked on the puncture. And headed back over to Rainbow Dash. Dash widened her eyes. "Nice job!" She surprisingly, sacredly said.

For the rest of the night, with pride she, Dash, Jack, and the other ponies who had enough strength to fight, fought against the demons. With sweat, came more pride and more almost memories. It almost seemed there were more ponies, then they're were in Equestria. So many brave ponies fell in the fight. Leaving only the three left to defend Ponyville and also themselves. Although there were only three left, there seemed to be no creatures left in Ponyville. Fluttershy and Dash smiled, as Applejack wiped a sweat off. "I'm going to do a last check above town, to make sure there are none left." Rainbow Dash flew away, like she was in a race.

"Maybe we can finally relax." Applejack stretched, closed her eyes and smiled. Fluttershy also closed her eyes and tried to relaxed.

It was so peaceful, too bad it was cut off by, "Mraah!" Four creatures walked towards them, glowing eyes and all.

"You have got too be kidding me." Applejack facepalmed herself. "We'll let's get this over with." Applejack and Fluttershy ran up towards them. Applejack seemed to feel like she was fighting balloons or something similar to that, while Fluttershy felt as though she was running out of breath. But that still didn't stop her. Applejack back kicked one to death. Then wrestled with another. Fluttershy pounced on one put it pushed her off. She caught her breath once more and karate kicked to wall to leave it lifeless.

If there we only four, two would be left and Applejack was handling one, one was still in-harmed. The only problem was where was it. Sharp knives like things punctured into her back in clawed its way down, Fluttershy couldn't move. The creature evily laughed. "This can't be my final moment". Suddenly Rainbow Dash pushed away the creature and punched it to death.

"Don't worry it's not, and we are clear that's the last one." Dash pointed to Applejack, who was clearly losing the fight. "Let's go!"

She and Rainbow Dash grabbed the creature. Futtershy grabbed its face and put a trance on it, 'The Stare'. It's eyes settled on hers, when it turned to a hypothesis pattern. Rainbow Dash kicked off his body, till all that was left in her hooves was its head. In disgust, she dropped the head.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Lets go back to Twilight's." The three headed back to the library/hospital. Never in her life had Fluttershy, experienced something so enthusiastic. It may be a bad thing to say, but Flutterhsy wanted to do it all over again. Fight and defeat evil.

When they got back to Twilight's. The door revealed an upset Spike, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked concernly and curiously.

"Lyra, passed away!" Twilight was the only of the four to be able to speak, "Just moments ago in one of the hospital cots. She was attacked to badly." She put her head down letting the tears on the floor.

"See was the best person to party with, next to Derpy and me." Pinkie Pie bawled. Fluttershy lowered her head, also dropping tears of sadness.

Changing the subject, "Girls lets head upstairs to my room, it's very loud and crowded in here. Spike get the first aid kit and some icepacks." They all followed Twilight to her room. When Spike got to the room, he started on Fluttershy's back and Applejack's ice pack and open first aid kit to whom needs it.

"What do you girls, think those things are?" Twilight as the leader asked.

"They all had the same cutie mark." Rarity told.

"They all looked like zombies." Pinkie told.

"True, I wish Princess Celestia, finished the sample I sent her." Twilght's shook her leg.

"They seemed simply sort of just going for us, only attacking other ponies in their way." Fluttershy stood up.

"Really, what about the buildings though?"

"I don't know about that, they just seemed to wreck everything anywhere, maybe they were looking for us?"

"Could be, but why would they be looking for us? Who wants us?"

"No offense Twi, but um how many villains did we face. Mare and the Moon, Discord, Leader of the Changlings, and King Somber." Rainbow Dash debated. Twilight nodded.

"*Burp*" green fire spat out.

"Spike!" Twilight annoyingly yelled.

"No, it's a note." Here.

With her magic, she read it aloud. "Dear Twilight, it is urgent you come to the Canterlot Palace immedeatly. Something terrible has happened and we need you and your friends to help."

Chapter five part 1: Not For, but About You

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"It is candid that you don't tell Flu-" Twilight trailed off. And re-read the letter "Um Fluttershy could you err count the stairs or uh ya I need it for the er letter." Twilight clearly lied. Fluttershy went out the door, and stood close to the wooden door giving her ear contact to it.

"What was that about?" Applejack asked.

"Sorry this next part is about Fluttershy and she isn't supposed to hear this next part. 'Fluttershy is learning things that she isn't supposed to be learning, things that are supposed to be hidden. Though it may not be her fault she is learning these things. She needs to know little as possible of what is going on. If she does great danger could be sent to Equestria. Please come ASAP. Please Bring her though. Hopefully as soon as you get this, Sincerely Celestia.' Oh dear we are going to have to head right away."

"Deary, I'm sure we would like to, but we are needed here. Someone needs to care for the citizens and the town is destroyed." Rarity debated.

"Right." Twilight sighed. "Spike sent a note of that to the Princess." Spike quickly wrote a letter and burned it into his green fire. That light up at the little dream on the bottom of the door

Only a few moments later, another letter was sent back. "'Dear Twilight, I have heard of your tragedy, that is why I am sending Equestia's finest doctors, construction workers, and supplies.' I guess that settles that then. We had better get packing, if we are going to get there by morning. It's already three a.m." The door suddenly swung open. Fluttershy backed up so it didn't look like she had been listening to their conversation. Twilight raised a brow. "Hey Flutterhsy we all have to leave to Canterlot, don't worry you also." The others came out on to the squeaky hallway, "How about we go home pack our bags and meet here in about forty-five minutes."

"Um how are we getting to Canterlot if everyone including the conductors are in here? Just wondering." Fluttershy asked quietly.

"They are sending a train from there to here with suppliers, doctors, and construction workers, and we will get on that train to Canterlot." They all nodded in agreement as they left.

When the adrenaline faded, Fluttershy began to realize she was very tired. It was about three in the morning and she still had many things to do. Angel had came with her and curled up on her head into a deep sleep. Good thing Fluttershy had good posture, those yoga lessons with the animals really paid off. Also when the adrenaline faded, she began to become curious again. "Will I find my family? Do I still have one waiting for me?" Fluttershy sighed. "Do they, if I have any, still want me." She tried to think about the oldest thing she could remember. She remembered, being enrolled in flight camp. Until now, she wondered who enrolled her in it. She was picked on for being a weak flyer. Meeting Rainbow Dash, ending up becoming one of her best friends she ever had.

She still couldn't think of anything before that. Angel had stopped her from thinking any more of it. He jumped off of her and walked with her, he also then glared. "Sorry Angel bunny, were heading home because the girls and I have another mission to solve. I hope you'll be okay while I'm gone. Princess Celestia's guards are coming to take care of you and help rebuild Ponyville." Angel still was upset, but stopped when a rasping, scraping sound appeared all around them. Fluttershy jumped as Angel clung to her leg.

Usually the scared Fluttershy everyone knows and loves, would squeak and hide in the bushes, but well Angel seemed more scared then she was. She needed to take care of him. Fluttershy nuzzled him and picked him up. Angel hugged her as she placed him once again on her head. "It's okay Angel bunny, I hope."

As Fluttershy kept on walking she felt weird tingling feeling in herself, unlike earlier when she felt happy and full of pride, this time made her feel uncomfortable and scared. She picked up the pace a bit, to a slow trot. 'Why do I have the feeling someone was watching me?' She thought to herself. She looked behind her to see red glowing eyes in a curved shape like in the movies. Like its eyes stared at her like it was going to reach into her soul. Her legs shook, as she closed her eyes and shook her head. For once seeing nothing was actually comforting.

Once she re-opened them, it was gone. The same old trees stood normally the way they did before. She rubbed the scared sweat off her forehead and said, "This night has gotten to my head, I cannot wait to relax on the train."

Finally she arrived into her small cottage. The animals welcomed her home. The squirrels gave her gifts, the mice nuzzled her, the birds sang for her, and the bears hugged her. "Awe thank you all! You are just so sweet. I have a big announcement to make." All the animals gathered around her. "I have another mission to go on, so I will be gone for awhile. Do not worry! Many Ponies will all sorts of jobs are coming to rebuild the town, help the sick, and take care of you all, can you all be on your best behavior while I'm gone?" All the animals nodded, even Angel. "Good, when I get back I'll get you all some of those nice crunchy munchies for each one of you. Now I need to hurry the train will be coming soon."

She trotted upstairs, having all the other little critters follow her. On her bed she placed her purple suitcase and started packing her essentials. One of the ferrets pointed at her wing, while one of the bears commented on her head wound, and another on the bandage around her stomach. "Just a little accident, I had." One of the bears raised a brow. "Okay so maybe more than a little. I was helping the girls, luckily Dash came in to save me from even worse problems. I'll be okay, I just need a goodnight's sleep." The birds pitched in to help, they carried the rest of the things she needed.

She grabbed her bag and placed it on her back, "Thank you guys, you are very helpful." She was just about to go out the door, when Angel once agin stopped her. "Angel is everything alright?" Angel started crying and hugged her leg tightly. She nuzzled him in return. He then bounced up and kissed her forhead. "Awe Angel I think I'll miss you most of all! But don't worry soon I'll be back and everything will be the same as it was."

Fluttershy then walked out the door, for some odd reason she felt nothing would be the same. Although she had a mission, and that was occupying her, she still would end up wondering who she was. The flashbacks weren't helping either, it creeped her out so much. What did they mean? Who was the yellow colt and light green Alicorn? Would they know? Everytime she saw them, she felt as if something knew was going to happen, but when the images stopped so did the memory.

She again heard the scheeching sound, good thing Angel wasn't around. Scared shivers covered her. She picked up the pace and ran as fast as she could. The light that came from Twilight's felt like a light from heaven she ran forward and not looking back to see what was behind her. Her hooves hit the gravel road in pain, rocks seeped in her hooves, she wished she could fly oh so bad. Of course she liked to walk and see the horizon, but she hated running, maybe because she sucked at it.

"Slow down Shy, your going to end up giving your self a heart attack." Fluttershy stopped leaving marks on the road. She turned around quickly, to see Dash flying and giggling at the same time. "Do you know you still got a mile to go, speed demon?" She laughed once more and picked her up and flew.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!! What are you doing?!" She sacredly and politely asked.

"Relax, I'm just helping one of my best friends out while she is supposed to be taking it easy and don't worry I won't drop you I am an expert and if I can carry three wonderbolts, Rarity, and her big, fat costume/ego in that competition, then I can carry you." She flew harder and faster making Fluttershy feel as though her mouth was going to be ripped off. It felt like air was hitting her in bolts.

"Rainbow Dash do you think you can slow down just a bit?!" She screamed.

Dash coolly laughed, "What was that? Did you say speed up?! Alright!" She laughed harder. And it felt as though she escalated her speed to one hunderd times than before. Fluttershy's felt as if they were going to explode.

"Rainbow Fricken Dash!" Twilight was a stop sign to them, though Dash couldn't stop flying. Which made them collide with each other. Fluttershy fell twenty feet behind her.


"Are you trying to get Fluttershy killed?"

"Relax, 'mother' I was just giving her a hand, so she didn't have to walk with her being half cast."

Twilight sighed in aggravation, "She should be resting, not flying at four thousand miles per hour!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and also sighed.

Applejack came between them with a red wagon behind her, "Girls come in there is no reason for ya'll to bicker and fight." Looking a bit less annoyed, they both nodded once. Jack smiled, as she pulled forward, revealing the wagon was brighter than she thought.

Not long after that did Pinkie Pie bounced up to the girls and Rarity trotted with great posture and a new outfit, "Hey everypony! How are you all since we last saw each other?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

Applejack came up to Pinkie, "I brought a wagon for you and Fluttershy to sit in while we are heading to the train station." Fluttershy stumbled over to the wagon for it felt miles, though Pinkie limped five feet and jumped into the wagon. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie smiled in compassion, "Awe girls y'all don't have to do nothing in return, I'm happy to help."

"You who! Darlings, don't leave without me! I first need to give you all my presents I made you all." Came Rarity with her preppy, british voice, "I made them all for you before I left for the holidays and I forgot to give them to you. But I assure you they were worth the wait and we can use them for the momentous occasion." She passed them to everypony and Spike. "Spikey wikey I made you a Pony Bond tuxedo that I thought would look great on you! And last, but certainly not least you Fluttershy. I modified yours and Pinkie Pie's, to be a little more as you could say you accent and nature since you poor things got beat up so badly earlier today." She passed it to Fluttershy, which revealed a green high low dress with tons of sparkles and accented ruffles, it was amazing more beautiful to speak in words.

"Thank you Rarity they are beautiful! Your best work yet!" fluttershy commented. Rarity squeezed her tight as awed at her.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but were gonna be late if we don't start heading to the train station. We're gonna miss it." Twilight stepped forward. So the others, and Applejack pulling the wagon headed over in the quiet dark night.

"Oh Shy don't you think this night would be perfect with some glow sticks!" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly. Fluttershy nodded. "Oh I can't wait to get to see the new place we will be going to, Celestia said it would be a really important occasion. Oh we need to throw a party! With games, balloons, streamers, candy, dubstep, other awesome music, flugglehorns dang I would would kill for a flugglehorn right now! Oh and we need mustaches, lots of fake mustaches. Oh, oh it could be a costume party I could dress up as a velociraptor!" Pinkie Pie talked a mile a minute, though she had many interesting things to say Fluttershy was more interested in the sky. The stars twinkled as the clouds rolled back their curtains revealing a magnificent sky, "Yo Fluttershy, earth to Fluttershy!" Pinkie stopped and looked up with me, "Oooo pretty!"

As Fluttershy looked up she could see constellations forming. Illusions starting. Warnings arriving. An image of a princess shaking her head, 'Dear Fluttershy you cannot know what will be your destiny, hopefully in time it will make sense to you.' Images of evil eyes and clocks going off and images going to fast to see. Purple and black shimmering smoke appearing. She felt as if she had to scream, but she couldn't. 'Fluttershy surrender or Fluttershy surrender your-' Came a rasping cold voice

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" Came cute little Spike. "You okay?" Fluttershy looked down to see him and the others staring at her at the train station.

She nodded, "Fine just thinking." She sort of lied. The girls had a creeped out expression on their faces. Changing the subject she asked, "Um Twilight how exactly will they see us, just wondering since the electricity is out for miles."

Her face changed to a facepalm, "Oh that's right the candles! Quick everyone get your candles from my bag and light them. They all deal with the elements of harmony. Red for loyalty, purple for generosity, orange for honesty, pink for kindness, blue for laughter, and magic for the last one. Lets go girls quickly!" With her magic she gave everyone their candles, adding flare to it also.

"Twilight these candles are shaped weird." Applejack sounded very creeped. The candles were much bigger them normal candles and they were lit on the inside, with no bottom.

Twi laughed, "They're not regular candles, they float in the sky." Everyone awed as though, they started to float them into the sky. "Now carefully let go of them." They all stoped touching them as the lifted into the sky like balloons. They swirled around each other as they got higher and closer to the end of the sky. Each shined and shimmered like the stars up above. "And now we wait."

For moments they waited in silence. Rarity's bickering stopped the uneasy quietness, "Where are they? Princess Celestia said they left hours ago and I'm freezing! My hooficure will get ruined in this weather. I'm already half ice!"

Fluttershy walked over to Rarity, "Here take my blanket it'll get you nice and warm."

Rarity looked at it in awe and kindness, "Deary this is amazing! It is so fuzzy and warm, it's not even itchy and its very stylish, favorite shade of blue."

"Thank you it's my baby blanket I sleep with it every night. It keeps me warm and peaceful, as if I were sleeping on a cloud." Fluttershy smiled and quietly said, "I feel safe in it too, like with it, it will protect me." She blushed as she said the silly thought.

Rarity looked shocked and ashamed, "Your baby blanket! I can't use this it means to much to you. I wouldn't want to accidentally impair it." With her blue magic she placed it against Fluttershy's body wrapping her in it, "You need more than I, Darling your shaking!" Fluttershy looked down, she hadn't realized she had been shaking the whole night, not out of coldness, but out of becoming traumatized. She did her signature squeaky smile to Rarity, and she returned Fluttershy a famous excited smile.

Roar! Roar! "Spike!" Twilight lectured.

"It wasn't me!" Spike put his class up. They all looked back to see a bright light. Roar! Roar!

"Woah! What happened to the original Choo Choo chugga chugga chugga chugga Choo Choo!" Pinkie light up the moment. Dash did a facepalm and burst out laughing, along with the others. The train came in close and stopped automatically.

"Excuse me, Princess Twilight?" A fancy accented conductor asked. From the window They all turned around. Twilight stepped forward and stood up tall, "I am the conductor of your trip, these are the helpers." Three tall ponies stepped out one glasses with a white body and black, wavy mane the other was muscly with a dark brown body and light chestnut hair, and a filly who was lilac with a dark mane who obviously was the head, "Hello I'm Dr.Bell, I'll be the top organizer for this town's re-building. These are my top associates Dr.Ray and Joe. Dr.Ray will be in charge to attend to the citizens needs along with the with the other doctors and nurses we brought with us. And Joe is head of the construction workers, they will make sure Ponyville will look exactly they way it did before that horrible event."

Twilight turned back to the others, "Uh girls and Spike how about you go inside and settle in while I talk to Dr. Bell." They all nodded and didn't hesitate to get inside and get into bed. Fluttershy followed behind them last. As they entered they quickly came into the bunk bed areas. Nothing new same beds they slept in before. Everyone dropped their bags except Rarity who started to unpack.

"I call top!" Rainbow Dash flew up to one of the bunk beds. "Rarity your gonna be my bunk buddy!" Rarity nodded in approval.

"Me too!" Pinkie climbed up.

"Fluttershy do you wanna share one." She nodded as she weakly climbed up. One of the handled turned to slippery butter and she fell a step. "You okay? You don't have to take top bunk."

"It's okay, I'll be fine my hooves were just sweaty." She lied not wanting to admit she was feeling weak. She started again and landed on the soft bed.

She cuddled with her blanket, but this night it wasn't making her feel better. She felt too warm and it felt like it was going to choke her. She kicked it off gently, making little noise as possible.

"Thank Celestia we can finally go to bed! I am exhausted from looking for injured ponies under all that rubble." Rarity came out of the bathroom with a overnight mud-mask on with her hair in a bun with a eye mask just above her eyes. "I mean finally we can get some peace and quiet."

"Ya well maybe if we all shut up we could get some sleep!" Rainbow Dash triedly, barely even yelling. "Sorry guys I'm just really really tried, I mean I fought ugly all night long. I've got battle scars that will last forever. And I'm sure Shy and Jack are exuhasted also." Pinkie held up a pillow, "Maybe tomorrow I'm not in the mood for a pillow fight." Pinkie held up a sad face.

Rarity turned off the lights with her magic. Fluttershy cuddled up with her blanket and closed her eyes. She instantly left this world and all its troubles.

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" Came a warped unfamiliar yet familiar, creepy voice. Her vision was blurry, Fluttershy could barely see anything. The creature faded into a nightmare, scarer than King Somber. "My dear how long has it been? What about nine years since I've seen you! Oh look how big and soulful you've gotten! You look nothing like you did when you were just a child. So weak and helpless, I instantly snapped you-know who with my ultra razor bolts. Don't worry you will be next, and you can join my side." He laughed evilly. "And 'Ms.In-charge' will be helpless and too traumatized to do anything about it. The three is already gone so you can't stop me, come now dear soon everything will make sense and I will finally be able to take what I need. There is no use running its already meant to happen, but 'the three' would already know that right?" He paused again for another evil laugh. "So why not get it done and over with and join the side of darkness and become a soul hunter like well that's going to be a surprise for you. So come now my dear."

Fluttershy backed away from it and the warped fog. Suddenly a yellow flash appeared from the distance and made the evil stallion fall over, he stood there like knight on duty. He didn't look up, and gently, poetically said, "Curious indeed you are too be, the truth shall be told, for the future shall hold. Be brave, you shall not be safe. For six may be wise choice, it isn't the solution. Your mind will be polluted, but fear not in the end fate is a key, to lead up to the original three." Everything stopped as it faded to be the train room. 'It was only a dream' she thought to herself, fighting back tears so she didn't wake any pony.

She closed her eyes again expecting too fall asleep, but she just lay there. Was there a latent theme in that dream, or was it meant to be real. She climbed down the ladder of her bunked and decided to take a walk, to get her mind off this whole flashback and family thing. No matter how many times she tried to think of something else, it popped into her head again. She opened the train doors that lead to the next car. The night was barely over, yet it's cool breeze felt dark and shaky. She hopped over to the next car and opened the door.

The room was empty, a few seats and some pillows by the giant window. She decided it was best to sit by the window. As she walked over she heard a clanking sound, like some pony was following her. She looked back to see nothing, it was just her imagination.

She pressed her cheek against the cool window. She shivered and looked out at the woodland area. So quiet, and so peaceful, "Fluttershy?" She turned around to see Applejack, "Why are you up so early? We've got a big day a head of us. I heard you wake up and get out of bed and leave, so I followed you to see where you were going" She wasn't mad, more concerned.

"Sorry I had a bad dream, had to take my mind off it." Fluttershy didn't look up.

"We'll sugarcube tell me all about it, I'm worried about you. You've been acting weird lately. Is something else wrong?"

Fluttershy sighed, "It started a couple of days ago when I was supposed to help you, but you weren't there, so I went to see the others, but they weren't there, everyone saying that they were gone. Then I ran into Rainbow Dash, who told me it was Family Day, and I asked what that was and she explained it was a day where you spend the whole day with your families, the she asked me about mine. And I tried to think, who was my family? Then these weird images played in my head then I blacked out and after I got out I kept getting these flashbacks with this Alicorn who was mint/sea-foam green and a colt who is bright yellow. And this creepy creature and things just aren't making sense. All I want to know is my past! Is that so bad?!" She cried.

"Hey Shy it'll be alright okay, after this mission I promise we will find them, I promise." Applejack sighed looking like she learned something she wasn't supposed to know, "Until then you've got me and your other 'sisters', and we will always take care of you." She gave Fluttershy a hug.

"As I will always take care of you guys."

"Now lets go back to bed, I'm tired and I have a feeling we will need our energy tomorrow. Don't worry it's our little seceret, girls don't have to know if you don't want them to, which makes complete sense." She and Applejack trotted back to the bedroom.

Every pony was sound asleep, with their little snores. She climbed up the ladder once again, she looked around the room. Everypony would have her back, as she would have theirs. She smiled as she closed her eyes into a deep sleep, this time no nightmares at all.

"Luda Luda Luda loo! Luda Luda Luda loo!" Fluttershy awoke peacefully too a high wake up call. "Luda Luda Luda loo, Luda Luda Luda loo!" Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down.

"Pinkie shut up!" Dash turned over and threw a pillow at her,

She dodged it, "Come on girls! The conductor said we would in Canterlot in an hour!"

"AN HOUR!" Every pony got up and panicked in chaos. Applejack made her bed and put her hair up in its normal ponytail and her hat on. Rarity hurried to the bathroom. Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes and stretched quickly. Twilight hurried into the bathroom also. Pinkie Pie was deciding what mustache to wear. Every pony acted as if they had five minutes.

Fluttershy jumped down and opened her suitcase. She got out her brush and mirror, she brushed her long, wavy pink mane. Her hair as very smooth and soft. She put on a dab of Eco-friendly mascara. She then sat down and relaxed while every pony panicked. She looked to see Spike still trying sleep away in his bed. "Spike don't you want to get ready?"

He rolled over and shook his head, "I'm a dragon all I have to do is get up to get ready." He sighed as he got up. He sat next to her. He sighed in a sad way.

"Spike are you okay? Even last time you were droopy."

"No I'm fine really." He looked away obviously, accidentally showing something was wrong and he really needed a friend right now. She gave him a look, that she didnt buy what he was saying. "Alright I'll tell you. It's just always been you six in your missions you've all saved the day, just you six. Your all known as the heros and me as the sevent of Twilight and your kind of friend. Don't get me wrong I like to serve to Twilight and have you guys be my friends, its just that's really it. Nothing else. I've never created many memories with you guys, I feel left out all the time. I feel I'm only friends with you because of Twilight. No offense to any of you!"

Fluttershy was a bit speechless, but the words came out just right, "Spike of course your are friend and all, we are always here for you, but maybe you just need to get out more, I mean your always working or sleeping, we never get to spend time with you because we never see you and maybe speak up a little we won't bite, talk to us instead of just sitting around, it's not like we were going to to kick you out or something I'd never do that. I get its hard, but were are always here for you." Applejacks words played back into her head, tears almost poured out of her. She hugged Spike tightly. "You are a hero to, you were able to take the crystal heart, fight for the good of yourself, and risk yourself to save Applejack from the timberwolves. You are also an amazing friend to have, you are fun to hang around with and great to talk to."

"Thanks Fluttershy, but I couldn't be the most amazing friend ever because that description fits you you are nice, sweet, fun, and you may be shy, but when push comes to shove you can be really fierce sticking up for us, no one could ask for a better friend." She blushed.

Rarity soon came out of the bathroom fresh and clean, "Since your an amazing friend, do you think I've ever got a shot with Rarity?" He awed at her.

"I dunno Spike your-" He looked totally completely scared. She playfully shoved him and smirked, "You never know Spike, I'm sure you have a chance with her, but beware I'm sure she isn't easy to win over!" He smiled in return and got up and stretched.

Rarity totally oblivious to their conversation, she asked, "Fluttershy do you think we have enough time? I want to give you a make over." She shrugged, she guessed about half an hour. "The natural look suits you very well, but I want to try smoky eyes on you and some red lips too." Rarity started touching her, while grabbing some make up from her ginormous cosmetic bag. Fluttershy really wasn't up too this idea, she backed up a bit.

"Rarity, Fluttershy doesn't want ten pounds of make-up on her she wants to do what she wants." Dash saved her. "Come on Shy lets go get some breakfast, I'm starving."

"Who said she wanted to eat that disgusting train food?!" Rarity and Rainbow Dash were head to head.

"How about we let her decide?!" They both glared at each other. This was utterly ridiculous, she came between them. "Girls we have time too do a make-over and eat the buffet."

"There's a buffet? Like the royal buffet?" Rarity looked up. Dash nodded and they walked off together giggling. Fluttershy must have been looked as confused as she felt because Twilight laughed and shook her head.

"Come on let's go eat." She and Twilight walked off, "So you excited?"

"Yah I can't wait to see the newest place we are going to visit. Maybe they will have a garden!"

"That would be pretty cool, different cultures are always fun to see. I wonder if they have a muse-" twilight was cut off by a roll of thunder. "Let's hurry to the other car." Twi opened the door, revealing water and cold wind in their faces. Occasional leaves scratching there skin in irritation. They basically ran in panic to the next car. Fluttershy flumbled to get the knob open. Twi used her magic as they both tumbled forward into the next car, as the rest of the girls and Spike looked at them crazily.

"What was their a monster or something on there or what?" Spike was the first to speak. Futtershy pointed towards the window. They all looked over to see dark clouds with heavy rain coming in. "Oh."

Fluttershy shook her head, and went over to grab some waffles. She sat next to Pinkie Pie, who also had had waffles, but way more then Fluttershy's two. Pinkie gobbled them up in a split second. "Could some pony please pass the syrup."

"Regular or strawberry?" Applejack asked.

"Regular's fine." Applejack slid it over to her, she caught it in the nick of time. She poured it gently over the waffles and began to eat. She stared outside only a peak of sunshine excaped through the dark silver clouds, the sun gave the cloud a halo of orange and yellow. Below the clouds lay a grey mist.

The train came to a complete stop. Every pony looked up. "Uh sorry there's a bit of rubble on the track we shall be delayed about five minutes." Came the conductor, every pony continued eating.

Fluttershy sighed as the waffles melted in her mouth. The train started moving once more. She hadn't realized she had been poking at nothing. She finished her plate with out even realizing it. Her mouth felt dry. She grabbed some apple juice and gulped it down as if she hadn't drank anything in days.

"Slow down sugarcube," Jack patted her hard on the back, which made her almost choke. She then walked up and put her plate away in a tub labeled dirty dishes. She sat down by the window and watched the sky go into Canterlot. Such a bug city it was, the brick ironically smooth white streets. The smell of French crapes filled the air. Fancy ponies inside, out of the rain. The palace roamed nearby.

"Here we are Canterlot Palace, enjoy your stay!" Came the speaker. Everyone quickly out their plates away. Fluttershy was the first off walking up a few steps of the Palace.

Rainbow Dash joined her, followed by the others, "Girls hurry the princess said we needed to talk to her ASAP!" Every pony sprinted, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie quickly fell behind every pony else, having their injuries block them from escalating their speeds.

The royal guards spotted them and opened the Palace doors, then showing Princess Celestia on her throne. "Thank goodness your all here! We have some issues we need to discuss! Twilight did you bring the Elements of Harmony?" She nodded once.

"This mission sounds very interesting!" Fluttershy said to no pony specifically. Celestia looked over to her in shock. Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment, she assumed she had done something wrong.

Celestia recognized her guilt, "Fluttershy could you please go with Princess Luna. She is in the left corridor."

Fluttershy began walking while asking, "Did I do something wrong? Because if I did I'm sorry!"

"No no, dear she just wants to talk to you." Fluttershy began walking once again, but looked back at her friends often. 'Why does Princess Luna want to talk to me?' She thought to herself. She felt a bit skeptical. Looking back to her friends, she thought of how she said earlier that she trusted her friends completely, maybe now she felt not so completely.

Chapter five part 2: Not so Welcome Home

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"Princess what is going on? Why can't Fluttershy hear this?" Twilight asked feeling as guilty as she probably ever was before, knowing the others probably felt the same way.

The Princess sighed, "My dear young princess and student, Twilight, I hoped this wouldn't happen, but Fluttershy is in great danger this deals with her past, her family, and her future. I'm sending you to Triple Equasia, her homeland. It is a land ruled by Princess Infinate, she is a wise young princess who is a dear friend of mine, one of her and Equestria's most hated foes could annihilate our lives-"

"E-qu-asia, haha that's a funny word!" Pinkie accidentally interrupted. "Who names a town Triple Equasia anyway?"

Celestia grinned and continued, "Triple Equasia was named for 'The Ultimate Three' they are a powerful, group who can and are one of the only who can defeat enemy's like the ones you will be facing. The creature you will be facing is called Lord Reaper, he is a terrible villain who's goals are too traumatizing and heartless for me to say. He is close to be awakened and fully powerful, and even now he is able to do horrible things. If he becomes fully powerful, Equestria could be doomed, without the 'The Ultimate Three' "

"Princess if the 'The Ultimate Three', is one of the only ponies who can defeat him, then why do you need us?" Twilight asked.

"That is a good question Twilight. The thing is 'The Ultimate Three' is well is apart they are separated and in a bad state of condition and situation. You can use the Elements of Harmony to temporarily defeat him, but we need you all to help fight and find 'The Ultimate Three'. You need to help unlock the secrets we need, to get rid of Lord Reaper once and for all!"

"I'm confused! Where does Fluttershy have too do with this?" Rainbow Dash worriedly asked.

"All good questions Princess Infinate will explain this all to you, for now all I can tell you she is a key to this puzzle and she can do many things."

"Hello?" Fluttershy's echoed through a long hallway. A dark colored Alicorn came out of the shadows tiredly.

"Ah Fluttershy"

"Princess Luna, you wanted to see me."

Luna nodded, "Yes, I do. I hear you want to learn about your past."

Fluttershy shockingly looked up, "How did you, how could you."

Luna stopped her, "I am the Princess of the night, I can see into your dreams. I also have resources. And I can help you."

"You can please tell me everything!"

"The things I can tell you are limited, but I want to say you aren't nothing Fluttershy your destiny is very special. You have great power, with that comes great responsibility. What you want to learn is dangerous, you have to trust me. Your past and future is dangerous. Someday it will make sense and you will know. Your destiny will be fulfilled. Your mind is very curious, but take cation. For now I can tell or well give you this." Luna handed her a gold plated pendant shaped like a star in the sky, looking more like a butterfly with sharp pointed wings. "Open it." Inside played three fierce alicorn drawings spinning around, actually spinning around a sign made no sense. She had no idea what it meant. It resembled a ... A little musical sound played, that sounded so familiar. The three alicorns looked so familiar.

Luna closed it, "Don't look at it for too long." Futtershy felt so confused and felt as tough she being treated like a child. What was with all the secrets?! "This belonged to you from along time ago, hopefully you will learn your true self, but not your uh-" Luna paused.

"Past?" Futtershy finished what she knew Luna was going to say in the nicest way possible. Luna nodded as she crowned the necklace on her neck. Fluttershy smiled as she held it in her hoof. The music played over again like a music box. Her heart pounded as she wished she could just know! No more secrets!

Celestia walked thought the doors, she gesturered them to come out. Luna walked gracefully next to Fluttershy. The image turned to her friends. Rarity smiled at Fluttershy, as she sat next to her. "Girls I'm sending my sister with you to help figure out the evil darkness." Luna looked up shockingly. "You must follow in the correct footsteps for this to work! the fate of Equestria and Triple Equasia is in your hands. Fluttershy began to notice Luna normally was left out in all the missions. Celestia was always the center of attention. "It'll take about a week to get there by train so I'm sending you all by a teleportation spell on the train. Actually Luna shall start off the spell! Off you go now good luck!" They all stood up and stood close to one another. They hurried down the tall steps and on to the wet, slippery roads.

Every pony boarded quickly. They dried off with towels one of the train butlers handed out. Luna lead them to the car behind the engine a small room filled with just windows and tables and chairs to the side. Luna's dark blue magic roamed over her horn as the train started to speed up and the horizon faded.

The speed was ultimately fast, even inside Fluttershy's long pink hair wooshed to the back of her. Rainbow Dash spit out Fluttershy's hair as it flew into her mouth. Fluttershy squeaked guilty and grabbed into her hair.

The horizon faded to white then to a place that seemed very unfamiliar. The sky was starry and a dark faded turquoise. Every pony seemed to float. "Where are we?" Twilight was the only to speak.

"Infinity, enjoy this picture while it lasts, this beauty won't last forever!" Luna acted like an encyclopedia. Fluttershy looked around, it was beautiful and almost as peaceful as laying in a quiet field with bunnies. 'Or knowing the fact you defeated impairing creatures from the world!' Fluttershy thought automatically. She shivered at the thought.

Luna was right it only last for a few moments, as they became memories. The new image coming to picture was a bright beautiful sky, with ironically dark clouds to the way left. The doors opened letting in a nice warm breeze. The girls and Spike stepped off the train. "Ooh this place is beautiful where are my sunglasses and hat, to match summery weather?" Rarity looked through her bag. Fluttershy placed hers in her back.
Luna leaded them to a giant palace, like a tourist guide. Her neck felt so different with the pendent on. She opened it up as it played music played and the ponies were like holograms same with the dove. She closely looked at each Alicorn one looked like herself, in a way but this one had a yellow ombré body and a horn with waiver hair.

She also noticed the other two ponies. One looked like the princess in her dreams and the young colt each looking older than she remembered seeing before. Although it was forbidden she just wanted to know why? What was her past? What was her destiny. Luna looked over as she quickly closed it.

Fluttershy looked up, "Ooh why aren't the ponies crossing the street? Is it illegal here or ooh! Are we a parade we need a flugelhorn for a parade!" Luna laughed and shook her head. Each pony stared at them as though they were famous. They whispered to one another, still staring. Their skepticism and excitement escalated. Soon the whole town had gathered around them talking even louder. Ponies snapped pictures and bounced up and down, they made Pinkie Pie seem like a calm and gentle pony.

"Could it be her?"

"Is that the princess!"

"Has she returned?!"

"Can I have your autograph?!" One bowed to her and held up a price of paper. Luna sighed as Fluttershy signed it.

"They must be talking about Twilight, but I didn't know it spread this fast!" Little did Fluttershy know they weren't talking about Twilight.

"Ya me either!" Twilight said slowly. "Maybe they want friends of the princesses?" Soon ponies were cheering, Fluttershy feared what would come next, grabbing them or attacking them. Or something worse. The all kept shouting, "Princess! Princess!" 'Twilight must be very popular' Fluttershy thought to herself. They speed up to a trot as Luna held her wings against Fluttershy and Twilight for protection. Spike came to Twilight's side as Rainbow did to Fluttershy. 'Why am I suddenly so important?! What happened to the Fluttershy nobody knew?!' She thought once more.

Some royal guards assisted them as they shooed away the audience. They without fighting backed away. They stood before a light blue faded with grey shiny palace. Deja vu came to her mind, like she had been her before. By that was impossible as far as she remembered she had only ever gone to Ponyville and Cloudsdale, also the places they had gone on missions.

The air soon became quiet as a Pegasus stepped out, he was so familiar so amazing. He was talking to some pony, then stopped as though something caught his eye.

An ombré grey body, with magnificent wings and adorable blue, spiky layered hair, with cute little hinted gold and purple stripes. His eyes were a soft forest green, which came with a crooked smile with some dimples to match. He was perfect. Something one pony could only dream of. The stallion was dressed in a cute nerdy type glasses that just fit right on him, that made him even better.

Fluttershy smiled and sighed in a happy romantic way. She looked to see the feelings were mutual as he gazed at her back. It was a romantic staring contest. Her heart felt warm and glowy. He mind felt as though he was just so important, like he was part if her destiny.

From the distance, not breaking the 'love spell', "The 'heck, love at first sight? Oh dear Celestia. They just fricken saw each other for not even five seconds!" Spike criticized.

"Oh Spike shush! I think it is wonderful, I bet they are perfect for each other I can just hear the wedding bells ringing! Ooh!" Rarity rambled.

Twilight did a facepalm, "They're just two pegasi who are looking awkwardly at each other! It's not like the know each other so they aren't in love! Futtershy. Probably saw something interesting."

"Fluttershy and that guy who's name I don't know, sitting in a tree k-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage." Pinkie teased. Applejack hit Pinkie in a shut up kind of way.

Fluttershy and the other pegasus blinked in embarrassment. They both shook their heads at the silly moment. The grey pegasus introduced himself, "Uh hello ladies and dragon." Spike frowned. "I am Blazing Wings squire/assistant/knight to the princess."

"Blazing Wings." Fluttershy caught herself saying. Dash pushed her playfully.

"Hello Blazing Wings, I'll introduce you to the helpers." Luna stepped forward. "This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Futtershy!"

"Fluttershy." Blazing Wings whispered. He then smiled. "We haven't much time I shall escort you to your rooms." Blazing Wings stood close to Fluttershy. He grinned at her and she returned it. He lead the girls into a ginormous palace. It was at least twice the size of the Palace in The Crystal Empire. The walls were filled with shiny glossy columns. He lead them across the room to a wide set of spiral stairs.

There were so many twists and turns in the palace, Fluttershy didn't understand how a princess and her servants could get around. He lead them to a long narrow hallway that turned into a balcony and two other giant rooms all on the end. Around them were a bunch of doors. A sign was held to each door with a cutie mark telling who's room was who's.

"How do they know what our cutie marks are?" Rainbow Dash questioned, narrowing at Blazing Wings.

"The princess's talent is time and spirit. She must have gone back to see you all. Each room should please the uniqueness of each one if you." Futtershy looked to the room next to here with a lightening butterfly on the door.

"What's that room for?"

"Uh please don't go in there it is a mess and uh." Fluttershy nodded skeptically. She opened her door that lead to a nice sunny room filled with art stuff and and plant themed furniture.

"Nice isn't it. I've always wanted a room like this!" The squire walked in.

"Ya the princess did a good job designing it."

"So uh Fluttershy, I know we just met, but uh I was wondering if you wanted to see the Palace garden we just put it in a month ago. And from this room I can you must like animals and agriculture stuff."

"Ya, animals are just adorable creatures."

"I like them to, but when they are nice to me."

"So um uh would you like to I mean you don't have to cause I'm sure you very .busy and-"

"I would love to go to the garden with you." She shushed him. She smiled very excitedly.

"It would be faster if we flew down from the- Oh!" He looked to see Fluttershy's wing cast. "May I ask what happened?"

"Some terrible creatures attacked my town, so I fought to save my friends and home. They hit me terribly." Blazing wings eyes widened. He shook his head and gestured her to follow him. I private stairs opened up from nowhere. He patted the seat and asked her to sit next to him on the rail. Hesitantly she jumped up on it. "Now just slide away!" She closed her eyes and squeaked. He looked at her concernly, "Don't worry it's safe, but if you need to hold on to me that's fine. Hold on tight!" And she did. She quickly clung to him. He smiled. He kicked back and off they went sliding down the hidden wide spiral stairs. She briefly let go as she started to enjoy it. She began to learn to tolerate and take a risk. The ride lasted for a minute or two. They fell onto a patch of soft grass. She had landed next to him as she helped him up.

She followed Blazing Wings to a huge garden that felt like a beautiful forest. Birds sang everywhere the flowers were in bloom and so beautiful. A bunny came up to her and sniffed her legs. She smiled and petted her head. Blazing Wings had left to examine a tree still keeping an eye on Shy.

A humming bird and canary flew by her. She held a hoof out, to give them a place to sit. She mimicked their song, as it made her think of her own. Her song So Many Wonders, the song she sang when she first came to low ground, or the first time she remembered.

A miming bird flew next her, it could mimic anything. She decided to sing her song and it of course followed along. "What is this place filled with so many wonders!" The voice had startled her, she turned to see that Blazing Wings felt embarrassed as though her scared her. "Sorry, I just-uh-it was a beautiful song. You have an amazing voice Fluttershy." He too had squeaked. A squirrel came up to him as he petted him softly. "So Blazing Wings what do you uh do?"

"He laughed besides being a squire guard I like to come out to the garden for peace." He looked at her necklace. "That's really pretty." She opened it as it played the tune and the three alicorns. "My mom told me a ledgend about something like this, about three born royalty members who put their talents together creating hope and with that they could fight against anything. Oh and if you want you can just call me Wings." Their conversation ended with a huge roll of thunder. Blaring like it started right inside your ears. Futtershy screamed and hid under him. He rubbed her in compassion. "It's okay we are safe the trees have a ancient magic spell to protect us from the thunder and lightening." Futtershy got up and once again started talking to him about animals and the ecosystem. Disguising her from the panic she felt deep inside.

"I wonder what the princess is going to be like." Twilight paced herself in a huge room next to the balcony. The room was really empty except for the occasional tables and statues. The main thing in the room was the high column windows and a huge floor geyser-like fountain.

"I bet she is divine!" Rarity squealed.

"We'll if she is that 'divine' then she doesn't have to take for ever!" Rainbow Dash said hinting that she was very annoyed.

"I wonder if she likes games! Ooh we should through a party while we are here. To bad Vinyl is sick she could dj it! Maybe the princess knows how to dj!"

"Did some pony call my name?" They all turned to see a tall Alicorn with a ombré green body and misty textured and colored flowey mane. She had an odd purple shaded eye color. "Hello Luna and you all must be Fluttershy's friends."

"How do you know Fluttershy?" Applejack skeptically asked raising a brow.

The princess gave herself a facepalm, " I suppose you're all curious and I should begin."My name is Princess Infinate the princess of time and spirit."

"Oh! Oh! Can you travel through time?!" Pinkie bounced up and down.

The princess nodded. Every pony awed except Dash. "How does that have to do with Fluttershy?"

She calmly told them, "Fluttershy is my sister." Every pony except Luna and Infinate gasped.

"Wait that would make her a-" Rarity began.

"Yes a princess."

"But why does she not remember of this?" Twilight asked.

"The thing is girls look over there you see a roll of thunder over a tiny town in the distance. That was once ruled to Lord Reaper who left his citizens in terrifying poverty. My people tried to go against him to stop his darkness and free his citizens. He is a soul sucker who kills the innocent. He and his demons favor alicorn blood most of all. I had cast a spell on him that caused my sister amnesia. I thought I had put him away for good, but the more she learns the more it is able to harm others. You must do your best to use the Elements of Harmony without her knowing what is going on. And she can't know I'm here or else total chaos."

"Poor Fluttershy and poor you of course not being able to be with your family for years it must have been." Rarity said holding back a couple of tears. The princess too was trying not to cry.

"But what exactly do you want us to do?" Twilight changed the subject.

"Celestia said your elements of harmony could help have a temporary solution for the problem. Also help find 'The Ultimate three'. I'm sure you've learned about them. Some how using the elements of harmony could unlock the puzzle to our ancient library. That holds all, but is hidden and doesn't walk along the ground we do. What might help you is this." She gave Twilight a necklace that was shaped like a butterfly with sharp wings. Ancient symbols were written on the back. "Can you figure out a way to activate it?"

"We will do our best princess! I have no idea how, but it can't be that hard. Solving a mystery might be fun girls. Where do we start?!"
Soul walker:

Something wasn't right I could feel it. He told me to look in those weak pathetic eyes and 'take care of it'. He told me to kill it. My leader told me fate wanted me to be a heartless killer. That that was all I was. It felt interesting as I bit into a beige colored pony, its soul filled through me as it felt easier to walk, to run, to KILL. A little high pitched voice came from the distance.

I shook my head as my ear twitched every time I heard it. I shook my head again and decided to follow it. The voice kept laughing, not at me I hope.

I came to a dead end revealing a creepy looking butterfly. I stared at as it flew in a circle. It then disappeared into thin air. I raised an invisible brow.

More sound played this time a siren blared through my ears I dropped low as it irritated me though it gave me my new mission. I backed up and didn't do as told, it felt different.

Smoke flared around me, I had the sudden urge to kill once again. My eyes started to glow. My heart for once started to work as it glowed too. Pain filled through me, but like it was a badge, though I still wanted to sink my teeth into some pony's soul, just less. I tasted the blood in my teeth still lusting for it, but had an off taste.

I tried to run and did. I backed away, what had just happened. I followed back to my master. Wondering, but clueless. And worried to know.

"Okay so open your eyes!" Wings had lead her up to a different part of the Palace. She opened them to reveal a sunset colored sky, turning the ground below them in beautiful colors. She looked down. It was so far down so very far! She wobbled as he steadied her. She was on top of a balcony rail. "Stay steady. Now pull your arms back and let the wind through." She did as told and the beat against her as though she was flying. It felt amazing. The sun beat against her giving her a warm summery glow.

She felt invincible. She stretched back as she heard the beautiful birds song. Accidentally leaning forward she slid down the rail and into thin air. She screamed, being traumatized. She kicked gently, instead if a panicking way. She kept turning, as so did her heart. Wings mouth dropped and didn't hesitate to fly down. She nearly the ground as he scooped her up. She once again hung on to him. He gently placed her back on the balcony. She ducked her head, "th-thank you, you saved me."

"Fluttershy are you alright?"

She nodded, "Just a little traumatized."

"I'm glad your alright" He helped her up.

"You saved my life!"

"Of course I would do anything for you!" He once again gazed at her. Fluttershy backed up, now that was cute, but creepy.

"Wait... What?! Your acting as if had we known each other a long time ago, instead of not even twenty-four hours!" He smiled guiltily and whispered idiot to himself. She ran forward in question and confusion.

"Fluttershy wait I'm sorry!" He called from behind. She kept on running. What was with all these secrets. She shut her eyes going into the nearest room. Her face hit something hard. She opened them to see Dash looking at her with wide eyes, same with the others.

"What the?" She looked over to see, to see. "Infinate!"

The Alicorn turned, "Fluttershy." A crashing rumbling sound came from nowhere, but only Fluttershy seemed to notice. Her head started to pound her vision got blurry and she wobbled backward, hitting once again some black horizon.

Chapter 6: Back to the Past

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Princess Infinate kept spacing and hyperveltalating. The paramedics of the palace took her to her old room, which hasn't been used in nine years. "This is bad very bad!"

"Well we haven't been eaten yet so ya!" Pinkie gave good news to the situation. The princess walked over to her sister laying unconscious. Oddly Fluttershy's skin had started to glow. Blazing Wings came in almost crying. He too was traumatized about the situation. Infinate ran away shedding tears on to the floor as she ran. The young squire sat down and kept calling himself an idiot.

Luna upset by the situation stayed strong, convincing Twilight to also, "Girls I guess we are going to have to search quickly before he attacks."

"I hate to be the stick in the mud, but Twilight I'm very confused and I'm sure the rest of us are also. This library thing is confusing. What does it have to do anything? I'm sorry it makes no sense to me." Applejack rubbed her head.

The squire stepped forward, still extremely upset, "Fluttershy dropped this when she uh ran away." He handed Twilight Fluttershy's pendant.

"This looks identical to the other princess's!" She turned them over curiously Fluttershy had a D written on her's and Infinate's had TS on her's. "What does this stand for?" She set on down and opened on. Music played as a hologram of a dove with a branch came to picture three ponies one sort of looking like Fluttershy guessing her past self, another like Princess Infinate, and one that was completely foreign. She opened the other revealing the same thing. "Could they be it? It all makes sense! They must be 'The Ultimate three!'" Twilight cheered.

"I don't think so Twilight 'The Ultimate three' are a huge legend, meaning they are ancient. Futtershy is immortal, but exactly around your ages. Celestia gave me the pendant to give to her. The spell Infinate cast I know wouldn't last forever. I wanted to give Fluttershy it because revealing her destiny could unlock 'The Ultimate three', she may not be them, but she is a very important alicorn her family runs a historical race. I wish I knew what her destiny was, it would be so much easier. But that is not the time, fate, and destiny wanted it to be! I have been gone so long, my memory of the ancients is so vague." Luna rubbed her head.

"Wait back up! Time, fate, and destiny! That reminds me of my book!" Blazing Wings took out a book that he was reading.

Pinkie snatched it, out of his hands. She flipped though the pages. "Lookiee here! It says something about hope, and faith, and love, but most of it has hope. What does that mean?"

Princess Infinate came out from behind Pinkie, "I have some facts I should tell you that should help you all! I'm sure your still confused about why I had to put that spell over Fluttershy and about the virtues and 'The Ultimate three'. It is best if I tell you the whole story." She stepped towards Wings, "Are you comfortable watching this again, I know losing our two best friends isn't something you want to see over again." He closed his eyes and nodded. She then backed up and and her magic turned around her as a sounding image played. They were still in Triple Equasia, but from a long time ago. "We will be visiting through Fluttershy's spirit nine years ago."

Fluttershy woke up to here the birds from far away singing. She stretched and smiled, felt as though it were going to be a perfect morning.

She looked over to see a messy un-made bed, with no pony in it. Lightening Shield must have gotten up early, for once. She stretched and walked downstairs to the garden square. Hidden butterflies flew around gently. She smiled as the sun glistened against her sunshine coat. It just had to be perfect, today, it felt like it. She sniffed in the summery aroma of air.

A rustling sound came from the distance. She looked over and swirled her tangerine magic over the bush behind her in the distance was a hopping faint pale of white. Could it be an animal. All her life she wanted to see an animal, the stories her sister told her me them sound so amazing, so fun. She ran forward moving a way cluttered branches leading to the edge of the forest. She followed the creature as she felt a tingling inside. All she focused on was the fluffy white creature.

She snapped out of it as she realized where she was. The beginning of the forest/end of town. She gawked at the scenery. Before any pony saw her, she peddled her feet backward and ran away. Getting farther away from it, she kept on staring at it. A solid object stopped her as she tumbled forward, having the figure land on top of her.

It revealed a dust colored young pegasus, with messy, but adorable blue, gold, and pink hair. He got off as she got up, "Princess I'm so sorry!" He shook worriedly, and examined her for scratches.

"No it's okay, it's my fault." Fluttershy ran over to pick up his glasses. She placed them, back where they once came. "Blazer what have you been up to?" Blazer blushed everytime she called him that, including now.

"I've been reading, I want to learn to accelerate my wing speed by 4.31%," Fluttershy nodded, but didn't have a clue to what he was saying. He knew right in her eyes that she was confused."Well the thing is, what I mean is that I want to go faster so I can help form thunder clouds." Fluttershy nodded in agreement, she actually knew what he was saying this time.

Fluttershy started to walk away and go find her brother, but then Shadow Stones came by to torment Blazer. "Hey nerd how many books does it take to hurt a worthless nerd."

"None?" He hesitated. They grabbed his books from underneath him and bent them and threw them at him. Fluttershy put her hooves to her mouth, she trotted over to stop them.

"Boys?!" She came between them.

"Princess Fluttershy, we were just playing with him," Stones smiled and rubbed Blazer's head hard. Stones tried to walk away with her, but she politely refused as he walked away in disappointment.

"Are you all right Blazer?" He nodded as fumbled for his glasses. Fluttershy picked them up and placed them on his head. He put a hoof over a profusing bleeding paper cut, that didnt seem like one. Fluttershy ran back to the palace to grab a bandaid. She placed it over his wound as he smiled. He thanked her for taking so much care of him, "My pleasure." She left him be and continued walking along the garden-like path.

"There you are Fluttershy!" Fluttershy looked up to see her sister.

"Infinate," She responded and nodded.

"Sis you almost missed your flying lesson. Come on we've got to practice." Fluttershy shly rubbed her leg and blushed. "The more you practice the better you will be."

"I'm not good at all-" Infinate pushed her forward and yelled like a coach for her to start. Fluttershy's knees wobbled.

"Lift you wings up gently." She did as told, "Give yourself a little gallop." She jogged forward, "Now jump, and flap your wings." Fluttershy left the ground about an inch, though she couldn't see she was covering her eyes in fright. "Open them dear!" Fluttershy removed her metaphoric blindfold. She smiled a bit, she flew maybe a few inches up and forward.. She saw Blazer come over to watch her. Embaressed by her best friend/audience, she lost control and fell down on top of him. They fumbled in a circle until Fluttershy fell many feet in front of him.

"I'm sorry Blazer! You getting hit by everything today!"

He helped her up and brushed himself off, "That's okay, I'd rather want to get hit by you then anything else." He quietly said, Fluttershy blushed like a pink fire.

Infinate impatiently grabbed Fluttershy and told her to try again, "This time increase acceleration/power in each step." 'Why does she have to talk that way?! Can't she just say use more power or something less confusing!' Fluttershy thought to herself. Again she did as told and relaxed while flying above. She this time was able to fly way higher. She felt a bit of adrenaline or completion and tried to fly higher. "FLUTTERSHY STOP!" She looked down. Infinate was yelling at her "Sis don't fly so high you could get hurt, some pony over the forest could see you and hurt you!" Fluttershy sighed and flew down a bit, to where she originally flew. Lightening Shield came out from the distance and rolled his eyes at their sister.

"You don't half to freak the frick out, Infinate, she's no where near the forest." Fluttershy looked up and agreed she decided to come down gracefully. She failed collapsed on the grass. Shield let out a giggle and helped her up.

"Fluttershy if you put as much effort into flying as you do magic, you would be as good as your brother."

Shield didn't take that as a compliment and instead grimaced his teeth, "She is fine the way she is, she could fly if you stopped putting overly safe mode on her."
"Shush you can't do magic anyway, you don't even care about it! And where have you been?!"
He didn't hesitate, Blazer moved closer to Fluttershy, "The forest."
"WHAT?!?! The forest is strictly forbidden, you know what dangers lurk on the other side and in there?!"
"Relax 'mother' I only went on the edge."
"Still you could've gotten hurt." He rolled his eyes, "Your both to young to realize this stuff!" Any pony could tell she was frustrated.
"Stop treating us like children!!!"
"Because you are one!"
"The edge won't kill us! Fluttershy will be able to fly if you took her out of her invisible box!"

"I've just about had enough with you, every since you got that stupid cutie mark you've been acting with intolerable attitude!"

"Infinte, Fluttershy wouldn't have a blank flank still if you would just lay off on us!"

They kept on screaming at each other. She started to cry, she hated when her siblings fought. She hid in her room crying, as Blazer ran after her. He comforted her, as he felt the same way about them.

Lightening Shield slammed the door shut, "I can not stand her!" Fluttershy looked up with a wet face, "Fluttershy I know you could fly half as fast as I can in one second if she would let you! I can't even try to do magic anyway without Infinate freaking out, the forest won't kill us, The slave town is miles away from here." Lightening stopped and smiled, "Guys I have an idea, tonight lets sneak out! Fluttershy I can teach you how to fly like a pro and you can teach me magic! We'll go out in the woods not to far from the palace, but far." Shield smiled with his evil plan. He failed at evilly laughing, so it turned out adorable.

"I don't now Prince Lightening Shield." Blazer tried to talk him out of it.

"Are you sure? How about you Fluttershy?"


"Great so Fluttershy and I'll sneak out tonight and you can stay home and be boring and not tell any pony okay!"


"Just kidding!" He punched Blazer in the shoulder. Blazer rubbed it in pain.

Later that night Fluttershy and Lightening Shield snuck out to the forest. Fluttershy neutrioticly kept looking around to see if any guards were there. "Hey Lightening Shield, do you think you could show me some animals?"

Lightening smiled and nodded they reached the forest, Fluttershy hesitated before she went inside. Fluttershy felt like a bad ass. She didn't like it. They walked for what seemed miles, until he gestured her to stop. They reached an oddly open circular area. Way too large dark trees grew around the area. "So sis how do I do magic?!" He stomped around in excitement.

"Well back up a bit to give yourself some room. Focus on that rock over there, focus on it real hard. Imagine picking it up in your mind and then you wait." He tried over and over, but no magic appeared on his horn, he sighed in frustration.

"This is stupid!"

"Try once more." He rolled his eyes and focused in it once more, his yellow horn started to glow as a spark of red came out, then some more did, and some more until his horn had red magic all around it. The rock had lifted a bit as he focused on moving it over, it landed a foot away. "You did it!" Fluttershy yelled without realizing it.

"Shhh! Do you want to get caught!" He covered her mouth. "Do you want to move on to flying then?"

"Uh how about the animals!" He shrugged and gestured Fluttershy to follow, as she changed the subject. A fumbling sound came from the bushes, Lightening had gone ahead a bit and wrestled with something. He grred at something. Fluttershy was scared a bit by what he be was doing, he could get hurt. She saw a glimpse of her yellow brother.

In a way she envied him, he already knew what he had to do in his life, he had his cutie mark. His mark resembled a sword for loyalty and bravery. Lightening Shield always dreamed of being captain of the royal guard. All Fluttershy was good at was fumbling and magic.

A little white creature ran away. It was almost all white, but it had a red foot. It had long ears and a fluffy tail, she had never seen anything like that in her entire life. It was graceful and beautiful. "Dang animal."

"What is that?"

"A bunny, those things are cute, but very clever. I forgot that you've never seen an animal before, that's another thing I hate about Infinate. She is so overly protective that we can't even see a simple animal with out her screaming at it like its going to hurt us."

Changing the subject, Futtershy ran over to wear this 'bunny' ran. It hid behind the bush in fear. Fluttershy slowly walked up to it. It peddled backward a bit. She noticed that this 'bunny' had a huge wound on its leg. Fluttershy swirled her magic and picked a long leaf of a tree and wrapped it around its leg as the bunny smiled. These creatures floated by also, they had cirular wings that were circular. They were so magestic and beautiful. The bunny distracted her and it jumped onto Fluttershy and hugged her it was the most amazing moment in her entire life. She wanted spend the rest of the night with animals. She nuzzled the cute little creature as she came back to her brother who had a worried face.

Fluttershy's spead a bit faster, she felt a tingling all through her body. Her eyes felt as though they were glowing. But then her body seemed to go along with her eyes. Something felt like it swirled around her, but it did. A white explosion hit around her. Lightening Shield had looked away from the brightness, but then looked back when it dimmed and gaped. The bunny peddled back a bit to see, it gaped to. Fluttershy looked around to see nothing, what was going on?!

"Fluttershy you might want to check your flank," as her brother helped her find what she was looking for. She looked to see it was no longer just that gold and sunshine shade, three little creatures. The flying creatures seemed to stick to her flank, but those weren't the same creatures. Those creatures were still flying around her. "Fluttershy you've got a cutie mark! Your special talent is ... Butterflies?"

"Animals." She whispered in a guess. Shield nodded as he realized that made more sense. Their new excitement was cut off by a large boom and more shades covering the sky. Fluttershy quivered, as Lightening moved towards her with a raised brow. Trying to change the subject, he asked, "Fluttershy so uh with your new cutie mark, what do you want to do for a career?"

"I want to be a vet, I want to take care of animals."

"I want to be captain on the royal weather guard team, but uh sis you do know that they're more than one type of animal right?" Fluttershy cocked her head in confusion, "I swear Infinate is on my last nerves, animals consist of almost everything in the eco system besides plants, like here are fluffy bunnies, like the one clinging on to you, furry squirrels." He showed her a not so bunny like creature, with a giant fluffy tail that sniffed politely at her. "Birds with wings like ours," Something else that didn't look so furry, but like feathers, flew above them. Fluttershy smiled as she felt this was the best moment of her life.

Her happiness was cut off by a huge pound of thunder. Lightening Shield came closer to his sister. I gust of white wind rolled in towards them. White and yellow flashed in the sky. And an evil laugh bellowed all around where they couldn't make a trace of where it came from. "Well, well, well, what have we got here? A young prince's fate and a little princess's destiny to befall right here.

Lightening Shield growled. "Oh don't you two know to listen to your elders, your could/going get lost and hurt all alone out here, it'd be a shame to run in to something some stranger more powerful than your weak little selves." It laughed again. "Technically I'm no stranger I know who you fillies are, Prince Lightamere Shielding and Princess Flyterria Shia."

"Show your self creaton!" Lightening Shield yelled. "Who are you stalker?"

"Why you should listen to your sister, Princess Infinatious Everel, didn't she tell you to stay away from a villain like me?"

Fluttershy was scared, but knew exactly what who he was. "Lord Reaper! W-what are you going to do with us?" She squeaked.

"Well done Princess I can see your not as idiotic as your brother. Oh and I cannot tell you what I'm going to do it wouldn't be as fun now would it, to see you both tremble in fear." Frightening red glowing eyes and glowing sharp teeth laughed away. right in front of them through the thick caging fog.

"You don't scare me!" Lightening flew up and raced to the glowing eyes. He hit the fog as though it were made of bricks.

The evil laugh got even worse, "Young Prince were you going to leave your poor weak and helpless sister behind?"

"No, I-" he was cut off by repulsive green creatures clawing him far away too far for Fluttershy. Though she could here his screeching and screaming from even farther.

"What are you going to do to him? Why do you want us?" Fluttershy barely could get it out of her mouth.

"Maybe you as idiotic as your twin brother. Do you not know how valuable, powerful, precious royal alicorn blood is? With your family's blood, which is even more speacil, hope, can over power an entire kingdom in seconds. Don't worry about this brat you can see him get tortured all the same." The fog cleared to show Lightening Screaming in pain. "Now as for you," Lightening whispered a no. An invisible bat like weapon hit against her making her fall back rolling her neck landing on her back. Something felt as though it grabbed her spine and broke it like a stick into two. She screamed bloody murder. Dark magic spirled above them, "This is just too easy, thankfully the weak and helpless is first, but second important. I get destiny and I will be a greater challenge, hope then cannot stop me when its not full."

Fluttershy had no idea what he was talking about, she just lay there too weak to move and see what was going on. They finally saw the evil lord a deep and dark blood red and pure black pony-like creature come away from the distance. His odd rough looking horn was digested in dead fish eye color magic and the magic formed a huge thundercloud that glowed darker than dark green and purple. It stirred up a painful light in the clouds.

Lightening Shield looked up slowly and kept on whispering no each time getting louder when he tried to get up. "FLUTTERSHY, look out!" She slowly turned her head, but didn't make the view in time.

What she hadn't seen was a lightening bolt ready to shoot down on her. Lightening Shield stood up with all his might and glided too Fluttershy as it periced through the wrong pony. A budging yellow light escaped through as a boom and crash not meant to be together hit. Pain shot through her leg, "Well I guess I can accept fate, destiny will come later. How interesting Lightening killed Lightening!" Lord Reaper bellowed and atomatically somehow disappeared into thin air. She wormed/limped over to se what had happened, "NOOOO!!!!" She held her body tight to her brother who laid eyes closed lifelessly on the grass.

"Come on, Lightening, get up, please, please be okay!" She denied. "Lightening you have too be okay! this is all my fault." Tears poured through eyes as she accepted hated the truth. "This is all my fault!" She mumbled over and over again.

Fluttershy lay there, playing that image through her head, her bright yellow coated brother was now a fading yellow and ash colored gray. She couldn't believe what had just happened. He couldn't be gone.

"Fluttershy! Lightening Shield! Fluttershy! Lightening Shield!" Came a familiar voice. Her sister came tired, but surprisingly not angry. Infinate and the royal knights came up to her as they found her. Infinate came forward, "what happened?!"

Fluttershy couldn't speak all she did was limp to her sister and cry away the emotional pain. 'It's all my fault, it was supposed to be me." Infinate nuzzled her and shushed her. She gently looked over to the crime scene and gaped. She silently sobbed as she held on to Fluttershy, "Men get a stretcher ready and report back to the palace." She turned to Fluttershy as leaned against her to help her walk, "Fluttershy what happened?"

Quietly she explained everything, "Lightening Shield and I snuck out to practice magic and flying in the woods. we ran into Lord Reaper and he tortured us. He was going to kill me to get my blood, but Shield pushed me and saved me. But he didn't save himself, Lord reaper then disappeared."

Niether Fluttershy or Infinate spoke to one another for the rest of the night. Fluttershy had gotten fixed up and just broke her spine a tiny bit. She lay in her bed that night sobbing that the bed next to her wasn't filled with the usually snoring loud sleep talking colt and never will be again. Fluttershy walked over towards her window seat and cried against it. She noticed her leg that swam in deep pain. It was jagged like a lightening bolt, like Lightening Shield, and the wapon used to kill him.

She couldn't get through her mind that he was gone. She couldn't go to his funeral it was too depressing. While the kingdom all came to the funeral tramatized that the had lost a great prince, Fluttershy lay still on the seat in denial feeling worse than the whole kingdom's sadness added together.

She looked up in the clouds knowing that's where he now lived, with her parents. Though her parents hadn't gone in a tragic way, they were the gods that watched down on Triple Equasia. It didn't seem right, it didn't feel like he was gone. It felt like he could walk in and playfully scare Fluttershy.

Fluttershy wouldn't talk at all since, she put the shy in her name. Blazer tried, but it was useless. She kept her head down and stayed in her room most of the day.

A knock came at her door, it was Infinate, "Hey Shy!" Fluttershy looked away. "Do you want to practice flying again, in the garden, we are putting a memorial for Lightening." Fluttershy held back her tears two things in that sentence made her die inside, "Come on Fluttershy, cheer up it wasn't your fault that Lord Reaper killed our brother." Fluttershy shot like a cannon out through the doors crying more than a thundercloud could.

What she didn't see was this. Infinate sighed and gave her self a face palm. She sighed and walked out. Blazer tumbled in sadly staring at Fluttershy running away, like a child to a mother he asked, "Princess Infinte is she going to be okay?"

Infinate sighed and knew the truth, "I don't know." Blazer looked down in worry. Infinate walked away to the balcony. She too was upset and in grief about her lose, but right now she was worried about Fluttershy. In the distance, dark clouds were forming. Orange mist seemed to float around, for fate, it also seemed to begin in Lord Reaper's slave camp.

While Fluttershy was in depression, she knew she wasn't safe. She didn't want to tell them so they didn't get scared, but Lord Reaper wanted to get rid of their identities to rule over the world and live immortal. Lightening Shield was Prince of Fate, Fluttershy was Princess of destiny, and Infinate was Princess of Time and spirit. Their parents had told her that and that they all came together for something, but what? Lord Reaper must've known all about their powers and she Fluttershy would be next she needed to be protected. A thought formed into her head, one she didn't want to have to do.

Infinate looked back Fluttershy was crying in Blazer's arms. Somehow she just knew Fluttershy wasn't going to get any better. She ran to her spell room a secret dark and gray place. She opened her spell book to try to find a cure. She knew what she had to do. She had to do it.

With this spell Fluttershy wouldn't remember her dead brother, she wouldn't think of Infinate, Blazer, Triple Equasia, or anything of her past life. With this her identity would go away and Lord Reaper couldn't get her. It was sad, but this way Fluttershy would be safe and she could for once talk and be happy just not with Infinate.

"Fluttershy can you come her for a moment?" Fluttershy looked up and walked over. "Sit down dear. Fluttershy did as told. Her yellow magic started swarm around her horn. Fluttershy widened her eyes and gaped. "Sis I'm sorry it's for the best, goodbye."


Fluttershy lay on her old bed still unconscious. A dream of her past came through her mind since she had fainted, though it wasn't a dream. Fluttershy seemed to be wiser and different. Her body had glowed over her gold body. Though a second had past she was no longer unconscious her deep emerald green had opened.