• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 66 Comments

A Destiny Of His Own - greener97

All of Spikes friends Have found their destiny, They've done there part, but what about Spike? Will he ever find his own destiny? or will he meet his end before he gets the chance?

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To Spill A Princesses Blood

“No matter how you try to hide, the truth will always be found”- Unknown Source

“Princess?” Spike questioned as Celestia had suddenly stopped telling her story.

Celestia turned to Spike with a sudden look of seriousness in her eyes. “I wish I could continue this story, but I’m afraid something has come up. It is of the upmost importance that we both get to the throne room.”

“What?” Spike asked, more than a little confused.

“Please, just hurry” Celestia’s horn shot out a bright orange beam, blinding spike.

“Man, he isn’t here either” Rainbow Dash complained. “How far could he have gone?” Rainbow and Twilight had woken up before anyone else, and noticed that Spike had gone missing. More than a little concerned the two took off to look for him.

“No clue” Twilight responded “But I’m worried.”

“You should be” a mocking voice called out. “But you should also be concerned for yourselves.”

They both turned to see a large shadowed figure standing just beside the throne on the other side of the room. Stepping out from the shadows the figure revealed his silver mane, and midnight blue fur.

“Luna?” Twilight called in confusion.

“What the buck is wrong with your voice?” Rainbow laughed.

The figure, completely ignoring Rainbow Dash, looked at Twilight. “You are the second one to ask me that.” His smile grew demented as Twilight could feel the shear rage behind it. “It’s such a shame you will be the first to die”.

“What?” Twilight began. She never got the chance to finish.

The midnight Alicorn charged full speed at the lavender pony, his head ducked and eyes closed. He knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere. It wasn’t long before he heard the familiar tearing of flesh, and felt the blood dripping down from his horn onto his face. The sour smell of blood was bliss to him. He opened his eyes expecting to see the lavender pony trying to scream as her blood slowly fell from her weakening body.

Much to his surprise that isn’t what he saw at all. On the end of his horn was none other than Princess Celestia her usually pristine white fur, matted and stained with blood.

Spike sprinted full bore down the castle halls. He wasn’t sure exactly what was so urgent, but something had happened to make the Princess stop her story. Whatever it was it couldn’t be good. The halls were disturbingly quiet as if Everypony had suddenly disappeared. Even Luna hadn’t been in bed when he woke up.

“This is it.” He thought as he rounded the last corner and saw the grand gate to the throne room coming up. He skidded to a halt placing himself in the center of the doorway. He will never forget what he saw happen. Mere feet in in front of him he saw the princess throw herself in front of a charging midnight blue Alicorn. He stood unable to move as the princesses blood splattered across the floor. The Princess was simply tossed aside the now crimson horn sliding out from her body.

“No” Spike said in disbelief. “No!”

The Alicorn looked to spike showing no surprise, just pleasure. “Is something the matter dragon?”

“You…… You just killed your own daughter.” Spike stammered still in shock and unable to move his body. All the while Twilight and Rainbow Dash were feeling the same shock as neither of them had said a word.

The Alicorn tilted his head back slightly, looking deep into the dragons eyes. An evil sneer came across his face as he asked “What of it?”

This made spike lose it. He charged FallingStar, or whoever he was now full speed with intent to kill. His rage burned in him like he had never felt before. The fire inside burned so hot he could feel it in his throat waiting for him to spit it out. As well as that the fire burned its way through his scales lighting his talons on fire as he raced towards the dark Alicorn.

FallingStar expected this. He turned his head to the other side watching as Spike charged at him. His smile grew even wider. “Is that all you’ve got dragon?” His horn emitted the all too familiar red mist. Spike stopped cold in his tracks as his underbelly was set ablaze with pain. He screamed and writhed on the ground, as the icy eyed Alicorn smiled. “Such a shame I don’t have time to play.”

With that the Alicorn began to melt away. His body broke down into darkness joining with his shadow then galloping across the floor towards the window. Spike attempted to stop it with whatever strength he had left but it was to no avail.

“Twilight” Spike gasped his breaths short and choppy. “Twilight. Bring the Princess over here.”

Twilight, finally coming out of her state of shock simply nodded and used every ounce of her magic to lift the bleeding princess over to Spike.

Spike, still lying on the ground, acted on instinct only he had no idea what he was doing. He reached his claw up to his throbbing underbelly and scraped it across, sending his crimson blood gushing out, pooling below him.

“Spike” Twilight gasped, but she couldn’t find the strength to say anything more. After all her mentor was lying dead on the ground at her hooves, and the friend she had had almost her whole life was tearing his own skin open. What could she say?

“Twilight” a voice called from behind them.

“Shining Armor” Twilight yelled, running to her brother. He was wearing his royal guard uniform, and his bright blue mane and white coat were in pristine condition. It seemed FallingStar had snuck in, as no one seemed alerted. That is till Shining saw the body of the Princess.

“What happened!” he screamed running towards the Princess. A short glare from Spike stopped him dead.

“Shining” Spike announced his voice laced with authority that he didn’t have. “Don’t worry. I can heal the princess, but the one who did this is still out there. Get every guard you have to search the castle now. Then have Luna under constant guard.” Spike now looked at Shining with compassion rather than anger “Then if I were you, I wouldn’t leave Cadance’s side.”

Shining didn’t question the drake. With a quick salute he was off and left Spike to his work. Spike directed his attention back to the princess, but couldn’t help but notice that Rainbow Dash hadn’t moved. She was probably still freaked out. Dash always talked big and she held true to her words most of the time, but it amazed Spike that even he hadn’t frozen up in fear.

He covered his claw in his blood and brought it to his eye level. Still not sure why he had this impulse, he spat out the biggest flame he could muster. Just like he had felt something had happened. His claw now emitted a bright orange glow.

"Spike what are you doing?!" Twilight asked stunned at what she was watching.

"Don't you remember Twilight? You were the one who taught me this. Dragons blood when heated will heal any wound. Don't you remember? when i was small i used to fall and scrape my knees, and once you got me to stop crying you would just tell me to use some sort of heat." Spike sighed and returned his attention to the princess silently mumbling to himself.

“Let’s hope this works” He whispered to himself. He placed his claw on the Princesses side where Falling’s horn had broken her skin. Spike sighed with relief as he saw the blood dry up and her skin re-attach where there had once been a hole. He smiled as Celestia wearily opened her eyes. “Welcome back.”

Celestia smiled as she looked upon Spikes face. “Thank you, my son”