• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 4,896 Views, 66 Comments

A Destiny Of His Own - greener97

All of Spikes friends Have found their destiny, They've done there part, but what about Spike? Will he ever find his own destiny? or will he meet his end before he gets the chance?

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Hunting For A Tear

“To own a dragons tear is to own his heart” –unknown source

Spike strode towards the old library that had been his home for so long. He feared the “to do” list that awaited him inside. He had been gone for just about a week and was sure that there would be a huge amount of work to do.

He slowly opened the door closing his eyes only opening them slightly after the door was completely open. Much to his surprise the library was tidy and looked as normal as ever. Twilight was sitting at a desk in the back of the front room pouring over a book, as usual.

“Twilight? I’m back” Twilight didn’t even look up. “Do you have any jobs for me?”

Twilight responded by mumbling a quick no and returning to her book.

“You sure?” Spike questioned feeling slightly uneasy.

“Yeah,” Twilight muttered again “but Rarity did send this” she held out a scroll once again without even looking up from her book.

He sprinted to her side and took it looking around the library. The place was in pristine condition the books put up by section and alphabetical order. Spike didn’t even bother looking upstairs. He knew it would be the same.

Sighing he opened the letter and read it to himself.

Dear spike~

I have found recently, a rumor, leading to a rather rare gem, and I would have gone after it myself, but you see it is located within the Everfree Forest. I understand the danger of the forest, but I must have that gem. I ask that you come accompany me as I know you are rather accustomed to roaming around the forest whilst running errands. Please reply as soon as you can.

Love~ Rarity

Spike sighed. She was right he did get along very well in the forest but he still was worried about taking her in there. However he also knew that if he didn’t go with her she would go by herself.

“Alright. I guess I’ll be going again” Spike announced to Twilight “I’ll try to be back as soon as possible”

Twilight simply waved and spike took off. “What’s up with her?” He thought as he made his way to the boutique, but his worry didn’t last long. As upset as he was that Twilight didn’t need him he was more excited that Rarity did.

As he made his way through the familiar old town he exchanged greetings and short conversations, but he never stopped moving towards his destination. He loved seeing Rarity, especially ever since he had grown. He noticed when she would stare at him as he strained his muscles doing any jobs she could come up with, and he enjoyed milking it to mock her a little bit.

After what felt like hours he finally arrived at the boutique. He took a deep breath and reached out to knock on the door. He never got the chance.

“Looking for someone?” Spike spun around to see the source of the voice.

“Hello beautiful” Spike flirted now facing the exact pony he had come to see.

Standing before him was the magnificent unicorn he had fallen in love with. Her fur as white as snow, gleaming in the moonlight, and her mauve mane, as usual, cascaded perfectly down her side. Her eyes shined a brilliant purple, capturing spike in a blissful gaze.

“So you got my letter?” Rarity questioned giving more than a slightly seductive smile.

Spike simply nodded too dumbfounded by her beauty to say anything.

“Well then” she stated “I suppose we can’t go wandering in the forest at night. Why don’t you spend the night, and then we can leave first thing in the morning.” She opened the door for Spike and followed him in. “I’m sorry we don’t have a guest room but I guess you could sleep on the sofa in my room.

“Uh yeah that would be fine.” Spike stuttered, more than a little nervous about sleeping so close to the mare.

“Great. I’ll fetch you some sheets.” Rarity disappeared into a back room of the boutique leaving Spike to his thoughts.

“Is this really happening?” the drake thought “I wonder if this is her way of coming on to me?” his thoughts were interrupted by the return of Rarity.

“Sweetie Bell is spending the night with AppleBloom, and Scootaloo, so we are on our own tonight.” Rarity handed spike a folded comforter and a couple pillows that would make up his bed for the night. “I hope those are too your liking, they used to be mine a few years back. If you need something different for any reason just let me know, and I’ll go get you another set

“No this is fine.” Spike replied trying to resist the urge to sniff the old sheets. They proceeded up the stairs into the unicorn’s bedroom. Spike sighed when he realized how much space there really was between the bed and couch.

“Is something the matter?” Rarity asked noticing Spikes disappointment.

“Oh uh, no everything is fine I’m just really tired.” Spike lied.

“Well then” Rarity said “let’s get your bed made up then so that you can get to sleep. After all we have an early start tomorrow.”

Rarity kept her word, as they were both up and heading towards the forest before anyone else in the town had even awoken. It was odd to Spike to see the town so empty, as it was usually filled with commotion and conversation.

“So do you have any idea where this gem is?” spike inquired worried this journey would be a long one.

“I know exactly where it is” Rarity responded with an air of confidence “this trip is just to pick it up. You see it is too large for me to carry myself.”

“Oh.” Spike sighed with relief. “Well where are we heading then?”

“It’s just south of Zecoura’s hut assuming nothing has moved it.” Rarity’s horn glowed as her saddle pack opened and she removed a rolled up scroll. She opened it revealing to Spike that it was a map. “Right there.” She pointed to a marked X on the page.

“This won’t take long at all!” Spike exclaimed realizing that he must have passed this gem hundreds of times when he went to visit Zecoura on errands for Twilight.

“Yes I suppose we will be back by dinner.” Rarity chimed in. they finally reached the edge of the Everfree forest. Spike, being used to it, didn’t even stop and continued into the forest. It took him a couple seconds to realize he was alone now.

“Are you coming?” Spike called out turning around to look at the mare.

“Yes. Of course I’m just not quite as used to the forest as you are” Rarity squeaked as she called this out.

Spike walked up next to Rarity and placed his claw on her back. Their eyes met for a brief moment before they continued walking and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

The day was hot despite it being early, and the forest was muggy beneath the large canopy. The air was still and thick so within mere minutes Spike was sweating, and Rarity was panting her mane now plastered to her body with the foul smelling liquid. They continued to walk on and soon they were passing Zecoura’s hut

“We’re just about there.” Rarity squeaked in between gasps of air. Her mane now straight and shimmering with sweat.

“Yeah.” Spike gasped taking another look at the map “Should be in this clearing just up here. Spike reached his arm out and quickly cleared away a group of hanging vines revealing a large clearing about the size of Rarity’s boutique. The clearing held nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a simple oval shape with no vegetation but the grass. The hole in the canopy let light shine through to the point where spike had to shield his eyes

“Aha!” Rarity exclaimed. She charged forward into the clearing her horn glowing bright. “It’s here” she dug her hoof in the ground marking an X just off of the center of the clearing. “Spikey would you mind digging it up?”

Spike strode up next to her and shoved his claws into the ground digging the dirt up at an amazing pace. “So Rarity” he grunted between hauls of dirt “I never got the chance to ask, what is this gem?”

Rarity never got the chance to answer before spike was shouting with joy. “I got it” he bellowed pulling the stone out of the ground. It turned out to be a large white Chrystal in the shape of a sphere with a small neck extruding from one side.

“What is it?” spike asked. The stone was almost as large as his head.

“It’s called a dragon tear.” Rarity answered staring deeply into the stone “They form when a dragon cries.

“Really?” spike asked staring at the odd crystal.

Rarity nodded “You should recognize this one. After all you made it. Three years ago today actually. Do you remember?

“Not at all”

“It was your birthday and you had grown to an extreme size, then when you picked me up I saw you shed a tear and this is where it fell.” Rarity replied standing closer to spike. “This gem is rare but much too big to work with. I only wanted it for sentimental reasons, and also before I forget,” Rarity opened her saddle bag once again and pulled out another gem, this one however Spike recognized.

“Rarity! Did you keep that all this time?” Spike exclaimed.

“I did” she replied placing the heart shaped fire ruby into Spikes claw. She pulled him into a long tight hug “happy birthday.”

Spike hugged her, and wished he never had to let go. “Thank you.” Tears streamed down his face hitting the ground as solidified crystals shattering across the cool grass. The moment didn’t last long.

“Get behind me” Spike spoke in a soft but serious voice. Something had happened, or was going to happen. Rarity did as he said without a word of argument, knowing the dragon was looking out for her. Spikes eyes darted through the woods on the northern edge of the clearing. Something was hiding. It didn’t hide for long.

Spike saw the slightest of shadows dart across the clearing towards them, but then it disappeared again. Spike gasped. Looking over to Rarity he saw her pristine white fur spotted crimson with the stains of blood. It wasn’t hers. Clutching his underbelly he felt the blood gushing out at extreme speeds. Whatever that shadow was it had stabbed him in his one week spot.

“Rarity.” He gasped “Rarity, get on.” He fell down to all fours and unwrapped the large wings that he had learned to hide so well.

“But Spike” Rarity started

“No!” Spike interrupted. “We don’t have much time. You get on now!” Rarity did as he said, holding on tightly as he flapped his wings lifting his body into the air with great force. He shot out through the opening of the canopy and shot towards Ponyville as fast as his wings would carry him. Flying the trip was only about a minute, but that minute was the most painful time of his life. He watched his blood gush down onto everything he passed.

He managed to make a crash landing outside of the Ponyville hospital and he heard shouts and screams of terror, but most of all he heard the sobbing of Rarity. His eyelids became heavy, and his focus became hard to control. Finally, after realizing he had gotten Rarity home safe. he let go. His eyes shut and his mind rested.