• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 4,901 Views, 66 Comments

A Destiny Of His Own - greener97

All of Spikes friends Have found their destiny, They've done there part, but what about Spike? Will he ever find his own destiny? or will he meet his end before he gets the chance?

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A Princesses Lies

“Those who doubt their own strength, inevitably doubt the strength of others” – unknown source

Spike moaned loudly, but this time not from pleasure. “What happened?” He thought. Last he remembered, he had been lying on Princess Luna’s bed which was the softest bed he had ever felt, but now whatever surface he was on was cold and hard. He felt around for Luna, who had fallen asleep curled up to him. She was nowhere to be found.

Spike opened his eyes, or at least he thought he did. There was nothing. Wherever he was there was no light. “What the hell?” Spike questioned rubbing his eyes. Still nothing.

“Luna” he called into the darkness. “Luna” he called again even louder. No response, not even an echo. He needed to know where he was, he needed to see.

He took a deep breath, building the fire deep inside of his body. His lips formed into a tight circle as the heat inside him boiled. Finally he released the heat as it formed out of his mouth. He caught the fire in his hands spinning it into a tight ball, and then he threw the ball gently in front of him. As it glided through the air it expanded growing brighter and flying higher, lighting up the entire area, giving Spike his first look at his unfamiliar surroundings. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before in his life.

Surrounding his feet was a grey mist that was impossible to see through, making it so he couldn’t see what he had been lying on just before. Everywhere else was just as dark as it was before however. There was no sign of a ceiling or any surrounding walls.

Spike shook his head trying to wake himself up. “There’s no way this can be real” He panted. “It can’t be!” He closed his eyes, begging that this nightmare would go away and that he would wake up with Luna in his arms.

“Oh but it is” A calm voice mocked.

Spikes eyes shot open. Somehow in the mere seconds they had been closed he had been surrounded by 6 shadowed figures, each of them emitting a different color mist, but each just as dark and disturbing. Spike’s underbelly exploded in pain forcing the drake to the ground.

“Aw. Is the little baby still in pain from the whole I left in him?” Spike struggled to look at the source of the voice.

One of the shadows, this one emitting a crimson mist, stepped forward revealing its form. Spike couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing before him was a large midnight blue Alicorn with a misty silver mane and matching midnight blue eyes. “Luna” Spike muttered out of sheer confusion.

“Afraid not.” The same deep male voice chuckled. It was obviously coming from this Alicorn. “Although it is nice to know that the princess looks like me, after all,” The strange figure smiled maliciously at the cringing dragon. “She is my daughter.”

Spike couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “But Celestia was the first Alicorn, and Luna the second. You can’t be her father.” Spike attempted to hide the pain by standing to face the Alicorn.

“How ignorant.” The Alicorn hissed “I’m beginning to wonder if you really are pure or if you are just stupid”. His horn sent out a crimson aura forcing spike to his knees. “Perhaps you should learn who is in control here.”

Spike felt a pressure pushing down on his body. Harder and harder it pressed down. He felt a few of his bones crack as he fell to the ground, face locked on the ground at this strange Alicorn’s hooves. This was it he couldn’t move any muscle in his body. He couldn’t even force himself to breathe the pressure was so great. He was going to die any second. The only question was if he was going to die from being crushed or if he was going to suffocate.

Spike never got the answer to that question. His eyes grew heavy. He felt his life dripping out of him. With reluctance he closed his eyes resting for the final time.

A gentle hoof rubbed spikes underbelly gently waking him from what he thought would be his last sleep. Spike looked up to see Princess Celestia looking down on him. “Good morning” she said cheerfully smiling at him.

They were sitting on top of a craggy cliff overlooking a beautiful ocean the sun falling over the horizon leaving the water stained orange and pink. This place seemed to be the polar opposite of where he was just moments ago.

Spike sat up to look the princess in the eye. Surprisingly he felt no pain in his chest or the other bones he was sure broke only moments ago. “So how many times am I gonna have to die?” Spike questioned stretching every muscle in his body.

The Goddess of the sun couldn’t help but laugh at this. She laughed for a very long time, until it became awkward, then letting silence kick in she hugged the drake. “I’m sorry you have to go through this.” She whispered.

Spike hugged her back “Speaking of” Spike retorted “do you want to explain to me exactly what this is?”

Princess Celestia pulled back to look Spike in the eye. A few small tears fell from her own. “I’m so sorry” She whined “You have to feel all this pain because of me”. She turned her face away so Spike didn’t have to watch her cry.

“Princess, what exactly is it that I have to go through? Who was that Alicorn? He claimed to be Luna’s father.” Spike’s voiced was more than a little bit panicked “That was lie right Celestia? That isn’t true right?”

Celestia forced the tears to stop. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I lied, and I’m sorry that I hid the truth from you. I’m sorry, but I have to tell this story from the beginning.” Celestia placed a hoof on the drakes shoulder. “It was many years ago. Back when I was merely a filly, and a few months before Luna was born.”

Celestia walked as close as possible to her father almost tucking herself underneath his Wing.

“Daddy, where are we going?” She questioned.

Her father was a midnight blue Pegasus, whose silver mane, and wise eyes betrayed his young age. “Well honey.” He said looking back at his daughter. “The elders have asked to see me, and since mommy wouldn’t be able to take care of you while I am gone I decided you could tag along.

“Why do the elders need to see you?” The curious filly questioned again.

“I don’t know honey” The Pegasus kindly replied, hiding his fear lest he worry his daughter. He felt he knew exactly why he had been summoned. There were rumors going around that somepony would need to be selected to be the representative of Equestria. He wasn’t sure of exactly what the representative would be doing but he knew the one chosen would have to be remarkable.

He didn’t look at himself as any more than Everypony else, but he was always athletic as well as doing his best for the community. Adding all that on to the fact that his first born daughter was born with a horn and wings, it was basically assumed he would be chosen. He was so lost in his thought he hadn’t even realized he had reached the gathering place of the elders.

It was a small hut that only had one floor. He let out the smallest of shivers as he reached his hoof out to knock on the rough wooden door.

“Come in, Fallingstar.” A rough voice called before he even knocked.

“Wait here.” Falling told his daughter. He took a huge breath and stepped inside.