• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 4,901 Views, 66 Comments

A Destiny Of His Own - greener97

All of Spikes friends Have found their destiny, They've done there part, but what about Spike? Will he ever find his own destiny? or will he meet his end before he gets the chance?

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Book One Insanity; A Dark Illusion

“Sometimes An Appropriate Response To Reality Is To Go Insane” ~Philip K. Dick

Spike would have never have been prepared for what was waiting for him on the other side of the door. He would have been fully prepared to see a destroyed, twisted, gnarled room. That wasn’t what he saw at all. What he saw couldn’t be what was truly in front of him; it had to be a dream, or a hallucination.

The room was no longer a room inside a castle, instead spike stood in a barn, with hay covering the ground. Spike knew exactly where he was, he was standing in sweet apple acres. But that wasn’t all, he looked beneath his wings checking for his friends, but they were no longer there. He began to panic. As he searched the room he saw AppleJack lying on the hay. Spike ran towards her as fast as he could.

“A.J!” He exclaimed. “What happened to the others?”

“What do ya mean hun?” She replied completely calm.

“Twilight and Rainbow! I can’t find them anywhere.”

Apple Jack stared at spike with her auburn eyes. “What do ya mean? They’re probably at home”

“Home? But we were just in chrysalis’s castle! How did we get here?”

Apple jack looked confused again “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout hun. We have been here working on the farm for the past two weeks” Apple jack stared into Spikes eyes with her auburn eyes. They matched the autumn leaves on the trees. Something was wrong, Spike knew it. He just couldn’t put a claw on it.

He decided to put it behind him; perhaps he simply had a bad dream. It was so real though. He couldn’t shake it, it was so vivid. “I guess we should start picking huh?”

“Nah” A.J. replied, “we can do the pickin tomorrow.” She stood and walked toward him throwing her hoofs around him and kissing him passionately.

That made it click. Spike finally realized what was wrong. “This isn’t real” Spike mumbled.

“What was that?” Apple Jack asked, sounding more than a little angry.

“This isn’t real. You aren’t real. This place, it has to be fake. And I know now who you are.

“What are you babbling about?” Apple Jack asked, her accent gone.

“Come on Chrysalis” Spike retorted “I thought you were good at this? A.J. would never put off work, no matter what. And now that I think about it her eyes are jade, you couldn’t even get that right. What's the matter? Losing your touch in your old age?”

Apple Jack stood aghast. How? How had he figured it out so soon? She had made her illusion so perfectly. The room melted into a dark and twisted throne room that very nearly replicated that of the castle in Equestria. The only differences were the holes in the walls and floor that seemed to have nothing on the other side, and the art in the glass that rather than being bright and cheerful was dark and almost evil.

Apple Jack stormed to the throne, he skin lighting ablaze with a green fire along the way, by the time she reached the throne she had revealed her true form and chrysalis stood before spike, her glare piercing through him.

Spike looked around panicked. “Where are my friends? What did you do with them?”

“Calm yourself Spike; I assure you they are safe.” Chrysalis now spoke with her own distorted, nightmarish voice. “How did you see through my illusion so fast?”

Spike didn’t trust chrysalis at all but he kept his cool. He needed to speak with her, and although he was worried about his friends, he still needed to get the information he came for.

“Well like I said” He started “Apple Jacks eyes are green, and she would never put work off for anything. What's the deal? Didn’t you do your research?”

Spike immediately regretted that remark as chrysalis lunged out in rage, pinning him to the ground.

“What do you want?” Her voice seared like fire on Spikes face, causing him to flinch back and smash his head against the marble floor.

“I came here to talk” Spike answered, forcing one of his claws free from her grasp to rub the back of his head.

“Talk?” Chrysalis was surprised by this answer and backed off of spike and slowly returned to her throne. “What would you and I have to talk about?”

As Spike stood slowly a thought occurred to him. Chrysalis may be evil, but she is still a queen. “your majesty” He announced as he knelt and bowed before her. “The entire world is being threatened by a dark force; it was my hope that you would put aside your differences with not only me, but all other inhabitants of Equestria and join me in the palace as Celestia’s esteemed guest.”

“Now why would you expect me to believe you? There is not a chance I would step foot in that palace, I’m positive it is a trap.”

Spike quickly responded, now raising his head. “It isn’t, I swear on my honor as a dragon. We require your assistance in tracing our enemy. The magic is unknown to us, and it was our hope you could assist us. Having you at the palace will not only keep you safer from FallingStar, but it will also make it easy for you to communicate wi-“

“Did you say FallingStar?” Chrysalis interrupted.

“Yes I did. He has returned and is leadin-“

“There is no need to continue” Chrysalis interrupted again “If FallingStar truly has returned then we share a common enemy, I will help you in any way I can.” Chrysalis’ horn emitted a green glow and Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow appeared in green flames.

Spike ran to his friends “We did it, things just got a lot easier”

“That’s great!” Rainbow shouted “What did we do again?”

"You will find out soon enough Dash, we all will"