• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 904 Views, 11 Comments

The New Generation - TheBlackPanda

A sequel to 'A Hero's Story', Brandon and his daughters fight an oncoming apocalypse, and Discord.

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Prologue: Proposal, New Faces, and Old Faces


I was seriously about to pull it off. I invited Rainbow to diner, along with the rest of our friends. Darkside even went out of his way to rent us a private table/room thingy. We ate like pigs. Everyone was talking and having a hell of a good time. I looked at Darkside nervously. He grinned and gave me two thumbs up. I looked at Rainbow, who was sitting next to me. Even though she wasn't dressed up, she still looked beautiful. (Jeans and a t-shirt look good on her.) I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Come on, B. I thought, You can do this.... I felt inside my pocket. The black box inside restored my faith in myself.

I looked at Rainbow, while Darkside quieted everybody in the room. "Rainbow," I started, "We have been together for quite some time now. You have always been there for me, even though I've failed sometimes to do the same for you. We have worked so hard to build this life, even if it took a few bruises and cuts along the way. We even went so far as to welcome Scootaloo into our home, though she does make me a little angry sometimes." I smiled jokingly, "I've been thinking about it, and I've put it off for so long. I've walked this road we call life for quite some time now. Now I'm ready to walk it together, with you." I got on one knee. Removing the black box from my pocket, I opened it to reveal a ring. The diamond on the top was fashioned to look like her cutie mark. (Even though she doesn't have one, being human and whatnot.) Man, I thought, Those designers Mom knows can make one hell of a ring.

I gulped, this was it. The do-or-die question. "Rainbow Dash, will you marry me?"

The room went silent. My heart pounded in my chest. I was about to turn into a nervous wreck, with a fifty percent chance of getting married. She had a stoic expression on her face. You fucked up. My mind seemed to tell me.

No! Let's see what happens next... I told myself.

Then a single tear ran down her cheek. "About time you asked me... I was starting to get a little worried..." She smiled.


The whole room erupted into cheering. Everyone started clapping and Darkside even ran up to hug me. I laughed happily, like I used to when I was a kid. Holy shit, I'm only twenty-three! I thought. Damn, time flies.

-----------------------Two Months Later-------------------

Well, we were at that point. The wedding! Rainbow wasn't wearing a single bit of makeup, to Rarity's disapproval. She looked good without it though. Me, I wore a simple tuxedo with a black corsage (like a boss). Naturally, Twilight was the priest that marries the two. (She spent the entire week inside my Bible trying to find a good scripture. She read the whole damn thing FOUR TIMES. Finally, she read the scripture, and we did the whole process. The following kiss was possibly the greatest of my life.

Then we got to the after-wedding party. Pinkie brought four fucking party cannons to this one. One had decorations, another had cake, the third one had food, and the fourth, because who doesn't want to have a little fun, the booze. The party was one hell of a party. We had to send Scootaloo home (She's like, thirteen.) to go to bed, we had a feeling this wouldn't end well. Pinkie was drunk off her fucking ass. It was scary. She was literally breaking the fourth wall at will. She ran around, before Party Rock Anthem came on, as a tribute to oldies. Me and Darkside nodded at one another. Darkside shouted to the crowd, "This is something we used to do back at our old home."


We busted out shuffling. We did it all around the dance floor, before doing a triple backflip (aided by our powers) to end the section. Pinkie hopped out and did that old move, the Spongebob. (Youtube is your best friend.) Finally, the party ended. Fluttershy carried Pinkie home, and Rainbow and I flew home. Getting comfy on the couch, we started making out on that, then we got to buisness. Maybe I'll write what happened down later. (Take a hint.)

Rainbow is my wife. Suck it, Rule 34. I can have the satifaction of having her here with me. I thought smugly before I went to bed.

------------------------One Year After That...------------------------

Well, we had our own little girl, knocking the head count up to two. We named her Night Runner, because anybody with badass parents deserves a badass name. At least, that's what I think. She was born last month, and she's a healthy little one! She's growing at a pretty fast rate too! She's got black eyebrows, and her eyes are rose colored, just like Rainbow's! But she's got a little bit of hair, and it's a rainbow color, but the colors in the rainbow are more neon than regular. And when she cries, she wails enough to make my ears bleed. But the scary part is, when she does, her hair turns a deep black, and it glows with dark energy. Scary, huh? And when it happens, I feel this surge of immense energy. It's not even funny, how much energy I can feel.

Anyways, I'm excited to see where this is gonna go!


Discord was lucky they had forgotten about him.

"Damn, if only my siblings were here to help me rid myself of those Elements!" He hissed.

"I can arrange that..."

A man stepped out of the shadows. He had on pure black sunglasses. He had on a black leather jacket with a hood, as well as black jeans and red and white Vans sneakers. Discord had the feeling that the red on those shoes weren't part of the design.

The man had his hand on the shoulder of a girl, who wasn't any older than fifteen. She had purple hair, and cat ears on her head. She wore a navy blue jacket, with blue jeans and pink and white Vans. She had a black bandanna in her hand, which she put over her ears to make them less noticeable.

"Who are you?" Discord asked.

"This girl is Kathrine, I am John. We can bring back your siblings, the draconequus, if you wish. Just follow my commands."

Discord nodded, "How will this work?"

John smiled. "You'll see..."

I'll have to pay Brian and Kaitlin a visit, as well as Brandon. After all, being stuck in limbo for over ten years isn't very fun. John thought to himself.


Author's Note
Well, here's the prologue to the sequel! I'm ready to get this on the road! No, Kathrine didn't come out of nowhere. I put a blog post up a while back, and she's mentioned in there. Her backstory will be explained later. Also, did you catch the hint at what story I'll be posting next? Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this ride! It's gonna be a good one!