• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,762 Views, 12 Comments

A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria - TimeTravelinc

A Scientist from earth lands in Equestria and now lives in The Everfree Forest

  • ...

Doctor Whooves and Professor Rouse Part 3

Last Time...
Both Time Lord and Human, were tossed from the Tardis console. Vineyard and Rani were both working in her Tardis, trying to defeat and capture the Tardis. Soon they met the Doctor's Fifth Regeneration, with confusion. Meanwhile, other regenerations were flying through the Time Vortex. How long til' they're caught by Rani and Vineyard?

Tegan and Turlough had seen their share of weirdness, especially when they went to Equestria. Unfortunately, they've never seen the Doctor this scared before, nor this strange pony before them. "You again. How did you get in here?" Five said. Ten held up his Tardis key, which caused Five to face hoof. "Of course, I forgot you have your own key." he said. This confused both companions of the Fifth Doctor. James smiled, then turned around heading for the door, not noticing a familiar sound. He slammed, face first into the door, just before he fell over unconscious. The Tenth Doctor just facehoofed, at the unconscious scientist.

*Que Doctor Who theme*

David Tennant
Peter Davidson

And Introducing
James Rouse as Himself

Doctor Who

...Not as Cool as Justice.
By: James Rouse

As the Scientist laid there unconscious, the four ponies looked at him. "I don't understand why this happened, how could you not hear the doors closing on the Tardis?" Ten said, to the scientist. James sat up, groaning. "Was that what that noise was? I thought it was something like that, but I just ignored it... until I slammed my face into the door." he said, rubbing his nose. Turlough, who was confused on why he looked like a pony, was also confused on who this other man -er, pony- was. Tegan, however spoke first. "Doctor, where are we? And why do we look like ponies?" She said.

The Fifth Doctor was confused as well, the only way they would be in this form was if they were in Equestria, to which according to the scanner, they weren't. "Doctor, if I may?" James said. Five nodded, wanting him to explain. "Rani and Vineyard have teamed up somehow and now, I guess, decided to mess with not only him, but also you. Who knows how many regenerations we're going to run into?" James said, thinking of the possible problems with more than one Tardis.

"Yes well, maybe you should take Tegan and Turlough with you outside. I need to talk to... myself." Five said. James couldn't help but kinda snicker at what he said. "And no, I'm not crazy." Ten said. James held his hands up in defense. "Hey, when time travel is involved, it makes sense. But to a normal sane person, people would think that you are insane. However, I know that you're a Mad Colt in a Blue Box." he said with a smile, heading towards the door. He pressed a button, then headed for the door, only to slam into the door again. That however did the trick as it opened for them.

Tegan and Turlough went through, with James tailing them. "Doctor, I don't think your Tardis likes me very much." he said, jokingly.

Outside of the Fifth Doctor's 's Tardis...
James came out, closing the door of the Police Box. "So, who's that pony that came in with you?" Turlough said. James smiled, then said, "Would you believe me if I said that my friend is the same friend you know only years older?" Turlough looked at him, as if he was some mad person. "That's not possible." he said. James leaned on the box, then said, "Well, you can believe me, or not. Anyways, what was surprising was that the Doctor looked human, as well as you. But then again, he would have said that you looked Time Lord."

Tegan looked at him with shock. "How did you know what the Doctor's species was?" she said. James pretended to zip his lips, and kept them shut. Tegan leaned in on Turlough, then said, "I think he's just clammed up on us." he said. Suddenly, they heard another noise. A noise that sounded familiar. *VWOORP! VWOORP! VWOORP!* A Tardis started to dematerialize before them, which soon landed with a *THUD!*. "That's not good." James said, looking at the other Tardis.

Soon two ponies came out. One in a pink dress stepped out, and the other, was dressed in a hat and a long scarf. Then, finally following behind them was a robotic dog, with the word "K-9" on the side. "Mistress, It appears that your human DNA has been Re-configured." the dog said. The pony looked at herself, then back at the other one. "Doctor, what happened to us?" she said. The Doctor, lifted up a hoof, then said, "Well frankly, I don't know my dear Sarah Jane. It appears that we are however off course." he said. Sarah Jane crossed her hooves, then said, "We're always off course." she said.

"I know how she feels." Tegan said, in a whisper. James then entered the Tardis going to alert them.

"Look, if the Rani is after us," Five said, "Then we must stop her and Vineyard at almost any cost." "Yes, but what is her plan?" Ten said. Both started to think. "Well, whatever it is, it involves more of you Doctor. Your Fourth regeneration has just appeared here with Sarah Jane." James said, coming in. "Sarah Jane." both Doctors said. Both looked at each other, then back at James. "Well come on, we have to go." he said, motioning the Doctors to follow him.

Sarah Jane was confused on why she looked like a pony, when suddenly, she noticed two other ponies standing there. "Um, excuse me... who are you two?" she said. Suddenly, the door opened as James ran out, followed by Doctor 10 and Doctor 5 to which they stopped dead in their tracks. This took the Fourth Doctor by surprise as he started to introduce himself. He suddenly felt his psychic presence from his two future selves. James smiled as he knew of the wacky Fourth Doctor who was a comedian of sorts.

"Hello, you must be the Doctor." James said, shaking his hoof. Then he looked at his companion. "And you must be Sarah Jane. It must be odd seeing him in a different form... I think." he said. James then started to think as his brain started to calculate what was going on. Sarah was however confused by the stranger who was addressing her and was the only human not turned into a pony. "W-who are you, and how do you know who I am?" she said, slightly frightened. James was still was still in deep thought as he calculated on what the odds that the other Doctors would end up on this planet with him and the other Doctors.

"Excuse me." "Hmm, ah yes." he said, snapping out of deep thought, "Your question, and it was how do I know you right?" Sarah Jane nodded in slight fear. James saw this, knowing that if he was in her shoes... or hooves, he would be slightly frightened by the stranger. "Well, I would explain it to you, but I need to wait for some others. I feel as though they're going to be here soon, if everything is calculated correctly... and if she is planning what I think she's planning." he said. Tenth Doctor understood what James mentioned then decided to talk to him privately.

"James, we need to talk." "I agree Ten. Five, you and Four keep an eye out for any of your different regenerations. Also, send your Tardises into some kind of Temporal Orbit or something will ya?" he said. They both nodded, then Four pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver. Meanwhile, The Tenth Doctor pulled out his and called back his Tardis, which came to their location. They both soon entered the Tardis, with James closing the doors behind them. He pressed his ear to the door, hearing if they were listening. As soon as he was done, he then turned towards the Doctor.

"Doctor, I think that the Rani wants to try and alter the timeline of what happened to Gallifrey, and she's getting help from your possibly alternate regeneration, the Vineyard." James said, standing at the walkway. The Doctor who was pacing the floor started calculating faster than James' brain, and then said, "Yes, It seems that I've come to the same conclusion. But why me?" "Well..." James started, expecting the Doctor to know. However, he needed a outside view. "You are a influential man Doctor. You have helped improve civilizations or burnt entire planets. Your name is burnt across the stars and you have a track record that doesn't stop. Heck, it even has inspired another universe to write stories in my world, Doctor!" James exclaimed.

"So, I see why she may try to change the timeline in my universe, but why did she pull you?" The Doctor said. James thought for a moment, then he said, "Because, I jumped into the Tardis before it actually de-materialized into the Time Vortex. I just hope that the Rani doesn't get me-AURGH!" Suddenly, James fell down, clutching his stomach and chest. The Doctor quickly galloped towards James, scanning him. As James groaned, he swore that he heard a dark feminine laughter, as if a villainess was getting her way. "James. James! Focus, listen to my voice and focus." The Doctor said. James' strange pain soon started to subside, as The Doctor continued to scan him.

Soon, James was able to sit up. The Doctor checked his sonic screwdriver, seeing what made James do that. He then noticed the readings that he was getting, seemed familiar from a event from long ago. "Wh-what is it Doctor?" James said, slightly weak from the event. The Doctor soon slowly turned towards James, afraid of what he just found inside his temporary companion.

Meanwhile, Outside...
The Fourth Doctor was playing Jacks with his Fifth self, who was curious at why his Fourth Regeneration was like that. "HA! Foursies again. That's the third time I've done that. Pretty good eh Sarah Jane?" he said. Sarah was still curious about what James said, and was about to ask Five when they heard several Tardises dematerialize from the Time Vortex, one of them landing right near Four and Five. Soon, the door opened to reveal a old man, dressed in Victorian clothing, followed by a young girl with a blonde mane.

"Doctor, why are you a horse? Why am I a horse?" Jo said. "It's called a pony." James said, coming out of the Tenth Doctor's Tardis, to which it rematerialized back into the Time Vortex. "And the reason why, involves a villainess who wants to rule all of time and space." James finished. Soon, another Tardis doors opened as a old man with a bowl haircut and wearing a jacket and bowtie stepped out, followed by a pony in a kilt and another in a hat and classic dress that would've fit in 1965.

"Ay Doctor, I think we overshot our time." Jamie said, looking around. The Second Doctor looked around as well, until he spotted his Third self. "Is that you ol' boy?" he said. The Third Doctor looked towards the different Tardis, seeing the Second Doctor waving at him. "Of course, It would be no surprise that whoever has knocked us off course would pull myself and my former companions off course." Third Doctor said.

The doors to the third Tardis opened, revealing a multicolored coat and a blond curly haired pony. "Where did we end up this time Doctor?" asked Perri. "And why am I a pony?" she asked, as she stepped out of the Tardis. "I have no idea Perri. All I know is that we're not where or when we're supposed to be." he said. Five looked at Six then said, "Six, is that you?" The Sixth Doctor looked at his Fifth self, then said, "Well, this is a surprise. I didn't expect this visit from my past self." he said.

James looked at The Tenth Doctor, to which he looked back at James, then they both looked back at the odd reunion. "I'm going to go look to see if anyone or anything is coming here to kill us." James said. Ten nodded, then went to help his past regenerations. James started walking up the pathway they found, and went to see the alien land above the vast canyon. He looked at the sun and the two moons set over the horizon.

"Man, I wish Paradox was real." "You rang?" a voice said. James turned to his left to see a man who was in his twenties, with slick black hair, and a pair of goggles around his neck. He wore a white scientist lab coat, a button up shirt, black slacks and black loafers. In his hand was a big pocket watch. This man surprised James completely. Finally, James said, "Would you believe me if I said that-" "You thought that I was fictitious? Of course I believe you, I've jumped the time tracks several times." Paradox said, putting away his pocket watch.

James nodded, expecting someone like Paradox to exist like the Doctor. "You know that you have a unusual history?" James said. "Why don't we cut the small talk and cut to the chase?" Paradox said, looking at him. James chuckled, trying to act natural for him at least. "You never seemed like the one for small talk, Prof. Anyways, I was wondering if I defeat a certain problem that's growing stronger." he said pausing, allowing his thoughts to gather. He then said, "Or does the darkness overcome my new home, my friends, my roommates, and the rest of the planet, ending with it being taken over by something I've only seen in nightmares?"

Paradox and James stood there in silence, allowing time to tick slowly as the planets and the burning star slowly went down over the horizon. "You know that I can't tell you your future, nor can the Doctor." "But what if I fail Paradox," James said, frightened, "What if my friends can't help me, and they fail?" Paradox continued looking at the horizon, then finally looked at James. "If you do fail, I can get help. But I feel as though that you and your friends will be able to defeat whatever comes your ways." he said with a smile. James smiled back, looking towards the strangers down in the canyon.

He then looked back towards Paradox, only to see two shoeprints, where Paradox once stood a few minutes ago. James sighed, tired of what was happening to him, wishing it would stop. He then shook it off, trying to focus on what was going on now.

Back Down at the Canyon...
The First Doctor's Tardis showed up as well as the Eleventh's Tardis. As James headed down, he saw Nine talking to Eight. "I wish there was some way to handle this upcoming war going on." "Don't worry me, everything's going to be alright." he said. James knew that this wasn't true, for he knew what was going to happen to the Doctor. 'Actually, come to think of it, what did happen to the Doctor? Oh I hope Charlie remembered to record the latest episode of Doctor Who, even though the 50th Anniversary isn't for another month.' James thought, as he soon realized at what he just thought. He then facepalmed himself, then walked towards his Doctor. (AN: The one that James went with, not the one that is his favorite.)

One soon came out with Susan nearby. "I don't understand why we can't stay in the past Doctor." said Barbra, getting out of the Tardis. "Yes, I agree. Also, why are we small equine?" Ian said, looking at his hooves. "They're actually called ponies Ian, do keep up with what is going on." Eleven said, coming out of his Tardis. James couldn't help but snicker at what was going on. "Yes, but why are we this way Doctor?" Clara said. He was about to say something when he heard a familiar voice come from the Tardis. "Doctor, is that you?" "Amy?" he said.

Soon, out of the Tardis was a young Ginger female with a male following her. "Hon, why are you a pony? Why am I a pony? How did I get dressed in my modern day clothing?" he asked, as his tone started to raise higher. James chuckled a bit then said, "Well, gather around people, because this is going to be interesting." James said, as many different Doctors 1 through 11 surrounded him.

5 Minutes Later...
Everyone sat there surprised at what the scientist said, surprised that what happened and what happened to him, then the fact that he came from a universe that watched a TV series that was based on the adventures of the Doctor and his companions, spanning 50 years on Earth. Finally, Eleven said, "Well, didn't see that coming." All of the ponified Doctors, Humans, and Alien Humanoids turned towards him, thinking 'That's all he has to say?'

James stretched, then said, "Well, I expected as much, considering that you remember everything as it's happening Eleven." Eleven looked shocked that he somehow knew this. He finally spoke. "How the devil did you know that?" he said. James smirked, as if he knew the answer the whole time. "Simple. Have you ever read "Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox" Doctor?" The Eleventh Doctor shook his head, to which then James continued, "In the story, Artemis has to make his past self believe that he captured an endangered species. So while he's in the past, he starts to remember things at the same time that it happens."

"If I was working with my past self, I would erase his memory and send him back to the exact moment I got him, so when I did exactly that... well, you know." he said, with a smile. *CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!* James smile faded and his eyes started to widen as he slowly turned towards the sound of the clapping. Standing there near the edge of the canyon that all the Tardises were was one Rani and two Cybermen. Right next to them was two Daleks. James couldn't help but chuckle nervously, pulling off a bad poker face, as Rage Comic fans would've said.

Rani smiled, knowing that she had her prey. "Well Doctors, I finally have you where I want you. The last time I tried to take you on, I sent your Tardis in a different direction, stuck in a time loop." "Ah, I remember that. You were real stupid to try that miss." James said. He then quickly covered his mouth, wishing he could smack his brain for betraying him like that. The Rani raised an eyebrow, curious on how the boy knew what happened, when she only affected the Third to Seventh's Regenerations (minus the Fourth Regeneration). "How did you know that? Never mind, I'll figure it out when I deal with you, The Doctors and their companions.

"Eh, Welllll...." James started, trying to act nonchalant. "Well what?" she asked. James looked back up at her, then said, "Well, I've seen a lot of Sci-fi in my days." "Pray tell, what does that mean?" she asked, thinking that nothing could help them. "Well, that includes Star Trek and they're famous for their phasers." he said. At that exact moment, she was confused and what about to ask, "What does that mean?", James pulled out a Mark III Phaser and shot Rani's laser out of her hands. "That means I know how to build a phaser properly." he said, looking at her shocked face. "Now, as someone once said, 'Run! Run like the Dickens!" he exclaimed, running down the canyon. The Doctors looked at what happened, then seconds later, they followed the scientist idea.

The Cybermen and Daleks started to shoot, but were too late, for the Doctors and their companions already followed James and were moving faster than before. They all soon entered a cave, hoping that they wouldn't be able to find all of them. "Well, I didn't expect that." James said, slowly turning towards everyone, "I totally didn't expect that at all." he said, as he slid down. The Doctors looked at each other, then they had an idea. "You thinking what we're all thinking?" Eleven said. They all nodded, agreeing that great minds think alike.

They soon all close their eyes, focusing on their heightened thoughts, trying to reach out to each other.


Soon, they felt their minds as they communicated, trying to create a plan, as ideas shot at the speed of light. Many of the companions were confused, except for two who had seen this before. James, who had seen "The Three Doctors", and Jo, who had been there when her, the Third Doctor, the Second Doctor, the First Doctor, and U.N.I.T all got sent to a Anti-Matter universe.

They soon stopped, looking at each other, knowing what they must do. "It seems like a insane man's game." One said. Ten nodded, then said, "Yes, but it may work to our advantage..." "Due to the fact that the Rani doesn't know the new regenerations very well." Eleven said. They all nodded, knowing that all of them together were powerful enough to defeat the Rani. They were about to do something, when suddenly, they started to glow. "Oh no." Ten said. "Transmatt!" James exclaimed.

Suddenly, they disappeared right in front of the companions. They all looked at where they were. Finally, Ace said, "Where did the Professor go?" James looked down at where the Doctors' hoofprints were, rubbing his chin as he thought. "This was very, very, unexpected." he said, as he heard maniacal laughter in his head. He then turned towards the mouth of the cave, placing his hands behind his back in deep thought. "Very unexpected indeed."


Author's Note:

The Doctor and all of his companions 1963-2012 BBC
Professor Paradox 2012 Cartoon Network
James is owned by me
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, another part to this Doctor and Professor business. I know it's old fashion, and is also too late to do a 50th anniversary chapter. But has anyone done Four chapters involving the Doctor... all of the Doctors and his companions?
Don't answer, unless you want to.

Anyways, I know I have a different story to work on, but I have a nasty case of Writer's Block. It will be done soon, but I need to iron out details on both "ASOTBTIE" and "Whip and Wing 2". So hold your ponies!

Don't be afraid to tell me how you think, and if I've made any spelling mistakes.
-The Character