• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,762 Views, 12 Comments

A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria - TimeTravelinc

A Scientist from earth lands in Equestria and now lives in The Everfree Forest

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Something's Fishy

Chapter 10: Something's Fishy
Carrot Top was happy, for it rained last night. That meant her crops were rejuvenated with water. Walking out, she expected to see just her crops. Instead, she saw the crazy... whatever, with a odd device that was over her crops.

'At least he's careful not to step on them', she thought. He then had a look, like he had something, and then bent over. He pulled out a carrot, setting it down on the ground, then pulled off his headphones and pressed his ear to the ground. It sounded like something unusual. However, before he could figure out anything, a orange hoof appeared in front of his face.

He followed the hoof all the way to the source. He then smiled a 'Oops' smile. As he sat up, a gopher popped up from the hole where the carrot was. James grabbed it, looking it over. He quickly documented it in a nature journal, then stood up. He then threw the gopher through the tree, tossing it in between the branches, like a quarterback tossing a football through a goalpost. It landed in the bushes, safe from harm.

"It's good!", James exclaimed, holding his arms up like a referee. Carrot Top was confused about this. She slowly backed off, before she quickly ran back inside to call the police, but when she checked the window, he was gone. The carrot was back in the ground, as if it never happened.

A few hours later...
Carrot Top was walking through town, trying to figure out what that was all about. On top of that, it was the same one who accidentally smashed into her cart. She didn't exactly like the guy, not because he was a entirely different species. She just didn't trust the guy. She felt that he was bad news.

She however wasn't paying attention and hit something. Looking up, she saw him again with his head in a puddle. That's when it surprised her. 'How can you have your entire head inside a inch-deep puddle?', she thought. Soon, a police officer walked up to James.

He then tapped him on the shoulder. James pulled his head out of the puddle, revealing that he had a scuba mask. He pulled up the mask, and removed the snorkel from his mouth. "Yes, can I help you?", James asked. Carrot smirked a little, knowing he was going to get his comeuppance. "Why are you sticking your head in a puddle? And on top of that, How?", the officer said. James smiled, then said, "I'm doing a science experiment. I really can't get into a lot of detail, because... well. It's complicated.". The cop nodded in reply to what he said. James then placed the mask and snorkel on, dunking his head back in.

A thought occurred to the officer, and he tapped on James' butt, to which he stuck his head out. "Do you have a permit?" he said. James reached into his jacket, then pulled out his wallet, and showed him his ID and his badge. "Oh, you're a science officer. Carry on." the officer said. James nodded, then stuck his head in again.

Carrot was in shock, surprised by what the cop wasn't doing. "You aren't going to arrest him?", she asked. "No. He's allowed to study certain things. This is one of them." he said, "Plus he has a offical Science Officer badge given to him by Celestia herself." That's when James pulled his head out, then went to his car and opened the trunk. "But, he's a nuisance to society and always causes havoc." "Do not!", James exclaimed. "Havoc sometimes happens by itself." he said, coming back with a bucket. "Haven't you noticed?" Carrot shook her head. "No, then start noticing." he said. James then placed his arms into the puddle, then his head.

Five minutes later, he pulled out a bucket full of water. He quickly ran back to his car, buckling the bucket into the seat, then himself. He then drove off, heading straight for home. Carrot swore that she saw a flipper, as he drove away.

The door to the garage unlocked, allowing James to go through into his living room. James then dumped the bucket full of water into the fish tank. James then ran to the intercom system, and said, "Guys, a meeting in the living room. I want to show you guys my discovery." He said, then he went to get some more water for them. James then smiled as he looked over the fish. They looked wondrous and wondered what could've happened to cause this. Suddenly, he snapped out of it as he heard his roommates coming down. He quickly grabbed the cover for the tank (in case visitors didn't like what they were seeing, or hiding something from them) and covered it.

Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, and Bon-Bon all went down to see what James was doing. Twilight came up from the basement, and sat down on the couch. Soon, everyone was in one place, and James was ready to surprise them. "Mares of all kinds, prepare to be surprised as I show you something that I found in a puddle. That puddle must've led to a freshwater source, for these fish are still alive in this tank.", he said. He grabbed the sheet, and smiled at them. "Behold!", he exclaimed, removing the sheet. They all gasped in shock except James who had seen it before, for in the tank was two seahorses, a octopus, and and a fish. Except that, it looked like each of them. Lyra walked up to see a mint-green seahorse that looked like her. She looked at it and said, "Look! I'm a seapony." Everyone looked at James, in which he had a beaming smile on his face.

Twilight looked at the creatures, amazed at how they looked. "What caused this?", Twilight said. James stood next to Twilight, looking at the creatures. "Maybe it was Discord's leftover chaos that made these creatures." he said. Twilight was confused, and asked, "How?" James thought this out for a moment, then answered, "Well, before Celestia was ruler, Discord made chaos throughout Equestria. Therefore, he made items that would probably last throughout time, but wouldn't be detected by Celestia herself. This would be a example." "*SPLASH!* Sounds like a crazy theory.". James looked at Lyra. "Why thank you Lyra. That was nice of you to say.", James said. "I didn't say that.", Lyra said. James and Twilight were confused. "Then who-" "I did!", a mint green seahorse said. Everypony was surprised by the seapony talking, even James.

"Well, I'll be. A talking seapony. Then again, I should be used to this by now.", James said. He then had an idea. Grabbing the bucket, he scooped up Lyra Seapony and started carrying her to the lab. "Bring the others as well.", James said, running down to the lab. Twilight lifted the three creatures out of the tank, and placed them inside a fishbowl. She and the others soon follow him, with her carrying the sea creatures. Soon, he placed the seapony down on the counter, then grabbed a scanner.

He waved it over Lyra, surprised at the results. "This is amazing. According to this scanner, this WAS from Discord. But not directly." James said. Twilight looked at the creatures that was swimming around. "Well then, what caused them to be that way?". James shrugged as he looked over the seapony. "I can tell you my theory." he said, not taking his eyes off the creature. Twilight nodded, wanting to hear it. "Discord could've altered the four ponies, effecting their DNA on a Chaotic scale. As soon as he was defeated, that leftover chaotic DNA caused a mutation with a sea creature during rain. That DNA mutated and evolved into a sea version of them.", he finished, emphasizing at Lyra Seapony.

Twilight nodded at this new breakthrough as James wrote down notes on the new info. He then placed the creature into a computer laser scanner. As it watched, the computer was able to X-ray the seapony. He soon started sketching out the details, then smiled at his handiwork. "Twilight, send a message to Princess Celestia, ASAP!", James said. Twilight nodded, smiling. Then, both brainiacs started squealing like little girls.

Princess Celestia landed in the yard of James' house. Looking at the unusual sights, which she was still getting used to, she went to the door and was about to knock, when, "Celestia, good to see you, Princess." James said, taking her by surprise. "*AHEM!* Yes, well. When I heard word of you and Twilight Sparkle's discovery, I came as soon as she sent it." Celestia said. James was surprised by the unexpected event, then showed her in. After closing the door, James then showed Celestia down to the lab.

There, he explained his theory on Discord, and how he may have done it. Celestia was so surprised, that she had to sit down in awe. "Discord's magic may have affected the natural environment, thereby creating as I like to call, Natural Chaos. We can't destroy it, it's a chaotic after effect of Discord's chaotic reign." he explained, "Thus, it soon became integrated with the entire planet." Celestia just shook her head, then said, "Did he create anything else?" James thought for a moment, then pulled out a preserved plant in a bag. "Not that I know of,", he said, "But what do you make of this?". Princess Celestia looked at the bag he was holding, then said, "Is that Poison Joke?" James looked at the bag, curious about the flower, then back at Celestia. "I have no idea.", he said with a smile.