• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 7,837 Views, 129 Comments

The Interstellar Record - Omidaidias

While guarding the night, Luna noticed and pulled down a strange object from the sky that would change Equestria forever

  • ...

The Communications

Both Timeturner and Luna's hearts raced. Timeturner shook the other scientists awake and told them the news. Afterwards he rushed to get Celestia and tell her and everypony else the news. He rushed down the several corridors, him yelling "WE HAVE COMMUNICATIONS!!!! WE GOT A SIGNAL" Alerted the guards and made them curious. He finally reached the main hall, where most of the galla took place. He rushed over to Celestia, frantically. He began to speak

"Prin-..Princess Celestia" He rushed, out of breath. "We....We..."

"Hold on Timeturner. Take a few deeep breaths and tell me whats going on" Celestia told him. He stood up striaght, he took several breaths, and told her something that attracted the full attention of the mane 6 and her.

"We have communications" Timeturner said. "Princess Luna is talking to them now."

Celestia turned to the crowd and spoke

"Attention everypony, something urgent has occurred. I need to leave for what could be the rest of the night, I am very sorry, but this is serious. There is no need to worry, My sister will fill you in" she told the crowd. She and Timeturner went back to the Voyager.

Celestia came to her sister, she instructed her to inform the galla members of what is happening and to bring the mane 6 here.

She spoke into the microphone.

"I am Princess Celestia, the ruler of a land known as Equestria. We have discovered your Voyager and played the record. Now, please identify yourselves."

There was a long pause and what sounded like a crowd talking to eachother from the speaker when finally a voice came out

"I am Senator Hanlon of the USA, Planet Earth. We have received signals that the Voyager has landed and that the record has been removed."

There was a long conversation between them. Meanwhile back at the Galla, Princess Luna stood on the top of the staircase and shouted to the crowd

"Big news everypony. We have just got a communication transmission to Earth. Princess Celestia is speaking to them now."

The crowd seemed to roar with cheer and excitement.

Twilight stood before Celestia, watching and hearing her talk into the microphone. She couldnt believe all this had happened in just a few days. After what seemed like hours of conversation, she approached Twilight.

"Whats going to happen?" She asked Celestia

"The Humans wish to send a few people over to Equestria. Tomorrow we will discuss how to do so." Celestia responded to her student. All this was unbelievable for just about everypony. They were going to see aliens! Aliens for beyond the stars!

Twilight felt a surge of excitement. She was going to meet a human, or more than one.

After the Galla was over, just as the Mane 6 were going up to bed, Celestia told Fluttershy she needed a word with her.

"Yes, Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy said. Celestia looked down upon her with deep eyes.

"Fluttershy, I saw how you turned Discord from evil to good. When the humans arrive, I want you to be with me, I want you to show them that Equestria is a land of peace and friendship" Celestia responded.

Fluttershy looked at her, knowing the inportance of her task.

"You really think I can do that?" Fluttershy asked, her head turning away in disbelief. Celestia held her hoof to her chin to make it face up.

"I think your the only pony who can do this." Celestia told her. A warming smile on her face. "Now get some sleep. we will make a portal to Earth and send the human over tomorrow"

They both nodded before going to bed. Fluttershy lay on her bed in the bedroom she was assigned, there was one bedroom for each. She gazed out the window, up at the stars above.

"Im going to meet an alien" She thought to herself. She could hardly wait. Would he be mean, would be king, would he be funny, would he be serious, would he be a she? She was exited, yet nervous.

The Sun rose without warning. The mane 6 headed to the castle to see progress on the portal. It would be ready in about 3 hours. The Mane 6 decided to have breakfast at the royal breakfast hall. The Mane 6 was surprised to see Celestia there, half awake, her mane tangled and messy, but Princess Luna was fully awake. She sat, eating breakfast, and greeted the Mane 6 as they came in, and discussion of the portal was the topic. Pinkie started asked questions. She turned to face Applejack

"So Applejack, what makes your exited for this?" Pinkie asked.

"Hearin' 'bout Earth crops, and wounderin' if they have apples on Earth" She Responded

Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash

"My favorite thing is gonna be what they have to say about Earth, I wanna see it!" Rainbow Dash said

Luna responded "I do not mean to disappoint you, but we may not see Earth for awhile"

"Rarity?" Pinkie asked

Rarity put down her tablecloth and spoke

"I want to know what they wear on Earth, and what they have to say, and just who are they going to send?" She said.

"Earth is picking people who they consider popular at random to come here" Luna said.


Fluttershy looked up and responded

"I want to know what animals they have on Earth. But Celestia told me that Ill be one of the first to greet the Earthlings"


"I want to know if they use magic, I also want to know about their history" Twilight said.

"Ill tell them all this. We will communicate with Earth again in an hour. Ill see what they can do" Luna said.

The Three hours passed and they, the Mane 6, Luna, Celestia, Timeturner, Alarcus, and several reporters stood in front of the portal. It was a Ring, atop a large, long ramp.

The Portal had a large chamber of its own. But instead of golden, white, and purple design like the rest of the castle, it looked more grey, the room was round, it contained several machines needed to make it work.

Fluttershy went ahead, she shook with nervousness.

Twilight turned to Celestia and asked "Can I go with her?" Celestia responded with a nod and she too stepped forward.

"When your ready, Alarcus" Celestia said

Alarcus stood next to the portal, a lever stood in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak


Author's Note:

I am not using official names for the humans.

"You really think I can do that?" Fluttershy asked, her head turning away in disbelief. Celestia held her hoof to her chin to make it face up.

"Good Gracious No! Your just the only pony too chicken to refuse!" Celestia told her.

(Based off of http://cheezburger.com/7063858432)

Another important issue is that people say that the Voyager is too far away OR that it would be broken. Guys, you have to remember, MLP abandon logic a LONG TIME AGO.

Comments ( 30 )


192 favorites
That is a LOT of wasted time

hell yeah !!!! update!!!:pinkiehappy:

The time it currently takes a radio signal sent by voyager to get to Earth is around ten hours, and it hasn't even reached another solar system yet. The lack of a lag in the communication here is weirding me out a bit.

2223333 Thats what I was thinking when I was writing it, but I was thinking fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/254/0/4/farewell_by_chobit_389-d49kgv1.png

2224208 I see your a new reader. We abandon logic a long time ago

I have 4 different ideas for my next story, if I decide to write another. 3 are spin offs of this story. The other kinda is. All 4 are comedy

I only acadentaly reliseved this updated

Have them as haters... And get Molly to say hi.

Fluttershy turned Discord from good to evil? Maybe that should be reversed...:pinkiehappy:

Ok, Listen up people. Its time for News, good and bad,

Bad news: Chapter 5 will be the last chapter of the Interstellar Record, and I dont know how Im going to wrap it up

Good News: I might, MIGHT, Make 1 or more stories that follow it. Ive got several ideas, I just am unsure where to go from this point.

btw, the people would likely be wearing NBC suits with a filter on the outlet as well as the inlet valve, because who knows what kind of pathogens exist in Equestria.

I give up all hope for this story, you sir have abandoned it without saying it was cancelled or on hiatus or something like that. I am very disapointed that you didn't inform us of this.

Good day.

2641265 Im working on Chapter 5, Im just not sure Its the ending I want. It wasnt cancelled, I just want really sure where to go on from humans arriving into Equestria. I am sorry to keep you waiting

2644435 Looks like it is abandoned to me. Keeping it in my favorite section just incase you decide to update again one day, to good of an idea of a story to pass up.

2644435 wait you mean it gonna be the ending?? oh and why you put that huge cliffhanger!! damn that hurts it went like 3..2..1 and then BOOM author's note!! and i went like NOOOOOO WHY!! :flutterrage:

2645426 well tell ya to finish it first,then rewrite it, and then learn from your mistakes :twilightsmile:

This is an excellent story but the chapters are rushed. The story would be better than best if you take your time while writing instead of trying to fit the entire story into 1000 words.

2644435 Humans going to Equestria, and Vice-Versa, would be a promising story point.

Ugh, I don't even read these things anymore. Please don't bring back cringy memories.

2644435 This is unputdownable! *squees* Keep it coming!

Hmm, I'm surprised the humans didn't just use a FTL(Faster then Light) drive to get there, because were talking thousands of years in the future here, well it matters how far away Equestria is.

6945440 maybe they're afraid starting first Contact because first Contact sometimes ends in first Contact War

The nearest solar system is 6 lightyears away, meaning it would take 6 years for any message to travel across the distance. If equestria really is as far away as you say, how could the US and Celestia have a conversation?

Also, the voyager probe travels at 35,000 mph, and the speed of light is 670616629 mph, so Voyager is travelling 0.00005217884328598156% the speed of light. By the time voyager reaches equestria, I doubt that earth will even exist anymore, much less humanity.

Oh another thing, Voyager has limited battery life and no way to recharge, so it's battery would have been long dead. It's barely on right now.

Also we're talking about pastel horses that can shoot lasers out of their faces.
I just wanted to point out a few facts.

It ended at the best part. Continue it.

Pleeeeeease update!!!!!

really shouldn't've used youtube

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