• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 685 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight's Folly - DouglasTrotter

Twilight decides to test a spell

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The Masquerade

Time waited for nopony; mare and stallion alike eagerly awaiting the festivities as a beautiful, gold trimmed red carpet guided them towards the ball room. Colorful streamers and ribbons adorned the ornate marble columns along the freshly cleaned pathway, the opulent décor entrancing one pony in particular.

“How did you do this? Twilight, the Debutante Masquerade Dance is a true delight. ” The suave unicorn smirked. “I mean, this is just so posh. Even the Grand Galloping Gala pales in comparison to this party…”

“PARTY!! WOOHOO!!” the exuberant mare interrupted her hopeful fashionista friend.

“Pinkie, darling, will you please contain yourself tonight. Though Princess Celestia excused your antics at the gala, I won’t be so forgiving if you ruin this grand event.”

Pinkie Pie covered her eye with her hoof, and swore her solemn “Pinkie Pie Promise” oath to behave while she walked alongside her animal loving pegasus friend.

“O my, are you sure this will really work out. I don’t want us to get hurt. The mirror won’t hurt, will it? I mean, it’s unusual to turn into somepony different, to be somepony else. I don’t know who I will think of. Will it hurt anypony’s feelings if I think of somepony beyond us?”

“No worries Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash maneuvered between the columns with ease and grace. She floated in the air and gently proceeded towards the intricate metal doors in-hoof with her friends. “This is all in fun. Turn into me if you have any trouble. I’m always awesome.”

The five mares giggled at their sky-blue pegasus friend, but the honest pony of the group quickly raised an eyebrow at her purple unicorn friend.

“Ya’all sure this’ll be alright Twi? I’ve seen the trouble you’ve had with those ‘spells’ of urs. Big Macintosh certainly won’t forget the time you turned him into a mare after that incident with Trixie and that alicorn...” the cowpony stopped for a moment before she chortled in a quiet tone. Her memory of the scarlet colored stallion’s predicament in those harsh four weeks that followed wasn’t so easily forgotten. “I mean… heh, heh… it was fun having a big sister for a while. But, I don’t want Big Macintosh to get a brother for the rest of his life.”

“Not to worries Applejack. This mirror works on different principles than my spell.” the studious unicorn grumbled. “It isn’t on the order of your garden variety transformation spell. Its magic is more powerful than anything I could produce; also, it has a steady track record. Anypony can view the historical examples of Façade the master thief of Equestria.”

“Oooo, ooo, ya, Façade was renowned as a thief of Equestria that could break into any secure place. The stallion could use magic like a unicorn, fly like a pegasus, and had the strength of an earth pony. He managed to confuse even those who were close to him. The rumors even say he broke into Princess Celestia’s private chambers on Hearts and Hooves day, leaving her a love letter. Façade did all of it just to spite Princess Celestia because she proclaimed her chambers were so secure that not even Façade himself could break into them. Let alone break into Canterlot Castle.”

With a devilish grin, the purple unicorn responded in a soft tone, “Rainbow Dash, I thought you only cared about Daring Doo books. However, you are correct. Façade was well renowned in Equestria. I’m still intrigued by the rumors of his supposed demise. It’s quite possible he hid inside the mirror used to disguise his form, and became trapped within its confines. Others say it was Debutante herself that charmed the pony into giving up his thieving ways.”

“Good job Egghead. Way to suck the fun out of an awesome character,” the sky-blue mare joked.

With Pinkie Pie twitching more than usual, the six mare’s small journey towards the ballroom seemed to take forever, but the exuberant pony’s boredom was short lived. The intricate metal doors they had seen from the entrance to the grand hallway finally came into full view with two pegasi royal guards at attention in front of them.

“Welcome to the Debutante Masquerade Dance. Please, enjoy yourselves once inside. Per the rules of the night, do not divulge your identity to the other guests. Remember, those inside are not whom they appear to be. Our beloved Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, are also in disguise this night. So please, be mindful of your comments.” The royal guard announced with a polite smile as he saw the six mares ascend the steps to the ballroom doors. Catching a glimpse of the purple unicorn, he turned towards her, and said in a defined, regal tone, “Also, Miss Sparkle, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are amongst the crowd. You will have an added challenge of finding your brother and sister, as well as Princess Celestia.”

Before the guard could ask who would enter first, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie interrupted him, and declared in unison they would go first. With the thought of her hooves being smeared in dirty, the suave unicorn declined the other’s childish games to decide who would go first, and Rarity bowed to the guard, wanting to be “ladylike” as she ascended the steps and entered the room. Fluttershy quickly backed away to let the others go first, also out of the necessity to be polite.

“Aww yea, it looks like I’m first… well, second since our element of generosity went in first. Now, I just need to think of a pony that’s just as awesome as me. It would be awkward to have that mirror do nothing to me like it did to ol’ Blue Blood. But being me isn’t all bad,” The sky-blue pegasus said in a confident tone.

Fluttershy felt her hooves violently shaking as she entered the room. To her delight, the shy pegasus looked into the mirror and saw her body transform into one she admired. One-by-one the mares awaited their turn, Pinkie Pie and Applejack following behind their animal loving friend. Soon, Twilight’s turn came. Though she had been inside the mirror’s room before, the unicorn never participated in the Debutante Masquerade Ball. Twilight, her eyes wide with amazement, watched her mentor stand in front of the mirror and transform into another regal mare; a pony that Princess Celestia cherished beyond her missing sister before the nightly guardian’s form was restored.

“I’m just glad those doors were put in so ponies could enter into the Ballroom without passing through the mirror. Of course, it’s not hard to imagine Prince Blue Blood actually turned into himself, and his indignity of being forced to use the service entrance.” The purple unicorn chuckled to herself. She calmed her mind and let out a slow, heavy breath to steady her magic. “Omniomorphic spell, I put my trust in you this night.”

The studious unicorn slowly focused the magical energies on herself, making sure to stand outside the magical influence of the mirror. Twilight traveled through the Blue Blood doors to see herself in the mirror on the other side, a slight ringing in her ears ignored as it rapidly faded away. She stood speechless for a few seconds in front of the intricately designed, gold trimmed mirror, and then regained her composure.

“…it worked? I did it. Yes! It worked!” the pony chortled to herself, giggling like a little foal with a new toy as she saw herself in the form of Princess Celestia.

*** *** ***

The past Debutante Masquerade Dance lingered within the studious pony’s mind, yet this one seemed even more luxurious when she opened the doors in front of her. Twilight could only admire its exquisite nature with even more beautiful décor adorning the walls, and the steps to the balcony. Thanks to the effort of the pony and her friends, fresh crystal chandeliers hung overhead from the newly freed Crystal Empire. Though several ponies turned into Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Celestia, for the disguised purple unicorn, it didn’t matter. Only her achievement mattered. The casting of the difficult Omniomorphic spell she learned from her teacher was perfect.

“Nicely done my dear, your taste of admiring Princess Celestia is impeccable.” A firm voice said. “Might I ask why you chose our beloved princess as your disguise for the night?”

“O she…” the purple pony paused before she addressed the pony disguised a Prince Blue Blood, remembering the rules of the night. “I am intrigued by her kindness as the ruler of Equestria, and her grace. She is a pony that can really be looked up to as a role model.”

“Eloquently put my dear. You will be a tough challenge.” The pony said as he stepped aside, allowing the studious unicorn to mingle with the crowd while leaving as quickly as he appeared.

“I can’t believe it worked. There’s no flaws in the wings, the horn is impeccable, even the adornments are right.” Twilight heartily smiled. Looking amongst the crowd, the studious unicorn spotted a pony near the horderves. Though the true power of Façade’s mirror had been lost, it could only disguise everypony’s form and voice, and could never give them the abilities of a pony they weren’t. Nor could it ever shroud their habits.

“Great selection of food isn’t it?” the studious unicorn regally approached table.

“It’s so delicious. I want to eat it all, but I promised to behave myself. So much pressure,” the pony exclaimed. Twilight, wanting to maintain her rouse for the night, slowly moved her wing to shield her conversation from the others. “Did you make a ‘special’ promise to a certain friend of yours?”

The pony gave a sly grin with her ears perked up.

“I’ll have to remember to give you some browsing material for your birthday.”

The exuberant pony put her hoofs together while she looked at her friend. Twilight nodded, but advised the exuberant mare to be mindful of the party.

“You ok there,” the sugar loving pony said, making sure to remember the rules of the party. “You look a little exhausted. It’s only been twenty minutes since we got here, and we still have two hours of fun left.”

“I’m fine, just a slight headache is all.”

The purple unicorn left her friend and continued to mingle with the guests, but took a small moment to chuckle at her “perfect” disguise without the use of the mirror once more. However, the pony’s eyes widened in disbelief. It seemed there was more than she anticipated upon first glance. Several ponies disguised as Princess Celestia chatted with another sect disguised as Princess Luna. Both groups intermingled near the marble statues next to the stairs that led towards the balcony. “I guess ‘originality’ wasn’t on the menu tonight. Hopefully, Rarity isn’t amongst that – gah, there’s even a group disguised as Princess Cadence and my brother.”

“Excuse me, but can I please have your name?” a voice broke the disguised unicorn out of her dismayed state. Twilight saw an unexpected sight at her hoofsteps, a filly version of herself.

“Wouldn’t that violate the rules of the game my dear?” Twilight tried to mimic her mentor’s regal, defined tone. “We’re here to enjoy the festivities. It would be quite the shame for it to end so abruptly.”

“Well put my faithful student.” The little unicorn nodded in a swift, gentle motion. “I see you have taken my lessons to heart. Though I do admit, your regal tone could use a bit of work. How did you like the mirror?”

Twilight smiled cheerily at the little filly as she couldn’t contain her excitement, and covered the conversation with her wing.
“I did it. Princess Celestia, I did it. I managed to cast the Omnio…” another, stronger, headache came to Twilight. The face of the little filly in front of her grew pale, saying in a flustered tone, “Please. Twilight, please tell me you didn’t. Not yet?”

The purple unicorn felt the words fail her as she prepared to speak, a slight haze clouding her vision.

“Twilight!?” the little filly said in a hushed tone. “You weren’t ready. That spell, it’s far too dangerous. I haven’t trained you in its proper use yet. Follow me to the balcony.”

For the disguised pony, it was too late. In the secluded area of the balcony, nopony around, Twilight felt her magic waning, slipping away from her well taught grasp. A simple test of levitating a nearby leaf from a tree, the most basic of magic kindergarten spells, eluded her. The purple unicorn soon felt her strength sapped away as the Omniomorphic spell took its toll.

“Twilight! Please, stay with me Twilight! You must stay awake at all costs!”

Twilight’s eyes barely managed to stay open to see the filly transform into her mentor, Princess Celestia using her magic to break the mirror’s power.

“You still needed time my dear student. The Omniomorphic spell is one of the highest level orders of magic. Even my sister and I have to be cautious. If used improperly or for too long, it can sap a pony’s strength permanently. Can you still use your magic?”

Profuse beads of sweat came from the disguised pony’s forehead as Twilight focused her magic. In an emanation of soft, mystical yellow light, Princess Celestia intertwined the purple unicorn’s magic with her own. A purple and gold light illuminated the surroundings and penetrated the ballroom windows. For everypony, it seemed part of the festivities, however, for the regal mare, she was far more delighted.

The purple unicorn’s form returned, and she collapsed to the ground as the Omniomorphic spell’s magical power was undone. However, the damage had been done as Twilight fell unconscious from the night’s activity.

*** *** ***

“Twilight? Twilight? You ok? Please be ok Twilight?”

The unicorn groaned as her eyes opened, being greeted with the sight of her friends. All stood near the bed inside the royal suite of Canterlot Castle. From the nearby window, the light from the morning sun brightened the room as it reflected off the marble floor. A sweet smell of fresh cut flowers greeted the purple pony, several get-well bouquets near her. Luck was on the studious unicorn’s side as she survived the rigors of that night, but the damage had been done.

“Ow… wh-wha-what happened? Last thing I remember was being outside with the princess. Did I ruin the dance?”

Twilight’s tearful friends embraced her, being calmly pushed aside as the mare recoiled in pain.

“Ouch! Why…” interrupting herself, Twilight felt her side and quickly dashed towards the mirror. Her weakened body stumbled to the ground; feeling liked some newborn foal whom had yet to learn how walk. “H-how… how is it possible? I…”

“You weren’t ready for that spell.” Princess Celestia remarked while she entered the room. The regal mare cradled the injured unicorn mare in a soft levitation spell and placed her back into bed, and then gently pulled the floral patterned blanket over Twilight’s body. “I had to intertwine my own magic with yours to help reverse the spell. As you noticed, it had unintended consequences.”

“I’m so sorry Princess Celestia. I-I just wanted to – please forgive me!” Twilight buried her head into the pillow.

“Though I am somewhat disappointed, I’m not angry with you my faithful student. In truth, I worried that I might have lost you. It is wonderful that everything worked out alright.”

“Are you sure she’ll be ok Princess Celestia? I mean, she is going to be ok? Right?” the yellow pegasus wiped a tear from her eye.

After nodding at the five mares with a smile, Princess Celestia gently pointed them towards the door, and closed it behind them.

“Those wings are the remnants of the spell you cast on yourself.” The regal mare said in a firm tone while she sat near her protégé. “What others have studied and read about is a false Omniomorphic spell, one I designed. That spell, the real Omniomorphic spell I showed you in my personal library was invented by Star Swirl as you know, but its power was immense and only its inventor knew how to truly control its power. I know how to correctly manage the spell, along with my sister, because of Star Swirl. There have been several ponies that tried to utilize it in the past. Some of them weren’t as fortunate as you were my dear.”

Twilight sat up, reached for her side, and then pulled her shaking hoof away. For the purple unicorn, it wasn’t some simple dream. The pain she felt, pulling out a pinion from her right wing, was quite real.

“Th-They are permanent? Will I ever have a normal life again? I mean, I actually felt...”

“Please Twilight, don’t injure yourself more. No matter what happens, you are still you. There is no need to worry. Those wings will disappear in time. However, what you see is a permanent price that you paid because you advanced your studies too quickly.”

The pony’s tears unrelenting, Twilight buried her head into her hooves.

“Will you still…” The purple mare's muffled words were clear to her teacher, and felt the kind embrace of Princess Celestia's wing. “Need you ask me Twilight? You shall always be my faithful student. Though your wings will fade, they will still be a part of you. It will be your task to learn how to control when they materialize. Hopefully, you will consider those wings a gift from me as our magic intertwined with one another. I also hope it serves a reminder that I will always be watching over you, but, my real hope is incident serves as a warning to more cautious with your future studies.”

As she wiped the tear from her faithful student’s eye with her wing, the regal mare smiled at her student, and left her alone with her thoughts. Entering the room with the permission of Princess Celestia, Twilight’s friends resumed where they left off, heavily embracing the purple unicorn.

“You know Twilight. With those suckers, I bet you could be one heck of a racer.”

In the week that passed, Twilight ran her hoof along her sides and breathed an elated sigh of relief. Though she was happy to see them disappear, the unicorn remembered her teacher’s words of wisdom and how the wings were a “permanent reminder” of her eagerness. The smooth train ride to Ponyville relaxed the pony before she finally headed home to be with her faithful, number one assistant.

“Spike, i'm home.” Twilight announced in a soft tone while she peaked around the corner of the door.

Spike quickly awoke from his slumber, having slept on the stairs that led towards the upstairs bedroom, and embraced his friend.

"Welcome back Twi!" the little dragon heavily embraced his friend.

The startled pony felt her “gift” materialize, and shocked the little dragon in return.

“Twilight! When did you! How did you! WHAT'S GOING ON?!”

The unicorn placed her hoof over her face, and groaned, “ I'll tell it to you later Spike. It's a long story and I'm just glad to be back home. For now, we'll just say that I have something new to learn on top of my studies.”

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Author Notes:

The story was originally finished about a week or two ago with the intention of submitting it a little earlier on, however, the whole Twilight turning into a Princess/Alicorn emerged and made the idea rather ill-advised.

As for the idea/basis for the story, the concept comes from the anime Familiar of Zero, episode The Sleipnir Ball. If there's anything amiss in the story, please feel free to chime in the notes section. Also, a final note, I may or may not extended this story with encounters for the others. I will currently mark this as complete since the story revolves around Twilight as the name suggests.

I hope everyone enjoys the story. :twilightsmile:

Reminds me about Zero no Tsukaima. :yay:
Edit: I now noticed your comment. It wasn't there when I opened the tab.

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