• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 952 Views, 6 Comments

Super Filly Adventure: From Good to Bad - SunshineSprite

We all know the sweet and lovable Jade from Super Filly Adventure. But there is a dark secret that she is hiding, and she shall be punished for it...

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Super Filly Adventure

Super Filly Adventure: From Good to Bad

We all remember Jade: the sweet yellow Pegasus pony that was like a look-a-like pony to Scootaloo. Jade was known for her gorgeous green hair, her green tail, and green eyes. She was known for defeating the dragon that tried to destroy Ponyville. But for some, there are bad seeds that need to be punished for all of eternity. And that is what happened to this little filly, one who turned her back on her duty…

“Boy, I can’t to see what Ponyville’s like!” The little yellow Pegasus filly ran as fast as she could. Her green spiked mane bounced up and down as she zoomed towards her destination: Ponyville. She decided to gain some altitude by flying. She had been practicing for a while. She could fly almost as well as Rainbow Dash, one of the fastest fliers in all of Equestria. The little filly’s name was Jade. She had come from Fillydelphia. Unfortunately, she had to flee a parasprite infestation. But on the upside, she had a good reason to leave her hometown. She wanted to find out what her special talent was. One pony, Pinkie Pie, told her that she would meet Jade at the entrance. As Jade entered, she looked around for the pink pony. Just then she heard loud cheering, and a bouncing pink party animal hopped up. “Oh! Hello Jadey wadey! Pinkamena Diane Pie at your service!” Jade stared at her. “Uh, Pinkie Pie is it?” Pinkie nodded her head really fast. “Okay,” Jade said nervously. Pinkie Pie laughed and said, “Oh you silly willy filly! Come on, let’s get on with this! I have a special assignment for you.” Jade looked at her with confusion. “But Pinkie Pie, I thought that we were going to look around Ponyville to see if I could get my special talent!” Pinkie Pie laughed again. Jade frowned.

“Oh Jade! Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. But first, we have to throw a party!”

“A party? Really, right now?”

“Uh duh, of course we have to throw a party! You’re new here! Of course we need to throw a party. Now here’s what I want you to do. Take this list of names and these invitations and go out and give these invitations to these ponies. And be sure to invite other ponies too! Oooh, there’s gonna be cake and ice cream! Oh, and most importantly, my most favorite recipe of all time… Cupcakes.” Jade got a sick feeling in her stomach after that. Especially with the way that Pinkie said that word. It seemed like she said it with a bit of a demented sort of tone and a little raspy too. But there was no time for that. Jade had party invites to give out. “Okie dokie lokie! Good luck!” And with that being said, Pinkie Pie hopped and bounced off towards Sugarcube Corner. Jade sighed. Then she took off.

A dark figure watched closely at the little Pegasus. She was hiding a secret. She can’t be trusted. She had been known to be untrustworthy. Once she had lit a house on fire by accident in Fillydelphia, but blamed another pony for it. That poor filly had to pay the price. Jade made it sound like she did it on purpose, like for revenge. So she and her family had to pay every cent for the fire. Then Jade accidently spilled acid on a lab table in a science classroom in the school. She blamed that on a colt, a Pegasus who had started school for the first time. He also suffered the same fate, being told that he too had done something on purpose. That was why Jade had to pay, but that was if she didn’t do what was right, again. So they were going to watch her intently, for there was a bit of a legend that involved a pony having more than one cutie mark. And it didn’t have anything to do with the Cutie Pox…

“Alright, let’s see what the first invitation says: Twilight Sparkle.” Jade had agreed to sending invites to an unexpected party that Pinkie Pie had planned. So she needed to get them out, for it was going to be later today. Jade was walking along when a strange pony trotted up. It was Derpy Hooves, a very strange pony indeed.

“Banana!” she shouted.

“Uh, yeah, your hair is full of them,” Jade said.



“Say, if you give me a muffin, then I’ll give you something special.” Jade’s green eyes lit up bright and wide. “Really? Oh boy! I’ll get right on that!” Derpy smiled and said, “Kk!!” And then she bounced off, but in an odd way: instead of up and down, it was down and up, for she was upside down. Jade stared and said, “Wow that pony is weird.” Jade stared as the strange Pegasus took off. “Alright, back to business.” Jade trotted off in search of Twilight. She looked up at the sky. It was a pretty blue. The other Pegasi were pushing the clouds around, making sure that they were in place. As she looked ahead of her, she saw a purple Unicorn. Her mane was a dark purplish blue, with pink and purple streaks. “Ah, that must be her.” She walked up to the Unicorn. “Hello, are you Twilight Sparkle?” The Unicorn turned and said, “Why yes I am. Oh! You must be Jade. Pinkie told me that you were coming. She’s sending out invites to her party.” Jade pulled out her invitation. “Here you go.” Twilight thanked her kindly. “Alright, I’ll see you at the party!” she said cheerfully. Jade nodded and ran off to find the next guest: Fluttershy.

Jade was looking for Fluttershy when she spotted a pale yellow Pegasus with a gorgeously long pink mane. “Hey there!” Jade called. The Pegasus shrieked and took cover on the ground, shaking as she hid her face from view. “Ah! Hey, it’s okay.” Jade walked over to her and put a hoof on her head. The shy Pegasus looked up and stared at Jade with big terrified eyes. “I-I’m Flu-Flutt—shy.” Jade felt terrible for scaring her. “I’m Jade, and I’m going to guess that you’re Fluttershy.” The terrified Pegasus nodded slowly. “Alright then, here’s your invitation to Pinkie Pie’s party later today.” Fluttershy took the invite with a shaky hoof. “Tha-tha-thank you.” Jade smiled. “No need to thank me.” Fluttershy gave a shy blush and stood up. She tried to walk away casually, shaking terribly. “That poor pony probably jumps at a running leaf. She’ll never make it in life.” Jade shook her head and continued on. She looked down at the list. The next pony was Rarity. “Okay, time to find Rarity.” She started to fly to get her errand done faster, but stopped when she heard a noise coming from the tree she was flying by. “Huh? Is somepony there?” she asked. She looked around but saw nopony. She shrugged and continued onward…

That Pegasus almost saw him. The Stallion stood up and watched. He looked closely at her wings. How badly he wanted to tear them apart, muscle from muscle, just wanting to hear her blood-curdling screams. He wanted her wings to rip apart, like a piece of paper torn in two. He wanted her to cry and scream for help, beg on her hooves for mercy. And he would be standing just above her, watching her cry. Her blood would be all over him. He and his brethren would laugh and point, then tear into her flesh as she cried and screamed more, and watch as she gagged on her own blood. He wanted to kill her so badly he could taste the blood of her. That pony was going to make a mistake. He just had to wait for the right moment…

Jade was walking along when she came up to an adorable store called Carousel Boutique. A very beautiful Unicorn walked out. Her mane was gorgeous shades of purple, with bouncing curls dancing around. Even her tail was curled, all the way to the tip. She had on light blue eye shadow, and very pretty blue eyes. Jade understood quickly as to why her cutie mark had diamonds on it. She was known as a fashionista.

“Why hello there—huh! Green hair!? Yuck! It looks like a pile of mucus on your head. Who is responsible for this atrocious excuse for a hair color!?” the Unicorn said acidly.

“My parents’ genes,” Jade said through gritted teeth angrily.

The Unicorn then said nervously, “Oh, uh, well then. I must apologize. We got off on the wrong hoof then, my dear. I’m Rarity. And you are?”


“Well then, it is nice to meet you Jade. Do you like green hair?”

“Why yes, I really don’t see the problem with it.”

“Very well then, I must agree. Oh wait, you’re that new filly that everypony’s been talking about then. Pinkie Pie passed on that she was throwing a party for you.”

“Yes, and I was supposed to find out what my special talent is.”

“Oh my dear Jade, I’m so sorry that Pinkie has changed your plans. Well, on any rate, who did she invite? Me I hope.”

“Oh fiddlehooves! I almost forgot! Here’s your invitation.” Jade hooved the invite to Rarity. She then asked, “Say, how did you get your cutie mark?” Rarity smiled and said, “Well, you see, there was a little play that was going on when I was young. And the costumes I made were good, but they weren’t perfect. So I thought of ways to make them better, and then my horn signaled me to this huge rock. A huge rainbow appeared, creating a shockwave that which broke the rock in two. And within it was a large variety of diamonds. I used them to make the costumes sparkle, and everypony loved them. That’s when my cutie mark appeared.” She looked down at it proudly. “My sister and her friends have been trying to get their cutie marks for what seems like forever. Yet they’ve seemed to get into sticky situations recently. Yuck!” Rarity made a disgusted face. Jade giggled. “Well, I must be off, for my clothesline won’t make itself!” And with that being said, she trotted off wherever, murmuring about buying more fabric. Jade nodded and looked down at the list. It said that Rainbow Dash was next. Jade had heard of her before. She was this really cool Pegasus who had performed the legendary Sonic Rainboom. She couldn’t believe it. She cheered and jumped happily, finally being able to meet the amazing, fastest flier in all of Equestria. She made a loud fangirl squee and shot off towards the middle of town…

“So, that Pegasus is going to get to finally meet the one and only Rainbow Dash,” the dark Stallion said ghastly. He saw her excitement. He also knew that he had to be more careful. He was hiding in a tree when he slipped on a branch and was almost caught by that nasty liar of a Pegasus filly. Nopony would figure her out. She was a great liar. He could even read her thoughts. She was judging that one pony, Derpy, just because she was different from the rest. She thought that Twilight was a real smarty pants, and that she was a real softy. She also judged Fluttershy, making fun of her and thinking of evil pranks to play on her. And Rarity, oh she was thinking of bad things to do to that pony, just for exclaiming her opinion on her hair. “Oh yes, that Pegasus filly has to go. And I don’t mean to the bathroom. I mean shink!” he said as he made a slicing motion just beneath his throat, gritting his teeth to perfect the sound. He blew bangs out of his eyes. They were matted, bloody, and disgusting. His coat was charred black, his cutie mark depicting a blood splatter. His eyes were literally bloodshot, blood pouring from them, eyes themselves just hollow holes. “Oh yes my pretty, I’ll get you!”

Jade was heading towards Sugarcube Corner when she spotted Rainbow Dash. She was a blue Pegasus with a rainbow river of a mane. Her wings looked really strong, her cutie mark that of a rainbow lightning bolt with a cloud, indicating that she was the fastest. Jade squealed with excitement, and headed towards the popular Pegasus. “RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!” Jade squealed. Rainbow turned around, alarmed. Then she smiled as the little Pegasus filly ran up to her. “Oh my gosh! It’s such an honor to meet you here! I can’t believe it!” Rainbow put a hoof on her head. “You must be Jade, the little filly that came all the way from Fillydelphia. It’s nice to meet you too. Pinkie Pie said that you were giving out invitations to her party.” Jade nodded her head up and down excitedly. “Yes yes yes yes!!” Jade hopped up and down. “Oh! Here’s your invitation.” She hoofed the invite to Rainbow, then crossing off her name on the list. “Oh boy! Meeting Rainbow Dash! This is so amazing! Say, how did you get your cutie mark?” Rainbow Dash smiled and took a deep breath and said, “Well, it’s a long story. But if you have the time—" Jade squealed with joy and said, “YES!!” Rainbow looked surprised and then decided to tell her famous tale. “Well, it all started at Summer Flight Camp. My friend Fluttershy was trying to fly when she crashed landed on a cloud, for she was a weak flier. Three Pegasi appeared then, making fun of her. They were these three boys that always made fun of me and Fluttershy. They always called her Cluttershy and me Rainbow Crash. As soon as I spotted them, I knew that I had to do something. So I went and flew down to them and told them to leave her alone. They kept taunting me and told me that in order to make them stop, I had to beat them in a race. So there I was, racing for Fluttershy’s honor. We were halfway through the race… I had only one shot in beating these bozos. Then it happened… I felt so alive with adrenaline and just kept going, and then in one second, I was flying at sonic speed. I had proved that I could perform the Sonic Rainboom! I felt a surge of excitement tingling through my body. That was when my cutie mark had appeared. My talent is flying fast. And that’s how I got my cutie mark.” Rainbow Dash looked proudly up at the sky. Jade jumped up and down and said, “Oh! I better get going, more invitations to give out.” She happily hopped on towards Sweet Apple Acres, home of the Apple family…

The Stallion watched Jade go. He scowled at her. He knew that she had to pay. But how could he attack her, knowing that the others wouldn’t like it? They said that they had to wait until the right time, and it wasn’t time yet. He wanted so badly to just tear her apart. But he couldn’t. Not yet anyway…

An orange Earth pony came into view as Jade trotted along. There was a barn and a bunch of apple trees looming in the country air. The Earth pony had medium long blonde hair with a band tied at the end, as well as her tail. She had green eyes and a light brown cowgirl hat on her head. She also had white freckles on her cheeks. “Why howdy there!” she exclaimed with a strong southern accent. Jade giggled at her voice. “You sound funny!” The Earth pony cocked her head to one side. “Pardon?” she asked. Jade panicked and said, “Uh, what I mean is, I have never heard of an accent like this before.” The Earth pony smiled and turned towards the barn. “Well, in case yer wonderin’, this here is Sweet Apple Acres, home of the Apple family. Why, I’m Applejack. There’s me, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and good ol’ Granny Smith. Say, what brings y’all here anyway?” Jade remembered the invites. “Oh! Pinkie Pie told me to give everypony on her party list an invitation to her party. And since you’re… AJ, you get an invitation.” She hoofed the invitation to AJ. “Why thank ya kindly! Say, ya wanna help me bake some treats for the party?” Jade gave her a confused look.

“But Pinkie Pie said that she was going to make cup--”

“Why there ain’t no sense in not bakin’ more than what’s needed. Besides, in case anypony goes for seconds, there’s enough.” Jade understood that Applejack had known about “cupcakes”. So, they headed off to the candy castle that was known as Sugarcube Corner.

The two ponies walked into the kitchen and Applejack pulled down a list of ingredients. “Okay, since there’s goin’ ta be a party, let’s get ta bakin’. First we need flour.” She grabbed a bag of flour and a bowl and set them on the counter. She poured the flour into the bowl. “Next, we need chocolate chips.” She found a bag of chocolate chips in one of the cabinets and put them in the bowl with the flour. “Now we need some baking soda,” Applejack stated as she put some in the bowl as well. “And finally, we need some wheat worm- Oops! I mean, wheat germ,” she said, giggling at her mistake. Jade found the wheat germ and put it in the mixing bowl. AJ gave her a spoon and had Jade mix it up. “Great work, Jade!” Jade looked up at her and said, “Say, how did you know my name?” Applejack laughed and then at the same time, they both said, “Pinkie Pie.” The two giggled and continued to mix the ingredients. Afterwards, they poured the mixed ingredients into a baking pan that had about 20 openings for each muffin and put it in the oven. Applejack set a timer to go off after around 15 minutes…

The timer went off and Jade opened the oven door and pulled out the now delicious muffins. Applejack smiled and said, “Wow, nice work Jade!” Jade blushed sheepishly. “Oh come on now. I wasn’t the only one who made these.” AJ cocked her head and rubbed her chin with a hoof. She frowned, then smiled joyfully and said, “Ahright, we made some great muffins.” They laughed gingerly and sighed. Then Jade realized that she had given all of the invitations out. “Oh! I better go and let Pinkie Pie know that all of the invitations are out. I’ll see ya at the party!” AJ smiled and waved a hoof as Jade went through the door of Pinkie’s room.

The dark Stallion watched with anger as she pranced about and cheered joyfully. She had just gotten all of those invites out and was going to that weird pony, Pinkie Pie, to let her know that she got the deed done. He smiled devilishly and licked his blood-stained lips. “Oh, don’t worry my pretty pony. We’ll be having a party soon, too. Just be patient…”

Jade hopped about as she entered Pinkie’s room. The pink balloon-maned pony was muttering about something. “Huh, why do they call it a hacksaw? I don’t get it. I hack with a knife, and this is a saw.” Jade’s eyes widened with fear as Pinkamena- sorry, Pinkie Pie turned around and saw the terrified Pegasus filly. “Oh! I see that you’re back. Did you get all of the invites out?”

Jade took a deep breath and said, “Pinkie?”

“Yes?” Pinkie asked.

“You scare me sometimes.”

“Oh. Sorry then!” Pinkie laughed and went into another room and came back with a bunch of balloons. She set them down on the floor, the balloons in place thanks to a small sack tied to them to keep them from floating away. “So, did ya get all of the invitations in?” Jade nodded. Pinkie screamed out with joy and said, “Great! Now we can start the party!!”

A few hours later…

Everypony that was invited came, even Derpy. “Ok everypony, time to start the party!” Everypony cheered as Pinkie announced that it was party time. Just then…


Everypony jumped with fright as a terrifying howl growled through Ponyville. Jade turned and headed to a window. Outside was a huge frightening dragon! “Oh no!” Twilight Sparkle shouted. “That dragon’s destroying Ponyville! What should we do?” Pinkie turned and said, “Is there anypony willing to go out and fight that hideous party destroyer of destruction!?” she asked with a hint of anger like acid in her voice. Jade looked at her flank. Maybe now’s my chance to finally find out what my talent is. Cutie Mark Crusader Dragon Warrior! Hey, why did I just say that? “I’ll do it! I’ll take down that monster!” Everypony turned to see Jade, with her right hoof proudly in the air. “I’ll take down that dragon and make him pay!!” Everypony cheered. Pinkie went off somewhere in the shop and came back with a spear and armor. “Here, take this. It’s a magic spear and armor. You should be able to battle it out with these.” Jade took them with glee and put them on. She looked fantastic, the armor a cool blue, and the headband accessory the same with a few colorful feathers to touch up this awesome look. The spear glowed a slightly darker shade, the tip pointed sharply. “K, here I go!” And with that, she took off out of Sugarcube Corner to take down the dastardly beast…

Jade flew up into the sky to see the red dragon, in all its might and glory. The wings were huge, with muscles that popped out with strength. The scales shined brightly, its teeth shimmering white. Its eyes were a godly gold, with a hint of menace. “So, you dare to challenge me?!” the dragon roared.

“I double dog dare!” Jade roared back. She flew toward the massive beast and began shooting magic spheres at the foul creature. The dragon roared in pain and shot off into the clouds, barely missing unsuspecting Pegasi. They shrieked and flew to safety, watching the epic battle continue. Jade looked around and gasped as she was sent flying in a different direction by the dragon’s tail whomping her. “Aaah!” she yelled. The dragon laughed and flew down for a spiral attack at the little Pegasus filly. She barely dodged, and then went underneath and did an upward spiral attack. She hit the dragon with the spear. The dragon howled more. Then he slammed into a mountain. He got up, wings beating fast and powerful and flew towards Jade with his head down. She looked puzzled. “Are you crying?” The dragon looked up and said, “I can’t believe that you beat me.” Jade gave the dragon a confused look. Then the dragon snickered, having caught Jade off guard. “Ha! Psyche!” He shot a claw at one of her wings, sending her spiraling down towards Ponyville. She yelled out in pain. Her wing had a small cut slicing the middle of her left wing. Some of her feathers had been ripped out of placement. She slid to a grinding halt on the rough mountain ground. She grunted, preparing for another attack. Her spear in hoof, she raced toward the giant beast, shooting magic frantically. The dragon roared as the spheres of magic hit his gut. He finally fell with a booming thud, the ground beneath him cracking, the dust whirling around like a tornado. Jade tirelessly dropped to the ground. She gasped a breath of fresh air as she dropped face first to the ground, making an “oof!” sound. The dragon stood on his four legs, Jade then doing the same. “You-you have defeated me, little one.” Jade nodded while gasping lightly for air. “Y-yes, and now you’ll pay for the damages. You must repair all of the places in Ponyville that you destroyed. Understand?” The dragon looked horrified. Jade continued on, despite this. “You should be ashamed of yourself! Causing ponies to run in a panic, all because of some ridiculous reason!” The dragon cocked an eyebrow. “I was asleep for a long, long time. I always destroy things when I wake up. I call it ‘stretching out’.” Jade’s face turned scarlet red with anger. “STRETCHING OUT!? WHAT THE HECK WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT THAT IS CALLED ‘STRETCHING OUT’?! WOULD YOU SEE ME GO AROUND AND DO THINGS LIKE THAT TO YOUR PLACE?! NOOOO!” She gasped more heavily. Clearly understanding this, the dragon had nothing to do but give in. “You’ll pay for this.” The dragon looped down and headed to the town of ponies. Jade flew down as well, for her new friends were waiting for her…

The bloody Stallion couldn’t believe his bloody eyes! Jade had actually done something great. He couldn’t believe it, not one bit. Then he pricked up his ears. It was time for the meeting…

Jade flew down to greet Twilight and the gang, as well as their ruler, Princess Celestia. They bowed at the princess’ presence, Jade following suit. “Jade my darling,” the princess said with a voice like silk, “You have just saved Ponyville. Congratulations!” Jade blushed and then looked at her flank. She gasped and jumped and cheered with joy. She had just gotten her cutie mark: a spear with magical orbs circling around it. Her talent was dragon slaying! “Three cheers for Jade, as well as her getting her cutie mark!!” Twilight chanted. Everypony cheered. Then Pinkie Pie just had to say, “Hey, cupcakes anypony?” Everything was quiet in about a millisecond. Then Jade asked, giggling shyly, “How about muffins instead?” Derpy jumped up, screaming “Muffins!” and then everypony headed for Sugarcube Corner for delicious snacks and fun party games…

The Bloody Hooves met in the dark parts of the Everfree Forest. They had gathered in what would feel like a cult. The leader, the dark Stallion that had followed Jade all day, was at the center of their circle of murder. “So, that little Pegasus has turned over a new leaf,” one of them said. The leader looked at everypony there and said, “Let’s not be too hasty. She has yet to prove herself. Do another dragon illusion a few days from now. I want to see what the next outcome will be. If she fails this test, then that will be the time that we strike! Nopony shall underestimate the wrath of the BLOODY HOOVES!!!!!!!” They all started laughing manically, devilishly, dastardly… Their victim would soon be closer than you think…

So now you know the first part of the story. Now then, on to the next part. We all can agree (or most of us) that muffins are really good. But when one breaks their promise to make one, there is hell to pay. That is the case here. When life gives you purpose, drop that purpose and make muffins…

It had been a few days since Jade had fought the dragon. She felt some sort of chilling presence though. It was ever since that she came to Ponyville. She decided that maybe a walk through the park would clear her mind. She had just walked out when she thought that she heard somepony whisper her name. She shrugged and continued on anyway. Suddenly Derpy appeared out of nowhere, flying upside down in front of her face. “Muffin?” Jade about jumped out of her wings at the sight of the wall eyed gray Pegasus.
“AH!” Jade yelped her eyes as wide as the sun that loomed over Ponyville,” D-Derpy you scared me almost out of my wings!”

“Muffin?” Derpy asked once more, a sad frown forming on her cute face.

“Oh…Oh..OH PEGASUS FEATHERS!” Jade groaned and slapped her face with a hoof,” I totally forgot about your muffin, don’t worry I’ll go make it right now just stay put!” With that Jade took to the sky and raced off to Sugar Cube Corner. She rushed into the sugary palace and noticed that nopony was here at the moment. Jade wondered if she remembered how to make muffins. What were the ingredients again? Okay so there was….PONY HOOFS! I can’t remember,’ and then she thought, ‘I’ll just wing it! Okay… Jade looked around and upon the counter she saw the lemons, she also saw a strange sack and it didn’t appeal to her. Jade kicked herself into the air and flapped her wings, she reached over and threw the sack off of the counter and placed the lemons in front of her. “Okay….now what?” She whispered she looked around once more and spotted cabbage; she pulled it over to her and set the bushel next to the lemons. She blinked and rubbed the back of her head and brushed away the bangs in her face. “Now what?” The young Pegasus filly took another glance around the room and picked up a strange looking bottle with some unknown liquid she had found next to the oven. Jade let her gaze drift through the store once more and she managed to find a bucket with weird pink things inside. She shrugged and got out a giant bowl; she took the bowl and placed it upon the counter. She poured the ingredients into the bowl sloppily. She then found a giant wooden spoon and stirred quickly not wanting to keep Derpy waiting too long. Jade wandered over to a cabinet, she opened it and grabbed out a muffin sheet, she tossed it on to the counter. Jade then poured the batter into the muffin cups; she then shoved the sheet into the oven and then set it for….for… AH! NO! I forgot what temperature to set it to! How long do I put them in for again? Jade tried to remember however she couldn’t seem to delve into her memories. She shrugged and then set it for 400 degrees and then left the muffins in for five minutes, she grabbed them out and fanned them with a wing to cool them off. She swiped one of the strange looking muffins from the sheet and hurried back to Derpy. While flying through Ponyville she remembered she had neglected to turn off the oven and rolled her eyes, that wasn’t her oven, it wasn’t her problem. She continued flying toward the park little did she know, a dark as night Stallion was watching her from the shadows of some trees.

The dark Stallion gritted his teeth, seething in anger. I WAS RIGHT! SHE HASN’T CHANGED AT ALL! He growled under his breath and vanished into the forest to tell the Bloody Hooves to conjure up a dragon illusion again, he was giving Jade one last chance, ONLY ONE!

Jade then heard a roar in the sky she glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes again. She saw a dragon soaring through the sky. “UGH! Not again! I don’t have time for this!” She sighed and flew faster, she met up with Derpy as she heard terrified screams coming from Ponyville, and she ignored them and placed the muffin in Derpy’s hoofs. “Muffin! MUFFIN!” Derpy yipped in glee and shoved it into her mouth eating the whole thing,” YUMMY!” She giggled and then pointed to Jade,” You just received something you’ve always wanted!”

“Huh?” Suddenly a flash sparkled beside her and she turned around to study her flank and saw the dragon cutie mark was now replaced with a muffin. “WHA---WHAT IN PEGASI FE-FEATHERS!?!?!” Jade felt freaked out, was there some kind of mistake with her first cutie mark? Was she not supposed to be a dragon warrior? Was there some tale that nopony knew of that mentioned changing cutie marks? She thought about a disease her mother once told her about Cutie Pox but then thought better of it, if it was Cutiepox her original cutie mark would have stayed on her flank and not disappear when this new one had appeared. Jade then heard somepony scream, “HELP!! SUGARCUBE CORNER IS ON FIRE!!” It was Mrs. Cake. She and her family, along with Pinkie, had fled Sugarcube Corner. Jade looked at her flank. “Hmm…” She wondered if her changing cutie mark had something to do with this. Then the dragon appeared. She freaked, then thought, Oh, I’m sure that they can handle it. But they couldn’t. A few hours later, Ponyville was utterly destroyed. Mrs. Cake passed out, Pinkie Pie cried a river, Mr. Cake had a mental breakdown, and the Cake Twins just sat there sucking on their hooves. And all the while, everypony was freaking the buck out…


Jade walked out of her house and saw that Ponyville was coming along nicely. Every building was almost like new again. While all the hoopla was going on, she had opened up her own muffin shop, trying to cheer up everypony. But the muffins she made had made everypony sick, all of them except Derpy. She was her best customer. She walked around and saw that Derpy was talking to AJ. She had just caught what AJ said about her muffins. “… saw her and asked her about my muffin,” Derpy was saying. Applejack looked angry. She also looked like she still had hay fever. “WHAT!? YOU MEAN TA TELL ME THAT THAT LOLLYGAGGIN’ PEGABRAT WAS MAKIN’ MUFFINS!? AND WHILE THE DRAGON WAS A GOIN’ AND ATTACKIN’ EVERYTHANG!? AND EVERYPONY!?” Applejack looked flustered, then said, “Why, I feel mighty ashamed of even teachin’ her how ta make muffins! She gone and ruined mah most favorite recipe doin’ all that bakin’! They done didn’t even taste like muffins!” She made a face, saw Jade and trotted off, her tail scoffing at her. Derpy smiled and went on her way. Jade looked worried, but went to her new muffin shop. But when she walked into her new muffin shop, there was an angry mob. They were screaming and yelling and shouting terrible things at her. Then somepony from the mob lobbed a rock at Jade’s head, knocking her completely clean out…

The Bloody Hooves leader saw the K.O’d Jade. He wanted to drag her out. He wanted to tear her apart. Then he got an idea. He snuck in, grabbed her tail, and dragged her out, for nopony could see her from the counter. She was behind it. The residents of Ponyville lit the muffin shop on fire, then left. The leader of the Bloody Hooves dragged Jade out because he wanted him and his coven to be the ones to kill her. He dragged her to a nearby tree and left her there, lying on her back…

“Ugh… my head.” Jade sat up, looked around, and then remembered how she had encountered the mob. But she was under the tree. She got up fast, startled at how she must’ve gotten there. She then decided to go to the park to clear her mind of the events that had transpired.

As she entered the park, she saw Rainbow and Twilight. But when they looked angrily at her, their whole appearance changed suddenly. They looked like they were torn to shreds, blood and guts everywhere around them, their eyes an ugly red. Their lips and teeth were stained with blood. Then when she blinked, they morphed back to their normal appearances. Jade shrieked and ran, leaving them to wonder what was up with her. She then bumped into Rarity and Opalescence, her snooty cat. They too had the appearance of gore. She shrieked again. She took off running, with Rarity freaking out about why she was screaming, stating that Jade must think that she looks terrible. Poor Jade comes across Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Applejack looked outraged, as well as horrific. Meanwhile, Pinkie looked at Jade and said sweetly, “Hey Jade. Wanna help me with baking cupcakes?” Jade screamed bloody murder. They both looked at each other. Jade screamed, “GET THE BUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAKING HORROR SHOWS!!” She ran all the way to the center of Ponyville, meeting Fluttershy. “Uhm, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked. Jade told her what was going on. “I swear, everywhere I look, I see horrible things!” Then Fluttershy really freaked her out, to the point of insanity. “Aw, don’t worry Jade. Oh wait, you should worry. Because you wanna know something? You’ve been bad. And they know it. They’re coming for you Jade! Oh they’re coming! THEY’RE COMING FOR YOU!!!!!!!” Jade completely lost it. She screamed and screamed, her screams reaching a blood-curdling level. Then she saw how Fluttershy had a freakish appearance. Her eyes were like holes, bloody tears pouring down them like small rivers. Her wings were tattered and her hooves blood-stained. She kept screaming and shouting that whoever “they” was, was going to get her. Jade took off towards the one place that nopony dared set hoof on: the Everfree Forest.

So now we come to the end. But don’t worry, oh don’t fret neither. Jade had a good run. She got plenty of exercise while running and screaming. At least the Bloody Hooves’ future dinner won’t be filled with too much fats and calories…

Jade stopped abruptly and saw yet another horrifying vision: a zebra, Zecora, was standing there. Yet, she looked normal, but with freakishly dark eyes. She remembered talking to her before. When she was still handing out invitations, she had stumbled across this place before. Zecora had warned her to stay out of the Everfree Forest. She had said, “Don’t go in there young one, for the creatures in there will put you in a delicious bun. They try to get you hon, but just remember, you must run.” She told Jade that she should forget about this awful place and be on her way. Jade said okay and went about her business, remembering that she needed to go to Applejack’s. Now Jade was here with Zecora, realizing that nightfall had come so suddenly. “Dear filly you wait, for you there is a terrible fate. Go back, or they will surely gobble you up for a good tasty snack!” Jade was horrified and ran into the Forest, not knowing that she wasn’t going to return…

The Bloody Hooves leader looked at his brethren and said, “It is time.”

Jade scurried about through the Forest entrance, then tried to leave, but saw that she couldn’t. Some mysterious force was blocking her path to freedom. She screamed, “LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!” She realized that she had no choice but to continue on through the Forest. As she walked, she found a bundled up heap, which turned out to be no other than Princess Luna, sister to Princess Celestia. “NO!! Stop! Please don’ t eat me!” the terrified princess of the night shrieked. Jade reassured her. “No, it’s okay. I’m just a Pegasus filly. Jade is my name.” Luna looked at her and blinked a few times to be sure. “Oh, thank goodn- wait! You need to get out of here! You see, the Bloody Hooves… they will strike again. I managed to break away from their frightening grasp, but only for a while. Unfortunately for me, Celestia, my older sister, banished me here. Now I’m trapped, knowing that a terrible fate is waiting for me.” Jade felt sorry for the poor dark Unisus. “You’ll stay with me, won’t you dear Jade?” Jade looked at her sadly and said, “I’m sorry. But I have to find a way out of here.” Luna cried softly to herself as Jade cried while abandoning her, stating, “Why did this have to happen to me?” Jade croned sourly to herself, “I ponder that same question.”

So now we come to the horrifying truth: Jade is dead… Dinnertime, my pretties!!

After those sad moments occurred, Jade had walked slowly and sadly, with her head held low. Just then, she heard a noise. She turned to see one of the Bloody Hooves, face to face. He whispered, “One of us…” Jade yelped and backed away slowly. He kept saying that same line, over and over again. She flew past him suddenly, bumping into another one. “You cannot escape your fate!” It starts to follow her. She screams out, “WHAT THE BUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?” She runs again hearing more and more repeating those two lines, soon both merging together in an all out whisper war. Finally, she crashes into the one who wanted her: the leader. He stared at her as he stated, “Yesssss, my children. My brothers… we have here yet another who failed to keep up their duty. Now they must… pay.” He put a hoof on her stomach, watching her curl and whimper. What was going to happen to her? He pointed at her flank with his other hoof. She spotted something terrifying about her cutie mark: it was fading before her eyes! He snickered devilishly, his brethren continuing their hideous chant. Jade tried to scream again, but he smacked his right hoof straight onto her mouth, muffling her screams. She cried, much to his liking. He wanted to suffer. He pinned her down with his remaining hooves and had two of his brothers come up and start tearing away at her flanks. She let out muffled shrieks of terror as he dug deep into fur, then skin, then muscle, then ligaments, and then she heard the crunching of bones. He smiled all the while. “There! Now you shall remain as a blank flank forever!!” he said, laughing crudely and bone-chillingly, as well as hearing her continue to scream mufflingly. He whispered gently, “Yes, my dear brethren. Feed on this horrible excuse of a filly!!!!!!” He howled with laughter, then went down to Jade’s ear and said softly, “Don’t fret my dear. You shall be nice and tasty… for me. Shh, stay calm. Hush now quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now quiet now, it’s time to go to bed.” He stroked her stomach with his tail, leaving a glob of blood whipped on top. She whimpered pitifully, looking at his maniacal face of terror. He then gave a signal to have everypony else there to feast on her. Some took her lower legs, some her upper legs. He got off of her and licked the thick blood off of her stomach, claiming that it was tasty, but needed some salt. Finally able to speak, she pleaded and begged, demanding them to stop. Within minutes, her legs were completely detached, munched down to mere bones, and were squeaky clean. The leader then tore into her stomach, causing her to scream. Her insides were pouring out, intestines and all; all that was left was heart and bones. They all joined in and started cleaning out her bones. They were pure white and ready for removal within a minute. They tore them out, skin and all. Then the leader had the greatest honor of all: he grabbed her heart with his mouth and ripped it out. A disgusting sound of something being torn shattered the noise of everything: Jade’s screaming had disinagrated to disgusting gurgling noises. Her body convulsed, the blood remaining in her body flying out of her body like a splash of water. The leader then gouged out her eyes, tearing the muscles from each socket. Then there was silence. The deed had been done. Jade was dead. Justice had been served. Now to proceed with the ritual…

Twilight Sparkle and Zecora had entered the Everfree Forest, wondering what had become of Jade. The last that they’d seen her was when she was screaming like a maniac. “Jade, where are you? Are you here?” Twilight asked. Zecora cocked an eyebrow. “It’s like she just—“ Just then, Jade appeared as she shouted out, “ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Thank you for listening to this wonderful story. It was great having an audience to talk to. Especially since me and my brethren are still hungry… one of us… one of us… ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!!


Author's Note:

(This story is based on the game Super Filly Adventure, a game found on www.newgrounds.com. I thought that I would make a story with all three endings combined. *Spoiler Alert! If you haven’t played the game and want to, go to that site and type in the game in the search bar. You’ll be able to find easily. But to get one of the three endings, you have to play the game between 11pm and 6am. I’ve tried doing earlier, but it doesn’t work. There is a certain ending that you get though when you play around that certain time. There are certain things that you have to do. I’ll put up the link to the video on YouTube. There is a list in the description of the vid. Well, without further ado, enjoy Super Filly Adventure: with all three endings!)

( This story is based on the Super Filly Adventure game on newgrounds.com. No copyright issues were intended. I just thought that it would be cool to make the game into a story. All credits for the game goes to the creator, Jay6. Thank you for inspiring me, Jay6.)

Comments ( 6 )

But jade, you ARE the monsters.

And then Jade was monster.


I have to agree with you. Jade really is a monster. Now I just wanna say that I got this idea from the game. You can find it on newgrounds.com. This person named Jay6 made the game. I thank them for giving me the idea. They're the ones who inspired me to write this. I thought that it would be cool to turn the game into a story. :yay:


This is the link to the video explaining how to get the "Blank Flank" ending. Now, this ending is a little abrupt, so I added some action to it. You'll probably see what I mean when you see the vid. If you want to. Now, make sure that young fillies and colts aren't around, for this ending might frighten them. On any rate, sorry that I forgot to put up the link. So, here it is. :pinkiehappy:

Okay, well, I guess you have to type in the link in the search bar, but it still has the vid. Darn link.:pinkiesad2:

I have to say this story still scares the BUCK out of me when I read it, it just keeps getting more and more scary as I read it over and over :fluttercry:

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