• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 687 Views, 10 Comments

E.S.O.D. - LCpl Azure Blaze

Equestrian Special Operation Division. The best of Equestria's military get sent out to perform near impossible missions all over the known world and maybe even some more fighting the new terrorist organization called "The New Equestr

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Part 4: The Great Battle for the Crystal Empire

The snowmobile's engine roared beneath Azure Blaze as he sped off in the direction of the Crystal Empire. Nightwing and Tailwind were following him on their snowmobile and Blackword was hanging onto Azure Blaze's back. The blizzard around them had stopped and all he could see was an open field of snow with a blood red sky above it. His headset kept giving off static but he kept it on in hopes of a friendly signal coming through to inform them of what just happened. When they had reached the halfway point on their return trip a faint voice came up on the radio saying, "All units this net. Code red, I repeat, code red. The..." static interrupted the broadcast, "... has been wiped out. N.E.O forces are... on the city. Primary objective is to... I repeat, escort the princess to... and get her out of the city."

Azure Blaze tried to get his voice through the radio saying, "This is Sargent Azure Blaze. Me and my squad are almost at the city. We will be entering on the west side. Can anyone tell me what just happened!?"

"Blaze! Thank Celestia it's you!" returned a voice, "This is Jetstream. I don't even know what happened. All I know is..." static cut him out for a while before he came back on and said, "I see a giant pillar of smoke off to the west and we think it was the military base. You better get your ass back here as soon as possible. All of our tech was crippled from the blast and N.E.O forces are advancing from the north toward the city."

"We are on our way." Azure Blaze responded, "ETA is in five minutes. Hang in there." Azure Blaze tried pushing his vehicle to the max but it couldn't go faster than how fast he was already going.

When they were about two minutes away they saw that the city was surrounded by the enemy forces. A voice came back on the radio. This time it was much clearer than the first time because they were closer to the city. "This is general Solstice." the voice said, "We have confirmed that the explosion to the west was our military base. It is so far unclear what hit them and there are no survivors. The enemy is completely surrounding the city's force field."

"General Solstice this is Azure Blaze." Azure Blaze responded, "My squad is two minutes away from the west side of the city. We are going to need some help getting back inside. Think you can send some reinforcements to help us?"

"Negative Sargent Blaze." general Solstice responded, "We are redirecting all of our forces to take defensive positions around the city. You're on your own from here."

"What!?" said Azure Blaze, "How could you leave your soldiers out here like this?"

"Blaze!" General Solstice yelled back over the radio, "I know you are very capable of handling the current situation you are in. We cannot spare any reinforcements in this situation. Solstice out."

"Well boys," said Azure Blaze, "It looks like we are on our own getting back into the city."

"What?" said Blackword, "They aren't going to help us?"

Just then a voice came on the radio saying, "You aren't alone." and a series of explosions erupted on the west side of the city clearing a way for the snowmobiles to get in while the enemy was still recovering from the attack.

"What was that?" asked Tailwind over the radio.

"I don't know," said Azure Blaze, "But it gives us a chance at getting back into the city unharmed, let's take it."

Immediately the snowmobiles speed up and drove through the hole in the enemy forces around the city and through the city's shield. When they got on the other side of the city's shield they parked their vehicles and saw Jetstream, Eagle Eye, Moonbeam, and Thundercloud all standing there with AT-4 rocket launchers smoking as if they had just been fired and each carrying their own M16A4.

"Welcome back sir." Eagle Eye said, "We sure did miss you."

"Thanks for the help there guys," said Azure Blaze, "we never would've made it back without you."

"Don't mention it." said Jetstream throwing his empty rocket launcher onto the ground, "We all save each other's asses out here one time or another. It's just war."

"What now?" asked Jetstream, "The city is starting to evacuate and the princess is being secured inside the castle."

"General Solstice," said Azure Blaze over the radio, "My squad has made it back into the city and are awaiting further orders."

"Roger that," said General Solstice, "Fall back to the castle and await further orders."

"Got it." said Azure Blaze, "On our way. Alright boys lets hoof it!" The team started to trot back to the castle in the center of the city. The aurora lights over the city were fading slightly but they still seemed glow somewhat strong with power. As the team was running through the city they saw thousands of other military ponies setting up defenses and other military ponies escorting civilians to evacuation transports. Some of the ponies setting up defenses took refuge in random houses, other were set up on the streets and in alleyways. They could hear the sounds of the war machines powering up and moving around over all of the loud orders the soldiers were screaming out to others. When they got back to the castle in the middle of the city they saw General Solstice yelling orders to other soldiers with the three tanks surrounding the crystal heart in defensive positions. The heart's blue light was starting to fade to grey.

Azure Blaze walked up to General Solstice and said "Sargent Azure Blaze reporting for duty sir!"

"Good," said General Solstice, "It's about time you guys got back. We are currently working on evacuating any and all citizens in the city. The east side of the city needs a bit of help with this so guess where you have to go. If you encounter hostiles that somehow got around the shield you are weapons free to engage. Everypony is weapons free."

"We'll get right on it sir." said Azure Blaze. The squad began running toward the eastern side of the city to begin evacuating it's residence. Most of the ponies who lived closer to the center of the city had already been evacuated so the squad had to run to the houses that were on the outskirts of the city. They decided to split up into two groups, one with Moonbeam, Thunder Cloud, and Azure Blaze in it and the other with Jetstream, Tailwind, Blackword, Nightwing and Eagle Eye in it, to cover a greater area and began leading civilians back to the transport vehicles that took them back to the evacuation site. Many of the ponies they evacuated were panicking and wondering what was going on but the squad reassured them by saying everything was going to be just fine as long as they listened closely to their directions. After a while of evacuating the transport vehicle pulled away because they were too full to carry any more civilians. "We're full up." they said to Azure Blaze, "You go look for anyone else we might've missed while we go drop these folks off at the evacuation cite. We'll come back for you afterwords." After the transport had left the squad started to inspect more houses but every house they entered was unoccupied. They came to the last house at the end of the street "Alright this looks like the last house in this sector, lets check it quick and get back to base." said Azure Blaze. "Roger that." responded Moonbeam and Thunder Cloud. The squad breached the door and started scanning for civilians. Moonbeam went upstairs, Azure Blaze stayed on the ground floor, and Thunder Cloud went downstairs into the cellar.

After a while of searching Thunder Cloud shouted out "I have a civilian down here!" Immediately Azure Blaze and Moonbeam ran downstairs into the cellar to see what Thunder Cloud had found. "Where is the civilian?" asked Moonbeam. Thundercloud pointed to a box in the corner of the cellar. Two shiny eyes could be seen from under it and then it moved so that they could no longer be seen.

"It's okay you can come out." said Azure Blaze, "We won't hurt you we want to help you." Slowly the box lifted off the floor and fell sideways onto the ground revealing a light pink filly that was shaking in fear. "Hi there." said Azure Blaze, "My name is Sargent Azure Blaze and this is Thunder Cloud and Moon beam. What's your name?"

The little pink pony stuttered but managed to say "M-m-my name is Sweet Peach. But my friends just call me Peachy so I-I guess you can call me that too."

"Where are your parents Peachy?" asked Moonbeam.

"M-m-my daddy is away in the military." responded Sweet Peach, "I don't know where my mommy is. I was outside playing in the streets with my friends when people started to run around and there were people with guns on the other side of the shield staring at us so we all decided to go home. But when I got home my mommy was gone. Then I heard a big explosion and they sky turned red so I came down here and hid underneath this box until now."

"Why don't you come with us." said Azure Blaze, "We'll help you find your mom I promise."

"Do you know where she is?" asked Sweet Peach.

"No." answered Azure Blaze, "But I promise you we will find her."

"I guess I'll go as long as it's safe." said Sweet Peach.

"I promise we will keep you safe." said Azure Blaze. The little pink filly walked over and stood beside Azure Blaze. Azure Blaze took off his helmet, put it on Sweet Peach's head and said "There, that helmet will protect you if anything were to happen. Sorry if it's too sweaty" The helmet was loose and did not fit the pink filly's head that much but it seemed to cheer the scared filly up. She began running around saying "Look at me! I'm a soldier!"

"What are your orders Commander Peach?" asked Azure Blaze saluting the pink pony that was half his size. "Let's go find mommy!" shouted Sweet Peach as she ran upstairs to the main floor.

"Do you think we will be able to find her mom in all of this chaos?" asked Moonbeam.

"Let's hope so." replied Azure Blaze. The squad then followed the pink filly up the stairs to the main level. When they go to the main floor they saw Sweet Peach waiting for them at the door. "Come on let's go already." she said.

"Hold on Peachy we'll be right there." said Azure Blaze as he began to talk over the radio, "Command this is Azure Blaze. We have found one last civilian pony. What is the status on that transport?"

"Azure Blaze this is command," another voice responded over the radio, "The transport has just finished unloading and is coming around for another trip. Be advised this is the last trip it will take until the evacuation take-off." "Roger that." responded Azure Blaze, "We will start walking your direction."

Another voice came on over the radio saying, "Command to all units this net, hostile projectile approaching the Crystal Empire at high speeds. Brace for impact." Azure Blaze looked out the window of the house they were in. He saw a giant black mass coming toward the city trailed by stream of deep dark purple light. He watched as it came closer and closer to the city. "Everypony get your heads down now!" he yelled and everyone dropped onto the floor covering their heads with their hooves. Moonbeam covered Sweet Peach with his body. The giant dark mass had collided with the city's shield causing the ground to shake violently and a loud explosion to echo through the city. The house was shaking so much the pots and pans in the kitchen had flown all over the place and pieces of the ceiling had fallen off and landed on top of the squad.

After the shaking had stopped Azure Blaze moved the giant piece of ceiling that was lying on top of him to the side, got up and said, "Everypony alright?"

Thunder Cloud surfaced from the sea of wreckage on top of him and said, "I'm good. What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." said Azure Blaze, "Nor do I want to find out. Moonbeam, Sweet Peach are you guys alright?" Thunder Cloud and Azure Blaze went over to the place where they had taken cover and removed the rubble from on top of them. Moonbeam and Sweet Peach both got up. "We're OK." said Moonbeam brushing some of the dust that had settled on Sweet Peach off of her.

"Uhh guys," said Thunder Cloud looking out the window, "I think we better get going." The squad went over to the window and saw the shield fade away to nothing. The enemy forces on the other side of the shield started to charge at the city with the engines of their tanks roaring and shouts coming from the infantry. "We gotta move now!" said Azure Blaze, "Let's go Thunder Cloud, you're at point, Moonbeam, get Peachy on your back you're in the middle, I have the back! Come on let's move we don't have much time!"

Thunder Cloud bucked the door to the house open and ran out onto the street. Sweet Peach climbed onto Moonbeam's back and followed Thunder Cloud. Azure Blaze came right behind them. Once they were on the streets they started running toward the castle. A voice came on the radio saying, "Command to Azure Blaze, we can't hold the transport planes from evacuating the city. They have to take off now without your civilian."

"Damnit." said Azure Blaze back over the radio, "Can't you hold the planes a little while longer? We're on our way back."

"Negative Blaze the planes can't hold they need to leave now." the voice on the radio said, "Your transport is coming. Get your civilian on it and it will take them to the castle, we'll make sure they stay safe after that."

"Roger that." said Azure Blaze back over the radio. "All units this net," the voice on the radio said, "The Crystal Empire has just been hit by an unidentifiable WMD causing catastrophic damage. The blast was shielded by the city's shield however the crystal heart has no more power left in it and can no longer repel the invaders. All units are cleared to engage enemy forces on sight."

They were about a quarter of the way back to the castle when bullets from the enemy started to rain in on them and they were forced to take shelter in an alleyway. Moonbeam set Sweet Peach on the ground. Sweet Peach was shaking in fear but Moonbeam comforted her by saying, "It's okay I'll watch over you. Nothing is going to get to you without going through me first." Moonbeam then turned to Azure Blaze and said, "What's the plan Blaze?"

"Thunder Cloud, you cover the entrance to the other side of the alley. Moonbeam stay there with Peachy and make sure she's safe. Try to keep her from panicking this will be all over soon. I will keep a watch on this side of the alleyway." Azure Blaze leaned his head slightly out of the alleyway to be greeted by a member of N.E.O yelling and about to strike him with the buttstock of his AK-74M. Azure Blaze ducked underneath the swing, came back up, and grabbed a hold of the AK. He rammed the barrel of the gun up the other soldier's eye, shoved him to the ground, and pulled the trigger to the weapon causing blood to spray everywhere. Azure Blaze lifted his head, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said "That was a close one." He grabbed a hold of his M4 he was carrying with him since the scouting mission and looked back out into the street to see it flooded with hostile forces. As soon as they caught sight of him they started unloading their weapons on the opening to the alleyway and Azure Blaze had to lean back in. He thought that that was it, that there was no way of getting out of the alleyway alive. He looked over across the street and saw a sight for sore eyes. There in an alleyway of their own across the street was Tailwind waving his hoof at him. Tailwind was later joined by Nightwing, Jetstream, Eagle Eye, and Blackword. He watched as they all counted to three and then lean out and start lighting up the enemy forces. The hostiles were caught by surprise and began dropping like flies to the attack. Once the squad on the other side of the road had drawn the enemy fire, Azure Blaze leaned out and started to fire as well. For every one soldier they took out three more seemed to replace them. Azure Blaze came back into the alleyway to reload his weapon when Thundercloud shouted out from the other side, "We have friendlies coming in!" Azure Blazed looked down the road and saw the Equestrian army coming up to help fight off the hostiles. A light blue earth pony ran up to the alleyway and said, "Sergeant Blaze, your transport vehicle was just hit by a rocket. We have been sent by General Solstice to escort you back to the castle. Where is your civilian?" Sweet Peach came out from behind Moonbeam and saw the pony in the opening to the alleyway and said, "Daddy?" Immediately the light blue earth pony's face was filled with surprise as he said, "Sweet Peach?" The light blue pony suddenly got hit by three consecutive bullets. One hit his shoulder causing him to turn outward and then two in his chest knocking him back onto the ground.

"DADDY!!!" screamed Sweet Peach. Moonbeam tried to restrain her so that she wouldn't run out into the open fire and get shot herself. Azure Blaze pulled the pony in so that he was no longer out in the open. Sweet Peach broke free of Moonbeams restraint and went to her father's side. "Daddy are you OK?" There was no response. Sweet Peach's eyes began to tear up. "Daddy say something." she said.

The light blue pony blinked and looked back up at his daughter and said, "Sweet Peach..." he lifted his hoof up and moved the light pink pony's mane out of her face. Azure Blaze got on his headset and called in a CASEVAC. "Sweet Peach," the light blue pony continued, "I've always loved you, but I think this is it for me." The light blue pony coughed and blood started coming out of his nose and mouth.

"No daddy don't say that." Sweet Peach replied, she was starting to cry. "Make sure your mommy is OK." The light blue pony took off his helmet. There was a sound of helicopters in the air coming toward their position. There were two Little Birds with their miniguns whaling on the enemy and one black hawk looking for a place to get close to the busy street. The light blue pony pulled a picture out of his helmet that had been drawn with crayon. It was a picture of three ponies in the summer sun having a picnic. The one on the right was light blue, the one on the left was bright red, and the one in the middle had a light pink color that resembled Sweet Peach's color. There was a giant red heart drawn around them all and the words "I Love You Daddy" along the bottom. The light blue pony coughed again and sprayed blood on it before he gave the paper to Sweet Peach. The Black Hawk had landed and brought out two ponies with a stretcher. They put the light blue pony on it and brought him back to the helicopter. Azure Blaze and Sweet Peach joined them on the helicopter.

The helicopter started flying toward the castle and as Azure Blaze looked out of the window he saw the fighting on the ground. There were bullets and rockets flying all over the city. He could see buildings crumbling and he thought to himself about how N.E.O could have gathered a force this strong and if this was it for the majestic Crystal Empire. The helicopter landed in the opening underneath the castle and unloaded. Four ponies came up and brought the light blue pony to a covered tent. Azure Blaze got out and looked at the crystal heart. It had fallen to the ground and was completely grey, drained of all of its powers. "Do you think my dad will be OK?" asked Sweet Peach. "I hope so." said Azure Blaze, "I sure do hope so." They watched trough the opening of the tent as the medical ponies tried to defibrillate him time after time

After about a hour the sounds of war began to increase. Azure Blaze overheard one pony reporting to General solstice that the enemy had broken through their last line of defense. All that Azure Blaze could worry about was the rest of his squad and hoped they were still OK. The medical ponies brought the body of the light blue pony out and said to Sweet Peach and Azure Blaze, "It was hopeless. He was dead before we even started. We did what we could but nopony can stop death." Sweet Peach began to cry over the body harder that ever before. Azure Blaze thought to himself that surely this was the greatest love in the world. Just then he saw the tears of Sweet Peach begin to glow a strange color that resembled that of the crystal heart's and Azure Blaze's eyes opened up. He had an idea. Quickly he got up and ran to the grey crystal heart on the ground and brought it back over to Sweet Peach. He held it underneath the crying filly and three teardrops fell on it. The crystal heart pulsed glowing on and off a dim greenish bluish color and after a while began glowing stronger than ever before. General Solstice looked over and saw that the heart was full of power again. He yelled at Azure Blaze to put it back in it's place. Azure Blaze ran back over and put it back where it was originally. A bright white light came out of the heart and continued to travel outward until the entire city was nothing but white light. Azure Blaze looked over at Sweet Peach and saw two shadows one was her and the other one was laying on the ground dead. The one laying on the ground lifted his head slightly and Sweet Peach's shadow hugged the other shadow. After that Azure Blaze could see nothing but white light and the sound of bullets stopped. After a while the light faded and there was a shield around the city once more. In place of the sounds of war he could hear cheering as he asked General Solstice what had just happened. "The enemy has turned to crystal!" he responded in a joyful tone, "The great battle for the Crystal Empire has been won!"

Comments ( 1 )

2306436 No matter what name you make up for an OC it's always going to be already taken EX: My OC's name is Azure Blaze. Searched his name on google and many other OCs came up. It's a small world.

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