• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,471 Views, 11 Comments

The Offer - Diamond Sparkle

Celestia and Luna want to make Twilight into an alicorn. Twilight is not happy.

  • ...

You want to do what?

Twilight Sparkle bowed low before the two regal alicorns that stood before her in their full royal regailia. "Your Majesties, I came as quickly as I could. I'm sorry for the delay; I was in Ponyville. Is something wrong? Has Discord somehow managed to break out of his statue again? Are the Changelings threatening us with further trouble?"

Princess Celestia had a strange smile upon her face. "Nothing is wrong...we called you here because we want you to...to Ascend.To become an alicorn like me and my sister and aunt, who by the way can't be here as she is on her honeymoon in Manehatten with your brother. Rare in the extreme is such an honour awarded to anypony. Think how wonderful it will be to be immortal. Unless you are unlucky enough to be murdered someday or you die in a freak accident, you will be immortal, and you will be able to help me and my sister as we govern Equestria for the good of everypony."

Twilight stared at the two Royal Sisters and her mouth dropped open. "You want to do what? I...I...well, I don't want to seem rude, unpleasent or ungrateful but...but no."

"Are you suicidal, Twilight? Do you want to grow old, wither away and die?"

"No, but I don't want to watch that happening to my brother and my family members and all of my friends and everyone I ever knew. And it's not just that either. If I were to become immortal, I could never show true love to anypony. A lot of ponies would be too scared to date me, fearing I might ruin their career for life or even turn them into a statue in the Canterlot Sculpture Garden if I ever fell out of love with them. Other ponies would be totally overawed, genuflecting repeatedly and saying whatever they thought I wanted to hear. I'm not that kind of pony. Still other ponies would attempt to seduce me so that they could get me to pass laws and regulations that would help them or their companies. And if despite all that I did find my special somepony, then I would stay the same age whilst he or she slowly got older and older and weak and ugly and then died. If I was aging too it would not matter,as we would both be old together. If you want me to agree to become an alicorn...then you would have to let Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash become alicorns as well."

Both of the Royal Sisters shook their heads and Celestia replied "We are sorry Twilight, but we cannot accept having them as alicorns. If you have too many alicorns in a herd at any one time, it is a recipe for trouble, bickering and perhaps even civil war. Equestria may have been at peace for many centuries, with the exception of the recent Battle of Canterlot, but it was not allways that way. I and my sister have lived in a time when Equestria was involved in total war, and it was anything but pleasent. One of the many things that Discord did to cause chaos for the fun of it was to create more then thirty alicorns. When he was overpowered and locked away in stone, then the alicorns raised their own armies and fought for Equestria until my sister, I and Cadence were the only ones left. One, Sombra, used magic to shut the area he controlled away from the rest of the world. Three others are now living statues like Discord, forever frozen in the Canterlot Sculpture Garden. The rest massacred each other in the constant warfare, apart from my own sister who I banished to the moon for a thousand years. I never want to go back to those war-torn days again. They were truely horrible."

"Nor would I want war to break out again. My Nightmare Moon days are long behind me," Luna said.

"How would you make a new alicorn anyway? Obviously you're not going to let Discord free," Twilight asked.

"We can't tell you unless you agree to become an alicorn." Luna replied. "It is the most classified secret within the whole of Equestria. If it were to become common knowledge then it would be even worse then Discord breaking free, as there would not just be one source of trouble but many. The Alicorn Wars would sooner or later break out again, as almost everypony would try and cheat death by becoming an alicorn."

Twilight sighed. "Your Majesties, I'm sorry, but for the reasons I've talked about I will have to turn you down. One of my friends might take up the offer though."

"Pinkie Pie would be almost as much trouble as Discord if she became an alicorn," Celestia said. "Not deliberately, but just by being Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash would very quickly get bored of all the ponies requesting to see her and the administration work within a few days. It's not allways easy being an alicorn. So if you turned the offer down it would have to be Fluttershy, Rarity or Applejack. Fluttershy is not assertive enough and might well end up saying yes to everypony who came to her asking for a favour. The tax bill in the long term would shoot through the roof to pay for it all, and sooner or later would cause resentment and large scale tax evasion."

"Applejack is too honest," said Luna. "That's normally a good thing, but not when it comes to diplomacy. She could end up sparking off a major international incident with the griffins, or maybe even worse. We would not want to end up dealing with a trade embargo. So if it's not you, it would have to be Rarity. Are you sure you want to turn the offer of immortality down?"

"Well...." said Twilight, staring into the eyes of the Royal sisters. "I...."

Author's Note:

To the readers who decide to comment, who do you want to become an alicorn, Twilight or Rarity?

Comments ( 11 )

Pretty good so far, but I notice two things:

1) Cadence is Celestia's niece, not aunt.


Think how wonderful it will be to be immortal. Unless you are unlucky enough to be murdered someday or you die in a freak accident, you will be immortal

Being immortal means being able to live through anything, including being murdered or dying in a freak accident.

Other than a few minor grammatical errors, I really like it.
Also, Twilight should totally become the alicorn. Totally.

i pick twilight :twilightsmile:

Rarity should become the alicorn not twilight.

Rarity, because I've never seen her becoming one.

2069372 i know of two where rarity becomes an alicorn duties and so you've grown wings

Twilight would be a better choice for the role of alicorn. She's better grounded, serious, knowledgable, intelligent. and when she blows her top, the ponies know to not stress her like that again, while Celestia and Luna could run damage control.
Rarity might be a better choice for social gatherings of the kingdom and wealthy, but Honestly, I just couldn't really see her in an administrative or authoritative position. While Rarity might not be a empty headed tittering fashonista bimbo, she also doesn't have mental fortitude, nor likely the desire for boring administrative or authoritative work. With her drama abilities, she'd be better off as a court spy, the royal ear to the ground, as it were. That would be how I'd see Rarity coming in useful. Playing off of those strengths of hers, whereas Twilight's would be more suited for the Administrative or Authoritative position. Also her organizational skills are top notch.

Rarity would reject the offer for the same reasons as Twilight.

The idea of Rarity with wings apeals to me more. Although I don't support species change, I would pick Rarity if I had to choose.

Eeenie Meenie Miney Moe.
I completely disagree with Twilight - she's going to see her friends die ANYWAY. So what if she thinks she'll follow them, she's still going to have to go through that same grief, that same survivor's guilt - that is, unless she dies first, and makes them have to grieve her.
She'll have to deal with a bit of change if she turns, yes, but it's change she can adjust to It's change that she can live with, if it means living forever. Because to live forever is to hold so many more memories to cherish. So many more lives that you can remember and honor.

That said, at the end of the day I think Twilight should turn. She's a much more efficient manager and more skilled at magic and stuff. Not to mention, she can turn her increased assets towards learning necromancy and developing immortality spells to use on the ENTIRE. FUCKING. WORLD.

I would say that None of the Mane 6 would wish to become Alicorns since they value their Friendship so much, Rarity would choose not to become one also because of her sister, the same would be for Applejack because of Applebloom and Rainbow Dash because of her biggest fan/should have been adopted little sister Scootaloo.

Thoughtful assessment of the benefits and pitfalls of immortality.  S3E13 kind of took away Twilie’s choice and she’s going to have to get to grips with it anyway!  As for Twilie vs Rarity, look what happened when Rarity had wings…

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