• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 616 Views, 2 Comments

When dreams come true - Nightyy

Rainbow Dash's has a dream to become a Wonderbotl. This day will tell her if she will be one of them or not...

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Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 1

When dreams come true

Chapter 5 – Great time... Responsibilities... and Regrets - part 1

It is great when your dreams fulfil. But even when you think that it’s the best thing that could happen, dreams can turn into nightmares. Rainbow Dash, young pegasus from Ponyville, threw away her old life and became one of the Wonderbolt. ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ But actually something went wrong.

Rainbow Dash stood in the hallway, looking at Blaze with horrified face. “Dash, can you tell me what happened?”

Dash didn’t say anything. She was just staring nowhere. No response. No motion. Blaze wanted to come closer, but Dash suddenly turned herself and ran away from the headquarters. Blaze was confused. She didn’t know what happened. Best thing what she could do was telling this to somepony. And so she did. Blaze knew that somepony must be in the dining room. As she went through the hall Lightning Streak came in.

When Blaze saw him she immediately shouted on him. “Streak!” suddenly she stopped and started thinking about something. “Don’t you have to train Dash right now? Oh, never mind. But we have a problem. I saw Dash. I think that she was listening to what Spitfire said through the door of her office. And then she ran away from here. I’m afraid of her, she looked very scared.”

Lightning Streak was still smiling. “I think that I know where she is. There’s only one place what she knows in here. You said that she listened to Spitfire. Who was with her in the office?”

Blaze though for a while. “Hmm... I don’t know I saw only Dash.”

When Blaze finished her sentence the office doors opened. Blaze turned her head while Streak raised his head over Blaze to see who it will be. Dark Flame went out of the office and his way was pointed into his laboratory which was located next to Spitfire’s office. They both looked again at themselves. “I was afraid of this. If it is what I think that it is then we have big problem. Don’t expect us on dinner.”

Lightning Streak ran out from the headquarters. Blaze still didn’t know what was going on so she wanted to stop him for a while. “Hey! Wait! I still... Why is everypony running from me today?”

Streak head right into The Ninth Hoof. When he got in there he looked around. Dash was sitting on the same table as in the morning. Streak came to her. “Well, I don’t know you Dash, but I go into same restaurant only once a day. What happened? Blaze told me about it.”

Dash raised her head, but she still looked sad. Lightning Streak sat on the opposite side of their table. “Do you remember how I told you about that dream with Dark Flame?” said rainbow Dash quietly with voice full of fear. Lightning Streak nod. “Instead of going on lunch I went into my bed and I fell asleep. I had another dream. I saw Dark Flame and Spitfire. They were talking about my training. I thought that it already happened, but I still wanted to ask Spitfire about it. Just to be sure. They didn’t talk about it. When I was leaving Spitfire’s office, Dark Flame came there. And he... he...”

Dash couldn’t continue. She was almost shivering in cause of her fear. Streak stood up and sat next to Dash. He also put his hoof around her to calm her down. “Don’t be afraid. It was only a dream.”

Rainbow looked at him, but she was even more scared. “You don’t understand. That dream... and their conversation... it was absolutely... same!”

Streak again tried to calm her down, but now he wasn’t even smiling. “It was just a coincidence. This happens sometimes.”

“Coincidence, coincidence, but what if my first dream will also happen? I think that ... I will have to leave the Wonderbolts.”

Lightning Streak was little shocked, but still stayed calm. “You can’t just flee, Dash. It wouldn’t help. Running from problems may look useful, but it’s just for a while. You must fight for your dream.”

These words were the right once. Dash calmed down and put her head on Streak’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this situation. Dash knew that when she’s with Lightning Streak, she’s safe. In that time Paul came with wine and two glasses. He put it on the table and Dash finally smiled and thanked Paul. Paul slightly filled one glass, while Lightning Streak was very deeply thinking. “I don’t get it. I thought that you don’t know anypony in here, but you ordered two glasses. Were you waiting for somepony?”

Dash took her glass, tasted the wine and nod at Paul. He then filled Dash’s and the second glass. “Yes Lightning Streak. I was waiting for somepony. But he already came here. I’ve ordered two glasses because I knew that you will come. I didn’t want to talk with anypony, only with you. I ran away and I knew that if I will go here, you will find me here. To be honest, I really enjoy our ‘theoretical training’ so going here and ordering wine will let us spend more time together.”

Streak opened his eyes and was surprised. “Clever girl. It was nicely planned. And it’s true that I won’t leave, because that wine what you’ve ordered is great. I had it before and I completely remember that taste.”

These two stayed in the restaurant almost into midnight. They were slowly becoming more and more drunk, but also better and better friends. Nopony was in the restaurant for almost two hours. Only Lightning Streak, Dash and Paul, whose eyes were slowly closing. When Paul fell on the ground and looked like he’s asleep, Dash and Streak left The Ninth Hoof and head back home.

Lightning Streak went with Rainbow Dash in front of her room. “Well Dash... good night.”

Dash didn’t want to end this so early. She knew what she wants to say, but still she was little shy. “Ehm... don’t you want to... I meant...” Dash was cut off by a drunken voice what was coming from the dining room.

After a while Soarin walked from dining room while he was singing and trying to go straight, what was very funny. “Oh, life could be a dream... If I could take you up in paradise up above... If you would tell me I’m the only one tha-” that embarrassing moment of silence. Soarin was staring at Lightning Streak and Dash with opened mouth in cause of unfinished word, while Streak and Dash were looking back to him with confused look.

When Soarin’s mind started to concentrate, what was very hard for him in this state, he asked first question what he had on his drunken mind. “Ehm... did you hear me?” he slowly asked.

Dash smiled and answered him, “Sh-boom!” and started laughing with Streak.

Soarin’s face turned red. “Oh... so... well good night. And please, don’t tell this to anypony.” then he left and started talking for himself. “Crap. Where did I end- Ah! I know! If you would tell me I’m the only one that you love...” Soarin again singed until he reached his room.

Lightning Streak turned back to Dash and continued in their debate. “So Dash, what did you tried to tell me?”

Dash took a deep breath and said: “Don’t you want to sleep over in my room?” very fast and ended this with smile.

This was first time when Dash saw Lightning Streak sad. “I’m sorry Dash, but I can’t. You know, I had to do something today, but instead of it, I was with you in the restaurant. So I must prepare it for tomorrow. Maybe someday. Good night Dash.” said Streak and walked into his room which wasn’t far from Dash’s.

Dash then immediately went into her bed and fell asleep. As always Dash had some dreams. But this time they were all about Lightning Streak. Most of them were memories, but some were like what could possibly happen if he would stay over.

It was morning. Dash’s first thought was ‘I think that some of those dreams should really happen.’ Even then she imagined that she’s all wet. ‘Oh my, yesterday was got wilder than I expected... but wait *sniff* it’s not what I thought *sniff* this is different *sniff*this smells like an ordinary water. But how could water get into my bed?’ Dash then stood up and felt water even under her hooves. ‘Well, not only my bed, but even whole room.’ The best way how to figure out what really happened was to ask Streak. But when she opened her door she saw panic. Everypony was running through the hall carrying bucked filled with water in their mouths. Lightning Streak was also helping. After a while Dash found Soarin. He was alright. No headache, he could talk normally and even walk straight. Spitfire called him to her.

“Soarin come here! Somepony has to stop this. You know the workers in the Weather Factory. Go there and help them end this disaster.” said Spitfire and again wanted to grab bucket and help others, but Soarin stopped her.

“But Capitan I’m not...” said Soarin, but was cut by Spitfire.

“There is no ‘but’. Don’t you see what’s going on? Get there as soon as you can. What are you waiting for? Go!” Soarin then entered his room and after a longer while he flew out from there.

Dash walked to Spitfire and asked her. “What’s going on? And how can I help?”

Spitfire put her bucked down. “Actually, as you can see, it’s raining. But it doesn’t have to. And we don’t need your help. I mean there would be too much of us. Just put on your dress and go on your training, I will send Wave Chill to you.”

Dash did exactly what Spitfire told her. When she was prepared, she stood near the great door and watched the hall ‘till Wave Chill came. After a while, Wave Chill came from Soarin’s room. When Dash saw him she got on her way to the training area. After about five minutes Wave Chill came to her. Or better to say, tried coming to her. “So today we will train... I just can’t remember what I had to teach you.”

It was obvious that Wave Chill had very strong headache. “Ehm, is everything right? You don’t look fine.”

Wave Chill nimbly raised his head. “Yes, yes. Everything is great. Well I got only drunk and I don’t remember anything. My brother told me what I have to- Oh shit! Heh... I meant...”

Rainbow knew what’s going on. “Your brother you say? So you even confused Spitfire. It would be interesting if she would really send YOU into the weather factory, SOARIN! Or maybe you already were there. That’s why there’s so much water.”

Now revealed Soarin put his right hoof up in the air and tried to speak, even though it was hard for him. “No I wasn’t there. I promise. Yesterday I had very intimate debate with my toilet. I can tell you, alcohol is great when it goes into you, but when it goes out, it’s terrible.”

“I don’t want to know the details.” said Dash with disgusted face.

Soarin was again thinking for a while. “I know. Well, when I saw you and Lightning Streak yesterday I had one question on my mind. And it’s ‘did you read our rules?’ Because I think that you didn’t. Anyway I brought them in here so you can study them now.”

Soarin handed over the rules. Dash took them, looked at them for a while and then he looked back at Soarin. “No I really don’t read them. And I don’t even want to. It’s too much and for more, it’s raining.”

“Well then take them into your room. I think that I won’t be able to train you today, so your training is to get know about the rules.” said Soarin and slowly walked back into the headquarters.

Dash stood in the rain for a while, because she was little stunned. That text was too long for her. But training is training. So Dash went back to her room. Sitting on her bed wasn’t the best idea, because her bed was like a sponge. As Rainbow sat down, water poured from her bed. Dash then decided to go to the dining room. Nopony was in there so she sat down and read the rules. Well it wasn’t reading, but mindless page turning.

After a while, a pony with white mane came in. “Hi Rainbow Dash. My name is Fleetfoot. I will be your trainer for tomorrow. You don’t need to come so early for your next training. We will start with it at nine o’clock.” she said and left. Nothing special happened that afternoon. Dash was doing like she was reading the rules and the rest of the Wonderbolts tried to clean the headquarters. But evening was much better for Dash. As she was going into her room after the dinner, she met Lightning Streak.

“Hi Streak. Don’t you want to come and visit me tonight?” said Dash.

Streak turned to Dash and came closer to her. “Well, it’s true that I am very tired today, but if you insist I can visit you, but give me about an hour.”

Dash smiled and walked into her room. It was suspicious why he wants so much time, but if he will come it doesn’t matter. Dash didn’t know what to do. She was so excited. She spent most of the time watching her clocks. Tick, tock, tick.., tock... Dash got so tired that she almost... Suddenly, somepony knocked. Rainbow quickly ran from her bed and tripped over her Wonderbolt dress. “I’m coming!” she shouted from ground. After a longer time, Dash stood up and opened the door. It was Blaze.

“Um... hello Dash. I hope that I’m not bothering you. Do you have some time? I need to talk with you about something.” quietly said Blaze with sad face.

Dash was very disappointed. “Well, uhm... I’m tired. You know, it’s too late for me. I will go sleep soon. Maybe tomorrow.”

Dash then shut the door and again waited for Lightning Streak. After a while somepony again knocked at the door. The time was Dash more careful. She got near door without falling on the ground, what was great success, and opened the door. Finally it was Lightning Streak. And he was also holding a bottle of wine in his mouth. “Ahm hee.” he tried to say with bottle in his mouth. Dash gave him very strange look, so he put down the bottle. “I wanted to say that I’m here.”

Dash let him come in and they both sat on the bad. “I’m sorry Dash, but I will have to take a shower. So if you excuse me.”

“You can have it in here.” shouted Dash. “I have a shower too.”

“Dash, I don’t know if it is good idea-”

Dash again cut Lightning Streak. “You are right. It’s not a good idea. But it’s great idea! Bathroom is over there.” she said and stood up. Her way was into the wardrobe from what she picked to glasses. “But before you go, let’s have a glass of wine.”

Lightning Streak opened the bottle and filled both glasses. Before he was able to pick his glass, Dash already drank her wine. “You brought perfect wine. Can I have another glass please?”

Lightning Streak was on one side happy, because Dash seemed to like his wine, but on the other side, if she will drink it like this, she will be drunk soon. Anyway Streak filled Dash’s glass. This time she raised her wine and waited for Streak. When he raised his glass too, they touched and Dash had another glass in herself. “Well, I think that I will go and have the shower now. I will be back soon.”

What? Dash’s wine filler is going away! Now she will have to fill it on her own. But her eyes... they don’t listen to her. Dash tried to fill her glass, but half of the wine was on the table. When she put the bottle she wanted to see from what year is it. “Hmm... year of collection... 2003?! Whoa, that must be a very expensive wine. And it’s also very strong.” said Dash and drank another glass. Wine’s effect was stronger and stronger with each second. Dash had to lie down on her bed. And that was the time when her mind got drunk and weird. Suddenly a strange sound came from her bathroom. It was like water. Maybe shower. Dash had to explore it. When she got into the bathroom she saw Lightning Streak in her shower. “Ehm... Dash, what’s going on?”

Streak was turned to the opposite wall so Dash saw... let’s say everything. She got brilliant idea. Her eyes were wide open and she had very sinister smile. “Well, I thought about... helping you! Yeah that’s it. I mean, it’s hard to wash your back. It’s impossible. So I came to help you.” Dash walked in, put some soap on her hoof and helped Streak with washing his back.

Streak was getting nervous. “I don’t want to be rude Dash, but don’t you think that it’s too early to have a bath with me? I mean, we know each other only about three days.”

Dash’s hoof went from Streaks neck through his spine to his tail and then back to his neck. “I think it’s time to get closer to each other.”

Streak was getting more and more nervous. Rules are rules. “No it’s not the time. And I don’t think that I you shouldn’t come with me into showER- DASH! Can you tell me why are you washing my ass? I can do it alone.”

The washing stopped for a while. “Are you sure about that? But I can do it much better!” and continued.

Testosterone started to flow through Streaks veins. He knew what will happen if Dash won’t stop. “Dash I beg you, stop it- wait... it’s not your hoof what is washi... DON’T EVEN DARE TO GO LOWER, DASH!” shouted Streak. Late. Streak felt how Dash’s lick it lowering and all what he could do was very loud gasp of pleasure. After a while he turned and pushed Dash on one of the walls. She didn’t resist it. She was waiting for this. Streak also put on his face that sinister smile. “You want to do this the hard way Dash? Then let’s do this the hard way!”